Alternative treatment. The use of alternative therapy in dentistry. What is manual therapy? Questions to ask before turning to alternative treatments

Unproven treatments for ALS

Alternative treatments, also known as unproven treatments, can offer hope. Doctors who offer these options often say they are more effective than riluzole and claim they can cure the disease or significantly reduce its progression. However, these beautiful words not supported by any scientific evidence.

Examples of such treatments include, for example, stem cell therapy, snake venom treatment and detox regimens, brain surgery, treatment of ALS with prednisone and cytostatics.

What is the evidence?

The gold standard for demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of a new therapy in a selected sample of patients is clinical trials. They confirm not only that the method works, but also its safety.

Problems with treatment methods that have not undergone clinical trials:

  • lack of reliable data supporting effectiveness;
  • may have serious side effects;
  • lack of independent assessment;
  • there may be a lack of scientific validity.

Before the beginning clinical trials need to get scientific basis for a new drug and the most promising results laboratory research. Once the clinical trial begins, researchers will closely monitor a large sample of ALS patients receiving the test drug and then compare the findings to another sample of patients receiving a placebo.

By participating in such studies, ALS patients do not pay the cost of the experimental drug, but there are still some risks.

There are several ways to ensure the reliability of the results of a clinical trial:

  • Participation in a study of a large sample of patients. Thanks to this approach, scientists take into account the fact that ALS develops differently in each person, and reduces the likelihood that the drug's effect is random.
  • Presence of a placebo group allows researchers to get a clearer picture of the effect of the test drug and ensure that positive effect not conditional psychological factor, increased attention from medical staff and any other influence.
  • Blinding of study patients and investigators during study drug distribution. In this case, no one knows which group gets the experimental drug and which gets the placebo. This eliminates the possibility of systematic error in objective and subjective treatment results.

In addition to determining the effectiveness of the test drug, the objectives of a clinical trial include answering the following questions:

  • Is the treatment safe and what are the risks? For example, does the drug make the condition worse, or are the side effects of the therapy more dangerous to the patient than the disease itself?
  • What is the optimal dose of the new drug?
  • What are the metabolic transformations of the drug?

After a clinical trial is completed, its methods and results are reviewed by another group of scientists before publication in a scientific journal.

Questions to ask before turning to alternative treatments:

  • What does the patient's physician think about this treatment? Some treatments conflict with medications. Beware of individuals who are too aggressive in pushing unproven treatments.
  • What evidence is there to support this treatment? The most reliable source of information about any treatment is the results clinical trials. If a health care institution claims that a particular treatment is “clinically proven,” check the name of the scientific journal in which the results of the study were published. The research report on the website is not considered a reliable source of information. It is not worth paying for treatment if the results of clinical trials are not made public.
  • What is the risk? Ask about side effects and how they were documented. Clarify how the medical institution organizes the period of observation of patients after the end of therapy, how side effects are recorded and how they are assessed. It is also necessary to calculate the financial risk if the treatment is very expensive.
  • How did you learn about this treatment method? Newspapers, magazines and Internet sites do not always contain links to reliable sources of scientific evidence.
  • Will I have to travel to another country to start treatment? Are you ready to pay the costs?
  • Does this treatment claim to be effective against multiple diseases? Even if there is similarity clinical manifestations, the mechanisms of development of many diseases differ from each other and require different approaches to treatment. Most proven treatments treat one or two diseases.

What about the evidence from other ALS patients about the effectiveness of unproven therapies?

Publications promoting unproven methods of therapy are usually supported by testimonies from patients themselves, for whom these methods allegedly had success. Such stories appear sporadically in the press and on the Internet.

When working with anecdotal evidence, keep in mind that:

  • The patient's belief in the effectiveness of therapy itself contributes to the appearance of effectiveness. The “placebo effect” is quite common and may contribute to some improvement immediately after therapy. However this effect is short-term in nature no more than a few weeks and is accompanied by subsequent deterioration of the condition.
  • In some cases, people feel that their well-being after therapy with a new method must improve, especially if they have put in a lot of effort and/or spent a lot of money on treatment, or if others have helped them financially.
  • Each person's experience with ALS is different. For some, the disease progresses more slowly than for others. The fact that one or two ALS patients lived longer on average or their disease progressed more slowly is not direct evidence in favor of a new treatment.
  • Some patients with positive treatment results may not have ALS. There are a number of diseases in which activity is observed motor neurons and whose symptoms are very similar to those of ALS. The pathological basis of these diseases is different from ALS and their progression may be completely different.

“It is often difficult to turn off emotions and think rationally, especially for family members and friends who always want to do what is best. Taking dubious and unproven treatments at face value, in my experience, often contributes to complicating the situation.
Following these methods can be very tedious, time-consuming and expensive, but most importantly, they can give false hope, which will result in additional stress if the method turns out not to work.”

Charlie Fletcher, ALS patient

Non-traditional treatments and complementary therapy for ALS

Term Alternative medicine combines techniques that are used in folk medicine different countries. Knowledge of a hundred and even a thousand years ago is increasingly being used, including in conjunction with traditional methods of treatment.

For many people living with ALS, this type of therapy can help reduce stress and discomfort, which in turn can help relieve some symptoms.

