The use of hormonal pills. Female hormonal drugs and pills - Full list

Hormonal drugs have become a part of life modern man. With the help of these drugs, people not only control fertility and treat infertility, but also many other diseases, including those associated with thyroid gland.

Effect on weight

Hormonal pills for weight gain, more precisely, muscle mass, exist. Perhaps all athletes know this. And many people believe that any hormonal drugs will have a similar effect. Yet this is not so. Moreover, there are even hormonal diet pills, these are drugs for the treatment of hypothyroidism - a pathology of the thyroid gland when it produces insufficient amounts of hormones. This disease greatly affects a person’s appearance and leads to weight gain, even if nutrition and physical activity remained the same.

Well, hormonal birth control pills sometimes lead to gaining a few extra pounds. However, in the case of new generation drugs, such side effects occur less and less often. Exit - change hormonal contraceptives, at least a drug, or even find another way to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Impact on appearance

It is known that modern oral contraceptives may or may not have an antiandrogenic effect. Speaking in simple language, reduce or not reduce the level of “male” hormones in a woman’s body. At great content testosterone, a woman begins to grow facial hair, acne appears, and her skin becomes oily. Hormonal acne pills can be used. But not all of them. IN medicinal purposes are prescribed “Diana-35” (it must be taken into account that the estrogen content in it is the highest), “Yarina” and “Zhanine”. The same drugs are recommended for PCOS to normalize the cycle.

Are there any hormonal drugs for breast enlargement or is it a myth? What woman doesn't dream of an attractive bust? Indeed, there is evidence that contraceptives can cause visual enlargement of the mammary glands. True, this occurs due to slight tissue swelling and is temporary. It is not observed in all women taking the pill.

Impact on women's health and pregnancy

Often, contraceptive hormonal pills for women are also prescribed with the aim of improving the quality of life of a woman, preventing iron deficiency anemia. This is necessary when heavy menstruation. For the same reason, hormonal pills for endometriosis are very often recommended. After all, this disease is most often the cause of large blood loss. You can take any low-dose combined oral contraceptives for endometriosis. But “Janine” is usually prescribed, since the manufacturer of this product assures that it is effective in this particular area. If “Janine” is not suitable for some reason, price, or simply provokes side effects more than three cycles of administration, then you can ask your doctor for the name hormonal pills, which may suit you specifically better than him.

Drugs are often prescribed to treat infertility. If it has an unknown cause, then doctors suggest trying the so-called rebound effect. This is when the reception takes place hormonal drugs for 3-6 months, and after discontinuation of the drug, the woman is actively trying to get pregnant, leading an unprotected sex life. After all, after stopping contraceptives, the ovaries almost always begin to actively work, and full ovulation occurs.

Usually, menstruation becomes regular when taking hormonal pills, but taking them for a long time can lead to negative phenomenon in the ovaries, they stop working fully. Once you stop taking it, ovulation does not occur. Because of the very low level progesterone after hormonal pills there are no periods, however, this phenomenon is temporary in most cases and does not require treatment. But nevertheless, if there are no real problems, and there is a desire to conceive a child, there is no point in taking contraceptives. The time period when you can become pregnant after taking birth control pills varies greatly, and it is impossible to predict how your body will react to taking and stopping the drug.

In case of infertility, progesterone preparations rather than oral contraceptives are often used. Especially if laboratory research Lack of progesterone in the second phase has been repeatedly proven menstrual cycle. The doctor will tell you what hormonal pills to take in this case. Usually "Duphaston" or "Utrozhestan" is prescribed. Moreover, it is advisable to start taking them only after ovulation, so that they do not interfere with its onset. And take for 10 days. If pregnancy has not occurred, which is proven by a pregnancy test, and better analysis blood test for hCG, then the drug is discontinued and menstruation begins. If pregnancy occurs, then taking the progesterone drug should be continued.

