Lumbago symptoms and treatment. Lumbago. Symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. How to treat lumbago - treatment with folk remedies, gymnastics, exercises, massage? Alternative Treatments for Lumbago

If, during a sharp turn or lifting heavy objects, sharp pain in the lower back, which intensifies with any attempt to make a movement, then this condition, regardless of the cause of the pain, is called lumbago. As a rule, an attack is accompanied by a strong muscle spasm, during which it is necessary to completely relax your back to reduce pain.

If you have ever had such “lumbago” in the lower back, then you simply need to know the first symptoms and methods of treating lumbago. Since on early stages This disease is quite easy to treat.

Quite often there are cases when lumbago is a consequence of a more serious disease, but severe pain in the lower back draws all attention to itself, thereby hiding the real serious illness. In this article you will learn everything effective ways treatment of lumbago, in which cases it is necessary to consult a doctor, and in which cases you can get by with treatment at home. We will also tell you how to prevent possible consequences in which it will no longer be possible to get rid of the disease.

Symptoms and causes of “lumbago” in the lower back

Symptoms of lumbago (popularly “lumbago”) occur for the following reasons:

  1. Infringement nerve fiber in the thickness of the muscle during hypothermia and heavy lifting;
  2. Changes in the mobility of intervertebral segments. Nerve trunks pass through the intervertebral discs, which can be pinched due to hernial protrusion, osteochondrosis, spondylosis;
  3. When a person lies on his stomach for a long time while sleeping with his legs pulled up.

Symptoms of lumbago appear most often after hypothermia or heavy lifting. At the slightest turn, bend, or movement, a person experiences pain that prevents him from straightening the lumbar spine.

Clinical signs are formed depending on the cause of the disease:

  • With intervertebral hernia - pain radiating to the buttocks and lower extremities;
  • For osteochondrosis – local pain syndrome spine;
  • For spastic muscle contractions– diffuse pain in the back;
  • With hyperlordosis - periodic aching pain for 1-2 days.

General practitioners and neurologists know that the diagnosis of lumbago can be made when a person complains of a lumbago after standing under running water. The patient feels discomfort after leaving the bathroom, and a forced posture occurs after a few minutes - this is how lumbago begins.

The disease lasts 1-2 days (with osteochondrosis) or several months (with intervertebral hernia).

Additional reasons

Common causes of lumbago– inflammation of the interspinous ligament of the spine and irritation of the fibrous ring intervertebral disc lumbar region.

With lumbago, as with most diseases spinal column, the pain syndrome is nonspecific. Its intensity and duration depend on the cause. It is caused by irritation of the nerve receptors of soft tissues, the skeletal system and intervertebral discs.

To explain the etiology of the disease, doctors use the term “vertebral disc segment” (VDS). Changes in this anatomical structure lead to pain due to irritation of nerve receptors.

Lumbago disease can be treated only after the cause of the pathology has been established. Otherwise, prevention of relapse of the disease cannot be guaranteed. The use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers, in most cases, eliminates pain and eliminates forced posture, but it cannot be guaranteed that the disease will not reappear.

Other symptoms of lumbago:

  1. Swelling and local club-shaped thickening of the muscle;
  2. Asymmetry of the body;
  3. Numbness of the lower extremities;
  4. Loss of skin sensitivity;
  5. Freezing is a person’s choice of a comfortable position that eliminates pain.

Separately, the signs of lumbago with sciatica should be highlighted. With this form of the disease, therapists make a diagnosis of lumboischialgia. Its symptoms manifest themselves as follows:

  1. In the initial stages, a slight nagging pain appears in the lower back;
  2. Tension occurs in the lumbar or sacral spine;
  3. A prolonged attack leads to smoothing of the lumbar lordosis;
  4. Pain syndrome decreases with rest;
  5. Pinched nerve leads to irradiation of pain to the lower limbs and buttocks;
  6. Feeling of “crawling”, tingling in the lower back and buttocks.

Symptoms of lumbago from other organs:

  • Pain syndrome of unknown origin;
  • Constipation;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Sexual dysfunction;
  • Fatigue and general weakness;
  • Disruption of the digestive process.

First aid for lumbago

A lumbago overtakes a person suddenly, and this can happen anywhere: at home, on the street or at work.
Experts have developed first aid recommendations for lumbago, which must be followed until the doctor arrives.

  • Find and save forced situation- the position in which pain can be tolerated.
  • Do not make sudden movements, try to move as little as possible. If possible, use outside help.
  • Take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever tablet - Ibuprofen (Nurofen), Diclofenac (Voltaren, Ortofen).
  • Rub anti-inflammatory ointment into the lower back without a warming effect. Voltaren, Fastum-Gel, Diclofenac, Finalgel, Ketoprofen are suitable.
  • Wear a wool elastic waistband. It will fix the spine, warm it, and reduce swelling.
  • Lie down on a hard surface, bend your legs at a right angle and place a bolster under them. You can also lie on your stomach on a pillow.

Drug therapy

Treatment of lumbago requires emergency tactics. If infringement nerve trunks exists for a long time, arises serious problems with digestion, urination and other organs innervated by the spinal plexus.

What to do when you are shot in the lower back:

  • No sudden movements. Pick up comfortable position, call your loved ones and ask them to provide first aid (help you get to the bed);
  • Take a comfortable position in bed, place pillows under your lower back, bend your knees and lie down for a while until the pain subsides.
  • When the doctor arrives, he will conduct a qualified drug treatment. It involves the prescription of anti-inflammatory and painkillers;
  • If a specialist says that lumbago will go away on your own, do not believe it;
  • Insist on hospitalization to obtain x-rays in medical institution. Even the most competent drug treatment without identifying the cause of the pathology is not able to prevent relapses;
  • After hospitalization, the doctor may also prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures - spinal traction, diathermy currents, ;
  • To relieve muscle spasms, antispasmodics can be prescribed;
  • As local therapy creams and ointments with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are used;
  • If lumbago occurs frequently, doctors will recommend a diet limiting smoked and spicy foods.

It should be understood that injections will only bring temporary relief. The effectiveness of getting rid of pathology requires bed rest, careful adherence to the recommendations of doctors and the use of all types of pathology therapy, including folk remedies.

Traditional treatment for lumbago

The classic treatment regimen for lumbago involves the measures necessary to relieve acute condition: complete “unloading” of the lower back and drug therapy (pain relief, elimination of spasms and inflammation).

IN acute period Lumbago requires strict bed rest, any types of physical activity, hot baths, heating pads, mustard plasters, warming ointments, and massage are prohibited.

Alternative treatments for lumbago

Many alternative treatments for lumbago can be used from the subacute period, when the disease has subsided, but pain and cramping still persist.


Physiotherapeutic sessions are allowed from the 2nd–3rd day of illness for the purpose of pain relief, inflammation, swelling, restoration of blood circulation and lumbar mobility.