Important! Before choosing any type of alternative medicine, visit your doctor first to determine whether it will have an adverse effect on your current treatment program. It is also very important to undergo any therapy of this nature from an experienced practitioner.

Alternative medicine offers options for working with the body, mind and spirit. Probably like this holistic approach will help some people feel “more in control” of the situation.

Relaxation is thought to reduce anxiety and stress, which arise from the many challenges faced by people with ALS and their caregivers. Alternative medicine can help people relieve some symptoms associated with:

  • tension/stress;
  • anxiety/panic attacks;
  • depression;
  • pain;
  • problems with muscles and bones;
  • weakening of breathing;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • insomnia/fatigue.

Below is a description of the different types of alternative medicine and complementary therapies. They can help a person in their fight against ALS and relieve symptoms such as anxiety or pain. However, the doctor should not state that therapy will change the rate of disease progression.

Complementary, or supportive, techniques include massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy and meditation.

Physicians specializing in the use of alternative medicine methods must understand the basic clinical problems that they will have to deal with when treating people with ALS. Such problems include:
  • problems with speech and communication;
  • fatigue and fatigue;
  • nutrition through a gastrostomy tube;
  • breathing problems (note: some natural oils have contraindications for respiratory dysfunction!);
  • muscle spasms;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain.

Professionals should also be aware of any medications a person with ALS is taking to avoid complications during their treatment.


Acupuncture it is part of traditional Chinese medicine that has been around for over 5,000 years. It is based on the theory that energy flows through the body along certain channels known as meridians. The therapy aims to work with the entire body by accessing these channels. Chinese doctors are confident that energy should flow freely and evenly, be in balance, and then a person will be healthy. If the flow is blocked, the body experiences stress.

During an acupuncture session, thin needles are inserted into the canals. This technique is believed to help stimulate the flow of energy, resulting in increased vitality, increased joy of life, and more restful sleep. Each session must meet the specific requirements of a particular person. Before starting the course, the doctor should study the patient's medical history, lifestyle and diet.

Traditional methods of treatment are very effective in exacerbation of diseases, in conditions that require immediate help, quick and competent treatment. Such treatment can only be prescribed by an experienced doctor.

Unconventional treatment - best helper for chronic diseases, when it is necessary to strengthen the body, prevent the development of the disease, the occurrence of exacerbations or complications, when there is no immediate danger to life or the severity of the disease. Herbal teas, honey treatment, hardening, mud therapy, aromatherapy, etc. - best ways disease prevention and health promotion.

Non-traditional treatment (alternative medicine, alternative medicine) is based on experience accumulated over several millennia different peoples. It has proven its effectiveness by the very fact that non-traditional methods of treatment have existed throughout human history and are in demand today. The advantage of alternative medicine, first of all, is that it uses natural remedies that are safe and harmless. Another advantage is the alternative nature of non-traditional treatment methods, that is, the ability to choose different healing paths (not traditional medicine you can contact if academic medicine is powerless), and sometimes you can combine traditional and non-traditional treatment.

Traditional medicine is not always effective. Long term use drug therapy in chronic diseases is often accompanied by side effects, which significantly reduces healing effect, and sometimes leads to the emergence of new pathological conditions.
Reasons why people choose alternative medicine:
1. Ineffectiveness of traditional treatment methods.
2. The desire to be cured and gain good health, which traditional medicine could not provide.
3. The desire to reduce the amount of medications taken.
4. The opinion that traditional medicine treats symptoms, not the cause of the disease.
5. The desire to improve the quality of life.

To compare traditional and alternative medicine it is necessary to understand the theoretical foundations of the two systems, which determine the methods of treatment.
1. Traditional medicine believes that its task is to treat disease. Alternative medicine believes that its task is to care for health and promote health.
2. The main methods of treatment of traditional medicine are drugs and surgery. Main methods of treatment of alternative medicine - physical exercise, diet, homeopathy, honey, acupuncture, etc.
3. Traditional medicine believes that treatment consists of trying to cure the diseased organ. Alternative medicine believes that treatment involves stimulating the self-healing process.
4. Traditional medicine believes that the focus should be on the constituent parts, matter. Alternative medicine believes that the focus should be on the whole, energy.
5. According to traditional medicine, the doctor must suppress and eliminate the symptoms. According to alternative treatment, the doctor must identify the cause of disharmony and imbalance.
6. The task of traditional medicine is to fight the disease. The goal of alternative medicine is to restore harmony of body, spirit and mind.
7. Traditional medicine believes that disease occurs when the constituent parts are damaged. Alternative medicine believes that disease occurs when the balance of energy and vitality is disturbed.
8. According to traditional medicine, the body consists of individual parts and is a mechanism. According to alternative medicine, the body is one and part of the universe.
9. Traditional medicine believes that the mind, body and spirit are separate. Alternative medicine believes that they are one.


