Causes of feeling of squeezing in the throat. Diagnosis and treatment. Possible causes of throat discomfort

It is very difficult to independently understand the symptoms and identify the true culprit of the ailment. Therefore, if a lump appears in the throat, signs of asphyxia or constriction, you should consult a specialist.


So, what is this disease - choking in the throat? A similar symptom often accompanies pathologies of the central nervous system or gastrointestinal tract. A pressing sensation appears during respiratory infections, which are characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane. A lump in the throat can also occur in completely healthy people during strong emotional experiences.


Any inflammation leads to tissue swelling and the appearance of oppressive feeling. Such signs are most characteristic of pharyngitis and. If the larynx is involved in the process, hoarseness, pain and redness in the pharynx are observed.

Often the throat chokes and acute tonsillitis. Inflammation palatine tonsils and peripharyngeal ring leads to tissue swelling and the development of asphyxia. It is not for nothing that the word comes from the Latin ango, which means “I squeeze”, “soul”.

Tumor formations

A tight throat may be a sign of tumors in the pharynx. In this case, the cause of discomfort is the mechanical pressure that the tumor exerts on the internal structures.

Sometimes asphyxia is the only symptom serious illness. But more often it is accompanied by other signs of the disease: fatigue of the ligaments when speaking, hemoptysis, change in voice, difficulty swallowing.

Thyroid dysfunction

The appearance of a pressing pain in the throat is also characteristic of lesions thyroid gland. An unpleasant sensation develops against the background of an increase endocrine organ and is accompanied by difficulty breathing and swallowing, hoarseness, and signs of oxygen deficiency.

With inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland, the symptoms are supplemented by the feeling of a foreign object and constant desire swallow.


Very often the throat compresses during exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the cervico-brachial calving. In addition, the disease causes pain in the back and head, and numbness in the neck. In some cases, surges in blood pressure, nausea, and loss of consciousness are possible.

It is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis for this disease, since osteochondrosis has very diverse symptoms.

Digestive system diseases

If a lump in the throat appears after eating, the cause of the illness should most likely be sought in the gastroenterological area. In this case, this unpleasant symptom is accompanied by epigastric pain, heartburn and belching, and nausea.


Pressure in the throat is often caused by reflux esophagitis. With this disease, acidic stomach contents reflux into the esophagus. A constant companion of reflux disease is heartburn and a lump in the throat that occurs after eating.

Esophageal hernia

One of the symptoms of a hernia is suffocation and. The feeling of lack of air is associated with the appearance of a foreign organ behind the sternum, and a lump and burning sensation in the throat is explained by the reflux of the contents of the hernia into the esophagus. Reflux most often occurs when bending forward.

Choking in pathology is accompanied by esophagitis, heartburn, burning behind the sternum, hoarseness, cough.


Pressing pain in the larynx appears as a result of injuries that provoke inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane. The cause of injury may be a burn, roughage, medical manipulations. The patient complains about discomfort in the throat, difficulty swallowing, asphyxia.


Allergies are often the cause of choking. The antigen, when it gets on the mucous membrane, causes tissue inflammation and severe swelling.

It happens that similar symptoms are provoked by bronchial asthma. Respiratory failure is its typical manifestation. Choking in this case develops very quickly and requires immediate medical attention.

Psychogenic factors

A spasm in the throat often appears during severe emotional stress. The patient complains of signs of suffocation, squeezing in the throat, and inability to breathe.

Such symptoms appear after fright or prolonged stress and disappear as soon as the person’s condition returns to normal.

Other reasons

A constricting feeling in the throat can also appear with other, no less serious, pathologies:

Tissue swelling develops when a foreign object gets stuck in the throat - bones, pills, needles, buttons. In this case, the patient needs urgent help doctors

Associated symptoms

A feeling of discomfort in the throat is always accompanied by an impressive list of additional signs, which depend on the cause of the ailment and help diagnose the underlying disease.

Associated symptoms:

  • pain when swallowing;
  • dyspnea;
  • feeling of a foreign body in the throat;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • inflammation and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • esophageal irritation;
  • constant desire to swallow.

The list contains the main symptoms characteristic of all ailments. For gastrointestinal diseases, the list will be supplemented with heartburn, belching, nausea, and epigastric pain. With respiratory infections it will appear; neuralgic pathologies are characterized by short-term sweating, irritability, and headache.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a lump appears in your throat and there is a feeling of squeezing, you should visit an otolaryngologist or therapist. After the initial examination, the doctor will determine the nature of the ailment and prescribe treatment or refer you for additional consultation to an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon or neurologist.


To confirm or refute the diagnosis made during the preliminary examination, the specialist will prescribe a number of instrumental and hardware studies:

  • General and biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • contrast radiography;
  • echocardiography and ECG;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • computed tomography;
  • esophagomanometry;
  • endoscopic examination of the esophagus;
  • examination of the pharynx using pharyngoscopy.

Certainly, diagnostic measures from the above list are not performed all at once. The range of studies depends on the initial diagnosis that needs to be clarified.


The method of treating throat discomfort directly depends on the cause that caused it. Malaise can be eliminated with help conservative therapy, and by the surgical method.

For example, inflammatory processes in the pharynx are treated with antibacterial and antiviral drugs(Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Kagocel, Tsitovir, Arbidol), rinsing with antiseptics is prescribed (Miramistin, chamomile decoction).

For diseases of the thyroid gland, therapy is selected depending on the reasons that caused the growth of the goiter. For hypothyroidism, hormonal substitutes are used; for hyperthyroidism, Tyrosol, Propicil, Mercazolil are taken. WITH endemic goiter fight with iodine preparations.

To treat osteochondrosis, gymnastics and physiotherapeutic procedures are required. If pressure in the throat appears after anxiety, the patient is prescribed sedatives - Valerian, Afobazole, Motherwort tincture, Validol.

Therapy for reflux pathology includes following a diet and taking medications:

  • antacids - Vikalin, Phosphalugel, Maalox, Almagel Neo;
  • prokinetics - Cerucal, Motilium, Ganatom, Motinorm, Itomed, Osetron, Motorix;
  • antisecretory agents - Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine.

If there is no result from conservative treatment, the patient is indicated for surgical therapy. Surgery is also necessary for a hiatal hernia.

One of the most terrible throat diseases is malignancy- treated with surgical, chemical and by radiation methods. The optimal treatment regimen is selected by an oncologist.


To prevent the development of unpleasant sensations in the throat, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • lead active image life;
  • promptly treat respiratory diseases;
  • monitor the state of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • go through systematically preventive examinations, take urine and blood tests;
  • If possible, avoid stress and overexertion.

