What injections to give for purulent sore throat. Giving injections for sore throat. Caution: infectious mononucleosis

If this acute infectious disease is caused by viruses, antibacterial agents It makes no sense to use them, since they have no effect on them. Antibiotics should be taken only for purulent sore throat, the causative agents of which are staphylococci and streptococci. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics and age restrictions drugs.

Antibiotics for sore throat in children

Often the disease begins as a viral infection (ARVI, influenza), but then it is joined pathogenic bacteria and give purulent inflammation tonsils, respiratory tract, nasal passages, ears. In these cases, the prescription of antibiotics to children from 3 to 15 years of age is mandatory. Moreover, such drugs are needed not so much for the treatment of follicular or lacunar tonsillitis (tonsillitis), but in order to protect the child from severe damage to the joints, heart, nervous system.

Arthritis, rheumatism, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, and meningitis are especially dangerous. To prevent these insidious complications, an antibiotic for a sore throat can not be given to a child immediately, but on days 2-9 from the moment the disease develops. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children:

  • For children from 1 to 3 years old, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs when complications of the respiratory tract, throat or nose appear (purulent processes usually do not develop in them);
  • children from 3 to 15 years old - even with mild follicular or lacunar angina;
  • adolescents over 15 years of age if the disease causes complications of the respiratory tract, throat, ears, nose.

What antibiotics should I take for a sore throat? Medical practice shows: children tolerate medications of the penicillin, macrolide, and cephalosporin groups more easily. Tetracyclines should not be used sulfa drugs. Potent drugs group of aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, Neomycin, Monomycin), Levomycetin can be used only in severe cases when a sore throat does not go away with the help of antibiotics that have fewer side effects.

The drugs of choice are from the penicillin group. Amoxicillin (Amosin, Flemoxin Solutab) has proven itself especially well. effective remedy against many types of pyogenic bacteria. Amoxiclav is even more in demand - a combination of Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, which destroys enzymes that increase resistance pathogenic flora to antibiotics. This drug can be given to infants from 3 months. Augmentin works similarly.

Treatment of sore throat with antibiotics in adults

There are drug lovers who take them just in case, “for prevention.” Taking antibiotics for tonsillitis in adults, which occurs in a viral form, is harmful. To relieve fever or sore throat, it is quite possible to limit yourself to symptomatic treatment With drinking plenty of fluids– and the illness will go away in a week and a half. If signs of a viral sore throat turning into a purulent one appear, taking an antibiotic should be started without delay.

During pregnancy, it is highly undesirable to use antibacterial drugs, especially in the 1st trimester, however, in the event of a severe complication (pneumonia, for example), doctors are forced to break this taboo. In exceptional situations, drugs of the penicillin or macrolide groups, which are safer for the fetus, are chosen. If the need for such medicine arises in nursing mothers, it is better to interrupt breast-feeding for the duration of treatment.

Antibiotics for purulent tonsillitis in older adults should be taken with particular caution in cases of severe liver and kidney diseases. The toxic effect of drugs is prolonged, so the condition can worsen sharply. These medications are contraindicated when chronic hepatitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and exacerbations of these pathologies. Individual intolerance often affects this - such medications can cause allergic reactions, sometimes very strong.

What antibiotics are prescribed for sore throat

The choice is determined primarily by the severity of the bacterial disease and the age of the patient. What antibiotics should I take for a sore throat? First-line drugs are penicillins. Medicines are characterized by increased selectivity to pathogenic microorganisms. If the patient is not allergic to penicillins, doctors give priority to them. The disadvantages of these drugs: the drugs are quickly eliminated from the body, and many strains of bacteria develop resistance to them. Doctors give preference to other medications when penicillins do not help.

Second-line drugs are cephalosporins. These drugs cause a lasting therapeutic effect against many bacteria and are used to treat many infections. If the disease is very severe, accompanied by high fever, significant swelling of the throat mucosa, cephalosporins, rather than penicillins, are immediately prescribed. If you are allergic to them, fluoroquinolones are used. Sore throat medium degree severity is often treated with macrolides. It is better not to use tetracyclines due to the risk of severe side effects.

Antibiotics for sore throat in tablets

Antibacterial drugs are often prescribed in this form, which is convenient for outpatient treatment tonsillitis. High efficiency show the following antibiotics for sore throat in an adult in tablets:

  • penicillins - Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Ampicillin, Oxacillin, Flemoxin Solutab;
  • cephalosporins - Cifran, Ceftriaxone, Cephalexin;
  • fluoroquinolones – Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin;
  • macrolides – Azithromycin, Z-factor, Sumamed, Zitrolide, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin;
  • tetracyclines – Doxycycline, Macropen, etc.

