Nougat best indications and contraindications. Active impact on the lumbar region. Contraindications for the Nuga Best bed

Last decade Nuga Best beds cause a lot of controversy. Let's try to figure out in which cases the use of this massager can be beneficial, and in which it will be ineffective or most likely to cause harm.

Massage bed device

The basis of the massager is an internal projector - a mechanism consisting of jade rollers rotating and heated by a source of infrared radiation. The heating temperature is 35-70°C/.

The internal projector moves along the spine under the main mat, covered with hygroscopic material that absorbs sweat well, making the procedure more comfortable. An additional one is attached to the main mat with straps. The angle of inclination between the main mat and the surface on which the head is located can be varied from 10 to 30 degrees.

The following accessories are included in the kit:

  • additional warming mat made of tourmanium;
  • five-ball jade projector;
  • belt for a five-ball projector;
  • low frequency massage pillow.

An additional heat mat is used for additional heating of any areas of the body. The five-ball projector can be used to massage the limbs; for ease of use, it can be placed in a belt designed for this purpose. A low-frequency pillow is used for myostimulation and reduction of excess fat on the abdomen, hips, and buttocks.

All additional accessories are connected to the panel located on the side of the bed, where the thermostat is also located. If desired, massage with additional devices is carried out in parallel with the main massage. Required modes Can be installed using the remote control.

Therapeutic effects and areas of application

The popularizers of Nuga Best especially focus on the effect of stone therapy - massage with heated stones (jade) and a special ceramic alloy - tourmanium. However, there is no complete data on this issue from the point of view of evidence-based medicine. Therapeutic effect stone therapy is a very controversial fact.

Thus, healing effect It is achieved by two methods – massage (mechanical impact) and heat therapy. The combination of these methods of influence provides the following results:

  • withdrawal nervous tension;
  • tissue regeneration (capable of recovery);
  • anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, absorbable, analgesic effect;
  • increasing the activity of metabolic processes;
  • relieving muscle spasms, stimulating the tone of relaxed muscles.

The traction therapy claimed by some sellers of miracle beds is also a controversial issue: those moving in different sides rolls are unable to provide full traction. However, this is more of a plus than a minus: for persons with degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the intervertebral discs, such effects are contraindicated, below is the opinion of the famous domestic vertebrologist Yakov Leontievich Tsivyan:

“If you prescribe traction treatment methods for segmental instability, manual therapy, intensive sports, then these methods will only contribute to “loosening” spinal segment, stimulating the progression of the degenerative-dystrophic process in the intervertebral disc, and will not bring benefit to the patient, but rather harm"

Heated roller massage for diseases of the joints and spine is used in the following cases:

  • initial – preclinical – stage of osteochondrosis;
  • non-infectious arthritis and arthrosis;
  • recovery period after injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

In the case of inflammatory and degenerative diseases, massage will relieve pain in the joints, relieve discomfort in the back, and slow down the progression of the disease.

Restore those damaged by the degenerative process cartilage tissue none of them is capable yet modern methods treatment.

The effect of hardware massage lasts for a short time, therefore this method usually used in combination with other treatment methods.

The main purpose of the Nuga Best massage bed is rather prevention, not treatment. This massager is most suitable for young people who have no contraindications for relaxation after a hard day at work and for the prevention of osteochondrosis.


Massage with heating stimulates not only beneficial processes for the body, but also unfavorable ones: for example, it activates the growth of tumors, awakens dormant chronic infection, can increase blood pressure and cause blood clots to break off.

List of main contraindications to the use of a massage bed:

  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • cardiovascular diseases(including arterial hypertension);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • increased bleeding, menstrual bleeding;
  • damage skin on the massaged area;
  • any pathology in the acute stage;
  • infectious diseases (including chronic);
  • myositis – muscle inflammation;
  • pregnancy from the second half of the second trimester;
  • osteoporosis;
  • age up to 14 years;
  • osteochondrosis (except for the preclinical stage), especially complicated by protrusions and disc herniations;
  • glaucoma;
  • epilepsy;
  • some psychiatric diseases.

Some contraindications are relative – that is, the device can be used, but with caution. For example, a doctor, if he deems it appropriate, may prescribe hardware massage a patient with segmental spinal instability (although in such cases manual massage is preferable to hardware).

And the presence of a disc herniation is already an absolute contraindication, when hardware massage is strictly prohibited.

To ensure that the massager does not cause harm, you should consult a doctor before use.

Depending on the position on the massage bed, certain areas of the body are exposed to the most intense effects.

Warming up before massage

Position – lying down or half-sitting, back on an additional heating mat, legs on the main one. Recommended for general relaxation before a massage to relieve back pain.

Basic mode

Position – lying on your back. The back is on the main mat. Used for relaxation and general restoration of tone.

