Embryo implantation: features of the process, signs and precautions for maintaining pregnancy. On what day will embryo implantation occur after conception: symptoms and risks

The fact that an expectant mother should take care of herself is perceived as a truism. But few people know that during pregnancy there are periods when the risk of all kinds of health problems increases significantly. By observing increased caution at “critical moments,” a woman will be able to “safeguard herself” in time and avoid unnecessary problems.

Pregnancy lasts 9 calendar or 10 obstetric months* (its average duration is 280 days from the first day last menstrual period before giving birth). During this time, the most complex process of transforming a fertilized egg into ripe fruit, capable of independent existence outside the womb. Over 9 months, rapid cell division occurs, the formation of organs and tissues of the fetus, maturation functional systems, establishing a connection between them, thanks to which the newborn will be able to adapt to external environment, live an independent life, separate from the mother’s body.
* 1 obstetric month consists of 4 weeks.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of any period of intrauterine life of the fetus. But during pregnancy there are several critical periods when the risk of spontaneous abortion is highest (miscarriage or premature birth), the occurrence of complications during pregnancy, anomalies in the development of the embryo and fetus. It is these terms that will be discussed.

Distinguish following periods fetal development during pregnancy:

  • preimplantation(from the moment of fertilization of the egg with the sperm until the implantation of the fertilized egg into the mucous membrane of the uterine wall);
  • implantation(attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus);
  • organogenesis and placentation(the period of formation of all organs and tissues of the fetus, as well as the placenta);
  • fetal- the period of growth and development of formed organs and tissues.

Preimplantation period - fertilization of the egg

Normally, 12-14 days before the expected menstruation, ovulation occurs, that is, it has reached large sizes The egg leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube, where fertilization most often occurs. From this moment pregnancy begins. The fertilized egg continues its journey through the fallopian tube for 4 days towards the uterine cavity, which is facilitated by:

  • contraction of the smooth muscles of the fallopian tube wall. These contractions normally occur in a unilateral direction - towards the uterine cavity from the end of the tube facing the abdominal cavity;
  • movement of the cilia of the mucous membrane that covers the fallopian tube from the inside. The liquid in the tube begins to move, and with the flow of this liquid, the fertilized egg enters the uterus;
  • relaxation of the sphincter (circular muscle) at the junction of the fallopian tube and the uterus. This sphincter is designed to prevent a fertilized egg from entering the uterine cavity prematurely, before the uterus is ready to receive the fertilized egg.

The movement of the egg through the fallopian tube occurs under the influence of the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone that is early stages pregnancy is produced in the ovary (at the site of the burst follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, which produces large quantities This hormone promotes the onset and maintenance of pregnancy). If there is not enough progesterone produced, the egg from the fallopian tube will enter the uterine cavity late. With increased peristalsis of the fallopian tube, the fertilized egg will enter the uterine cavity before it can penetrate the mucous membrane, as a result of which the egg may die. Since pregnancy will not occur in this case, delays next menstruation will not be, then the pregnancy will remain undiagnosed, unrecognized.

The period of movement of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tube is considered first critical period of pregnancy(from 12-14 to 10-8 days before the start of the next menstruation). As a result of the violation complex mechanisms regulation of the functioning of the fallopian tube, the egg after fertilization can also implant into the wall of the tube (ectopic pregnancy).

Implantation period - attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus

This period also passes even before the expected menstruation, most often when the woman is not yet aware of her pregnancy. Once in the uterine cavity, the embryo already consists of 16-32 cells, however, it does not immediately penetrate into the uterine mucosa, and remains in a free state for another two days. These two days from the moment the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity until it attaches to the uterine wall constitute the implantation period. The location of insertion depends on a number of circumstances, but most often it is the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus.

Nutrition ovum during this period occurs due to local dissolution of the mucous membrane of the uterine wall with the help of enzymes secreted by the fertilized egg. After 2 days, the fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine mucosa, which contains large quantities of enzymes, glycogen, fats, trace elements, protective antibodies and other biological active substances necessary for further growth of the embryo.

Second critical period of pregnancy- implantation, that is, attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. If implantation fails, then the pregnancy ends under the guise of menstruation (in fact, this is an undiagnosed miscarriage at a very short time). Since there is no delay in menstruation, the woman does not even assume that she is pregnant.

For the implantation process big influence have hormonal factors: the concentration of hormones such as progesterone, estrogens, prolactin (hormone of the pituitary gland - a gland located in the brain), glucocorticoids (adrenal hormones), etc.

The preparedness of the uterine mucosa for implantation and its readiness to accept the fertilized egg are also of great importance. After abortions, curettage, long-term wearing intrauterine device, infections, inflammatory processes the receptor (perceiving) apparatus of the endometrium may be disrupted, that is, hormone-sensitive cells located in the uterine mucosa react incorrectly to hormones, which is why the uterine mucosa is not sufficiently prepared for the upcoming pregnancy. If the fertilized egg is not active enough and does not promptly release the required amount of enzymes that destroy the uterine mucosa, then it can penetrate the uterine wall in the lower segment or in the cervix, resulting in cervical pregnancy or abnormal placentation (the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus partially or completely ).

