Is staphylococcus contagious in infants? Respiratory tract diseases. Favorite places for staphylococcus

Parents' panicky fear of staphylococcal infection is explained by the fact that this disease is entangled in myths - mothers do not have sufficient information. The diagnosis of staphylococcus in newborns and older children is quite common, however, only 4 strains out of almost 30 known pose a danger to the child’s body.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the exact type of bacteria and determine whether antibacterial treatment is necessary or whether procedures that support immunity will be sufficient.

Bacteria of the Staphylococcus family are characterized by resistance to a wide range of antibiotics, survival in the environment and high toxicity. As a rule, staphylococcus in a child causes damage to the skin, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. In the article we will analyze medical diagnostic methods, symptoms and treatment used for different types of staphylococcal infections.

Medicine identifies several reasons why staphylococcal infection affects the child’s body:

  1. Weakening of the immune system.

When the baby's defenses are suppressed, the likelihood of getting sick increases. The off-season, stressful situations in the child’s life, and a recent illness are risk factors. Babies, especially those born prematurely and by cesarean section, are susceptible to bacterial attacks due to immature immunity. The best prevention of the appearance of staphylococcus in newborns is maximum natural childbirth and breastfeeding from the first hours of life. Maternal colostrum and milk contain immunoglobulins of groups A, D, E, which protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms. Outbreaks of staphylococcus in maternity hospitals are most dangerous for children fed an adapted formula. Babies who are prone to frequent colds, heat-loving, protected from drafts and cold drinks are likely to break down before the onslaught of staphylococcal bacteria. The disease can occur with complications, hospitalization and powerful therapy are possible. Children who have a strong immune system, are hardened, strong, rarely and easily ill, cope with enemy agents on their own, often without even having a clinical picture.

  1. Lack of hygiene.

Harmful bacteria enter the body along with unwashed food, dirty hands, and garbage that kids put into their mouths. It is impossible and not necessary to always ensure sterility, but paying attention to basic hygiene procedures and the cleanliness of the house and its inhabitants is necessary. The negligence of health workers and unsanitary conditions are often the causes of illness in maternity hospitals.

  1. Infection through an infected person by airborne droplets or through damaged areas of skin and mucous membranes.

In addition, the bacterium is carried by insects, so it is important to treat bite sites. Any child or adult, employees of medical institutions, catering establishments, and kindergartens can be a hidden carrier of staphylococcus.

Whether a noticeable blow to the body will be dealt depends on the state of the immune system. If the protective forces are weakened, there is a danger of developing pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, and severe intoxication. The child’s compliance with hygiene rules, hardening, a nutritious balanced diet, minimizing stressful situations are factors that significantly reduce the risks of complications.

Symptoms and diagnosis

It is not always easy to identify staphylococcus in children. Symptoms of the disease often resemble the clinical picture of common ARVI. If a staphylococcal infection is suspected, parents should go to the clinic at their place of residence, and the attending physician will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures and select treatment according to the identified strain of the bacterium.

Let's take a closer look at in what cases you should be wary, what are the signs of staphylococcus in a baby, how do the main types of bacteria manifest themselves?

Medicine divides symptoms into general and local manifestations.

General signs:

  1. Intoxication of the body:
  • subtile temperature;
  • headache;
  • pale skin;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • refusal to eat.

  1. Liquid in the stool, diarrhea, gas, bloating, feeling of heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Exacerbations in allergy sufferers.

Local signs:

  • Skin problems: the appearance of ulcers, boils, abscesses that do not go away and grow.
  • Carbuncles, ulcers in the nose, throat.
  • Pus in the sputum of the throat, nose, eyes.

In addition, there are additional symptoms depending on the type of infection:

  • Epidermal - causes skin lesions, including dermatitis, conjunctivitis, eczema, acne.
  • Hemolytic - affects the mucous membranes and resembles a sore throat. The baby coughs, complains of pain in the throat, and is snotty. Tonsillitis, stomatitis, inflammation of the tonsils develop, the throat swells, breathing becomes difficult, and signs of intoxication appear.
  • Saprophytic – affects the genitourinary organs, causes pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination is accompanied by burning, discomfort, itching.
  • Intestinal. When staphylococcus appears in the intestines, the symptoms resemble enterocolitis: wandering, bursting pain in the abdomen, a feeling of bloating, streaks of blood, mucus in the stool, constipation, diarrhea.
  • A separate point should be made about Staphylococcus aureus.

It can manifest itself in different systems and organs, the symptoms are misleading because they resemble the picture of the flu or ARVI, which do not go away. This type of bacterium settles in the nasal passages and armpits and can live there for a long time without causing harm to the “host”, becoming more active only when the defenses decline, leading to serious inflammatory processes. On the skin, Staphylococcus aureus appears as red pimples with a yellow head in the center, which gradually grow and become inflamed.

For accurate diagnosis, bacterial culture is first carried out. However, Staphylococcus aureus in a child’s stool is not always dangerous, although it is sown quite often. Complete information is provided by tests of blood, urine, mucous and purulent discharge.

A small amount of Staphylococcus bacteria, provided the baby is in good health, does not require treatment. Therefore, first of all, you should focus on the condition of the baby, his behavior, mood, and the general trend in the course of the disease. If the child copes on his own, it would be unwise to use antibiotics.

Maternity hospital doctors, having discovered Staphylococcus aureus in a baby, additionally prescribe a test of mother's milk. Research by the World Health Organization has proven the inappropriateness of this procedure, as well as the treatment of the mother by interrupting breastfeeding and switching to artificial formula. WHO data confirms that breastfeeding is safe even if the mother is diagnosed with staphylococcal mastitis.

