Igor Alekseevich Altushkin. Igor Altushkin will process copper into money. “Enterprises included in the RMK holding and controlled by Igor Altushkin have developed an entire system aimed at tax evasion”

Igor Altushkin was born on September 10, 1970 in the city of Yekaterinburg. The young man graduated from the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy. He also successfully entered and graduated from the Ural Institute of Business with a diploma.

Altushkin began his career in 1992 in the market for the sale of non-ferrous metal scrap. In the same year he became the founder of the Ekaterinburg Commercial and Industrial Company. The established company began its operation in several areas, including the sale, purchase and processing of scrap not only non-ferrous, but also ferrous metals. In addition, the enterprise’s capacity allowed it to process copper, cable and polymer products.

In 1992, Igor acted as the founder of the Aeron company, the main activity of which was the collection and processing of scrap non-ferrous metals. By 1994, Altushkin initiated the creation of the Aeron group of companies. The holding's activities satisfy about 60% of the volume of needs of enterprises producing their products from non-ferrous metals after recycling.

In 1995, Igor Altushkin took a direct part in the formation of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. Having become one of its founders and shareholders, he begins to actively develop the holding’s activities in various areas.

In 1997, Igr Alekseevich became the founder of the Uralelectromed-Vtortsvetmet company, which became the central supplier of non-ferrous metal scrap for the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company.

The year 2003 marked the beginning of independent activity for the businessman. Igor begins to establish his own business, which gives him access to a more serious level. The following year, Altushkin decides to found the Russian Copper Company. From the very beginning, the structure of the future holding was built on the formation of a full production cycle, starting at ore mining enterprises and ending on the conveyor line for the production of finished products.

In 2004, the businessman became the head of the board of directors of the RMK holding. From this moment, active activities aimed at developing and diversifying the business begin. In just a few years, thanks to the efforts of its leader, the young company was able to adequately declare itself and take third place in the list of enterprises engaged in copper production in the Russian Federation.

Igor Altushkin proved by his example that you can be not only a talented and successful businessman, but also an active public figure. In particular, he heads the committee on environmental management and ecology of the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Thanks to this, he has the opportunity to personally monitor the impact of metallurgical and ore mining on the ecology of his native region.

The entrepreneur is the main founder of the Russian Copper Company charitable foundation, whose main activity is supporting orphanages; public rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities; children from low-income families; children left without parental care; as well as children suffering from serious illnesses.

In addition, Altushkin Igor Alekseevich is engaged in a separate category of social projects aimed at organizing various concerts and festivals for the younger generation. This gives children the opportunity to interact with celebrities in person. As a rule, educational and entertainment events are organized in cities where enterprises that are part of the Russian Copper Company operate.

With the direct support of the businessman, an Orthodox shelter for girls was organized, and a charity canteen was created. In addition, Altushkin is successfully developing several additional social projects aimed at the education of children in various regions of our country.

Igor considers one of his main achievements to be the optimization of the activities of most of RMK’s divisions, which led to a significant increase in their profitability and environmental safety.

Awards of Igor Altushkin

Recipient of the Badge of Distinction “For Services to the Sverdlovsk Region” (July 27, 2016) - for special merits or outstanding achievements in the field of socio-economic development of the region.

Order of Friendship (May 24, 2017) - for special services in strengthening peace, friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding between peoples, for contribution to the preservation, enhancement and popularization of the cultural and historical heritage of Russia, for labor success in industry, as well as for extensive charitable activities .

Honorary Citizen of the Sverdlovsk Region (June 27, 2017) - for outstanding achievements in the economic sphere of society, which contributed to the strengthening and development of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Honorary citizen of the city of Karabash (June 13, 2017) - for making a great contribution to the economic and spiritual development of the Karabash urban district and charitable activities.

Igor Altushkin is a Russian billionaire, philanthropist and businessman. Forbes magazine has not dropped below 50th position for several years. By the beginning of this year, he managed to receive 600 million in net income, and his fortune amounted to $2 billion, which allowed him to take 47th place among the richest people in Russia according to Forbes. The biography and family of Igor Altushkin - all this is probably of interest to many. Well, let's talk about this notorious person.

Childhood and youth

Igor Altushkin was born on September 10, 1970 in Sverdlovsk, where he spent his youth. After school, he entered the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy (currently the Ural State Economic University), from which he graduated brilliantly in 1992. Many famous personalities who are now representatives of the government and big business in Russia graduated from this educational institution.

