How to gain weight in a short time. How can a girl gain weight quickly for a beautiful figure? Weight gain at home

Being too thin can be just as frustrating as being too fat. People facing weight gain problems do not fully understand how to gain weight naturally. If you're wondering how to gain weight quickly and healthily, then you should know that there are certain foods and exercises that can increase your daily calorie intake and lean body mass.

You need to gain weight in the same way as to lose it, adhering to a specific and harmonious plan, program or approach. You need to focus on the food you eat, how often you eat, and what exercises you do to build muscle. There is no need to add extra calories through processed and refined foods, as this will not help you gain a healthy weight and will lead to inflammation, low energy and other health problems. Instead, you need to eat nutrient-rich foods that will fuel your body and help you gain health benefits.

Why do people want to get better?

Although there is a lot of information on how excess weight or obesity can affect your health, do not forget that being underweight is also associated with health risks. In most cases, being underweight is due to poor diet or unhealthy eating habits. It is extremely difficult for such people to give up their usual lifestyle and gain weight correctly.

Technically, a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5 is considered underweight. That is, based on the body mass index table, a girl 165 cm tall should weigh 51-65 kg to have a “normal” weight. A 183 cm tall adult guy would need to weigh between 63.5 and 80 kg to fall into the “normal” weight range.

The most common health risks of being underweight are:

  • weak immune system
  • problems coping with illnesses
  • lack of vitamins
  • developmental problems (mostly in children and adolescents)
  • fertility problems
  • Irregular periods and the risk of developing amenorrhea
  • bone loss
  • anemia
  • kidney disease
  • fatigue and lack of energy
  • thin hair and dry skin

In 2014, the Swiss National Research Group examined the link between underweight and mortality. More than 31,000 subjects aged 25-74 years took part in this study. 3% of them were underweight and 90% of this group were women. Researchers found that skinny people are more at risk of dying from external factors such as an accident or suicide.

These studies show that low body weight not only increases the risk of injury, but also reduces survival after accidents. The study also found a link between low BMI and depression and an increased risk of suicide.

This is why it is extremely important to gain weight if you lack it. Read on to find out how to gain weight quickly and without harming yourself, and what to do if you can’t gain weight.

How to gain weight quickly and safely

Maybe you don't feel well and want to get better so you can become... healthy people, or maybe you are unhappy with your appearance and want to be more prominent?! In any case, there are a few basic tips that will show you how you can gain weight quickly and correctly. Below in the article I outlined how to gain weight at home for women and how to gain weight quickly for men, what you need to do if you can’t gain weight.

1. Add More Healthy Calories

When trying to increase your calorie intake, quality should be more important than quantity. High-calorie fast food or processed foods will not literally add healthy weight to you. Instead, add more to your diet. healthy calories and feel a real surge of energy. Include nuts, seeds, cottage cheese, coconut oil or olive oil in your diet to provide healthy calories and nutrients to your body.

I'm not a fan of counting calories because I think it's better to stick to intuitive eating. However, if you decide to gain weight quickly, I will give you some recommendations on how to calculate required amount calories. The exact number of calories you need to eat to gain weight will depend on your metabolism, age, gender and heredity. General rule weight gain is that you need to eat more calories per day than you burn. The number of calories your body needs each day to function properly is called your total daily energy expenditure. The number of these calories is usually greater for men than for women, since men have more muscle mass.

Daily energy expenditure is made up of your basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories burned at rest (pumping blood, breathing, thermoregulation) and the number of calories burned during exercise. To gain weight you need to eat more number daily energy expenditure. There are special trackers that will help you calculate the number of calories burned per day. If you are a man, then add another 250 extra calories per day, and if you are a woman, then add 125 extra calories per day. Start here and record your progress for the first two weeks. You want to start building muscle, not fat, gaining weight, not getting fat, so stay within my recommended calorie intake.

2. Eat 5 times a day

If you want to know how to get fat quickly, then I can advise you to eat more often. Two or three meals a day will not give you the calories you need. Aim for five meals a day. They should be turned on high protein food with complex carbohydrates (instead of refined ones) and healthy fats.

Eat small portions throughout the day and more often, which will ease digestion and prevent bloating and lethargy after meals. Plus, you can consume more calories without feeling overfull as you would with three meals. At first it may seem like you are eating too much, but your body will get used to it over time and adapt to this routine. You can even indulge in a cocktail with your meal.

It seems to me that you will even allow yourself to have a snack before bed. And I'm sure you've heard about not eating a few hours before bed, but that's not the case. Our bodies work hard throughout the night to recover, so a little protein or carbohydrate boost can't hurt, especially if you want to gain weight.

3. Eat healthy snacks

Healthy snacks between meals will increase the number of calories consumed per day and provide the body with an additional source of protein and carbohydrates to stay alert and get better. TO healthy snacks I include ajil, vegetables and hummus, yogurt with probiotics, seeds, nuts and berries, hard-boiled eggs and gluten-free crackers with peanut and almond oils. You can snack on fruits as they improve cognitive function and emotional condition, reduce anxiety levels and increase energy. All of these factors contribute to weight gain.

