What is knotweed? Knotweed. Medicinal properties. Potential harm and side effects

Since ancient times in practice traditional treatment knotweed was present - aka bird knotweed. The plant was used practically without waste; the leaves, roots, and seeds of the plant were used as medicinal raw materials. Found knotweed wide application V folk medicine precisely because of its unique .

What is the benefit

Grass contains a large number of vitamins A, E, K, carotene, ascorbic acid, tannins, essential oils, silicic acid. Thanks to this composition, it is able to cleanse the blood of toxic substances, remove kidney stones, and rid a person of salt deposits.

  1. Can be used for prophylactic purposes cancer diseases, to restore normal functioning of the stomach.
  2. Products prepared from this raw material are used for treatment gynecological problems, restoration of men's health.
  3. Decoctions and tinctures based on bird knotweed can be used to treat children, in order to strengthen and normalize work nervous system.

Important! have long been used to cure various diseases.

Application in gynecology

Benefits of bird knotweed for women's health– this is a scientifically proven fact. In gynecology, the aerial part of the plant is actively used, which is part of many medicines. You can prepare a tincture or decoction yourself. It is used to stop uterine bleeding, reduce heavy discharge during menstruation, in order to restore the uterine muscles after childbirth, abortion.

To reduce pain during menstruation, you need to prepare a decoction as follows:

  • take equal amount knotweed, 5 parts; duckweed, 3 parts;
  • pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass boiled water;
  • leave the broth until completely cooled, strain;
  • use without limiting the amount if severe menstrual pain occurs.

Note! This tool should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. If the shelf life is exceeded, the positive effect of the tincture is minimized.

For infertility

Both in folk and official medicine Knotweed is used to treat infertility. It helps improve the functioning of the uterine muscles and stimulates the functioning of the ovaries. The herb is used to prepare decoctions, tinctures, fresh as an addition to food.

Decoction for infertility

  1. A glass of dried or fresh herbs can be poured with a liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave for several hours to infuse.
  3. Strain and drink throughout the day in unlimited quantities instead of other drinks.

Note! To be effective and achieve the desired effect, it is worth taking the product together - it has a beneficial effect on reproductive function men and women equally.

For conception

The process of conceiving a new life is an event for which you need to prepare in advance and improve your health. For it to happen successfully, it is recommended to use decoctions of knotweed.

  1. Pour 4 tablespoons of herbs into a liter of boiling water.
  2. Brew for 4 hours in a thermos.
  3. Strain, take 3-4 times a day for a month.
  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of knotweed seeds into a liter of warm kefir.
  2. Leave in a thermos for 12 hours.
  3. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day for a week, a tablespoon after seven days, a tablespoon after another seven, but 4 times a day.
  1. Pour a teaspoon of knotweed, 2 tablespoons into 500 ml of water.
  2. Place on for a quarter of an hour water bath. When cool, strain.
  3. Take half a glass before meals.

Note! These products increase the productivity of the reproductive system, help get rid of possible adhesions in fallopian tubes. It should be taken before ovulation - this increases the likelihood of conception and helps normalize hormonal levels.

For kidney stones

The herb has the property of dissolving kidney stones, from which sand is formed and leaves the body. naturally for a short time. For this purpose, it is worth preparing a decoction as follows:

  • pour a tablespoon of dried raw material into a glass of boiling water;
  • keep in a water bath for half an hour;
  • Drink one glass of the product every morning on an empty stomach.

Cleansing procedures should last up to two weeks. During this time, you should not eat onions, garlic, it is advisable to avoid junk food, balance your diet, drink plenty of fluids.

Note! During periods of exacerbation of kidney disease, urinary system, it is recommended to temporarily stop using the product. After this time has expired, you can resume the course of treatment.

For obesity

The knotweed copes with overweight very fast. Its positive impact is based on the ability to normalize metabolism and remove toxins and waste from the body. The use of tincture or herbal decoction makes it possible to avoid the deposition of excess fatty tissue.

A course of herbal medications should be combined with correct mode nutrition, drinking plenty of fluids, active physical activity. Such A complex approach to the problem to allow one to forget about it forever, to resume the normal functionality of the human body.

Knotweed grass - for men

To men who have achieved reproductive age, it is recommended to use knotweed - these can be tinctures, decoctions, as a food additive to normalize sexual functions, strengthen reproductive health to avoid problems with male power. In addition, avian knotweed is used when inflammatory processes occur in intimate area, with prostatitis, imbalance male hormones, for the purpose of prevention and treatment of male infertility.

