How much does a raw egg weigh without shell? Hot question: how many grams of protein are in one egg?

Almost every person eats chicken eggs. Moreover, the egg is one of the main components of a large number of dishes. If many people determine the number of calories in one egg, then we will consider another question, how much does a chicken egg weigh.

According to the established procedure and legislation of the Russian Federation, chicken eggs are divided into several categories. Accordingly, based on their categories, their weight will depend. So, here are the following categories of chicken eggs:

  • Chicken egg of the third category - has weight from 35 to 44.9 g.
  • Chicken egg of the second category - has weight from 45 to 54.9 g.
  • Chicken egg of the first category - has weight from 55 to 64.9 g.
  • A selected chicken egg is designated “O” - it weighs from 65 to 74.9 g.
  • A chicken egg of the highest category is designated “B” - it has weight 75 grams or more.

An egg with an average weight of 40/65 grams, one dozen chicken eggs will weigh from 400 to 650 grams. As for one kilogram of eggs, it can contain from 15 to 25 medium-sized eggs. Now we bring to your attention the weight of a separate category in the shell, without the shell, the weight of the yolk and white.

  • The highest category of eggs.
  • One egg in the shell weighs 75 gr., without shell 68 gr., protein weight 41 gr. and yolk 26 gr.
  • weighs 750 gr., without shell 680 gr., protein weight 410 gr. and yolk 260 gr.
  • Selected chicken egg.
  • One egg in the shell weighs 65/74.9 gr., without shell 59/68 gr., protein weight 36/41 gr. and yolk 23/26 gr.
  • Weight of one dozen in shell 670/749.9 gr., without shell 590/680 gr., protein weight 360/410 gr. and yolk 230/260 gr.
  • First category.
  • One egg in the shell weighs 55/64.9 gr., without shell 50/59 gr., protein weight 30/36 gr. and yolk 19/23 gr.
  • Weight of one dozen in shell 550/649.9 gr., without shell 500/590gr., protein weight 300/360gr. and yolk 190/230 gr.
  • Second category.
  • One egg in the shell weighs 45/54.9 gr., without shell 40/50 gr., protein weight 25/30 gr. and yolk 16/19 gr.
  • Weight of one dozen in shell 450/549.9 gr., without shell 400/500 gr., protein weight 250/300 gr. and yolk 160/190 gr.
  • Third category.
  • One egg in the shell weighs 35/44.9 gr., without shell 32/40 gr., protein weight 19/25 gr. and yolk 12/16 gr.
  • Weight of one dozen in shell 350/449.9 gr., without shell 320/400 gr., protein weight 190/250 gr. and yolk 120/160 gr.

To determine the category of an egg, you can simply look at the markings that are applied to it after sorting. If you are involved in cooking, then most likely you know that eggs of the third category are most often used in this area. 40 grams. As mentioned above, according to established standards, the egg category must be applied to each egg. After all, their price will depend on this. For example, one of the cheapest categories of eggs is the third. Their price is on average 20/30 rubles. Accordingly, the highest category will be more expensive than all the others.

To get large eggs, elite chickens are specially raised for this purpose. They differ significantly in their size, moreover, they are kept in special conditions, and also receive a more varied diet. Although this fact does not mean that they will be tastier than small ones. This also applies to their usefulness. In most cases, they are separated for the purpose of profitable sale. Therefore, which chicken egg you should choose for your next purchase depends only on your desire, as well as your well-being.

There is also the case for the largest and smallest chicken eggs in the world. For example, in Cuba, a chicken laid the largest egg in the world. The weight of this egg was 148 grams. As for the smallest egg, it was laid in Papua New Guinea. Just imagine, his weight was 9.734 grams!

So, now you know how much a chicken egg weighs. At the same time, you will separately know how much an egg weighs without a shell and in a shell. This knowledge can be especially useful for cooks.

Some people consider eggs to be a healthy food and eat them for breakfast every day. Others believe that it is better to look for another source of protein, since they contain too much “bad” cholesterol. It's time to reveal the whole truth about this product. How much should I consume, how much protein is in a chicken egg, and is it inferior to quail eggs in this regard?

