Wen, as it is scientifically called. Liopoma or atheroma: characteristic differences. Distinctive features of lipoma

Lipoma and atheroma are often similar in appearance, and patients often do not distinguish them from each other, defining them under the general name “wen.” Let's try to figure out what the difference is between a lipoma and an atheroma, and also what to do if you have one of these formations.


This is a benign formation consisting of adipose tissue. In essence, it is a local accumulation of adipose tissue under the skin. Lipoma is a benign tumor, although in rare cases liposarcoma, a malignant formation, can develop under its mask.

Lipomas manifest themselves in the form of soft-elastic subcutaneous formations, mobile, painless, and can slowly increase in size. The skin over lipomas is not changed and easily moves over them. Small lipomas are not visible at all; they can only be detected by palpation. Larger lipomas stand out as “bumps” of round or oval shape. The size of lipomas is very variable - from 1-2 cm to 20 cm or more. Lipomas never become inflamed or suppurate.


The origin of atheroma is fundamentally different from lipomas. Atheroma develops from the sebaceous glands of the skin. For various reasons, the gland duct becomes clogged, secretion accumulates in the gland, which gradually begins to increase in size. Atheroma is defined as a small (from 0.5 to 2 - 3 cm) formation, which always rises somewhat above the skin and is always fused to it (i.e. the skin above the atheroma does not move), and can grow slowly. Atheroma always has a capsule and contains atheromatous masses resembling crushed lard.

Because The atheroma is connected to the external environment by a duct; there is always a threat that it will become infected through the duct and suppuration will occur. In this situation, moderate pain appears in the area of ​​the previously “quiet” atheroma, the formation quickly (over several days) increases in size, redness appears around it, and body temperature may rise. Suppuration of atheroma requires urgent surgery.

Now that we have figured out the difference between a lipoma and an atheroma, let’s move on to the next question: is it necessary to remove the lipoma or remove the atheroma? Let's start with the fact that conservative treatment of lipoma, as well as treatment of atheroma, is absolutely futile. Moreover, aggressive influence on these formations using various “folk” remedies can cause suppuration of atheroma, as well as malignancy (malignancy) of lipoma.

Tactical approaches to the treatment of lipoma are as follows: if the lipoma is small (2-3 cm), does not grow and does not cause any inconvenience (does not rub against clothes, is not a cosmetic defect, etc.), then it does not need to be removed. In case of growth (especially rapid growth), it is better to go for surgery. If the lipoma grows, then sooner or later you will still have to remove it, but it is better to do this while it is small in order to avoid large incisions and traumatic intervention. Any removed lipoma should be sent for histological (under a microscope) examination.

As for atheroma, it is recommended to remove it in any case, because practice shows that sooner or later they fester, and during surgery against the background of inflammation it is not always possible to completely remove the atheroma capsule, which is fraught with relapse (reappearance of the formation). In addition, when suppuration occurs, the wound is almost never sutured; it heals by secondary intention, which often leads to the formation of a rough scar. If, after removing the atheroma, it turns out that the formation does not have a capsule and does not contain atheromatous masses, it should be sent for histological examination to exclude dermatosarcoma, which is sometimes similar in appearance to atheroma.

To summarize all of the above, we can say:

  1. Lipoma and atheroma are benign formations of different natures - lipoma simply consists of altered adipose tissue, and atheroma is made of a sebaceous gland with a capsule filled with secretion - sebaceous atheromatous masses.
  2. Conservative, incl. Treatment of lipoma with folk remedies, as well as treatment of atheroma, is absolutely ineffective and often harmful.
  3. A small (2-3 cm) lipoma can not be operated on, but observed. In case of growth, as well as any discomfort, surgery to remove the lipoma is indicated.
  4. Removal of atheroma is always desirable, because they tend to increase in size and fester.
  5. If you find a subcutaneous formation in yourself, you need to consult a doctor, because... under the guise of a lipoma or atheroma, other formations can develop - dermatosarcomas, liposarcomas, hygromas, lymphadenitis, etc.

Many people are interested in the difference between atheroma and lipoma. And this is not surprising, because both diseases are the most common types of skin tumors. There is practically no visual difference between them. Therefore, if you have a tumor on the skin, it will not be so easy to determine whether it is a lipoma or an atheroma. However, there is still a difference. First you need to understand what each disease is individually.

Atheroma is a cyst of the sebaceous gland that occurs as a result of blockage of its ducts. It can appear on any part of the body. But the predominant areas of its distribution are the scalp, face, back and neck.


  • hereditary predisposition to diseases of this kind;
  • deterioration of the body's protective functions;
  • metabolic disease;
  • increased sweating;
  • unfavorable environmental factors (high temperature and humidity);
  • abuse of detergents and cosmetics;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • not properly treated for infectious and viral diseases that have become chronic;
  • working in a hazardous enterprise that requires increased physical activity;
  • hormonal disorders.

Atheroma itself does not cause pain and is not life-threatening, but suppuration may appear over time. Treatment of a cyst at this stage is significantly more difficult, since, in addition to removing the tumor, it is necessary to carry out antibacterial therapy to prevent blood poisoning.

Inflammation is indicated by signs such as pain when pressed, increased body temperature, redness of the skin around the tumor, swelling, discharge of pus and an unpleasant odor.

Treatment of atheroma can only be carried out surgically, which, in turn, can be carried out by three methods:

  • direct surgical intervention;
  • laser removal;
  • removal using radio waves.

The latter method is most preferable, since it leaves no scars and the recovery period is reduced to 5 days.

What is lipoma?

Lipoma is a benign neoplasm that forms under the skin from adipose tissue. Popularly called wen.


  • metabolic disease;
  • sudden change in body weight;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • violation of fat metabolism;
  • liver diseases;
  • poor level of personal hygiene;
  • genetic predisposition.

The following types of lipoma are distinguished:

Fibrolipoma is the most common type of lipoma

  1. Lipofibroma (fatty lipoma). Wen of this type is formed in places where soft adipose tissue predominates.
  2. Fibrous lipoma (fibrolipoma). A denser and more elastic neoplasm, most often occurring on the thighs, calves and buttocks, which contains not only adipose tissue, but also connective tissue. Fibrolipoma does not have the ability to degenerate into a malignant tumor.
  3. Myolipoma. It is formed from fat and muscle tissue, which is why it has a bumpy surface.

