Leeches indications for use. Treatment with leeches (medical leech), we understand the features of hirudotherapy. How does the procedure work?

Before practicing hirudotherapy at home, it is strongly recommended to take several courses from experienced professionals. Of course, you can limit yourself to studying the relevant literature, but it is much more practical to learn from specialists who will share with you the secrets of dealing with these natural healers and show you the right points.

How to properly apply medicinal leeches at home (with video)

Of course, many modern hirudotherapists advise resorting to the services of specialists. And they are somewhat right. In particular, at home you should not place leeches on mucous membranes. But, in general, there is nothing complicated in using leeches independently for treatment. And if you follow our recommendations, everything will work out for you.

Of course, it’s a good idea to get your first experience with leeches in the office of a hirudotherapist. This will give you the opportunity to see how leeches are placed, to learn the techniques and some of the subtleties that are known to the doctor. And then it will be much easier for you to treat yourself with the help of leeches.

Depending on the disease, as well as the characteristics of each person, leeches are placed differently.

To use leeches in home hirudotherapy It is advisable to study the recommendations of experienced doctors and only then begin self-medication. Hirudotherapy is really very good way improving your health, but it is also a medicine, and, as you know, reasonable caution should be exercised with medicines. You won’t swallow handfuls of headache pills if you suddenly have a stomach ache, will you? The same is true here: you need to know how to apply leeches at home, where and in what quantities to use these natural healers in order to benefit your body.

If you visit a hirudotherapist at least once, then you will see with your own eyes how a specialist handles leeches and what tools he uses in his work. At the same time, using leeches at home will be somewhat easier.

But you can easily master hirudotherapy on your own, the main thing is to be patient and strictly follow all the recommendations.

When you have purchased leeches, carefully choosing the healthiest and most attractive of them, and brought them home, you can only use hungry and active individuals for treatment. They move quickly in the water, nimble and active. If the leeches are flaccid or have a sticky surface of the skin, they are not suitable for treatment. It is best to put them in a separate jar and monitor their well-being.

As for the patient who is going to resort to treatment with leeches at home, he needs to take a shower before the session. Avoid scented washes - leeches are very sensitive to odors, and are most attracted to the scent of a clean body. To apply leeches at home, both the hirudotherapist and the patient are not recommended to use deodorants and perfumes.

Devices and materials for using leeches at home

Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) at home requires not only theoretical knowledge, but also the presence necessary materials and devices.

Before treating with leeches at home, prepare the “front of work” for yourself. You may need the following things:

  • a test tube or medicine bottle with a narrow neck;
  • tweezers;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • jar with clean water, into which you will transplant the used leeches;
  • sterile bandage;
  • cotton swab.

By at least, for the first time it is better to apply medicinal leeches at home with an assistant. Firstly, it is not always convenient to do this on your body. Secondly, no one knows how your body will behave. And leeches are mysterious creatures. So the person next to you will not bother you.

The only thing to remember before using leeches at home is that your assistant should not be too sensitive to faint at the mere sight of these natural healers. Otherwise, instead of assistance during the session home treatment leeches will cause unnecessary complications.

How to properly use leeches at home?

First, conduct a hirudotherapy session on another person. Before using leeches at home, place the patient on the bed. Bare the areas of the body on which you will place the specimens. Areas of skin covered with hair are best shaved, because these natural healers prefer smooth skin. Again, let us remind you: shave with baby soap odorless, rinse your skin thoroughly with water after this procedure.

Before properly placing leeches at home, for more active suction of individuals, rub the areas of the skin on which you will place them: this will increase the temperature, increase blood flow, and the leeches will be more willing to start the “meal”. You can also moisten the patient's skin with sweetened water or glucose solution.

Next, when using leeches at home, carefully pick up the individual by the tail with tweezers and place it in a test tube or bottle. Press the neck of the test tube to the desired place on the skin and wait until the leech attaches.

Having sucked, natural healers will fall off on their own. After setting up leeches at home, fallen off specimens should be carefully placed in a jar of clean water. Apply to suction sites sterile wipe, on top - a cotton swab and a bandage. Leave the bandage on for at least 12 hours, because after suction, blood may appear - this is normal, and you should not be afraid of this.

You will carry out treatment with leeches at home in approximately the same sequence on your own body, but it is better not to do this alone. A hirudotherapy session can make you feel relaxed and drowsy, but the results will not be very happy: the leeches, having had enough, can simply crawl away in different directions.

It is advisable to re-use leeches at home no earlier than after 5-6 days.

After a hirudotherapy session, itching may appear around the wound. Of course, you shouldn't scratch your skin. You can lubricate the itchy areas of the skin with the mixture. ammonia with Vaseline oil in a 1:1 ratio.

When treating with leeches on your own, you usually place from 5 to 7 individuals in one session. In order to enhance the healing effects of hirudotherapy, leeches are placed on acupuncture points.

It should be noted that these mysterious creatures themselves choose the most active points your body, to which they stick.

What sensations await you? This is a question that many beginning hirudotherapists ask themselves. After all, it would seem that what could be more frightening than betting on own body bloodsucker? In fact, nothing particularly terrible awaits you. You may feel a slight burning or itching, but that's all. discomfort will pass in a few minutes. And after the bite, there will be a mark on your skin that looks like a Mercedes badge.

A video on how to place leeches at home clearly demonstrates the process independent course hirudotherapy:

Two methods for treating with leeches at home

There are two ways to be treated with leeches at home: traditional with hemorrhage, or aspiration; newer without hemorrhage, or non-aspiration.

How to properly place leeches at home using the traditional method? In this case, individuals are placed on the skin and removed only when they are satiated, that is, they fall off on their own. This method is more than three thousand years old. It has been used at all times. Modern hirudotherapists also most often resort to this method of placing leeches.

The non-aspiration method was developed by Professor A. S. Abuladze in the middle of the 20th century and consists in not allowing the leech to get enough. As soon as it begins to suck blood, which is noticeable by the movements of its skin, it is removed from the patient's skin. Author this method I thought that therapeutic effect this can be achieved, but no blood loss occurs. Thanks to this, it is possible to use a significantly larger number of leeches during one session. They can be supplied up to 20 pieces or more at a time.

How are leeches removed using the non-aspiration method? Of course, leeches cannot be removed from the patient’s skin. A leech is a delicate creature, and thus you can harm both it and the patient.

When treating with medicinal leeches at home using a non-aspiration method, in order for the individual to fall off the skin, a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, iodine or lightly salted water can be applied to its back.

After a leech bite, a small amount of blood is usually released from the wound. At the same time, the wound can bleed for up to a day and this frightens many patients. There's really nothing wrong with that. At self-treatment using hirudotherapy, residual bleeding is normal phenomenon. The only thing you need to take care of is the bandage so as not to stain your underwear and clothes with blood. In addition, germs can enter a bleeding wound, so an aseptic dressing should be applied.