Don't forget to count everything you eat during snacks. Don't choose foods with empty calories for snacks. Instead, use your snack as a great opportunity to get something out of your meal. more protein And healthy fats during the day.

4. Move more

You're probably thinking that you shouldn't exercise while you're gaining weight to avoid losing it again. But exercises like yoga, explosive training, and strength training can help you build muscle and gain a healthy weight. Getting better does not mean acquiring excess fat deposits and getting a lot of health problems, such as high cholesterol or triglyceride levels, high blood pressure and insulin resistance. The best way Gaining weight quickly will result in gaining muscle mass, for this you need to exercise at least 5 times a week.

How to gain weight correctly: what to eat to gain weight, and what is better to exclude

If you want to build muscle and gain weight naturally, then you need to make adjustments to your diet. Throw away all foods that do not contain all the essential nutrients to maintain hormone balance, vital important functions body, energy and muscle growth. Stop your choice on the most wholesome, healthy and organic food that will give your body necessary macronutrients: fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Foods that will help you gain weight quickly:

  • Healthy fats: There are two types of healthy fats that will help you gain weight. required weight and muscle mass. Omega-9 fatty acid is a type of unsaturated fat found in vegetables and animal fat. The benefits of these fatty acids are increased physical activity and greater energy reserves. The best sources of omega-9 fatty acids are avocados, olive oil, almonds and macadamia nuts. Short chain fatty acids found in butter and coconut oils, is also a good option for muscle growth and weight gain, and they are not stored as fat in the body. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are also important, so eat more yolks, walnuts, chia and flax seeds, salmon.
  • Pure protein: To determine the dose of protein for weight gain, then you need to take your normal weight and eat the same number of grams of protein per day. That is, if your weight is 73 kg, then you should only have 73 grams of protein per day. Try to get these grams of protein from healthy food sources such as beef, salmon, chicken and turkey, and eggs. Animals, poultry and fish should be raised in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat. High-quality protein powders can be used to meet your daily protein requirement. I recommend using whey protein or bone broth for this purpose.
  • Carbohydrates: To gain weight quickly, I recommend eating more gluten-free carbohydrates by adding them to side dishes, salads, and between-meal snacks. Research shows that combining protein with carbohydrates produces a greater anabolic response than consuming protein alone. The best sources of carbohydrates are root vegetables containing complex carbohydrates and important nutrients. Starchy vegetables like yams, russet potatoes, and sweet potatoes provide fiber, nutrients, and complex carbohydrates without a little sugar. Gluten-free grains are also a good choice, as they prevent bloating and give you an energy boost. Good grain options include brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, and non-GMO polenta. Fruits are also considered a good source of carbohydrates. Eat bananas, apples, mangoes and berries.

Foods that are best not to eat when gaining weight:

  • White sugar: The truth is that sugar is bad for you and will literally destroy your body if you eat too much of it. White refined sugar leads to diseases of cardio-vascular system, metabolism, leaky gut syndrome, diabetes, fatigue and unhealthy weight gain. Avoid foods with added sugar, various sweeteners and sugary drinks.
  • Refined carbohydrates: Food with the addition of refined carbohydrates can hardly even be called food. It has no nutrients. This food acts like an injection of sugar directly into a vein. It releases insulin, which turns sugar into stored fat instead of giving the body energy to build muscle. Refined carbohydrates negatively affect cholesterol, insulin and triglyceride levels in the blood. Stay away from white breads, pasta, white rice, baked goods, cereals and refined grains.
  • Hydrogenated fats: They contain trans fats, which interfere with normal cellular metabolism and are linked to a host of health problems, including heart disease, digestive disorders and high cholesterol. These rancid oils, such as vegetable, soybean, canola, and corn, inhibit muscle recovery after exercise, interfere with healthy weight gain, and cause inflammation.

Exercises for gaining weight

If you're wondering how you can gain weight quickly by doing exercise, then it comes down to choosing the right exercises that will help you build muscle without burning too many calories. To start, limit the amount of aerobic exercise you do. Cardio exercise burns a lot of calories and works against you, so instead of going for a long run, take a walk to work up an appetite. Or better yet, do explosive training, which consists of performing the exercises for 30-60 seconds at a maximum and resting for 30-60 seconds. Explosive training at home will help you both gain weight quickly and build muscle mass. You can do squats high jumps and stretching to get your heart beating faster.

You can take up strength training, which involves lifting weights and strength-training exercises such as CrossFit, yoga, or barre. When lifting weights, perform 6 to 12 repetitions, 5 days a week, for an hour. This will help you gain weight through muscle mass.