Of all types, fibrolipoma is the most common. The main distinguishing feature is that the wen does not change its size even with sudden weight loss. Fibrolipoma occurs most often in people over 30 years of age, but in rare cases it can also occur in children. It grows quite slowly, and sometimes it may not change. In addition, fibrolipoma can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations associated with both a visual defect and everyday inconveniences, for example, when wearing clothes, while shaving and combing your hair. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the fibroma in time, before it reaches a large size and begins to cause great inconvenience.

All formations - fibrolipoma, myolipoma or fatty lipoma - can only be cured by removing the tumor.

Main differences

When visually examining a neoplasm, it is quite difficult to determine whether it is a lipoma or an atheroma. This is often beyond the capabilities of even an experienced specialist. However, there is a certain set of internal signs by which one can be distinguished from another. The main sign that indicates a lipoma or atheroma is inflammation or its absence. It is important to know that lipoma never becomes inflamed. In addition, atheroma is part of the skin and is formed in places where sebaceous glands accumulate, and lipoma is formed under the skin from adipose tissue. Atheroma and lipoma occur under the influence of the same factors, but the mechanism is somewhat different. Formations can be distinguished by touch. If the sebaceous gland cyst is elastic and dense, then the fatty tumor has a softer consistency.

Prevention of these two diseases is also similar. You need to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, play sports and prefer active recreation to sitting at the computer, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, eat a balanced diet and go to bed on time, because healthy sleep is the key to your health.

The main way to determine whether a lipoma or atheroma has occurred on your body is to consult a professional. The doctor will not only make the correct diagnosis, but also prescribe the necessary treatment. It should also be remembered that traditional medicine is powerless in this case. It doesn’t matter whether it is a lipoma or an atheroma, but the wen must be removed, and the sooner this happens, the less unpleasant consequences may arise.

New growths on the body, called wen, have signs of various skin diseases. Often, these are lipoma and atheroma, seals similar in appearance. But they have their own characteristics of appearance and development.

Similarity of neoplasms

These benign formations are difficult to distinguish only by external signs. But in order to determine the method of treatment or surgical removal, the tumor must first be diagnosed. It has been established that the occurrence of lipomas and atheromas is facilitated by a disrupted metabolic process in the body, leading to clogging of the sebaceous glands.

Also, their appearance is negatively affected by the quality of nutrition, lifestyle, frequent stressful situations, hormonal disorders (hyperhidrosis) and hereditary conditions.

Signs of lipoma

The lipoma resembles a small ball. It is formed from subcutaneous fat. This mobile neoplasm is located under the skin and does not cause pain. At the same time, from one to several formations of this type may appear on the body. When placed close together, they resemble a bunch of grapes with a lobed structure. Lipomas appear in people of any age group, but often in people older than middle age. It has been noticed that women suffer from them more often than men.

Different types of lipomas

Lipomas, differing in structure and location, are divided into the following types:

  1. Lipofibroma. It is soft to the touch. It contains only adipose tissue. This type of tumor is located on any part of the body with a fatty layer.
  2. Fibrolipoma. Dense neoplasm. It contains a mixture of fat and fibrous tissue. Formed on the thighs of the legs and on the muscles of the buttocks.
  3. Angiolipoma. A tumor with a dense consistency. It consists of adipose tissue and muscles, with numerous interweaving of modified vessels for transporting blood. On the human body it is formed in muscle tissue, as well as in internal organs.
  4. Myolipoma. Dense formation of fat and bone tissue. Appears in the thickness of muscles and on some internal organs of a person. Sometimes it appears in the kidneys.
  5. Myelolipoma. It has a rigid structure. Consists of fat and hematopoietic tissue. Its distribution is observed deep in the peritoneum, as well as on some organs or inside them (in particular, in the adrenal glands).

Patients who have a lipoma do not complain of pain. However, when the tumor grows significantly, it compresses the organs located next to them. This causes discomfort and interferes with their functioning, and is also harmful to human health. Lipomas with a thin stalk are dangerous, since tissue necrosis occurs when it twists.

The only treatment for lipoma is surgery. It is recommended to consult a surgeon immediately after detecting such a tumor, because they have a tendency to grow.

Urgent surgery is required if the following symptoms are present:

  • painful syndrome;
  • fast height lipomas;
  • violation work of the internal organ.

Usually such a tumor is removed under local anesthesia, but if it is in a hard-to-reach place, general anesthesia is used. Some types of lipomas are removed using a laser or radio wave device, after which fewer relapses are observed.

Differences between atheroma and lipoma

Visually, atheroma differs from lipoma only in that you can see a dark dot on it, indicating a blockage of the sebaceous duct. The consistency of this type of tumor is more dense, and upon palpation the mobility of the neoplasm is felt. The skin on top does not change its shade.

Unlike lipoma, subcutaneous fat in atheroma accumulates inside a kind of capsule after blockage of the sebaceous gland.

Location and causes of atheroma

This tumor-like formation is also called a fatty cyst. They have a round shape and do not exceed 5 cm in size. Atheromas form in those areas where there are sebaceous glands, that is, everywhere except the palms and soles.

They often appear on the back of the neck, upper back, armpits, face, scalp, scrotum and labia.

The main reason for the appearance of atheroma is a complete or partial rupture of the walls of the sebaceous gland due to mechanical damage to the skin or due to an inflammatory process.

A large number of atheromas on the human body appear as a result of a rare genetic disease called Gardner's syndrome.

It has been established that atheroma formation occurs more often in men than in females. At the same time, those who have previously suffered from acne are susceptible to the appearance of such wen.

Consequences of atheroma

Usually, wen does not degenerate into malignant neoplasms. But due to the fact that the contents of the capsule have a nutrient medium for the proliferation of bacteria, an inflammatory process may occur and an abscess may appear, and then phlegmon may develop.

In this case, before removing it, the inflammation is first relieved with medications.

Sometimes the atheroma ruptures. In this case, you should immediately contact a medical facility to prevent the occurrence of an abscess. Atheromas that cause discomfort are subject to removal; for example, if located on the genitals, they can interfere with the free flow of urine.

