Cutting in the anus. Pain in the anus in women - causes. Ovarian cysts cause additional symptoms

Each body is individual, and it is impossible to find out why the butt hurts in each individual case without examination. But we can identify the main causes of pain in the tailbone and buttocks:

  • Poor posture;
  • Injuries;
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • Damage to the hip joint;
  • Due to inflammatory processes of the ligaments on the buttocks;
  • Consequence of an injection if it was inserted into the muscle incorrectly.

Thin people usually experience unpleasant sensations when the buttock hurts, and this primarily applies to female representatives. And this is due to an insufficient amount of muscle mass.

Sometimes its loss occurs due to illness, or sudden weight loss after dieting. And then, even sitting on a hard surface for a short period of time will cause painful and unpleasant sensations.

The surest way to get rid of this problem is to build muscle mass in your buttocks. This will require regular training and a protein diet. Although this will take a lot of time.

Therefore, in order not to endure the inconvenience and not experience constant discomfort due to pain in the buttocks when sitting, some use special underwear.

Since the underwear contains special inserts, they will soften the contact of the buttocks with the surface.

Carrying out diagnostics

It is not always possible to determine on your own why certain parts of the body hurt. And to determine where the pain in the butt came from, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis.

To do this you will need to contact a specialist. With these questions, the patient may be referred to a surgeon, otropedist, traumatologist, neurologist and even a dermatologist.

If a parapractical fistula occurs on the buttocks, a surgeon or dermatologist will be involved in the diagnosis. A visual inspection will be carried out, as well as a bacterial culture will be taken to determine the type of pathogen.

Along with this, blood tests must be taken to confirm the diagnosis. Some cases also require a visit to a rheumatologist.

If the problem is with the piriformis muscle, then you need to consult a neurologist or orthopedic doctor for help. The specialist will conduct an examination, determining what kind of posture and walking the person has.

An x-ray may be taken to determine the extent to which a person's joints and spine are affected.

Sometimes there may be indications for this, since this type of examination can provide a deeper result compared to an x-ray. Standard tests will need to be taken when there is a suspicion of infectious pathogens.

Sometimes problems arise with the patency of nerve endings and weakening muscle activity. Then you will need to go to a neurologist who will carry out all the necessary diagnostics.

Muscle structure and mobility can be checked using electromyography or ultrasound. To exclude the presence of pathogens in the body, standard tests are additionally prescribed.

If there are problems with the hip joint, then treatment should be carried out by a specialist such as an orthopedist. Sometimes an x-ray is sufficient to determine the extent of the disease in bone tissue.

In some situations, for a more detailed diagnosis, an MRI may be required.

First aid

When pain occurs in the buttocks when a person sits down, they cannot be tolerated. It is necessary to take measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence.

If your butt hurts after a bruise, then it is best to immediately apply dry ice or a cloth to the affected area so that it is wet.

You need to take a lying position, but in no case on your back, but on your stomach. This way the damaged area will not be injured even more.

If the skin has been damaged and its integrity has become compromised, then it is necessary to treat the area with hydrogen peroxide. If there is bleeding, it should be stopped if possible by applying pressure to the wound with a sterile bandage.

When you can’t cope with this on your own, then, in this case, you cannot do without calling an ambulance.

No matter how complex the wound is on the buttocks, after treatment, it is still better to see a specialist. This way you can avoid possible complications.

Because improper processing, or not very clean items used for processing, can lead to, and as a consequence, infection.

Pain in the buttocks: their characteristics

Sometimes pain in the butt can also be felt in other parts of the body, such as the groin, hips or lower back. Sometimes the whole leg can hurt.

Moreover, the sensitivity of pain varies, and they do not always cause noticeable discomfort. But sometimes such pain is too pronounced when it comes, for example, to compression of blood vessels and nerve endings.

Pain radiating to the leg

When colic and discomfort appear in the buttocks and they are transmitted to the leg, most likely the problem is a pinched sciatic nerve. Or another name for this disease is sciatica.

It is this nerve that is considered the largest in the human body, and it is involved in the formation of the roots of the lumbar spine. Therefore, the pain can radiate down to the foot.

To understand that the sciatic nerve has been pinched, you can observe symptoms such as pain in the left buttock, or pain in the right buttock.

In addition, the lower back may also hurt, spreading unpleasant feelings throughout the leg. The leg will feel aching, pulling or stabbing pain. Moreover, the pain in the buttock and leg will intensify when walking.

What causes a pinched sciatic nerve?

  • Hernia in the lumbar intervertebral disc.

It is for this reason that sciatica most often occurs. Damage to the trunk of the sciatic nerve occurs due to protrusion of part of the intervertebral disc.

  • Osteochondrosis in the lumbar region.

