Day 7 of the cycle, what phase. Types of menstrual dysfunction. Mid-cycle in women, what is it?

To plan conception, you need to study your menstrual process enough long time, keep a calendar of menstruation, know the day the cycle begins, how long it lasts, when the most favorable moment for fertilization occurs and how to calculate it.

What day should you start counting your menstrual cycle?

To begin with, let us recall that the menstrual cycle is difficult process in the body of beautiful ladies, occurring under the influence of hormones. The latter contribute to the development of the egg, its fusion with the sperm, the attachment and development of the embryo in the uterus, or, if this event does not happen, they contribute to the rejection of the endometrium for the start of the next period.

The day the cycle begins is the beginning of menstrual bleeding, indicating the death of a female cell and the need to begin work again on growing a similar one.

Menstruation lasts 3-5 days and is not a very pleasant time, since during this period the uterus contracts intensely, trying to get rid of the already unnecessary mucous layer, which causes painful cramping sensations in the lower abdomen.

On the day the menstrual cycle begins, new follicles are already preparing to grow and are approximately 2 mm in diameter. The first half of the cyclic period begins. After bleeding ends, the fluid bubbles increase in size. On day 7, one is in the lead, continuing to grow, and the rest began their reverse development. At the same time, the endometrium is restored.

This is controlled by estrogen, it is in the lead in this time period. On the day the menstrual cycle begins, it has its minimum value, gradually increasing towards the end of this stage and reaching a maximum at the moment when the dominant follicle reaches 20-25 mm, that is, full maturity.

This peak of estrogen provokes the release of luteinizing hormone (hereinafter LH), on the basis of which tests for determining ovulation are based. LH warns of the imminent release of the cell.

Beginning of ovulation

The LH surge signals that ovulation will begin in 24 hours, and on what day of the cycle it will occur depends on its length. Typically this event occurs in the middle of a regular cycle.

With a 28-day cycle, follicle rupture occurs on the 14th day. With a shortened or extended period, this date is calculated by subtracting 14, a constant value for the second half of the cycle, from the expected day of the next menstruation. Ovulation lasts a day and occurs optimal time for pregnancy.

If you want to give birth to a son, the act of love should be carried out directly on the day of ovulation. If you prefer to have a daughter, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before the planned release of the reproductive cell.

This is due different lengths life of sperm: carriers of the male chromosome live only 24 hours, while those with the female chromosome are more resilient and can last up to 5 days in the female genital tract.

Methods for its determination

Ovulation is a sign of a normal, regular process in a healthy woman. Therefore, the determination of this moment is given great attention. Experts offer a sufficient number of ways to calculate it.

Calendar method

Most girls get by calendar method. Here, from what day to consider the beginning of the cycle is clear: the first day or all days of menstruation are celebrated. Afterwards, ovulation is counted by subtracting 14 from the length of the cycle. The two days before and after are also marked in the calendar as favorable for conception.

Basal temperature chart

You can also apply the dimension basal temperature and drawing up its schedule, where, thanks to the LH surge, you can fix the required date 24 hours before its onset.

How to determine the onset of ovulation

Ovulation test

There are also ovulation tests, a sufficient selection of which are available in pharmacies with the application detailed instructions how to use them. For this purpose, special devices are used that indicate the growth of the hormone by examining a saliva smear.

Ultrasound monitoring

After release, the egg is sent to the fallopian tube, where it is either fertilized or not. At the site of rupture, the bubble begins to function corpus luteum, producing progesterone. It supports conception, the desired thickness of the uterine mucosa, controls attachment ovum and its further growth and development.

All these points are calculated without difficulty for women with regular cycles. If their rhythms fail, ultrasound monitoring helps track follicle maturation and ovulation. What day of the cycle should I start from? this study The gynecologist decides. Usually 3-5 days after completion critical days. The analysis is repeated 3-4 times until the fact of ovulation is confirmed.

Completion of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle has two options for completion: fertilization of the egg and, as a consequence, the appearance of an embryo and pregnancy, or rejection of the endometrium if fertilization does not occur.