Treatment of fatty cyst

Like lipoma, atheroma can only be removed surgically. Conservative methods or treatment with folk remedies do not have an effective effect on the wen.

Surgical removal of atheroma and lipoma is performed on an outpatient basis, but the duration of the procedure is shorter, about a quarter of an hour. This completely removes the sebaceous capsule.

Education: 2016 - graduated from the A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine. 2016 - member of the Moscow Scientific Society of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists named after. A.I. Pospelov. 2017 - RUDN University, advanced training under the program of additional education in the specialty “Trichology. Diagnosis and treatment of hair diseases” Department of V. P. Tkachev. 2018 - completed residency in the specialty “Dermatovenereology” at the Department of Dermatovenereology of the M.F. Vladimirsky MONIKI. 2018 - “ENDOCRINE ASPECTS OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH “MANAGE AGE: ENDOCRINOLOGY OF EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL BEAUTY””, RUDN. 2018 - advanced training in cosmetology at the Central State Medical Academy under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Experience: 3 years. Place of work: REAL CLINIC.

Despite the external similarities, lipoma or atheroma requires careful examination by a doctor. Thanks to such actions, he will be able to select the appropriate treatment, determining whether the patient has a wen or another problem. Incorrect diagnosis of the disease leads to fatal consequences. The differences between diseases are not always noticeable at first glance, and attempts to get rid of them at home are ineffective.

Atheromas and lipomas are non-cancerous skin formations that have different origins and structures.

What are lipoma and atheroma?

A benign tumor under the epidermis formed from adipose tissue is a lipoma. It looks like a ball, when you press it you feel a slight movement. In this case, the person does not feel pain. This disease most often affects middle-aged and older women. Gradually, the wen can grow and put pressure on the internal organs. Because of this, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor. Atheroma is also a benign and mobile formation, but it appears where the sebaceous glands are located. The maximum tumor size is 5 centimeters. Most often it occurs in men if they have previously had acne.

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External manifestations of diseases

Atheroma is a mobile tumor with clear contours and a smooth surface. Its contents are dense to the touch and do not provoke painful sensations. Typical places where formations appear are the armpits, perineum, face, head and neck. Over time, the tumor may become inflamed, hence the removal process must be carried out by a surgeon immediately. A wen is a small nodule that moves under the skin when pressed. In addition, the neoplasm is soft and round. Appears on the neck, back and arms, with exceptions on the feet and hands.

Externally, atheromas and lipomas are similar and do not cause pain equally. Return to contents

What do diseases have in common?

The tumors are benign, but there is a possibility of becoming malignant. The formations are similar on the outside and if they do not increase, the patient does not feel discomfort. Both lipoma and atheroma appear in different parts of the body due to stressful situations, genetics, poor diet or metabolism. However, doctors do not recommend treatment at home.

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What are the differences between atheroma and lipoma?

Atheroma and lipoma are similar in appearance, but these are 2 different diseases, the differences of which are sometimes difficult to determine on your own. Therefore, you need to immediately seek help from a specialist so that the tumor does not reach large sizes. In any of these cases, it is not recommended to resort to traditional methods: they are not able to help cope with the problem.

Atheromas are made of connective tissue and can become inflamed, while lipomas are made of fatty tissue and do not become inflamed.

Atheroma can be removed with a scalpel, laser or radio waves. The last method is the most common in practice. If the inflammatory process has begun, removal of pus is carried out urgently. Getting rid of a lipoma depends on its size, pain, the patient's family history of skin cancer, the number of formations and the location where they appeared. There are 3 popular methods:

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Methods of treatment for formations

  • If the lipoma is large, removal is performed surgically. The doctor uses a scalpel, so scars remain on the body.
  • The radio wave method does not leave marks on the body. It is considered very effective in the fight against wen.
  • Another option is liposuction, but relapse may occur after this.

Important! Both tumors are often called wen. But they are only lipomas, since they consist entirely of adipose tissue.

Whatever tumor appears on the body, the patient should immediately go to the hospital if it begins to grow, causes severe discomfort, interferes with other organs, or is located on the face or under the eyes. First of all, the doctor will tell you whether it is safe, and if no other procedures are provided, he will be able to remove it.


Atheroma and lipoma: differences between the two neoplasms

Neoplasms on the body are usually called wen, but in fact, all formations have differences and look different. To distinguish atheroma from lipoma, you need to know their symptoms.

What is atheroma

Atheroma is a formation on the skin that occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous gland and has a tumor-like shape. The disease can appear on any part of the body and affects areas with oily skin. The most common locations for atheromas are the brow ridges, ears, chin and nasolabial triangle.

Wen is a capsule that reaches the size of a chicken egg. The formation is soft to the touch and can be either single or multiple.

Atheroma is a benign formation that can grow, which leads to infection. In rare cases, it leads to the formation of squamous cell carcinoma.

Lipoma disease

Lipoma is a benign neoplasm on the skin. It is located in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, localized on the back, neck and limbs, and on internal organs. Its cells are located on internal organs.

Education most often affects people over the age of 30.

Attention! A disease in which foci of neoplasm become numerous is called lipomatosis.

The formation does not cause pain upon palpation, is easily displaced, and does not grow into surrounding tissues. As the size of the lipoma increases, it becomes dense and enters the stage of fibrolipoma. There are varieties: angiolipomas, myxolipomas, myolipomas.

The formation has a size of no more than 5 cm, but in rare cases it increases to 10 cm.

Causes of atheromas and lipomas

Lipoma and atheroma are outwardly similar formations; only a doctor can distinguish them by appearance. If any wen appears on the body, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

Factors that provoke the appearance of tumors on the human body have been identified. These include:

  • metabolic failures;
  • damage to adipose tissue;
  • bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • disorders of the liver or pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • unbalanced diet, fatty, spicy foods;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Hereditary predisposition is of great importance.

Lipomas most often appear due to improper liver function (fatty liver disease). People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are predisposed to the appearance of such neoplasms.

