It hurts where the kidney is on the left. Chronic renal pain syndrome. Proper nutrition is the key to kidney health

The kidney is a paired organ of the human urinary system. If it hurts left kidney, what to do? To correctly determine treatment, you need to know the cause of pain in the left kidney and know exactly where it is located. The kidneys are located on both sides of the spine at the level of the eleventh thoracic and third lumbar vertebrae. It is there on the left side that you should feel painful sensations, which may indicate some problems with this organ.

Pain in the left kidney - symptoms of the disease and causes of pain

It should be said that kidneys are enough serious organ the human body, so you should definitely pay attention to pain in the left kidney, consult a specialist, and start treatment. Symptoms may not be specifically related to this organ; diagnosing kidney disease is quite difficult. Similar pain in this area appears in diseases of the spleen and large intestine.

With cancer of the left kidney, of course, along with other symptoms, the patient feels pain in the projection of the left kidney. Kidney cancer accounts for 2% of all oncologies different localization. However benign neoplasms in the kidney, for example, fibroids, adenomas, are also accompanied by pain.

Prolapse of the kidney (nephroptosis of the left kidney) is accompanied by pain in this area.

With hydronephrosis and urolithiasis pain also appears. The pain has the following character - increasing pain appears in the side on the left side and in the lower abdomen, pain may be observed in the back, and pain is also felt when pressing or palpating. Associated symptoms of kidney disease are heat, nausea, chills, vomiting, frequent urge for urination.

With pyelonephritis - inflammation of the renal pelvis - may be observed slight pain, which has a pressing character in the side, rarely appears on one side, most often patients complain of pain on the left and right at the same time.

Symptoms may not be specifically related to this organ. Similar pain in this area appears in diseases of the spleen and large intestine, so it is necessary to mandatory Contact a urologist to find out the exact cause of the pain.

My left kidney hurts - what should I do?

Do not forget that the kidneys are a very important organ of the human body, so you should definitely pay attention to discomfort in the left kidney, consult a urologist, and begin treatment prescribed by a specialist. Symptoms of back pain or pain in the area of ​​one of the kidneys may not be specifically related to kidney disease; the sooner you consult a doctor, the sooner you will identify the diseased organ. Similar pains often appear in diseases of the spleen, as well as the large intestine. Let's take a closer look this question.

First of all, you should undergo a diagnosis and only after a diagnosis is made should you begin treatment.

Self-medication can be dangerous for your health, especially when we're talking about about this important body like kidneys. Therefore, if your left kidney hurts, what should you do, it’s better to ask a doctor, get everything checked necessary tests, pass the ultrasonography and only after that start taking medications prescribed by the doctor and the action of which will definitely be aimed at eliminating the cause of this pain.

Pain in the left kidney: how to treat?

While the diagnosis is being carried out, it is best to follow precautions, daily routine, and diet. The patient is advised to follow a daily routine, rest more, and avoid stress. If you have kidney pain, you should protect your body from all kinds of external factors, for example, from colds and infectious diseases, do not overcool your feet, in in public places It is best to wear a gauze bandage over your mouth and nose. Pay attention to the drinking regime, you should not drink a lot of water, but the body should not become dehydrated, water consumption should completely cover the body’s expenses. You shouldn't drink constantly mineral water, since due to deteriorated kidney function, stones may form in it.

If your kidney hurts, eat only fresh and light foods, exclude fast food, processed foods, spicy, salty, fried and smoked foods from your diet. It is best to eat sour cream, cream, eggs, a little honey, fresh vegetables, fish and meat exclusively boiled, and preferably black bread. Do not lift heavy objects, run or jump while traveling in public transport avoid large quantity bumps (that is, do not sit on a seat that is located above the wheel).

For the treatment and prevention of kidney diseases, you can use traditional medicine recipes based on natural herbs and plants.