The presence of adhesions (synechias) in the uterine cavity after inflammatory processes, curettage, as well as uterine fibroids can also prevent normal implantation.

The period of organogenesis and placentation - the laying of all organs and tissues of the fetus

This period lasts from the moment the fertilized egg is introduced into the uterine mucosa until all organs and tissues of the fetus, as well as the placenta, are fully formed ( children's place- a connecting link between the fetus and the maternal body, through which the processes of nutrition, metabolism and respiration of the fetus occur in the womb). This is a very important period of intrauterine life, because in it time is running laying of all organs and tissues of the fetus. Already on the 7th day after fertilization of the egg, the mother’s body receives a signal of pregnancy thanks to the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is secreted by the fertilized egg. HCG, in turn, supports the development of the corpus luteum in the ovary. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogens in quantities sufficient to maintain pregnancy. At the initial stage of pregnancy, before the formation of the placenta, the corpus luteum takes on the function of hormonal support of pregnancy, and if for one reason or another the corpus luteum does not work fully, then there may be a threat of miscarriage, miscarriage or a non-developing pregnancy.

The entire period of organogenesis and placentation is also critical period of intrauterine life of the fetus, because the fetus is highly sensitive to damaging influences environment, especially in the first 3-6 weeks of organogenesis. This critical period of pregnancy is especially important because... influenced unfavorable factors environment, the embryo may die or develop developmental abnormalities.

During these periods, the influence of environmental factors on the embryo is especially dangerous, including:

  • physical(ionizing radiation, mechanical effects); this may be the effect of ionizing radiation, for example in the conditions of a man-made disaster at nuclear facilities, mechanical effects in the form of vibration, etc. in relevant industries or during sports training;
  • chemical: phenols, nitric oxide, pesticides, heavy metals etc. - these substances can also enter the body of a pregnant woman if she works in relevant industries or when carrying out repairs in a room where the woman stays for a long time. TO chemicals include nicotine, alcohol, some medications, such as those used for treatment oncological diseases, etc.;
  • biological(for example, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, rubella virus, etc.).

It must be emphasized that in critical periods harmful effects lead to the most severe consequences— death of the embryo or the formation of gross malformations.

According to French researchers, if a pregnant woman for the first time in her life is faced with cytomegalovirus- pathogen, causing disease, which in adults can occur as a banal acute respiratory infection (acute respiratory disease) during pregnancy (as can be seen from blood tests for immunoglobulins to CMV), especially in the early stages, then in 1/3 of cases fetal malformations may occur. If she was already infected before pregnancy, the body turns on protective mechanisms to fight the virus in time, this probability is reduced to 1%. The same can be said about the herpes simplex virus.

Of particular danger is rubella virus when infected in the early stages of pregnancy. In such cases, a woman is recommended to have an artificial termination of pregnancy, because there is a high risk of having a child with such developmental defects as microphthalmia - a malformation of the eyes, microcephaly - a serious malformation of the brain; deafness, birth defects hearts, etc.

From chemical compounds Lead, mercury, benzene, nicotine, carbon oxides and other substances that can cause developmental defects have a particularly adverse effect on the condition of the embryo.

Some medications especially contraindicated during pregnancy (for example, antitumor antibiotics); if they were taken, early termination of pregnancy is recommended. When taking some medicines consultation with a geneticist and careful monitoring of the condition of the embryo and fetus during pregnancy are necessary (ultrasound, blood tests for human chorionic gonadotropin, alpha-fetoprotein, estriol, which allow one to suspect the presence of fetal malformations - analysis is carried out).

Women working at chemical production, during pregnancy it is necessary to transfer to other, less dangerous workshops. As for the influence of radiation, if it affects a woman before implantation of the embryo (in the pre-implantation period), in 2/3 of cases the embryo dies. During the period of organogenesis and placentation, malformations often occur or intrauterine death of the embryo or fetus occurs.

Fetal period

In general, on the 10th day after fertilization, the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and only then does it begin to feed at the expense of the mother (and with Conception - a mystery and calculation. But we have the power to influence that this day comes sooner or later. 2. Maturation in the ovary of a capable...


Pregnant women also take medications, so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it :) If you’re really worried, you can look in the instructions for the drug to see if there are any contraindications during pregnancy, or ask your doctor. In general, on the 10th day after fertilization, the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and only then begins to be nourished by the mother (and from this moment until the end of the first trimester is a dangerous period for all excesses and medications), and until this moment it is nourished by the corpus luteum . So don't let your friend worry. But even if the medications had a negative effect (although I doubt it), then, as Et Setera wrote, such an egg will be removed by the body itself.

At this point, it’s either hit or miss. If pregnancy occurs, it is normal. The affected egg will not survive.