Antibiotics against sore throat in injections

When treating severe forms of the disease, injections of the following drugs are used:

  • Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin (cephalosporins);
  • Ofloxacin, Pefloxacin (fluoroquinolones);
  • Benzylpenicillin, Ampicillin, Ampiox, Oxacillin (penicillins);
  • Sumamed, Erythromycin (macrolides).

Local antibiotics for the treatment of sore throat

In complex treatment of the disease, antibacterial agents must be delivered to the throat area to speed up recovery. What antibiotics are taken for a sore throat? local treatment, as well as antiseptic drugs? This:

  • Bioparox (Fuzafungin) – spray for irrigation inflamed tonsils(only under strict medical supervision!);
  • Tantum verde (Benzidamine) – antibacterial, anti-inflammatory spray, solution;
  • Chlorophyllipt – antimicrobial lozenges, solution based on eucalyptus extract;
  • Angal S (Chlorhexidine plus Lidocaine) – a spray that has a bactericidal and anesthetic effect;
  • Ingalipt (Norsulfazol, Streptocid, mint and eucalyptus oil) – antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory spray;
  • Miramistin - an antiseptic solution for gargling;
  • Septolete Neo (Faringosept) - popular lozenges, affordable;
  • Stopangin (Hexetidine) – solution, antiseptic spray;
  • Orasept is an antiseptic and analgesic spray.

Price of antibiotics for sore throat

Name of medicine

Price (rubles)

First line drugs

Amoxicillin (penicillin)

Amoxiclav (penicillin)

Augmentin (penicillin)

Flemoxin Solutab (penicillin)

Second line drugs

Sumamed (macrolide)

Zitrolide (macrolide)

Clarithromycin (macrolide)

Ciprofloxacin (fluoroquinolone)

Ceftriaxone (cephalosporin)

Inexpensive antibiotics

You can find out how much cheap drugs, especially for children, cost in catalogs, reference books (for example, RLS) and order in municipal pharmacies, where their cost is lower than in commercial ones, or you can buy inexpensively in an online store. The price range is determined by the production costs of pharmaceutical companies and the number of tablets, capsules, and vials in the package.


Price (rubles)

















How to choose antibiotics for sore throat

Only in 15% of cases this disease is bacterial. Whether a particular patient needs to take such a drug and which antibiotic is better for a sore throat should be decided only by a doctor who takes into account:

  • type of sore throat;
  • course of the disease (simple or complicated);
  • presence of allergies;
  • patient's age;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • the relationship between the duration of use and the price of the medicine.

Video: what antibiotics to treat a sore throat

According to medical term, acute tonsillitis or sore throat in simple terms, is an inflammation of the pharynx and palatine tonsils which occurs as a result of viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

Acute tonsillitis is an inflammation of the larynx and active discharge of pus from the cavity of the palatine tonsils. With inflammation of the palatine tonsils, a pattern of symptoms such as fever, difficulty swallowing, and deterioration of health is observed.

If a sore throat is not treated, then this disease goes into the stage of complications and provokes more serious diseases. Among the main diseases that are provoked by complications of angina are:

  • inflammatory process of the middle ear
  • swelling of the larynx
  • pharynx abscess
  • meningitis
  • blood poisoning

For this disease, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Sore throat is treated with antibiotics and other medications, which are used both in the form of tablets, syrups or powder, and in the form of injections. Injections for sore throat are prescribed when there is a complication of this disease. How to treat tonsillitis with medications, let's find out in more detail.

Bacterial tonsillitis has an aggressive nature of manifestation, unlike viral or fungal ones. Bacterial infection may spread to other organs in a short period of time. If pus continues to be released from the tonsils, it can spread throughout the body and into the lungs.

Only antibiotics that act directly on the cause of the disease can combat bacteria. Treatment with antibiotics is often carried out for 5-7 days. But if acute tonsillitis develops into a complicated form, the doctor can extend the course of treatment to 12 days. The method of using the antibiotic is prescribed by the doctor.

It is impossible to cure acute tonsillitis without the use of antibiotics. The most reliable, fastest and effective way taking an antibiotic is intramuscular injection. Injections are given mainly to children or people who have complications of the disease. What antibiotics are used for treatment acute tonsillitis, let's find out in more detail.

Penicillin is the first antibiotic drug to be invented by man. It was then that penicillin became popular antibiotic and is used to treat many bacterial and even viral diseases.

Penicillin is an antibiotic that is based on mold penicillium. This mushroom synthesizes several varieties of penicillin.