What harm can hormonal pills cause? Everything is described in the instructions. But one of the most common is the growth of uterine fibroids, if it is progesterone-dependent. Modern doctors women who have it gynecological disease, we advise you to be very careful when handling similar drugs and do not take them for prophylactic purposes.

Only one question remains open - these are hormonal pills for menopause for women after 45 years. The so-called hormone replacement therapy when a woman reaches menopause is a means to preserve beauty and health for a long time. But unfortunately, HRT has many contraindications and side effects.

Many women refuse to take hormonal medications, citing the fact that they have a lot of disadvantages and side effects. The most common misconception is the appearance of extra pounds and excess body hair. Remember that if the drug is prescribed correctly and in the correct dosage, then no problems will arise. Taking hormonal medications is irreplaceable and necessary in many cases; not only the patient’s well-being but also general state her health.

Progestins and progesterone

Progesterone is a hormone corpus luteum ovary, is primarily responsible for stimulating the uterine lining during pregnancy and menstruation. Among the common drugs in tablets are:

  • Pregnin - drug synthetic origin, prescribed for low functionality of the ovaries, absence or too scanty periods, infertility;
  • Norkolut is a progestin drug with very high activity, prescribed for irregular menstruation, endometriosis, and adenomyoma. It has serious contraindications and side effects, so a doctor’s consultation is required before taking it;
  • Postinor is one of the most popular oral contraceptives; it is also called “a means emergency contraception" To protect against unwanted pregnancy, it is important to take the drug as quickly as possible; after 48 hours, most often it is no longer effective.

All hormonal drugs, both natural and synthetic, have contraindications, but they can be sold in pharmacies over the counter. If your health is important to you, be sure to consult your doctor before taking them.

Combination drugs

Combined products can be called universal. They are successfully used to treat many diseases, and also as oral contraceptives. The most popular combination drugs are Rigevidon, Demoulen, Divina, Ovidon. Even if you plan to use combination drug for contraception, consult your doctor. Incorrect use and overdose of such medications can cause nausea, vomiting, but there is no threat to life.

It is also worth remembering that some medications can enhance the effect of hormones. For example, vitamin C enhances the effect of the hormone estrogen, and calcium improves its absorption. You should also talk to your doctor about the rules for taking and combining medications.

Thyroid hormones

In cases of thyroid dysfunction in women and men, the problem may also be a lack or excess of hormones. Thyroid hormones in tablets are effective method get rid of the disease and restore general health, but such drugs must also be prescribed by a doctor.

Initially, you should establish the cause of the problem and only then deal with it. If hormones are prescribed incorrectly in tablets, the condition may not only not improve, but may even worsen.

Hormonal pills can work wonders, but only if they are taken and prescribed correctly. Tablets must be taken in a timely manner and in strictly prescribed doses, in otherwise New health problems may be added to existing ones.

If you are taking oral contraceptives and have problems with the cardiovascular system or thyroid gland, then taking any medicines must be strictly agreed with the doctor. Do not let diseases take their course and do not self-medicate under any circumstances!

Estrogen is a female hormone that maintains the microflora inside the entire body, improves the development of a woman’s body and gives all the features and characteristics that are characteristic of women.

There is also a phytohormone, that is, a phyto-estrogen found in plant cells. With a lack of this hormone, women experience problems, after which they appear, painful menstruation and deviations in the development of external signs.

When there is an excess of this hormone, it occurs overweight body, in addition to the gonads and mammary glands. Excessive amounts of estrogen can also affect a pregnant woman.

Estrogen and its role in the female body

The main purposes of estrogen in a woman’s body are:

  • Indicator of femininity;
  • Regulation of all vital processes of the body;
  • Maintain stability;
  • Speed ​​up processes chemical reactions in organism.

Female hormones begin to be produced at the beginning of puberty before menopause.

It is at the beginning of the development of this hormone that a woman’s figure begins to appear in girls:

  • Slim waist;
  • Narrow shoulders;
  • Wide hips;
  • Enlarged breasts.