It is important not to miss the appearance of dangerous staphylococcus in infants. Symptoms should alert you if the baby is lethargic, does not suckle well, has loose, slimy, bloody stools, screams so much that he cannot sleep for a long time, or loses weight. As a rule, newborns with truly threatening indicators of staphylococcal bacteria are treated in intensive care; a serious condition develops quickly and is visible to the naked eye.

Therapy and prevention

Competent, effective treatment of staphylococcus in children is possible only after a complete examination and thorough history taking. Based on the diagnostic procedures performed and the child’s condition, the attending physician makes prescriptions, which usually include the following points:

  1. Local procedures.

Treatment of inflammation of the skin, ulcers. For this, ointments, powders, and various solutions are used. Parents should keep the skin clean, provide air access to wounds, and prevent scratching, irritation with clothing, and additional injury.

  1. Antibacterial therapy.

Staphylococcal bacteria are very resistant to antibiotics, so the choice of drug should be careful, thorough, and based on a full examination. An incorrectly prescribed medicine will not have a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms, but, on the contrary, will strengthen them, and will seriously affect the baby’s microflora. The child will have to undergo repeated treatment and it will take a long time to restore the functioning of the immune system.

  1. Rinsing, washing, lubricating mucous membranes in the throat and nasal passages.
  2. Taking vitamins.

These can be both complexes and individual vitamins of different groups. Vitamin C is especially important during illness; it is prescribed in a higher dosage than usual.

  1. Immunomodulators.

Doctors prescribe these drugs everywhere, despite the fact that they have been proven to be ineffective. A reasonable alternative to synthetic immunomodulators are natural products based on biological material: herbs, minerals, natural fats.

  1. Diet.

The treatment period is accompanied by the appointment of gentle nutrition, which helps restore metabolic processes. The child’s diet should contain proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and liquid in sufficient quantities. It is recommended to reduce food portions and increase the frequency of meals. Avoid “heavy”, poorly digestible and long-digesting foods.

  1. Blood or plasma transfusions or surgical interventions are performed in cases where there is an infection that threatens life or seriously reduces the quality of life.

Only the doctor decides how much, how and how to treat staphylococcus. The task of parents is to promptly notice the child’s condition and seek qualified help.


Preventing baby diseases is, first of all, strengthening the immune system. Measures aimed at strengthening and maintaining health will help prevent the attack of staphylococcal bacteria:

  • Natural birth, early breastfeeding, early return home from the hospital.
  • Maintain hygiene by all family members, maintaining cleanliness of the home.
  • Active, mobile lifestyle.
  • Minimizing stress.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Walks in the open air.
  • Hardening.


Healthy children with strong immunity do not need treatment; their body copes with diseases on its own, without the use of therapy, including staphylococcal infections. Parents should carefully monitor the condition and well-being of the baby, monitor the general course of the disease and resort to “heavy artillery” only in cases where it is really necessary.

Staphylococcus is a genus of bacteria, most of which do not cause any harm. But among them there are varieties that are dangerous to humans. The most pathogenic is Staphylococcus aureus, which received this name due to the fact that it can form a golden pigment.

This bacterium is often the cause of nosocomial infections. It poses a serious threat to a newborn, whose body is very vulnerable. Weak immunity cannot resist the penetration of Staphylococcus aureus, and it begins to multiply quickly and provoke purulent-inflammatory processes.

Even after getting rid of the infection, the baby’s body can become infected again.

Symptoms of infection

Staphylococcus aureus can settle in a baby’s nose and throat and penetrate its intestines. Symptoms depend on where exactly the bacteria began to multiply and how long ago they entered the body.

At the early stage of infection, when only a few hours have passed, Staphylococcus aureus exhibits several signs. The baby has:

  • temperature jump to 38 degrees and above;
  • prolonged vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness and lethargy.

At a late stage, several days after infection, symptoms of a specific disease caused by the infection appear.

Consequences of infection with Staphylococcus aureus

Having multiplied in the nose, Staphylococcus aureus causes inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The baby develops nasopharyngitis or rhinitis. These diseases pass without general intoxication. They are accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss.

Reproduction of Staphylococcus aureus in the nasopharynx often leads to:

Staphylococcal stomatitis. Its symptoms:

  • increased blood supply to the oral mucosa (hyperemia);
  • aphthae (open wounds) or ulcers on the palate, cheeks, tongue.

Sore throat, which is most often a complication of acute respiratory infections or chronic tonsillitis. The disease can torment the baby for up to ten days.

Staphylococcal pneumonia. It rarely occurs as an independent illness, since it is mainly a continuation of acute respiratory infections. Accompanied by:

  • general intoxication;
  • frequent regurgitation and vomiting;
  • respiratory failure, which progresses rapidly;
  • bullae in the lungs - cavities filled with air.

The disease is so dangerous for a newborn that it can lead to his death.

The bacterium penetrates the baby's stomach and intestines. Depending on where it is located, the infection can manifest itself in different ways. Most often intestinal Staphylococcus aureus promotes the development in newborns gastritis or gastroenteritis. The disease develops quickly and manifests itself:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • intense abdominal pain;
  • pale skin that breaks out in cold sweat;
  • watery stool mixed with mucus and a frequency of up to six times per day.

The most severe type of infection is staphylococcal sepsis. Premature babies are most defenseless against it. Staphylococcus aureus penetrates the small body through the umbilical wound and neck. At the very beginning of the disease there is:

  • high fever;
  • profuse skin rashes;
  • general serious condition.

In most cases, the disease is sluggish and has mild symptoms of intoxication.

You should consult a doctor immediately at the first deviation in the baby’s condition.

Causes of staphylococcal infection in an infant

Diseases that can be caused by Staphylococcus aureus range from mild skin infections to those that are fatal to a newborn, such as pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis. Therefore, knowledge about the possible causes of infection will help, if not avoid it completely, then at least reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.

Infection can be caused by:

  • Improper care of the baby.
  • Failure of the mother to comply with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • The presence of bacteria in the mother.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Contact with infected medical personnel or relatives.