A derivative of penicillin is a drug called Ampicillin. The difference between the drug Penicillin and Ampicillin is that the latter has a more gentle form of effect on the body.

Ampicillin can be used either intramuscularly in the form of injections or orally, that is, by mouth. Penicillin is intended mainly for intramuscular injections. Penicillin is not used orally, since its structure destroys not only the intestinal microflora, but also the walls of the stomach.

Penicillin solution is used in the form of injections for angina, whereby an antibacterial effect is observed. Penicillin or its derivative Ampicillin destroys all pathogenic bacteria in the body. But besides this, there is also a detrimental effect on beneficial bacteria, required for the proper functioning of the intestines.

Penicillin is used to treat not only sore throats, but also many other serious bacterial diseases. Ampicillin solution is prescribed for the treatment of sore throat, which is the most appropriate, since this drug has a detrimental effect on the causative agent of the disease.

Antibiotics Penicillin and Ampicillin do not affect strains of bacterial species that produce a special enzyme. This enzyme destroys the effects of penicillin, so some pathogenic microorganisms are resistant to penicillin production. This negative feature of Penicillin has reduced its popularity in the treatment of sore throat.

The doctor may prescribe treatment with penicillin if the patient is not prone to allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

The antibiotic Penicillin is used exclusively in the form of injections, which must be injected into the gluteal muscle. Ampicillin is also available in the form of 3 mg ampoules. The antibiotic must be diluted with lidocaine to reduce the pain effect when administered.

Often, for angina, the number of injections for adults per day is two times. Ampicillin is prescribed to children to combat acute tonsillitis. Instructions for use of the drug Ampicillin indicate that it can be used at a convenient time, regardless of meals.

The dosage of the antibiotic Ampicillin is calculated based on data such as the child’s weight, age, and the complication of the disease. The antibiotic Ampicillin for children is calculated at a dosage of 100 mg/kg of child weight per day. The amount of antibiotic Ampicillin taken for children is 4-6 times, which is due to the rapid elimination of the drug from the body.

The antibiotic Ciprofloxacin has wide range application, as a result of which it is produced in various forms. Based on it, many analogues are produced, which differ in their range of actions.

  • Ciprofloxacin antibiotic injection solution is available in a 100 ml container. The antibiotic Ciprofloxacin is administered intramuscularly to the patient using a dropper. One bottle is enough to administer a dropper for 30 minutes for children or one hour for adults
  • Ciprofloxacin is also available in the form of ampoules for injection into the gluteal muscle. The amount of antibiotic Ciprofloxacin for intramuscular administration depends primarily on the complication of sore throat. Often the dosage starts at 200 mg and can reach 400 mg

Injections of the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin are given 2 times a day, and an IV is placed once a day. Ciprofloxacin is due to active influence on the cause of the development of sore throat, and leads to the complete destruction of bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci. If bacteria have developed resistance to the action of antibiotics, such as penicillin, as well as ampicillin, then the drug Ciprofloxacin is determined by its effectiveness against the strains. Ciprofloxacin solution is prescribed as prescribed by a doctor, and it is prohibited for them to spontaneously treat a sore throat.

Antibiotics Penicillin and Ciprofloxacin, as well as their derivatives, are the most effective in the fight against various bacteria, pathogens of acute tonsillitis and others. serious illnesses both for children and adults. Let's look at other types of medications that can be used to treat purulent sore throat.

The drug Movalis is a drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect. For this drug It also has analgesic and antipyretic effects. Movalis is not able to fight bacteria, but it can relieve the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis. Movalis injections are prescribed for the treatment of diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. Movalis solution can be prescribed for angina if the disease is characterized by mild form leakage.

Mostly Movalis injections are prescribed, which must be done twice a day. Improvements after using the drug Movalis are observed on the first day. Movalis perfectly normalizes body temperature. The form of treatment with Movalis for adults is as follows:

  • For the first 3-5 days, treatment is prescribed in the form of a solution to carry out intramuscular injections. Injections, as indicated in the instructions for use, are prescribed for exacerbation of pain symptoms of various diseases
  • When the condition normalizes, the drug Movalis is prescribed in the form of tablets. Tablets must be taken for at least 5 days

Movalis is a drug that is determined by the speed of withdrawal pain symptoms. It also avoids the development of local complications, so in some individual situations the doctor may prescribe Movalis solution for intramuscular use.

Another powerful drug medicinal purposes, which has the following actions:

  • elimination of swelling
  • relief from inflammatory reactions
  • relief of pain symptoms

The medicine Diclofenac for angina allows you to reduce body temperature, and does it quite quickly. The instructions for using Diclofenac solution state that it is recommended to warm the drug to room temperature before using it. Diclofenac solution is injected directly into the gluteal muscles, after which an immediate improvement in well-being is observed in case of sore throat and other serious diseases.