  1. To prepare a decoction for men's health, you will need to take 3 tablespoons of knotweed raw material, add a liter of boiled water, leave for 6-7 hours, and strain.
  2. Can be consumed daily instead of tea, water, and other drinks.

At the same time, you should take up sports and quit bad habits. Treatment should be comprehensive, so a consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous. Men should add fresh herbs to their food and cook with it vitamin cocktails.

Note! When collecting grass yourself, you should find a natural, environmentally friendly area for this purpose. It is necessary to harvest raw materials during the month of May, store them in a dark, dry place, using a fabric bag, or a cardboard container for 2-3 years, but no more.

For prostatitis

Problems with men's health quite common, occur in at a young age. The most problematic situation is. Polygonum herb will help cure the disease, relieve inflammation, and restore the normal functionality of the genital organs and urinary system.

An infusion of knotweed for prostatitis is prepared as follows:

  1. 20 grams of dried herb pour 500 ml of water;
  2. Boil for 20 minutes;
  3. Place in a thermos for a day to infuse;
  4. Filter, squeeze out the raw materials;
  5. Take daily instead of tea 20-30 minutes before meals.

Note! This remedy is effective not only for prostatitis, it copes well with male infertility, restores strength, raises tone.

Application for children

Bird knotweed is allowed to be given to children in unlimited quantities, since it does not cause allergic reactions, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, immune system little man. An infusion or decoction of the raw material is given to restless children if they have any fears.

  1. With the help of this product you can fight high temperature, colds, digestive problems.
  2. A decoction of knotweed herb is used externally to treat abrasions, butchers, minor scratches, purulent wounds.
  3. Using the product is an excellent way for teenagers to get rid of acne, allergic rashes on the skin of the face and body.

You can add fresh herbs to food, prepare drinks using raw materials to strengthen protective functions body. Children in infancy should be given infusions and decoctions of knotweed in limited quantities, under medical supervision.

Note! If internal reception remedy is not possible, it is recommended to add a little herbal decoction to the bath. Such bathing perfectly soothes, preserves the natural softness of the child’s skin, and prevents the occurrence of colds.

Use in food

Many chefs recommend adding fresh herbs to food to improve taste qualities food. These herbs include bird's eye knotweed, which gives food an exquisite taste and excellent aroma. But if you look at it purely from medical point sight, it can be said that fresh knotweed grass and other similar plants retain all vitamins in full.

You should add knotweed to hot dishes not at the beginning of cooking, but at the end, so that the herb releases its aroma and retains as much benefit as possible.

  1. This ingredient can be used in the preparation of meat, fish, vegetables, and salads.
  2. A sprig of knotweed is used as a decoration for dessert, vitamin cocktails are made from it, and added to various salads.
  3. As a seasoning, the herb is used in dried, crushed to powder form.

Note! The presence of herbs in a dish increases appetite, promotes rapid absorption and proper processing of food. This helps avoid most problems with the digestive system.


Use as food supplement, composed of medicines, tinctures, and decoctions of bird knotweed should not be used by people who suffer from the following problems:

  1. Sufferers increased coagulability blood, thrombosis.
  2. In the presence of low pressure.
  3. After suffering heart attacks, strokes.
  4. For angina pectoris.
  5. During the period of bearing a child.
  6. During a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The product should be used with caution in people suffering from increased acidity stomach. In all other cases, the use of medicines prepared on the basis of knotweed is permitted.

This herb is an excellent remedy to fight many diseases, helps restore reproductive function, restores normal work the whole body, nervous system. If it is not possible to prepare the raw materials yourself, you can purchase them at any pharmacy - they are sold without a prescription and are inexpensive.

The prepared products have short term storage Some cases require admission under medical supervision. Knotweed is not a toxic plant, so there are no clear dosages. The main thing is to do everything wisely and the effect will be positive.

How often people do not notice what is important, but not striking, striving for what glitters. Going to the pharmacy for expensive medicines, we pass by, or even carelessly trample on plants that can bring invaluable benefits to our health and relieve us from many ailments. In this regard, one involuntarily recalls the painting by Čiurlionis, which depicts a line of people walking towards the castle standing on the top high mountain. At the same time, they trample the field of dandelions, completely ignoring them.