You need to apply a cotton swab to the bite site and secure it with an adhesive plaster or apply a bandage.

When the bandage is saturated with blood, another cotton swab is placed on top of it and bandaged again. However, you should not remove the old bandage.

Where to place medicinal leeches at home: treatment plan

Points for placing leeches during hirudotherapy at home are:

  • heart area- to cleanse blood vessels;
  • liver area- to cleanse the liver;
  • limbs- for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • area behind the ears- for heart failure and atherosclerosis;
  • back of the head- for hypertension, as well as for general cleansing vessels;
  • back- for general cleansing of blood vessels.

To place leeches, you can follow the diagram. Under no circumstances should you place leeches on your own in those places where the veins are located close to the surface of the skin, in particular on the temples, eyelids, and scrotum.

There are several classical schemes for setting leeches at home.

When starting point-by-point treatment with leeches at home, remember some important things. First of all, consult a specialist and clarify your diagnosis. It’s good if you can find a qualified hirudotherapist and find out from him how hirudotherapy is indicated for you. You should not study the symptoms of a particular disease in medical encyclopedias. Even medical students admit that when reading teaching aids, subconsciously “pull by the ears” the diagnosis and look for own body its confirmation. Don't harm yourself! So, consult a specialist.

If for some reason it is impossible to undergo leech treatment for the first time under the control and supervision of a qualified hirudotherapist, you need to remember some recommendations.

In particular, with thrombophlebitis, the point where leeches can be placed at home is the area directly above the vein. Avoid thin areas of skin where veins are visible.

The leech can bite through a vein, thereby causing bleeding. For thrombophlebitis, you can also place leeches on both sides of the thrombosed vein in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 5-6 cm from one another and 1 cm away from the vein.

Where to put leeches at home for hypertension, migraines, headaches and cerebral thrombosis? In this case, hirudotherapy is performed on both sides of the head on the mastoid processes behind the ears, approximately 1 cm away from the ears. You cannot place leeches closer, because they are located near the ear superficial veins, damage to which may cause bleeding. The lowest point of placement of leeches is located 1 cm above the earlobe. Place the next leech 1.5-2 cm above the first, etc. Also, with these diseases, sometimes leeches are placed on the tailbone, closer to anus. But under no circumstances should you carry out this operation yourself and do not leave the leech uncontrolled. There have been cases when leeches, having sucked blood, climbed inside the patient.

In case of inflammatory processes, leeches are placed on inflamed areas of the skin or on the projection of the diseased organ.

The points where to place leeches at home during eye flooding are the temporal region, and in some cases individuals are placed on the mastoid processes.

For diseases and stagnant processes V gallbladder and the liver of leeches can be placed on the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.

For inflammation nerve trunks leeches are placed on the painful area. In case of radiculitis, they are placed on both sides of the spine, and in case of inflammation sciatic nerve- actually along the nerve.

The point for placing leeches during hirudotherapy at home to treat inflamed processes in the joints is the area directly around the diseased joints.

For skin diseases, the method of placing leeches without bleeding is usually used. Leeches are placed on or around the affected area of ​​skin, allowed to bite through the skin and immediately removed.

The point of hirudotherapy at home in case of myocardial infarction is the left heart area.

Kidney diseases are treated by placing leeches above the lower back, on the projection of the diseased kidney.

Using medicinal leeches at home for prevention

At home, you can conduct a preventive general health course of hirudotherapy. This is not difficult to do. What to expect from this course? General health body, activation of the immune system, normalization of metabolism, regardless of the presence of diseases.

You can carry out a wellness course 1-2 times a year at almost any time of the year, but it is best to do it in spring or autumn. It is during these periods that it is easiest to place leeches.

The wellness course will take you about a month, as it consists of 7 hirudotherapy sessions at intervals of 3-4 days. You need to acquire 30-40 healthy, suitable for use hungry leeches. It would be a good idea to use a small glass to set the leeches. At the same time, you will limit the space where leeches can stick, but give them freedom to maneuver, and your nimble “healers” will be able to choose the most effective biologically active point for the bite.

Watch the video “Treatment with leeches at home to prevent diseases”, and then you can start self-therapy:

Hirudotherapy at home: points to set at the 1st session

Leeches are placed on the liver projection area. This zone is located on the right side, slightly below the hypochondrium. Why are leeches placed on the liver in the first session? The liver works around the clock, supplying your body with everything necessary substances, and this biological “factory” should be helped. But this is not the only reason.

Most hirudotherapists recommend first placing leeches on the liver projection area, since in this way it is possible to identify individual intolerance to the active substances secreted by the leech. Placing leeches on the liver projection is also convenient because you can observe their behavior and see what the blood loss will be after a bite, and it will be quite convenient to care for the wound. The last reason is that by placing leeches on the liver area, you thereby normalize the functioning of the liver itself.

Before placing leeches, wipe the area of ​​skin with a cotton or gauze swab moistened warm water. Transfer leeches (3-4 pieces) into a glass or small jar in advance.

During the first session, it is best to lie on your back. Bring the glass with leeches to the projection of the liver, quickly turn it over and press it tightly to the skin. The edges of the glass must be pressed tightly, otherwise the leeches will try to get out. Hold the glass in this position until the leeches stick to the skin. How to determine this moment? It’s very simple: the leech’s head becomes motionless, and the body pulsates smoothly. This means that the leech has attached itself and started the “meal”. After this, the glass can be carefully removed.

At the first hirudotherapy session, you can remove the leeches earlier, 20 minutes after suction. This is done using iodine or alcohol soaked cotton swab. Touch the swab with odorous substances to the head of the leech and hold it for a while. The leech will detach from the skin, then transfer it to a separate glass jar and close it. Treat the wound - wipe the skin around the bite site with a swab dipped in alcohol. After this, lightly moisten the swab with alcohol, apply it to the wound and secure it with a bandage or adhesive plaster. Place a waterproof baby wipe over the cotton swab to protect your clothes from blood.

You can clean, dispose of “fed” leeches, or place them in a separate jar: let them live until they get hungry, until next application. The water will need to be changed frequently as it becomes dirty quickly. It has been noticed that after the first 2-3 sessions, leeches rarely survive, because in human body accumulates a large number of all kinds of waste, and leeches cannot cope with them. But after the third session, the body becomes much cleaner and healthier and the leeches feel great.

How to be treated with leeches at home: setting scheme for the 2nd and 3rd sessions

The second session of hirudotherapy is carried out 4-5 days after the first, depending on the blood loss after the first session. If the blood has stopped 2-3 hours after a hirudotherapy session, you can have a second session 3-4 days later. If the wounds bled for more than 3 hours, it is better to do this after 5-6 days.

