Purulent sore throat treatment quickly. Purulent sore throat - treatment at home

Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis is an infectious acute disease that affects areas of the palatine tonsils. According to the pathomorphological classification, this disease can occur in several forms: follicular, catarrhal, necrotic and lacunar form. The last three types of disease differ from the first by the presence of purulent discharge on the tonsils, due to this, they are popularly united under the common name - purulent tonsillitis. The disease not only causes severe pain, but can cause serious complications. What to do and how to treat purulent sore throat at home?

Cause of purulent sore throat

The cause of this disease is infection of bacterial origin. The pathogen passes into the tonsils from foci of chronic damage in the body or from the outside. The majority of cases of acute tonsillitis are caused by a bacterium called group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, and only 25% of the disease is caused by streptococci and their combination with staphylococci.

The main risk factors for acute tonsillitis are:

  • reduced immunity;
  • local (near the throat) or general hypothermia of the body;
  • bad habits (especially smoking);
  • excessive air dryness, gas pollution and dustiness;
  • sudden changes in temperature.


Purulent tonsillitis is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory canals. This disease most often affects children over 7 years of age, as well as adults of working age. The disease is characterized by a pronounced seasonality - the peak of the disease occurs in spring and autumn.

The source of infection is an asymptomatic carrier of streptococcus, as well as a person with tonsillitis. The main method of transmission of the disease is airborne, however, the role of both nutritional (that is, with food) and contact-household (using household items) mechanisms cannot be ruled out. This is a highly contagious infection, the greatest susceptibility to this disease is observed in children and adults with lesions in the oral cavity of chronic infection.

Symptoms of the disease

This disease, as a rule, begins acutely and passes very hard. The incubation time (from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease) is several days. In the foreground are the general symptoms of body intoxication:

Against the background of intoxication symptoms, a person develops a sore throat, mild at first, but over time they become stronger, reaching their peak on the 4-5th day of the illness. At this stage, the pain becomes more pronounced, bothering the patient constantly, interfering with nasal rest and making the swallowing process impossible - the person cannot eat food.

Often observed inflammation of regional lymph nodes– they are painful when touched, hurt when swallowing, and increase in size.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of purulent tonsillitis is based on examination of the oropharynx - pharyngoscopy, medical history (acute course of the disease) and human complaints (characteristic clinical picture). During pharyngoscopy, the doctor will determine what form of acute tonsillitis the patient has:

A general blood test may show an increase in the number of leukocytes - leukocytosis, a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, an increase in ESR, in some cases up to 45-55 mm/h.

You need to know that infection of the tonsils is not always primary - in some cases it appears against the background of such serious infectious diseases as infectious mononucleosis and diphtheria. In doubtful situations, a sick person may be prescribed specific blood tests to identify the pathogen or a bacteriological examination of plaque, which is taken from the surface of the tonsils. To prevent the spread of infection, the patient may be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital.

Purulent sore throat: how to treat purulent sore throat in adults?

Treating purulent tonsillitis should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. Delayed or incorrect treatment can lead to serious complications, which in some cases can even lead to death.

It is unacceptable to treat this disease exclusively with traditional medicine!

Since purulent tonsillitis, as a rule, goes away with clearly expressed symptoms of intoxication of the body, then in the acute course of the disease the patient is advised bed rest with vocal rest and limiting contact with other people.

In order to prevent trauma to the inflamed mucous membrane, the food that the patient eats during the illness must be warm and soft, and to enhance the human body’s immune system, it must be fortified. For a faster release of toxins, the patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids, naturally, warmly: green tea with lemon, vegetable and fruit drinks, still mineral alkaline water, milk with honey - these drinks should be almost the basis of the daily menu of a patient with a sore throat.

Drug therapy includes such treatment procedures as inhalation of drugs, irrigation and rinsing of the mouth with antiseptic solutions, use of drugs parenterally (using infusions and injections) or orally (that is, by mouth - tablets).

The main component of the treatment of acute purulent tonsillitis is and is constantly antibiotic therapy. This point should never be neglected, since a bacterial infection from the tonsils can spread to vital organs - the kidneys and heart. The most commonly used are macrolides (Erythromycin, Azithromycin), 2-3 generation cephalosporins (Zinnat, Cefuroxime, Cefix, Ceftriaxone), phenoxymethylpenicillin and amoxicillin-clavulanate (Augmentin, Amoxiclav). The antibiotic must be taken for another three days after the body temperature has returned, and only after this period can the drug be discontinued.