For lumbago, the following physiotherapy procedures are used:

  • cold compresses – applying cold to the sore area as needed reduces discomfort and inflammation;
  • – 15-20 minutes a day eliminates pain and swelling;
  • diadynamic therapy – daily sessions for 1–1.5 weeks are blocked nerve impulses, responsible for lumbago;
  • amplipulse therapy – a course of 5-10 procedures restores damaged nerve and muscle fibers;
  • electrophoresis - allows you to deliver painkillers and anti-inflammatory substances to nerve endings and reduce the doses of drugs taken orally and in the form of injections.

Manual techniques

In the hands of an experienced osteopath or chiropractor, a patient with lumbago has every chance to get rid of pain, restore the correct position of the vertebrae, eliminate pinched nerve roots, and relax muscle tension.

However, treatment with such methods can only be done outside of an exacerbation and if there are no contraindications. You should ask your neurologist about this.

Stimulation biologically active points on the body helps reduce muscle tone, relieve pain and inflammation nerve endings. Methods of acupuncture, acupressure, and electropuncture are suitable for the treatment of lumbago. At home, applicator mats can be used for treatment.


A light massage for lumbago helps improve local blood circulation, normalize lymph flow, relieve swelling, inflammation, and pain.

Only soft massage techniques in the lumbar region are allowed:

  • stroking,
  • trituration,
  • kneading.


If using the above methods it is not possible to achieve a lasting effect, then surgeons should deal with the pain syndrome. Depending on the cause of lumbago, they may perform various operations, the essence of which lies in one thing - the elimination pathological formations. Whether it is intervertebral hernia, osteophytes or tumors, they must be removed. When severe spondylolisthesis is diagnosed, vertebral fixation is performed to eliminate the displacement. Any surgical intervention requires further rehabilitation measures, the volume of which is determined by the nature of the operation and the patient’s condition.

The appearance of lumbago should be a reason for an in-depth examination. Only an accurate and timely diagnosis will enable the doctor to prescribe adequate treatment, some aspects of which can also be applied at home.


During an attack of lumbago, physical activity is limited, but this does not mean that you need to lie in bed absolutely still. The patient has access to exercises such as:

  1. rotation of the feet;
  2. raising and lowering hands;
  3. finger flexion;
  4. breathing exercises;
  5. lifting and abducting legs.

From 3–4 days you can add to the above exercises:

  1. raising the pelvis from a lying position;
  2. alternately and simultaneously pulling the feet towards the buttocks;
  3. spreading bent knees to the sides;
  4. raising the head with tension in the abs;
  5. from resting on your knees - round and relax your back (inhale and exhale), avoiding arching in the lower back.

After a week, slow swings of the legs back from a handstand and knees are allowed, lifting shoulder girdle from a supine position with legs bent.

Gymnastics for lumbago activates blood circulation, improves mobility in the lower back, stretches the muscles and spine.

Manual therapy

Treatment of lumbago may include sessions manual therapy. In this case, the specialist uses techniques that eliminate muscle blocks, curvatures, subluxations facet joints and the range of movements in the lower back increases. This treatment consists of elements of traction, extension, torsion and flexion of the spine. Like gymnastics, manual manipulation should be postponed until the pain syndrome is completely eliminated.


  • Warming belt made of dog hair.
  • Anti-inflammatory compress with chamomile.
    Soak a cloth in the broth, place it on the lower back and wrap it with a down scarf.
  • Bandage with burdock leaves.
    Cover the affected area with the rough side of the leaves, secure with a woolen scarf, change as it dries;
  • Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving black radish mask.
    Finely grate the root vegetable, grease the lower back with oil, apply radish pulp, cover with a linen napkin and film, and top with a warm cloth.
  • Application made of red clay.
    Heat the wet clay and mix it with turpentine, roll it into a thick cake, apply it to the lower back, cover with a napkin and leave until it cools.

Treatment of lumbago usually takes place at home, if the severity of the symptoms and the severity of the condition do not require hospitalization.

  1. Maintain bed rest.
  2. Avoid coffee, sweets, alcohol, salty and spicy foods for the entire duration of treatment.
  3. Follow all doctor's instructions and use alternative treatment methods only with his permission.

It is important to keep the lower back warm and avoid stress other than recommended exercise therapy.

Preventive measures

After recovery, you should pay attention to preventing relapses:

  • strengthen your back muscles with regular exercises;
  • treat osteochondrosis, scoliosis, and other spinal diseases;
  • avoid excess weight;
  • protect yourself from injury;
  • avoid hypothermia.

Treatment at home

Treatment of lumbago at home folk remedies allows you to eliminate diseases gastrointestinal tract. The most important condition for recovery is rest and limitation of movements. To treat pain, you need to wear an orthopedic corset.

Try not to use strong painkillers. They will temporarily relieve pain, but will significantly hinder the relief that comes if the pathology is treated. medicines and folk remedies.

  • Of course, when a lumbago occurs, first aid is necessary.
  • After eliminating acute lumbago, it is advisable to strong drugs for pain relief is reduced.
  • During treatment, baths, massages and saunas are contraindicated.
  • Try to do without anti-inflammatory drugs and novocaine blockades.
  • There are effective remedies for treating pathology at home.

Physical impact

Massage for lumbago is contraindicated. Some doctors prescribe only a special technique – stroking – to prepare for physical therapy. A soft, gentle effect on muscle tissue will improve blood supply and relieve spasmodic contractions of skeletal muscles.

Therapeutic exercises to get rid of lumbago:

  1. Lie on your back and gently lift your legs up. Perform movements slowly so as not to provoke pain;
  2. Next strengthening exercise abdominal wall. Take the starting position as in the previous step. Perform alternating leg crossings smoothly, like a scissor motion;
  3. While sitting on a chair, do torso twists. The exercise is performed smoothly until pain appears. First rotate in one direction and then in the other.

At carrying out exercise therapy Immediately after an attack of acute lumbago, you may need help from people around you. Ask your loved ones to cover you when performing physical therapy.

Gymnastics for lumbago is prescribed immediately after the acute attack disappears. It can be done at home.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment of the disease, together with the above recommendations, doctors prescribe therapy with folk remedies. The most effective medicine To eliminate lumbago, people use chamomile, birch leaves and a warm scarf. Treatment with these plants has been used since ancient times.

Compresses were prepared from birch leaves and chamomile flowers. They involved laying the leaves evenly on the back and wrapping them in a warm scarf. The compress was used at night. In the morning, the patient with lumbago used a warm bath and shower procedures.

By using of this medicine the lumbago healed within a week.

Thus, lumbago is a disease that requires not only emergency care, but also qualified drug therapy. Combination pharmaceuticals, physiotherapy and folk remedies will effectively treat the disease and prevent relapses of the disease.