The appearance of Staphylococcus aureus and its reproduction are facilitated by the following factors:

  • the pregnancy was complicated by various pathological conditions of both the mother and the fetus;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • the appearance of the baby at an earlier date;
  • Infant malnutrition is a condition that occurs when the baby is not properly fed.

Children whose immunity is weakened often suffer from colds and bacteriosis. Such infants are the least protected and most susceptible to developing staphylococcal infections.

How Staphylococcus aureus gets to newborns

The bacterium enters the baby’s body in one of three possible ways:

  • Airborne. Staphylococcus aureus “jumps out” from an infected person during normal communication, sneezing or coughing. Then a healthy baby inhales it along with the air, and the process of bacteria multiplication and poisoning of the body begins. Cases of infection of newborns from medical personnel in a maternity hospital or in a children's hospital cannot be ruled out.
  • Food. A nursing mother, consuming contaminated foods, receives a portion of aureus and staphylococcus along with them. Unsuspectingly, she passes the bacteria to the baby through breast milk. At the same time, the mother herself can remain healthy, since her immunity is stronger and resists infection.
  • Domestic. This is how a child catches an infection:
    • in hospitals and clinics whose personnel allow the use of non-sterile medical instruments;
    • through dirty toys, pacifiers, pipettes, and other accessories necessary for the baby to play and care for him.

If an infection is detected in the mother, breastfeeding is stopped. Until complete recovery, the baby is fed donor milk or a suitable milk formula.

How to treat Staphylococcus aureus in a newborn

After diagnosis and detection of Staphylococcus aureus in the baby’s mouth or in his feces, therapy is prescribed. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes the following:

  • Antibiotics. They are necessary to suppress the infection and limit its spread. For greater results, it is possible to prescribe several types of antibiotics and develop a regimen for their administration.
  • Blood thinners. With their help, clots that form during infection with Staphylococcus aureus are broken up. The drugs also prevent their further occurrence.
  • Immunostimulating drugs.

In addition to drug treatment, the baby is expected to be isolated. It is placed in a separate box to protect it from other sources of infection for the entire period of therapy. When Staphylococcus aureus is detected in a newborn, his body is no longer able to resist the penetration of another infection.

Mom stays with the baby only when she is healthy. Breastfeeding improves immunity and speeds up recovery.

It is important that all medical personnel enter the box only in clean clothes and shoes. A gauze bandage and gloves are also required. Similar precautions apply to potential visitors.

It is possible that you will have to resort to:

  • Surgical actions to remove areas affected by bacteria.
  • Drainage, which is prescribed when an infection penetrates the skin. The festered area is opened and cleared of the pus that has accumulated in the wound using a tube. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Use of folk remedies

Folk remedies should be used for preventive and auxiliary purposes. The most popular of them are:

  • Decoction of string. You will need a lot of grass, since it is used for bathing infants. It is necessary to pour half a kilogram of dry string into a container and add 2 liters of water. Place the dishes on the fire and simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Then you need to leave the broth for half an hour and pour it into a bathtub.
  • Garlic– a healthy product, but with a specific and pungent odor. Not all kids can tolerate it. You can make a compress from it. 50 grams of garlic need to be chopped and poured with a glass of warm water. The mixture is infused for at least two hours. The prepared gauze napkin should be moistened in the prepared garlic infusion and applied to the affected area on the skin for an hour.
  • Apricot puree. These fruits are given to babies from six months of age and with great care. You need to eat up to half a kilogram of puree on an empty stomach a day.

The use of such recipes will help support the body, prevent or remove inflammation on the baby’s skin.


Prevention of infection involves two main directions:

  • Boosting the baby's immunity.
  • Maintaining hygiene rules.

In order for the baby’s body’s defenses to strengthen faster, it is necessary:

  • feed the baby breast milk for longer;
  • massage the baby and do light physical exercise with him;
  • walk longer outside in any weather;
  • do not wrap the child unnecessarily;
  • ventilate the baby's room.

Maintaining hygiene includes:

  • preparing the mother's breast before feeding - it should be clean;
  • washing hands after changing a diaper or doing household chores;
  • instilling in the baby the ability to latch onto the breast correctly;
  • regularly caring for your baby’s skin, cleaning his ears and nose;
  • treatment of the slightest damage with antiseptic drugs;
  • avoidance of public places;
  • thorough washing of pacifiers, bottles, spoons and other baby utensils;
  • wiping books that fall into the hands of a child;
  • washing toys in warm water and soap;
  • keeping the house clean, especially in the baby’s room;
  • bathing the baby in water to which decoctions of herbs (chamomile, chamomile) have been added. Such baths are not only pleasant, but also have a slight antibacterial effect.

The decision on how to treat a staph infection rests with the doctor. Even if the disease passes relatively easily, you should not take risks and limit yourself to self-medication.

The body of a newborn is very vulnerable. His condition can deteriorate noticeably in a matter of hours. To prevent this from happening, it is better to consult a doctor at the slightest symptoms of infection. It is important to identify staphylococcus as early as possible. This will avoid serious complications.

Staphylococcus aureus in newborns causes dysfunction of the nervous system, is accompanied by skin rashes, provokes otitis media, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Treatment of the disease is complicated if the form is advanced, so it is important that the doctor diagnoses the disease in a timely manner.

I don't want to upset you, but it seems I have serious problems...

Causes and characteristics of the disease

Staphylococcus in newborns mainly manifests itself as a result of unsanitary conditions. Bacteria enter the body through the oral cavity or wounds, so it is important to check the expiration date of products, observe hygiene rules, etc. Microbes collect in the eyes and nose, resulting in respiratory diseases, conjunctivitis and other “troubles.”

If you experience pain in the intestines, changes in stool, or increase in temperature, you should immediately contact a specialist. This is how one of the varieties of staphylococcus manifests itself.