The space between the vertebrae decreases, and for this reason the nerve roots in the lumbar region are compressed. And this happens due to the fact that the elasticity of cartilage tissue gradually decreases. For this reason, pain occurs in the buttocks when sitting, with a return to the hips and lower back.

  • Piriformis muscle.

Can be found in patients who suffer from lumbar radiculitis. Therefore, inflammation occurs, and this muscle is constantly under tension. Due to this, the muscle tissue becomes larger and the sciatic nerve is compressed.

  • Osteophytes.

This is a pathology in which the vertebral bodies grow. When it reaches a significant size, compression of the nerves on the buttocks is observed.

Muscle pain

When pain in the buttocks when sitting is not transmitted to other areas, most likely the cause of its occurrence is an inflammatory process. We can also talk about excessive stress. Sometimes, muscle pain in the buttocks is a consequence of stress.

Reasons why pain occurs in the muscles of the buttocks:

  • Myositis.

Inflammation of muscle tissue occurs. It is caused by various infections after illnesses, such as tonsillitis. It also occurs due to bruises of the buttocks or hypothermia.

In such a situation, the pain in the buttock when walking will become stronger. Sometimes a fungus can appear on the buttocks, then you should consult a doctor immediately.

In addition, pain also occurs at rest. The hip joint may suffer, and in some cases other muscles.

  • Overvoltage.

Muscle tone increases and, for example, pain in the buttock on the right may occur. She will have a pulling character. As a rule, those people who do not have good physical fitness can suffer from this disease.

And the right buttock will hurt after a long walk, or other strain, for example, after cycling. And usually, discomfort will spread to the hips and lower back.

  • Injections.

If the injection in the butt was done incorrectly, a seal may form on the gluteal muscle, it will compress the tissue, which will lead to tension.

Due to an incorrectly administered injection, it will be painful for the patient to sit on his butt. Injections should not be administered too quickly, and the needle should not be immersed deep enough.

  • Passive lifestyle.

When a person’s work involves spending a long time at the computer, the blood vessels in the buttocks area will be compressed. And then the person will suffer from pain in the butt.

To prevent this phenomenon, you need to exercise and take regular breaks during the working day.

Pain in the tailbone and buttocks: how to deal with them

When your tailbone hurts, it is most often the result of an injury. The tailbone has many nerve endings, and it is very sensitive to various injuries.

If a person fell on his buttocks or received a blow to the tailbone area, then the consequences in the form of pain cannot be avoided. Statistics show that women suffer from discomfort in the tailbone several times more often than men.

After an injury, pain in the buttocks will often occur when walking, as well as when sitting for long periods of time.

If a person suddenly gets up from a chair, he may also feel discomfort in this area. Such sensations of nagging pain can spread to the groin area.

Sometimes discomfort can be observed only on one side, for example, a person feels pain in the buttock on the right. Of course, this should not be tolerated so that the situation does not worsen over time.

You should definitely seek advice from a professional who, after conducting a diagnosis, will prescribe the appropriate treatment for a particular case.

Treatment of emerging pain

To treat pain in the tailbone, therapy associated with physiotherapy is prescribed. Sometimes a paraffin wrap is performed and current pulses are applied to the rectum.

Sometimes external treatment alone may not be enough, and the patient is prescribed surgical intervention. You cannot do without it if there is a dislocation or fracture.

Most often, physical therapy and regular massages help. And to reduce the load and relieve pain under the buttock, special seat cushions are prescribed. Then the patient will be able to more easily tolerate the associated discomfort.

Sometimes regular spasms may occur in the tailbone, which radiate to the left buttock. In this case, the patient is prescribed microenemas. They will help relieve pain in the rectum, and will also help prevent constipation.

When prescribing drug treatment, the following categories of drugs must be present:

  • Analgesics. Among such drugs are Ketanov, Lidocoin, Novocain. Their use will depend on the degree of pain. In case of acute and piercing pain, the patient may have a blockade in the coccyx area to relieve severe pain.
  • Remedies for calming. Such drugs are prescribed quite rarely. Only in cases where the patient’s condition is emotionally unstable, which resulted in an injury to the coccyx.
  • Drugs that reduce fever. When, along with pain caused by infection, an increase in temperature is observed, then taking antipyretic drugs is necessary. They are prescribed based on the personal characteristics of the human body. These may be medications such as Nurofen and Paracetomol.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Also used to treat various inflammations.

Many patients benefit from manual therapy. Because, thanks to it, blood circulation improves in the coccyx area, and as a result, muscle spasms disappear.

Most patients feel relief after completing the course of therapy. And some people completely forget why their tailbone and buttocks hurt.

Any pain that occurs should not be tolerated. It is better to immediately contact a doctor and ask why your butt hurts. He will be able to diagnose the patient’s condition and prescribe appropriate treatment in a timely manner.