In addition, estrogen forms female monthly cycle. So that menstruation occurs continuously for 4 to 7 days every month on the same day. Usually, 27-32 days are counted after the start of the last menstruation for the development of new ones.

They disappear during pregnancy, and also if the cycle is disrupted, the arrival of menstruation can change numerically. All these physiological processes necessary for normal pregnancy women and the birth of a normally developed child.

In addition to estrogen, there is another female hormone, which is responsible for those vaginal discharges that occur after or before menstruation.

The process of discharge is called ovulation, which usually occurs two days before menstruation and continues for a week after menstruation. If these secretions are not observed, then progesterone is not in the woman’s body. Progesterone is responsible for the second half of menstruation.

At what period of life is estrogen in tablets needed?

With an excess or lack of estrogen in a woman’s body, serious illnesses leading to serious consequences:

  • Obesity;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Diseases associated with capillaries, blood vessels and veins;
  • Women's diseases (for example, and their diseases, infectious diseases, ).

It is during these periods of life that women need to control the balance of hormones in orgasm. In case of excess, doctors recommend active image life, diets and medications that regulate the amount of estrogen in the body.

The drugs should be used strictly as prescribed, otherwise an overdose may result in death (as an initial sign).

Female hormones in tablets, or in teas and other forms of estrogen should be consumed only as prescribed by a doctor. Of course they stimulate normal development passage of the menstrual cycle, but their excess is not normal.

Benefits of Estrogen Pills

First of all, you also need to look at the benefits of pills containing sex hormones.

In general, all types of hormonal drugs can be divided into two groups:

  • Treatment groups
  • Contraceptives

The essence of the action treatment group and contraceptives is clear. Contraceptives should be taken only exclusively when you are sexually active; it is not recommended to take them just like that, as they can cause complications in the reproductive system.

It is also necessary to separate the main classes of drugs that contain estrogen:

  • Steroids natural origin, which consist of estrogen. Obtained by biotechnology.
  • Synthetic drugs received artificially, using chemical additives.
  • Phyto-estrogens. Obtained using biotechnology by isolating DNA from plants containing plant estrogen.

You need to understand the fact that phyto-estrogen for the human body does not provide the same substances that are found in human hormones, therefore, when consuming phyto-estrogen, it is necessary a large number of. For example, hop cones contain female hormones, but to brew tea you need to collect several kg of leaves to get 30-50 g of estrogen characteristic of humans. This is not economically viable.

Benefits of using estrogen tablets:

  • One hundred percent probability of action;
  • Eliminates the likelihood of disease occurring in female body;
  • Fresh and young facial skin;
  • During menstruation, it helps reduce pain and blood loss in large quantities.


In addition to the benefits of taking estrogen tablets or other dosage forms, there are also contraindications or “cons”:

  • Excess body weight;
  • Appearance malignant tumors;
  • Disruption of the endocrine system;
  • Nervous system disorders;
  • Disorders in the circulatory system.

Everything will depend on the person’s immunity, that is, how much his body can tolerate the use of these pills and how he can remove them and carry out chemical reactions.

Gynecologists also advise taking dietary supplements to speed up chemical reactions in the body, but not all supplements will have a positive effect on health! You should contact several specialists at once.

Absolute contraindications

Let's consider absolute contraindications to the use of hormonal drugs as contraceptives:

  • During pregnancy it is not allowed to use contraceptives;
  • Diseases associated with poor clotting blood;
  • Cancerous tumors, that is, malignant;
  • Liver or stomach diseases.

All these disturbances appeared after misuse hormonal drugs containing estrogen.

Relative contraindications

There are also relative indicators when using contraceptives containing estrogen:

All these relative and absolute contraindications relate specifically to contraceptives. Side effects may also occur, most often they are indicated on the paper of the medicinal product.

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We settled on one drug - which helped cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to... Once I started taking it, it became much easier, you can even feel it that some kind of internal energy. And I even wanted it again sexual relations with my husband, otherwise everything happened without much desire."