You can also become infected through airborne droplets, and if the mother has purulent mastitis, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding for a while. Only a weakened immune system is susceptible to disease, so a strong child will successfully cope with an army of pathogenic microbes.

Does your baby get sick often? It is worth getting tested for staphylococcus.

Pimples, acne, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, meningitis - all these are the causes of the disease. Those children who attend nurseries are especially susceptible: their hands are always in their mouths, and this is what causes all the troubles. If a child regularly suffers from ARVI, then this is also a signal to action.

According to statistics, almost 100% are diagnosed with Staphylococcus aureus, but the microbes are passive. If the conditions turn out to be favorable (for example, the immune system weakens), then the disease takes on an aggressive form.

More about varieties

Since the disease manifests itself in different ways, its analysis is carried out on an individual basis. In his book, Dr. Komarovsky describes in detail how microbes affect the body as a whole, which becomes the main cause of the development of the disease. There are three types of staphylococcus:

  • golden;
  • saprophytic;
  • epidermal.

The first one is the most popular, and also very dangerous. Bacteria skillfully fight off antibiotics and other medications; even an adult organism often capitulates before the onslaught of disease, what can we say about children? The baby is subjected to terrible trials, while new diseases develop and inflammatory processes occur.

A small body cannot cope with heavy loads; it cannot be done without the help of a specialist.

Saprophytic Staphylococcus compared to Staphylococcus aureus is the most"benevolent". Favorite habitats are the genitals and mucous membrane of the genitourinary system. But the epidermal one spreads throughout the body, but it is also low-risk, of course, if the baby is endowed with good immunity.

Favorite places for staphylococcus

This disease really likes to settle in the nasopharynx. Signs of the development of the disease are tiny ulcers on the mucous membrane of the throat. The disease manifests itself in the same way as a sore throat. But often it penetrates the nasal mucosa. Then the baby suffers from a runny nose and breathing becomes difficult. The disease often occurs in pregnant women.

The body of the expectant mother is also exposed to harmful bacteria.

Let's not forget about the intestines. The infection multiplies well in this organ, and our hero is no exception. The bacteria of this disease are always present here, but only when the level exceeds 104 units do the main symptoms appear. Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by colic in both children and adults, and blood may appear in the stool.

Vegetable complementary feeding is best started with. This dish does not contain coarse fibers, is easy to digest, does not cause allergic reactions and is very popular with little children.

As a rule, vegetable complementary feeding begins when the child is 6 months old. It is by this age that the baby becomes quite strong, learns many new things, and is characterized by increased motor activity. Moms will be interested, which tells about what a six-month-old baby should be able to do.

How is the disease analyzed?

Only after the tests can we say with confidence which treatment regimen is optimal. The average price of research varies within 500 rubles. If the form is weak, then antibiotics are excluded. Only in extreme cases do doctors prescribe pills. Experienced experts recommend testing several portions of mother's milk at the first stage.

Since the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, everyone is at risk. If there are healthy children in the house, they are isolated from the sick baby.

Staphylococcus in infants develops bronchitis, abscesses appear in the throat, which gives rise to chronic forms of diseases.

Say "Ahhh." Parents should be tested just like their children.

In this case, strong medications are prescribed, but first the doctor takes a swab from the nose and throat. The analysis is taken only on an empty stomach; it is taken not only by children, but also by adults. You should not even brush your teeth before the procedure. The smear is done using a special umbrella. At the end of the procedure, the laboratory technician places it in a tank for bacterial growth.

If the diagnosis is disappointing, drops will have to be put into the eyes.

When microbes multiply in the eyes, conjunctivitis develops. The analysis is also taken in the morning, provided that the baby has not been washed. If there is copious discharge of pus, the laboratory assistant, using a swab, collects it. The difficulty of the procedure is that the baby tries to close his eyes reflexively, the eyelashes stick together, but meanwhile it is important that they do not touch the tampon.

Skin irritations cause a lot of inconvenience for babies.

The consequences of skin diseases caused by this disease can cause blood poisoning. For research, the doctor takes a sample from already formed wounds or scrapes the skin. Staphylococcus aureus in children is analyzed, and based on the research results, the doctor creates a treatment algorithm.

It's better to avoid getting sick!

What else is dangerous about Aureus (Staphylococcus aureus)? Unfortunately, parents also have health problems due to this disease. It's better to warn her. Although the maternity hospital should remain a citadel of sterile cleanliness, in reality this is not the case. If possible, you should stay in a separate room, and at the first opportunity you should leave the hospital walls (unless, of course, the doctors are against it).

A separate room reduces by several times the likelihood that the baby and mother will pick up germs.

Since the disease is transmitted through direct contact, before feeding, wash your hands with laundry soap or other detergent with a high alkali content. Are there any wounds on your hands? Be sure to treat with green paint. Have pustules appeared on your body? Go to the doctor immediately. Bacteria can enter the body from anywhere, even if the mother rarely goes outside.

It is better to exclude contact with the child until test results are received; one of the relatives (grandparents, dad, aunts, etc.) should take care of him.

The baby must be constantly monitored. Changes in behavior are noted. Has your child become lethargic and is refusing milk? Pay attention to the chair. Is it liquid? Skin rashes? Contact your doctor soon!

Grandma knows what to do!

And in general, before picking up a child, anyone who wants to do this should wash their hands. For such cases, you should provide a separate towel. Does someone's health seem questionable? Do not be shy! Refuse such a person, do not give him the baby in his hands.

Is dysbiosis a disease that needs to be treated immediately, or is it one of the varieties of the norm? Domestic and foreign experts will tell you what they think about this.

Unfortunately, some mothers cannot wait for their baby's first smile for a long time. In this case, parents have to train the baby’s feelings. How to do this correctly is described on this page.