It is always much easier to eliminate symptoms at the initial stages than to later try to cope with a situation that has already worsened.

In practice, proctologists are increasingly encountering patients who complain of pain in the anus at night. Not all cases of pain are associated with pathologies.


Pain in the anal area can often occur in those who are forced to sit for a long time on a hard, hard surface. This mainly applies to office workers. Pain at night in most cases occurs in adolescents. The cause of their occurrence may be a spasm of the muscles that are located around the anus. There are two forms of pain syndrome development:

. spicy,

And also chronic.

Acute pain has the ability to appear suddenly and disappear quickly. Chronic pain is long-lasting, but not as severe as acute pain. It is the characteristic signs of pain that enable the proctologist to make a preliminary diagnosis about the causes of pain.

Anal fissures

The main cause of acute pain is a fissure in the anus. A crack can result from:

. stool disorder,

Frequent constipation


With constipation, stool collects in the intestines, where it becomes compacted and hard. During the act of defecation, feces pass through the rectum with difficulty, injuring the mucous membrane. The presence of foreign bodies in the stool can cause injury to the mucous membrane and the appearance of a crack. Patients suffer from severe and sharp pain when defecating. To avoid pain, patients deliberately do not go to the toilet, resulting in constipation, which only aggravates the situation.

Nerve endings, which are present in large numbers in the mucous membrane of the rectum, contribute to increased pain and its spread to the sacrum and perineum. In this case, the normal outflow of urine may be disrupted, and in women the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Anal fissures are easily diagnosed upon examination. Conservative therapy involves the use of:

. creams,


Bath with herbal infusions.

If treatment does not produce the desired results, surgical intervention is resorted to. If there is no necessary treatment, the next stage of the disease may become chronic.


Hemorrhoids are characterized by the appearance of nodes that become inflamed and increase in size. In addition, thrombosis develops in the hemorrhoidal veins. Pain syndrome in the anus appears when the patient already has the following symptoms:

. itching,


Discomfort in the rectal area.

As a rule, the above symptoms appear simultaneously. As hemorrhoids develop, the hemorrhoids may fall out and become pinched by the anal sphincter. It leads to:

. severe pain during bowel movements,

Deterioration of the patient's condition,

Blood discharge

Increased pain.

The patient's condition worsens, he is tormented by severe pain. Some patients suffer constantly from mild pain. Increased pain in the anus occurs at the acute stage. In this case, the hemorrhoids increase somewhat, their redness and swelling appear, and sometimes partial tissue necrosis develops.


Blockage of hemorrhoids leads to disruption of blood flow, as a result of which pain in the anus at night. Thrombosis is manifested by throbbing pain in the rectum. The nodes in the rectal area become inflamed, red, and very painful. The patient's body temperature rises, chills and constipation appear. Proctitis - provokes pain in the anus. The patient's temperature rises and blood and pus are released in the stool.

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For many anorectal disorders that cause anal pain in men, the causes are usually easy to diagnose. Although most are benign and can be successfully treated in an outpatient setting, the pain itself can be severe due to the many nerve endings in the perianal area. However, if it does not go away after 48 hours, it is important to see a doctor.

The classic symptom of the condition is sharp pain in the anus with an enlarged bluish lump (blood clot) at the anal border. If the clots are large, they cause discomfort when walking and sitting. Stagnation of blood and injury to the anal vessels due to deformation are the common denominator in the development of thrombosis. High pressure within the clot can cause erosion of the overlying skin and thus lead to bleeding.

Rational approach to the condition is to eliminate stasis, trauma and excess load. Since excessive straining during bowel movements is usually caused by constipation, softening the stool is key to preventing excessive straining.

Strong pain in the anus in men is observed in the first few days (48-72 hours), after which it gradually subsides. If the condition does not respond to conservative treatment, including laxatives, warm baths, analgesia, increased dietary fiber and fluid intake, complete surgical removal of the clot is necessary. The operation is performed in a hospital under local anesthesia.

Acute thrombosed external hemorrhoids must be differentiated from complicated internal hemorrhoids and from anal pigmented melanoma. The practical point is that this type of condition is covered by the anoderm and the blood clot formation lies under the skin, whereas internal hemorrhoids are covered by the anal mucosa and anal pigmented melanoma represents a long history of pigmented skin lesions.

Anal fissure

A common anorectal condition presenting with a small tear when the rectum is opened. Its exact etiology is debated, but there is a clear association with increased anal sphincter pressure. The fissure is thought to be caused by trauma to the anal canal and includes damage to the anoderm during the passage of hard and dense stools, local irritation from diarrhea, anorectal surgery and anal intercourse. In response to the fissure, patients experience increased pressure in the anal canal. This hypertonicity of the anal sphincter is responsible for the pain and spasms experienced during defecation.