This time, the scheme for placing leeches for treatment at home is transferred to the coccyx area. Here you cannot do without an assistant, because installing them yourself will not be very convenient. On this zone leeches are used in the treatment of a number of diseases, in particular hemorrhoids, inflammation Bladder, uterus. Usually 2 leeches are placed on the tailbone area for 20-25 minutes. But this time you can leave the leeches until completely saturated. It is more convenient to place leeches when the patient lies on his side or sits. The sequence of actions is the same as during the first session.

In the third session, leeches are placed on the kidney projection area. It is better to place the patient on his stomach. Leeches are placed on the projection of the kidneys on the right and left. Place 3 leeches on each zone and leave until completely saturated until they fall off on their own.

How to properly place leeches at home during the 4th and 5th sessions

During the fourth session medicinal leeches at home they are placed on the projection of the heart. This is done for a number of diseases, such as cardialgia, ischemic disease heart disease, angina pectoris, etc. For prevention, this session is carried out 3-4 days after placement of the kidney projection. 3-4 leeches are placed, the patient should lie on his back. Leeches “work” until they are completely saturated.

When placing leeches on the heart area, it may happen that one of the leeches becomes saturated very quickly, after which it falls off to the side, and bleeding appears at the site of the bite. Don't be alarmed: this is completely normal and is related to the patient's individual anatomy. Wipe the bite area and apply a tampon to the bleeding area. Hold it until the increased blood flow stops.

In the fifth session, leeches are placed on the mastoid area behind the ears. They are located closer to the earlobe. Behind each ear at a distance of 1-2 cm from auricle 2 leeches are placed. The patient can sit or lie on his stomach. The session lasts 30-40 minutes until the leeches are completely saturated.

Points where to place leeches at home during the 6th and 7th sessions

The sixth session of placing leeches is carried out on the coccyx and liver area. It is convenient to do this when the patient is sitting or lying on his side. Leeches are placed 3 pieces per zone. The hirudotherapy session continues until the leeches are completely saturated.

Where should you put leeches during home treatment at the final stage?

Men are not given the seventh session, limiting themselves to six sessions. For women, leeches are placed on the projection of the appendages - 3 leeches on the right and left lower abdomen. It is best to conduct the session while lying on your back. The leeches should be completely satiated.

Like many other nuts, the fruits of Juglans regia ( walnut) found wide application both in cooking and in medicine. Of course, due to the high calorie content...

Treatment with leeches(hirudotherapy, bdellotherapy) is a method of treatment various diseases using medical leech.

In this article I will talk about my experience of treatment with leeches and its results.

In addition to my review (and I treated varicose veins with leeches), I will also talk in general about hirudotherapy: about the indications and contraindications of treatment with leeches, about the peculiarities of placing leeches: how many and in what places they are placed, about the health benefits of leeches, and so on and so forth . However, if any of this is not interesting to you, then you can immediately go to the section of this article that interests you:

Benefits of leeches

ABOUT benefits of leeches a lot has been written. Therapeutic effects from their use, they begin from the obvious - this is an increase in blood supply to the area of ​​​​the body where the leeches were placed, as well as to organs located in the area of ​​​​this area or closely connected with it blood vessels, and liquidation venous congestion. In addition, when a leech bites, substances that have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect enter the bloodstream. All this leads to improved blood microcirculation, a decrease in swelling or even complete subsidence of edema, a reduction in the likelihood of blood clots, as well as the destruction of existing ones.

What else are leeches useful for? According to Wikipedia, hirudotherapy has more than 30 different healing effects on the body, of which the most important (in addition to those already mentioned):

  • Reduced blood clotting
  • Improving the supply of tissues and organs with both the blood itself and the oxygen it brings
  • Reduction (normalization) of blood pressure
  • Good drainage effect (outflow of all sorts of nasty things from places of inflammation)
  • General reflex effect
  • Improving neuromuscular impulse transmission
  • Breakdown of fat deposits
  • Improving the permeability of the vascular wall
  • Destroying microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process (that is, it acts as an antibiotic)
  • Stimulation of the immune system, generally increasing and strengthening the immune system

Thus, the benefits of leeches are very, very extensive; there are plenty of positive health effects of hirudotherapy treatment. What diseases are treated with leeches?

What do leeches treat? Indications for hirudotherapy

A completely unambiguous answer to the question “ What do leeches treat?" gives V.A. Savinov (a certain famous traditional healer) the title of his book is “ Leech cures everything" However, whether this is true or not, I don’t know. I had the opportunity to leaf through this book several times while I was waiting for my turn at the hirudotherapy clinic. In it, the author cites cases of various diseases and ailments with which people came to him, and successful experience in curing them. I couldn’t find where you can download this book for free, search on the Internet, or buy it somewhere.

Personally, I decided to conduct a course of hirudotherapy with the aim of treatment of varicose veins. I have already heard a lot about the benefits of leeches for varicose veins. Accordingly, leeches also help with all other problems with veins - thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc. However, at the hirudotherapy clinic I went to, people came with different problems. And judging by what I heard, they also had some positive changes. Some, by the way, use leeches for weight loss. But in any case, about the specific indications for hirudotherapy, and even more so about whether any specific disease of yours can be treated with leeches or not - it is better to find out about this in your hirudotherapy clinic, from a hirudotherapy doctor, and not from someone on the Internet.

Contraindications to hirudotherapy

The very first contraindication to treatment with leeches- this, of course, is an allergy to their secretion, that is, the saliva they secrete, or to something specific in its composition. How it manifests itself allergy to leeches, I don’t know (thank God I didn’t encounter this). If you're interested, Google it.

Of course you can't go through hirudotherapy course, if you have a blood clotting disorder, especially if you suffer from hemophilia, since leech saliva works in such a way that it prevents blood from clotting, and bleeding (with normal clotting) can continue for up to a day. And with blood clotting disorders, who knows how it could all end. Other contraindications to hirudotherapy:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Severe anemia
  • Persistent arterial hypotension(severely low blood pressure)
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis
  • Menstruation, PMS, pregnancy

Perhaps some of the above contraindications are not strict, and it all depends on the individual case. There may also be restrictions on treatment with leeches for diabetes, some other body conditions or diseases. But again, it’s best to learn all this from an experienced specialist.

Age, of course, also plays a role, and leeches are administered to older people with great care.

Is it possible to get infected from leeches?

