Toothpaste from 0 to 3 years. Useful video: how to teach your baby to brush his teeth. place. Children's toothpastes from President

From birth, it is necessary to provide the baby with adequate oral care. To avoid cavities and other dental diseases in the future, it is very important to choose only the best children's toothpastes on the market. Naturally, they must be “tasty,” natural and safe. These are exactly the ones we have selected in this rating, which will help you find the most worthy remedy for your child.

Proven products that are completely safe for children can be found from American and Italian manufacturers. Russia also has its leaders, but the price of such products is even higher than that of European competitors. When choosing toothpaste for children, you should pay attention to the following companies:

  • Brush Baby– the company is not yet very well known on the Russian market, but it offers customers high-quality products for caring for children in the period from the appearance of the first teeth to 12-15 years. It was developed by experienced dentists, which guarantees the safety of its use.
  • PresiDENT is an Italian brand of Betafarma S.p.A, created in 1971. All products are manufactured in our own factory in Milan and tested in a laboratory located on its own territory.
  • Colgate is an easily recognizable American brand that produces body and oral care products. Their price is very affordable, which is perhaps why some dentists are skeptical about them.
  • Splat is a Russian company founded in 2000. It offers a fairly wide selection of pastes for different ages. It is very convenient that they are divided into categories - for children from 0 to 3 years old, from 2 to 6 years old, from 6 to 11 years old.
  • R.O.C.S.– she has three types of products – with the scent of linden and chamomile, for the prevention of caries from the first days of life. The company is a partner of the Russian Society of Hygienists and Dentists.
  • Fuchs is a little-known brand, the rights to which belong to Winsor Dent LLC. There are only two products for babies in its assortment, and their prices are quite affordable.

Rating of the best children's toothpastes

Since the products will be used to care for the baby’s oral cavity, first of all we paid attention to its safety and composition. During the product analysis, it was examined for the presence of fluoride, hypoallergenicity, abrasiveness and, accordingly, the ability to damage the integrity of tooth enamel. The following indicators were also taken into account:

  • Package;
  • Volume;
  • Smell;
  • Color;
  • Consistency;
  • Texture;
  • Flow rate.

The best children's toothpastes

Obviously, they must contain a minimum amount of fluorine (300-500 mg/kg) or be produced without it at all. Children swallow up to 50% of the toothpaste during brushing, which often causes fluorosis. Of great importance is the absence of artificial dyes, parabens and fragrances in the product.

Most suitable option for children over 12 years old

– it smells very pleasant, like mint, but at the same time you don’t want to eat it. The product is universal - it cleans plaque well, fights pathogenic bacteria, and freshens breath. It is recommended to use it to prevent caries and pulpitis. There are no fragrances, sugar or sodium lauryl sulfate here. Fluorine is, of course, present here, but in a small dose. The volume of one package is 50 ml, this is enough for 2-3 weeks with twice cleaning.


  • Good smell;
  • Nice texture;
  • Does not spread over the brush;
  • Rinses out quickly;
  • Instant results;
  • Gives several effects.


  • Does not relieve gum inflammation;
  • Small volume.

Grade – 4.9

Price– 180 rub.

Ideal choice for children from 0 to 3 years old

Brush Baby BR092 – combines the pleasant taste of apple and mint, has an unobtrusive, mild smell that does not cause allergies. There are no harmful substances like SLS in the composition. Despite the fact that it does not foam very well due to the lack of lauryl sulfate, 75 ml is enough for about a month of regular use. This is the volume in which the product is produced, packaged in a bright plastic tube with a bunny pattern. The product has been successfully tested for safety and effectiveness more than once.


  • The benefits are clinically proven;
  • Has numerous recommendations from dentists;
  • Has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Suppresses painful sensations during teething;
  • Smells great.


  • Designed only for a certain age;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Poor extrusion;
  • Almost no foam.

Grade – 4.8

Price– 390 rub.

The most popular budget product

– two pastes are offered here, with the taste of bubblegum and strawberry. Parents note that children really like them, so the baby will want to brush his teeth himself. This option is suitable for children over 2 years old. It effectively cleanses enamel, disinfects the oral cavity and gives fresh breath for the whole day. The biologically active formula with a minimal inclusion of fluoride makes its use safe for health. One tube contains 50 ml of product, which is consumed on average in 2 weeks.


  • Safe;
  • Smells nice;
  • Effectively cleans teeth;
  • Reliably protects against caries;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Too runny;
  • Suspicious blue color of the mass.

This video is about Colgate Doctor Hare children's toothpaste:

Grade – 4.6

Price– 45 rub.

The best all-purpose toothpaste for children

Fuchs Junior has taken a leading place due to its versatility; it can be used by children from 2 to 11 years old. It simultaneously prevents the development of both caries and stomatitis. It has a floral scent, barely noticeable. At an affordable price, the buyer will receive 75 ml of an effective product without dangerous dyes and parabens. Thanks to this, the paste does not cause allergies and does not injure the enamel. This option is suitable even for sensitive teeth.


  • Double protection against stomatitis and caries;
  • European production;
  • Relatively natural composition;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Wide age range for use.


  • Sharp, not very pleasant taste;
  • Released not long ago.

Grade – 4.7

Price– 170 rub.