Active impact on the cervical spine

Position – lying on your back, head located at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge of the main mat. This mode is used for problems in the cervical spine.

Active impact on the lumbar region

Position – lying on your back, head protrudes 10-15 cm beyond the edge of the main mat. This regimen is used for problems in the lumbar spine.

Active impact on the abdominal area

Position – lying on your stomach on the main mat. The mode is used to stimulate digestion, eliminate fat deposits in the abdominal area, and nervous tension.

The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30-40 minutes.

Cost of a massage bed

Ease of installation and operation allows you to use Nuga Best at home. However, not everyone can purchase such a bed: the price of the Nuga Best NM5000 product, for example, is about 130 thousand rubles, the prices of analogues (not significantly different functionally) from other manufacturers are from 100 to 200 thousand rubles and higher.

But is it really necessary to buy a massage bed for personal use? Muscle spasm, which causes pain in osteochondrosis, is an attempt by the body to save the disc and keep the affected segment of the spine in a normal position.

Hardware massage can relieve spasms, but is not able to strengthen muscles as much as physiotherapy or swimming. As a result, spasms and accompanying pain attacks will recur.

To prevent osteochondrosis, slow down the degenerative process that destroys intervertebral discs, cheaper methods or those that do not require any financial costs are much better suited: swimming, regular ten-kilometer walks (strengthening not only skeletal, but also heart muscles), daily isometric exercises (for which you just need to get by with a chair or couch).

Unfortunately, today very few people over 40 years of age can confidently say that they have an absolutely healthy spine and joints. The whole point is that sedentary image life and automation of many life processes have led to practically complete absence physical activity and a significant deterioration in blood circulation in the tissues of the body. As a result, the cartilage and discs of the spine begin to deteriorate and become the cause of diseases. This process is accompanied by the appearance painful sensations discomfort in the back and neck.

According to some experts, you can get rid of them using a bed with a massage mechanism unique invention of a professional designer medical equipment Cho Seung Hyun.


Is the flagship in . It helps maintain normal health not only of the spine, but also of the entire body. Thanks to its health-improving functions, the nougat bed is the best, according to its creators and company specialists , helps get rid of problems with the back, heart, joints and gastrointestinal tract. How does the Nougat Best massage bed work and why is its effect healing for the human body?

The operation of the massage bed NM-5000 is based simultaneously on the principles of Western and oriental medicine, namely: warming up with long-wavelength infrared rays, acupressure and reflexology. In addition, this massage equipment allows for gentle traction of the spine and muscles.


Korean massage beds Nuga Best are like a couch, made in an ergonomic design and have a compact size. It can be placed even in an ordinary apartment and used independently as prescribed by a doctor. The treatment bed is available in two colors - light green and purple. The color of the bed does not in any way affect the functionality or effectiveness of its use.

The useful properties of these beds lie in the presence in their design of such a working part as a tourmanium carriage. It is this element of the massage couch that moves along the human spine during the procedure. The carriage is made of a material known for its unique properties. This alloy mainly consists of germanium and natural materials that have their own magnetic field and are capable of emitting negatively charged ions, which promote rapid cell regeneration, normalization blood pressure and improving immunity.

During the procedure, the projector is heated to 30-70°C, and with it the muscles nearby. spinal column. This bed works in two modes:

  • in classic sports mode - includes moving the carriage along the entire spine, accompanied by warming up the muscles. This mode is used in the first massage sessions; it is designed to warm up the muscles of the paravertebral column and increase their elasticity. During the procedure, traction of the vertebrae is felt and at first (2-3 sessions) slight discomfort is possible;
  • in the point cauterization mode - the effect is on biologically active points. This use allows you to treat not only the spinal column and nearby muscles, but the body as a whole.


Like any medicine or a device for any preventive manipulations, Nougat Best products have their fans and opponents. Of course, there are indications for using the nougat best bed and a list of contraindications, in the presence of which it is strictly prohibited to use this massager. In addition, in some states legislative level rules for the use of such products have been determined, for example, the nougat best bed is prohibited in the USA. However, this may not be the case harmful effects beds per person, and in financial matters.

As for the recommendations for using this massager, the nougat best bed is recommended for use by people who suffer from diseases such as osteochondrosis, various kinds protrusion, pain in the lumbar region, intervertebral hernia, pinched nerves, headaches, disturbance blood pressure(hypertension and hypotension). In addition, procedures on the Nuga Best bed are prescribed to people undergoing rehabilitation after various injuries and operations, as well as those who fight against overweight, has a weakened immune system, suffers from insomnia and is under constant stress.

As it becomes clear from this list of conditions and diseases, healing procedures carried out using a massage bed have an effect on the entire body. This is explained very simply. The thing is that numerous nerve endings from all systems and organs of the human body approach the spine, so the effect on it has a beneficial effect on all organs connected to it.