A study published in Sports Medical Reports shows that inactive adult population Earth loses from 3 to 8% of muscle mass every 10 years. A 10-week course of resistance training can increase muscle mass, physical performance, cognitive abilities, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increase mineral density bone tissue. Strength training reduces the discomfort of arthritis, lower back pain and prevents the aging of skeletal muscles.

Do you want to know how women can gain weight quickly? Forget all the speculation that strength training is only for men. Research shows they improve physical, emotional and intellectual state, as well as the social well-being of women. Strength or resistance training helps women and men build muscle mass, maintain their strength, and improve their flexibility and mobility.

What not to do when gaining weight: healthy weight vs. unhealthy weight

Here's the most common mistake people make when trying to gain weight quickly - they eat tons of food that has a lot of calories but little nutrition. Think about how you will feel after a few days of your efforts: tired, bloated, swollen, unable to concentrate on anything, sleep or exercise. The list goes on.

Habit is, of course, good, but it is better to choose foods that are rich in nutrients, fresh, unprocessed, organic and in their natural form.

A healthy weight comes from:

  • Organic, high quality protein
  • Healthy fats
  • Unrefined complex carbohydrates
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Nutritious, high-protein cocktails
  • Freshly squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables
  • Eating small meals frequently
  • High protein snacks between meals
  • 7-9 hours of sleep per night
  • Lack of stress
  • Strength exercises with elements of light cardio

Unhealthy weight comes from:

  • Processed, refined or packaged foods
  • Refined, white and artificial sugar
  • Sweet drinks
  • Alcohol
  • 1-2 meals per day in large portions
  • Fast food (french fries and baked goods)
  • Sleep less than 7 hours per night
  • Stress
  • Sedentary lifestyle

How to maintain the weight you've gained

If you've had problems gaining weight in the past, then you'll likely have to work to keep it off again. If you go back to your old eating habits and stop exercising, then the weight you struggled to gain will disappear before your eyes.

To maintain the pounds you gain on the scale, continue to eat more calories than you burn in a day. Eat in small portions more often to avoid overeating and prevent bloating. Use snacks to get more calories and nutrients from your food. I'm a big fan of all kinds of cocktails, and I recommend it to you. Add Protein Powder to Your Diet High Quality, kefir or probiotic yogurt, leafy greens, avocado, fruit, coconut or almond milk. This will give you an extra boost of protein, carbs and healthy fats.

Keep moving, do strength training with light cardio. This will ensure that the muscles remain the same.


  • Do you want to gain weight quickly? To do this, you need to make several changes in your lifestyle and diet to start gaining weight correctly and without harm to your health. Increase your healthy calories, eat 5 times a day, snack between meals, and exercise to build muscle.
  • To gain weight quickly, you need to eat high-quality protein, healthy fatty acids including omega-3 and omega-9, and complex carbohydrates from starchy vegetables and gluten-free grains.
  • Limit your cardio if you're trying to gain weight and do strength training instead. This will help you build muscle mass and achieve the desired weight gain.
  • Don't indulge in empty calories in an attempt to gain weight - this will lead to health problems such as high cholesterol and insulin resistance. Choose foods carefully, giving preference to healthy and nutritious foods that will give you a tremendous boost of energy and help your body work like a clock.

If for a woman the issue of weight gain is usually not relevant, then for a man, especially for young guys and teenagers, it turns into real problem. It happens that no matter how much a young man eats, his weight does not increase. All kinds of tests have already been taken and tried various ways nutrition and physical activity, but the question of how to gain weight quickly remains open.

The main mistake is not understanding that when gaining weight you need to adhere to a certain system: you need to adapt it to yourself and strictly follow it. In this case, success is almost guaranteed, and you can gain the desired weight within a short time. After all good body makes a man sexually attractive, slim and fit. And against the backdrop of all the favorable changes in appearance, the man also becomes more self-confident. Ultimately, success comes to him in personal relationships, his career succeeds, and all areas of his life improve.

The main rule is that you should not just pull out some individual recommendations and try to implement them separately, but follow the entire system at once.

    More water. Strange as it may sound, drinking plenty of water has a beneficial effect on weight gain. But this means water, and not cola, juices, coffee and other drinks. The fact is that water is the original and necessary condition health of the body. It is what cleanses the blood and helps it quickly transport micronutrients to all cells of the body.

    Make your diet more calorie dense. Without increasing your caloric intake, you will not be able to gain weight. In order to correctly calculate daily calorie content, you need to use a special table and calculate from it optimal indicator, suitable for your weight. Then add another 300-500 kcal to this result. The resulting figure is the daily calorie content of your new diet.

If you gained weight for a while and then slowed down, add another 300-500 kcal again. And this is what you need to do every time you notice that you have stopped gaining weight. Soon you will be able to reach your ideal caloric intake, which will provide your body with a stable gain of muscle and fat mass.

Advice: in order for weight to increase, it is necessary that the energy input in the form of products always exceeds the body’s immediate needs for this.

