What tests are needed for IVF for men and women: list and recommendations. What tests need to be collected for in vitro fertilization - a list of studies for men and women

The clinic you go to will definitely tell you what tests are required for IVF. Tests before IVF are necessary preparation to IVF. Tests before IVF are taken at the appropriate time - so that the results of tests before IVF are valid for the duration of the protocol.

What tests are needed for IVF women:

List of tests for IVF.

General tests before IVF must include: Blood type, Rh factor, Rh antibodies

Hormonal tests before IVF:

Gonadotropic hormones - for days 3-5 of the cycle:
* FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
* LH (luteinizing hormone),
* Estradiol
* Prl (prolactin),
* STH (somatotropic hormone)
* Progesterone (it is better to take it in the second phase at 20-25 days of the cycle)

Hormones thyroid gland
* TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), T1-T4

Tests for infections before IVF :
* chlamydia,
* ureplasma,
* mycoplasma,
* gardnerella (smear, blood),
* gonococcus
* flora smear (degree of purity),
* cytological examination cervical canal,
* HSV, CMV (smear, blood),
* antibodies to hepatitis B and C.
* AIDS, syphilis (blood),
* antibodies rubella, toxoplasmosis,
* Blood hemostasis

Results of the research
* Image of the uterus and tubes (HSG result),
* laparoscopy results (if performed)
* hysteroscopy results,
* biopsy results,
* results of ultrasound observations,
* photo of the sella turcica (if available),
* results of tomographic examination (if performed)

And other documents that you have accumulated during the examination.

In addition to the IVF procedure. Examination:
1) Collect all information about whiteness by female line(mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, etc.) by area: oncology, diabetes and others serious illnesses.
2) Remember everything past illnesses in childhood (if you don’t remember, ask your relatives).
3) Ask at what age your mother went through menopause (if it did), how your childbirth went, whether there were any problems with conception, the length and frequency of the cycles.
4) It is necessary to treat your teeth before starting the IVF program.
5) Carry out an examination in addition to the IVF procedure:
* biochemical composition blood (blood from a vein - total bilirubin, cholesterol, AST, ALT, total protein, urea) - donated on an empty stomach,
* blood test for glucose and prothrombin - taken on an empty stomach
* urine examination (protein, glucose, leukocytes) to ensure the absence of associated pathologies.

If necessary, the list of tests for IVF may increase.

What tests are needed for IVF for men?

List of tests for IVF

* blood type,
* Rh factor
* HIV1/2 (antibodies to HIV),
* RW-(syphilis),
* antibodies to hepatitis B and C,
* spermogram (no later than 3 months),
* smear and blood for urogenital infections (see above, in the list “Tests before IVF” for women)

Where can I get tested? Price.

IVF, like other assisted reproductive technology procedures, is carried out in specialized medical clinics. Tests for IVF can be taken:
* directly at the clinic where you intend to do IVF. The cost of services will correspond to the clinic’s price list.

* in a clinic at your place of residence, if the clinic has the necessary resources to take tests for IVF. The price of the procedures in this case will be much lower and will not be included in the total cost of IVF.

* in commercial laboratories that perform tests in preparation for the IVF procedure. Prices may vary from laboratory to laboratory.
Moscow city:

In the Invitro laboratory www.invitro.ru, tel. 363-0363 (blood only)

At the Pasteur Center www.paster.ru (blood and smears)

At the Antiherpetic Center,
phone number 921-98-65

In the Laboratory of the Institute of Physical Education, Elizavetinsky Lane, 10)

Average prices for tests:
hormone - 190-300 rubles
smear from 100 rubles.

Norms of hormones FSH, LH, estradiol for IVF

Hormonal monitoring in the IVF program is carried out in three stages:

  1. before entering into the protocol;
  2. at the stimulation stage;
  3. at the moment when the decision is made.

The most important of them are initial examination And The final stage, when you need to weigh the pros and cons of transferring in a stimulated cycle or make a segmented cycle (with a break).

  • Hormones during IVF
  • Hormones before IVF
  • Hormones for IVF are normal
  • Hormones during ovulation stimulation
  • IVF hormones in a natural cycle
  • IVF hormones for embryo transfer

What types of monitoring exist?

