What is a parapelvic kidney cyst and methods of treatment. Parapelvic cyst of the left kidney size normal Cyst of the left kidney

March 15, 2017 Doctor

Parapelvic kidney cyst is one of the types of benign neoplasms developing in this organ. It most often forms in the region of the renal sinus, that is, at the gate of the kidney. This cyst looks like a small sac with clear or yellowish liquid inside it.

This pathology is rare. In most cases, the left kidney is affected; a parapelvic cyst of the right kidney is much less common, and an even more rare pathology is the development of a bilateral process. The causes and factors for the formation of this type of cyst are not yet entirely clear.

Most experts are inclined to believe that there is a congenital predisposition, which, in the presence of risk factors, leads to this pathology.

In case of serious congenital anomalies and the presence of provoking factors, intensive development of the pathology is possible, in which multiple parapelvic cysts are formed.

How does the disease manifest itself?

A parapelvic cyst may not manifest itself in any way for a long time. The disease can last for several years and remain undetected or be discovered accidentally during examination for another reason. A person feels the first symptoms when the tumor reaches a certain size and begins to put pressure on surrounding tissues and structures. The cyst compresses blood vessels, the pelvis, and puts pressure on nerve endings. As a result, blood circulation and urine outflow are disrupted, and lower back pain appears. Most often, painful sensations are localized on the left, since in most cases a parapelvic cyst of the left kidney is formed. Compression of the renal vessels also leads to an increase in blood pressure and associated manifestations.


  • Pain in the kidney area;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Urinary dysfunction: frequent urge, decreased urine output, urine retention.

Due to increased blood pressure, the patient may experience dizziness, headaches, and nausea. Increased pressure can quickly affect the condition of the retina, which leads to decreased vision.

Parapelvic cysts of both kidneys have more pronounced manifestations and make themselves felt earlier than unilateral lesions. Any of the symptoms should alert a person; he should immediately contact a specialist and undergo a diagnosis.

Diagnosis and treatment

To undergo an examination, you need to contact a urologist or nephrologist. If your medical institution does not have such doctors, then the primary diagnosis can be carried out by a therapist who, if necessary, will give a referral to a clinic where there are appropriate specialists. To confirm the diagnosis, instrumental studies are required:

  • excretory urography.

Ultrasound examinations are now publicly available in any district clinic. This procedure allows you to detect the presence of neoplasms, as well as establish their location and size. With the help of several ultrasounds performed at different times, it is possible to trace the dynamics of the tumor process and suggest the degree of its danger.

Excretory urography makes it possible to more accurately determine the size of the cyst, and also reveals deformation of the renal pelvis and the degree of deformation of the ureter.

Despite the benign nature of cystic formations, treatment must be carried out in a timely manner, because an advanced process is dangerous for the development of complications. Since the cyst compresses the vessels and prevents the normal outflow of urine, conditions are created in the affected kidney that are conducive to the development of inflammatory processes. Therefore, one of the complications is pyelonephritis. In addition, renal function may be impaired, leading to stone formation and renal failure.

The most dangerous complications

  • Malignancy of the neoplasm, that is, the transformation of the cyst into a malignant tumor;
  • Purulent processes;
  • Cyst rupture.

After diagnostic measures are carried out, a treatment regimen is developed. The choice of methods and methods depends on the stage of the disease, as well as on the state in which the tissues of the affected kidney are located. Treatment of the disease can be conservative or surgical. Conservative treatment involves the use of medications that will relieve symptoms and prevent the development of inflammatory processes and other complications.

Anti-inflammatory and painkillers are mainly used for these purposes. You may also need medications to correct your blood pressure.

In cases where the cyst is rapidly progressing in growth or is already large, surgery is prescribed to remove the cyst. Today, two methods of surgical treatment are used: puncture and laparoscopic surgery. The puncture is less traumatic for the patient, and after it the recovery process occurs quite quickly. However, this technique is considered to be associated with a high risk of kidney infection. This may not lead to recovery, but to new complications.

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How is the puncture performed?

