What is more harmful - alcohol or cigarettes? Harm to the human body and consequences. What's worse: alcohol or cigarettes?

The harm of smoking and alcohol is an indisputable fact that few people dare to dispute. Despite this obvious truth, smoking and alcohol are a significant part of some people's lives. Despite the harm to health, addictions are so strong that life without alcohol or smoking is not possible. What effect does a smoker or alcoholic have on the body, and why do you want to smoke so much when you drink?

Smoking and alcohol are united not only by the fact that they have a negative effect on the body, but also by the formation of a harmful habit - alcoholism or tobacco smoking. The reasons, as a rule, do not differ significantly. The first alcoholic drink or the first cigarette is consumed due to:

  • interest in something new;
  • desire to increase authority in the company;
  • example of parents or older relatives.

When alcohol and tobacco, and maybe weed, are used for the first time, no one strives to form an addiction or destroy health. However, at the age of 14-18, when the first experiments with adult entertainment begin, people are convinced that they control their body and mind, and such problems will not affect them. Every smoker or drinker is sure that he will quit drinking and smoking right now, if he so desires.

However, quitting smoking and alcohol is a much more difficult process. Alcoholism and tobacco smoking over time form an addiction at the physiological level, which a person cannot control.

Alcohol gradually destroys brain activity and seriously changes hormonal levels. Drinking alcohol day after day means forming an addiction, which results in painful hangover syndromes, and now a person has only one way to get rid of this condition - not to give up alcohol and smoking.

A person not only cannot live without alcohol and cigarettes, but also needs to constantly increase the dose, which leads to addiction to harmful consequences. The tobacco product works in the same way, not to mention the comparison with smoking marijuana and other drugs. Dependence is formed at the physical and psychological level.

The main active ingredient in tobacco is nicotine, which takes part in a number of biochemical processes in the body. When nicotine enters the adrenal glands, adrenaline and norepinephrine are produced, which are perceived as hormones of vivacity.

This effect is manifested due to the invigorating effect, the basis of which is the stimulation of cardiac activity. As a result, pressure increases and blood vessels dilate. A person develops positive emotions, and their influence on the body is significant. The body understands that the source of this pleasure is the cigarette, and as soon as the effect of nicotine wears off, the alarm sounds. At the initial stage, a person only needs a couple of cigarettes, but then the emotional impulse grows stronger and reaches a couple of packs a day.

Reproductive system and respiratory organs

To answer which is more harmful, alcohol or cigarettes, you need to understand their effect on the human body. Both alcohol and cigarettes have an effect on the reproductive system, but for some reason this is the last thing people remember. Often, a small amount of alcohol has a liberating effect on the human body, which is perceived as a good “doping” when communicating with the opposite sex. However, drinking before dates is not recommended due to the increased risk of fiasco in bed.

The brain in a state of intoxication, which is influenced by a large number of emotions, is unable to control physiology and psychology. And if marijuana or alcohol were mixed with cigarettes, then it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​a “bed rendezvous”, so that in the morning you will not be ashamed to look your partner in the eyes.

Alcohol and tobacco, when used simultaneously, leads to disruption of blood supply, which is an important part of sexual life. Additional influence on the endocrine glands leads to hormonal imbalance. The effect of nicotine on the liver and digestive tract in combination with alcohol is more than destructive, which results in powerful intoxication.

In the long term, this behavior can lead to infertility in women, problems with bearing a fetus, and congenital defects. A man who does not quit his addictions faces erectile dysfunction and decreased libido.

Most people are aware of the harmful effects of cigarettes on the respiratory system, so it is believed that when asked what is better to drink or what is more correct to smoke, the answer is obvious - drink. But it's not that simple. Alcohol also leads to specific lung damage. Usually, chronic alcoholics have more than serious problems, as a result, not every doctor is able to cope with such an illness. If the company of alcohol is hemp or a regular cigarette, then things take a very sad turn.

Most often, those suffering from such addictions develop chronic tracheobronchitis, which develops against the background of constant intoxication. The main problem of this disease is damage to the lung tissue by toxins. It is worth remembering that the pulmonary epithelium lacks certain protective factors in comparison with other internal organs.

This influence does not pass without a trace and patients develop reduced immunity, as a result of which pathologies of the bronchi and lungs appear on an almost constant basis. Normal hypothermia leads to acute pneumonia, which lasts longer and sometimes with complications that increase the risk of death.

How to get rid of addiction

You can quit drinking and smoking forever if you put in enough effort. Of course, it will be easiest to quit drinking and smoking at the same time in the first stages of addiction. If the addiction has become more serious, you should contact an appropriate specialist. In 2016, there is no shortage of such doctors.

It was already mentioned above that a habit is formed not only on a psychological, but also on a physical level. It is important to understand that you need to work on these two components.

If you eradicate only physical addiction, without thinking about appropriate psychological treatment, a person who quit drinking and smoking may return to his usual lifestyle in a couple of months. It is worth noting that the dual influence of alcohol and nicotine on the body makes it much more difficult to fight bad habits, but if you clearly decide to oppose smoking and alcohol in your life, everything will work out.

Today, there are many answers to the question of how to quit drinking and smoking. This topic is very extensive and has been discussed for a long time. We are talking about encoding, and about hypnosis, and about drug treatment, and about folk remedies. However, complex treatment proved to be better. This is a joint work of an experienced narcologist and psychologist. But no medicine or prevention will help if a person does not decide to get rid of the addiction on his own.

Smoking is usually easier to cope with. It is important not to replace cigarettes with lighter or more modern electronic options. Willpower is of great importance here. Some people smoke their last cigarette without any problems and give them up forever.

Someone has to look for a replacement for cigarettes, for example, using lollipops. But it is better to replace them with fruits and vegetables cut into strips. Yes, at first you will not experience the same pleasure, but such a replacement will have a more than good effect on digestion.

If you are not the type of person for whom it is enough to make a firm decision and the next morning there is no pack of cigarettes in their hands, then you can use a number of recommendations compiled by specialists from Germany. To reduce addiction, it is recommended not to buy more than a pack of cigarettes at a time in the store. As soon as you take one cigarette, immediately put the entire pack away. At the same time, smoking several cigarettes in a row is prohibited.

Be sure to choose brands that offer cigarettes with a good filter. Try to change the brand and strength of cigarettes; the faster this change occurs, the better. At work, try to give up smoking breaks, do not put a pack of cigarettes where you often relax or just on the table next to you.

Always refuse an offer to smoke, do not ask for a cigarette. Avoid carrying a lighter with you. After smoking a cigarette, empty the ashtray immediately. After the first puff, try to put out the cigarette. Stop chain smoking and try to quit completely.

The first cigarette should be smoked only after breakfast. Nicotine on an empty stomach is especially dangerous. Try to increase the intervals between smoking every day. Give up a smoke break immediately after the desire arises, wait half an hour or an hour, perhaps the desire will disappear on its own.