The best toothpaste for children's sensitive teeth

R.O.C.S kids Sweet Princess copes well with the prevention of caries and stomatitis thanks to three main active components - calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride and xylitol. As a result of the action of this “trio,” the product effectively eliminates microbes in the mouth, strengthens tooth enamel and makes it less susceptible to the effects of sweets. The manufacturer has prioritized safety by excluding fluorine and sodium lauryl sulfate from the composition. The pleasant aroma of roses will make brushing your teeth desirable for your baby, designed for ages 3-7 years.


  • Long lasting effect;
  • Good consistency;
  • No dyes;
  • Does not contain fluoride;
  • Does not irritate mucous membranes.


  • Not the lowest price;
  • Used up quickly.

Grade – 4.6

Price– 190 rub.

The safest

- A child wearing it can only be put off by a very strong smell. The paste is easily squeezed onto the brush, distributed without problems and quickly washed out of the mouth. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory, soothing and regenerating properties, therefore it is successfully used for the prevention of stomatitis, gingivitis, and caries. You can even use it to care for sensitive teeth. This option is also suitable for parents.


  • Popular;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Penetrates deep into the enamel;
  • Soothes gums.


  • An uncomfortable tube is unstable;
  • Available in only one volume;
  • There is too little product in the package.

Juicy Splat with strawberry-kiwi flavor is the best toothpaste for children among Russian-made products.

Grade – 4.6

Price– 74 rub.

Which children's toothpaste is best to buy?

A child under 5 years of age who has carious cavities will benefit from options based on hydroxyapatite and fluoride, which mineralize them. The latter substance should not be in the composition if the family lives in a region with a high content of it in the water. For regularly occurring stomatitis, enzymes that increase local immunity - glucose oxidase, lactoferrin, etc. - must be added to the product.

When choosing one option or another, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • For those with sensitive enamel, you need products with a gentle composition, without fluoride or with a minimum content of it - R.O.C.S kids Sweet Princess would be a good choice.
  • Very young children need special pastes with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In this regard, you can trust Brush Baby BR092.
  • Of the inexpensive but high-quality options, it is worth recommending Colgate “Doctor Hare”.
  • If you have several children in your family aged from two to 11 years, then Fuchs products will be just right, which can be used by all of them.
  • For those whose mouth is already almost “complete” with molars, PresiDENT Teens “Mint” is the best choice.
  • For stomatitis, the situation will be alleviated by Juicy Splat, which relieves inflammation and suppresses bacterial activity.

This video is about how to choose the right children's toothpaste:

You should choose the best children's toothpastes based on the purpose of their use; you should not buy one remedy for caries, for cleaning enamel, and for fresh breath. It is also necessary not only to rely on reviews from parents, but also to take into account the recommendations of dentists.

Children's toothpastes from 0 to 4 years –

1. Toothpaste-gel “PRESIDENT Baby 0-3” from 0 to 3 years –

→ manufacturer: Italy

→ active substances: calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol
→ total fluoride content: does not contain fluorine
→ controlled abrasiveness RDA 25
, parabens, PEG
→ price: 30 ml – from 110 rub.

Comments: Italian toothpaste “PRESIDENT Baby” is intended for children from 0 to 3 years old. The paste has low abrasiveness and a pleasant raspberry aroma. The paste contains calcium in the form of calcium glycerophosphate, which strengthens teeth. The Xylitol content allows the paste to effectively neutralize acids in the oral cavity. Xylitol also has a cariesstatic effect.

The toothpaste is safe to swallow. In addition, the price/quality is practically unrivaled, because... We will see below - many Russian-made pastes cost as much as 2 times more than this Italian pasta.

2. Toothpaste “LACALUT baby” from 0 to 4 years –

→ instructions for use
→ manufacturer: Germany
, vitamins A and E
→ total fluoride content: 250 ppm

→ does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate
→ price: 50 ml – from 130 rub.

Comments: toothpaste for children from 0 to 4 years old with raspberry flavor, which is intended specifically for baby teeth. Contains amino fluoride - the best fluoride component available. Aminofluoride not only effectively strengthens the enamel at the time of brushing your teeth, its peculiarity is that within 30 seconds of brushing, it forms a thin film on the teeth, from which fluoride penetrates into the teeth for several more hours.

The latter is very important, because Children usually brush their teeth very little (1-1.5 minutes), and not all active ingredients have time to have the desired effect during this time. The dosage of fluoride is very low and if small amounts are ingested, it will not cause harm. The paste has received approval from the German Dental Society.

3. Toothpaste “Elmex for children” from 1 to 6 years –

→ manufacturer: Colgate-Palmolive company
→ active ingredients: amino fluoride

→ controlled abrasiveness – RDA 60
→ does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, preservatives or dyes
→ price: 50 ml – from 144 rub.

Comments: Elmex is a toothpaste for children from 1 to 6 years old, which is created for baby teeth. The paste has an excellent caries-preventive effect due to the content of amino fluoride (read about its properties above). However, if a child accidentally swallows the paste, it is advisable to use a paste with either a fluoride dosage of 250 ppm, or a paste based on hydroxyapatite or calcium glycerophosphate without fluoride.

4. Children's tooth gel with calendula “Weleda” from 0 to 3 years –

→ manufacturer: Weleda company, Germany
→ active ingredients: calendula extract, alginate, mint oil, fennel oil, esculin.
→ does not contain fluorine, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, PEG, sugar
→ price: 50 ml – from 230 to 300 rubles.