  1. Ultrasound monitoring of the ovaries is traditional. During an ultrasound, the doctor measures the diameter of the follicles: those leading in development and the cohort catching up with the “leaders”. The diameter is measured in two perpendicular directions, so the doctor understands how stimulation affects the maturation of eggs, whether there is a need to adjust dosages or replace medications. The size of the follicles “tells” the date of appointment.
  2. Ultrasound monitoring of the uterine mucosa. Using the study, the doctor evaluates the quality of the endometrium - thickness, structure. Endometrial thickness is an important parameter when deciding on replantation.
  3. Hormonal monitoring is a blood test for the level of female sex hormones during stimulation.

Hormones during IVF

Hormonal monitoring involves receiving results on the day the test was taken. The laboratory technician “gives” the answer 2 hours after administering the sample. Such monitoring of hormones during IVF is valuable, as it allows for timely correction.

Reproductive hormones:

  • (ovarian reserve hormone);
  • follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH;
  • LH – luteinizing hormone;
  • estradiol is the main estrogen in female body;
  • – a hormone that ensures pregnancy and gestation;
  • androgens;
  • , it belongs to hormones, but plays an important role in the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

The most important hormones for IVF are:

  • prolactin;
  • estradiol;
  • luteinizing hormone, it is responsible for ovulation.

The actual release of the egg from the follicle occurs during the luteinizing “peak”, when the concentration of the hormone is maximum.

The LH peak is preceded by a “peak” of estradiol. The follicle grows under the influence of estradiol and reaches its maximum size during peak concentration. Estradiol by a positive mechanism feedback affects the pituitary gland, which stimulates it to produce LH. Exactly high concentration estradiol triggers ovulation.

As soon as ovulation occurs, the level of LH and estradiol drops sharply, and progesterone, which begins to be produced (at the site of ovulation), begins to “grow”.

It will depend on the level of progesterone whether this happens or not (the same relationship with natural pregnancy, ).

Hormones before IVF

A woman cannot be accepted into the IVF program if she has hormonal disorders. Below is a list of hormones that need to be tested before IVF in the form of a table. The first three points are mandatory for everyone. The remaining hormones are given according to indications.

Hormones for IVF (norm) and timing for testing

Hormones Units Deadline for testing
FSH 1.37-9.90 mU/l From 2 to 4 days of the cycle
AMG 2.1-7.3 ng/ml Any day of the cycle
LH 1.68-15 honey/ml From 2 to 4 days of the cycle
Prolactin 109-557 honey/ml From 1 to 10 days of the cycle

total testosterone

0.7–3 nmol/l From 1 to 10 days of the cycle
DEAS 30 – 333 mcg/dl From 1 to 10 days of the cycle
17-OH progesterone 0.2-2.4 nmol/l or 0.07-0.80 ng/ml From 1 to 10 days of the cycle
(to absolutely everyone) 0.4-4.0 µIU/ml Any day of the cycle
T4 free 0.8-1.8 pg/ml or 10-23 pmol/l Any day of the cycle
Antibodies to TPO 0-35 IU/ml or 5.5 U/ml Any day of the cycle

When to take hormones for IVF?

Hormones are always taken strictly on an empty stomach (food and liquid intake can distort the results) in the morning, because their levels change throughout the day.

Androgens are given strictly at 8 a.m. local time!

In order to take the tests correctly, you must first familiarize yourself with the requirements. The reliability of the results depends on: correctly selected drugs, their doses, and the drug prescription regimen.

If a deviation from the norm in thyroid hormones is detected, before IVF it is necessary to correct and bring the thyroid hormones back to normal.

When a woman has already entered into the protocol, the doctor may prescribe a repeat hormone test (if indicated).

For example, if you have adjusted your thyroid hormone levels, your doctor should make sure that the results are achieved and that your hormones are back to normal.

IVF hormones for hyperstimulation syndrome

High estradiol is a marker, but ultrasound is more informative in this regard, because you can see large, enlarged ovaries with many follicles (more than 15 on each side). In some patients, it is rare, but there are such paradoxical “responses” of the body to stimulation. Then the cycle is segmented and embryo transfer is carried out in next cycle, A . so as not to miss the only mature egg. LH rise. begins 36 hours before ovulation. after puncture. But it happens that, under the influence of stimulation, a high level of hormones leads to redistribution - ovarian synthesis of progesterone earlier than necessary. And the level of progesterone increases, and the implantation window begins to open earlier - not synchronously with the development of the embryo. Normally, the “implantation dialogue” occurs 5-6 days after the puncture.

