How to deal with cervical osteochondrosis. How is cervical osteochondrosis treated at home? Symptoms are conventionally divided into groups

Good health, my dears! Imagine that every 8 inhabitants of the Earth can find primary symptoms osteochondrosis, and in several of them it will be in very advanced stages.

Also, sad statistics tell us that only 2 people out of this number will see a doctor on time without developing the disease.

Popular wisdom teaches us: you definitely need to know the enemy by sight, but how can you identify the enemy if you don’t get acquainted with his detailed characteristics?

Today we will take up the biography of a person with this disease. Let's look at what osteochondrosis is, how to identify it and cure it.

Main characteristics of osteochondrosis

There are many different names for this pathology. You can hear such names as radiculitis, lumbago, rheumatism or salt deposition. But essentially they all describe the same condition - osteochondrosis.

Such a disease cannot exist in acute stage and always has a chronic course.

If we translate this name from ancient Greek, then it is based on two words: “bone” and “cartilage”, that is, pathology covers these two structures.

But not only they suffer, but also all adjacent structures: ligaments and even muscles.

Most often, osteochondrosis is fixed in the spine, but it can also appear on other joints, for example, on the hip or knee.

Unlike another large group of spinal diseases, the cause of which is inflammation, osteochondrosis can be classified as degenerative-dystrophic changes. Like all pathologies of this kind, these are, most often, age-related problems that begin in our body after 30 years.

Degrees of osteochondrosis. What happens with this pathology?

At the first stage, the nucleus pulposus begins to lose moisture. The consequence of this is the fact that the disk is rapidly losing its volume. Further, the fibrous ring cracks, but remains within the limits intervertebral disc.

This is lumbago, that is, acute pain, and it can spread to internal organs. In addition, the muscles also react: they become overly tense to the point that they can flatten out. physiological lordosis. The intervertebral disc itself swells. Normal blood circulation in this area is disrupted.

If this osteochondrosis cervical spine , then sensitivity in the area of ​​the specified part of the body is lost, and there may be pain when feeling the muscles. The pain radiates to the back of the head. Your hands may swell and hurt. Painful sensations appear in the eyes or teeth, dizziness and nausea, and tinnitus are tormented.

Due to the fact that the most common type of pathology is osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region, then the pain will occur in this area. The patient also complains of problems with the intestines; it often seems that the kidneys hurt.

The second degree is characterized as follows. As the discs decrease in height, adjacent vertebrae move closer together, and the muscles and ligaments that connect them begin to sag.

The consequence is excessive mobility of this segment of the spine: the upper vertebra can slide onto the lower one.

The vertebrae can no longer be held firmly in place. Because of strong pressure to disk, now as a result mechanical damage, liquid is constantly squeezed out of it, which only aggravates the situation.

In this condition, the patient already suffers from regular pain, which intensifies with any physical activity. If the capsule intervertebral disc strains again, then an aggravation may occur.

Physically, this often manifests itself as scoliosis. The pain is very strong and simply torments the patient. To compensate for the pressure, bone outgrowths called osteophytes are formed at this stage. Seriously suffers due to lack of blood supply spinal cord.

At the third stage, that is, almost at the end of this disease, the intervertebral disc will be squeezed out beyond the limits of the osteochondral structure. This is actually a hernia. The disc itself extends beyond the vertebra in different ways: into the middle, back or to the side.

Subluxation may occur in the area of ​​the vertebrae, and arthrosis may appear.

The pain remains just as severe and, depending on the location of the pathology, may look like this: if it osteochondrosis lumbar region , then they will be given to the kidneys and bladder, and if breast, then to the area of ​​the heart and lungs.

Among the main symptoms at this stage it is worth mentioning muscle spasms and paresis, loss of reflexes. The patient is unable to straighten up completely if lying on his stomach.

The last, fourth stage of the development of osteochondrosis is associated with the development of protective mechanisms in our body.

How does this condition manifest itself?

As we remember, so that the spine does not literally crumble, on bone structures start to grow additional education which are called osteophytes.

At this stage, they can form peculiar bridges between themselves. They help strengthen and immobilize the spine in the place where the failure occurred.

However, in some cases they compress the blood vessels, which also leads to a number of problems. But in general, after this process is completed, the vivid symptoms gradually subside.

If we talk about general symptoms, then this is always a condition associated with compression of the nerve roots, spinal cord and blood vessels. In this regard, a number of neurological abnormalities arise.