After fertilization, the embryo descends into the uterus and implants into the endometrium. This journey takes 5-7 days. If a week or a little later after the confirmed release of the egg, a few drops of blood are released from the vagina or a slight smear of it, and there is also a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen, this is further confirmation of the fact of pregnancy.

This condition lasts up to a day and passes without a trace, and the fetus continues to develop safely. If your period is delayed by 7-14 days after the expected date of its arrival, you can safely take a pregnancy test to confirm the occurrence interesting situation.

Endometrial rejection - menstruation

Well, when the fusion of female and male cells has not occurred, by the end of the second phase it decreases progesterone level. The corpus luteum stops producing it, since it is no longer needed. Thick layer The endometrium, without waiting for the fertilized egg and having lost the support of its hormone, dies and begins to be rejected.

In this case, the walls of the blood vessels are destroyed, and the blood from them mixes with the mucosal epithelium. The discharge is pushed out by the uterus into the vagina, and monthly menstruation begins and a new cycle begins, repeating all monthly phases.


Thus, on what day the cycle begins depends on the rhythmic processes of the woman. The first day of the cycle is considered the day the menstruation begins. Ovulation occurs on day 14, counting from the end of the cycle. Every girl should keep a calendar and mark the days on which menstruation begins. Based on this, it is easy to calculate the length of your cycle and identify ovulation and days favorable for conception.

Figure: Phases menstrual cycle

Periods (phases) of the menstrual cycle

Every menstrual cycle, a woman's body prepares for pregnancy. The menstrual cycle can be divided into several periods (phases).

The most common length of the menstrual cycle is 28 calendar days. However, for each woman it is strictly individual; it’s normal if it falls within the range of 21 to 35 days. The main factor is its consistency throughout reproductive period, permissible deviations are no more than 3 days. An important indicator The amount of discharge and the woman’s well-being during this period also serve. Any changes in the normal rhythm or signs of malaise are a reason to consult a doctor, as they may well become the first signs of a disease.

Menstrual period of the cycle

Functioning of women's reproductive system subordinated to four main periods. The first of them is menstrual, it is the most painful, it is at this time that bleeding is observed. His normal duration ranges from 3 to 6 days. At this stage, the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium, is rejected and expelled, along with the unfertilized egg. Thus, the first day of bleeding is the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Follicular period of the cycle

Then follows follicular period, characterized by the cessation of discharge. At this time, increased synthesis of pituitary and hypothalamic hormones begins, affecting the ovaries. The main one is follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which causes intensive growth and development of several follicles. The ovaries, in turn, produce the sex hormone estrogen; its significance is to stimulate endometrial renewal and prepare the uterus to receive an egg. This stage lasts about two weeks and ends due to the release of hormones into the blood that suppress FSH activity.


The phase of ovulation begins, that is, the release of a mature egg from the follicle. As a rule, this is the largest of them. This is facilitated by sharp increase luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. The egg enters the lumen of the fallopian tube and begins its movement towards the uterus, at the same time awaiting fertilization. Its lifespan does not exceed two days, so to increase the likelihood of conception it is necessary that the sperm is already in the fallopian tube. At this time, the process of preparing the epithelial layer continues in the uterus.

Luteinizing period of the cycle

The final period of the menstrual cycle is the luteinizing period. Its duration, as a rule, does not exceed 16 days. At this time, in place of the follicle that the egg left, a special temporary gland is formed - the corpus luteum. It produces progesterone, which is designed to increase the sensitivity of the endometrium, in order to facilitate the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. If implantation does not occur, the corpus luteum regresses and progesterone levels drop sharply. This causes destruction and subsequent rejection of the epithelial layer, the cycle closes.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

First phase (follicular, or egg development)

Day 1-5. Menstruation. Typically, menstruation lasts from 2 to 7 days, with an average of 5 days. During this phase, the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed and menstruation begins. Contractions of the uterus at this moment may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Some women have short periods (for example, 2 days), while others can last as long as 7 days. Bleeding may be profuse and spotting.

