How to increase the thickness of the endometrium. Causes of endometrial underdevelopment. How to grow the endometrium using folk remedies

The endometrium is the mucous membrane of the uterus, the thickness of which is affected by the phase menstrual cycle .

If there are no abnormalities in the body, at the time of ovulation the endometrium reaches its maximum thickness. This helps the fertilized egg implant in the uterus and develop further.

However, sometimes, under the influence of certain factors, thinning of the endometrium is observed.. This may cause infertility.

That’s why many women are interested in how to grow the endometrium. folk remedies.

This layer of the uterus plays an important role - it is on it that the fertilized egg is attached. The endometrium creates necessary conditions for the formation of the embryo.

Immediately after conception, the number of vessels and glands in it increases. Subsequently, they become an element of the placenta and supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients.

For conception to occur, the endometrium must have normal thickness and structure.. However, sometimes it fails to grow.

The following factors influence this:

Most often, endometrial thickness decreases with estrogen deficiency. In this condition, pregnancy is impossible.

Even conception will occur, there is a high probability of miscarriage. Therefore, many women are interested in how to grow the endometrium so that the fetus takes root.

First you need to analyze clinical picture of this pathology. Most often observed various symptoms, the main one of which is considered to be irregular menstruation. Menstruation may be too short or scanty.

Another sign is the inability to conceive or constant miscarriages.

If the cause of the problems is estrogen deficiency, complaints characteristic of menopause occur.. These include:

  • headache;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • depression, irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • pain during sex;
  • loss of libido;
  • sweating and hot flashes;
  • pressure fluctuations;
  • pain in muscle tissue and joints.

If such signs appear, it is advisable to consult a specialist - best of all, a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

The doctor will conduct ultrasound examination, which allows you to determine the thickness of the endometrium in different phases cycle. It is also necessary to donate blood to determine estrogen levels.

Many women are interested in how to grow the endometrium for pregnancy.

For this, doctors use various methodsmedications, physiotherapeutic procedures. Sometimes it is possible to cope with the task with the help of folk recipes.

When answering the question of how to grow the endometrium for conception, you need to understand that this process occurs under the influence of hormones.

To solve this problem, doctors most often prescribe hormonal drugs.. However, taking them on your own is strictly prohibited; before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a specialist.

So, how to grow the endometrium? The following categories of drugs are usually prescribed:

  • preparations with estradiol;
  • medications to increase estrogen levels;
  • products with progesterone.


This medicine contains estradiol and estrogens. The use of the substance improves blood supply to the uterus.

The drug should be taken by women who have previously experienced miscarriages. They help restore the body.

The use of Proginov is considered one of the main methods of preparation for IVF, since in in this case endometrial enlargement is required. The drug can be combined with other medications.

How to quickly grow the endometrium before ovulation? The regimen for using the medicine is determined by the doctor.

There are 2 options:

  1. Cyclic reception. The medicine is taken 1 tablet for 3 weeks. Then 1 week is skipped and therapy is repeated again.
  2. Continuous. In this case, you need to take the pills constantly.

Proginova should not be taken in the following cases:

  • pregnancy for more than 2 months;
  • lactation;
  • use of products containing estrogen;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • tumor formations;
  • pathologies of the gallbladder and liver;
  • diabetes.


The substance contains estradiol, which is synthetic analogue estrogen.

Divigel not only leads to thickening of the uterine mucosa, but also activates the functioning of the organ, mammary glands, and vagina. The medicine should be used once a day at the same time.

Do not treat inflamed areas, mucous membranes and breasts. It is permissible to use the product only as prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include:

  • diabetes;
  • tumor lesions of the pituitary gland;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • tumors and inflammation of the breast and genital organs;
  • bleeding from the uterus;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • fat metabolism disorders;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and liver.


This is a homeopathic substance in the form of drops, the use of which leads to the activation of estrogen synthesis. The composition contains exclusively natural substances and alcohol.

To grow the endometrium using of this medicine, you need to mix 10 drops of the product with half a glass of water and take 30-60 minutes before meals. It is recommended to do this three times a day.