Despite the fact that osteochondrosis most often affects the spine, its symptoms can be observed in all parts of the body. Usually they talk about pain, numbness and a tingling feeling in the arms and legs. The heart or head may hurt, and there may be malfunctions in the genital organs.

Of course, do not forget that in the back area you will feel at least discomfort. Often the first pain syndrome in the back area is associated with a certain type activities. You may feel a ache when lifting heavy objects, making a sharp turn, or bending over.

Against the background of all this, general fatigue appears, vision often decreases, dizziness and sexual disorders will bother you.

List of the main reasons that lead to this pathology

There are several theories that explain to us why osteochondrosis develops. The main ones say that the causes are previous injuries, metabolic disorders and genetic predisposition.

The main difficulty concerns the fact that such a disease can develop in a physically young person. strong man, and in the elderly and frail.

A popular misconception is that the cause of the disease is salt deposition. This is associated with the characteristic crunching of the vertebrae during movement and even with osteophytes, which are noticeable as growths if you examine the x-ray.

Oddly enough, but among the main reasons one can also note sedentary lifestyle life. “How can this go together?” - you will be surprised.

The fact is that an adult’s intervertebral discs do not have their own blood vessels and their nutrition comes from the surrounding tissue.

This is where they get it from necessary substances and oxygen. Therefore, the more active the blood supply in adjacent structures, the better for them. This can only be achieved through increased muscle work.

What needs to be done to cure this disease?

Treatment usually begins after severe diagnostic procedures, which include taking an anamnesis, that is, a conversation with the patient. The doctor's task is to correctly separate associated symptoms from the main ones.

After that you will find X-ray examination. This can be either general radiography, or myelography (a study with contrast), or CT scan or MRI.

In addition, you will have to visit a neurologist to find out whether you have sensory or motor disorders.

How to treat such a pathology will be determined individually for each patient. Most often, such methods include the following points.

Taking painkillers and muscle relaxants that relax spasming muscles. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is also indicated, which relieve swelling and eliminate the inflammatory process.

Vacuum, manual and acupuncture therapy, spinal traction and electrical stimulation also performed well.

The pain is relieved quite quickly: in 1-3 procedures, all other methods must be applied in courses of 10-15 visits to the doctor. But remember the most important thing is that it is possible to recover from osteochondrosis only by initial stage development of the disease.

In the form of maintenance therapy and prevention, methods such as massage and special gymnastics are used.

IN in this case there is no point in relying on methods traditional medicine, because almost all of them only involve warming the affected part of the body.

This will relieve some of the pain, but that's all you can achieve. At the same time, it is quite possible to do special gymnastics at home. You can familiarize yourself with a course of specially designed exercises for each part of the spine here:

All the exercises here are very simple and are suitable even for frail and elderly people.

The most unpleasant and dangerous type of disease is cervical osteochondrosis, and the author of the previous course has developed a separate method for its treatment.

This experienced specialist for the treatment of spinal problems, and a fitness instructor will teach you to forget about it once and for all unpleasant consequences. Get personal training here:

I advise patients with thoracic osteochondrosis to take a look right here:

In addition to gymnastics, in the treatment of this degenerative disease it is important to adjust your diet.

To help you understand this, I’ll give you a couple of examples: salty food dehydrates our body and draws water from the already dehydrated intervertebral disc. This only aggravates the course of the disease and accelerates the destructive processes.

You can also mention that violating the basic rules will sooner or later lead you to gain excess body weight. And this is again a dangerous trend, because the vertebrae are not able to cope even with the current load, and its regular increase will have a detrimental effect on your condition.

To better understand what and how you need to eat, visit here this resource:

That's all for today tomorrow will be even more interesting. I look forward to visiting you and your loved ones again on the pages of this blog.

The causes of the development of osteochondrosis can be internal and external factors. Internal, or endogenous, include age-related changes, heredity or intrauterine defects of the musculoskeletal system. The most common external or exogenous cause is incorrect and excessive loads on the spine, resulting in various changes. The disease also occurs due to impaired metabolic processes, lack of vitamins and microelements, injury, etc.