Features of the development of lipomas

Lipomas develop slowly, they do not cause discomfort to a person, and are painless upon palpation. They have several distinct characteristics:

  1. They increase or decrease in size if their appearance is associated with liver dysfunction.
  2. Localized in places where there are skin problems.
  3. They do not respond to traditional medicine methods.

When a lipoma first appears, you should consult a specialist. Only with proper diagnosis can you choose a treatment method. It is not recommended to excise small tumors surgically.

Clinical manifestations of atheroma

Atheroma appears in areas of the skin where there is a large accumulation of sebaceous glands. Localized on the neck, armpits, chin, back, scalp.

The neoplasm has clear boundaries and a spherical shape. It is soft to the touch and becomes mobile upon palpation. The consistency is dense and does not cause pain or discomfort. Size 3-10 cm. Large formations are recommended to be removed surgically, as they cause inconvenience to the patient. Localization can be either single or multiple.

The neoplasm does not pose a threat, but in complicated cases there is a risk of a subcutaneous abscess. In this case, swelling and severe pain are possible. The infection process is accompanied by fever and symptoms of general intoxication. Such an atheroma can spontaneously open.

Similar symptoms of atheroma and lipoma

Lipoma and atheroma are visually no different. Only a specialist can determine the type of wen during examination and diagnosis.

These neoplasms have a number of similar characteristics:

  • formations of a benign nature, the risk of degeneration into an oncological process is minimal;
  • same shape;
  • similar causes of appearance - poor nutrition, nervous tension, metabolic failures;
  • hereditary factor;
  • are not amenable to alternative treatment and can only be removed surgically;
  • upon palpation, both neoplasms become mobile;
  • are localized on any part of the body, but affect those places where there is a large accumulation of sebaceous glands.

Prevention for neoplasms is identical. It is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air and adhere to proper nutrition, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. A balanced diet will help to avoid metabolic disorders that cause the appearance of wen. Preventive measures reduce the risk of tumors.

Wen have common symptoms, but to treat them it is necessary to accurately distinguish lipoma from atheroma.

Differences between atheromas and lipomas

There are a number of signs that help you make the right conclusion.

The first is the presence or absence of an inflammatory process. If inflammation is present, this indicates that the wen is an atheroma.

Lipoma and atheroma arise due to the same reasons, but the mechanism of development for each neoplasm is different. Atheroma is localized on the skin, and lipoma is located under the skin. It is soft to the touch. The subcutaneous formation is denser in consistency.

The difference between the two neoplasms

  1. Atheroma is an accumulation of fat in the gland, progresses quickly, increases in size, and has a hard consistency. It is subject to inflammation and suppuration.
  2. Lipoma is a cluster of cells in a capsule, localized in the subcutaneous tissue, soft to the touch.

It is impossible to distinguish these two formations on your own. Incorrect diagnosis leads to complications. Only a doctor can correctly determine the type of tumor through examination and diagnosis.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is a set of diagnostic measures that allow one to distinguish one disease from another. It is used for similar symptoms.

Differential diagnosis helps distinguish a lump from a malignant tumor called lymphosarcoma. Visually, oncological formations and wen may not be different, so you need to consult a doctor in time and carry out a diagnosis.

To distinguish a neoplasm from a malignant tumor, a biopsy is performed, and the material is sent for cytological examination. Based on the results, treatment is prescribed. More often, therapy consists of removing the benign tumor.

Lipoma and atheroma are benign formations that do not pose a danger to humans. But you shouldn’t put off seeing a doctor, as they are no different from each other. In some cases, a wen may turn out to be a malignant tumor that requires urgent surgical intervention.


existing treatment methods and types of therapy

Multiple fatty spots on the body? The reasons for their appearance are most often associated with the deposition of salts in the body, which causes the formation of skin compactions. This is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle and disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. The appearance of a cosmetic defect is preceded by certain factors.

Wen can appear on the back and head. The size of severe cases reached more than 10 square centimeters. If the source of problem areas is not eliminated, lumps will continue to appear on the body in various places. Let's look at why it is necessary to remove tumors and how to treat a lipoma using non-surgical methods.

Problematic tumors on the body

In addition to a cosmetic defect, wen causes unpleasant feelings in the owner associated with awareness of abnormalities in the body. They can also cause significant discomfort in everyday activities. Over time, they can increase to pathological sizes, which makes a calm and measured life impossible.

The tumors are benign tumors of adipose tissue and must be removed before malignant signs develop. Cancers do not appear as a result of the growth of a lipoma or atheroma on the head or back. In the first case, the defects are noticeable to others, and based on this reason, surgical treatment is performed.

The lump can be determined by touch; when pressed, the tumor gives way and moves. It is relatively soft and is not capable of infecting surrounding tissues. The development of the disease is only aesthetic in nature. Often the wen takes on a rounded shape and does not resolve, remaining with the owner for the rest of his life. Patients are concerned about the question: why is this happening and what to do? Only a surgeon can help get rid of the defect.

By making a small incision, the wen is removed and its connections with the internal tissues are removed. A slightly noticeable scar remains at the operation site, which resolves within a half-month recovery period.

A tumor can form on the following parts of the body:

  • back;
  • armpit;
  • on the lower back;
  • head

A fatty tumor can easily be confused with a hardened lymph node, but knowing the main differences in symptoms, it is not so difficult to establish the origin of the tumor. Features:

  • when a wen appears, there are no other ailments: fever, chills, fatigue;
  • there is no pain when the lipoma is compressed;
  • deviations occur at the site of formation of adipose tissue.

Types of benign tumors

Wen on the back and head appears in two types:

  • lipoma;
  • atheroma.

The video provides information about why a lipoma forms and what is missing in the body for its manifestation. Also discussed are methods of surgical treatment of a cosmetic defect, consequences after surgery, as well as advanced stages without timely intervention in the development of pathologies.

The distinctive features of the two types of wen are discussed below; the photo shows the appearance of a tumor on the head without any side complications. Wen on the head can cause inconvenience when combing your hair. Constant injuries from the plastic teeth of combs will always cause discomfort and nervousness, especially for women.

The unaesthetic appearance makes it difficult to wear a short hairstyle or use hair clips. An irresistible desire will appear to get rid of the tumor forever, as an unnecessary part of the skin.