The human body is complex system interaction of internal organs interconnected by articular mechanisms, blood vessels, and nerve endings. The disrupted functioning of one organ can lead to a failure of the body systems, pathological changes other internal organs. Pain in the left kidney can affect other organs, the functioning of which depends on the performance of the urinary system. Symptoms and treatment of pain in the kidney on the left side depend on the development factors of the pathology.

The location of the kidneys is bilateral - for back wall peritoneum between 12 thoracic and 2 lumbar vertebrae. The left organ is higher than the right and larger in volume. This is explained by right kidney is subjected to natural pressure from the liver located above.

Both organs are bean-shaped, with their concave side adjacent to the spine, connected to it by nerve endings and blood vessels through the renal pedicle. Outside, they are enveloped in an elastic capsule containing fatty tissue. There are cups inside different sizes and the pelvis, located near the ureter.

The functions performed are aimed at filtration and excretory activity, however, there are other important functions:

  • blood pressure stabilization;
  • regulation of ion levels in the blood;
  • synthesis of substances necessary for the functioning of other organs and systems (production of renin, erythropoietin, prostaglandins);
  • exchange.

In other words, the kidneys filter the blood, which useful material return to blood cells, and harmful impurities, decomposition products and excess fluid formed in urine and excreted through the ureter.

Why does my left kidney hurt?

Pain in the area of ​​the left kidney is not always associated with pathological processes occurring in this organ. The causes may be other diseases or inflammatory processes occurring in the body. Pain in the kidney on the left cannot occur without cause. Nerve endings, connecting it with life important systems, send a pulse message about problems in any place, which is reflected in the specifics of the body’s production of certain substances.

If the left kidney hurts, it increases in size, puts pressure on adjacent tissues, deforming them and pinching nerve endings.

Dull pain in the left kidney area may be caused by a cystic formation on the spleen. Painful attacks radiate to the back, so it is difficult to distinguish the pathology of this organ from disorders of the urinary system. An infection that affects the spleen can cause tissue death, the sensations being similar to the symptoms of pain in the left kidney behind the peritoneum.

Disturbances of the intestinal flora, such as polyps, hemorrhoids, tumors, excessive filling of the rectum feces, have a strong effect on surrounding tissues and organs. The kidneys are in close proximity, so pain may occur in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium.

If a person is constipated, stool accumulates in the intestines and forms lumps that can put pressure on the ureter. As a result pelvis swells and urine does not flow into bladder, because of this my left kidney hurts.

The woman has early stages During pregnancy, pain may occur in the left kidney. However, this may not directly indicate that the problem is in the urinary system. Similar condition may be observed with ectopic pregnancy when the embryo began to develop in the left fallopian tube.

In men pain signs are less pronounced, so kidney diseases often become running form and take longer to heal.

Other reasons

If the left kidney hurts, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Inflammatory process bacterial etiology, in which microbes invade the bloodstream.
  2. Glomerular nephritis with inflammation of the glomeruli, most often has a secondary nature of development, expressed as a complication after the introduction of streptococci into the organ. The body's immune system begins to attack its own renal tissue, trying to completely destroy them, perceiving them as harmful microorganisms.
  3. Blockage renal arteries blood plaques, which causes acute pain in the lower abdomen and hypochondrium, increased body temperature and surges in blood pressure.
  4. Disturbance in the process of urine outflow from the bladder.
  5. The presence of stones, sand and salts in the parenchyma. As they move along the ureter, unbearable pain occurs on a certain side.
  6. The growth of a cystic formation localized on the surface or inside the kidney.
  7. With malignant tumors, pain occurs at the stage of metastasis.
  8. Multiple cysts, provoking the growth of the organ and inflammation of the surrounding tissues and peritoneum.
  9. Infectious lesion of the parenchyma caused by the microbacterium tuberculosis.


There are many diseases of the urinary system, but the symptoms of the pathological processes of both organs are quite similar.

Signs of pain in the kidney on the left are the following conditions:

  • aching pain in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • change in the color and consistency of urine;
  • slight increase temperature regime bodies;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent urge to urinate or retention of urine.