With a rapid ovarian response, progesterone can be high due to the conversion of part of estradiol to progesterone. And this progesterone is already beginning to open the implantation window ahead of schedule.

A test for the hormone progesterone must be taken at the time the ovulation trigger is prescribed, when the permissive dosage of hCG is given (an injection is given intramuscularly). On this day, progesterone should be low, the lower the better.

Scroll necessary tests before IVF at the AltraVita clinic. To exclude contraindications to the IVF procedure and pregnancy, a married couple is examined.

Print list of tests Send test results

Attention! Tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis can be taken only at the AltraVita clinic upon presentation of a passport.

For woman

One time

  • blood type, Rh factor
  • determination of Ig M and Ig G class antibodies to the rubella virus in the blood - if Ig G is positive and Ig M negative, then once.
    In the absence of immunity to rubella, vaccination is recommended, followed by the determination of antibodies to confirm the development of immunity.

Valid for 1 month

  • clinical blood test
  • clinical urine test
  • smear on flora from the urethra and cervical canal and the degree of vaginal cleanliness

Valid for 3 months

Valid for 6 months

Valid for 12 months

  • cytological examination of a smear from the cervical canal and cervix
  • physician's report on health status and feasibility of pregnancy, ECG
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (up to 35 years), if pathology is detected - mammography / after 35 years - mammography
  • expert ultrasound of the pelvic organs

According to indications

  • patency study fallopian tubes
  • CA125 before repeat IVF
  • hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy (Pipel biopsy) - performed in addition to expert ultrasound to evaluate the endometrium
  • blood test for karyotype - once

For a man

One time

  • blood type, Rh factor

Valid for 3 months

  • blood test for syphilis (RW), HIV, hepatitis B and C
  • smear examination of urethral flora

Valid for 6 months

Valid for 12 months

  • molecular biological study (PCR of urethral discharge) for herpes simplex virus type 1.2, ureaplasma urealyticum, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasma genitalium)

According to indications

  • blood test for karyotype

Before surgery

Valid for 1 month

  • general analysis blood
  • general urine analysis
  • hemostasiogram (prothrombin, thrombin time, APTT, fibrinogen concentration)
  • smear on flora from the urethra and cervical canal and the degree of vaginal cleanliness (for women)

Valid for 12 months

  • fluorography or radiography chest with conclusion
  • consultation with a therapist, ECG
Consultation with doctors of related specialties according to indications
  • geneticist
  • oncologist-mammologist
  • endocrinologist
  • psychiatrist
  • infectious disease specialist

All couples who decide to have a child need to know what is needed for IVF. Spouses should respect healthy image life, eat food, rich in vitamins and microelements, if possible avoid alcohol and smoking. They also need to get tested before planning a pregnancy. This will allow you to identify and solve existing health problems at the preparatory stage. However, in some cases, conception naturally impossible. In this case, you can contact the AltraVita Center for Reproductive Technologies.

You should know that some tests need to be taken, taking into account certain rules. For example, when preparing for IVF, hormone tests must be taken on a certain day of the cycle - it is better to check with specialists about this. In addition, in some examinations it is necessary to exclude physical exercise And sexual relations. Both partners must undergo tests before artificial insemination. In addition, the list necessary research depends on the age of the patients and concomitant diseases. For example, people who have relatives with diseases transmitted by inheritance must undergo genetic testing. There are many nuances that can affect the result, so before taking tests you should consult with a specialist.

Artificial insemination is a rather complicated procedure, so a married couple who decides to use the help of the clinic’s specialists must thoroughly prepare for conception. To do this, first of all, you should get tested for IVF.

What tests are needed for IVF?

Pre-pregnancy examination should include the usual set of dispensary activities, such as consultation with a therapist, general clinical examinations and specialized research for women and men, for example, such as smears for sexually transmitted infections

If a couple suffers from infertility and plans to use ART, then the examination before IVF includes a more expanded list. Women are often asked to donate blood for FSH, AMH and other female sex hormones. Men with infertility are recommended to undergo ICSI testing. Full list tests for IVF and preparation for ICSI are presented below and are available for printing.

