How to quit binge drinking yourself at home. How to quit binge drinking in the shortest possible time at home

Any alcohol should be regarded as a toxic product for the body. The time when ethyl alcohol was valued as a medicine has passed.

Modern research shows that the human body stops producing endogenous ethanol when supplied from the outside. Against this background, getting out of binge drinking with medication and folk remedies seems to be a difficult task. It is difficult to resist addiction not only for an ordinary person, but also for an individual with a strong character.

Is a miracle possible?

You should not count on a miracle to stop your binge drinking at home. The body resists stopping the addiction. The condition is explained by the lack of synthesis of its own ethyl alcohol, which is necessary for certain biological reactions to occur. When substances are supplied from outside, there is no need to produce your own ethanol. The more a person drinks, the more difficult it is to treat withdrawal symptoms.

Binge drinking is prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages (up to several months). Alcoholism is a disease that has 3 stages. Binge drinking is an alcohol dependence syndrome. A hangover is a condition after drinking alcohol, in which there is a need to take another dose of ethanol.

Obviously, a miracle when quitting binge drinking at home is impossible. Complex intervention is required in almost all systems affected by alcohol substitutes. The accumulation of toxins in the blood during long-term alcohol consumption leads to damage to the liver, pancreas, and brain. These organs are markers of primary damage by ethanol surrogates.

Before the procedure, preparation is necessary. If a person wants to stop drinking at the initial stage, some procedures should be followed:

  • Isolate yourself from physical work;
  • Avoid stress, nervous tension;
  • After calming down, you should visit the grocery store;
  • To prevent dehydration, you need to drink plenty of water;
  • You can drink a liter of milk;
  • Take citramon, aspirin;
  • Good rest.

It is practically impossible to get out of binge drinking on your own at home, but it is possible to alleviate the condition by drinking large amounts of liquid. Mineral water allows you to restore the body's water balance. The average daily water concentration is 2-3 liters of liquid. You can drink fermented baked milk, milk, yoghurts, herbal infusions, brines, and dairy products.

Take a contrast shower in the morning, it helps relieve post-hangover syndrome. To activate the brain, normalize blood pressure, and restore the internal functions of the body, you can take activated charcoal. The product removes toxins from the intestines and prevents chemical metabolites of alcohol from entering the blood.

Not only alcoholics suffer from binge drinking, but also their families, friends and loved ones. Binge drinking is when a person drinks alcoholic beverages for more than three days in a row. If a person wants to have a hangover on the second day and gets drunk again, it means that he has overcome his drunken state. The second stage of alcoholism begins to appear, during which you want to drink more and more. Let's take a closer look at how to get out of binge drinking yourself or help a loved one do it.

Conditions for exit

Anyone can quit drinking on their own! For this, a person’s desire to get out of a drunken state is important. It is necessary to set aside a whole day to get out of the binge, and not do anything else during this period. It is also important that there is no uncontrollable vomiting, stomach ulcers, gastric bleeding, psychosis and delirium tremens. If there are such symptoms, the person must be urgently taken to the hospital to receive medical care from specialists.

Only if the alcoholic himself wants to change will it be possible to return him to normal life. His family and friends should tell him how to get out of the binge, and also help him do it.

Exit Methods

How to get out of binge drinking on your own is of interest to all people who want to change and live on without drinking. You can stop drinking yourself at home.

It is important that the alcoholic understands his problem and decides for himself that it is time for him to quit drinking. The drinker must have strong willpower and the desire to give up alcohol. In order not to further harm your health by abruptly quitting alcohol, you need to stop drinking gradually, reducing the dose of alcoholic beverages.

How to stop binge drinking without putting your body into shock? Long-term binge drinking should be stopped by giving up strong alcohol. Drink beer instead. For three days, any food should be washed down with beer (one glass). After three days, you need to completely give up all alcoholic beverages. Instead of drinking, experts recommend eating a lot. After 21 days, return to the normal portions of food you ate before.