Despite its usefulness and a large list of indications, there are situations in which using this method of healing the body is contraindicated. There are two categories of contraindications: the first allows the use of massage with certain restrictions and only under the supervision of a doctor, and the second completely prohibits the use of this device.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • heat;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • acute inflammation of any nature and location;
  • menstruation, bleeding and the presence of a tendency to their occurrence;
  • vascular diseases, vascular inflammation, thrombophlebitis;
  • angina pectoris ischemic disease hearts;
  • osteoporosis in the last stage;
  • pregnancy;
  • fibroids, any tumor formations;
  • dermatological rashes, sexually transmitted diseases.

You can purchase a nougat best bed for personal use from official representatives companies and in branded showrooms. For each product of this brand in mandatory instructions for use are issued, after studying which every happy owner of a massage bed will be able to begin the procedures at home. Before you begin procedures on the Nougat Best bed, you should definitely agree on this issue with a therapist.

The use of the tourmanium belt Nuga Best Miracle-2 is justified for the whole complex pathological conditions. It can be used not only for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including the muscular corset), but also to eliminate fat deposits (mainly in the abdominal area).

The Nuga Best Miracle belt is a massage belt, so it can be used to crush salt deposits in the lumbar spine and for a relaxing superficial massage. The last option is useful when you need to relieve muscle spasms in the lower back.

1 Nuga Best Miracle-2: description, device, principle of operation

The Nuga Best Miracle orthopedic belt is a massage myostimulator designed primarily for treating the back. It is useful not only for treating existing diseases, but also for preventing their occurrence.

The device itself has a very specific appearance: outwardly, the Nuga Best Miracle looks like a belt, but various built-in mechanisms make it look futuristic. The massive body with controls from the side resembles a portable radio; the spikes on the front of the belt look a little scary.

Belt Nuga Best Miracle-2

The inner surface of the belt is lined with fasteners (for attaching the belt to the body) and massage elements. The color scheme of the product is black.

How is the therapeutic effect achieved?

First, there are autonomous mechanisms therapeutic effects. These are spikes and massage elements that act on the back during any movements of the user. Secondly, the belt has a device for generating electrical impulses that contract muscles (myostimulation).

1.1 What are the benefits: what effect does Nuga Best Miracle have?

What are the benefits of wearing the Nuga Best Miracle belt? It’s impossible to answer in one sentence, since the device has several positive effects at once, useful not only for the musculoskeletal system.

List of medicinal effects:

  1. Stimulation muscle fibers, elimination of pathological muscle spasms.
  2. Alignment of the spinal column, elimination of deformative disorders of the lumbar region, elimination of poor posture.
  3. Strengthening regional blood circulation (at the site of attachment of the product), including by relieving spasm from small-caliber arteries.
  4. Increased outflow of lymphatic fluid, which, coupled with increased blood circulation, leads to a decrease or disappearance of swelling and hematomas (bruises).
  5. Improving the performance of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary system due to electrical impulses passing through all tissues (including bones).
  6. Reducing waist size by eliminating fat deposits.

1.2 Indications for use

Wearing the Nuga Best Miracle belt is recommended for any diseases of the lumbar spine, except those that are on the list of contraindications. As an auxiliary technique, this belt is used to combat excess weight.

Massage elements of the Nuga Best Miracle belt

The Nuga Best Miracle belt is used for the following pathologies:

  • radiculitis, various deformities of the spinal column, postural disorders (including those caused by scoliosis);
  • severe chronic spasm of the back muscles, including those occurring with compression of the vertebral vessels;
  • degenerative diseases of the spine, including osteochondrosis and spondylosis;
  • intervertebral hernias and protrusions, regardless of their number, shape and stage;
  • atrophy of the back muscle corset caused by physical inactivity or cachexia after prolonged bed rest;
  • various sciatica, neuralgia and any other pathological syndromes leading to chronic pain syndrome;
  • inflammatory diseases reproductive system, intestines and stomach.

1.3 Are there any contraindications and restrictions?

Like any medical equipment, the Nuga Best Miracle belt has a number of contraindications. You cannot ignore them, as you can simply intensify the course of existing diseases or provoke the development of their complications.

According to the instructions that come with the product itself, prepare the belt for use. After that, wipe wet wipe lumbar area, or simply go into the shower and wait until the skin dries.

Massage inserts of the belt Nuga Best Miracle-2

Attach the belt to dry skin so that it sits comfortably and moderately rigidly: without slipping, but without squeezing the skin. You can then go about your business while the device is running. Wear the product for 1 hour, then take a break for a couple of hours and put the device on again.