The use of the local antibiotic Bioparox during acute tonsillitis is also very important, as is systemic antibiotic therapy. This remedy acts on the source of inflammation itself, killing bacteria immediately at the site.

In addition to Bioparox, the disease can be treated with lozenges and topical sprays that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties: Trachisan, Decatylene, Ingalipt, Neo-angin, Septolete, Faringosept, Kameton, Tantum Verde - there are a very large number of these drugs, and every doctor has a lot of these drugs for the treatment of sore throat I have a few particularly favorite remedies in mind.

Also during purulent sore throat it makes sense gargling. For this purpose, solutions of various antiseptics (alcohol chlorophyllipt, Stomatidin, furatsillin), herbal decoctions (chamomile, chamomile) are used. The more often you gargle with this disease, the greater the effect will be noticeable. If you treat this disease, then 4-5 gargles a day will be pointless; you need to gargle at least once an hour, and even better, every half hour. The solutions used can be used one at a time.

Also, for purulent sore throat, Lugol's solution or, as people say, Lugol's is often used. It is not used as a rinse solution, but is applied with a cotton swab to the tonsil area itself, while simultaneously removing purulent films from them. In addition to Lugol, an oil solution of Chlorophyllipt can be used for this.

For purulent sore throat, treating this disease with inhalations is not relevant, but performing this procedure using a simple saline solution, solutions of antiseptic herbs or alkaline mineral waters will improve the discharge of sputum and soften the inflamed mucous membrane.

To reduce swelling of the tonsils, the patient may be prescribed antihistamines (Zodak, Erius, Aleron).

For regional lymphadenitis, it is prescribed to the area of ​​infected lymph nodes and compresses with medications(may include antiallergic drugs, antibiotics, Dimexide, antiseptic solutions, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs) and warming compresses(for example, semi-alcoholic).

During the recovery stage, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis And UHF on the tonsil area.

Purulent sore throat: treatment at home

In treatment, rinsing with various infusions of plants and herbs gives positive results. An infusion of eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, celandine, and calendula can help a sore throat. A decoction can be made from one herb or from several at the same time. If you want to make a decoction from one medicinal plant, then you need to take it in the ratio of one glass to one cup of boiling water. You need to give the mixture time to brew. As a rule, one hour is enough for this. Afterwards, express the infusion and gargle once every 2-3 hours.

When you want to gargle and treat with several herbs at the same time, you need to purchase 2-3 types of medicinal plants and mix them in equal quantities. Then take one tablespoon of the mixture and add a glass of boiling water to it, let it brew, express and gargle the sore throat.

You can also make this solution to gargle and treat your throat. Take one teaspoon of salt and soda and stir in a glass of water. Three drops of iodine are dripped into it. The composition is thoroughly mixed. You need to gargle with this solution every 2 hours. This remedy perfectly relieves swelling and pain of the mucous membrane.

To cure purulent sore throat at home, you can use onion juice. It is taken orally, 1 tsp. 5-6 times daily.

To treat this disease you can use propolis. You need to chew a piece of propolis for 30 minutes. You can chew it every two hours.

Complications of purulent sore throat

If untimely or incorrect treatment is used, acute tonsillitis can cause some complications, which are conditionally divided into late and early:

  • Early ones are caused by the spread of infection to the tissues and organs adjacent to the tonsils. These are otitis, peritonsillar abscess, purulent lymphadenitis of regional lymph nodes, sinusitis. These conditions usually go away without leaving a trace, however, they require urgent treatment.
  • Late complications, as a rule, appear one month after treatment of purulent tonsillitis. These include arthritis, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, rheumatic heart disease (formation of defects). These diseases require long-term, in some cases lifelong, treatment and can lead to disability for the patient.

Prevention of acute tonsillitis

There is no specific prevention of purulent tonsillitis. To prevent illness, you need to pay maximum attention to your health: lead an active lifestyle, get proper rest, and eat right. Timely sanitation and diagnosis of foci of chronic diseases in the body, as well as hardening, are necessary.

To prevent the spread of an infectious disease, it is necessary to isolate the patient as much as possible, use personal hygiene products and individual utensils. In addition, it is necessary to regularly perform wet cleaning and ventilate the room where the patient is located.

As a result of infection of the tonsils by pathogenic anaerobic bacteria, purulent tonsillitis develops. Quick treatment at home helps relieve symptoms and prevent the development of complications.

