What pills to take to get better. How to gain weight for a girl at home quickly, without harm to health. Preparations for gaining muscle mass, nutrition. B vitamins

The causes of underweight are quite varied. Except genetic predisposition, which is simply pointless to fight, and due to physiological characteristics, excessive thinness can be provoked by:

  • digestive disorders;
  • endocrine;
  • hormonal;
  • oncological diseases;
  • a mental disorder such as anorexia.

Obviously, before starting the fight for normal weight, you should identify the cause of its lack, and do without help in this matter medical workers It's simply impossible. In addition, influencing body weight without eliminating the factor causing underweight is simply pointless.

Quite often, those who want to gain weight choose hormonal pills designed for weight gain. Let us immediately make a reservation that such drugs should be taken only after consultation with a doctor, because the thoughtless use of hormonal drugs can lead to truly irreparable consequences. negative consequences for the body.

Medicines for weight gain can be roughly divided by gender.

Apollo figure using a tablet

Hardly to be found modern man whoever has heard of drugs such as steroids. Most of them are based on testosterone. Its role in a man’s body is difficult to overestimate. It is he who is responsible for the development of sexual function and gives a man sexual characteristics, including the classic contours of the figure. Quite often men, especially athletes, to increase muscle mass They use steroids. They are effective, but far from harmless. This fact mainly contributed to the fact that such drugs were included in the list of prohibited drugs. The solution for men who want to increase body weight using weight gain drugs may be the drug Somatostatin (a pancreatic hormone). This product helps build muscle mass, and due to this leads to weight gain.

Hormonal preparations for appetizing forms

For women who have embarked on the difficult path of achieving optimal parameters through the gained kilograms, they most often come to the rescue hormonal drugs, which were developed as oral contraceptives, and a number of others medicines. Let's look at each of them in a little more detail.

Specially designed to eliminate all kinds of women's health problems, mainly in the reproductive sphere, the drug Duphaston gives tangible results in weight gain. However, weight gain is more of a side effect, so taking the drug without consulting a doctor is not recommended.

Relatively safe drug is Oxandrolone, however, purchasing this anabolic steroid, most often prescribed in postoperative period, again, should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Most safe means, promoting better absorption nutrients, is Peritol. This drug often causes a feeling of drowsiness (especially the first doses), so this remedy It is recommended to take at night. Peritol is available in tablets and syrup.

It is often used for girls suffering from anorexia, as it has antidepressant properties, such as Cyproheptadine. With the same problem, accompanied by increased excitability, Olanzapine or Chlorpromazine are recommended.

Inexpensive but quite effective remedies that are not related to hormones, but in fact promote weight gain, can also be used to solve the problem of deficient kilograms. These include glutamic acid, which regulates metabolism and brewer's yeast, which, in addition to influencing metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

Good quality reviews aid when trying to increase body weight, he receives a drug such as Riboxin. Without directly affecting weight (the drug rather increases muscle mass), this remedy, however, has a positive effect on the condition of the body, improving blood circulation and toning the body.

To summarize, we note that before embarking on weight correction in any direction, consulting a doctor is the initial stage of this process. You shouldn’t immediately jump into rather unsafe hormonal medications. It may be possible to solve the problem by eliminating its causes and adjusting your lifestyle and diet. Or maybe you can improve your quality of life without gaining weight at all, because sometimes the main problem is not subcutaneous fat or its absence, but in the head.

Are you eating right and still gaining weight? The cause may be not only high-calorie foods, but also medications that you take on the recommendation of a doctor.

This is a side effect that you may not even suspect, wondering why the arrow on the scale stubbornly moves to the right and the fasteners are already difficult to meet on your plump waist. However, many medications (from antidepressants to antihistamines) affect us in such a way that we become slow, lethargic, and move less. In addition, drugs of this kind can seriously affect metabolic processes in the body, even disrupting and slowing down metabolism. As a result, when undergoing treatment for any disease, you increase your weight and volume. So what is the way out of the situation? The main thing is to find out in advance which medications have a similar effect, and if this has already happened to you, then solve the problem together with your doctor.

Depressive hunger

After Elizaveta Miroshina showed signs of acute fatigue due to prolonged stress associated with overload at work, the doctor who observed her at the time prescribed a course of antidepressants. He assured that the only side effect of the drug could be increased appetite.

The medicine helped Elizabeth a lot. A few days after taking the drug, she already felt a surge of strength and energy, and enthusiastically took up work and home. Only after three months did she realize that she was gaining weight at an incredible rate. And six months later, Elizabeth gained almost 13 kg.

“I ate everything,” says the girl, “and couldn’t pull myself together.”