    Fractional meals. With such high calorie content products, it will be impossible to eat it all in 1-2 times. All should be divided daily diet for 3 main servings - breakfast, lunch and dinner, and still leave room for several snacks between them. This will help the body to be constantly busy digesting food, which has a positive effect on weight gain. In addition, with regular nutrition, digestion will improve, which will also have a great effect on ultimate goal in the form of a beautiful figure. To quickly gain weight for a skinny guy - a condition fractional meals must be complied with.

    Be sure to exercise along with gaining weight. Physical activity will help pump up muscles in those places where it is needed. If you just eat high-calorie foods and exercise little, then instead of muscular beautiful body you can get a fat keg. This is most likely not the goal of anyone who wants to gain weight. Be sure to visit the gym, choose the optimal training system and gain weight wisely. This is doubly important if a teenager needs to gain weight quickly

It is important that the percentage of muscle exceeds the percentage of body fat. This is the only way to get perfect body. But do not forget to take a break from classes periodically. Ideal schedule- classes every other day, at least three times a week. On days when the body takes a break from the gym, muscle mass increases especially quickly.

    Control your weight. Buy a scale and weigh yourself regularly. Record your results in a diary, carefully monitor how much you add per week, per month. This way you can understand which foods and measures help you gain weight best.

    Need more sleep. Sleep is an important condition for maintaining the body normally. It restores the body and keeps it in working order. Without normal sleep, it is difficult to talk about the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, you should ideally sleep eight to nine hours every day.

    Make it a habit to regularly shop for groceries. Don’t let it happen that you come home from training and the refrigerator is like a ball.

    Prepare lunch and dinner daily and in advance. This will help you plan your time more rationally and stay in the right shape while continuing to gain weight.

    There is no need to be sophisticated in preparing some complex dishes, unless, of course, you are a professional cook. You can calmly and harmoniously gain weight by eating ordinary, uncomplicated foods. And you can cook from them simple, but delicious dishes. The same scrambled eggs, porridge, soups and pasta have not yet been canceled.

    If you go to school/work/to the gym, take food with you. Don't skip meals. Regularity is very important when it comes to weight gain. Get plastic containers and pack lunch in them for work. And you can take a shaker with a protein shake to the gym. Drinking immediately after training, it will properly close the carbohydrate window.

    In order to increase your appetite, you can take dietary supplements. For example, brewer's yeast.


Let's figure out exactly how to eat right to gain weight. Basic Rules:

    It is not recommended to take a break for more than three hours between meals. Eating more often is possible.

    Breakfast is a must. You can have a full breakfast 20 minutes after waking up. Porridge, scrambled eggs, sandwiches - such food should become a daily morning ritual.

    Products such as nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits and a mixture of all this, as well as sandwiches, are ideal for snacks. Wash down better milk, it promotes weight gain well. Natural yogurt and fat cottage cheese Also good as a snack. Start drinking protein shakes - they are not only healthy, but also contribute to weight gain. You could even say it's unique sports nutrition for the skinny.

    Don't forget to eat immediately after your workouts. During sports activities, a lot of calories are burned and muscle volume decreases, so it is imperative to restore losses - within 30 minutes to 2 hours after exercise, eating is required. And it is important that the dishes contain more carbohydrates and protein.

What to eat to gain weight

    Pasta. A great option for gaining weight. Spaghetti and pasta are nutritious and high in calories. They are tasty and filling. And there are a huge number of options for dishes with pasta.

    Protein food, as a building material for all muscles and cells, should be present in the diet daily. Chicken meat, nuts, milk, eggs and fish are especially useful. This type of nutrition will help you quickly gain weight and strength.

    Milk. With its help you can quickly gain weight at home.

    Nuts. Load up on peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts.

    Olive oil. Provides the body with essential microelements and substances. You can fry it or add it to salads, make various sauces and gas stations. In one tablespoon olive oil contains 100 kcal.


When gaining weight, exercise is mandatory. It is not enough to gain weight, it is also important that this weight is properly distributed in the body. What's the point of gaining weight if fat is deposited on your stomach and waist, and you turn from a skinny wimp into a fat wimp. Therefore, the gym is a must. Build muscle mass and you will soon notice the first positive signs that your figure is becoming more powerful, stronger and more expressive. Gaining weight and pumping up is quite possible.

    Start small. Take light weights, there is no need to risk your health and immediately rush to heavy equipment and serious loads. The body needs to be accustomed gradually - it will categorically disagree with an approach that is too fast and harsh. This could all result in severe pain, torn ligaments and other “delights” of overload. As your weight increases, your loads will also increase.

    With your trainer, choose a set of exercises that will evenly pump all the muscles of the body. Don't focus only on pectoral muscles or just on the legs. This will make the figure skewed. But be sure to consult with a coach; do not take risks on such an important issue on your own.

    Squats as a form of exercise are a must for gaining weight. The fact is that when performing them, all the muscles of the body are involved, especially if it is a squat with weights.

