Vegetarian food menu for the week. Vegetarian recipes for every day. On Saturday we will have a “celebration of life”

Nutritionists, scientists and doctors still cannot come to a consensus on whether giving up meat is good for health or not. Of course, like most diets, a vegetarian diet has its pros and cons. The main disadvantage of giving up meat is that the human body needs animal protein to normal operation. However, a short-term abstinence from animal foods may have beneficial influence to your health and help you lose excess weight.

Modern people eat too much meat - much more than they need. An adult does not need to eat meat every day - 3-4 times a week will be enough, but people after 40 years old need to reduce the amount of meat they eat to 1-2 times a week. Meat can be replaced with mushrooms, fish (especially fish!), seafood, nuts, legumes (especially soy - perhaps the best substitute animal protein), potatoes. These products contain many nutrients, including proteins, and are much easier to digest and absorb than meat.

A vegetarian diet is a kind of “unloading” of the body. You temporarily relieve your body of the need to digest difficult-to-digest meat foods, and also “feed” your body with vitamins and useful microelements. Fiber contained in plant foods perfectly cleanses the intestines and improves its functioning.

A vegetarian diet for weight loss improves digestion, reduces fat and calorie intake, and removes bad cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, cleanses the body; plant foods are better absorbed by the body and saturate it with vitamins and useful substances, strengthens the immune system and improves overall well-being. Therefore, 2-week courses of a vegetarian diet several times a year will only be useful to you.

A vegetarian diet should not be confused with veganism. Vegans exclude all animal products from their diet, including eggs, milk and dairy products. butter, while a vegetarian diet for weight loss recommends giving up only meat. In order to lose a few extra pounds, it is enough to follow a vegetarian diet for weight loss for 2 weeks. As a result of a vegetarian diet, your digestion will improve, your well-being will noticeably improve, your body will be cleansed and you will get rid of extra pounds.

It is recommended to enter and exit a vegetarian diet for weight loss gradually– during the week before and during the week after it, the consumption of meat products should be limited, meat should be partially replaced with poultry and fish, and the share of plant foods in the diet should be increased. Then you will avoid the discomfort associated with abrupt refusal from meat and its abrupt return to the diet.

The undoubted advantage of a vegetarian diet is that it is quite flexible - there are no rigid boundaries that limit your diet, such as portion limits or strict calorie restrictions. You can form your diet from a variety of products, the only requirement is to avoid meat. Your diet may include dairy products, all vegetables and fruits, grains, nuts, cereals, fish and seafood (some vegetarian diets recommend avoiding fish, but the protein contained in fish is extremely easy to digest, and beneficial amino acids and microelements are necessary for our body, so fish should still be included in the diet). A vegetarian diet is not fasting; you eat a balanced and rational diet., and at the same time heal your body and get rid of extra pounds.

Sample vegetarian diet menu for a week

  • breakfast: buckwheat or oatmeal, kefir, nuts, apple;
  • dinner: vegetable soup, boiled potatoes, fresh vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: apple or banana;
  • dinner: rice with vegetables, fruit or vegetable juice.
  • breakfast: 2 boiled eggs or 2 egg omelet, sandwich with cheese and tomato, unsweetened tea;
  • lunch: lean fish soup, fruit salad with low-fat yogurt;
  • afternoon snack: pear, glass of kefir;
  • dinner: baked potatoes, squash caviar, 2 cereal breads, unsweetened tea.
  • breakfast: milk oatmeal or rice porrige, yogurt, coffee without cream;
  • lunch: soy or lentil soup, stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: a handful of dried apricots;
  • dinner: jacket potatoes, stewed green beans with tomatoes.
  • breakfast: boiled egg, fresh vegetable salad, a handful of nuts;
  • lunch: peppers stuffed with rice and vegetables, apple and carrot salad with olive oil and garlic;
  • afternoon snack: cereal bread and kefir;
  • dinner: mushrooms stewed with vegetables.
  • breakfast: oatmeal with prunes and honey, unsweetened tea;
  • dinner; lean borscht, mashed potatoes with fresh vegetable salad or canned peas;
  • afternoon snack: pear;
  • dinner: cheese soup.
  • breakfast: natural cottage cheese with yogurt, apple or banana;
  • lunch: lentil soup, boiled or baked fish with stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: bun with sesame seeds, tea with honey;
  • dinner: braised cabbage with mushrooms, 2 slices of black or rye bread.

Day 7.

  • breakfast: cottage cheese and carrot casserole, pancake with jam;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled broccoli and tomato salad;
  • afternoon snack: a glass of tomato juice;
  • dinner: vegetable stew with mushrooms or potato casserole and fresh vegetable salad.

Results of a vegetarian diet

The result of a vegetarian diet will be getting rid of several extra pounds.(in 2 weeks it takes from 2 to 6 kg), disappearance of discomfort in the intestines, improved digestion, cleansing the body. Swelling will disappear, complexion will improve, the body's performance and resistance to various viruses and diseases will increase. It is recommended to repeat a vegetarian diet for weight loss and healing the body 2-3 times a year, preferably not in the cold season.