  1. Sharp pain in the anus, described as tearing.
  2. Bleeding (bright red blood may be noted on toilet paper or drip into the toilet).
  3. Sensitivity of the fold of skin covering the outer end of the anal fissure (“border tubercle”).

Acute stage lasts for several minutes and then turns into an aching, throbbing pain that can last for hours. The vicious cycle of anal spasms and hard stools exacerbates further traumatic and ischemic damage to the anoderm and prevents the healing of the fissure.

The fissure is localized along the posterior midline, and there are several explanations for this phenomenon:

  • Elliptical placement of the external sphincter posteriorly, resulting in less support of the anal canal.
  • Relative ischemia of the posterior commissure of the anal canal.
  • Contusion of vessels passing vertically through the internal sphincter muscle in the posterior midline, resulting in a compromise of blood supply.

Most patients believe that if pain radiates to the anus, then it is caused by hemorrhoids, and are reluctant to accept the diagnosis of anal fissure. Physical examination by gently separating the buttocks usually reveals a fissure, although sphincter spasm may prevent adequate visualization. A thorough examination with endoscopic equipment should be performed when the patient is pain-free to rule out other diseases of the male anus.

An acute anal fissure heals within a few weeks with conservative treatment that includes stool softeners (laxatives), relaxation of the internal anal sphincter to improve blood flow (sitz baths), ointments and creams (calcium antagonists). Although lateral internal anal sphincterotomy remains the treatment for chronic anal fissure, Botox injections have changed the surgical algorithm, especially for patients with coexisting anal incontinence or anatomical sphincter hypotension.

Anorectal abscess

Anorectal abscess and fistula are among the most common diseases found in adult men. Essentially they should be considered as acute and chronic phases of the same anorectal infection.

Abscesses are thought to begin as an infection in the anal glands, which spread to adjacent areas and lead to fistulas. If left untreated, they will become painful and progress to serious generalized infections, affecting other parts of the body, especially the groin and rectum areas. Patients with long-standing fistulas are at risk of developing cancer.

Typically, inflammation is caused by infection with bacteria common in the digestive system (like E. coli) that collect in one place or another. There are various reasons for this. Most anorectal abscesses are easily diagnosed by physical examination. Pain in the perianal area is the main symptom of anorectal abscess. It can be pulling, aching or throbbing, worsened by coughing and aggravated when a person changes body position or before defecation.

Signs and symptoms include:

  • constipation;
  • rectal discharge;
  • palpable mass near the anus;
  • fever (fever and chills).

Anorectal abscess requires drainage surgery. There is no antibiotic therapy as a "conservative" management. The abscess wall contains occluded and necrotic blood vessels, and the antibiotic never penetrates the cavity.

Diagnosing persistence of foreign bodies in the rectum can be problematic for the physician, as many patients are unable to describe the exact history of their entry due to fear or embarrassment and often make some independent efforts to remove them. The most common reason is sexual pleasure. But the result could be an accident or a criminal offense. The attending physician should treat such patients with appropriate respect and try to provide emotional support.

Foreign objects can be sharp or blunt, of various shapes and sizes. Digital rectal examination may reveal only some parts, but it is necessary to assess whether there is evidence of rectal perforation or damage to the anal sphincter.

Symptoms indicating rectal perforation:

  • stitching pain in the anus;
  • fever;
  • tachycardia;
  • peritonitis;
  • colic in the stomach.

An abdominal radiograph reveals the number, shape, location of stored objects, the presence of free air, while ultrasound and computed tomography help to detect opaque objects.

Anal cancer

Although it is a rare disease, anal cancer is increasingly being diagnosed in patients with certain risk factors, mainly the human papillomavirus. The most common tumor of the anal canal and perianal skin is squamous cell carcinoma. Other predisposing factors include immunosuppression and smoking.

In most cases anal infection Human papillomavirus is sexually transmitted, and the risk of cancer increases in homosexual men. During the course of malignancy, human papillomavirus causes anal intraepithelial neoplasia, which progresses from low-grade to high-grade dysplasia and ultimately to invasive cancer.

Many symptoms associated with cancer are common to benign diseases:

  • bright red rectal bleeding;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • bloating, tingling and abdominal pain.

Indeed, some patients are initially treated as if they had a benign anal pathology (fissure or hemorrhoids). When a clinically suspicious lesion is identified, diagnosis relies on cytological or histological confirmation. Anal cancer is sensitive to chemoradiation, but early diagnosis is critical.