1. Azone therapy.
2. Acupuncture (acupuncture, acupuncture) is a method of treating many diseases with injections (special needles) into certain points of the body.
3. Apitherapy - treatment with beekeeping products, the use of bee venom and its preparations with therapeutic purpose.
4. Aromatherapy - non-traditional treatment with essential oils.
5. Autogenic training - influencing the physical and mental state using self-hypnosis.
6. Aerosol therapy - inhalation of aerosols medicinal substances for the purpose of prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.
7. Aeroionotherapy - treatment with ionized air inflammatory diseases respiratory tract.
8. Balneology - a section of balneology that studies mineral water and their therapeutic and prophylactic use.
9. Barotherapy - non-traditional treatment for elevated or low blood pressure air.
10. Bioenergy therapy - treatment using biological energy.
11. Vibration therapy is a method of treating diseases using created special devices vibrations.
12. Hydrotherapy (hydrotherapy) - the use of water for preventive and therapeutic purposes in the form of local and general baths, rubdowns, showers, wraps, compresses, douches.
13. Heliotherapy - treatment with sunbathing.
14. Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches.
15. Medical fasting is a method of treating obesity and a number of other diseases by temporarily limiting or completely stopping food intake.
16. Homeopathy is the use of minimal doses of substances that, in large doses, cause phenomena that are similar to signs of disease.
17. Mud therapy is a method of thermotherapy with mud of mineral-organic origin, as well as mud-like substances (peat, clay, etc.). Used in the form of general or local mud baths, applications, tampons.
18. Diathermy - deep heating of tissues with high-frequency and high-power currents obtained from a special apparatus.
19. Unconventional treatment with kerosene.
20. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide.
21. Treatment with blue iodine.
22. Breathing therapy.
23. Lithotherapy – non-traditional treatment with stones.
24. Magnetotherapy - treatment with constant and pulsed magnetic fields.
25. Manual therapy is a set of biomechanical techniques performed with the hands aimed at eliminating pain and restoring mobility of the spine and joints.
26. Metal therapy - applying plates of various metals to the body.
27. Naturotherapy - treatment medicines natural, mineral, plant or animal origin.
28. Naftalan treatment - the therapeutic use of naftalan oil in the form of steam or solar heating baths.
29. Osteopathy.
30. Paraffin treatment - the use of molten paraffin in the form of applications, layering or baths.
31. Turpentine baths.
32. Stone therapy is a massage technique using various natural stones.
33. Thalassotherapy - treatment with sea water, seaweed, salts and mud.
34. Peat therapy is a type of mud therapy: applications of peat that meet certain requirements, heated to a temperature of 42-52 °C.
35. Urine therapy - external or indoor application urine of humans or animals for medicinal purposes. Traditional medicine has an extremely negative attitude towards it.
36. Ultrasound wave therapy.
37. Herbal medicine - treatment with medicinal herbs.
38. Fungotherapy is an unconventional treatment with mushrooms.

Some of the above methods have limited use in traditional medicine if traditional therapy is not possible or in the treatment of chronic, non-life-threatening diseases.

Non-traditional treatment is most common in China and Russia. In other countries it is prohibited or strictly limited.


Sit on a chair and begin conscious diaphragmatic breathing. When you inhale, the diaphragm lowers and the stomach protrudes; when you exhale, on the contrary, the diaphragm rises and the stomach retracts. Breathe like this for 2-3 minutes. Then begin to breathe through the diseased organ. Let's say your liver is acting up - not in a way that requires hospitalization, but slightly - and you would like to get rid of this “sore” using minimal and natural means. Imagine that you are inhaling and exhaling directly through your diseased liver. After some time, you will experience some sensations in the liver area: tingling, pulsation, heating, etc. Very good, this is a signal that the equipment has “started”. Exercises are performed regularly, at least three times a week, for 10-15 minutes. Similarly, you can work with any other organ except the heart and head. You should cope with any of your “sores” in a maximum of 20 sessions or, in any case, feel significant relief. If this does not happen, then you are doing something wrong. Very often, the beginning of recovery is externally accompanied by an exacerbation of the disease. Keep this in mind and don't be alarmed if you encounter this. In this case, continue with your classes as before. Such exacerbations usually last only a few days, then there is a significant improvement, and soon recovery. It’s much worse if your activities are not accompanied by any symptoms at all.


This method can also be classified as an unconventional method of treatment. Sit on a chair, place your elbows on the table, clench the palms of your hands into fists in the form of tubes and place them on the area between your eyebrows (third eye). When inhaling through your mouth, imagine that through the tube created by your fists we are absorbing energy and directing it to the organ (muscle) whose function we want to improve, for example the stomach. Next comes a pause (breath holding), during which energy accumulates there with corresponding positive wishes. After this, attention switches to the organ (or place) that hurts and we want to cure it, for example bladder or knee, and at the same time exhalation begins. As you exhale through your mouth, you imagine a black stream of negative information coming out of the diseased organ, which you burn. You need to exercise daily for at least 10 minutes, preferably more. It is difficult to name a sore that could not be removed with the help of this energy breathing. Diseases can be treated internal organs, you can remove fat deposits, you can, on the contrary, build and strengthen muscles. There is evidence of successful removal of dangerous tumors.


Melt water is formed when ice melts. The main feature of melt water is that its structure is similar to the structure of our blood. The body perceives it as its own component and is easily and quickly absorbed. Melt water has internal energy and, when consumed, powerfully stimulates the human body. If you use melt water, then after about 5-7 months your health will improve significantly. general state health, increased efficiency, reduced sleep time. Systematic consumption of melt water cleanses the blood and lymph, all internal organs and skin. This improves the functioning of the heart vascular system, metabolic processes are activated, you feel an unprecedented influx of strength and energy, the whole body is healed and rejuvenated.