Then Elizabeth turned to another psychiatrist. The doctor prescribed her a drug that eliminates hunger and combines well with antidepressants. But everything remained the same. Excess weight has become an additional reason for worries and depression. As a result, the third doctor managed to break this vicious circle by replacing one drug with a gentler one, and canceling the second one altogether. Constant feeling hunger disappeared, but Elizabeth had to make great efforts to regain normal weight.

Diseases of the century

Almost 25% of women recover as a result of side effect antidepressants, hormonal and other drugs. At the same time, WHO experts note a significant increase in heart diseases, kidney diseases and diseases caused by hormonal disorders: Diabetes and depression are affecting an increasing number of the population. And many of existing drugs used for treatment listed diseases, can lead to excess weight and even obesity. Which, in turn, is a risk factor for the development of the same hypertension and. Vicious circle again?

“I believe that the seriousness of this problem is underestimated by both doctors and patients,” says nutritionist Alexandra Chastnikova. “Most people start taking medications without even carefully reading the instructions for use. Yes, the doctor prescribed it, he thought out a treatment plan for you.

But you know your individual reaction to this or that drug better than anyone else.”

Some drugs cause drowsiness and lethargy, other drugs increase the production of the “hunger hormone” - and all your thoughts are concentrated on the desire to eat. Each person’s body reacts differently to the effects of medications, so it is almost impossible to determine in advance how much you will recover during the course. Moreover, even those drugs that have not previously been identified as having such side effects may have this ability.

Take care of yourself

The best way to maintain normal weight- monitoring your reactions and body condition. “If you have to take a course of taking any drug, start weighing yourself every morning,” advises Georgy Chernov, Ph.D., head rehabilitation center. — An extra 2 kg that appears after starting to take medications is a sign of a side effect of the drug and a signal to consult a doctor. If you have a sudden increase in appetite, you should talk to your doctor about a possible change in medication."

Side effect of treatment


It all depends on the composition of the drug: while taking tricyclic drugs you can gain up to 4 kg per month, drugs containing lithium - up to 1 kg per month. Antidepressants belonging to the neurochemical class also lead to weight gain. If you take one of them and noticeably improve, this is a reason to change the medicine.

Antihistamines, sleeping pills

Many medications prescribed for allergies and sleep disorders contain diphenhydramine, a substance that causes muscle lethargy and general apathy during the day. So your physical activity decreases, unlike your appetite, which may even increase. And, accordingly, the body’s fat reserves increase.

Medicines that normalize blood pressure

Their alpha and beta components cause a feeling of general fatigue, which can cause excess weight (quite common information). If you feel a loss of energy, start drinking rosehip infusion, multivitamins and, most importantly, consult your doctor about a remedy that reduces the leaching of calcium from the body.

Psychotropic drugs

They greatly affect metabolic rate and appetite. Patients often gain 2.5 kg in a week. If this happens, ask your doctor about alternative means. For example, atypical psychotropic drugs do not affect metabolism.


Mainly used in the treatment of rheumatic pain and arthritis. Moreover, steroids have the property of enriching fat cells additional calories, which increases the body's need for food. An anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids will help.


Thank you for the article! I found a lot of interesting and useful things for myself.

Comment on the article "Medicines that make you fat"

Section: -- gatherings (Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome). About medical. Please tell me, is it easy for someone who has taken antidepressants and antipsychotics to get off them? I canceled it and everything is like never before, or it drags on and the body demands it and there may be an addiction.


Not only can you ask the doctor, but you also need to ask.
In my experience, it depends in what case you use it. If there are endogenous things (organic disorders), then only a doctor can decide. And there, most likely, strict titration and dose adjustment will be required. If exogenous disorders, then blood pressure can become something like psychological crutches: I’m used to them, but it’s scary without them.

A friend said that they gradually reduced the dose and prescribed something else.

I noticed that my daughter (she just turned 11) began to gain weight after starting to take hormones - 2 years ago. Do all hormones cause weight gain, or does it just seem to me that it’s due to hormones, but in fact the weight gain is associated with something else?


I am taking my daughter, 12 years old, off Ventolin, refusing hormones, hoping for adolescence, but even though all the signs of this age are there, the asthma does not go away: (According to my observations, Singulair has not worked even preventatively for the last year.