Where are leeches placed? Places and points of placement of leeches

Leech placement points vary depending on the type of disease or characteristics of concerns with which a person comes to a hirudotherapist. But there are still basic places and points where leeches are placed, regardless of the type of disease - so to speak, for “warming up” and general training body. In the clinic where I took a course of leeches, the sequence was as follows:

  • First session: leeches on the liver— they placed 3 pieces right along it.
  • Second session: leeches on the stomach- 2 in the lower abdomen: one on the left, the other on the right, and 2 at the top of the abdomen: also one on the left, the other on the right, and 1 leech at the top of the abdomen in the middle.
  • Third session: leeches on the tailbone(sacrum) - 3 pieces, and 2 leeches on the back(namely on the kidneys- one for each).
  • From the fourth procedure until the end of the course, leeches are placed specifically on those places and points that are associated with the existing disease.

The above leech placement scheme was used in the hirudotherapy clinic where I was treated. I don’t know how widespread and universal this scheme is. But the hirudotherapist who carried out the treatment clearly had considerable experience, and she is also a member of the association of hirudotherapists, so it seemed to me that she knew her stuff.

Of course, leeches are used not only in medicinal purposes, but also in cosmetics. So, some people put leeches on their face to rejuvenate it. I read that this actually has a rejuvenating effect, but some people have scars from leech bites that never go away completely. In this case, smaller leeches are used for the face than for other parts of the body, so that the wounds are smaller.

They also put leeches behind the ears- this is done both for cosmetology purposes and to improve blood supply to the brain, eliminate blood stagnation in the head - for the same purpose they usually put leeches on the neck in the area of ​​the spine.

How many leeches to place per session

During the first hirudotherapy procedure, it is necessary to determine how a person tolerates leech bites (some are allergic to leech secretions), so they usually start with small quantity- in my case, for the first time it was 3 pieces, and they delivered them to me to the liver. From the second session until the end of the course they put on 5 items.

How many leeches can you place in principle? I read that leeches are placed in larger quantities, than 5 - perhaps it depends on the disease, on the specific case, and perhaps on the views of the doctor himself performing the procedure.

What is the duration of sessions and hirudotherapy treatment in general?

As for the duration of the course, my doctor recommended 10-12 procedures, maximum 15 , and after that take a break (if treatment is still necessary) for two months. The indicated number of procedures is universal and does not depend on the type of disease. I finally passed 11 hirudotherapy sessions.

Each hirudotherapy session lasted 30-50 minutes, and other patients had the same session duration. The leeches were continued to be kept on the body until they clearly got drunk, which is why they became fat. Some fell off on their own during the procedure, having sucked in plenty of blood.

Treatment with leeches at home

It’s up to you, of course, and in order to save money, and also if you have the opportunity to buy leeches, you can treatment with leeches at home. But still, I would not recommend doing this.

Of course, if you've passed hirudotherapy training courses If you have really learned this craft well, then you can put leeches on yourself, although there will be difficulties with placing them on your back. But if you just read a lot about hirudotherapy, even if you found correct schemes with points for placing leeches, we studied the whole process from start to finish - still, it seems to me that it’s better not to do this. But, as you know...

Bleeding and blood after leeches

Bleeding after leeches it happened different intensity. And this depended not only on the area where the leeches were placed, but also on specific places, that is, the leeches could be quite close to each other, but the bleeding from the wounds was of varying intensity. The largest blood losses I experienced were when applying leeches. on the sacrum(coccyx) and some areas calf muscle (this was already when I was directly dealing with varicose veins).

Bleeding, especially profuse bleeding, is, of course, unpleasant moment in hirudotherapy and its small disadvantage, especially in situations where blood goes beyond the dressing. During the course of leeches, my clothes, bedding, and even the chair at my desk, which once leaked from my tailbone, were stained with blood more than once. :)

Blood after leeches should be bright red, if there is no stagnation, and at the same time liquid. If the blood is thick and dark, it means there is blood stagnation, and it is very good that you took up leeches in the first place, since it is thanks to them that the stagnation will be eliminated. It happens that the stagnation is very strong and the blood comes out not just thick, but like a dense jelly-like mass. This happened to me too, but fortunately, not in such volumes as it happens and as I have seen a couple of times in others. But, procedure after procedure, the blood normalizes and takes on a healthy bright red appearance, congestion is eliminated, the blood flows thin, and everyone is happy. :)

By the way, I read that leeches actually suck not blood, but lymph, into which blood enters from the capillaries.

How to care for wounds after a hirudotherapy session

At all different opinions There is something on the net about this. Many people write that they need to smear the wounds with something, but I didn’t treat them with anything at all.

In the clinic where I was treated, the system was as follows: they put leeches, removed them, applied a cotton pad to each bite, then on top feminine pad, well, they covered everything with a sticky bandage. In the evening it was only necessary to bandage it, again without any treatment. The next morning, shower, and then, if the bleeding still continues, apply a new dressing. All. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide or something else is only optional, apparently. I assumed that leech saliva itself has an antiseptic effect, so I didn’t apply anything.

Moreover, you should not smear anything on the wounds after leeches while the blood is flowing. That is, you need to let the blood flow until it stops on its own.

I also had reaction to leeches as skin redness in the area of ​​the bites. And all this was sometimes accompanied by quite severe itching. If you have one too itching after leeches, scratch more carefully - do not touch the wounds themselves, so as not to pick them off. You can probably smear the irritated areas with something so that the itching is felt less and the redness of the skin goes away faster, but I didn’t smear anything, I endured it.

Leech bites usually itch on the second or third day after the procedure, then the itching and redness disappear.

Condition after a hirudotherapy session

What can I say about my condition after a hirudotherapy session? Immediately on the day of the procedure, weakness and apathy most often set in. I wanted nothing more than to lie there and be stupid. :) In such cases, the hirudotherapist recommended restoring the supply of iron, which decreased in the body with blood loss, and in general, this is what caused the bad condition to happen. I myself began to be drawn to carrots and dried apricots- they are full of iron. The doctor herself recommended taking the drug “Fenuls” - in fact, it is iron. And in general, on the day of the leech procedure, it is recommended to reduce activity, move less and rest more.

But the next day, and sometimes for another one or two, a completely opposite state arose - lightness in the body and in the head, clarity of thoughts, good mood. After the first procedures this was felt most vividly, then it was not so vivid (maybe because it became habitual).

Leech marks (wounds, scars)

Wounds after leeches- this, of course, is a minus of hirudotherapy, and even more so the scars that may subsequently remain. The doctor told me that after a leech bite and complete healing of the wound, a small whitish, barely noticeable dot remains - actually, a scar. But some people have no traces of leeches at all.

Since I completed the course of hirudotherapy not so long ago - a couple of months ago, some of my wounds are still red - those on my legs. Those in the liver and abdomen area have already completely healed, and I can state that they are not noticeable at all, even if you look closely - in general, I simply could not detect the bite sites. However, I came across information that someone had scars after leeches, and apparently quite noticeable ones. Well, or someone is just too suspicious. :)

Treatment of varicose veins with leeches. Review

In general, fortunately, these horrors passed me by. No allergies were found negative reaction There were no leech bites, the treatment went smoothly. What about the results?