Most often, in addition to this drug others prescribe natural medicines. General course therapy is 1-3 months.

It is forbidden to drink Hormel in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • liver pathologies;
  • lactation;
  • brain injuries and diseases.

Folk remedies

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to grow the endometrium on their own. At home, medicinal plants are used for this purpose. To the most effective methods An increase in the endometrial layer may include the following:

Before using any product, you should consult your doctor. Folk recipes provide strong influence on hormone balance and function individual organs and the whole body.

How to grow the endometrium after curettage? To do this, it is imperative to improve blood flow in pelvic organs.

That’s why it’s so important to move a lot and play sports. Not enough active image life needs to be compensated by visiting the pool or sports sections.

To grow the endometrium without pills, you can use the following methods:

  1. Acupuncture. This method belongs to the traditional Chinese medicine. During the procedure in active points special needles are inserted. Thanks to this, it is possible to activate the work of the affected organ.
  2. Hirudotherapy. Thanks to the use of this method, it is possible to normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This perfectly stimulates an increase in endometrial thickness.
  3. Exercises for the abs. Their implementation not only helps strengthen muscles, but also improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

To improve women's health, it is useful to exercise every day and walk for 30-40 minutes.

The following types of loads are also very effective:

  • aerobics;
  • dancing;
  • swimming.

Thin endometrium often results from eating disorders.

If this problem is identified, experts recommend limiting the consumption of fatty, spicy, and salty foods.

The menu should be dominated by fruits, vegetables, and berries. It is also beneficial to eat spices and seafood. To stimulate the development of mucous membranes, you need to consume vitamins C and E.

Salicylates should also be present in the diet.. They are found in blueberries, raisins, and cranberries. These substances are found in prunes, strawberries and honey. Contained useful substance and in spices - paprika, ginger, cinnamon, curry, thyme.

Many people are interested in whether pineapples help with this diagnosis.. Experts say that this product is very useful for thinning the endometrium.

It helps improve the balance of hormones, strengthens blood vessels, and improves blood circulation. Pineapples also strengthen immune system and prevent the formation of blood clots.

You can eat pineapples in any quantity. However, you should start doing this at least a couple of days before ovulation. It is important to consider that women with allergies should remember a sense of proportion. The fact is that pineapples contain a lot of vitamin C.

Doctors say that following the principles of proper nutrition can quickly improve the condition of the body.

In just a month you can notice changes. The thickness of the mucous membranes increases by 5 mm and the normal structure of the tissue is restored.

Thinning of the endometrium is quite common and can cause infertility.. To cope with pathology, you can use medicinal and traditional methods.

In any case, before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor, since all these remedies have a serious effect on hormonal background female body.

Fertilization is a true miracle of nature. Female egg ripens only once a month and lives no more than a day. strives for her great amount sperm and only one will be able to reach the target. Which one exactly? That solves it natural selection, higher intelligence.

And so, in fallopian tubes two sex cells unite, two principles: male and female. As a result of this, it arises new life. The fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity around the seventh day. And everything seems to be fine, conception has occurred, but it still cannot be called pregnancy.

Pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. This lining layer of the uterus is called the endometrium. It is abundantly supplied blood vessels, if an embryo is implanted, it will form children's place- placenta. If pregnancy does not occur, then in this case, the mucous membrane of the uterus, along with the unattached embryo, is rejected during menstruation.

But the thickness of the endometrium is not always sufficient for implantation of the fertilized egg. The thickness of the endometrium in the body increases in the first phase of the cycle due to estradiol, and after ovulation the ovaries begin to produce progesterone. Progesterone changes the mucous layer of the uterus, making it looser and more favorable for implantation.

Endometrial thickness is a variable indicator depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The following phases are distinguished (with a cycle of 28 days):

  1. Proliferation stage (from 6 to 14 days of the cycle). The thickness of the endometrium immediately after menstruation is minimal and gradually increases until ovulation.
  2. Secretion stage (from 15 to 28 days of the cycle) If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium begins to degenerate and the next phase begins.
  3. Menstruation. The disintegrating mucous tissue is torn away from the wall of the uterus and excreted through the vagina. Occurs on the 28th day of the cycle.