Contraindications to a vegetarian diet

A vegetarian diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children - this is especially true for a strict vegetarian diet that involves avoiding fish, eggs, and dairy products. And here For older people, a non-strict vegetarian diet will only benefit.

If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting this diet.

The vegetarian diet seems to be designed specifically for vegetarians. But this is a misconception. Abandoning animal foods helps remove toxins that have accumulated in the human body over the years, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve the functioning of the body. It is enough to follow a diet for one week or month to achieve the desired shape and weight.

Principles of a vegetarian diet

A vegetarian diet is based on the principle of excluding animal products from the diet. Depending on the diet menu, there are several options:

  • Vegetarianism, which excludes only meat and fish;
  • Lacto vegetarian diet, when you can include dairy products and eggs in the menu;
  • Veganism – you can only eat foods plant origin.

Some vegetarians eat only nuts and fruits, and some eat only fruits. There is also an approach in which food should not be exposed heat treatment, and recipes are not needed here. It is based on the fact that at a temperature of 46 degrees Celsius, enzymes die - special enzymes that accelerate metabolism. They prevent the formation of adipose tissue, which is useful for weight loss. The diet can be used not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body and achieve athletic body shape.

Vegetarian diet for a week and a month

A vegetarian diet for weight loss is followed for a certain period of time, usually a week or a month. A week-long refusal of animal food helps to lose weight by cleansing the body of toxins and losing excess intercellular fluid and parts of fat. If a vegetarian weight loss program is followed long time, then weight is reduced due to fat loss. Therefore, to lose weight, they choose a monthly program.

A vegetarian diet for a week involves eating a wide variety of plant-based foods, as well as eggs and dairy products. A monthly diet can include the same menu as a weekly program, that is, it is a cyclical weekly program. The table below shows sample menu weekly diet.

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday 1 tbsp. milk and 1 piece bran bread 200 g oatmeal, soy bun, 1 tbsp. juice 500 ml vegetable soup, 100 g beans, 1 cup herbal tea 1 tbsp. kefir and a piece of rye bread 200 g rice, 2 eggs
Tuesday 150 g oatmeal, 1 fruit, 1 cup herbal tea 100 g cottage cheese, pear 500 ml okroshka with milk, 100 g fruit salad, raisin bun 1 tbsp. compote with bun 100 g oatmeal, 100 g seaweed, 1 cup green tea
Wednesday 100 g cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. tea or coffee 200 g pineapple 500 ml pea soup, 150 g baked potatoes, green vegetable salad, 1 tbsp. compote 50 g walnuts, 1 tbsp. compote 100 g buckwheat, 50 g mushrooms, 1 cup of tea
Thursday 200 g rice pudding, 1 tbsp. milk 100 g fruit salad, 1 tbsp. pineapple juice 300 ml vegetable soup, 200 g stewed zucchini, 150 g seaweed, 2 slices bran bread 1 apple, 1 slice of bran bread, 1 tbsp. green tea 100 g oatmeal, 1 tbsp. kefir
Friday 100 g oat muesli, 1 cup coffee 1 banana, 200 g jelly 500 ml milk okroshka, 1 apple, 1 slice of black bread, 100 g green salad Any fruit dessert with honey 100 g 100 g oatmeal, chopped tomato with 1 tbsp. spoon rast. oils
Saturday Bun with poppy seeds and honey, 1 tbsp. compote 1 cup green tea, peanuts 50 g 500 ml vegetable soup, 100 g mashed potatoes, 1 tbsp. juice with bun, 50 g green salad 100 g curd mass with raisins 50 g beans and a cup of green tea
Sunday 1 tbsp. kefir with a piece of bran bread 1 banana, 50 g hazelnuts 150 g buckwheat, 100 g mushrooms, 100 g salad, 1 tbsp. apple 1 tbsp. kefir, 1 piece of wheat bread 3 pancakes with jam, an apple and a cup of green tea

Sports diet

A vegetarian diet for athletes is not followed for a week, but all the time. This protein diet, whose menu includes products with high content squirrel:

  • Nuts and seeds (peanuts, sunflower seeds and others);
  • Legumes (peas, soybeans, beans, beans);
  • Spinach (green leader in protein content).

To maintain athletic fitness, a lacto-vegetarian diet is optimal, in which the menu can include lacto products: cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, milk. The menu is compiled for a week or other time period. If it is compiled for a week, then you need to check whether a sufficient amount of nutrients is included in weekly diet nutrition.

For athletes it is necessary balanced diet, the protein component of which is the basis. For muscle growth you need exactly protein food, and carbohydrates are needed only for the energy that these muscles burn during physical activity. The protein component is 700-1000 g per week. It is advisable to distribute the protein evenly throughout each day. But if this is very difficult to achieve, then it is enough to fulfill the norm at least a week.

Lacto vegetarian diet

The lacto vegetarian diet - also known as the milk vegetarian diet - is more of a lifestyle than a weight loss program. By following it, you can eat everything except fish and meat. So she collected positive reviews about yourself: it is easy to follow, because products such as cottage cheese and cheese are very filling. And their protein component is the same as that of meat, and sometimes higher.