During this procedure, penetration into the cyst cavity occurs through a puncture using a special instrument. The liquid contained inside is removed. After this, its walls stick together and spontaneously undergo scarring. The result of this intervention should be the complete disappearance of the tumor and the release of the kidney structures from pressure. If the doctor assesses the risk of infection as minimal, then he chooses a puncture treatment method for the patient.

The most effective and safe method of treating this pathology today is laparoscopic surgery. It allows you to remove cystic formations in the kidneys.

How is the operation performed?

Penetration into the abdominal cavity and directly to the site of cyst formation occurs with the help of special instruments through 3 small punctures in the abdominal wall. The cysts are removed along with the capsule. The operation is performed using general anesthesia. In cases of multiple cysts and significant damage to the kidney tissue, a more radical operation may be performed, during which the kidney itself is removed. However, such cases are very rare.

Timely and adequate treatment of parapelvic cysts helps to fully preserve their functions and avoid possible complications.

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It has been statistically revealed that among benign tumors, parapelvic kidney cyst occurs in 1.25-1.5% of cases. It is a round formation filled with transparent contents, the wall of which consists of connective tissue structures. Localized near the pelvis and renal cups. A cyst near the renal sinus of the left or right kidney does not communicate with the collector system of the paired organ.

In medical practice, there are a number of reasons why a sinus cyst forms in the left or right kidney:

  1. Congenital anomalies. Changes in genetic material with a disruption in the genome chain due to infectious pathologies of a pregnant woman, taking illegal drugs, alcohol-containing products, smoking.
  2. Sluggish chronic kidney diseases with periods of exacerbation and remission: chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis.
  3. Specific disease: tuberculosis.
  4. Hemorrhage into the cortex or medulla - infarction.
  5. Professional and domestic injuries to the lumbar region.
  6. Long-term oral or parenteral administration of glucocorticosteroids against the background of systemic connective tissue diseases, gynecological, and oncological diseases.
  7. History of surgical procedures. As a result, a sinus cyst of the left or right kidney is formed.
  8. Work in hazardous production.
  9. Wrong lifestyle, unbalanced diet.

A parapelvic cyst of the right or left kidney may be a consequence of helminthic infestation with subsequent proliferation and compression of anatomical structures.

Education mechanism

The sinus cyst of the right and left kidneys is formed in several stages: dilation of the vessel, filling of the cavity with clear liquid, and growth of the formation.


  1. The provoking factor contributes to the formation of a small cyst, which does not communicate with the circulatory system. The affected tubule communicates with the tumor and forms an isolated conglomerate.
  2. Strengthening the fibrous wall with gradual filling with clear liquid. Sometimes there is an admixture of lipids or blood. Intracystic fluid may arrive after final histological differentiation of the capsule.
  3. Increase in volume, influx of liquid contents, compression of adjacent structures.

It has been established that active growth is provoked by hormonal disorders during puberty, the perimenopausal period in women, and andropause in men.

Classification of renal cysts according to Bosniak

In 1986, a classification of renal tumors was proposed with further tactics for treating such patients. There are 4 categories:

  1. A simple sinus cyst of the right or left kidney without pathological formations or septa. X-ray examination cannot be contrasted due to the lack of tissue. Well visualized by ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Does not require treatment, monitored over time.
  2. Benign parapelvic cyst at the renal hilum. Size up to 30 mm in diameter. May contain one or more thin-walled septa, as well as calcifications. When contrasting, the apparent filling of the septum with a contrast agent is noted. Dynamic monitoring using ultrasound diagnostics is recommended.
    1. Category IIF – contain many thin-walled septa and inclusions of calcium deposits in the form of nodules. Contrast does not accumulate. Cysts larger than 30 mm in size and partial accumulation of contrast belong to the same group. Observation is carried out over time, and if malignancy occurs, treatment is started.
  3. Questionable formations with obvious accumulation of contrast in the septum, multiple calcifications. More than 50% of benign tumors degenerate into cancer. The contours of the capsule are fuzzy and uneven. Surgical treatment is started, the patient undergoes therapy at the oncology center, and in exceptional cases, dynamic observation is indicated.
  4. The final category indicates a malignant process. There is an accumulation of contrast agent inside the cyst. Characterized by uneven, lumpy capsular edges. Surgical treatment is being carried out.