The drug is prescribed mainly for adults, as it has serious side effects. The main purpose of the drug Diclofenac is the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and other similar diseases. For angina, Diclofenac has also found its use due to the rapid reduction of pain symptoms, as stated in the instructions for use.

Diclofenac solution is prescribed in an amount of up to 150 mg per day, which depends on the nature of the pain, the type of disease and the age of the patient. The duration of treatment of diseases with Diclofen does not exceed 5 days.

It is impossible to cure a sore throat with the drug Diclofenac, so it is prescribed individually to adults to reduce pain symptoms. Diclofenac is contraindicated for use by persons under 18 years of age. Diclofenac is contraindicated during pregnancy, as indicated in the instructions.

Derinat is available in the form of drops and injections for intramuscular use. This is an effective remedy that is prescribed for colds. Derinat is used for chronic inflammatory and fungal diseases. Antibiotics are not able to cure a sore throat that has progressed to chronic form. Derinat solution, in turn, is a drug that is sufficiently effective for the treatment of sore throat.

Intramuscular injections are less popular than oral or nasal drops. Injections are prescribed in cases of serious exacerbations of various viral or colds.

The medicine Derinat is prescribed for both adults and children, with the help of which it supports the protective function of the body. Derinat not only helps relieve inflammatory reactions, but is also an immunomodulator, which is why it is used for various diseases that contribute to a decrease in immunity. Derinat solution is prescribed by a doctor and can be prescribed for use either together with antibiotics or on its own.

The advantage of the drug Derinat is the fact that the drug has a low toxicity coefficient and practically does not cause side symptoms. Derinat medicine has no contraindications for use, so it can be used even during pregnancy to treat purulent tonsillitis, but only with the permission of a doctor.

If observed negative reaction body after taking Derinat, you must inform your doctor about this. Derinat allows you to cure a sore throat early stages its occurrence.

Treatment for angina is not recommended. folk remedies, since this will ultimately lead to hospitalization of the patient. ethnoscience can be used as additional treatment along with pharmacological drugs with the permission of a doctor.

Injections are prescribed for sore throat in cases where it is impossible or no longer reasonable to take tablet antibiotics. Classic antibiotics for angina are prescribed as injections: Penicillins or Cephalosporins, less often (or in case of allergies) Macrolides.

It is better to leave intravenous administration of drugs to health workers, because this method of treatment requires certain skills and dexterity.

If it is not possible to seek “injection” medical help, but the doctor has prescribed intramuscular injections, and you have enough courage and the current situation really motivates you to take action, you can give an intramuscular injection at home.

You can do it correctly like this:

  1. The safest area is the top of the gluteal muscle. It is in this area that the injection is required.
  2. Make sure the dosage and correctness of the selected medications.
  3. Carefully uncork the glass ampoules.
  4. Using a syringe, draw the required amount of the drug from the ampoule.
  5. To dilute the powder, in which injectable antibiotics are produced for sore throats, remove the metal patch on the lid of the bottle with the powder or remove it completely. Pour the solvent specified in the recipe into the glass bottle and shake until dissolved. Afterwards, draw the resulting solution back into the syringe and remove the needle.
  6. Lift the syringe up with the needle, release the air along with a small stream of the drug.
  7. Treat the area of ​​the buttock designated for the injection with an antiseptic.
  8. Using a strong piercing movement, insert the needle almost completely into the muscle at a right angle.
  9. With a careful movement, slowly press down on the piston.
  10. After complete administration of the medicine, remove the needle and wipe the injection site with cotton wool and an antiseptic using small, pressing movements.

The most popular antibiotic for complex conditions is Ceftriaxone. It is injected into adults and children to treat severe sore throat, as well as its complications, and in many other cases when urgent antibiotic therapy is required.

Before the injection, it is imperative to conduct a skin test for allergic reaction in relation to the antibiotic or Lidocaine, which is used to dissolve the antibacterial powder.

Ceftriaxone should not be used in treatment if:

  1. Kidney or liver failure;
  2. enteritis, colitis, ulcerative colitis, which is provoked by antibiotic drugs;
  3. first trimester pregnancy.

Under no circumstances, under pain of death, should you:

  1. Add to solutions for droppers containing calcium and two days after the last use of calcined solutions;
  2. Do not use Ceftriaxone and calcium supplements at the same time;
  3. Combine with Fluconazole;
  4. Use together with Amzacrine;
  5. Combine with aminoglycosides or Vancomycin.