Often the desire to quit smoking is influenced by counting the money spent on cigarettes that could have been spent on something more interesting and useful. Start making money from every pack you don't buy. Who knows, you might be able to go on vacation earlier than planned this year. Equally important is your awareness of how harmful nicotine affects the body. If you have developed a serious addiction, replace it with a new habit. A light snack of an apple or carrot will not make you worse.

Sports and yoga have proven themselves well in the fight against addictions. This is a great way to relax after work. If you don't want to go to the gym, just go two stops from home and take a walk.

Getting rid of alcohol addiction is more difficult than smoking. That is why it is so important for a person to be aware of the problem. As soon as a person suffering from alcoholism fully understands all the harm caused to his health, he is ready to give up a glass of vodka. It is better to start fighting for your future at the first stage of the disease, when physical dependence has not yet formed. At such moments, everything depends on the person and his desire to drink. Talk to your family, discuss your problem, ask them for help.

At first, it will be difficult to imagine your life without a glass or mug of beer in the evening. It is important at such moments not to sit idle. Take time with your favorite hobby, sports exercises, or something that you have been putting off for a long time. Often, with prolonged use of alcohol, a lot of small household chores accumulate, the solution of which takes time. Why not do it now?

An important point when giving up alcohol is its complete exclusion from life. If you want to get rid of a bad habit, remember that alcohol is prohibited for you even on holidays. Ideally, ask family and friends to avoid drinking alcohol on holidays to avoid teasing you with alcohol.

If this is not possible, you should stay at home for the first month, giving up social events. Once you are confident that a foggy glass of vodka will not tempt you, you can go out into the world again, giving preference to non-alcoholic drinks. Juices, fruit drinks, compotes will not only help while away the evening, but will also benefit the body. Such drinks can be beautifully served and decorated, then sipped in a chair from a straw.

If you have a decent history of alcoholism, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist. At the second and third stages of alcoholism, the problem is not only the dependence itself, but also the appearance of withdrawal syndrome when giving up alcohol.

It encourages you to continue drinking. The danger of withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism is associated not only with a possible lack of willpower, but also with a negative effect on the body. Professional narcologists, especially if you are hospitalized, will be able to provide you with timely assistance in a force majeure situation. In addition, they have medications at their disposal, the correct selection of which can easily get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal syndrome and alcoholism.

Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes can destroy even the strongest and healthiest body. All internal tissues and organs are affected, especially the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. Knowing this, many still continue to indulge their addictions. According to statistics, there are more than a billion smokers in the world, and millions of people suffer from alcoholism. It is difficult to say unequivocally what is worse - drinking or smoking. It is best to overcome both addictions. But if this step lacks willpower and motivation, people try to choose the lesser of two evils.

The degree of harm depends on which products and in what quantities are consumed. You can consider a conditional situation where one person drinks a glass of beer, champagne or wine every day, and the other is used to smoking at least 10 cigarettes a day. Let's find out how tobacco and alcohol affect the main vital systems of the body.

Ethyl alcohol, regularly getting inside a person, first of all begins to destroy the circulatory system. The heart muscle may enlarge or partially atrophy, the blood vessels narrow too much, and the balance of nutrients (potassium, magnesium) is disrupted. Drinking leads to many problems, sometimes deadly:

  • hypoxia (too little oxygen enters the blood);
  • myocardial dystrophy develops - death of heart cells;
  • hypotension and hypertension, constant pressure surges;
  • arrhythmia - disturbance of the normal pulse;
  • ischemic disease;
  • stroke and heart attack even at a young age.

Cigarettes are no less harmful to the cardiovascular system, and also lead to the development of dangerous pathologies. Consequences of smoking:

  • lack of oxygen in the blood due to large amounts of carbon monoxide in the arteries;
  • tachycardia and high blood pressure due to the release of adrenaline;
  • disturbance of heart contractions;
  • atherosclerotic changes in the myocardium;
  • death of small vessels in the limbs, which can lead to amputation;
  • heart attack, stroke - can occur due to increased formation of blood clots.

In addition to the cardiovascular system, bad habits also affect other organs and systems.

Effect on the nervous system and brain

Alcohol has the greatest damage to the human brain. It gets there almost instantly and remains in the neurons until complete decay, producing a toxic effect. Alcohol also paralyzes nerve cells in the body, which explains the inappropriate emotional behavior of the drinker. The consequences are disastrous:

  • instinctive rather than rational behavior dominates, since the cerebral cortex is not able to control human actions;
  • the processes of inhibition and excitation are disrupted, the alcoholic is unable to behave calmly, reacts aggressively to the words and actions of other people;

  • mental processes become difficult, memory and attention weaken;
  • the psyche is undermined, hallucinations, nervous paralysis, and phobias arise;
  • sleep patterns are disrupted.

Alcohol and smoking cause not only physical, but also strong psychological dependence. That is why, without another portion of alcohol or nicotine, a person begins to get nervous, his mood drops and negativity spills out on those around him. This is especially evident when giving up bad habits.

Nicotine destroys the nervous system a little slower than alcohol. The mechanism of its action looks like this: first tobacco excites the nerve endings, then depresses them. Over time, this leads to the following consequences:

  • Sleep patterns and appetite are disrupted;
  • The brain's pleasure receptors require more and more tobacco. Therefore, a heavy smoker suffers if he cannot smoke for just a couple of hours;
  • Brain hypoxia causes poor memory and intelligence, and performance decreases;
  • Suppression of nerve centers in the spinal cord leads to problems in sexual life;
  • Inflammation of the nerve roots provokes radiculitis and neuritis.

Destruction of the respiratory organs

Even in small quantities, alcohol negatively affects the entire body, including the respiratory system. Breathing becomes faster and organs become more vulnerable to infections. The long-term habit of keeping a bottle of wine or a can of beer on hand every day leads to the following pathologies:

  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • emphysema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tracheobronchitis.

Also, the danger lies in the fact that during feasts and parties with strong drinks, people are more likely to smoke. It is strictly forbidden to mix alcohol with tobacco, this is double poisoning of your own body.

How does tobacco smoke affect the respiratory system?

  • destroys the structure of cells and alveoli in the lungs;
  • nicotine and tar settle in the trachea, lungs, bronchi, causing coughing;

  • the volume of the lungs is noticeably reduced, little oxygen enters the body;
  • smoke irritates the mucous membranes, causing inflammation;
  • serious diseases develop: asthma, tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis;
  • increases the risk of developing respiratory cancer.

Harm to digestion

The negative effects of tobacco and alcohol on the digestive system manifest themselves both immediately and over time. Immediately after smoking and drinking, symptoms of poisoning may occur: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. But after some time, regular intoxication leads to serious pathologies.