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, a follicle grows in the ovary, where an egg develops and matures, which then leaves the ovary (ovulation). This phase lasts about 7-21 days, which depends on many factors.


Day 14. Egg release. Typically, ovulation occurs from the 7th to the 21st day of the cycle, often in the middle of the menstrual cycle (approximately on the 14th day in a 28-day cycle). After leaving the ovary, the mature egg moves to the uterus through the fallopian tubes.

Second phase (formation of the corpus luteum)

Day 15-28. Thickening of the inner lining of the uterus. After ovulation, the ruptured follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone.

Hello! What should every woman know about her monthly phenomenon, laid down by nature? The material, “The Menstrual Cycle in Women,” contains detailed answers to many important questions.

Features of the female body

What is menstruation? Once a month, the uterus grows new endometrium, or lining, in preparation to receive a fertilized egg. When it is absent, the uterus begins to reject the lining.

Menstrual period It begins in girls when they are 11-14 years old and continues until about age 50 in women. Discharge becomes irregular at the age of 39-51 years, then stops completely.

Start This natural phenomenon can make the girl feel anxious. At first, in girls, bleeding may also be irregular. In a year everything will be back to normal.

Norm– this is 21,28,30 days. Menstrual cycle confirms that the girl is healthy, developed and capable of having offspring.

Women's cycle can lead a girl to pregnancy even from accidental sexual intercourse. Mom must prepare her daughter for adult life so that there is no trouble.

What is the menstrual cycle? A cycle is the period from the first day of bleeding to the first day next bleeding.

Duration of the menstrual cycle:

  • average – 28 days
  • short - 21 days
  • long - 35 days
  • in adolescents it is not uncommon - 45 days. This is normal, then everything will work out.

If you notice irregularities in the menstrual cycle, that is, it lasts more than 7 days, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe treatment.

Control over the cycle is provided by hormones: estrogen and progesterone. What it is? These are the most important women's ones.

  • Estrogen promotes the growth of endometrium in the uterus.
  • Progesterone is formed in the middle of the cycle, that is, after ovulation.

Both hormones prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.

Mid-cycle in women, what is it?

Around the middle of the cycle, an egg matures in the female body and is capable of fertilization, that is, ovulation occurs. If you are planning a pregnancy, then at this time the female body is ready to conceive a baby. How to determine this moment by day.

With a cycle of 28-30 days, ovulation occurs on days 14-15, if you count from the beginning bleeding.

Sexual intercourse these days most often ends in pregnancy. Buy tests to determine egg maturation. Testing should be done 24-48 hours before ovulation. If you do not plan to have children, then these days are considered the most dangerous.

But testing can fail because there are many various factors, which may affect cycle length. You can calculate the phases of your menstrual cycle yourself if you measure your basal temperature daily. Some women count these days for conception, while others - on the contrary, so as not to get pregnant.

  1. Take a regular thermometer. Early in the morning, without getting out of bed, without doing sudden movements(this is important!), insert it into the rectum.
  2. Keep there for 7 minutes.
  3. Write down the readings.
  4. Based on daily readings, draw a graph. Indicate the days of measurements on the top line, and on the side - basal rate. Place points at the junction, which are then connected by a straight line.

When does this process begin?

On days when the temperature rises sharply, ovulation occurs.

It is important for every woman to know the phases of the cycle so as not to make mistakes in the calculation. Cycle phases, what are they? These are important periods between menstruation.

  • First phase– follicular (the first phase, how many days does it last? 3-4 days);
  • Second phase- ovulation;
  • Third phase- luteal.

Follicular gives rise to the formation and maturation of the egg. Ovulation - designed to perform important female function- conception.

What happens in the second phase?

In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature is approximately 36.8°C. 1-2 days before ovulation there is a decrease by literally a fraction of a degree. Then the indicator begins to increase within 3 days and remains at these levels until the end of the second phase (37.0-37.5°C). The body is preparing for pregnancy.