The main symptoms of osteochondrosis:
- painful sensations in the back, neck, arm, chest, depending on which disks are damaged;
- numbness and tension of muscle tissue;
- nausea and vomiting;
- headache;
- noise in ears;
- fainting.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of osteochondrosis give good results if the rules and dosage are followed correctly. Of course, it is recommended to consult a doctor first to prevent complications from developing. With the help of traditional medicine you can get rid of back pain, save cash, completely cure the disease.

One of the popular methods of treating osteochondrosis is honey massage. The procedure does not require any skills, since it is enough to take a small amount of honey and apply to the steamed area of ​​the back or neck. Next, with gentle movements, honey is rubbed into the skin until the hands stop sticking. Beneficial features Honey can relieve pain and warm muscles and joints. A two-week course leads to complete recovery.

A unique plant is the Indian onion. It has incredible properties. To combat osteochondrosis, you need to crush the leaf of the plant and rub the pulp into the sore spot. The product begins to burn the skin, so you need to be patient for a while to get results. You can secure the compress with a bandage or bandage.

Ointment helps. To prepare it you will need 50 g of vegetable oil and kerosene, ¼ piece laundry soap, 2-3 slivers of soda. All components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and kept for 3 days. Use to rub into a sore spot.

They say that osteochondrosis is a punishment from God for the fact that people got up from all fours and started walking on their feet. There is a certain meaning in these words, since animals do not suffer from such a disease. Therefore, it is possible to alleviate and eliminate the manifestations of this disease, and this does not require much. Let's look at some preventive methods for the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis and exercise

Studies have shown that people who lead an energetic life suffer from osteochondrosis many times less, and professional athletes practically do not suffer from it, except in cases accompanied by occupational injuries.

Everyday unmistakably planned complex physical exercise will help get rid of such pains. At the same time, adhere to the principle of dosing and gradually increase the regimen so as not to overload the spine. You should start with morning exercises, which consists of a primitive set of exercises for the back for 30 minutes. The horizontal bar is also useful for the back; if you hang every day, the vertebrae stretch and fall into place. If you have weak arms and cannot hang on the bar for a long time, then use special accessories: hand hooks and inversion boots.

“Leg hooks” are a compact and at the same time indispensable accessory for unloading the back and spine on a horizontal bar or crossbar.

Inversion boots or simply “leg hooks” are a compact and at the same time indispensable accessory for unloading the back and spine on a horizontal bar or bar. Reduces pressure on intervertebral discs and nerve endings in free hanging.

Constructive changes in the system of work and rest

It is very important to sit correctly with a straight back at your desk, and also get up from your desk once an hour to walk and take a break from the same body position. When sitting in one position for a long time, many muscles, especially the neck, swell, so periodically do exercises to warm it up, right at your workplace.

How many active-age residents of large cities can say with confidence that they have never experienced back pain in their lives and have not wondered how to deal with osteochondrosis?

But statistics say that these lucky ones are an absolute minority. Those suffering on the entire planet are about 80%, in Russia there are even more - at least 90% of the population of our country suffer from chronic diseases spine. And osteochondrosis is the unattainable leader among them.

What is osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a pathological process based on metabolic disorders in the spine, and especially in the intervertebral discs - cartilage pads (shock absorbers) between the vertebrae. Simply put, this is spinal wear disease.

Intervertebral disc damage arises as a result its repeated injuries, such as heavy lifting, excessive static and dynamic loads, falls, and age-related degenerative changes.

The nucleus pulposus, the central part of the disc, loses its height, flattens and partially loses its shock-absorbing function. Over time, its protrusion (disc protrusion) forms, and when the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc ruptures, an intervertebral hernia occurs. In the affected spinal segment relative instability of the spine occurs, osteophytes of the vertebrae develop (spondylosis is a disease that results in the growth bone tissue along the edges of the vertebral bodies or articular processes of the vertebrae; bone mass is formed as a protective reaction of the spine to overload), ligaments and intervertebral joints are damaged (spondyloarthrosis is a chronic degenerative disease of the small joints of the human spine; it occurs more often in the lumbar or cervical regions, often in parallel with spondylosis).

Signs of osteochondrosis

As they say, you don't die from back pain. But it is within their power to provide you with daily hell. And it makes no sense to talk about it in detail to those who happen to experience a state of exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Radiculitis, for example, is known to many.

And in order to be fully armed, if this cup has passed you by, it’s worth testing yourself.

Perfect Posture Test

Stand straight, with your back to the wall so that your heels rest against the wall, and look at yourself in the mirror from the side. If you stand correctly, the spine forms a concave curve in the neck and waist, and a convex curve in the chest and pelvis, touching the wall in these places.