A tight throat can indicate the development of a variety of ailments. For therapy to be quick and successful, it is necessary to establish the cause of the ailment. And only a specialist can do this. Self-medication in in this case unacceptable.

Useful video about lump in throat

Most people are familiar with the feeling of pressure in the larynx, the feeling that there is a lump inside, as if there is a foreign body present. However, few know that similar symptom may indicate various serious disorders of the body. It may be caused by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, neurological diseases, inflammation of the respiratory tract, back problems and even tumors. And the lump in the throat itself can cause such unpleasant sensations as suffocation, pain, constriction, burning and soreness.

We often talk about this problem when we want to describe some kind of depressed mental condition– after all, everyone knows the phrase “a lump comes to your throat.” It can often be found in books and songs as a characteristic of a stressful situation. Unfortunately, this is not the only reason for this feeling. And the consequences of such a symptom can be very different. Therefore, it is worth considering what a lump in the throat is, its causes and treatment. But what you need to know first is that if there is a pressing sensation of a lump in the throat, you need to be examined by a doctor and identify the cause.

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    The essence of the problem

    A lump in the throat is a collection of sensations, the main one of which is the feeling of a lump in the throat. Often this tangle is painful. Causes a feeling of constriction in the throat or its distension, the presence of a foreign body. In most cases, the formation is located above the thyroid cartilage, according to midline. It also happens that sensations arise in other areas of the neck, closer to the front surface.

    There are two types of symptom complex. They differ in the level of impact of unpleasant sensations on the patient’s behavior:

    • a tangle in the throat that does not interfere with life, does not clearly affect the functioning of the body’s systems and does not affect the patient’s behavior, but creates a feeling of the presence of a foreign body;
    • a lump in the throat that causes fear of suffocation or interferes with breathing, and also complicates the process of eating and affects any body system.

    Patients experiencing type 1 symptoms most often complain of a foreign body sensation in the throat. So, many are sure that while eating, some bone gets stuck in the throat and causes discomfort. Others simply report some kind of formation that presses in the throat. Both are often misdiagnosed as pharyngitis or laryngitis, although the cause may be different.

    For patients with type 2 symptoms, the problem can have a significant impact. Changes the most eating behavior. Patients refuse to eat solid foods and try to eat mostly soft food, which will minimally touch and disturb the source of unpleasant sensations. Very often, such people experience rapid weight loss. The body image does not change, the signs anorexia nervosa they are also not observed. The process of eating can cause serious discomfort and pain. Fear and panic attacks also begin: the patient is afraid of choking or suffocating.

    Such emotional disorders affect the functioning of the body and cause autonomic disorders. Hyperventilation occurs, which causes numbness or tingling of the tongue, dry mouth, numbness of the lips and oral area.

    As a result, breathing becomes difficult, which makes the process of eating really dangerous. The likelihood that the patient will choke on food increases sharply. This leads to even greater panic. That is why the problem is subject to careful diagnosis and treatment.

    Characteristic signs

    The most common patient complaints about the problem under consideration are:

    • sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
    • discomfort in the throat;
    • tightness, discomfort;
    • difficulty breathing and swallowing;
    • much more often you want to swallow saliva, but doing so is problematic;
    • pain when eating;
    • burning;
    • sore throat, which is accompanied by strange friction;
    • difficulty swallowing solid food;
    • a feeling of some kind of movement or movement in the throat;
    • feeling as if something is choking in the throat.

    If any of these symptoms occur, you need to be examined by an otolaryngologist. It is possible that this doctor will not be able to identify the problem and make a diagnosis, but in this case he will refer you to other doctors who can also find the causes of the lump in the throat.

    Etiology of the phenomenon

    Lump in throat - what could it be and why did it happen? Distinguish following reasons appearance of the above symptoms:

    • colds;
    • various malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • diaphragmatic hernia;
    • disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (often observed together with increased acidity or a feeling of discomfort in the stomach);
    • problems with overweight;
    • disorders in the cervical spine (often observed together with pain in the back, head and neck);
    • neurological problems, stress, depression;
    • foreign object;
    • side effects of drugs;
    • laryngeal tumors, throat cancer;
    • allergy;
    • injury.

    Inflammatory processes

    The cause of this problem may be inflammatory processes. The otolaryngologist must ensure that the patient does not have laryngitis, chronic pharyngitis or purulent sore throat. IN otherwise there will be every reason to believe that the lump in the throat is caused by these diseases. It is necessary to treat these diseases, because they can develop into an abscess of the tongue or epiglottis.

    The fact is that an abscess is a dangerous disease. This is an inflammation of the larynx, which is accompanied by the release of pus. If milder illnesses are allowed to develop into an abscess, treatment can be delayed and much more difficult. When inflamed, the epiglottis may swell. It is located directly in front of the larynx and even a slight increase in size can cause suffocation. This explains why, first of all, if you feel a lump in your throat, you need to visit an otolaryngologist, and not anyone else.

    This is especially true for people who often suffer from sore throat or similar diseases. There is a high probability that the lump in the throat is another infection in the larynx.

    Thyroid problems

    Inflammation of the thyroid gland, also known as thyroiditis, can cause a lump in the throat. Slight enlargement of the thyroid gland has been detected in a large number of people, which is due to living conditions. However, if this problem is left unattended, it can begin to interfere with life. Thus, the thyroid gland hardens and causes a number of symptoms.

    In fact, in most people, this gland is located at a sufficient distance from the esophagus and throat and in no way can cause the discomfort or difficulty in swallowing and breathing in question.

    But there are people whose thyroid gland is quite close to the esophagus and, when enlarged and hardened, it can cause a sensation as if there is a lump in the throat.

    And if nodules begin to form in the thyroid gland, then the feeling of a lump in the throat will be constant. For diagnosis in this case, use ultrasonography, computed tomography and fibrogastroduodenoscopy. These methods make it possible to study hard-to-reach areas of organs, such as back walls esophagus and thyroid gland. CT scan It also allows you to determine the presence of pathologies in the chest area.

    The most common causes of malfunction of the thyroid gland:

    • change hormonal levels in the human body;
    • lack of iodine consumed by the patient;
    • metabolic disorders.

    It is important to note that in most cases, when nodules form in the thyroid gland, the patient experiences pain.

    Diseases of the esophagus

    Problems with the esophagus are a fairly common cause of a feeling of a lump in the throat. When this organ becomes inflamed, the process of eating and swallowing saliva can become significantly more difficult. Often in such cases the lump is felt not in the throat, but slightly lower.