Treatment with leeches of mine varicose veins veins ended in two ways. More precisely, I don’t even understand myself whether everything has only gotten better, or in some ways a little worse. In general, those dilated veins that were visible disappeared (by the way, they put leeches in the area of ​​​​the calf muscle). In addition to dilated veins, I also had long-standing swelling in this leg that caused right leg in the lower part of the calf and up to the shin it was slightly thicker than the left leg. So, this swelling has completely gone down. But some time after it went away (after finishing the course of leeches), a couple of veins appeared in the place where it was. At the same time, I cannot say that these veins are painfully dilated - they are kind of just veins. It seems to me that the point here is that the blood flow improved after the leeches, so blood began to flow through these veins more actively, and they increased accordingly. But this, of course, is just my speculation. It’s hard to say how it really is.

But in the lower part of the calf muscle a tangle of dilated veins became noticeable. But again, I don’t understand whether it appeared as a result of the course of hirudotherapy, or whether it was there, but simply became more noticeable after the swelling went down. By the way, this is the place where I had the most leeches. In general, I am at a loss about this.

I will add that during the course of hirudotherapy, the existing swelling after leeches increased for a couple of days, but some time after the end of the course it went away completely.

What I can say with absolute certainty is that the sensations in my legs have become better. Before, I didn’t particularly complain about any unpleasant sensations in my legs, for which, by the way, thanks to the period of raw food diet and the work on Turbo-Suslik (), but after treating my legs with leeches, they became noticeably lighter or something.

In general, I will not definitely recommend treating varicose veins with leeches. It's still an individual matter. If you're interested, try it, of course. Leeches for varicose veins can really help a little. But they are unlikely to be able to completely cure varicose veins. That is, in any case, the effect of hirudotherapy in terms of treating varicose veins is temporary, it simply allows you to reduce symptoms for some time. So then, in some way you will have to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins again - with leeches or something else. Varicose veins can be cured, I think, only an integrated approach to health - so serious that the body is literally transformed. But you can still try leeches - maybe not specifically in relation to the treatment of varicose veins, but at least in general for improves blood flow and blood purification.

I’ll close the topic of hirudotherapy for varicose veins with a couple of rules that you need to follow if you put leeches on feet(taken from a conversation with a hirudotherapist with whom I took a course):

  1. Do not place leeches directly on the veins and it’s better not closer than 1 cm to them. If you place a leech on a vein, the vein may rupture, which may even require stitching.
  2. You can't put leeches on your feet to the shin area and on everything that is below it (that is, on the foot too). Very often, it is in the area of ​​the lower leg that varicose veins appear, primarily under it with inside legs. But no, you can’t put leeches there! I don't remember the explanation for this. But at a minimum, this should not be done due to the abundance and frequency of veins in this area.
  3. It's better not to put leeches directly for swelling— it is optimal to place it above it along the blood flow.

I hope my review of the treatment of varicose veins with leeches was useful to you. However, whatever you take from it, consider this point: I have already suffered vein removal surgery on both legs, I also underwent procedures several times microsclerotherapy(removal of veins using injections), and I managed to become disillusioned with all this, since manifestations of varicose veins arose for me again and again. Hirudotherapy for me was just another way to try to improve the condition of my legs. However, I am not saying that vein removal methods are ineffective or evil - for some they may be the most effective. So just study the topic, think, decide and choose. But still, before resorting to conservative methods treatment of varicose veins, it is better, of course, to try something less harsh. It's in my queue turpentine baths according to Zalmanov- Let's see what effect they will have. :)

Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches. Review

In general, this was not planned by me. I went to the leech specialist specifically for the purpose of treating varicose veins. However, if the result of hirudotherapy in relation to the veins of the legs is still not very clear to me in some ways, then in terms of treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches everything is clear - positive effect it is obvious, or more precisely, excuse me, butthole. :)

Leeches for hemorrhoids traditionally placed on 2 areas:

  1. On the coccyx (sacrum).
  2. Directly around the anus.

Since I did not have a goal to treat hemorrhoids (I am in the initial, not particularly bothersome stage), I did not resort to the second option. They put leeches on my tailbone twice. So, if before the course of hirudotherapy I sometimes had unpleasant sensations in the bottom after defecation (about once every couple of weeks), then after the course I completely forgot about them. Therefore, to alleviate hemorrhoids, if you have them, I can recommend hirudotherapy.

Summary of leech treatment

You can try. If you want. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to try. :) I can't really say anything else. But this is what concerns treatment of varicose veins. I just don’t know about the success of treating some other diseases with hirudotherapy - maybe for some diseases it really is a panacea, or at least very effective remedy. Then, of course, go ahead, treat yourself with leeches! Well, or again, if you try remedy after remedy to treat some of your illnesses, go for it too. Maybe it will help.

I probably won’t be treated with leeches anymore, at least in in kind. Perhaps I will take some kind of leech-based remedy, nothing more. Well, in any case, these are my intentions now.

The use of leeches in medicine was known thousands of years ago. It was these creatures that were described by such great people as Hippocrates, Ibn Sin and many other scientists. These people were the first to describe treatment with leeches, benefits, harms, indications for heart disease, hemorrhoids, blood pressure, and migraines. They even knew about leeches as healers in ancient Egypt and, oddly enough, the ancient Mayans.

About hirudotherapy

In Russia, leeches were one of the main tools of zemstvo doctors; this type became widely used during the wars, when leeches were used on lacerations and fractures. After all, the ability of leeches’ saliva to disinfect and relieve pain saved many wounded soldiers from death.

IN modern world hirudotherapy has again become in demand and relevant. After all, more and more often you can find allergic reactions in humans to various pharmaceutical drugs.

Information about why leeches are so popular and what diseases they cure will be described below.

Hirudotherapy and its benefits

As you know, leeches have healing saliva, which contains many useful and necessary elements for the body.

The benefits of using leeches are as follows:

  • Leeches help unload the circulatory system and empty blood vessels.
  • This worm is on a par with acupuncture, which allows not only to benefit, but also to launch the active functioning of many body systems. After all, suction occurs mainly biologically important points human body.
  • The secretions in saliva are saturated with biologically active substances that can improve the condition of the blood and its blood flow.

The benefit of a leech bite lies in the entry into the human blood of a whole complex of substances that can be divided into three groups, namely:

Useful material:

  • Immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory.
  • A group that acts on, has anti-ischemic and anti-atherosclerotic effects.
  • A group capable of stimulating the flow of blood and lymph.