Carier start

Igor Altushkin, whose biography became the subject of our review, has been interested in business all his conscious years. Therefore, immediately after receiving his diploma, he seriously thought about creating his own business. The level of education received, entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen allowed me to see a free and promising niche for my own business. So in 1992, the Aeron metal processing company appeared, specializing in the processing of non-ferrous scrap metal. Thanks to the makings of a good manager, as well as a high level of charisma, Igor Alekseevich managed to assemble a worthy team in a short time and raise a small business to the level of a serious enterprise. Also, a decisive role in such rapid business development was played by the shortage of such materials in the region and the large number of enterprises in need of non-ferrous scrap.

A little experience as a manager did not prevent Altushkin from becoming the general director of a commercial and industrial company in Yekaterinburg in 1993. Competent management led to the active development of the company, which in 1994 covered 60% of the needs of regional enterprises for secondary raw materials of non-ferrous metals and continued to develop actively.

Further success

Two years of successful work made it possible to raise capital, thanks to which Altushkin became a partner of a major businessman Makhmudov. In 1995 they created the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. As a co-owner and shareholder, Igor Altushkin puts a lot of effort into raising UMMC to a leading position. He devoted the time devoted to the development of this company to developing his potential as a manager and entrepreneur.

Not stopping there, in 1997 he held the position of General Director of Uralelectromed-Vtortsvetmet LLC.

At the same time, he holds a seat on the board of directors:

  • "Sredneuralsk Copper Smelter" - 1997
  • "Factory of precision alloys" - 1997
  • "Revdensky Brick Factory" - 2000
  • "Kashtym Copper Electrolyte Plant" - from 2000 to 2001.

and two banks in 2001:

  • Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
  • Sverdlsotsbank.

In 2003, Igor Altushkin sold shares in UMMC and left the management of the enterprise, pursuing the goal of creating his own large business. Having bought the shares of the Kyshtym Copper Electrolyte Plant, he laid the foundation for the creation of the Russian Copper Company.

Own business

In 2004, Altushkin I.A. created RMK (Russian Copper Company), it is this event that makes this year decisive for business development. As the holder of the largest percentage of shares (80%), he makes a lot of efforts to involve himself in the structure of enterprises that are associated with the mining and metallurgical industries. Thanks to the efforts of Igor Alekseevich, over the entire existence of the company, 11 large enterprises joined it, which led to the creation of a full-fledged holding.

This success is due to the correct approach to the production cycle, which covers all stages - from ore mining to copper production.

Over the years of operation of RMK, headed by Altushkin, the holding took third place among producers of copper products in Russia. Production volumes are about 180 thousand tons per year, which is 19% of the total production in the country. The holding provides jobs for 7.5 thousand people. The holding also already has representative offices in Kazakhstan.

In the next couple of years, the composition of the RMK is planned to be increased. Thus, the company plans to build a couple of enrichment plants. In addition, the Russian Copper Company will probably acquire its own headquarters in Yekaterinburg and an office building for its own needs in the near future.

Parallel projects

In 2009, with his long-time partner Kozitsin A. A. Altushkin bought the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant from Andrey Komarov. Igor Altushkin owns 21.5% of the shares.

In 2011, he acquired 1/2 of the shares of the Yenisei Industrial Company, which saved the company from inevitable bankruptcy. And the introduction of the latest management methods allowed the company to quickly reach the top position.

In the same year, he bought shares of the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Now he owns 30% of the shares and heads the board of directors of this financial institution.

Social and charitable activities

By his own example, businessman Igor Altushkin proved the possibility of being not only a businessman, but also an active public figure. His wife and children support him in every possible way in all his endeavors.

For two years now, a personal charitable foundation has been operating on the basis of RMK, which provides financial assistance to many projects. In this way, creative teams and sports organizations receive support. In addition, the foundation constantly transfers funds to companies that provide assistance to children with disabilities. The organization takes upon itself the organization of their summer vacation.

Quite a lot of attention is paid to supporting the Orthodox Church in Russia. For example, an entrepreneur allocated considerable funds for the construction of a temple on the territory of the Chechen Republic. With the direct support of the entrepreneur, an Orthodox shelter for girls was created, as well as a charity canteen.

The leaders of the RMK holding actively participate in public life. Thus, the company supports art, education, sports, and medicine. The famous businessman does not remain far from public life either. Altushkin Igor Alekseevich holds the post of head of the ecology committee in the Sverdlovsk region. In addition, he holds a position on the board of trustees at the University of St. Petersburg State University and National Medical University "Mining".

Takes part in the work of the Committee on Ecology and Natural Resources Management.