Comments: Weleda children's tooth gel contains active ingredients: essential oils, alginate (extracts from seaweed), etc., which have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Abrasive and polishing components allow you to remove microbial plaque from baby teeth. The gel is completely safe if accidentally swallowed.

This tooth gel does not contain fluoride or calcium, and therefore it is necessary to alternate the use of this gel with other toothpastes (for example, based on calcium glycerophosphate) so that immature children's enamel is saturated with calcium. This is also necessary to increase the resistance of tooth enamel to caries.

5. Toothpaste “SPLAT Juicy Set” from 0 to 99 years –

→ manufacturer: Russia

→ active substances: hydroxyapatite, enzyme complex (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, glucose oxidase).
→ does not contain fluorine, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, PEG
→ price: set of 3 tubes of 35 ml – from 250 rub.

Comments: SPLAT Juicy Set toothpaste is suitable for intensively saturating tooth enamel with calcium. This toothpaste is suitable for both children and adults. All components are safe if swallowed. "SPLAT Juicy Set" contains one of the most easily digestible forms of active calcium - hydroxyapatite, which restores weakened enamel, making it stronger.

In addition, this paste contains enzymes that are aimed at increasing the local immunity of the oral mucosa. Therefore, the use of such a paste will be useful not only for strengthening teeth, but also for preventing inflammation of the mucous membrane, such as stomatitis.

6. Toothpaste “SPLAT Junior” from 0 to 4 years –

→ manufacturer: Russia
→ active ingredients: calcis, xylitol, enzyme complex (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, glucose oxidase), licorice extract, Aloe Vera gel.

→ price: 55 ml – from 155 rub.

Comments: Splat children's toothpaste from 0 to 4 years has a creamy vanilla taste. As in the previous toothpaste, it also contains a complex of enzymes to prevent stomatitis and increase local immunity of the oral mucosa. Aloe Vera content helps reduce inflammation when the first teeth are cut. The paste is safe if accidentally swallowed. This paste comes with a silicone brush for your baby's teeth.

However, according to the manufacturer, the paste contains some kind of calcium compound, which the manufacturer called the term “CalciS”. Such a compound does not exist in nature, and Kaltsis is a made-up name for one of the calcium compounds such as calcium carbonate, calcium glycerophosphate... Unfortunately, the manufacturer thus encrypted the composition (and this is not clear to us). After all, if the paste contains calcium carbonate, then it is useless for strengthening teeth, but if it contains calcium glycerophosphate, then it is a good compound.

7. Toothpaste “ROCS – PRO Baby” from 0 to 3 years –

→ manufacturer: Russia

→ does not contain fluorine, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes
→ price: 45 g – from 210 rub.

Comments: Rox Pro Baby children's toothpaste is safe if swallowed. Like most other pastes without fluoride, it contains calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol (see their properties above). The paste has low abrasiveness.

A decent composition, but the price of the Russian Rox paste (in our opinion) is noticeably overpriced. For example, the Italian PRESIDENT Baby toothpaste-gel costs almost 2 times less for the same volume (30 ml is approximately equal to 45 g), and the same active ingredients.

8. Toothpaste “ROCS Baby – fragrant chamomile” from 0 to 3 years –

→ manufacturer: Russia
→ active ingredients: xylitol, chamomile extract, alginate
→ controlled abrasiveness – RDA 19
→ does not contain fluorine, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes, antiseptics
→ price: 45 g – from 160 rub.

Comments: Rox toothpaste for children from 0 to 3 years old contains abrasive and polishing components that remove plaque, as well as xylitol, which allows you to effectively neutralize acids in the oral cavity. The paste also contains alginate (seaweed extract), as well as chamomile extract. These components have a good anti-inflammatory effect on the gums.

The disadvantage of this toothpaste is that it does not contain components that strengthen tooth enamel, such as calcium. Therefore, this paste should be alternated with other pastes containing calcium glycerophosphate and hydroxyapatite. The paste is safe if swallowed.

9. Toothpaste “SILCA Putzi – banana” from 1 to 6 years –

→ manufacturer: Germany
→ active substances: abrasive and polishing components, pyrophosphate.
→ controlled abrasiveness RDA 40
→ does not contain fluorine, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes
→ price: 50 ml – from 55 rub.

Comments: low abrasive toothpaste intended for children from 1 to 6 years old. The paste contains no dyes, fluorine compounds, or sodium lauryl sulfate, and therefore the paste is completely safe in case of accidental ingestion, which sometimes happens in the youngest patients. Because The paste contains neither fluoride nor calcium - it is advisable to alternate this paste with other pastes containing calcium glycerophosphate to strengthen teeth. German quality, affordable price. The paste has received approval from the German Dental Society.

Children's toothpastes from 3 to 8 years –

1. Toothpaste “LACALUT kids 4+” from 4 to 8 years –

→ instructions for use
→ manufacturer: Germany
→ active ingredients: amino fluoride
→ total fluoride content: 500 ppm
→ controlled abrasiveness RDA 25-30
→ does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate
→ price: 50 ml – from 120 rub.