As the disease progresses, the following are observed:

  • lack of appetite;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • itching of the skin;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • blurred vision.

After emptying the bladder, cloudy fibrous flakes, admixtures of pus and blood are visualized.

What to do if your left kidney hurts?

If your kidney hurts on the left side, you need to go to a doctor who will conduct a diagnosis, determine the symptoms of kidney pain on the left side, and prescribe treatment.

Self-medication if discomfort occurs in the lumbosacral region is contraindicated. If your kidney on the left side hurts badly, you can take antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Spazmalgon, Baralgin) before visiting a urologist.

When visiting a doctor, the patient is prescribed diagnostic examination, including:

  • Ultrasound for the presence of stones, sand and neoplasms;
  • urine analysis to track the dynamics of urine output, the presence harmful impurities in the body and the degree of inflammation;
  • blood test for biochemistry to determine the functional abilities of the renal system;
  • CT, MRI, radiography to clarify the nature of neoplasms, if any.


After the diagnosis is made, the patient is prescribed optimal treatment, aimed at relieving pain in the left side. Considering general state the patient, the nature and degree of development of the disease, therapy is carried out either in a hospital setting or at home.

For pyelonephritis, antibiotics are prescribed. If nephroptosis is diagnosed, the patient is recommended to wear a corset, the effect of which is aimed at holding the kidney in place.

When the left kidney hurts, conservative treatment includes a comprehensive treatment vitamin supplements aimed at stabilizing the work immune system. The patient is also prescribed special diet and therapeutic exercises.

When cystic formations or malignant tumors, the patient is sent for surgery.

There are several types of surgery:

  • percutaneous puncture (the cyst is punctured and a drainage tube is inserted into it);
  • laparoscopy (using small incisions, an endoscope and instruments are inserted into the kidney cavity to perform resection of the cyst);
  • abdominal surgery (removal of malignant tumors by scalpel incision abdominal cavity).

Pain on the left side of the lower back may be caused by for various reasons. They can be determined using a comprehensive medical examination. The doctor will determine the etiology of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and warm up or apply warming gels and ointments to the affected area. It is recommended to alleviate the patient’s condition with antispasmodics and send him to the clinic as soon as possible.

  • Main causes of kidney pain

What to do if the kidney on the left side hurts? Pain in the lower back is a common problem. It can be associated with a number of reasons, including dysfunction of the urinary system. That is, a violation of the kidneys. Why does my left kidney hurt?

Due to the fact that the human liver is located on the right side of the body, the right kidney is located slightly lower in relation to the left. There are no exact statistics on which kidney hurts more often. But there is an opinion that in most cases patients complain of pain in the left kidney.

A person experiencing pain in the lumbar region will indeed not be able to accurately determine whether the pain is bothering him in the left kidney, or in the nearby spleen, or in part of the large intestine. Therefore, if the pain causes really serious concern, and routine medical examination V last years has not been carried out, you need to visit a doctor.

  1. Urolithiasis disease. Its signs are indicated by aching, nagging pain on the left side of the lower back, noticeable after physical activity. Sometimes it is enough to get up suddenly after sleeping or sitting on a chair for a long time. The duration of peak pain can range from 15-20 to 40-60 minutes. Pain symptoms may reach problematic levels and then decrease to tolerable levels. A sign of urolithiasis is sharp pain when urinating, and patients also experience an increased urge to empty the bladder. Blood in the urine appears with this and other kidney problems.
  2. Pyelonephritis. Its causes lie in the field of bacteriology, therefore, in addition to pain in the kidney, the disease is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, elevated body temperature, and the patient often shudders. If your face swells in the morning, most likely it is pyelonephritis.
  3. . Cancer tumor may not necessarily be in the kidney itself; it may be metastases from a tumor growing nearby. For example, in the spleen or intestines. One of the signs of cancer is a constant pain in the kidney that grows over time (as the swelling develops). Blood in urine elevated temperature body and chills, general weakness, weight loss and increased blood pressure are signs of a tumor. Some patients complain that their “bones ache.” In advanced cases, the tumor can be detected by palpation at the site of pain.
  4. Nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidney). Among the main reasons:

  • diets;
  • injuries in the kidney area;
  • weakening abdominals during or after pregnancy.