In total, it is advisable to wear the belt 3-5 times during the day (1 hour each with equal breaks of 2-3 hours), depending on how severe your illness is. You should not go to bed wearing a belt, as you can accidentally break it in your sleep.

More detailed instructions instructions for using the Nuga Best Miracle belt are available on the manufacturer’s website and in the information brochure included with the device.

2.1 Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

The easiest way to purchase the Nuga Best Miracle-2 belt is on the device manufacturer’s website. You can also purchase a belt on third-party sites or in regular stores medical equipment(although it is rarely found in them).

The cost of the Nuga Best Miracle-2 belt is on average rubles.

2.2 Reviews of the Nuga Best Miracle-2 belt (video)

2.3 Reviews of Nuga Best Miracle: what do users think?

Most reviews about the Nuga Best Miracle belt are positive. Not all reviews are related to the therapeutic effectiveness of the device: many are also satisfied with the ease of use and relatively low price.

For the most part, positive reviews are left by older users. Many people talk about the successful experience of using the device with their elderly parents. Most users have noticed that the first positive effects from the waist up are noticeable by the end of the first week of use.

There are also those users who complain about the conditional “dependence” on the device. Their symptoms of the disease disappear until they stop actively using the belt.

Nuga Best: massage bed, tourmanium vest, mat, belt, mat, massager “Second Heart” - official names of products, description and benefits, instructions for use

general characteristics

Products Nuga Best

  • Massager-stimulator NM-5000 (massage bed with green inserts on the sides);
  • Massager-stimulator NM-4000 (tourmanium massage bed with crimson-red inserts on the sides);
  • Single sleeping mat NM-2500 (in everyday life this product is called a mat, carpet or mattress);
  • Tourmanium carpet NM-85 (in everyday life the product is simply called a carpet);
  • Small mat NM-80 (in everyday life the product is called a mat);
  • Foot massager NM-55P “Second Heart”;
  • Belt-myostimulator “Miracle-2” (in everyday life the product is called a belt for weight loss or for cellulite);
  • Warming belt NM-90 (in everyday life the product is called a back belt);
  • Tourmanium vest MHP-100 (in everyday life the product is called a cape over the shoulders, a collar);
  • Tourmanium projector NM-200 (in everyday life the product is called a portable or small heating pad);
  • Tourmanium projector NM-300 (in everyday life this product is called a large or stationary heating pad);
  • Joint pads NM-70 (in everyday life the product is called joint pads);
  • Tourmanium pillow NM-30 (in everyday life the product is simply called a pillow);
  • Tourmanium seat NM-75.

Nuga Best beds and foot massager affect the human body through massage, heating and pressure on biologically active points. All other Nuga Best products affect the body only by heating and applying pressure to biologically active points located on the various areas bodies.

Properties, therapeutic effects and indications for use of various Nuga Best products

Bed Nuga Best

  • Three mats - front, back and main, making up the bed.
  • An internal projector, which is a carriage with moving rollers made of tourmanium ceramics attached to it. This projector is located in the main mat of the bed and affects the back or stomach, depending on where the person is lying.
  • An external projector, which is an elongated tube on which lampshades made of tourmanium ceramics are installed. This projector is in a separate case and is used when through-heating of tissues is necessary and is placed on the surface of the body facing upward (not towards the bed).
  • A myostimulator belt, which is a wide pad connected to the bed with a long cord and designed to activate muscles, improve blood circulation and lose weight. The belt is used separately.
  • A mat made of tourmanium ceramics, located on an auxiliary mat and designed for warming body tissues and reflexology.
  • Bed control panel.
  • Height adjusters for auxiliary front and rear mats.

The Nuga Best bed has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Massage with spinal traction;
  • Pressure on biologically active points (acupressure);
  • Ion therapy;
  • Radiation of infrared heat;
  • Myostimulation.

The internal projector, which is a massage roller, passes along a strictly calibrated trajectory along the spinal column from the tailbone to the neck, kneading and relaxing muscles and ligaments. The trajectory of the massage roller is such that it does not affect the spine itself, but only affects the paravertebral soft fabrics, such as muscles and ligaments. By relaxing the soft tissues surrounding the spinal column, tension and pressure are relieved, essentially gentle traction is performed, which allows the vertebrae to occupy their physiological normal position. When the vertebrae occupy a physiological position, pinched nerves, spinal curvature, osteochondrosis, and hernias disappear in a person intervertebral discs and other diseases caused by a violation of the normal arrangement of the vertebrae, and the associated pain and limited movement disappear.

Picture 1– Kuznetsov applicator.

  • As tonic for practically healthy people;
  • As a back massager for tense physical work or while sitting and sedentary life;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Intervertebral disc herniation;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Pain syndromes caused by compression of nerves by vertebrae that have taken an incorrect position (for example, lumbodynia, intercostal neuralgia);
  • Neuralgia and neuritis of any nerves;
  • Myositis;
  • Migraine;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Hypertonic disease.