To lose weight, you need to exclude fatty lacto foods and include low-fat kefir and cottage cheese to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Lacto bacteria, which are abundant in lacto products, improve intestinal function by maintaining a certain composition of microflora. If there is a lack of lactobacteria in the body, medicine often prescribes drugs containing them in large quantities.

The vegetarian lacto diet allows the consumption of eggs and butter. But since they contain a lot of cholesterol and fat, it is not recommended to consume them frequently. But you shouldn’t exclude it completely, since protein foods are easier to digest with fats. This also applies to carbohydrates. Therefore, a vegetarian weight loss system is unthinkable without content fatty foods, albeit in small quantities.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The vegetarian diet receives positive reviews because:

  • A vegetarian diet improves the health of the body;
  • The diet is optimal for losing weight with lasting results;
  • All dishes are easy to prepare, or no cooking is required at all (saving time) - recipes for cooking vegetable soups, porridges, salad recipes or okroshka are presented in a wide variety;
  • A vegetarian diet increases life expectancy and mental clarity.

There are also negative reviews, since among the disadvantages is that few products contain a lot of protein. Therefore, recipes often contain many ingredients among legume products. But for those who love legumes, this is not a minus, but a plus.

A vegetarian diet will help you lose weight. Try cooking using vegetarian recipes and watch the changes that will happen to your body and body. And then leave feedback about how your life has changed with the change in your nutrition system.

IN currently Vegetarianism is gaining increasing popularity as a style of not only nutrition, but also life. Unfortunately, current society is not quite ready to accept such people. Many people are convinced not only that it is impossible to eat enough with such a diet, but also that it is extremely harmful to the body. In this article we will show that vegetarianism is not only an opportunity to eat nourishingly and tasty, but also an extremely beneficial practice for the body. Therefore, below we will demonstrate a vegetarian menu for the week.

Regardless of how a person feels about meat, many scientists have long proven that the absence of animal protein in the diet is not only harmless, but also has an extremely beneficial effect on health. metabolic processes in organism.

It is worth saying that people choose this lifestyle according to completely various reasons. Some for ethical reasons to protect animals, and others for balance and harmony in their relationship with their body.

Before moving on to the vegetarian menu itself for the week, let’s look at the general subtypes of this lifestyle. There are forms such as:

  1. Pure veganism is an option for strict vegetarians; only plant foods are allowed.
  2. Lacto-vegetarianism - in this subtype it is possible to add dairy products.
  3. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism allows the intake of not only plant foods and dairy products, but also eggs.

It is worth noting that there is also a distant branch, such as fruitarianism - only fruits are allowed. We will look at lacto-ovo vegetarianism, that is, the most democratic choice for a vegetarian food menu for the week.

IN complete diet Staple plant foods should be included, i.e. grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and nuts. A complete vegetarian menu should strictly exclude meat products. Don't worry about the lack of animal protein, because it can easily be replaced with proteins found in nuts, eggs, legumes and dairy products.

It is worth noting that for a proper vegetarian menu you need to have only the most fresh vegetables and fruits.

Rational menu for the week

Morning - important stage, because this is the very beginning of the day. Therefore, food during this period of the day should be very rich. You should start a new day with oatmeal, be sure to wash it all down green tea or weak coffee. Oatmeal is an excellent choice for breakfast in all respects. Besides the fact that it is very inexpensive, it is also quick to prepare and contains many nutrients for a good charge for the day. In addition to oatmeal, you can also eat other types of porridge, such as corn or barley. For flavor variety, you can add fruit, because this will not only brighten up your breakfast, but also add a vitamin component.

Lunch is the highlight of the day; refreshment at such a moment is very important for strength for the second half of the day. The vegetarian food menu here must necessarily consist of two dishes. A classic first course should have a liquid component. Ideal here is the preparation of soups and borscht with the addition of vegetables and mushrooms. You can choose a very different side dish, but you should not forget that your stomach should not be full, because this will only cause laziness. Therefore, you need to use light dishes, which are salads. Their variety is very great; here you can add cabbage, radishes, carrots, and apples. It is important to remember that you are not trying to create a heaviness in your stomach, you want to fill up with light food that is also filling.

The working day is approaching sunset, and to wait until dinner, there is an afternoon snack. This is a light snack so you have enough strength to last home. Good choice is a fruit cocktail with the addition of cottage cheese or kefir. If you want to be more satiated, you can prepare apple charlotte or cheesecakes with jam and condensed milk.

To end the day well, you need to prepare a hearty and delicious dinner. Vegetarian menu for dinner it should also consist of two components. For the first course, stewed potatoes with mushrooms or olives and lemon are perfect; you can also prepare porridge (preferably buckwheat) with eggs. It’s worth preparing for the second light salad from radish or cabbage with apple or cucumber.

All of the dishes listed above can be combined to create a menu for the week.

By adhering to such a vegetarian menu for the day and week, you can not only eat deliciously, but also maintain the balance of all the necessary substances in the body.

It is worth remembering that each person is an individual personality and the approach to each one needs to be purely personal. You shouldn’t eat foods that you don’t like; you can always replace them with ones of the same calorie content. You need to be extremely creative in your nutrition.