Igor Altushkin: family

Photos of Igor Altushkin’s family can rarely be found on the Internet or in print media. The businessman does not talk about his family. It is only known that Igor Alekseevich Altushkin is married. His wife Tatyana and six children live permanently in London. The youngest of their sons, David, was already born there.

Ivan Petrov, Galina Kamneva

A regular on the lists of billionaires, chairman of the board of directors and owner of the Russian Copper Company (RMK), Igor Altushkin was caught by investigators conducting a high-profile case of VAT refunds for non-existent supplies of scrap non-ferrous metals. As RBC daily learned, the first people detained as part of the investigation into the scam, the damage from which could amount to 5 billion rubles, mention his name among others. The entrepreneur himself denies any involvement in the scandalous criminal case. According to a representative of RMK, the company suspected of tax evasion was just their supplier.

At the end of September 2009, a high-profile criminal case was initiated against the managers of Trade and Industrial Company Metallinvestservice LLC. The police caught the company in established payment schemes for non-ferrous metal scrap allegedly delivered for processing. The scam used details of fictitious organizations, including those registered in offshore companies. During a search in the Moscow office of Metallinvestservice, seals and documents of more than 30 shell companies were confiscated.

The company did sell non-ferrous scrap on the London Stock Exchange through its parent in the UK, but the actual supply volumes were not comparable to the falsified figures. At the time of the initiation of a criminal case under the article “evasion of taxes from an organization by a group of persons by prior conspiracy on an especially large scale,” the damage was calculated only for 2005. It amounted to about 1.2 billion rubles. The investigation estimates the volume of dubious transactions for the entire period of Metallinvestservice’s activity (from 2005 to 2009) at more than 20 billion rubles. Direct damage to the state was declared at almost 5 billion rubles.

Immediately after the initiation of the criminal case, investigators admitted that the accountant and the general director of the Russian metal importer (they were given a written undertaking not to leave) were not the main organizers of the scheme. The police insisted that the real scammers were in London. The other day, RBC daily found out that the investigation is considering the possibility that the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Copper Company, Igor Altushkin, was involved in the trader’s operations. According to a source from RBC daily, the investigation already has testimony from employees of the Russian representative office of Metallinvestservice, which mentions Igor Altushkin.

“We know that Mr. Altushkin may be involved in organizing a scam involving illegal VAT refunds, but it is not so easy to bring him in, he eludes all the time,” confirms an RBC daily source close to the investigation. This task, according to him, is currently being dealt with by an investigative and operational group. The investigation is being conducted by the Investigative Committee (IC) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, operational support is provided by the 5th Operational Investigation Bureau of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Tax Crimes Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Moscow.

It was not possible to obtain an official comment from the Investigative Committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the progress of the investigation yesterday. A source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained to RBC daily that the leadership of the committee has imposed a ban on disclosing any information on this case; it is being conducted personally by the deputy head of the Investigative Committee department at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Mr. Altushkin himself refused to talk to RBC daily, conveying through his assistant that he “has nothing to do with this case.” RMK PR Director Alexander Khanin says he knows nothing about Mr. Altushkin’s involvement in this case. “This is the first time we’ve heard about this and we’re not doing anything like this,” he was surprised. - We are not shareholders and have no relationship with this company (“Metallinvestservice.” - RBC daily). These are just our suppliers and nothing more. But we don’t know the owners and are not the owners ourselves.”

The PR director of RMK also said that Mr. Altushkin “was not interrogated by anyone and nothing was presented to him.” Currently, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of RMK is in Yekaterinburg. When asked where exactly Mr. Altushkin lives, Alexander Khanin replied that “he has a house in London, he lives both here and there.”

According to the latest Forbes magazine assessment, 39-year-old Igor Altushkin ranks 880th in the ranking of world billionaires with a fortune of $1.1 billion. In the ranking Finance magazine for 2010 a year ago he was ranked 104th, and his fortune is estimated at $680 million.

[SmartMoney, 02.12.2007, “Copper Vein”: Igor Altushkin several times ordered research on the topic of how much his company is worth, and received estimates from $750 million to $2 billion. The last figure, they say, suits him, but it still needs to be confident that investors will agree with her. Therefore, RMK will not hold an IPO in the near future - this is a question for 2008, or rather even 2009 - Insert K.ru]

The founder of TPK Metallinvestservice LLC is the British Metal Investment Service. That, in turn, according to the register of British legal entities, is owned by Cypriot Individual Investments Ltd. The latter is also listed as the founder of FTPK - Complex Services CJSC (with a 30% share), which owns 1% each in two subsidiaries of TPK Metallinvestservice: Norilsk Metals LLC and Metallgarant LLC. Another owner of FTPK - Comprehensive Services is Alpenica Enterprises Ltd., registered in Cyprus. The UK corporate register also states that the ultimate beneficiary of Metal Investment Service is the Juti Foundation Trust, registered in Liechtenstein. According to the Screen database, the founder of TPK Metallinvestservice is the British Metal Investment Service (UK) Ltd. According to the British register of legal entities, its leaders are Yuri Zaitsev and Sergey Tishchenko, and its financial consultant is Ruslan Shamurin.