    No need to do cardio. Cardio will not help you gain weight. Focus on strength training.

    Rest between workouts.

The truth is that poor nutrition slows down all your attempts to gain weight. To add lean mass, these eight proven methods will come in handy. Let's study them in detail.

Ator: Vince Del Monte

Brief summary of the article

  • Eating everything is not the best strategy for gaining muscle mass.
  • Rule number one is to simply double your regular serving size.
  • Watch what you eat, otherwise you risk getting fat.

Eight secrets on how to gain weight and not get fat!

Everyone would agree that to gain muscle mass we have to eat, right? I hope you agree, otherwise you're just on the wrong site.

If you train without drugs, you will not be able to gain weight or significantly increase muscle size without consuming enough quality calories to support hypertrophic processes, that is, muscle growth.

You won't be able to gain muscle mass without consuming enough quality calories.

Conversely, if you don't eat well, you risk losing muscle mass, no matter how hard you train.

In light of the above, you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to understand that the more we eat, the faster we gain weight and grow faster. But is it?

Not really.

Poor nutrition slows down all your attempts to gain weight - this is the absolute truth. But there is a big difference between the concepts of “gain total weight” and “gain muscle mass.” Here we strive to increase weight precisely due to muscle mass, and not to a banal increase in total body weight.

Now we've stepped on my pet peeve...

Guys who justify eating all sorts of junk food in order to gain weight are also putting up with excessive increases in body fat (more than I condone in my book) in hopes of stimulating additional muscle growth.

This tactic doesn't work.

You need to understand that when we're talking about about gaining muscle mass, your body's potential is very limited. But unfortunately, the same cannot be said about its ability to increase fat tissue reserves (otherwise we would live in a much more attractive society).

The ability of the human body to build muscle mass varies greatly from person to person. They depend on how much protein your body can synthesize, and this, in turn, is affected by testosterone levels, the degree to which it increases due to stress, tissue sensitivity to insulin and genetic predisposition yours muscle fibers to growth. And many more factors.

Now let's look at eight secrets that will help you gain lean weight and increase your daily diet, without turning you into a fat guy.

1. Double the quantity

If you are not gaining weight, the solution suggests itself - you need to give your body more calories. What's the easiest way to raise your caloric intake through the roof? Double your portion sizes! For example, if you previously ate one chicken breast at lunch, now you will have to eat two.

Whenever possible, eat twice as much as you are used to.

Have you toasted a piece of bread in the toaster for breakfast? Now fry two. Whenever possible, eat twice as much as you are used to and you will double your energy value diet. Since you have to cook the food anyway, doubling the portion size won't require any extra effort.

2. Focus on meal times

The next point is not to allow yourself to be distracted during the day. You need to eat and eat often - every 2-3 hours, this optimal choice in case you really do not have enough calories in your diet. Forgetting to eat on time? Set a timer for a specific time or buy a watch with an alarm clock. This also applies to breakfast. You should load your body with quality calories within fifteen minutes of waking up. Don't let the body use own fabrics as a source of fuel, in which case you will be marking time.

3. Take large cutlery

Another neat trick that I recommend to many clients is to purchase large plates. Similar to how diet guides recommend reducing plate size to combat overweight, when gaining muscle mass, you should do exactly the opposite. Once you've got your hands on a big plate, make sure you fill it to the brim!

4. Don’t skimp on post-workout supplements.

Next point. You must be absolutely sure that immediately after training your body receives quality product. If you ignore that crippling hunger at this point, you won't get the maximum benefit from your workout.

The body will gratefully absorb literally every calorie that you give it immediately after a training session, and your reluctance to load the body with a batch of quality proteins will negatively affect the progress recovery processes.

If you're looking for the perfect moment to throw a high-calorie cocktail into the fire, this is it. And yet, even if you are one of those who exercise in the morning, you still have no right to leave home without breakfast. As with anything else, you need to fuel your body before you start exercising. If you do not eat a full meal at similar situation, then use a shake that will provide you with calories.

5. Look for high-calorie foods

To the guys who are for building muscle tissue need a high-calorie diet, you need to stretch your hands to the most high-calorie ones available products. If you waste time eating too much food, you will have a harder time meeting your body's energy needs, which will hinder your ability to gain muscle mass.

Let's list the high-calorie foods: peanuts, peanut butter, raw oats, lean red meat, chicken breasts, chicken eggs and dried fruits. How more products from this list will be on your menu, the sooner you will see results.

Avoid foods such as whole vegetables (puree them or take concentrated juice as a source of vitamins), cereals cooked popcorn and low-calorie soups. These foods are too bulky and will make you feel full too quickly.

6. Record, record and record again!

Now that you're diligent about your diet and getting a ton of calories, you'll have to carefully record the amount. You don't want your efforts to lead to obesity, so the best solution in this situation is monitoring the energy value daily ration. If you exceed the limit, you will begin to gain weight due to adipose tissue.