What is lumbago

The name of the disease comes from the word “lower back” in Latin– lumbus. It is the lower back that most often suffers during intense training, takes on the lion's share of the load during heavy physical work, and becomes deformed during sedentary life.

If a patient complains that he “broke” his back while lifting a barbell or moving a cabinet, that he got a cold in his lower back, or that his lower back “pinched” during a sudden movement, it is most likely we're talking about about lumbago.

Pain in the lower spine is associated with irritation of the nerve endings surrounding the vertebrae as a result of disease, injury, inflammation and other damaging factors.

  • Subjectively, the patient feels strong painful lumbago in the lumbar region, sometimes radiating down the course of the sciatic nerve and intensifying with movement.
  • The surrounding muscles seem to stiffen and cannot relax, further limiting a person’s mobility.
  • The duration and intensity of the pain syndrome is largely determined by its origin.
  • Lumbago is often not an independent pathology, but a symptom accompanying the underlying disease.
  • To find out the cause that caused it, you need to contact a neurologist.

Diagnosis of the disease

Examination by a neurologist

To determine the nature of the pain, the doctor presses on pain points Vale (there are 9 of them), which are located along the sciatic nerve and around its roots:

  • above the pelvic bone between the first sacral and last lumbar vertebrae;
  • in the middle part of the lower back, between the greater trochanter of the femur and the ischial tuberosity;
  • in the fold between the buttocks;
  • in the middle part of the back of the thigh;
  • in the hole under the knee;
  • between the calf muscles;
  • on the fibula (under its head);
  • on the ankle of the lower leg (from the inside);
  • in the middle of the sole.

In this case, there arises sharp pain, radiating to the lower back. Scoliosis is pronounced, caused by bending the body to find a comfortable position.

To better understand where the pain is localized and the extent of the damage, the doctor asks the patient to perform several test exercises.

For appointment proper treatment When diagnosing, it is necessary to exclude diseases, the course of which is also accompanied by pain in the lumbar region. When lumbago occurs, the pain is muscular in nature. They are localized mainly in the lumbar region and intensify during body movements.

X-ray examination

The doctor sends the patient for an x-ray. This is necessary to:

  • determine whether it is developing in the spine (its lumbar region) inflammatory process;
  • identify pathological destruction of the vertebrae (osteoporosis), the presence of displacement of intervertebral discs, injuries and tumors.

CT scan

This type of examination allows you to get a more accurate picture of the nature of the disease.

This type of diagnosis demonstrates high-quality images:

  • cross sections of the spine at different levels;
  • spinal column in three dimensions.


Magnetic resonance imaging makes it possible to examine the soft tissues of the intervertebral discs, nerve roots, and spinal cord.

An isotope (a special radiopharmaceutical) is administered to the patient intravenously.

Pictures are then taken using a gamma camera.

  1. The degree of accumulation of the isotope determines the nature of the inflammatory process.
  2. Areas where there is an increased accumulation of the isotope are called “hot”.
  3. They indicate an acute inflammatory process, such as osteomyelitis.
  4. Where isotopes accumulate less than normal, they also develop pathological changes. But they are chronic and are called “cold”.
  5. Most often, metastases of vertebral tumors, cysts, etc. develop in such areas.


This method is based on the effect of an electrical impulse on peripheral nerve in order to stimulate it. It innervates the muscle. After this, based on the response of the muscle, disturbances in the innervation process that occur when the nerve roots are pinched are recorded.

Blood and urine tests (general)

They are prescribed to identify the degree of the inflammatory process.

Lumbago with sciatica

As mentioned above, if lumbago is not treated, then a complication is likely and this is lumbago with sciatica. According to the ICD, the disease code is 54.4, while simple lumbago has a code of 10. If in its initial stage lumbago manifests itself in the form of a burning, nagging pain in the lumbar region or sacrum, then sciatica no longer makes it possible to move or turn over in bed.

  • The pain increases with movement and subsides slightly at rest.
  • Sciatica can occur not only as a complication.
  • This disease manifests itself when the nerves of the lumbar or other parts of the spine are pinched.
  • The pain is so strong that it is simply impossible to endure it; it radiates to the heel, hip, and knee.
  • Often, if it is lumbago with sciatica, the patient may complain of numbness in the limbs, a feeling extreme heat, tingling, goosebumps or cramps in the limbs.
  • Sciatica is dangerous because it can lead to degeneration of nerve fibers and, as a result, neuropathy and neuralgia of the lower extremities.

These are dangerous symptoms that lead to limbs drying out and losing muscle mass, trophic ulcers appear. Here the treatment is more complex and often unreliable. The consequences are lameness and a wheelchair. But treatment, if the disease is correctly diagnosed, can stop unfavorable progress.

For a successful outcome, therapy is required aimed at restoring blood supply to the muscles and spinal column, as well as to launch one’s own reserve forces body. Therefore, treatment of lumbago with sciatica involves the following:

  • restoration of blood supply to all areas of the muscles that are located along the spinal column;
  • ensuring full movement in the intervertebral discs;
  • normalization of lifestyle and nutrition;
  • removal of pain syndromes;
  • removal of infringement.

All the methods listed above, supplemented by spinal traction, are suitable for this purpose. Provides significant assistance physiotherapy. As a preventive measure, the doctor may recommend ointments and swimming, which is quite effective if it is neuralgia, pinching, as well as other diseases of the spine.

Causes of acute lower back pain

Effective treatment of lumbago is impossible without establishing the main diagnosis. Relieving acute pain is only a first aid measure for the patient. If the pathology that caused the symptoms of lumbago is not eliminated, future relapses are inevitable.

    Among the main causes of lumbago are:
  1. Osteochondrosis. As a result of the long course of the disease, the vertebrae become displaced relative to each other, osteophytes (bone outgrowths) appear, and deformation and damage to the ligaments and intervertebral discs develop.
  2. Injuries. In case of excessive physical effort Possible ligament tears, bulging or displaced discs.
  3. Anomalies of the structure of the spine. Up to 30% of the total population is at risk. Among congenital pathologies There are: additional and missing vertebrae in the lumbar and sacral regions, irregular shape, location and connection of the vertebrae and their parts, splitting of the arches.
  4. Curvature (scoliosis, pathological lordosis).
  5. Tumors. The spine, like other organs, can be affected by a tumor. Have a destructive effect on the vertebrae benign neoplasms bone tissue(osteoma, osteoblastoma), vascular hemangiomas, malignant osteosarcomas, metastatic foci.
  6. Spondylitis. The tissues of the vertebral bodies are damaged as a result of an inflammatory process of an infectious nature.
  7. Spondyloarthritis. Inflammation caused non-infectious pathologies– ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis and other rheumatological diseases.

The trigger for an attack of lumbago is an increased load on the lower back: intense sports, heavy physical labor, prolonged stay in uncomfortable position, hypothermia, extreme temperature changes (cold douches after a steam room).