Heat water in a saucepan with open lid to the white key, i.e. Bubbles float up in a stormy chain, but the water as a whole does not boil. Close the lid and place the pan in cold running water - cool quickly. We obtain degassed water, which has a number of healing properties. Washing the affected areas of the skin leads to their rapid healing - the elimination of eczema, burns, and bruises. When rinsed, it cleans teeth, strengthens gums, and successfully treats sore throat. When taken orally, it has an effective analgesic effect and improves peristalsis. It has been proven that degassed water is superior to melt water in terms of biological effectiveness, but its use must be dosed and strictly individual. When working with degassed water, you should always remember that as it is re-saturated with gas, it gradually loses its biological activity Therefore, it is more effective to always use freshly prepared water and try to overfill it as little as possible. And one more feature - degassed water is much softer than melt water. G.P. Malakhov recommends drinking it for dry, constrained people with reduced calorific abilities. Cold melt water is well suited for obese people with pronounced calorific abilities. Decarbonated water is a very effective means for restoring and strengthening health.


Clay treatment is one of the most highly effective methods used in alternative medicine since ancient times. Different types of clay are used for medicinal use. They differ in color chemical composition and fat content. The most valuable variety is blue Cambrian clay. This is a universal healer. It contains all the mineral salts and trace elements that we need. External use of blue clay gives excellent results in the treatment of skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, spurs and warts, in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bruises and stretch marks. Blue clay used for mastitis and varicose veins. It has been established that clay has a strong antitumor effect, which applies to both benign and malignant tumors. In folk medicine, clay is used for a very wide range of diseases.
Before use, the clay must be thoroughly dried, crushed into powder, and cleaned of foreign matter. Then pour into an enamel basin, fill with clean, boiled, warm water, but not hot, otherwise you can kill everything biologically active substances contained in it and let stand for several hours. During the preparation process, contact of clay with metal must be avoided. After 2 - 3 hours, stir the clay with your hands or a wooden spatula and bring it to the consistency of sour cream or mastic. It is advisable to keep the vessel with clay in the sun more often and longer. This ready-to-use solution can be stored indefinitely.
A clay tile 2 cm thick, slightly larger in size than the sore spot, is placed on gauze or simply on the skin. The clay can be cold or slightly heated in a water bath to 40...45 degrees. The duration of the compresses is 2 - 3 hours. The course of treatment is usually 12 - 15 procedures.
Contraindications: cannot be used for heart disease, acute inflammatory processes, hypertension and kidney disorders.


Apitherapy is a treatment with bee products. These include: honey, propolis, beebread, royal jelly and others.

Non-traditional treatment with honey has been practiced for many centuries. Honey is one of the most reliable and proven medicines; it is used to treat wounds and burns, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, colds and many other diseases.

Propolis is formed from resinous substances collected by bees and mixed with their secretions. salivary glands. This is a fabulously effective remedy for treating a huge number of diseases. Non-traditional treatment with propolis preparations is often more effective than treatment proprietary chemotherapeutic agents.

Perga is pollen, collected by bees, filled with honey and sealed in the cells of honeycombs in which its lactic acid fermentation takes place. After all these chemical reactions it turns out beebread. It is several times more active than pollen. Bee bread has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, increases potency and sexual desire. It has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole.

Non-traditional treatment with honey, propolis and bee bread are the most popular traditional methods treatment.


Unconventional method Treatment with leeches has existed for several millennia. A leech, having bitten through the skin, introduces saliva into the human body, which contains more than a hundred different useful enzymes. These enzymes have a huge number of healing effects. They reduce blood clotting, destroy blood clots, restore blood microcirculation, break down fat deposits, increase immunity and much more.

Non-traditional treatment with leeches should be carried out by a specialist - a hirudotherapist. He prescribes a course of treatment and indicates the number of sessions and the number of leeches per session. Self-medication is possible, but for this the patient must undergo special courses.

Currently, alternative medicine has accumulated great experience for treatment with leeches. All the points on which leeches should be placed are known. various diseases. This method of alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular today. Hirudotherapy. Leech treatment is a very effective method of treating many diseases.

Treatment with copper

Special plates are made for copper treatment. These are thin, well-polished copper circles made of red copper of various diameters, applied to the appropriate places for diseases.

Can also be used for treatment copper coins. Those coins that were issued between 1930 and 1957 have especially valuable and strong healing properties.

To determine whether treatment with this metal is right for you, you need to apply a copper disk to the skin. If the disc or coin adheres well to the skin and is held on it for a long time, then copper treatment is right for you.

Treatment with kerosene

Kerosene is obtained from oil by boiling it in the temperature range of 200–300° C. It is lighter than water and does not dissolve in it. For treatment in alternative medicine, only purified kerosene is used. It has many medicinal properties and alternative treatment with it is becoming more and more popular. However, if used incorrectly, it can cause great harm health.

Non-traditional treatment with kerosene is used for the following diseases: sore throat, warts, bronchitis, sinusitis, leukemia, lichen, radiculitis, wounds, erysipelas and many others. Tincture is very widely used in alternative medicine. walnuts on kerosene - todikamp.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a transparent, colorless, non-flammable liquid, tasteless and odorless. It was first received in 1818. It is 1.5 times heavier than water and mixes with it in any proportion.