Acetaldehyde, into which ethyl alcohol is converted, impairs the functioning of the digestive system. Vodka is especially harmful - it is toxic and severely burns the delicate walls of the stomach. Many problems and unpleasant symptoms develop:

  • Violation of the acid-base balance and the functioning of the salivary glands. Food is less easily digested, digestive disorders occur, waste accumulates in the intestines;
  • Hydrochloric acid is actively released, corroding the walls of the stomach and duodenum. As a result, gastritis, ulcers, and pancreatitis develop;
  • Metabolism is disrupted, proteins are no longer broken down, which has a bad effect on overall well-being.

Tobacco destroys the digestive system more slowly than any alcoholic drink, but the degree of impact is almost the same. What happens to the body due to smoking:

  • Salivation increases, so particles of nicotine and carcinogens actively enter the stomach and irritate the mucous membrane;
  • Acidity increases. As a result, the same diseases begin as with alcoholism: gastritis, ulcers or even cancer.

Danger to the reproductive system

Tobacco and alcohol equally worsen sex life and also interfere with healthy conception and birth of a child. These habits are harmful to both men's and women's health. The following adverse changes occur in the reproductive system due to alcohol and nicotine:

  • Testosterone production in the stronger sex decreases, which ultimately becomes the cause of infertility;

  • potency is impaired;
  • sperm are produced less well and move more slowly, so the likelihood of fertilization decreases;
  • in women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, as a result, conception fails;
  • may be early menopause;
  • the risk of serious complications during pregnancy, including miscarriage, premature birth or impaired fetal development.

Spouses should prepare for the birth of children at least three to four months in advance by giving up the habit of drinking and smoking. During this time, harmful substances will mostly be removed from the body, and the reproductive system will more or less recover.

Effects on the liver and kidneys

The task of the liver and kidneys is to process and remove all harmful tobacco and alcohol compounds from the body. It is not surprising that these organs wear out pretty quickly and can no longer fully perform this important function for the body.

Alcohol injures the delicate epithelium inside the kidneys and liver cells. This is what the destructive effects of alcoholic beverages lead to:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • its increase in size;
  • impaired renal activity, reduction in their volume;
  • poor urine formation;
  • stagnation of fluid in the body, swelling.

Smoking has a similar effect on these organs:

  • nicotine accumulates in the liver, which can no longer properly cleanse the blood;
  • cirrhosis develops;
  • there is a risk of developing liver cancer;
  • toxins and resins deposited in the kidneys turn into stones;
  • renal failure occurs.

Thus, addiction to cigarettes and alcohol becomes doubly dangerous for a person. Each time, toxic substances are removed from the body worse, gradually accumulating in tissues, organs and blood. There is constant intoxication and destruction.

What's worse: alcohol or cigarettes? Doctors' opinion

Experts do not give a clear answer which is more harmful – alcohol or smoking. These addictions destroy health with equal force and cause practically the same diseases. In addition, cigarettes and alcohol worsen a person’s appearance: his face quickly ages, his body becomes flabby and weak, and there is little energy and strength left for a full life.

However, there are differences in the effect on the body. Tobacco is a time bomb. The consequences of smoking are not immediately noticeable, but only after decades. But alcohol abuse affects health much faster. It only takes two or three years of drinking regularly to develop serious problems with the liver, heart, and genitourinary system. Therefore, doctors are still of the opinion that alcohol is more harmful to humans.

It is important to remember that cigarettes and alcoholic beverages shorten a person’s life by 5-10 years, depending on how much he drinks or smokes. Therefore, there is little point in choosing which is less harmful to health - you need to eliminate both destructive habits.

Video on topic

Abuse of alcohol and smoking tobacco are the most common bad habits of humans. A huge number of adult citizens of our country die every day due to diseases that were caused by the negative influence of both cigarettes and vodka or wine. It is because of this that pregnant women and children under 18 years of age should completely stop using harmful substances.

It can be very difficult to give up addiction. Many people want to know which attachment will cause them the least harm. With the help of this article you will be able to answer a rather complex question: what is more harmful than alcohol or tobacco products?

Harm from nicotine

Smoking tobacco is a very bad habit. Many experienced smokers are trying to stop buying expensive packs and cartons of cigarettes. A person inhales dangerous substances into the lungs, which are gradually absorbed into the body. Almost all internal organs and cells of the body suffer. Smokers are often diagnosed with myocardial infarction, lung cancer, and stomach ulcers.

It is very difficult to determine the exact date when cigarettes will cause you to develop one of the most common diseases. This indicator depends entirely on the length of service of the smoker, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body. Pay attention to the statistics. According to many studies, smokers die almost 20 years earlier than people who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Many people who began to harm their health in childhood already have huge problems with reproductive function by the age of thirty.

This applies to both men and women. Sex cells begin to be produced very slowly. Young boys suffer from impotence, and girls complain of problems with monthly menstruation. Doctors often diagnose them with blood stagnation in the genitals.

In some cases, smoking cigarettes can harm a person's brain function. Let's consider the principle of action of tobacco. After the first puff, the blood vessels begin to quickly increase in size and become wider. After a couple of moments, the reverse process occurs: the vessels narrow. Such changes have a bad effect on the organs: smokers often have problems with concentration and memory. A person’s mental activity becomes less productive.

The following negative consequences of smoking cigarettes can also be identified:

  • The level of physical development is impaired (especially important for children);
  • The body's reaction to external pathogens slows down;
  • Changes in the mental state of the individual occur, nervousness appears;
  • A dependency is formed. It is very difficult to give up such a habit!

This list is not complete, but only one thing is clear - tobacco smoke can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

Harm from alcohol

Drinking alcohol is another bad habit. It doesn't matter what exactly you drink. Even low-alcohol products contain dangerous ethyl alcohol. The principle of its operation is quite simple. Harmful substances enter the body and are very quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach. Experienced alcoholics often suffer from schizophrenia, memory gaps appear, the level of intellectual abilities drops, and the person becomes very absent-minded.

Despite this fact, high-quality alcohol in small doses can even be beneficial. It helps cope with vasoconstriction and headaches.

But more often than not, regular consumption of even ordinary red wine can develop into a dangerous habit. Within a short period of time after ethyl alcohol enters the body, the stage of intoxication begins. It is characterized by the following features:

  • Changes in skin color;
  • Dizziness;
  • Excitation of the nervous system;
  • Change in breathing rate;
  • Gait disturbance.

Harmful elements are gradually carried through the circulatory system. The liver at this stage plays the role of a filter. After drinking alcohol in large doses, the process of intoxication occurs. Vomiting appears, the body goes numb. After a while, a hangover occurs. The person feels weak, his arms and legs are trembling.

Alcohol abuse can lead to the following consequences:

  • Problems with potency, deterioration of reproductive function;
  • The emergence of mental illnesses;
  • Deterioration of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs;
  • Increased load on the heart;
  • Digestive problems, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Take full responsibility for this problem. Drinking alcohol in small doses, although it will not cause irreparable harm to the body, will contribute to the formation of a negative habit. Try not to abuse this.