Attention! Any stress, illness, alcohol, bad habits may change your schedule and ovulation may occur on another day, and then unwanted pregnancy. What happens to the body if elevated temperature lasts for two weeks? Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Average duration second phase of the cycle, what does this mean for a woman? Within 4-6 days you can conceive a child.

The luteal phase occurs in two ways:

  • with a fertilized egg;
  • or without it, if it was not fertilized;
  • If conception has occurred, the corpus luteum begins to be produced, which actively secretes the hormone lutein. It is he who will support and “feed” the egg.

What prevents a woman from aging

These are hormones. A woman’s performance, attractiveness and mood often depend on them. In addition, the production of hormones changes almost every day during the process of bleeding, which is why women’s mood changes so often.

It is important to know the days of your cycle, the description of which will help you get to know yourself better. In 1 day The uterus throws out the spent endometrium, that is, bleeding begins. A woman may experience malaise and pain in the lower abdomen. To reduce pain, you can take No-shpu, Buscopan, Belastezin, Papaverine.

On day 2 begins heavy sweating. On day 3 the uterus is very open, which can contribute to infection. On this day, a woman can also become pregnant, so sex should be protected.

From 4 days The mood begins to improve, efficiency appears, as menstruation is nearing completion.

What is the cycle by day in the second half? Days starting from 9th to 11th day considered dangerous, you may become pregnant. They say that at this time you can conceive a girl. And on the day of ovulation and immediately after it is suitable for conceiving a boy.

On day 12 Women's libido increases, which entails a strong sexual desire.

When does the second half start? From 14 days when the egg begins to move towards the male principle, ovulation occurs. On day 16 a woman may gain weight as her appetite increases. Until 19 days the possibility of becoming pregnant remains.

From 20 days“safe” days begin. What's happened " safe days"? These days, the possibility of getting pregnant decreases.

Many women ask the question: is it possible for a woman to get pregnant before her menstrual cycle?

The probability is low, but no one can give a complete guarantee. The period of menstruation can change under the influence of many factors. No woman has an even cycle throughout her life. It can even change colds, fatigue or stress.

Many doctors warn that the body is capable of “giving out” repeated ovulation, so even 1 day before your period you can conceive.

Every woman should know the female cycle by day, what happens on these days, because it will show when you are ready to conceive, when you are passionate or, on the contrary, cold, why your mood changes so much.

Sexual cycles

When you hear - ovarian-menstrual cycle, it is the cyclicity of gonadotropin secretion that is established in the body. The concept of the reproductive cycle includes normal process, which occurs in the ovaries under the influence of hormones, and follows it - menstruation.

Its duration is on average 28 +/- 7 days. What interval between periods is considered normal? If fertilization does not occur, then as soon as this cycle ends, the period of a new cycle begins. How long does it take? The interval between menstruation, the norm is from 21 to 35 days. But it also happens differently. Keep a small calendar where you will mark the first day of the appearance of discharge.

It is worth noting that 14 days should pass between ovulation and the next menstruation, but deviations of 1-2 days are possible. If you notice that your hair is too short or too short long cycle, then you should contact a gynecologist to find out the reasons.

Violation of cyclicity may indicate diseases of the genital area. When does cycle lengthening begin? The cycle can lengthen only after 45 years, as changes occur in the process of egg maturation.

Sometimes a woman may notice spotting after her period. This shouldn't happen!

A drop of blood can only be released at the moment of ovulation. If you notice sudden discharge, do not treat yourself - consult a doctor immediately!

Phases of the ovarian-menstrual cycle. Titles:

  • Menstrual (desquamation phase)
  • Postmenstrual (estrogenic, proliferative, reparative or follicular)
  • Premenstrual (progestin, luteal, secretory phase, preceding pregnancy).

Menstrual phase lasts on average 4 days. The first day of the cycle is the beginning of endometrial shedding. These days, progesterone is absent, and estrogen has not yet formed.