The second photo illustrates a lipoma on the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, which the patient feels every day when carrying a bag over his shoulder. In addition to external ugliness, it leads to permanent mechanical damage to the skin and chafing. The discomfort causes nervousness and the person abandons his usual way of life.

You can get rid of wen instantly. The operating procedure takes no more than 15 minutes and is absolutely painless due to local anesthetic. Together with the surgical approach, body therapy is used, aimed at restoring all metabolic processes.

The diet of a modern person always contains carcinogenic substances that have a preservative effect. This is one of the most likely reasons for the growth of the wen. Natural products are unable to lead to such conditions unless you consume a lot of salt and lead an active lifestyle. When choosing a product, you should always pay attention to its composition; without these simple measures it is difficult to get rid of the formation of new tumors.

What is atheroma?

The photo shows a view of the insides of a wen with overgrown tissue. Atheroma is often referred to as a wen, but it is not one. It is elastic and forms in the upper layer of the dermis. The second name for the tumor is called a skin cyst.

It is a neoplasm in the form of a capsule, the focus of which is a steel gland with increased sweating. Blocking the passage for removing toxins leads to the formation of an inflammatory process, but these are rare cases of complications.

The area of ​​redness around the formed wen gradually increases. If, under such circumstances, steps are not taken to eliminate the cause of the malaise, then the capsule will further grow to enormous sizes.

Distinctive features of lipoma

More often in everyday life, the term wen refers to lipoma. A characteristic feature of which is its soft structure and painless course. The exception is tumor conditions, which can be easily confused. A malignant neoplasm, liposarcoma, has similar manifestations.

Atheroma differs from lipoma in that fat cells are concentrated in a capsule consisting of fibrous tissue. And the second type of wen spreads throughout the entire layer of the subcutaneous space, concentrating in one place. The tumor ball, when displaced, is easy to move.

Complications of conditions appear as a result of mechanical damage to external tissues. Favorable conditions for tumor growth are created. Treatment is prescribed in the following cases:

  • if the owner does not like the aesthetic appearance of the tumor;
  • discomfort when wearing clothes;
  • inflammatory process around the tumor;
  • injury with damage to the contents of the wen.

People who are overweight, elderly people, and those with diseases of the digestive system are prone to the appearance of wen. A person who leads a sedentary lifestyle, drinks alcohol, eats a lot of salt, spices, and food additives is also susceptible to the formation of lipoma. Such negative products include chips, crackers, and beer.

What is more dangerous: atheroma or lipoma?

Among similar symptoms, lipoma is a less harmful formation. It does not lead to malignant tumors, unlike atheroma. The latter often develops inflammatory conditions and the appearance of pus in the area of ​​growth, which is hidden under an elastic capsule.

Lipoma causes less discomfort due to its soft structure. Atheroma is kept in the shape of a pea, comparable to its hardness. Therefore, the first one is less damaged by mechanical pressure on the back.

You can only get rid of atheroma on the back through surgery, but a lipoma can go away with preventive treatment. There is rapid growth of the capsule while the last type of wen develops over decades.

When a lipoma on the back grows, it can spread to an internal organ, then it will be necessary to get rid of it urgently in order to avoid irreversible changes in vital tissues. External minor manifestations do not require intervention if there is no discomfort when moving the body.

Atheroma on the back develops rapidly and can lead to malignant formations. It must be removed for any symptoms; it is enough to detect the subcutaneous capsule. Now, based on its distinctive features, you can independently determine the type of wen and take appropriate actions to eliminate it.


To get rid of a wen, first determine the source of its appearance. If there is a poor diet with a predominance of salty foods, change the diet to a more gentle one. Disorders in the digestive system are restored with the help of a specialist, followed by taking vitamins.

Lipoma can form due to hormonal imbalance after taking medications or age-related changes. An important role is played by normalizing blood circulation in the body. For these purposes, you will need to periodically visit the gym and carefully select food products with a nutritionist.

Among traditional methods, compresses made from natural products are chosen. Raw eggs are suitable for use. The film remaining in the shell is removed, the required amount is applied to the lipoma and left until it dries. The skin begins to turn red and go numb. This is the first sign of successful therapy. The lotion is removed to restore normal blood flow.

To extract pus, extracting agents are used: celandine, Vishnevsky ointment. The first product is applied for a short period of time to the top of the wen. It must be remembered that the plant spoils the top layer by burning through the tissue. The internal contents will easily come out of the skin into the resulting hole. The method requires extreme care to avoid damaging healthy areas.

Vishnevsky ointment is applied for a long time, often overnight. It has a specific pungent odor and is not suitable for walking on the street. The acceleration of metabolic processes in the body is combined with an increase in body temperature using traditional methods: a bath. Increased sweating can flush out the accumulation of fatty deposits on the body.

Operational method of elimination

Hard lipoma seals cannot be eliminated using classical methods. Natural remedies cannot create the required concentration in the subcutaneous layer to liquefy the tumor. Therefore, the wen must be treated surgically.

To remove the wen, a scalpel, antiseptic and painkillers are used. The simplicity of the operation makes the procedure quick and painless. There may be an allergic reaction to the drug used; this can be considered a side effect of the procedure. Another disadvantage is the formation of scars.

Another surgical method is to suck out the contents of the lipoma with a needle. But this type of therapy cannot guarantee complete sterilization of the contents of the wen.


how to distinguish between these two diseases?

It is often extremely difficult to hide various skin diseases. In turn, this brings a lot of complexes and great discomfort to the sick person. People often call various neoplasms in the form of balls on the human body wen, and do not know that this term can hide two completely different diseases, which are called lipoma and atheroma. And even though they can often have an extremely similar appearance, this does not mean that the reasons for their appearance and the methods for getting rid of them must also be the same. And before we talk about the differences between lipoma and atheroma, it is worth considering these two terms.

What is a lipoma?

Thus, a lipoma is a benign neoplasm on the skin that includes adipose tissue. In other words, we can say that it is a collection of some fat under the skin in one place. It has the appearance of a soft and elastic accumulation, in which there is no pronounced pain, but it can increase in size. The skin over the adipose tissue does not change and can move over it without problems. Lipoma has no predisposition to inflammation or suppuration.