    The most obvious signs of inflammation are pain in the esophagus, as well as discomfort as a reaction to solid foods and various liquids. It is also characteristic that these symptoms intensify during physical activity and stress and subside during rest, physical and emotional relaxation.

    Malfunctions of the esophagus are observed in every tenth patient who complains of a foreign object in the throat.

    Such failures may lead to serious consequences, so it is strongly recommended to be examined by FGDS in order to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment.

    Development of tonsillitis

    Chronic tonsillitis sometimes causes a sensation in the throat that feels like there is a foreign object in the throat. Moreover, if the patient has a sore throat, white formations with an unpleasant odor can be observed in the oral cavity.

    The signs of this disease are as follows:

    • high body temperature (above 37.5 degrees);
    • high frequency of sore throats;
    • white mass on tonsils;
    • sore throat.

    Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract

    Malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are also a fairly common cause of the appearance of a lump in the throat and esophagus. We are talking about disturbances in the functioning of the muscular sphincter. They lead to the release of stomach contents back into the esophagus and further irritation of the latter. This is due high acidity stomach contents. In this case, a lump in the throat may occur after eating.

    This symptom is almost always accompanied by heartburn. Many people live with heartburn for many years and treat it in their own ways, but in this case, if it occurs frequently, you should not rely entirely on self-medication. The fact is that if the esophagus is constantly in an irritated state, a malignant tumor may develop, and its treatment is long and complex. At the first sign of a coma in the esophagus or throat after eating, accompanied by heartburn, you should urgently contact a gastroenterologist and perform a gastroscopy.


    Cervical osteochondrosis in addition to the lump, it causes pain in the throat, numbness, and a noticeable decrease in sensitivity. In addition, it limits the possibility of movement in upper limbs. If this diagnosis has already been made, then treatment involves medication and surgery.

    The medicinal method means that treatment is carried out using various gels, ointments, acupuncture, manual therapy. Drugs prescribed to relieve inflammation relieve painful sensations and tones well. You can also use paraffin treatment (contraindicated for pregnant women and for acute osteochondrosis!).

    Under surgically This means a special massage.

    Excess weight

    Overweight and constant obesity guarantee the formation of a ball in the throat. This is easy to explain - the organs become covered with fat, and the diameter of the larynx decreases. As a result, the fat compresses the throat. This causes problems with swallowing and oxygen intake.

    Neurological abnormalities

    The cause of difficulties in breathing and swallowing may be neurological abnormalities. In stressful situations, this phenomenon occurs very often, but in most cases it goes away along with nervous tension. However, with depression, panic attacks and other disruptions in nervous system a ball of this nature may remain in the throat long time until the patient undergoes treatment. There are also frequent cases when this sensation returns during relapses of neurological abnormalities.

    As stated above, the very fact of difficulty eating can have a detrimental effect on emotional background patient and over time cause serious fears when eating food. It is important not to bring yourself to this state, but to consult a doctor immediately after the first signs appear.

    Also on nervous soil This sensation occurs in pregnant women. This is due big amount the excitement that a woman can experience from the moment she conceives a child. With such a symptom, you need to consult a doctor and, if it is confirmed that all this is caused by nervous tension, it will not be difficult to get rid of it.

    Examinations and therapy

    As mentioned above, first of all you need to contact an otolaryngologist. If he cannot make a diagnosis, he may have to make a visit to an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon, or neurologist to determine how to get rid of the lump in the throat. This a large number of doctors due wide range causes of a lump in the throat.

    Research that may be required:

    • blood and urine tests;
    • blood chemistry;
    • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
    • hormone analysis;
    • examination of the neck and cervical lymph nodes;
    • examination of the oral cavity, epiglottis, root of the tongue, larynx, vocal cords;
    • CT, MRI and radiography cervical region.

    Depending on the cause, treatment may vary. For sore throat, gargles, sprays, and antibiotics are most often used. Tonsillitis is treated by washing the tonsils, and antibiotics are also used. If there are malfunctions of the thyroid gland, observation and treatment with special drugs are possible, as a last resort- surgical intervention. If the problem is in the sphincter muscle in the stomach, surgery may also be required. Neurological problems are eliminated with a course of sedatives or antidepressants.

    In mild cases, when the symptom is caused by minor anxieties and worries, good sleep and fresh air help. The success of recovery depends 90% on these factors. You just need to abstract yourself from external stimuli, increase your walks fresh air and improve your sleep patterns. It is also recommended to sleep with the window open. This especially applies to pregnant women. However, in this situation you should not rely on yourself - you still need to undergo an examination by doctors to determine the true source of the problem. If no failures are detected, feel free to use the above advice. In addition, there are special sedatives, which can be taken by pregnant women.

    Preventive actions

    • regular examinations by an otolaryngologist, treatment at an early stage of ear, nose and throat diseases.
    • maintaining a daily routine, minimizing bad habits, maintaining proper nutrition, regular walks;
    • maintaining optimal indoor humidity levels;
    • regular examinations by an endocrinologist, support of the thyroid gland is normal;
    • regular examinations by a gastroenterologist, treatment of disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • avoid overstraining the vocal cords;
    • If possible, avoid inhaling acrid smoke.

    Thus, the feeling of a lump in the throat may be a sign of quite serious illnesses. If you experience this for some time, you need to consult a doctor to determine the reasons, of which there are quite a large number. However, you should not get nervous ahead of time - when timely application see a doctor, the likelihood that treatment will be quick and easy is quite high. The most important thing is not to get carried away with self-medication at home. Entrust your health to qualified specialists.

A very unpleasant, squeezing sensation that causes discomfort is most often the cause of a lump in the throat. For some, it can cause burning and itching, while for others, breathing becomes difficult, the chest, arms and legs go numb. A state of pressing pain can strike suddenly and cause a lot of unpleasant sensations: during an important meeting, speech, lecture. This is why it is important to understand the causes, recognize the symptoms and identify treatments.

Unpleasant lump in the throat: symptoms and sensations

The sensation of a foreign substance in the neck makes it difficult to speak normally. A lump in the throat during normal swallowing makes it difficult to eat. People have a problem varying degrees discomfort. A lump in the throat can interfere with breathing and cause pain in the neck and back of the head. The problem causes a number of symptoms:

  • Discomfort during a conversation;
  • Feeling of tightness in the throat, chest;
  • A feeling that there is a foreign body in the throat;
  • Pain when swallowing;
  • Pressure in the back of the head and neck;
  • Numbness of arms and legs.