["RBC daily", 09/24/2009, "Russian taxes have appeared in London": Ruslan Shamurin is a better known personality in the Russian metal trading business. At one time, he was a partner of the notorious Russian entrepreneurs brothers Yuri and Mikhail Zhivilo. The latter was accused of organizing an assassination attempt on the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev. In 2001, Mr. Shamurin made accusations against the Zhivilo brothers. According to him, together with them he established the company Base Metall Trading, receiving 50% of the business. However, in 1994, Zhivilo, under threat of violence, demanded that he withdraw from the case.
Ruslan Shamurin and Sergei Tishchenko have a long-standing relationship. According to the reports of the Krasny Vyborgets plant for the second quarter of 2005, at that time Sergei Tishchenko was on its board of directors, and Ruslan Shamurin was on the audit commission of the enterprise. - Insert K.ru]

“Enterprises included in the RMK holding and controlled by Igor Altushkin have developed an entire system aimed at tax evasion”

Original of this material
© RIA "New Region", 02/01/2005, The Kremlin has begun decriminalization of the Urals: another victim - copper baron Altushkin

Irina Vinogradova

This week it became absolutely obvious: the special services have begun the process of decriminalization of the Urals. The main crime boss of the region was killed - leader of the Uralmash OPS Alexander Khabarov. His associate Alexander Kukovyakin has been put on the wanted list. His opponent, the leader of the opposing Central Urals group “Center” Alexander Varaksin, is also wanted. In Yekaterinburg, lists of businessmen with criminal records who may soon have very serious problems with the law have begun to circulate. The New Region correspondent traced how these problems will be organized using the example of one letter. It was sent 10 days ago and it is very likely that our reader gets to know it at the same time as the top officials of the state.

Text of the letter (abbreviated)

[…] Conducting a journalistic investigation into corruption in the highest echelons of power in the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions, the following was established. Former prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region Anatoly Bragin, covering up the activities of the organized criminal community "Sumin-Volkhin-Altushkin", interfered with the normal progress of the investigation of a number of criminal cases in the copper mining and processing industries of the Urals. Using his stable corrupt connections in the prosecutor’s office, the “law” businessman Bragin achieved the termination of a number of criminal cases that had good judicial and investigative prospects. […]

As a result of the “human rights activities” of the 1st Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region Ezhov G.V., Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region Ryabkov G.N., Head of the Department of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Sverdlovsk Region for Supervision of the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of Chupin, our state received less than one hundred billion in the budget million rubles not recovered from persons guilty of committing serious tax crimes. […]

On September 22, 2004, the new holding company “Russian Copper Company” completed the registration of constituent documents in Yekaterinburg and became the third enterprise in the country after Norilsk Nickel and UMMC in terms of production volume. The Russian Copper Company included enterprises of the Altushkin-Volkhin-Dymshakov copper group, producing and selling more than 15% of Russian copper. CJSC "Karabashmed" (Karabash, Chelyabinsk region), CJSC "Kyshtym Copper Electrolyte Plant" (Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region), CJSC "Alexandrinsky Mining Company" (Verkhneuralsk, Chelyabinsk region), CJSC "Novgorod Metallurgical Plant" (Novgorod), CJSC "Ormet" "(Orsk, Orenburg region), CJSC "Uralgidromed" (Polevsky, Sverdlovsk region), OJSC "Uralelectromed-Vtortsvetmet" (Sverdlovsk region), OJSC "Revda OCM Plant" (Revda, Sverdlovsk region), Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development and " Sverdlsotsbank.