What should a vegetarian menu consist of?

Breakfast should be in the diet of every vegetarian. The necessary ingredients are porridge and warm drinks. What else should a vegetarian menu consist of every day?

Lunch should not include a large number of foods. Includes main and additional dishes. The main course is often represented by vegetable soups. To supplement it, you can add dairy products, which are necessary to maintain animal protein levels. It is worth remembering that if the main dish includes components of animal origin, then the second should only contain a vegetable component.

Dinner on a vegetarian menu should be comprehensive. The first course is hot, and in addition to it you need light salads with radishes, carrots or cucumbers.

This menu is suitable for both beginners in this art of nutrition and old-timers of vegetarianism.

Simple tips for beginners:

  1. A vegetarian menu should be varied and appetizing.
  2. Refusal of meat dishes is not only a way of life, but also a ban on bad habits.
  3. Raw dishes should be eaten immediately and not left for later.
  4. Before lunch, it is advisable to eat fruits or nuts.
  5. It is better to use honey as a sweetener.
  6. To maintain normal levels of iron and calcium in the blood, you need to eat mushrooms, legumes and nuts.
  7. Plant foods should be consumed frequently, but in small portions, as they are quickly broken down in the stomach.
  8. To maintain vitamin levels in the blood short courses it is necessary to take vitamin B and D supplements

As stated earlier, vegetarianism is a creative process. In addition to the fact that you can modify previously familiar dishes, you can also create exclusively new ones. We want to offer several recipes for a vegetarian menu.

How to make vegetarian sausage?

To prepare you will need: beets, sesame vegetable oil (can be replaced with any other to taste), peas good quality, marjoram, distilled water, salt, garlic, grated nutmeg, ground black pepper.

Peas High Quality pour into a frying pan and heat for small quantity time (5-7 minutes) without adding vegetable oil. Next, you need to grind the peas to flour, add three glasses of water to it and cook until it becomes mushy.

Pre-cooked beets must be grated on the finest sections of a grater. You need to squeeze out one tablespoon from the resulting mass. beet juice and save this liquid. Pea mash leave to cool. In a separate plate, chop the garlic and add all the necessary spices.

After this, add all the mixed spices, sesame or other vegetable oil and a spoonful of the juice obtained earlier to the peas. All this must be blended with a blender until smooth.

Next you need to prepare the container. Let's take it plastic bottle(preferably a liter one) and cut off the top from it. We compact the resulting mixture tightly into the mold we made, wrap everything in cling film to prevent a crust from forming, and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. The tasty and satisfying sausage is ready.

How to make stuffed peppers with vegetable filling?

The pepper must be cleaned of the insides and tail, divided into two parts. For the “meat” filling we use green beans, cabbage and lettuce.

If you like spicy dishes, you can use Korean carrots and boiled beans. You can cook such peppers either by steaming or stewing in a pan. After cooking, sprinkle with fresh herbs, you can add olives or cheese for an aesthetic appearance.

The impact of a plant-based diet on the body's condition

The vegetarian food menu is very beneficial for the body and has all the necessary complex microelements.

The herbal component maintains the required level of glucose in the body, which is extremely useful for patients with diabetes. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, allowing you to prevent not only the exacerbation of chronic diseases, but also stop the occurrence of acute processes and constipation. Helps keep blood pressure down normal level, That is important aspect for the elderly. Vegetarianism can help you quickly remove toxins from your body. In addition, vegetarian menus are often used for weight loss.

It is necessary to realize that in order to switch from meat to vegetarianism, a nutritional balance must be maintained and daily norm by the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Dishes according to vegetarian menu recipes should have an amount of energy that will be equal to the cost of the day. Some tips for maintaining balance:

  1. Meet the daily intake of pure distilled water. Tea, coffee and other drinks are not taken into account.
  2. It is necessary to observe the calorie intake to gain the required amount of energy. A food diary indicating energy value products.
  3. The urge to eat should not arise from stress, excessive emotions, “for company” or simply from boredom. An important reason there must be hunger to eat.
  4. To comply with the regime and to prevent excessive work of the stomach, food should be taken often, but in small portions.

How to add the necessary taste sensations?

Sometimes the dishes on the vegetarian menu get boring, and you want to add something new. In this case, you can abandon the “main dish plus additional” scheme, and cook one on its own, such as a casserole. To spice up dishes, you can add a variety of sauces.

When cooking, you can be guided not only by adding standard vegetables and fruits, but also by adding exotic products, if allowed. cash.

How can you lose weight on a plant-based diet?

A large number of Plant foods in the diet allow you to influence the metabolism of fats in the body, stopping the synthesis of new ones. This leads to a decrease in harmful lipoproteins in the blood, increased muscle tone, and promotes smooth functioning of the digestive system.

By following such a diet, it is possible to achieve colossal results - losing weight from one to four kilograms per week.

What are the main tenets of a vegetarian diet menu for the week?

Complete exclusion of meat dishes from the diet and complete replacement of them with dairy products and eggs. Honey should be used as a sweetener instead of sugar. It's much more useful. You need to drink a lot, at least one and a half liters of liquid, preferably clean water. It is necessary to do one fasting day a week, adhering to the principle of partial fasting.