The above indications refer to the option of using the Nuga Best bed, in which the massage roller acts along the entire length of the spinal column. If you take a certain position on the bed and massage individual areas along the spinal column, then the list of indications can be significantly expanded.

  • Insomnia
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Amnesia
  • Dizziness neurasthenia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Migraine
  • Headache
  • Strabismus
  • Ear pain
  • Rhinitis
  • Neuralgia
  • Itchy skin
  • Acne
  • Colds
  • Chronic bronchitis and tonsillitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Chronic tonsillitis
  • Pain in the upper arms
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • Colds
  • Asthma
  • Cough
  • Labored breathing
  • Tingling in hands
  • Pain in the forearms
  • Heart diseases
  • Colds
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Jaundice
  • Lichen
  • Herpes
  • Unstable blood pressure
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Arthritis
  • Diseases of the stomach, duodenum and small intestine
  • Heartburn
  • Diabetes
  • Predisposition to frequent colds
  • Allergy
  • Fever
  • Kidney failure
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Pyelitis
  • Chronic inflammatory kidney diseases
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Furunculosis
  • Fungal diseases
  • Infertility
  • Constipation
  • Inflammatory diseases of the large intestine
  • Diarrhea
  • Hernias
  • Convulsions
  • Labored breathing
  • Bladder diseases
  • Pain during menstruation
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Heavy sweating during sleep
  • General weakness
  • Knee pain
  • Miscarriages
  • Sciatica
  • Lower back pain
  • Backache
  • Frequent urination
  • Circulatory disorders in the legs
  • Cold feet
  • Ankle sprain
  • Convulsions
  • Incorrect position of the pelvic bones
  • Improved sexual function
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Scabies
  • Pain in the coccyx area

Mattress (mat) and rug (small mat, seat) Nuga Best

  • Cauterization of biologically active points;
  • Ion therapy;

The Nuga Best mattress has these effects along the entire length of the body, since a person lies completely on it. A small mat has the same effects on a limited area of ​​the body where a person lies on the product. The seat has these effects, respectively, in the buttocks area. In principle, the seat can be used as a small mat, with various parts of the body lying on it.

Second heart (foot massager) Nuga Best

  • Pressure on biologically active points located on the feet (reflexotherapy);
  • Cauterization – heating of biologically active points of the foot;
  • Temperature contrast;
  • Infrared thermal radiation;
  • Myostimulation.

Pressure on biologically active points, of which there are many on the surface of the foot, helps improve the functioning of almost all internal organs. In addition, reflexology helps to normalize the condition of the skin of the feet, which becomes smooth and beautiful, as corns, peeling, calluses, etc. disappear.

  • Vascular diseases lower limbs(thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, varicose veins, thrombosis, atherosclerosis);
  • Fatigue, pain, swelling in the legs;
  • Prevention and treatment of complications diabetes mellitus(diabetic foot, gangrene, trophic ulcers and etc.);
  • Constantly cold feet;
  • Prevention and treatment of flat feet;
  • Corns, peeling and calluses;
  • Chronic venous insufficiency.

In addition, you can simply lie on your back on the massager to improve blood circulation and general muscle relaxation.

Belt (warming) Nuga Best

  • Cauterization of biologically active points located in the lumbar region;
  • Ion therapy;
  • Radiation of infrared heat.

Cauterization of biologically active points with a Nuga Best belt relieves pain in the back and joints. Warming up with infrared heat normalizes organ function digestive tract and kidneys. Due to the release of negative ions, the belt improves blood circulation, the functioning of the respiratory system, normalizes sleep, eliminates stress and increases the overall tone of the body.

  • Relief of lower back pain
  • Improved bowel function
  • Improving the functioning of the urinary and reproductive systems
  • Reducing the amount of fat deposits in the abdominal area
  • Improving the condition of joints and muscles of the limbs
  • Activation of blood circulation

Myostimulator belt Nuga Best

  • Myostimulation;
  • Warming up with infrared radiation.

Myostimulation causes muscles to contract and work, which leads to the consumption of fat reserves and, accordingly, weight loss. Warming with infrared radiation normalizes blood circulation and lymph outflow, which helps cure cellulite. In addition, the belt improves muscle and skin tone in various parts of the body, and also normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, eliminates swelling, numbness of the legs and joint pain.

Tourmanium vest Nuga Best

  • Cauterization of biologically active points located in the chest and shoulders;
  • Ion therapy;
  • Radiation of infrared heat.

The vest is shaped to fit comfortably on the shoulders, chest, upper back, stomach, arms or legs. The vest improves blood circulation, stimulates the immune system and increases the body's resistance to adverse effects. environment. Regular use The vest improves heart function and the condition of blood vessels, and also relieves pain in muscles and joints.