Conception is a mystery and a calculation. When they merge, a fertilized egg is formed - a zygote. They can affect the level of prolactin in women, and prolactin Secondly, the mechanism of operation of the IUD is based on the fact that an already fertilized egg cannot attach to the uterus, and tablets that...


I have Mirena. There are only advantages (including the almost complete disappearance of menstruation), except that it was quite painful during installation. If you have any questions, write to me by email, I will answer in more detail :)

I haven’t felt any disadvantages for five years.

A fertilized egg may also fail to attach. If attachment (implantation) has occurred, then corpus luteum doesn’t go away, continues to produce progesterone, and hCG also begins to be produced and menstruation does not occur.


The corpus luteum does not go anywhere and is not fertilized :). The egg is released, and in this place the corpus luteum is formed. Its function is to support pregnancy if it occurs, so if implantation of the fertilized egg does not occur within two weeks, the corpus luteum simply dissolves.

However, Lotus has already written everything in detail and well for you, it’s difficult for me to actually add anything :)

:) Really a complete mess.
During ovulation, an egg (not the corpus luteum) is released from the follicle. But in place of this very burst follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, which is visible during an ultrasound and which secretes the “pregnancy hormone” progesterone. It can hurt if it is large and “works” very hard.
And the egg goes into the tube, where it is fertilized or not fertilized. Then it moves further and reaches the uterine cavity. If it is not fertilized, it dies and dissolves. A fertilized egg may also fail to attach. If attachment (implantation) has occurred, then the corpus luteum does not go anywhere, continues to produce progesterone, and hCG also begins to be produced and menstruation does not occur. If the egg is not fertilized and resolves, the corpus luteum also decreases and endometrial detachment occurs (menstruation)

How will a fertilized egg “understand” to look for the left fallopian tube? And can she, without getting there, join somewhere not in the uterus and Conception is a mystery and calculation. 2. Maturation in the ovary of an egg capable of fertilization, ovulation 3. Sufficient...


Very simple:) How do you think a man’s pussy can get into the ovary??? Everything is much simpler - the sperm travel through the tube and THEN fertilization occurs. That is, the egg and the sperm meet in the tube, in any case, first the sperm and the egg must somehow meet. And if there is no pipe, how will they get to each other? The sperm remain where they were planted, and the egg remains in the ovary and they simply do not meet, there is no bridge between them. Is that clearer? :)

2. Until the fertilized egg runs out of nutrients, it continues to “travel” through the internal genital organs. And how the egg can get back into the tube from the uterus is not entirely clear to me. An egg is not a sperm, its own...


The IUD is an abortifacient; the IUD does not protect against conception, unfortunately. It prevents the implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus, thereby increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Yes and no. Those. the IUD can prevent fertilization of the egg (especially hormonal IUDs), it also prevents an already fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus (this is what you call micro-abortion). In fact, the initial and main effect of the spiral is to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg; the ability to prevent fertilization is secondary.

And if the egg is not fertilized in this cycle, does it still attach, or does it just hang out in the uterus? I have an even stupider question: if menstruation is a cry for a lost egg, as this phenomenon is beautifully called here, then how can they be...


I have an even stupider question:
if menstruation is a cry for a dead egg, as this phenomenon is beautifully called here, then how can they exist in the absence of ovulation?
After all, they send you for an ultrasound to see if there is ovulation, although there are no problems with the cycle?

11.07.2003 15:23:57, lazy planner
Incorrect implantation of the egg can also be caused by obliteration (fusion) or scarring of the oviduct. They are a consequence of previous operations or the introduction of particles of the uterine mucosa into the oviduct (endometriosis). Scientists have found that during menstruation, the blood of the uterine mucosa flows not only outward, but also inward - through the oviduct into the abdominal cavity.

Smoking inhibits the passage of a fertilized egg through the oviduct.

For most women, this bleeding is harmless, and the remains are simply absorbed by the body. However, sometimes it happens that small particles of mucous membrane in one of the oviducts clog or at least narrow it. The result is that the fertilized egg cannot reach the uterus. In addition, according to latest findings doctors, lifestyle also contributes to an increase in the number of cases of tubal pregnancy modern women. They decide to have a child too late: the period of time during which inflammatory processes can adversely affect fertility increases, often causing significant damage to the oviduct during this time. Besides, everything more women smoke. This also disrupts the function of the oviducts.

Oviducts are narrow tubes consisting of muscle tissue and the mucous membrane on which the cilia of the ciliated epithelium are located, as on the bronchi. The cilia of the ciliated epithelium cause the egg to glide towards the uterus. They are helped by a layer of muscles that, through their contractions, push the egg forward so that it is transported to the desired location, as if on a conveyor belt. It is extremely complex and at the same time extremely sensitive." transport system": particles cigarette smoke paralyze the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, and inflammatory processes can destroy the entire system in general. In this case, the mucous membrane no longer looks soft pink, but dark, scarred and worn out. Muscle movements are also hampered by fusions. The fertilized egg moves slowly or does not move at all. The consequences of this are fatal. The egg must travel from the ovary through the oviduct to the uterine cavity in five to seven days. Otherwise, she will certainly “take root” wherever she is: this can happen at the entrance, in the middle, at the end of the oviduct, or even in abdominal cavity.