Symptoms caused by a lump in the throat may go away on their own, but if the pain and pressure does not subside and persists regularly, then you should think about the causes of the problem.

Possible causes of throat discomfort

The most harmless reason that provokes the formation of a lump in the throat is stress. Nervous people more often than others feel the symptoms of the disease. Among the psychological reasons for feeling a lump in the throat are:

  • prolonged depression, nervous disorders, stress;
  • strong excitement;
  • fright and fear.

Excitement before an important event, an interview or a trip to the dentist, the fear of failing at a speech in front of an audience - all this can cause a feeling of a lump in the throat.

Fortunately, the discomfort caused by an emotional outburst is not related to the functioning of the body. Most often, the problem haunts emotionally unstable people suffering from nervous disorders. If discomfort in the throat occurs for the first time and suddenly, then, most likely, it was provoked by strong feelings, fear or panic, but when a lump in the throat is persistent, then the causes of the disease must be recognized as soon as possible.

Causes of a lump in the throat that require specialist intervention:

  • ENT diseases: inflammation of the larynx, purulent tonsillitis, various types of abscess;
  • Throat cancer;
  • Improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion;
  • Tumor;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Deviations of the autonomic nervous system.

Each of the reasons can pose a serious danger to human health and therefore requires consultation with a qualified doctor. It is not worth treating yourself, since it is not known at what stage the alleged disease is and what kind of intervention will be required.

Why do I still get a lump in my throat? Among other reasons, there are those that are not associated with either psychological problems or dangerous diseases:

  • Overweight;
  • Side effect from taking medications;
  • Consequences of a cold or prolonged cough.

Lump in throat: treatment of diseases that caused the problem

If the feeling of a lump in the throat is not caused by a disease, then soon it will will go away on its own. To speed up this process, you can drink some water, take a few breaths, and relax. People who are prone to emotional breakdowns and disorders need to have something calming on hand: anti-stress balls, a fragrant lavender pillow, medications prescribed by a doctor.

If the discomfort is not caused stressful condition, then only a qualified specialist can diagnose the disease.

Which doctor should I contact?

First you need to get an appointment with therapist. The doctor will conduct a conversation and examination, and then send you to the specialist who, in his opinion, can more accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.

Most often, patients with such complaints go to the therapist’s office otolaryngologist. An additional examination by a specialist will help determine the type of disease, which will be confirmed through tests.

What research to do

To clarify the diagnosis, it may be necessary to carry out additional examinations and take some tests. Depending on the expected diagnosis, the doctor may refer you to:

  • Examination of the larynx, oral cavity, tongue, lymph nodes;
  • General blood and urine analysis;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, hormone analysis;
  • X-ray, tomography of the cervical spine.

One of the common throat diseases is chronic tonsillitis. About the signs chronic tonsillitis find out by .

Tonsillitis is nothing more than a sore throat. Read about homeopathy for the treatment of sore throat in the following article.

These studies do not pose any danger; they will help establish a diagnosis and determine the causes of the disease. If discomfort in the throat bothers you regularly, then you need to seek help as soon as possible and start treatment. None of the tests will cause more discomfort than hidden illness. In the event that studies have not revealed any disturbances in the functioning of the body, you should think about your emotional state and contact psychotherapist.

Elena Malysheva will talk about a coma in the throat in the next video.

There is no need to torture yourself and think about the possible reasons why you have a lump in your throat on your own. No one can help you forget about the problem forever as quickly, efficiently and effectively as a doctor.

A feeling of tightness in the throat is present in many conditions. The reasons why there is pressure in the throat are varied. Such complaints can be characterized by various pathological processes caused by diseases of the thyroid gland, throat, and impaired innervation. In addition, a feeling of squeezing the throat can also occur when there is a disturbance in the psycho-emotional state. In this case, patients complain that it is difficult to breathe.

Depending on the location of the pathological process and its nature, complaints can be formulated as tightness in the throat, sensation of a lump, foreign body, pressing pain on the throat from the inside. The most common feeling of tightness in the throat is due to the following conditions:

  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the throat;
  • tumors;
  • allergy;
  • neurological disorders;
  • injuries.
  • tonsillitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • tonsil abscess;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tumor process;
  • injuries.

In addition to the results of an objective examination, additional symptoms will help clarify the diagnosis in this case. A constant sign tonsillitis is an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees, as well as enlargement and soreness of regional lymph nodes. The results of pharyngoscopy reveal hyperemic, severely swollen tonsils. During development purulent form sore throats, dirty gray or yellowish deposits are found in the follicles or lacunae.

The most typical type of sore throat is severe pain radiating to the ear and neck, which intensifies when swallowing. The compressive nature of the pain is also characteristic of chronic tonsillitis.

In this case, the disease is characterized by a long course with periods of remission and exacerbation. Additional symptoms are constant malaise, fast fatiguability, low-grade fever, joint pain. In most cases, even in a state of remission, the tonsils are covered with purulent plaque, it is noted putrid smell from mouth. A tonsil abscess can narrow and compress the throat. Most often, this disease is a complication of purulent sore throat. It manifests itself as a deterioration in the patient’s general condition, an increase in body temperature to 40 degrees, and an increase in sore throat. Examination of the throat is difficult, since opening the patient’s mouth is accompanied by increased pain. In this case, there is a unilateral sharp enlargement of the tonsil, as a result of which the tongue is displaced to the side. Enlarged and sharply painful regional lymph nodes are palpated. This condition requires treatment under conditions surgical department. The feeling of pressure can also be caused by the development of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the throat. In this case, the pathological process of the tonsil does not affect. They look somewhat hyperemic, but not enlarged. There are no purulent deposits. Sore throat is most typical of pharyngitis, an inflammatory process in the pharynx. Pharyngoscopy is characterized by accumulation of mucus on the back surface of the pharynx. An additional symptom is dry barking cough, which has been troubling the patient for several weeks. If the larynx is involved in the process, then a change in voice and the appearance of hoarseness are present as a mandatory symptom. With a pronounced process, there may be a lack of sound reproduction. The patient tries to spend most of his time in silence. Throat tumors are also accompanied by a feeling of constriction. The initial sign neoplasms in the throat are complaints of a sensation of a foreign body, discomfort when swallowing. Additional symptoms may include malaise, weakness, fatigue, increased body temperature, and enlarged regional nodes. Most often, throat cancer affects the larynx, so a mandatory sign of the disease is a change in the timbre of the voice. As the process progresses, hemoptysis, increased pain intensity when moving, may be observed. deep breath. Injury to the throat due to medical procedures or foreign body In case of injury, it may also be accompanied by complaints that put pressure on the throat and make it difficult to breathe. The reasons for the development of this condition are obvious and are caused by developing post-traumatic edema. Characteristic is the rapid development of symptoms. Difficulties may only lie in clarifying the location of the lesion and determining therapeutic tactics in each specific case.