Indicators and parameters of the endometrium are determined using a device ultrasound diagnostics. The normal endometrium for conception is a loose, homogeneous layer with a thickness of 10-12 cm.

WITH normal indicators by day of the cycle can be found in the following table.

Thickness of the mucous layer of the uterus for successful conception must be at least 8 mm. Although pregnancy can occur with more low values, but in this case, hormonal therapy with progesterone drugs is necessary, otherwise the pregnancy may be at risk of miscarriage.

Endometrial pathologies.

The structure of the endometrium is two-layer:

  1. Basal layer. It is located closer to the myometrium. The functional layer is formed from the cells of this layer. That's why frequent curettage and inflammatory processes significantly worsen the condition of the uterine mucosa and can lead to infertility.
  2. Functional layer. Covers the uterus from the inside, preventing it from sticking together. The thickness of this shell is variable and depends on the phase of the cycle. In each cycle, this membrane is removed with menstruation outward.

Dimensions and functional state uterine mucosa depend on the health of the body as a whole. Let's consider pathological conditions affecting the endometrium.

  • . This is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. Often occurs after abortion, after childbirth and caesarean section, when exposed to intrauterine contraception and in the presence of infections;
  • Endometriosis. Spread of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. This phenomenon disrupts reproductive function, prevents conception;
  • Hypoplasia. This is a thinning of the lining of the uterus associated with hormonal disorders, with inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, mechanical damage basal layer (during curettage of the uterus);
  • Hyperplasia. Exceeding the norms for the thickness of the mucous membrane. Often, the cause is a hormonal imbalance, namely a sharp increase in estrogen.

How to identify endometrial pathology?

To identify the causes of low growth of the functional layer, a comprehensive examination is necessary:

  • Analysis for sexually transmitted diseases using the PCR method from cervical canal. The fact is that infections cause chronic inflammation and impaired blood supply, as a result of which the structure of the endometrium changes and implantation becomes difficult.
  • Analysis for FSH, estradiol, prolactin, LH, progesterone.
  • Ultrasonography reproductive system. The size of the uterus, ovaries, the thickness and structure of the endometrium, the number of follicles and the condition of the corpus luteum are assessed.
  • Hysteroscopy. Examination of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope, during which foci of endometritis, polyps, synechiae and foreign bodies are removed.

How to grow the endometrium for conception?

After the diagnostic procedures violations are detected, either conservative or surgical treatment. In order for the fertilized egg to attach to the uterine cavity, the required minimum thickness of the uterine mucosa is 7-8 mm, and ideally 10 mm. What to do if this indicator does not return to normal?

There are drugs that increase the quality and thickness of the endometrium.

  1. Proginova tablets are taken before ovulation.
  2. Progesterone preparations: Utrozhestan, Duphaston are taken after ovulation.
  3. Divigel is an estrogen-containing gel that is applied to the abdomen.
  4. "Ovarium compositum", "Gormel" - are homeopathic medicines, normalizing female hormonal levels.

Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor, based on test results. Self-medication can only do harm!

Folk remedies.

It is useful to combine conservative treatment with herbal medicine.

Sage is popularly called “women’s herb.” It stimulates ovulation and endometrial growth, thanks to the estrogens included in its composition. To do this, you need to take one tablespoon of sage herb, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. It is recommended to take it in the first phase of the cycle from days 3 to 14 in the morning and evening.

Taking sage during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, as it can cause a risk of premature termination of pregnancy!

Bird's knotweed - treatment plant, in its properties resembles sage, but has more soft action. A tablespoon of dry herb is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, and drunk three times a day in the first phase of the cycle before ovulation.

Raspberry leaves also help in building up the lining of the uterus. A few raspberry leaves are brewed with boiling water, covered with a lid for half an hour, and drunk two to three times a day from the first days of menstruation until ovulation.

medicinal plant containing phytoestrogens. It has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, immunostimulating, rejuvenating effects. It is used in the treatment of infertility caused by endometrial hyperplasia. For extension hog queen doesn't fit.