After a week, the fertilized egg turns into a cluster of cells that connects to the mother's body. The embryo (as the fetus is called at this stage of development) tries to connect to the mother’s blood circulation. The future placenta begins to form. Like tree roots that can tear through the walls of a house, embryonic cells grow into maternal tissue. Now the child begins to develop rapidly. In the uterine cavity this would not pose any problem. However, the oviduct becomes crowded over time. Too tight. At what point - it depends on the place where the fertilized egg was implanted. There is still relatively plenty of space in the funnel directly below the ovaries. Closer to the uterus it becomes more crowded: after 5–7 weeks, a woman feels that something is wrong with the pregnancy (perhaps still intended).

Closer to the entrance to the uterus, the wall of the oviduct is not very elastic. Here it may happen that the growing embryo simply tears it apart. Severe internal and external bleeding will begin. In this case, very strong, almost unbearable pain– immediate surgery is required. Symptoms appear only after five weeks.

With all methods of eliminating tubal pregnancy, it is very important to recognize it in a timely manner. Only then can complications be definitely avoided. It's not that easy at all. At first, the woman simply feels pregnant. She may feel a little nauseous in the morning, she looks a little more lethargic than usual, her chest is a little tight. These first symptoms appear when the oviduct becomes crowded.

The amount of pregnancy hormone produced by the body ( human chorionic gonadotropin) is also within normal limits, as happens with any healthy pregnancy.

However, it is necessary to repeat the analysis, since, starting from a certain concentration of this hormone in the blood, the doctor ultrasound examination should see an embryo in the uterus. If there is nothing there, the suspicion arises that the embryo has attached somewhere else. In this case, it is usually located in a wide part of the oviduct. Only in approximately every third case of tubal pregnancy is the embryo located near the uterine cavity.

Even at the beginning of this century, tubal pregnancy meant mortal danger for woman. Today this is no longer the case – thanks to modern capabilities diagnostics Therefore, pregnant women at risk should visit a gynecologist before the end of the five-week period - they need medical supervision. Sometimes the doctor simply waits and watches how the tubal pregnancy develops. The fact is that the body often relieves the problem naturally: the embryo dies and is pushed out without consequences.

When pregnant women urgently need to visit a doctor
Eat obvious symptoms, indicating tubal pregnancy. Depending on where the egg is attached, they appear as early as the 5th week, but sometimes only at the 8th week. These include:
unilateral abdominal pain, slightly stabbing,
cramping pain in the hypogastric region,
strong chronic pain,
spotting bleeding,
dizziness, fatigue as a sign internal bleeding.
When the danger is especially great
Some women are at risk increased danger implantation of a fertilized egg in the oviduct. They should consult a doctor as soon as they suspect they are pregnant. The risk group includes women who
have had a tubal pregnancy before,
suffered from inflammatory processes in the genital area,
protected with a spiral,
over 35 years old,
in connection with the desire to have a child, undergo hormonal treatment

low attachment. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. I went for an ultrasound, at first they didn’t see anything, then they were pleased with the low attachment. Who knows what this is and what the threat is, tell me?


Very often the baby (still an embryo) is attached low. But until 22-25 weeks there is no reason to worry, it can rise. Although some precautions (especially if amniotic sac located (I don’t remember the exact term) above the cervix) you need to take it - don’t jump around, and all that. However, if you had such an attachment, you would be admitted to the hospital and your legs would be lifted up :))))

04/23/2001 14:44:55, By

Is your term either 3 or 4 weeks? Then this does not threaten anything yet, the fertilized egg has penetrated low into the wall of the uterus (lower than in the textbook), but your placenta has not yet formed, it is very possible that by the time its formation is completed (week 11-12, in my opinion), she will already be where she needs to be. Well, even if it is low during these periods, then:
- the placenta located on the anterior wall will crawl almost 100%
- on the back - not 100, but it is still very likely that it will shift.
It seems that with low placentation, the blood flow is not so good, that is, the supply to the fetus is inadequate, and there is a high probability of abruption, so complete “physical and sexual rest” is prescribed. I’m telling you all this like this because I actually had a presentation (that is, the placenta covered internal os and if everything had remained that way, there would have been absolute readings to cesarean). But I didn’t limit myself in any way in my movements, I made love (sorry for the details) when I wanted and so far (pah-pah) nothing terrible has happened. Placenta - 7 cm (normal 5-6) above the pharynx, according to back wall, term - 30 weeks.
But on the fact that you are pregnant - CONGRATULATIONS!! Do not bother:)

When planning a baby, a woman tries to control and calculate every stage of the process. Therefore, she is interested in finding out on what day the embryo is implanted after productive sexual intercourse.