Many mothers have heard that it is an excellent remedy for combating colic. Experts will tell you whether this is so.

We need to remember this...

After birth, the baby’s body is not yet fully formed. Any changes are fraught with serious consequences. The task of parents is to reliably protect the baby. Even if the alarm is false, it is worth contacting doctors even for seemingly trivial issues. The main thing is confidence that the child is healthy.

Staphylococcus aureus in infants and newborns should show a negative result when tested. That is, there should be no staphylococcus in the baby’s stool. If the bacterium is detected, this may mean that the child became infected from the outside.

In children older than one year, staphylococcus is normally found in the throat, nose, intestines, mouth and pharynx in small quantities. When immunity decreases, the bacterium begins to actively multiply and provokes purulent-inflammatory processes in the body.

What is Staphylococcus aureus in children?

Staphylococcus aureus, or Staphylococcus aureus, is a Gram-positive bacterium that is one of the four most common pathogens of hospital infections in the world. Bacteria secrete a powerful toxin that has a pathogenic effect on many organs and systems of the body.

Staphylococcal infection is a group of diseases that are caused by Staphylococcus aureus. They can manifest themselves in infants and newborns as mild inflammation of the skin, pharyngitis or severe pathological processes (pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis).

After an infection, the child does not develop immunity and re-infection is possible.

Causes of staphylococcal infection in children

The source of infection is a sick person or a bacteria carrier. Staphylococcal infection in infants is primarily associated with the disease in the mother. Infection of the baby can occur during pregnancy, childbirth, or while caring for a newborn.

Why does staphylococcal infection appear in newborns?

Staphylococcal diseases in a newborn child can develop due to:

  • improper care;
  • mother’s failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • reduced immunity;
  • contact of the baby with sick relatives or medical personnel.

The following factors contribute to the development of diseases:

  • pathology of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • prematurity;
  • malnutrition of the newborn.

Causes of staphylococcus in infants

Children with weakened immunity, frequent dysbiosis and acute respiratory infections are most susceptible to staphylococcal diseases. Often infants become infected in medical institutions through the umbilical wound. There is also a high risk of infection through cracked nipples in a woman.

The cause of infection in an infant may also be the presence of Staphylococcus aureus in breast milk.

How is staphylococcus transmitted?

There are three main routes of transmission of the bacterium:

  1. Food – when a nursing mother or baby consumes contaminated products.
  2. Household – when using unsterile medical instruments, dirty toys, pacifiers and other baby care accessories.
  3. Airborne - in close contact with a sick person.

Symptoms and signs of staphylococcal infection in children

Signs of staphylococcus in a newborn and infant depend on the location of the bacterium, its aggressiveness and the degree of the body’s immune defense.

The disease can occur in children in a generalized or localized form.

The incubation period ranges from 3 hours to 4 days.

Staphylococcus in the nose of a baby

Most often, the multiplication of the pathogen in the throat or nose of an infant causes nasopharyngitis or rhinitis, which occurs with minor inflammatory changes, without general intoxication. These forms may be accompanied by poor appetite or weight loss.

Staphylococcus on the skin of a child

On the skin, the pathogen provokes the formation of a focus of suppuration and the reaction of regional lymph nodes. Most often, skin lesions manifest themselves in the form of boils, folliculitis, phlegmon, pyoderma, hidradenitis. A common manifestation of streptococcal skin lesions is pemphigus in children. If the infection spreads to the mucous membranes, purulent conjunctivitis or sore throat occurs.

Staphylococcus in the throat and throat of a child

Most often, staphylococcal tonsillitis occurs against the background of acute respiratory infections, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis or sepsis. The main signs of the disease include:

  • purulent-necrotic deposits on the palatine arches, tonsils and uvula, which are easily removed;
  • hyperemia of the pharynx without clear boundaries;
  • severe sore throat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lymphadenopathy.

The disease lasts a long time, from 5 to 10 days. Without laboratory tests, it is impossible to understand that sore throat is staphylococcal.

Staphylococcal laryngotracheitis and laryngitis

Most often, the disease affects children 1–3 years old. Main symptoms:

  • acute onset;
  • fever;
  • laryngeal stenosis;
  • hoarse voice;
  • dry cough;
  • aphonia.

Staphylococcal pneumonia

In most cases, pneumonia is a continuation of acute respiratory infections in infants. It is rare as an independent disease. Main features:

  • acute onset;
  • symptoms of general intoxication;
  • pale skin;
  • lethargy, drowsiness or, conversely, hyperactivity in children;
  • frequent regurgitation or vomiting;
  • increasing respiratory failure;
  • bullae in the lungs (cavities 1–10 cm filled with air).

Staphylococcal pneumonia is often fatal.

Scarlatiniform syndrome

It can appear with an infectious focus of any location, most often with staphylococcal infection of a burn or wound surface, phlegmon, lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis. Symptoms:

  • scarlet-like rash accompanied by general redness of the skin;
  • excessive peeling after the rash disappears;
  • fever.

Staphylococcus in the mouth of a baby

Bacteria in the mouth causes staphylococcal stomatitis, which often occurs in infants and newborn babies. Symptoms:

  • severe hyperemia of the oral mucosa;
  • aphthae or ulcers on the mucous membrane of the tongue, cheeks, and palate.

Staphylococcus in the intestines and stomach of a baby

Staphylococcal infection of the gastrointestinal tract develops when consuming contaminated food, including breast milk. Depending on the location of the pathogen, staphylococcal infection of the gastrointestinal tract can occur in different forms. Most often, intestinal staphylococcus causes gastritis or gastroenteritis in newborns. The incubation period of the disease is several hours. Signs:

  • acute onset;
  • indomitable, frequent vomiting;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • severe weakness, dizziness;
  • the skin is pale, covered with cold sweat;
  • loose, watery stool mixed with mucus 4–6 times a day.