Non-traditional treatment with hydrogen peroxide is currently finding increasing use. Hydrogen peroxide is great healing agent and at correct use it can become a panacea for many intractable diseases. However, you should be extremely careful when using it. The main thing is not to overdose and be sure to consult a doctor.

Pyramid treatment

Researchers of the Egyptian pyramids have found that their smaller copies have healing properties. Thanks to this discovery, it became possible to use different kinds pyramids

Non-traditional pyramid treatment gives good results health-improving nature:
The blood composition improves quite quickly, blood pressure normalizes, pain subsides, bone fractures, wounds and other injuries heal faster.
In one and a half months you can get rid of osteochondrosis.
Impotence and mastopathy can be cured.
A person who has been in the pyramid acquires immunity from many diseases.

Magnetic field treatment

Magnetotherapy is a natural method of treatment, very simple, cheap and safe, which is based on the effect on the human body of a low-frequency alternating or constant magnetic field for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Magnetic therapy is an alternative medicine method. It has shown excellent results in the treatment of osteoporosis, complex bone fractures and many other diseases.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment method that uses ozone-oxygen mixture, which has a powerful therapeutic effect. Methods of using ozone are varied and individual. The choice of the most suitable technique is made by the doctor. Currently, ozone therapy is successfully used by doctors in America, Europe and Russia.

The use of ozone therapy for treatment various diseases based on the unique spectrum of ozone effects on the body. It has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and other effects. Ozone therapy is successfully used in almost all areas of alternative and non-traditional medicine.

Cancer is a disease caused by failures in cell development and growth, as well as defects in the immune system. Along with traditional methods of treatment, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, surgical removal, there are also non-traditional alternative ways for cancer. Their effectiveness has not been proven, but there are cases of miraculous recovery.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Proponents of this method adhere to the theory that normal cells organisms turn into cancer due to oxygen starvation(hypoxia). They mutate to maintain their vital functions and extract energy from nutrients in conditions of lack of oxygen. However, this leads to a change in their genetic apparatus and the appearance of special properties that are not characteristic of normal cells:

Accelerated growth and reproduction,
-capacity for expansive growth,
-defect in the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death),
-poor communication between cells.

Hydrogen peroxide, according to supporters of its treatment, saturates cells with oxygen and also destroys harmful microorganisms that can provoke mutations in the genetic apparatus of the cell. That is, in essence, this substance replaces the function of cells immune system, producing active forms oxygen - peroxides and hypochlorite, to combat pathogens.

In a state of hypoxia, much more peroxides are formed in the body than when there is an adequate supply of oxygen to the tissues. Perhaps this is a compensatory reaction of the body aimed at delivering a deficient oxidant for cell respiration. However, such peroxidation leads to the development of tumor processes in the body, according to official science. In addition, peroxide can cause burns if ingested..

Romanovsky method

According to Alexander Ivanovich Romanovsky, the cause of cancer is hypoxia, as well as insufficiently adequate innervation (control nervous system behind the organ).

The method involves anesthetizing painful areas using novocaine blockades, and then introducing vitamin B1 into the body. To improve oxygen supply, Dr. Romanovsky also recommends breathing exercises.

Novocaine blockades not only anesthetize painful areas, but also improve the trophic function of nerves. Due to the restoration of innervation, cells can switch to a normal mode of life and stop the process of their pathological growth.

Vitamin B1 also nourishes the nervous system.

Shark cartilage treatment

It is believed that cartilaginous fish sharks do not get cancer due to the fact that their body contains many mucopolysaccharides, which prevent tumors from spreading to neighboring tissues and entering the bloodstream.

Their cartilage components block the action of proteolytic enzymes that destroy tissue protein and promote their invasive growth and spread cancer cells to nearby lymph nodes.

Shark cartilage, however, may collapse in digestive system under the influence of enzymes and its bioavailability decreases. There is a drug in injectable form based on fish cartilage - Alflutop, which also suppresses the activity of proteases that contribute to the spread of cancer.


According to supporters of the method, kerosene dissolves the membrane of cancer cells and helps the immune system destroy it. In addition, kerosene is toxic agent, which can kill cancer cells.

It should be noted that this substance may cause toxic hepatitis With fatal, damage to the nervous system.


This substance is also called vitamin B17, or amygdalin. It is believed to kill cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. It is contained in almonds, apricot, cherry, bird cherry, plum seeds.

This vitamin may have harmful effects in case of overdose, as it decomposes in the body into hydrocyanic acid.

Some authors believe that consuming the seeds of the above plants will not lead to the desired anticancer effect. Because laetrile may undergo some changes when passing through gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the use of laetrile in the form of intravenous infusions is proposed.

Poisonous plants

Toxic plant alkaloids are also used to treat cancer. Apply alcohol tinctures, as well as kvass according to Bolotov from celandine and hemlock.
Mistletoe - poisonous plant, extracts of which are used in official medicine for cancer in Germany.
Graviola - toxic green fruit.

Treatment with soda

Soda - cheap remedy, which is a salt that gives an alkaline reaction in water solution. Used to treat blood acidity disorders in diabetes, renal acidosis and other diseases. Washing it with a solution is recommended for thrush - genital candidiasis. After all, Candida loves an acidic environment, which soda neutralizes.