Also now hirudotherapy is in demand in. After all, the properties of the secret glands of the leech can improve the condition of the skin, making it more beautiful, elastic, soft and firm.

Treatment with leeches: indications

For the use of leeches as therapy and treatment, there are certain indications for the state of the body. The effectiveness of treatment with this type of worm will be maximum for the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. This category includes the following diseases - heart disease, hypertension, ischemia, heart attack, stroke and many other ailments associated with blood vessels and blood flow.
  • Gastroenterological diseases. Leeches are effective when your liver is not functioning well. There are also problems with the digestive system.
  • Neurology and rheumatology. If you are worried about nervousness, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, dizziness.
  • Nephrology and urology. Prostatitis, cystitis, renal failure, cystalgia - all this can be treated with leeches.
  • Respiratory diseases. This section includes eczema, pleurisy and other diseases.
  • Gynecology. Leeches are also effective in the treatment of such a variety of gynecological diseases as fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibromastopathy, endometritis, etc.
  • Cosmetology. Hirudotherapy occupies a special place in modern cosmetology, and is used for problems such as acne, warts, eczema, psoriasis.
  • Surgery. Worms in surgery can treat hemorrhoids , boils,
  • Endocrinology. Leeches are used if you are obese or diabetes.
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Treatment with leeches is effective if you have osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia. Also in cases where your spine is affected chronic diseases.
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that leeches can improve blood circulation and heal sore joints.

Contraindications for the use of leeches

Since leeches are a healer, given to people nature, there are few contraindications for their use:

  • Hemophilia.
  • Anemia.
  • Low pressure.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Menstrual cycle.
  • Oncology.
  • Allergy to certain substances from the secretion of saliva.

Leeches and infertility

Have you wondered what any worms have to do with your ability to get pregnant? Then, we will help you with the answer. Of course, if you are diagnosed with infertility due to lack of... fallopian tubes, ovaries, then, unfortunately, few people can help you, but don’t despair, you can always become a mother!

If you are diagnosed adhesive process V fallopian tubes, inflammation in the genitals, and if there are problems with male semen, then leeches will come to the rescue here too!

Important! If you decide to treat infertility with the help of hirudotherapy, be sure to do it with a qualified doctor and in a clinic that has all the necessary permits and certificates.

Treatment with leeches at home

We would like to note right away that all information about treatment is provided for informational purposes only, and we strongly recommend that you undergo the course of treatment exclusively under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

Do you want to improve your body? At the same time, have you decided that you will do this with the help of leeches? Then you need to know the following:

  • Leeches must be purchased from specialized nurseries, so-called farms.
  • Need to know your accurate diagnosis.
  • You need to know the points where to place the leeches.

In order for you to conduct a home hirudotherapy session, a standard treatment regimen is offered for your reference.

This scheme The treatment is based on 10 sessions, which take place with an interval of 3 days. After completing the course, you must take a break for a quarter and repeat the course again.

As mentioned earlier, consultation with a doctor is mandatory, because only he can develop the correct and effective scheme, which will be able to achieve maximum results.

For informational purposes, we post standard scheme How to properly place leeches for the most common diseases.

The figure shows all the points to which the leech is attached. And which point relates to which disease, see the transcript below:

Point 1, 8– hypertension, eye diseases, hot flashes during menopause, migraines.
Point 2– sinusitis and others inflammatory processes in the sinuses.
Point 3– for diseases of the organs of vision.
Point 4– heart attack.
Point 5.8– liver and gallbladder problems.
Point 6– appendicular infiltrates.
Point 7– diseases of teeth and gums.
Point 9– gynecological diseases, inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
Point 10– varicose veins, thrombophlebitis (in a checkerboard pattern around the vein).
Point 11– trophic ulcers.
Point 12– inflammation of the joints.
Point 13– high arterial pressure.

Treatment with leeches, summing up

From all of the above, we can conclude that leeches are a good way to make the veins and blood vessels of our body healthier and the blood cleaner.

Also, therapy using medicinal leeches can help in the treatment of many diseases and ailments of the human body.

It is important to note that improper use of leeches or their repeated use can be harmful to your health! Therefore in mandatory Before any action, consult your doctor.

We will also be grateful for your feedback if you have practiced hirudotherapy and tell us how it helped you.


Dear readers, today we will continue our conversation with you about treatment with leeches, or as it is scientifically called - hirudotherapy. I have already told you about, we learned the features of this method of natural therapy, indications and contraindications, what you need to pay attention to if you are going to such a session.

Today we will talk to you in more detail about how it goes healing session and also about what diseases can be treated with medicinal leeches. Perhaps such a treatment sounds scary (the very word “leech” scares off many), but I think it deserves our attention, as alternative treatment without medication for many diseases.

Medical leech. Composition of saliva

Let's first talk about what the saliva of a medical leech is. She has very rich chemical composition, thanks to which diversified therapeutic effect on the human body. But, unfortunately, it has not yet been sufficiently studied. Although this process began at the end of the 19th century, this moment 20 biological components in its composition have been thoroughly described and this is far from the limit! There are more than 100 microelements in leech saliva. Let's consider some of them:

  • Hirudin thins the blood, improves blood circulation, dissolves existing blood clots and prevents formation, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Apyrase removes substances from the blood that contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Destabilase(a complex of substances) dissolves existing blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Hyaluronidase promotes the resorption of adhesions and scars.
  • Eglins(group of substances) reduce inflammation and tissue damage, have a therapeutic effect in rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lung diseases, etc.
  • Bradykinins(group of substances) act anti-inflammatory.

Treatment with leeches. Hirudotherapy session. Benefits and harms

How does a hirudotherapy session take place? First of all, before the procedure, it is forbidden to take a bath or shower with scented soap, or use deodorant, because leeches are very sensitive to smell and may refuse to attach. The places where leeches will be attached are treated immediately before the session: if there is hair, it is shaved off, the skin is washed with warm water and odorless soap and wiped with sterile cotton swabs.

The patient is positioned comfortably: he should feel relaxed and calm. An oilcloth and diaper are placed under the area where the leeches will be located, and the skin in the places where they are placed is moistened with a sterile glucose solution for better suction.

The leech is placed in a test tube with its tail down, applied to the point of influence and waited for it to attach. It is necessary to place a piece of waxed paper or cotton wool under the tail of the worm, since otherwise it may be sucked on by the second suction cup that is located there.

Animals are kept until completely saturated, sometimes for up to 60 minutes, and in in some cases are forcibly taken away: it depends on the method of treatment of each separate disease. Since leeches cannot be tolerated strong odors, then weaning is carried out by bringing a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol to the worm. When animals eat, they fall off on their own. They are taken with tweezers, placed in a container and poured hypertonic solution for destruction. Leeches are a one-time use product; they are not used a second time.