Postmenstrual phase– begins on the 5th day of the ovarian cycle, ends 1-2 days after ovulation. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. During this phase, follicles grow and develop. During the development of follicles, it produces a large number of estrogens.

Premenstrual phase lasts 12-14 days. High level progesterone these days creates favorable conditions for implantation of the embryo.

The graph shows the period of menstruation when you can get pregnant.

Girls' first menstruation

My daughter must go through all the stages of her growing up, including the beginning of her period. First of all, we need to explain what menstruation is in girls. The simplest explanation is that this phenomenon is inherent in nature and there is no need to be afraid of it. It is imperative to explain what the duration of the menstrual cycle is.

It is important for a girl to know the phases of menstruation, because in the middle of them a girl can become pregnant, which is very undesirable for an immature body. Which phase is considered the most dangerous, every teenager should also know about this.

How menstruation occurs is described in the test above. This process is the same for both an adult woman and a girl. But if adult woman already knows what symptoms precede it, then the teenager needs to be clearly explained.

Before the onset of menstruation, the following are observed: phenomena:

Cycle phases in women

Reproductive system women is a cyclical process through which reproductive function. It is based on the menstrual cycle. It is usually divided into phases.

What are the phases of the menstrual cycle?

Average menstrual cycle has a duration of 28 days. But the normal parameters can vary from 21 to 35 days. Minor deviations occur in the background stressful situations, poor nutrition, influence of disease, etc. Serious violations may indicate the presence of a serious illness.

The cycle is conventionally divided into two phases: and , they are separated). Each of them has characteristics. During the process, it is very important to be able to identify each of the phases. This will increase probability of conception and will help determine the nature of the problem if pregnancy does not occur.

REFERENCE! The most reliable way to determine the phase of the menstrual cycle is ultrasound diagnostics.

In most cases, it dominates the first two weeks in a woman’s body. But depending on the length of the cycle, it can last from 7 to 22 days. Its beginning is considered to be the first day of menstruation, and the end is the moment of release from the ovary. This period combines a number significant signs. These include the following:

  • Enlargement of the endometrium.
  • Follicle growth.
  • Increase in estrogen.
  • Change in the nature of discharge.

During the first few days, the woman experiences bleeding. It is rejected from the uterus. During this period there may be painful sensations lower abdomen. Then the follicles begin to grow under the influence of estrogen. gradually changes its structure. Closer to it, its thickness should be in the range from 10 to 15 mm.

There may be several follicles, but most often there is one dominant one. A follicle is considered mature when it is 18 mm in size. When he reaches optimal sizes, happens. This stage ends.

It is at this stage of the cycle that you can become pregnant. This stage characterized by the process of liberation and its entry into abdominal cavity . This occurs under the influence of two hormones - FSH and LH. They are inextricably linked with each other. If there are problems with one hormone, they will lead to disturbances in the levels of another. in this case it will be impossible.

1-2 days before and after the moment of release is called the period increased fertility. At this time, the woman appears characteristic features. Among them are:

  • The appearance of mucous discharge resembling egg white.
  • Changes in mood and perception.
  • Uncomfortable tingling in the lower abdomen.
  • Increased sexual desire.
  • A drop in basal temperature 1-2 days before and an increase on the day of onset.

ON A NOTE! The procedure that most accurately determines the release date is called folliculometry.

Lack of ovulation is the most common form of infertility. It is considered normal if a woman is unable to conceive up to twice a year. If this figure is higher, then the body needs immediate treatment.

There may be several reasons. One of the main ones is hormonal disorders. In this case, the follicle does not burst, but turns into a cyst. This phenomenon leads to problems with the following stage of the menstrual cycle. Difficulties with exit may arise due to the development of the following diseases:

  • Multifollicular ovaries.
  • Pituitary tumor.
  • Polycystic disease.
  • Inflammatory diseases.
  • Violations functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Adrenal diseases.

It is called the period of the corpus luteum, which is formed at the site of the burst follicle and is responsible for the production of the hormone progesterone. This stage follows when the corpus luteum is almost formed. Its volumes are increasing every day. At the same time, it gets higher progesterone level, which, in the event of conception, helps the fertilized egg attach to the uterus.