Comments: Toothpaste contains fluoride in the aminofluoride composition - to prevent the development of caries. Aminofluoride not only effectively strengthens the enamel at the time of brushing your teeth, its peculiarity is that within 30 seconds it forms a thin film on the teeth, from which fluoride penetrates into the teeth for several more hours.

This is important because Young patients brush their teeth, as a rule, worse and for less time than adults. Thus, amino fluoride begins to act faster than other fluoride compounds, and strengthens teeth better. Therefore, for children from 4 to 8 years old, this is a good choice of toothpaste. The paste has received approval from the German Dental Society.

2. Toothpaste-gel “PRESIDENT Kids” from 3 to 6 years –

→ manufacturer: Italy
→ active substances: sodium fluoride, monofluorophosphate, xylitol.
→ total fluoride content: 430 ppm
→ controlled abrasiveness – RDA 50
→ does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate
→ price: 50 ml – from 100 rub.

Comments: President Kids toothpaste-gel has a good composition, as well as price/quality ratio. Contains xylitol (to neutralize acids in the mouth), as well as fluoride to strengthen teeth and protect against caries. Safe if accidentally swallowed. The paste tastes like Cola.

3. Toothpaste “ROCS kids – berry fantasy” from 4 to 7 years –

→ manufacturer: Russia
→ active substances: aminofluoride, xylitol
→ total fluoride content: 500 ppm

→ does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate
→ price: 45 g – from 190 rub.

Comments: This ROCS children's toothpaste comes in raspberry and strawberry flavors. Contains aminofluoride and xylitol (see above for their properties). Good composition, but the price of this paste (in our opinion) is significantly overpriced even in comparison with imported pastes with a similar composition. Insane price - to put it bluntly.

4. Toothpaste “ROCS kids – barberry” from 3 to 7 years –

→ manufacturer: Russia
→ active substances: calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol
→ controlled abrasiveness: RDA 45 ± 10
→ does not contain fluorine, sodium lauryl sulfate
→ price: 45 g – from 190 rub.

Comments: The toothpaste does not contain fluoride, which allows it to be used in areas with high levels of fluoride in drinking water. Contains a calcium compound to strengthen enamel, and xylitol to neutralize acids. Crazy price.

5. Toothpaste “SPLAT JUNIOR 3-8” from 3 to 8 years –

→ manufacturer: Russia
→ active substances: aminofluoride, Calcis, enzyme complex (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, glucose oxidase, lysozyme)
→ total fluoride content: 500 ppm
→ does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate.
→ price: 55 ml – from 120 rub.

Comments: this Splat toothpaste for children from 3 to 8 years old has a very rich composition: there is a fluorine compound (aminofluoride) and calcium, and a complex of enzymes to increase the protective properties of the oral mucosa, and a completely normal price.

However, what confuses us is that fluoride and calcium are present in this paste at the same time. The fact is that any paste contains water, with the participation of which the splitting (dissociation) of fluorine and calcium compounds into active ions occurs). When the paste contains both fluorine and calcium, the result of dissociation is that the active ions of calcium and fluoride directly in the tube begin to bind with each other into an insoluble salt, which no longer has any beneficial properties for teeth.

6. Toothpaste “SILCA Putzi – orange” from 2 to 12 years –

→ manufacturer: Germany
→ active substances: sodium fluoride, vitamin E
→ total fluoride content: 500 ppm
→ controlled abrasiveness RDA 30
→ does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate
→ price: 75 ml – from 56 rub.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to choose toothpaste for a child,
  • dentist reviews and composition analysis,
  • best toothpaste for children – rating 2019, price.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

In this article, we have divided all the most interesting children's toothpastes in terms of composition and quality - according to age criteria. The sequence of toothpastes in each section reflects the rating we compiled. The rating was compiled based on an analysis of such criteria as:

  • composition analysis,
  • price/tube volume ratio,
  • child's age,
  • safety and anti-caries effectiveness.

How to choose the right children's toothpaste -

When choosing a toothpaste, parents must decide which active ingredient toothpaste will be best for a child at his age. There are 2 main groups of children's toothpastes. Firstly, these are calcium-containing toothpastes without fluoride, which allow you to saturate low-mineralized children's tooth enamel with calcium, but at the same time they weakly protect teeth from caries.

The second group is fluoride-containing toothpastes (based on sodium fluoride or amino fluoride), which have a pronounced anti-caries effect, but are not recommended for use in children from 0 to 6-7 years old - subject to a high fluoride content in drinking water. An increased concentration of fluoride is considered when it contains more than 1 mg per 1 liter of water, and this circumstance is the main reason for the development of dental fluorosis.

Fluoride toothpastes by themselves are not capable of causing fluorosis, because... To do this, the child would have to swallow an entire package of toothpaste every day. However, they can increase the risk of its development, but again - only if there is an increased fluoride content in drinking water. According to statistics, fluorine dosages are exceeded in 21 regions of Russia, which is due to natural factors or the presence of factories for the production of glass, fertilizers, and aluminum.

An example of an optimal paste selection strategy -

If your child is under 6-7 years old and you live in a region with a high fluoride content, feel free to choose fluoride-free children’s toothpaste that contains one or more calcium compounds and preferably xylitol (xylitol). The latter also has a moderate cariesstatic effect and allows, to a small extent, to compensate for the lack of fluoride in toothpaste.