When the first signs of an increase in fat tissue appear, you should reduce the energy value of your diet by 200 calories (or 10%). And the growth of adipose tissue will stop.

You should record how many calories you consume during the day.

If you don't keep track of your caloric intake, you will never know how many calories you are getting per day and how much to reduce the energy value of your diet if you accumulate fat. Often, when this problem appears, guys sharply reduce the caloric content of their diet, which is a serious mistake, since by doing so they also slow down the gain of muscle mass.

You have to balance on a very fine line. Too little and your muscles don't grow. Too much and you get fat. But, having groped golden mean, you will immediately understand this, as you will become both stronger and slimmer at the same time.

7. Let's discuss cardio exercises

To top it all off, you should think carefully about incorporating cardio into your training program. Most guys make the same common mistake - they think that doing cardio every day will protect them from becoming fat. But too intense cardio exercises also impede the growth of muscle tissue, so they need to be strictly dosed.

What cardio can really do is increase your appetite, increase the efficiency of your recovery processes (if you stick to a low intensity level) and speed up your metabolism a little.

At balanced diet a ten-minute warm-up on the treadmill and a twenty-minute final set after strength training is enough for me to squeeze out the last drops of glycogen. I set the speed on the treadmill to 6 km per hour and the incline from 8 to 12 degrees - this protects me from the appearance of a double chin and does not interfere with muscle gain. And more intense exercise will take too many calories.

Cardio exercise should not be too intense, otherwise it will slow down muscle growth

8. Never exercise on an empty stomach!

How many times, as soon as you woke up, did you drink in a hurry? protein cocktail and went straight to Gym? Or missed for have a hard day several meals, and then also tried to lift weights after work?

I used to think that common sense prevents people from making such mistakes, but then some of my skinny clients admitted that they come to training having eaten only a couple of crackers or some unfortunate piece of fruit all day.

Hearing this, I dropped a 20-pound pancake on my foot in shock, and they continued to tell me that they did not feel hungry. In response, I roared at them: “Yes, you are not hungry, but that is because your metabolism has switched to complete exhaustion mode, goner!”

I also realized that for many people the morning hours are the only time, free for training, however, I still recommend fitting at least one of the three main meals into this short period before the training session. IN otherwise most generous reception eating should take place immediately after the morning workout.

You will go to long trip with a half-empty gas tank? Not unless, of course, you're going to manually push a dead car halfway. So why would you send your body into a grueling workout with a completely empty stomach?


Gaining muscle mass is not an excuse for swimming in fat and eating everything you can eat every day. buffet. I suggest you master one of the rules mentioned above every week and watch how the proportion of muscle tissue in your body increases with each new week.

Perhaps you're just one or two rules away from revealing a gorgeous physique to the world, then you don't need to use all eight secrets. Conversely, thoughtfully place accents if your muscles have clearly slowed down.

I would like to know which rule you like best, and which principle you will begin to implement in your program this week. Leave your comments and questions about my article.

How to gain weight in a short time?

The problem of weight is now relevant not only for women. Many athletes have to monitor their weight very carefully, especially before competitions. And here the task is not only how to lose weight, but how to gain weight in a short time, so that, for example, you fit into your weight category.

How to gain weight correctly

Sages who are struggling with excess weight, in order to gain weight, recommend everything that they themselves do not eat - flour, fatty, sweet. But these are foods that cause obesity, and not the growth of muscle mass that an athlete needs. So constant trips to fast food, late-night gluttony and cakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner are the path to fat deposits, which come with other health problems.

Gaining weight: nutrition rules

  • How to gain weight in a short time and stay healthy - enhanced nutrition. Increase the number of meals, instead of three, make five to six meals a day. In addition to them, add snacks - nuts, dried fruits, protein bars and jerky.
  • High-calorie foods are, in fact, not only carbohydrates, but also protein foods: meat, poultry and dairy products. So, the basis of the diet will be meat, eggs, cottage cheese. Best added to regular ham sandwiches butter and slices of cheese and avocado, season salads with sour cream or vegetable oil.
  • A proven way to gain weight in a short time is baby food- it is designed for growing children's body and is based on milk, so baby purees, cereals, and cookies with added milk are an excellent source of healthy calories.
  • Prepare a variety of porridges with milk: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat porridge and millet - an excellent and healthy food option for correct set weight.

Menu for weight gain

How to gain weight in a short time - sample menu for six meals a day, enriched with proteins and carbohydrates. This number of meals will help reduce the load on the body and quickly gain weight. The main thing is that the portions are not huge, that is, that you are full, but do not feel overeated. Calculate the amount of food so that you have time to get hungry before next appointment food. You will succeed over time, watch yourself and your feelings.