If, against the background of such events, pain symptoms appear only when vertical position bodies and stop in a horizontal position, most likely this is nephroptosis. The pain is aching, usually not sharp.

  1. Hydronephrosis (accumulation of urine in the kidney). This type of kidney dysfunction is usually due to kidney stones blocking urine excretion. At the same time, the kidney hurts incessantly, the pain is usually without sudden bursts, but debilitating. Signs of hydronephrosis:
  • reducing the amount of fluid excreted during urination;
  • blood in urine;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • high blood pressure;
  • swelling.

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Treatment of illness and proper nutrition

Contact doctors - urologist and nephrologist. If the pain in the left lower back is unbearable, it is better to call ambulance. You should not strictly follow the prescribed treatment; you should not treat your kidneys with home remedies or folk remedies.

For diseased kidneys after consultation with specialized doctors for relief and prevention pain symptoms recommended complete failure from alcohol and smoking. Restrictions on the consumption of salty, spicy, smoked foods are shown. Doctors include milk and dairy products, fish, coffee, tomatoes and mushrooms as other “heavy” foods.

In general, you need to make sure that daily dose protein in the diet did not exceed 30-35 g. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys frequent use fluids throughout the day. Better ordinary water, not juices or soda.

It is recommended to regularly take rosehip decoction and infusions of other diuretic and anti-inflammatory plant cultures. It is necessary to avoid physical stress on the body, including frequent trips by transport, where the body is subject to shaking.

It is worth analyzing the symptoms and, on this basis, trying to name the reasons that could lead to problems. This could be injuries to the kidney area, pregnancy, diet. This will help you choose the right treatment.

For example, when a kidney prolapses, wearing a bandage is sometimes recommended, but this has its own negative consequences. If the cause of nephroptosis is a weakening of the abdominal muscles, the bandage will only worsen the problem. And careful physical exercise, aimed specifically at strengthening the necessary muscles, can help. If the cause of the illness is a sudden weight loss, the easiest way is to try to gain it back after consulting with doctors, including a nutritionist.

After diagnosis, doctors must prescribe treatment, treat the kidneys without accurate analysis, which includes studies of other organs, is not possible.

Depending on the nuances of the disease, it may include taking medications that eliminate inflammation in the kidney, stopping pain syndrome.

In mild cases of urolithiasis, drugs are used that dissolve stones and remove them without pain through urethra naturally. Kidneys can be treated without surgery.

Almost everyone at least once in their life has been bothered by the question, why does the left kidney hurt? Shouldn't be ignored this problem, because in some cases this is the first sign pathological process in an internal organ. But sometimes the pain that arises is only a consequence of physical activity or the result of fast walking. Sometimes pain in the left kidney signals diseases in the large intestine or spleen. At the first painful manifestations, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo comprehensive diagnostics, in order to exclude serious illnesses internal organs.

The main causes of pain in the kidney on the left side

Painful sensations radiating to the left kidney are often observed in children and adults. If it hurts on the left side of the kidneys, then this fact does not always indicate a disease. In some cases, the deviation occurs due to physical overstrain; the problem especially often worries men, who are more often exposed to physical activity. The causes of pain in the area of ​​the left kidney may include the following pathologies:

  • pyelonephritis, in which the renal pelvis becomes inflamed;
  • nephroptosis, characterized by lowering or displacement of an organ;
  • hydronephrosis, which is caused by the accumulation of urine in a paired organ; with hydronephrosis, the pain constantly radiates to the left kidney;
  • formation of a cyst in the kidney on the left; as the cyst grows, compression of the ureter and pelvis of the organ occurs, which causes pain;
  • a malignant tumor that makes itself felt in the later stages;
  • urolithiasis, which causes sharp pains in the lumbar region.