Signs and symptoms of lumbago

A lumbago in the lower back occurs sharply and suddenly. His main feature– intense pain of a stabbing, pulsating, shooting nature. When moving, the sensations intensify, which forces the patient to “freeze” in one position.

The acute period lasts from half an hour to several hours, after which the pain decreases slightly, increasing again at night.

An attack of lumbago is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Spasm.
    The muscles of the lower back, buttocks, and thighs reflexively contract, become dense, and swollen.
  • Limited mobility.
    Due to overly tense muscles, the patient experiences difficulties with flexion, straightening of the back, and changing body position.
  • Forced pose.
    The person tries to take a position in which he feels relief.
  • Numb feet.
    As a result of the spasm, blood circulation in the skin and muscles of the lower extremities slows down, and a decrease in sensitivity and tingling may occur.

    Patients often experience indirect signs lumbago:
  1. weakness;
  2. digestive problems;
  3. constipation;
  4. frequent urination;
  5. sexual dysfunctions.

Standard Treatments

When lumbago occurs, a person must be laid on a flat, hard surface, giving him the correct posture.

He should be laid on his back, his legs raised, and an elevation should be arranged under them.

These could be pillows, a box, a stool.

Before being examined by a doctor and prescribing a course of treatment, it is prohibited to:

  • Do massage,
  • try to relieve muscle spasms with physical exercise;
  • warm up the affected area.

It is better to provide the patient with complete rest for two to three days, eliminating any stress.

Treatment consists of giving the patient medical situation, which is called kyphosis of the spinal column and drug therapy. Thanks to kyphosis, pain is quickly eliminated. It is carried out as follows:

  • The sick person lies on his back.
  • His legs are raised. Most effective posture It is considered that they are raised at an angle of 90°, the shins are located on a stool (or chair).

Some patients prefer the prone position. It also promotes complete muscle relaxation and spasm relief. You need to place several pillows under your stomach.

With the help of drugs

Drug therapy includes two stages.

The first stage - pain relief

  • Effectively eliminate painful muscle spasm drugs that promote muscle relaxation: tetrazepam, tizanidine, pentoxifyline, antispasmodic. These drugs also have a vasodilating effect.
  • Novocaine blockade with the use of corticosteroid hormones (hydrocortisone, triamcinolone) has a good effect. An increased dose of novocaine is injected into the soft tissues around the lumbar spine. Hormones are added to it to eliminate the inflammatory process. If lumbago is caused by physical activity or a cold, the blockade has an immediate effect. But it is recommended to use it a maximum of three times. Frequent use of this potent method can lead to ligament atrophy and cause more complex pathology.
  • Medicines for good pain relief local impact: rubbing, ointments, compresses that increase blood circulation. The best remedy is Diclofenac ointment (Rapten Rapid, Voltaren, Diclogen, Ortofen). This drug is also available in the form of tablets, injections for intravenous or intramuscular administration.
  • The drug Dimexide is prescribed for rubbing and compress. To do this, a napkin is soaked in Dimexide solution (50%) and placed on the affected area, covered with a towel or sheet. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Performed two to three times a day.
  • At the same time, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: Ibuprofen (Nurofen), Piroxicam, Indomethacin.

The second stage - the main treatment is carried out related to the elimination of the causes of the disease

  • In case of displacement of intervertebral discs or other pathologies of the spine, chondoprotective drugs are prescribed to promote the restoration of cartilage tissue. They do not relieve pain, so their use is advisable after the acute phase of the disease has been eliminated or when chronic forms diseases.
  • B vitamins are also used in treatment.
  • For nervous disorders caused by lumbago, tranquilizers or sleeping pills may be prescribed.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, a surgical operation is performed to eliminate the foci of inflammation and pathology of the lumbar spine. Indications for its implementation are weakness in the legs and disruption of the excretory systems (urinary and intestinal).

Unusual Treatments

At the second stage, the following therapeutic measures can be additionally used:

Physical influence

  • Applications with ozokerite or ceresin (hard paraffin);
  • Ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Cold compresses.

Acupuncture course (acupuncture)

If it is carried out by a specialist who is fluent in the technique, the result can be as effective as possible and the person will forget about back pain for a long time. This method only works if lumbago is caused by neurological reasons.

Massage treatments

Gymnastic exercises

  • If an acute attack occurs, the patient must be provided with complete rest.
  • Among them are the following:

    • The most common way to treat lumbago is to take a bath with brewed hay dust and mustard seeds (you can add dry powder). Hay dust can be replaced with oat straw.
    • At all times the best medicine Red clay was considered to be from lumbago (regular clay can also be used). It is soaked by pouring water into small quantity, and warm up a little. Moderately hot solution(the hand is patient) mix thoroughly until smooth. You can add a little turpentine (to enhance the effect). A cake is formed from clay, the size of which should correspond to the size of the affected area. It is applied to the site of pain, and the patient is covered with a blanket. Leave until completely cooled.
    • Burdock is good for soothing lower back pain. The burdock leaf is rinsed with water, blotted with a towel, then fixed on the painful area. bottom side(rough). Taking cover warm material. The sheet is kept until completely dry. It becomes thin like tissue paper. On the first day, the sheet is kept for the whole day, replacing the dried one with a new one. On the second and subsequent days, you can perform the procedure in the morning (after waking up) and in the evening.
    • In addition to any of the proposed procedures, you can start taking pine tincture orally (for 200 g of pine nuts and add half a liter of vodka, leave for a week). Take a tablespoon three times a day.


    Rehabilitation measures aimed at reducing compression of the sciatic nerve roots and strengthening the natural corset of muscles will help to consolidate the treatment.

    To do this, you need to regularly perform physical therapy exercises. Periodically visit a massage room, perform mud therapy or take salt baths.

    Whenever possible, spend your holidays in balneological sanatoriums.

    Methods for preventing disease

    Prevention is best treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to do the following:

    • When performing heavy physical work(especially at the dacha) change position more often.
    • Exercises on the horizontal bar and swimming are very useful.
    • When lifting weights, it is recommended to first squat down and then rise with the weight, directing the load to the arm muscles.
    • If attacks of lumbago are caused by problems with the spine, it is necessary to make a hard bed by placing a sheet of plywood or fiberboard under the mattress.

    If a sharp pain suddenly pierces your back, do not rush to immediately take a painkiller without determining what caused it. The best thing to do is to take a position that helps relieve muscle spasm. Remember that self-medication or advanced disease (delayed treatment) can cause severe complications, which may require much more to eliminate Money, effort and time.


    A patient with lumbago must be examined by a neurologist. It is advisable to contact this specialist as soon as possible after the onset of pain. Perfect option– call a doctor at home, since it will be extremely difficult for a person with acute lower back pain to get to the hospital.

    A neurologist is needed not only to relieve pain and return the patient motor activity, but also to detect the factor that provoked the appearance of pain. If this reason is not addressed, sooner or later the lower back will “shoot” again. That is, you cannot do without diagnosis and treatment.