Pulmicort is of course strong drug, intended to relieve exacerbation bronchial asthma. It is usually not prescribed for a long time (up to 7 days), then they switch to basic therapy inhalers (in your case, beclazone).
The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on how successful it is to get rid of the “culprit” allergen. If contact with allergens cannot be stopped, the effect of treatment is of course reduced.
Singulair is a drug that is used only in combination with hormonal inhalers; it is not effective as monotherapy for moderate to severe bronchial asthma.
And finally, regarding growth. I will say from my own experience that I did not notice any serious retardation in growth and development in my patients who received steroid inhalers for a long time; basically, all of them were normal children. If the girl has really gained a lot of weight over a short time, look for other reasons, first of all get tested for hormones thyroid gland, Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and show the girl to a competent endocrinologist.

Obraztsov Andrey Sergeevich,

pediatrician, allergist-immunologist, Ph.D.

What about antidepressants? And weight?. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose However, many medications (from antidepressants to antihistamines) affect us in such a way that we...


I had some experience, although very low doses and not for long - on the contrary, she lost weight. I think it’s because I usually eat stress - there’s no stress, there’s no craving to please myself with food...

Depends on what. Selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake (Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil) and last generation- complex norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Cymbalta, Ixel), on the contrary, initially reduce appetite. Once you get used to it, this effect goes away. Weight has nothing to do with it. But tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors can. Choosing the right antidepressant is aerobatics.

Hormonal pills for the process of losing weight. I’m thinking of starting to take hormonal pills, but I’m afraid to start gaining weight, because Two children + an increased appetite also occur. I took the pills all the time, with the exception of pregnancy and breastfeeding (-3 years).


I drank for 2 years, the weight stayed and even fell.

They don’t affect me in any way - I drank in different periods and three-phase, and single-phase, and mini-drinks, and now the ring - nothing... All the increases are due to excess in food... But I don’t see any other alternatives to contraception for myself, so I’m not trying to write off anything for pills, but I honestly report the amount of carbohydrates I ate.

Antidepressants. Pharmacies, medications and vitamins. Medicine and health. And before prescribing medications, they will have a long and detailed conversation. As one psychiatrist said, refusing to work with a deaf-mute patient, “We work with words!


drank for six months four different drugs According to the scheme, everything returned to normal, many years have passed since then. The psychologist is not a specialist in psychopharmacology and expresses in this case not an expert opinion, but an everyday opinion at the “one woman said it” level.

27.05.2008 20:28:27, 6

I took amitriptyline in small doses (1/4-1/4-1/2, i.e. 1 tablet per day) for about 1-2 years, I don’t remember exactly. There was no dependence or addiction. I gave it up myself when I felt that I didn’t need it. About 15 years have passed since then. So your psychologist is wrong, when correct selection of the drug and an adequate dose everything will be fine.

Hormonal drugs are a terrible thing. 20 years ago I accidentally met a woman who had lost Yes, and hormonal inhalers also make us fat. Mine is not skinny now, unfortunately Section: Allergies (ketotifen makes you fat). For asthmatics and those who know the question.


I’m not asthmatic. But I definitely had an allergy to dust as a child, including dust. This was expressed in snot and sneezing. No asthma. Well, either I don’t understand what asthma is. Therefore, your diagnosis seems strange.

06/19/2007 10:36:45, Lindaa

Mine has asthma, but is not allergic to dust. Skin tests showed no dust at all. We don't use hormonal inhalers now. Only Singular, Intal, during an attack - Berotec or Ventolin.

Two years ago - yes, there was a very severe exacerbation of pulmonary emphysema, we used Symbicort for almost a whole year.

If a child only has a sore throat, sometimes coughs and sneezes, but this does not mean true asthma. Were there any attacks? Recorded in the map? What is the FVD? What does a lung x-ray show?

IMHO, based only on SUCH symptoms, I would not immediately start using strong inhalers. :(

Medicines that make you fat. What hormonal pills and antidepressants do you use to get better? Medicines that make you fat. The cause of weight gain may not only be high-calorie foods...


Naproxin is the strongest of the anti-inflammatories (Motrin, Advil). But they usually drink it for pain (stomach pain or bone pain:). Tylonol is the best for temperature. I personally love Theraflu, it’s a powder that needs to be diluted in hot water, includes a fairly high dose of Acytominophen (Tylonol) 650 mg, and other medications - for runny nose, throat, cough.

04.09.2006 14:25:23, Pomidorova L.

Isn't Motrin slowing down the pace???

then do this:
In Motrin, it seems the interval should be 6-8 hours, right?
Tylenol also has something like that.
One is ibuprofen, the other is acetaminophen. They can be combined. More precisely, alternate. If the pace does not drop from one drug, then try taking Motrin, after 3 hours Tylenol, after another three hours Motrin again, then if you need Tylenol again after 3 hours (the main thing is that from Motrin to Motrin the break indicated on the package is maintained, and between Tylenol too).