Comparison of bad habits

A person always tries to choose the lesser of two evils. Thus, a rather difficult question arises: is it better to drink or smoke cigarettes? It is almost impossible to give an exact answer. It all depends on the individual characteristics of your body, as well as on the amount of nicotine and alcohol. Both bad habits can cause irreparable harm to your health.

Many experts argue that it is still better to drink alcohol, but in rather small doses. Our body is able to process it quite efficiently, but the abuse of strong drinks is no less harmful than daily smoking of cigarettes.

Try not to combine nicotine and alcoholic drinks. In this case, the vessels will not receive too much stress.

It is impossible to answer with complete certainty which is worse: drinking or smoking heavily. The main thing is not to abuse bad habits, and also to play sports!


Which is more harmful?

A person who is subject to several bad habits often asks himself the question of what is more harmful, alcohol or smoking. It is very difficult to give a definite answer here, since both of them cause significant harm to the body. First of all, it is necessary to consider the consequences that occur when using tobacco or alcohol.

The negative effects of alcohol are manifested through ethyl alcohol. Once in the body, it is absorbed very quickly and just as quickly enters the blood and liver. Therefore, with regular consumption of large amounts of alcohol, various diseases, abnormalities and other pathologies appear.
Alcohol has a special effect on the state of the human psyche.
Therefore, the harm of alcohol and smoking cannot be compared in their pure form. Tobacco also harms the body in its own way. Just as air, when inhaled, spreads throughout all cells and organs, tobacco smoke penetrates everywhere. Because of this, full-scale harm is caused to the body. The number of diseases caused by tobacco is almost greater than from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Thus, if complete cessation of smoking and alcohol is not possible, it is necessary to at least, if possible, reduce their use. This will help avoid diseases and other serious consequences.


The effect of alcohol on the body

To figure out what is more harmful than smoking or alcohol, let’s consider how both habits affect internal organs and the body’s metabolic processes, and what consequences both addictions lead to. Let's start with alcohol.

Any alcoholic drink, regardless of its strength, contains ethanol. Once in the blood, ethanol begins to break down into simple substances, after which it is gradually eliminated from the body. Toxic substances, absorbed into the gastric walls, affect almost all internal organs and affect the nervous system, and therefore brain activity.

Alcoholism develops unnoticed. Frequent drinking of alcohol leads to addiction and develops into addiction.

Intoxication is manifested by the following signs:

  • the shade of the skin changes;
  • dizziness bothers you;
  • the pulse becomes faster, which means the breathing rate changes;
  • gait becomes unsteady;
  • nervous overexcitation develops.

Alcohol that enters the bloodstream is distributed throughout the tissues. The liver begins to actively produce a special enzyme responsible for processing and breaking down ethanol. If you drink too much alcohol, then there is not enough liver enzyme, and poisoning occurs.

If you lose control over your drinking, the habit will develop into a disease. And curing alcohol addiction is not easy.

Effect of nicotine

Alcohol and smoking are harmful to health. Everything that a person inhales with air passes through the lungs and reaches other tissues of the body. Almost all tissues of internal organs are affected by tobacco. It is experienced smokers who are most often diagnosed with cancer, pathologies associated with heart function, and breathing. Cigarette smoke causes the development of peptic ulcers.

Cigarette smoke affects brain function. Smokers find it difficult to break the habit. This is explained by the following action: at first the walls of the vessels expand, but after a few minutes they sharply narrow. After the narrowing of the vascular walls, an uncomfortable state sets in, and you want to smoke again. Therefore, a smoker has virtually no control over the number of cigarettes smoked. It could be a pack or two a day.

Consequences of smoking and drinking alcohol

Having considered the harm from alcohol and cigarettes, we can conclude how harmful both habits are. This is not to say that one of these activities is less harmful than the other. It is even more difficult to determine, giving a definite answer, what is more harmful: alcohol or tobacco.

It is human nature to justify his actions; he strives to choose the lesser evil. There is an opinion that alcohol is less harmful than tobacco products if consumed in small quantities. And in some cases it is even useful. The body has the ability to process ethanol that enters the blood, which cannot be said about the penetration of cigarette smoke through the lungs.

To draw some conclusion, let’s compare the effects of smoking and alcohol.

Alcohol addiction develops gradually. First comes intoxication. If you exceed the dosage of alcohol, poisoning may occur, accompanied by hangover symptoms. Alcohol overdose and constant binges lead to intoxication, which can only be treated in a specialized clinic. The following are the consequences of excessive drinking:

  1. the possibilities of childbearing are reduced. Men are at risk of impotence;
  2. pathologies associated with mental health;
  3. The load on the heart muscle increases, which provokes various pathologies in the heart. The respiratory system suffers;
  4. blood pressure jumps;
  5. digestive problems develop, peptic ulcers and gastritis may occur;
  6. women cannot bear a child. If a child is born, he is diagnosed with various pathologies. The mother also has problems during breastfeeding;
  7. The aging process of the body is accelerated.

Judging by the listed consequences, the harm of alcohol on the human body is obvious; next, let’s look at smoking.

The consequences of constant use of cigarettes are as follows:

  • problems develop with concentration and assimilation of necessary information;
  • memory suffers;
  • mental disorders begin, manifested by increased nervousness, insomnia, memory impairment;
  • the reaction to external stimuli decreases;

  • metabolic processes are disrupted. As a result, early smoking leads to developmental problems;
  • the state of the individual changes at the psychological level;
  • uncontrollable dependence on tobacco smoke is formed;
  • behavior is characterized by instability;
  • not only physical, but also mental activity suffers;
  • chronic pathologies associated with the respiratory system develop, such as bronchitis, laryngitis, and subsequently tuberculosis;
  • many smokers die from cancer. Tumors of the throat and lungs occur in smokers several times more often than in people who do not use cigarettes;
  • frequent pneumonia;
  • tooth tissue is destroyed;
  • Problems with eye pressure begin.

To all the listed consequences it is worth adding an unpleasant, repulsive smell from a smoker. Literally everything is saturated with tobacco, from fingertips, hair, and ending with a terrible smell from the mouth that is not interrupted by toothpastes. And in the morning, smokers cannot clear their throat. Mucus constantly collects in the throat and discomfort is felt. The voice changes. Thus, a smoking girl can be easily identified by her rough, almost masculine voice and specific aroma.

Particular harm is caused to passive smokers. So, if a person does not smoke, but constantly inhales cigarette smoke, then his body suffers no less than that of a smoker.

The effects of smoking and alcohol on the body are similar. In both cases, the psyche and internal organs suffer. Toxic substances penetrating with smoke from cigarettes and after alcohol is absorbed into the stomach walls negatively affect metabolic processes.

Smoking and alcohol in comparison

It is difficult to say unequivocally what is worse: smoking or alcohol. Both habits cause the development of serious diseases.