Other anorectal disorders

Some anorectal disorders may occur in emergency situations. A detailed history and thorough physical examination are important for the correct diagnosis and treatment plan. It could be:

Although many anorectal disorders that occur in emergency situations are not life-threatening and for anal pain in men, treatment is usually conservative, a detailed study of the patient’s medical history, a thorough examination, including digital and anoscopy, remains important. In some cases, imaging studies such as endoanal ultrasonography and computed tomography of the entire abdomen are required.

Anorectal diseases affect men of all ages. For anal pain in men, treatment is prescribed by a general practitioner, family doctor, gastroenterologist, or colorectal surgeon. But it is extremely important to understand the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment of these pathologies in order to best alleviate the problems of patients.

A lot of unpleasant sensations are caused to a person by persistent aching or sharp pain radiating to the anus.

Some patients, even those who themselves suspect the presence of one or another pathology, put off going to a medical facility for a long time.

There are different reasons:

  • embarrassment;
  • unshakable confidence that “it will go away on its own”;
  • confidence in often unqualified self-medication.

Necessary actions

Under no circumstances should you be negligent about the occurrence of such pain. Such sensations may indicate an already advanced stage of many diseases that simply did not manifest themselves in advance.

Diseases of the rectum or anus should only be treated by a specialist doctor. This can only be done after a full examination, allowing the doctor to understand the causes of pain and.

If you deliberately waste extra time and along with it money, without visiting a proctologist, then the disease can very easily be neglected and allowed to develop in a severe form.

The consequences of not caring about your health can be disastrous: intestinal obstruction and even oncology.

Before going to the doctor, the patient should be aware in advance that the specialist will ask many seemingly inconvenient questions. questions. It is worth answering them in as much detail as possible.

The better the proctologist is aware of the patient’s feelings, the faster and more correct the diagnosis and treatment will be.

Usually, only teenagers who suffer from periodic spasms of the muscles around the anus at night, and office workers who spend a considerable part of their time on a hard chair, should not worry.

Statistics say that in these cases, pain in the anus often has no pathological cause, but a visit to the doctor will also not be superfluous. Physical exercise is the only thing a doctor can “prescribe” here.

It can hurt in different ways

During your visit to the doctor, be sure to tell the doctor as much as possible about your present pain. It is divided into acute and chronic phases.

The acute one is more noticeable, but it always goes away quite quickly. Chronic pain is usually weaker and bothers a person for a long time.

You need to decide in more detail about your feelings, because each disease in the rectum causes a kind of pain in the anus: stabbing, cutting, pulling, aching, dull, tugging and much more.

A preliminary diagnosis can be established even before laboratory tests and unpleasant instrumental examinations.

When we say hemorrhoids, we mean pain.

The characteristics of painful sensations are quite varied. When walking, and sometimes in a sitting position, there may be a sharp or aching pain in the anus, sometimes pain is observed in the lower abdomen, tingling and tingling may also be felt, as well as a feeling of fullness in the intestines.

Often appear after a bowel movement. Such, at first glance, specific manifestations can only occur with inflamed hemorrhoids, however, this is not so.

Acute pain and blood in the anus are also often caused. This pain sign differs from a similar one hemorrhoidal only in that the patient feels the strongest discomfort not in the rectum itself, but immediately in the anal area.

Such a crack is a defect in the existing mucous membrane. It can be caused by too hard feces, frequent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, as well as injury to the mucous membrane by solid foreign bodies.

These include, for example, fish bones and seeds from fruits and berries, which initially did not need to be swallowed.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids will cause pain and itching

In men and women, pain in the anus can be caused not only by hemorrhoids and anal fissure. may be the reason.

In this case, the patient complains of acute shooting or throbbing pain and a constant sensation of a strange foreign object in the rectum.

Infringement of the hemorrhoidal node also does not lead to anything good. When it falls out, it comes out and gets stuck in the sphincter, swelling and turning red.

Severe pain is fraught with high fever and prolonged constipation. is also a complaint that is common to almost all patients. When systematically scratching the skin, pain appears with accompanying inflammation.

There are many more diseases

There are many diseases of the rectum that cause pain in the anus:

There are diseases of the rectum that are most often present in patients of only one sex.

For example, rectal prolapse is a common ailment of women who have given the world many children. At the same time, they experience such torment that they often have to be brought out of the state of shock.

During pregnancy, many women also experience severe pain in the anus. The uterus increases in size, thereby compressing all the organs around it.

There are blood vessels, bundles of nerves and the notorious rectum. A growing fetus causes the shape and size of a woman's pelvis to change, which can also often cause pain.

In men, prostatitis manifests itself as pain in the rectum and anus, erectile dysfunction and frequent urination.

Dangerous symptoms of terrible diseases

A variety of ailments can be indicated when the pain radiates directly to the anus.

With cystitis and tumors, the bladder becomes inflamed, and this can cause pain of this kind. Often even a specialist cannot determine its location the first time.