A supporter of soda treatment, Italian doctor Tulio Simoncini, believes that the proliferation of cancer cells is nothing more than protection against the spread of this fungus deep into the body. An acidic environment contributes to poor circulation, increased vascular permeability, and worsening metabolic processes. Soda restores normal condition internal environment. The solution is administered orally or through intravenous infusions and enemas.


The drug used for late stages cancer. Hydrazine sulfate is the chemical name. In addition to regression of metastases, the drug reduces the intensity of pain in cancer patients. Effective for lymphogranulomatosis, lung cancer, glial tumors of the brain, uterus, larynx. Toxic.

In any case, the most effective way to treat cancer is with medication. You should not replace it with any folk remedies. And be healthy!



Discipline: "Phytotherapy"

Speciality: "Medicine"



Teacher : Skvortsova V.N.

Lecture No. 1 “Alternative methods of treatment”

(Natural, traditional, folk, energy-informative) 1.2

3 Lecture objectives: Educational: Give an idea of ​​alternative methods of treatment (natural, traditional, folk, energy-informative and others). Brief description of alternative treatment methods. Features of the treatment. Experts involved in alternative treatment, a critical assessment of the method. The place of the method in modern medical practice. Precautions when choosing an alternative treatment method.

Educational: To promote the development of cognitive interests, to bring to the concept of the importance and value of traditional methods of treatment, to stimulate creative activity.

4 Relevance: The choice of treatment method is an important professional, ethical and volitional step of every doctor. Making an alternative decision can be difficult; knowledge is needed to distinguish an effective treatment method from quackery. Average knowledge medical workers will help you take a step towards health. The choice of treatment method is an important professional, ethical and volitional step of every doctor. It can be difficult to make an alternative decision, since the previous generation of doctors developed their own stereotypes, designating them as the canons of science and profession. At the same time, these canons are conditional and not so durable in scale human civilizations. They often change even within the lifetime of one generation of doctors and return again after some time. An example is the evolution of the philosophy of medicine, approaches to maintaining health, treatment, etc.

5 Medicine originated in ancient times as a means of mutual assistance. Then it became the lot of healers, priests, monks, etc. Quackery- treatment using primitive methods in combination with various rituals generated by superstition and ignorance; illegal practice of healing as a profession by persons who do not have a properly certified medical education. 6

7 It took several centuries before the formation of scientific medicine in its modern concept. Modern medicine, having enormous achievements in the treatment of many diseases, also has vulnerabilities.

8 There are several signs of modern official medicine: narrow specialization, well-developed pharmacotherapy, high achievements in surgery, the emergence of new branches of science and practice. 9

10 Specialization made it possible to delve into the essence of issues and achieve a high level of development of individual sections of medicine, but it divided doctors into separate groups and significantly complicated the lives of patients who were forced to undergo a large circle of specialists who often had poor knowledge of systemic analysis.

11 Dominance of pharmacological principles stimulated the emergence of thousands of new drugs. The merits of pharmacotherapy to humanity are indisputable; it has made it possible to get rid of many diseases and epidemics and prolong the lives of millions of people. But another process was going on in parallel - allergization. 12 When using many drugs, allergic reactions can occur, especially often they are caused by iodine preparations, penicillin, sulfonamides, novocaine, analgin ; People with allergies may have an inadequate reaction to any drug.

13 Many highly effective drugs are not without toxic effect- nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, neuro- or myelotoxicity. Positive pharmachologic effect is also inextricably linked with certain adverse consequences. 14 These include, during antibiotic therapy, the massive death of microbes with the release of endotoxins, the development of dysbacteriosis and subsequent fungal aggression (candidiasis, deep mycoses), a decrease in the intensity of immune reactions in acute period and lack of stable immunity to past infection, development of vitamin deficiency . 15 And now, in the conditions of market relations, such phenomena as the high cost of medicines have arisen, and the strangest thing is the counterfeit of expensive medicines.

16 Modern surgery has risen to the level of a leader in medicine and has in its arsenal organ transplantation, endoscopy, etc. And yet, surgery and pharmacology have turned out to be powerless in treatment in a number of cases chronic diseases. These circumstances forced us to look for extraordinary ways to resolve the issue.

17 As a result of the vulnerability of modern scientific medicine, “alternative medicine” arose, which some authors define as complementary, and some as the opposite. Since the use of alternative methods began a long time ago, this medicine can be called “traditional”, “folk”, “natural”, “unorthodox”, “energy-informative”, etc.

18 Main motto alternative medicine “medicus curat, natura sanat” (the doctor heals, nature heals). The rational approach of doctors of the ancient world to the problem of the relationship between theory and practice of medicine is reflected by A. Celsus: “The art of medicine arose ... not as the fruit of theoretical considerations, but, on the contrary, they began to think about theoretical justification when methods of treatment were already discovered.” Characteristic software for the school of empiricist doctors in the 3rd-2nd centuries. BC. a saying quoted by A. Celsus: “It is not what causes pain that is interesting, but what eliminates it.”

19 ethnoscience - the totality of empirical knowledge passed on by people from generation to generation (orally and in writing) and practical methods, used to recognize, treat and prevent diseases.