But still, smokers live much shorter lives than people who drink regularly. Their average life expectancy does not exceed 60 years. If smoking starts at a young age, then life expectancy becomes even shorter.

It is difficult to conclude that alcohol or cigarettes are worse, also because both habits negatively affect not only the physical parameters of the body, but also the psyche. People who adhere to the norm in drinking alcohol live longer and are less likely to suffer from diseases inherent in smokers and drinkers.

Each person must decide for himself what is safer for him, to continue smoking or drinking. If he is not concerned about possible health problems, then he can continue to buy cigarettes and alcohol. Despite the fact that everyone knows the consequences of drinking alcohol and cigarettes, rarely does anyone give up these habits. But, wanting to reduce harm, you have to decide which habit is worse and which is less harmful.

Alcohol and cigarettes help you relax and relieve nervous tension. But, before you take a puff and drink another dose of alcohol, it is worth remembering the consequences listed here. Thus, the volume of a smoker’s lungs constantly decreases, and the structure of the lung tissue also changes. And in drinkers, the composition of the blood changes, the number of red blood particles responsible for the normal level of hemoglobin decreases.

Both habits depress a person’s mental state, imperceptibly changing the personality.


Why does addiction happen?

Smoking and alcohol are united not only by the fact that they have a negative effect on the body, but also by the formation of a harmful habit - alcoholism or tobacco smoking. The reasons, as a rule, do not differ significantly. The first alcoholic drink or the first cigarette is consumed due to:

  • interest in something new;
  • desire to increase authority in the company;
  • example of parents or older relatives.

When alcohol and tobacco, and maybe weed, are used for the first time, no one strives to form an addiction or destroy health. However, at the age of 14-18, when the first experiments with adult entertainment begin, people are convinced that they control their body and mind, and such problems will not affect them. Every smoker or drinker is sure that he will quit drinking and smoking right now, if he so desires.

However, quitting smoking and alcohol is a much more difficult process. Alcoholism and tobacco smoking over time form an addiction at the physiological level, which a person cannot control.

Alcohol gradually destroys brain activity and seriously changes hormonal levels. Drinking alcohol day after day means forming an addiction, which results in painful hangover syndromes, and now a person has only one way to get rid of this condition - not to give up alcohol and smoking.

A person not only cannot live without alcohol and cigarettes, but also needs to constantly increase the dose, which leads to addiction to harmful consequences. The tobacco product works in the same way, not to mention the comparison with smoking marijuana and other drugs. Dependence is formed at the physical and psychological level.

The main active ingredient in tobacco is nicotine, which takes part in a number of biochemical processes in the body. When nicotine enters the adrenal glands, adrenaline and norepinephrine are produced, which are perceived as hormones of vivacity.

This effect is manifested due to the invigorating effect, the basis of which is the stimulation of cardiac activity. As a result, pressure increases and blood vessels dilate. A person develops positive emotions, and their influence on the body is significant. The body understands that the source of this pleasure is the cigarette, and as soon as the effect of nicotine wears off, the alarm sounds. At the initial stage, a person only needs a couple of cigarettes, but then the emotional impulse grows stronger and reaches a couple of packs a day.

Reproductive system and respiratory organs

To answer which is more harmful, alcohol or cigarettes, you need to understand their effect on the human body. Both alcohol and cigarettes have an effect on the reproductive system, but for some reason this is the last thing people remember. Often, a small amount of alcohol has a liberating effect on the human body, which is perceived as a good “doping” when communicating with the opposite sex. However, drinking before dates is not recommended due to the increased risk of fiasco in bed.

The brain in a state of intoxication, which is influenced by a large number of emotions, is unable to control physiology and psychology. And if marijuana or alcohol were mixed with cigarettes, then it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​a “bed rendezvous”, so that in the morning you will not be ashamed to look your partner in the eyes.

Alcohol and tobacco, when used simultaneously, leads to disruption of blood supply, which is an important part of sexual life. Additional influence on the endocrine glands leads to hormonal imbalance. The effect of nicotine on the liver and digestive tract in combination with alcohol is more than destructive, which results in powerful intoxication.

In the long term, this behavior can lead to infertility in women, problems with bearing a fetus, and congenital defects. A man who does not quit his addictions faces erectile dysfunction and decreased libido.

Most people are aware of the harmful effects of cigarettes on the respiratory system, so it is believed that when asked what is better to drink or what is more correct to smoke, the answer is obvious - drink. But it's not that simple. Alcohol also leads to specific lung damage. Usually, chronic alcoholics have more than serious problems, as a result, not every doctor is able to cope with such an illness. If the company of alcohol is hemp or a regular cigarette, then things take a very sad turn.

Most often, those suffering from such addictions develop chronic tracheobronchitis, which develops against the background of constant intoxication. The main problem of this disease is damage to the lung tissue by toxins. It is worth remembering that the pulmonary epithelium lacks certain protective factors in comparison with other internal organs.

This influence does not pass without a trace and patients develop reduced immunity, as a result of which pathologies of the bronchi and lungs appear on an almost constant basis. Normal hypothermia leads to acute pneumonia, which lasts longer and sometimes with complications that increase the risk of death.

How to get rid of addiction

You can quit drinking and smoking forever if you put in enough effort. Of course, it will be easiest to quit drinking and smoking at the same time in the first stages of addiction. If the addiction has become more serious, you should contact an appropriate specialist. In 2016, there is no shortage of such doctors.

It was already mentioned above that a habit is formed not only on a psychological, but also on a physical level. It is important to understand that you need to work on these two components.

If you eradicate only physical addiction, without thinking about appropriate psychological treatment, a person who quit drinking and smoking may return to his usual lifestyle in a couple of months. It is worth noting that the dual influence of alcohol and nicotine on the body makes it much more difficult to fight bad habits, but if you clearly decide to oppose smoking and alcohol in your life, everything will work out.

Today, there are many answers to the question of how to quit drinking and smoking. This topic is very extensive and has been discussed for a long time. We are talking about encoding, and about hypnosis, and about drug treatment, and about folk remedies. However, complex treatment proved to be better. This is a joint work of an experienced narcologist and psychologist. But no medicine or prevention will help if a person does not decide to get rid of the addiction on his own.

Smoking is usually easier to cope with. It is important not to replace cigarettes with lighter or more modern electronic options. Willpower is of great importance here. Some people smoke their last cigarette without any problems and give them up forever.

Someone has to look for a replacement for cigarettes, for example, using lollipops. But it is better to replace them with fruits and vegetables cut into strips. Yes, at first you will not experience the same pleasure, but such a replacement will have a more than good effect on digestion.

If you are not the type of person for whom it is enough to make a firm decision and the next morning there is no pack of cigarettes in their hands, then you can use a number of recommendations compiled by specialists from Germany. To reduce addiction, it is recommended not to buy more than a pack of cigarettes at a time in the store. As soon as you take one cigarette, immediately put the entire pack away. At the same time, smoking several cigarettes in a row is prohibited.