To prevent stomach upset, you can drink a glass of water with five drops of ammonia before eating. You need to drink this remedy for two to three days. It is recommended to quench your thirst when coming out of a binge with sweet tea, kvass, mineral or lemon-acidified water, and brine. You can also drink water with mint tincture (add 20 drops).

Exit from binge drinking is also carried out with medications - activated carbon, Essentiale and vitamins.

It is important to distract yourself from thoughts of drinking. Keep yourself busy, attend interesting events to get bright emotions.

Most often, breaking out of binge drinking on your own at home is successful and better than in the hospital. The main thing is that household members support the person and stock up on hope and patience. You can consult your doctor about how to quickly get out of binge drinking.

Medication method

How to quickly quit binge drinking on your own with the help of medications? It’s very simple, just follow these 7 rules:

To cope with depression, watch your favorite movie or do something you love. If not, start a new hobby.

Restoring the nervous system

How to get out of binge drinking is clear, but how to independently restore the nervous system after suffering binge drinking processes? For these purposes, take a course of multivitamins with microelements. The doctor may recommend taking Complivit. It will be enough to drink vitamins B1, B6 and C.

When coming out of a long-term binge, sports vitamins will be useful. Such preparations contain all the necessary enzymes and trace elements in double doses, as well as ginseng.

When to see a doctor

Of course, you can quit binge drinking on your own, but if you experience the symptoms described below, it is important to urgently seek medical help from specialists:

  • if a person feels pressing, tingling and burning pain behind the sternum, which radiates under the left shoulder blade or arm, he should run to a doctor for advice;
  • if there is a fear of death;
  • if the heart begins to work intermittently, you need to urgently call an ambulance;
  • if your stomach begins to hurt and there is nausea, vomiting, unstable stools, bitterness in the mouth, and the skin and sclera become jaundiced;
  • if your arms and legs begin to go numb, tingle and suddenly become weak;
  • if swallowing is difficult, drooling is very strong, dizziness, weakness, headache are observed, vision decreases;
  • if there is blood in the urine and stool.

If a person exhibits the listed symptoms, he should be hospitalized immediately. Otherwise, everything could end very sadly.

We help you sober up

You know how to get out of binge drinking on your own, but it is also important to remember that all actions must be performed when the person sobers up a little. What needs to be done for this? To speed up the process of breaking out of a drunken state, it is recommended to perform the following steps.

If the alcoholic does not have heart problems, put 5 drops of ammonia into his water and give me a drink. If you have heart disease, immediately proceed to the second point.

Let the drunk a man takes a shower. If he is unable to do this, put him in the bathtub, turn on the water and hose him with cool water for fifteen minutes. It is important to be with the person in the bathroom so that he does not choke on water.

After a shower you need perform a detoxification procedure. It is important to properly remove alcoholic toxic substances from the body. You can do a cleansing enema and give absorbents to drink.

It is necessary to cleanse the body comprehensively. To rinse the stomach, dissolve half a tablespoon of salt and soda in a liter of water. Give the resulting drink to the patient to induce a gag reflex.

For performing an enema You can dissolve a spoonful of honey in two liters of water. Or brew chamomile flowers in a thermos. After 15 minutes, strain the chamomile infusion and add as much water as you did at the beginning. Make an enema from the resulting solution. It will cleanse the body of harmful toxins by removing feces.

What is prohibited to do

You know how to stop binge drinking on your own, but you also need to know what not to do in such situations. When coming out of a binge, it is strictly forbidden to go to the bathhouse for the first 24 hours after drinking alcohol, as overheating can cause an increase in blood pressure. Also, you should not relieve tension or be distracted from unpleasant symptoms by sudden movements and heavy physical exertion. Otherwise, heart failure may occur. You cannot put moral pressure on an alcoholic. Since usually after a period of heavy drinking a depressive state occurs. If relatives begin to put pressure and reproach, a person may begin to suffer from mental disorders. It is also not recommended to suddenly stop drinking after long periods of heavy drinking. If you abruptly stop the supply of alcoholic beverages to the body, disruptions in the functioning of the heart and other organs may occur.