It has great value at . If there is insufficient hormones at this stage, the embryo will not be able to take the right place. This is fraught with ectopic or biochemical pregnancy.

IMPORTANT! Most main reason ectopic location of the ovum is poor patency fallopian tubes. Before it is recommended to check the likelihood of this phenomenon using an ultrasound machine or x-ray.

In the absence of conception, the corpus luteum gradually becomes smaller. Along with it, the amount of progesterone also decreases. This provokes the onset of menstruation. The unfertilized one leaves the woman’s body along with bloody discharge.

The duration of the final stage of the menstrual cycle should reach 14 days +/- 2 days. If there are deviations, then we can talk about the presence serious illnesses, oppressive reproductive function . May extend cystic formation. Its main symptom is a delay in menstruation.

In the case of the corpus luteum, it is used hormonal treatment . Along with it, physiotherapy, acupuncture and visits to a sanatorium are prescribed. The course of treatment for diseases of the genital area involves taking vitamins, proper nutrition and absence of stressful situations.

REFERENCE! If there is a lack of hormones in the last phase of the cycle, medications containing progesterone, such as Duphaston, are prescribed.

Any deviations in the functioning of the reproductive system give the woman signals in the form menstrual irregularities, atypical discharge and painful sensations. The attending physician must be notified of each sign. Early diagnosis promotes the most successful treatment.

The menstrual cycle consists of several phases. Gynecologists divide the phases of the menstrual cycle by day as follows:

  • menstrual phase: from 3 to 6 days;
  • second phase - follicular: about 14 days;
  • ovulation phase: about 3 days;
  • luteal phase: 14-16 days.

Menstrual phase

The beginning of the menstrual cycle should be considered the first day of the onset of menstruation. This physiological process occurs due to the rejection of the endometrium of the uterus. Every woman may have bloody discharge different character: from heavy bleeding before smearing. When the endometrium of the uterus is shed, the body prepares to produce a new egg. Each menstrual cycle is a preparation of the female body for fertilization and pregnancy.

The first phase of the cycle is accompanied by painful sensations lower abdomen, weakness, drowsiness and irritability. These days it is better to refrain from physical activity and, if your life schedule allows, rest more and be in a calm environment.

Painful sensations can be reduced with the following drugs: Tamipul, Spazmalgon, No-shpa, Paracetamol. It should be noted that all medications should be taken only after the recommendation of a doctor.

In healthy women, these symptoms appear in a mild form. Often the reason painful menstruation can be:

  1. Heredity. If your mother or grandmother suffered from pain before menstruation, that is, Great chance these manifestations in subsequent generations.
  2. Pathology of the uterus: bending, curvature or underdevelopment of the organ. In this case pain syndrome will accompany menstruation even in women who have given birth.
  3. Tension in the pelvis due to contraction of the uterine muscles.
  4. Squeezing nerve endings due to an enlarged uterus.
  5. Increased sensitivity of the body to ongoing physiological processes.
  6. An increase in prostaglandin hormones, which affect the genitals and thereby cause pain.
  7. Stagnation of blood in the pelvis and tissue swelling.
  8. Intrauterine device. It can cause intense contraction of the muscles of the uterus, resulting in pain.

However, very often painful periods are associated with inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. To make sure that these manifestations are absent, you need to be examined by a doctor and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

During menstruation healthy woman loses about 10 ml of blood. To avoid anemia, these days you should eat more fruits and vegetables containing iron, and also take a complex of vitamins. This applies primarily to teenage girls, whose bodies are not yet fully formed.

Useful for women during this period Fresh air And calm environment. Family members should not forget that during menstruation complex events occur in a woman’s body. hormonal changes, because of which she perceives everything very acutely, can be irritable and unbalanced. That's why the best medicine these days, a woman will receive support and understanding from her family.