Every year the group's enterprises are capable of producing more than 130 thousand tons of copper cathode. Ormet CJSC is currently developing the Barsuchiy Log and Dzhusinskoe copper-zinc deposits, located in the Orenburg region. Investments in the reconstruction of the mining and processing complex of Ormet CJSC this summer amounted to $8 million. As a result of the reconstruction, the mining and processing plant's capacity will increase by 25% and reach a million tons of ore per year. […]

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Copper Company holding is the cunning 34-year-old Igor Alekseevich Altushkin. The head of the Uralelectromed-Vtortsvetmet company, who recently completed the acquisition of a 55% stake in KMEZ CJSC from the plant management, the Cyprus company East Point Holding Limited and the Russian-Mongolian joint venture Erdenet. According to available information, KMEZ owns 75% of the shares of its raw material supplier, Karabashmed CJSC, created on the basis of the assets of Karabash Copper Smelting Plant JSC (KMC) in 2001. At the same time, OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC) acquired a 75% stake in KMK and protested in court the decision of KMEP to withdraw assets from KMK. It was not possible to achieve victory, and the company sold its share in KMK to the head of Uralelectromed - Vtortsvetmet Igor Altushkin, who in return ceded his 15% stake in UMMC Holding to its general director Andrey Kozitsyn.

The head of RMK, Igor Altushkin, has a higher education, is married, and has four children. Igor Altushkin has an artificially created reputation as an Orthodox believer, prone to charity. At the same time, the “righteous man” Altushkin works quite openly and closely with Sergei Veniaminovich Terentyev, the leader OPS "Uralmash", in the supply of copper-containing raw materials to CJSC Karabashmed.

Having been released in May 2002 from the Yekaterinburg pre-trial detention center, where Terentyev was held as a defendant on charges of organizing murders and, having been acquitted, the latter returned to the enterprises that he had allegedly previously “protected.” One of such enterprises is Copper-L LLC (Ekaterinburg), which operates in the production and sale, including export, of refined copper and its processed products (wire rod, foil, etc.). […]

In November 2003, the Main Investigation Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region investigated a criminal case against modest entrepreneurs Pershin and Bryukhanov, who cashed significant sums of money for various enterprises, including Copper-L LLC.

Employees of the Yekaterinburg special services, who carried out operational support of the criminal case, established that the enterprises that were part of the RMK holding and controlled by Igor Altushkin had developed an entire system aimed at evading taxes. Copper-L LLC, Uralelektromed-Vtortsvetmet LLC (“UEM-VTsM”), Ekaterinburg Trade and Industrial Company CJSC - were engaged in the purchase of non-ferrous metal scrap and its processing at the enterprises of the then created RMK holding in Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Novgorod regions. Finished products were sold on foreign and domestic markets. At the same time, profits were transferred under fictitious commission agreements to the Moscow-registered companies Paliet LLC and Informimpex LLC. In fact, the named commercial structures were located in the Yekaterinburg offices of Igor Altushkin. They also evaded paying taxes, also formalizing their actions with commission agreements in the interests of a number of “front” companies registered throughout the country: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, etc. Shell companies were registered using the passports of people who had nothing to do with their financial and economic activities. The actual managers, controlled by Igor Altushkin, cashed the funds received into the accounts. Including with the help of Pershin and Bryukhanov, who were prosecuted by Sverdlovsk police officers. Or they were transferred to the accounts of offshore companies controlled by the holding company registered in Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands.

On December 11, 2003, operational officers of the Tax Crimes Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region and the ORB of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Urals Federal District conducted sudden simultaneous searches in the offices of Copper-L LLC, Paliet LLC and other structures controlled by Altushkin. More than 50 seals of Russian and foreign commercial structures used by Altushkin’s team to draw up various financial documents were seized. Computers, computer programs and systems, and bank documents became the subject of research by analysts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On January 23, 1992, Igor Altushkin, who worked as deputy director of NPO Zenit, created the Aeron company. According to Altushkin’s plan, the business of the Aeron company was built on the model of the Vtortsvetmet complex that existed in the USSR, which worked with legal entities - scrap-generating enterprises directly, and with individuals - through collection points for scrap non-ferrous metals. The annual volumes of Vtortsvetmet amounted to more than 200 thousand tons of non-ferrous metal scrap. Realizing that such volumes are capable of satisfying the industry’s need for raw materials, Altushkin set himself a large-scale task. Revive this system, create a federal network of branches for the collection of scrap non-ferrous metals, linking together dozens of independent suppliers. Over the three years of its existence, Aeron has created more than 100 branches, bringing together suppliers forced to work only with this commercial structure. Having come to grips with the problem of raw material shortages, Igor Altushkin invested heavily in the purchase of copper concentrate from mining and processing plants and subsequent deliveries to the plants. Soon, Altushkin’s company took over up to 60% of the workload of copper smelters. Supplies of copper concentrate and non-ferrous metal scrap went mainly to the largest Ural enterprises: more than 60% to Uralelectromed, about 50% to KMEZ, and more than 70% to the Kirovograd Copper Smelter and the Krasnouralsk Svyatogor Copper Smelter.