The same thing happened with knotweed. This inconspicuous weed literally carpets yards and field roads, parks and pastures. Knotweed is constantly pulled out from the ridges, trampled, eaten by animals, but he doesn’t care. Knotweed catches our eye so often that we simply stop noticing it.

Knotweed is an annual creeping plant with many branched stems ranging from 10 to 40 cm in length. The leaves of knotweed are small and elliptical. The flowers are white or light green, inconspicuous in appearance. Knotweed blooms from May to September. With enough moisture, knotweed can form continuous carpets in courtyards and village streets.

For medicinal purposes, knotweed grass is collected during flowering. Dry it in the attic or under a canopy, spreading it in a thin layer on paper or fabric. Store knotweed herb in cardboard boxes at room temperature. Shelf life: 2 years.

In official medicine, an extract from knotweed called avicularin is used, which is used as a hemostatic agent after abortion and childbirth. As clinical studies have shown, knotweed can increase blood clotting, reduce blood pressure, increase urination and intestinal motility, and provide astringent action, activate metabolic processes in the body. All these properties of knotweed are due to the presence in its leaves tannins, silicic acid compounds, vitamins E, K, C, carotene and a number of other biologically active substances.

For a long time, this nondescript grass has attracted people's attention with its healing properties and complete harmlessness. There was even a popular belief that a sparrow would not be able to survive the winter without eating enough knotweed. Hence popular names: bird's knotweed, bird's buckwheat.

In folk medicine, a decoction of dried knotweed shoots is usually used. It is used for diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder, rheumatism, inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, various bleedings.

Like St. John's wort, knotweed is widely used by folk healers for most diseases directly related to metabolic disorders in the human body. For all so-called “stone” diseases, knotweed is considered an indispensable component of preparations that promote excretion small stones and sand from the gallbladder and kidneys.

Recipes using knotweed for use in urolithiasis.

  • Knotweed grass and corn silk- 40 g each, grass - 20 g and - 10 g. Brew two tablespoons of the mixture in the evening with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight, strain and drink in 4-5 doses 15 minutes before meals or an hour after meals.
  • Knotweed and horsetail grass - 30 g each, (fruits) - 50 g, bean leaves and cherry stalks - 20 g each. Place two tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters. boiling water Leave for 3 hours. Drink a day in 4 doses 1 hour before meals.
  • Knotweed - 1 tablespoon, dry apple peel - 1 tablespoon. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Drink instead of tea without dosage for a month.

In passing, it must be said that mainly three types of stones form in the kidneys. These are phosphates, urates and oxalates. Of these, only urates dissolve well and are eliminated using herbal remedies.

For cholelithiasis, you also cannot do without knotweed.

  • Knotweed herb (50 g), sandy immortelle (40 g), St. John's wort (30 g), inflorescence (10 g), corn silk (30 g). Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters in the evening. raw water, leave until morning, then boil for 10 minutes, strain. Drink in 4 doses per day: on an empty stomach and an hour after meals.
  • Knotweed grass (40 g), (20 g), leaf (20 g), roots (30 g). Boil two tablespoons of the mixture for 10 minutes in 0.5. water, then leave for 30 minutes and drink a day in 3 doses 15 minutes before meals.

The usual course of treatment with the described preparations is 2 weeks, after which a 10-day break should be taken. With each urination, several dozen dark yellow grains of sand of indeterminate shape will be removed, which are easy to detect upon examination.

For pneumonia, bronchitis, and pleurisy, drinking tea according to the following recipe helps a lot: knotweed herb (10 g), leaf (5 g), black elderberry (5 g). The resulting mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water and consumed like tea, 1 glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by diarrhea, drink a hot decoction of knotweed (2 parts) with horsetail (1 part). The mixture of herbs is boiled in red wine of the Cahors type for 3 minutes and drunk hot, 0.5 cups every 4 hours before meals.

At women's diseases, accompanied by bleeding after abortion, childbirth, as well as for bleeding hemorrhoids, use an infusion of knotweed: 4 tbsp. Place spoons of dry herbs in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave overnight, filter and drink warm in 5-6 doses per day. Suitable for the same purposes alcohol tincture knotweed: 100 g of herb is infused for 7 days in 0.5 liters of vodka, then filtered and stored in a dark place. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon a day before meals.