In addition, the disease is divided into:

  • Single outbreaks:
    1. Cortical renal cysts.
    2. Parapelvic cyst of both kidneys.
  • Multiple lesions:
    1. Polycystic kidney disease is an autosomal dominant type.
    2. Acquired cystic (dialysis) disease.
    3. Primary polycystic liver pathology with kidney damage.

Characteristic symptoms

If the benign neoplasm is small (less than 30 mm in diameter), there are no specific symptoms of the disease, the patient has no complaints, and there is no disturbance in well-being. It is diagnosed during a screening examination by an ultrasound diagnostic doctor.

As soon as the cortical or parapelvic cyst of the kidney increases, pathognomonic signs develop:

  1. Dull aching pain due to compression of adjacent structures. Localized at the level of 11-12 ribs (right lower than left).
  2. Persistent hypertension. The hormone renin is synthesized in the renal system and acts as a component of the renin-angiotensin system, which is capable of regulating blood pressure levels.
  3. Impaired outflow of urine (urine) due to compression of the renal sinus.
  4. Visually, the urine becomes cloudy and may have a red tint. Hemorrhagic syndrome is detected during catheterization of the bladder, a change in transparency against the background of an admixture of protein and leukocytes.
  5. Possibility of infection, as a result of hyperthermia with intoxication syndrome: weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chills.
  6. Swelling of the lower extremities and face in the morning.
  7. Polydipsia as in diabetes mellitus. Increased thirst, lack of full saturation after drinking a glass of water.
  8. Frequent urge to urinate due to the flow of a small portion of urine through the ureters, the addition of a bacterial infection.

Pain is not a specific symptom; by its location, you can determine where the changes occurred: on the right or on the left.

Diagnosis of the disease

To establish the size, location, possibility of blockage of the renal sinus, and the degree of risk of malignancy, a number of techniques are used: ultrasound examination, excretory urography, CT, MRI. In addition to instrumental methods, laboratory examinations are performed: general, biochemical urine analysis, according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky, clinical and biochemical blood tests.

Ultrasound examination visualizes formations larger than 3 mm, determines the size, shape, and location. The density of intracapsular contents is determined by echogenicity.

Excretory urography - intravenous administration of a radiopaque substance followed by taking x-rays at 5-7 minutes, 12-15 minutes and 20-25 minutes. If contrast evacuation is delayed, delayed diagnosis is performed at 45-60 minutes. Characterizes the ability of the renal pelvis system to evacuate contrast filling the lumen.

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging determine lesions less than 3 mm, their exact location, the presence of calcifications, septa, and tissue components.


All renal sinus cysts are subject to annual ultrasound examination. Complaints from the patient, negative changes in dynamics imply conservative or surgical treatment.

Drug therapy

Improves the general condition, increases the patient’s quality of life, is performed for cysts less than 30 mm:

  1. Antispasmodic drugs eliminate pain and improve urine evacuation: Spazmalgon, No-shpa.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate pain, the inflammatory component: Diclofenac, Dicloberl, Naklofen.
  3. Antihypertensive medications from the group of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (due to decreased renin): Capoten, Enap, Prestarium, Monopril.
  4. Diuretics improve the flow of urine and eliminate its stasis: Furosemide, Lasix, Spironolactone.
  5. Antibacterial drugs for infection: Ceftriaxone, Emsef.
  6. Restoration of water-salt balance: Regidron, Disol, Trisol.


An operation to remove a parapelvic cyst of one or both kidneys is carried out according to strict indications, such as: large size, compression of vital structures, acute urinary retention, severe hematuria, acute pain in the costophrenic angle, life-threatening high blood pressure.

Laparoscopic resection of a benign kidney tumor involves small incisions through which surgical equipment is inserted. The contents of the capsule are removed by aspiration. Sometimes sclerotherapy is performed by filling the cavity with a special substance. The rehabilitation period lasts from 5 to 10 days.

