How to reduce the temperature to 30 degrees. Fever, what to do? Tips for parents: what to do if your child has a fever

If the body temperature has increased, it means that the body has responded to inflammation: this is how the immune system fights the infection that has arisen. Knowing how to lower an adult's temperature and when it is necessary can help get rid of this symptom. The instructions below will help you determine when to combat a fever and what to use to combat it.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature of an adult?

Before you grab medications, you should find out from an adult. There are some tips about this:

  1. If the high temperature is without symptoms and does not exceed 38-38.5 degrees, then there is no need to reduce it, it is not dangerous. This is the process of the body fighting microbes, and by knocking down, you do not give your body a chance to cope on its own, and pathogens penetrate more and more inside. For severe headaches, use a cold compress.
  2. If the temperature reaches 39°C or higher, or 38°C, but is accompanied by more serious symptoms such as cough, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, cramps are a reason to take measures to reduce the fever.
  3. The temperature of 38 degrees Celsius must be reduced for those who have thyroid diseases, blood pathologies, or heart problems.
  4. Those who do not tolerate temperature well due to individual characteristics body.

How to reduce a high temperature at home

It is necessary to use everything that can cool and not heat the body. To do this, use using the following methods than to shoot down high temperature in an adult:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Drink warm tea, adding currants, raspberries or honey - it will increase sweating, and the heat will go away with sweat. Then just drink plenty of water.
  2. vodka, vinegar or alcohol. Get rid of excess clothing, wipe your body with these products, especially paying attention to the armpits, feet, elbows and knees. Lie without a blanket for several minutes to allow the liquid to evaporate from the surface of the body and the fever to decrease. If you feel very cold, this is normal, just be patient.
  3. Cooling compresses. Take a basin, fill it with water, always cool, or use a decoction of yarrow. Soak a cotton towel in the liquid and apply it to your wrists, forehead, inguinal folds, temples. Change compresses more often.
  4. Hypertonic solution. Drink 700-800 ml next remedy- for 1 tbsp. slightly cooled boiling water for 2 tsp. salt. The solution prevents water from being absorbed, so it is removed from the body.
  5. Enema based on chamomile decoction. Prepare chamomile infusion, pour 4 tbsp. l. dry flowers with a glass of boiling water and heat the solution in a water bath. After cooling, strain it, dilute with water to obtain a volume of 200 ml. Do an enema with it.


When positive results no, you need to take antipyretics for high fever in adults from next list:

  1. "Aspirin". Available in the form of tablets, powder or blister. Indications for use are pain syndromes and feverish conditions. Before taking the pill, you must eat; you cannot do this on an empty stomach. It is recommended to crush the tablet so that the gastric mucosa is less irritated. Drink plenty of water. Maximum per day – 500 mg on the first day of treatment and 300 mg on subsequent days. Price from 2 rub.
  2. "Paracetamol". In its own way chemical structure tablets are sulfonanilides with a weak anti-inflammatory effect. They are often used for emergency temperature reduction together with the drug “No-Shpa” and analgin as a remedy called triad. Dosage forms– tablets, suspension, suppositories, syrup. For fever, it is necessary to take 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4 hours for a course of 5 days. Internal or rectal single dose should not exceed 500 mg. Price from 3 rub.
  3. "Analgin." Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Other forms of release are injection solution or suppositories. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously at 250-500 mg per day up to 3 times. A single dose is limited to 1 g, daily - 2 g. Internal or rectal administration should be a dose of 250-500 mg up to 2-3 times daily. The price of tablets is from 24 rubles, solution – from 100 rubles.
  4. "Nurofen". , covered with a white shell. Indications for use are headaches or toothaches, back pain, neuralgia and fever due to ARVI or influenza. 200 mg each, i.e. one tablet, up to 3-4 times daily after meals. Drink plenty of liquid. The maximum daily dosage at temperature is 1.2 g, i.e. 6 tablets. After 3 days without improvement, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Price from 80 rub.

Effective folk remedies for fever

Traditional medicine helps reduce fever without drugs in the form of tablets, injections or suppositories. Use one of effective recipes reduce fever:

  1. Linden decoction. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry linden flowers and a glass of boiling water, mix. Let the broth sit for about half an hour and strain it. If desired, add a spoonful of honey to the solution. Drink up to 4 times a day to increase sweating and reduce fever.
  2. Compresses based on apple cider vinegar and potatoes. Grate 2 raw potatoes, dilute the mixture with 20 ml of vinegar. Place the mixture on gauze and apply it to your forehead for at least 2 hours.
  3. Raspberry infusion. Take dry raspberry shoots with leaves and berries, chop them until you get 2 tbsp. l. Bay 1 tbsp. boiling water, heat in a water bath for about 15 minutes, strain and place in a thermos. Drink small sips throughout the day.
  4. Onion, honey and apple. Prepare 0.5 tbsp. honey and a mass of apples grated with onions. Stir, consume 1 tbsp twice a day. l.
  5. Onion recipe. Take one onion, peel it, give it a mushy state, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water Wrap the product in a warm cloth, leave it overnight, and then take 2 tsp every hour.