Ovulation and conception - the main points you need to know

Before clarifying on what day after ovulation embryo implantation occurs and the symptoms characteristic of it, let us recall the entire duration of the childbearing process for a woman:

  • Formation of a fluid-filled vesicle on the ovary.
  • The birth of a cell in it.
  • Development and growth of cells and follicles.
  • The maximum size of the vesicle is 22-24 mm, by which time the cell has matured.
  • Cell rupture of the walls of the vesicle.
  • The cell moves towards the uterus.
  • In the genital tract, a meeting with sperm occurs (if the situation is favorable).
  • The cell is fertilized.
  • The fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus.
  • On the ovary, wound healing occurs with the help of the corpus luteum. It also produces a hormone that promotes conception, egg attachment and the course of pregnancy in general.

So, on what day after ovulation does implantation of the fertilized egg occur depends on several factors. This includes the immediate time of ovulation, the speed of cell movement, and its viability. It is no secret that the ovulation process is so fleeting that it can be difficult to reliably identify it.

Methods for determining the day of ovulation

By studying on what day after ovulation the embryo is implanted, the forum identifies a large number of girls who determine the moment itself incorrectly. Therefore, let us recall the basic rules for identifying the stage of follicle rupture:

  • Mathematical calculation: subtract 14 days from the cycle. The amount received is counted from the last menstruation. This method Suitable for girls with stable rhythms. It is worth considering the possibility of failure due to stress, illness, climate change. It is advisable to confirm in additional ways.
  • Discharge. When the follicle reaches its maximum size, the structure of the mucus changes under the influence of hormones. It becomes transparent, viscous, sticky, and is characterized by excessive abundance. The discharge continues while the cell is in the tract and throughout its life (up to 2 days). It is easy to notice mucus, because until this moment there was a “dry” period when the secretions did not penetrate outside.
  • Pain in the ovary area. The cell breaks through the membrane, which is a wound, and therefore causes aching discomfort. They are minor and easy to ignore. The ovaries work alternately, so the pain will be different every month. different sides. It is easy to calculate the implantation of the embryo, on what day after ovulation, if the date of this pain is recorded. Ovulation will last a day or a little more after it.
  • Tests. Easy way home definition. The strip must be dipped in collected urine and evaluate color change. They begin to be carried out a couple of days before the expected ovulation (according to calculations) and until the shade appears as bright as possible. This indicates the day before or directly the rupture of the follicle.

Ovulation with an irregular cycle

Calculating on what day after ovulation the embryo is implanted can be difficult for girls with irregular processes. For them, even identifying this day itself is problematic. Moreover, many couples try not to miss any possible moment and carry out acts for several days in a row approximately at the equator of the cycle. To identify it in more detail, you can consult an ultrasound. This is the most exact way and the doctor will name a specific date for the release of the cell, observing the growth trends of the vesicle.

When to expect implantation

If the acts were carried out in a timely manner and implantation of the embryo is expected, on what day after conception this is possible is of concern to many. And I would like to learn even more about the very first signs so that it can be identified reliably and earlier than you can try a test or get tested.

By contacting doctors and specialists, we get an answer on what day after ovulation the fetus is implanted into the uterus - on average 6-8 days. It is always considered normal to have a week after fertilization. It is believed that this is how long it takes for the egg to reach the uterus. But since, in everyone, cell movement and other processes occur with at different speeds, then there is a deviation of 1-2 days here too. The 10th day is already commonly called late implantation of the embryo, but on what day it happened can only be reliably found out from a doctor by visiting him at this moment.

Methods for determining implantation

After attachment, it is already possible to determine pregnancy using other diagnostic methods, despite the fact that doctors recommend waiting 14 days after conception before contacting them. These include:

  • Blood analysis. At this time, a gradual increase in hCG begins, which is easily detected when donating blood several times.
  • Tests. The concentration of hCG in urine is not yet high, so it is worth waiting a little longer.
  • Inspection. Already when the fetus reaches 2 mm, it becomes visible when examined by a gynecologist.

If embryo implantation is expected during IVF, on what day the examination is scheduled, the doctor will tell you individually. It all depends on the characteristics of the patient’s processes. If you need to clearly know when embryo implantation is diagnosed, on what day after transfer, the parameter most often taken is the 10th day.

Main signs of implantation

Knowing what day after ovulation the egg implantation occurs, a woman can study the accompanying symptoms in order to independently diagnose the result. The most obvious sign is found in the form of a drop of blood in the discharge. This is normal, since the embryo breaks the capillaries in the lining of the uterus when it penetrates the endometrium, due to which a drop of blood can be released into the cavity. It comes out naturally and is found on underwear. It's normal if it meets the following characteristics:

  • It is found in the form of inclusions;
  • Has a light or dark, but brown tint (not bloody);
  • It is observed once or several times, but disappears after 1-2 days.

When is the best time to see a doctor?

If on this calculated date, on which day the embryo is implanted, real bleeding begins or scarlet drops are observed in large quantities, you need to take Urgent measures starting with a visit to the doctor. This may be a symptom of a serious disorder that even threatens the girl’s life.