  • Breakfast - milk porridge, cottage cheese, coffee with milk and sandwiches with butter. Be sure to have breakfast!
  • Second breakfast - muesli with yogurt and honey, or kefir with a bun.
  • Lunch - rich meat soup, steaks with mashed potatoes, tea with sugar and cottage cheese casserole.
  • Afternoon snack - cottage cheese with nuts, honey and raisins, or juice with sandwiches.
  • Dinner - spaghetti with carbonara or bolognese sauce (meat, cream or tomato), or potatoes with goulash; vegetable salad with sour cream or vegetable oil and grated cheese, a bun and a glass of fermented baked milk (kefir) or tea with sugar.
  • Second dinner - salad, dressed with yogurt or butter, with cheese; cottage cheese or sandwiches with chicken, cheese and bacon and a glass of kefir.
  • Additionally - in between main meals, eat bars, baby food, dried meat or drink kefir, fermented baked milk or drinking yogurt.

Gaining weight: physical activity

  • Weight is formed if we have enough unspent calories in reserve, we shouldn’t completely give up exercise, but it’s better to reduce it to two or three workouts per week.
  • Avoid aerobic exercise and train only the necessary muscle groups - push-ups, squats, bench presses. If running or jumping is required, try not to overexert yourself and monitor the number of calories burned, then restore them.
  • Sleep more - it’s better to sleep nine to ten hours a day, then your body will have time to process nutrients overnight. Don’t overeat at night, it won’t do any good; it’s better to take your last meal a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • The optimal load will tell the body where to direct the incoming calories, while at the same time, the absence of intensive training against the backdrop of a heavy, high-calorie diet will keep your stomach healthy.

So, how to gain weight in a short time - the basic rules: eat more proteins (meat and dairy products), introduce additional meals, and not eat too much once a day. Reduce your activity, sleep more and exercise as needed.

Here's a paradox - someone even puts aside a tiny donut extra pounds, and the other eats from the belly and is slender, like a cypress, or even just thin, one might say, skinny, and passionately wants to get better. Is it possible for such people to gain weight, what should they do? Are there other methods other than enhanced nutrition, - answers and useful tips In this article.

Causes of underweight

So, you are determined to get better. Thin women want to add roundness to their shapes, and angular men want to add volume to their muscles.

Aren't you afraid of difficulties? After all, gaining weight is not an easy task. It may take a lot of time, effort and patience. And the increase, most likely, will not be particularly noticeable.

Thinness in the absence of diseases - more psychological problem. You just don't like your own appearance and it seems that the treasured few kilograms will save the situation.

In general, according to many doctors, thin people have better health and are more likely to live a long life.

Before you start gaining weight, rule out one of the reasons for being thin.

Reason No. 1. Diseases

Weight loss is often associated with hormonal disorders. Disruption of hormone production thyroid gland affects the metabolic rate, which is why weight may fluctuate.

Often these diseases are accompanied by loss of appetite. This symptom should alert you and force you to see a doctor. There is no point in trying to gain weight if losing it is associated with some kind of illness.

Reason No. 2. Bad habits

Do you know this fact - smoking speeds up your metabolism?

Help: metabolism (metabolism) - set chemical reactions in the body, supporting its vital functions.

In addition to harm to health, smokers often also have a high risk of losing weight.

Painful thinness is also common in drug addicts.

Excessive consumption of tea and coffee (containing caffeine) also contributes to weight loss.

Reason No. 3. Human Constitution

Body weight is programmed genetically. Thinness is inherent in you by Mother Nature, there is no escape - it will be very difficult to get better.

If you have an asthenic body type, it means that gaining weight is truly hard work for you. Thin asthenics have an increased metabolic rate. There is not enough fat mass, and the muscles are poorly expressed.

How can such slender girls be? Expert opinions vary. Some argue: when the right approach It’s possible to get better, it’s just that the process will be long and persistent, and the result will be modest. Others are sure: deviating from the genetically established norm is a useless exercise. Anyway, the kilograms you gained with difficulty will quickly go away.

Reason No. 4. Physical activity

Strenuous physical activity - strenuous sports training or hard work - often leads to weight loss. By the way, in addition to the loss of fat and muscle tissue, the body also loses moisture. It helps reduce body weight, but dehydration is extremely harmful.

What should I do? Optimize exercise and eat quality food.

Reason No. 5. Stress

You know the truism - all diseases are caused by nerves. Troubles at home and at work, conflict situations, illnesses of loved ones, difficult life situations cause nervous tension and stress. Because of this, a person can suddenly lose weight - stress hormones actively burn fat.

Determining body mass index

Are you really too thin or do you think so? It is very difficult to evaluate yourself objectively.

There is a BMI (body mass index) indicator that will help you understand whether the problem is imaginary or real.

It is calculated as follows: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m) 2.

Your weight in kilograms is divided by your height squared. For example: with a height of 1.7 m and a weight of 65 kg, the BMI will be 22.5. This indicator fits into the norm recommended World Organization healthcare - from 18 to 24.9.