What not to do at high temperatures

Intense fever requires compliance with several points describing what is not recommended:

  1. Do not reduce the temperature, which does not exceed 38-38.5 degrees Celsius, with tablets or other methods. Let your body fight the infection on its own.
  2. Do not start with using antibiotics, because they have no effect on the temperature. Only anti-inflammatory and antipyretic medications can reduce fever. In addition, an infection can be treated with antibiotics only after consultation with a doctor.
  3. Do not wrap yourself in several blankets when the temperature is hot, let you sweat naturally evaporate from the surface of the skin so that the temperature drops.
  4. Do not humidify the air in the room, because you risk getting a consequence in the form of pneumonia and slowing down the process of sweat evaporation.
  5. Do not resort to mustard plasters, heating pads, or hot baths - they will only increase the temperature.

Video: how to quickly reduce temperature 39 for flu and colds

The severity of the condition, when the body temperature is elevated, was felt by every person. Not knowing what degree threshold is the cause of concern, people often make mistakes, and because of this the body cannot eliminate the problem on its own. If you don’t quite understand how to bring down a fever in an adult, then watch a useful video with a description quick methods reducing fever.

A temperature of 39 degrees Celsius is called in medical science and practice febrile(febrile). Over 39 degrees is already a temperature pyretic(or high). In both cases we're talking about O pathological condition requiring immediate correction.

Such high thermometer readings indicate an ongoing pathogenic process of a certain nature. What should you know about the rise in temperature to such significant levels, should it be brought down, in what cases and how to bring down the temperature 39? We need to look into this in more detail.

Febrile readings on the thermometer, as already mentioned, are due to the development of the pathological process.

It can be of two types:

  • Infectious, caused by pathological pathogenic agents.
  • Vegetative, caused by disorders of the nervous system.

If speak about immediate reasons hyperthermia (increase in temperature) to the level of febrility, there are a great many of them. Among the most common diseases:


It is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain. It develops rapidly with the formation of persistent hyperthermia (body temperature rises to ).

This is a fairly rare disease these days. According to statistics, every 20,000 inhabitants of the planet had to deal with it.

The danger of meningitis lies, firstly, in the risk of developing shock due to high marks temperature, and secondly, the likelihood of the formation of focal neurological symptoms (including behavioral disorders, intelligence, etc.).

Febrile schizophrenia

It is extremely rare in the practice of psychiatrists.

This is practically casuistry (isolated cases), but it is precisely this form mental disorder poses the greatest danger to patients with mental illness.

The disease begins with the formation of persistent convulsions, catatonic syndrome. Dyskinesia develops later. Possible death.

Hypothalamic syndrome

The hypothalamus is a special brain structure involved in thermoregulation of the body.

It is thanks to this organ that a person is able to tolerate temperature changes. However, in some cases, the hypothalamus begins to function not as it should.

This may be due to the so-called hypothalamic syndrome. This endocrine disease, which occurs quite often.

The numbers on the thermometer can reach significant levels, even above 39 degrees.

Tumors of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus

In the first case, compression of the organ occurs and its functions are disrupted; in the second, an invasively growing formation destroys the nuclei of the hypothalamus, leading to persistent hyperthermia.

Thyroid disorders

The thyroid gland is, in a way, the cauldron of the body. If a lot of specific hormones are produced, this leads to a persistent increase in body temperature.

What could be causing this? Thyrotoxicosis, goiter, Hashimoto's thyroiditis ( autoimmune disease when the body takes own cells thyroid gland for dangerous invaders and initiates a defensive reaction).

Acute laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis

Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract caused by infectious agents, especially Staphylococcus aureus often lead to an increase in body temperature to significant levels.


It's dangerous and serious disease, often leading to fatal outcome due to respiratory failure. You can read more about pneumonia.

Flu, severe ARVI

In the second case, we are talking about a general diagnosis, including both influenza and other infectious diseases viral origin. A disease familiar to everyone from childhood can cause significant hyperthermia.