    If there is a suspicion of intervertebral disc pathology, the neurologist will give a referral for magnetic resonance imaging

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Lumbago is a designation for pain in the lower back. In addition to the term “lumbago,” the concept of “cervicago” is sometimes found, which means acute pain in the neck. It would seem, by analogy, if pain occurs in thoracic region spine, then it can be called “thoracago”. However, such a term does not appear, and pain in the thoracic spine is called thoracalgia.

But in the same way, there are terms “cervicalgia” and “lumbodynia” to refer to pain in the neck and lower back in general. Why does the term “lumbago” exist if there is already “lumbodynia”?

Lumbago - what is it?

The fact is that lumbago is not just any lower back pain. Here lumbodynia is any pain that can have the most different sources: from vertebral tumor to kidney pathology and acute pyelonephritis.

But lumbago is a sudden sharp and shooting pain, it is popularly called “lumbago.” Lumbago is a huge problem in therapy and neurology: the annual cost of this disease amounts to tens of millions of rubles due to missed man-hours.

Is it legal to say “lumbago of the lumbar region”? No, this is wrong - the fact is that all anatomical nomenclature is of Latin origin. Translated into Russian, the word “lumbus” means lower back.

Therefore, an obvious tautology arises, and the concept of “lumbago lumbago” can be translated as “acute pain in the lower back of the lumbar spine,” which is clearly redundant. Therefore, we can simply say “lumbago.”

Causes of lumbago

Most common cause lumbago is osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. In short, osteochondrosis is the progressive atrophy of intervertebral cartilaginous discs, and the convergence of the vertebrae caused by this process. Osteochondrosis and lumbago are “twins.”

It is known that the lower back is the most massive part of the spine, with thick discs. In this case, the vertebrae and their supporting surfaces of the bodies are smooth. If disc degeneration occurs - protrusion or hernia, then there is a risk of damage to the spinal roots at the appropriate levels.

The narrowing of the intervertebral space helps to reduce the lumen of the intervertebral foramina. This causes radicular, or radicular pain. In other words, long-term osteochondrosis leads to lumbago.

Why does acute lumbago occur?

Lumbago - symptoms photos

Sometimes, against the background of lumbar pain, a particularly acute pain syndrome may occur, which can “crouch” a person. But, amazingly, just one movement from the chiropractor is enough, and the pain goes away. This made the most capricious and skeptical patients feel respect for the “manipulators”. Why is this happening?

Here you need to remember that the intervertebral joint has a connective tissue capsule, and it can be pinched. If the articular process of a vertebra moves upward into the foramen of the overlying vertebra, then due to the weakness of the capsule it “snaps” between adjacent vertebrae - this causes very severe pain.

But, with the correct movement of the chiropractor - hanging and pulling - you can release the capsule and instantly relieve pain without any medications.

Symptoms of lumbago + lumbago with sciatica

Lumbago with sciatica - what is it?

Some people equate lumbago with sciatica - this is possible if there is compression of the corresponding roots.

IN in this case pain and sensory disturbances occur along the sciatic nerve - along the back of the thigh, from under gluteal muscle, up to the popliteal fossa. Sensitivity disorders occur in this same region.

The classic symptoms of lumbago are:

  • acute pain in the lower back;
  • there is increased pain when moving and turning;
  • the pain intensifies with deep breath, coughing and sneezing;
  • the pain intensifies with straining, during an attempt to have a bowel movement.

All these symptoms of lumbago are characterized by radicular pain, which intensifies from the slightest shock to the inflamed and swollen root, clamped by an intervertebral disc that has undergone destruction.

Sometimes there are sensitive and movement disorders in the areas of the corresponding roots. Most often, lumbago occurs when the roots between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae are affected, as well as between the 5th lumbar vertebra and the sacrum.

As a result, pain, paresthesia, and formication (a sensation of “crawling goosebumps”) appear in the corresponding segments and at a distance from the site of the lesion.

What can occur when individual lumbar roots are affected?

  • When the 3rd root is damaged, a decrease or loss of the knee reflex occurs, and weakness of the quadriceps femoris muscle appears. Weakness occurs when straightening the leg at the knee (difficulty climbing stairs);
  • If the 4th root is damaged, additional paresis of the tibialis muscle occurs. As a result, weakness in hip extension is accompanied by impaired extension of the foot, and it is also difficult to lift its inner edge. It becomes difficult to lean forward on straight legs, standing with the entire sole;
  • Damage to the 5th root causes disturbances in the extensors of the toes, and the Achilles tendon reflex on the affected side is also reduced.

What can happen if there is a complication?

Sometimes lumbago caused by osteochondrosis occurs more dramatically than the symptoms described. Yes, it is known clinical case when a man at the gym, after lifting weights, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower back. Along the way, it turned out that the skin of his thigh on the right was numb, and progressive weakness appeared in his right leg.

However, he “didn’t listen” and continued to train, not paying attention to these symptoms. As a result of this, events developed more dramatically: numbness and weakness appeared in the left leg. The man was unable to get home on his own and was unable to urinate. He developed paradoxical ischuria, that is, the release of urine drop by drop, due to flaccid paralysis Bladder, complete impotence developed.

Upon examination, it turned out that he had a large disc herniation between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, which formed a sequester, that is, a free fragment. He penetrated spinal canal, and squeezed almost the entire cauda equina (nerves are a continuation of the spinal cord). Therefore, that same evening he was urgently operated on in the spinal neurosurgery department, and after a complete recovery, he was discharged home.

Therefore, you need to be attentive to the signs of acute pain in the lower back, and in no case force physical activity.

Treatment of lumbago + drugs and ointments

Treatment of acute low back pain assumes that the continuation of radicular compression by the disc must first be eliminated or eliminated. Otherwise conservative therapy will be ineffective and surgical treatment will be required. The basic principles of lumbago therapy are as follows:

  • IN acute stage rest is needed, drug treatment for lumbago is used: injectable forms of selective NSAIDs (Xefocam, Movalis) to relieve pain;
  • Centrally acting muscle relaxants (Mydocalm, Sirdalud) are used, which relax the muscles;
  • Vitamins of group “B” are prescribed - “Milgamma compositum” intramuscularly;

Local treatment

  • For lumbago, warming and cooling ointments, creams, and gels containing NSAIDs are used. They improve blood flow and relieve secondary muscle spasm of skeletal muscles, which increases pain. These products include warming ointments - “Capsicam”, “Finalgon”, containing snake venom “Viprosal”, “Nayatox”, bee venom “Apizartron”;
  • Acupuncture and the use of Lyapko and Kuznetsov applicators help;
    at the stage of subsiding exacerbation, massage, wearing a semi-rigid corset, and physical therapy are indicated.
  • If conservative measures are ineffective, it is possible to prescribe a therapeutic blockade of the lumbar roots (novocaine, adrenaline, corticosteroid hormones).