Phytoestrogens contain female hormones and therefore cannot be combined with hormonal therapy. This type of treatment should be treated with caution. Before taking herbs that contain hormones, you should know your hormonal status and consult your doctor.

Sports activities, namely abdominal exercises, also help improve the growth of endometrial cells. It is useful to practice belly dancing. Favorable for improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs cold and hot shower on the lower abdomen. Methods such as hirudotherapy and acupuncture can also give positive results.

Be sure to arm yourself positive thinking, because a woman’s hormonal background and mood are entirely dependent on each other.

Every woman strives to conceive, everyone dreams of a child. For some, this process occurs according to a “natural schedule,” while others need to put in a lot of effort to achieve the desired results. Today, the problem of infertility, unfortunately, concerns many people.

The reasons may be different:

  1. passive ovulation;
  2. ovarian dysfunction;
  3. polycystic ovary syndrome;
  4. hormonal problems;
  5. early menopause;
  6. psychological problems;
  7. thin endometrium, etc.

How to help the body prepare for conception and subsequent natural childbirth? We need to decide this question by timely appeal to specialists. And under no circumstances should we delay this. The older a woman is, the more difficult it is to diagnose and treat women’s diseases.

Only a doctor can tell you the reasons why active growth endometrium. Without going into details, let's say that this may be a deficiency of estrogen (the hormone responsible for the growth of the uterine lining) or previously caused injuries: curettage, abortion, IUD.

You have established the reason that caused infertility, now all you have to do is find out how to grow the endometrium in order to. Not only tablets and pills will help here, but also herbs.

Doctors, for their part, introduce Estradiol and Duphaston into the woman’s body, which helps the formation of the uterine epithelium. Before ovulation, they are prescribed to take drops of “Gormel”, after that - “Utrozhestan”. We will look at how to build up the lining of the uterus using folk remedies used in alternative medicine.

Folk remedies that help grow the endometrium

The endometrium is formed under the influence of the hormone estrogen. This means we need folk remedies that have the properties of estrogens, androgens, and progesterone. These include:

  • sweet clover;
  • licorice;
  • mistletoe;
  • hop;
  • sage;
  • clover;
  • celery;
  • rapeseed;
  • lovage;
  • hogweed

By consuming decoctions of these herbs, our body will be able to more actively produce those hormones that will help in the growth of the endometrium.

A woman herself chooses ways to solve infertility problems. If only there was good result. Many factors must be taken into account here. Although there are numerous cases where only increasing the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus already gave the desired result.

Hog queen and red brush

Decoctions of these herbs should be drunk after ovulation. Those who have used them report excellent results. Transforming into a hormone, this Ortilia gull helps the growth of the endometrium.

The following scheme works well in application. Divide the menstrual cycle into two phases, where in the first phase - after menstruation until the middle of the cycle, drink "Red Brush" ("Cold Radiola"), in the second phase - "Borovaya uterus".

Pour boiling water (1 glass) over the herbs (1 tbsp) after 4 hours of infusion, not just drink, but “eat” the decoction (every 6 hours).

Sage, knotweed, wormwood and carrot seeds

If you take sage decoctions, they will have a wonderful effect on obtaining the desired result. Brew sage as tea and drink half a glass three times a day.

Drink decoctions of carrot seeds and wormwood. You need to be extremely careful when it comes to wormwood. IN large quantities it can cause poisoning. No more than 1 pinch per glass of boiling water.

Knotweed can be found everywhere, including in pharmacies. It should be taken from the beginning of menstruation until the onset of ovulation. It activates the growth of the endometrium. Stop taking after ovulation.

Expert opinion

Thinning of the endometrium occurs due to various reasons- hormonal imbalance, past uterine trauma, genetic predisposition. In principle, women may not even know about their illness, because special symptoms this pathology does not have. But when ladies decide to get pregnant, then this problem “rises to its full extent.”

Treatment of the disease should only be prescribed by a specialist, because hormonal surge may worsen a woman's condition. Component complex therapy Herbal medicine is also considered to be Infusions, tinctures and decoctions based on boron uterus or red brush are familiar to doctors firsthand. They gently affect the functioning of the gonads without depleting them, and also promote the regeneration of the uterine mucosa.