To more rare reasons include:

  • Diseases childhood, carried into adulthood. In adults it is severe. This includes chicken pox, measles, rubella, etc.
  • Oncopathology. As a rule, at stages 2-3 we can talk about minor fluctuations in numbers in the range , but if many metastases are formed, febrile and even pyretic temperature is formed in mandatory. This is caused by poisoning of the body with decay products or direct damage to the hypothalamus.
  • Rheumatism. A disease that occurs with an increase in temperature. It occurs in people of any age and gender.
  • Infections genitourinary system. Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerulonephritis. And it's not full list. We are talking about forms of the disease that are severe. In all other cases, symptoms may be completely absent.

Taking certain medications

First of all, neuroleptics. Antipsychotics often cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which occurs with febrile fever.

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Heat/sunstroke.
  • Significant dehydration.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Other infectious diseases (dysentery, cholera, etc.).

As you can judge, the list of reasons is long. It is possible to understand the initial factors of hyperthermia only based on the results of diagnostic measures.

Symptoms of hyperthermia

Symptoms of high body temperature are, in general, very characteristic. The clinical picture is dominated by manifestations general intoxication organism, among them:

  • Headache. Pressing, discomfort in the forehead area predominates.
  • Feeling of being pressed to the ground. Characteristic namely temperatures above 39 degrees.
  • Weakness, feeling of “cottoniness” of the body.
  • Brokenness.
  • Fast fatiguability.

Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting are possible (depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body).

Associated symptoms and differential diagnosis

Usually these symptoms are not limited to.

IN clinical picture includes other manifestations that enable the doctor and the patient to carry out differential diagnosis and distinguish one disease from another.

What could be the accompanying manifestations and what do they mean:

  • Mental disorders muscle rigidity , changes in the emotional-volitional background, restlessness. These are direct indications of either neuroleptic malignant syndrome or febrile schizophrenia. It is sometimes difficult to differentiate between them.
  • Feeling hot, sweating, bulging eyes(exophthalmos), changes in the texture of the neck, sexual dysfunction - thyrotoxicosis. Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Sore throat, sore throat, minor violations from the breathing side - infectious lesion upper respiratory tract.
  • Chest pain, whistling and wheezing when breathing - pneumonia.
  • Presence in anamnesis of established cancer diagnosis . If in the background malignant tumor the temperature rises significantly - this is an unfavorable prognostic sign.
  • Joint pain, heart pain, joint swelling - rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatism.
  • Frequent urination, pain and stinging during bowel movements Bladder, lower back pain - pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  • Impaired consciousness, lack of salivation, onset of symptoms after long stay in the sun or in significant heat - dehydration or heat/sunstroke.
  • Intense vomiting, diarrhea, tenesmus ( false urges to defecation) speak in favor of dysentery.

Despite enough characteristic symptoms, it is not recommended to carry out differential diagnosis on your own.

The above Clinical signs are given for convenience in order to find out in time which specialist to contact.

Diagnosis of the primary source of pathology

It is not the temperature that needs to be diagnosed, but the initial factor that caused hyperthermia.

Diagnostics begins with choosing a specialized specialist. IN in this case An initial consultation with a therapist is recommended.

He will help you decide on examination tactics and give you the necessary directions.

There are a great many specialists who help get rid of fever:

  • Nephrologist (for kidney pathologies).
  • Neurologist.
  • Neurosurgeon (in tandem with a neurologist treats pathologies of the central nervous system that cause a rise in body temperature).
  • Infectious disease specialist.
  • Rheumatologist.
  • Oncologist, etc.

It is extremely difficult to independently understand the huge number of specialists.

Diagnostics includes both a number of instrumental and a number of laboratory studies:

  1. Ultrasound ( thyroid gland, abdominal cavity, organs of the genitourinary system).
  2. Psychiatric research using special tests.
  3. X-ray (lungs, other organs).
  4. Visual assessment of organs (for ENT pathologies, etc.).
  5. Contrast radiography of the genitourinary system.
  6. Fluorography.
  7. MRI/CT examinations. Allows you to obtain detailed images of the organs and structures being examined. These methods play a huge role in identifying organic lesions brain.

Laboratory methods are no less informative:

  • Complete blood count: gives a picture of inflammation (leukocytosis, high speed erythrocyte sedimentation).
  • Biochemistry of blood.
  • Bacterial cultures.

In the complex of these methods it is enough to set accurate diagnosis and prescribing the right treatment.

Is it worth lowering the temperature to 39 and above?

In most cases, the temperature cannot be brought down below 38.5! This is a natural protective reaction of the body to a foreign agent.