Laparotomy surgery with opening of the retroperitoneal space is necessary if there is a high risk of complications, malignancy, or location near large arteries. The recovery period takes from 14 to 30 days.

Treatment with folk remedies

Important! Treatment with folk remedies is prescribed only as an auxiliary therapy for cysts up to 40 mm.

Herbs that reduce growth rate and have a mild healing effect:

Honey with viburnum juice reduces the rate of cyst growth.

Parapelvic kidney cyst is a rare pathology that develops in the structures of the urinary organ. The disease affects up to 1.5% of the world's inhabitants.

Late visit to the doctor and, accordingly, untimely treatment often leads to painful:

  • transformation of a cyst into a malignant tumor;
  • purulent inflammation in the kidney tissues;
  • rupture of the cyst due to strong mechanical impact;
  • peritonitis;
  • stone formation;
  • sepsis;
  • stopping the functionality of the organ.

Acceptable tumor sizes

Small-format formations usually do not require surgical removal. A patient in whose excretory organs cysts measuring less than 5 centimeters were found is registered at the dispensary. He is obliged to undergo examination within the period specified by the doctor to monitor the growth of the tumor.

A small cyst can remain in its sac for the entire life of a sick person, and at the same time not cause him any trouble.

It is also possible to do without therapy if the disease is located in parts of the kidney distant from the vessels and ureters.

As soon as the formation begins to actively grow and exceed the 5 cm mark, doctors use a surgical method for cystosis.

Types of treatment

Therapeutic measures for the occurrence of parapelvic renal cysts include the use of medication or surgical treatment. The method of eliminating cystosis must be chosen by the attending physician, who will base his decision on the following data:

  • general condition of the patient;
  • tumor size and location;
  • individual characteristics of a person.

Drug therapy

Conservative therapy helps improve the patient's condition and eliminate painful symptoms. The doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • hypotensive;
  • desensitizing;
  • analgesic;
  • means for restoring water-salt balance.

Medicines are used for small tumors when they do not block the ureters. If the patient seeks help in time, surgical intervention can be avoided.


Surgery comes to the rescue when conservative medicine does not produce the expected results. During kidney surgery, the cystic formation is removed and the ureters are unclogged.

Surgery is indicated when parapelvic disease provokes renal dysfunction and disrupts the functioning of other organs. To eliminate cystosis, two surgical methods can be used: and.

The laparoscopic procedure is very popular and effective. During this procedure, the doctor makes small holes in the abdominal cavity. The formation is brought out for detailed inspection and safe removal.

Abdominal surgery is used in case of transformation of a benign form into a malignant one.

The puncture is done through the skin using the method of draining the cyst. The surgeon uses a special tool to pump out fluid from the tumor. The puncture is rarely performed because some doctors consider it not safe enough. When manipulated with a needle, a dangerous virus can enter the body.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk remedies are used only in the initial stages of the disease, when the formation is small in size, and in the absence of pain.

Before starting healing therapy, you should definitely consult a doctor to avoid unpleasant complications.

Herbal medicine takes a long time, so regular examinations will be required to monitor the growth of the cyst. The most effective recipes are:

During treatment with herbal medicines, you should follow the general recommendations:

  • undergo ultrasound regularly;
  • do not overcool;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • exercise;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • treat diseases of the genitourinary system in a timely manner;
  • protect your lower back from injury;

Possible complications

An advanced parapelvic cyst can provoke renal dysfunction and the development of various types of complications:

  • transformation into a malignant tumor;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • abscesses;
  • development ;
  • rupture of the cyst and entry of its fluid into the surrounding cavities.

Only timely diagnosis and adequate treatment will help prevent possible complications.

Preventive measures

There are no special prevention methods to prevent parapelvic cystosis, but the following recommendations can reduce the likelihood of its occurrence:

  • undergo annual renal sonography;
  • exclude general hypothermia;
  • increase immunity;
  • promptly treat existing diseases;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • do not injure the lower back;
  • resort to proper and nutritious nutrition.

With adequate and timely treatment, the prognosis for the patient’s future life becomes favorable. After resection of the cyst, the patient is monitored by the attending physician for a year.