Nuga Best - instructions for use of products

  • Standard position– the bed is in a horizontal position, the back is located in the center, and the top of the head is at the edge of the main mat. However, some people may have their head below or above the edge of the mat. This position is recommended for most people for daily use.
  • Standard position with raised head end– the main mat is raised by 10 – 30 o, the back is located in its center. This position is recommended for people weighing more than 120 kg who suffer from average degree osteoporosis, severe spinal curvature and severe hypertension.
  • Standard position with raised foot end– the additional mat is raised by 10 - 30 o, the back is located in the center of the additional mat, and the legs are slightly higher than the head. This bed position is recommended for people suffering from varicose veins, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis. In this position, you should turn on the heating by a maximum of 3 - 4 divisions of the thermostat.
  • Belly on rollers– both mats of the bed are lowered, and the person lies on the center of the main mat on his stomach. The bed is turned on in the lower exhaust mode or in manual mode so that the massage rollers do not interfere with chest. This option for using the bed is recommended for people suffering from disorders of the digestive tract, hip joints and pain in the lower back and sacrum.
  • Legs on rollers– the main and additional mats are raised by 10 – 30 o, the person lies down with his feet in the center of the main mat and his back on the additional one. This position is recommended for initial stages use of the bed by people suffering from severe hypertension, in post-infarction or post-stroke conditions, as well as general weakness And feeling unwell. When you feel better, you need to move the bed to the standard position.

The bed is turned on using the control panel, on which the operating mode and duration of the session are selected. A typical massage session lasts 45 minutes, but if you feel unwell, you can limit yourself to a shorter duration of exposure (15 – 30 minutes).

Nuga Best - contraindications for use

  • Spinal injuries (for bed). The relaxation of muscles caused by the impact of the bed can cause the severity of the spinal injury to increase;
  • Fractures and spinal surgeries suffered less than 1 year ago (for bed);
  • Children under 14 years old (for bed);
  • Osteoporosis in the last stages (for bed);
  • Pregnancy over 20 weeks (for all products);
  • Any neoplasm (benign or malignant) in various organs and systems (for all products);
  • Malignant neoplasms (for all products, since heating and massage contribute to the spread of metastases);
  • Presence of bioimplants (for example, pacemaker). The use of a bed is strictly contraindicated, and other products can be used provided that they do not apply to the chest area;
  • Cardiovascular diseases (for bed);
  • Acute periods or relapses infectious diseases any localization (for all products, since heating can provoke an increase in the area of ​​the inflammatory focus);
  • High body temperature (all products);
  • Open wounds, inflammation of the skin on any part of the body (for all products);
  • Hypertension (it is prohibited to use products in the back of the head);
  • High intraocular pressure(all products);
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication (all products);
  • Thrombophlebitis or varicose veins (use all products with great caution and only under the supervision of a doctor, since too large blood clots under the influence of heat or massage in the vessels may not dissolve, but simply break off and provoke an embolism).


Reviews of the Nuga Best bed

Reviews about “Second Heart”

Nuga Best - reviews from doctors

Nuga Best - reviews by Elena Malysheva (video)

Where to buy products?

Massage therapist-rehabilitation therapist about the Nuga Best massage bed: equipment, belt, application, contraindications - video

Tourmanium belt NM-90 Nuga Best

The belt is used for back pain and joint problems. Warming turmanium with infrared heat normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Tourmanium ceramics have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and respiratory function, normalize sleep, relieve stress and increase vitality.

In addition, tourmanium disks located on the inner surface of the belt create a magnetic field and are a source of negatively charged ions.

The size of the belt can be adjusted using an additional insert, which means that it will fit any figure.

By the age of 40, 70 percent of office workers show the first symptoms of sciatica! By the age of 50, it becomes an ailment that prevents you from living fully. The tourmanium belt NM-90 will help take care of your back health.


The belt can be fastened both at the waist and on any other part of the body where there are problem areas or pain

The size can be adjusted extremely easily using an additional insert

Considering its small size, the warming belt can be taken with you on trips and trips, on a business trip and outdoors. It does not take up much space when stored

Even older people will be able to operate this equipment without any problems, since the belt is extremely easy to use

Depending on the characteristics of the body and individual needs You can set the optimal temperature and adjust the duration of action

The belt automatically turns off 8 hours after you start using it, and it also has an electromagnetic radiation blocking function

In cold weather, except for rendering therapeutic effect, the belt will also warm you, save the body’s vitality in the fight against cold, and also increase vitality. Infrared radiation and magnetic therapy will come to your aid in preventing colds and viral diseases, effectively rid the body of toxic substances and toxins.