Hydronephrosis causes pain in the left kidney.

For hydronephrosis painful sensations are permanent, the person is bothered by pain, nausea and vomiting.

Often unpleasant and nagging pain in the left organ are associated with congenital pathologies, in which the organ has not formed and developed correctly. Even experienced doctors are not always able to detect congenital stenosis of the ureter or tripling of the renal parts. Sometimes pain occurs due to a blow, fall or tear internal organ. In such cases, sharp pain will occur that will not go away on its own.

Pain not related to the kidneys

It often happens that the cause of pain in the left kidney is not a nephrological disease. In this case, painful sensations are associated with pathologies in other organs. To determine which organ is injured, it is necessary to look Special attention for all existing symptoms. Often pain on the left side of the kidney is associated with the following abnormalities:

  • Inflammation of organs located in the pelvis. With such pathologies, women feel pain not only in the kidney, but also in the ovaries.
  • Ulcer in the stomach or duodenum.
  • Inflammatory process in the pancreas. In pathology, in addition to pain, there are undigested remains food in stool.
  • Aortic aneurysm, in which it expands blood vessel and pain occurs. The disease poses a great danger to human life and requires prompt surgery.
  • Gallstone disease distinctive feature is yellowing of the skin and colic in the gallbladder.
Depending on the location of the greatest damage to the spine, osteochondrosis may manifest itself as pain in the lumbar region and kidneys.

Often, painful sensations in the kidney area are associated with radiculitis or osteochondrosis. In the first case, they become inflamed nerve roots and severe pain occurs, radiating to the lower back. This sign easily mistaken for a renal abnormality. With osteochondrosis, the spine is affected. The patient ceases to feel the limbs fully, and It's a dull pain, which spreads to the legs and both kidneys.

How to understand that the pain is in the left kidney?

To distinguish pain in the left kidney from other pathologies, you should know the exact location of the internal organ. With renal abnormalities, the main symptom is pain in them. As a rule, all the main signs are absent on initial stage. Kidney pain is localized in the area between the pelvis and the lower ribs. But in some cases there may be associated symptoms, in this case kidney pain is just a symptom of another disease.

Symptoms of pain in the kidney on the left

With kidney diseases, there are accompanying symptoms that are characteristic of present disease. Doctors note that only 5% of patients with pain in the left kidney are diagnosed with a deviation of the internal organ; in most cases, the pain is associated with deviations in other organs. At kidney diseases the following symptoms are noted:

  • impaired urination, in which urination becomes more frequent or less frequent;
  • urine becomes cloudy, sand or small stones are observed;
  • blood when urinating;
  • frequent trips to the toilet, during which there is secretion a small amount of urine;
  • burning pain after passing urine;
  • skin itching.

Various symptoms indicate various diseases kidney

Depending on what disease the patient has, other symptoms are added. With pyelonephritis, swelling occurs, the person constantly complains that the diseased kidney is aching. Distinctive feature nephroptosis is that when taken horizontal position the pain stops bothering me. Hydronephrosis is characterized by increased blood pressure and swelling of the limbs. If a cyst forms, a person feels heaviness in the stomach and back.


When your left kidney hurts, you should seek help and find out what the problem is. To diagnose a pathology, the doctor first conducts an examination and finds out what signs are present and how long ago they appeared. The patient is then given a change general analysis urine and blood, the results of which will indicate protein, an increased number of leukocytes. Blood is donated for biochemistry to determine creatinine, magnesium, calcium and other substances in the body. The following instrumental studies are carried out:

  • ultrasound diagnostics of kidneys and organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • angiography, which examines blood vessels using a contrast agent;
  • diagnosis of the spine using x-rays;
  • urography of the kidney using a means that is illuminated;
  • biopsy of a diseased kidney, which consists of analyzing tissue from the injured area.