Parapelvic cystosis is a serious disease. It requires immediate treatment. To avoid complex pathological processes, at the first signs of illness you need to urgently see a specialist. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since there is a huge likelihood of developing side effects and oncology.

Benign tumors affecting kidney tissue are often diagnosed by nephrologists. Among such formations, parapelvic kidney cyst is not so common (in 2% of elderly patients). Mostly, the left organ is affected by the growth of cystic formation, and only in rare cases the right or both kidneys. Some doctors are inclined to believe that this type of cyst has a congenital predisposition to development, which occurs in the presence of predisposing factors. We suggest you figure out what it is - a parapelvic cyst, why it is dangerous and how it manifests itself.

A parapelvic cyst is a benign type of tumor, which is most often localized in the renal pelvis or sinus. In nephrology, this formation is often called a “sinusoid cyst.” Like many other formations, a cyst may not bother a person for a long time, but only until the formation becomes large. Parapelvic cysts of the kidneys more often affect the left, less often the right organ, and only in isolated cases does bilateral cystosis occur.

The most common diagnosis is a parapelvic cyst of the left kidney. Cystic tumors have a fibrous membrane, which may contain clear or yellowish fluid inside. Unlike other simple cysts, this formation develops in the hilum of the kidney near the renal pelvis or in the large calyces in the region of the renal sinus. The size of the cystic formation can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. If the cyst is small in size, it may not bother a person for many years and may become an accidental discovery during a scheduled or unscheduled ultrasound examination.

Causes of cysts

The exact causes of cystic formations localized on the kidneys are unknown. Among the factors provoking their growth and education:

  • congenital pathologies;
  • kidney and lower back injuries;
  • ecology that negatively affects kidney tissue;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • frequent hypothermia of the body;
  • concomitant diseases of the urinary system.

Very often, parapelvic cystosis can have an unclear etiology, especially in cases where a person has a history of other chronic diseases.

Disease clinic

A parapelvic cyst of the right kidney (or left) may not bother you for a long time. A person will feel the first symptoms when the tumor reaches a certain size and begins to compress the surrounding tissues, blood vessels, and nerve endings. Such changes in the urinary system cause disturbances in blood circulation, urine outflow and other disorders that worsen overall health.

The following symptoms may be characteristic signs of the disease (their intensity can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent):

  • Aching pain in the lower back. Pain syndrome is often present on the left, which indicates damage to the left organ.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Disruption of urine outflow.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Decreased urine output.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea, urge to vomit.
  • Vision disorders.

If a patient is diagnosed with parapelvic cysts of both kidneys, the clinical signs will be more pronounced, accompanied by severe pain and acute urinary retention. If the tumor is large, the outflow of urine is disrupted, and renal syndrome develops with a pronounced clinical picture, which requires immediate hospitalization in a hospital. The appearance of such symptoms should be a reason to contact a urologist (or nephrologist), who, based on the diagnostic results, will be able to determine the size of the cyst, its location, make a diagnosis, and select the necessary treatment.

Why is a cyst dangerous?

Parapelvic cystosis is a benign process, but if the tumor increases in size and disrupts the functioning of neighboring organs, there is a risk of complications, including:

  • inflammation of the kidney tissue;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal failure;
  • purulent processes;
  • cyst rupture;
  • degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Given the complexity of the pathology, treatment should be carried out as quickly as possible, especially if the cyst has reached 4 or more centimeters.


Sinusoidal formations on the tissues of the left or right kidney may not bother a person for several years and may be discovered by chance during a routine examination. If the formation reaches a large size and disrupts the functioning of the urinary system, severe symptoms force a person to consult a doctor on their own. The initial consultation with a nephrologist consists of collecting anamnesis, examination, and prescribing diagnostic procedures:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • excretory urography;
  • urine and blood tests.

If necessary, additional research methods can be prescribed to clarify the picture of the disease, diagnosis, and determine treatment tactics. Ultrasound of the kidneys is considered the most informative, the results of which make it possible to recognize the localization of the tumor process, size, and evaluate the functioning of the organs of the urinary system. If the indicators are normal, the cyst is less than 3 cm, does not interfere with the functioning of other organs, surgery is not required, conservative therapy is prescribed, and the dynamics of the disease is monitored.