The belt can be used to prevent a number of diseases, effectively improve their health, or simply to keep warm in bad weather

The belt effectively helps reduce the subcutaneous fat layer, so if you want to have slim figure and reset overweight, it is recommended to use it regularly, wrapped around the waist

The belt from Nuga Best is very effective in the fight against big amount inflammatory and viral diseases of the urolithiasis, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs. It will help everyone who suffers from pain in lumbar region and kidneys, and also has problems in the pelvic organs and pathologies of the genital organs (prostatitis, adenoma). A warming belt is an ideal tool for preventing cancer.

The belt increases the body's stability during reduced immunity, increases its resistance to combating the effects of stress and unfavorable factors external environment, normalizes sleep, improves tone and general state body

The belt can be used during night sleep (at a temperature not exceeding 60°C)

Exposure to infrared long-wave thermal radiation normalizes metabolism in the body, nourishes tissues and significantly improves blood microcirculation

Ionization promotes cell restoration and blood purification, saturates the air with negatively charged ions

Magnetotherapy protects a person from the harmful effects of electric and radio waves, creates a soft magnetic field, neutralizes geoactive zones and reliably protects against geomagnetic radiation

Moxibustion stimulates biologically active points and provides a warming massage

The Nuga Best NM-90 warming belt with tourmanium discs can be easily used by adults, children, and the elderly. The ease of operation of this device makes it universal and very convenient to use.

Manufactured by Nuga Medical South Korea

You can buy Tourmanium Belt NM-90 Nuga Best in our online store at a low price with delivery throughout Russia! We will be happy to help you with any questions about this product over the phone. Call yourself or order a call!

Most often purchased with this product

Tourmanium scarf J2 Nougat Best

Tourmanium scarf Nuga Best J2 is an elastic narrow ribbon with tourmanium discs on the inner surface. For wearing on the neck and other parts of the body. Made in South Korea

Massage belt Miracle-2

Device and principle of operation

The Miracle 2 tourmanium belt combines the functions of the Nuga Best low-frequency bed pillow and the properties of tourmanium ceramics.

The low-frequency pillow has proven its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight for a slim figure. Low frequency current stimulation breaks body fat and tones the abdominal muscles, reducing waist size.

Tourmanium warms the body with infrared rays, saturates the skin with useful minerals, and creates a weak magnetic field.

The proposed belt runs on batteries, which allows it to be used under clothing without interrupting your work.

Included: Charger, extender (for a voluminous waist)

The belt is designed for sizes from 63.5 cm to 142.2 cm.

Application effects:

  • Deep effect on subcutaneous fat - breakdown of fat into cells
  • Activation of metabolism and removal of metabolic products
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Muscle strengthening
  • Reduce and eliminate the appearance of cellulite
  • Improvement of skin structure and color
  • Effective fight against osteochondrosis and scoliosis
  • Strengthening immunity

A wonderful option is to sleep on a bed where the position of the body is as correct and comfortable as possible, and also get excellent, practically professional massage. And this is not fiction, this is a fairly accessible and even necessary reality. It is intended not only for the prevention of certain back problems, but is also part of the therapeutic complex for the treatment of already existing diseases spine.

The South Korean company Nuga Medical specializes in the production of excellent medical equipment. However, one of the lines is dedicated restorative medicine. And the most popular product in it is the nougat best massage bed, the average price in Russia is about 90,000 rubles.

It has been proven that this nougat best massager helps when there is a need:
  1. Correct posture in adolescents.
  2. Treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Carry out restorative measures for peripheral diseases of the nervous system, including radiculitis.
  4. Deal with stress.
  5. Get rid of chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, constant overwork or insomnia.
  6. Carry out relaxation activities.

Everyday relaxation on the Nuga Best massager gives amazing results excellent results and can significantly improve the course of treatment various diseases. However, the use of this equipment should only be after a medical examination and, of course, in the presence of a specialist.

Massage bed options

The main task, which by the way is always achieved, is the relief of neuromuscular tension.

A massage session, when performed by a device, combines at least three procedures simultaneously:

  • gentle but complete warming of the human body;
  • gentle acupressure;
  • complete reflexology.

A thermotherapeutic massager capable of stimulating and toning muscles should gradually lead to harmonious functioning of the whole organism. And this, in turn, can cause self-healing and regulation of all its systems.

Thus, the purpose of using the nougat best bed, according to doctors’ reviews, may be to normalize the muscle corset. The bed copes with this task perfectly, but in more serious cases specialists prescribe professional manual massage.

Expert opinion

Over time, pain and crunching in the back and joints can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine, even to the point of disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy to heal joints, which is recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky... Read more"

Indications for use

Nougat best is more suitable for prevention than for treatment.

