Lugol during pregnancy in different trimesters. How safe is Lugol's solution for an expectant mother? How to determine pregnancy using Lugol's solution?

While waiting for a baby, all women experience a decrease in immune defense. This is necessary so that the expectant mother’s body does not perceive the fetus as a foreign body. However, this process can lead to the occurrence of colds and infectious diseases.

Treatment during pregnancy

Not all expectant mothers suffer from the ailments described above while expecting a child, but most women are susceptible to various diseases.

Surely everyone knows that during pregnancy you cannot use medications to treat diseases on your own. Taking antibacterial agents and warming up is strictly prohibited. This article will discuss whether Lugol can be taken during pregnancy. Every expectant mother should know the answer to this question.

The drug "Lugol" during pregnancy

There are different opinions regarding the use of this drug. It is worth noting that it is quite safe and does not contain sugar. This remedy is used to treat children of all ages. However, is it possible to use Lugol's solution during pregnancy? Experts have different opinions on this matter. Let's try to figure them out.

The drug "Lugol" can be used during pregnancy: reasons

This drug perfectly treats the throat mucosa. Bacteria multiply primarily in this part of the human body. During pregnancy, Lugol gently dries the mucous membrane and fights microorganisms.

Immediately after application of the substance, an immediate reaction begins. Iodine molecules bind to proteins, which act as pathogens, and neutralizes them.

Within a few hours after using Lugol Spray during pregnancy, you will feel relief and no sore throat. This product is quite safe. The solution is not absorbed into the blood, as a result of which it does not in any way affect the health and overall development of the unborn baby.

Lugol should not be used during pregnancy: reasons

Many doctors insist that Lugol should not be used during pregnancy. There are several good reasons for this.

Possibility of damage to the mucous membrane

While waiting for a baby, blood circulation in a woman’s body increases. The mucous membranes are saturated with white blood cells and are very susceptible to various damages. So, when using an iodine solution, severe burns can occur. If in a normal state a person would benefit from such treatment, then during the period of pregnancy it can cause great harm.

Excess iodine

Everyone knows that the Lugol drug is made from an aqueous solution with the addition of iodine. This trace element is produced by the thyroid gland. It is necessary to maintain normal hormone levels. Iodine is especially important during pregnancy. Doctors often prescribe special medications and vitamin complexes containing this substance to expectant mothers. When taking such drugs and simultaneous use of Lugol's medication, iodine oversaturation may occur. This condition will not affect the health of the expectant mother in any way, but will cause irreparable harm to the unborn child.

Decision to take medication

It is worth noting that the drug "Lugol" during pregnancy can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. This is exactly what the instructions for the medicinal substance say. Never self-medicate. Even with a minor cold, it is worth visiting a therapist and gynecologist for prescriptions.

If you have been prescribed this drug, you must use it strictly following the indicated dosage.

Use of Lugol's solution during pregnancy

Let us remind you that the drug is available in two forms. You can purchase the medicine in the form of a spray or buy a lubricating solution. Choose the most suitable method. During pregnancy, doctors often recommend giving preference to a medicine that needs to be used to wipe the mucous membrane. This is the only way you can avoid an overdose and accurately calculate the dose of the drug.

Take a cotton swab and wrap it around a match or long stick. Currently, you can purchase special disposable devices for treating the mucous membrane of the throat in the pharmacy chain. Soak a cotton swab in the iodine solution. Then stand in front of the mirror and open your mouth wide. If possible, it is better to entrust the treatment of the larynx to an assistant. Rub the tonsils and throat with a quick movement. After this, throw away the device with the cotton swab.

Alternative use of the drug "Lugol"

While waiting for the baby, a so-called body cleansing may be prescribed. In this case, you need to dissolve one drop of Lugol in a glass of water and drink. This folk remedy can only be used in the third trimester of pregnancy after a doctor’s prescription. It is worth noting that such manipulation can cause the onset of the birth process. That is why it is forbidden to use such methods of cleansing the body on your own.


You can take the drug "Lugol" during pregnancy, but you must obtain a doctor's prescription. Otherwise, undesirable consequences for the health of the unborn baby may occur.

Lugol- one of the most famous and oldest medicines that was used to treat various viral diseases or sore throats. What is he? This is an aqueous solution of iodine in potassium iodide. In other words, it is distilled water, iodine and potassium iodide in a certain ratio. Recently, you can also see it with the addition of glycerin: in this case, the majority (almost 95% of the drug) is glycerin, and the rest is a standard amount of water and iodine.

The mechanism of action of Lugol is quite simple: upon contact with a protein by a pathogenic bacterium (more precisely, with its proteins that are located in the cell wall) or iodine virus interacts with it, a chemical reduction reaction takes place. As a result, the protein changes its structure, which leads to the destruction of the entire bacterium.

Information With the use of Lugol, the sore throat quickly disappears, the sore throat goes away, the body temperature decreases, and intoxication disappears.

The sensitivity of microbes to iodine is 100%, which is why even today, during operations, the skin that surgeons will cut is treated with solutions of this substance.


Lugol is used to treat:

  • Various viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tonsillopharyngitis);
  • Sore throats.