Adverse reactions

The occurrence of side effects strictly depends on the condition of the woman as a whole:

  • What diseases did she have before using hormonal drugs?
  • What diseases do you currently have?
  • Allergy to various active substances.

When purchasing medicine, you need to pay attention to active substance this drug. The active substance is the main substance from which the entire drug consists. It can affect each person differently, depending on the individual. Human immunity plays an important factor.

  • Walnuts and almonds
  • Chamomile tea

Side effects when taking contraceptives

Great concerns are always associated with the use of contraceptives, because the health and development of the unborn child may depend on their use if a woman suddenly becomes pregnant. They are the ones who can upset the balance in the microflora of a woman’s vaginal area.


The downside of most drugs is side effects. Often medications cause severe intoxication, subsequently causing complications in the kidneys and liver. To prevent side effect For such preparations, we would like to draw your attention to special phytotampons.

At the very beginning of using hormonal drugs, you may experience:

Estrogens can also cause effects on the body:

  • Carcinogenic. Indicates the appearance of malignant tumors.
  • Mutagenic. Causes disturbances in the genophone of a woman’s body, where the number of chromosomes in DNA is disrupted.
  • Eratogenic the action forms poor development of the embryo in the mother's placenta, this action can lead to developmental disorders of the child.


In case of overdose occurs:

  • from a woman's vagina
  • Nausea and gag reflexes

Overdose can also lead to fatal outcome Therefore, you should monitor and strictly consume a certain amount of this drug.

It is also necessary to consult a specialist and conduct an analysis of the interaction of estrogen drugs with any others. For example, the interaction of estrogen with drugs that restore the body after seizures is prohibited. The effect of estrogen can be enhanced by dietary supplements, as well as vitamin C.

My personal story

With premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge, it's over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared her experience:

It's scary when women don't know the real reason their diseases, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of the gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic; every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about something new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores immunity, which simply restarts the body and turns on the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of disease...

Estrogen pills

Usually the required amount of sex hormones is produced at a certain time.

But in adult women, this process takes longer, and sometimes does not even occur at all. Therefore, they use tablets with estrogen, which normalizes all processes occurring in the woman’s reproductive system.

In women, upon the onset of menopause, there is constant discomfort, it even becomes unpleasant for the woman herself, and because of this they use drugs.

Menopause usually occurs due to:

  • Vegetation disorders in the reproductive system;
  • Inflammation in the urogenital area, as well as inflammation of the ovaries;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Woman's age.

Drugs containing estrogen include:

  • Estriol analogues and Estriol itself;
  • Microfollin.

Each of these medications has its own active substance, some have the same one, and the only difference is the price.

Many women are afraid to take pills, but more have a positive attitude towards various teas and even IVs or injections. This is due to the fact that tablets with estrogen cause an effect on the entire body, and, for example, vaginal suppositories only on the genital area.

Do not be afraid to take it, since in any case the doctor will recommend a certain amount of intake per day, which will not cause any complications in the body.

To find out what hormones a woman needs, their balance in the body and quantity, you need to use the services of special clinics dealing hormonal levels person. In regular clinics where they take tests for various infections in the reproductive system of a woman or a man, such procedures are not performed.

Oral contraceptives, or birth control pills allow a woman to stop the formation of a zygote after sex, that is, stop the process of the appearance of an embryo.

There are the following types:

Presented with the following drugs:

  • Yarina. This contraceptive, the active substance of which is drospirenone. Suppresses the effects of ovulation and various secretions before and after menstruation. Menstruation begins to occur regularly, but overall body weight may increase. Cost of packaging with 21 tablets. – 1100 rub., 63 tablets from 3000 rub.
  • Belara. The active substance of the drug is chlormadinone acetate. If used for a long time, it can reduce vaginal discharge. Suppresses ovulation completely. This may also increase the patient's weight. Price of tablets – 21 pcs. 730 rub., 63 pcs. 1900 rub.
  • Janine. Ethinyl estradiol is the active ingredient of the contraceptive. Menstruation passes painlessly and regularly at certain times without disturbance. Sharply reduces heavy bleeding during menstruation. Reduces the risk of malignant tumors, that is, it is not carcinogenic. Cost 21 tablets. from 1000 rub, 63 tab. 2300 rub.

Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy is the process of the ovaries secreting sex hormones in both women and men. Hormone replacement therapy is a replacement medicines, obtained chemically, the functions of the ovaries.

These drugs include those that contain:

  • Estrogen
  • Androgen
  • Gestagen

Such drugs include:

  • Premarin. Used during menopause. The active ingredient is estrogen itself. Contraindications include: pregnancy, lactation, allergenicity. Apply orally for 20 days once a day. Depending on the disorders, the dose constantly fluctuates. Regulates and maintains reproductive system adult women.
  • Divina. Estradiol is the active substance of this drug. Take according to instructions also for 20 days. It is not recommended to take simultaneously with sedatives such as glycine. Price from 730 rub.
  • Klymen. Estradiol is also an active ingredient. Effectively controls menstruation. Reduces. Cost 21 tablets. from 1350 rub.
  • . Exactly the same as with the drugs Klimen and Divina - estradiol, the active substance. Replenishes estrogen in the female body. Reduces the emotional behavior of women during menstruation and menopause. It has high absorption properties, so it is easily and quickly absorbed into the body. Price from 950 rub.

How to maintain normal estrogen levels?

In order to maintain hormones in the human body in correct level and to prevent their violation, you must remember important rules in life:

Of course, if natural natural remedies do not help the person, then you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will always recommend reliable contraceptives and some antidepressants.

The idol of many women, Coco Chanel, argued that youth begins only after 70 years. But some ladies, already after 35-40, begin to notice obvious signs of aging: wrinkles, aging skin, deterioration in health, and the development of diseases. There is a way to stop these processes - female hormones in tablets. But what will consuming them bring - health and youth or cancer and excess weight?

Why take hormones in pills?

A modern woman wants to be young, desirable, attractive even when her age has exceeded 40. Old age and its companions - decrepitude, loss of activity, age-related diseases- is not in fashion now. Today, hormone-containing drugs are used to combat them. What problems do they solve? Female hormones in tablets have the following effects:

  • eliminate the deficiency of sex hormones, which means they prolong youth;
  • maintain skin elasticity and firmness, reduce the rate of wrinkles;
  • prevent the development of obesity;
  • female hormones in tablets after 50 years reduce the risk of developing diabetes, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis (which leads to excessive fragility of bones);
  • eliminate diseases caused by atrophy of the vaginal mucosa; itching and dryness in this place;
  • are an element of therapy chronic cystitis associated with atrophy of the bladder mucosa;
  • eliminate the problem of frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • pills - female hormones during menopause significantly alleviate the condition, restore efficiency and wellness(reduce the number of hot flashes, reduce sweating);
  • are prophylactic against the development of diseases of cardio-vascular system and stroke.

What role do hormones play and what does their deficiency lead to?

home gonad in a woman's body - the ovaries. Nature has entrusted them with the responsibility of secreting sex hormones. They retain moisture in the skin, so young girls have smooth tightened skin, their mucous membranes are moisturized, their eyes emit a mesmerizing shine.

But after 40 years, the amount of female sex hormones decreases, which becomes noticeable in appearance: the skin becomes dry, wrinkles appear, the look becomes dull. These are signals of approaching old age. Female hormones estrogens in tablets help replenish the supply of hormones.

The most important hormones of “femininity” are 2.

  1. Estrogens. They stimulate cell formation bone tissue(therefore, their lack results in brittle bones). Hormones ensure health blood vessels, prevent fats from becoming embedded in their walls (eliminate the risk of heart attack and stroke). Estrogens have positive impact on arteries, brain, immunity. These substances improve skin condition, enhance sexual desire, ensure the growth of mammary glands, are responsible for normal sleep. It is simply impossible to describe all the functions of these hormones, since their number reaches up to 400! Suffice it to say that they are involved in the work of the heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs.
  2. Progesterone. It is necessary so that a woman can bear a child, and also participates in the production breast milk. The hormone prevents excessive growth of the uterus. A decrease in its quantity is accompanied by the appearance of gynecological diseases - endometrial polyps and hyperplasia.