A solution for intramuscular injection is prepared from Ceftriaxone and Lidocaine powder, because the antibiotic itself is intolerable intramuscular injections. For 1 g of powder you will need 3.5 ml of 1% lidocaine. There is a dilution option with Novocaine, but this moment, not used.

Ceftriaxone with Lidocaine must not be administered intravenously!

Intravenous Ceftriaxone is administered in a solution with water for injection or drip with saline. For intravenous injection For 1 gram of powder you need 10 ml of water, for droppers you will need 2 g of antibiotic and 40 ml of saline solution.

For angina in adults and children over 12 years of age, 1-2 grams are prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously once a day.

Younger children are usually prescribed from 20 to 80 mg per kg of the child’s body weight.

After the first trimester of pregnancy, it is prescribed in adult doses according to indications when other drugs do not have the desired effect. During lactation, due to the penetration of the antibiotic into the milk, breastfeeding stops.

Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are an ideal combination to combat streptococcus, the most common cause of sore throat and its complications.

Do not use Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid if you have known allergies to Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems or Monobactams.

Under no circumstances should these antibiotics and inhibitors be mixed with:

  1. Blood products obtained during treatment or intravenous drugs with protein capacity;
  2. Aminoglycoside, especially in one syringe or vial, because his activity is completely reduced to nothing.

Injections for tonsillitis with Amoxicillin are not given for more than 2 weeks. As a rule, intravenous administration is preferred.

To prepare a solution for injection into a vein, you will need to dilute the required amount of powder in a bottle with 20 ml of sterile water for injection. At the same time, do not be alarmed if a pinkish tint appears during dissolution, which disappears over time; this is a normal reaction.

For droppers, you will need to dilute the powder according to the above scheme, adding an additional 100 ml of liquid approved for infusion. The recommended drip administration time is half an hour to 40 minutes.

Adults and adolescents are prescribed 1 gram of Amoxicillin and 200 mg of Clavulanic acid every 8 hours.

In children under 12 years of age, 25 mg of antibiotic and 5 mg of acid per kg of the child’s weight are used for sore throat, at 8-hour intervals.

Amoxicillin is not considered prohibited for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women, but is used only under strict medical prescriptions.

Sore throat is acute form infectious disease tonsillitis, which affects the mucous tissue of the tonsils and affects the entire human body. Treatment of such a disease involves the use of medications, which are most often available in the form of tablets or sprays, but there are often situations when treatment for sore throat uses injections to fight the infection.

Symptoms of a disease such as tonsillitis always appear acutely and are quite difficult to ignore. The main signs of the disease include:

  • inflammation and redness of the tonsils;
  • acute pain in the throat when swallowing;
  • significant increase in body temperature;
  • fever;
  • pulsating headache;
  • general weakness and fatigue of the body.

The acute form of tonsillitis is divided into three main types: fungal, viral and bacterial. The basis for this division is the reasons that provoked the development of the disease.

Basically, the cause of sore throat is a pathogen, which can be a fungus, virus or bacteria. Their entry into the human body and proliferation lead to the development of one of the types of acute tonsillitis.

An important role in this case is played by additional conditions for the occurrence of disease. These include factors such as high level stress, stress bad habits, reduced immunity. Under such conditions, the disease progresses with a vengeance and causes greater damage to health.

Depending on what type of sore throat is observed in a particular patient, the treatment of the disease will differ. For viral sore throat, the basis of treatment is antiviral drugs, for fungal infections - antifungals.

As for the most aggressive type sore throat is bacterial, then, in this case, treatment is provided primarily with antibiotics. Moreover, when observing complications of the disease, such as the development of otitis, retropharyngeal infection or inflammation of the oropharynx, for quick and effective disposal for illness, for sore throat, antibiotics can be prescribed in the form of injections (injections).

Injections for complications of tonsillitis are given intramuscularly. The most suitable antibacterial drug for injection is Benzylpenicillin; it effectively suppresses all the vital activity of bacteria in the tissues of the tonsils and destroys their remains in the body.

Such injections for sore throat can be prescribed to both adult patients and children. The difference during the procedure will be a lower dosage for children. For children, injections for sore throat are given in extreme cases the most advanced states of the disease. This happens quite rarely, but it is necessary measure if complications of the disease are suspected.

In addition to Benzylpenicillin, injections of drugs such as Oxacillin, Methicillin, Erythromycin, and Oleandomycin can be used for angina. Data medicines support the treatment process at the proper level, preventing the disease from spreading deep into the body.