Alternative medicine doctors have at their disposal a variety of methods aimed at maintaining one's own health. protective forces body and restored disturbed balance, which helps them overcome the disease. Among these methods there are also very ancient treatment systems that have long been ignored by Western society, and in our country Soviet power, and were banned in Russia. Now these methods are being rediscovered for their powerful therapeutic capabilities. Recent decades have seen the rise of alternative medicine as more and more more people try to avoid drugs and surgery so characteristic of allopathic orthodox medicine, or, according to at least, supplement them with other treatment methods. Nowadays, thousands of doctors are already incorporating alternative medicine methods into their practice. For example, a method such as acupuncture is widely used by medical practitioners and has been known in China for 5 thousand years, but was practically unknown in our country twenty years ago. The face of healthcare is truly changing. It is moving more and more confidently in the direction of a more unbiased look at alternative, folk methods - both new and long-forgotten. As ironic as it sounds, it seems that the future of medicine may well lie in the healing traditions of the past. And knowing as much as possible about them and how to use them is perhaps the best thing you can do for your health, the health of your loved ones and patients.

20 Eastern medicine (Chinese medicine) is an ancient treatment system that uses various methods of influencing biologically active points located on the meridians along which the flow of internal energy of the body (“qi”, “yang”) flows, as well as herbal medicine, qi gong therapy, massage and other.

21 The ancient Eastern teaching about energy and meridians is recognized today even by convinced materialists. In each body there are internal and external energy and radiation fields, the force vectors of which healers called meridians and channels. In China this vector energy was called qi, in India prana. Vectors connect biologically active points on the human body, and the energy flow moves along these connecting points, like a tram on rails. But if on its way the tram encounters a large foreign object, a malfunction or accident occurs. Looped metal objects become such obstacles: bracelets, rings, chains. They have a powerful energy field that compresses the energy vectors of the body, like a rubber band compresses an artery. But under the tourniquet they leave a note indicating the time when to remove it, and many people wear rings and chains for years without removing them. A bracelet made of any metal, not completely looped, acts on the bronchi, heart, stomach, large and small intestines. A bracelet in the form of a blind ring - for the heart, lungs, colon. Our necklace or chain blocks vectors passing through the genitals. The rings on the fingers overlap different vectors. The little finger is the heart, the kidneys. ring finger– pituitary gland, middle gland – blood circulation and genital area, index - hepatic ducts, large - esophagus. (Does not wear rings or bracelets for more than 3-4 hours a day. The exception is earrings and the third toe. It is better to wear a cross on the gaitan.)

22 Based on ancient Eastern teachings, the science of reflexology was created. Reflexology - this is the impact on reflex zones feet, hands and body (for example, to the Zakharin zones - Geda Zakharyin - Geda zones (G.A. Zakharyin, 1829-1897, Russian therapist; H. Head, 1861-1940, English neurologist; synonym Geda zones) - areas skin, in which, due to diseases of certain internal organs, reflected pain occurs, as well as pain and temperature hyperesthesia.There are the following types of reflexology, which are widely used in modern medicine.

Characteristics of some reflexology methods

From time immemorial, humanity has been looking for ways to quickly cure diseases. And today there are three main groups of methods used: modern, traditional and non-traditional.

When you get sick, the first thing you do is turn to classical doctors, who write a prescription and explain the treatment regimen for a particular ailment.

But, along with medicines, they often resort to proven “grandmother’s” remedies: brew chamomile, or eat lingonberries with honey.

And when all the methods have been tried, they turn to healers and healers. With the belief that they can help where medicine is powerless.

Classical medicine. Advantages and disadvantages

Scientifically based (modern) medicine has undoubtedly achieved a lot: surgery, resuscitation, effective ways combating mass epidemics and serious diseases. Pneumonia, complex fractures and appendicitis can hardly be successfully treated with traditional medicine.

However, for every plus there is also a minus. And it consists in the fact that official medicine in most cases is concerned with relieving symptoms and pain. And the patient is already satisfied that the head no longer bothers him, and the acute phase of the disease has passed.

Popular new magic pill, and not good health, in which visiting doctors will become unnecessary.

Alternative medicine, its principles

Official medicine has generally accepted standards. All institutions that train future doctors adhere to them. Accordingly, everything that does not fall under the standards belongs to alternative medicine.

She searches for the root cause of health problems, disturbances in the functioning of the body that led to illness. In addition, in contrast to classical principles, which consider a person as a system individual organs, the non-traditional approach takes it entirely and takes into account the interconnection of all organs.


Folk (traditional) medicine includes ancient, time-tested methods

treat diseases. It was to them that people turned for healing for many centuries. Treatment with herbs and medicinal plants is mainly used; infusions and decoctions are prepared from them.

In addition to healing potions, prayers and spells are used. Prayers are read to protect yourself from an evil spirit, and conspiracies came to us from paganism, their words are passed down from generation to generation.

Eastern traditional medicine

Eastern traditions teach to prevent diseases, maintain health and thereby prolong a person’s life. The philosophy is based on the unity of not only the spiritual and physical body, but also merging with the surrounding world. It is in this harmony that healers see solutions to problems.

Traditional and alternative medicine is often called alternative; it deals with the treatment of the person, and not specifically the disease.