At chronic course with frequent relapses, surgical treatment is indicated. In this case, the pain in the lower back should progress and not be relieved by conventional means within a month, while the area of ​​decreased sensitivity and numbness usually expands.

Other indication for surgical treatment– progression of paralysis and paresis, increased weakness in the leg muscles.

Prevention of lumbago

It only takes a little to prevent this chronic condition. In order to never suffer from lower back pain, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • do not gain weight, avoid excess body weight;
  • do gymnastics regularly, the lower back muscles should be toned and well supplied with blood;
  • hypothermia should be avoided, especially in spring and autumn;
  • it is advisable to avoid sharp turns, heavy lifting, extreme sports loads, as well as slipping in winter.

If episodes of lumbago still bother you, then you need to check all the symptoms with a neurologist, perform an MRI at least once a year, and undergo courses of treatment. IN otherwise you can suddenly get a serious complication similar to the clinical case described above.

Doctors identify the following causes of lumbago: intervertebral hernia, which causes pinched nerve roots, hypothermia, colds, bruises. In response to pain, the muscles tense, causing lower back pain and headaches. Often the lumbago is combined with such unpleasant illness like sciatica. In this case, pain is transmitted along the nerve trunks to the leg. This may last for several hours.

Symptoms of lumbago

In addition to lower back pain, you may find yourself unable to straighten up. The pain may radiate to the buttock. Ask your family to put some pillows on the floor and elevate your feet. If you do not provide help to the patient in time, within a month the pain will become chronic, and it will be much more difficult to cope with it. Pain occurs when bending forward, for example when shoveling snow.

Lying down significantly reduces pain. The pain with lumbago is shooting, and extension is limited. This condition lasts for several hours, the patient is helpless when shot, he cannot cough or sneeze, any tension causes intense pain.


Lumbago with sciatica

Lumbago with sciatica is most often caused by lumbar osteochondrosis. Cystitis, pyelonephritis and kidney stones are a consequence of problems in the lumbar spine. Injuries, scoliosis, obesity lead to osteochondrosis. Other factors: physical stress, infections. Fight osteochondrosis early stage you can by strengthening the surrounding muscles. The fetal pose relieves back muscle tension well.

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The most common methods are acupressure and manual therapy. Choose your chiropractor carefully! Treatment of lumbago with sciatica should be aimed at improving muscle trophism, cleansing tissues of toxins and improving the health of the legs.

Not only pain may occur, but also sensory disturbances, a burning sensation, and numbness. The patient assumes a forced body position with the spine bent forward. Sciatica affects muscle function and can cause paralysis and paresis.

Lumbago attack

An attack of lumbago can be triggered by sudden tugging and carrying heavy objects. If you have a lumbago, even just once, don’t delay medical care to your body. The doctor will prescribe an x-ray for you to identify signs of osteochondrosis - the most common culprit of this disaster. Medicine has safe conservative methods of treatment and rehabilitation after an attack of lumbago. As a result, blood circulation and nutrition of damaged discs improves.

To prevent an attack of lumbago, do not stay in one position for a long time, do not lift too heavy a load, and be careful in the gym.

What happens during a shooting? The structure of the intervertebral disc resembles jelly. It may lose elasticity if there are pathologies of the spinal column, especially osteochondrosis in the lumbar region.

The first attack of lumbago and sciatica sometimes occurs during pregnancy. Contact a neurologist, he will prescribe you a course of treatment that is harmless to the baby, because if you neglect this condition, the lumbago may bother you after childbirth or worsen during childbirth, which is very dangerous. Medicines are prescribed to relieve back muscle spasms and warming ointments. Under no circumstances prescribe them to yourself. Also effective remedy– Dorsaplast patch. It effectively relieves spasms and inflammation around the prolapsed spinal disc, and allows you to reduce the dosage of anti-inflammatory drugs. It needs to be glued all day for 10 days. It is very easy to use, does not require a prescription, and is sold in many pharmacies in Ukraine. If you are pregnant, wear a special bandage. Do not overcool your lower back.

Diagnosis of lumbago

Diagnosis of lumbago primarily involves assessing appearance the patient, the characteristic posture he takes. A sharp pain indicates a shooting, the person cannot straighten up, walk, and freezes in place. If there are difficulties, an x-ray of the spine may be prescribed. The most modern and reliable method is magnetic resonance imaging. The doctor may send you to it to clarify the condition of the intervertebral disc. In every third case, the cause of the lumbago cannot be determined.

Treatment of lumbago

During treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, pepper patch(applied to the sore spot daily, it improves blood circulation and has a resolving effect), vitamins and manual therapy. Bed rest for 14 days is recommended. Exercise therapy with flexion and extension exercises is also performed. Swimming in the pool is very useful for unloading the spine. Exclude from the diet salty and smoked foods that retain water in the body. They eat more vegetables. If necessary, spinal traction or training on special simulators may be prescribed. Sanatorium treatment is indicated.

Office work, poor nutrition and hypothermia, even in middle-aged people, can cause pain in the lower back - lumbago. Lumbago is a consequence of spinal osteochondrosis and scoliosis. Treatment consists of physical therapy and manual therapy. Your doctor will also prescribe topical gels and creams for you. For example, this is the drug Fastum Gel. The drug is classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory local agent. The gel is applied to the skin once a day and rubbed in. The duration of treatment is up to 20 days. Prescribed with caution to pregnant women. Eczema, purpura, urticaria, swelling and stomatitis are possible. Do not apply to wounds and abrasions, do not use in children.

Ibuprofen, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug, can be prescribed for pain relief. Available in tablet form. Daily dose – 800 mg. One tablet contains 200 mg of ibuprofen. Possible side effects include nausea, heartburn, dyspepsia, and dizziness. Possible allergies. Very rarely – aseptic meningitis. IN childhood, for ulcerative colitis and impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, the drug is not prescribed. It is necessary to control the composition of the blood.

Drug treatment of lumbago

After you helped your relatives move, did you feel back pain that left you bedridden? In a week, if you follow bed rest and the recommendations of a doctor, who must be called to your home, all that will remain from the attack will be a terrible memory.

How to relieve suffering during an attack of lumbago? Taking anti-inflammatory local gels and ointments and tablets. For example, Voltaren tablets can serve as such a medicine. Take 2 tablets per day. Possible side effects include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, ulcers, stomatitis, glossitis. Not prescribed for stomach ulcers, bleeding disorders and hematopoiesis, and in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Injections for lumbago

At very severe pain You may be prescribed injections for lumbago, for example, Voltaren in the form of injections. Voltaren is administered intramuscularly, 1 ampoule, 1 time per day. Side effects: You may have stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, or enterocolitis, ulcers, and stomach bleeding. If you have had something like this before (stomach problems, ulcers), it is better not to use Voltaren as an injection, but to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe another medicine.