The course of treatment for sore throat with antibiotics in any form (tablets, injections) usually lasts five to seven days. However, if serious complications are observed, taking antibacterial drugs in the form of injections for a sore throat can last for ten to twelve days. It is important to remember that the prescription of this or that type of drug can only be carried out by a doctor based on the results of an examination and analysis of a smear of throat tissue. Self-treatment can lead to significant deterioration in health, which, especially in the case of a child, is unforgivable. Therefore, in order to avoid complications that can complicate the patient’s life for many years, at the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Attention! All articles on the site are purely informational. We recommend that you seek qualified help from a specialist and make an appointment.

Sore throat or tonsillitis is a viral throat disease. The disease is usually treated oral medications. Injections for sore throat for adult patients are prescribed only in exceptional cases.

Before starting treatment for the disease, the doctor must establish the nature of the virus and find out the causes of the sore throat. The effectiveness of therapy depends on this.

Sore throat is characterized by acute inflammation of the tonsils. As a rule, it is provoked various infections and viruses. And favorable factors for the activation of pathogenic microflora are:

  • low immunity;
  • poor body response;
  • hypothermia of the oropharynx;
  • vitamin C deficiency.

To be able to suspect a disease, you need to know its main symptoms:

  1. tonsil irritation;
  2. redness of the throat;
  3. body aches;
  4. headache;
  5. weakness of the whole body;
  6. increased body temperature;
  7. Sometimes purulent inflammations are observed in the throat.

Infectious sore throat is transmitted by airborne droplets and through dishes, so a sick person should limit communication with others, and his plate, spoon and mug should be individual for the duration of his illness.

The patient's room must be ventilated several times a day and wet cleaning.

Young children and the elderly especially need to be protected from communicating with the sick, since their immunity is reduced. The rest of the inhabitants of the house in which a person with a sore throat lives should take immunomodulatory drugs, which in this case are necessary for prevention purposes.

If treatment is ignored, tonsillitis can lead to serious complications. For an infectious sore throat, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the patient. As a rule, these are injections, since swallowing tablets for a sore throat is quite problematic.

To determine which antibiotic is best suited in a particular case, the doctor performs a diagnosis general condition patient.

The causative agents of sore throat in adults and children are usually:

  • staphylococci;
  • fungi such as Candida;
  • streptococci.

It is impossible to determine the type of pathogen based on symptoms alone. Therefore, the patient is prescribed tests; more precisely, a smear is taken from the surface of the mucous membrane of the throat and affected tonsils.

If the cause of tonsillitis is streptococcus, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, which are administered by injection, that is, an injection for a sore throat.

Antibiotics for tonsillitis are taken to prevent the development of complications. This precaution is due to the fact that sore throat bacterial origin very aggressive.

In a very short period of time, the infection can spread to other organs. Pus released from the tonsils penetrates into the lungs, causing pneumonia or an abscess. This is precisely why purulent tonsillitis is dangerous.

There is a high risk of kidney inflammation, from which only antibiotics can protect adults and children. Injections for tonsillitis are given for 5-7 days. But if the disease is acute and severe, the course is extended to 10-12 days.

To win bacterial sore throat The most commonly prescribed penicillin drugs are:

  1. Benzylpenicillin is a drug that has a wide spectrum of effects on viruses. The medicine is administered intramuscularly, which ensures rapid absorption and resorption.
  2. Ampicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin medicine broad action. It is administered both intravenously and intramuscularly.
  3. Bicillin is an antibiotic natural origin. Prolonged effect of the drug is achieved by retaining active component in blood.

But not all patients tolerate penicillin drugs well. For such patients, there are other antibiotics: Lincomycin or Intramycin.

These medications are administered into the body intramuscularly or intravenously using a dropper.

A patient who is treating tonsillitis with antibiotics must carefully monitor the body's reaction to the drugs and how the disease progresses. Must be adhered to correct dosage and medication schedule.

The effect of penicillin drugs can be assessed 2-3 days after the start of treatment. If there is no effect from therapy, then the antibiotic was chosen incorrectly and the patient should inform the doctor about this. The doctor will replace the medicine with another one.

Most likely, the antibiotic did not correspond to the etiology of the disease, then it is necessary to carry out additional tests, which will help determine the true nature of sore throat.

In other words, monitoring the course of the disease is no less important than the treatment itself.

Sore throat is a type of respiratory disease of an infectious nature, in which the tonsils become inflamed. Most often it is provoked pathogens, penetrating through the oral or nasal cavity and actively multiplying on the mucous membranes. Therefore, in the treatment of tonsillitis, antibiotics are often used, depending on the situation, using tablets or injections.