When actively involved in the digestion of food taken, not only prolonged constipation or diarrhea, bloating, gagging and rumbling can occur. The pain in this disease also radiates to the rectum.

These sensations may also indicate inflammation of appendicitis, so the first thing the doctor does in this case is to treat it as quickly as possible.

Prostatitis, testicular diseases in male patients and all sorts of gynecological diseases in all women often manifest as radiating pain in the anus.

Acute rectal pain can also be caused by STIs. Such diseases have many symptoms.

Only a professional doctor, having prescribed the necessary tests, can confirm or refute a terrible diagnosis.

Prevent, treat or tolerate

In any case, the pain that arises is a signal from the body that something unpleasant has happened. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Always useful before bedtime, resting only on your side, avoiding spicy foods, maintaining careful hygiene of the genitals, anal area and combating constipation.

In this case, as soon as such symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary examinations. If for any reason this cannot be done quickly, then it is worth trying anti-inflammatory creams and ointments, as well as rectal suppositories.

Each disease is treated differently; there is no single way to get rid of all symptoms at once. Only after a proctologist has prescribed a colonoscopy of the rectum can treatment begin.

Many patients who feel discomfort in the anus begin to fear even the act of bowel movement. This leads to conscious retention from the act of defecation. This behavior is fraught with severe constipation and unbearable pain.

You should not self-medicate, do not rely on the advice of ignorant people, but urgently visit a specialist.

It must be remembered that there can be no place for shame in this situation, because even life may depend on the patient’s quick actions and the establishment of a trusting relationship with the doctor.

A benign tumor, if left untreated, can easily become malignant, and abscesses can form where minimal but quick surgical intervention was required.

Pain in the anus can occur in women of different age groups, during pregnancy or not. There are quite a few reasons and, if some of them are harmless, for example, sitting for a long time on a hard surface, then others can serve.

To avoid all sorts of complications and the spread of inflammatory processes, you must immediately contact a proctologist and start treatment early.

Pain may be accompanied by:

  • increased temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • discharge of blood or mucus from the posterior opening;
  • acute pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence.

The pain may occur during sleep, defecation, or after prolonged sitting. It can radiate to the groin and be acute.

Some types of diseases are accompanied by such severe pain that they can lead to shock.

Why does such pain occur?


Pain in the anus during pregnancy are not normal, and if they occur, you must contact a specialist. At this time, the body is as weakened as possible and vulnerable to infections. Most often, hemorrhoids occur during pregnancy, which can be external or internal. If treatment is not started in time, it can become chronic.

Internal hemorrhoids are characterized by nodes in the rectum that are not visible upon visual examination. In this case, the patient may feel a feeling of heat, pain radiating to the sacrum or back, and itching. Sometimes severe bleeding occurs. External hemorrhoids are mainly located around the anus and often lead to pain during bowel movements.

Hemorrhoids can be caused by:

  • Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Spicy foods;
  • Constipation;
  • Frequent diarrhea;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.

Hemorrhoids develop very quickly if left untreated. The disease is characterized by acute pain when walking, sitting and even lying down. Body temperature may rise and loss of strength may occur. The hemorrhoidal node enlarges and subsequently falls out.

Most often, hemorrhoids appear in the second half of pregnancy. During the birth process, his condition worsens significantly. Women who have given birth to at least one child have hemorrhoids 5 times more often than women who have not given birth. This can be explained by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the pelvic floor and hemorrhoidal plexus. Childbirth is often accompanied by constipation, which only aggravates the situation.

The appearance of hemorrhoids during pregnancy can affect its normal course and the course of labor.

That is why at the first signs of the disease it is necessary to consult a specialist. If left untreated, hemorrhoids can cause:

  • Anemia;
  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Acne.

Diseases of the urinary system

The bladder is located next to the rectum, and any inflammation of it can radiate pain to the anus. The most common bladder diseases:

  • Cystitis;
  • Stones;
  • Tumors.

The nature of the pain is nagging and aching, occurring when walking. In a calm state, the pain subsides. With acute inflammation, more severe pain is possible, which radiates to the anus.

Gynecological diseases

In the rectal area, a large number of vessels are concentrated, which form venous plexuses located under the skin around the anus.

During menstruation, blood flow to the pelvic area increases, which can cause blood stagnation.

This is especially observed in women who have low vascular tone and tendency to varicose veins. The main signs of blood stagnation are:

  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen that radiates to the rectum;
  • Constipation;
  • Pain during bowel movements.