Having received the results full examination couples, the doctor will determine the time when IVF can be done. To exclude contraindications to the procedure and pregnancy, the married couple is examined.

First of all, patients are invited to undergo an initial consultation with a fertility specialist, during which a plan for examination and correction of identified disorders is drawn up as part of pregnancy planning. The doctor will also determine what tests to artificial insemination need to pass. Highlight mandatory examination(in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2012 No. 107n “On the procedure for using assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications to their use”) and examination according to indications.

When long-awaited pregnancy does not occur naturally, then the married couple reserves methods modern medicine. IVF remains the most popular and effective in this regard. But in order for the doctor to allow a couple to undergo this procedure, they must pass tests for IVF. All of them are recorded in, so the doctor cannot cancel or add any research, because it is regulated by law. The list of tests can be expanded only if the clients who apply have concomitant diseases.

It can last a long time. Sometimes it is not clear to a couple why such an extensive list of examinations that the doctor prescribed for them is necessary. But this does not depend on the doctor or reproductive center who want to make extra money from unhappy couples, but a necessary measure. Thanks to a thorough study of women and men, it is possible to detect and anticipate various problems that you may encounter when performing IVF.

All research options before IVF can be classified into two groups:

  1. Required. All couples without exception must pass them. If the results of these tests are not satisfactory, the couple will not be allowed to undergo IVF. This group of analyzes includes studies for women, for men and paired analyses.
  2. Auxiliary tests for IVF. They are prescribed in the case of the presence of concomitant pathologies, taking into account the anamnesis of the man and woman.

In addition to the list of studies, the question of the shelf life of test results remains a painful one. Each clinic has its own requirements for the validity of tests in this regard.

Before taking tests for IVF under compulsory medical insurance, you need to familiarize yourself with the entire list, which will indicate the procedure and risks of taking tests. If such information has not been provided to the married couple, then it is worth clarifying all questions with the clinic doctor. This will prevent wasting money and time.

Tests for IVF in women

The presented list of tests is suitable for all women who decide to become mothers by resorting to IVF. In this case, it does not matter at all which sperm will be used in the process of fertilization (husband or donor).

General clinical

This group of tests includes a general blood test. Thanks to this examination, it is possible to determine the composition of blood cells. To do this, a woman's blood is taken from her finger. No preparation is required, just donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach. The shelf life of the analysis is 10-14 days. There are some clinics that have increased this period to a month.

The next general clinical test is a urine test. Thanks to it, it is possible to determine the performance of the kidneys and the condition urinary tract. It is necessary to carry out thorough hygiene of the genitals and pat dry with a towel. Urine collection is performed in the morning. The validity period of the analysis is 10-14 days.

With the help of an examination such as a coagulogram, it is possible to accurately understand the functioning of the blood coagulation system. The delivery is carried out jointly with the UAC. No preparation required. If a woman has taken aspirin or other blood-thinning drugs, then contact her doctor or take a break from taking medications for 7 days. The shelf life is 30 – 60 days.

The next analysis is biochemical research blood. The material is collected from a vein. This way you can evaluate the work internal organs. Blood donation is performed on an empty stomach. For a couple of days, you should stop eating fried, salty and spicy foods. Then the liver and pancreas will not be overloaded. The shelf life is 10-14 days.

An ultrasound of the thyroid gland and a study of its hormones will allow you to evaluate its functioning and detect nodes and neoplasms. If the doctor has doubts, he can send the woman to take hormones. This must be done on an empty stomach. Before the test, you will need to stop taking medications that contain iodine. Shelf life is 3 months.

Before IVF, the wife should definitely go for fluorography. Thanks to this diagnostic method, it is possible to check the lungs for the presence of a neoplasm. No preparation provided. Just before the procedure, the client must remove all jewelry. This analysis is valid for 1 year.

At the very end of general clinical tests, an examination by a therapist is carried out. This is necessary in order to clarify the diagnosis and give an opinion on the indications or contraindications of IVF. The expectant mother should come to see the doctor with all the test results. The conclusion received from the therapist has a shelf life of 6 months.