Chicken proteins: high in protein and safe cholesterol

The most important building material of the human body is protein. Without it, the growth of muscles, ligaments, bones and tissues is impossible. It helps the immune system perform its duties well, supports digestive functions, and is involved in metabolism. Without this element, the production of enzymes and hormones will stop. A lack of protein results in loss of muscle tissue, heart problems, weakened immunity, and in extreme cases can even lead to death.

A person needs 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of weight per day. It is enough to find out how much protein is in a chicken egg to understand that this is the fastest and most delicious way to “feed” your body with the much-needed substance. At the same time, egg white cholesterol will not “contaminate” the blood vessels, because it is almost instantly neutralized by other components of the egg.

How much protein gets into the body with one chicken egg?

Let’s immediately answer the main question - how many proteins are in 1 chicken egg. Its amount is from 3 to 4 g. The egg laid by the bird consists of 87% water, and 11% of its composition is the main ingredient useful for humans - proteins. The other 2% is minerals and ash.

Not all hens lay the same size eggs. In the retail chain, such goods are divided into categories. The main classification criterion is weight. According to it, the amount of protein in an egg can be as follows:

  • third category (small) - egg weight from 35 to 44.9 g, protein accounts for 23-30 g, protein content - from 2.6 to 3.3 g;
  • second (average) - one egg weighs 45-54.9 g, protein weight - 30-36.6 g, protein - 3.3-4.1 g;
  • first (large) - 55-64.9 g, protein weighs 36.7-43.3, 4.2-4.8 g of protein will be in the body;
  • category “O” (very large) - 65-74.9 g, 43.3-50 g, 4.8-5.5 g (total weight, protein weight and amount of proteins);
  • “giant” eggs that weigh more than 75 g. They contain up to 50 g of protein, and more than 5.6 g of protein.

Protein can be found in many animal products, but eggs top the list. Protein of chicken origin is several times higher than that of milk, beef or fish. And all because it is almost completely (94%) absorbed by the body. We can say that this product contains “smart” high-quality protein that stores all amino acids in the correct proportions. Therefore, the body can use it to build its own proteins. This is the gold standard for protein quality. It is used to compare other sources of this substance (for example, soy and whey). But that’s not the only thing valuable about him. Chicken protein is a real treasure trove of vitamins D, B, K, E, PP. And under the eggshell are hidden such important elements as magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, fluorine and sodium.

For those who like to count: weighing protein

If you like accuracy and buy homemade eggs (without specifying a category), then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the average option. You can independently calculate exactly how many grams of protein are in one chicken egg. There is nothing complicated about this. To get the most reliable result, you will need a kitchen scale. If you have not yet acquired such a miracle of technology, then just remember: the weight of one egg is 60 g. The third part of this mass (20 g) belongs to the protein.

But don't think that by eating protein you will automatically get the same amount of protein. After all, it also contains water. To find out the amount of protein, you need to take into account the nutritional value per 100 g of product. 100 g of egg white contains 11 g of protein. Thus, 20-30 g contains 2-3 g (maximum 4 g) of pure protein mass.

Now try to guess the riddle: why are there 12.7 g of protein in 100 g of eggs, but only 11 g of protein in the same serving? And all because the yolk is also rich in protein: it contains 2.7 g.

How does the amount of protein change depending on the cooking method?

Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend eating raw eggs. Firstly, you can get salmonellosis this way, and secondly, they claim that such protein is almost not digestible: only half of the protein “eaten” with a raw egg will be used by the body. Meanwhile, if you boil or fry eggs (without adding oil), this will not change the volume of protein. By boiling a couple of soft-boiled eggs, you can get the amount of protein you need to maintain good health.

It’s no longer a secret to you how much protein is in a boiled egg. There are about 4 g of them. The same amount of protein is contained in fried eggs cooked in a dry frying pan. But if you fry the eggs in oil, then the protein will become 14 g. In the omelette there will already be 17 g, and if grated cheese is added to it, then 25 g.

Regular or quail: which has more protein?