Brief description of pathology and treatment methods

The inflammatory process of the peripharyngeal ring is called acute tonsillitis, or purulent tonsillitis. The disease is accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate, acute pain during swallowing movements and high body temperature. In both adult patients and children, inflammation is localized on the tonsils, palate, and lymphoid ridges. Causes of pathology - coccal bacteria.

They penetrate the respiratory tract through airborne droplets and begin to actively multiply on the loose tissues of the tonsils.

Intense bacterial growth provokes inflammation and purulent processes that require immediate treatment.

Acute tonsillitis can be treated at home. The exception is advanced cases when emergency surgery is required. The disease is complex, so experts advise using an integrated approach. He contains:

Medicines are quite effective in treating any type of acute tonsillitis. But pills alone cannot completely relieve the symptoms of the disease. Additional home treatment methods can help facilitate the therapeutic process.

Basic treatment method

Drug treatment is carried out with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures that are used until the patient is in complete remission.

If the patient is undergoing home treatment, regular repeated consultations with a specialist are necessary to correct the treatment. The table shows the principle of drug treatment of pathology, indicating some of the main drugs.

Type of treatment Predicted Action Drugs or techniques
Antibacterial (antiviral) therapy Destroying bacteria that cause the disease Antibiotics of the penicillin group, cephalosporins or macrolides: Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin
Treatment of symptoms Heat Relief of feverish symptoms, normalization of body temperature Antipyretics: Paracetamol, Ibuklin, Nurofen
Local purulent inflammation and exudative films Treatment of abscess or pustular rashes Antiseptics: Lugol, Cameton, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin
Swelling of throat tissue Relieving swelling that makes swallowing and breathing difficult Antihistamines (antiallergic drugs): Diazolin, Dezal, Claritin
Adjuvant therapy Accelerating treatment processes and increasing their effectiveness Physiotherapy: UV heating, electrophoresis
Strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system Immunomodulatory: Imudon, interferon, IRS-19

Bed rest is of great importance during home therapy. If you carry the disease on your feet, the risk of complications increases significantly. It is also recommended to drink large amounts of liquid to restore the water balance disturbed at high temperatures.

You need to take the medications in full. If you stop taking medications, at the stage of initial attenuation of symptoms, the disease may develop into a more severe form. For the treatment of children, as well as pregnant or lactating women, the use of antibiotics should be carefully monitored.

Traditional methods of combating purulent sore throat

In case of individual intolerance to medications and to speed up the recovery process, purulent sore throat is treated with folk remedies. These include:

They are prepared on the basis of pharmaceutical or food preparations, as well as herbal ingredients. What folk remedies are used to quickly help with sore throat? These are herbs that have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic effect, honey, soda, mustard, alcohol or vodka.

Some methods of home therapy have limitations - inhalations and alcohol compresses should not be given to patients with high fever, enlarged lymph nodes and swelling of the throat.

With the help of herbs, you can strengthen your immune system and relieve many symptoms of sore throat. Instead of ordinary water, you should drink a decoction of herbs or weak berry fruit drinks. At high temperatures, a decoction of linden blossom, dried strawberries and raspberries helps well.

Tea made from rose hips, chamomile and yarrow helps restore strength after illness.

During the recovery stage, warm milk with honey helps to soothe a sore throat and fall asleep. 250 ml of milk, with the addition of 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp butter, bring to a boil, cool slightly. The drug is drunk immediately before bedtime.

Oral treatment

The painful symptoms of acute tonsillitis are caused by the presence of inflamed tissue in the oral cavity. Ulcers can form on any part of the tonsils, on the palate, at the base of the gums.

Exudative plaque must be removed, since most of the microbes that cause the disease are concentrated in it.

Mechanical removal of pus is not recommended, as it can injure the parenchyma and aggravate the inflammation.

Rinsing is a gentle method for treating inflamed tissues, in the absence of allergies to the constituent components. It helps to remove plaque and cleanse the affected areas from the accumulation of pus, without using traumatic methods. To gargle, use a warm aqueous solution with the addition of the following substances:

Take 1 tbsp. l mixture of herbs, add 300 ml of water, bring to a boil. Then the broth is cooled and filtered. Rinse must be repeated up to 10 times a day. In case of severe abscess, liquid agents can be used to syringe the throat.

The therapeutic effect of inhalation has a positive effect on the affected tissues. Sanitation of the throat and respiratory tract is carried out using steam saturated with essential oils and anti-inflammatory components. Inhalations are done 2-3 times a day to facilitate the separation of exudative films, relieve inflammation and ease breathing. For the procedure, a nebulizer filled with a medical solution or herbal decoction is used.