Now you know how to get out of a drunken state on your own at home. And also what needs to be done to figure out how to quickly get out of binge drinking without harming your health even more.

Binge drinking is an acute exacerbation of alcohol dependence, when a person cannot stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Binge distorts an alcoholic’s vision of the world and turns a lover of “fire water” into an inadequate person, constantly searching for a bottle.

Drinking alcohol for more than three days is considered binge drinking. Quitting a binge requires outside help, since the drinker’s weak will and persistent desire to be in unconscious euphoria do not give him hope of returning to normal life.

Why is this condition dangerous?

Observing the behavior of a person who drinks alcohol for a long time, we can say that the internal state of the patient’s organs is extremely weakened, the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are burned, the blood is poisoned, the liver and kidneys undergo degradation, the nerves are tense, the heart is on the edge.

During binge drinking, the human body is in great danger, and first of all, this is intoxication, which provokes a number of serious diseases:

  • Stroke;
  • Heart attack;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Convulsions;
  • Arrhythmias;
  • Epileptic seizures;
  • Mental disorders (hallucinations and delirium tremens).

Alcohol abuse is dangerous at a young age; the risk of complications often occurs in frail and elderly people. Female alcoholism is especially scary and unpleasant.


Relatives of an alcoholic easily recognize the approach of a terrible period. The symptoms of the disease are recognizable:

  • excessive drinking, loss of control;
  • the volume of alcohol consumed increases, the urge to vomit disappears;
  • degradation of behavior, joyful excitement develops into unjustified irritation and aggressiveness;
  • the patient is shaking, speech is incoherent;
  • Unconscious behavior becomes commonplace, insomnia is common, memory loss and disorientation are typical;
  • withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal) occurs, requiring another dose of alcohol;
  • The goal of the day is to find the required dose.

When alcohol endangers the life of a drunkard, or his actions and behavior do not fit into the framework of the law, forced withdrawal from binge drinking is allowed, but most families, for a number of reasons, try to cope on their own, not wanting to seek help from doctors.

General breeding rules

Alcoholics cannot stop drinking on their own; outside help is required.

It is important to help someone in need correctly and as safely as possible. There are a few simple rules to follow:

  • No need to make a fuss and take away the alcohol. It is better to calm and persuade the patient to go to bed.
  • After sleep, a person will understand what they want from him, and perhaps he will voluntarily persuade him to stop drinking.
  • You must constantly monitor your pulse, monitor changes in behavior, and not give in to persuasion to get drunk.

It is better to take professional help or take care of recipes that will help you get out of binge drinking at home.

Folk remedies

To calm the patient, it is necessary to prepare sedative folk remedies that support the heart muscle (decoctions of lemon balm, valerian, mint, motherwort).

On the first day, it is preferable to eat light food: chicken soup, beef broth, tea with crackers, low-fat cottage cheese with honey, cabbage brine, cabbage soup.

Pomegranate and lemon

A pomegranate or lemon drink helps relieve a hangover. Cut two pomegranates (lemons) and boil in a liter of water for 30 minutes. Drink small sips throughout the day. The decoction will painlessly cleanse the body of harmful alcohol impurities and reduce cravings for alcohol.

Lemon treatment

Families that have a bitter drunkard are recommended to use a course of treatment with citrus fruits. The duration of treatment is 14 days. On the first day you need to drink the juice of one lemon. On each subsequent day, the number of lemons increases by one. From the eighth day, the countdown begins in the opposite direction: on each subsequent day, the number of lemons decreases by one. Lemon juice should be washed down with pure or mineral water or herbal infusion to avoid stomach problems. This way you can help the unfortunate person get out of binge drinking at home.