Kidney urography is one of the methods for diagnosing the disease.

Should not be ignored, since these sensations may indicate chronic course diseases. The above listed diagnostic procedures are mandatory. If there are suspicions of other diseases and if the attending physician considers it necessary, then additional examinations are prescribed.

What to do and how to relieve pain?

When a person is worried sharp pain in the kidney, then it is important for him to get rid of unpleasant sign, and then find out its cause. The problem of spasms usually occurs due to inflammation. Analgesic drugs and antispasmodics will help to cope with it. If the remedies do not eliminate the pain, but worsen it even more, then you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, doctors will inject antispasmodics into the patient’s veins or muscles.

When the kidney on the left side hurts, the problem may be caused by poor diet. In this case, it is recommended to adhere to a special diet that limits the amount of salted, smoked and spicy foods. If the deviation is associated with stones, then it is recommended to drink more fluid.

After receiving the test results, the doctor prescribes treatment to eliminate pain in the left side. Apply drug treatment to deal with the problem painlessly. Taking into account the pathology and its stage, the patient can be treated in a hospital or at home. If a serious deviation is diagnosed, the patient is left in inpatient conditions, where you can constantly monitor its condition.

In case of pyelonephritis, the patient is discharged antibacterial drugs. If nephroptosis is diagnosed, a special bandage is recommended that will allow the kidney to stay in place. Included in conservative treatment vitamin complex and drugs that enhance immunity. Besides medicines, the patient is advised to comply special diet and perform special therapeutic exercises twice a day.

Kidney diseases are often accompanied by pain; the left kidney often hurts, but few people understand what this means.

This problem cannot be ignored, because it may be the first and main symptom of the development of pathology.

Of course, if after physical exertion or a fast, long walk the left kidney hurts, then the problem is not illness, but simple fatigue.

In addition, this sign may indicate problems in the intestines or spleen.

Main reasons

Pain in the left kidney may appear in at different ages, even in children. This sign does not always indicate pathology; it occurs due to ordinary fatigue and stress.

The attack is often felt by men whose work requires intense workload. If we talk about diseases, the main ones that cause pain in the left kidney are:

  1. Pyelonephritis, which is accompanied inflammatory process in a paired organ.
  2. Nephroptosis is the prolapse or displacement of the kidney from its usual location.
  3. Hydronephrosis is the accumulation of urine leading to high blood pressure and pain radiating to the left kidney.
  4. Cyst in the left kidney - as the formation grows, pressure begins on the pelvis and ureter, which provokes pain.
  5. Tumors of different nature, which begin to manifest as pain in the later stages.
  6. Urolithiasis, which is characterized by severe and severe pain in the lumbar region.

There are not only acquired pathologies; the reasons why the left kidney hurts may be hidden in congenital anomalies and vices.

In this case, the person may have abnormal formation of the kidney and parts paired organ or underdevelopment.

The syndrome develops even with blows, after a fall or rupture of the kidneys. In such situations, the symptom will not go away on its own and medical intervention is needed.

Causes not related to the kidneys

Not always, when the kidney on the left side hurts, the problem is hidden in pathologies of the paired organ. In some cases, the cause may be diseases of other organs and systems, and the appearance of pain refers to the usual return to the left kidney.

It is important to understand the symptoms, which allow you to determine what hurts and where the attack is located. Among the main pathological abnormalities that are not caused by disorders of the paired organ are:

  1. Inflammatory process in tissues and organs located in the pelvis. Such problems often appear in women; the kidney hurts on the left side, as well as in the ovaries.
  2. Ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Inflammation of the pancreas, in which additional appearance undigested food in feces.
  4. Aortic aneurysm is characterized by vasodilatation and pain. Pathology can pose a threat to life, so it is necessary to take Urgent measures to provide assistance.
  5. Gallstone disease is complemented by biliary colic and yellowing of the skin.