Endocrine pathology

Difficulty swallowing, a feeling of pressure in the throat, is also characteristic of thyroid pathology. Normally, this organ is located below the thyroid cartilage and is almost invisible when examining the patient. However, some diseases may be characterized by an increase in the size of this formation, that is, the formation of a goiter. Since the enlarged thyroid gland is adjacent to the larynx, it puts pressure on it, causing the development of symptoms. There are several degrees of enlargement of the thyroid gland. Depending on its size, the patient’s complaints may also worsen. At a certain size, the gland can put pressure on the surrounding tissues, larynx, trachea, cause a feeling of pressure in the throat, make it difficult to breathe, and make swallowing difficult. The most common thyroid diseases are:

  • endemic goiter;
  • sporadic goiter;
  • thyroid tumors;
  • diffuse toxic goiter;
  • hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland, through the production of its hormones, participates in metabolic processes occurring in the body. Pathological processes occurring in the thyroid gland can be characterized by normal levels of hormones, decreased release into the blood, or increased levels, which affects the development and nature of clinical manifestations. Hypothyroidism is characterized by decreased hormone levels. In this regard, there is a slowdown metabolic processes occurring in the body. Such patients are characterized by lethargy, drowsiness, hoarseness, dry skin, weight gain, constipation, and bradycardia. A life-threatening complication is hypothyroid coma. Patients complain that it becomes difficult to breathe, convulsions appear, signs brain failure, breathing slows down. An increase in the level of thyroid hormones is accompanied by symptoms such as nervousness, sweating, irregular heartbeat, tachycardia, and weight loss. Disturbances in the production of hormones can be characterized by an increased size of the gland or occur with its unchanged volume. In such cases, it is the presence clinical signs disease forces you to see an endocrinologist and undergo an examination for the level of thyroid hormones. Timely correction of this condition will lead to significant improvement. At the same time, the presence of a goiter is not always accompanied by changes in the hormonal levels of the gland. Even in the absence of clinical signs indicating a lack or excessive amount of hormones, an enlarged thyroid gland is a reason to conduct an ultrasound examination. This symptom may be a consequence of a lack of iodine in the body, as well as the result of the development of benign or malignant tumors. Timely diagnosis of this condition will help to avoid severe course diseases. Under the influence of arthrosis changes they can shrink nerve fibers and vessels located in spinal column. As a result of this, certain parts of the neck and head receive insufficient nutrition, which can also be manifested by complaints of squeezing the throat, a feeling of a lump. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a common cause of this symptomatology.

Emotional factor

The compressive nature of the pain in the throat, the feeling that it is difficult to breathe, are also present with psycho-emotional disorders. The development of such symptoms may occur as a result of stress or fear. If the condition is caused precisely by psychological factors, then within a short time the patient’s condition will normalize. In this case, the complaints are not related to pathological processes, occurring in the throat or thyroid gland, disrupting their functioning. Unpleasant sensations are caused by the body's reaction to stress. This condition should only cause concern if it lasts for a long time. Help can be provided by a psychotherapist, or in case of development of a depressive state, by a psychiatrist. If there is constriction in the throat, what kind of condition it is and why it is dangerous, a specialist must determine. Since these complaints may be due to involvement in the process various organs, then to clarify the diagnosis you will need to carry out instrumental examinations, laboratory diagnostics, consultations of related specialists.

A feeling of tightness in the throat may indicate the most various diseases and significantly impair a person’s quality of life. In some patients it is accompanied by an itching or burning sensation, while in others it causes breathing problems and numbness in the limbs. To establish the causes of this condition, it is very important to promptly consult a doctor who will conduct a detailed diagnosis.

Causes of tightness in the throat

A feeling of tightness in the throat may occur under the influence of various factors, which are divided into 2 main categories - somatic and psychogenic. The first group of reasons is considered the most extensive and occurs most often.

Inflammatory processes in the throat area

Any inflammation provokes swelling of the tissues, as a result of which a person develops a pressing lump in the throat. This process can be acute or chronic and indicate the development of laryngitis or pharyngitis. Also, the reason may lie in the appearance follicular tonsillitis. IN in some cases the patient's condition worsens and paratonsillitis or an abscess develops. This situation poses a serious danger because there is a risk of pronounced edema, which will create difficulties with oxygen access to organs respiratory system.

Tumor formations

Constriction may be associated with the development of benign or malignant tumors. And if in the first case it is usually enough conservative methods therapy, then in the second - the situation can be much more serious. For treatment to be successful, the disease must be treated initial stage development. In some cases, a feeling of choking in the throat is the only sign of a dangerous disease. However, in some cases additional symptoms occur:

  • rapid fatigue of the ligaments during a conversation;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • the appearance of hoarseness in the voice;
  • bad breath;
  • formation of bloody streaks in sputum;
  • breathing problems;
  • the appearance of shooting pain in the ear.

Most often, such problems are localized in the larynx, trachea or oropharynx. If you suspect the presence of tumor formations, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Thyroid dysfunction

With iodine deficiency there is a risk of damage to the thyroid gland. This organ increases in size and compresses the throat. This pathology is called goiter. The second name is Graves' disease.

To identify pathology, the doctor conducts an examination. In addition to visual signs, people experience decreased appetite, protruding eyes, and weight loss. To clarify the diagnosis, prescribe lab tests and ultrasound. Also, a feeling of choking in the throat is sometimes associated with other lesions of the thyroid gland - inflammatory processes or increased production of thyroid hormones. These pathologies are also accompanied by a sensation of a foreign object in the throat.


Quite often there is pressure in the throat with the development of cervical osteochondrosis. The causes of this disorder are most often associated with lack of movement, poor nutrition and the presence of bad habits. Cervical osteochondrosis is accompanied by pain in the back, head and neck. In some cases, the pathology even provokes nausea, vomiting, and pressure changes. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease. To cope with pathology, it is carried out long-term treatment. High efficiency has therapeutic exercises and massage. You definitely need to watch your posture. For sleeping, you should use an orthopedic pillow and mattress. IN difficult cases It is not possible to do without medications.