Be sure to choose brands that offer cigarettes with a good filter. Try to change the brand and strength of cigarettes; the faster this change occurs, the better. At work, try to give up smoking breaks, do not put a pack of cigarettes where you often relax or just on the table next to you.

Always refuse an offer to smoke, do not ask for a cigarette. Avoid carrying a lighter with you. After smoking a cigarette, empty the ashtray immediately. After the first puff, try to put out the cigarette. Stop chain smoking and try to quit completely.

The first cigarette should be smoked only after breakfast. Nicotine on an empty stomach is especially dangerous. Try to increase the intervals between smoking every day. Give up a smoke break immediately after the desire arises, wait half an hour or an hour, perhaps the desire will disappear on its own.

Often the desire to quit smoking is influenced by counting the money spent on cigarettes that could have been spent on something more interesting and useful. Start making money from every pack you don't buy. Who knows, you might be able to go on vacation earlier than planned this year. Equally important is your awareness of how harmful nicotine affects the body. If you have developed a serious addiction, replace it with a new habit. A light snack of an apple or carrot will not make you worse.

Sports and yoga have proven themselves well in the fight against addictions. This is a great way to relax after work. If you don't want to go to the gym, just go two stops from home and take a walk.

Getting rid of alcohol addiction is more difficult than smoking. That is why it is so important for a person to be aware of the problem. As soon as a person suffering from alcoholism fully understands all the harm caused to his health, he is ready to give up a glass of vodka. It is better to start fighting for your future at the first stage of the disease, when physical dependence has not yet formed. At such moments, everything depends on the person and his desire to drink. Talk to your family, discuss your problem, ask them for help.

At first, it will be difficult to imagine your life without a glass or mug of beer in the evening. It is important at such moments not to sit idle. Take time with your favorite hobby, sports exercises, or something that you have been putting off for a long time. Often, with prolonged use of alcohol, a lot of small household chores accumulate, the solution of which takes time. Why not do it now?

An important point when giving up alcohol is its complete exclusion from life. If you want to get rid of a bad habit, remember that alcohol is prohibited for you even on holidays. Ideally, ask family and friends to avoid drinking alcohol on holidays to avoid teasing you with alcohol.

If this is not possible, you should stay at home for the first month, giving up social events. Once you are confident that a foggy glass of vodka will not tempt you, you can go out into the world again, giving preference to non-alcoholic drinks. Juices, fruit drinks, compotes will not only help while away the evening, but will also benefit the body. Such drinks can be beautifully served and decorated, then sipped in a chair from a straw.

If you have a decent history of alcoholism, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist. At the second and third stages of alcoholism, the problem is not only the dependence itself, but also the appearance of withdrawal syndrome when giving up alcohol.

It encourages you to continue drinking. The danger of withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism is associated not only with a possible lack of willpower, but also with a negative effect on the body. Professional narcologists, especially if you are hospitalized, will be able to provide you with timely assistance in a force majeure situation. In addition, they have medications at their disposal, the correct selection of which can easily get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal syndrome and alcoholism.


Any alcoholic drink contains ethyl alcohol, which is quickly absorbed into the blood. The liver, which is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, absorbs it in significant quantities first. Before this, the alcohol has already been absorbed through the stomach, from where it also enters the blood. The harm from alcoholism directly depends on:

  • From the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed at one time.
  • Frequency of consumption of such drinks.

Even a small amount of alcohol already affects a person’s nerve centers. For example, half a gram of alcohol per 1 liter of blood can already affect neural connections. If a person has drunk even 30 grams of cognac, then it is already dangerous for him to drive a vehicle. Even if he feels in good shape, a small concentration of alcohol in the blood can make itself felt at any time while driving.

Degrees of intoxication

If the concentration in the blood is 2 grams per 1 liter, then clouding of consciousness and lack of concentration occurs. A person may stagger and not coordinate his actions. But this is not the limit of the “green snake”’s action, since it is capable of more. When the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases (more than 2 grams per 1 liter), speech and hearing are lost. With moderate intoxication, you can observe the following state of a person:

  • Poor coordination of movements.
  • Outbursts of aggression, resentment.
  • Unintelligible speech.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Incorrect perception of distance, size of objects and other quantities.
  • The occurrence of hallucinations.
  • A strong desire to fall asleep.

When alcohol begins to gradually be eliminated from the body, the feeling of fatigue only intensifies. A person feels weak, thirsty, depressed, and severe pain may occur in the head.

The most dangerous is severe intoxication, which can lead to death. Then the maximum concentration of alcohol is recorded in the blood, and intoxication of the body occurs - its poisoning. The following happens to a person:

  • Headaches, hallucinations and dizziness.
  • Feeling of numbness in the limbs.
  • Constant vomiting, diarrhea.

The worst consequence is an alcoholic coma, in which the skin becomes bluish, and the intoxicated person does not react to anything at all. The harm from constant alcohol consumption is significant:

  • Rapid aging of the whole organism, loss of memory.
  • Childbearing function also disappears.
  • The occurrence of nervous system disorders.
  • The appearance of blood clots, which can cause a stroke or sudden death.
  • The appearance of acute diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Decreased immunity, etc.

Alcoholism is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman, as it poses a risk of miscarriage or the birth of a defective child.

Tobacco products contain nicotine, which is quickly absorbed by the respiratory system. All this can provoke more than twenty types of diseases. Smokers die 20 years earlier than ordinary people. Lung cancer in 90% of cases was caused by smoking. Other diseases caused by smoking:

  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: from heart attack to ischemia.
  • Impotence.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Violation of reproductive function and menstrual cycle in women.

Smoking also causes great harm to blood vessels, as when inhaling nicotine they expand, but then noticeably narrow. The smoker seems to feel temporary vigor, but this is immediately followed by fatigue. To provide it, he smokes the next cigarette - this is how addiction is formed.

There is also a type of passive smoking, when smoke is inhaled by non-smokers. This especially affects children in whose families smoking is common. They breathe air filled with nicotine smoke, so they become passive smokers. This can lead to developmental disabilities. Nicotine also negatively affects mental activity and impairs motor activity. Due to the formation of addiction, such people become nervous, aggressive, and their personality undergoes many negative changes.


If one of these evils were less harmful, then people would not struggle with the question of how to find effective treatment for alcoholism or treatment for tobacco smoking. At the biochemical level, both alcohol and tobacco cause irreparable harm to the human body, and in this case it makes no sense to choose between two evils.
But, in an informal setting, medical professionals are ready to allow some freethinking on this issue. The opinions that will be presented to you below are in no way related to official medicine, and will never become the subject of research by medical science. These are just the thoughts of experts on a topic that worries everyone.