There are small gaps between the spine and the wall at the neck and waist, approximately equal to the width of your palm. If these distances differ significantly in one direction or another, it means that you have some kind of postural disorder.

Ligament softness test

Try to get as close as possible thumb bent hand to the inner surface of the forearm. With normal ligaments, this distance will be 7–10 cm. If the finger touches or almost touches the forearm (less than 7 cm), then you have excessively soft (weak) ligaments.

Cervical spine test

Conditions: do not perform exercises with force, you should not feel pain.

Bend your head forward so that your chin touches your chest. Smoothly move your head back so that your gaze is directed slightly back or at least straight up. Turn your head to the right - your gaze is also directed to the right, and your chin is turned as far as possible to the side. Try to look behind you. Do the same on the left side.

If you have not completed any task, then osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has already begun to destroy your spine.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

Listen carefully to what your back is telling you. There are movements and body positions that she likes and that make her “cranky.”

1. We stand correctly

Imagine that you are a crowned person: your back is straight, your shoulders are back and relaxed, neck muscles also in a relaxed state. And in order to make it easier to maintain this position until you get used to the new image, let a mental thread firmly pull the top of your head up. This position will help you avoid twisting your spine.

The studs put too much stress on lower section women's backs, so everyday shoes should be comfortable, with low, stable heels. Save the stilettos for special occasions.

2. Sit correctly

Try to keep your back as tired as possible while sitting; choose chairs with backrests that support your back. bottom part back or place a small pillow under your back. Don't sit for long. Every 20-30 minutes, get up and stretch.

3. Lie correctly

Neither soft feather beds nor hard bare boards are suitable for sleeping. Lying on soft feather beds causes the spine to become deformed and curved. Boards will also not save you from deformation of the vertebrae. The bed should be semi-rigid to retain all the curves spinal column.

4. We lift weights correctly

This rule is intended primarily for men who want to impress their beloved mothers-in-law by helping to load furniture. Lift only what is within reason. For everything else, it’s better to hire movers. When lifting or lowering a heavy object to the floor, do it with your knees bent as much as possible so that the main weight falls on your legs and not on your spine.

It is the lumbar spine that bears the heaviest load. He has to carry an average of 60–70 kg of live weight. In overweight people, the pressure on the discs increases several times. From time to time, give your opportunity.

Treatment of disc herniation

Most cases of lumbar disc herniation occur in people between 35 and 55 years of age. However, not all cases are associated with age-related degeneration disk. A disc rupture with the formation of a herniation can occur as a result of trauma: a car accident, heavy lifting, including in younger people.

Whether this condition is accompanied by pain or not depends on how far the disc has protruded beyond its boundaries, and on individual characteristics the structure of the spine of each patient.

About relevance surgical intervention speech can only take place if real danger compression of the spinal cord by multiple hernias, or, what is especially dangerous, by the bundle of nerves that ends the spinal cord and which is called the “cauda equina.” Fortunately, this complication is very rare.

Methods are now available laser removal small protrusions (up to 2–3 mm) of the disc, if this is the cause of constant severe pain in the patient. This is a minimally invasive, practically harmless operation, which is performed without an incision, through a puncture, with a very thick needle. In this case, special equipment or a laser is used.

But it should be borne in mind that if a person does not constantly monitor his muscles, does not exercise regularly, does not visit the pool, no operation will be a panacea for him.

Before we figure out how to cure cervical osteochondrosis, let's try to figure out what kind of disease it is and how it manifests itself.

At early diagnosis, correct selection treatment, as well as the patient’s responsible attitude towards therapy for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis can be successfully treated at home.

The main home treatment measures are aimed at eliminating the cause of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • In case of physical inactivity it is indicated gradual increase physical activity at home.
  • When sitting at a desk or computer for a long time, frequent breaks are prescribed, which include physical activity.
  • In case of poor posture and uneven loads on the neck muscles, special fixators, correctors and corsets are used to ensure a symmetrical body position.
  • At overweight And poor nutrition make appropriate adjustments to the patient’s lifestyle and prescribe a diet.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis, caused by metabolic disorders due to chronic diseases, is eliminated by treating the underlying disease.

The main treatment at home consists of strict adherence to doctor’s instructions for taking medicines– non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors.