There are few contraindications for using Lugol:

  • Intolerance to the drug or its components (i.e. allergy to iodine or glycerin);
  • Pregnancy.

Use of Lugol during pregnancy

The instructions say that the use of Lugol during pregnancy is contraindicated. However, in this situation, not everything is so simple.

The fact is that the opinions of doctors are divided: some are categorically against the use of Lugol during pregnancy, because. there is not enough scientific data on its safety during this period. In addition, it contains iodine, which affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, and its excess has a bad effect on the functioning of this gland in the fetus. Another (most) part of doctors considers the drug completely safe.

  1. Firstly, Lugol can only be used topically, treating the pharynx, tonsils, and pharynx.
  2. Secondly, the iodine content in the drug is quite small, and it is poorly absorbed from the mucous membranes. In addition, according to research, the majority of the world's population has a deficiency of this element in their bodies (insufficiency) and it is recommended to take iodine preparations prophylactically (for example, “”).
  3. Thirdly, the greatest threat to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland of both women and small children is iodine deficiency, and not its excess, which the human body quickly gets rid of.

In other words, you can use Lugol during pregnancy. You just have to stop using iodine preparations for the duration of treatment.

  • Sore throat;
  • Hexoral;
  • Anzibel.
  • There is no data on the harm of these drugs to the fetus, but no special studies have been conducted. When prescribing them, the potential risk for the child should be weighed against the benefit for the mother.

    Analogs for active ingredients: Yox, Polividone, etc.

    Colds are often accompanied by a sore throat. Sore throat and pharyngitis are dangerous diseases that can cause serious complications. It is important for the expectant mother to quickly cope with the disease. During pregnancy, whenever possible, only medications that do not have a negative effect on the developing body of the child are used. To treat a sore throat, doctors prescribe local antiseptics. One of the most effective drugs is Lugol's solution with glycerin. Disputes about the advisability of its use during pregnancy continue to this day.

    Composition and effect of Lugol's solution with glycerin

    Lugol's solution with glycerin is a local iodine-based antiseptic. It consists of distilled water, potassium iodide, iodine and glycerin in a certain proportion. According to the instructions, Lugol cannot be used during pregnancy.

    Despite this, many medical practitioners prescribe Lugol to expectant mothers, explaining that in this case, iodine can enter the body only when swallowed. And since the solution is applied topically, the risk of iodine getting inside is minimal. In addition, the concentration of the active substance in Lugol's solution, according to these experts, is small and therefore cannot lead to an excess of iodine in the body, as well as to iodine poisoning - iodism.

    Correct use minimizes the risk of side effects. Excess drug should be spat out, not swallowed, to prevent it from entering the body.

    Iodine is the strongest antiseptic. When it gets on the mucous membranes, it causes the death of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, helping to get rid of the infection. Lugol's solution destroys all known bacteria.

    Consult a physician you trust to evaluate whether this antiseptic is appropriate for your particular case.

    What is treated with Lugol

    Doctors prescribe Lugol to combat various throat diseases:

    • sore throat,
    • pharyngitis,
    • tonsillitis,
    • inflammation of the ligaments.

    The drug helps to quickly relieve sore throat and actively fights bacteria that cause inflammation. It can also be used externally - smear minor damage (cuts, scratches), disinfecting the surface of the skin.

    Instructions for safe use

    Contraindications and possible side effects

    According to the instructions, contraindications to the use of Lugol's solution, in addition to pregnancy, are:

    • allergic reactions;
    • rhinitis;
    • sore throat accompanied by a dry cough;

    If the drug is ingested frequently, excess iodine may occur in the body. It threatens thyroid diseases, hormonal imbalances, and general intoxication of the expectant mother’s body.

    During treatment with Lugol, you should stop taking vitamins and medications containing iodine. Abuse of iodine-containing medications causes poisoning of the body - iodism. It appears:

    • profuse lacrimation;
    • hacking cough;
    • increased salivation;
    • swelling of the larynx;
    • ulcerative skin lesions.

    This condition is very dangerous for mother and baby. Iodine in excess quantities inhibits the functioning of the thyroid gland, dramatically disrupting hormonal levels. These changes can lead to serious pathologies in the child’s development: improper formation of the brain, underdevelopment of the nervous system.

    Before starting treatment, you should tell your doctor about all medications and vitamins you are taking.

    Independently increasing the frequency of Lugol's use or exceeding the dosage recommended by the doctor can also cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the throat. This lesion is characterized by pain when swallowing and swelling of the oral tissues. In serious cases, voice changes, vomiting, and choking are possible. To relieve symptoms, frequent warm drinks, lubricating the throat with olive or sea buckthorn oil, and gargling with heated chamomile infusion are recommended.

    If symptoms of a burn to the throat mucosa appear, you should immediately stop treatment with Lugol and consult a doctor.

    Which is better: spray or solution?

    Manufacturers produce two forms of Lugol: a solution for lubricating the throat and a spray. Treat the affected throat with the solution, applying it to a cotton swab. This method practically eliminates the ingestion of iodine, which reduces the risk of side effects for the expectant mother.