At uterine bleeding And heavy menstruation consume orally a collection of the following composition: knotweed grass and - 30 g each, mistletoe branches - 40 g. Two tablespoons of the mixture are boiled for 15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, left for 10 minutes, filtered and drunk in two doses 15 minutes before breakfast and before bed. Take 5-8 days, starting 5 days before the expected day of menstruation.

For all kinds of convulsions in children, they are given a decoction of knotweed in milk. Two tablespoons of the herb are boiled in 0.5 liters of milk for 5 minutes. Drink 0.5 glasses 4 times a day.

Grated freshly harvested knotweed grass is applied to wounds to quickly stop bleeding.

Knotweed is also used in cooking. Young stems with leaves are eaten. They are added to soups and salads. Dried leaves knotweed is used as a seasoning for cooking various dishes, as well as for brewing tea mixed with St. John's wort and chamomile.

Unnoticeable and medicinal plant knotweed is valued in folk medicine for its unique properties. Popularly known by other names: ant grass, bird buckwheat, bird grass and goose grass.

It can be found everywhere; knotweed is picky and adapts to any soil. Sturdy and trampling-resistant stems grow through asphalt, growing in parks, along the banks of ponds, on paths and roadsides, in gardens and courtyards. The unique properties of the plant are widely used to treat many diseases.

Knotweed - medicinal properties of a healing plant

The small flowers of the plant are pale green. The leaves of knotweed are grayish-green. The height of the stems is 10-80 centimeters; the plant does not stretch upward, but “crawls” along the ground.

For treatment, only the above-ground part of knotweed is used. Thanks to many positive properties it is used for diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, cholelithiasis, rheumatism, malaria, dysentery. Goose grass is relevant for skin problems (dermatitis, acne, purulent wounds, boils), are actively used to reduce blood pressure and to increase immunity in case of general weakness after serious illness.

Knotweed is credited with anti-inflammatory, diuretic, diaphoretic, tonic, analgesic, wound-healing, antipyretic and blood purifying effects on the body.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs help dissolve and remove formed stones and sand in the kidneys and gall bladder. But therapy should be gradual, the dose is increased every day by 70-100 milliliters of decoction.

Sparrow infusion is taken for jaundice, gallstone disease, kidney problems and gallbladder. The miracle herb helps with swelling, fever, obesity and gout. When violated salt metabolism, polyarthritis progresses, bronchial asthma, cough, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis and pleurisy, then folk remedies based on knotweed are quite effective. For pneumonia, the herb is used as an antipyretic. For inflammation of the oral mucosa and hoarseness, an infusion of a medicinal plant is used internally and rinsed in the mouth.

When used, you can improve your appetite for gastritis. It acts as an excellent astringent for diarrhea and helps with gastrointestinal disorders. Is useful medicine for dysentery, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and diabetes.

Harvesting knotweed grass

For medicinal manipulations, only the above-ground part of the plant is useful. The knotweed must be harvested during the flowering period (July-August). For those who are not looking for easy ways and collect and dry themselves healing herbs If you don't buy it at the pharmacy, finding knotweed won't be a problem. The plant is widespread and can be found in the yard, along the road or path, near ponds.

Using a knife, carefully cut off the upper flowering part (forty centimeters) so as not to touch the roots. Drying should be done in the shade or in the attic, spreading the workpieces in a thin layer on paper, boards or natural fabric. After 1-2 weeks (depending on the temperature), the raw materials are removed into canvas or paper bags. It is now ready to use. The storage period is about 3 years.

Healing recipes based on knotweed

Knotweed grass has found its way active use in folk medicine. Thanks to unique properties it helps to gently and effectively get rid of diseases and improve general state body.