Herbal infusion

Herbal remedies are often used as a quick way to stop binge drinking at home. It's easy to prepare. You need to take the roots of calamus, angelica, and juniper fruits in equal proportions, add to them in a double portion of dry raw materials from mint, St. John's wort, wormwood or bitter, and yarrow. Stir and pour into a glass container for storage - it will last a long time. For preparation, 5 grams of dry raw materials per 150 - 200 grams of boiling water is enough. Drink like regular tea. The daily intake is not limited (1.5 – 2 l). The infusion cleanses the blood of alcohol.

Fluid intake

Drinking plenty of fluids is key in trying to stop a person from drinking. Liquid (especially clean water) will save the body from intoxication and dehydration. In addition to water and tea, it is permissible to drink brine, kefir, compote, juice, decoctions and infusions of herbs, compote, and berry juice.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon tablets are an effective sorbent that will collect all alcohol waste in the body. One tablet is used per 10 kg of weight. You can crush the medicine and mix it in any liquid.

Despite the fact that withdrawal from binge drinking with the help of folk wisdom recipes has proven itself to be mostly positive, you should know that sometimes this is not justified and poses a threat to the patient’s life.

A binge that is interrupted without taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body, without proper control by a medical professional, can turn into a relapse. Even if the relatives of an alcoholic are well informed about how to break out of binge drinking at home, it is better to consult a doctor who will provide professional assistance and reduce possible risks.

Medical methods

Domestic pharmacies offer a large selection of medications to help fight alcoholism. But using the medicine at your own peril and risk, without first consulting a doctor, is excluded, since any synthetic drugs have side effects and can aggravate the situation.


Reduces intracranial pressure. The patient feels better.


The medicine calms the heartbeat, reduces tremors, fights sweating, relieves arterial hypertension, and normalizes breathing. Does not cause euphoria. The therapeutic effect can last up to 12 hours.


Carbamazepine is an antiepileptic drug. Mainly used as an anticonvulsant and for focal psychomotor epilepsy. Shows good results at all degrees of binge drinking. The drug is recommended even if there is alcohol in the patient’s blood. There is no addiction to the drug and no euphoria.


Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin. Stops the development of pathologies resulting from a lack of vitamin B1 (poor nutrition, addiction to alcoholic beverages, brain injuries). Prevents the development of encephalopathy.


Tiapride is an antipsychotic with a sedative effect.

What to do if you have delirium tremens?

Alcoholic psychosis (colloquially “squirrel”) develops after a person quits binge drinking.


  • lack of coordination;
  • increasing panic and obsessive movements;
  • abstraction from the surrounding world;
  • the condition worsens (hyperthermia, fever, tremor of the extremities);
  • change in the color of the whites of the eyes (yellowness);
  • pallor or redness of the skin.
  • Help needed:
  • do not let you leave the house;
  • calm down (take validol);
  • replenish water and electrolyte balance (drink pure or mineral water);

In case of hyperthermia, chills, high blood pressure, or convulsions, immediately call an ambulance. In a serious condition, the patient urgently needs to be treated. Thanks to the dropper, the medicine instantly enters the bloodstream. A drip as a primary method of rescue for alcohol poisoning is very effective. The drip is placed by a nurse, otherwise great harm, even death, can be caused to the patient.

After relieving the acute symptoms of delirium tremens, it is necessary to carry out detoxification methods at home and monitor temperature and blood pressure.

Enterosgel absorbent is useful for detoxification. It will cleanse the intestines of toxins, which will allow beneficial substances to be actively absorbed.

You should change your diet and compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals (preparations with potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, B1, B6 and PP).

After relief of the symptoms of fever, a protracted period of depression, apathy, and nervousness occurs. You can use antidepressants.

But without consulting a specialist, it is dangerous to be treated with antidepressants at home, so herbal infusions are better.

What not to do?

While you have information about how to stop binge drinking, you also need to know what not to do;

  • You cannot artificially rush the elimination of toxins, especially after a long binge;
  • You cannot consume alcoholic tinctures and drinks. Any dose of alcohol can lead to relapse;
  • You should not take a contrast shower or engage in heavy physical activity;
  • You cannot take strong pharmaceutical drugs;
  • You cannot administer IV drips on your own for binge drinking.