Female hormones, estrogens in tablets - is menopause cancelled?

Several varieties have been developed to replenish estrogen. hormonal medications. To delay the onset of menopause and all its unpleasant consequences, your doctor may prescribe female hormones in tablets. Names of such drugs:

  • Estrace, Gynodiol, Estradiol benzoate, Estradiol succinal - taken orally. Appointed for a long period of time;
  • tableted vaginal preparation- Vagifem. Eases the symptoms of menopause;
  • to correct the menstrual cycle (which is important for 40-year-old women) Mikrofollin, Proginova are prescribed;
  • Estrofeminal, Presomen. Coated tablets; effective means, improving the condition of a woman during menopause;
  • Chlortrianizene (used to treat breast cancer), Tephastrol - stimulates the development of the uterus.

Female hormones in tablets after 40 years are prescribed for insufficient ovarian function. They are indicated for primary and secondary menopause, sexual insufficiency, climacteric disorders. Such hormone therapy is necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis, normalization high blood pressure and elimination of spasms of peripheral vessels.

Taking hormonal drugs is prohibited if tumors, vein thrombosis, diabetes, cardiac ischemia, stroke, liver disease (cirrhosis), vaginal bleeding, viral hepatitis, severe headaches of unknown etiology. Treating menopausal symptoms with estrogen-containing medications may not be suitable for active smokers either.

Progesterone - gestagen deficiency is no longer a threat!

Today, age-related deficiency of the female hormone progestogen can also be compensated for by pills. During menopause, female hormones are produced by the ovaries in very small quantities. Therefore, a drug such as Progesterone (and its analogs Geston, Ginlutin, Lutein, Progestin, Lucorten) will effectively replace the work of the ovaries.

Replacement therapy can also be carried out with the help of Duphaston and Utrozhestan. These remedies are indicated not only for pregnant women: they are also prescribed after removal of the ovaries, for amenorrhea, fibrocystic mastopathy and to mitigate the symptoms of menopause.

It is not recommended to use medications with gestagens for those who suffer from kidney and liver failure, hypertension, bronchial asthma, thrombophlebitis or thrombosis. Serious contraindications are diabetes, migraine and epilepsy.

What can replace hormonal drugs?

Although safe female hormones have already been developed in tablets that can cause minimal side effects, not all women agree to such treatment. How then can one compensate for the age-related deficiency of hormones in order to live during menopause? full life? You can try to balance your diet. It should include seafood, cabbage, soy, rhubarb, and legumes. Rowan and sage fruits can supply female hormones to the body.

Pharmacists are developing new drugs that can delay old age and alleviate the condition of women. Why are patients so afraid of such treatment? There is a prejudice that taking them can negatively affect character, increase weight and even cause cancer. In fact, modern hormonal drugs do not have such harmful influence on the body and help bring weight back to normal. But the safety of their use directly depends on how correctly the drug is selected and prescribed.

Hormonal pills are a group of medications containing hormones or their synthetic analogues. With their help, hormone therapy is carried out.

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    Principles of classification

    In medicine, hormonal drugs are classified as follows:

    • preparations of natural hormones (made from the glands of livestock, blood and urine of animals, humans);
    • synthetic medicines;
    • derivatives of hormonal substances.

    Synthetic analogues differ in their structure from natural hormones, but have similar physiological effects. IN human body Hormones are produced to control vital functions.

    Each gland produces certain substances:

    • the pituitary gland produces gonadotropin, oxytocin;
    • pancreas - insulin;
    • adrenal glands - glucocorticosteroids (strong anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, analgesic substances), sex hormones, anabolics.