However, if we are talking about vegetative causes of febrility, it is necessary to combat hyperthermia, no matter how insignificant it may be.

Experts are unanimous in their opinion:

With such a high degree of hyperthermia, changes in the cardiopulmonary system and convulsions begin.

Cardiovascular, like respiratory system are not able to withstand such a significant load.

The development of serious complications is possible, which is why lowering the temperature is not only possible, but also necessary.

Moreover, this should be done starting from the numbers 38.6 and above.

Complications of febrile and pyretic body temperature

The formidable complications were discussed above. What are we talking about?

  • Lung disorders. Shortness of breath, suffocation.
  • Changes in consciousness, confusion.
  • Stiffness of the neck, swallowing and breathing muscles.
  • Coma.
  • Cramps.

Some of these complications are quite capable of leading to death, so bringing down a high temperature is vital.

How to bring down a temperature of 39 at home

There are two groups of ways to eliminate an increase in body temperature. Medicines and folk remedies.

Each of these methods is used depending on the causes of subfibritis and has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

In some cases, a combination of both treatment methods is possible.

Medication methods

In order to bring down the temperature of 39 at home, there are special groups drugs. All medicines, one way or another, contain one of the following active ingredients:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Methyzamol sodium.

Features of the use of medications

Preparations based on ibuprofen have a rapid effect and are characterized by a small amount side effects, so they are great for bringing down the temperature in both adults and children.

Trade names: Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Novigan.

Directions for use: up to four times a day, depending on effectiveness.

Maximum single dosage should not be higher than 400 mg. These medications, in addition to their main purpose, perfectly relieve pain and inflammation.

Preparations based on paracetamol are also effective at fever, but have a hepatotoxic effect(have a negative effect on liver function), therefore they should not be used uncontrollably and in large dosages.

In addition, paracetamol often causes allergies.

Trade names: Paracetamol, Ibuklin, Coldrex, Rinza, Theraflu, Coldact, Efferalgan, Panoxen. Method of administration: up to four times a day if necessary (4 tablets per day maximum).

Medicines based on acetyl salicylic acid recognized as extremely dangerous to take, since they negatively affect the functioning of the heart, digestive tract, lungs. However, despite all the dangers, they are effective.

Trade names: Aspirin, Citramon, Citropak, Askofen. It must be taken according to the instructions: up to three times a day (2-4 tablets per day), until a lasting effect is achieved.

Preparations based on "sodium methizamol" They have a weak antipyretic effect, but cope well with pain and inflammation, so at elevated temperatures they should be taken in combination with the above pharmaceuticals.

This includes: Baralgin, Analgin, Revalgin etc. It is not recommended to treat them independently: there is a high risk of developing allergic reactions, Besides, similar drugs contribute to blood thinning and increased vascular fragility.

Taking these medications allows you to quickly bring down a temperature of 39-39.5 in an adult, since these medications are equally effective for any number.

It is important to adhere correct dosage. It is best not to self-medicate and consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment also cope well with elevated temperatures. There are at least ten effective recipes that you can prepare yourself at home.


It is not only useful, but also a pleasant remedy for fever. In order to bring down the temperature of 39 in an adult, it is advisable to take 50 grams of berries immediately after a meal or eat two tablespoons of jam.

Chamomile infusion

The raw material used is dry crushed pharmaceutical chamomile. A teaspoon of raw material should be poured with a glass of boiling water.

Leave to infuse for 30 minutes, then judge and strain. Take the resulting product 6-7 tablespoons every half hour.

Remedy made from pureed viburnum

Rub the viburnum berries with sugar and leave to steep in the jar for several days. Take a tablespoon of the resulting raw material and pour it with a glass of hot water.

The product should infuse for 15 minutes, after which it must be strained. Use as tea.

Puree currant remedy

It is prepared in the same way as the previous product. With the only exception that you need to insist on it for 20-25 minutes. Take as tea.


Raspberries, namely, are perhaps the most known remedy at a temperature. This is the most affordable way treatment. It is enough to take 2-3 tablespoons with tea and wrap yourself in a warm blanket to sweat. This will solve the temperature problem.


Regular vinegar can be a great way to beat heat. In combination 1:2 weak solution mixed with water (so that there is no chemical burn you should take 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water). Then the resulting product is rubbed onto the patient’s body. This is an effective recipe.

Dried fruits

A decoction of their dried fruits allows you to quickly cope with hyperthermia. To prepare the decoction, you need to take a handful of raw materials, pour half a liter of boiling water over it, and leave for 30 minutes. Take a glass 3 times a day.