If the bleeding is scanty and corresponds to the characteristics of embryo implantation, then on what day after conception it continues is worth noting in detail. If they don’t stop after a couple of days, the reasons may be very serious:

  • Pathology of the cervix (erosion);
  • Endometrial hyperplasia;
  • Formations in the uterine cavity, incl. poor quality (cancer).

So, on what day after ovulation does fetal implantation occur, we have clarified. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the discharge at this time. But they are not observed in everyone and sometimes are absent altogether. Therefore, you should not rely on them. It’s better to wait another week and check if your period comes. This will be a more objective sign, after which you can carry out laboratory or other methods to check your condition.

Knowing what embryo implantation is, what day to expect it and how to confirm it, the girl has the opportunity to learn about the birth of a new life long before tests or tests reveal it. However, this may not be the case for everyone. Don’t forget to listen to your feelings, but don’t “overdo it” so as not to cause false pregnancy, when both the delay and characteristic features as morning sickness caused by psychological mood girls. You just have to stay calm and everything will come in due time.

The development of pregnancy has certain characteristics and stages. On early stages after fertilization of the egg has occurred, the formed zygote moves through the fallopian tubes and enters the uterine cavity. Here, implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium takes place within two days. After this, the level of hCG in the woman’s body begins to increase - this is the hormone with the help of which pregnancy is detected in its earliest stages.

Implantation of the fertilized egg: sensations

Specific subjective manifestations of this process are mostly absent, since everything happens on cellular level The process takes place in two stages:

Adhesion (sticking), when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus (most often at its upper anterior end);

Invasion (penetration) - occurs with the participation of proteolytic enzymes secreted by the blastula. They dissolve the mucous membrane, which allows the embryo to enter the thickness of the endometrium. At the same time, the functional layer of the inner layer of the uterus thickens, the glands accumulate secretions, and stromal cells accumulate glycogen. So-called decidual cells are formed.

Changes in a woman’s body after implantation

Damage to the mucous membrane at the site of the fertilized egg heals within 5 days. In this case, the process of vascularization occurs, the number of connective tissue cells increases. When a fertilized egg penetrates, the mucous membrane goes through a secretion phase and subsequently becomes a nutrient medium that provides the embryo necessary substances, vitamins and

salts. It is worth noting that implantation of the fertilized egg is a unique immune process in which genetically new tissue is introduced without a rejection process. This phenomenon is explained by the lack of immunocompetence of the uterine mucosa during implantation, when the endometrium becomes immunologically passive tissue. At the same time, it remains interesting that attempts to introduce other cells into the uterine cavity always end unsuccessfully - the endometrium exhibits high immune protection against any implants other than embryos. Given this pattern, it is assumed that implantation of the fertilized egg is possible due to the specific properties of the fertilized egg itself. In addition, the question of etiology remains open ectopic pregnancy. They are still trying to figure out why this violation are certain pathological changes in the fallopian tubes or still etiological factor Are there certain properties of the fertilized egg that determine its attachment outside the uterine cavity?

Implantation of the fertilized egg: signs

In most cases, everything is asymptomatic, but a small number of women may experience implantation bleeding associated with destruction blood vessels endometrium during implantation of the fertilized egg. The discharge is insignificant, pink or brown in color. Sometimes women may experience minor nagging pain lower abdomen. They appear due to spasm of the uterine muscles during implantation. Changes in basal temperature also indicate the development of pregnancy.

So the greatest of miracles happened - the birth new life. The egg left the ovary and entered the lumen of the fallopian tube. Here she meets sperm that have managed to overcome the distance from the cervix. Fertilization is not such a common process.

The egg is covered with a rather dense membrane, so it will be possible to penetrate into it immediately. Spermatozoa secrete special substances that dissolve the protein of the membranes and unwind the cell with their flagella. Gradually, its cover becomes thinner and one lucky person seeps inside, giving rise to new life.

A day after fusion with the sperm, active fragmentation of the fertilized egg begins. At first it happens synchronously. The cell initially divides into two, after 12 hours into 4. Similarly, after 96 hours the embryo already has 16 or 32 cells. During the first days of its life it resembles a raspberry and is called a morula, and on the 3rd-4th day it forms a ball called a blastocyst. Along with growth, the cell moves towards the uterus. She cannot move on her own, but is transported under the influence of contractions of the fallopian tube, movements of the epithelium and fluid flow in the capillaries. The advancement of the embryo is regulated by hormones.
After the egg is released from the ovary, a special temporary organ is formed in its place - the corpus luteum. It produces progesterone and estrogens. These hormones ensure the correct rate of embryo advancement. At first, the level of progesterone is low, so the cell lingers at the very beginning of the fallopian tube, where fertilization and the beginning of division occur. Then its quantity increases, because contractile function The fallopian tubes grow and become peristaltic. In other words, they contract in waves directed towards the uterus, and thus “drive” the fertilized egg forward.