Gynecological examinations

In addition to the tests presented above, the woman must also undergo gynecological tests. These include:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. With its help, it is possible to understand the state of the female organs reproductive system. Preparatory measures depend on the method of performing the ultrasound. If the examination is carried out through the abdomen, then it is necessary to fill bladder. And if the ultrasound is performed transvaginally, then it needs to be emptied. The shelf life of this test will be 30 days, but it can be reduced at the discretion of a particular clinic.
  2. Mammography. Using this diagnostic method, it is possible to assess hormonal levels and determine the presence of dysplastic processes in the uterus. Before diagnosis, a woman should refrain from sexual contacts for 3-4 days. The validity period of the analysis is 6 months.
  3. Cytological examination. Thanks to him, it is possible to study a whole list of hormones, including follicle-stimulating hormone. You should not eat before performing the diagnosis. And 7 days before donating blood for hormones, he will limit sexual and physical activity, avoid stress. Shelf life is 2-3 months.
  4. Microflora smear. It can be used to assess the degree of vaginal cleanliness and determine the presence of gonococci and trichomonas. In addition, the analysis in question allows you to see candidiasis or gardnerellosis. As for preparation, 3-4 days before the procedure you must abstain from sexual intercourse. Take a shower before the smear, Special attention giving intimate organs. cannot be used vaginal suppositories, cream or ointment for 7 days. The shelf life of the analysis is 10-14 days.
  5. Blood tests and smears to determine infection. The list of infections being studied is regulated. Using this test, you can detect gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and chlamydia. The shelf life of the assay is 1-6 months. Before the procedure, you cannot use cuts, ointments and creams.
  6. Analysis for the presence of antibodies to the rubella virus and toxoplasma. This type of diagnosis is needed to clarify the presence of antibodies to these microbes. Thus, it will be possible to lead revaccination and treatment chronic illness. The validity period of the analysis is 6 months.

Tests for men

If as a donor male cells If the husband is speaking, then he and his wife must go through their list of tests. Only after this will he be able to donate sperm to fertilize the egg. The list of studies consists of:

  1. Spermogram. Using this method, it is possible to determine sperm parameters. Before manipulation, you should not be sexually active for 3-4 days. You also need to avoid taking medications and exposure to heat. The result obtained during decoding is valid for 3-4 months.
  2. Blood and smears to determine urogenital infections. During this analysis, ureaplasmosis, syphilis, and herpes can be determined. The shelf life of the analysis is 1-3 months.
  3. Blood test for antisperm antibodies. The result obtained during the diagnosis is valid for 6 months.

Research for both partners

Before proceeding to the IVF procedure, both partners must undergo a series of tests. This should include:

  • test for Rh factor and blood group, the result obtained will be valid for life;
  • test to determine HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, as well as herpes virus types 1 and 2, the result is valid within 1-3 months.

Additional Research

In addition to the main analyses, there are also additional ones. Most often, the doctor prescribes them to women who have various health problems. This diagnostic group includes:

  • analysis for the detection of TORCH infections.
  • determination of hormone levels: testosterone, progesterone, estradiol;
  • MAP test;
  • colposcopy;
  • immunogram;

Tests for couples over 35 years of age

For spouses who decide to undergo IVF over the age of 35, the clinic will require them to undergo certain tests and examinations. Also, such a married couple is required to undergo genetic consultation in order to avoid the birth of a baby with developmental disabilities, as well as a child with severe hereditary pathologies and syndromes.

Research for a woman with an egg or donor sperm

With this type of IVF you need individual approach to every woman. Also, auxiliary analyzes are added to the main list of analyses. All of them are prescribed by doctors for each woman individually, because everything depends on the characteristics of the medical history and the course of the manipulation.

Tests after IVF

When is the procedure artificial insemination was completed, then a few days after the replantation the woman must undergo examination to determine the level of the hCG hormone in the blood. This analysis is mandatory not only for women who underwent IVF, but also for those who became pregnant naturally. You will need to submit it several times.

Where can I rent it and the cost?

IVF, like a number of other assisted reproductive technologies, should be carried out in specialized medical clinics. But tests for artificial insemination can be taken at the following institutions:

  1. In the clinic itself, where IVF will take place. As for the cost of servants, it will correspond to the price list of the clinic.
  2. At the local clinic. But it is not always possible to get tested here. This can only be done in an institution that has the necessary resources. The cost in this case will be much lower and is not included in the cost of IVF.
  3. In private laboratories that provide collection services for IVF tests. Costs may vary between laboratories.