Ointments for lumbago

An effective remedy for lumbago is Bystrum gel. Bystrum gel is our analogue of the German Fastum gel. Contains ketoprofen and essential oils. It is enough to apply it to the skin and rub in once a day. Usually well tolerated, but contraindicated during pregnancy. Do not apply Bystrum gel to open wounds.

Painkillers for lumbago

For lumbago, Nimesulide is an effective pain reliever - sulfananilide. Take 1 volume orally once a day after meals, or 100 ml of suspension. There is also Nimesulide in gel form, which is applied and gently rubbed in 2 times a day. Do not use during pregnancy and in children under 12 years of age, in patients with severe liver, heart and kidney failure. Possible drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, allergies, anemia, prolongation of bleeding time, impaired hematopoiesis. It is especially dangerous to prescribe the drug for recent months pregnancy.

Traditional treatment of lumbago

Treatment of lumbago using traditional medicine methods is, first of all, cupping on the lumbar region, infusion of plum kernels of plum seeds (pour 30 g of kernels into 200 ml of plum tincture) and leave for 4 days. Use for rubbing.

Mix 1 horseradish root in a 1:1:1 ratio with flour and salt and make compresses, keeping it on the sore spot for 1 hour.

Take lingonberry leaf, angelica root and nettle in equal parts, pour the mixture into a thermos (1 tbsp per 500 ml of water) and leave overnight. Drink 0.5 glass in the morning on an empty stomach.

Treatment of lumbago at home

The best treatment for lumbago at home is bed rest. TO active life You can return, on average, after 10 days. In the acute period of the disease, baths and exercise therapy are prohibited.

Peel the radish, grate, spread on a cloth and apply a compress to the lower back.

Make compresses from valerian tincture.

Make an ointment from the leaves of the American agave plant by grating it and rubbing it in overnight.

Apply the extract 2 times a day capsicum 14 days.

Massage for lumbago

For lumbago, a general warming massage with creams and ointments is used. The masseur strokes and kneads the back muscles for 10-15 minutes. Massage effectively relieves pain and restores spinal function. To remove increased tone Patting and stroking are used. Vertebral tissues receive nutrients necessary for their regeneration during the session therapeutic massage. Electrophoresis is also used, which activates local metabolism and protective forces. Acupuncture is also successfully used to treat lumbago.

Among the methods of therapeutic intervention for osteochondrosis in official medicine Pharmacological influence is most often used. Among the drugs for the treatment of lumbago, several specific groups are distinguished. The first is the most common and includes a wide range of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ketanov, Voltaren, Indomethacin, Reopirin. All of them have a pronounced analgesic and anti-edematous effect, allowing you to quickly and effectively relieve pain. The group has an even stronger analgesic effect pharmacological drugs for the treatment of lumbago based on metamizole sodium. These are “Baralgin”, “Analgin”, “Spazgam”, “Pentalgin” and a number of other proprietary trade names. Some are available in injectable and tablet form. Average rate treatment is 10 days. When used both for intramuscular injections and for oral administration, it is necessary to regularly monitor the parameters of general and biochemical analysis blood. These substances inhibit the function of hematopoiesis, which can cause anemia and negatively affect the condition of the liver, mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. With their long-term use, it can form peptic ulcer stomach, toxic hepatitis, chronic renal failure and bronchial asthma.

The second group of drugs for the medical treatment of lumbago with sciatica includes vitamin-like substances. Among them, it is worth noting pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), which has the ability to restore damaged structure nerve fiber. A nicotinic acid enhances the effect of this vitamin, has a beneficial effect on improving the processes of blood supply to tissues and the transport of oxygen to them. It is also recommended to use a comprehensive vitamin preparation"Milgamma".

Long-term drug treatment of lumbago is required to restore the destroyed cartilage tissue intervertebral disc. Chondroprotectors are used for this. The optimal result can be obtained with a course of injections, after which long-term use tablets or capsules. So, in particular, for this purpose, the Alflutop solution is used for intramuscular administration, 2 ml once a day for 20 days. The drug is an extract or aqueous extract of fish cartilage small breeds. With regular intramuscular administration, the active substance accumulates in the patient’s body and has a pronounced analgesic effect, which makes it possible to avoid injections of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

After a course of injections, another drug is prescribed in tablets or capsules. "Teraflex Advance" includes chondroitin, glucosamine and ibuprofen, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. This drug for the medicinal treatment of lumbago with sciatica is used at the initial stage, when pain relief is required. Then treatment can be continued using Teraflex, Dona, Arthrocelsus and many others capsules.

Tablets for lumbago with sciatica for drug treatment

It is not recommended to choose tablets for lumbago on your own, since lower back pain can be associated with a number of pathologies internal organs abdominal cavity and urinary system. And they require completely different treatment, and many drugs are strictly contraindicated. Thus, you cannot take tablets “Ortofen”, “Indomethacin”, “Diclofenac” for any pathologies of the liver, stomach and gall bladder. They can provoke exacerbation of chronic gastritis, cholecystitis and lead to the development of acute toxic hepatitis.

When using chondroprotectors, it is necessary to systematically carry out laboratory test parameters of a biochemical blood test, since there may be side effects from the liver and urinary apparatus.

For emergency medical treatment of lumbago with sciatica, we can recommend such tablets as “Baralgin”, “Ketanov”, “Ketoprofen”, “Pentalgin”, “Ibuprofen”. All of them can be taken without medical supervision for no longer than 3 days in a row. Maximum daily dose is 4 tablets or 2 grams of active ingredient. If the pain does not subside during this time, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe comprehensive treatment for the disease.

At severe course For the medical treatment of lumbago with sciatica, corticosteroids are used: Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone and many others. They are administered intra-articularly, intramuscularly and taken in tablet form.

If possible, give preference to the treatment of osteochondrosis and accompanying syndromes, such as lumbago and sciatica, with manual therapy brooms. As practice shows, only courses of physical therapy, traction traction, osteopathic effects, reflexology and massage allow you to forget about pathologies of the spinal column forever.

According to statistics, approximately 80% of people around the world have experienced a “shot in the back” at least once. Sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time, staying in an unchanged position for many hours, a sudden jerk during fitness, carrying or lifting heavy objects - all this can lead to an attack of lumbago.

People who are over thirty are most often susceptible to this problem. Lumbago is not a disease, it is an acute pain that occurs no matter what the reason. People call this “lumbago.”

Causes and symptoms of lumbago

Lumbago has character acute intense pain, which is felt in the lumbar region. The cause is physical exercise on the spine. The main symptom is throbbing or shooting pain, which noticeably intensifies with turns or other movements of the body.

Limited mobility and overstrain of the spinal muscles are also factors in the development of lumbago.

If the lumbago is accompanied by sciatica or "cauda equina syndrome", then the nature of the symptoms changes slightly. Numbness or weakness in the leg, saddle anesthesia, constipation, urinary retention or incontinence, and sexual disorders may appear.