Staphylococcal sepsis

The most severe variant of staphylococcal infection. Premature babies and newborns are most susceptible to it. The pathogen enters the body through the umbilical wound, tonsils, skin, and ears. Signs:

  • acute onset;
  • extremely serious condition;
  • high fever;
  • skin rashes;
  • secondary septic foci in various organs.

Fulminant development of staphylococcal infection is rare. In most cases, the disease is sluggish, with low-grade fever and mild symptoms of intoxication.

Types of staphylococcal infections in children

Depending on the location, staphylococcus can be:

  1. Epidermal - affects the baby's skin.
  2. Saprophytic – affects the mucous membranes.
  3. Golden - most often localized in the intestines, on the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.

How dangerous is staphylococcus in newborns and infants?

Staphylococcus aureus in children, in addition to a number of dangerous diseases, can lead to the following complications:

  • exacerbation of chronic or congenital diseases;
  • reproduction of other opportunistic microflora;
  • sepsis;
  • death.

How to identify staphylococcus in a newborn?

If childhood staphylococcus is suspected, mother and baby are sent for examination. The method for diagnosing staphylococcus is bacteriological culture of biological fluids. The mother's breast milk is taken for analysis. The material for testing for staphylococcus in a child depends on the manifestations of the disease:

  • for signs of acute respiratory infections - a swab from the mucous membrane of the nose, throat or throat (staphylococcus may be present in minimal quantities);
  • if there are signs of an intestinal infection - feces (the result should be negative);
  • for staphylococcal infections of the genitourinary system - urine (normally, a child’s urine is sterile and there should be no staphylococcus in it).

How to cure staphylococcus in a child

Treatment of staphylococcus in newborns is carried out in a hospital setting, regardless of the course of the disease. In this case, the babies are placed in a separate box.

For mild cases, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. For moderate and severe forms, complex treatment is carried out.

How to treat staphylococcus in children

  1. Antibiotics - penicillins or cephalosporins. Meningitis and staphylococcal pneumonia are treated with two antibiotics at the same time.
  2. Antistaphylococcal drugs – antistaphylococcal plasma, staphylococcal bacteriophage, antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin, staphylococcal toxoid.
  3. Detoxification therapy - glucose solution or saline solution intravenously.
  4. Vitamin therapy.
  5. For intestinal staphylococcus, probiotics are used - Bifikol, Bifidumbacterin.
  6. For foodborne infections, before treating staphylococcus, gastric lavage with sodium bicarbonate solution, infusion therapy and rehydration are indicated.

Treatment of staphylococcal infections in children can be lengthy. Difficulties in therapy are due to the fact that the pathogen is resistant to many antibacterial drugs approved for use in infancy.

Prevention of staphylococcal infection

You can avoid infection by observing personal hygiene rules and increasing your child’s immunity.

  • breast-feeding;
  • massages, exercise therapy;
  • hardening;
  • long walks in the fresh air.

For hygiene purposes you need:

  • wash your breasts before each feeding;
  • teach your baby to latch onto the breast correctly;
  • thoroughly wash and sterilize nipples, spoons and bottles, keep them dry;
  • regularly wash children's toys;
  • Wash your child's hands after a walk.

Doctor pays attention

  1. When treating Staphylococcus aureus in a baby infected from the mother, breastfeeding is stopped. Until both are completely cured, the child is fed donor milk or an adapted milk formula.
  2. To prevent staphylococcal infections, you can periodically bathe your child in a decoction of herbs (chamomile or string). They have a beneficial effect on the skin and have a weak local antibacterial effect.

Early detection of staphylococcal infection in infants allows one to avoid serious complications. Self-medication and the use of non-traditional remedies in the treatment of mild forms of staphylococcus in children is unacceptable.

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Staphylococcus in children, including newborns and infants, is of particular concern to doctors. Staphylococcal infection has remained one of the most important health problems for many years.

Staphylococcus ( Staphylococcus aureus) affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes and internal organs. The development of a child is influenced by the imperfection of the immune system of young children, the widespread use of antibiotics with the subsequent development of dysbiosis, and weakened immunity. Of the 27 strains of staphylococci, only 3 strains pose the greatest danger to humans. The greatest danger to a child is Staphylococcus aureus.

Rice. 1. Pathogenic staphylococcus secretes many substances that allow this type of microbe to survive in the child’s body and damage its organs and tissues.


The infection is spread by patients and carriers of pathogenic strains of staphylococcus. The most dangerous are open purulent foci, pneumonia and intestinal disorders of staphylococcal nature in patients from the child’s environment. Sick children during the height of the disease are also a source of pathogenic strains of staphylococcus. Healthy carriers working in medical institutions, maternity hospitals and catering units are the most dangerous spreaders of infection.

  • Staphylococcus in newborns and infants manifests itself in the form of vesiculopustulosis, multiple abscesses, epidemic pemphigus of newborns and exfoliative dermatitis (Ritter's disease).
  • Staphylococcus in older children manifests itself in the form of folliculitis, pyoderma, boils, carbuncles, hidradenitis and phlegmon.
  • When the mucous membranes are affected, staphylococcal infection in children manifests itself in the form of rhinitis, stomatitis, sore throat, laryngitis and conjunctivitis.
  • When internal organs are infected with staphylococci, the infection manifests itself in the form of pneumonia, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, osteomyelitis, etc.

How is staphylococcal infection transmitted to children?

  • Staphylococci are transmitted to newborns from the mother in the prenatal period, during childbirth through an infected birth canal, and during the neonatal period.
  • Staphylococci are transmitted to newborns and children in the first months of life by contact through the hands of doctors, mothers, care items and underwear.
  • Children of the first year of life become infected through infected milk from a mother suffering from mastitis and milk formulas contaminated with bacteria.
  • Older children often become infected by eating contaminated foods. Staphylococcal toxins do not change the smell, taste or appearance of food products.
  • The airborne route of infection occurs only in the immediate vicinity of the source of infection and, as a result, colonization of staphylococci in the nasal cavity and oropharynx.