In all other cases, feel free to choose children's toothpaste with fluoride. Tooth enamel consists of hydroxyapatite, which, when exposed to fluoride ions, turns into fluorohydroxyapatite. The latter is much stronger and, most importantly, much more resistant to the effects of cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity and the lactic acid they secrete (it is this that triggers the process of tooth destruction, i.e. caries).

You can also choose the following strategy - first start using a toothpaste without fluoride, but as soon as you notice the first ones on your child’s teeth (white or dark spots on the tooth enamel, not to mention formed carious defects in the teeth) - then you urgently need a children’s toothpaste with fluorine What concentrations are suitable for children of different ages - see below.

See Table 1 for recommended concentrations of fluoride in toothpaste for children and adults. Remember that the condition for the use of such toothpastes is the absence of an increased concentration of fluoride in drinking water, as well as compliance with the recommendations for the volume of toothpaste. For example, for a child under 6 years old, it is recommended to brush teeth with a volume of toothpaste the size of a large pea.

Table 1 -
these fluoride concentrations are recommended by the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD). Link to scientific publication ().

In Russia, slightly lower dosages are usually recommended. For example, children under 3 years old - 250 ppm, children from 3 to 6 years old - 500 ppm, from 6 to 12 years old - 1000 ppm, and over 12 years old - 1450 ppm. As you can see, this is somewhat less than what is recommended by the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD). Who is right in this situation is clearly shown by the statistics on the incidence of caries in children, which in Russia is much worse than in Europe.

Toothpaste for children from 0 to 3-4 years –

The best children's toothpaste - reviews from dentists indicate that in this age category the following fluoride-containing and calcium-containing toothpastes (without fluoride) are considered the most optimal...

Comments: this is the best fluoride-free children's toothpaste that you can buy in Russian pharmacies (made in Italy), which is intended for the care of baby teeth. The paste has optimal abrasiveness for children from 0 to 3 years old, as well as a pleasant caramel taste. Contains a high concentration of calcium - in the form of 3 easily digestible calcium compounds, which strengthens teeth. It has a gel structure and is safe to swallow.

Because The paste does not contain fluoride, the presence of which best protects teeth from caries - xylitol (xylitol) is added to the paste. The latter has a moderate anti-caries effect - due to the fact that it neutralizes the acid that is produced by cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity and destroys teeth. The paste also contains anti-inflammatory components to reduce discomfort during teething.

Comments: This children's toothpaste Splat (fluoride-free) is intended for children from 0 to 3 years old. It contains a highly effective form of calcium in the form of ultrafine hydroxyapatite, which saturates the enamel of children's teeth with calcium, strengthening it. L-arginine and plant extracts have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce teething discomfort.

But the most interesting thing about this paste is that it contains a whole complex of lactic enzymes, which effectively increases the local immunity of the oral mucosa. As a result, with this paste you will greatly reduce the risk of your child developing (oral thrush).

3. Colgate ® ELMEX toothpaste for children (from 0 to 6 years) –

Comments: Elmex children's toothpaste is the best toothpaste for children from 6 months to 6 years. It should be used when the first teeth erupt. Elmex is a professional line of toothpastes from Colgate ®, which contain more expensive and high-quality components (compared to other toothpastes of this company). The paste contains the best and most expensive type of fluoride - amino fluoride at a concentration of 500 ppm.

This concentration is recommended by the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD) for children aged 6 months and older. Aminofluoride not only strengthens the low-mineralized enamel of children's teeth better than all other fluorides, but it also has the highest anti-caries effect. Active fluoride ions are released faster from amino fluoride than from sodium fluoride or monofluorophosphate (this is very important, since children brush their teeth for a very short time).

Comments: toothpaste for children from 0 to 4 years old with raspberry flavor, which is intended for baby teeth. Contains amino fluoride - the best fluoride component available. In addition to the strong anti-caries effect that we described above, amino fluoride also has the property of forming a thin film on the teeth, from which fluoride will penetrate into the teeth for several hours after brushing. This is important because Children usually brush their teeth for too short a time.

The dosage of fluoride is significantly lower than permitted for children of this age, which, in principle, is more a minus than a plus. Therefore, in our opinion, it is better to use this paste only in children under 2 years of age. If, while using this paste, a child’s carious lesions still begin to grow, then it is better to switch to a paste with a fluoride dosage of 500 ppm.

Popular toothpastes for children from 0 to 3 years old, not included in the rating -

Below we decided to review several toothpastes that are quite popular among parents. This will allow you to compare their pros and cons with the pastes from our rating. The main disadvantages are that the first 2 pastes do not affect the mineralization of teeth at all (strengthening enamel with calcium and/or fluoride). The third popular paste has a too high price and a poorer composition - compared to calcium-containing toothpastes without fluoride from our rating.

Comments: Weleda is a children's toothpaste that has exclusively anti-inflammatory properties (due to the content of essential oils and seaweed extract - alginate), and it contains absolutely no components that strengthen low-mineralized tooth enamel in children. Thus, the anti-caries effect is completely absent here and therefore we cannot recommend it for regular hygiene.

All this gel can do is remove plaque due to abrasiveness and relieve discomfort during teething. In our opinion, this gel is more suitable for treating/cleaning a child’s gums even before the first teeth erupt (website).