The only thing is that we have gained a little weight, I don’t know if it’s from this drug or something else. But not critical (in the column " average weight"We're getting there) And hormonal inhalers are also making me fat. Mine is not skinny now, unfortunately, despite the fact that Symbicort has already been discontinued.


We have been taking Symbicort regularly for quite some time. Every day morning and evening.

Looks like a good thing. There is no need to be afraid of hormones. They are local action and almost do not provide systemic action for the whole body.

Previously, only one tile was accepted. It seemed to me that since there were no obvious attacks, it was good. And then, during the examination, it turned out that the obstruction still persisted (the tailed could not cope) and even swelling appeared lung tissue with exposure of structural roots. Pulmonologists told me to URGENTLY switch to pulmicort + oxis, then (after a year) to symbicort.

So far I don’t regret it at all. The only thing is that we have gained a little weight, I don’t know if it’s from this drug or something else. But it’s not critical (we fall into the “average weight” column), there is no excess weight, it’s just that compared to what it was before taking the drug, the weight has become greater.

No way inhaled hormones They don’t affect development. You don’t take them in tablets.
They switch to hormones when the drug taken is not enough and the spasm, even in the small bronchi, remains constantly. The fact that you do not see obvious attacks does not mean that there is no obstruction. You see, it is there. Constant obstruction has a very bad effect on the lungs and their development. And due to the reduced volume of the lungs, the blood is poorly supplied with oxygen. The consequences of constant obstruction are quite severe, emphysema can develop.

Hormonal drugs that most effectively cope with the symptoms of menopause (the brain is also sensitive to estrogen deficiency), and only if they do not give desired effect The doctor will recommend contacting a neurologist and may prescribe antidepressants.


I took Diana. I haven’t gained a single kg and in general I’m very happy with this drug.

I don’t recommend it... It varies from person to person, but I noticed that if a person dreams of losing weight from them, on the contrary, they gain weight at a breakneck speed! :)

Not only men, but also women are concerned about the beauty of their bodies. And if someone goes to the gym to become slimmer, then there is a category that cannot gain weight. And in this case it is necessary to resort to pharmaceutical products, which are considered absolutely safe and effective, and also have fewer side effects.

What medications should men take?

Methionine amino acid that improves metabolic process and muscle growth. Without it, the synthesis of the majority is impossible important hormones and amino acids. With the help of methionine, fats are broken down and the liver is cleansed of harmful elements. Methionine helps overcome depression and cope with anxiety disorders. Found in dairy products, eggs, meat

Potassium orotate – One of the popular drugs in bodybuilding, improves performance of cardio-vascular system and has an important role in protein synthesis. It is also worth noting the anabolic effect, which helps to recover faster after training.

Riboxin – A drug that has a positive effect on blood circulation and the flow of metabolic processes and allows you to improve energy balance. It also has a positive effect on heart function. To increase muscle mass, it is recommended to use this drug in combination with potassium orotate.

Oxandrolone – This is a hormonal drug that perfectly copes with its functions. And this applies even to seriously ill patients, as well as those who have undergone operations. Like most hormonal medications, this one should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

Nutrizon. This drug has no contraindications and is absolutely safe. It replenishes the lack of protein in the body. By using this remedy, you can gain weight in the shortest possible time.

Peritol. This medicine is sold in the form of syrup and tablets. Has antiallergic and antihistamine effects. It has a calming effect on the body. Therefore, nutrients are absorbed faster and body weight increases. Actively used for anorexia. But a prescription is required to purchase the medicine.

So that you don’t have to worry about searching of this medicine, I will inform you that it is not available in pharmacies, the drug has now disappeared from pharmacies, there are practically no analogues in terms of the mechanism of action either

Dexamethasone. Acting hormonal agent local use. Its administration occurs parenterally, intra-articularly, conjunctivally, in ear canal. It makes it possible to stabilize metabolism. According to some data, dexamethasone exhibits the same catabolic activity as cortisol, which leads to muscle destruction, the development of bone fragility and fat deposition, so I do not recommend it as an option for weight gain.

Inexpensive and one of the most popular drugs among athletes is glutamic acid . Glutamine plays the role of an amino acid that activates central system. At the same time, it takes part in the metabolism of fats and proteins in the body. This drug increases blood circulation and also transports oxygen to the organs.

What should women take?

Duphaston. It is considered a hormonal therapeutic drug, the active substance of which is dydrogesterone - it is this drug that is responsible for weight gain. But before use you need to consult

Elkar. This medicine is used to combat anorexia, as well as for emotional stress and training.

Also don't forget about digestive enzymes And vitamin complexes , which play an important role in weight gain

Do not forget that pharmacy medicine will not give the same result as sports nutrition or pharma, you should not expect a “miracle” effect from them.