If you want to last for vegetarian week for a certain period of time, then you are advised to immediately give up eating meat. But if you prefer such a menu on an ongoing basis, then it is better to gradually reduce the amount of animal protein consumption. This is not only due to a sharp violation metabolism, but also with the fact that meat gives the stomach a feeling of fullness, and a sudden refusal will only increase your appetite.

It is worth warning that at first you will feel a feeling of hunger, but it is deceptive and does not indicate that you do not have enough food, but that it was easy to digest.

In general, such a vegetarian menu for the day will allow you not only to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also to lose weight and always be in shape.

Is winter a problem for a true vegetarian?

The cold season is always energy-consuming for the body, and even more so for people who adhere to a vegetarian diet. Our body does not have enough animal proteins and fats to maintain normal function heat generation. Vegetable proteins, milk fats and eggs will help eliminate the deficiency of essential components.

Must use big amount vegetable oils, such as sesame, corn and sunflower. You should also consume butter and nuts in small quantities, which are rich in fats of varying densities.

Eating a small amount of cottage cheese and eggs daily (no more than five per week) will help replenish necessary for the body protein level for construction. It is advisable to eat a small piece of bread with bran during lunch or dinner for better digestion in the stomach and absorption in the intestines.

A variety of dairy dishes are ideal for dinner, but it’s better to start breakfast with a light snack with added warm drink (green tea or weak coffee).

Using fractional nutrition will help you lose weight, which means that your portions should always be small in size, but you need to eat many times a day.

Vegetarian menu - method of treatment

Many medical workers agree that lacto-vegetarianism and lacto-ovo-vegetarianism are extremely beneficial for health. Doctors recommend using such a diet for medicinal purposes for diseases such as atherosclerosis, chronic diseases kidney (pyelonephritis), gout, hypertonic disease, liver cirrhosis and many others. Vegetarianism also helps prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

People who follow this diet always have normal numbers blood pressure and their risk of heart failure is extremely low. Another important factor is that vegans are not afraid of obesity, which in itself is one of the most serious factors in the development of problems with the heart and endocrine system.

It is also worth being informed about the dangers that may await you with a permanent vegetarian diet. One of them is insufficient supply minerals into the body, for example, zinc, calcium, vitamins B, D and others. The problem here is not at all that plant foods do not contain them, but that their absorption is extremely low and a deficiency may occur.

Excluding animal proteins can lead to disruption of protein metabolism. Therefore, many doctors do not advise athletes, teenagers and pregnant women to adhere to such a diet.

But these problems can be easily solved by rationally designing a vegetarian diet that will have required amount carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is also recommended to use vitamin complexes in order to prevent vitamin deficiency from developing.

Before becoming a vegetarian, you must honestly answer the question: “Why?” IN modern world veganism is a fashion trend. If you are guided only by this principle, then it is better not to start at all. Vegetarianism is not only your food, but also a pure mind and correct thoughts, it is the whole meaning of life.

Psychological self-training

Sometimes a noisy feast of friends or relatives gathers. How not to break down at such a moment and not eat meat dish? Everything here depends on two main factors.

The first is your self-conviction. Vegetarianism is not only a diet, but also a meaningful position in life.

The second is a rational menu. If your diet consists of the necessary dishes, you get a complete complex of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then you will want to quit everything and eat juicy meat you won't have.


Guided by these simple tips, you will not only always receive healthy diet, but also protect yourself from many diseases associated with excessive meat consumption. You will always be in shape without fear of gaining excess weight. By the way, it is important to note that a vegetarian diet for weight loss (menu for the week, different dishes and the recipes were presented above) really has good results, so those who want to lose weight should definitely use this method!

Thus, vegetarianism is a complete lifestyle that is gradually becoming the norm in our society. Of course, no one forces you to give up meat, because it’s only your choice and your life, but trying something new is always interesting, isn’t it? Today we discussed the vegetarian menu for the week with recipes, so prepare new dishes and constantly develop. Bon appetit and good mood to you and your family!

All more people give up meat and switch to a vegetarian menu. The reasons for this can be very different. Some people approach this from a spiritual point of view - they feel sorry for the animals that are slaughtered in slaughterhouses, and they realize how much feed goes into maintaining such industries. From their point of view, it is much more profitable and environmentally friendly to eat plant foods - it does not pollute environment and saves the lives of animals. Every year an adult eats approximately 200 kg of meat - this is the weight of an average cow or pig.

But there are people who preferred a vegetarian menu purely for health reasons - giving up meat cleanses the body and improves general state. In any case, there are advantages here. Few people know that there is a vegetarian menu for weight loss - not at all hungry, tasty and nutritious.

Vegetarianism: what to pay attention to

To avoid health problems from not getting enough nutrients when switching to a vegetarian menu, you need to carefully monitor the balance of your diet. Everyone knows that vitamin B12 is synthesized only in animal products. There are 2 options here - take special vitamins or eat fish. In the first case, many problems disappear, but there are opponents synthetic drugs. In the second case, you may have a question: Yes, some people eat.