If you don’t have a special inhaler, you can breathe over a hot decoction of chamomile, sage and eucalyptus, covered with a towel.

Application of compresses

An effective remedy for high temperatures is compresses and wraps. They are used to accelerate the cooling of the body surface. Compresses are made using a weak solution of vinegar or baking soda. You can prepare solutions according to the following recipes:

The cloth is moistened in the prepared solution and applied to the forehead, armpits, and also wiped over the entire body, including the limbs. You can also wrap a wet cloth around the patient for a few minutes.

Compresses can be used to stimulate blood circulation and improve lymphatic drainage. For them, cotton fabric is used, onto which the prepared mixture is applied. Warming lotions are prepared based on available ingredients:

You can mix all the ingredients at once, or select one or more components. They are mixed in equal quantities, 1 tsp each. each substance. The finished product is applied to a cotton cloth, applied to the neck (for 5-10 minutes), and covered with plastic wrap. Alcohol compresses are recommended only for adult patients and children of older adolescence.

Features of treatment for children

Treatment should begin as soon as the first symptoms are detected.

The therapeutic complex of treatment measures prescribed by the doctor for purulent sore throat consists of two main areas. It is focused on suppressing the reproduction of the infectious agent and relieving the symptoms of the disease.

Children's sore throat is quite difficult, since the child is prone to refusing medications and medical procedures. You can ease the course of the disease as follows:

Before starting to treat children with home remedies, mothers should consult a pediatrician. Many folk remedies work much better than antibiotics and do not have a destructive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but home remedies cannot completely replace the medications needed to treat purulent sore throat.

Home treatment allows you to cope with the symptoms of the pathology if the recommended methods are used under the supervision of a doctor. The patient's rapid recovery depends on the early initiation of therapeutic measures and the severity of the disease.


The scientific name of this disease is tonsillitis. This diagnosis is made with acute inflammation of the tissues of the palatine tonsils. As a rule, the infection enters the human body through airborne droplets. Less commonly observed are contact-household and nutritional mechanisms of transmission of the causative agent of the disease. If a person develops acute purulent tonsillitis, treatment should not be delayed under any circumstances. Ignoring the symptoms will lead to the most depressing consequences. Find out how to deal with tonsillitis so that autumn and spring epidemics do not take you by surprise.

How to treat purulent sore throat in an adult

An adult body can provide serious resistance to the pathogens of tonsillitis, but this does not mean that the immune system always effectively fights infection. Massive outbreaks of purulent tonsillitis occur in autumn and spring, so you must be prepared. The following sections of this article discuss in detail the key points of the serious challenge of treating tonsillitis. Read them to know how doctors act in the event of a real threat.

Antibacterial therapy

In the fight against tonsillitis, a course of antibacterial therapy plays a decisive role. The effectiveness of treatment for purulent tonsillitis depends on the correctness of medical prescriptions. The main goal of antibacterial therapy is to eradicate GABHS (group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus) in the oropharynx. A well-designed and correctly executed course of antibacterial therapy eliminates the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis and prevents the development of complications.

A patient suffering from acute tonsillitis is prescribed potent drugs only after determining the etiology of the disease. Unjustified use of antibiotics often leads to undesirable reactions of the body, and also contributes to the development of resistance, which significantly complicates the clinical picture of purulent tonsillitis in the future. Doctors prescribe antibiotic treatment for tonsillitis only after a detailed study of the nature of the disease.

Since the bacteria that cause purulent sore throat are sensitive to beta-lactams, the first step is to consider the possibility of treating the infection with penicillin. Sometimes oral cephalosporins are prescribed instead. If a patient is diagnosed with an allergy to beta-lactams, doctors have to choose from a range of second-line drugs. This includes linoxamides and macrolides. The dosage of medications and the duration of treatment for purulent tonsillitis are determined individually, taking into account the degree of damage to the tonsils and the weight/age of the patient.

Local treatment

In addition to antibacterial agents, after the examination, the doctor will tell you what to gargle with for purulent sore throat. As a rule, in cases of moderate severity of tonsillitis, the use of antiseptic solutions (Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilina, etc.) is prescribed. If the disease is accompanied by inflammation of the throat, Lugol is included in the treatment regimen.

Symptomatic treatment

Fighting the symptoms of a purulent sore throat will not help cure the disease, but it will quickly get you back on your feet if you need to settle things before turning to specialists. Traditional medicine does not welcome such decisions, but sometimes it is simply necessary. Painkillers/lozenges (Ibuprofen, Grammidin), throat sprays (Orasept, Inhalipt) and antipyretics (if the temperature rises) will help to temporarily get rid of the symptoms of tonsillitis. It is not recommended to make compresses without a doctor’s prescription, as this can cause serious complications.