Digestive system diseases

If your throat is choking, the reasons may be due to gastroenterological problems. If this symptom appears after eating, the likelihood of developing pathologies is very high digestive system. As a rule, these disorders are accompanied by other symptoms. These include belching, heartburn, sour taste in the mouth and stomach discomfort.


A sore throat is often caused by reflux. When this occurs chronic disorder acidic contents enter the esophagus from the stomach. As a result, symptoms such as belching, nausea, and flatulence occur. To cope with the violation, experts advise reviewing your menu. First of all, you need to give up coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks and any other irritating foods. Losing weight and following a diet is important.

Esophageal hernia

If the throat is compressed, the reasons may lie in the occurrence of a hiatal hernia. This disorder is associated with excess weight, constipation, lifting heavy objects and severe cough. Also a provoking factor may be severe stress which leads to spasms muscle tissue. In such a situation, it is enough to drink a glass of warm milk with honey. A hernia is often accompanied by pain in the chest. In such a situation, the doctor should do a cardiogram to rule out heart disease. In some cases, in addition to a lump in the throat, hiccups occur.

Traumatic injuries

If your throat is tight and it is difficult to breathe, the cause may be damage to the esophagus or larynx. So, rough food can injure the esophagus. In addition, the reason may lie in improper gastroendoscopy. As a rule, such symptoms disappear on their own after about a week.


There is a lump in the throat that seems to be suffocating due to Quincke's edema. This condition is life-threatening. In such a situation, swelling quickly increases, which can lead to suffocation. Time in similar cases it literally takes seconds. Only urgent administration can save a patient’s life. antihistamines.

Other reasons

If your throat seems to be squeezing, you can look for reasons in the following:

Such reasons also often cause constriction in the throat. Before making such a diagnosis, the specialist conducts a detailed examination of the patient to exclude somatic factors. If the internal organs are working correctly, one can suspect the psychogenic nature of the problem. In such a situation, a person faces difficulty swallowing saliva; constriction, scratching or soreness appears in the throat. In some cases, breathing problems and difficulty eating solid food occur. At the initial stage, these manifestations are rather weakly expressed, but after some time they increase. This condition can persist for a very long time. Moreover, a person may have suspicions of developing cancer or other dangerous diseases. As a result, anxiety increases, which leads to a worsening of the clinical picture.

A feeling of tightness may occur periodically. In such a situation, panic attacks are observed, blood pressure increases, heart rate increases, and fear of death arises. At the same time, the feeling of suffocation and oxygen deficiency only increase fear. In such a situation, signs of depression arise. They manifest themselves in the form of depression, isolation, and tearfulness.

When panic attacks occur pain syndrome in the throat is accompanied by increased heart rate and pulse. You may also experience numbness in the limbs, dizziness, pain in the left side of the chest, and a feeling of lack of air. Such attacks have an acute onset and last a maximum of half an hour. To determine the exact causes of the problem, the doctor must study the influence of psycho-emotional factors on the patient’s condition. In this case, stressful situations matter difficult situations at work and at home. What to do if you feel a feeling of choking in your throat

Clinical picture (symptoms)

A feeling of tightness is quite rarely the only symptom. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by an extensive list of additional signs, which helps specialists diagnose accurate diagnosis. The most common manifestations include the following:

  • discomfort during a conversation;
  • pain syndrome that creates difficulty breathing and swallowing;
  • feeling of heaviness in the occipital region, headaches, fainting states– associated with oxygen deficiency due to arterial damage;
  • numbness of the extremities - may be associated with circulatory deficiency or neurological factors.

Diagnostic features

If you experience tightness in your throat, you should immediately consult a physician. After the initial examination, the doctor will give recommendations for treatment or prescribe additional examinations. In some cases, consultation with a specialist is required - a surgeon, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist. Sometimes you have to contact a neurologist or gastroenterologist. To accurately determine the causes of throat constriction, you can prescribe additional diagnostic studies:

  • urine and blood tests;
  • assessment of the condition of the thyroid gland - the list of tests should include determining the level of hormones in the blood and ultrasound;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • determining the condition of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • examination of the pharynx and oral cavity.

Methods for treating a feeling of choking in the throat

To cope with the feeling of tightness in the throat, it is imperative to treat the underlying pathology. Choice medicines and procedures directly depends on the diagnosis. Thus, if the functioning of the thyroid gland is impaired, iodine preparations must be prescribed.. If autoimmune thyroiditis is diagnosed, therapy is more complex nature. In some situations, a person has to accept all his life hormonal drugs. If the cause lies in damage to the cervical spine, it will not be possible to do without therapeutic exercises . The doctor may also recommend physical therapy - vacuum treatment, manual techniques, reflexology, laser therapy. Normalizing your lifestyle and following the rules of a healthy diet is of no small importance. The most dangerous condition education is considered malignant tumor. In such a situation, it will not be possible to do without radiation and chemotherapy. In some cases, there is a need for surgical intervention. When gastroenterological problems occur, treatment consists of following a special diet and using medications. However, if a hernia forms in the esophagus, surgery may be necessary.

During development inflammatory lesions otolaryngological organs need to assess the nature of the disease - it may be viral or bacterial origin. Based on the results of the studies, antibacterial drugs or other medications may be prescribed.

In addition to the main therapy, gargling with infusions of medicinal plants, preparations containing iodine or salt can be used. All of these products are distinguished by pronounced anti-inflammatory and healing characteristics. In some situations, strengthen drug therapy Warm compresses will help. If the feeling of tightness in the throat is due to psychogenic factors, therapy involves the use of medications and psychotherapeutic agents. If a patient is diagnosed with depression, he is prescribed antidepressants and tranquilizers. If breathing problems occur that are associated with panic attacks, measures are taken to eliminate the symptoms vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is recommended to do breathing exercises on your own, which provides effective relaxation. To do this, you need to breathe with your stomach or use a bag, holding your breath for a certain time. The exact set of exercises will be selected by your attending physician. When a coma occurs for the first time, you can perform several breathing exercises, trying not to focus attention on this condition. At the same time, it is important to control swallowing movements - they should not become more frequent. Additional tool to improve the condition herbal infusion or tea. Subsequently, it is recommended to perform exercises for the muscle tissue of the neck and larynx. How to get rid of the feeling of a lump in your throat

Preventive actions

To prevent such problems from occurring, you need to adhere to a number of recommendations. Preventive measures should include the following:

  • timely elimination of nasopharyngeal pathologies;
  • active lifestyle, monitoring adherence to work and rest schedules, outdoor walks;
  • eliminating bad habits - giving up alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • systematic preventive examinations by an endocrinologist;
  • adequate treatment of thyroid pathologies;
  • maintaining normal level indoor humidity to prevent dry throat;
  • timely treatment of chronic tonsillitis and systematic rinsing of the tonsils;
  • treatment of pathologies of the digestive system;
  • rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solutions;
  • prevention and therapy of pathologies of the cervical spine;
  • exception stressful situations;
  • timely treatment of pathology when the first signs appear.