Alcoholism is a serious and terrible problem for many families, and failure to comply with these “don’ts” can destroy the patient. You cannot neglect professional medical help, even if you are very ashamed and bitter.

Attention, TODAY only!

In our country, the state of binge drinking is known firsthand. Some periodically experience it themselves, while others tried to help a loved one. This painful condition can last for quite a long time. The more and longer a person drinks, the more difficult it is to return him to normal life. If this problem has arisen in your family, you will find useful advice on how to get out of binge drinking without the help of a doctor in just one day.

Ways to get out of binge drinking in a day

Is it possible to return to normal within a day without the help of a doctor? In many cases it is possible, but not in all. Of course, the most effective way to quickly get out of binge drinking is to go to a hospital or call a narcologist to your home. However, not everyone has the courage to do this, and it is not cheap at all. In this case, you can use the home methods described below.

The main condition for a quick return to normal life is a categorical refusal of any dosage of alcohol. The last drink should be the night before. In the morning we begin to break out of the binge. To do this, after your last drink, you should drink a solution of warm water with mint tincture (30 drops per 100 ml) before going to bed.

The next morning you need to drink as much water as possible and induce vomiting. Next, throughout the day, drink mineral water without carbon, tea with lemon and mint, juices, compotes and fruit drinks. This will help restore water balance in the body.

On this day you need to sleep more - sleep will calm you down and help you cope with intoxication faster.

Ventilate the room more often. It is useful to take a shower in the morning, alternating warm water with cool water. Water helps remove toxins through the skin.

In the evening it is useful to take a walk in the fresh air.

You should take medications throughout the day, without which a complete cessation of binge drinking is impossible. At the same time, it is useful to use folk remedies. Let's take a closer look at both:

Pharmacy drugs

To neutralize the effects of alcohol as effectively as possible, powerful and complex therapy is needed.

You need to start with sorbent preparations. First thing in the morning, preferably after gastric lavage, you need to take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight). After a couple of hours, do a cleansing enema. Then take Enterosgel or Polyphepan.

Succinic acid tablets will help with severe nausea - the drug neutralizes toxins.

To restore normal brain function, calm the nervous system, and normalize sleep, doctors recommend taking vitamins B1, B6 and C.

Aspirin and No-shpa tablets will help eliminate finger trembling and cure headaches.

Narcologists use the following drugs to treat binge alcoholism:

Sedatives: Phenazepam, Proproten-100, Diazepam, etc.
- Anticonvulsants: Carbalex, etc.

The following medications are also used:

Clonidine: lowers blood pressure, calms, eliminates limb tremors.

Carbamazepine: eliminates cramps, helps the body quickly remove toxins - alcohol breakdown products.

Tiapride: a drug with a neuroleptic effect, calms, eliminates alcoholic aggression.

To calm the nervous system, the drug Seduxen is often used. It is extremely calming and provides deep, restful sleep.

Folk remedies

Along with drug therapy, it is useful to additionally use effective folk recipes that help fight hangover syndrome:

Prepare a drink that helps get rid of intoxication: boil several cut lemons in clean water (3 citrus fruits per 2 liters). Cook over low heat for half an hour. Cool, mix with honey and drink throughout the day.

A mixture of half a liter of fresh kefir and 1 liter of mineral water will help you cope with a hangover. Add a pinch of salt. Stir and drink in two doses.

Make a decoction of oats. It has a mild diuretic effect, removes toxins well, and coats the walls of the stomach. It also contains necessary substances, including enzymes, that will help you quickly get out of a painful condition. To do this, boil half a glass of grains in 1 liter of water. Strain, squeeze and drink a glass several times a day.