Alternative medicine. To trust or not

Proponents of alternative medicine claim that it is safe and effective. Many people believe this. However, you should not abandon classical methods of treatment. It is possible to combine the doctor’s recommendations and the achievements of alternative medicine. This should be done with caution, since the effectiveness of most methods has been poorly studied, and clinical evidence is also lacking.

Any alternative medicine clinic promises relief from all ailments, but the patient has to seek help from such centers almost at his own peril and risk, since there is no regulatory regulation of this activity.

There are frequent cases of not only disappointment, but also harm to health, especially if you get an appointment with a charlatan who recommends yet another miracle remedy or technique. The level of qualifications of such doctors is difficult to determine. Often you have to rely on patient reviews.


Complete training

Now many centers offer to master palmistry, physiognomy, graphology, astrology - all this is alternative medicine. Education alternative techniques carried out in specialized educational institutions or remotely. It is believed that mastering the methods and techniques of alternative medicine is much more difficult than classical medicine, so is it worth trusting such dubious educational institutions or not, it's a private matter for everyone. Unfortunately, the Institute of Alternative Medicine, upon completion of which you will be given an official diploma as a healer, is still only a fantasy.

Now in Russia only acupuncture and manual practice have received official recognition. You can get an additional profession if you have a special medical education. For example, only neurologists can master acupuncture.

Folk remedies of the West and East

There are many areas of alternative practices. Their number is growing every year. In order to somehow understand this diversity, they tried to classify them.

The first group includes the following methods:

Bioelectromagnetic methods of influencing the body

IN ancient China biologically active points were discovered. These points are also called acupuncture points; in total, about 700 are described. By irritating them in a certain way, you can heal various ailments and also carry out disease prevention.

Methods of alternative medicine, which belong to the second group, involve influencing biologically active points with magnetic, electric fields and biofields. Moreover, both diagnosis and treatment are carried out.

These include:

  • bioresonance therapy - stimulation of areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for a particular organ with ultra-low frequencies of electrical impulses;
  • electropuncture reflexology - stimulation on the surface of the skin with electrical impulses;
  • magnetopuncture - exposure to magnetic fields, alternating or constant;
  • information-active drugs - water or health-improving drugs that carry the “correct” information to the body’s cells. The products are multifunctional and have no contraindications;
  • exposure to fields of stones, metals and plants.

Diet therapy

Alternative medicine uses numerous diets. Therefore, the third method includes vegetarianism, macrobiotics, fasting, and all sorts of ways to use food supplements.

Also included here are various nutritional systems: according to Bragg, Shelton, Dukan, Semenova, Protasov.

Psychoenergy and body

The ability to control the body and emotions is also alternative medicine. Treatment is carried out through stimulation of the senses and through physical movement. These are Chinese and music therapy, color therapy, aromatherapy, visualization technologies, religious healing, extrasensory perception.

The fourth group also includes yoga and meditation. The techniques are popular and widely known throughout the world as Indian alternative medicine .

Hands as the main tool in treatment

Methods that belong to the fifth group are mainly massage techniques. Traditional and alternative medicine have accumulated vast experience over their centuries-old history. Moreover, it is these methods of treatment with the help of a doctor’s hands that are recognized by official medicine as quite effective.

This includes:

  • manual therapy - special moves, performed by the hands of a doctor, with the help of which the functioning of the patient’s musculoskeletal system is improved;
  • massage - mechanical effect on tissues: joints, muscles, skin to achieve a therapeutic effect;
  • acupressure - biological finger stimulation active points;

Biologically active additives

The use of pharmacological agents also involves alternative medicine. Treatment is carried out using apitherapy, biological drugs based on products of animal or mineral origin.

The sixth group includes the following:

  • oxygen, carried out for body cells that experience hypoxia;
  • cellular, using stem cells;
  • metabolic to improve metabolism;
  • antioxidant, that is, preventing oxidation inside the body’s cells.

In addition, there are methods of alternative medicine that cannot be classified into any one group, for example, astrology, feng shui, psychopuncture.


  • The first level includes healers and herbalists; they work only with physical body person;
  • the second level involves turning to Higher powers with a request for help;
  • the third are psychics who literally see the cause of problems;
  • fourth, spiritual level, involves influencing the root cause of misfortune.

Whether this is true or not is difficult to verify. In most cases, the result of visiting a magician depends on the degree of faith the patient has in him.

Diagnosis of the body's condition

Traditional and alternative medicine has many tools and methods in its arsenal for both treatment and diagnosis.

Unlike official methods, an alternative study allows you to check the general condition of the body in one session and identify all present diseases and problems.

There are many popular and trusted diagnostic methods. However classical medicine does not recognize or apply them.

If you contact an alternative medicine center, patients may be offered the following methods:

  • Kinesiology studies the movement of human muscles. It is believed that each organ is associated with a specific muscle; by determining the degree of tone in it, you can detect the problem and get rid of it;
  • iridology examines the state of the body using the iris of the eyes;
  • auriculodiagnostics is a system that examines points on auricle related to organs and systems of the body;
  • thermopuncture diagnostics measures temperature and sensitivity to it in the area of ​​biologically active points;
  • measures the pulse and correlates its characteristics with the condition of the internal organs.

This is not a complete list of techniques available in alternative medicine. However, it should be understood that there is no absolute confidence in their reliability. And if you do turn to such a diagnosis, it is better to clarify the results using the means and methods of official medicine.