Good nutrition is the key to success

Pineapple helps, many have been convinced of this. It turns out both tasty and effective. You need to start eating it 3 days before ovulation. The doctors are surprised. This is better than swallowing hormonal drugs by the handful.

To build up inner layer uterus, add some supplements to your diet. Treat yourself to citrus fruits more often, and especially red apples. The vitamin “C” they contain will strengthen blood vessels, and this is very important for the formation and growth of the endometrial structure.

You need to eat honey, cherries, cranberries, strawberries and grapes, which contain specific salicylates. They not only prevent the formation of blood clots and thin the blood, but also play an important role in the growth of the endometrium.

Add rich fish to your grocery list fatty acids Omega-3 is: salmon and tuna, anchovies and mackerel. It will help lower cholesterol.

Shall we dance?!

If you decide to build up the endometrium, get away from a sedentary lifestyle, or rather, run away from it. The main task in solving this problem is to activate blood supply in the pelvis. Do jogging, aerobics, swimming, anything that can get your blood flowing. If these sports are not possible, practice oriental belly dancing.

Wumbuilding will also be a good activity; its movements are aimed at strengthening how pelvic muscles, and vaginal. Such exercises are also preventative against many gynecological diseases.

Pelvic massage is also useful. They can be targeted and traditional. Remember, to achieve happy motherhood, you must consult a specialist. And only then independently apply traditional methods.

A gynecologist will tell you how to grow the endometrium for successful conception. full examination women, but you can influence the situation on your own. The endometrium is the mucous membrane inside the uterus, the thickness of which depends on the day of the menstrual cycle. In the absence of abnormalities in the body, by the time of ovulation the endometrium acquires its greatest thickness, which allows the fertilized egg to securely attach to the wall of the uterus for further development.

Under certain circumstances female body unable to provide independently favorable conditions to conceive a child and develop the endometrium to the required thickness. There are many reasons associated with this phenomenon, including abortion, hormonal imbalance, previous injuries, poor blood supply pelvic organs. But don’t be upset, the situation is completely fixable, because you can increase the thickness of the uterine mucosa in a variety of ways.

Traditional and alternative methods

Endometrial tissue is hormone dependent and requires optimal levels of estradiol and prostegerone for its maturation. You can increase the level of this hormone through traditional and alternative medicine. When faced with the problem of thin endometrium, it is recommended that you first contact a gynecologist, who, after a thorough examination, will select the most suitable medications.

For active growth of the mucous membrane during the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle, doctors prescribe drugs containing estradiol to patients. These drugs include Divigel and Estradiol. During the 2nd phase of the cycle, the endometrium must fully form and mature, and to help with this, gynecologists prescribe medications containing progesterone. Such drugs are Duphaston and Utrozhestan. Usually, hormonal medications are produced in ampoules, and injections are administered intramuscularly.

If the cause of women’s health is injury, infection or inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity, then the gynecologist’s first step is to prescribe medications that will help eliminate this or that problem. After full recovery course is assigned hormonal drugs, and the patient should be observed by a specialist.

Quite often women resort to alternative methods treatments that can provide positive impact on the body. Most effective procedures Acupuncture and hirudotherapy are considered to be able to accelerate the growth of the endometrium. Acupuncture (or acupuncture) is the stimulation of certain points on the body that are responsible for the organs of the reproductive system. As for hirudotherapy, it involves the use medical leeches. Both procedures are aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which allows you to quickly build up the mucous membrane.

Traditional medicine recipes

In addition to traditional medicine, it is recommended to additionally use folk remedies to build up the endometrium and successfully conceive. Many recipes that have survived to this day have helped women get pregnant and carry a child for several centuries. The basis of folk remedies includes healing herbs, rich in vitamins, antioxidants, microelements, organic acids and other beneficial substances.