It must be said that binge drinking and hangover often cause aversion to food. However, you still need to eat so that the weakened body gains strength. It is very useful to eat hot sour cabbage soup, drink chicken broth, and tomato juice. You can drink a raw egg on an empty stomach. Or beat a couple of fresh eggs, add some salt and eat.

What not to do?

In no case and under no circumstances, when leaving a binge, do not have a hangover. Even a very small dose of alcohol will lead to a breakdown and the drinking will continue. We need to endure it.

On the first day of hangover treatment, physical activity is prohibited. The body is weakened, all organs and systems are functioning at the limit. Therefore, stress can trigger the development of a heart attack or stroke.

You should also not take heart drops, as many people do. Taking Corvalol, Valocordin and other similar drugs can have unpredictable consequences.

And further! You should not take strong medications without a doctor's prescription. Especially psychoactive drugs. All of them have contraindications and have serious side effects. Therefore, a person in a state of withdrawal may face unpredictable consequences when taking such medications.

It is very difficult for a binge alcoholic to give up alcohol right away. Therefore, it is not always possible to get him out of binge drinking in one day on your own, using conventional means.

If the duration of the period of heavy drinking is long, and the intervals of sobriety are very short, there is no way to get out of this state in a day without a doctor. Only a narcologist can quickly return a person to a normal state.

The question of how to get out of binge drinking as quickly and painlessly as possible usually concerns people with alcohol addiction. Less often, it interests people after severe stress or tragedy.

If drinking alcohol continues for more than two days, then it is better to take action immediately. The longer the binge lasts, the more difficult it is to get out of it.

Why can't you suddenly stop drinking?

Alcohol has similar effects to drugs. It affects the parts of the brain that are responsible for states of euphoria and joy. It is very difficult for a person who is in a heavy, long-term binge to get out of it at home, and a quick way out is completely impossible. The consequences of even a week-long binge are gradually eliminated.

A sharp refusal causes a “breaking” effect. The body, when trying to get out of a binge, will with great force demand another portion in order to return to a relaxed state.

Withdrawal syndrome is manifested by headache, tremor, nausea, vomiting, etc. Getting rid of it will be the main task when trying to quit the binge.

How many come out of binge drinking?

It is impossible to immediately determine how long it will take to come out of a deep binge on your own at home. The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the following factors:

  • duration of drinking;
  • amount of alcohol consumed;
  • quality of alcohol;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • method used to remove the patient.

After a long binge, withdrawal symptoms persist for up to 6 days. It is very difficult to break away from binge drinking. In especially dangerous cases, delirium tremens cannot be avoided. It is impossible to get a person out of binge drinking in a day.

How to gradually reduce the dose of alcohol?

If the patient has made a firm decision to quickly get out of a long-term binge and wants to alleviate his condition, then perform the following actions:

  1. Buy 1 bottle of high quality alcoholic drink. Take a glass or glass with a capacity of 30 ml. Large containers cannot be used to break the binge.
  2. Cook a thick broth from beef or chicken. Sandwiches are prepared with butter, with sausage and lard placed on top. The food should be very fatty so that the fat can coat the walls of the stomach and prevent the absorption of alcohol.
  3. They include an interesting film, or better yet a TV series. The main thing is that there is no desire to break away from it. This will help you get out of the binge faster.
  4. Once every 1.5-2.5 hours, drink 1 glass of alcoholic drink, snacking on fatty foods. To get out of a binge, you need to have a snack in any case, even if you say “I can’t.” The second glass is taken at a shorter interval - 10 minutes. In other cases, the time is strictly observed.

In this way, drink no more than 0.5 liters of drink per day. The patient provides the body with small doses of alcohol. On the second day he will wake up without a severe headache or desire to drink. After this stage, it is easier to get out of the binge and now they begin to cleanse the body.

So that the patient does not feel tempted and everything works out correctly, there should no longer be alcohol at home. During the day, take drinks that quench thirst well and restore water balance, for example, mineral water, kvass, juice or homemade infusions. To get out of a binge, after waking up the next day, a person should immediately drink a glass of clean water or kefir.