Today there are many clinics that deal with the issue of artificial insemination. Spouses who decide to undergo such a procedure in order to become happy parents must first visit the clinic for a consultation. The entire list of tests and examinations, for both men and women, will be prescribed by the doctor at the IVF clinic. There are situations when married couples consultations are scheduled in other specialized IVF clinics, as well as with “narrow” specialists.

Reproductologist at the IVF Center clinic about the necessary tests and examinations before the IVF procedure">

Sometimes attempts to conceive a child naturally are unsuccessful. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) come to the aid of such a married couple to realize their childbearing function. Of these, the most popular is the in vitro fertilization (IVF) method.

It is known that IVF is a fairly expensive procedure, which has its own indications and contraindications. In order for a reproductive specialist to be able to adequately assess the state of the spouses’ reproductive function and develop the necessary strategy for treating infertility, it is necessary to know what tests are needed for IVF.

First visit

Before going to your appointment specialized center, providing services for assisted reproductive technologies, it is necessary to find out as fully as possible the health status of the spouses, as well as their immediate relatives.

The following list of tests for IVF is not strictly mandatory and is rather advisory in nature. However, the more information about accompanying pathologies spouses will be known to the fertility specialist, so more likely successful outcome of the IVF program.

What you need to take and do before your first visit to a specialized center:

  • Find out information about the health of your immediate family. In particular, of interest is the birth of children with congenital anomalies development, stillbirths, miscarriages, etc.
  • Collect information about the health of the future father and mother as completely as possible: availability chronic diseases, their treatment and correction, previous operations and so on.
  • Collect statements about previously conducted IVF/ICSI programs or other ART procedures, surgical interventions.

Of course, if there are any diseases, future parents need to visit a specialized specialist in order to adequate treatment. Chronic lesions infections such as caries must also be sanitized.

List of mandatory tests

Typically, a plan for the necessary tests before IVF is drawn up by a fertility specialist individually for a specific married couple. The list of such examinations depends mainly on clinical features case. However, there is a list of tests for IVF that must be performed in any case.

You can take tests before IVF in any laboratory that is capable of conducting such studies. Most centers have their own laboratories, where you can undergo almost all the necessary examinations.

Please note that tests before IVF have their own “expiration dates”, which need to be clarified with the doctor who issued the referral. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the timeliness of such research.

So, what tests are taken for IVF?

Considering the anatomical and physiological differences between women and male organisms, the list of examinations for spouses separately, naturally, differs. But some of them the married couple will need to go through together. The following tests before IVF are common to husband and wife:

  • The presence of antibodies in the blood to Treponema pallidum(test for syphilis).
  • The presence of immunoglobulins of classes M, G to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis type B and C.
  • Establishment of blood group and Rh factor.
  • Determination of causative agents of other infections (including urogenital): chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, herpes simplex viruses of the first and second types, cytomegalovirus. Such examinations can be carried out using polymerase methods chain reaction(PCR), as well as using enzyme immunoassay(ELISA).

A bacterioscopic (if indicated - and bacteriological) examination of the discharge of the genital organs in both men and women is also carried out.

For a man

In addition to the above, a man must have his ejaculate examined - a spermogram. This examination is performed after three days of abstinence from sexual activity and masturbation. It is not recommended to drink alcohol and limit the number of cigarettes you smoke. On the eve of the study, you should not visit the bathhouse or sauna, or take a hot bath.

Some clinics also require a MAR test, which determines the presence of antisperm antibodies. Depending on changes in the spermogram, the list of studies may expand.