Linden blossom

To bring down the temperature tea will do from linden color. Take a handful of linden flowers. Pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Strain. Add a tablespoon of honey. Leave for 30 minutes, then take a glass three times a day.


Powered by content large quantity salicylic acid. To prepare, take a tablespoon of berries and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 3 tablespoons 3 times a day. Can be consumed in larger quantities as tea.

Pearl barley decoction

To prepare, take 100 grams of pearl barley, fill it with water (a liter) and boil for 20 minutes. You can add honey. Take half a glass of the decoction three times a day.

All of these recipes are safe. However, if after taking folk remedies, you definitely need to call ambulance.

What to drink when you have a high temperature?

You only need to drink clean water, as much as possible. It is acceptable to consume cranberry and other fruit drinks. Decoctions of dried fruits.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to bring down a temperature of 39-39.5 in an adult requires several answers at once: medicinal and folk remedies will help in this difficult matter.

Temperatures can rise to the highest various reasons. In any case, this is extremely dangerous condition, requiring correction.

You can quickly and effectively bring down the temperature with the help of medicines and folk remedies.

An increase in body temperature during a cold is a common phenomenon that adult patients often experience. Not everyone knows what they can take during the cold season and how to choose the right antipyretic drugs.

An increase in body temperature indicates active work immunity. At colds the temperature does not rise, so if you have a fever, it’s the flu.

A slight increase in temperature to 37.5 0 may indicate inflammation. There is no need to reduce the heat.

In most cases, antipyretic drugs do not bring relief at low temperatures, but can cause a deterioration of immune defense.

Light fever is up to 38.5 0. There is no need to reduce this temperature. With the flu, the body independently fights the virus by raising the temperature. When a virus enters, the body begins to actively fight it, releasing a special substance – interferon.

The rate of synthesis of this protein increases at body temperature above 38 0. Taking antipyretic pills with a slight increase in body temperature, the patient harms his health.

In this case, the body will need more time to get rid of the virus, which means the illness will last longer.

Fever in adults requires treatment in two cases:

  • if the thermometer readings are above 39 0;
  • if the high temperature persists for more than 4-5 days.

A moderate increase in temperature helps improve well-being and help the body suppress the virus more quickly drinking plenty of fluids and peace.

Paracetamol for fever

Simplest antipyretic drug, which is likely to be found in everyone's first aid kit is paracetamol. This drug is also an analgesic and helps to quickly relieve moderate pain syndrome.

The drug is available in various dosages and forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • syrups for children.

In what form the drug is taken is completely unimportant. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions or packaging of the medicine to determine the dosage.

The maximum daily dose for an adult patient should not exceed 3-4 g, depending on body weight and age.

Patients weighing more than 65 kg are allowed to increase daily dose medications up to 4 g.

How many paracetamol tablets should an adult take at a fever? In general, 1 g of the drug is allowed at a time. So, if the medicine is in capsules and tablets of 500 mg, you can take two capsules to bring down the temperature. As a rule, the fever goes away 30-45 minutes after taking the drug.

If you are taking the drug in syrup, you should find out how many milligrams of the active substance are contained in one milliliter of syrup, and based on this data, take required amount medicines.

Most quick way bring down the temperature - this is the use rectal suppositories with paracetamol. This form of release greatly increases the rate of absorption of the active substance, which means the effect is achieved faster.

It is important to remember that the medicine has hepatotoxic properties, so during treatment you should absolutely not drink alcohol, otherwise the development of acute alcohol intoxication is possible.

List of antipyretic drugs

Let's look at what other fever pills adults can take. All antipyretic drugs are based on one of four active ingredients:

  • paracetamol;
  • nimesulide;
  • aspirin;
  • ibuprofen.

Popular drugs based on paracetamol are Panadol and Efferalgan. It should be noted that the cost of these drugs significantly exceeds the price of paracetamol tablets.

A distinctive feature of the drug Efferalgan is its release form - effervescent tablets. Such tablets dissolve in water before taking, due to which they act very quickly.

Can also be taken for flu combination drugs based on paracetamol - these are all kinds of powders for preparing a warm drink (Vicks, Coldrex, TeraFlu). As part of these medicines paracetamol, vitamin C and flavorings are present.

Due to the fact that the powder is diluted in warm water, the active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the blood, so the severity of cold and flu symptoms decreases 20 minutes after taking the medicine.

Preparations containing nimesulide have a pronounced antipyretic effect and effectively reduce pain. Such medications can be recommended to patients whose fever is accompanied by severe headache and muscle pain.