    There is a false belief that hormonal drugs are harmful. Doctors say that the drugs of this pharmacological group are an important and necessary addition complex therapy. Medicines often provide a decent quality of life severe patients(at chronic pathologies). In some cases, hormonal pills can save the patient's life.

    Hormones are prescribed in the following cases:

    • contraception;
    • replacement therapy for menopause;
    • combating testosterone deficiency;
    • treatment of inflammation, allergies;
    • fight against hormonal deficiency for hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease;
    • oncology therapy.

    Oral contraception

    This type of therapy is considered the most common way to use hormonal pills. Scientists have proven that high doses of sex hormones inhibit the ovulation process. This releases toxins. Then scientists synthesized hormoneoids (substances with high efficiency and excellent tolerability). The resulting product is reliable protection against pregnancy without harming your figure. Overweight do not bother, there is no impact concentration of the substance.

    The effectiveness of all contraceptives is assessed using the Pearl index (determines the probability of pregnancy during the year at regular use medicines). The average value of the indicator is up to 3%. Typically, with regular use of contraceptives, the probability of pregnancy rarely exceeds 1%.

    Doctors distinguish the following groups of hormonal pills:

    1. 1. Combined.
    2. 2. Non-combined (mini-pills).
    3. 3. Female emergency contraception.

    Combined medications

    Combination drugs (COCs) are effective means for preventing pregnancy. They contain 2 main components: estrogen and gestagen. Ethinyl estradiol acts as an estrogen, and levonorgestrel, norgestrel, and other synthetic hormones act as a gestagen. The concentration of hormones is minimal, which ensures their safety. Rarely occurs when consumed unwanted reactions: excess weight, breast tenderness, anorexia.

    Monophasic medications include a constant concentration of hormones in all tablets. Despite the cyclical hormonal changes in the body, monophasic drugs are a strict dose of the hormone that is delivered daily. Doctors believe that these drugs - the best choice For active women up to 35 years old. Logest - name effective drug this group.

    Logest is a hormonal drug produced in Germany. Contains 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 75 mcg gestodene. Ideal for young women as it is easy to use and transport.

    Lindinet is a complete analogue of Logest. It differs in its dosage (it contains 30 mcg of estrogen). This is a Hungarian drug with excellent tolerability. Janine is a hormonal drug consisting of ethinyl estradiol and gestagen. The Pearl index when using the medication is 1%. It has some differences from other drugs: it has active androgenic activity (thanks to dienogest). Therefore, the medication is primarily prescribed for increased content male sex hormones. New studies have proven that the drug has a strong hypocholesterolemic effect.

    Effective drugs

    Yarina is considered the most popular contraceptive drug in tablets. This German drug contains ethinyl estradiol (30 µg) and drospirenone (3 mg). The product reduces the concentration of cholesterol and has an antiadrogenic effect. Yarina - excellent remedy from teenage acne, it is often prescribed for acne due to its ability to slow down production sebum and reduce signs of illness.

    Diane-35 has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect, therefore it is widely used to combat acne and seborrhea. In addition, the drug is recommended for contraception in women with signs of hirsutism (excessive hair growth).

    Jess - effective remedy with antiandrogenic activity. Due to gestagens, all side effects of the drug are neutralized. Therefore, the drug is well tolerated. Jess softens the signs premenstrual syndrome, having a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. Low-dose COCs include Rigeviron, Femoden, Novinet, Miniziston, Regulon.

    Biphasic medications

    Biphasic drugs are complex hormonal tablets, the main difference of which is more high concentration gestagen. In this way they support the physiological cycle in the female body.

    Three-phase COCs are presented in the form of groups of tablets. The concentration of estrogen is maximum, and the content of gestagen increases from phase 1 to phase 3. These drugs are more modern and act physiologically. Experts advise buying monophasic contraceptives. As hormone concentrations change, the dose increases active ingredients. This most often provokes the appearance side effects(especially for two-phase ones). Representatives of two-phase drugs: Anteovin, Bi-Novum. Three-phase drugs are represented by such medications as Triziston, Tri-regol, Trister.