For woman

Health status expectant mother plays a decisive role in the success of fertilization of the egg and subsequent pregnancy. Therefore, the list of tests before IVF for a woman is much longer. It includes the following studies:

  • General clinical: general blood and urine analysis, biochemical blood test, coagulogram.
  • Determination of the presence and level of immunoglobulins of classes M and G to rubella and toxoplasma.
  • Oncocytological examination (PAP test) of the surface of the cervix and cervical canal. Sometimes a colposcopic examination may be performed.
  • Microscopic analysis of vaginal smears (for microflora).
  • Electrocardiography.
  • Fluorography of the chest organs.
  • Breast examination: ultrasound scanning or mammography (for women over 35 years of age or if abnormalities are detected on ultrasound).
  • Consultation with a general practitioner to identify somatic diseases which may interfere with normal pregnancy or childbirth.
  • Hormonal status. The main hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, ovaries, thyroid and adrenal glands, which have a direct effect on reproductive function: LH, FSH, prolactin, testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, TSH, antibodies to TPO, DHEA-S, cortisol, 17-OP, free T4, etc. The level of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is required to assess the ovarian reserve. Hormones are most often tested on days 3–5 menstrual cycle(the exception is progesterone, the level of which is usually determined on days 20–22).
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist. Conducted after full research hormonal status. In this case, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands.

In some cases, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, hysterosalpingography and other studies may be performed according to indications.

If there were cases of genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in the family of one of the spouses (for example, birth defects development), then consultation will be required medical genetics with karyotyping.

"Free" IVF

Conceiving with the help of assisted reproductive technologies is enough effective method, allowing infertile couples to experience the happiness of parenthood (sometimes even in very difficult cases). But the cost of the IVF procedure somewhat limits the circle of people who want to become parents.

IN last years Russia and some other countries have included IVF in government programs that make it possible to use this ART technology free of charge (based on a quota). In such cases, the state usually pays for the procedure itself, Consumables And necessary medications. However, in most cases, providing donor egg or sperm, and also – surrogacy services are not subject to the quota.

The following couples can take advantage of the IVF quota:

  • Established infertility (female and/or male), which is not amenable to surgical, hormonal or other correction.
  • The presence of diseases in one or both spouses, in which conception is possible only with the help of IVF. For example, the absence or complete obstruction of a woman’s fallopian tubes.

There are restrictions and contraindications for IVF under a quota. You can get acquainted with them during a consultation with a reproductologist or on your own (for example, in Russia there is an order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation No. 107n dated August 30, 2012).

It is important to remember that in some countries there are age restrictions for the implementation of the state program for the correction of infertility.

Necessary examination

List mandatory tests for the IVF procedure under a quota is regulated by the relevant health orders of the specific country in which the state program operates. So, for example, in Russia you need to undergo the following tests:

  • Examination of both spouses for carriage of syphilis pathogens, viral hepatitis B and C, HIV.
  • Detection of urogenital diseases (STDs): chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis.
  • Determination of the level of antibodies to cytomegalovirus and herpes virus (types 1 and 2).
  • Analysis vaginal discharge in a woman and a urethral smear in a man.
  • Examination of sperm in a man.

Other tests are performed only on the woman. These include:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Biochemical blood test.
  • Analysis of blood clotting ability (coagulogram).
  • Determination of the level of immunoglobulins M and G to rubella.
  • Analysis of smears for oncocytology (from the surface of the cervix and from the cervical canal).
  • Ultrasound scanning of the pelvic organs.
  • Fluorographic examination of the chest organs.
  • Electrocardiography.
  • Consultative examination of a general practitioner (if pathology is identified, and of specialized specialists).
  • Examination of the condition of the mammary glands.

If there are indications, a consultation with a medical geneticist with karyotyping, an examination by an endocrinologist and some other studies may be prescribed.

Shelf life of tests before IVF state program usually more limited than for the standard procedure. For example, the results of smears from the vagina (urethra in men), as well as general clinical tests, are valid for only one month. Therefore, before starting the examination, it is necessary to clarify these nuances with your attending physician.

In addition, at the stage of preparation for the in vitro fertilization procedure, a number of examinations are carried out to clarify the type and causes of existing infertility (hormonal status, extended sperm analysis with various tests, hysterosalpingography to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes, etc.).

Correction of identified violations is also carried out, which may affect the IVF procedure itself and interfere normal flow subsequent pregnancy. For example, subserous myomatous nodes are removed, the presence of which can negatively affect pregnancy. In this case, various interventions can be performed, including invasive ones: hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, etc.

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing once again that thanks to the achievements of modern reproductology, many infertile couples get a chance to realize their reproductive function. It is important to properly prepare for this important step, and the dream of giving birth to a long-awaited baby will become a reality.