Establishing diagnosis

After listening to the complaints, the doctor quickly made the assumption that I had developed cervical osteochondrosis. External inspection confirmed the diagnosis.

Fortunately, I sought help in time, and the degenerative process was not sufficiently advanced. This was evidenced by the fact that the neck, despite the pain syndrome, completely retained its mobility.

In more severe cases patients cannot turn their head without severe pain.

However, in my case, the disease was complicated by slight scoliosis, which may increase the pain syndrome.

Final diagnosis M50.1 according to the International Classification of Diseases - “Damage to the intervertebral disc of the cervical spine with radiculopathy.”

Among other things, I did duplex scanning vessels of the neck and head to exclude serious problems with blood circulation. Uneven movement was detected vertebral arteries and violation of their diameters. However, hemodynamics were not impaired.


Massage is a familiar procedure that produces high therapeutic effect. Massage helps improve muscle tone, relaxation, blood supply and metabolic processes in tissues.

The massage is performed by an osteopathic doctor. Having studied your medical history, he carries out exactly the procedures that you require.

Every patient requires individual approach. It is worth saying that it is very important to find a high-quality osteopath, since the effect of therapy depends on his professionalism.

Moreover, there are cases where improper massage has caused harm to the patient.

In this regard, reviews from other people will seriously help you; do not be lazy to study them before visiting an osteopath. It is also impossible to massage too often, as this can cause harm. The number of visits is determined by the attending physician. In my case - no more than twice a year.

When applying the gel or ointment, you should knead your neck and shoulders. Gently press, squeeze, rub and stroke until the skin turns slightly red. Uncomfortable sensations remove spiral and circular movements, as well as vibrations.

  1. Wet a towel or piece of cotton cloth in saline solution.
  2. Do not rinse, dry on a radiator until the workpiece becomes hard.
  3. Sitting on the sofa, wrap the ends of the towel around your palms and throw them behind your back.
  4. Stretch, rub the skin and muscles with “sawing” movements until slight tingling.
  5. Finish the massage by patting with the same towel.

Complex home treatment treatment for cervical osteochondrosis, recommended by doctors, includes massage. It is better to trust its implementation qualified specialist.

In the absence of such an opportunity, self-massage will help cure neck osteochondrosis, which the patient can perform at home at any time convenient for him.

Its basic rules:

  • The impact on the neck muscles is carried out with the pads of the fingers, and not with the palm.
  • Movements must be strictly directed towards the periphery, as well as from top to bottom.
  • Pressure and too rapid rubbing of the cervical vertebrae are prohibited.
  • For a soft glide of the fingers, massage is carried out using oil.

READ ALSO: Manual therapy for osteochondrosis

Homemade honey massage is a good remedy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Approximately a teaspoon of honey is rubbed over the surface of the cervical vertebrae and muscles, gently kneaded with fingers until the honey becomes viscous, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Traditional methods of treatment

So, after the diagnosis, the doctor prescribed me a complex systemic treatment. It was divided into two groups:

  • Symptomatic.
  • Basics.

Symptomatic treatment was aimed at combating the main symptom of the disease - pain syndrome. For this purpose, the doctor prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (hereinafter referred to as NSAIDs) and rubbing with a special gel.

I used both remedies, and I cannot say which one is more effective - both drugs worked. Aertal is somewhat cheaper, this is a significant factor in its favor.

However, it is better to try both remedies (if prescribed by a doctor, do not self-medicate) and determine which is more effective in your case.

I practically never used pain-relieving gels, but I must say about them high efficiency. The doctor prescribed a gel with carapain, for example, “Karapain Ultra Gel” and “Diklak” gel.

Rubbing with these products helps relieve sharp pain, so do not neglect these drugs.

The doctor prescribed massage, exercises as the main treatment physical therapy and taking the drug "Teraflex". Thanks to these procedures, the development of degenerative processes is stopped, blood supply is improved, and muscle tone is increased. Together, this allows you to avoid the development of complications.

​Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of osteochondrosis, but it is possible to prevent exacerbation pathological process, it is quite possible to significantly relieve symptoms and achieve improvement.

For this purpose, patients are prescribed a comprehensive drug therapy, in parallel with which it is recommended to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis? For successful therapy, the doctor will suggest a technique combining physiotherapy, acupuncture, medication, physical therapy, and massage.