Important. The same type of alcohol is consumed all day. Mixing is not allowed!

How to get out of a long drinking binge?

If you have been drinking for a week or more, then the time to recover from binge drinking using home methods increases significantly. After sleep, a person should drink about 0.5 liters of brine or alkaline mineral water. This will replenish the lack of moisture in the body and activate the liver.

After drinking plenty of water, take 7 tablets activated carbon. What medications will replace it:

They will help the liver cope with the load and draw alcohol out of the body, minimizing the unpleasant consequences of trying to break out of binge drinking. After taking medications, eat fatty pork or beef broth.

If the patient has stomach problems, then the soup is made from chicken. In addition to meat, carrots and onions are added to it. They cannot be fried. The broth is eaten with breadcrumbs. For a daytime meal while trying to get out of binge drinking, the patient can prepare himself an omelet, slimy porridge and salad and vegetables. After lunch, drink green tea with lemon slices.

A couple of hours after the first dose of medication, it is advisable to drink "Essentiale Forte" or "Mezim." The first helps the liver, and the second the stomach when trying to get out of binge drinking. After 4 hours they take it again Activated carbon.

Essentiale Forte

To get rid of hand tremors and headaches after drinking, drink "Noshpu" or "Analgin" but maximum 2 times a day. For insomnia during recovery, take Donormil. It can be consumed no earlier than 12 hours after the last drink.




Daily regime

The main conditions for a smooth independent exit from binge drinking are sleep, rest, drinking plenty of fluids and proper nutrition. After eating and taking hangover pills, you should sleep or watch TV.

Exercises and long walks after long binges are prohibited. On the first day, the body must restore strength in order to quickly get out of the binge.

TV will distract you from the thought of alcohol and push the desire for a hangover into the background. The patient should try not to smoke at least until 8 pm on the first day. You can remove the anxiety and nervousness that arises during any attempt to quit binge drinking. decoction of valerian roots. Alcohol infusions are contraindicated, as they can provoke a breakdown.

Will help you relax and get out of binge drinking baths With chamomile or mint. After completing the procedure, drink herbal tea With honey. You cannot refuse meals. They increase the metabolic rate and help remove harmful substances from the body.

Valerian root


Herbal tea with honey

The rehabilitation course is carried out until the patient returns to normal. When you manage to get out of the binge, gradually add regular food and physical activity.

How to get out of a short-term binge?

It’s much easier to come out of a four-day binge than after drinking for 2 weeks. It doesn’t matter whether it’s beer or regular. This method will help a person who is trying to get out of binge drinking at the initial stage. Before this, some preparation is carried out:

  • buy activated carbon, analgin and medicines for the liver and stomach;
  • provide a supply of milk, honey, mineral water, brine and rich meat broth;
  • stop drinking alcohol in the evening of the previous day and do not resort to a beer hangover.

In the morning after drinking, while trying to get out of the binge, the patient should drink 1.5 liters of prepared liquid and take 2 tablets of activated carbon. If necessary, take analgin and other medications.

The patient should eat fatty broth with bread. The whole day is spent doing something exciting, but not tiring: reading, watching movies, etc. We don't go outside yet.

In the middle of the day, in order to relieve a hangover painlessly, they repeat the procedure for taking medications, after which they have a hearty lunch. Still you need to drink a lot of liquid, for example, warm milk with honey and fruit juices.

Folk remedies for getting out of binge drinking with the help of infusions are also relevant. The patient should move a lot, for example, go for a walk. In the evening he drinks activated angle again, has dinner and takes a shower. The next morning, the charcoal intake is repeated.