You can take 200 mg of nimesulide per day. The most popular medications are Nimesil and Affida Fort. These drugs belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and are available in powder form for making a drink.

The powder is dissolved in a glass warm water. As a rule, a sachet of medicine contains 100 mg of the active substance; you can take the medicine 2 times a day.

Aspirin is second in popularity after paracetamol. For fever in adults, 1 g of aspirin per day is allowed. Acetylsalicylic acid allows you to quickly reduce symptoms, but has a number of contraindications, so the medicine should be used with caution.

Another one popular group medications used to relieve fever are ibuprofen-based medications. This substance belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and also fights fever.

What tablets with ibuprofen can bring down a high fever in an adult? The most popular drug used to treat both adults and children is Nurofen. The medicine is available in various forms(not only tablets, but also capsules, syrup) and dosages.

Home remedies for fever

An adult patient with strong immunity It is not recommended to lower the temperature when it first appears. You should take medications if the fever persists for several days. Before that, it is better to try to get rid of fever with home remedies.

So, how to bring down the temperature without pills for an adult:

Home treatment should not be overused. If after two days there is no relief, or instead of a decrease in temperature there is an increase in temperature, it is necessary to take an antipyretic drug, or call medical care to your home (if the temperature rises above 40 0).

What not to do when it's hot?

Despite the fact that fever during the flu is a common symptom, many adult patients make a number of mistakes that lead to a deterioration in their health.

Experts warn: when you have a fever, you should never take vasodilators and warming agents local action. Mustard plasters must be discarded.

While the temperature is high, caffeine, alcohol and raspberries are prohibited. Warming ointments should not be used, and spices such as ginger, pepper and cinnamon should be avoided.

When it's hot, there is intense sweating. As sweat evaporates, the skin cools, which brings relief. Many people make the mistake of wrapping themselves in a blanket even when the temperature rises slightly.

Despite the chills that occur with fever, the patient should be dressed appropriately for the weather and should not wrap himself in sweaters or blankets.

Popular folk method at a temperature - this means wiping the skin with alcohol. Experts warn about the harm of such treatment and the health hazards, especially for older patients.

Rubbing the skin with alcohol does effectively reduce the temperature, but it happens too quickly, which increases the stress on the skin. cardiovascular system and may have Negative consequences for good health.

The best remedy for treating flu and fever is special antiviral drugs, which do not have an antipyretic effect, but fight directly against the cause of the disease. It should be understood that fever is not independent disease, but only a symptom of a viral disease.

Any drugs have contraindications, and antipyretic tablets are no exception. Before starting treatment, be sure to read the instructions for use.

A bit more additional information How to properly lower the temperature is in the next video.

At high temperatures, a person’s blood vessels dilate, and viruses receive large quantity protective cells of the immune system. But high fever It’s not worth tolerating – as the temperature rises, the blood thickens and the risk of thrombosis increases. You need to understand how best to lower the temperature and when to do it.

High temperatures need to be reduced

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

An adult's temperature should not drop to 39 °C. To a small child It is worth giving an antipyretic when the thermometer shows 38.5 °C. But if the baby feels bad, and the thermometer has not reached the desired mark, there is no need to torment the baby and ask him to be patient.

If a child’s body is pale, hot and dry, it means that his thermoregulation is impaired and he should immediately be given an antipyretic. If the little person is sweating, then you can simply give him water and monitor his condition and body temperature. This rule also applies to adults.

If your child is sweating, you need to give him more water.

A baby under 3 months of age may experience a temperature of up to 38°C. It is also necessary to act immediately if the child has neurological problems or diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Antipyretic drugs

To reduce fever, doctors prescribe NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). They are divided into first generation drugs and second generation drugs.

Second generation products include:

  • Arcoxia tablets, price - from 340 rubles;
  • Nimesil granules, price – from 600 rubles;
  • Movalis in tablets and ampoules, price – from 550 rubles;
  • Nise in tablets and granules, price – from 180 rub.

These drugs can quickly bring down a fever and have few contraindications, but they are cardiotoxic and can cause blood clots.

To reduce the temperature in children, drugs from the first group are prescribed. They are sold in the form of suppositories, syrups and tablets.

Candles include:

  • Viferon, price – from 250 rubles;
  • Tsefekon, price - from 150 rubles;
  • Eferalgan, price – from 112 rub.

Eferalgan - suppositories to reduce fever

The following syrups can be found in the pharmacy:

  • Panadol, price – from 66 rubles;
  • Nurofen, price – from 120 rub.