Some doctors consider smoking to be more harmful than drinking alcohol (we are talking about moderate, one-time, occasional, alcohol consumption). This is explained by the fact that humanity has been drinking alcohol for several centuries. Our body remembers at the genetic level how to process it and how to deal with it. And our grandfathers and great-grandfathers for centuries built relationships with alcohol through folk traditions. Tobacco is a different story. If we talk about people born in the middle of the 20th century and later, up to the eighties, then not all of their fathers smoked, and even less so their grandfathers. Of the great-grandfathers, in general, rarely did anyone get hold of tobacco. So, by inheritance from our ancestors, we did not receive a program for any kind of adaptation to nicotine and the fight against it. This is partly why tobacco has a more destructive effect on the human body. If a person started actively smoking at the age of 20, then most likely he will live until he is 60 and die a painful death from lung cancer, statistics also show this. Rarely do any smokers survive active smoking into their 40s. People who drink alcohol rarely and moderately live to be 70 years old. People who don't drink or smoke live to be 90 years old. When choosing between two evils in some life situation, we are trying to find a consensus with irreconcilable reality, trying to get through a particularly difficult period of life. In our case, choosing between alcohol and tobacco is a completely different matter. It is impossible to come to a consensus and slip through such a choice. Both are absolute evil. It is futile to look for any solution to this issue. The better of two evils is good, the good that we acquire by gaining health.

For many years, smoking and simultaneous drinking have been considered an inseparable pair. At the same time, as statistics show, the number of people who regularly drink alcoholic beverages among smokers is much greater than among those who have never been addicted to cigarettes. Many explain this by the fact that one dope leads to another. However, it must be remembered that smoking in combination with alcohol is very harmful to health.

The harm of alcohol on the human body

Perhaps everyone knows about the negative effects of alcoholic beverages. Any alcohol contains ethyl alcohol, which means that the drinks act approximately the same. As soon as alcohol enters the body, the walls of the stomach quickly absorb it, after which it enters the liver and blood. People who drink large amounts of alcohol every day are susceptible to various diseases and disorders. These are mainly schizophrenia, memory loss, decreased intelligence, absent-mindedness, mental pathologies, etc.

To achieve “condition”, many drink huge amounts of alcohol, because intoxication depends on its concentration in the blood. For example, a concentration of 0.5 g per 1 liter is not particularly noticeable for humans, but an effect on the nerve centers is already noted. That is why it is strictly forbidden to drive a car not only while intoxicated, but also after taking even the smallest dose of alcohol. The person does not feel any changes, but the nervous reactions can be influenced. At a concentration above 2 g per 1 liter of blood, the state of intoxication is already noticeable by gait and other signs. In this state, it is quite difficult to concentrate, and the ability to remember is reduced. The greater the degree of intoxication, the worse the abilities of visual and auditory perception become, and coordination also suffers. As a rule, the state of mild intoxication disappears after a few hours, but at the same time the alcoholic vigor goes away, the person feels tired and drowsy.

With moderate intoxication, a person becomes angry and offended; it is quite difficult for him to control his body and actions. Auditory perception decreases, speech changes and becomes unintelligible. It should also be noted that in this state it is difficult to correctly perceive the size of objects and distances, and visual hallucinations are also possible. Such intoxication, as a rule, ends in deep sleep, after which headache, thirst, bad mood and other unpleasant symptoms may be felt. This can be explained by the fact that the body still contains low levels of sugar.

In severe cases of intoxication, deep alcohol poisoning and intoxication occur. Accompanied by vomiting, severe dizziness, etc.

The negative consequences of alcohol abuse include deterioration of reproductive function, accelerated aging, possible mental disorders, gastritis, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, ethyl alcohol harms the intrauterine development of the child, and women’s ability to breastfeed also worsens. It should also be noted that there are damage to the respiratory system, such as laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, the development of pneumosclerosis and emphysema.

The harm of smoking on the human body

Smoking is one of the most common habits that causes enormous harm to human health. Nowadays, there are a huge number of books on how to quit smoking, and many methods have been developed to get rid of this harmful habit. However, the most important thing is the awareness of the harm caused to oneself and the desire to permanently get rid of the consequences of this addiction.

Remember that smoking clogs your arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes. The heart rate of a smoker is approximately 15,000 beats per day higher than that of a non-smoker, and the delivery of oxygen to the tissues is also reduced, since the blood vessels are narrowed. In addition, this bad habit can lead to many respiratory diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema), pneumonia. Tobacco and tobacco smoke contain more than 3,000 chemical compounds, of which more than 60 are carcinogenic, meaning they can damage the genetic material of cells and cause the growth of cancerous tumors. Also, under the influence of smoking, visual acuity decreases. Modern studies have proven that due to the substances contained in cigarettes, the blood supply to the choroid and retina of the eye is disrupted. Smokers need to remember that at any moment they are at risk of developing a blockage in their blood vessels, which can lead to complete loss of vision.

Smoking can also cause obliterating endarteritis (vascular disease of the legs). In this case, blood flow to tissues and cells is severely disrupted and vasoconstriction occurs. The most terrible consequences of this disease include amputation of limbs.

Studies show that the skin of a smoker ages much faster than that of a non-smoker. Doctors call such changes in human skin “tobacco face” syndrome. It should also be noted that nicotine helps to narrow the blood vessels of the genital organs. Men who smoke are much more likely to suffer from impotence than non-smokers, and women also quite often suffer from frigidity. You need to know that smoking harms not only a person’s physical but also mental health. Smokers are nervously exhausted, they are irritable, and they are said to have a “difficult character.”

These are not all the negative consequences that are possible for a person with a long history of tobacco addiction. Among other things, smoking slows down reactions, makes them less clear, reduces attention, memory, and intelligence. Scientists have proven that smoking causes changes that indicate a weakening of the bioelectrical activity of brain cells. The negative consequences of this bad habit also include an unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning, yellow teeth, and bad breath and hair. In addition, people who smoke cause great harm to others, because a huge number of people, including children, die every year from passive smoking.

What is more harmful: alcohol or cigarettes? There is no definite answer to this question, because both of these habits cause harm to many organs and tissues, and sooner or later they can lead to death.

Points of view on this issue differ. For example, some scientists and researchers believe that alcohol is less harmful. They argue that over centuries of drinking alcohol, the human body has acquired the skills to process alcohol. Another argument is folk traditions, in which there is quite a lot of mention of alcohol. Smoking arose relatively recently. At the genetic level, the program for processing tobacco substances has not yet been laid down. Few smokers are able to survive a smoking history of 40 years, while people who drink alcoholic beverages in moderation live up to 70 years. Remember that with a healthy lifestyle you will live much longer and get much more pleasure from life.

Nicotine and alcohol are potent psychoactive substances (surfactants), which are any substances and their various mixtures of natural and artificial origin that can affect the functioning of the central nervous system, resulting in a change in the human psyche. Along with excess weight, smoking and alcohol are among the leading causes of death in modern society, where drinking and smoking are often fashionable. Many people ask the question - what is more harmful, smoking or alcohol?