It must be said that chicken eggs have only one worthy competitor - quail eggs. They are much smaller in size (their weight barely reaches 10-12 g), but the protein reserve in them is greater - 6 g. If we compare the amount of protein per 100 g, then the victory will also go to quail eggs - 13.1 g versus 12 .7 g for chicken.

Quail eggs have another important advantage - they do not cause allergies. Therefore, it can be used as a source of protein by people suffering from chicken intolerance.

As for the giants in the world of eggs - ostrich eggs, their weight is truly impressive - up to 780 g! If you consider that protein accounts for up to 55-60% of the total weight, then it will not be difficult to determine how much protein is in one piece. But this delicacy is not to everyone's taste. There is no need to talk about waterfowl eggs, since they are not usually eaten. It is believed that they can become a source of infection even if they are subjected to heat treatment.

Kira Stoletova

If you are going to raise chickens not only to please your own taste buds, but also to replenish your wallet, you should find out how much a chicken egg weighs without the shell and with it, because the price of the product and the category to which it belongs are in direct relation depending on its size.

Meaning of marking

The egg must be marked before being sent to the store. The marking can be seen directly on the shell or on the packaging; it consists of 2 characters. The first indicates the freshness of the product, the second - the category and approximate weight.

  1. C means "table", i.e. with a period of more than 7 days from the date of demolition.
  2. D - “dietary”, or, in other words, the freshest product “just” from the chicken. After 7 days it becomes a “canteen”.

The category is designated by the numbers: 1, 2 and 3, or by the letters O and B. In the European equivalent, the signs will look like this: M (1), S (2, 3), L (O) and XL (B). O means “selected”, and B means the highest category. The average weight of each category is shown in the table:

If we talk about standard products, one glance at their labeling should tell about its characteristics. In regular stores, everyone has most likely seen (and sees) eggs marked c1 or c2 (that is, a table egg of category 1 or 2).

Weight without shell

Shells are rarely used in cooking, so it is quite natural that buyers are interested in the question, how much do the yolks and whites weigh without shells in one individual chicken egg? The average weight of the shell is 10% of the total weight of the raw egg.

The shells are not as useless as they seem (remember this the next time you throw them away). Shells are a source of calcium, which is beneficial for the health and growth of poultry. Resourceful owners, instead of buying additives in pet stores, add crushed shells to their feathered pets' food. The shell is used in other areas of life, for example, it is used to make plant food and cosmetics.

How much does the yolk weigh and how much does the white weigh?

The weight of the white in one egg is 55% of the mass, and the yolk is 35%. As you can see, the bulk of the mass is protein, which in turn consists of 90% water. Water gradually evaporates during long-term storage, and consequently weight decreases. This is about the question of why the mass in a chicken egg bought in a store is less than it should be. Weight loss is inevitable, so don't consider it a scam. Let's look at how much the yolk and white weigh in the table:

How much does a chicken egg weigh?

Eggs for weight gain. My recipe.

The chickens began to lay large eggs.

Some interesting facts to note

  1. The weight of the raw and hard-boiled product remains almost the same, if you exclude the weight of the shell.
  2. Average weight is still average weight. It happens that chickens lay “unformatted” eggs. Sometimes paper newspapers and online publications begin to literally be full of reports that someone’s chicken has laid an egg weighing only 5 g (this is less than a quail!) and news about the appearance of an egg weighing 200 g or more. Non-format sizes in our table, of course, are not included, but poultry owners should be aware of such cases (and find in advance the addresses and telephone numbers of people who are involved in entering new records into the Guinness Book of Records).
  3. By the way, now the proverb “a black hen lays a white egg” has become somewhat irrelevant. Now it can lay not a white, but a blue or greenish egg. The color of the shell depends on the breed, but the mineral composition of “multi-colored” products is the same as that of ordinary white ones.
  4. Cholesterol - a myth or not a myth? Some diet advocates fear the cholesterol in yolks. It really is there, but it is not as much as the myths say. In other words, it can be eaten by those who are on diets, but, of course, in limited quantities. It is believed that you can afford an omelet with 1-3 yolks or the same amount of boiled products per day.

The benefits of eggs are undeniable; just read the list of useful substances they contain to be convinced of this. So eat them and choose the best quality products, since now it’s clear how to decipher the incomprehensible signs on the shell. Now you know how much an egg weighs, the benefits and harms of this product.