  • To remove stones and sand from the kidneys or gall bladder, the following infusion will help: place 5 grams of knotweed herb in a thermos and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water. Leave for about three hours. After which the infusion is filtered and taken 70 milliliters three times a day half an hour before meals. 10 minutes after taking the knotweed infusion, drink a decoction of cocklebur, which is made and taken in similar proportions, only infused throughout the night.
  • For bruises, abscesses, burns, fresh wounds and boils, washing the wounds and applying a lotion from a decoction of goose grass (knotweed) helps. 10 grams of raw knotweed and 5 grams of calendula are poured hot water and simmer over low heat for 3-7 minutes. After which the container with healing decoction Leave tightly closed until completely cool. Also, if you have fresh herbs, it will be effective to apply it to the affected areas in crushed form or take baths and make applications.
  • Combine 20 grams of knotweed with 0.5 liters of forty-proof vodka and seal tightly. Leave the medicine for 5 days in a warm place. Take for certain indications 3 times a day, 10-20 drops, after diluting them in small quantity water.
  • A rinse based on knotweed herb will help with dandruff and hair loss. Combine 10 grams of the dried plant with chamomile and marigolds (5 grams each), pour boiling water and leave until the infusion becomes slightly warm. After washing your hair, rinse your hair thoroughly with this decoction and gently massage into the scalp.
  • For acne and others skin diseases They use knotweed tea internally and make masks. Tea is brewed in a ratio of 3 grams of knotweed and 200 milliliters of boiling water. Taken 3-4 times a day. At the same time, you should apply such a mask once a day to problem areas. 4-5 milliliters olive oil heated in a water bath, after mixing with 3-4 grams of knotweed. Combine with white clay powder, knead and apply to affected areas of the skin.

Knotweed is annual plant. Unusual name it acquired it because its damaged shoots are restored very quickly (“sporo”). Of course he has official name- bird's knotweed. However, people liked the first thing - knotweed. That's what people call him. The plant is so unpretentious that it can be found literally anywhere. Unless it grows in frosty Antarctica and the Arctic. But knotweed also has its own favorite places. You can see it on a trampled path, road, river bank, even in the yard. If only the soil was fertile. Knotweed likes to grow alone. Over the summer, it forms such a continuous and dense carpet that no other weed can coexist with it.

Knotweed is a rather tall plant; its branches reach 10-80 centimeters. However, this plant is mainly creeping, growing by bending to the ground. But its leaves are small, grayish-green. And the flowers are almost tiny, not flowers, but just flowers. They are different color: white, pinkish and even greenish. The plant blooms for a very long time. The spring sun will warm up a little when the first flowers appear. And so on until late autumn This plant is pleasing to the eye. But the peak of flowering is July and August. It seems that knotweed gives us its beauty and aroma literally everywhere. And how the birds rejoice at this early grass, how joyfully they gather in flocks and peck at it! knotweed - favorite treat and for livestock and poultry.

Harvesting and storage of knotweed

In folk medicine, only above-ground parts of plants are used - leaves and stems. Moreover, its upper layers are more useful - about 40 centimeters. The remaining branches are hard and unsuitable for collection. The flowers of the plant are of particular value. It is advisable to collect them in more. Harvesting is carried out throughout the summer. Dry in dark but well-ventilated places. Direct rays of the sun are harmful because many are lost medicinal properties knotweed. It is very important to cut the plant for harvesting in dry weather and, of course, far from dusty roads. After drying, the plant is stored in gauze or cotton bags. Although it is possible in glass jars, as long as there is air access. The storage room must be dry and dark.

Composition and medicinal properties of knotweed

Knotweed has long been known among people for its medicinal properties. Even today, many people harvest this plant, since information about it beneficial properties enough. The plant has been well studied. What are the medicinal properties of knotweed?

  1. Knotweed has antimicrobial properties, so it is also taken orally for inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, and externally as a compress for pain relief and wound healing.
  2. Its diuretic properties are known, so knotweed - excellent remedy for kidney diseases, diseases genitourinary system, it also helps in reducing swelling.
  3. Knotweed increases blood clotting. It is often used for bleeding, especially uterine bleeding. This plant also helps stop bleeding in wounds, even deep ones.
  4. Knotweed tinctures are useful for treating diseases of the stomach and intestines; this is facilitated by its antibacterial properties.
  5. It has long been noted that infusions from this plant help cure skin diseases, cleansing it, healing various rashes and inflammations on the skin.
  6. The plant also brings relief to patients with tuberculosis. The reason for this effect is the same protective and antimicrobial property.
  7. And finally, it should be noted that knotweed infusions have restorative properties. That’s why it’s so useful to add it to tea, especially in the spring, when a person’s immunity has weakened significantly over a long period of time. cold winter. He's very helpful. A ascorbic acid it even contains twice as much as lemon or rosehip.
  8. Use of knotweed in folk medicine

    The large number of medicinal properties of knotweed, which have long been noticed by people, has led to the fact that it is actively used in folk medicine in the form of tea, infusions, and decoctions.