Bite wounds are covered with a sterile cotton-gauze bandage and secured. Blood may ooze from the wounds for up to a day - this is normal. If the bandage is soaked in blood, it is not removed, but a new one is fixed on top. After a day, the bandage is removed and, if the bleeding has stopped, the wounds are treated with a disinfectant solution, for example, iodine, and covered with a new sterile bandage for another 1-2 days. It is very important not to introduce infection into the wounds.

If the wounds continue to bleed a day after the session, then the bleeding should be stopped by adding a couple of drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Then the bite sites are also covered with a sterile bandage.
Wounds should be carefully monitored to avoid infection. They usually heal within 2-3 days.

Treatment with leeches. Indications and contraindications

What does hirudotherapy treat? Hirudotherapy is effectively used to treat a number of diseases:

  • cardiovascular,
  • gynecological and urological,
  • dermatological,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • thyroid gland,
  • various diseases of the spine and joints,
  • eye diseases,
  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • to improve immunity,
  • normalization of the functioning of the entire organism as a whole.

Treatment with leeches. Harm. Contraindications

I always talk about our wisdom. First of all, you need to find a competent doctor and discuss everything with him. He will ask you all the questions and give recommendations depending on the picture of diseases and health problems. It will tell you how many sessions you need to take.

Treatment with leeches has a number of contraindications. This:

  • poor blood clotting,
  • severe anemia (hemoglobin level below 100 g/l),
  • presence in the recent past or ongoing bleeding, including internal chronic,
  • cachexia,
  • individual intolerance or allergy to treatment with leeches.

Let's watch the video footage. Here's what doctors say about leech treatment.

What might be the reaction after a hirudotherapy session?

Many people complain that after a certain number of hirudotherapy sessions they began to feel unwell, and the bite sites burned, itched, etc. and because of this they stop treatment. Good doctor obliged to warn about the very likely reaction of the body. This effect is called a prefix reaction and occurs 12-14 hours after the 3rd procedure and may include:

  • swelling,
  • increased temperature in areas of leech bites,
  • local temperature rise,
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • myalgia,
  • deterioration in general health.

Such a reaction in mild form observed in 85% of patients, and the hirudotherapist should give recommendations to alleviate its course. Many people consider this reaction to be allergic and stop treatment, but in fact this is not the case: this is how the process of activation of the immune system manifests itself, and an exacerbation of some of the patient’s existing diseases may also occur. I will say again that this is normal: only 9% of patients do not experience any discomfort!

Hirudotherapy for the heart and blood vessels

As already mentioned, the composition of leech saliva primarily affects the blood and blood vessels, and, consequently, the heart. Hirudotherapy is used to treat the following cardiovascular diseases:

  • haemorrhoids,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • ischemic stroke,
  • hypertension,
  • lymphostasis,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • vascular thrombosis.

In addition to medicinal purposes, leeches are used as a prophylactic agent, as they cleanse and restore circulatory system, remove waste and toxins from the body, improve metabolism. The number of leeches and the location of their placement are determined by the doctor based on tests and depending on the disease.

Treatment of varicose veins with leeches

For example, with varicose veins it is very important to start treatment at a later stage. early stages diseases. The session is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Leeches are placed in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 2-10 cm from the diseased vein, but in no case on the vein itself or venous nodes. As a result, inflammation, itching, heaviness, burning, cramps go away, the blood thins, its microcirculation improves, blood clots dissolve, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

Hirudotherapy in gynecology. Hirudotherapy for infertility

Hirudotherapy is widely used in gynecology, including for the treatment of infertility. It should be understood that if a woman does not have ovaries, uterus or other organs, then leeches naturally will not be able to help her. If the cause of infertility is diseases such as endometriosis, adhesions in the tubes and uterus, inflammatory processes, fibroids, disorders hormonal balance, then the chance of becoming a mother increases many times over.

Thanks to the substances in the leech’s saliva, stagnation disappears, inflammation goes away, tubal patency, nutrition of the pelvic organs, blood circulation improve, the amount of hormones is normalized, and the immune system is strengthened. All this contributes to recovery reproductive system woman and prepares her body for conception and successful bearing of a child.

Leech treatment of joints and spine. Hirudotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Currently, more than 90% of the working population suffers from diseases of the spine, and if we also include diseases of the joints, the picture appears completely depressing. Hirudotherapy is successfully used to treat the following diseases of this group:

  • arthritis,
  • arthrosis,
  • radiculitis,
  • back pain,
  • spinal hernia,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • joint deformation due to gout.

Most people do not even suspect that many diseases in the human body arise due to problems with the spine. Thanks to treatment with leeches, blood circulation improves, congestion disappears, waste and toxins are removed, and damaged tissues oxygen begins to flow and useful material, which helps their recovery, swelling of nearby areas decreases, unblocking occurs nerve endings. When passing complete treatment Damaged intervertebral discs are often restored.

Leeches can be of great help in the presence of osteochondrosis cervical spine spine, which is the most painful. After treatment, in addition to the above, people get rid of spasms, a feeling of constriction, lethargy, constant headaches, and insomnia.

Here is the information about leech treatment for today. And for the sake of our souls, we will listen Mon Ange celeste Je t'aime I invite you to plunge into the wonderful world of dreams.

I wish you all health and beauty, warmth and comfort in your families. Use the simplest and available recipes for your health. And, of course, don’t forget about positive thoughts.

see also


    06 Sep 2018 at 11:43


    16 Feb 2018 at 14:29





    13 Mar 2017 at 18:33


    05 Sep 2016 at 10:26


    In contact with

    Medicinal properties of leeches

    Leech saliva (hirud) – natural medicine. In its composition great amount biologically active substances– enzymes. Once in the human blood, the secretion of hirudes spreads throughout the body, providing healing and healing effect.

    Treatment with leeches

    The main enzymes in saliva that determine beneficial features leeches, the following:

    • hirudin – thins the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, destroys those that have formed;
    • destabilase – dissolves blood clots, reduces blood clotting;
    • hyaluronidase – improves the permeability of blood vessels and tissue cells, admission nutrients, microcirculation, improves sperm quality, dissolves keloid formations;
    • bdellins – prevent the formation of blood clots by inhibiting the activity of enzymes that promote clotting;
    • kininase – destroys substances that influence the formation and intensification of pain;
    • aeglins - help suppress inflammatory processes in tissues, blocking the activity of enzymes released during this process;
    • apyrase – lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis.

    How are leeches useful for treating sick people? Expanding small vessels, dissolving blood clots and enzymes in them improve microcirculation and ensure the supply of nutrients, biologically active substances and oxygen through the bloodstream to the affected organs. They improve metabolism, normalize blood pressure, promote quick cleansing blood. Helps cope with pain, reduce swelling, improve motor functions, that is, they contribute to recovery.