A chicken egg is a valuable product that should be included in everyone’s menu. It contains all the nutrients a person needs, including protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. The shell serves as a source of calcium necessary for bones. For those who often prepare dishes using them or adhere to a healthy nutrition system, it is very important to know how much a chicken egg weighs.

The largest chicken egg was discovered in Cuba. It weighed 148 g. The smallest one was laid by a chicken in New Guinea, its weight turned out to be slightly more than 9.7 g. The average weight of a chicken egg is about 50 g. According to GOST (GOST R 52121-2003), there is a division into categories (depending by weight). So, the weight of one egg:

  • highest category (B) - 75 g or more;
  • category O (selected) - 65-74.9 g;
  • category 1 - 55-64.9 g;
  • category 2 - 45-54.9 g;
  • category 3 - 35-44.9 g.

The retail chain has special markings. It is placed on each individual specimen received at the poultry farm, or on the price tag and general packaging. The marking consists of two characters: C1, C2, SV, D1. In the C1 designation, the first character indicates that this is a table product that must be sold within 25 days. The letter D denotes a dietary product. Its implementation period is 7 days.

The second sign marks the category. Some manufacturers add distinctive properties to their products, such as a bright yolk or an interesting new flavor. This is allowed by the state standard. The price of products is determined by category. The higher the category, the more expensive the product will be. The weight of the egg depends on how much the chicken weighs.

Egg weight (video)

Varieties of chickens

Currently, over 900 different breeds of chickens are known. A significant proportion of individuals were obtained through the intensive work of breeders. Depending on their purpose, breeds are divided into the following categories:

  • meat;
  • meat and egg;
  • egg-laying

Purely ornamental birds have also been bred, and their representatives are dwarf and fighting birds. The so-called “domestic” chicken is very common. Its appearance is the result of many years of breeding by crossing different valuable specimens, beneficial for farms in different regions. Domestic chicken weighs on average 2-2.5 kg.

But pure egg-laying hens have less mass. This includes, for example, white highsex. It is grown in large poultry farms. Its weight is no more than 1.5-2 kg. But the eggs obtained from it reach 65 g and even more. Domestic and Spanish naked-necked animals are general purpose animals, that is, they are meat-egg animals. With proper care, they can produce a large amount of quality product.

Meat chickens include broiler chickens raised on a special diet. Although they are large, they do not have high egg production.

By selecting a special large breed and the necessary feeding of chickens, specialists obtain large eggs as a result. But more mass does not always correspond to the best taste. The selection of their quality for food by consumers is carried out according to individual requests and depending on the planned dishes. Thus, for baking, medium categories are usually recommended, corresponding to a weight of about 40 g.

Quail egg weight (video)

Consumption of the product

During cooking, the product does not shrink and moisture does not evaporate from it. It also does not absorb the water in which it is cooked. The shell protects against water penetration. Therefore, boiled and raw eggs usually weigh the same.

During cooking, the product does not shrink and moisture does not evaporate from it.

Only boiled eggs are eaten, after peeling them. Then the average weight of an egg without a shell will be important. And the shell makes up about 10% of their total mass. From here you can easily calculate the net weight of the product consumed.

It is known that the white occupies 55% of the weight of the entire egg, and the yolk - 35%. If the average weight of 1 egg is 50 g, then by percentage we calculate that the egg white weighs 27 g, and the yolk weighs 18 g. When the egg is not used immediately, it dries out. It evaporates the moisture contained in the protein. Therefore, the protein weight may be less than expected.

It is the same for all varieties of eggs that after frying they weigh slightly less than raw. But their calorie content increases.

But do not forget that if an egg has spoiled due to improper storage, its weight may remain the same. You need to know all the given data and calculations in order to prepare food correctly. This is especially important, first of all, for cooks and cooks.

Well, now that we've agreed on eggs, perhaps we’ll start with them. A very widely used ingredient in confectionery. I will say even more. Eggs are added to almost all baked goods (with the exception, perhaps, of savory ones), in addition, being a structural element along with flour (structural - that is, giving shape - structure - to the finished product), absolutely necessary in desserts that are prepared without flour...