If the kidney on the left hurts, but no characteristic features described diseases, which means you need to be examined for radiculitis or osteochondrosis.

With radiculitis, patients become inflamed nerve tissue that cause discomfort, radiating to the lower back.

This condition is often mistaken for kidney diseases. With osteochondrosis, damage to the spine occurs, people experience decreased sensitivity in the limbs, and pain in the back and legs develops.

Main symptoms

It is possible to understand that the kidney on the left side hurts only by determining the location of the paired organ.

If there are violations, then the main symptom is pain. Most often, symptoms of renal pathologies do not appear on early stages diseases. After progression, sensations will be in the pelvis and lower rib area.

Pathologies of the paired organ are characterized by several types of manifestation. Doctors say that only in 5% of cases of diseases of the paired organ does the kidney on the left side hurt; in other situations, this symptom indicates disorders of other organs.

With kidney problems, patients will experience the following symptoms:

  1. The outflow of urine is disrupted, which causes frequent urination or lack thereof.
  2. Biological material changes color, becomes cloudy, there may be different educations in the form of sediment from sand or stones.
  3. Blood appears in the urine.
  4. The volume of urine per day is reduced.
  5. When urinating, there is pain and burning.
  6. Skin itches.

Depending on the cause and pathology, they may develop additional symptoms. For example, as a result of inflammation, a person experiences tissue swelling, especially in the morning and evening.

With nephroptosis, the symptoms go away if you lie down on the bed. In case of hydronephrosis, the pressure increases and the legs swell.

If there is a cyst or other formations, then heaviness and discomfort in the abdominal cavity are felt.


You can understand what to do for pain in the left kidney only after establishing a diagnosis and the exact causes of the disorders.

The first thing doctors do is visual inspection, collect a person’s complaints, and also find out when, how and under what circumstances an unpleasant sensation develops.

After this, palpation is done, and the patient is sent for blood and urine tests. Based on the test results, the doctor sees inflammation and other malfunctions in the kidneys.

To accurately determine the causes and type of disease, you need to undergo instrumental diagnostics, including:

  1. Ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal cavity.
  2. Angiography is a method used to check the function and condition of the kidney vessels.
  3. X-ray, which allows you to assess the condition of the paired organ, the spine.
  4. Urography.
  5. Biopsy.

Pulling sensations must be diagnosed, as they may indicate chronic process various diseases.

The described diagnostic methods are standard and mandatory, thanks to which doctors make a diagnosis. If the causes cannot be determined, doctors may use other means of examination.

Treatment methods

When the left kidney hurts, the symptom is acute, then you need to initially stop the symptom, and then search for the causes. Spasms often begin during the inflammatory process.

For relief, you can use analgesics and antispasmodics. If the drugs do not produce results, the symptom worsens, then urgent assistance must be provided.

In a hospital setting, similar medications are administered directly into a vein. Often the cause is hidden in poor nutrition.

Then the patient is prescribed a diet, the essence of which is to reduce salty, smoked and spicy foods.

Having made a diagnosis and received the results, doctors determine treatment measures. Tablets and other measures are prescribed only based on the disease and the stage of its course.

Therapy can be carried out at home or in a hospital setting. At serious violations the person is hospitalized, where treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of medical workers.

Based on the reason why the left kidney hurts, the type of treatment is determined:

  1. Pyelonephritis. Antibiotics are used for treatment. Initially, the type of causative agent of inflammation is determined, as well as the human body’s reaction to the drug. In addition they can use antispasmodics, inflammation medications and folk remedies, which restore the functions of the paired organ. Treatment takes about 10 days.
  2. Nephroptosis. In the early stages, it is recommended to carry out therapeutic exercises, which will strengthen the muscles; it is useful to go swimming. In addition, doctors advise wearing a bandage for support, and if the kidneys are severely displaced, surgery to correct and fix the kidneys in their natural position.
  3. Urolithiasis. For small stones up to 1 mm, doctors prescribe medications, which can destroy solid formations, after which they are removed naturally. In the case of large stones, surgical treatment and crushing are prescribed. The main task is to determine the type of stone, as well as adjusting the diet, which can cause the development of new formations or an increase in old ones.
  4. Hydronephrosis. An operation is performed to restore the lumen of the urinary canals.
  5. Tumors benign appearance. Held constant control tumor development, if the functioning of the kidney is disrupted, the formation is removed.
  6. Cancer. Surgical treatment is performed to remove the malignant tumor and affected tissue. In addition, chemotherapy or radiation may be used.

At renal pathologies Patients will need to adhere to basic rules during and after treatment:

  1. Reduce loads, do not lift heavy things, avoid vibrations and shaking.
  2. Normalize your daily routine.
  3. Use measures to strengthen the immune system.
  4. Do not overcool, stay warm more often, it is especially important to protect your legs and lower back from the cold.
  5. Maintain a drinking regime and use folk remedies to restore the functions of the paired organ. It is useful to use fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, and drink rosehip decoction.
  6. Adjust your diet, use a diet that will improve the condition of your kidneys.

Pain in the left kidney may indicate dangerous diseases, therefore it is impossible to treat and stop the attack on your own.

It is necessary to know the exact cause of the disorder in order to prevent kidney failure and organ loss.


Surgical treatment is often used for various formations in the kidneys. For example, if a cyst appears, it may not be treated if it does not cause other pathologies and malfunctions of the organ.

In addition, the size of the formation should be small so that pressure on tissues and other organs does not increase. Among the main methods for surgical treatment and cyst removal can be used:

  1. Percutaneous puncture - the cyst is punctured with a needle and drainage is installed. The technique is rarely used because there is a possibility of infection.
  2. Laparoscopy - 3-5 punctures are made in the abdominal cavity, through which an endoscope is inserted to excise the formation. The technique is considered the safest for kidney treatment operative method. The patient's recovery is quick and without complications.
  3. Abdominal surgery involves making an incision in the abdominal cavity to provide direct access to the affected kidney. Surgical intervention used to remove malignant tumors, large cysts, and also remove the kidney. For purulent processes, the technique is also used.

If pain on the left appears due to cancer, then surgical treatment is the best method.

To do this, delete malignancy and affected tissues. Among conservative methods Cancer therapies include:

  1. Radiation or chemotherapy.
  2. Prescription of hormonal drugs.
  3. Immune or gene therapy.

All kidney diseases are initially treated with medications, and if they do not help positive result, an operation is being performed.

Folk remedies can be used for surgical or conservative treatment, to eliminate symptoms, strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the paired organ.

You don't have to rely only on folk recipes, they are used in combination. You can get the effect from infusions, decoctions or herbal teas.

Chamomile and mint give good results by combining the ingredients in 1 tbsp. collection, add 250 ml of boiling water. This drink can eliminate cramps.

Pain can be relieved with compresses from vegetable oil, to which chamomile is added. The oil with the herb is heated and applied to the area of ​​pain.

Often in folk medicine for kidney diseases, rose hips, St. John's wort and others are used herbal remedies. They are taken in the form of an infusion or decoction.

All prescriptions are needed only to reduce the intensity or complete removal pain, as well as to relax muscles.


Pain in the kidneys can be eliminated through prevention. Doctors have found that discomfort often occurs when poor nutrition and drinking alcohol.

In this case, you need to give up alcohol and adjust your diet. Must use correct treatment, in the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Do not use foods and drinks that burden the functioning of the paired organ.

In the cold season, you need to cover your lower back to prevent hypothermia. Be sure to follow drinking regime, hygiene of the genitals and hands, which will prevent infection with pathogenic bacteria.

Need to study in an active way life, but do not burden the body, then health will be normal and the kidneys will not be disturbed. At chronic diseases preventive measures exclude relapses and exacerbations.

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