The main plant for women who want to get pregnant is the hogweed. This medicinal plant improves hormonal levels, nourishes the body useful elements and helps produce healthy endometrium of the required thickness. The following medicines can be prepared from boron uterus:

  1. Healing tea. Pour 15 g of dried and ground herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Take the drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  2. Alcohol tincture. Mix 500 ml of alcohol and 2 tbsp in a glass vessel. crushed dry herbs, then put it in a dark, cool place and leave for 2 weeks. Take tincture 25 drops 3 times a day before meals. It is important to note that the tincture is prepared only for the waxing moon.
  3. Douching. Brew 3 tbsp in a small amount of boiling water. hogweed uterus and leave for 3 hours. The finished tincture needs to be strained well, after which you can douche.

In addition to boron uterus, other medicinal herbs are often used, such as knotweed and sage. For thin endometrium, the use of these herbs has proven to be very effective. Tea is prepared from knotweed, which should be drunk 1-2 glasses daily. To prepare it you will need 1 cup of dried herb and 1 liter of boiling water.

To prepare healing decoction from sage, you need to pour 1 tbsp. dried plant 250 ml of water, bring to a boil and then cool. Drink the decoction 3 times a day, 1/3 of the received volume. It is recommended to start treatment with sage from the 4th day of menstruation and stop on the day of ovulation. Repeat the procedure every month until pregnancy.

Proper nutrition

Thin and immature endometrium is often a consequence of poor nutrition. If such a problem is detected in a patient, experts recommend limiting the consumption of salty, fatty and spicy foods, while introducing more fruits, vegetables, berries, seafood and some spices into the diet. Vitamins E and C, as well as salicylates, which are found in blueberries, cranberries, raisins, prunes, honey, and strawberries, help accelerate the development of the uterine mucosa. Along with this, this beneficial substance is present in ginger, paprika, thyme, cinnamon and curry.

Many experts claim that greatest effect Pineapple helps thicken the endometrium. It improves hormonal levels, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of blood clots and improves immunity. You can eat pineapples in any quantity, and it is recommended to start at least 2 days before ovulation. It is important to note that women with a tendency to allergies should consume the product in moderation, because it contains high concentration vitamin C.

As practice shows, proper nutrition It has a positive effect on the body very quickly, and after a month you can notice changes. The thickness of the mucous membrane increases by an average of 5 mm, while the tissue structure improves.

Moderate physical activity

In women who lead sedentary lifestyle In life, the most common problem is the development of a healthy endometrium, which allows one to conceive a child. It's connected with insufficient blood supply in the pelvic organs. To improve women Health, it will be enough to do exercises daily and walk for 30-40 minutes. Most effective activities There were such exercises:

  • aerobics;
  • abdominal exercises (twisting);
  • swimming;
  • dancing.

Endometrial growth is a rather lengthy process, so you should not expect instant results.

To see a positive effect, it should take 2-3 weeks, and in some cases it takes at least a month. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, eat right, exercise, and maintain an optimistic attitude.

When planning pregnancy, the condition of the mucous layer of the uterus is of no small importance. For this reason, women begin to worry about the question of how to quickly grow the endometrium. For conception to occur, it must have sufficient thickness.

Thinning of the mucous membranes can occur under the influence of many factors. Folk remedies, medications and correct image life.

In the process of preparing for pregnancy, not only the general condition of the body, but also the thickness of the uterine layer is of no small importance. If so, then problems with fertilization are possible. This is why endometrial augmentation is needed.

Mucous reproductive organ consists of basal and functional layers. Their main function is considered to be the creation of the conditions necessary for the attachment of the egg. In addition, the endometrium creates a suitable normal development fetal environment.

If conception does not occur, then during the period of regulation the functional layer is completely rejected and gradually comes out along with menstruation. Further restoration of the endometrium is the norm. By the middle of the cycle, it is again ready for the attachment of the fertilized egg.

How does the endometrium grow?

The intensity of growth of the uterine layer directly depends on hormones, and in particular estrogens. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, their concentration increases significantly. As a result, the endometrium thickens and pinopodia grows, which are necessary for successful implantation of the fertilized egg.

After ovulation, progesterone begins to be intensively produced, which, if fertilization is successful, helps create an environment favorable for the development of the embryo. At the same time, the uterine layer continues to thicken and becomes part of the placenta.