The occurrence of pain radiating to the anus is also possible with:

  • Adnexite. It is an inflammation of the appendages, which is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the rectum. Pain increases with bowel movements, coughing and urination.
  • Endometriosis. A very serious disease that is difficult to treat. Causes the drift of endometrial cells to different parts of the body where they sprout. When cells attach to the septum that separates the rectum and vagina, nagging pain is observed during menstruation.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. There is bloody discharge and pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the rectum. The nature of the pain ranges from nagging to acute.
  • Apoplexy of the ovary. A serious condition that involves rupture of the ovary. Characterized by acute pain radiating to the rectum. Painful sensations can also occur with congenital bending of the uterus.

Sexually transmitted pathologies

Almost all sexually transmitted diseases are may cause pain in the rectum. Bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, located on the vaginal mucosa, can cause infection of the rectum, which will cause discomfort and pain.

Some of the STDs:

  • Gonorrhea. Affects the genitourinary system and can spread to the rectal area. The main symptom is purulent yellowish or greenish discharge from the vagina.
  • Papillomavirus. There are many species and types of the virus, some of which can lead to cancer. Most often, papillomas are located on the external female genitalia, in the mouth, but they can also be in the rectal area, causing severe pain.
  • Syphilis. The disease is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidium. There are several stages of development, the last of which destroys all internal organs.
  • Candidiasis. Infection occurs when the body's immune strength decreases. It can develop on the mucous membranes of the mouth, anus and vagina.
  • Chlamydia. It may be asymptomatic, but is most often characterized by vaginal discharge. There is pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the rectum.


Cryptite represents an infectious disease characterized by an inflammatory process transverse folds of the rectum.

You can become infected with this disease through the gastrointestinal tract, rectal contents or sexual contact.

There are primary and secondary cryptitis.

Primary develops in a healthy rectum.

Secondary – in the presence of other inflammatory diseases of the anus.

Main causes of the disease:

  • Rectal injuries;
  • Frequent constipation and diarrhea;
  • Immune system diseases;
  • Kinks of the rectum;
  • Violation of the process of defecation.

Depending on the causative agent of cryptitis, different forms of its course are distinguished, but the following symptoms are most often observed:

  • Acute pain during and after bowel movements;
  • Wetness around the anus;
  • Minor bleeding;
  • Feeling of burning and itching.

In acute forms, severe throbbing pain occurs, which is a signal of the formation of an abscess.

With this disease, prolonged constipation is possible, after which the pathology becomes chronic, in which the pain is dull and intensifies at the time of bowel movement.


It is characterized by an inflammatory process on the anal papillae, which are located on the posterior wall of the rectum. It can develop against the background of intestinal diseases such as hemorrhoids, cryptitis and anitis. At the initial stage there are no symptoms, but when the inflammatory period begins, the following is observed:

  • Sharp pain in the rectum, which extends to the tailbone and genitals;
  • Mucus discharge from the anus;
  • Itching and burning;
  • Blood impurities in stool;
  • Prolapse of the papillae, which resemble a pin, from the anus.

The intensity of the pain depends on whether the papillae are pinched or not, the strength of the sphincter muscle fibers and the presence of mucus. In acute forms, acute throbbing pain is observed.

Malignant tumors and metastases

Chronic diseases of the large intestine, which include proctitis, colitis and chronic anal fissures, can lead to rectal cancer.

Eating fatty and meaty foods and lack of fiber in the diet often provoke constipation, which leads to constant irritation of the rectal mucosa and absorption of toxins into the blood, which can also cause cancer and metastases.

The main signs of cancer are:

  • Frequent diarrhea or constipation;
  • Bloody issues;
  • Pain during bowel movements;
  • Incontinence of feces and gases;
  • Deterioration in general health;
  • Disruption of neighboring organs.

A patient with rectal cancer definitely feels painful which are acute in nature.

Blood, pus and mucus are released from the anus. If treated early, cancer is treatable.

What causes sharp pain?

  • Anal fissures. They cause severe pain that is oppressive in nature. There is a delay in defecation and frequent constipation. In the chronic form, pain may not appear. The cause of the disease is a defect in the mucous membranes, which occurs due to injury from foreign bodies or feces.
  • Proctitis. In the acute course of the disease, sharp pain is observed, which is accompanied by a loss of strength and an increase in temperature. At the time of bowel movement, purulent or bloody discharge appears. When proctitis becomes chronic, the pain becomes less pronounced.
  • Thrombosis. Inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins. The disease develops rapidly, which is characterized by increased pain. There is an increase in the hemorrhoidal node, which can fall out.
  • Rectal prolapse. The pain is so severe that the person may lose consciousness. Most often occurs in older women who have had many pregnancies. Treatment is surgical.
  • Anal ulcers. They arise as a result of untreated or improper treatment of anal fissures, hemorrhoids and inflammatory diseases of the rectum.
  • Inflammation of the appendix. Leads to severe pain that radiates to the rectum. In addition, there is a sharp pain in the stomach and area around the navel, in some cases it cannot be localized. Changing position and coughing lead to increased pain. There is an increase in body temperature.
  • . In addition to pain, bleeding, constipation or diarrhea are observed. Requires mandatory removal.
  • Subcutaneous paraproctitis. Other causes of acute pain include subcutaneous paraproctitis, which is suppuration in the rectum. It is characterized by an increase in body temperature and the development of general intoxication of the body.