Comments: This Rox toothpaste for children contains a high dose of xylitol, which neutralizes the acid produced by cariogenic bacteria. As a result, the paste has a good cariesstatic effect. Chamomile extract and alginate have a mild anti-inflammatory effect during teething. But we cannot recommend this paste for regular oral hygiene. We believe that it is more suitable for oral care even before the first teeth erupt.

The paste has too little abrasiveness - RDA 19 and therefore will be too poor at removing plaque (the norm for children of this age is RDA 30). The paste contains neither fluoride nor calcium, and therefore will not help strengthen children's low-mineralized tooth enamel and properly protect them from caries. A separate disadvantage is the very high price of this domestic paste, which for some reason costs more than all imported pastes with a richer and more interesting composition.

Comments: Rox PRO Baby children's toothpaste contains calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol as active ingredients. The dosage of calcium is not too high, in addition, the paste has too low abrasiveness and therefore will not be good enough to clean microbial plaque from teeth. If you do not take into account the low abrasiveness, then overall the composition is not bad. But if you immediately look at the cost of the paste, you will see that it costs 2 times more than the Italian PRESIDENT Baby paste - with the same main active ingredients and the same tube volume (30 ml is approximately equal to 45 g).

Children's toothpastes from 3 to 6 years –

For children over 3 years of age, the use of fluoride pastes will be unconditionally preferable (as before, provided there is no increased concentration of fluoride in drinking water!). The European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD) at this age recommends the use of pastes with a fluoride concentration of 1000 ppm, but on the Russian market pastes for this age contain an average of 500 ppm of fluoride. Our rating contains toothpastes available in Russian pharmacies, so below you will see the best toothpastes for children from 3 to 6 years old - albeit with a fluoride dosage of 500 ppm.

However, we believe that after 2 years, and especially from 3 years of age, the optimal concentration would be a fluoride dosage of 950-1000 ppm, recommended by the EAPD. For example, PRESIDENT Junior Lime paste, which you can read about below. Also in this part of the rating you will also find several of the highest quality calcium-containing toothpastes without fluoride, some of which have a very interesting composition (+ moderate cariesstatic effect due to the xylitol content).

1. Colgate ® ELMEX toothpaste for children (up to 6 years) –

The German Elmex toothpaste for children still ranks first - with a dosage of amino fluoride of 500 ppm. This paste was also present in the previous age category - due to the fact that it is recommended for children from 6 months to 6 years. For more details about its features, see above. Let us remind you that its price starts from 170 rubles (for a 50 ml tube).

Comments: This ROCS children's toothpaste contains amino fluoride (synonym - olaflur) and a high dose of xylitol, which is a very good combination. However, we are confused by the fact that this paste produced in Stupino (in the Moscow region) has the highest price even in comparison with high-quality imported pastes. It should be taken into account that the weight of a 45 g tube is approximately equal to only 35 ml of toothpaste - this is less than that of competitors, which makes its cost even higher.

In addition, despite the fact that the manufacturer indicated an age from 4 to 7 years, the optimal age of use will still be no older than 6 years. The fact is that from the age of 6 (when permanent teeth begin to erupt) the concentration of fluoride in the toothpaste should no longer be less than 1000 ppm, and ideally 1400 ppm.

Comments: due to the amino fluoride content, Lacalut Kids children's toothpaste has a good anti-caries effect. In principle, this is a good quality toothpaste. It should be noted that despite the fact that the manufacturer indicated that this paste can be used up to 8 years, we recommend that after the age of 6, you still use pastes with a high fluorine content (at least 1000 ppm).

Comments: This fluoride-free paste contains 3 easily digestible forms of calcium, as well as a high dosage of xylitol. The paste will mineralize tooth enamel well and has a moderate anti-caries effect. Suitable for children whose dental caries does not develop very often. Good Italian quality, and what is very important – not overpriced.

Comments: This Splat toothpaste for children should be especially looked at by parents whose children especially often suffer from herpetic stomatitis and thrush of the oral mucosa. In addition to the fact that the paste contains hydroxyapatite (a highly effective form of calcium), the paste contains a whole complex of lactic enzymes, which increases the local immunity of the mucous membrane, protecting it from the development of stomatitis and thrush. Aloe Vera gel and L-arginine help reduce teething discomfort.

When purchasing toothpaste for children, it is necessary to take into account that it does not contain harmful substances, has a caryostatic and strengthening effect on the enamel, and also has an attractive taste. Most companies make toothpastes for children of any age category. Nowadays you can find a huge assortment of this product, but sometimes it can be very difficult to make the right choice.

Toothpastes for children should take into account the structural features of children's teeth

Characteristics of the composition of children's toothpaste

Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the toothpaste. It should not contain the following substances:

  1. Antiseptics (triclosan, metronidazole and chlorhexidine). Together with harmful bacteria, they destroy the natural microflora in the mouth. The use of pastes containing this substance leads to a decrease in the protective function of the oral cavity. If you do not find a component in the product, look for the word “TOTAL”, which indicates the presence of some kind of antiseptic. It is better to refuse to buy such paste.
  2. Foaming agents (sodium lauryl sulfate SLS, E487). They are detergents that are obtained from coconut oil using chemical synthesis. These substances pose a serious danger and are included in almost all cosmetic products. Most companies pass them off as a natural component, indicating “derived from coconuts” instead of the real name.
  3. Preservatives, including sodium benzonate, parabens, benzyl alcohol, as well as the substance that makes the paste viscous - propylene glycol (PEG-32, PEG-40. All of them are strong carcinogens.
  4. Sugar (sorbitol, glucose, sucrose), as it helps create favorable conditions for bacteria to multiply in the mouth.