Spinal injuries, such as ligament ruptures or fractures, are always accompanied by a feeling of pain, but among spinal diseases, this is the latest cause of lumbago. Most often, lumbago lumbago can be caused by osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, prolapse or disc protrusion.

The cause of lumbago can be certain pathological conditions: tumor, ankylosing spondylitis, spondyloarthrosis, rheumatic and inflammatory diseases of the spinal joints and other diseases of the spine.

But once again it should be recalled that intervertebral hernia (not complicated) and osteochondrosis are the most important factors influencing lumbago syndrome. According to statistics, in 30% of cases the cause of lumbago is never determined.

Treatment of lumbago

Diagnosis of lumbago is carried out initially by external manifestations, some of these signs are: sharp pain and stiffness in the lower back. In addition to these signs, patients may complain of headache attacks. To clarify the diagnosis and exclude the possibility of other diseases, use x-ray studies or MRI of the spinal column.

It is necessary to adhere to some general recommendations for lumbago from the first minutes of its occurrence. As soon as a person feels a lumbago in the lower back, he should be placed on a flat, hard surface in a horizontal position from the very first minutes.

If you raise your legs at an angle of ninety degrees, the intensity of pain will decrease.

In this case, it is most convenient to place a pillow or a folded blanket under your feet. And thanks to the hard surface, the spine will stretch. Try to completely eliminate spinal mobility as much as possible. In general, this bed rest must still be followed 5-10 days.

Treatment of lumbago involves a complex process that includes physiotherapy, medication and traditional methods.

  • Drug treatment for lumbago

    The doctor determines lumbago by examining and interviewing the patient. The chiropractor checks all motor activity of the pelvic region, back joints, hips for the presence of pinched nerve roots.

    If the pain is severe, then medications are immediately prescribed to eliminate and relieve pain.

    In the process of drug treatment of lumbago, the following therapeutic measures are provided:

    1. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs medicines– drugs from the NSAID group in the form of injections, tablets, ointments. Such drugs are available without a prescription in every pharmacy. Corticosteroids are the most Alternative option non-steroidal drugs. They reduce pain and inflammation.
    2. The use of drugs that relieve muscle spasms - muscle relaxants. The drugs in this group do not cause drowsiness.
    3. Taking medications that have a diuretic effect, as well as vascular drugs. In this way, swelling in the affected areas is reduced and blood circulation is normalized.
    4. The use of antidepressants for the purpose of auxiliary therapy cannot be ruled out.

    If all of the above medications have not brought any tangible results, then after being prescribed by a doctor, synthetic narcotic drugs can be used.

    In order to relieve pain, the lumbar part is lubricated with ointment. For example, diclofenac or ibuprofen. To reduce muscle spasm and pain, injections are also used - Xefocam and Ketanol along with vitamins B12.

  • Folk remedies for the treatment of lumbago

    Since there are many causes of lumbago, then you will not be able to install them yourself. That is why you should contact specialists for help in treating lumbago.

    However, combining traditional medicine and treatment with medications, the recovery process will be several times more effective. It would be good to consult a doctor before starting self-medication.

    The most common and simple tips for eliminating pain:

    • are in calm state, periodically press along the spine;
    • it is permissible to hang on the doorway, while turning the lower back to the sides;
    • you can put cups on the lumbar area or take a hot bath;
    • Apply a pepper patch to the affected area.
    1. Recipe No. 1. Plum rub. 25 grams of plum pit kernels must be filled with 250 milliliters of strong plum tincture. After this mixture has been infused for a week, you can use it to rub the lower back.
    2. Recipe No. 2. Horseradish compress. Chop finely 1-2 horseradish roots, add to it vinegar, flour And salt in proportion everything is proportional 1:1 . Apply a compress from the resulting mixture to the sore spot for 2- 2.5 hours, then make a cold compress from the decoctions.
  • Treatment of lumbago at home

    This treatment method includes:

    • bed rest during acute periods;
    • to maintain in correct position the spine is worn in an orthopedic corset;
    • You should also avoid hypothermia and excessive physical exertion;
    • regular exercise therapy.

    For speedy recovery The following exercises will be useful:

    1. Abdominal exercises, squats and hyperextensions. All strength exercises that are designed to strengthen abdominal muscles, spinal and lower extremity muscles.
    2. Exercises that help stretch and increase the stability and flexibility of muscles and joints.
    3. Aerobic exercises to strengthen and train the cardiovascular system. They also help restore completely general health body.
  • Tibetan method of treating lumbago

    Body acupuncture is one of the options for treating lumbago using Eastern medicine. Thanks to this method of treating lumbago, it is possible to regulate and achieve patency of the bladder meridian and the control channel by influencing the active points.

    The method of sedative massage eliminates stagnation of blood and energy, and as a result, pain. Also, influencing acupuncture points, the blockade of the meridians is removed and the energy of the bladder meridian is activated.

Features of treatment of lumbago with sciatica

Lumbago is sometimes a companion to sciatica. And this combination has a name - lumboischialgia. As a result, the pain is constant with periodic shooting. Painful attacks can be piercing, pulsating, shooting.

Signs of lumbar ischialgia:

  1. pain in the buttocks and legs, in addition to lower back pain;
  2. shooting when coughing;
  3. increased pain when walking;
  4. The duration of pain ranges from a couple of minutes to several days.

Treatment of lumbar ischialgia is not considered as a cure independent disease. Only upon examination by a doctor and additional research appoint required method treatment.

In general, for lumbago and sciatica, drug treatment is prescribed to relieve pain and reduce spasm of the spinal muscles. If the pain is chronic, then physiotherapeutic treatment methods, the most effective in this case, are prescribed:

  1. special massage;
  2. spinal traction;
  3. acupuncture;
  4. therapeutic exercises and other methods.

Patients with such a problem as lumbago leave positive reviews in most cases. Therefore, if you are bothered by pain and shooting in the lumbar region, consult a doctor without delay, a specialist will diagnose correct diagnosis and select the necessary treatment.

Galina, patient of the Paramita Oriental Medicine Clinic, Moscow:

“I was often bothered by shooting pains in my back. I no longer knew where to turn for qualified help, since our local chiropractor didn't help me at all. Thanks to my colleague, I learned about the methods of the Paramita Clinic.

I am very grateful that they were able to help me get rid of such a problem as lumbago with the help of oriental medicine. I have never encountered this method of treatment before.”

Ivan, patient medical center"Reaclinic", St. Petersburg:

“I’m a firefighter and I injured my back during one of my calls. After this, a sharp shooting pain began. As it turned out - lumbago.

I spent a long time looking for the right clinic that would match the price-quality ratio. And having contacted Reaklinik, I was very pleased with the result. A month has already passed, and I don’t even remember the pain. I am very grateful to the doctors at this center!”