This is what they look like:

I’m going to tell you a lot about eggs and their role in making desserts, so if anyone is interested,

1 . So. The most important question that worries every person planning to bake at least once in their life is: "What does 100 g of eggs mean? How much does one egg weigh? And the yolk separately? Eh...?" well in the same spirit. To settle this issue once and for all, I report:

A whole egg weighs 50 g
The yolk is 1/3 of the egg and weighs 17 g
The white makes up the remaining 2/3 of the egg and weighs approx. 33 g
And correspondingly,
21 whole eggs = 1 kg
36 proteins = 1 kg
53 yolks = 1 kg

Important! I'm talking about the average, standard egg (which is usually sold by the dozen in supermarkets). If you prefer to buy eggs at the market, then there are often XXL size eggs - they weigh more!

2. The next most frequently asked question about eggs goes something like this: "Is it possible to replace whole eggs with whites, and how much should I take..."- further options are possible. In this regard, you can see what the white and yolk actually consist of.

Protein. Consists exclusively of water and protein :) (I mean proteins) in a ratio of 90/10. That is approximately 90% water and 10% proteins.

Yolk. There is also water and proteins here, but it is important to us mostly because of the third component - a natural emulsifier (I am not a chemist, but as far as I understand, an emulsifier helps to make, for example, an emulsion from water and fat, preventing it from separating).

To make everything completely clear, the same is in table form. We print it above the bed too :) The latter is optional.

Now I’m thinking - did I go too far :)? Well, still, I hope someone will need it someday...

Thus, based on this information, you can try to replace eggs - whites - yolks, adding or removing water / fats, etc. accordingly. You just need to understand how the structure of the finished product will change.

For example, this is what will happen: What if you replace whole eggs in a cupcake with an equal amount of yolks? If you do not take into account the yellower color of the finished cupcake, we can say that, firstly, the cupcake will be more crumbly. Why? The yolks objectively contain less water and more fat. Both of these facts lead to crumbling. Crumbliness in the good sense of the word :) This is what many people strive for in cupcakes.

3. Well, in order to understand even better how the structure of the dessert changes when using/not using eggs, you need to define them main functions . In other words, why do we need eggs?

  • First, eggs add structure(already said). The two most important structure-forming ingredients in baking are flour and eggs. . Under the influence of heat, eggs harden (well, yes, everyone has fried eggs) - this is cleverly called “coagulation of egg proteins.” I will tell you more about this process when we prepare the CUSTARDS. Thus, heat hardening is one of the main functions of eggs. It is most important in rich cakes, where large amounts of butter weaken the gluten...
  • Further. The next unique function of eggs is their ability to form very stable foam when whipping - which helps to “raise” the baked goods. Of course, we understand that the air contained in the bubbles raises the baked goods, and the eggs just form these bubbles... I will talk about this function in great detail when we get to the meringue.
  • The third function has already been discussed. This - ability of yolks to emulsify(bind) fat and water. Incredibly important in cake batter, various creams, etc.
  • Then there are such platitudes as “add taste finished product" - mainly yolks, "add color" - again, because of the yellow pigment in the yolk, " they add nutritional value"Yeah. This, of course, is the most important...

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Well, looks like we're done with the eggs. And now the final question:
Why do hard-boiled eggs have a grey-green yolk???

Ha! I've discovered the answer!
This happens when a normally old egg is cooked for too long. And that's why. It turns out that protein contains sulfur. It is not visible or felt, but believe me, it is there. It is released when eggs are heated. The yolks contain some iron. When sulfur combines with iron, iron sulfate is formed (Chemistry course, 7th grade:)), which has this very gray-green color... Something like this.
If we have absolutely no use for it, we’ll try to hedge our bets. The catalyst for this reaction can be a high pH level (the older the egg, the higher it is). We take fresh eggs and cook for as long as required, and not for half an hour, as usual :) And you will have perfect yellow yolks...

But this actually has nothing to do with baking. It just hurt :)
Buy eggs, we'll make BUSHARDS!! See you!