What is atheroma?

First, it is important to note that the origin of this formation is completely different from lipoma, because it develops on the human sebaceous glands. So, the flow of the gland becomes clogged and everything accumulates inside, which leads to an increase in atheroma. Thus, atheroma is a subcutaneous connection that is fused to it and has a characteristic capsule with an atheromatous mass. Due to the fact that the atheroma is connected by a duct to the outside world, there is a direct risk of its infection and subsequent suppuration. In this case, you will feel pain in the area of ​​previously painless atheroma, and the neoplasm itself rapidly begins to grow and turn red. In this case, an urgent operation is necessary.

Similarities between atheroma and lipoma

So, before we begin to discuss the differences between these two diseases, we must also consider their similar characteristics, in particular these:

  • they are benign neoplasms;
  • have almost the same appearance;
  • in a normal state, a person does not experience pain or discomfort from either lipoma or atheroma;
  • they can appear on any part of the body;
  • can provoke malignant diseases;
  • have similar trigger factors (stress, genetic predisposition, poor metabolism and nutrition).

How to distinguish a lipoma from an atheroma yourself?

Now you can begin to distinguish lipoma from atheroma. So, for example, a lipoma is a wen that can appear as a result of clogging of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, atheroma is a so-called cyst that accumulates in the capsule. Unlike lipoma, atheroma has a predisposition to infection and subsequent suppuration. If we talk about the physiology of lipoma and atheroma, then the first is soft, and the second is denser and more elastic. Atheroma is mobile, as it can move when touched. Lipoma is always in one place. In terms of growth, atheroma is much more successful than lipoma. Also, the first one cannot appear on an internal organ, but the second one has such an ability.

Treatment methods for these two diseases may also be different. Thus, atheroma is most often excluded surgically in order to prevent its growth and suppuration. A regular lipoma is almost never excised, except when it is growing or painful. But if it has formed on an internal organ, surgery must be performed.

Do I need to remove atheroma and lipoma?

After we have figured out how lipoma differs from atheroma, we can talk about the treatment of these two skin diseases. In this case, it must be said that the conservative type of treatment for these two types of tumors is not effective. There are several tactical approaches to lipoma. So, if it is small in size and does not increase, then you don’t have to touch it. If the formation on the skin grows, then it is better to immediately go for surgery, since in the end it will still have to be done. In turn, the lipoma itself must then be examined under a microscope. Atheroma needs to be removed in any situation, and it is better to do this not when it has already begun to fester. After all, in this case you will have a large scar and at the same time there is still the possibility of relapse.

Thus, having understood the main differences between lipoma and atheroma, we can safely say that these are completely different types of skin diseases and the reasons for their appearance may also be different. Therefore, it is important to understand the essence of the problem before treating it.


Wen atheroma

Unpleasant subcutaneous lumps on the skin, sometimes developing to enormous sizes, are most often lipomas or atheromas. It is very difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish one benign tumor from another, so before trying to cure a cosmetic defect on your own, you need to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and detail the qualitative characteristics of the tumor.

Wen atheroma is a kind of cyst under the skin, formed, like a lipoma, due to clogging of the sebaceous glands with an excessive amount of secretion. Developing in the cells of the dermis, atheroma has a structure similar to a lipoma, hiding in the capsular contents. These wen, dense to the touch, can appear in any part of the body, do not manifest themselves in any painful sensations and reach large sizes (from 5 mm to five cm).

Despite the significant external similarity, lipoma and atheroma behave differently in their development, which means that the therapeutic measures to eliminate them differ significantly from each other. Which once again proves the need to see a doctor, even if the size of the tumor does not cause discomfort.

In addition to the external and structural similarity, atheroma wen resembles a lipoma in its reasons for its appearance. The main ones are the production of excess sebaceous fat due to a violation of the general metabolism in the human body, which necessarily leads to the accumulation of this excess in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Provocative factors that cause changes in metabolic processes in the body are most often:

Severe psychoneurological disorder.

Bad habits and sedentary lifestyle.

Unbalanced diet, excessively enriched with fatty, flour and smoked foods.

Ecologically unfavorable environment.

Hereditary predisposition.

Hormonal imbalance.

The localization of both tumors also has the same favorite places on the human body: scalp, cervical-collar area, face, interscapular area and upper back, armpits, groin area.

Despite their benign nature, both neoplasms can provoke the growth of malignant cells, especially if inflammation of the tumor occurs with a suppurating process.

The main distinguishing features of one tumor from another.

Fatty atheroma and lipoma in their large manifestations are removed in the same way surgically, but less radical methods of treating these two neoplasms differ significantly from each other. The differences between such tumors are contained in the behavioral characteristics of both wen:

Atheroma has a very high tendency to inflammatory processes, causing painful and itchy sensations. Lipoma rarely becomes inflamed due to accidental mechanical damage.

When palpating both neoplasms, the atheroma is denser and quite mobile, which is completely lacking in the lipoma, which is much softer and more static.

Atheroma develops more intensively, while lipoma grows at a slower pace. It is for this reason that the first tumor must be removed immediately, regardless of its size. Doctors can simply observe a lipoma for quite a long time without resorting to radical destruction.

Wen atheroma never forms in the tissues of internal organs; lipoma can affect the liver and other elements of the body.

Diagnosis and treatment.

Both types of neoplasms in their ideal manifestation must be removed surgically. To avoid negative consequences or complications, a timely visit to the clinic will help you quickly and almost painlessly get rid of unnecessary tumors.

The diagnosis is clarified using a special histological examination of the tumor contents. And the treatment measures consist of the same range of procedures. Fatty atheroma and lipoma today are removed using a standard operation under local anesthesia, or using modern medical technologies: laser and cryotherapy, electrocoagulation and radio wave treatment.


Atheroma or the whole truth about wen

≡ November 27, 2015 Category: Health

Let's first find out what atheroma is.

As a rule, atheroma is always round in shape and is a soft, benign subcutaneous formation that develops in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Such a benign neoplasm is most often called a wen or a cyst by the common people. Mostly atheroma forms in the face, head, between the shoulder blades, in the labia, scrotum, perineum and under the armpits. That is, in those places of the human body where the greatest accumulation of sebaceous glands occurs.