Only a certain ratio of progesterone and estrogens, as well as some other hormones in the blood, can guarantee the correct and timely advancement of the embryo into the uterine cavity.

The journey from the ovary to the uterus for an unborn baby takes approximately four days. After which one of the most important and complex processes in his intrauterine life - implantation.

Features of fertilized egg implantation

Implantation is a very difficult process that requires coordinated work between the embryo and the mother’s body. If it is not there, implantation may not occur. In most cases, this happens if the embryo has very serious genetic defects. A healthy embryo, on its way to the uterus, begins to accumulate substances in the body that can dissolve its endometrium. At the same time, villi grow on it, through which the embryo will receive nutrients. The mother's body is also preparing for implantation. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the structure of the endometrium takes on a form suitable for the implantation of an embryo.

How and when does implantation occur?

The implantation of the embryo in the uterus usually begins on the fourth day after fertilization, which is approximately 5 days after ovulation. The implantation itself takes place in three steps.

  1. Accession. Once in the uterus, the fertilized testicle immediately clings to its mucous membrane. After which the uterus is filled with a special liquid, which lifts the embryo, pressing it to the endometrium.
  2. Sticking (adhesion). The fertilized egg has already joined the epithelium and now its microvilli are intensively interacting with its cells.
  3. Invasion and nesting (invasion). The embryo breaks down the lining of the uterus, connects with maternal blood vessels and forms an embryonic kidney.

Symptoms and signs of implantation

Almost all women feel no change during implantation. This process occurs virtually painlessly, and hormonal changes do not yet appear externally. But from time to time, women who closely monitor their health may notice some symptoms:

  • Implantation bleeding. By inserting itself into the wall of the uterus, the fertilized testicle causes minor damage to the blood vessels. Because of this, the discharge may take on a brownish or pink tint.
  • Tingling or pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. They can be completely weak or quite tangible. They are usually localized at the site of egg attachment.
  • Increase in basal temperature. At the site of implantation of the embryo appears slight inflammation. Because of this, not only the basal temperature, but also the body temperature may increase.
  • Implantation retraction is a short-term decrease in basal temperature by 1-1.5 degrees before its increase during the implantation period.
  • Mild malaise, dizziness, nausea, apathy, iron taste in the mouth.
  • Sensual impermanence. Women often experience mood changes during this period due to changes in hormonal levels. May appear increased need in care, tearfulness and self-pity.

Discharge during implantation of the fertilized egg

Implantation bleeding is a symptom that requires more detailed consideration. The fact is that it is difficult to recognize it. It does not happen to all women; it can be very sparse or even heavy, like menstruation. Its duration also varies - as a rule, it is 1-2 days, but it can be longer. Because many women irregular cycle They mistake such discharge for regular menstruation and do not notice their fascinating situation.

Normally, implantation discharge is very light, spotty, and lasts less than 2 days.

If you are planning a pregnancy and monitor your basal temperature, then its changes will indicate that this is implantation. But remember that similar symptoms may occur in some gynecological diseases. Therefore, if the discharge is very strong and/or accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, it's better to go to the doctor.

Pregnancy occurs as a result of fertilization of a female cell by sperm - male cells. Few people know about important process, which occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy - cell implantation. This is the process when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, and this is where the full process of pregnancy begins. The first signs of the birth of a new life appear. You need to know the main points about this phenomenon, because it is one of the most critical moments in bearing a child. We will look at the timing, sensations and signs of implantation.

What is implantation?

Implantation is an unusual phenomenon in which a fertilized egg, called an embryo, implants itself into the wall of the uterus. There is a gradual connection of the uterine mucosa and the embryo. This period is important, because it is during this period that the compatibility of two organisms and the woman’s ability to bear a child with such a set of genes are tested. If there genetic disorders, then the body rejects the cell and a miscarriage occurs at an early stage.

From the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, large-scale changes begin in a woman’s body. The cells of the embryo begin to change and develop rapidly, at the same time the placenta begins to form. Changes completely hormonal background women, the level of the hCG hormone increases. From this moment on, pregnancy begins.

Implantation process

There are several sequential phenomena that occur in a woman’s body after sperm enters.

  1. The first step is the meeting and fusion of the egg and sperm. From this moment on, the egg is covered with a membrane - a protective film, so that more male cells it was not penetrated. The cell remains in such a protective film until it enters the uterus.
  2. A zygote is formed inside the egg, which begins to actively divide into many smaller cells. The fertilized egg is protected by moving through the fallopian tubes with the help of muscle contractions.
  3. As soon as the fertilized egg has penetrated the uterine cavity, the protective film comes off. At this time, a trophoblast is formed on the surface of the fertilized egg, which helps the cell attach to the surface of the uterus.
  4. If the resulting membrane around the egg is too dense and rigid, the implantation process may be interrupted. In this moment female body carries out selection and does not allow the attachment of cells with serious pathologies that can be determined at this stage.

When does attachment occur?