A feeling of tightness in the throat may indicate the development of a variety of diseases. For treatment of this condition to be successful, it is very important to identify the causes of the problem. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will conduct a detailed diagnosis and, based on its results, select the optimal therapy. And a little about secrets... If you or your child often get sick and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause. So you simply “spare” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often. STOP! Stop feeding unknown people!!! You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it’s like to be sick! There is a way for this! Confirmed by E. Malysheva, A. Myasnikov and our readers! ...

Sore throat is one of the most common infectious diseases throat. The name of the disease comes from the Latin word “angio”, which translates as “squeeze, strangle”. These are precisely the sensations that patients with acute tonsillitis often experience - a feeling of constriction in the throat does not allow one to breathe normally, eat food, or even simply swallow saliva.

But this symptom can also occur with other pathologies; the causes are not always acute or chronic inflammation tonsils Therefore, if you have been bothered by a pressing pain in your throat for a long time, as if something is bothering you there, you should not put off visiting a doctor - he will determine exactly what the problem is and tell you how to quickly and effectively resolve it.

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Many people have encountered similar problem. Why is there pressure in my throat? There are many answers to this question: these could be tumors and tuberculous lesions of the laryngeal cartilages.

In these cases, the help of a specialist is necessary.

You should not try to solve the problem yourself, as this can lead to the development of complications if not correct diagnosis and treatment. The symptoms continue for quite a long time, causing the patient discomfort and pain. It often happens that at the time of swallowing food, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting, but this is only in the first stages. If you do not pay attention to the condition of your own body in time, serious and irreversible consequences may occur. If the larynx and neighboring organs are affected, the patient may experience a sensation of a lump located in the throat below the Adam's apple. The larynx connects the pharynx to the trachea and is one of the main organs of the human respiratory system. In addition to the function of air delivery, the larynx plays an important role in sound production, since it supports the vocal apparatus. Sore throat and a feeling of lack of air can occur due to various pathologies. The most common are:

  • acute and chronic laryngitis;
  • tumor;
  • tuberculous organ damage;
  • laryngeal injuries;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • neuralgia.

This is not the entire list of diseases that have a similar symptom. A more detailed examination may reveal other symptoms that indicate a specific disease. Therefore, you should not waste time or self-medicate. Remember that the sooner you see a doctor, the greater the chances of achieving a positive result after treatment.

Causes of discomfort

The feeling of a lump in the throat is a common problem with which patients go to a medical facility. It is difficult to name the factor that caused this symptom without determining the nature of the disease. Each pathology has its own causes. In order to identify the cause, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and make a diagnosis. Sometimes pain in the throat can occur due to prolonged stressful situations, when the body is completely weakened and cannot fight infections. In this case, the pain is manifested by squeezing the throat in a vice and difficulty breathing. Spontaneous muscle contraction in nervous situations causes similar unpleasant sensations. Other causes may include diseases such as:

  • laryngitis;
  • thyroiditis;
  • tumor.

When a pathology such as laryngitis occurs, the patient experiences pain below the Adam's apple. There are two types of laryngitis: acute and chronic. The disease itself is an inflammatory process, the location of which is indicated in the larynx. Factors that caused this disease, there may be hypothermia, viruses, bacteria, larynx injuries and overstrain of the vocal cords. At inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, one of the initial symptoms is pain in the throat or in the neighboring area. With thyroiditis, there is a feeling that the throat is pressing. During diagnosis, an increase in the size of the thyroid gland can be detected. Such an acute inflammatory process is formed due to contact with thyroid gland microorganisms through the blood or lymph. In the chronic form, the pain will be longer and more painful. At the time of the examination, a significant enlargement of the thyroid gland is clearly visible. In case of untimely or improper treatment chronic thyroiditis can lead to complications such as hypothyroidism. If a patient is suspected of having a tumor of the thyroid gland, then the causes include abuse bad habits, oral diseases, virus and exposure environment. Options for the development of the disease directly depend on when the patient went to the doctor, the diagnosis was made and treatment was prescribed. In the first stages of laryngeal cancer, doctors promise a favorable outcome. However, in an advanced state, oncology can be fatal.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease, as well as the causes, directly depend on the results of the examination of the patient and the diagnosis. Pain from the inside of the throat is a manifestation of several diseases (thyroid disease, laryngeal cancer, acute or chronic laryngitis). When suffering from acute and chronic laryngitis, the patient may experience symptoms such as:

  • pain in the throat;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • redness of the throat;
  • cough;
  • sputum production;
  • partial loss of voice.

If the patient is suspected of having a thyroid disease, the symptoms of the disease will be somewhat different. The patient experiences signs of thyroid damage such as:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • discomfort in the Adam's apple area;
  • some swelling around the neck.

At the most dangerous disease(larynx cancer) the patient's symptoms are most pronounced. Most susceptible similar disease women over 30 years old. Often signs of a tumor appear such as:

  • problems with sound playback;
  • dyspnea;
  • hemoptysis;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • sensation of pain radiating into the ear.

How more diseases, the more special the symptoms become. Do not forget that the disease manifests itself differently in each person. For some, the pathology makes itself known immediately, while for others it is subject to a long and unpleasant treatment. Therefore, it is extremely important to constantly monitor the condition of your body and, at the slightest discomfort, seek advice from a clinic.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor must conduct an initial examination of the patient and familiarize himself with his medical history. Next, depending on the symptoms of the disease, appropriate diagnostic tests are prescribed. The most common include:

  1. In case of laryngitis, the patient’s throat is examined, and if there is redness, the doctor can make a diagnosis, naturally, if there are other manifestations of the pathology. Laryngoscopy may also be prescribed.
  2. If thyroid disease is suspected, ultrasound, computed tomography and scintigraphy are performed. In some cases, your doctor may order a biopsy.
  3. In order to make a diagnosis of laryngeal cancer, the doctor is obliged to conduct an initial examination of the patient’s throat, having familiarized himself with the list of the patient’s complaints. Next, it is necessary to conduct a biopsy, computed tomogram and histological examination.