According to the Russian Government, Igor Altushkin has quietly become the largest supplier of raw materials for copper smelting in the Urals. On July 27, 1994, the entire effective business of Aeron was transferred to a new structure - the Yekaterinburg Trade and Industrial Company (EPTC). In addition to supplying copper concentrate to enterprises in the Ural region, EPTK was engaged in the procurement and primary processing of non-ferrous metal scrap for metallurgical processing. From 1995 to the present, EPTC has been purchasing used oil submersible cables from the largest oil companies in Russia for further cutting and processing.

Valery Varaksin, Altushkin’s current deputy for security of the holding, has headed the department for combating economic crime of the Verkhnyaya Pyshma Department of Internal Affairs since 1995, and oversaw the work of Uralelectromed OJSC. It is Varaksin who is considered one of the authors of the project to “increase the influence of Uralmash on UEM.” Then Altushkin was intensively brought to the realization of the need to carry out part of the supply of raw materials through the structures of the OPS.

In May 2000, in the Chelyabinsk region, at the request of the “greens,” Karabashmed was stopped. KMEZ lost two sources of raw materials at once. The search for independent suppliers led to the fact that 10% of KMK shares were taken over by the structures of OPS Uralmash. Uralmash workers were represented in this transaction by Alexander Kruk and Sergey Terentyev. After the death of Kruk and the arrest of Terentyev, the question of their affiliation “hanged.”

In 2003, after the release of the leader of the Uralmash militant group, Sergei Terentyev, Valery Varaksin publicly demonstrated his friendly relations with the former convict. Varaksin has repeatedly stated that he personally had a hand in Terentyev’s release, hinting that Terentyev owes his release to the financial support of the “copper barons.” Soon the first major financial transaction took place between Altushkin’s structures and the Uralmash OPS.

Igor Altushkin bought a ten percent stake in KMK from the Uralmash company B&D URALS Limited. In this way Altushkin provided an invaluable service to the team Governor of the Chelyabinsk region Petr Sumin, temporarily removing the alarming issue of the expansion of Sverdlovsk bandits into the Southern Urals. In the course of operational search activities and investigative actions in criminal case No. 490016, aimed at identifying the acquirers of non-ferrous metal scrap stolen from OJSC MMK, a number of Yekaterinburg companies affiliated with OJSC Uralelectromed were identified: LLC Uralelectromed-Vtortsvetmet , Akkada LLC, Phinesis LLC, EPTK CJSC, ETK Energoresurs LLC, Shuttle-S LLC, Copper-L LLC and the Moscow company KGI Avalon LLC.

All of these companies were located in Yekaterinburg in offices controlled by Igor Altushkin. All named companies were founded and headed by the same persons, but in different combinations. According to the Russian FSB Directorate for the Sverdlovsk Region, through these companies operations were carried out to cash out large sums, which were then used in the shadow circulation of non-ferrous metals and partially transferred abroad.

Thus, according to the data of the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, based on the results of selective verifications, in the period from August to November 1998, $29.6 million was cashed through the specified group of legal entities, from December 1998 to January 1999 - $13.9 million. According to analysts from the Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg FSB departments, all these operations took place under the control of the Uralmash OPS.

Interrogated on the circumstances of the conclusion of the contract, the general director of KGI Avalon LLC, Oleg Istomin, testified that the company he headed was fictitious, receiving $300 a month, he signed various documents that were brought to him by one of the founders of Phinesis and its actual director, Sergei Shantarin. Meanwhile, in parallel with the FSB, which was dealing with the theft of non-ferrous scrap metal, employees of the State Investigative Directorate at the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region studied materials obtained during searches in Altushkin’s offices in Yekaterinburg on Pervomaiskaya and Lunacharskogo streets. During the examination of more than 50 seals of shell companies controlled by Altushkin, it was established that they were used to draw up fictitious documents by the managers of the metallurgical enterprises of the holding.

A study of the seized computers confirmed that they contain Client-Bank programs, which allow the transfer of funds from the accounts of the above-mentioned shell companies to banks in real time directly from the offices of Igor Altushkin.

During documentary checks, auditors confirmed on February 3, 2004 that the amount of hidden income tax of the enterprise Polyet LLC on its relationship with Uralelektromed-Vtortsvetmet LLC for 2001 amounted to 75.8 billion rubles. On the same day, criminal case No. 367709 was opened on the fact of tax evasion on an especially large scale. On April 23, 2004, auditors completed a documentary audit of the financial and economic activities of Copper-L LLC, as a result of which it was established that In 2002-2003, businessmen evaded paying taxes for a total amount of 189.3 million rubles. In total, in the criminal cases initiated by Sverdlovsk investigators, damage caused to the state amounted to 1.1 billion rubles.