The female body is unique, and there are no mandatory rules and the provisions he must follow. This means that it is impossible to determine exactly how long it takes for the fertilized egg to attach to the uterus, as well as to calculate when fertilization took place. Medicine distinguishes two types of attachment depending on time.

  1. Early implantation is when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus 6-7 days after ovulation. It turns out that the fertilized egg moves through the female body for about another week, after which, after passing through the fallopian tubes, it enters the uterus, and attachment begins there.
  2. Late implantation is a longer process that takes up to 10 days after ovulation. It occurs during IVF, in women over the age of 40, when the endometrium of the uterus is thick.

How long does it take for the fertilized egg to attach to the uterus? The process takes approximately 48 hours. It is accompanied by some symptoms, which we will discuss below. In general, this process is not very noticeable to a woman.

Factors influencing the duration of the implantation period

There are a number of factors that influence how long a cell will travel in the body before implantation. Here are some of them that determine when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus:

  1. Compatibility of male and female cells, which determine the strength of the fertilized egg. If she's strong, she'll get through the fallopian tubes with ease, but if not, he may die.
  2. If conception occurs naturally (not IVF, freezing), then the chances of quick and successful implantation increase significantly.
  3. The thickness and elasticity of the uterine lining influence the attachment of the egg. Women over 40 are predisposed to thickening of the endometrium. This can also occur in at a young age, being the reason unsuccessful attempts get pregnant.
  4. It is important to introduce fundamentally new genetic material, then the likelihood that the female body will reject it is low. That is why it is not recommended for relatives, even distant ones, to conceive a child.


In most cases, women listen to their body and try to feel the symptoms when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. Is it possible? Some experts say that this is impossible, because everything happens at the cellular level and cannot cause discomfort to a woman. In fact, practice and many doctors say that this is not so.

  1. A nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, which may resemble pain before menstruation or during ovulation.
  2. Discharge is observed, it is spotty and scanty, it contains small admixtures of blood.
  3. A slight increase in body temperature, both general and basal. After the embryo has successfully attached, elevated temperature may persist throughout the first trimester. Promotion in in this case slightly - about 37 degrees.
  4. If a woman regularly measures basal temperature, she will notice the sinking. This is a decrease in temperature by about 1.5 degrees. Afterwards, gradual growth will begin, which will indicate pregnancy.
  5. Metallic taste in the mouth and the appearance of nausea without gag reflexes. They are not clearly expressed, so they may simply not be noticed by a woman.

Sharp pain, deterioration, bleeding, loss of consciousness, dizziness and other signs are symptoms of alarming phenomena. You should consult a doctor immediately, otherwise The woman's health will be seriously damaged.

It is important to notice such discharge - there should be very little blood in it. If there is a lot of it, this indicates deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor. All discomfort They should not disturb the expectant mother too much, they are light and do not last long.

Heavy discharge and long-term pain they talk about the threat of miscarriage and the formation of pathologies, so you need to consult a gynecologist. By nature, implantation secretions are similar to natural ones, which are released during ovulation and during the cycle. They are transparent, may have a slight creamy color, yellowish tint. The only difference is a drop of blood.

Why does implantation sometimes fail?

There are cases where implantation is impossible. Why does the fertilized egg not attach to the uterus? Let's look at several factors influencing this process:

  1. Great thickness and density of the protective cover of the fertilized egg. Previously, we discussed the implantation process, in which we said that if the membrane is too thick, attachment will be impossible.
  2. Deviations and disturbances in the genetic makeup, development of the blastocyst ( First stage human development), that is, that small cell that began to divide.
  3. Damage or disease to the lining of the uterus, which is unable to accept an embryo.
  4. Small amount hormones, often progesterone, which creates conditions for the successful attachment of the fertilized egg.
  5. Low level of nutrition of the uterine tissue, which is not enough for the development of the fetus.

Attaching to the back wall

Expectant mothers are often concerned with the question of which wall of the uterus is the fertilized egg attached to? As practice shows, in most cases the embryo attaches to the back wall of the uterus. It is closest to the spine expectant mother. Obstetricians note that this is the most comfortable spot attachments for childbirth.

At the site of attachment, the egg begins to grow, develop, and move into another stage of life. The location may change, but only in the 3rd trimester, as the uterus grows. It is impossible to independently determine where the embryo is attached. Reviews from women show that if the cell is attached to the back wall, fetal movements will be felt more strongly.

Attaching to the front wall is not a deviation, it is normal phenomenon, just more rare. In this case, the child will be located on the side of the abdomen, and not the spine.

Attachment to the fundus of the uterus

The situation when the fertilized egg is attached to the bottom of the uterus is the most correct with physiological point vision. This arrangement creates all the conditions for the embryo to favorable development, makes the risk of miscarriage minimal. At the same time, many women claim that when the egg attaches to the fundus of the uterus, the belly grows faster and stronger. Please note that this is nothing more than a myth. The location of the embryo does not affect the growth of the abdomen. Moreover, during pregnancy, the child can change its location several times.