Vegetarians, unlike vegans (who do not eat any animal products, including milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.), exclude only meat and sometimes fish from their diet. There are vegetarians who eat seafood. In this article you will learn about a complete vegetarian menu for the week with recipes for fish and its replacement. The choice is up to you.

Financial side of the issue

There is an opinion among meat eaters that vegetarianism is very expensive. Yes, there are people who buy organic products in specialized stores, but among those who eat meat there are lovers of marbled beef and lobsters. You just have to draw a parallel, and everything will fall into place.

Tofu - soy cheese with high level protein content - costs less than a piece of beef or pork, but is much healthier. The problem can only arise with vegetables; nowadays they are expensive. But the balance is replenished by giving up meat.

Vegetarian menu for the week

Below is a menu that contains fish products. Calculate your balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates so that your nutrition is complete and balanced. There will also be several recipes for a vegetarian menu.


It’s worth starting a “green” lifestyle with a good mood, so treat yourself to your favorite delicacy for breakfast (not barbecue, of course). The transition to a full vegetarian menu every day should be comfortable and enjoyable.

For lunch you can cook delicious mackerel with lemon.


  • mackerel - 1 fish;
  • lemon - half the fruit;
  • seasoning for fish - to taste;
  • salt.


  1. Let's start with preparing the fish. Wash and dry the mackerel, remove the entrails and cut along the belly. Remove the milk or caviar and set aside.
  2. Wash the fish again, sprinkle with spices and salt, and place on a baking sheet lined with foil.
  3. Take our lemon and cut off a few rings. Squeeze the juice from the rest directly onto the fish. Decorate with lemon slices.
  4. Wrap the fish in foil and bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

This fish will go well with mashed potatoes, a vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil.

We snack on fruits, dried fruits or nuts, you can eat snacks and bread.

For dinner, you should give preference to protein foods with fiber; you can make cottage cheese and vegetable salad. Carbohydrates in the afternoon are harmful to your figure, because we don’t spend energy after 18 hours, there’s no point in getting it from food.


For breakfast on the second day we will prepare delicious porridge with chocolate and nuts.

Oatmeal for those with a sweet tooth.


  • oatmeal - 30 grams;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • any chocolate - 2 slices;
  • any nuts - 20 g;
  • apple - half a medium one.


  1. Boil or steam oatmeal in milk. Add sugar or honey to taste.
  2. Add chocolate chips, nuts and chopped apple to hot oatmeal.
  3. Stir in the melted chocolate and enjoy!

For lunch, try experimenting with tofu. Let's make a Japanese dish.

Tofu in sesame sauce.


  • tofu with any filling - 200 g;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • honey - 20 g;
  • ground garlic - 5 g;
  • sesame seeds- 5 g;
  • Sesame oil- a tablespoon.


  1. Prepare the sauce. Mix honey with garlic and soy sauce, leave for 15 minutes. At this time, we are dealing with tofu cheese.
  2. Cut the cheese into cubes. Heat sesame oil in a thick-walled frying pan, add tofu and fry for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the prepared sauce into the pan and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. When serving, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

This dish can be served with homemade noodles or spaghetti - a real Japanese pleasure! When using a vegetarian menu every day, you can experiment with different sauces.


Today we will treat ourselves to a delicious cleansing smoothie and great ice cream. Desserts should also be included in the vegetarian menu for the week. Their recipes are simple. Very tasty creamy ice cream is obtained without adding cream. How? Very simple!

Creamy ice cream "Bon Appetit".


  • banana - 2 pcs;
  • "Snowball" - 200 ml;
  • cinnamon - 5 grams;
  • jam or sugar - to taste;
  • coconut shavings for decoration.


  1. Peel the banana, cut into small pieces, put in a bag and freeze.
  2. Take the frozen bananas, place them in a blender bowl and add cinnamon, sugar or jam.
  3. Beat until smooth.
  4. Pour in “Snowball” (you can use fermented baked milk) and beat again.
  5. Place in ice cream makers or beautiful cups and garnish with coconut flakes.

This ice cream is creamy, sweet taste. Your household will definitely ask for more!

Cleansing green smoothie.

A vegetarian menu for the day should not only be balanced, but also healthy. Smoothies cleanse the body of mucus and toxins. It contains spinach, which has no flavor at all, so don't worry if you don't like greens.


  • spinach - 120 g;
  • banana - 1-2 pieces;
  • orange - 1 fruit;
  • ginger - a piece the size of a fingernail (do not overdo it);
  • water and honey


  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender and add honey and water to taste.
  2. Should be used in fresh so as not to lose all the beneficial properties.

Wednesday can be a good fasting day, while bringing only pleasure.


On Thursday you can experiment with sandwiches. The filling can be very varied.

The base is whole grain bread (like bananas are the base of any smoothie). It can be fried without oil or dried in a toaster.

  • egg + spinach + low-fat cheese;
  • avocado + arugula + flax seeds;
  • avocado + tomato + lettuce;
  • low-fat cheese + tomato;
  • natural nut butter + banana;
  • banana + cinnamon.