    Replenishment of the sucked blood occurs due to the production of red blood cells, which rejuvenates the body.

    This activates the immune system and the effectiveness of self-regulation of the functioning of the body of sick and healthy people, under conditions of increased mental and physical stress.

    Hirudotherapy relieves fatigue, increases performance, creative potential, spirituality. Improves mood and general psycho-emotional state.

    Additional energy and strength appears. Therefore, it is useful for treating a person with a weakened immune system.

    Healing and healing effect from natural remedy achieved complex impact girud, namely:

    1. Mechanical. The sucked fluid reduces the load on regional blood flow, fresh blood stimulates the immune system.
    2. Reflex. It is selectively absorbed into biologically active points and acts like a needle in reflexology.
    3. Biological. Achieved with the help of enzymes injected into the blood with saliva.

    What else are leeches useful for humans? They are able to restore the body’s energy balance, improve appearance skin. Hirudotherapy for acne is used in cosmetology. Leeches are placed on the affected areas of the skin. Their effect improves metabolism and accelerates the elimination of toxins, which in many cases are the cause of the rash.

    Saliva enzymes relieve inflammation, accelerate acne scarring and skin restoration. It becomes smooth and clean. Leeches given for acne promote the resorption of scar tissue.

    What problems does hirudotherapy help with?

    Purpose of treatment with leeches

    The main pathologies for the treatment of which hirudotherapy is prescribed are:

    • diseases of cardio-vascular system– cardiac ischemia, hypertension, myocardial infarction, varicose veins, phlebitis, vascular atherosclerosis;
    • violations cerebral circulation– pre-stroke, migraines, headaches;
    • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract - cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids;
    • skin diseases - rashes, eczema, boils, abscess and others;
    • ophthalmological problems - cataracts, various inflammations, glaucoma;
    • diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease;
    • diseases of the bronchi, ear, throat, nose;
    • pathological conditions and diseases associated with women's health;
    • male diseases (urethritis, nephritis, prostatitis, infertility, erectile dysfunction and others);
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (chondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, hernia, myositis).

    The benefits of hirudotherapy are recognized for resorption postoperative scars , scars and their healing. Rejuvenation of the entire body, including the skin, is used in cosmetology.

    Features of use during pregnancy

    They are effective for prevention and initial stages development of pathologies.

    The benefits of leeches for women's health widely used in gynecological practice and in the complex treatment of certain organ diseases urinary system(cystitis,).

    Hirudas cope with pathologies and conditions associated with hormonal imbalance(endometriosis, colpitis, ovarian dysfunction, infertility, pathological menopause, irregular menstruation).

    Many pathologies develop due to congestion in the genitals. Sucking out some of the blood eliminates it.

    Adhesions in the appendages after abortion and inflammation resolve after hirudotherapy. Preventive procedures prepare the uterus for pregnancy and successful gestation.

    Hirudotherapy during pregnancy is prescribed in exceptional cases, When drug treatment contraindicated. This happens with the progressive development of varicose veins, thrombosis, arthrosis, and only in the first trimester of pregnancy. Slightly thinned blood helps the embryo strengthen.

    Important! Indications for prescribing leeches for expectant mother there is a threat of fetal loss from blood clots. The procedure must be prescribed by a doctor and performed under his supervision, because it can cause spontaneous abortion, miscarriage or premature birth.

    In the second trimester, a woman’s blood is already thinned, and additional exposure to leeches causes fetal loss. Therefore, the benefits of hirudotherapy for a pregnant woman can result in great harm.

    The benefits of leeches for men's health

    Stagnation in the pelvic area in men provoke development urological problems that affect the quality of life.

    The benefits of treatment with leeches for men in this case are to eliminate blood stagnation, improve microcirculation, suppress inflammation and beneficial influence on the genitourinary system.

    Hirudotherapy successfully heals urethritis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, infertility. Improves the functioning of the testicles - increases the quality of sperm reproduction, which is important for men.

    By thinning the blood, dissolving blood clots and preventing the formation of new ones, salivary enzymes improve blood flow and, accordingly, the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Her diseases among men rank second after urological ones. Also as a result of hirudotherapy androgen secretion improves, preventing hormonal imbalances.

    Positive effect on the liver

    The liver is very important organ for a person. But often they remember about it only during the development of diseases or exacerbation chronic illnesses. Stagnation in the organ leads to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to its cells. The production and outflow of bile and metabolic processes are disrupted, sugar and bilirubin levels in the blood increase. Inflammation develops, stones form in the ducts and gall bladder.

    Hirudotherapy cleanses blood vessels, improves microcirculation, normalizes metabolism, removal of bile and toxins, dissolves fats.

    Leeches have an extremely positive effect on the liver; they successfully cleanse the organ after eating and alcohol poisoning, restore work failures after stress.

    The effect of leech on the liver enhances drug treatment for hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, and cholelithiasis.

    The benefits of hirudotherapy for the liver are not only in normalizing the functioning of the organ, but also in strengthening the immune system.

    Hirudotherapy for oncology

    Important! The decision to use hirudotherapy in complex treatment of oncology is made only by an oncologist. He is responsible for the correctness of treatment and the life of the patient.

    Leeches are prescribed for oncology after chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery , as they sharply weaken the immune system. They restore local immune forces. They are placed at some distance from the tumor, because this therapy can cause benefit and harm. The effect of hiruda directly on the tumor can activate its growth.

    It also increases the physical energy of cells in the tumor area, which is weakened cancer cells. The use of hiruda in oncology is appropriate after breast removal in women with breast cancer.

    Leeches for treatment - indications

    They not only strengthen the body and resolve postoperative scars, but also relieve pain and swelling of the hand and help restore its mobility. The method of hirudotherapy as a treatment for any type of oncology is used extremely carefully and carefully.

    Complications after hirudotherapy

    Negative consequences of the procedure are rare. They are:

    • lymphadenitis - inflammation of the surrounding area, which quickly passes;
    • infection of the wound - the patient rips off or scratches the bite site and causes an infection, consultation with a doctor is necessary;
    • local allergy – goes away in a few days;
    • general allergies – treatment is required as prescribed by a specialist;
    • hyperpigmentation at the site of hiruda application - removed special methods recommended by a doctor.

    Important! In exceptional cases, the consequences of hirudotherapy are severe: anaphylactic shock, requiring immediate professional help. Bleeding occurs during self-treatment.

    Video: Treatment with leeches

    Hirudotherapy can bring both health benefits and harm to the patient. For successful treatment Special knowledge, experience and skills are required. This can only be provided by a specialist.