Tablets are most often prescribed to adult patients, these include:

  • Ibuprofen, price – from 27 rubles;
  • Paracetamol, price – from 7 rubles;
  • Analgin, price – from 45 rubles.
Sometimes a doctor may prescribe homeopathy, which includes Vibrukol suppositories.

How to reduce fever using folk remedies

You can reduce your temperature using folk remedies. They act gently on the body and are not as harmful as medications. In some cases, medication cannot be avoided. Therefore, any treatment methods should be discussed with your doctor.

Recipes with raspberries

This berry lowers temperature by increasing sweating. Before you start drinking raspberry broth, you should drink 1-2 glasses of liquid so that your body has something to sweat.

The following recipes are used with raspberries:

  1. Dried raspberry leaves, shoots and berries are ground into powder. Take 2 tbsp. l. substances and pour a glass of boiling water. The infusion is prepared for 25 minutes. Then the medicine is filtered and drunk warm before meals.
  2. Dry berries and linden flowers, taken in equal quantities, grind. Take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting powder and pour 220 ml of boiling water. The medicine is boiled for 5 minutes and then filtered. The decoction is brought to a volume of 220 ml and drunk throughout the day.
  3. Take 2 tbsp. l. wild raspberries and pour 220 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused for 15 minutes, and then drunk in small sips.

Raspberry decoction lowers body temperature

Recipes with honey

At home, many people use honey to bring down the temperature and increase protective forces body.

The following recipes are popular:

  1. Mix honey with pureed apples and onions in equal quantities. The medicine is stored in the refrigerator and taken 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3 times a day.
  2. Wholemeal oats are boiled in 1 liter of milk for an hour. Cool the mixture and add honey to taste. Drink jelly before bed. This medicine cannot be stored because it quickly loses its beneficial properties.
  3. The milk is boiled and waited for it to become warm. Add honey to taste and drink in small sips before bed.
  4. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry and crushed burdock leaves. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over them and leave for 3 hours. The infusion is filtered and brought to a volume of half a liter. Add honey to the warm mixture to taste. Drink the drug 3 times a day, 100 ml on an empty stomach.

Honey is often used at low temperatures to prevent it sharp increase and do without medications.

Oats, milk and honey - ingredients for making antipyretic jelly

Recipes with willow bark

This plant is not as popular as honey and raspberries, but recipes with it are effective and are an excellent way to bring down the temperature.

IN folk medicine Willow bark is used as follows:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed substance and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil the healing potion over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink it warm, 1/3 tbsp. three times a day before meals.
  2. Take 100 g of dried bark and pour in 2 liters of dry red wine. The product is infused in a dark place for 3 weeks and then filtered. If the body temperature rises, then drink tincture 50 ml twice a day.

A decoction of willow bark will help lower your temperature.

Recipes with rose hips

Rose hips can help alleviate the patient's condition. The berry lowers the temperature and speeds up recovery.

The following recipes are effective:

  1. Take 5 leaves, 2 tbsp. l. berries and add 400 ml of water. The medicine is boiled in a water bath for 5 minutes, and then left for an hour under the lid. The drink is filtered, brought to a volume of 400 ml and drunk in small sips. The product can be given to small children.
  2. A liter jar is doused hot water and pour 100 g of dried berries into it. The container is filled with boiling water, covered with a lid and wrapped in a blanket. Infuse the product for 30 minutes, then open it, crush the berries, close it again and keep for another 2 hours. Drink 100 ml of the infusion before meals 3 times a day.
  3. Take grated ginger root And dried berries rose hips 1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over everything. Infuse the product in a thermos for 8 hours and then filter. When the infusion has cooled to 30°C, you can add honey to taste. Drink 150 ml of the drug every hour.

Rosehip decoction speeds up recovery


Many people use rubbing, while compresses help to quickly reduce the temperature.

They are less harmful and quite effective:

  1. Take a fresh onion and chop it finely. Wrap it in gauze and apply it to the forehead. You need to make sure that onion juice didn't get into my eyes.
  2. Fresh potatoes are washed, peeled and grated on a fine grater. The product is applied to the feet, and socks are put on top. Every 10 min. The compress is replaced with a fresh one.
  3. If the feet are cold, then a mixture prepared from salt, vinegar and horseradish is applied to them.
  4. Add 2 drops to honey essential oils bergamot and eucalyptus. The product is spread on gauze and placed on the forehead of a person with a fever.

Compress with onions excellent remedy on temperature

If you need to bring down the temperature of a child, you can wipe him with white grape juice or fresh cucumber. Do not rub the juice into the skin. Simple washing with warm water will also help.