If you know of any other drugs for weight gain that are sold in pharmacies or the results of taking the above drugs, write in the comments.

Hormonal pills for weight gain are used only in in case of emergency. The majority of people suffer from excess body weight. This is due to incorrect food preferences and bad habits. also in modern world many young people lead sedentary lifestyle life. It also leads to the accumulation of excess weight. But there are also young people who are underweight. This problem can be solved various methods. Taking hormonal drugs is more effective.

Causes of lack of weight

For calculation ideal mass body nutritionists use the calculation of the average index. If the patient has a value of less than 18, then it is necessary to gain weight. The following pathologies can be the cause of lack of body weight:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Muscular atrophy;
  • Past oncological diseases;
  • Increased metabolism.

Common cause low weight are hormonal imbalances. At the same time, the level of testosterone in a man’s blood drops. The hormone has an important effect on function various systems body. Under the influence of testosterone, the patient develops secondary sexual characteristics and develops a muscular frame according to male type. If its level in the blood is insufficient, the man suffers from dystrophy. In this case it is necessary full examination patient and prescription of hormonal pills.

Endocrine pathologies have a detrimental effect on lean body mass and metabolism. Often people who are underweight suffer from diabetes. With this disease, tissue trophism is disrupted. Lack of oxygen affects vital functions mast cells. These cells serve as a reservoir of lipids in the male body. If there are few mast cells, then body weight begins to actively decrease. The patient becomes thin and lean.

An additional reason for weight loss in diabetes is taking medications containing metformin. This substance blocks the absorption of lipids. Fat absorption does not occur. To avoid this, it is necessary to additionally use hormonal therapy. The selection of funds is carried out by a doctor.

Muscle atrophy can develop in patients who have been inactive for a long time. In men, the cause of this pathology can be a heart attack or stroke. Recovery from these diseases occurs through long time. The patient is on outpatient treatment. At the same time, the patient's metabolism is greatly reduced. Treatment of these diseases is accompanied by special dietary nutrition. All this entails strong decline weight. If the weight drops to 60% of the usual, the patient is prescribed hormonal treatment.

Oncological diseases can occur in acute and chronic form. In case of indolent form of oncology, the patient receives medical treatment. The main treatment for cancer is chemotherapy and radiation. In this case, the functioning of all the patient’s organs is disrupted. Cells stop accepting oxygen and feeding tissues with it, tissues die. To restore the function of mast cells and make the body work normally, the patient is given special drugs that will help you gain weight painlessly.

Among skinny people There is also a category that has an increased metabolism. These people do not suffer from any diseases and have an excellent appetite. But when food enters the stomach, it is quickly broken down and eliminated. It is difficult for such people to gain weight even with the help of harmful and fatty foods. Weight gain is achieved through special training and medications.

Nutritionists try to rarely resort to hormonal therapy. Patients who gain weight on such drugs have associated complications. Due to the risk of complications, doctors recommend this treatment for the following patients:

  • Anorexics;
  • Neurological patients;
  • People suffering from hormonal imbalance;
  • Cancer patients.

The main group of patients undergoing hormonal therapy are anorexics. The diagnosis of these people is very scary. Anorexia is accompanied by psychological disorders. Such patients believe that they have excess weight. Eating becomes less frequent or stops completely. The disease often causes the death of the patient. Many patients try to gain weight last stage pathology. This becomes impossible because the body does not perceive food. Any food that enters the stomach will be rejected. The body mass index of anorexics decreases rapidly. The patient loses physical activity, becomes lethargic and tired. With this pathology, all organs and tissues suffer. The main cause of death is considered to be cardiac arrest due to myocardial atrophy.

To prevent pathological decline the patient's weight must be placed in a special recovery center. Several specialists work with the patient simultaneously. Only a psychologist can identify the cause of anorexia, since pathology is psychological disorder. A nutritionist can resume nutrition and normalize food digestibility. The doctor will prescribe the necessary nutrition, formulate daily menu and pick up drug treatment. Hormones are taken under the supervision of a cardiologist and gastroenterologist. Both specialists monitor the operation of systems responsible for a man’s life.

Neurological patients suffer from lack of body weight due to severe atrophy of the muscular frame. A neurologist, cardiologist and endocrinologist are involved in the patient’s recovery. Such people have a weak and underdeveloped muscle tissue. Pathology often occurs with various previous diseases central nervous system. Modern doctors have noted an increase in cases cerebral palsy. The disease is especially dangerous for children. This category of patients has underdeveloped muscles. Weight gain is achieved using special exercises to develop muscle elasticity and selection necessary nutrition. Hormone therapy appointed to adolescence for the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and muscle development.