Most often, atheroma is formed from the sebaceous gland located under the skin. The cause of the formation of atheroma may be a thickening of the sebum produced by the sebaceous gland or a blockage of its duct. However, not in all cases the causes of atheroma are these two above-mentioned factors. Sometimes the reasons for the formation of such a benign tumor remain unclear. The normal operation of the sebaceous glands consists in the secretion of sebum by the glands and its constant transportation through the mouth of the follicle to the surface of the skin.

A large accumulation of sebaceous glands is located in the face, head, chest and upper back. In fact, sebaceous glands are located throughout the human body, with the exception of the palms and feet. In the event of a disruption in the normal functioning of the sebaceous gland, the sebum secreted by the gland, instead of exiting through the pores to the surface of the skin, accumulates in a special bag and then an atheroma is formed, which includes both fatty components (subcutaneous sebum), the sebaceous gland itself, and epithelial cells. Atheroma should not be confused with occasional pimples in intimate places.

Atheroma - what is it?

Causes of atheroma.

It's time to figure out the reasons for the occurrence of wen. This can be facilitated by:

  • Damage or rupture of the sebaceous gland. In fact, this is not uncommon and occurs quite often, and as a result of this - inflammatory skin diseases. On the head, the cause of atheroma can be the hair follicle, or rather its damage. Then it is blocked and sebum - sebum - begins to accumulate in the hair follicle.
  • Wen can also appear in unborn children, while the child is in the mother’s womb. The reason for this is that cells that were supposed to form skin, nails, hair, but for some reason began to form completely different tissues.
  • The cause of atheroma can also be a hereditary predisposition. For example, people suffering from Gardner's syndrome (a rare genetic disease) have a predisposition to atheroma, and then it is multiple.

Scientists have identified a pattern; it turns out that the male sex is more prone to developing atheromas than the female sex.

They talk about the dangers of the sun, have talked about it, and will continue to talk about it. So, with prolonged exposure to the sun, the risk of developing atheromas increases significantly, albeit in the facial area.

Also, various damage to the skin, even seemingly insignificant at first glance, contributes to the appearance of atheroma.

Symptoms of atheroma

So, what is atheroma? This is a dense, rounded formation with clear boundaries, having a painlessly movable structure. When carefully examining the atheroma with the naked eye, you can see a small black dot in the very core of the atheroma. It is this point that creates an obstacle to the duct of the sebaceous gland, thereby preventing its normal functioning.

In most cases, such benign tumors grow quite slowly, causing virtually no pain or discomfort.

Most often, atheroma does not require medical intervention - treatment. Moreover, the size of the atheroma can vary from 5 millimeters to 5 centimeters. Nevertheless, atheroma is a benign formation, but sometimes there are cases when it degenerates into a malignant tumor.

The color of atheroma is most often indistinguishable from the skin. “Where do wen come from?” - you ask. So, in rare cases, atheroma can take on a whitish, yellowish or reddish tint. At the same time, the oils included in cosmetic products only contribute to the development of wen.

Atheroma, like any other benign tumor, should be constantly under close supervision (not necessarily by a doctor). It is enough to independently monitor its development and at the slightest change: rupture, increase in size, injury, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Complications of atheroma

Let's start with the fact that small wen does not cause any complications. Most often, damage to the atheroma or the penetration of infection into it actually have bad consequences, as a result of which it suppurates. If an infection has penetrated into the atheroma in one way or another, then it enlarges, painful sensations appear at its location, the tumor becomes red and the body temperature rises.

What can be a complication of atheroma:

  • The first is inflammation. The structure and environment of atheroma is excellent for the development of microorganisms. As soon as harmful bacteria get into the pouch, they immediately begin to multiply, and hence the internal inflammation of the atheroma - pus.

Infection is not the only cause of inflammation of the wen. Sometimes the wen becomes inflamed without the penetration of harmful bacteria - infection.

Before proceeding with the removal of the inflamed atheroma, it is necessary to relieve the inflammatory process. Antibiotics will help with this - Ampicillin, ointments: Levosin, Levomekol, Vishnevsky are quite suitable.

  • The second is the gap. If the atheroma is located in an awkward place and is subject to friction (for example, the armpit), the risk of its rupture is high and if this happens, an abscess may begin.
  • Third is discomfort. Atheroma located on the genitals causes extremely unpleasant sensations. During sexual intercourse or urination, the discomfort only intensifies.

Diagnosis of atheroma

It is immediately worth noting that only a doctor can diagnose atheroma and only during a personal examination of the patient. The fact is that atheroma is similar in structure to lipoma, and therefore the correct diagnosis can only be established after a series of studies that will reliably show the presence of lipoma and the malignancy of the tumor. Atheromas can also spread in large quantities. This condition is called atheromatosis.

Treatment of atheroma

There is currently no drug treatment for atheroma, only removal. Patients are offered a choice of three methods for removing wen: laser, radio wave, surgical. All these methods are applicable for removing atheromas of absolutely any size.

Laser and radio wave removal has a number of advantages, the first is the absence of a rehabilitation period. The second is maintaining the ability to work, and the third is the absence of obvious scars after the operation. But it is worth noting that in the case of a wen abscess, only surgical removal is used.

During surgical intervention, the atheroma is opened, then it is cleansed of purulent contents, and only after that drug treatment of the atheroma is prescribed.

Of the three methods for removing wen, the radio wave approach is the most effective and safe:

  • this is a guarantee that there will be no relapse;
  • this is the absence of stitches at the removal site;
  • This is a relatively short rehabilitation period. The recovery process takes from 3 to 5 days. Moreover, in the case of surgical removal, the sutures are removed only on the 10th day;
  • This is the absence of scars at the site of atheroma removal. And if a scar remains after the operation, it will take 2-3 months to resolve;
  • This means there is no need to shave your hair. During surgical removal, if the atheroma is located in the scalp, this area is completely shaved. The radio wave operation lasts for 20 minutes.

Note: Like any tumor, the removed atheroma is sent for histological examination.

Do not be afraid of the size and neglect of atheroma; its treatment is possible at any stage of its development. Many people mistakenly believe that only large fatty tissues are removed, but this is far from the case. Even a small wen can become inflamed or increase in size over time.