The scale of the revealed tax evasion scheme, as well as the amount of damage caused to the state in the form of unpaid taxes, had no precedent in the Sverdlovsk region and in Russia. Information about identified tax violations was immediately communicated to the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In criminal cases, documents were seized from counterparty enterprises in the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Bryansk, Leningrad, Samara, and Orenburg regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, and the Primorsky Territory.

Today, the management of the Russian Copper Company holding spends significant funds to create an image of law-abiding entrepreneurs. The former prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region, Boris Kuznetsov, clearly personally sympathized with the structures of Igor Altushkin. On June 04, 2004, Judge Verkh Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg Morozov declared illegal the decision of the investigator of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation A.G. Medvedev. about conducting a search in the office of Igor Altushkin. Previously, he refused to authorize the investigation to seize funds in the current accounts of one-day enterprises, to which profits hidden from taxation were withdrawn. He also made a decision on the illegality of writing documentary inspection reports. Morozov did not hesitate to get the regional prosecutor’s office to issue protests against a number of investigative actions carried out in accordance with the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Taking into account the growing opposition from the holding's management in recent months, the heads of the Yekaterinburg special services were forced to inform their central office about the escalating situation surrounding the case under investigation. The criminal case in which Altushkin was involved was withdrawn from the Sverdlovsk region and accepted for proceedings by the department for the investigation of especially serious crimes in the field of taxation of the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The 16th Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia withdrew the criminal case from the proceedings of the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sent it to the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region with instructions to make a decision to terminate it. On October 6, 2004, Boris Kuznetsov’s subordinates issued a resolution to terminate the investigation of a criminal case regarding non-payment of taxes amounting to more than a billion rubles. […]

Altushkin Igor is an extraordinary person. With a capital of $2 billion, he not only owns 80% of the shares of RMK, the third largest company among copper producers, but also remains a resident of provincial Yekaterinburg and supports nationalism and Orthodoxy. His portraits can be seen among photographs of other oligarchs with many children: Igor Alekseevich has six children.

The beginning of the way

The future entrepreneur was born in Sverdlovsk in 1970, on September 10. The career of a graduate of the Institute of National Economy began in the 90s at the Zenit NPO. Already in 1992, he rose to the rank of deputy director.

But he was always attracted to entrepreneurial activity, and in the same year Igor Altushkin founded the Aeron company, engaged in the processing and marketing of non-ferrous metals. A little later, he headed an interconnected production - a commercial and industrial company that was engaged in the collection and processing of scrap, cable and polymer products.

As a result, 50% of all the region's needs for ferrous and non-ferrous metals were satisfied by his enterprise. At the age of 25, the businessman became one of the shareholders of the company headed by Iskander Makhmudov.


Until 2004, Igor Altushkin went through an excellent school, being part of the management of a number of factories and one of the local banks. Subsequently, having sold 15% of the shares of UMMC, the entrepreneur founded his own company - RMK. He managed to assemble an excellent team of professionals and fulfill the main task - to create a self-sufficient company that controls the entire process: from the extraction of raw materials to the manufacture of full-fledged products. The holding includes 9 reputable enterprises, which account for 19% of all copper production in the country.

Since 2007, RMK, with the support of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, has been building the Tominsky Mining and Processing Plant, the launch of which is scheduled for 2018. However, public environmental organizations opposed this project and organized a collection of signatures on Change.org. And in the fall of 2017, V. Putin personally spoke with the leader of the movement. A decision on this issue has not yet been made; the launch of the mining and processing plant has been officially postponed.

In July 2017, at the Innoprom exhibition, a businessman whose income, according to Forbes, amounted to $2 billion, personally presented his company’s stand to the president, talking about the prospects of “smart copper.” In the same year, in the Catherine Hall, he was awarded the Order of Friendship for outstanding achievements.


In November 2017, the copper oligarch was present in Simferopol at the opening of the monument to Alexander III, in the financing of which he took part. And this is not a tribute to fashion. Today everyone knows that the ideas of Orthodoxy and nationality are actively supported by Igor Altushkin, whose wife is one of the developers of the Russian Classical School project.

She advocates a return to the roots - Soviet textbooks with their calligraphy lessons and other legacies of the educational process of past years. Tatyana Altushkina writes an opinion column, worrying about the fate of education in the country.

The oligarch's wife is one of the most influential women in the region. She pins her hopes for the end of the “liberal bacchanalia” in education on the arrival of Olga Vasilyeva to the post of minister.