Products to strengthen the immune system

In addition to a healthy diet and normal sleep patterns, doctors will recommend natural or synthetic ones to quickly increase the body’s natural defenses. The most common ones are listed below:

  • "Betaleikin";
  • "Tactivin";
  • "Timalin";
  • "Interferon".

Effective folk remedies for treatment at home

If you are deprived of the opportunity to contact specialists, grandmother’s recipes will help you overcome purulent tonsillitis. Treating a sore throat at home using folk remedies will require patience and extreme caution, but nothing is impossible. Write down the most effective methods for yourself:

  • Rinse with propolis tincture. An effective remedy that will help relieve sore throat and sore tonsils. To prepare this medicine, you will need 15-17 grams of propolis and 80-85 ml of alcohol. Combine the ingredients and mix until smooth. Then let it sit for 24-36 hours. To relieve pain in the palate and throat with purulent sore throat, you need to smear the inflamed areas of the oropharynx with the tincture. To make it more convenient, you can make a spray from this tincture. Pour the folk remedy into an empty bottle of inhalipt or chlorophyllipt, and you will no longer have to smear your throat with cotton swabs.
  • Gargling with apple cider vinegar solution. A simple remedy will help get rid of the symptoms of tonsillitis or even defeat it at the initial stage. Take a glass of boiled water (200 ml), add 35 ml of apple cider vinegar and a couple of drops of iodine. If signs of purulent sore throat appear, treatment should be as follows: 120 ml is used to gargle, and the remaining 80 ml is drunk. Do this procedure before bed and you will feel relief the next day. You should not eat after gargling.

  • Gargling with beetroot tincture. A natural remedy that can cure purulent sore throat in a child or woman during pregnancy without harming health. Using a regular grater, make a pulp out of red beets, pour boiling water over it in a 1:1 ratio, cover with a lid and let it brew for 6-8 hours. Gargle with this infusion every one and a half to two hours, and within a day the dangerous infectious disease will recede. In some cases, treatment can last up to three days. For people diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, this folk remedy, like all others, is unlikely to help.
  • Lemon. A simple method that will neutralize ulcers at the initial stage of tonsillitis. Experts in folk recipes tell you how to treat purulent sore throat at home: pass the lemon through a juicer, remove the seeds and slowly drink the juice. It will not be so easy, but in order to save yourself from a dangerous illness you will have to endure. Drink this drink 2 times a day, and you are likely to be able to stop the development of purulent sore throat.
  • Inhalations with propolis. If you suspect a purulent sore throat, treatment with bee glue will help eliminate the danger. Boil a liter of water, add a tablespoon of propolis tincture, lean over a container with hot medicine and, covered with a towel, breathe deeply for 2-3 minutes. Try to hold your breath sometimes so that the beneficial microelements contained in propolis have time to be transferred to the internal tissues of the lungs. Five sessions will be enough to defeat purulent sore throat at the initial stage.

How to treat purulent sore throat in children

When a child develops purulent tonsillitis, treatment should begin as quickly as possible. If the cause of the disease lies in hypothermia, it is necessary to measure the temperature every hour and, if it rises to 37.5 or more, give an antipyretic. Throat sprays (Ingalipt, Chlorphyllipt) will help to cope with the infection at the initial stage. If the condition does not return to normal within 48-60 hours, go to the hospital immediately. In the video below, Dr. Komarovsky gives valuable advice with photo and video illustrations.

How to avoid complications after a sore throat

If you are diagnosed with a purulent sore throat, treatment with antibiotics and folk remedies will help quickly improve the condition, but 2-3 weeks after complete recovery the disease may return. To prevent this from happening, follow simple procedures after finishing therapy:

  • continue to gargle with antibacterial agents;
  • take the pills prescribed by your doctor until the very end, even if the condition has already returned to normal;
  • after recovery, avoid the risk of re-infection: avoid ice cream, do not drink cold water, go outside only when air humidity is low.

Prevention of tonsillitis

If you have read this far, you already understand how to treat tonsillitis in adults and children, but it will be even better if you learn to avoid contracting this insidious disease. To avoid having to deal with purulent sore throat, avoid drafts and prolonged hypothermia. Temper your body and strengthen your immune system with healthy foods containing vitamins. If possible, exercise outdoors.

Video review of medications for tonsillitis

By watching the video below, you will receive general information about medicines such as augmentin, streptocide, ampicillin, penicillin, furatsilin, etc. This information will help you understand how to quickly cure a purulent sore throat. Listen carefully to the recommendations and warnings of specialists so as not to harm your health.

Sore throat, or, is an acute infectious disease that affects the tissue of the palatine tonsils. According to the pathomorphological classification, this disease can occur in several forms: catarrhal, lacunar and necrotic. The last 3 forms differ from the first by the presence of purulent discharge on the tonsils, due to which they are popularly united by a common name - purulent tonsillitis.

Etiology of acute tonsillitis

The cause of the disease is a bacterial infection. The pathogen enters the tonsils from the outside or from foci of chronic infection in the body. The overwhelming majority of cases of acute tonsillitis are caused by a bacterium called group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, and only 20% of the disease is caused by staphylococci and their combination with streptococci.

Risk factors for the development of purulent tonsillitis are:

  • hypothermia of the body, general or local (in the throat area);
  • decreased immune status;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • dust and gas contamination, excessive dry air;
  • bad habits (smoking).


Children over 5 years of age often suffer from purulent tonsillitis (acute bacterial tonsillitis).

Acute tonsillitis is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It mainly affects children aged 5 years and older and adults of working age. The disease has a pronounced seasonality - the peak incidence occurs in the autumn-spring period.

The source of infection is a person with a sore throat, as well as an asymptomatic carrier of streptococcus. The main route of transmission is airborne, but the role of both contact-household (i.e. through household items) and nutritional (with food) mechanisms cannot be ruled out. This is a highly contagious infection, especially high susceptibility to it is observed in children and people with foci of chronic infection in the oral cavity.

Symptoms of acute tonsillitis

This disease is usually... The incubation period (from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease) is 1–2 days. Signs of general intoxication of the body come to the fore:

  • severe weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • temperature rise to febrile levels (38–40 C);
  • sweating;
  • pain in muscles and joints.

Against the background of intoxication syndrome, the patient develops a sore throat, mild at first, but over time it becomes stronger, reaching a maximum 3-4 days from the onset of the disease. At this stage, the pain is severe, bothering the patient day and night, interfering with sleep and making the act of swallowing impossible - the patient cannot eat.

It is often noted that they increase in size, hurt when swallowing, and are painful when touched.


The diagnosis of acute tonsillitis is made on the basis of patient complaints (characteristic clinical picture), medical history (acute onset) and examination of the oropharynx - pharyngoscopy. With this study, the doctor will determine what form of purulent tonsillitis his patient has:

  • follicular (tonsils are enlarged in size, hyperemic, sharply swollen; white-yellow formations 2-3 mm in diameter are visualized on their surface - suppurating follicles; these formations spontaneously open, forming a purulent plaque on the surface of the tonsils);
  • lacunar (the tonsils are clearly hyperemic, swollen, their lacunae are enlarged, they contain purulent contents, which, protruding beyond the lacunae, form small foci or films on the surface of the tonsils; these films are easily and without a trace removed with a spatula);
  • necrotic (tonsils are hyperemic and sharply swollen, covered with dirty green or gray deposits, when removed, a deep bleeding defect remains; necrosis can extend beyond the tonsils, spreading to the back wall of the pharynx, uvula).

A general blood test will show an increase in the number of leukocytes - leukocytosis, a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, an increase in ESR, sometimes up to 40-50 mm/h.

It is important to know that damage to the tonsils may not necessarily be primary - in some cases it occurs against the background of such serious infectious diseases as diphtheria and infectious mononucleosis. In doubtful cases, the patient may be prescribed specific blood tests to determine the pathogen or bacteriological examination of plaque taken from the surface of the tonsils. In order to prevent the spread of infection, the patient may be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital.

Treatment of purulent sore throat in adults

The diagnosis of “acute tonsillitis” is established by an otolaryngologist based on the results of an objective examination of the oral cavity (in particular, the tonsils).

Must be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician! Inadequate and untimely treatment can lead to serious complications, which can even lead to death. Treatment of acute tonsillitis using exclusively traditional medicine is unacceptable!

Since acute tonsillitis usually occurs with severe symptoms of intoxication of the body, in the acute period of the disease the patient is prescribed bed rest with limited contact with others and observance of vocal rest.

To avoid trauma to the inflamed mucous membrane, the food consumed by the patient during the period of illness should be soft and warm, and to increase the immune status of the patient’s body, it should be fortified. In order to more quickly remove toxins, the patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids, of course, warm: fruit and vegetable fruit drinks, green tea with lemon, milk with honey, alkaline mineral water without gas - these drinks should become practically the basis of the diet of a patient with tonsillitis.

Drug treatment includes such therapeutic measures as rinsing and irrigating the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions, inhalation of drugs, taking drugs orally (i.e. by mouth - tablet forms) and/or parenterally (by injections and infusions).

The most important component of the treatment of acute tonsillitis was, is and always will be antibiotic therapy. This point cannot be neglected, since a bacterial infection can spread from the tonsils to vital organs - the heart and kidneys. Amoxicillin-clavulanate (Amoxiclav, Augmentin), phenoxymethylpenicillin, cephalosporins of the 2nd–3rd generations (Cefuroxime, Zinnat, Ceftriaxone, Cefix) and macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin) are mainly used. The antibiotic must be taken for another 3 days after the body temperature has normalized, and only after this period the drug can be discontinued.

Prescribing the local antibiotic Bioparox for purulent sore throat is no less important than systemic antibiotic therapy. This drug acts directly on the source of inflammation, killing bacteria immediately, locally.

In addition to Bioparox, topical sprays and lozenges that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects can be prescribed: Decathylene, Trachisan, Neo-angin, Ingalipt, Faringosept, Septolete, Tantum Verde, Cameton - there are many such drugs, and every doctor has in mind several especially favorite remedies for the treatment of sore throat.

Gargling for purulent sore throat also makes sense. For this purpose, solutions of various antiseptics (furacillin, stomatidine, alcoholic chlorophyllipt) and herbal decoctions (chamomile, string) are used. The more often you gargle with this disease, the greater the effect will be noticeable. 3-4 gargles a day are pointless; it is important to gargle at least every hour, or better yet, every 30 minutes. The solutions used can be alternated.

Lugol's solution, or popularly Lugol, is also often used for purulent sore throat. It is not used as a rinse solution, but is applied with a cotton swab directly to the tonsil area, while simultaneously removing purulent films from them. In addition to Lugol, an oil solution of Chlorophyllipt can be used for this purpose.

Less relevant, however, carrying out this procedure using alkaline mineral waters, solutions of antiseptic herbs or simply saline will soften the inflamed mucous membrane and improve sputum discharge.

In order to reduce swelling of the tonsils, the patient can be prescribed antihistamines (Aleron, Erius, Zodak).

In the case of regional lymphadenitis, warm compresses (for example, semi-alcohol) and compresses with medications (may include antibiotics, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptic solutions, and Dimexide) are prescribed to the area of ​​the affected lymph nodes.

At the recovery stage, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures - UHF on the tonsil area, electrophoresis.

Complications of acute tonsillitis

With inadequate or untimely treatment, purulent tonsillitis can cause a number of complications, which are conventionally divided into early and late.

Early ones are caused by the spread of infection to organs and tissues adjacent to the tonsils. This is a paratonsillar abscess, purulent lymphadenitis of regional lymph nodes. These conditions require urgent treatment and usually go away without leaving a trace.

Late complications usually occur 3–4 weeks after acute tonsillitis. These include rheumatic heart disease (formation of a defect), post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, arthritis. These diseases require long-term, sometimes lifelong treatment and can lead to disability of the patient.

Prevention of purulent sore throat

There is no specific prevention of acute tonsillitis.

To prevent the disease, you should pay maximum attention to your own health: eat rationally, get proper rest, and lead an active lifestyle. Timely diagnosis and sanitation of foci of chronic infection in the body, as well as hardening, are important.

To avoid the spread of infection, you should isolate the patient as much as possible and offer him individual dishes and personal hygiene products. In addition, you should regularly ventilate and wet clean the room in which the patient is located.

Inflammation of the tonsils, accompanied by the formation of pus on their surface, is called purulent tonsillitis.

Most often, children aged 5 to 10 years, as well as people from 15 to 25 years old, suffer from purulent tonsillitis. The disease can cause serious complications, so it is extremely important to correctly recognize its symptoms and begin treatment on time.

Sore throat occurs as a result of damage to the tonsils by viral or bacterial infections. The causes of the disease are divided into general, local and associated with pathogens.

  • debilitating diseases or malnutrition, causing low body resistance to pathogens of infectious diseases;
  • unsanitary conditions and failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • unsanitary products;
  • contaminated food;
  • local inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • nasal congestion and frequent mouth breathing (especially in winter);
  • remnants of infected tonsils after surgery to remove them.


  • streptococcus;
  • Pneumococcus.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  1. severe headache;
  2. swollen lymph nodes;
  3. malaise, weakness, joint pain and chills;
  4. body temperature 38-40 degrees;
  5. purulent odor from the mouth;
  6. enlargement and redness of the tonsils, the formation of a yellow-white coating on them;
  7. loss of appetite;
  8. earache;
  9. vomiting

To diagnose purulent tonsillitis, an examination by an otolaryngologist is required, a smear for the presence of streptococcal infection, as well as a urine test for traces of albumin.

How to treat purulent sore throat?

To treat the disease, complex therapy is prescribed, consisting of local (gargle solutions, antiseptic sprays, antibiotic-containing sprays) and general treatment (bed rest, plenty of fluids, painkillers and antipyretics, antibiotics, corticosteroids).

Antibiotics in the treatment of disease

When treating purulent tonsillitis caused by streptococcus and pneumococcus, antifungal drugs are prescribed: in tablets or in the form of intramuscular injections.

To treat the disease, the following are most often used:

  • penicillin type 5 – phenoxylmethylpenicillin;
  • clindamycin;
  • clarithromycin;
  • erythromycin;
  • clindamycin.

For local treatment, sprays are prescribed, for example, Bioporox. Antibiotic sprays are mainly prescribed in cases where internal use of antibiotics can cause negative consequences, for example, during pregnancy and lactation. Use antibiotic-containing drugs 3-4 times a day, 2-3 injections.

How to quickly cure a purulent sore throat?

Bioparox helps get rid of the symptoms of sore throat and speed up recovery

Effective treatment of purulent acute tonsillitis is ensured only by the comprehensive use of medications and compliance with all medical recommendations.

Mouth rinse

In addition to drinking plenty of fluids and taking antifungal medications, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with special solutions that have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. You should rinse your mouth once an hour, and the following solutions can be used for rinsing:

  1. boric acid;
  2. iodine, salt and soda;
  3. chlorophyllipt;
  4. furaziolina;
  5. stomatidine;
  6. soda;
  7. baking soda;
  8. calendula tinctures;
  9. rotokana and others.

Corticosteroids, lozenges and antipyretics

In order to relieve swelling of the pharynx, corticosteroids are prescribed. Painkillers, which also have an antipyretic effect, will help relieve pain. To treat purulent sore throat, painkillers based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are used.

Special tablets for sucking, for example, Lizobact, Travisil, Faringosept, Neo sore throat, Imudon and others, will help reduce a sore throat.

Solutions for removing purulent plaque

In the treatment of purulent tonsillitis, drugs that remove purulent plaque and disinfect the oral cavity are very helpful. The following solutions are used to remove plaque:

  • Lugol. The solution contains molecular iodine and has a bactericidal, antiseptic and local irritant effect. Prohibited for use during pregnancy;
  • Stomatodin. Apply 2-3 times a day using cotton swabs locally, directly to the affected surface;
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Using moistened cotton swabs, remove purulent plaque 2 times a day - in the morning and immediately before bedtime;
  • Chlorophyllipt. Using an oil solution, treat the mouth (throat) 2-3 times a day.

Antiseptic sprays

Antiseptic topical sprays are used to relieve inflammation and reduce pain:

  • Faringosept;
  • Stopangin;
  • Ingalip;
  • Miramistin;
  • Orasept;
  • Tantum verde;
  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Angal S.

In case of acute purulent tonsillitis, traditional medicine can give a good effect, namely chamomile and sage decoctions used for gargling. You can drink a glass of warm milk with 1 teaspoon of honey at night (if there is no allergic reaction to honey), drinking plenty of fluids (tea with lemon or honey, berry fruit drinks, compotes of fresh berries and dried fruits) can increase the body’s resistance to infections and relieve pain. sensations and speed up recovery.

Purulent sore throat and pregnancy

During pregnancy, treatment of acute purulent tonsillitis should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. During pregnancy, it is allowed to take antipyretic drugs in minimally effective doses, as well as the use of topical antibiotic-containing sprays.

Disease prevention

It will help reduce the risk of disease;

  1. hardening;
  2. strengthening the immune system;
  3. good nutrition;
  4. ventilation and regular wet cleaning of the premises;
  5. playing sports;
  6. observing personal hygiene rules.

Taking immunostimulating medications and proper nutrition will help prevent the occurrence of purulent sore throat

In order to prevent the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary to avoid contact with sick people, as well as reduce your stay in crowded places during the spread of acute respiratory infections.