Treatment methods

If peripelvic kidney cysts of small size are diagnosed, and they do not interfere with the functionality of other organs, the patient can only be prescribed dietary nutrition and periodic ultrasound diagnostics to monitor the condition.

The patient will have to give up salty, spicy and fatty foods. It is recommended to drink about two liters of water per day.

Conservative therapy can be prescribed in cases where the cyst does not increase in size, does not block the ureter, and does not cause complications. Treatment may include taking antispasmodics, herbal medications, medications that improve blood circulation, and diuretics. The choice of drugs remains with the attending physician. If you diagnose the pathology in time, carry out high-quality treatment, and follow all the doctor’s recommendations, you can avoid surgical intervention.

If conservative therapy does not bring results, surgical intervention is recommended in the form of:

  • punctures;
  • laparoscopic method;
  • abdominal surgery.

Laparoscopy is considered the most effective and safe method of surgical treatment, which has minimal risks of complications and allows the patient to quickly recover after surgery. Abdominal surgery is prescribed if a malignant neoplasm is suspected. Puncture is rarely performed because it carries a high risk of infection. The prognosis after treatment is favorable in most cases.

Next, the patient must periodically come for consultations with the attending physician, follow a diet, undergo an ultrasound, undergo tests, the results of which will allow him to monitor his kidney function, and assess the general condition of the patient.


There are no specific preventive measures to prevent peripelvic renal cysts, but general recommendations will help reduce the risk of its formation:

  1. Once a year, undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys.
  2. Avoid hypothermia.
  3. Increase immunity.
  4. Treat all concomitant diseases in a timely manner.
  5. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  6. Avoid lower back injuries.
  7. Eat properly and nutritiously.

Cystic formations occur on various organs, including the urinary system. One of the varieties of such neoplasms is a parapelvical (sinus) kidney cyst. The pathology is diagnosed by ultrasound; more often it requires dynamic observation, but in certain cases treatment is prescribed. It also occurs, but read about these forms of the disease in our separate works.

This neoplasm develops in the sinus area of ​​the organ, which is why they are also called renal sinus cysts. It is a benign formation (like) that looks like a round or oval sac filled with liquid contents. The liquid is most often clear, but may have a yellowish color.

Peripelvic renal cyst is rare, so it has not yet been possible to obtain sufficient information about the reasons for its formation. Experts believe that the pathology is congenital and develops as a result of improper formation of kidney tissue during the prenatal period. However, a parapelvic cyst can also be acquired in nature, when unfavorable factors provoke the development of formation.

Any adverse effect leads to an imbalance in the body and a deterioration in the blood supply to organs. This can cause structural changes in the kidney tissue, leading to the formation of cavities that fill with fluid. The immediate reason for the formation of a parapelvic cyst is obstruction and expansion of the lumen of the lymphatic vessel.

Symptoms of a parapelvic cyst

A renal sinus cyst may show symptoms for a long time. If there are no other kidney diseases, then small cystic formations do not affect the functioning of the organ and the person’s well-being. Signs of pathology appear as the size of the tumor increases, when it puts pressure on the vessels and nearby tissues. This can lead to painful sensations, disruption of the blood supply to the organ, and worsening of the outflow of blood and lymph. Manifestations of a sinus cyst cannot be called characteristic of this particular pathology. Symptoms are common to many kidney diseases:

  1. High blood pressure.
  2. Impaired urination.
  3. Frequent urge to urinate.
  4. Discomfort and pain in the kidney area

The pain varies in nature and intensity, but more often it is quite sharp and severe and appears in paroxysms. A large renal sinus cyst can compress the ureter, which impairs urine output. In this case, stagnation occurs, which further intensifies the symptoms.

Discomfort and pain are felt more strongly on the affected side; if parapelvic cysts of both kidneys form, the pain spreads to the entire lumbar region.