Rice. 2. In the photo, cracked nipples in a nursing mother are a source of infection with Staphylococcus aureus in infants.

Rice. 3. In the photo, mastitis in a nursing mother is a source of infection with Staphylococcus aureus in infants.

Reasons for the susceptibility of newborns and infants to staphylococcal infection

  • Weakness of antibacterial immunity. In newborns, secretory immunoglobulin A, which protects babies from bacterial infections, is not produced, and the bactericidal properties of saliva are extremely weak.
  • The mucous membranes and skin of newborns and infants have increased vulnerability.
  • Exudative diathesis, malnutrition, artificial feeding, long-term use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs contribute to the development of staphylococcal infection.

Rice. 4. Hypotrophy is one of the factors in the development of staphylococcal infection in children.

Symptoms of staphylococcal infection in children

Skin lesions due to staphylococcal infection in newborns and infants

Most often, staphylococcal infection in children affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue (staphyloderma). The disease develops quickly, inflammatory foci are prone to suppuration.

The spread of staphylococcal infection in newborns and infants is associated with the structural features of their skin.

  • Keratinocytes of the basal layer are not yet firmly connected to each other and to the basement membrane.
  • In newborns, the pH of the skin is neutral, that is, more favorable for the spread of infection.
  • The presence of a huge number of sweat glands in newborns and infants (12 times more than in adults), providing increased sweating.
  • The development of staphylococcal infection is facilitated by the structural features of the sweat glands in children, the excretory ducts of which are dilated and straight.

Vesiculopustulosis in newborns and infants

Staphylococcus aureus in children (newborns and infants). Miliaria and vesiculopustulosis are closely related conditions of the same inflammatory process localized in the sweat glands. Miliaria is a physiological condition. Its trigger is the increased function of the sweat glands, which is observed from the end of the first month of life to 1.5 - 2 years of a child’s life. Small reddish papules, which most often appear on the scalp, chest, neck and back, are dilated orifices of the eccrine sweat gland ducts.

With purulent inflammation of the mouths of the sweat glands against the background of miliaria, vesiculopustulosis develops. Pustules the size of a millet grain are filled with milky contents and are surrounded by a halo of hyperemia. When the infection spreads deep into the glands, multiple abscesses develop.

Rice. 5. The photo shows heat rash in infants. Its trigger is the increased function of the sweat glands.

Rice. 6. In the photo, vesiculopustulosis is one of the symptoms of staphylococcal infection in infants.

Multiple abscesses in children (Finger's pseudofurunculosis)

The disease may occur primarily or be a continuation of vesiculopustulosis. The disease is characterized by the involvement of sweat glands and even the entire glomerulus of glands in the excretory ducts. Nodules and larger (1 - 2 cm) nodes appear on the scalp, buttocks, back and inner thighs, the skin over which becomes bluish-red and thins. After opening the infiltrates, thick pus is released. Healing occurs with a scar. Hypotrophy, rickets, excessive sweating, anemia and hypovitaminosis are risk factors for the disease.

Rice. 7. In the photo, Staphylococcus aureus in newborns - multiple abscesses in children (Finger's pseudofurunculosis).

Epidemic pemphigus of newborns

Epidemic pemphigus of newborns occurs in the first week of a child’s life and is a superficial, widespread purulent lesion of the skin. Pemphigus of newborns is a highly contagious disease.

The source of pyogenic microbes (staphylococci and streptococci) is the birth canal and purulent infection in the mother, infection in staff and children, care items, diapers and the surrounding air. The disease progresses in waves, with new rashes occurring every 7-10 days, which is accompanied by dyspepsia and vomiting in the child.

The disease goes through several stages of development. First, red spots appear, in place of which bubbles filled with clear liquid soon form. Then the liquid becomes purulent and the blisters burst. Crusts form in place of the bubbles. Healing occurs without scarring. The larger the affected area, the more severe the disease. In severe cases of the disease, blisters appear on the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.

Rice. 8. In the photo, Staphylococcus aureus in newborns is pemphigus of the newborn.

Exfoliative dermatitis (Ritter's disease)

Neonatal exfoliative dermatitis is a malignant form of pemphigus. Premature babies are at risk. The disease is severe and long-lasting, accompanied by high fever and symptoms of intoxication. The disease is especially severe in very young children. They have extensive areas of damage. In children 2–3 years old, the disease progresses more favorably.

Rice. 9. Staphylococcus in newborns can cause exfoliative dermatitis of newborns. Large blisters filled with serous fluid form on large areas of hyperemic skin. When they are opened, large areas of skin damage are exposed. The peeling epidermis has the appearance of a white fringe.

Cellulitis of newborns

Staphylococcus can cause cellulitis in newborns. Promotes the penetration of staphylococci into the subcutaneous fat layer of pyoderma. Phlegmon develops on days 5–8 of the disease with high (up to 39°) body temperature. Most often, phlegmon appears on the back in the lumbar and sacrum areas. Initially, a red spot appears, the size of which quickly increases. Symptoms of intoxication increase. A compaction is felt under the red spot, in the center of which a fluctuation quickly appears. When the abscess is opened, pus is released. Healing is slow. If the course is unfavorable, the disease is complicated by the development of sepsis.

Neonatal mastitis

Staphylococcus can penetrate the tissues of the organ through damaged areas of the skin or ducts of the mammary gland and infect them. In this case, the inflamed mammary gland increases in size and becomes sharply painful on palpation. Over time, fluctuation appears. Timely and adequate treatment leads to recovery. Otherwise, phlegmon develops.

Rice. 10. Staphylococcus in a newborn can cause mastitis.