If a man has eunuch-like signs, it is necessary to consult a specialist. These persons have high voice, female build, thinness and short stature. A common cause of this phenomenon is a lack of testosterone.

Hormonal changes occur in boys between 12 and 16 years of age. If during this period secondary signs did not manifest themselves, specialist intervention is necessary.

Cancer patients have a number of initial signs of the disease. Many patients note a sharp decline weight six months before cancer diagnosis. After a course of chemotherapy, body weight further decreases. Recovery is carried out by taking hormonal pills under the supervision of a specialist.

What drugs are used to gain weight?

Weight can be increased with various hormonal pills. Weight gain is a side effect. Tablets such as Clostilbegit, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Oxandrolone, Chlorpromazine and Duphaston have this effect.

Clostilbegit tablets are prescribed to women who have not ovulated for a long time. The substance affects the growth of follicles. It was noted that the reception this drug accompanied by sudden weight gain. The reason for this is hormonal stimulation. IN male body These tablets affect the production of the hormone estradiol. This substance is necessary for spermatogenesis and metabolism. Taking the pills is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. Throughout the treatment, the man needs to donate blood to check his hormone levels.

Dexamethasone tablets are used to treat acute forms arthritis, arthrosis or spinal hernia. Since the pills are hormonal, the patient quickly gains weight. This property is used by specialists to restore patients after anorexia. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since the tablets have many side effects.

Prednisolone is used for various allergic diseases. Modern doctors try to prescribe it less often due to severe weight gain. Nutritionists took advantage of this property of the tablets. Prednisolone is prescribed to patients with a mass index less than 18. The patient's weight stabilizes during the first three months of treatment. The downside of the pills is that they increase body fat only by abdominal area, face and hips. The legs and arms do not grow larger.

Chlopromazine is used to treat patients with mental disorders. The main effect of the drug is to normalize the psycho-emotional level. The property is used for anorexia. Patients recover faster and lose interest in various diets, become more calm.

Side effects

All hormonal pills have side effects. The following disorders are detected in patients:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Endocrine abnormalities;
  • Disturbance of the gonads.

Often, men taking hormonal pills experience potency disorders. Libido decreases sexual contacts become less common. This leads to disruption of the testicles. To eliminate this side effect, you must follow proper nutrition, daily routine, have good physical activity. Following these rules will help you take hormonal pills without developing complications.

If a man is underweight, he needs the help of a specialist. It is not recommended to take hormonal pills on your own.

Many people sleep and see to lose a few extra pounds, however, for some, the extra weight would be very helpful. The problem of weight loss and gain is the most important one today. The bottom line is that people don’t think at all about their health, proper nutrition and regularity. life cycle. All this together can lead to significant weight loss. On the other hand, some deliberately recruit overweight, because they are simply not satisfied with their natural build. To date, scientists have developed quite effective programs and drugs for weight gain for both women and men. Anyone can go online and order special medications, the choice of which is simply enormous. But you should also remember about the dangers of such “operations” with your body. We will look at the most competent ways to increase weight in this article.

Ways to gain weight

Before considering weight gain drugs directly, you need to try the natural, most proven method - nutrition. The human diet is the whole system, which can be used both for gaining and losing weight. To gain extra pounds, you should simply increase the number of calories consumed in your diet. There are a lot folk remedies that promote weight gain, for example:

  • barberry tincture
  • dandelion root tincture
  • tincture of wormwood
  • beer and walnut tincture

The most positive aspect of such remedies is that a person does not need to use medications. Mass gain is based on natural ingredients that are perfect for both women and men. But if the presented approach does not give the desired result, you can try special drugs for speed dial weight.

What drugs are there for weight gain?

You need to understand the fact that weight gain drugs work on the “side effect” principle. In other words, there are no universal pills that are created specifically for a person to gain weight. There are many medications that can cause weight gain as a side effect. The problem is that similar “medicines” are carried by others negative effects. For example, dexamethasone will be an excellent assistant in the process of weight gain, however, with constant irregular use, it may cause diabetes. In addition, the drug acts while it is in the blood. As soon as the intake into the body is interrupted, the gained weight will immediately be lost. In addition, the body's reaction can be extremely negative when the drug is discontinued.

Weight gain during training

There are several drugs that are used during training. The first one is called oxandrolone. As a rule, it is attributed to people who have undergone injury or major surgery. The drug is a steroid, so it is used during rehabilitation training in conjunction with a properly structured diet. But, like all steroids, oxandrolone is quite dangerous for the body. During normal training, experts advise taking Elkar. It will not only help you gain weight, but also stimulates digestion, metabolism, protein and fat metabolism. Great for men who play sports professionally.