Causes of dull pain

Most often women feel dull pain in the anus during menstruation. There is an internal cavity between the rectum and the vagina, and during menstruation, a small amount of fluid may accumulate in it, which puts pressure on the anus. The discomfort may last a couple of days, after which it goes away on its own.

Aching pain in the anus can occur with papillitis, gynecological diseases, inflammation of the urinary system, cryptitis and STDs.

If pain occurs only at night, then we can talk about proctological fugue, which is muscle spasms.

This pathology is not a disease and goes away on its own.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

In case of bloody and purulent discharge, acute pain in the rectal area and fever, you should immediately contact a proctologist.

Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Only a doctor, based on tests, will be able to select a competent treatment regimen and make an accurate diagnosis.

What are the most common diagnoses for this condition?

The most common cause of pain in the anus in women is its inflammation, which occurs with colitis, but you should never rule out such a serious disease as cancer. If there is frequent pain in the rectal area and bleeding, the doctor will definitely give you a referral for colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. To confirm the diagnosis, a biopsy is performed.

Colonoscopy is a cancer screening and is performed if the patient has not been diagnosed with colitis.

In some cases, a computed tomography scan is performed, which provides an image of the large intestine and evaluates its condition.

It is also necessary to take a biochemical blood test and a urine test to assess the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

How does the treatment work?

Treatment depends on the diagnosis that will be made and the reason that led to it. Inflammatory diseases of the rectum are treated with antibiotics. Hemorrhoids require mandatory removal. Anal fissures require the use of special ointments that speed up the healing process.

In general, rectal pain is treated with:

Baths. After defecation, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory baths are prescribed. They must be carried out for 15 minutes at a water temperature of no higher than 30 degrees. Baths with the addition of chamomile and oak bark or calendula and yarrow have a good effect. A weak solution of potassium permanganate can be used as an antiseptic.

Ointments and creams. Anti-inflammatory ointments and creams are used that accelerate tissue healing. They need to be administered several times a day after bowel movements and baths.

The most effective ointments:

  • Ultraproct. It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and analgesic effects. The cost is about 500 rubles.
  • Dexpanthenol, Bepanthen. Accelerates tissue healing. Cost 120 rubles.
  • Methyluracil. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Cost 80 rubles.
  • Emla. Strong pain reliever. Cost 1600 rubles.
  • Categhel. Anesthetizes and suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Cost 120 rubles.

Candles. Apply twice a day after defecation. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Popular candles:

  • Relief. Anesthetizes, heals and suppresses the proliferation of microbes. Cost – 300 rubles.
  • Suppositories with methyluracil. They accelerate metabolic processes, heal and have immunomodulatory properties. Cost 80 rubles.
  • Procto-glivenol. Relieves swelling and reduces pain. Cost 350 rubles.

Before using any medications, consult a doctor. Any medical products have contraindications, which can be found in the instructions.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment with traditional methods should not be a reason for refusing to visit a specialist. Home remedies will help temporarily relieve persistent illness, but are not the main treatment.

Recipe No. 1. Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes

It is necessary to grate raw potatoes on a fine grater and wrap them in gauze. Before using the product, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures. The compress is applied to the area of ​​inflammation and left for 10 minutes.

Recipe No. 2. Sea buckthorn oil

Gives a good effect for hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Use internally and topically. In the morning, it is enough to drink one tablespoon. Oil-based compresses are applied to the anus three times a day, changing them every 3 hours.

Recipe No. 3. Nettle decoction

Take a teaspoon of dry nettle and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave until the broth cools down.

Strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 4. Ichthyol

Cracks that have arisen from hemorrhoids can be lubricated with pure ichthyol. At the same time, consume only liquid food.

Recipe No. 5. Beet juice

It is a good hemostatic agent. Drink 50 ml three times a day.

Prevention measures

Prevention of pain in the anus comes down to:

  • 1. Proper nutrition and avoidance of harmful foods.
  • 2. Compliance with hygiene rules.
  • 3.Moderate physical activity.
  • 4. Timely treatment of inflammatory diseases.
  • 5. For pain in the anus, visit a proctologist, gynecologist and surgeon.
  • 6.Prevention of constipation.

Pain in the anus requires mandatory treatment.

Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to watch the following video on the topic:

They indicate a serious malfunction in the human body. To diagnose the disease and its cause, it is necessary to take tests and undergo additional examinations. Treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist.