The magic of numbers: what does the number of your birth mean. General decoding of birth numbers. From what week can you give birth to twins

The number of birth largely determines the character of a person. Say what date you were born and learn something interesting, new and unexpected about yourself. #1 "Number one" - and that's it...

The number of birth largely determines the character of a person. Say what date you were born and learn something interesting, new and unexpected about yourself.

"Number one" - and that says it all. This is a sign of creative, creative, original and extremely independent people. Their self-sufficiency has two opposite facets: on the one hand, they are self-confident people who often serve as an example for others; on the other hand, individualists and egoists who are not ready to reckon with the opinions of others.

They often act as leaders and initiators - they have a strong innovative spirit and determination. They are quite ambitious and ready to take risks in order to achieve their cherished goal. Among the negative traits: impulsiveness, arrogance and stubbornness. Due to natural restraint, it can be very difficult for them to demonstrate the fullness and depth of their feelings even to the closest people.

On the second day, people are born who are distinguished by hypersensitivity. They will never disregard any request from even unfamiliar people. "Two" is a symbol of balance and strong union. They are excellent business partners, colleagues, friends and life partners. A love story that looks like a fairy tale is about their relationship.

Often, "twos" act as mediators and arbitrators - they are excellent diplomats: sincere, well-mannered, receptive. And it is also a sacred number of artists and romantics. Such people work well in a team, but at the same time, they are not inclined to take the initiative and do not like to be in the spotlight. Their excessive shyness often becomes the main stumbling block for solving important problems. Another extreme of a sensitive nature is a tendency to become depressed.

"Treshka" is a sign of artistic imagination, creative intelligence, sociability and sympathy. It is a symbol of cooperation and neutrality. On the third day, tireless optimists are born who know how to be happy and enjoy life. They are in a state of eternal love. Possessors of an excellent sense of humor.

They are endowed with excellent intuition, thanks to which they perfectly identify the most important thoughts and ideas. The opinion of the "three rubles" should be listened to especially carefully. Like twos, their sensitivity sometimes goes to the other extreme - in moments of sadness, they are prone to depression, exaggeration of minor problems ...

Responsible, conscientious, serious, reliable people who are not afraid of difficult tasks and do everything to solve them safely. The surrounding people quickly read this, it is no coincidence that requests for help are often addressed to the “fours”, and they do not go unheeded. People born on this day have a brilliant business reputation. By their own labor they are able to earn a solid fortune.

It seems that there is no such thing that they would not be able to do. Many "fours" gravitate towards the exact sciences. These people are sober about any failure, perceiving failure as an inevitable part of life experience. From their own mistakes, they know how to draw the right conclusions and, subsequently, benefit. Moreover, any difficulties and obstacles on the way only kindle excitement in them and make them, sparing no effort, by all means achieve what they want.

"Five" - ​​a symbol of freedom in numerology. And people born under this number know perfectly well how to use it and dispose of it as intended. "5" is a sign of avid travelers and adventurers. Very sociable, curious and versatile people. Often this is a digital mark of geniuses. Those who were born on the fifth day are prone to mysticism. They are attracted by everything mysterious, strange, unknown ... The main advice that I want to give to the “fives” is slow down! Do not jump to conclusions from situations and do not rush things. Your impatient nature and craving for quick decision-making can play a trick on you and make you unhappy.

This is a sign of love and mutual understanding, honesty and fidelity, family and friendship. In people born on the sixth, a sense of responsibility, artistic talents, and a craving for the humanities are very strongly developed. They are generous, homely, help others: with practical advice and, often, with money. The Sixes are wonderful friends who can be trusted with the most intimate secrets. At the same time, this number is associated with both blinding jealousy and the position of a zealous owner. They are quite stubborn, obsessive and susceptible to flattery.

A sign of wisdom and reason, which often prevails over feelings. It is no coincidence that people who were born on the “lucky” seventh (and they, indeed, are always lucky!), Love to read, are ready to learn something new all the time and connect their lives with intellectual activity. Possess strong potential in science and inventions. Solitude lovers, perfectionists. On the negative side of the "seven": secrecy, passion for debate, sarcasm, a tendency to isolation, stubbornness, irritability.

In numerology, it is a symbol of power, patronage, executive abilities and control. People who are born on the eighth of any month often find their calling in politics, become experts in corporate management and feel extremely comfortable in a position of power (by the way, this is also reflected in sex). They are self-centered, greedy for praise, dream of achieving universal recognition.

"8" is a number that represents high income and material success. Do not try to put pressure on the pity of the "eights" and call to their hearts - remorse is alien to them. Negative traits include being overly ambitious, harsh (not to say cruel) towards subordinates, and impatience with people in general. Big money and dizzying earnings can ruin the G8.

One of the most sentimental representatives of the calendar month. Selfless friends, romantic life partners, interested business partners. The "nines" have a well-developed writing talent - don't let it go to waste. One of the brightest traits is generosity. It is celebrated by everyone who is familiar with these representatives. They easily forgive insults and condescendingly relate to the shortcomings of others. Responsible employees who will never let down the launch of a new project. The only thing that the scattered “nines” lack is more attention to their own finances. Any amount of money in the blink of an eye disappears from their hands.

One of the most controversial numbers. It is a combination of two sacred numbers, the meaning of which boils down to the expression: "Either all or nothing." People born under the "10" are accustomed to act simply and bluntly, they avoid intrigues, complex turns and a cunning plan, and always choose the most obvious and correct path. They have a pure soul and a big heart, are very popular among their friends and always attract the attention of others. Advice to the Tens - visualize your goals and dreams: you must imagine and consider them in detail in order for them to come true.

No other number has such a strong spiritual component as the number eleven. From childhood, they choose for themselves the path of inner development and mercy. Material values ​​are the last thing they care about, they, first of all, take care of their soul. Such people are aware of the power of the word, so they carefully weigh everything they say and never give idle advice and recommendations. Indeed, it is worth listening to their opinion carefully - you can be sure that they have already assessed all the possible consequences of making such a decision. Their inner flair borders on psychic.

From number one, people born on the 12th took a strong will, a positive attitude towards life and unquenchable energy. But from the deuce - inner harmony, balance of power, brilliant organizational talent and sociability. Twelve is a sacred number for all mankind, and this circumstance cannot be written off. More than a thousand years ago, it was he who was chosen to determine the time of day, divide the year into months and measure length (foot = 12 inches). It is no coincidence that it is these representatives who most often have a special mission - they can change the world for the better.

The most controversial number in numerology, indicating the stage of transformation. People born on the thirteenth day cannot leave anyone indifferent. The carriers of this digital code strive for perfection all their lives, some changes are constantly taking place in their lives: both in their personal lives and at work. The word "stability" is clearly not in their vocabulary. One of the main shortcomings of its representatives is intolerance towards others. After a big fight, they rarely give a second chance, even if the other person clearly deserves it. In addition, they are rather lazy, which often prevents them from achieving their goals.

This number belongs to those people who believe in absolute freedom without any restrictions. Do not even try to limit them in anything, they will disappear from your life forever. Quite quick-tempered - it is better not to fall under their hot hand, you can get it. In a fit of rage, they absolutely do not control themselves, which they later regret. A characteristic feature is strong sexual arousal, bordering on lust.

More passionate lovers are hard to find. Very amorous, even being in a stable relationship always keep one more person in sight. Carriers of this digital code often fail in business - this number is associated with the loss of material wealth. They should treat their finances with particular care and, best of all, entrust their management to a reliable partner whose aura is able to extinguish adverse events.

Under this number, inventors and dreamers are born. By nature, they have a lot of talents: from technical to poetic, many of which can be successfully implemented in the profession. However, they often lack the patience and internal discipline to solve the most difficult tasks. Any difficulties and problems are taken too close to the heart. However, they are not accustomed to openly expressing their dissatisfaction, preferring to remain silent.

They are extremely sensitive and react very painfully to the slightest criticism. The representatives of this digital code have highly developed sympathy and compassion - they feel the pain of another person much more sensitively than most, it is difficult for them to come to terms with the situation of oppression of the weak or helpless.

Personal number 16 indicates that its owner is a deeply thinking person of an analytical warehouse, nothing betrays his true feelings. Responsible, educated, receptive, generous, mysterious and independent in his own way. Has great intuition. Responsible and obligatory by 200%.

In his youth, he is not afraid to express his opinion on any occasion - openly and with self-esteem, but, alas, then he is often reputed to be a know-it-all and an upstart. Over the years, he withdraws more into himself and becomes more restrained, closed, uncommunicative, and cautious. He hates superficiality: if "16" decided to start a relationship, this means that his feelings are strong and serious. This is a very sensual and loyal partner.

How resilient they are! It is simply amazing how such strong physical data coexist with a vulnerable soul. Do you want to win their heart? Sincerely show your love and affection - "17" do not tolerate falsehood and hypocrisy. Since childhood, their delicate nature does not hold water. They have a hard time accepting rejection. The word "no" to them instantly makes them angry and even aggressive. If they believe in something, it will be simply impossible to convince them otherwise. They love increased attention to their own person. They often act as a muse and a source of inspiration for creative people.

Digital badge of the fighters for justice. Such people are ready to the last to defend not only their own interests, but also the rights of their friends and colleagues. At the same time, they are quite conservative - in any business they rely solely on personal experience and knowledge, rarely listening to the opinions of others. "18" is the number of born aristocrats. They will suffer greatly and even become depressed if for some reason they tarnish their reputation and do everything possible to restore it.

These people are very concerned about their own appearance, and how attractive they are seen by others. They rarely get into funny situations, as they are used to acting extremely carefully. In love relationships, mutual respect is paramount. Often such people have a deep emotional connection with their mothers, whose moral support and approval are extremely important to them.

A person is born on a certain day for a reason. This is no ordinary coincidence. Each day has its own energy and the planet responsible for this day. The influence of this planet on this day is very strong. Therefore, every day, every number is a vibration of one or another planet. If a person was born on the 31st, the number 31 must be reduced to a single digit. We get four - this is the planet Rahu. This planet will tell about the tendencies and qualities of a person's character, about how he perceives this world and how he will interact with people around him.

Vedic numerology has its own peculiarities. According to Indian tradition, the change of dates does not occur at midnight, but only 1.5 - 2 hours before sunrise. Therefore, if you were born at one in the morning on the 15th, you will be influenced by the number 14 and Mercury (5). It is worth remembering this when analyzing the date of birth.

The number of the soul is a single-digit number from 1 to 9. It manifests the energy of one of the nine planets. If a person's birth number is unambiguous, one planet affects his character and behavior. Suppose a person was born on the 2nd, his soul number is 2. The Moon has a huge influence on him. Thanks to the Moon, a person is characterized by such qualities as softness, pliability, sociability, variability. If the birth number is two-digit, the person will be influenced by both the combination of birth numbers and the number of the soul. In a two-digit number, the first digit is the most important. For example, in the birth number 27, a two dominates, and in 15, a unit.

For each number of the soul there is the most successful number of birth, the number of exaltation. A person born on one of these lucky days, as a rule, has a harmonious, balanced character. For the soul number, one is 28, two is 29, three is 12, four is 31, five is 23, six is ​​24, seven is 25, eight is 26, nine is 27. For example, the number souls 2 are the birth numbers: 2, 11, 20, 29, but only the birth number 29 will make up the most harmonious character.

Zero in the birth number is not a very favorable sign. It weakens the positive characteristics of the number with which it is paired.

Character by birth number, meaning of numbers:

Born on the 1st

People born on the 1st and having one as the number of the soul are born under the influence of the Sun. The energy of the Sun will give them some leadership qualities, desires and ambitions. These people have a fairly large willpower and desire to achieve something significant in life. It is important for them to have status in life. They are slightly critical. Perhaps they will suppress others. Vain and ambitious. Demanding of themselves and others. They love discipline.

As a rule, such people will always occupy some sort of authoritative position in life. It will be difficult for them to obey anyone. By their nature they are independent and somewhat totalitarian. They really do not like it when someone tries to invade their possessions. They love global plans, the implementation of important work - in which, as a rule, they will lead or occupy some position. They worry about their property and protect their savings.

For a woman, having one as her soul number is bad enough karma. She will be very freedom-loving, ambitious, and it will be difficult for a man to cope with such a woman. For a man, this is a very good number that will bring him good luck. Since the representatives of the number 1 are very powerful natures, as a rule, they have difficulties in marriage and communication.

Such people are always sure that they are right. Even despite mistakes and oversights, they will always defend their rightness and point of view.

Born on the 2nd

People born on the 2nd and having a deuce as the number of the soul are the owners of the Lunar, soft nature. They carry a certain feminine, maternal beginning. They are characterized by restlessness and frequent mood swings. They love travel and positive emotions. Intuitive. Unpredictable. Strive for an idyllic relationship. Very emotional, sensual and vulnerable. They feel good in society, but they are easy to hurt and offend.

By nature, they are very charming, friendly, interesting and creative personalities. It is very good if they are engaged in activities where you can slowly gain momentum, prepare in advance and do not require much. To a greater extent, they are not prone to conflicts. They are greatly influenced by communication. As the saying goes, "who will you lead ...". Therefore, it is worth being selective in contacts.

It is very difficult for a person with a soul number of 2 to make any choice. The moon has a strong influence on emotions, often a person experiences unreasonable feelings and fears, feels very insecure. He should develop assertiveness and confidence in himself. Avoid excessive fuss and haste.

Learn to finish what you started, not leave them for later.

Do not trust other people very much and do not become attached so that they are not exploited and used for their own purposes.

Born on the 3rd

People born on the 3rd and having three as their soul number are active, disciplined, self-confident and hardworking. They are proactive and extremely ambitious. They have a flexible outlook, are religious, seekers of truth. They love order and organization in everything, they always keep their promises - which makes them very reliable, such a person will never let you down. They can take on several projects at the same time and they turn out to be successful, as it is common for triples to finish what they started.

Threes are popular with the opposite sex. There are always a lot of fans and admirers around them. Despite this, people of the number 3 are selective in relationships and will not create a relationship with a person in whom they do not have a real interest. They treat their relatives with love and value family ties. However, among them there are domestic tyrants and dictators. Sometimes, the habit of threes to taunt others leads to the appearance of enemies and ill-wishers.

People born on the 3rd have more difficulties and obstacles on their life path than the other triplets. However, overcoming obstacles, they come to the intended goals. Such people always radiate optimism and are ready to help even the enemy. They love to explore the world. They can make excellent speakers, writers, teachers, and counselors. But the number 3 has its own problematic qualities - arrogance, jealousy, pride, excessive ambition and optimism, arrogance,

dictatorial habits, excessive upholding of the truth.

Born on the 4th

People born on the 4th and having 4 as their soul number are secretive natures. Since they are under the influence of Rahu, their life is subject to constant changes and surprises. Sometimes this makes a person insecure and indecisive, he doubts and hesitates when making decisions. Fours are strong personalities, often they defend the weak, which makes them enemies and ill-wishers. Rahu gives them courage, firmness, patience, they endure all the hardships of life.

By their nature, these are not conflict people, but external factors strongly influence their mood. This is manifested in communication - sometimes they are soft and courteous, and sometimes harsh and straightforward. These are rebels and reformers who do not accept existing norms. Despite their practicality, they rarely achieve financial prosperity. They are not inclined to accumulate savings, as soon as they have money - they spend it. Because of the constant change, fours cannot make plans for the future, but they like regularity and order in life so that everything goes on as usual.

Despite contradictions, failures, doubts and obstacles, fours become successful in the second half of life. Number 4 people are encouraged to be less wasteful, learn how to handle money properly. Appreciate other people and sometimes do something disinterestedly. Avoid isolation and loneliness. Try not to judge others and hold your tongue. Sometimes the fours experience the awakening of the kundalini, but do not worry - take a break and after a while the clarity of consciousness will return to you. Fours with a destiny number of 9 are not recommended to work

with machines and mechanisms.

Born on the 5th

People born on the 5th and having 5 as their soul number are born entrepreneurs. These are thinkers with a soft, vulnerable nature. They are flexible and quick in making decisions. They are distinguished by a lively mind and iron logic. They are capable of accurate forecasts, which helps them in commerce and business. They always know how to make money. They prefer easy and fast ways to earn money.

A person of number 5 easily adapts to any situation. He values ​​his time, so he distributes it carefully and does everything quickly. Despite creativity and extraordinary solutions, he prefers proven methods in his work. This is the perfect partner. Will be able to find a common language with any person. With the younger generation, he will joke on youth slang, with a more mature generation, he will speak on more serious and deep topics.

Sometimes fives become hostages of their excitement. They enjoy thrills, they live by risk. It is absolutely useless for them to read morality - it is impossible to “reach out” to them. Birth number 5 is less successful than the number 23. Fives are advised not to be hasty and fussy in business, not to jump to conclusions, avoid stressful situations and protect

your nervous system.

Born on the 6th

People born on the 6th and having six as the number of the soul are the owners of fine taste. These are attractive, friendly, courteous, in some ways even aristocratic people who love comfort and luxury. They are surrounded by beautiful people and objects, their workplace is an example to follow. They do not tolerate clutter, dirt, lack of aesthetics and visual defects. They always try to look presentable, watch their appearance and dress with taste.

Sixes are kind to their soul mate. They try to constantly pamper and please their life partner with something. They are non-confrontational in nature. Anger and irritation are hidden behind a sweet smile. Treat family and friends with love and care. They do not tolerate loneliness. These are great friends, they are always popular in the company. Men - sixes are charismatic, always young and attractive. For the most part, these are womanizers, skillfully influencing the female psyche. They do not like discipline, materialists, are most at risk of venereal diseases. Six women are unusually beautiful and refined natures. Everyone is treated with sympathy and maternal love. They love jewelry, beautiful clothes, very temperamental, but slow. After 25, they become more interested in career issues, tired of adventures.

Number 6 people are wasteful, but lucky enough to become the owners of many material goods before the age of 45. Often, they receive financial assistance from both partners and other sources. Sixes are strongly encouraged to learn to save money, not be lazy and spend less time on entertainment. Be selective and maintain consistency in love relationships. Avoid heavy physical work. Do not use psychotropic and intoxicating substances,

because they can easily become dependent on them.

Born on the 7th

People born on the 7th and having seven as their soul number are a happy talisman for those around them, they bring good luck to the people with whom they go through life. These are charming, sweet, sensitive people, sweet and vulnerable. They evoke sympathy in those around them. Brave and risky. Friendly. Religious and spiritual. Talented artists, thinkers, scientists and reformers. They have their own philosophical outlook on life. Defenders of Justice.

Number 7 people are wonderful speakers, they know how to influence people, to convince them that they are right. Usually happy in married life. They have some special attraction for the opposite sex. They are lucky in friendship, they know how to derive personal benefit from it for themselves. It is difficult to deceive such people, they are able to see through you. For the most part, they are thrifty people. Often, they tend not to notice their own vices and shortcomings, they build "castles in the air." Some of them are addicted to alcohol or become drug addicts.

The influence of the planet Ketu makes these people indecisive, restless, rebellious, prone to mood swings. There will be many failures along the way. They are restless, their mind is overwhelmed with various worries. These are lovers of secrets, able to maintain an atmosphere of mystery and mysticism around them. In terms of finances, this is not the best number. For sevens, all affairs with foreign countries are favorable. They are advised to be constant in their views, not to change their point of view so often. Do not be scattered over trifles and do not take on an unbearable burden. Avoid excessive emotionality, sentimentality, modesty. Do not live in fruitless hopes. respect and appreciate

their partners. Be independent and independent. Do not use intoxicating substances.

Born on the 8th

People born on the 8th and having the eight as their soul number are workaholics by nature. They are secretive, patient, withdrawn, serious and melancholy. They give the impression of balanced and calm people. They stick to their strong beliefs. In fact, they are very caring, kind and devoted people. They hate falsehood and deceit. Materialists by nature. They are honest and practical people. In anger they inspire horror. Sometimes vindictive and vengeful.

The life of such people is unpredictable and filled with struggle. They are not content with little, but conquer more and more peaks. A serious, strong-willed character helps them achieve success in life. They rarely get help, they achieve everything on their own. They do not chase money, but strive to be financially secure. As a rule, before the age of 35 they do not know how to accumulate money and manage to survive a couple of crises. But after 35, they become more frugal, closely monitoring the expenditure side of their budget.

Eights should avoid digging into the past, passivity, apathy, isolation. All inner fears must be overcome. Learn to trust others. Avoid hyper-responsibility, vindictiveness, do not participate in discussions. Treat your spouse and partners with respect.

Lead an active lifestyle and expand your circle of friends.

Born on the 9th

People born on the 9th and having nine as their soul number are born under the influence of Mars. They are very energetic and active, strong-willed and decisive. Almost always busy with something. If they are set on fire with an idea - they can’t be stopped, they won’t wait for the right moment to implement their plan - they act immediately. They will work tirelessly until they finish what they started. They have a competitive spirit - they like to be the first, to win the competition. Independent - do not like to remain in debt and be indebted to anyone for anything.

They are excellent administrators and managers. Very hardworking, they are not afraid of difficulties. They do not tolerate outside interference in their work. They have an overdeveloped sense of responsibility. They tend to say “no” more often than yes. They don't like criticism. It is extremely important for them to maintain their image. For the sake of maintaining prestige, they are ready to spend physical, mental and financial resources. In their youth, many difficulties await them, but by the age of 40 they will be successful.

Outwardly they are determined and unshakable, but inside they are soft and compassionate. A happy family life awaits them if they can get rid of despotism and learn to maintain harmony in the family. They should develop patience, not act impulsively and avoid unnecessary risks. In stressful situations, maintain humor, get rid of aggression and anger.

Avoid thoughts of revenge.

Born on the 10th

People born on the 10th are associated with the Sun - a strong, powerful energy that brings glory, respect and honor. Such people are in the center of attention, self-confident, filled with a certain strength to break forward, to achieve what they want. Set goals and fulfill your dreams. They aspire to lead and occupy administrative positions.

But 10 has a zero. It gives a person a certain share of failures, weakens the positive aspects of the number 1. Zero adds obstacles in their lives, on the way to achieving what they want. It worsens the emotional state of a person.

Due to the fact that such people are successful and achieve a lot in life, there are inevitably envious people who are trying to discredit them and harm them in every possible way. Despite this, the number 10 is very favorable for life. Such people will

work productively and make the right decisions in life.

Born on the 11th

The number 11 is a particularly mystical number that is described in various occult traditions. It is shrouded in mystery. But in some traditions, this number carries a certain negative character. Why is that? This number contains 2 units, which in total is 2 - the moon. But in fact, such a person is very strongly influenced by the energy of the Sun. A certain authoritarianism and revolutionary spirit will necessarily prevail in the character of a person.

Such people have a very strong concentration in achieving their goals. They have great power. But it is a unit that looks inward. Such people may have a certain obsession with themselves. Their selfishness will inevitably lead to conflicts in family life. They take failure hard and are unable to forgive themselves for mistakes.

The main task of those born on the 11th is to work out the ego. Often, the number 11 inflates a person’s ego to incredible proportions, he thinks too highly of himself. He needs to be tactful and considerate towards others. Listen to the wishes of others, especially your partner. It is also important to learn how to save money, not to allow waste.

Serve the community and benefit the world.

Born on the 12th

In the number 12, the unit represents the Sun, the deuce - the Moon. At first glance, everything looks harmonious. But where does a person's character begin? The first digit in the number one is the Sun. This makes him an idealist, demanding of others, very jealous. A person wants to be glorified, erected on a pedestal. Strives for celebrity. He is very focused in achieving the goal. Generous enough. He likes to create coziness in the house and he has a knack for cooking.

Such a person knows how to find a common language with others. Open to cooperation. Always able to say "yes" and respond to a request for help. He wants to patronize, thereby expressing his greatness. He tries not to upset his friends and relatives. Fall in love quickly. As a rule, faithful spouses. Difficulties often arise in love because of a person's desire to dominate.

One way or another, those born on the 12th achieve great success in life. Especially at work, in their projects. They have a special enthusiasm. The only thing they need is to finish what they started and rejoice in their achievements. Such people have one weakness - they really like it when they are glorified, their dignity and positive qualities are emphasized. They get euphoria from this and are capable of doing everything for a glorifying person, sacrificing a lot and giving everything,

especially if that person needs protection and patronage

Born on the 13th

The number 13 in Indian tradition is not considered an unfavorable sign. Those born on the 13th have gigantic strength and fast nature. They can quickly become irritable and impulsive. At the same time, they are very efficient and can do a lot. They are able to achieve success in the study of the occult sciences, especially in tantra and lucid dreaming.

For the sake of friends and lovers, they can sacrifice a lot. If a woman was born on the 13th, she is very passionate and hot. It will manifest the energy of Rahu. She will be able to give a man everything that he wants to receive from her.

Such people should beware of pessimism, despondency and apathy. Since they may be periodically affected by Rahu, they may start thinking about death too early and become depressed.

Therefore, they should always have a person with them who will infect them with joy and enthusiasm.

Born on the 14th

The number 14 is a very extraordinary and unique number. In principle, it is favorable, since the sum is five. 5 is Mercury, it gives a person resourcefulness, fun and emotional sensitivity. This is a wise man. He likes to receive new information, all kinds of knowledge, attend various trainings and seminars, delve into history. They make pretty good teachers. They can learn languages. Communicative, interact well with other people.

Due to a misunderstanding of what is waiting, a person can get into stupid situations. Sometimes he can underestimate the risks and suffer significant financial losses. Rahu (4) clouds the vision of a person, it is difficult for him to predict the future. In this regard, he experiences strong anxiety and worries.

Such a person should be on the alert, he needs to be careful and prudent. Assess all risks with full responsibility. Avoid financial loss

that provoke internal conflict.

Born on the 15th

The sun (one) is the planet of leadership, achievement of one's desires, ambition, domination. Mercury (five) is the planet of business people, natural intelligence and success. All in all, this is a good combination. A person loves material wealth and fame. In his life, quite large owners. They are talented, good musicians and artists.

Since the sum is six, the person is led by Venus. This is the queen of love, it says that a person is born with great creative potential and is very sensitive. Venus pushes a person to acquire material things, a strong desire for comfort and pleasure arises. Since the first number is one, the Sun - it gives some popularity and fame. The mind of man and the intellectual faculties will be directed to how to gain the glory of man.

Number 16 people are emotional, attractive, always young and practically do not change over the years. Men are very attractive, they are fond of mysticism and mysterious phenomena, they are great aesthetes. They like to be surrounded by women. They are not always ready to take responsibility for a woman. Therefore, there are problems with the opposite sex. To others, they can cause anxiety and expect what they want from them. Both men and women are quite charismatic and attractive. Often, a unit in front gives egocentrism and in some way obsession with oneself.

Born on the 16th

A person born on the 16th will inevitably experience some kind of suffering and obstacles in life. Unforeseen situations, sharp ups and downs are possible. Such a combination of numbers creates a person who, on the one hand, strives for an ideal, good decisions and positive qualities. But, on the other hand, he is distracted by the desire for pleasure and the realization of base desires. Such people become dreamers. The energy of Ketu weakens their ambitions, they do not have a great desire to achieve something significant in life.

A person has very strong psychic abilities, subtle vision, abilities for the occult sciences. This is a creative person. He needs to do research. Study, try to fully penetrate the essence of things. Quite successfully, he can realize himself in public. If a person wants to form his own business, he should know that he may have obstacles in this.

In the family life of such a person there are much more problems than other numbers. He suffers from misunderstanding, very rarely anyone is able to understand him. To him

it is necessary to be very attentive and prudent, not to hand over your life into the hands of scoundrels.

Born on the 17th

In the life of a person born on the 17th, quite strong obstacles and barriers will arise. But he will have enough strength to overcome all the difficulties on the path of life. One, the Sun, is the central luminary. Seven, Ketu is the enemy of the Sun. In this regard, a person has an inevitable internal conflict. This conflict brings a certain anxiety to the person.

Number 17 people bring fame and fortune to others. They are beneficial allies. Since the sum of the number 17 gives 8, Saturn influences a person. A person can have any connection with the elderly, be an altruist or a philanthropist, participate in actions and help those in need. Saturn brings good luck to a person if he is stubborn and persistent in achieving his goals. He can also connect himself with higher worlds, successfully study esoteric and occult sciences. Such a person has a special, sensitive nature.

As a rule, a person suffers from a misunderstanding of loved ones. Chooses friends who help him and provide inner support. In life, he should develop such a quality as constancy.

You have to be firm and determined.

Born on the 18th

Those born on the 18th have great inner strength. Mars rules and guides them through life. Therefore, they are very strong in opposition. They have internal conflicts. Obstacles on the way only temper their character. They are ready to fight, to go to the end. Therefore, they can burn in communication, be not entirely attentive, sensitive to those who are nearby.

Everything in their life happens quickly enough. They are characterized by militancy, the desire to conquer. They apply these qualities both in their personal lives and in relation to their careers. Sports and an active lifestyle are for them what they should do. They can earn money through society and communication with people, sales, financial transactions and militancy.

It is extremely important for them to develop stability in themselves and get rid of passion. Don't get overly attached to the result. Avoid violence and bad company and be selective in your communication. Learn to treat money properly and make money the right way.

Observe patience, endurance and inner peace.

Born on the 19th

People born on the 19th are naturally endowed with great inner strength. The unit, the Sun, gives them energy, radiance from within. Nine, Mars, warms from the inside with its fire. The sum of the numbers gives one. This suggests that the person is a very strong enthusiast, inspirer and extremely active in life. A lot of things happen in his life. If there are any obstacles on the way, he sets himself the goal of overcoming them.

Often they create enemies or conflict situations for themselves. But this must be avoided. Also, do not be aggressive, do not suppress other people and do not be bossy. These qualities must be outlived in oneself, as they will bring problems in personal life. It is necessary to learn to make concessions, leaving your ambitions, to learn to reckon with the desires of the second half.

This is a combination of very strong people. For them, breakthrough, success and purposefulness are important. They have the energy of work. They are able to do a lot in their life. Number 19 people will enjoy high status, prosperity and prosperity. They have the ability to break down barriers.

and obstacles in their path, so their success is inevitable.

Born on the 20th

Those born on the 20th are under the influence of the Moon. This makes them unstable, a little nervous and very dependent on the opinions of other people. They tend to fall into restlessness of the mind, rushing from side to side. They are strongly influenced by the emotional component of the character.

As a rule, these are quite creative people. In life, they experience difficulties and delays. Not everything happens as quickly as we would like. Their life is filled with anxiety. Especially family life brings many disappointments. Having experienced any disappointment, they may begin to neglect any family responsibility. Therefore, it is extremely important for them to learn how to build relationships in the right way.

For such people, it is extremely important to realize themselves in the field of love, cooperation and care. They should try to have as little as possible in their lives

doubts and hesitation. It is necessary to calm their mind, only in this state they are able to gain success in life.

Born on the 21st

The number 21 is one of the most auspicious numbers. This is a very harmonious number, people carry the results of pious karma from a past life. In the life of such people, success is guaranteed. Such people are more socially active than those born on the 3rd. These are good administrators and diplomats.

Those born on the 21st are surrounded by fans, they are popular and famous. They have great inner self-confidence, their rightness. They are respected, trusted and turn to them for help and advice. Due to the fact that they are stable and plan their lives correctly, they achieve success and prosperity.

They have a strong grip, they find profit where others do not see it. They are successful in many areas of life. Whatever you take on, everything works out. They know how to make money. Competitors are not a hindrance to them, as they do everything

better quality and things are moving forward more successfully.

Born on the 22nd

The number 22 is very mystical. Those born on this day are very receptive and have great intuition. Therefore, they can engage in the occult sciences, as well as successfully realize themselves in society. Such a person is extremely vulnerable. He cannot cope with a serious problem alone - he needs a good adviser.

In total, 22 gives 4, this is the energy of Rahu. Rahu makes a person very stubborn. He will suffer from various irritants. Usually, does not find support from a loved one. To achieve something, he will have to make a gigantic effort.

This person has health problems, especially the nervous system. Therefore, it is extremely important for him to regulate the daily routine, lead a healthy lifestyle.

and learn to relax (pranayama practice will help).

Born on the 23rd

The number 23 is one of the most auspicious. With such a person, everything goes “like clockwork”. He can achieve high intellectual performance, become famous and popular. Risky. Fast in change. Either way, popular with the opposite sex.

They have great internal energy. Very creative. Fairly flexible, adapt well in public life. Implement ideas quickly. Achieve success in the field of marketing, sales ... whatever.

It is extremely important for them to correctly prioritize their lives. They should say goodbye to their laziness and not put off their affairs indefinitely. Only then will they achieve in life

fame, prosperity and success.

Born on the 24th

The number 24 adds up to 6 - this is the planet Venus. Favorable number. Such a person is successful in creative activity, in the sphere of providing others with comfort and harmony. Good psychologist.

There are many changes in the life of such people. They strive for coziness, comfort, creating a family. Attractive to the opposite sex. A little secretive. Unpredictable. The number 24 has a negative effect on men - there may be difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, difficulties in personal life, difficult relationships and misunderstanding with the mother.

The problem with such people is the lack of progress due to a good life. Therefore, they need to look for new sources of inspiration, set goals and achieve them. First for them

there should be duty and care for loved ones. They must be faithful and devoted to their soulmate.

Born on the 25th

The number 25 gives some contradictions in the human mind. This number brings good luck, success in introspection and self-improvement. These are very sensitive, sophisticated people. They are dreamy. They are able to create with their hands. Excellent philosophers. They have a connection with esotericism and create their own religious movements. Few people can understand them. Often, they do not understand themselves.

In the early years, a person has many difficulties and trials, especially in family life. Vibrations of Ketu (7) create waves, fluctuations and instability in the human mind. It is important for him to be more collected, concentrated, set goals and achieve them.

In love affairs, they are often unlucky, as partners are usually stronger than them. In family life, they are criticized for failure. If a woman is stronger in a relationship, she will push the man, but he may close in on himself as a result. He will close in on himself and will hide inside some kind of aggression towards the person who criticizes him. As a rule, the number 25 has a very profitable family life. A person likes to settle into a comfort zone and not make extra efforts.

Their main problem is the uncertainty in life, hence all the worries and worries, a person must weigh all the pros and cons. He needs to systematize his life, clearly understand where to move, set tasks and goals for himself. He must avoid self-deception. In no case should he take financial risks. If a person has any connections with others

states, then success awaits him abroad.

Born on the 26th

Because of the first deuce in the number 26, a person in life has a great dependence on the opposite sex. He is reliable, prudent, truthful, endowed with organizational
abilities. Responsible, serious, works according to the schedule. Trustworthy and receptive. He is concerned about the opinions of others.

These people may fall under the influence of materialism and become fatalists to some extent. The number 26 creates problems in family life and failures that a person faces. Therefore, men are advised to marry as late as possible. When choosing a partner, test and test him as much as possible.

This person should not be pragmatic, he

try to be sensitive to other people and their needs. Success will come to 36 years.

Born on the 27th

This combination of numbers forms an inexhaustible supply of energy. Those born on the 27th are by nature very restless, independent and quick-tempered. Very productive in your life. They manage to do a lot of things, and, probably, they will die standing on their feet, finishing any project.

They are successful and ambitious. Make plans and implement them. Gain financial and material stability. In love, they are very passionate, there can be more than one partner. The main problem of such a person is that he can hurt his loved ones and not feel it. Martian energy is rapidly carrying a person forward, over the heads of others.

Since a person has a lot of internal energy - there is

the likelihood that he is able to make any wrong decision due to the fact that there is a lot of passion and rajas. (For quick right decisions, a person must be in goodness).

Born on the 28th

Those born on the 28th are fighters for life. On their life path there are many obstacles and obstacles. They are stubborn, fearless and lucky. They are interested in both material and spiritual aspects of life. Eight encourages to be interested in modern life and material progress, two directs their mind into more subtle matters.

In sum, the number forms a unit, which contributes to the success of a person. A person is not stopped by obstacles on the way to achieving the goal, he continues to move forward. But, unlike other units, the unit formed by the number 28 has a softer character. The number 2 promotes cooperation, a person becomes sensitive to the needs of other people and other people's opinions. He is less powerful and not as demanding as the rest of the representatives of the number 1. This greatly expands the circle of his communication. Eight in number promotes altruism. The man is a fighter for justice. Able to help the downtrodden and disadvantaged. They are able to bring others both spiritual progress and material benefits.

These are fearless heroes. Such people are able to leave a good mark in history. But it is important for them to understand what they want to do in life, what kind of activity

can bring them success and material wealth. Only when the goal is defined and set will they be able to achieve much in life.

Born on the 29th

If the first number in the date of birth is a deuce, then it should be understood that such a person has a lunar, emotional nature. The second number of Mars is ambition, irascibility in character. Therefore, a person of number 29 will have a caring, maternal nature. But, at the same time, he will not be able to control his anger, temper and lower desires.

These are sincere, sensual people who seek to help and understand others. They are respected. Believers strive to comprehend the meaning of life. They are difficult to understand. Attractive to the opposite sex. They can be ambivalent, it is difficult for them to take a specific side in resolving the conflict (“both yours and ours”). Cooperation is important to them. They occupy secondary roles, good performers and in this capacity become successful.

It is extremely important for him to act reasonably and not be led by his emotions. You can not fall under the power of passion, irritability, do not worry

on trifles. All the anxiety that goes on in a person's mind will be reflected in life. Number 29 people are able to achieve success both from a spiritual point of view and in material life.

Born on the 30th

Those born on the 30th are under the influence of the beneficent planet Jupiter. However, due to the presence of the number 0 in their date of birth, they are less fortunate than other number 3 people. Such a person has an innate ability to be in the spotlight, learn and teach others.

A person loves praise and likes to be noticed. Able to work, socially active and can do a lot. He is very responsible, but this responsibility is fatal to him. Great abilities for advocacy, jurisprudence, knowledge of the letter of the law, activities in the field of education, philosophy, analytics. They make spiritual leaders and religious scholars.

"0" weakens these qualities, makes a person unsure of himself and his abilities. The enemy of such a person is hyper-responsibility, attachment to the results of his work. Because of the lack of control over the situation, a person may feel helpless. As a rule, at different stages of life, the quality of life is different: Zero in the date can give financial difficulties or problems in relationships with parents in a person in childhood. By 38 - 40 years

a person is experiencing a financial upsurge.

Born on the 31st

Those born on the 31st are under the combined influence of Jupiter, the Sun and the shadow planet Rahu. The number 3 makes a person selfish to some extent, the unit - ambitious and domineering. A very strong number, thanks to which a person is able to get out of almost any situation. With him, no one will ever be lost.

Those born on the 31st are devoted to their family and business. If they take up something, they do it thoroughly, putting their whole soul into it. These are good workers. They have great willpower and high perseverance. They like to dominate and win conflicts. These are huge individualists. They may pretend to listen to your opinion, but in fact they will do what they themselves consider right through the prism of their understanding.

Their disadvantages include excessive isolation. Often. they misunderstand the words of other people, which makes them irritated and angry. In personal relationships, they suffer from misunderstanding and unjustified hopes. True, in fact, their partners suffer more from the excessive desire of the number 31 to suppress and dominate.

The birth rate for each country is of great importance. If in the state this indicator is at a low level, then a threat is created to the territorial integrity of the country. A high birth rate and a low improve one will ensure the survival of the nation. Birth statistics allow you to track the necessary indicators.

Fertility is also an indicator of a country's level. In poor states, where people receive a small, usually high level, few children are born. In developed countries, where there are good living conditions, the population is not afraid to give birth to several babies.

Population dynamics in the Russian Federation

The table shows the birth rate statistics in Russia by years. It can be used to judge how the natural population growth has changed:

Year Number of children born Total population
1927 4 688 000 94 596 000
1939 4 329 000 108 785 000
1950 2 859 000 102 833 000
1960 2 782 353 119 906 000
1970 1 903 713 130 252 000
1980 2 202 779 138 483 00
1990 1 988 858 148 273 746
2000 1 266 800 146 303 611
2010 1 788 948 142 865 433
2015 1 940 579 146 544 710
2016 1 888 729 146 804 372

To find out which sex of children is born more, there are statistics on the birth rate of boys and girls. Consider the indicators for the city of Novopolotsk. In 2014, about five hundred female and almost six hundred male children were born. 2015 was marked by the birth of 595 boys and 537 girls. For other localities, the situation is approximately the same.

girls birth statistics and boys says that more male babies are born.

However, by middle age, the number of representatives of both sexes is approximately equalized. Whereas in old age there are more women. The fairer sex live longer.

There are also statistics on the birth rate of children with disabilities. Quite a lot of them are born on the territory of Russia. More than 50% of babies are born with a psyche. This is due to heredity, with a lot of stress in parents. Plus, there are few good doctors who can provide qualified assistance in time. Approximately 2,000 children are born with Down syndrome every year. About 30% have genetic disorders. No more than 20% of healthy babies are born in Russia every year.

Birth and death rates in 2016

The birth rate statistics in Russia has declined somewhat in recent years. Fewer children are born than in the USSR. However, population growth remains positive. Due to the fact that mortality has decreased, and there was an influx. In 2016 (from January to August), 1275 thousand children were born. Whereas for the same period in 2015, the increase was more by 2 thousand people.

What are the birth and death statistics in Russia? In some settlements of the country, the death rate is lower than the birth rate. The remaining regions can be considered gradually dying out. The highest population growth is observed in such:

  1. Chechen Republic.
  2. Ingushetia.
  3. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The worst indicators are:

  1. Tyumen region
  2. Pskov region
  3. Tula region

The total number continues to decrease, despite the fact that the death rate did not exceed the birth rate in Russia in 2016. At the same time, the state reached a higher level. Birth statistics for 10 years show that Russia ranked 63rd in the world (data for 2016) in terms of natural population growth. The table shows the main reasons why Russians died (from January to August 2016):

Number of people (in thousands)
infections 21,8

The birth rate statistics for 2016 show that the population density in the Russian Federation is 8.6 people per 1 m². This is one of the lowest rates in the world. Huge territories are simply empty. Villages and small towns have died out over the past 20 years, and some areas have never been inhabited.

The situation in the world at the beginning of 2017

According to statistics for the first quarter of 2017, the birth rate in the world increased by almost 50 million people. Hundreds of thousands of babies are born every day in the world. E this fact can be checked by the counter of the population of the earth in the mode.

Birth and death rates for 2017 in Russia

Russia has always been the largest territorial state in the world. However, the population here is inexorably declining. The country is going through a demographic crisis. According to the birth rate statistics in Russia at the beginning of 2017, fewer children were born compared to the previous year.

Population growth in Belarus and Ukraine

Birth rate statistics by years in Ukraine:

Year Number of children born Total population
2000 no data 48 663 600
2005 426 100 47 100 462
2010 497 700 45 782 592
2015 411 800 42 759 300

Below is a diagram with fertility statistics in Ukraine, as well as mortality by years (for the last 25 years). It clearly shows in which years the population of the country grew, and in which it decreased.

Birth rate statistics in Belarus by years:

Year Number of children born Total population
2000 93 691 9 988 000
2005 90 508 9 664 000
2010 108 050 9 491 000
2015 119 509 9 481 000

Boy birth statistics in the Republic of Belarus is given in figures in the graph below. Male babies are born slightly more than females. But recently the number of born boys has slightly decreased. As for the number of male and female population, then, judging by the table, there are more men in Belarus than women.

In recent years, in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the population has decreased, and in Belarus it has grown, the birth and death statistics in Russia confirm this fact.

Natalia Kaptsova — practitioner of integral neuroprogramming, expert psychologist

Reading time: 8 minutes


According to statistics, the birth rate has not only not risen in recent years, but has even declined significantly. On the scale of a huge country, this is not so noticeable, but two (and even more so three or more) children appear in families less and less. What number of children is considered optimal in our time? What do psychologists say about this?

Family without children - what is the reason for the decision of modern couples not to have children?

Why do married couples give up parenthood? Voluntary childlessness may be due to many reasons. The main ones are:

  • The unwillingness of one of the spouses have children.
  • Lack of sufficient financial resources to ensure a normal life for the child.
  • The desire to live for yourself.
  • Housing problem.
  • Career - Lack of time for raising children. Read:
  • Lack of maternal instinct.
  • Psychological trauma in childhood, suffering suffered at a young age, which later develop into a fear of motherhood (fatherhood).
  • Unstable and unfavorable environment in the country to have children.

A family with one child - the pros and cons of such a family model

Oddly enough, it is not at all a career and not even a lack of finances that today become the reason that families stop at one baby. The key reason for "small children" is the desire to devote more time to the child and give him, his beloved, all the best. And, besides, to save him from the jealousy of his sisters-brothers - that is, to give all his love only to him.

What are the advantages of a family with only one child?

  • The outlook of the only child in the family is wider than that of peers from large families.
  • Higher level of intelligence development.
  • All the impulses of parents (upbringing, attention, development, education) are directed to one baby.
  • The child receives in the optimal size everything that is required for his growth, development and, of course, a good mood.

There are many more cons:

  • It is more difficult for a child to join a children's team. For example, at home he is used to the fact that no one will offend him, push him, or deceive him. And in the team, children in the game are quite aggressive.
  • A growing child is under considerable pressure from parents who dream that he will justify their hopes and invested efforts. Which often causes serious psychological problems in a child.
  • A child is more likely to grow up as an egoist - from childhood he gets used to the fact that the world should revolve only around him.
  • The child does not have an orientation towards leadership and achievement of goals that is available in a large family.
  • Due to increased attention, the child often grows spoiled.
  • The manifestation of hyper-custody, characteristic of the parents of one baby, generates and strengthens children's fears. A child can grow up dependent, incapable of decisive action, not independent.

Family with two children - advantages of a family with two children; Should I have a second child?

Not everyone can decide on a second baby. This is usually hindered by memories of childbirth and pregnancy, difficulties with raising the first child, the just “settled down” issue with work, fear - “will we pull the second one?” etc. The thought - “whether to continue ...” - arises among those parents who have already appreciated the experience of having their first child and realized that they want to continue.

But what matters is not only the desire to continue, but also age difference in children, on which a lot depends.

Difference of 1-2 years - features

  • In most cases, children become friends.
  • It is interesting for them to play together, toys can be bought for two at once, and things from the elder immediately pass to the younger.
  • Jealousy is practically absent, because the elder simply did not have time to feel his exclusivity.
  • Mom, whose strength has not yet been replenished after the first birth, is very tired.
  • Children are very violent in finding out their relationship. Especially, from the moment when the younger one begins to "destroy" the space of the older one.

Difference of 4-6 years - features

  • Mom managed to take a break from pregnancy, diapers and night feedings.
  • Parents already have a solid experience of communication with the child.
  • The younger child can learn all the skills from the older child, so that the development of the younger one is faster.
  • The elder no longer requires such serious attention and help from parents. In addition, he himself helps his mother by entertaining the younger.
  • Relationships among growing children follow the scheme - "boss / subordinate". Often they are openly hostile.
  • Things and toys for the child have to be bought again (usually by this time everything has already been distributed or thrown away so that it does not take up space).
  • Jealousy of the elder is a frequent and painful phenomenon. He has already become accustomed to his "uniqueness".

Difference of 8-12 years - features

  • There is still time before the teenage crisis of the older.
  • The elder has fewer reasons for jealousy - he already lives for the most part outside the family (friends, school).
  • The elder is able to become a significant support and help to the mother - he is able not only to entertain, but also to stay with the child when parents need, for example, to urgently leave on business.
  • Of the minuses: with a strong infringement of the elder in attention, you can lose with him that connection of mutual understanding and closeness that was before the birth of the youngest.

A family of three or more children - the optimal number of children in a family or the stereotype "we breed poverty"?

There are no more opponents of a large family than its supporters. Although both of them understand that three or more kids in a family is hard work without holidays and weekends.

The undoubted advantages of a large family include:

  • Lack of parental overprotection - that is, early development of independence.
  • The absence of problems in communication of children with peers. Children already at home receive the first experience of "infusion into society."
  • Parents do not pressure their children to "justify expectations."
  • Availability of benefits from the state.
  • Lack of selfish traits in children, the habit of sharing.

Difficulties of a large family

  • It will take quite a lot of effort to resolve children's conflicts and maintain order in relationships and at home.
  • Impressive funds are needed to clothe/shoe children, feed them, provide proper medical care and education.
  • Mom will be very tired - she has three times as many worries.
  • Mom will have to forget about her career.
  • The jealousy of children is a constant companion of the mother. Children will fight for her attention.
  • Lack of silence and tranquility even when you want to hide for 15 minutes and take a break from worries.

According to psychologists, it is necessary to give birth to children without regard to stereotypes, other people's advice and the opinion of relatives. Only a self-chosen path will be correct and happy. But to overcome all the difficulties of parenthood is possible only when the choice was mature and conscious. It is clear that the desire to give birth to 8 children while living in a communal apartment and without a decent income is not supported by sufficient grounds. The “minimum” program, according to experts, is two kids. As for more children, it is necessary rely on your strength, time and opportunities.

The number 1 symbolizes the Sun. The first of all numbers is the foundation on which everything rests. Therefore, it is the head of the family of numbers. People born on this day are highly creative and inventive natures. They firmly hold their views and have great power of persuasion. Therefore, they are not very fond of restrictions and unsolicited advice. They prefer to work alone, independently of others, whether they be equals or subordinates. All this taken together makes them mini- (and sometimes maxi-) dictators.

These people are very ambitious and have great determination and willpower, which in action manifests itself as stubbornness and willfulness. A child born on the 1st will not rest until his demand is met, and in order to do it his way, he will turn everything upside down. Such people need tactful handling. People born on this day rise to the very top of the professional ladder if the palm line coincides with the results of numerological analysis.

emotional features. The main emotion of these people is excessive ambition, and for its realization they direct all their mental faculties. This naturally leaves little time for love and romance. If an emotional infatuation can arise, it is transient, secondary and always subordinated to the main goal: the satisfaction of ambition. Therefore, the object of passion must be subordinate, obscured and undemanding. Sex for such people is also one-sided, passing, aimed at self-satisfaction. Caring for a partner is hardly considered any important. Therefore, marriage among such people is rarely successful, unless the partner shows understanding and respect for the extreme qualities of the individuality of a person born on the first day.

Flaws. As mentioned above, the satisfaction of ambition is the main goal in the life of these people. Such people show firm determination and steadfastness and do not give up on what they have planned. All this is good if the prudence, which such people rarely possess, is softened.

Lucky numbers - the most successful partners are those born on the 1st: like is drawn to like; also those born on 10, 19, 28 (the sum of the numbers is 1; at least zero matters, it does not affect numerology); 4, 13, 22, 31 | sum of digits 4).

Hostile numbers - inharmonious relations with those born 2, 11, 20, 29 (the sum of numbers is 2); 6, 15, 24 (the sum of the numbers is 6); 7, 16, 25 (the sum of the numbers is 7).

Lucky days - Sunday, Monday. If they hit on 10, 19, or 28, the effect is doubled.

Lucky stones are topaz, yellow diamond and all stones of these shades (worn in contact with the body).

The lucky metal is gold (its weight must be at least 1.2 g, otherwise it will not work; wear in contact with the body).

Lucky colors are golden, light yellow; a thing of the color that metal or stone should be worn constantly.

Diseases - heart, eyes; possibly high blood pressure, so you need to be examined more often.

Recommendations. Numerologically, the number 1 is one of the best. People born on this day are outstanding personalities, full of strong determination and creativity. Personal qualities of the highest order, but such a person experiences great difficulties in dealing with other people. (People around should be understanding, since people of the number 1 are not cruel by nature, but simply careless in handling.

Number 2

The number 2 symbolizes the Moon and represents feminine qualities, unlike the Sun.

The number 2 is the opposite of the number 1. It is, as it were, feminine, gentle and romantic. Those born on this day are smart, creative people, they have artistic abilities, a lively and rich imagination. Their strength is in their mind, and in everything they seek more spiritual than physical satisfaction. In short, they are dreamers who live in spiritual clouds of their own making, and do not plan the material worldly life. Such people are soft and condescending by nature, and they lack the strength and assertiveness to advance in life. They are also not very strong and avoid hard work.

emotional features. These people are looking for a spiritual community with a partner. Their love originates in the mind, and they do not recognize physical intimacy without a spiritual connection. Therefore, their sexual power is rather an exception. Physical satisfaction is always secondary - after the spiritual. For such people, sex is the culmination of a feeling conceived in the mind, and it is not necessarily the climax. They are already happy if there is spiritual intimacy with a partner. Whether this connection will turn into a physical one is not so important for them. Their marriage is successful if the partner is at the same spiritual height. If they are married to a person who is physically stronger and spiritually weaker, they are disappointed and depressed.

Flaws. These people are dreamers. Possessing a powerful intellect and high imagination, such a person is unsophisticated and impractical. His creative and inventive abilities are of the highest order, but he is completely devoid of the ability to translate his thoughts and plans into reality. Dreams remain only dreams because of the inability to realize them. Even with the means, physical weakness prevents such a person from acting. He loses heart when faced with an obstacle and cannot act unless conditions are ideal. At the same time, naturally, disappointment sets in, since success almost always eludes them, because they lack the drive and initiative to put their ideas into practice. They eventually lose confidence and become restless, suffering deeply from depression and pessimism.

Harmonious relationship. The main thing for these people is the opportunity to surround themselves with people of the same spiritual height. Their strength is the power of the brain; therefore, they need companions with whom they can communicate spiritually. This is their main need. Interests may be different, they may have different views on things, but intelligence is the main thing that a partner born 2 needs. Due to the inability to put their ideas into practice, these people rarely achieve success in life, and therefore remain insecure. They need a partner who can instill confidence, someone who encourages them, pushes them; they themselves are not capable of it.

These people are very sensitive, and those around them should refrain from casual insults in conversation. Being insecure, they are easily offended and always understand everything as directed against them. They should not be given that opportunity.

Due to a lack of self-confidence and an inability to succeed, these people are restless and swim in a sea of ​​uncertainty. They inevitably become slaves of mood and temperament. A partner needs calmness and tact, they should be reassured on "bad" days.

These people are not sexy because of their physical delicacy. Their partners should not be people with high sexual demands. It will always be in a low key. The difference in temperaments will lead to trouble, so the partner must be more spiritual than physically oriented person.

Lucky numbers - people of the number 2 meet the greatest understanding among those born on the 2nd; born on 7, 16, 25 (the sum of the numbers is 7); born on 9, 18, 27 (the sum of the numbers is 9).

Hostile numbers are 1, 10, 19, 28 (the sum of the digits is 1), and the number 28 has a two, and its negative properties are mitigated.

Unlucky months - January, February, July. During these months, you need to take care of your health.

Lucky days are Sunday, Monday and Friday.

Lucky gems are pearl, moonstone, emerald and all green gems. They must be worn on the body.

Lucky colors are all shades of green from light green to dark green, as well as cream and white. Dark tones should be avoided, especially blacks, purples and dark reds.

Diseases - liver and digestive tract (indigestion and possibly peptic ulcer, which is facilitated by emotional distress and depression).

Recommendations. People born on the 2nd should be treated with caution and tact. They can bring themselves to deep depression, make everyone around them suffer. They need to occupy themselves constantly with art so that there is no time for daydreaming and depression. And one should try to develop the power of logic in oneself so that, using one's strong mind, one can understand everything, instead of seeing all things in a sad light. If they do, they will be disappointed and suffer even more.

Number 3

The number 3 symbolizes the planet Jupiter, which plays a major role in astrology and in all systems of numerology. This is the beginning of the main lines of force.

Like the number 1, the number 3 is a good number. People born under this number are ambitious and aggressive. They always want to rise to the top and never settle for a subordinate position. They love power and are satisfied only when they have power over others. Such people carry out their ideas with strength and energy and do not tolerate any doubts from others when carrying out their plans. They expect and receive complete obedience from subordinates. Being disciplined, they obey all the rules and demand it from others. Therefore, brilliant commanders come out of them. They are persistent and do not give up until they have spent all their strength, but even then they do it very reluctantly. They have great vitality. Physically they are extremely hardy. In general, this is a very strong and powerful number.

emotional features. The main emotion of the number 3 is aggressiveness combined with ambition. Like the number 1, such people have little time for love and romance, but if this happens, they love to be hunters. The pleasure of the chase is as great as the satisfaction of passion. Like the number 1, the object of their emotional passion must obey. They do not like it when a partner plays the same role or even strives to be equal. The partner should set off and complement, but never exceed.

In sexual life they are strong and earthy. Aggressive and dominant: hunter, not prey. Most often, after the capture of prey, they lose interest in it.

Harmonious relationship. Their partners must be soft and accommodating if they want to keep the temporary affection of a spouse. Under no circumstances should they strive for equality. Number 3 should be the leader. No one should encroach on his freedom or try to steal his fire. Relations can be good when the partner agrees to be content with second place.

Related numbers - 3, 12, 21, 30; 5, 14, 23; 6, 15, 24.

Lucky dates - 3, 12, 21, 30.

Lucky stones - sapphire, amethyst.

Lucky colors are blue and pink, lilac, purple, magenta.

Diseases - joints, skin.

Negative Traits. Too much good becomes bad. Therefore, the very strength of character of the number 3 can cause trouble. These people are born dictators and set their own laws. When carrying out their plans, they, like a steamroller, remove any opposition, completely without thinking about the consequences. It's good to be a leader, but uncontrolled leadership becomes dictatorship, which is undesirable.

Although these people are not quarrelsome by nature, they have the ability to create enemies for themselves. They are intolerant of the less energetic and strong, and their bulldozing methods turn men against them. They are quick-tempered and proud and do not like to be indebted to others.

Recommendations. Such people must learn to moderate their temper, intolerance and excessive ambition. If they don't, they will become victims of their own tempers. The number 3 is an exaggerated form of the number 1. They have almost the same qualities, but the number 3 borders on overkill. If this is controlled - which is possible - such a person can become an outstanding personality and achieve the success that he aspires to.

Number 4

The number 4 symbolizes the planet Uranus, associated with the Sun and the number 1, and is written in occultism as 4-1.

Number 4 people have a peculiar character, they look at everything from the opposite point of view. In all disputes and discussions, they take the opposite position. And although they do not want to become argumentative, they still provoke opposition and in doing so create for themselves many hidden enemies who are constantly working against them. They instinctively rebel against rules and customs. And if they manage to insist on their own, then they turn the order of things, even in society and government. Often they rebel against constitutional authority and create new rules. They are drawn to social issues and reforms of all kinds, and are very stubborn in their opinions.

The main characteristics of these people are intelligence and pessimism. These people go on to have usually brilliant academic careers. They have very keen powers of observation and good susceptibility to learning. They are very efficient and good workers, but without undue effort. The innate mind helps them to do the work systematically and methodically, without throwing. They are not quick-tempered and very rarely quarrel. They are wasteful. Money leaves them as quickly as it comes.

emotional features. The number 4 is not easily carried away, but if carried away, then for life. Such people are faithful not out of obligation, but because it is very difficult for them to fall in love. They have an average sexual appetite, but they can by no means be called weak. They are sexually moderate and do not experience much difficulty in finding a partner. At the same time, they are born pessimists and live in constant sadness. This is very difficult for others, because it is very difficult to be around pessimists and insecure people. These two traits lead to a very unpleasant emotion - a green-eyed monster - jealousy. Not believing too much in themselves, they need constant approval, and if they don’t get it, they become prickly and quick-tempered. With all this, they feel good if there is someone nearby who supports them.

Negative Traits. Despite many positive qualities, the number 4 rarely achieves great success in life because of the pessimism that crosses out everything. Due to the tendency to always see the dark side and lack of confidence, they often miss good opportunities. Instead of trying their best and seizing the opportunity, they do nothing at all, believing that nothing will come of it anyway. They lack the strength to deal with failures, and in order not to be defeated, they prefer not to do anything.

The number 4 is a squanderer. They do not know how to save at all, and in times of need are extremely depressed if they cannot find funds for their expenses. This, in turn, makes them even more frustrated and their insecurities grow.

Harmonious relationship. Partners and friends of number 4 should encourage them, and they should always have someone to lean against. Deprived of support, they get lost and sink even deeper into a sea of ​​uncertainty created by themselves. Everyone around should be the embodiment of patience and strength, because it is very difficult to live with a person who constantly needs moral support. But in return, you can get impeccable devotion, because such people are very difficult to become attached, but, having become attached, they keep it forever and not. abandon their partner.

Related numbers - 1, 10, 15, 28; 4, 8, 17, 26.

Hostile numbers - 3, 12, 21, 30.

Bad months - January.

Lucky dates - 4, 13, 22, 31.

Lucky colors are light blue or white. All light colors, electric and grey.

Lucky stones are aquamarine (white and dark sapphires to be worn on the body).

Diseases - kidneys, back pain and headaches. You need to beware of spicy food.

Number 5

The number 5 is the planet Mercury, which rules over money and affairs. People born 5 are mercantile, the acquisition and possession of money is the main goal of their life. They are smart and have good business qualities. Usually they are successful in business and collect large sums in a short time. Because of their love of money and their impatience to acquire it, they often break the law. Being smart and very inventive, they direct all their energy into finding ways and means to enrich themselves. These people have many good qualities. For example, they think quickly and make decisions. They waste no time making plans and prefer taking firm steps. They are easy to get along with because they are reserved in speech and born diplomats. By nature, they are resilient and quickly recover from the hardest blows of fate, if this does not affect their wealth. All their positive qualities are directed towards one goal - financial success. Mind, dexterity, diplomacy, tact, decisiveness, speed of action in the implementation of plans - all these qualities are used by them to the last drop, if there is a goal - money. They are not very good at anything else.

Number 5 people are highly intelligent. They are easily excitable and live on nerves all the time. They think quickly and come to decisions. They are impulsive in their actions. They lack the patience for painstaking work. They have a nose for ideas and inventions that bring in big money, they are born speculators and often take any risk in any business related to money.

They have an amazing resilience. They quickly recover from heavy blows of fate. And it seems that nothing can influence them: if they are good by nature, then they will remain good, if they are bad, then all the sermons in the world will not be enough to even slightly change them.

emotional features. These people are guided only by the thirst for money. Any action is subject to the desire to make money. A strange feature of their spiritual life is that even their sexual desire is tinged with love for money and success in business. For them, sex drive is proportional to the wealth they own. the object of their desire. A woman or man who was physically unattractive will be desirable if they are rich. Of course, they desire those who are beautiful, but if that person does not have material wealth, then the attraction is much less. This is typical only for people born on the 5th. Just like people of number 2, the mind of a partner is necessary, 5 is necessary for the partner to be rich, otherwise nothing good will come of it. For such a person, physical beauty alone is not enough; it must be accompanied by wealth.

Flaws. Although such people can quickly recover from any blows of fate, they are completely demoralized if they lose their money or business. Unfortunately, they repeat their mistakes, don't learn from experience, and are easily tempted to make money and bet everything on it. They are incorrigible players, whether at the table, on the stock exchange or on the racetrack. They can't resist the big jackpot. Another negative feature is their high excitability, and if it is not mitigated sufficiently by their good qualities - intelligence and logic, they completely lose their sense of proportion and fail.

Harmonious relationship. People born 5 are easy to get along with. They are soft, diplomatic and flexible. But these traits are subordinated to the thirst for money and come out only if the goal is the acquisition of wealth. Therefore, the people around them soon become disgusted with their materialistic nature. Only those who are mercantile themselves can understand them. Superficially, the number 5 gets along with everyone, but in reality such people are in harmony only with the same mercantile people, and best of all with the number 5. Sexually they are selfish, but even here they are dominated by the love of money. It is unlikely that they will be attracted by a poor partner. On the other hand, having money can very well make a person sexually attractive to them despite being physically unattractive.

Lucky numbers - 5, 14, 23; 3, 12, 30; 9, 18, 27.

Hostile numbers - 2, I, 20; 4, 13, 22, 31; 7, 16, 25.

Bad months - June, September, December.

Lucky days are Wednesday and Friday.

Lucky colors are light grey, white, silver and all shiny. But just as they easily converge with all people, so they can wear any color, although it is better for them to avoid dark tones.

Lucky stones - diamond, brilliant in silver or platinum. (And it is better to wear it on the body.)

Lucky metals are white metal, silver or platinum. Under no circumstances should they wear yellow gold. All jewelry must be set in white gold or platinum.

Diseases - mental disorder and diseases of the joints.

Recommendations. These people are great materialists, and all their thoughts and actions are subject to the desire to make money. The thirst for money is so great that they will go to any extreme to acquire wealth. If this cannot be done honestly, they will not hesitate to resort to dishonest and often become victims of the law. They can be ruthless in pursuit of money and will not spare anyone who gets in their way. They cannot lead a miserable life. They must not let their material desires get out of control, otherwise it will lead to collapse. They should calmly look at money and not lose their temper in pursuit of them. They have a subtle mind, and it is pleasant to deal with them, if only they are reasonable in their material views.

Number 6

People born on the 6th are under the influence of Venus, which means the predominance of love and everything related to love and the opposite sex. Such people have a magnetic personality and a huge sex appeal. They may be physically imperfect, but they can have outstanding looks and phenomenal charm. By their manners and manners, they attract people of the opposite sex to them, as a flame attracts moths. These people are romantic and idealistic and become almost slaves to those they love. They are very sensitive to the atmosphere and surround themselves with beautiful things if they have the means. The rich enough can become patrons. A woman born on 6 is proud of her home and loves to entertain guests. She loves decorating her home, sparing no effort to make it even more beautiful, and loves to invite guests.

emotional features. All these people live full emotional lives. They are romantic by nature and idealistic by inclination. Their emotional and sexual interests are carefully balanced, and they need both. They love equally with heart and body. They are passionate lovers. Their love originates in the mind as well as in the body. They have great physical attractiveness to the opposite sex and charm. It cannot be explained, it can only be felt. They love nature, flourish under the influence of everything beautiful. They are very responsive to music and great aesthetes. They are sincere in their affection, because they sigh according to the ideal and will never betray the one who can rely on them. They are determined and firm in carrying out decisions and can think clearly. Despite idealism and romanticism, they are also practical and hardworking in any business. This is one of the best numbers, because it has almost all the features: temperament, personality, practicality and romance, sincerity, attractiveness and devotion - combinations close to ideal.

Negative Traits. If a person born on the 6th betrays a person whom he trusts, he becomes vengeful, and his hatred is as great as love. In other words, such people go to extremes. Their hostility does not decrease over time, but may, on the contrary, increase. They will inflate this enmity to the last, without thinking about the consequences harmful to themselves.

Harmonious relationship. These people get along well with all people. They are loving and love to be loved in return, which is usually the case. Their magnetic personality and charm draw people to them. In relationships with partners, they need only one quality - the ability to control their temperament. They are not that bad or hot-tempered, but if they are turned on, they can go to extremes.

Lucky numbers - 6, 15, 24; 7, 16, 25.

Hostile numbers - 1.3, 10, 12, 19, 21, 30.

Lucky days - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

Lucky colors are all blues and blues and all shades of pink. And they should avoid black and dark purple colors.

Lucky stones - turquoise, emerald (emerald to a lesser extent).

Diseases - ear, throat, nose.

Recommendations. This is one of the best numbers. Such people are sincere and firm, loving and loved. They are unforgettable. Everyone around them should be caring and should appreciate their qualities, not offend them for no reason, because they are as bad as enemies as they are good as friends. If they are angered, they lose control, and this weakness they need to overcome. Then they will become the most pleasant people, friends and lovers.

Number 7

The number 7 is completely independent and in some ways similar to the number 2, but much more individual and with a stronger character. Those born on the 7th are independent by nature, individual in character and original in mind. By nature, they are not materialists, but more often than others, they enjoy wealth and material goods, because, without trying especially to make money, they acquire them thanks to their thoughts and ingenuity. Thanks to their individuality and originality, they become famous writers, poets, and artists. Their unusualness in everything distinguishes them in a special class, and a writer born on the 7th will certainly enjoy the highest success due to the novelty of his ideas, great originality and individual style of presentation. Such people usually start their own enterprises and rarely sit in the chair inherited from their elders. If they inherit some enterprise or business, they prefer to be led by others, while they themselves start their own new one.

These people usually go through a lot of changes in their lives and change environment very often, they travel a lot. They are philanthropic by nature and if they are rich, they make large donations to charity. Their religion is humanity. And their love for their neighbor is almost spiritual, although they are not overly religious in the usual sense of the word. They have a strong intuition and quickly feel the mood of others, which gives them a great advantage in dealing with people because, being one step ahead, they can anticipate the reaction.

emotional features. Born 7 are very changeable and restless by nature. They therefore hesitate and are rarely attached to one person for a long time in the early period of their lives. It is not uncommon for a person born on 7 to marry repeatedly in search of the right person. Such people are constantly looking for security and always thinking about the future. Due to their variability, such people are very interesting and sexually exciting, because you never know what they will do next. They have a great sexual appetite, but they are not rude or animal in handling. They like to change partners from time to time. Such deviations do not affect permanent links. Married to such a person should not pay attention to petty betrayals, as they help satisfy the craving for change. These adventures will make the spouse or spouse more interesting.

Negative Traits. These people have many attractive qualities, but their variability can do them great harm if constancy does not run through their lives. If they rush from one to another, they only get worse. Change is good, but you need to have a strong anchor, otherwise nothing good will come of it.

Surrounding should do so that it was always possible to prevent the partner's hesitation. The 7-born needs an anchor and is constantly looking for it. You should not pay attention to treason and do not make a big fuss about it. The sexual partner must be strong and active, because such people have a big appetite. They have no prohibitions, and the partner must comply with this.

Lucky numbers - 7, 16, 19; 2, 11, 29, 20.

Hostile numbers - 1, 10, 28; 3, 12, 21, 30; 5, 9, 14.

Lucky dates - 7, 16, 25.

Bad months are January, February, July, August.

Lucky colors are pink, all shades of green, yellow and white.

Lucky stones are moonstone, cat's eye, pearls (and it's better to wear them on the body).

Diseases - digestive organs, as well as nervous stress.

Recommendations. The number 7 is a very good number, possessing mysterious powers. These people are gifted with intuitive knowledge of their fellow beings and are very creative and resourceful. The only downside is the love of change, which can take them to the extreme. They must be sure that the change they want is really reasonable, otherwise they may hurt themselves. Otherwise, they are charming people and easy to deal with. No one ever knows what will happen to such a person tomorrow, and this element of surprise makes them just amazing. Number 7 people are usually wealthy or can improve their well-being, and most often they live better in the second half of life than in the first. In general, this is a good number, and number 7 people are lucky.

The number 8 is the most difficult of all. If you look at the number itself, you can see that it consists of two circles and can be divided into two parts, which means a split personality, while both parts are directly opposite to each other. But both parts are connected like two sides of a coin. It depends on the circumstances which of them plays a big role. In everyday life, they also show a split personality, showing one side, then the other. Therefore, such people are rarely understood by others, because if one side is understood, then the other is incomprehensible, and one of the sides always remains mysterious. Not finding soulmates, they are very lonely, and being neoconformists, they usually get the worst of it. They are usually labeled and have a reputation they don't really deserve because their actions are misunderstood. These people are equally materialistic and spiritual inclinations. At the same time, they possess these qualities at the same time, and if you do not understand that their personality is split, then their words and actions will always be distorted, up to nonsense. These people are maximalists, and if the materialistic side of their nature comes forward, then they will have tremendous success, because they are smart and can work very hardworking. If they do not have a brilliant success, then they, on the contrary, suffer a terrible failure, because they rarely have anything in between. Due to their split and misunderstanding by others, they may be victims of persecution. Being deep people, they perceive such persecution as torture, and very often in desperation they can rebel. This further worsens their situation, because if they do not find someone to punish, they punish themselves. Among them there is a very large percentage of suicides, not because such is their natural inclination, but as a result of persecution. If they don't punish themselves, they punish others and become antisocial. As Extremists, they stop at nothing in their revenge. The results of this are easy to predict.

emotional features. Number 8 people are very strong characters, capable of deep emotional attachment, but they often turn out to be loyal because they are difficult to understand and love. They can appear cold while actually being warm-hearted, as they don't know how to show their feelings. They can express their feelings only by actions that are usually misunderstood. They are capable of great sacrifice and are often exploited by those to whom they are attached. This brings them great misfortune, for if they fall in love, they do not deny the object of their love anything and as a result they give more than they receive. They have a magnetic personality and are very attractive to the opposite sex. They have great sexual strength and activity, but also possessing spiritual inclinations, they are looking for a spiritual connection with a partner, otherwise the relationship will not last long. The partner must be just as strong, because without getting satisfaction, such people look for him on the side. They need both equally, and therefore they rarely find a suitable pair for themselves.

Harmonious relationship. A rare person can live in harmony with them. Such a person must have a deep understanding and ability to respect the highly individual nature of his partner. These people need complete freedom, because independence is the main thing for them. Those who live near them must maintain spiritual fellowship, not to mention the physical side. It can be said that only a few or no one at all can fully satisfy a person on the 8th. Therefore, they have been looking for a mate all their lives and very rarely find it. The only suitable option is the same person.

Lucky numbers - (which may be in any agreement with 8) - 17 and 26.

Hostile numbers - 1, 10, 19, 28; 4, 13, 22, 31.

Absolutely hostile are: 2, 11, 20, 29; 6, 15, 24; 5, 14, 23.

The number 7 can be good or bad, it is a related number, so it can be either friendly or hostile. Their relationship depends on the circumstances and adaptable to each other.

Lucky dates - 8, 17, 26.

Lucky days - Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

Bad months are December, January, February, June.

Lucky colors are khaki, black, dark blue, dark grey, purple. Light colors should be avoided.

Lucky stones are black diamond and black pearl; amethyst and dark sapphire (worn on the body).

Diseases - a gastrointestinal tract, there can be a headache.

Flaws. In the world we live in, the number 8 is not very suitable for birth. Although these people are very capable, they are rarely taken for such and are often labeled as such. They are sincere, but persecution can drive them to self-destruction. They love deeply and are broken when they are betrayed. They go to extremes and may work furiously today and be lazy tomorrow. They can be extremely vindictive if their hatred is aroused, and at times they can be overcome by the anger of a boar. They range from extreme joy to extreme depression. They lack balance and stability. This duality characterizes their personality, and they will always have the exact opposite of what is visible from the outside. Those who deal with them should always remember this. If now they are loving and kind, then at another time they are just as hateful and cruel.

Recommendations. 8 people are wonderful people, but they must remember that they are unlikely to ever be understood. In their own interest, they should refuse to expect approval from others, as they fall into extremes. They should try to control themselves and not let the pendulum of their emotions swing from one end to the other. They need to direct their abilities towards a single goal, and not spray them on useless emotions. If they learn to accept what's coming their way without fighting the world, they'll be much happier and more effective at getting things done. They should develop patience and strictly balance determination and perseverance. Only then will they rise high, having everything that is necessary for this. They are smart, hardworking, have great spiritual and mental strength, artistic and sensitive. They just have to refrain from extremes

Number 9 is the planet Mars and people 9 are fighters by nature. They are firm, do not lose heart in the face of the most cruel resistance. Such perseverance gives them the opportunity to continue to the end of what they started. They are ambitious and, since they see everything ahead, they usually reach the goal. They have a dominant nature and an instinct for leadership. They do not like to obey and are happy when in command. Like the number 1, they can be rude to subordinates and are often deaf to the feelings of others. In the army, they reach the highest rank, even if they are not very popular. Nevertheless, they are respected for their ability and strength of character.

emotional features. These people are very sexy, but they are not able to express their desires. Therefore, they often fail. The expression of desire for them is offensive. They consider it a weakness and therefore can bring themselves to deep despair instead of satisfying the desire.

These people are leaders in everything but sex; here they must be led in such a way that it seems to them that they are not inferior to them, but that they are inferior to another. This oddity must be taken into account. Sometimes it may seem that they are cold and have no desire, but this is not so. There is a desire, but at the same time there is a feeling that to express desire means to lose one's dignity. Emotionally they are deep people, they do not fall in love or become friends very easily. But if that happens, they are friends for life. Their high sexuality often leads them astray, because with a strong physical attraction, logic recedes into the background. Their first marriage often breaks down, as they mistake physical attraction for love, and after the desire is satisfied, they do not experience any feelings. But they rarely make the same mistake twice. This applies not only to marriage, practically it applies to all matters. Therefore, they are successful in life, because they are smart enough, they learn not only from their own mistakes, but also from others.

Flaws. These are people who are dominant and do not consider others. Therefore they have many enemies. But they also achieve success, which they owe only to themselves, since they are industrious and persevering natures. But having achieved success, they rest on their laurels and consider themselves superior to others. They are intolerant of those who disagree with them. This is innate intolerance.

Harmonious relationship. These people can get along with those who are spiritually equal to them. They have a strong analytical mind and are looking for people with the same sharp mind. They prefer to surround themselves with people of good reputation. They do not take anyone on faith and will not trust until they are convinced of the qualities of a person. Only then will they accept the person completely and become his friend for life. They don't like whiners. Weakness is something they never put up with.

Lucky numbers - 9, 18, 27; 2, 11, 29; 3, 12, 21, 30; 6, 15, 24.

Lucky dates - 9, 18, 27.

Lucky days - Thursday, Friday (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday).

Bad months are April, May, October, November.

Lucky colors are all shades of red, scarlet, pink.

Lucky stones - rubies, garnets.

Diseases - any kind of fever, as well as smallpox, mumps. These people will undergo surgery at least once in their lives.

Recommendations. The number 9 is a courageous number and 9 people are courageous people. But they can be cruel when angered, and can talk without thinking that they are making enemies. They need to learn to manage themselves and speech. They easily look for and find trouble on their own head through thoughtlessness and spend a lot of time and energy on solving the problems created. This number is good, but if its owner develops at least a little restraint and tolerance in relations with people, otherwise you can find yourself isolated, without friends. These are very capable people who rise to a high step in the service, they just need to try not to step on the feet of others. Men should beware of infatuation with unworthy women, as a cunning intruder can easily lead them to a sad end. They need to show natural restraint, endurance in relations with the opposite sex. The second half of their life is more successful. Once they overcome the troubles at the beginning of their lives, they achieve success and peace. The main thing is to control your tongue.

The number 10 consists of one and zero. Zero is a number that softens the previous one. Therefore, the number 10 is a weakened number 1. These people are leaders, but less dominant than those born 1. They have all the qualities of a 1, but without the frills. These people are ambitious, and think clearly. They do not waste time in carrying out their plans and do not tolerate interference. They are stubborn and firm and do not stop until they have fulfilled all their plans. They are usually successful in life, as they have all the positive qualities of the number 1, but are less harsh and not as domineering. Despite success, they cannot reach the height that those born on the 1st reach. They are smart, imaginative, creative and courageous. They can make big bets to achieve success and are not afraid of losses, especially since success usually comes to them.

emotional features. Being leaders by nature, such people require partners who will accept their actions without question. In this they are like born 1s who need submissive partners. In matters of sex, they are very strong, and they need the same strong partners, because physical satisfaction is very important to them. However, unlike those born 1, the partner does not have to obey very strongly. As long as they are not led by the nose, they get along well with people.

Harmonious relationship. These people are very sincere by nature and expect sincerity from others. They are good friends and devoted lovers, but they demand the same from partners. They are independent and their main motto is live and let live. They do not like to be followed, but do not require blind obedience, but only recognition of their leadership and ability to lead. They also do not interfere in anything, like to work alone, but at the same time they need to be admired. They achieve success in life by being smart, energetic and proactive. It's easy to get along with them. This is a very positive and lucky number.

Flaws. The main thing is some insensitivity to subordinates. In addition, they are short-tempered. If they encounter inertia, they cannot bear it, as they themselves are very energetic. At the same time, they make enemies, but still do not take into account the opinions of others. They may go into isolation, but care little about it. If they are not controlled, they will sweep away everything in their path. Such people do not tolerate those who cannot do what they are capable of. They will certainly remember the shortcomings of other people, brand them as incapable and despise them. They need to cultivate tolerance.

Lucky numbers - 10, 19, 28.

Lucky days - Sunday, Monday.

Lucky colors are golden, light yellow.

Lucky stones are yellow diamond or topaz.

Diseases - heart and eyes, high blood pressure.

Recommendations. The number 10 is a very good number. These people can reach a high position. They are intolerant of others and cannot see anyone doing a worse job than them. They need to try to overcome this weakness. Because of their ambition, they often suffer and are always in a tense state. They work in such a way that they can bring themselves to exhaustion. They need to refrain from excess both in physical activity and ambition and emotions. First of all, they should cultivate patience, as they make enemies because of their temper. Otherwise, this is a good number, and 10 people are happy and successful.

Number 11

The number 11 is one of the most difficult, since its components and the sum of two digits are opposite to each other. The number 11 is two units, and therefore it has twice the qualities of the number 1, but the sum of these numbers is 2, which is diametrically opposed, so people 11 are very difficult to understand. They are highly ambitious, they cannot be satisfied with the second place. They are energetic, initiative, very individual and independent. They make tough decisions. These are positive characters, very brave, but under all this there is sensitivity and delicacy. They plan brilliantly and carry out their plans brilliantly if they act immediately. As soon as hesitation appears, they are gone. They conceive bold plans, but often lack the courage to bring them to life. They want to impose their will on others, but are too soft by nature to do so. They come into conflict because of the desire to freely express their views and at the same time are too sensitive to the feelings of others. They have to say their word, but they do it in the form of pinpricks, instead of saying everything directly. Their inability to come out in the open and fight as they would like to, drives them to despair, and therefore they become top-notch grunts. They will peck instead of shaking everything out at once. In general, they are very sensitive, but because the number includes two units, they are often completely unpredictable. Sometimes they can talk too much, and sometimes they are silent. When and what they will do, no one knows. Their colossal ambition makes them want more and more for themselves, but often their desires exceed their capabilities. This is where they fail. With a total of 2, these people cannot accept defeat, but they lack the strength to fight. The slightest setback is a disaster for them. While everything is going well, they are very positive people, but at the first sign of failure or opposition they break down and fall into deep despondency and pessimism.

emotional features. In emotional and sexual life they are also contradictory. They have great appetite and sexual power. Trouble begins at the slightest difficulty. They are too shy to seek satisfaction of their desires, and at the same time extremely sincere and devoted. They cannot bear betrayal as well as defeat. And if they do not meet a suitable partner, they will be broken for the rest of their lives. Shy and not confident enough, however, they do not tolerate any interference, and the offer of support is perceived as an insult. They seek independence, but are not capable of it. They have a desire for independence, but lack the strength to realize it. In general, in such people there is a constant struggle between the strong features of the number 1 and the soft and dependent nature of the number 2, as a result of which they are restless and unhappy.

Flaws. The main feature of the number 11 is the struggle of ambition with uncertainty. These people have the intelligence necessary for success, but they lack a strong backbone and energy. They need support, which they at the same time dismiss as weakness. They would like to command, but are too shy to assert themselves. Indeed, they are a tangle of contradictions. They need to learn to analyze themselves and develop positive qualities. If they don't, then the success they seek will elude them. The main thing for them is to learn how to bring their ideas to life, because they have a mind of numbers 1 and 2, and they need to stop dreaming and act.

Harmonious relationship. Everyone who deals with the number 11 needs to be monuments of patience and tact. The support that the number 11 desperately needs should be given without showing any sign of it. If such a person feels that he is weaker, he immediately rejects this support. Friends and spouses of such people should be able to be leaders when needed and followers when needed. The key is to know when to lead and when to follow. In addition, the partner must be intelligent and able to communicate on a spiritual level. These people must be constantly approved and not allowed to fall into despondency or despair. They are very difficult due to unpredictability, and their partners need to always be one step ahead in order to feel what is required of them. With these people, you need endless patience and tact, devotion and sincerity. If the paths must part, then this must be done as gently as possible. There are a lot of suicides among people 11, which is caused by a constant conflict between ambitions and opportunities.

Lucky numbers - 1, 10, 28; 2, 11, 29; 8, 17, 26.

Hostile numbers - 5, 15, 23. The number 5 is especially hostile because of the commercialism of its nature. Such a partner can easily throw aside his partner, who was born I, for whom such an act would mean a complete collapse. Therefore, those born 11 should avoid all contact with those born 5. Other hostile numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31. The number 4 is a pessimist and can never give the support that the number 11 needs, but can only undermine that little self-confidence , which is in it.

Lucky dates - 2, 11, 20; 1, 10, 19, 28.

Lucky days are Friday and also Thursday.

Bad months - July, December.

Lucky colors are light yellow, green.

Lucky stones are pearls, jade and yellow topaz.

Diseases - high blood pressure and nervous disorders.

Recommendations. The number 11 is a good number. But these people should be warned against discouragement, and they should develop self-confidence, they should beware of inactivity and be ready to carry out their plans. Missed opportunities disappoint them and plunge them into despondency. They should develop patience and curb ambition. Such people need to beware of stupid desires and stay within certain limits. This, of course, is easier said than done, and here the help of loved ones is needed, who should tactfully and diplomatically guide them away from unrealizable desires on the path; where there is more chance of success. They need to remember the saying: "Moscow was not built right away."

The number 1 in 12 is a bold number, full of initiative, courage, ambition and the positive qualities of a leader. These people have intelligence, energy and are somewhat reminiscent of a bulldozer.

On the other hand, the number 2 is a gentle, romantic dreamer, insecure, demanding constant approval, very smart, but not energetic. The sum of these two numbers is 3, also a very strong number, which is an enhanced number 1. In the number 3, the leader turns into a dictator, and ambitions into a thirst for power. The result is a positive character, under which uncertainty and gentleness are hidden. The sensitivity of the number 2 is manifested in the fact that such people can be persuaded, and not forced. This number is a good subordinate if the leader has tact and diplomacy. Bulldozer methods are not suitable here, and anything can be achieved with love. Uncertainty can overcome the certainty of numbers 1 and 3, such people will always consult with others before acting. They need encouragement. They have the intelligence of the number 2 and the practical mind of the number 1. They are disciplined like the number 3 and systematically methodical like the 1. They make excellent commanders, but unlike the number 3, they are not rude to their subordinates. They seek to rule by consent.

This is a very good number, since it has all the positive qualities of the numbers 1 and 3. The disadvantages of the number 2 are balanced.

emotional features. You can easily live with them. They need the approval of employees, but they don't seek the kind of support that the number 2 does. They have strength of character without being pedantic or bigoted. In their affections they are sincere and wish to have equal partners. These people make good marriages, unless their partners have the same flaws in abundance as themselves. They are sexually strong and have no inner inhibitions. They expect the same participation from partners, who must be free from prejudices and taboos. They are strong and love to experiment. Their sensitivity to the number 2 makes them gentle lovers, and spiritual fulfillment is also important to them. Although they are sensual, they will never be fully satisfied unless they have spiritual communion with a partner. They need intellectual communication to be satisfied.

Harmonious relationship. These people get along well with others. They are usually popular and make good companions due to their intelligence and positive nature. They are sensitive to other people and try not to offend anyone.

But if necessary, they can express everything that is on their mind. In other words, you always know what to expect from them. They are balanced and do not have complexes of the number 11, due to which they can get along well with most people.

Lucky numbers - 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 28, 11, 20, 12, 21, 30.

Hostile numbers - 4, 7, 13, 22, 31, 16, 25.

Lucky dates - 3, 12, 21; 2, 11, 20, 30.

Lucky days are Thursday and Monday.

Bad months are February, June, July.

Lucky colors are azure or white.

Lucky stone - white sapphire.

Diseases - high blood pressure, stomach disorders, skin.

Flaws. Their sensitivity sometimes reaches the point that they cannot forgive and forget. Real or imagined resentment disturbs their mind for a long time. She will stir them up and can make them unhappy. Uncertainty does not give them the opportunity to directly clarify the relationship. All this makes them unhappy. In addition, they are quick-tempered and irritated if someone tries to give them advice. They need the approval of others, and they do not like to be given an opinion with which they do not agree. Here the influence of the number 3 is manifested. Tact is necessary with such people. Faced with difficulties, they lose confidence and the ability to continue what they started. Here the features of the number 2 are manifested, and others need to approve them without showing a look.

Recommendations. This is a very good number, and such people are very balanced. But they are insecure, at times they are dominated by the dreamer. They should try to overcome these traits. In addition, they need to develop patience and understand that life has good and bad sides. If their plans run into obstacles, they should not abandon them. Things can't always be good, and instead of giving up, these people should keep fighting. Other than that, it's a very good number, and 12 people tend to be lucky. The second half of their life is better than the first.

Number 13

The number 13 is a difficult number. He is considered unlucky, but this is wrong and based on prejudice. Numbers 1 and 3 are very strong and signify career success. They are practical, plan well, and carry out their plans vigorously and systematically. They are smart, creative, have very definite views. Independent, proud, quick to pay debts. They are ambitious, very firm, and always finish what they start. The combination of these two numbers is simply amazing. Now consider the sum - 4, this number is directly opposite to 1 and 3. Here is inborn pessimism, constant despondency. These two contradictory tendencies give rise to an extremely unhappy state of mind. On the one hand - a powerful ambition, the desire for success to climb the stairs, and on the other - uncertainty, pessimism, rejection of chances, no matter how reliable they may be. Lost opportunities prevent success, and one can imagine the frustration that comes with it. The number 13 has a tenacious mind and the ability to grasp everything. These people learn quickly, extremely systematically and methodically. They are highly efficient and get the job done with a minimum of effort. It can be assumed that having such qualities, the number 13 will always succeed, but this is not so. Such people are doomed to failure if they do not pull themselves together. They are rarely satisfied with what they have and always want more. This shows the ambition of the numbers 1 and 3.

emotional features. The emotional and sexual life of the number 13 is complex and difficult. Again, there is a conflict between two opposite numbers. Superficially, the number 13 is confident, but it is only on the surface. Inwardly, such people yearn for encouragement, and they need someone who can give it to them. They need to be pushed all the time. The number 4 plays a very big role in their emotional life. The number 4 is not easily attached, but once attached, it remains faithful for life, so the sincerity of the number 13 is beyond doubt. Ironically, in sex, emotion plays very little, if any, role. They are very sexy and have a pantagruelian appetite, but they are devoid of feelings. Even if they are with a loved one, all this is purely physical and serves only to satisfy animal desires. Their desire arises very quickly and is almost uncontrollable in strength.

Harmonious relationship. The number 13 is a very difficult partner, and for his happiness he needs a partner who has the qualities of many different people. Above all, they need support and confidence. Morally, they are always in constant sadness, so their partner should be able to dispel such thoughts and direct them to more positive thinking. Despite this, the number 13 is a leader by instinct and a commander by nature. Their partners should be able to follow them. The easiest way for the friends and spouses of the number 13 is to help him develop in himself the many good qualities of mind and soul that he possesses. High spiritual qualities, efficiency and devotion make them outstanding people, they will always be happy.

Lucky numbers - 1, 10, 28; 3, 12, 21, 30.

Hostile numbers - 4, 13, 22; 5, 14, 23.

Lucky dates - 1, 10, 28, in addition, 12, 21, 30.

Lucky days - Sunday, Saturday, Thursday.

Lucky colors are blue and grey.

Lucky stone - blue sapphire.

Diseases - liver, in addition, back pain and headaches.

Flaws. The main drawback of the number 13 is extreme pessimism. This can negate all its positive qualities. These people are also jealous because of insecurities. Although not quarrelsome by nature, they can make enemies for themselves, as their pessimism annoys others. They are never satisfied with what they have, even if they have everything they can dream of, they always want more. This can lead them to frustration and discouragement.

Recommendations. The number 13 needs to overcome pessimism and look at the bright side of life. Such people are happy owners of good qualities and should develop them instead of negative ones. Success is very close to them, and they should not drive it away by missing opportunities. They have the qualities of leaders and commanders, and are also serious. There is nothing that would prevent success in their lives. The only downside is the negative attitude towards everything they do. They must overcome this by applying positive capabilities and willpower.

14 is three people in one. The two numbers are opposite, and their sum of 5 is a completely different character, but there is no big conflict here. 1 is a leader, quick-tempered and ambitious, 4 is very smart; methodical, pessimist and squanderer, the sum of these figures is a mercantile number, which has one god - money. This is the only combination of its kind. They combine ambition and greed for money. Such people are very successful in material affairs, as they have the gift of leadership, initiative and energy, intelligence and can direct all their energy to making money. However, they are wasteful, but this quality is controlled by the number 5. Underneath all this is the pessimism inherent in the 4, but this, nevertheless, is not a very dominant trait. In general, 14 is an ambitious, money-oriented, determined and very lucky person.

emotional features. The spouses and friends of such people must be rich, otherwise they have nothing to count on a good relationship. These people are not very warm, and it is not easy to fall in love with them. On the other hand, they have attractive qualities 1 and the opposite sex is attracted to them. They are courteous and diplomatic. Superficially they have many friends, they do not set anyone against themselves, because they do not know when a person can be useful to them. Their spouses should be the same materialists. A person of a different mindset does not get along with them. They do not want people who are not interested in money. This is the most common means of communication. Sexually, these are strong people, but even here they are interested in the opportunity to take possession of the money.

Lucky numbers - 11, 10, 28; 5, 14, 23.

Hostile numbers - 4, 22, 13, 31.

Lucky dates - 5, 14, 23.

Lucky days are Wednesday and Saturday.

The lucky color is white.

The lucky stone is a diamond.

Diseases - joints.

Flaws. 14 - opportunist, uses people, and then discards them as unnecessary, therefore he acquires enemies. Being somewhat pessimistic, suspicious. Such people are extremists and rush from one extreme to another.

Recommendations. Despite success in material affairs, such people are lonely, they scare away friends with naked materialism. This must be fought. They have a negative mindset, which makes life difficult with them. They need to think more positively and reinforce the good qualities of the number 1.

This is a combination of 1 and 5. The number 1 is ambitious. Leader, smart and determined, the number 5 is Mercury, the planet of business and finance. The sum of these numbers is 6, a very romantic number, the planet Venus, which affects love and relationships with the other sex. This is a magnetic personality that attracts the opposite sex, like a flame of moths. In general, 15 is a leader, mercantile, business person and romantic. A very interesting combination. The commercialism in this combination is suppressed by the romanticism of the number 6. 15 is a very stubborn number and, having made a decision, sticks to it, be it bad or good. This tenacity is also shown in the work: they never leave anything unfinished. Such people rarely continue the work they have left: they transfer it under the guidance of others, while they themselves take on a new one.

emotional features. Main features - romanticism 6. Materialism is present, but it is diluted. This person is looking for a romantic nature. If the partner has money, all the better, but this is not as obvious as for the number 5. These people are easily excitable and easily angered. They cool down as quickly as they ignite, but require a spiritual stimulus. They are not suitable for people with whom they are not carried away spiritually and romantically. 15 - an incurable romantic. They love money, but its absence does not bother them too much. 15 gets along easily with people and is best with those who are well off. Their marriages are successful, but their spouses must respond to their romance, since for them this is the main thing. A spouse must be able to live in that romantic world that 15 builds for himself, and in no case destroy it.

Lucky numbers - 6, 15, 24; b, 14, 23.

Hostile numbers - 8, 17.

Lucky dates - 6, 15, 24.

Lucky days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Bad months are May, June, October.

The lucky color is pink.

Lucky stone - turquoise, emerald.

Diseases - ear, throat, nose.

Flaws. The number 15 easily falls under the influence and, with a bad influence, can fall into bad company or become a victim of unscrupulous people. Their love of money can lead them to gambling and illegal activities. They are excitable and quick-tempered.

Recommendations. This is a peaceful number, these people are always prosperous financially. But before they start anything, they should think well, as they go sideways. You should think about your own decisions. You need to learn patience and not get carried away with trifles. The number is peaceful, but not entirely mercantile. These people are successful in life.

Number 16

Consists of 1 and 6. Number 1 - leader, ambitious, successful. He carries out his plans and does not tolerate contradictions. It's mind, careful planning. This is the commander, forcing unquestioning obedience.

The presence of the number 6 gives a penchant for romance and sentimentality, sensitivity to nature, symbols of romance. People born 16 become good artists and writers if they can do one thing for a long time.

The sum of two numbers is 7, which means variability, love of travel, restlessness. The combination of b and 7 makes these people good explorers. The number 1 gives them courage and energy for adventure. These people are interesting and have an attractive personality. They are very attractive to the opposite sex, and women have no end of admirers. They have deep emotions, but at the same time they have a lot of independence and are difficult to intimidate.

emotional features. These people are capable of strong affection, but they cannot be with one person for a long time, they need a change. However, their attachment does not decrease. In feelings, they remain constancy, but they only need something else for a while.

Sexually they are strong and aggressive. Men will persistently besiege the object of adoration with a force that is difficult to resist. But he is not an animal, as it might seem. These people are good lovers and the objects of their passion are really happy.

In friendship, they are devoted and, due to their personality, have many friends. They are diplomatic and generous, this makes them the soul of society.

Harmonious relationship. These people are happy with those who respect their independence and do not try to interfere and limit them. This is the influence of the number 1. Romantic inclinations require for him a spouse who can be sentimental without falling into melodrama. The partner should be sensitive to their mood, just as active in sex, with the same enthusiasm, without prohibitions.

These are free-thinking people, and almost nothing shocks them. This is what they expect from others. This is the influence of the number 1.

Lucky numbers - 1, 10, 19, 6, 15, 24, 7, 16, 25.

Hostile numbers - 3, 12, 21, 30, 5, 14, 23.

Lucky dates - b, 15, 24, 7, 16, 25.

Lucky days are Monday and Thursday.

Bad months - June, July, September.

Lucky colors are green and light yellow.

Lucky stones - pearls, moonstone.

Diseases - lungs, digestion.

Flaws. These people have a tendency to wander. This happens under the influence of the number 7. They cannot be with one thing or person for a long time. They are like rolling stones. If they are not understood enough, they become isolated. They begin to fly from one job to another, from one person to another.

Recommendations. These people need to cultivate stability in themselves, otherwise they may be without roots. If they need to wander, care should be taken to find a place where they can return. Otherwise, 16 is a good number.

Consists of 1 and 7, and the sum is 8, which makes this number very interesting. Here the number 1 also gives ambition, energy and independence, creativity and clear implementation of plans. The number 7 brings change, anxiety, wanderlust, restlessness. Combined with 1, you get a good writer or artist. At the same time, the artist in these people is a practical person, with a smart and logical approach to the problem.

The sum of 8 gives a split personality that is not understood. As a result, 17 has three main features: ambition and energy 1, volatility and difficulty in understanding the number 8.

emotional features. Emotionally, these people are changeable under the influence of the number 7, but the number 1 makes them devoted, because in their constant relationships they are faithful, despite slight betrayals. Their partners should understand this. If a partner tries to limit them or interfere with something, they can go to a complete break.

They can marry more than once, and their subsequent marriages are better than the previous ones.

Sexually, this is the most powerful number. They love experiments and have no inhibitions, they are strong and powerful in sex, but rude. Their partners must be strong.

Flaws. The very variability of their nature, which makes them interesting people, often brings them misfortune. They cannot be constant in work and with people, unless it involves travel and change. That is why their careers are rarely successful, despite their abilities. It is best for them to have a business that gives them freedom of movement.

Harmonious relationship. The number 7 is the main force in their relationship with people. They are happy with someone who lets them be themselves and not interfere. Under no circumstances should their freedom be restricted.

Lucky numbers - 1, 7, 8, 10, 28, 26, 17, 25.

Hostile numbers - 5, 14, 23; 2, 11, 20, 29.

Lucky dates - 1, 7, 8.

Lucky days - Sunday, Monday.

Bad months - December, January.

The lucky color is azure.

Lucky stones are black pearl and black diamond.

Diseases - liver and digestive tract.

Number 18

The sum is 9. All three numbers - 1, 8, 9 are well balanced, but the influence of 8 and 9 is greater than 1. It turns out an unusual combination of an ambitious, strong and energetic number 1 with an incomprehensible number 8, which is very talented, artistic and sensitive. Combined with 1, this gives an outstanding personality. This combination can be explosive, but the number 9 balances this trend. Since 9 is the planet Mars, it "gives wrestling qualities. Thus, the properties of all three numbers are reflected in the number 18.

emotional features. The emotional and sexual characteristics of the number 18 are mainly governed by the number 9. These people are very sexual, but they cannot express their desire and are often frustrated. The expression of desire seems to them shameful and a sign of weakness. Instead, they suppress themselves to the point of discouragement. But there is also the influence of the number 8, representing a gentle and sensitive lover, who is also sexually powerful. Conflict is very rare, as the number 8 hides nothing from those it loves. All components 1, 8, 9 are sexually powerful, and you can imagine the result. The number 9 dominates, just like the number 1, so the number 18 tends to take over in matters of the heart, otherwise nothing will come of it, and the partner must be soft and supple. In addition, he must play a leading role in sex because of the number 9, since the number 18 cannot explicitly express his feelings and desires. In friendship, this number is devoted in everything, but it is not easy to get along with him. At the same time, the number 8 softens the dominant nature of the number 18 and does not allow him to force his decisions on others. Although the number 18 is not easy to get along with, such people are interesting companions, being smart and positive. In short, the partner or friend of such a person must be malleable and at the same time be a leader in sex, that is, he must know when to be the leader.

Harmonious relationship. Friends of the number 18 can be those who have the same spiritual qualities and ambition. Those born 18 cannot understand the lack of ambition, this is their leading force, and they consider people without it to be weaklings. Therefore, they cannot deal with them. They slightly despise those who do not have the same energy, but can tolerate them, this shows the influence of the number 8. Despite the dominant nature, they can be good friends, since the number 8 gives them sensitivity and restrains their desire for command. In the interests of friendship, one should not contradict them too much.

Lucky numbers - best harmony with 1, 10, 28; 8, 17, 26; 9, 18, 27.

Hostile numbers - 7, 16, 25.

Lucky dates - 1, 8, 9.

Lucky days are Monday and especially Tuesday.

Bad months - April, July.

Lucky colors are red and blue.

Lucky stone - ruby.

Diseases - disorders and fever.

Flaws. This number is very dominant and commanding, only the presence of the number 8 does not allow it to be unpleasant.

Recommendations. These people should be softer with others, otherwise they will lose the friends they have. They have excellent leadership qualities, intelligence, diligence, but when they begin to treat others unceremoniously, they become unpopular. Everyone cannot understand them the way their loved ones can. They should not be intolerant of those who disagree with them. If they overcome these negative qualities and tendencies, they can become outstanding people and rise to great heights.

Number 19

This is a dictator. It has a total of 10, that is, 1. This indicates an imperious character. Moreover, 1 is repeated twice - in the number itself and in the sum of the digits. Therefore, these people will never obey anyone. Self-confidence - a characteristic feature of the number 1 - brought them to vanity. They consider themselves the first in everything and will never agree that anyone can do a job better than them. The whole world revolves around them. They are never satisfied with what they have, they always want more. They have a strong personality and can tune someone else's opinion in their own way only by the strength of their personality. Hence their thirst for power. They can destroy anything if it stands in the way of their ambitions, and they will not hesitate in the means, even if it is necessary to commit a murder. Determination and energy are the main features of the number 1 and 9, and the number 19 has them in triple size.

emotional features. The same can be said about their emotional and sexual life, where they should also dominate. It does not occur to them that the other may have feelings to be reckoned with, because they do not have such feelings. Those around are only tools that serve their purpose. They are exceptionally selfish and can push away when they don't need a partner. Emotions do not play a big role for them and can manifest themselves only in early youth and late old age. Whatever attachments they have, they will be lonely. Sexually they cannot be satisfied because they are always missing something. Under the influence of the number 9, they cannot express their desires, so the partner's guidance is necessary, but if the partner does not respond, then the number 19 will not stop before using force. By all accounts, this is a very dangerous number. Such people are very sexy, and given that there are no barriers for them when they want something, then they should sometimes be feared.

Harmonious relationship. Like the number 5, the number 19 is in harmony with its own kind. They are very dominant, and those who bond with them are more likely to get along with them out of fear than out of affection. On the other hand, those to whom they are dear will obey them in everything and will be devoted, but it is best if these people are also born on this number. With all the dominance, these people are able to inspire complete devotion to themselves, they have a magnetic personality and this wins others. Their spouses must either be equals or must be completely subordinate: either equals or slaves.

Lucky numbers - 1, 10, 28; 9, 18, 27; 5, 14, 23.

No other numbers can be harmonious and all are hostile.

Lucky dates are 19 and 5.

Lucky days are Tuesday and Saturday.

The lucky color is red.

Lucky stone - topaz.

Diseases - smallpox and blood pressure.

Flaws. Terrible ambition, imperious character can lead to death. These people fight their way, sweeping away all resistance, sweeping aside friend and foe alike, until they have no friend left. They can succeed, but since they never have enough, their insatiable lust for power can turn out to be a failure for them.

Recommendations. It is hardly possible to recommend anything to this number, because they do not recognize recommendations. If possible, they should restrain their rage and ambition. They have the dynamic qualities of a leader and have no equal in this, but then they become greedy for power, and in doing so, they begin to appropriate someone else's property and do illegal things to keep it. They reach dizzying heights, and then fall like a stone into the very depths of humiliation, and they themselves are to blame for this. If they could be satisfied with what they would undoubtedly achieve, they would shine not only in their time, but in history. If they do go down in history, it is as dictators who were kicked out by the very people they wanted to rule over.

Like 2, this number is gentle, romantic. It is soft, pliable and sensitive. Consists of 2 and 0. Zero is a silent number and serves only to soften the number 2. Born 20 are very smart, they are creative people and have a lively and rich imagination. More inclined towards the spiritual than the physical. Physically, they are usually weak. They are dreamers and mostly live in the clouds. They cannot face the facts of life and at the sight of difficulties they hide in a small world of dreams. Their dreams have little to do with reality, and if they are awakened, they realize that they are not able to cope with life. This daydreaming, combined with their innate intelligence, creativity and imagination, makes them excellent poets and artists, if they can find someone to provide them with food. They are soft and forgiving by nature and lack the energy to get on with their lives. Being weak, they do not like hard work.

emotional features. They live in the spiritual world, so they must have a spiritual community with loved ones. They are not very strong, and sexual strength among them is rather an exception. In any case, all their physical reactions originate in the brain, and in the absence of spiritual communication, they cannot be excited physically. Physical satisfaction is accidental and always secondary to spiritual satisfaction. Sex for them is the culmination of a feeling that originated in the mind, and this culmination is not necessary. It is enough for them to have a spiritual connection with a partner, physical relationships are secondary for them. In marriage, they are looking for people who have the same spiritual qualities, and if the spouse is physically stronger and spiritually weaker, the marriage will be unsuccessful, and they themselves will be disappointed and depressed.

Harmonious relationship. The main thing for them is to live with those who have the same spiritual qualities. Their strength is in the mind, and they must have people around them for spiritual fellowship. Due to the inability to fulfill plans, they rarely achieve success in life and therefore are insecure. They need partners who give them confidence in themselves. They should be their support. They need to be encouraged and supported. They are very sensitive, and those around them should be careful not to hurt them with a careless word. Due to disbelief and inability to succeed, they become restless and swim in a sea of ​​uncertainty, while they inevitably become victims of mood and temperament. Their partners must have calmness and patience in order to bring them out of a bad mood. Their partners should not be very sexual, the inequality of temperaments can lead to serious consequences.

Lucky numbers - 2, 20; 7, 16, 25; 9, 18, 27.

Hostile numbers - 1, 10, 19, 28.

Lucky dates - 2, 20, 7, 9.

Lucky stones - pearls, moonstone, emerald.

Diseases - liver, digestion.

Recommendations. These people should be treated with tact and caution. They are very sensitive and pessimistic and can bring themselves to deep despondency if they are not encouraged all the time. They should develop the power of logic so that they can use their minds to think clearly, instead of seeing only the dark side of life. They need to occupy themselves with art so that there is no time for reflection and despondency. If they don't, they will be hit and suffer more.

The digits of this number represent the Moon and the Sun. The moon is a woman and the sun is a man. The Moon is romance, emotions, sensitivity, and the Sun is ambition and success. The sum of these numbers is 3, which represents an even greater dictator than the number 1. Thus, on the one hand, a dreamer with a rich imagination, sensitivity and artistry, and on the other, a leader, ambitious and strong. In all respects, this is a good combination. The weak qualities of the number 2 are balanced by the positive numbers 1, and the dictatorial qualities of the number 3 are softened by the number 2. These people are usually successful in life, as they have the power of thought, imagination and the ability to plan, and unlike the numbers 2 and 20, they are able to put their ideas into practice .

emotional features. Their emotional life is saturated, as they fully possess the qualities of the number 2 and the energy of the number 1. They need spiritual and physical communication. Although they are not as strong as the numbers 1 and 3, they are stronger than the number 2, and they also need physical satisfaction. Sexually, these are average people with a great inclination towards romance. This makes them good lovers, as they respond to both the spiritual and physical sides of the partner, and if the partner is not very sexual, they can satisfy him both spiritually and physically. They have a fairly good appetite without being overly demanding, and their ability to communicate spiritually makes them even more interesting.

Harmonious relationship. The number 21 gets along quite well with most people, having the magnetism and energy of the number 1 and the sensitivity of the number 2. Such people are reasonable and try not to offend others, but their pessimism can be annoying, and they can lose friends if they rely on them too much. On the other hand, they have a tendency to be dictatorial under the influence of the number 3 and like to have everything done as they want. Their partners and followers should be the backbone.

This in itself is a contradiction, and the spouses of such people should feel their mood and respond to it accordingly. You can not demand too much from them in sex.

Lucky numbers - 2, 11, 20, 29; 1, 10, 28; 3, 12, 21, 30.

Hostile numbers - 4, 13, 31; 5, 14, 23.

Lucky dates - 2, 11, 20; 3, 12, 21, 30.

Bad months are February, June, September.

Lucky colors are gray and off-white.

Lucky stones are pearls.

Diseases are stomach.

Flaws. The number 21 has two faces: the pessimist and the dictator. They are opposite and can make him unhappy. They are usually short-tempered and make enemies. Because of the tendency to dream, they lose good opportunities in life, and this can lead to despondency and disappointment.

In contrast, the dictator in them demands that everything be as he wants, while he rejects any advice and imposes his will.

Recommendations. These people are usually lucky, as they have a happy combination, which includes the number 1. They should be warned against negative thinking and imposing their opinions. If they manage to do this, they will achieve great success, because they have intelligence and energy. The only thing they need is to develop willpower and confidence.

An extremely pessimistic number, which is a combination of two twos, giving a total of 4. In it, the sensitivity and uncertainty of the number 2 doubles. This number is the epitome of femininity. It is gentle and touching. This is a weak number, almost incapable of independent action. His only salvation is the mind and high spiritual qualities, but they do not serve such people too well, since they cannot translate them into action. These people are unlikely to be lucky in life, so they are in for big disappointments. They are embezzlers. Money comes to them as easily as it leaves. They cannot save anything and almost always experience financial difficulties. They can spend much more than what they earn.

emotional features. Emotionally, they are not very strong, they cannot easily fall in love, but if they fall in love, they will be devoted to the end. In matters of the heart, they are the most reliable, as they will never leave their chosen partner, but their extreme pessimism instills in them a sense of insecurity and jealousy. They are suspicious of others and lose many friends because of this. Sexually they are average and so sensitive that the slightest hindrance deprives them of all desire, and it is very difficult to arouse them again. Even an unsuccessful word spoken by a partner can completely turn them off. Therefore, the partner must be careful in words and deeds. The number 22 is very difficult to live with, as it requires constant approval and support, which is a big burden for others. They are vampires sucking the blood of the mind.

Harmonious relationship. They need someone to support them. For a man's partner, this is not so difficult, which cannot be said about a woman. The wife of such a person should be constantly next to him for support, he himself cannot do anything. She should put her difficulties aside, so he has time only for himself, everything else is in the background. His problems are always more complex, and sorrows and difficulties are always exaggerated. The number 22 can be happy (if at all possible) with people to lean on. Partners, friends and associates of such a person should be the embodiment of patience and moral support.

Lucky numbers - 2, 11, 20.

Hostile numbers are 4, 22, 13 and 31. Lucky dates are 2, 11, 20.

Lucky days - Saturday, Monday.

Lucky colors are light blue, azure.

Lucky stones are pearls and coral.

Bad months are April, August, October.

Diseases - headaches, migraines.

Flaws. Uncertainty and pessimism are the main components of the spiritual constitution of these people. Despite many positive qualities: intelligence, devotion, efficiency, high intelligence, they rarely achieve success in life due to extreme pessimism. The tendency to always see the dark side of things, combined with insecurity, leads them to miss out on good opportunities. Instead of trying to improve their situation and seize the opportunity, they do not want to try at all, believing that nothing will come of it anyway. They don't understand that not trying at all is worse than trying and failing. With missed opportunities and failures, the sight of others who are successful in life further exacerbates their disappointment and pessimism, completing a vicious circle. In extreme cases, this can lead to a very strong impact.

Recommendations. These people should be warned against despondency, which can negate all their good qualities. Despite their unwavering devotion to friends and partner, their pessimism makes it very difficult to live with them and quite often scares away the very people they need for approval. They need to learn to stand on their own feet, not to miss an opportunity due to a lack of courage in the face of a possible defeat. You can't always be successful in everything you try to do, but you have to try. This is what they must learn. They must act as soon as possible. They are very smart, methodical and efficient. They can not give up due to lack of energy.

Those born on the 23rd represent a controversial nature. They are soft under the influence of the number 2 and mini-dictators under the influence of the number 3. The sum of the numbers 5 speaks of commercialism.

They want everything to be as they wish, but they lack the strength of character to insist on their own. Therefore, they act by force. They can only deal with those who are weaker, and their innate cunning allows them not to waste strength on those with whom it does not work out. If they are surrounded by people with a stronger character, they are depressed.

Usually these people do not have much strength, even if they look very strong. They are sensitive and proud, do not like to be indebted to anyone. They love to be even. This is the influence of the number 5.

emotional features. Emotionally, they tend to dominate, which manifests the influence of the number 3. At the same time, they are emotional, and their feelings are deep. They like to be possessive with their friends, but they don't like being treated the same way. They have good marriages if their partners have exactly the same temperament or desire to obey. In marriage, they also want to appear liberal, but in fact they are owners. This is from the uncertainty of the number 2. They are smart and prefer a partner with the same mind, but this is not necessary. Sexually they are strong, but will not go crazy in the absence of sex. If there is - good, if not, they do not worry. In general, they are undemanding lovers.

Harmonious relationship. Good relations are possible with two types of people: with those who will obey, and with those who are powerful in this world. They can tolerate others, being soft, but will not appreciate them. Although they are smart enough to understand people, they consider themselves always right in everything. It is not easy with them, but with patience and persuasion, they can be forced to take a different point of view.

Lucky numbers - 5, 14, 23; 2, 11, 20, 29.

Hostile numbers - 9, 18, 27; 1, 10, 28.

Lucky dates - 2 and 5.

Lucky days - Monday, Wednesday.

The lucky color is pink.

Lucky stones - pearls, diamonds. Under no circumstances should gold be worn.

Diseases - mental disorders and pain in the joints.

Flaws. The desire to dominate without possessing the necessary strength of character. They will always impose their will on those who are weaker. They are slightly materialistic and are drawn to those who have achieved success in life. They will not sell themselves for money, like the number 5, but their eyes will cloud over at the sight of money.

Recommendations. You need to tame the desire to dominate. You don't have to be dominant to be strong. We must try to be less mercantile and look into people's hearts. You can't treat people well just because they've achieved recognized success.

This number - a combination of 2 and 4 - is very pessimistic and sensitive. It is romantic in nature and lacks leadership traits. This is a follower. These people are soft, unable to be rude to anyone, even if they themselves suffer. They are smart, have good grades, but rarely achieve anything. They are insecure and miss good opportunities, they cannot take risks. They lag behind their peers and become even less self-confident. The sum of the numbers - 6 - is a very romantic number that idealizes everything in the world. It gives a rich imagination, a penchant for art. However, these people see the sad side of life. Missing opportunities, they blame fate for everything, and not the lack of initiative.

emotional features. In friendship, they are faithful and devoted. It is not easy to converge with people, but if they make friends, then for life. Emotionally, they can be completely relied upon, as they are devoted and cannot offend. Often this brings them unhappiness, because they do not have the strength to end a relationship in which they feel bad.

Sexually, they are not very strong, because they are physically weak and not hardy. Sex is more in their mind. In addition, they are shy, which prevents them from enjoying success with the opposite sex. They constantly dream, but do not dare to make their dreams come true. They idealize the object of adoration in every possible way. They are very emotional in matters of the heart and love passionately and deeply. Physically, they can only be aroused through the mind, since their physical needs are not great.

Harmonious relationship. These people need someone to lean on. They need a lot of patience. Their partners must take responsibility, leaving them a world of dreams and creativity. They should not be left with the menial work of obtaining food.

Lucky numbers - 2, 11, 20, 29; b, 15, 24.

Lucky colors are dark pink, azure.

Diseases - throat, nose, lungs.

Flaws. The number 24 is under the influence of Mars, therefore, these people are usually quick-tempered. It takes away their friends. They have weak willpower and cannot put their thoughts into action. They cannot control their own destiny. They are also ruled by Venus, which makes them romantics. They are often betrayed. Being physically weak, they often get sick and do not recover easily.

Recommendations. It is necessary to cultivate willpower, not to miss opportunities, not to be idealists in love and to feel the earth under your feet. They need to do art, creativity. They should strive for an independent career, and at the same time they need practical advisers.

Number 25

25 is a strange number, a combination of the softness of the number 2, the greed of the number 5, and the love of change in the number 7. The number 2, although leading the way, is actually a consistently obedient person. The number 5 is more manifested, it requires money and is illegible in means. They are easily tempted to illegal activities, have good business skills, but prefer speculation and gambling.

They have a strong desire for change under the influence of the number 7. In emotions, they are equally influenced by the numbers 2 and 5. They are soft and romantic, very smart and looking for spiritual communication with partners, friends. The number 5 draws to the "right" people, that is, to those who have achieved success. They love change, and if the relationship is not very deep, they do not make friends with people for a long time.

emotional features. Sexually, they are a strange combination: they are attracted to those who are well off, but they have a strong penchant for romance, which makes them idealize the object of adoration. Love is born in their mind if the object has a good material base. Although romantic, they are not attracted to poor people.

Physically, they are average. They are not very adventurous and do not particularly need sex. If they are excited, then their energy is great. And yet they are sexually average.

Harmonious relationship. 25 - romantic materialist. They are happy with business-oriented people. They need both spiritual satisfaction and wealth. They also need to have someone who will meet their daydreaming. Change is better than peace - that's their motto. They need a change of scenery. They are not unfaithful by nature, they cannot be called insincere or superficial. Their thirst for change is simply a necessity, and this must be reckoned with. However, being soft, they can suppress this tendency to change in themselves if the relationship requires it. Since their personal relationships are always connected with business, they would rather suppress their thirst for change than end the relationship.

Lucky numbers - 2, 7, 11, 20, 29; 16, 25.

Hostile numbers - 5, 14, 23.

Lucky dates are 2 and 7.

Lucky days - Monday, Tuesday.

Bad months - May, October.

Lucky colors are yellow, green.

Lucky stone - pearl, moonstone.

Diseases - skin, digestive tract.

Flaws. The number 25 has materialistic tendencies. These people prefer easy and fast money. They may end up in bad company. They are easily irritated, short-tempered and somewhat impatient.

Recommendations. Greed for money and material gain should be tamed, love for art should be cultivated. In their early years, their life is characterized by changes, trials and searches. In a later period, they live peacefully and are engaged in charity and philanthropy. They should refrain from irascibility.

In this number, two sensitive and artistic natures. In sum, they give 8, which is poorly understood, it is dual. Number 26 loves entertainment and a full house of people. A woman born on 26 is a hospitable hostess. 26 is a very emotional number.

emotional features. These people are very sensitive, they are capable of deep feelings not only for those they love, but also for friends. They are somewhat idealistic in their approach and need both spiritual and physical stimuli. The number b gives them romanticism towards the opposite sex. They are dreamers and idealists and want to communicate spiritually. At the same time, they are physical people, and they need physical stimuli. But there is a contradiction here. They also need spiritual stimulation. They cannot get aroused if the object does not have an aura of romance.

Harmonious relationship. These people will be benefactors for others. They are capable of great sacrifices for those they love, and friendship with them is favorable. Unfortunately, this number is rarely useful. These people are very independent, and do not tolerate restrictions on freedom. They are soft and everyone enjoys it. They know this and tolerate it to a certain extent. But beyond this limit - they will rebel. You should not think that they are as harmless as they seem. But they prefer to give more than to take, and the moral balance is always in their favor. Those associated with them must respect their individuality and allow them to be themselves. These people are smart, and they need equal partners.

Lucky numbers - 2, 6, 8, 17, 26, 15, 24.

Hostile numbers - 5, 14, 23, 3, 12, 21.

Lucky dates - 2, 6, 8.

Bad months - July, December, February.

Lucky color - chestnut, yellow.

Lucky stones - black pearl, black diamond, sapphire.

Diseases - digestive tract, liver.

Flaws. Such people need to be prepared for criticism and opposition from others, as they are often not understood. The influence of the number 2 does not give them the opportunity to fight. They should cultivate willpower in themselves and not attach importance to attacks. They are often impatient, and if things don't go the way they want, they can ruin everything by hastily trying to fix something. Disadvantages - excessive daydreaming and inability to act.

Recommendations. This is a good number, but these people need to cultivate patience. It's a virtue they don't have. They should boldly perceive the world and not succumb to opposition. If they boldly accept criticism, they will be able to influence events. Otherwise, they will not achieve anything, since it is impossible to do well for everyone.

This number is a combination of romance and dictator. The numbers 2 and 7 are similar, although the latter is stronger and more independent. These people are original and individual. They are materialistic by nature. Their ability to act in an original way sets them apart. Women seek security in life but strive to have intelligent partners for spiritual communication.

emotional features. These people are sensitive and have a good imagination and a strong mind. They love to travel and therefore know a lot. Their penchant for romance goes well with their love of travel. These people are stimulated more by the power of the mind than by the physical need. They are drawn, on the one hand, to those who can give them moral support, since they are not confident in themselves, and on the other hand, to those who are soft and supple. They are also attracted to people with an element of unpredictability. If a person is understandable, then they are not interested in him. They are drawn to the opposite sex more out of habit than desire. Even if the attraction is not very strong, they will hunt for the love of art. This applies more to men. Sexually they are strong and if they want, they cannot wait. They can use force.

Harmonious relationship. These people can get along with most, so smart, interesting and strong in character. They draw people to them. But they can not be dominated - it repels.

Lucky numbers - 2, I, 20, 29, 9, 18, 27, 6, 15, 24.

Hostile numbers - 5, 14, 23, 10, 28.

Lucky dates - 2, 6, 9.

Lucky days - Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

Lucky stones - ruby, garnet, onyx.

Lucky colors are red, green, khaki.

Bad months - May, October, November.

Diseases - skin, mental disorders, fevers.

Flaws. Slight dominance. In this case, you can lose friends. In addition, these people are not entirely self-confident.

Recommendations. This is a good number if you learn to tame the tendency to dominate others. Dictatorship does not make a person better. You shouldn't always push yourself. There is self-doubt that can be harmful. You need to develop self-confidence and willpower.

This is a complex number because it contains digits with different properties. The number 2 is the main one for numbers from 20 to 29 - soft, supple and dependent on others. The number 8 is a magnetic personality, attractive to the opposite sex. The sum of the numbers is 1. This is a commander with energy and initiative.

emotional features. These people are very interesting, intelligent and sensitive. React to the environment and have a good imagination. They can become good artists. They are also very ambitious.

In matters of the heart and in friendship, these people are devoted and friendly. They do not impose themselves on anyone. They do not dominate, but they know well what they want. They are soft-spoken and mild-mannered, and it is usually easy for them to convince others. They are very smart and need spiritual stimulation. Relations with them should be equally spiritual and physical. If there is no spiritual communication, the partner quickly bothers them.

Sexually, this is a strong number, and their partners must be strong. Sex is just as important to them as the spiritual and emotional side, and an excess of one does not replace a lack of the other.

Harmonious relationship. These people are usually popular and have influence over others. They usually get their way without being tyrants. They are sincere and devoted, keep old friends and constantly expand the circle of new ones. They have a good marriage, but the mind for them is the main thing in a partner. If this is not the case, they suffer because their mind is as strong as their body.

Lucky numbers - 11, 20, 29, 17, 26, 10, 28.

Hostile numbers - 5, 14, 23.

Lucky dates - 1, 2, 8.

Lucky days - Monday, Saturday.

Lucky colors are green, white.

Lucky stones - diamond, jade.

Bad months - April, May.

Diseases - hypertension.

Flaws. These people may not be understood. Spiritual and moral qualities are often valued less than money. If the abilities of these people are not recognized, they become discouraged and lose confidence. With opposition, the uncertainty and pessimism of the number 2 come out.

Recommendations. This is generally a confident number, but does not stand up to difficulties. Insecurity should be fought, which is easy to do with the strong personality of the number 1. Patience should be nurtured. When people do not understand, one should not fight with everyone. It is better to endure adversity patiently. In the end, everything will work out. You should not explain your actions to everyone, it will not work.

The number is quite complex. On the one hand, the number 2, and on the other - 9. These are opposite numbers, and their sum is 11 \u003d 2. Here the soft and pessimistic nature of the number 2 and the dominant rebel 9. Complete contrast. The sum is the number 11, which also affects the number 29. Being the creation of two units, this is an ambitious commander.

The number 2 is imagination and creativity, while the number 9 is a dominant personality and a fighter to the last. This is the planet Mars. You can imagine the conflict. This makes such people difficult, as they are both dominant and malleable.

emotional features. These people are very ambitious and carry out their plans to the end. But if they fail, they crumble like a house of cards. They are very smart and make good academic careers. Their ability to administer and organize is phenomenal, and it is quite effective. All this makes them lucky in life. They will do anything to satisfy their ambition, which is very big and not content with second place.

These people have deep and lasting emotional attachments. But it is very difficult for their partners, as they either dominate or are malleable. They have the romanticism of the number 2 and they need spiritual fellowship. Reverie fills their spiritual life with stardust and moonlight, which further strengthens their attachment. If they cannot fully romanticize the object of their adoration, they cannot be satisfied.

These people are very sexual, but suffer from a number 2 complex and cannot express their desire. They believe that desire is shameful and showing it is a weakness. Therefore, the partner must lead them. They do not need an aggressive partner, he only has to be the first to express desire.

Harmonious relationship. The number 29 is not easy to live with, as it is built on contrasts. This is a very dominant number, and such people are not very popular, even if they are respected for their strength of character. At the same time, they have the softness of the number 2, which makes them look for support. This is not a very strong trait, and it manifests itself only in the fact that they need encouragement.

The tendency to impose one's will on others makes them unpopular and turns them against them. Mind, practical thinking and determination bring them the respect of others.

Lucky numbers - 2, 11, 20, 29, 9, 18, 27.

Hostile numbers - 5, 14, 23, 3, 21, 12, 30.

Lucky days - Monday, Thursday.

Lucky dates - 2, 9.

The lucky color is white.

Lucky stone - pearl, moonstone, jade.

Bad months - May, October.

Diseases - mental disorders and hypertension. There may be nervous shocks.

Flaws. The main drawback is the dominant character. These people mark those who disagree with them, it turns people against them. One day they may be isolated. Another disadvantage is the inability to perceive defeat. At the same time, they are always insecure. They hide behind bluff and bravado, although deep down they are confused and afraid.

Recommendations. These people should fight the desire to dominate. By this they will achieve nothing, especially the popularity they achieve. They should not succumb when defeated. They are quite ambitious, and must control their ambitions. They need to bite off as much as they can eat. With their energy and initiative, they can achieve the goal if it is within their capabilities, which are not so small.

Number 30

The number 30 is the twin of the number 3 and has all its properties, but in a softened form. But this softening is so small that these numbers can be considered the same. This is a very bold number, and number 30 people are ambitious and aggressive. They love power and are never satisfied with a subordinate position. They have to control the actions of others and without a sense of power are very disappointed. They strictly obey discipline and demand it from subordinates. They dominate and do not take into account the opinions of others, are firm and do not refuse the adopted plan, they are usually very strong and hardy.

emotional features. The desire for dominance runs like a red thread through all the actions of such people, including relationships with others. They must be first or there will be no relationship. The partner or friend should be soft and supple and should be content with second place. They are hunters with a natural instinct. Those who are interested in them have very little chance of escaping, as the victim will be pursued with a determination that is difficult to resist. They have an attractive personality and a huge sexual urge. The opposite sex is attracted to them against their will. Sexually they are strong and material. They are aggressive, they have little time for love, but if they have an opportunity, they will take advantage of it if the offer is made with respect.

Harmonious relationship. Only those who are able to obey them can get along with this number. In friendship, they want to be the first and do not like others who threaten their position. Partners and friends should complement them, but not exceed them. No one should in any way encroach on their freedom. The number 30 should fully determine the actions of the partner. No one should try to be equal to such people. It is clear that they are not easy to get along with.

Lucky numbers - 3, 12, 30, 5, 14, 23, 6, 15, 24.

Hostile numbers - 4, 13, 31.

Lucky dates - 3, 12, 21.

Lucky days - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

Lucky stone - sapphire.

Lucky colors are blue and pink.

Diseases - skin, joints.

Flaws. These people are born dictators and make their own laws. In carrying out their plans, they, like a steamroller, eliminate all resistance, without thinking about the consequences. Although they are not naturally quarrelsome, their bulldozing methods turn men against them and they gain enemies. They are intolerant of those who are weaker than them.

Recommendations. This is a very strong number, and those born 30 will rise to great heights, possessing all the necessary qualities for this, if they restrain themselves with diplomacy and prudence. They should learn to tame their temper, intolerance and ambition. If they do this, which is quite possible, they will achieve the success they aspire to.

The number 31 is another compound number made up of the twins 1 and 3. Both of these numbers have signs of leadership, ambition and energy. Both are practical, plan well, and carry out their plans vigorously. They are proud and do not like to be indebted to anyone. Both are firm, do not give up until the last. What is the difficulty? She sums up to 4, which is completely opposite: she is a born pessimist. Such people live in a state of complete despondency. So, on the one hand, all overpowering ambition, the desire for success and a high career, and on the other hand, uncertainty and pessimism, indecision when chances arise, no matter how safe they are. There is a great conflict between these components, something like a split personality, although not in the same way as in the case of the number 8.

emotional features. The emotional life of the number 31 is complex. The conflict between the two numbers plays a big role in this. On the surface, the number 31 is confident and prominent, but inside there is some uncertainty, almost imperceptible. Such people really need approval, they need someone who can do it. The number 4 plays a big role in their emotional life. This number is slow to respond to emotions, but is distinguished by devotion for life. The sincerity of such people is undeniable. They don't fall in love easily, but they don't love easily. Sex is a different story. Here they are not emotional at all. They are very sexy and have a great appetite, but feelings do not play a big role in this. Even if they love, the act is purely physical, and they are only concerned with their animal desires, which tide in and out of control. If they cannot quench their thirst, they become nervous and irritable.

Harmonious relationship. They have a complex character, and only very multifaceted personalities can make them happy. Their state of mind tends towards sadness and despondency, although they rarely show it. Their partner should be able to sense and dispel such gloomy thoughts and divert their attention to more pleasant things. Despite all this, these people are leaders by instinct and commanders by nature, and their partners must follow them. Those around them should help them develop many of the wonderful qualities of mind and heart that they possess. Their great intelligence, efficiency and dedication make them outstanding individuals. Their partners will be happy if they can understand their needs.

Lucky numbers - 3, 12, 21, 30, 1, 10, 28.

Hostile numbers - 2, 6, 8, 9.

Lucky dates - 1 and 3.

Lucky days are Tuesday and Thursday.

Lucky stones - topaz.

The lucky color is blue.

Diseases are the heart (this comes from a tendency to pessimism), it is necessary to check the heart more often.

Flaws. The main one is pessimism, which can cross out all good qualities. In addition, they are jealous, as they easily lose confidence in themselves. They are always unhappy with what they have. Even if they have everything they can dream of, they want something else. This can lead to disappointment.

Recommendations. They need to overcome the tendency to be pessimistic and look at the bright side of things. They are happy owners of excellent qualities, and they should develop them instead of suppressing them, as they often do. Success is with them, and they should not miss opportunities. They have leadership qualities and are very serious. In addition, they should develop willpower.