As you can see, there can be a lot of combinations. You can make a vegetable sandwich, or you can make a sweet, fruity one. From the above, you can leave only one product if you want it to be simple. Everything is as you want, the main thing is tasty and beautiful!

For lunch, you can make a smoothie ball (or smoothie soup). Add the recipe to your vegetarian menu!

The basis will be a smoothie of one banana and 1/2 mango.

As a topping (filler):

  • cut one banana into slices;
  • Cut 1/2 mango into cubes;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of any berries (can be frozen).


It's worth spending time on Friday great attention so that the vegetarian menu for every day is complete. This is the last meal of the day, so you need to make it not only light, but also tasty, so as not to break down and go into the world of gluttony. We forget what a breakdown is! So check out the dinner options.

There are a lot of delicious options, believe me. This:

  • freshly squeezed juice or a simple smoothie (such as citrus);
  • crispy fruits, vegetables;
  • dried fruits with herbal tea;
  • kefir, milk (also natural nut and banana milk);
  • nuts for energy;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • muesli bars, cereal bars (look at the composition so that everything is natural);
  • cottage cheese with low fat content (not 0% for sure!), you can add some fruits and nuts;
  • a glass of kefir with cinnamon if you don’t feel hungry.

With so much variety, it's easy to create a vegetarian menu for the week, with plenty of delicious dinner options.


Let's take some time on Saturday full breakfasts. Every meal should be balanced and tasty!

Let's look at the correct and useful options.

  1. Our favorite oatmeal. You can do whatever you want with it: lazy oatmeal, oatmeal (with water!) with fruits, nuts, any healthy sweeteners (stevia, honey).
  2. Healthy toast made from whole grain/bran bread (any wholemeal flour) with low-fat cheese, vegetables, maybe even banana and avocado. Whatever you find useful, put it in. Fantasy in the kitchen is great!
  3. If you want something tasty, you can make yourself an oat pancake or cheesecakes (oatmeal instead of flour), decorate it all with nuts/fruits and top it with honey/paste.
  4. Omelettes (just don’t overdo it with oil and salt, it’s better in a dry frying pan with a closed lid).

Well, now we offer you several options to make your every day start special.

  • Smoothies - mix your favorite foods, drink green smoothies after a heavy dinner. You are your own boss here, and we’ve covered the basics.
  • Muesli with juice or banana milk(Grind water and banana in a blender).
  • Dates and Herb tea, if you want something sweet.
  • Sprouted green buckwheat porridge with flax seeds and banana (all in a blender).
  • Porridge + banana + flax seeds + honey (prunes + flax seeds).


Lunch is one of the heaviest meals, especially if your breakfast was light. For lunch you can choose something from the menu in the breakfast section. We will give a list of delicious and useful options.

  • You can cook tofu or fish.
  • Vegetable salads priority, of course.
  • Boiled corn (you can also use canned corn).
  • Boiled, steamed buckwheat is welcome) with vegetables or meat. An alternative to buckwheat is rice and durum pasta.
  • Hearty smoothies, you can even make vegetable ones.
  • Soups, of course.
  • Want something interesting? Make cold raw food soup (vegetables in blender + chopped)


These are small “monsters” that harm our figure and metabolism in general. You need to snack not on candy or cookies on the go, but healthy food, which can be easily and quickly digested so that by the main meal your stomach is not filled with all sorts of nonsense! A complete vegetarian menu for every day includes healthy snacks:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • smoothie.

Using these tips, you can lose weight well on vegetarianism, improve your health, and gain lightness in your body and mind. The main thing is to approach this wisely, don’t eat harmful products, such as:

  • everything fried in oil (we stew or use vegetable oils, or better yet, in a dry frying pan);
  • flour (white bread, buns, tea bagels, etc.);
  • sweets (chocolates, cakes);
  • spicy and salty;
  • carbonated drinks and packaged juices;
  • any fast food;
  • fatty dairy products (milk is acceptable when normal percentage fat content);
  • sausages, sausages, pasta (only hard varieties are allowed);
  • fatty meat (pork and other meats with a high fat content);
  • forget about mayonnaise (salads can be dressed with low-fat sour cream).

Most people who take the path of vegetarianism do so for the sake of improved health and general well-being. Therefore, when creating a vegetarian menu for every day, you should take into account such nuances as the balance of “alkaline” and “acidic” foods, the supply of complete proteins, as well as individual characteristics person.

For people suffering from gastritis or pancreatitis, many vegetable dishes unacceptable. In addition, food should delight with taste and appetizing aroma. After all, enjoying food is one of the great joys of our lives.

When getting acquainted with the menu selected by nutritionists, which we will talk about a little later, you should not be intimidated by it and immediately look for a simpler one. All products for a vegetarian table are quite accessible in any city. Many ingredients can be prepared once a week and then used without wasting time. For example, wash, steam and chop dried fruits, fry pumpkin seeds, peel nuts.

So, let's look at a sample menu for people who adhere to a vegetarian diet for every day.

Let's maintain a good mood on Monday with dried fruits


  • oatmeal porridge with raisins and dried apricots;
  • toast with orange jam and fried pumpkin seeds;
  • coffee or tea.