How to quit binge drinking at home

  1. Ammonia. Add 4 drops of ammonia to a glass of water. Taking the solution helps a person return to normal and get out of binge drinking. Afterwards, it is recommended to take a cool shower. The method is not suitable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Inducing vomiting. To rid the patient's body of toxic substances, vomiting is provoked with two fingers. To get out of binge drinking, they are inserted into the patient’s mouth to irritate the receptors. The best effect is observed if you drink the solution beforehand. It is prepared from 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a glass of water.
  3. Enema. Against the background of stages 2-3 of alcoholism, you can do cleansing enemas using herbal infusions. To prepare chamomile, pour 2 tablespoons of the flower into a glass of boiling water.
  4. Rosehip infusion. 150 grams of fruits are placed in a thermos and filled with cooled boiled water. After half a day, the liquid will absorb the beneficial substances from the rose hips. To relieve a hangover, you need to drink up to 2 liters of infusion per day.
  5. Lemon drink. 3 lemons are cut together with the skin and poured with 1 liter of cold water. The mixture is put on fire and boiled for 30 minutes. To gradually get out of a long drinking binge, drink the drink throughout the day.
  6. Solution with glycerin. You can buy glycerin and distilled water inexpensively at the pharmacy. To prepare the composition, they are taken in a ratio of 1:2. It is taken 50 ml three times a day. Helps alleviate withdrawal symptoms.


Is it possible to get out of binge drinking without the person’s knowledge?

It is almost impossible to help an alcoholic without his knowledge. Of great importance during treatment will be the desire of the man or woman himself to quit the binge.

To help and guide the patient to the right thought, family members should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not make a scandal or swear, as a person in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication is not responsible for his actions. It doesn’t matter if they help a mother, a husband, or another loved one get out of binge drinking.
  2. Help provide the patient with adequate sleep conditions. Having slept, he will respond more adequately to help.
  3. Manipulations to get out of a protracted binge should be carried out when symptoms of a hangover appear. These include increased heart rate, weakness, and the search for a new dose.

To better understand the situation, you can visit websites where patients share their personal experiences. Other information resources are also suitable, for example, Alcosaurus.

When should you see a doctor?

When a person suffers from alcohol addiction and goes on a classic binge, withdrawal from heavy drinking at home often turns out to be ineffective.

If the binge lasts 7 days, what remains to be done - contact specialists for treatment in a hospital for free. This method is also used when the patient has pain in the heart and stomach and the amount of alcohol consumed is more than 1 liter per day. In case of severe pain, call a doctor urgently.

First, detoxification and infusion therapy are carried out in the hospital to get rid of binge drinking. The first manipulation is designed to rid the body of toxins, and the second from dehydration. All these tasks will be completed installation of a drip with glucose, diazepam and vitamin B1. Sometimes they give Popov's mixture- a product consisting of alcohol and sleeping pills. It helps to get out of binge drinking in particularly difficult cases.



Vitamin B1

The selection of the following treatment methods occurs with medication and is determined individually. Treatment drugs are used from the following groups:

  • vitamins;
  • sedatives;
  • nootropic;
  • psychotropic;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • cardioprotectors;
  • diuretics.
  1. It is strictly prohibited to have a hangover in order to get out of a binge. Many patients are tormented by the question of whether they need a hangover when coming out of a binge. Although the method temporarily relieves the painful symptoms and becomes easy, the desire to drink still returns. As a result, a hangover after a binge leads to the fact that the body continues to be poisoned, and the person continues to drink alcohol.
  2. In the first few days of withdrawal from binge drinking, you should not take a contrast shower or engage in physical activity. The body already works in an intense mode, and the additional load when trying to get out of binge drinking can provoke irreversible consequences.
  3. Traditional sedatives can be harmful. Taking Valocardine, Corvalol and other medications is prohibited.
  4. When trying to quit binge drinking, you should not take psychoactive substances without a prescription from a specialist. During withdrawal symptoms, the body's reaction to such drugs should be monitored by physicians.
  5. Before leaving the binge, it is better for the patient to prepare. 1 day or several before this event, the body is given minimal doses of alcohol. To do this, you can dilute alcoholic drinks with water. The taste will let the brain know that a full dose is being taken, and at this time the concentration of alcohol in the blood will gradually decrease.