Lauryl sulfate is an aggressive foaming agent that is dangerous for children's bodies.

Substances that do not pose a threat to the baby’s health:

  1. water;
  2. glycerol;
  3. xanthan gum;
  4. sorbitol;
  5. titanium dioxide.

These components affect the thickness and appearance of the paste. For example, xanthan gum acts as a dietary supplement to provide thickness and a gel-like state. Thanks to the addition of water, glycerin, or sorbitol, the paste does not dry out in an open tube. Titanium dioxide gives a rich white tint.

Main active ingredients

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The main active ingredients contained in children's toothpaste include:

  • Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate (dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, DDCP). Gently acts on tooth enamel without disturbing it, gently removes plaque on teeth. When this substance comes into contact with saliva, calcium and phosphorus ions are produced, which help restore hard enamel tissue.
  • Xylitol (xylitol). Helps eliminate caries or prevent its occurrence. Thanks to xylitol, minerals are absorbed faster by tooth enamel and harmful bacteria in the mouth are destroyed. According to research, a 10% concentration of xylitol has a greater effect. As an exception, the concentration of xylitol reaches 12%.

Xylitol is responsible for preventing the formation of caries
  • Calcium Glycerophosphate (calcium glycerophosphate), Calcium Citrate (calcium citrate), Magnesium chloride (magnesium chloride). These substances help saturate the enamel surface, strengthen its structure, and also have an anti-caries effect.
  • Hydrated Silica. It acts gently and removes plaque without damaging tooth enamel.
  • Zinc citrate. Has an antibacterial effect and eliminates bad breath.
  • Sodium monofluorophosphate. Helps strengthen the hard tissues of the oral cavity, thereby increasing the protective function of teeth against the action of dangerous acids.
  • Calcium carbonate. It cleanses the oral cavity well of soft deposits on the teeth and has a strengthening effect. Unlike dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, calcium carbonate has the most powerful effect, as a result of which pastes containing it are recommended for use in children over 3 years of age.
  • Aminofluoride is a form of fluorine of organic origin. 20 seconds are enough to create a reliable protective barrier on the tooth surface. This is of great importance, because most children do not like to brush their teeth for 3 minutes, as expected.

Parents often face the question: should children's toothpaste contain fluoride? Fluoride is very dangerous if swallowed, so you should not buy such toothpastes for children under two or three years old. Older children are allowed to use pastes containing fluoride in a small volume and organic form in the form of olaflur or aminofluoride.

Since children often taste toothpaste, fluoride content is not recommended.

It is advisable to avoid pastes that contain abrasives, as there is a risk that too hard particles will adversely affect the child’s vulnerable enamel. Toothpaste for children should not contain fluoride or any abrasives.

Rating of toothpastes for children

  • 1st place goes to pasta produced by Lakalut;
  • 2nd place goes to the President company;
  • 3rd place is given to Splat products;
  • Roks company is in 4th place;
  • in 5th place - Silca;
  • 6th place is occupied by Weleda products;
  • 7th place goes to Elmex.

The best advice for parents is to take their child to the dentist and get advice on choosing a toothpaste. The specialist will advise it taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s oral cavity.

The ideal toothpaste is the one recommended by your dentist

Lakalut pastes are produced in Germany. Their advantage is reasonable price and high quality. The composition contains amino fluoride, fluorine and vitamins A and E. Amin fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and also forms a film-like protection on the tooth surface, under which fluoride continues to be absorbed for a long time after use. The enamel is mineralized, which makes it possible to cure caries at the white spot stage.

Fluorine is present in a small volume, not exceeding the norm. The paste does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, so it is not at all capable of harming children's health. Products for different age categories are endowed with a variety of scents:

  • 0-4 years “LACALUT baby” with raspberry flavor. Suitable for baby teeth.
  • 4-8 years old “LACALUT kids 4+” with citrus flavor. It is characterized by the presence of fluorine in the composition of aminofluoride, which is necessary to prevent the formation of caries.
  • 8-12 years old “LACALUT teens 8+” with a citrus-mint flavor. It has a gel-like structure with multi-colored microcapsules. The paste is characterized by the presence of amino fluoride and sodium fluoride in the permitted therapeutic dose. The paste can be used as a prophylaxis against caries, as well as in its treatment at the initial stage of a white spot. The product is approved by the German Dental Society.

President's products are made in Italy. Toothpaste without fluoride, thanks to which you can brush the teeth of children from birth to three years old, without fear of accidental swallowing. Xylitol promotes the breakdown of food acids in the oral cavity and has a caryostatic effect. Products for children over six years of age have a less pronounced effect. Gel-like paste from 6 to 12 years old is made specifically for children susceptible to caries and is characterized by a large amount of fluoride in the form of fluoride and monofluorophosphate.