  • toast made from crispy rye bread (or just bread), grain mustard and apple slices;
  • coffee.


  • seaweed salad, Korean carrots And fresh cucumber with sesame;
  • barley soup with cabbage, carrots and onions;
  • green beans stewed in tomato sauce;
  • banana;
  • fruit tea (you can add pieces of candied orange peel and dried apples to regular tea).

Afternoon snack:

  • fruit salad of pears with nuts and raisins;


  • puree soup of broccoli, potatoes and onions;
  • stewed carrots with prunes and vegetable oil (if the oil is aromatic, for example, sesame, it will be more interesting);
  • fresh berry mousse;
  • tea with oregano.

On Tuesday we will recharge the body slow carbohydrates and minerals. Porridge will help us.


  • Rice porridge with raisins and aromatic oil:
  • toast with fresh cucumber;
  • coffee.



  • vegetarian borscht (traditional ingredients, but without meat);
  • buckwheat porridge with mushroom sauce;
  • fruits;

Afternoon snack:

  • baked jacket potatoes with tomato sauce;
  • coffee.


  • light vegetable soup made from cabbage, sweet peppers, carrots and onions;
  • puff porridge from three types of cereals with vegetables;
  • baked apples with caramel;
  • Herb tea.

On Wednesday we use products with maximum number water.


  • liquid semolina porridge on water;
  • toast with mustard, apple and celery stalks;
  • fruit tea.


  • cucumber salad with pumpkin seeds;


  • vegetarian cabbage soup;
  • green salad with sesame seeds and aromatic oil;
  • stewed pumpkin or zucchini with carrots and tomatoes;
  • fruits;
  • tea with ginger.

Afternoon snack:

  • bananas;
  • nuts;


  • salad of green radish and herbs with the juice of one orange and aromatic vegetable oil;
  • oven-baked potatoes and carrots;
  • mousse of bananas and fresh berries.

On Thursday we will focus on protein foods


  • oatmeal jelly with honey and aromatic oil;
  • toast with apple slices and roasted pumpkin seeds;
  • coffee or tea.


  • brewed buckwheat flakes.


  • green salad (fresh cucumber, herbs, grated carrots, sesame seeds);
  • light vegetable soup;
  • red bean lobio;
  • orange.

Afternoon snack:

  • coffee;
  • roasted chickpeas


  • stewed sauerkraut;
  • salad of raw grated beets with garlic and vegetable oil;
  • oat cookies;
  • tea from medicinal herbs.


  • oatmeal with raisins;
  • boiled carrots;
  • toast with pickled cucumber and mustard;
  • coffee or tea.


  • coffee;
  • nuts;
  • apple.


  • pea soup with onions;
  • Korean carrots with fresh cucumber;
  • breaded cauliflower;
  • fruit tea.

Afternoon snack:

  • brewed oatmeal with fresh banana and sunflower seeds.


  • lagman with vegetables. Recipe from the site: Place layers of noodles in “nests” and chopped vegetables in a saucepan: onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms. There should be a third more vegetables than noodles. Add 2 cups of boiling water and simmer over low heat. Refuel tomato paste with oriental spices, garlic and herbs.
  • Korean spicy cabbage;
  • tea with candied fruits.

On Saturday we will have a “celebration of life”


  • breaded fried tofu cheese;
  • crispy toast with jam;
  • coffee.


  • dessert made with muesli, dates, fresh bananas and honey;
  • tea or coffee.


  • creamy soup of porcini (or any) mushrooms with carrots and onions;
  • stewed green beans with tomato;
  • baked apples.

Afternoon snack:

  • pancakes with raisins (to make the dough successful without eggs and kefir, the women's portal website recommends beating it thoroughly with a mixer);
  • tea or coffee.


  • oven-baked vegetables. Our recipe: Pre-cut eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, sweet peppers into large slices (you can simply cut them into halves) and mix with a marinade of vegetable oil, chopped garlic (a lot), spices and sesame seeds(a lot of). Bake in the oven until golden brown.
  • salad of grated root celery with apples;
  • fried pears. Recipe: Cut each pear into six pieces, core and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Fry until golden brown vegetable oil without smell. Cool. Serve with whipped “vegetable” cream, or sprinkle with a “drop” of rum (cognac).


  • buckwheat pancakes with honey (to regular flour, just add crushed in a coffee grinder buckwheat and beat well with a mixer);
  • coffee or tea.


  • dried fruits compote;
  • toast with cold lobio.


  • ceremonial borscht (except regular products you can add mushrooms, olives, broccoli, green beans);
  • pilaf with carrots or pumpkin (for a traditional taste you need to use a lot of garlic with whole cloves and Khmeli-Suneli seasoning);
  • fruit salad.

Afternoon snack:

  • coffee;
  • lavash rolls with vegetable filling and spicy sauce.


  • onion soup with croutons;
  • champignons stuffed with pumpkin seeds, baked in the oven;
  • berry jelly on agar-agar;
  • Herb tea.

As you can see, the vegetarian menu can be quite varied. Use your imagination and don’t be afraid to experiment in the kitchen. Be healthy and beautiful! Bon appetit!