After the ruling final diagnosis the patient is prescribed treatment. Depending on the patient’s condition and the degree of development of the pathology, treatment can be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors or at home, but with the condition of regular visits to a specialized specialist. For example, if acute and chronic laryngitis is suspected, antipyretic and antihistamine medications are prescribed, and complete rest and a specially selected diet are also necessary. In case of damage to the thyroid gland, the patient is prescribed treatment in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. If the patient is found cancer, then, depending on its stage, a number of procedures are prescribed, for example, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Of course, a sore throat can also be a symptom of another disease. No need to wait when the pain will go away yourself, or try to cure your throat yourself. In some cases, self-medication can harm an already weakened body, leading to complications. You should know that a timely visit medical institution will help you not only eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the body, but also prevent possible diseases.

The human body is a single whole, a huge and quite complex mechanism, which means that disruption of the normal functioning of at least some part of the system will affect the functioning of the entire organism as a whole. That is why even a minor one can signal serious disruptions in the functioning of the human body. People very often go to the doctor with complaints such as heaviness, pain and a feeling of pressure in the throat. In most cases, pressure in the throat occurs for the following reasons:

  • development of infection;
  • arthritis;
  • pinched nerves;
  • draft;
  • carotidynia;
  • thyroidin;
  • mechanical damage;
  • throat injuries;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • cancerous tumors.

Article outline


What is the reason why there is tightness in the throat? Heaviness and pressing pain in the throat are considered a fairly common complaint with which patients consult a doctor. The reason why heaviness, pain and pressure in the throat occurs, in some cases, occurs due to damage or curvature of the cervical spine, because everything in the human body is interconnected.

There are times when there is no reason to worry, and sometimes, on the contrary, you should worry about your health, because this symptom can be a sign of quite serious health problems. Extremely dangerous situation it is considered to be when not only heaviness occurs, but also pressure in the throat, and all this at the same time.

In most cases, pressing pain occurs due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, namely its diffusion or hyperfunctionality, which can provoke the growth of the organ. In this case, you need to contact an endocrinologist. In general, any inflammatory processes, no matter where they occur, for example, in the skull, throat or jaw, will cause a feeling of discomfort in the cervical region.

Naturally, the throat does not always compress due to a serious illness; pressing pain can occur simply due to prolonged strain on these muscle groups, after sudden movements, a draft, or due to nervous overstrain. If pressing pain occurs due to a draft, then a special ointment can help you, which will need to be applied with gentle massaging movements that will help relieve tension and pain in the cervical region. In case of localization pain on the sides of the throat, the cause may be rare inflammation carotid arteries. In this case, simple aspirin can help you, but only in the first stages of the disease.

To determine the cause of the pressing pain, you should definitely consult a doctor. First of all, it is best to contact an ENT specialist, since only he can confirm or, conversely, exclude the presence of acute inflammatory processes, or chronic throat diseases. Chronic throat diseases that can provoke the occurrence of such symptoms include the following:

  • acute pharyngitis;
  • chronic pharyngitis;
  • purulent sore throat;
  • acute laryngitis
  • chronic laryngitis.

In turn, all of the above diseases can only be harbingers of even more complex diseases, which include the following:

  • parapharyngeal abscess;
  • abscess of the root of the tongue;
  • paratonsillitis;
  • peritonsillar abscess;
  • epiglottis abscess.

Of all the above diseases, epiglottis abscess is considered one of the most dangerous, because it has the highest rate of development compared to other diseases. In this case, the doctor, after diagnosing the disease, is simply obliged to take immediate measures. Why does this disease pose such a danger? The danger lies in the fact that the epiglottis is anatomically located immediately at the entrance to the larynx and trachea. Thus, a small space when even slight swelling occurs, no matter what nature it is, allergic or inflammatory, can provoke a blockage of air supply to the lungs. Also, the cause of a pressing pain in the throat can occur in the presence of a malignant or benign formation in the larynx, oropharynx or trachea. Such a formation also carries the risk of blocking air and squeezing the larynx. Late stages of tumor development in the throat may be accompanied by a feeling of shortness of breath. On early stages tumor development, treatment of the disease will be much faster and will have fewer consequences. In addition, pressing pain in the throat can occur in people who have any problems with the cervical spine. In this case, pain in the back, neck and frequent headaches may also occur. In this case, you will need to contact a vertebrologist. If a sore throat occurs when eating food, then the cause may be hidden in some kind of disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In the presence of such diseases, there may be discomfort in the stomach, acid in the mouth, and frequent heartburn. In this case, you should immediately seek advice from a gastroenterologist. In addition, such symptoms may occur due to some kind of mechanical damage, which quite often occurs after swallowing a probe.


Is it possible to avoid the pressing pain and heaviness in the throat? Naturally, there is such a possibility, but before you begin to treat the presented symptoms, you need to diagnose a disease that can provoke the occurrence of such symptoms, because they can arise as a result various diseases. Naturally, the patient can try to independently analyze the symptoms that arise, but one way or another he will have to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Please pay Special attention the fact that self-medication in this case is absolutely excluded, because such symptoms can really threaten a person’s life. So, initially you should contact a therapist, who, after examining you and analyzing your symptoms, will coordinate you, referring you to one or another doctor. In this case, you may need to consult an otolaryngologist, vertebrologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or neurologist. Naturally, to establish the correct diagnosis, you may need to consult other doctors, but only a therapist can refer a sick person. In addition, the following tests may be required to establish a diagnosis:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical blood test (optional, only if necessary);
  • general urine analysis;
  • CT scan of the cervical spine;
  • conducting an examination of the vestibular and vocal cords, larynx, pyriform sinuses, epiglottis and subglottis;
  • MRI of the cervical spine;
  • examination of the cervical lymph nodes, neck and thyroid gland;
  • X-ray of the cervical spine;
  • examination of the root of the tongue, oral cavity and palatine tonsils.

In many cases, in order to get rid of pressing pain and heaviness in the throat, warming up the cervical vertebrae is allowed and even recommended, which can also serve as a preventive measure for the occurrence of such symptoms. You don’t need to spend a lot of time doing this kind of warm-up; a short break between work will be enough. At all ideal option To get rid of symptoms, prevention, strengthening the skeleton and muscles, there will be yoga. Statistics show that people who regularly practice yoga practically do not encounter diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis or osteochondrosis. Such people are much less likely to encounter various injuries and quite rarely occur with spasms and pinched joints. In addition, even the most basic morning exercise can prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant symptoms, as well as strengthen your spine and keep your muscles toned. Massage also helps a lot, but only if it is done experienced specialist, not an amateur who can only make your condition worse.