There are the following pastes from the President company:

  • "PRESIDENT Baby 0-3" with raspberry flavor. Characterized by low abrasiveness.
  • “PRESIDENT Kids” 3-6 years old with Cola flavor.
  • "PresiDENTJunior 6+" 6-12 years old with lime flavor.
  • From 12 years old “PRESIDENT Teens 12+” with mint flavor. It is characterized by a good composition, abrasiveness is slightly less than average. You can care for your children's permanent teeth during adolescence.


Country of origin: Russia. Splat pastes can be selected for children of different age categories. They contain hydroxyapatite, a set of components (lysozyme, lactoferrin, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase) and various additional substances. All Splat toothpastes are made without fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens. The only exceptions are products made for children from 3 to 8 years old.

There are several Splat toothpastes:

  • "SPLAT Juicy Set". Effectively saturates tooth enamel with calcium. SPLAT Juicy children's toothpaste can be used by both children and adults, since the composition does not contain harmful components.
  • "SPLAT Junior 0-4". Made for children up to four years of age. The paste is available in the form of foam; there is no danger if swallowed. It contains a combination of substances that enhance the protective function of the oral mucosa, which makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of stomatitis.
  • "SPLAT Junior 3-8". Characterized by a varied composition. There is fluorine in the form of aminofluoride, calcium, a combination of substances that help enhance the protective functions of the oral mucosa. However, the simultaneous content of fluoride and calcium leads to the fact that when their ions combine, an insoluble salt is formed, which does not bring any benefit to the teeth.

SPLAT Juicy children's toothpaste deserves special attention. It is presented in children's favorite flavors: fruit, chocolate, ice cream. Moreover, this toothpaste has a very bright and attractive packaging that kids love. The paste will perfectly restore and strengthen the hard structure of teeth, help prevent the occurrence of caries and plaque. Suitable for any child's age.


The company is quite widespread. Rox pastes contain calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol, alginate, herbal extracts, as well as linden and chamomile extracts. The product is characterized by low abrasiveness and has a good therapeutic effect. Due to the fact that there are no preservatives in the composition, an opened tube can be used for 30 days, then it is recommended to get rid of the remaining contents and purchase a new paste. An unopened tube of paste can be stored for up to 2 years.

In addition to the product, the package contains a small coloring book and a calendar game so that the baby knows when to brush his teeth. The only disadvantage of this company is the high price.

There are several known Rox toothpastes:

  • "ROCS - PRO Baby". Not hazardous if swallowed. Made for children up to three years old.
  • “ROCS Baby – fragrant chamomile” for children under three years old. The disadvantage is the lack of components aimed at strengthening tooth enamel, for example, calcium. In addition, it does not contain fluoride, so it does not have an anti-caries effect. It is advisable to use it at the moment when teeth are being cut, since the components contained in it are aimed at protecting not the teeth, but the gums.
  • “ROCS kids – berry fantasy” for children from 4 to 7 years old with raspberry and strawberry flavors.
  • “ROCS kids – barberry” for children from 3 to 7 years old. This children's toothpaste is fluoride-free, so it can be used in places where drinking water contains excess fluoride. The paste is characterized by the presence of a calcium compound to strengthen the enamel, as well as xylitol to neutralize acids.


The pasta is made in Germany and is inexpensive. Approved by the German Dental Society.

This company produces the following pastes:

  • SILCAMED line
    • 0+ BABY - for the first teeth.
    • 2+ with extracts of sage, linden, chamomile (depending on the release form). Pastes are available in different flavors: apple, strawberry, cola, chewing gum.
  • 1-5 years “SILCA Putzi – banana”. Endowed with low abrasiveness. The composition does not contain dyes or sodium lauryl sulfate, so you don’t have to worry if your child accidentally swallows the paste. It is recommended to use a similar paste without fluorine and calcium alternately with other products that contain calcium glycerophosphate or amino fluoride.
  • 2-12 years old “SILCA Putzi – orange”. It has low abrasiveness; you can brush both baby and permanent teeth (we recommend reading:). The composition contains fluorine in the form of sodium fluoride. You should know that toothpastes containing fluoride are not recommended for use by children under five years of age if they are not susceptible to caries. It is better to opt for a product with calcium.

Weleda calendula gel is suitable for children under three years of age. Its active ingredients include essential oils and alginate, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. The product is most effective when the child is teething. Thanks to abrasive and polishing components, baby teeth are cleaned of microbes. The gel is completely safe, so no need to worry if your child accidentally swallows it. Since this product does not contain fluorine and calcium, you need to choose another paste that contains calcium glycerophosphate or amino fluoride and alternate their use.


The company Colgate produces such products. The country of origin is China. The aminofluoride content is within the therapeutic dosage, and there are no dyes or preservatives. It is inexpensive, but is dangerous if swallowed because it contains excess fluoride.

The following Colgate children's toothpastes are available:

  • "Elmex for children" is used for cleaning baby teeth. Thanks to amino fluoride, it is well suited as a prophylaxis.
  • "Elmex Junior" Aminofluoride is in a therapeutic dose, so its action is aimed at protecting teeth from caries, as well as treating the initial stage of white spots.

It is important to choose the best product for your baby. Follow all recommendations, pay attention that the paste does not contain harmful substances and fluorine in inorganic form. Do everything you can to ensure your child has healthy, strong teeth. It's always nice to look at a photo with a beautiful smile, especially if it shows your blood!