Indications for antibiotics

Everyone knows about the benefits and harms of antibiotics. But for some reason, when the disease affects everyone personally, many begin to thoughtlessly use this remedy, trying to quickly get rid of the symptoms. Without even realizing that they cause serious harm to the body and, first of all, immune system, which should protect a person from uninvited invisible guests. Fortunately, no one prescribes antibiotics by injection for a sore throat.

There are specific indications for the use of antibiotics. Moreover, these drugs are divided into several groups, the effects of which may differ significantly. Therefore, if you just have a sore throat, or even a fever, swallowing the first pills you come across is a high probability way to only complicate the course of the disease.

Antibiotics are used for infectious sore throat, when, according to the results bacteriological culture pathogenic bacteria were detected in mucus from the throat, their type was determined and tests were done for sensitivity to various types medications.

As an emergency medicine, a doctor may prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic for:

  • extensive inflammation in the throat;
  • severe purulent inflammation of the tonsils;
  • acute sore throat against the background of purulent sinusitis;
  • persistent high body temperature;
  • inflammation of the behind-the-ear and/or cervical lymph nodes;
  • suspected development of complications.

But this does not relieve the patient of the need to undergo full examination and pass all tests. Perhaps, based on their results, the drug will be replaced with another, or its dosage will be adjusted. Then tablets can be replaced with injections or vice versa.

The advantage of injections

In the form of injections, the same drugs are usually used as in the form of tablets: Ampicillin, Erythromycin, Oleandomycin, and for purulent tonsillitis - cephalosporins. The only difference is that the injections work much faster, since when the drug is administered intramuscularly, it immediately enters the bloodstream. The tablet must dissolve in the stomach, be absorbed through the intestines, and only then does it begin to have a therapeutic effect.

Accordingly, antibiotic injections are used:

  • for moderate and severe forms of the disease, when the fastest possible effect is needed;
  • at severe inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, when swallowing is difficult;
  • at serious violations the work of the gastrointestinal tract, when the ingestion of antibiotics into them is extremely undesirable;
  • at frequent vomiting when a drug taken orally does not have time to be absorbed and is excreted;
  • for the treatment of young children in the absence of other forms of this drug that can be used (syrups, mixtures).

New generation antibiotics no longer need to be injected 4-6 times a day, as was practiced 20-30 years ago. Now 1-2 injections per day are enough, since long-acting drugs are used. But all appointments are made strictly individually.

Disadvantages of injections

Treatment with antibiotic injections also has its disadvantages, which must also be taken into account when choosing the form of the drug:

Therefore, if the doctor nevertheless recommends the use of antibiotics in the form of injections, it is necessary to create optimal conditions To avoid the troubles associated with this type of treatment: buy disposable syringes and antiseptic, find a qualified nurse, protect injection sites from hypothermia and dirt.

Before using an antibiotic for the first time, a test for this type of medication must be done. This is a subcutaneous injection during which a minimal dose of the drug is administered. Then the body's reaction is observed.

If there is completely no redness of the skin around the injection, any types of rashes, swelling, or significant dilation of the capillaries, then everything is fine - the drug can be used. IN otherwise replacement must be made.

Injections for children

When treating a sore throat, children are prescribed injections more often than adults. This way you can quickly achieve the desired effect and at the same time minimally damage the intestinal microflora, which is very important for the little ones, who often already suffer from dysbacteriosis (especially bottle-fed infants).

All kids don’t like injections, but doing the procedure incorrectly can literally damage the child’s psyche. Therefore, it is very important when giving injections to children to try to follow the following rules:

You should not accustom your child to the fact that for every injection he endures, a reward will await him. In life there may be different situations, and he must understand that in this case the reward is an improvement in his well-being, and he does it for himself, and not for candy or a toy.

Important! You should never give injections to your child while he sleeps. No qualified nurse would do this. But some mothers believe that this is better, because “the child will not have time to get scared.” He will have time, and more than from an injection while awake, for which he will be psychologically ready.

Not only will the child wake up in fear and pain, and it will be difficult to calm him down later, but there is also a huge risk of breaking the needle right in the muscle if he suddenly twitches sharply.

Additional procedures

Injections alone are not enough to quickly cope with a sore throat. Moreover, against the background of injections, the following is simply necessary:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - in order to quickly stop inflammatory processes and relieve sore throat;
  • antipyretics - if the thermometer has risen above 38;
  • antihistamines - to quickly relieve swelling of the larynx and prevent an allergic reaction to the antibiotic;
  • immunostimulating - to activate your own protective forces body.