    Infusion of knotweed herb for diseases of the stomach, intestines, and kidneys

    You need to take a glass of dry leaves, pour a liter of them hot water and leave for about two hours. Then strain and take the infusion half a glass two to three times a day before meals. This infusion is useful for urolithiasis, since it drives sand out of the kidneys very well, in case of diseases of the stomach and intestines. You can rinse your gums with the solution, especially when they are inflamed. It is not recommended to store this infusion for more than two days.

    Lotions for external use

    Steam the herb leaves. To do this, take 4-5 tablespoons of knotweed leaves, pour boiling water over it, and let stand for about half an hour. Prepare a compress: place the squeezed steamed leaves of the herb inside gauze or other light fabric. Apply the compress to the sore spot - wound, abrasion, bruise, inflammation, redness. The temperature should be slightly higher than body temperature. Such compresses will soothe the pain and have a healing effect.

    Decoction for diarrhea

    The decoction is prepared in combination with horsetail. It is necessary to pour boiling water into an equal amount of knotweed and horsetail - 1-2 tablespoons each, cool and drink the solution every 4 hours. It will soothe pain in the intestines and help with diarrhea.

    Infusion as a blood purifier

    Prepare the solution as follows. Brew 3 tablespoons of the herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Use half a glass 2-3 times a day. This decoction is an excellent remedy for liver diseases and enhances its function.

    Knotweed infusion for infertility

    To prepare the infusion, you need to take 20 grams of the herb, pour a glass of boiling water, and leave for 45 minutes. Then heat for about 15-20 minutes in a water bath. Squeeze the leaves, apply the infusion 2 tablespoons before meals 4-5 times a day.

    Tincture for obesity, nervous exhaustion, weakness

    To prepare a tincture based on knotweed, you need to take 3-4 tablespoons of dry leaves of the herb and pour boiling water over them. 0.5 liters will be enough. Then pour into a thermos and leave for 4 hours. The tincture can be drunk half a glass a day up to four times. It is advisable to drink it not only for obesity and nervous weakness, but also for general exhaustion of the body. Especially after or during a long illness, it will restore strength, help you recover faster, and strengthen the entire body.

    Contraindications for use

    Like any medicinal plant, knotweed should be used with caution. Do not exceed the norm, take into account that there may be individual intolerance to the plant, even allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to start using small doses and monitor the body’s reaction.

    Knotweed contains a certain amount of silicic acid, which makes its use unacceptable for diseases. Bladder And acute form kidney diseases.

    It must be remembered that knotweed has a strong blood-clotting effect. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people who suffer from thrombophlebitis. Its use may worsen the course of the disease. It is also contraindicated for heart disease.

    You should not use knotweed during pregnancy, as it affects the tone of the uterus. This may cause premature birth or miscarriage.

Botanical name: knotweed, buckwheat family. People's name– knotweed – emphasizes its ability to quickly and quickly recover after being trampled or eaten by animals. This is a cosmopolitan plant. It is so unpretentious that it settles on any substrate. It is not found only in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

Collected from June to August. Young shoots are cut off. You should choose environmentally friendly growing areas. Dry the grass in shaded areas, in actively ventilated areas.

Goose grass, bird buckwheat - names that reflect feed value knotweed for birds. It is also used as food by humans. Young leaves, raw and dried - good source vitamins and microelements. Previously, blue paint was made from the roots.

The medicinal properties of knotweed are determined chemical properties substances predominant in the composition of the plant. The most significant are flavonoids, tannins, silicates, anthraquinones, and organic acids. The composition of inorganic substances includes all essential microelements. The compounds of silicic acid and the glycoside avicularin have the greatest pharmaceutical importance.

Regulates mineral metabolism:

  • has a diuretic effect;
  • accelerates the excretion of salt ions;
  • inhibits crystallization and stone formation;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • activates the contraction of smooth muscles of internal organs;
  • has a hypotensive effect;
  • Antisclerotic and antitoxic effects are expressed.

Use of knotweed in traditional medicine

In official medicine, the most in demand is pure raw materials, that is, dried and crushed knotweed herb. Pharmaceutical properties:

  • diuretic;
  • urolytic;
  • hemostatic;
  • reduces the formation of urates, removes them;
  • activates uterine contraction.

Indications. Nephrourolithiasis.

Avicularin - used in obstetrics to stop bleeding after childbirth and in postoperative period. Has a diuretic effect.