Mandatory component – ​​home treatment: traditional methods, Kuznetsov applicator, self-massage, exercise therapy complex, relaxation, local application pharmaceutical gels and ointments.

By strictly following the instructions and paying close attention to the doctor’s advice, the patient achieves good results. Carrying out self-massage saves money, use herbal decoctions and tinctures instead of some drugs reduces Negative influence medicines for various organs.

For osteochondrosis, doctors use several treatment methods. For example, most often the first step when a patient is admitted to the hospital is to administer drug therapy.

If necessary, he is prescribed painkillers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used to relieve swelling or inflammation.

When first aid is provided, chondroprotectors can be used, the effect of which is not immediately noticeable, but is very effective with long-term use. An important role is played by the use of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal operation cartilage tissue person.

Unconventional methods Treatment of the cervical spine must be discussed with your doctor. Some homeopathic medicines and procedures worsen the patient’s condition and lead to exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

Lilac Fill a liter jar with fresh purple flowers. Do not compact the raw materials, pour alcohol mixed with water or vodka.

Keep under the bed for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Rub the strained product into the neck and shoulders, and also take 30–40 drops orally.

Add to water or tea and drink after meals.

Compresses and radishesInflammation is removed by mud masks. The component for applications can be ordered in specialized stores.

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Store the dirt in a glass container, fill it with brine. The compress preparation is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees and applied to the neck, left until it cools.

It will take 10 to 15 regular procedures.

Instead of dirt, use freshly squeezed radish juice, which is mixed with equal amount honey Leave the mixture for a day, then dilute it with vodka.

For one part alcohol, 4 parts juice. Rub into the inflamed area with massage movements, cover with plastic wrap and wrap with a scarf.

Leave for several hours or go to bed with a honey compress, and wash off the residue in the morning.

Warm lotions Dip cabbage leaf into boiling water for 30–40 seconds. Remove and quickly beat with a hammer before it cools down. Spread a thin layer of honey and apply to the neck. Secure with cling film, wrap with a scarf or scarf. Wait 1 hour.

Horseradish leaves are used instead of cabbage. The workpiece is dipped in boiling water, but not treated with honey. Wrap warm leaves around the neck and cover with a scarf on top.

Apply freshly baked rye cakes to the neck, as well as a mixture of grated boiled potatoes and honey. The mass is wrapped in gauze so that it does not spread throughout the body, and wait 20 minutes.

Doctors do not forbid combining drug treatment at home using products proven by folk experience. Important terms are moderation, compliance with safety rules, eliminating the risk of damage skin neck.

Considering the multifaceted manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to combat osteochondrosis of the neck with means modern medicine, using the experience of folk healing practices.

Treatment of this disease is divided into stages, during which the main causes that led to the disease are eliminated, and the positive dynamics of the condition of a person suffering from neck osteochondrosis is recorded.

Therapeutic exercise: principles of implementation and results

The most important component of treatment, which requires discipline from the patient. After all, it is necessary to practice regularly and systematically.

In my case, the exercises were prescribed special doctor doing physical therapy. He will also review your medical history and, if necessary, may send you for imaging to check for problems.

My set of exercises included classes in gym to correct postural defects, as well as special gymnastics for the neck. It was she who played the most decisive role in the fight against cervical osteochondrosis.

My “cervical” complex looked like this:

  1. You need to lie on the floor, on your back. Without lifting your shoulders from the floor, place your palms to your forehead. Press your forehead onto your palms for a few seconds. Then take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. The pressure must be increased gradually.
  2. Lie on the floor, on your back. Without lifting your shoulders from the floor, place your palm right hand to the right ear. For several seconds, press your head (without changing its angle) onto your palm. Then take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. The pressure is insignificant.
  3. Exercise 2 is repeated only for the left hand.
  4. You need to lie on the floor, on your back. Without lifting your shoulders from the floor, place your palms under your head. Press your head into your palms for a few seconds. Then take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. The pressure must be increased gradually.
  5. Again, lie on the floor, on your back. Without lifting your shoulders from the floor, place the palm of your right hand on the jaw on the right. Try to turn your head for a few seconds right side. Take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. The pressure must be increased gradually.
  6. Repeat exercise 5 for the left hand.

Warm-up exercise. Place your hands crosswise on your shoulders and, pressing on them, try to pull your head as high as possible. This exercise is also very useful in situations where it is not possible to do full-fledged gymnastics; it allows you to stretch your neck.