Smaller numbers already indicate a lack of weight, and an index of 16 and below means there is a dangerously pronounced lack of weight. It is necessary to recover, but only under the supervision of doctors, because we are clearly talking about serious health problems.

It turns out that the task of gaining weight is very individual in each case. For some it is vital, and for others it is important from an aesthetic point of view.

What to do to get better

We have decided that only completely healthy people can gain weight on their own. In principle, ideally, they too should turn to professionals. A nutritionist would select the optimal weight gain program specifically for each person. Understanding that this option is not available to everyone, we will figure out how to recover on our own.

Sleep and rest mode

Does it help you gain weight? Definitely yes. And here's why: strong restful sleep, ideally 8 hours, relieves stress (and we remember - it makes you lose weight), lifts your mood, improves appetite. During sleep, the growth hormone somatropin is produced, which helps build muscle.

On weekends, allow yourself a day afternoon nap, just lie down, relaxing, for half an hour or an hour. After having lunch at work, also try to sit quietly for a while. During the working day, relaxing 10-15 minute breaks are useful.

Evening walks will help improve your sleep.

Sports activities

We remember that excessive physical activity provokes weight loss; on the contrary, properly dosed sports activities help increase body weight.

Physical exercise promotes muscle development, and both men and women need it, but in varying degrees.
It is optimal, of course, to work out with a personal trainer. individual program. But... In general, we can handle it ourselves.

You need to load all muscle groups, an excellent way is swimming and tennis. Exercises with weights are suitable. There are many complexes for muscle development. If you set a goal to train regularly, choose the right one; fortunately, they are easy to find on the Internet or in specialized literature.

Nutrition for those who want to get better

We have come to the most interesting part - after all, most of us are sure that proper nutrition will help us gain those treasured kilos.

A calorie is a measurement of the energy contained in food and used by our body.

If you consume more calories than you burn, the excess is stored by the body and weight is gained. How many of these calories someone needs depends on gender, age, activity and physical activity. On average: 1600-2400 for women and 2400-3000 for men.

To gain weight, you need to increase your calorie intake by 500-1000 per day. But remember: it is not the number of calories itself that is important, but where they are found. Food must be healthy! You can, of course, eat the cake and add about 500 units, but it’s probably healthier to get them by having lunch with a piece of turkey with a side dish of rice.

This means you shouldn’t overeat on buns, pies, cakes and chocolates. Calorie? Yes, but our goal is to get better, not to get diabetes, tooth decay and indigestion. We will add kilograms by eating healthy foods.

Here whole list that saturates the body with essential proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins:

  • Eggs are tasty, high in calories, a source of protein, vitamins A, D, E, and folic acid.
  • Fatty fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna contain the protein we need, omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids promote heart function.
  • Shrimp is a high-calorie seafood product, rich in protein and amino acids.
  • Cheese is valuable for its high protein and fat content, calcium, and calorie content.
  • Milk, sour cream, yogurt - we use it daily, we get vitamins, protein, calcium.
  • Butter: we eat both butter and vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, peanut, corn.
  • Carbohydrate-rich foods: pasta, oatmeal, cereal, baked goods, legumes, brown rice, vegetables.

Also required in the diet: fruits, juices, nuts and seeds, dried fruits.

We also try to gain weight with nutritional cocktails.

There is one folk recipe: Stir 2-3 tablespoons of full-fat sour cream in a glass of dark beer, add salt and drink.

Another high-calorie drink: mix a glass of milk, a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a teaspoon of honey, and add a couple of ice cubes.

In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is good to have snacks during breaks. Almonds, peanuts, dried fruits are suitable. Don't forget about fruits - bananas, peaches, melon, grapes. You can easily afford ice cream or cake between main meals.

Similar rich nutrition in order to gain weight, many nutritionists recommend.

But there is also alternative point vision. Its adherents criticize frequent and high-calorie meals, citing their own reasonable arguments.

Firstly, if you saturate your body with food all day, when will it all have time to be digested? Secondly, such food puts a strain on the pancreas, liver, and our internal organs- not a conveyor for processing the flow of products ().

There is not more, but better - this is the motto of this method.

Those wishing to increase adipose tissue(for ladies, of course) carbohydrates will help. And muscle development is promoted by amino acids obtained from protein products: eggs, milk, meat, fish. Men should focus on them.

Vegetables and fruits provide enzymes that help digest food. They are a must in the diet of those gaining weight.
In general, a menu whose goal is to gain weight is simply the envy of those losing weight. Is it possible to compare the range and quantity of products needed in these cases?

Regarding special means: anabolic steroids, gainers, protein supplements. Don't feel like they are your lifeline. Athletes use similar things when they have strong physical activity and under the supervision of specialists.

Achieve results proper nutrition and way of life.

In pursuit of the desired kilograms, let's try not to harm ourselves, not to turn into an automaton, absorbing more and more portions of food. It's better to be thin but healthy than to be well-fed but sick.