The mechanism of action of nicotine and alcohol on the human body

From the chemical and biological side, nicotine is a neurotropic poison that is toxic to human nerve cells. In the classification of surfactants, it belongs to the tertiary group, being between depressants and stimulants. In the same classification, alcohol belongs to the group of depressants. Stimulating surfactants include psychotropic substances that activate a person’s mental and, to some extent, physical activity. Depressants are any substances that can have a depressing effect on the human central nervous system. At a time when smoking and alcohol are combined at the same time, they complement each other’s influence on the nervous system, enhancing the effect, which is doubly harmful to the body.

When drinking alcohol, it enters the bloodstream through the stomach within the first few minutes. It spreads throughout the body through the blood. The brain cells are most affected; first, alcohol enters the cerebral hemispheres. After the first dose of alcohol, the brain reacts quickly, which manifests itself in the form of a slow formation of complex movements, deterioration of conditioned reflexes, impaired coordination, and changes in the ratio of the processes of inhibition and excitation of the central nervous system.

When alcohol penetrates the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex, a person’s emotions are liberated, which is expressed in the form of unjustified joy, laughter for no reason, and ease of judgment. Increased arousal after drinking alcohol goes along with a weakening of inhibition processes in the brain, as a result of which control over the work of certain parts of the brain ceases, restraint and modesty are lost. Each subsequent portion of alcohol contributes to the fact that the higher nerve centers are increasingly paralyzed. Disruption of the central nervous system is observed with any alcohol intake: one-time or systematic.

Even a very small dose of nicotine received by a person when smoking one cigarette contributes to a short-term increase in the excitability of the cerebral cortex, followed by a deterioration in the functioning of nerve cells - excitation is quickly replaced by depression. Alcoholic drinks and tobacco, namely the nicotine it contains, act on the same nerve centers, as a result of which the “intoxicating” effect is enhanced.

Health harm from alcohol and nicotine

Despite the serious harm of smoking and alcohol, many people cannot imagine their lives without these harmful habits. Only with the help of these substances does relaxation occur and stress is relieved in people addicted to alcohol and nicotine. Daily smoking of cigarettes or drinking doses of alcohol exposes the body to negative effects and forces it to fight the resulting harmful substances. First of all, the liver suffers noticeably, which has to eliminate the breakdown products of alcohol, and when smoking, the lungs take the main blow.

Important! Alcohol and cigarettes are equally harmful to the human body, the only difference is in the organs that are affected by them.

When drinking alcohol, a person causes serious harm to his health. When alcohol enters the body, it quickly enters the bloodstream and begins to damage vital organs such as the brain, heart, liver and stomach. The dysfunction of these organs occurs due to the fact that ethanol affects their nerve endings and cells. Alcohol is a high-calorie product, and therefore leads to fairly rapid weight gain and the development of heart obesity. In addition, alcoholic drinks negatively affect the entire hematopoietic system. They promote the clumping of red blood cells, which is why the latter cannot perform their direct work normally. Sometimes blood vessels become blocked and blood clots form, which is extremely dangerous for human health.

After the oxidation of alcohol in the body, acetaldehyde is released, which leads to poisoning of all organs, including the brain. It kills liver cells, which seriously impairs the functioning of this organ. Alcohol irritates the gastric mucosa and the entire esophagus, resulting in the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But the brain suffers the most when drinking alcohol, since it has the strongest blood circulation - the largest amount of ethanol enters this organ. As a result, many brain cells die, due to which its functioning noticeably deteriorates.

Smoking, like alcoholism, has a detrimental effect on the human body. A smoker's respiratory system suffers first. The smoke inhaled when puffing on a cigarette causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, bronchi, larynx and lungs, and with regular smoking, the irritation develops into chronic inflammation. At the same time, various diseases develop, including:

  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Expansion of the lungs;
  • Damage to the vocal cords;
  • Throat or lung cancer.

Important! A smoker's lung capacity is reduced by half, this is due to tobacco smoke constantly present in them.

Each puff of a cigarette delivers more than two hundred harmful substances into the lungs, including nicotine. It is what causes addiction and relaxes and calms the body. Due to the fact that nicotine immediately after inhalation enters the brain and activates its functioning, the brain subsequently needs some time to recuperate. At this point, the smoker again needs another dose of nicotine. Over time, the intervals between smoke breaks become less and less, since the brain simply cannot function normally without nicotine replenishment.

Like alcoholism, smoking affects the circulatory system, promoting the clumping of red blood cells. Nicotine can also provoke vasospasm, which causes the smoker’s heart to beat much faster. Because of this, the heart quickly wears out and ages, and the risk of developing a heart attack, coronary artery disease and angina increases daily.

Important! Heart disease is 12 times more common in smokers than in non-smokers. Numerous studies show that a short-term smoker's heart and lungs can recover within a year of quitting smoking.

The effect of nicotine on the digestive organs is also negative. A smoker may develop duodenal and stomach ulcers. Some components of tobacco contribute to the destruction of liver cells, as a result of which all organs are poisoned by tar and tobacco smoke much faster.

Smoking has a detrimental effect on the reproductive system of both sexes. Tobacco is the cause of many other health problems, including:

  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes begins, they turn red and watery, the eyelids swell;
  • Teeth are destroyed;
  • Vision deteriorates;
  • Taste perception changes, smell and hearing deteriorate;
  • Intraocular pressure increases;
  • Impotence develops.

The influence of alcohol and tobacco on the human psyche

The effect of smoking and alcohol on the nervous system is negative, resulting in various mental disorders. A person becomes forgetful, absent-minded, and his mood may change dramatically. Irritability can be called the main indicator of a heavy alcoholic or smoker who wants to take a dose of a narcotic substance. The harmful desire of such people comes to the fore, overshadowing everything else.

Due to the constant exposure of the brain to toxins, all sorts of mental disorders arise, most noticeably in alcoholism. One of the most striking examples of such disorders is delirium tremens.

The impact of these bad habits on the psyche is expressed as follows:

  • Memory impairment begins;
  • Mental activity and performance decrease;
  • Alcoholism distorts the perception of reality;
  • There is anxiety, restlessness, or aggression and irritability after trying to give up a bad habit.

Alcoholism quite quickly leads to a noticeable change in the human psyche, but cigarettes act slowly and veiledly. Especially from such harmful habits, the psyche of adolescents, which has not yet strengthened due to age, is destroyed.

We can talk about alcohol and smoking for a long time. All the consequences of alcoholism and smoking are difficult to describe. From the above it is clear that the effect of alcohol and tobacco on the human body is mostly harmful to health, and that small part of the supposedly beneficial effect, such as getting rid of stress and tension, is just a pathetic veil that obscures people’s reason for a very short period of time. In order not to worry about your health and to feel great for as long as possible, the best option would be to get rid of any addiction at the initial stage of its development. Quitting drinking and smoking is the right choice.