Skin lesions due to staphylococcal infection in older children

Rice. 11. The photo shows pyoderma in children. When infected with Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus, red spots first appear on the skin. Then, in their place, bubbles with purulent contents appear, which quickly burst. In place of the bubbles, scabs appear, resembling “honey crusts” in appearance.

Rice. 12. The photo shows pyoderma in older children. Infection of superficial areas of the skin with Staphylococcus aureus and streptococci.

Rice. 13. Barley on the eye is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the roots of the eyelashes or sebaceous glands. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of the disease.

Rice. 14. In the photo, a boil is one of the symptoms of staphylococcal infection in children. With boils, the hair follicle is affected and a massive infiltrate develops.

Rice. 15. In the photo, an abscess (an accumulation of pus in soft tissues) is a symptom of an infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus.

Rice. 16. The photo shows phlegmon of the orbit of a child. Staphylococcus aureus is the main cause of the disease. The disease develops as a result of the spread of microbes from skin lesions into fiber and connective tissue.

Damage to mucous membranes due to staphylococcal infection

Rice. 17. Staphylococcus in the mouth. Aphthous stomatitis is one of its manifestations.

Rice. 18. Staphylococcus aureus in the mouth of children often causes abscesses and odontogenic periostitis. The entry point for infection is diseased teeth.

Rice. 19. Staphylococcus aureus in the mouth of children can cause pharyngitis, inflammation of the tonsils (picture on the left) and the development of peritonsillar abscesses (picture on the right).

Rice. 20. Staphylococcus aureus in children is often the cause of conjunctivitis.

Rice. 21. Staphylococcus aureus in the mouth of children can cause laryngitis. Laryngitis most often develops in children under 3 years of age against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection.

Rice. 22. Staphylococcus in children can cause middle ear disease and labyrinthitis.

Damage to internal organs of staphylococcal nature in children

Rice. 23. The photo shows pneumonia in children. Staphylococcal pneumonia occurs more often in young children. The trigger mechanism is an acute respiratory viral infection. Infection penetrates into the lung tissue from foci of staphylococcal infection. The disease is severe and often fatal.

Staphylococcal lesions of the stomach and intestines in children

Food poisoning

Staphylococcus in infants can cause the development. Staphylococci penetrate into the gastrointestinal tract of a child with food.

Bacterial enterotoxins cause inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Liquid, watery stools with mucus, spasmodic pain in the epigastric region and along the large intestine, nausea and vomiting of varying severity are the main ones. Fever and intoxication syndrome develop in response to the introduction of staphylococci and the effects of their toxins on the human body. The sudden onset and short duration of the disease is a distinctive feature of food poisoning. In cases of long-term consumption of food products containing microbes, food poisoning can also occur as a chronic disease.

Staphylococci can enter the baby’s gastrointestinal tract through toys, the hands of medical personnel, care items, etc., which are infected with microbes. In this case, few microbes enter the child’s body, as a result of which the disease develops slowly. Symptoms of intoxication and intestinal damage depend on the amount of enterotoxins entering the blood, the rate of microbial reproduction and the state of the child’s immunity.

Food poisoning

Toxicoses are food poisoning that occurs when consuming food products contaminated with toxins of certain groups of microbes. Staphylococcal toxicosis is more common in older children and somewhat less common in children in the first year of life. The disease begins 2 to 5 hours after eating contaminated food. Vomiting and sharp pain in the epigastric region are distinctive signs of toxicosis. Diarrhea and fever are often absent.

In severe toxicosis, diarrhea and vomiting appear, intoxication symptoms increase, and blood appears in the stool. Dehydration quickly sets in and acidosis develops. In infants, the disease can be fatal.

Secondary enteritis and enterocolitis

Staphylococcus in children of the first year of life can cause the development of secondary enteritis and enterocolitis, when microbes enter the intestines from the lungs, kidneys and other organs where foci of infection are localized. The disease progresses in waves. Loose stools, elevated body temperature, and refusal to eat are the main symptoms of the disease.

Rice. 24. Staphylococcus in children is often the cause of food poisoning.

Staphylococcal sepsis

Staphylococcus in newborns can cause the development of staphylococcal sepsis (infection of the body with bacteria that have entered the blood). Bacteria can enter a newborn's body through the umbilical wound, skin, lungs, tonsils, etc. The disease can be acute, with high body temperature, chills, severe intoxication and rashes on the skin. Purulent foci appear in the internal organs. The child develops anemia and loses weight. However, more often in newborns there is a subacute and sluggish course of sepsis. Their disease often manifests itself as disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Prolonged intoxication, elevated body temperature, the presence of purulent foci, increasing anemia, poor weight gain are the main diagnostic signs of sepsis in newborns. The diagnosis is confirmed by the detection of pathogens in the blood and material from purulent foci.

Rice. 25. Bacteria can enter a newborn’s body through the umbilical wound.

Diagnosis of staphylococcal infection

  • Diagnosis of an infectious disease is based on the detection of the pathogen or its toxins. To confirm the diagnosis of a disease of staphylococcal nature, bacteriological research methods are used - bacterioscopy and culture of biological material. The material for crops can be scrapings from affected areas of the skin, blood, urine, exudate, and feces. In case of food poisoning, the pathogen is isolated from the suspected products of poisoning.
  • An increase in antibody titer during RA with an autostrain and a museum strain of staphylococcus undoubtedly indicates the staphylococcal nature of the disease.
  • An increase in the titer of antistaphylolysin and antitoxin during the toxin neutralization reaction with antitoxin also indicates the staphylococcal nature of the disease.
  • Currently, methods such as PCR, ELISA and RLA are widely used.

Rice. 26. The photo shows Staphylococcus aureus under a microscope.

Rice. 27. The photo shows a view of staphylococcal colonies isolated during breast milk culture.

Read more about the treatment of staphylococcal infections in the article

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