During an illness, when a person’s temperature rises, his skin becomes dry and hot, sweating decreases sharply, the pulse quickens, the muscles become tense. increased tone. The patient is trembling, feeling chills, muscle pain and weakness. At such moments, we all want this terrible state to pass as quickly as possible.

But before we tell you how to reduce a high temperature, let us remind you that fever is completely natural reaction the body, allowing it to fight viruses and microbes, accelerating the process of recovery and elimination from the body harmful substances. Therefore, you should not immediately reduce the temperature. You need to fight the reasons for its increase. It is necessary to bring down the fever only when a person is in a critical condition that poses a danger to his life. For adults, this critical point is a temperature of 39°C, provided that the patient’s condition is not aggravated by any serious chronic diseases. And in children, 38°C is the temperature at which you need to start taking action. Try not to use medications too often, bringing down a slightly raised temperature. This may have a negative impact on your immune system in future.

By lowering your body temperature, you prevent natural protective function body, allowing bacteria to spread and creating conditions for complications that you will need to take antibiotics to combat. Therefore, try to stay without medication for as long as possible. Be careful not to bundle up too much under the covers when the temperature rises. Since this prevents the body from naturally cooling through sweating. Do not use mustard plasters alcohol compresses, don't accept hot bath and shower, do not drink hot tea and milk. All of these remedies can be very useful, but they contribute to an increase in temperature. Therefore, choose another more appropriate moment to use them.

The room where the patient is located should not be too dry. But you should also not heavily humidify the air, since in a humid state it quickly penetrates into the human lungs along with the bacteria present in it. In addition, humid air prevents sweat from evaporating and lowering body temperature. Make sure that the air is moderately humid and has a temperature of no more than 24°C. If the patient is not cold, it is better to open it. And constantly monitor your body temperature using an oral, rectal or axillary thermometer. Remember that when measuring the temperature in the mouth, a temperature of 37°C is considered normal, with rectal measurement the temperature should be 37.5°C, and the temperature under the arm should be the usual 36.6°C.

In order to lower the temperature at home, you can use medications, as well as folk remedies. If the temperature has reached 39°C, you can try to reduce the fever using some methods of cooling the body. But if the temperature has persisted for several days and rises to 40°C, you should take a pill.

Drugs that reduce fever

There are a huge variety of drugs that can be used to relieve fever. They all differ in composition. And the main thing you should know when choosing an antipyretic drug is: active substance, which underlies it. The most common means of combating high fever is Paracetamol. It is part of Panadol, Efferalgan and is considered one of the safest antipyretics that can be used for children. To quickly bring down the temperature, it is enough to give the child a spoonful of syrup, and it is better to light a candle at night. Using of this medicine There is no need to be too afraid of an overdose, although it is better to use such medications under the supervision of a doctor.

It will be useful for parents to know that Paracetamol, which does not have an anti-inflammatory effect, is completely ineffective against bacterial infections. It only helps with viral infections. And if the child’s temperature does not decrease in any way when using Paracetamol, this means that his illness requires serious treatment. To remove temperature at bacterial infection Ibuprofen-based drugs are more effective, the most famous of which is Nurofen.

In addition to Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, Analgin and Aspirin also have an antipyretic effect. Analgin, as well as Pentalgin and Spazmalgon created on its basis, perfectly reduce fever, but they should be used only in extreme cases when nothing else helps, since these drugs have serious side effects and have an extremely negative effect on the body. It is better not to use aspirin at all. It is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women, as it can cause bronchospasm and stomach ulcers.

In addition to medications, you can also use folk remedies to reduce fever such as:

  • putting on cool, damp socks
  • wrapping the calves of the legs with damp linen towels
  • wrapping the entire body in wet sheets
  • applying compresses (in no case with alcohol, since alcohol can lead to poisoning of the body and severe consequences)
  • washing and wiping the body with cool water
  • bath with a little warm water(we sit in water with a temperature of 35 degrees and gradually bring it to 30 degrees)
  • Drink plenty of fluids (drinks should not be hot or too sweet)

How to reduce temperature during pregnancy

As you know, many medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, in order not to harm the child, if the temperature rises to 39°C, you need to consult a doctor or call an ambulance. To assign to the expectant mother safe, but at the same time effective drug, you need to know exactly the reason for the increase in temperature. So it’s better here without amateur performances. But, nevertheless, drinking plenty of fluids and cool compresses on the forehead will not hurt in any case.

We hope that our tips will be useful to you, and in the future you will fight high fever in the most effective and safe ways.