Igor Altushkin created a charitable foundation that is engaged in both the restoration of monasteries and churches and the support of the poor. With his direct participation, martial arts projects are financed, one of which is supervised by his son Alexander.

An Orthodox shelter and a charity canteen have been opened in the region. One feels that the businessman’s whole life is connected with the Sverdlovsk region, where he began his entrepreneurial activities and where he finally returned in 2015.

But this, by the way, did not prevent the oligarch from purchasing a mansion in London, which, according to press reports, was once owned by Madonna herself.


Altushkin Igor Alekseevich and his wife Tatyana are quite famous and influential people in the region. The businessman has been an Honorary Citizen of Yekaterinburg since 2017, and his wife, who is on the board of directors of RMK, has a distinction for her contribution to charity. However, their children, of whom there are six (the youngest, David, appeared in the family not long ago), are difficult to classify as majors. They are not involved in any scandals. Moreover, Igor Altushkin’s daughter married the son of a priest in 2015.

The wedding of 18-year-old Elizabeth and Denis Velichkin took place in the Novo-Tikhvin Monastery, to which his father provided financial support. The event became known after Elizabeth’s friends posted photos from the wedding ceremony on Instagram.

The continuation of the banquet at the Hayatt Regency Ekaterinburg and the second day at the golf club were more consistent with the level of the daughter of an oligarch. (“Beasts”), Nyusha and Valery Meladze himself performed for 200 guests.

Founder and main owner of the Russian Copper Company. Has been actively involved in the fate of the largest holding company in the Russian Federation since its founding.

Born in Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg) in 1970.

Education - higher (diploma from the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy).

Since 1992 he has been conducting business activities. During the same period of his life, he founded and headed the Aeron company, whose activities were entirely devoted to the collection and processing of scrap non-ferrous metals. Thanks to his entrepreneurial flair, supported by the decent quality of the education he received, he was able to raise the small business he created from scratch to the scale of the largest enterprise in the country.

In 1993, Igor Altushkin accepted an offer to take the post of general director of the Ekaterinburg Commercial and Industrial Company enterprise. The introduction of innovative management methods allowed the young but seriously asserted company to enter a new stage of development. Thanks to his managerial talent and organizational skills, Altushkin was able to create a close-knit team of like-minded people, which not only strengthened the position of ETPC, but also expanded the horizons of the company’s production activities throughout the regional market. In less than two years, the Ekaterinburg Commercial and Industrial Company has become a group of companies and is among the suppliers providing metal to more than half of Siberian enterprises working with secondary raw materials.

In 1995, Igor Altushkin became a direct participant in the creation of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. He is among the owners of the company's shares and makes a lot of efforts for the further successful development of the company.

In 2004, Altushkin Igor Alekseevich created his main brainchild - the Russian Copper Company. Currently, he holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the largest metallurgical holding in the Russian Federation, which includes enterprises in the mining and processing industries in its structure. Thanks to a competent association, the Russian Copper Company is able to provide services within the full production cycle, from the extraction of copper ore to the production of finished metallurgical products. The holding's production volume is about 180,000 tons. During his chairmanship at RMK, he was able to bring the holding into the top three among all Russian copper producers.

Igor Altushkin is one of the major philanthropists

The businessman’s charitable activities deserve special attention. Igor Altushkin devotes a lot of time and attention to philanthropy. In 2005, he established the Russian Copper Company charitable foundation. Thanks to the funds collected by the fund, thousands of orphans and children from low-income families received financial support. In addition, the foundation implements its own programs aimed at helping children suffering from severe congenital and acquired illnesses. Every year, from the reserves of the charitable foundation, trips to health camps are paid for for children from disadvantaged families, as well as for inmates of orphanages and orphanages. A considerable amount of money is received from the fund by social rehabilitation centers that provide assistance to children with disabilities. Igor Altushkin keeps the distribution of charitable funds under personal control.

In addition, the entrepreneur provides social assistance to residents of the region, and also allocates funds for the development of art and support of Russian Orthodox traditions. Thanks to the support of the charitable foundation, several churches and monasteries were built and restored in Siberia.

Altushkin Igor Alekseevich shows sincere interest in preserving the environmental health of his native region. His chairmanship of the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology of the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs helps him to carry out active work in this direction.

Expresses personal interest in training qualified personnel for enterprises included in the RMK holding. For this purpose, he became a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Mineral Resources University "Mining". At the same time, it provides financial support for the development of education related to the metallurgical industry.

A separate category of social projects created by the entrepreneur includes the holding of concerts and festivals with the participation of both local and invited celebrities. Events are held on a regular basis in the cities where the divisions that are part of the RMK structure are located.