Knotweed herb is used as a component in preparations:

  • "Uronefrin" is an antiseptic, diuretic. Relieves inflammation of the genitourinary system. Prevents the formation of stones, the development of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
  • "Fitolysin" - for the treatment of urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis.
  • Medicine according to the recipe of M.N. Zdrenko - for the treatment of gastritis, kidney stone disease, at oncological diseases urinary excretory system.

Use of knotweed in folk medicine

Centuries of experience have confirmed that knotweed helps in healing:

  1. Cystitis.
  2. Hemophilia.
  3. Bleeding of any etiology.
  4. Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Stomatitis, gingivitis.
  6. Pleurisy.
  7. Dysentery.
  8. Malaria.
  9. Diarrhea.
  10. Hemorrhoids.
  11. Heavy menstruation and pain.
  12. Avitaminosis.

Contraindications for knotweed

  • children;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in acute phases of any disease;
  • stones larger than 6mm;
  • thrombosis;
  • high blood pressure.

Possible side effects :

  • allergic reactions;
  • renal colic;
  • hypercoagulability.

Suchlist of contraindications and side effects requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Knotweed herb recipes

  1. Infusion: per glass of water – 15 g of herb. Dosage: a third of a glass before meals. The course of treatment is up to 25 days. Repeated course - no earlier than 12 days. No more than 4 courses per year.
  2. Fordecoction: For one part grass – 10 parts water. Reception: one tablespoon before meals.
  3. Tincture: for ½ liter of vodka – ½ cup of grass. Infusion time is 10 days. Dosage: 40 drops before meals. Take 21 days.
  4. Rules for preparing infusions.
    Infuse in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, then filter. Ratio: 1 part dry raw material to 30 parts water.
  5. Decoction.
    It is prepared as follows: for 1 part of raw materials - 10 parts of water. Warm up in a water bath for half an hour. Cool for 10 minutes. Strained.
  6. Tincture.
    There is no heating. Used as a solvent medical alcohol or vodka. Infusion for a long time, in a dark place. After preparation it is filtered. Dosage – in drops.
  7. For inflammation of the genitals, to increase the likelihood of conception, metabolic disorders, nervous exhaustion, senile weakness, in recovery period after illness: brew 8 tablespoons of knotweed herb with a liter of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 4-5 hours. Drink half a glass 20-30 minutes before meals.

To improve hair growth: prepare a decoction of 12 tablespoons of fresh chopped herbs in a liter of boiling water. After washing, rinse your hair with the decoction.

Knotweed is in demand in the preparation of medicinal mixtures

This is the most ancient form of medicine. The availability of raw materials and the ability to prepare medicine yourself is the reason for the popularity of herbs as a traditional medicine.

Before using any collection, you must carefully study all its components. None of them should be on the list of contraindications or be an allergen for a particular person . It is most advisable to consult a doctor.

Brewing method

If it contains herbs, and the collection is intended for internal consumption, it is brewed like tea, infused in a thermos, and prepared as a medicinal infusion.

If the composition contains roots, rhizomes, dry fruits, bark, it is more advisable to prepare a decoction.

Examples of fees

  1. Atcystitis: knotweed, tansy, shepherd's purse, budra, watch. Course – 1 month.
  2. Atamenorrhea: knotweed, elecampane, yarrow, verbena, St. John's wort, oregano, horehound, rosehip, Icelandic moss, lemongrass. Course – 2 months.
  3. Athemorrhoids: knotweed, calamus, calendula, St. John's wort, agrimony, lingonberry, blueberry, orchis (tubers), raspberry, Walnut, fireweed, watch. Course – up to 3 months.
  4. Atprostatitis: knotweed, calendula, toadflax, drop cap, shepherd's purse, elecampane, bergenia. Duration of admission is up to 2 months.
  5. Atobesity: knotweed, fennel, parsley, birch, mint, cystoseira, strawberry, nettle. Can be taken for up to six months.

For inflammation of the genitals, for increasing the likelihood of conception, metabolic disorders, with nervous exhaustion, senile weakness, during the recovery period after illness: brew 8 tablespoons of knotweed herb with a liter of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 4-5 hours. Drink half a glass 20-30 minutes before meals.

Simple grass, just a weed growing along roads and paths... Habitual and unnoticed by us... Knotweed. Helping people for hundreds and thousands of years.