Hormonal drugs for weight gain

Most strong medications for weight gain are hormonal. Most often they are attributed to people who suffer from anorexia (dystrophics). Although in many cases absolutely healthy people accept medical supplies for rapid weight gain and muscle mass. Hormonal drugs are well known to women who have encountered pills for unwanted pregnancy. Weight gain is a medically recognized side effect. In addition to contraceptives, fast growth body weight is guaranteed when using steroids. However, there is enough serious problem concerning all hormonal drugs – uncontrollability physiological processes. The fact is that weight gain when using steroids cannot be controlled either by diet or physical activity. In many countries around the world, steroids are prohibited by law, although this does not exclude their use for medicinal purposes, for example, for rehabilitation.

The best drugs for gaining muscle mass

Of course, steroids promote very rapid burning of fat in the body and gain muscle mass, but it is unknown how the body will react to them. Before directly using these drugs, you should consult a doctor, as side effects Nobody canceled steroids.

Side effects of drugs

To avoid having to do an MRI of the intestines later, you need to consult a doctor before taking pharmaceutical drugs for weight gain of any kind. Doctors have identified a number of the most common side effects that occur with misuse drugs for weight gain, namely:

  • pancreatic diseases
  • adrenal gland disorder
  • Many women often experience suppression of the thyroid gland
  • bowel dysfunction

In addition to the listed diseases, hormonal drugs negatively affect the entire body and also cause cancer. Any sudden increases in weight should be monitored and immediately reported to the doctor, so as not to further aggravate the painful situation of the body.

The most harmless drugs

If we ignore all the side effects and negativity in general, we can still highlight some drugs that do not have a detrimental effect on the human body.

  1. Riboxin allows you to increase blood circulation in the myocardium. As a result, the body needs more calories to function, which means that they will be absorbed in large quantities and faster.
  2. Digestive enzymes (Mezim, Festal) help to establish the process of absorption of vitamins by the body. Ultimately, a person may eat little, but the benefit from it will be maximum.

In conclusion, it should be added that we are all unique, therefore there is no need to artificially change our physiology, since this is contrary to nature. If you nevertheless take this serious step, then the process of weight gain must be coordinated with an endocrinologist or nutritionist.

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Weight gain pills

Thin people have a problem that is not understood by those who want to lose extra pounds: the need to gain weight. Since this is quite difficult and time-consuming to do with nutrition, many people happily resort to medications to gain weight. It's fast and reliable way to achieve the necessary goal, but it cannot be called completely safe, therefore, before deciding which weight gain pills to take, you should definitely consult with your doctor, especially since most drugs in pharmacies are sold only by prescription, and purchasing such medications “ "from your hands" is not allowed under any circumstances.


One of the fairly popular drugs for weight gain is Nutrizon, which contains a large number of squirrel. It is sold in bags or bottles and is intended for people with anorexia, those who need extra nutrition due to illness or surgery, and those who want to gain weight. The drug promotes better tolerability and facilitates the absorption of nutrients during functional disorders and motor impairment gastrointestinal tract. A contraindication for use may be individual intolerance to any component of the drug.


Another effective remedy for weight gain - peritol. It has an antiserotonin effect, which makes it possible to treat various conditions associated with exhaustion of the body and simply increase weight if necessary, during anorexia or metabolic disorders. Peritol is available in tablets and syrup, and it is best to take it for the first time in the evening, since the drug has sedative effect and causes a feeling of drowsiness. However, after some time of use, it goes away. Other side effects are possible: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and others. Of course, in order to gain weight you need not only to take peritol, but also to eat high-calorie foods, because the effect of the medicine is to improve the absorption of nutrients, which means that the body needs to receive these substances in sufficient quantities so that there is something to absorb.

Medicines for women

There are some girls who would like to gain weight to round out their curves. But this should be done very carefully, just eat sweets and flour products- not an option, since this will not only add weight, but also increase fat mass and will make the figure unattractive. Very often, low weight is a consequence of lack of appetite, so in order not to harm themselves, girls need to take weight-stimulating pills and eat healthy, high-calorie foods to gain weight. Please note that hormonal pills also help in increasing body weight, but they can be very harmful to the body, and weight gain when taking such drugs may be uncontrollable.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves what to take to gain weight, but it is worth remembering that young people, in early age You should not start taking pills to increase weight. At this age, the body's metabolism is very fast and this may be the cause of weight problems, but after a while everything can change and weight will begin to gain without the help of any drugs.