Many people mistakenly believe that after injections with antibiotics, taking probiotics to restore intestinal microflora is not necessary. This is not so - the microflora is still disturbed, since the antibiotic acts on the entire body, partially killing beneficial bacteria. Natural yoghurts or kefir can be used as probiotics.

Gargling and rinsing the throat antiseptic solutions or decoctions medicinal herbs help to quickly get rid of accumulated mucus, soothe and moisturize irritated mucous membranes, improve blood circulation and accelerate their healing. Children aged 5-6 years and older can gargle on their own; children can rinse it with a syringe.

Inhalations, aerosols and throat sprays deliver medications directly on the tonsils and thereby enhance their effectiveness.

Treating the tonsils with Lugol's solution or oil solution chlorophyllipt. A quartz tube helps a lot in physiotherapeutic procedures, but this device is only available in clinics or hospitals.

An important part of treatment is bed rest and a properly selected diet. In case of severe inflammation, hot, spicy, sour and too hard foods, carbonated water, packaged juices - anything that can irritate the throat - is strictly contraindicated. Until the condition improves, it is better to use weak broths, pureed vegetable soups, boiled porridge, jelly.

Abundant warm drink will relieve sore throat, wash away mucus and moisturize irritated mucous membranes. Herbal teas and warm milk They help eliminate toxins, but they can also weaken the effect of antibiotics, so consult your doctor about what you should drink in your case. Perhaps it's just weak tea with honey or chamomile infusion.

Sore throat is a viral throat disease. Injections for sore throat in adults are usually prescribed when severe forms diseases. So what is a sore throat? What are its causes and treatment methods? Are there injections that can effectively fight the infection?

Etiology of the disease

Sore throat (tonsillitis) is an acute inflammation of the throat and tonsils, which is provoked by various viruses and infections. Causes of tonsillitis - weak immunity, general declines protective functions body, hypothermia of the pharynx. Signs of the disease: redness, irritation of the tonsils, headache, chills, weakness, body aches. Purulent inflammation, fever, difficult, painful swallowing are often observed.

It is important to protect a patient with tonsillitis from other family members. It is necessary to allocate dishes for it, as well as ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. The patient should not communicate with people who have reduced immunity (elderly people, small children). If there is a person in the house suffering from this disease, other residents need to take immunostimulating drugs to prevent the spread of tonsillitis.

If treatment is not provided in time, complications may arise: ear inflammation, swelling of the pharynx. For acute sore throat, the doctor usually prescribes injections, since taking medications by swallowing is problematic. In order to determine which medications will be most effective, the patient's condition is diagnosed.

As a rule, the causative agents of sore throat can be staphylococcus, candidiasis, streptococcus. It is very difficult to determine from the symptoms what caused the disease, so tests are taken from the patient: a swab from the surface of the affected tonsils or throat. If it turns out that the causative agent is streptococcus, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of injections.

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Why is an antibiotic prescribed?

Antibiotics for sore throat are taken in order to avoid possible consequences in the form of various kinds complications.

The fact is that bacterial tonsillitis is much more aggressive. This infection can spread to others internal organs in a short period of time. If the pus is not stopped, it can get into the lungs, causing an abscess or pneumonia. In addition, there is a risk of kidney inflammation, so antibiotics should be taken as mandatory remedy. It takes an average of 5-7 days to give injections for a sore throat. However, if the disease is in an acute, severe form, the course is expanded to 10-12 days. In order to overcome bacterial tonsillitis, they mainly use the following drugs, which belong to the penicillin group:

  1. Benzylpenicillin - this medicine has a wide range of effects on viruses. It is administered intramuscularly, quickly dissolves and is absorbed by tissues.
  2. Bicillin is a natural antibiotic. Maintains longevity by holding medicinal substance in blood.
  3. Ampicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin drug with broad action. Can be administered intramuscularly and intravenously.

There are cases when a patient is intolerant to penicillin antibiotics. Then doctors can prescribe Intramycin or Lincomycin. They are administered intravenously using a dropper or intramuscularly.

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Monitoring the progress of the disease is a must

If a patient is prescribed injections to treat tonsillitis, he must carefully monitor the body's reaction, as well as the behavior of the disease. It is worth remembering the dosage and schedule of taking medications. The effect of medications containing penicillin can be assessed 2-3 days after starting treatment. If there is no effect or improvement in the condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can select more suitable drug. In some cases, additional tests need to be done to determine the type of sore throat. Perhaps the treatment was not selected according to the nature of the disease. Reasons for changing treatment: worsening condition, lack of effect of medications, increased amount of pus, constant elevated temperature body, severe headaches. So, monitoring treatment is no less important than the prescription of drugs itself.