A kind of plug forms in the vagina, preventing infection from entering the uterus. Therefore, it is so important to enlarge the endometrium when planning pregnancy.

Risks of thin endometrium

This layer is responsible for the ability to bear a child normally and the functioning of the entire reproductive system. The thin endometrium in the uterus often becomes the “culprit” of spontaneous miscarriage. The reason for miscarriage in this case is a lack of oxygen, nutrients. In this case, the placenta is not able to form normally. Infertility is often diagnosed.

It is also worth noting that thinning of the mucous membranes is observed when various diseases uterus. Before you begin extensions for conception, you need to cure these pathologies.

Causes of endometrial thinning

Restoration of the endometrium does not occur adequately for the following reasons:

  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • wrong anatomical structure reproductive organ;
  • inflammation in the uterus;
  • underdevelopment of the myometrium;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • damage to the mucous layer of the uterus (as a result of curettage or abortion).

Importance when planning pregnancy

This uterine layer is necessary for gestation and full development of the fetus. If there is an insufficient supply, the egg is unable to implant and pregnancy becomes impossible. Even if you attach fertilized egg it will still work, further development embryo will prove problematic.

It is on the basis of these tissues that the placenta is formed. If the endometrial tissue is too thin, the fetus will not be able to fully develop. Pregnancy often ends in spontaneous abortion. Therefore, endometrial extension is first performed, after which successful fertilization becomes possible.

Signs of pathologies

The main reasons why the endometrium does not grow are: hormonal disbalance and insufficient estrogen production. Point to similar problems most often systematic spontaneous abortions and subsequent curettage. The situation is only getting worse.

Thinning of the mucosa is not accompanied by visual signs, but the following changes in the body are noted:

  • migraine;
  • excessive sweating;
  • stopping hair growth on the skin;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • scanty periods;
  • frequent hot flashes;
  • sleep disturbance and nervous overexcitation;
  • discomfort during sex;
  • muscle spasms and joint pain;
  • lack of orgasm.

Infertility does not always occur with such changes. Conception is sometimes still possible, but the course of pregnancy turns out to be very problematic. Throughout this entire period, there is a threat of miscarriage, and severe toxicosis is noted. Often carrying a child to term due date the woman fails.

Diagnosis of the condition

To assess the condition of the endometrium before IVF or conception naturally, certain examinations and tests are prescribed. Among the main ones, the following stand out:

  • ultrasonography. An ultrasound is performed at the beginning monthly cycle, immediately after the end of the regulation. To get a complete picture and study changes in the lining of the uterus, the procedure is carried out in other phases;
  • blood analysis. In this way, it is possible to determine the hormonal level;
  • uterine biopsy. Tissue collection is carried out on days 20–22 of the menstrual cycle.

Only after a full diagnosis is it possible to select optimal scheme therapy and eliminate the problem preventing conception.

Effective ways to grow the endometrium

Therapy aimed at restoring the mucous layer of the reproductive organ is carried out comprehensively and includes measures such as:

  • treatment of congenital diseases, infectious, venereal diseases and inflammation in the cervix and organ cavity;
  • proper organization of the diet in order to stimulate the blood circulation process;
  • rehabilitation after abortive measures and restoration of the integrity of the mucous membranes;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

After identifying the cause of disturbances in the reproductive system, the doctor selects the most appropriate course of treatment. It is used not only traditional medicine, but also folk remedies. Nutrition and exercise are also considered important.


Various medications contribute to rapid thickening of the endometrium. The drugs have beneficial effect on the female body. Among the main ones are the following:

  1. Proginova. This product contains estrogen and estradiol. Most often it is used if there is a history of spontaneous miscarriages or abortions. Active components The drug helps improve blood circulation, restore the body and thicken the uterine mucosa. Often resort to its appointment before carrying out in vitro fertilization. The main advantage of the medication is that it can be used in the process of complex therapy and combined with other drugs.
  2. Divigel. The basis of the drug is an artificial analogue of estradiol. It fully corresponds in physical and biochemical properties to the natural hormone responsible for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, protein synthesis and full formation mammary glands. This medication helps normalize cholesterol levels, work of cardio-vascular system and grow the endometrium.
  3. Gormel. The medication helps eliminate hormonal imbalance. Its action is aimed at stimulating the natural synthesis of estrogen. It has a gentle effect on the body, which is an undeniable advantage.
  4. Duphaston. Main active ingredient synthesized progesterone appears. The drug has no contraindications or side effects.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will also help to grow the endometrium. The most effective are considered:

  1. . With its help it is possible to restore normal level hormones. The product helps increase the concentration of estrogen and stimulate the development of follicles. To prepare the medicine, one tablespoon of sage is immersed in 300 ml of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The finished drink is filtered and allowed to cool. Take half a glass four times a day. Therapy begins on the fourth day of the cycle and is completed during the period of ovulation.
  2. Red brush or hog queen. These plants help normalize hormone levels, thicken mucous membranes and eliminate inflammatory processes. In order to prepare a decoction, take 50 grams of the plant, immerse it in a glass of water and boil for a quarter of an hour. After this, infuse for at least three hours, filter and take 100 ml three times a day in the first half of the cycle.
  3. Blue clay. Half a kilogram of raw materials is mixed with a small amount water, heated and shaped into a flat cake. After this, the compress is applied to the stomach and left for about two hours. Therapy is continued for a week.
  4. Raspberry leaves. A decoction based on them is prepared quite simply. A couple of tablespoons of crushed leaves are brewed in a glass hot water. Drink throughout the day instead of regular tea. This product contains vitamin E, the endometrium begins to grow faster.
  5. Knotweed. 300 grams of pre-crushed plants need to be poured with a liter of hot water and left for a quarter of an hour. Drink one glass of the product per day.
  6. Linseed oil. It is recommended to add it to juices, salads and other dishes throughout the first half of the cycle.

Alternative medicine also turns out to be effective:

  1. Acupuncture. When exposed to certain points, the condition of the reproductive system improves significantly, and the affected organs begin to function normally.
  2. The use of leeches (hirudotherapy). The method improves blood circulation, and as a result, the growth of the mucous membranes of the reproductive organ is stimulated.

Nutrition and sports

In order to normalize blood circulation and restore the uterine layer, moderate physical exercise. First of all, abdominal exercises. They should be performed daily for 3-4 minutes.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that blood circulation in the organs of the reproductive system deteriorates significantly, and this negatively affects the condition of the female body. The thinned endometrium can be increased through belly dancing, swimming, jogging in the morning and gymnastics.

Huge popularity in Lately gained wumbling. During such training, the vaginal muscles are strengthened, and this contributes to the thickening of the mucous membranes. Classes are effective in the most problematic cases. Exercises are recommended to be performed as a preventive measure various pathologies female reproductive system, and when planning pregnancy.

An improperly organized diet negatively affects the condition of the female body and can cause disruption of the growth of the uterine layer. If such problems arise, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules. You should include foods for endometrial growth in your diet and exclude those that negatively affect this process:

  • salted, fried, fatty and spicy food eliminate completely or reduce to the bare minimum;
  • increase consumption of berries, herbs, fruits and vegetables;
  • Seafood rich in vitamins C and E has a beneficial effect on the female body.

Blueberries, cranberries and raisins, rich in salicylates, are considered some of the healthiest. Pineapple has been noted to have an effect on the endometrium. In addition, it promotes activation protective functions body and prevents thrombosis.

According to doctors, a properly selected diet helps strengthen the immune system and improve general condition body. If you follow all the recommendations, the mucous layer of the uterus can reach seven centimeters in thickness.

It is extremely important that the menu contains a sufficient number of products containing vitamins K, E, B and C. Thanks to them, the female body will begin to function normally much faster.

Thinning of the endometrium is serious problem, preventing conception and normal pregnancy. For this reason, doctors strongly recommend building up this layer first. There are many folk and medicinal methods improving the condition of the uterine mucosa. The main thing is to follow all the instructions of the gynecologist, and soon you may experience healthy pregnancy with a favorable outcome. Without eliminating this problem, the chances of bearing a child are almost zero.