Follicular phase and ovulation

Second phase monthly cycle lasts about 2 weeks after completion bloody discharge. However, stress and wrong image lives can be affected normal duration this phase.

During this period, the ovaries produce a hormone that stimulates the development of follicles, FSH. IN dominant follicle subsequently the egg matures.

The follicular phase is characterized by the release of the hormone estrogen, which promotes renewal of the uterine wall. This hormone affects the biological environment in the cervix, making it insensitive to sperm. Nature has decreed that during this period the female body prepares for fertilization, and premature entry of sperm is undesirable.

Estrogen is considered the main beauty hormone. Skin, hair and nails become strong and beautiful. During this period, all kinds of cosmetic procedures are appropriate.

On day 14, the body releases the luteinizing hormone LH, while the production of the hormone FSH decreases. The LH hormone has a beneficial effect on the mucus in the cervix, making it receptive to sperm. Under the influence of this hormone, the maturation of the egg ends and it is released from the follicle.

This process is called ovulation, which lasts from 2 to 4 days. Exactly this favorable time for conception. Many girls who want to get pregnant calculate these days on the calendar.

The mature egg moves along fallopian tubes, where he awaits a meeting with sperm within 2 days. Sperm can live for about 5 days, so if sexual intercourse occurs shortly before ovulation, there will be a high probability of fertilization of the egg.

In this phase, girls' appetite increases, which threatens speed dial weight. This is due to the body’s accumulation of necessary nutrients in case of possible pregnancy. At this time it is better to increase your consumption fermented milk products and plant foods.

The likelihood of conception is possible as early as the 9th day of the cycle. There is even a certain theory of conceiving a child of the desired gender. If parents dream of a girl, then sexual intercourse should be performed before ovulation, since the X chromosome, which determines the female sex, is more viable. And if the desired sex of the child is male, then he should be conceived on the days of ovulation - on days 12-14 of the cycle.

Ancient eastern teachings say that before ovulation, a woman accumulates energy, and after ovulation, it is redistributed. Conserving energy allows a woman to achieve harmony and peace of mind.

During ovulation, women develop a special smell that attracts men. She shines with beauty, health, and her sexuality these days is at the highest level.

Luteal phase of the menstrual cycle

After the egg is released, the empty follicle, or corpus luteum, begins to produce the hormone progesterone. It prepares the endometrium of the uterine cavity for the implantation of a fertilized egg. At this time, the production of the hormone LH ends and cervical mucus dries out.

The luteal phase lasts from 14 to 16 days. Female body preparing for embryo implantation. This process occurs within 6-12 days after fertilization. As soon as this happens, the production of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin begins. It supports, which produces progesterone throughout pregnancy, which ensures normal bearing of the child.

Modern pregnancy tests are sensitive precisely to human chorionic gonadotropin, which is called the pregnancy hormone.

If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum and egg die, and progesterone production stops. The endometrium of the uterus also begins to deteriorate.

From the 20th day of the cycle, the concentration of luteinizing hormone decreases and the corpus luteum begins to reverse development in the ovary. It is believed that from this day on the probability of becoming pregnant becomes minimal.

At the end of the luteal phase upper layer the uterus begins to tear away and subsequently comes out of it with menstrual flow. This is the beginning of a new cycle.

In the final phase of the menstrual cycle, metabolism slows down. A week before the onset of menstruation, work intensifies sebaceous glands skin. Girls begin to develop skin rashes. These days it is advisable to refrain from physical activity, as connective tissues become more vulnerable.

PMS - premenstrual syndrome- affects not only appearance, but also on mental state women. As a result of a change in hormone levels, a woman becomes vulnerable and vulnerable; she needs the support and understanding of her family.

The mammary glands increase in size, daytime sleepiness, anxiety or apathy appear. Gynecologists these days recommend such “medicines” as sex and chocolate. However, some women experience decreased libido during PMS, so chocolate remains, which promotes the production of the happiness hormone.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is individual for each woman.

Therefore, the duration of the monthly phases may vary for each woman.

Cycles lasting from 21 to 32 days are considered normal.