Prevention of atheroma

We have already figured out that the occurrence of wen occurs by disrupting the normal functioning of the sebaceous gland due to blockage of the pores. Therefore, cleansing procedures are ideal for the prevention of atheroma: peeling, pore-expanding masks, massage, scrubs, steam baths. Particular attention should be paid to areas where the skin is oily.

For oily hair at the roots, you should use appropriate drying shampoos, balms and lotions for washing your hair. When preventing atheroma, you should carefully monitor your diet. It is necessary to significantly reduce animal fats and carbohydrates in the diet.

Note: If after removal of atheromas they continue to appear again, then you should immediately go to an appointment with an endocrinologist. Perhaps the causes of atheroma rash may be a disruption of the endocrine system.

New growths on the body, called wen, have signs of various skin diseases. Often, these are lipoma and atheroma, seals similar in appearance. But they have their own characteristics of appearance and development.

Similarity of neoplasms

These benign formations are difficult to distinguish only by external signs. But in order to determine the method of treatment or surgical removal, the tumor must first be diagnosed. It has been established that the occurrence of lipomas and atheromas is facilitated by a disrupted metabolic process in the body, leading to clogging of the sebaceous glands.

Also, their appearance is negatively affected by the quality of nutrition, lifestyle, frequent stressful situations, hormonal disorders (hyperhidrosis) and hereditary conditions.

Signs of lipoma

The lipoma resembles a small ball. It is formed from subcutaneous fat. This mobile neoplasm is located under the skin and does not cause pain. At the same time, from one to several formations of this type may appear on the body. When placed close together, they resemble a bunch of grapes with a lobed structure. Lipomas appear in people of any age group, but often in people older than middle age. It has been noticed that women suffer from them more often than men.

Different types of lipomas

Lipomas, differing in structure and location, are divided into the following types:

  1. Lipofibroma. It is soft to the touch. It contains only adipose tissue. This type of tumor is located on any part of the body with a fatty layer.
  2. Fibrolipoma. Dense neoplasm. It contains a mixture of fat and fibrous tissue. Formed on the thighs of the legs and on the muscles of the buttocks.
  3. Angiolipoma. A tumor with a dense consistency. It consists of adipose tissue and muscles, with numerous interweaving of modified vessels for transporting blood. On the human body it is formed in muscle tissue, as well as in internal organs.
  4. Myolipoma. Dense formation of fat and bone tissue. Appears in the thickness of muscles and on some internal organs of a person. Sometimes it appears in the kidneys.
  5. Myelolipoma. It has a rigid structure. Consists of fat and hematopoietic tissue. Its distribution is observed deep in the peritoneum, as well as on some organs or inside them (in particular, in the adrenal glands).

Patients who have a lipoma do not complain of pain. However, when the tumor grows significantly, it compresses the organs located next to them. This causes discomfort and interferes with their functioning, and is also harmful to human health. Lipomas with a thin stalk are dangerous, since tissue necrosis occurs when it twists.

The only treatment for lipoma is surgery. It is recommended to consult a surgeon immediately after detecting such a tumor, because they have a tendency to grow.

Urgent surgery is required if the following symptoms are present:

  • painful syndrome;
  • fast height lipomas;
  • violation work of the internal organ.

Usually such a tumor is removed under local anesthesia, but if it is in a hard-to-reach place, general anesthesia is used. Some types of lipomas are removed using a laser or radio wave device, after which fewer relapses are observed.

Differences between atheroma and lipoma

Visually, atheroma differs from lipoma only in that you can see a dark dot on it, indicating a blockage of the sebaceous duct. The consistency of this type of tumor is more dense, and upon palpation the mobility of the neoplasm is felt. The skin on top does not change its shade.

Unlike lipoma, subcutaneous fat in atheroma accumulates inside a kind of capsule after blockage of the sebaceous gland.

Location and causes of atheroma

This tumor-like formation is also called a fatty cyst. They have a round shape and do not exceed 5 cm in size. Atheromas form in those areas where there are sebaceous glands, that is, everywhere except the palms and soles.

They often appear on the back of the neck, upper back, armpits, face, scalp, scrotum and labia.

The main reason for the appearance of atheroma is a complete or partial rupture of the walls of the sebaceous gland due to mechanical damage to the skin or due to an inflammatory process.

A large number of atheromas on the human body appear as a result of a rare genetic disease called Gardner's syndrome.

It has been established that atheroma formation occurs more often in men than in females. At the same time, those who have previously suffered from acne are susceptible to the appearance of such wen.

Consequences of atheroma

Usually, wen does not degenerate into malignant neoplasms. But due to the fact that the contents of the capsule have a nutrient medium for the proliferation of bacteria, an inflammatory process may occur and an abscess may appear, and then phlegmon may develop.

In this case, before removing it, the inflammation is first relieved with medications.

Sometimes the atheroma ruptures. In this case, you should immediately contact a medical facility to prevent the occurrence of an abscess. Atheromas that cause discomfort are subject to removal; for example, if located on the genitals, they can interfere with the free flow of urine.

Treatment of fatty cyst

Like lipoma, atheroma can only be removed surgically. Conservative methods or treatment with folk remedies do not have an effective effect on the wen.

Surgical removal of atheroma and lipoma is performed on an outpatient basis, but the duration of the procedure is shorter, about a quarter of an hour. This completely removes the sebaceous capsule.

Education: 2016 - graduated from the A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine. 2016 - member of the Moscow Scientific Society of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists named after. A.I. Pospelov. 2017 - RUDN University, advanced training under the program of additional education in the specialty “Trichology. Diagnosis and treatment of hair diseases” Department of V. P. Tkachev. 2018 - completed residency in the specialty “Dermatovenereology” at the Department of Dermatovenereology of the M.F. Vladimirsky MONIKI. 2018 - “ENDOCRINE ASPECTS OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH “MANAGE AGE: ENDOCRINOLOGY OF EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL BEAUTY””, RUDN. 2018 - advanced training in cosmetology at the Central State Medical Academy under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Experience: 3 years. Place of work: REAL CLINIC.