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At the same time, older people, although their metabolism is already slower, also have low body weight and they can also take pills to increase it. This should only be done in small quantities and better after consultation with a doctor who, having carried out all necessary tests, will prescribe the required dose.

How to gain weight for a girl?

It is impossible to recover from OK. AHA! let's tell tales here. I gained weight from Jess, although I was always skinny. GuestFrom modern contraceptive hormones it is impossible to get better. We recovered from the hormones of the last century, the 60s, the components were different. They also recover from huge doses of hormones with serious treatments. The doctor told me that if the pills are chosen correctly, then you won’t get better from them.

The doctor offers Diana 35 or Janine. I’m quite thin, so it would be nice if I could gain some more weight. OK, who gets fat from which pills? Sorry, I’ll say it rudely, you need to eat less so that later you don’t blame it on hormones.

And then the doctor will select the pills for you. The pills only increase your appetite. I drank both Yarina and Jess - I didn’t get better from either! Young girls in the period of maturation and first love are rightly concerned about the question: are there any birth control pills that do not make them gain weight?

Birth control pills that help you lose weight should be selected carefully and only after consulting a doctor. Any independent actions can lead to irreversible consequences. Experts note that if hormonal contraceptives are chosen correctly and in full accordance with the available hormonal levels women, she will never get better from taking them. Microdosed - Lindenet, Mercilon, Logest - tablets are intended for use by young girls and women who are just starting to have sexual relations with men.

Contraceptives that help you lose weight deserve special attention. Modern birth control pills have a very low hormone content and guarantee 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy with minimal risk to health.

Despite the effectiveness and prevalence of birth control pills in the Western world, many are still afraid to use them due to persistent myths about them. negative impact to your health. The estrogen contained in the tablets promotes the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, but in no case fat deposits, i.e. you can gain 1-2 kilograms, but not necessarily.

2. The use of birth control pills can lead to cancer. It's just the opposite! Often, birth control pills are prescribed for this purpose, and not to protect against unwanted pregnancy. 4. Long-term use pills threatens infertility. 5. When constant use You need to take breaks from taking birth control pills. The effectiveness of birth control pills may be reduced when combined with certain other drugs (especially antibiotics), so you should always consult your doctor in such cases.4.

Three-month cycle tablets

If after finishing the package you still become pregnant, do not panic - birth control pills do not have any effect on the health and development of the embryo.6. If you smoke and are over 35 years old, it is not recommended for you to take birth control pills, as this will increase the risk of blood clots. And finally, the most actual question for women on this topic - when will birth control pills for men appear?

Hi all. For health reasons, I need to take a course of contraceptives, since my male hormones are too high. Sister with therapeutic purpose Zhanine was discharged! she has recovered greatly!

How to gain weight quickly at home

Nonsense, you can recover from any kind of nonsense. You need to look at your prolactin level, if it’s initially high it means it’s from everyone! ok, with artificial estrogen in the composition, you will gain a lot.

Maybe I’ll lose weight?))) My friend gained a little weight from Yarina - literally 4 kg - but 4 months after starting to take OK, her weight returned to normal. From 55 kg I began to weigh 80 kg! Now I drink Yarina, I have also gained weight, but only by 5 kg in a year. In general, this is individual, it is better to go to a gynecologist and have a hormone test done. 6-8 kg, they simply don’t know what awaits them during the withdrawal: these kilograms will return in just a couple of months and will bring with them even more extra ones with a disruption in the cycle to boot.

Yarina has been taking it for three months, prescribed by a gynecologist to control estrogen, and she has gained 5 kg. I won't say that I eat a lot. I notice fluid retention. I always weighed 45-46 kg, I couldn’t gain more, I never limited myself in food, no diets or increased exercise. I took Yarina for only 2 months, gained 20 kg and now I haven’t been able to lose it for a year, I eat practically nothing, I gave up all sorts of goodies, but the weight doesn’t go away.

Pregnancy and childbirth

I’ve been drinking Median for 1 year, I’ve gained about 7 kg in weight, my lifestyle is quite active and I eat as usual. Some doctors talk about the presence of such hormonal contraceptives, from which they lose weight, weight gain does not occur, but the existing one even decreases somewhat. Moreover, taking contraceptives affects not only a woman’s weight, but also many other important aspects.

A good specialist will require appropriate tests to determine exactly what medications a woman should take in order to avoid becoming pregnant. Negative influence contraceptives in general on the functioning of the body have been identified and confirmed by specialists. Provoking similar diseases Taking hormonal contraceptives, which cause weight loss, will make it difficult to cure them.

Taking birth control pills for weight loss may cause weight gain and may not protect against unplanned pregnancy. Birth control pills do not affect a woman's fertility in any way.