Possible complications

A parapelvic cyst is a benign tumor of the kidney and does not pose a serious threat to the body. But this does not mean that pathology should be left to chance. If the disease is detected, then at least dynamic observation is required, because it may increase in size or undergo malignancy. In these cases, there is a risk of developing other diseases, deteriorating the functional abilities of the affected organ, which adversely affects not only the patient’s well-being, but also the condition and functioning of the entire body.

The appearance of complications is most often associated with the increasing size of the tumor, which puts pressure on tissues and blood vessels. Against the background of sinus cystosis of the kidney, a disease such as pyelonephritis often begins. Lack of timely treatment leads to even greater damage to organ tissue; irreversible changes are possible, which in severe cases lead to renal failure.

Due to metabolic disorders in the affected kidney, blood supply and urine drainage deteriorate, which contributes to the development of urolithiasis. The presence of an inflammatory process against the background of congestion increases the risk of suppuration of a renal sinus cyst. This complication is especially dangerous in case of traumatic lesions of the kidney, because rupture of the tumor membrane can lead to purulent contents entering the abdominal cavity. In such cases, there is a possibility of developing sepsis, which can lead to death if not treated promptly.

Possible complications:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • sinus cyst suppuration;
  • decrease in organ functions;
  • development of renal failure;
  • capsule rupture;
  • sepsis.

Diagnosis of sinus cyst

If symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and get diagnosed. The diagnosis can be made by either a urologist or a therapist. The patient needs a comprehensive examination, which necessarily includes an ultrasound examination. It is this procedure that allows you to detect a cystic formation. Often, the detection of this pathology occurs by chance during a preventive examination, which the patient undergoes for another reason or as part of a medical examination.

Basic methods for diagnosing parapelvic cysts:

  1. Ultrasonography. Ultrasound of the kidneys can detect tumor formations, including parapelvic cysts. When performing this procedure, you can determine the size, location and nature of the tumor.
  2. Excretory urography. This type of instrumental examination of the organs of the genitourinary system allows us to identify the degree of deformation of the renal pelvis and displacement of the ureter.

Additional research methods:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • urine tests.

These methods are necessary to assess the general condition of the body and kidney function. Based on the results of all studies, a diagnosis is made and therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of kidney sinus cyst

For small-sized renal sinus cysts, when their presence does not affect organ function in any way and does not manifest symptoms, there is no need for treatment. But dynamic monitoring is required, which will allow you to keep the process under control and notice unfavorable signs in time. To do this, an ultrasound of the kidneys is prescribed once or twice a year to understand whether the capsule is growing. If there is a tendency to increase, then there is a danger of unpleasant symptoms, deterioration of organ functions and the development of complications.

If the identified tumor is large enough and puts pressure on the tissue, then treatment is prescribed. It is aimed at alleviating pain and eliminating symptoms. Treatment is also necessary to prevent inflammatory processes, improve blood supply to the kidney and urine outflow. Basic methods:

  1. Conservative therapy.
  2. Surgical intervention.

Conservative treatment of parapelvic kidney cysts involves the use of medications in accordance with the existing symptoms. Doctors prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Therapy with antihypertensive drugs or antispasmodics may be necessary.

Surgical intervention is prescribed in cases where the formation reaches a large size. It is necessary if there is no effect of drug treatment, if the tumor is suspected of being malignant. The main indicator for prescribing removal surgery is a noticeable deterioration in the functions of the kidneys or other organs due to a parapelvic cyst.

Removal methods

  • cyst puncture;
  • laparoscopic surgery;
  • abdominal surgery.

Puncture of a cystic formation involves pumping out fluid from the cavity. This intervention is the least traumatic and easily tolerated. After the procedure, there is a high probability of relapse, and there is also a risk of infection in the body.

Most often they resort to laparoscopic surgery, as it allows you to completely remove the cyst. This intervention takes place quickly, and the rehabilitation period is only a few days. Abdominal surgery is performed only for very large tumors, bilateral cystosis, or when diagnosing malignant changes.

Treatment of parapelvic kidney cysts involves a certain diet. A balanced diet with limited protein and salt intake is necessary, and drinking regime is mandatory. The diet is prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the stage of development of the disease and the existing symptoms.

Read about other forms in our next publication.