    The main action is to prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy. This action, regardless of the composition and dosage of the medication, is based on blocking sex hormones responsible for ovulatory functions. The ovaries go into “sleep mode” and decrease in size. In a similar way, ovulation is suppressed and the properties of cervical mucus change.

    For maximum effect and protection against pregnancy, it is important to use the drugs regularly throughout the entire course of therapy (21 or 28 days). They are taken once a day. What to do when you miss your next pill? It must be drunk as soon as you remember it. Then the drug is taken according to the old regimen, even if you have to take 2 tablets.

    For effective and reliable protection It is important to assess the length of the period during which the drugs were not used. Being late up to 12 hours does not require any additional actions- protection against pregnancy remains close to 100%. More long absence contraception requires the use of additional protection (barrier, spermicidal contraception).

    Pros and cons of using COCs

    The medications in question have the following advantages:

    • fight against menstrual irregularities, PMS (normalize the cycle, reduce blood loss, minimize signs of PMS);
    • treatment of acne, seborrhea, acne pathology (for this, COCs with antiandrogenic effects are used);
    • prevention benign formations mammary gland;
    • prevention of the development of ovarian cancer, endometrial carcinoma (protection from pathologies lasts up to 15 years after discontinuation of COCs).

    Negative effects from taking combined hormonal drugs:

    • the likelihood of side effects;
    • need for daily use.

    Contraindications to the use of combination drugs:

    • thrombotic diseases of deep veins;
    • diabetes;
    • oncology;
    • vaginal bleeding;
    • liver diseases;
    • age after 35 years;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • drug use;
    • Many drugs are strictly forbidden to use if the kidneys or adrenal glands are damaged.

    What is a "mini-pill"?

    By “mini-pill” we mean contraceptives with one component - gestagen. The dose of the substance is minimal. Such medications are prescribed to persons over 35 years of age, women with diabetes mellitus in the anamnesis. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication to their use.

    But mini-pills have a lower Pearl index. The use of such drugs provokes intermenstrual bleeding, the occurrence of ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy. Contraceptive effect mini-pill drops significantly if taken in different time. The most common representatives of the group are Linestrenol and Levonorgestrel.

    Urgent contraception is ambulance in unforeseen situations. They contain high doses of hormones. Known emergency contraceptives:

    • Postinor;
    • Escapelle.

    Menopause period

    Menopause is another reason to use hormones. During this period, the following symptoms appear:

    • irregular periods;
    • hot flashes;
    • sweating;
    • tachycardia;
    • vaginal dryness;
    • osteoporosis.

    The reason for such a bright clinical picture of the disease is estrogen deficiency. But the body can be successfully deceived by consuming estrogens. Medicines with a contraceptive effect are ideal.

    For this purpose use:

    • pure estrogen medications;
    • estrogen-progesterone drugs;
    • estrogen-progesterone-androgen combinations.

    Most often, drugs of the first group are prescribed. They contain a conjugated hormone of animal origin (from the urine of mares). The most popular drugs: Estrofeminal, Premarin, Hormoplex. They should be taken daily at the same time of day for 3 weeks, then a week off.

    Representatives of complex two-phase drugs:

    1. 1. Divina is a Finnish remedy containing estradiol and gestagen.
    2. 2. Klimonorm is a German drug from Bayer. Contains estradiol and levonorgestrel.
    3. 3. Clymene includes estradiol and cyproterone.

    Three-phase medications are used constantly (Trisiquens, Trisequens forte.)

    Replacement therapy: contraindications

    There are conditions in which hormonal therapy is strictly prohibited:

    • breast cancer;
    • endometrial oncology;
    • liver damage;
    • uterine fibroids.

    Side effects:

    • mood swings;
    • intermenstrual bleeding.

    Before prescribing such therapy, carry out full examination female patients. Hormonal treatment- This is the main way to fight cancer. Similar therapy is used to combat hormonally sensitive tumors. Hormones inhibit growth cancer cells, improving the well-being of patients.