Its uncontrolled use is not dangerous only when a person:

  1. has no heart disease;
  2. is not overweight;
  3. does not have hypertension;
The list is far from complete. That is why people who have at least one chronic illness, do not abuse the capabilities of the massager.


Nougat best has quite significant contraindications.

In addition to chronic diseases, high blood pressure and greater weight, the following can be distinguished:
  1. Intervertebral hernia.
  2. Vessels located close to the surface of the skin.
  3. Skin diseases.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose customers! Nevertheless Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and understandable. Read more"

The same contraindications apply to manual massage. It also cannot be performed on anyone who has unstable heart function and weak blood vessels, as well as those with acute radiculitis and hernias.

That is why it is worth knowing that, according to doctors, the nougat best bed is not a means of treatment, but it can act as a therapeutic equipment.

What does the bed consist of?

Only original products from the South Korean company Nuga Medical can have a therapeutic or preventive effect. And all this thanks to the uniqueness of the assembly.

So, the massager should consist of:

The angle of the bed can be adjusted both by the person lying on the bed and by the person who sets its operating mode. It is worth noting that you can set a separate mode for different areas of the body.

So, great, simple and accessible remedy for prevention and relaxation - this is the original nougat best bed. However, you should not use it without a medical diagnosis and it is best for such a bed to be in a massage room (salon). And here its use could alternate with high-quality manual massage.

How to forget about back and joint pain?

We all know what pain and discomfort are. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and back pain seriously spoil life, limiting normal activities - it is impossible to raise an arm, step on a leg, or get out of bed.

This equipment can be used by people of different ages, build and height. It creates everything the necessary conditions to restore the body so that the body works as a single whole. Therefore, see how to use the Nuga Best massage bed.

Methods of using the bed-massager Nuga Best

The massage bed is the result of many years of research and search in the field of restoring human health and, above all, the spine. Nougat Best is also used to prevent and prevent the occurrence of various diseases in adults and children. The photographs show only some of the ways in which the massage bed can be used.

Massage bed Nuga Best is home doctor for the whole family. At the same time, you can use a five-ball projector, a muscle stimulator and the massage bed itself.

Standard position - back on the main mat

The standard mode provides gentle traction, pressure (acupressure), acupressure, back massage, elimination of tension, relaxation of paravertebral muscles, improved blood circulation in the carotid and vertebral arteries, increased range of motion in joints and activation in spinal segments, decreased pain syndrome in parts of the spine.

The head is 10-15 cm below the edge of the main mat

This method allows the rollers of the internal projector to actively influence cervical region spine.

The head protrudes beyond the edge of the main mat by 10-15 cm.

In this position, the rollers of the internal projector actively influence lumbar region spine.

Position: belly on rolls

Recommended for digestive disorders, narrowing and slagging of the intestines, intestinal diseases: constipation, dysbiosis, colitis, flatulence, excess fat deposits in the abdominal area, nervous stress.

Position: roll mat raised

Used for body weight over 120 kg, three months after a stroke or heart attack, severe pain, osteoporosis. weakness and fragility of bones, scoliosis of the 3rd degree. The effect of tourmanium ceramics on the feet.

The tourmanium ceramic mat is raised. mat with rolls works

Five-ball projector

The five-ball projector is a universal “healer” for many ailments. The main method. This means applying the projector to a painful area of ​​the body. The body reacts to the warmth of turmanium, to its beneficial features. To achieve good results, it is recommended to use the projector 3-5 times a day, at a temperature of 55-60 degrees, for 30-60 minutes. It is clear that in each specific case it is required individual approach, based on the recommendations.


Ear area

If applied to auricle, then prevention of otitis media. hearing loss. Behind the earlobe - poor hearing, tinnitus (not associated with diabetes mellitus)

Jaw area

Toothache, fluxes, periodontal disease, jaw loss, jaw injuries. inflammation trigeminal nerve. neuritis facial nerve, curvature of the face after a stroke (apply to the area of ​​curvature).


Elimination of sweating and unpleasant odor, 3-5 sessions per day.

Breast area

Crown, along the head.

Under the knee

Sit on the projector, placing it in the crotch area

Myostimulator belt

The myostimulator belt does not apply to medicinal products Rather, it is sports equipment for getting rid of excess fat, relieving muscle pain, and helps well with neuralgia and osteochondrosis. To use the myostimulator belt, you need a guide - a wet napkin, a handkerchief or just a piece of cloth. The optimal time of use is from 10 to 40 minutes.

Shoulder blade area

Lumbar region

If applied under the solar plexus, then splitting is underway fat deposits, activation of the stomach. If applied to the navel area. then they split the same way adipose tissue, intestinal motility improves, intestinal walls are cleansed. If applied to the lower abdomen, fatty tissue is broken down, muscles are strengthened, toxins are removed and constipation is eliminated, and metabolism improves.