    Lugol's solution for lubricating a sore throat

    The spray differs from the solution not in composition, but only in the presence of a special spray nozzle in the kit. Different release forms have the same mechanism of action.

    The spray form of the drug is convenient, but less safe during pregnancy

    It is better for the expectant mother to choose Lugol's solution for treatment. Its method of application minimizes the ingestion of iodine, eliminating the occurrence of negative health effects. A cotton swab should be moistened with Lugol's solution and treated with inflamed mucous membrane. The spray is sprayed directly into the throat.

    Important! Lugol has a drying effect on the mucous membranes and can aggravate a dry cough and sore throat.

    How can Lugol be replaced: analogues and other local antiseptics

    There is a line of analogue drugs that match Lugol's in terms of the active component: Iodinol, Iodopirone, alcoholic and aqueous solutions of iodine. They all contain iodine. They should be used in the same way as Lugol, only as directed and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    However, in many cases, doctors opt for safer local antiseptics that are similar in their mechanism of action and are suitable for pregnant women. They are discussed in the table below.

    Table: throat antiseptics prescribed to pregnant women for colds

    Name Active substance Release forms Indications Contraindications Use during pregnancy
    • Rinse solution
    • spray.
    • Angina,
    • pharyngitis,
    • stomatitis,
    • tonsillitis.
    • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,
    • allergy.
    No restrictions
    Complex of medicinal plants
    • Pills,
    • spray.
    • Angina,
    • tonsillitis,
    • a sore throat,
    • pharyngitis,
    • inflammation of the gums.
    • Allergic reaction to the components of the drug,
    • bronchial asthma,
    • high blood pressure.
    No restrictions
    • Chlorhexidine (antiseptic),
    • benzocaine (pain reliever)
    • enoxolone (antiviral).
    • Sore throat of various origins,
    • angina,
    • pharyngitis.
    • Fructose intolerance,
    • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
    Only according to indications after consultation with a doctor

    Lysozyme hydrochloride

    • Gingivitis,
    • a sore throat,
    • stomatitis,
    • herpetic sore throat.
    • Lactose intolerance,
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
    No restrictions
    Benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrate
    • Solution,
    • spray.
    • Tonsillitis,
    • angina,
    • complex treatment of laryngitis.
    Hypersensitivity to the components of the drugNo restrictions
    Ambazone monohydrateLozenges
    • Tonsillitis,
    • pharyngitis,
    • angina,
    • tracheitis.
    Hypersensitivity to ambazonNo restrictions
    Benzydamine hydrochloride
    • Spray,
    • lozenges,
    • rinse solution.
    • Angina,
    • pharyngitis,
    • tonsillitis,
    • laryngitis.
    • For the tablet form - phenylketonuria (a hereditary disease associated with disorders of amino acid metabolism),
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
    Can be used according to indications

    Photo gallery: options for replacing Lugol's solution in all trimesters of pregnancy

    Lizobact is one of the safest means for disinfecting the oral cavity during pregnancy Anzibel kills bacteria and relieves sore throat
    Anginal is a herbal preparation based on a complex of extracts Hexoral gargling solution Miramistin has an antiseptic and regenerating effect After taking Faringosept, it is not recommended to drink or eat for an hour Tantum Verde relieves pain and inflammation of the throat

    Average price: 100 rub.

    Lugol is an antiseptic drug based on iodine. Used for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory processes.

    Composition of the drug

    1 ml of Lugol contains:

    Iodine – active substance – 12.5 mg, auxiliary components – glycerol, potassium iodide.
    The composition of "Lugol Vialine" is expanded with kelp extract, sodium saccharinate, triclosan and sea salt.

    Pharmacological properties

    The action of the medicine is aimed at providing a local irritant, antiseptic and antifungal effect thanks to the active component - iodine. The spray has a good effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microflora, destroys pathogenic microbes, fungi and yeast. Long-term use of Lugol has an effect against Staphylococcus spp., but the medicine has no effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

    The glycerol present in the drug produces a softening effect, and potassium iodide promotes the dissolution of iodine in water.

    Applying iodine to the mucous membranes improves the mechanism of synthesis of the hormones T3 and T4.

    Indications for use

    The solution is effective against the following pathologies:

    • Chronic tonsillitis
    • Myalgia
    • Trophic ulcers
    • Thermal burns
    • Injuries and damage
    • Infectious lesions of the skin and mucous membranes
    • Purulent otitis.

    "Lugol" can be used for sore throat: treatment of the disease at an early stage with this drug suppresses inflammatory processes in the throat. It is recommended to treat purulent tonsillitis together with antibiotics.

    The spray can be used to prevent and combat atherosclerosis and thyroid diseases caused by iodine deficiency, as well as tertiary syphilis.

    Based on the type of disease, the drug is prescribed for external or local use.

    Release form

    The solution is placed in a dark bottle in a cardboard package. Instructions for use and an applicator for spraying are supplied with the medicine.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding

    "Lugol" during pregnancy is contraindicated for oral administration, especially during the first trimester. But also, prescribing the drug during the second and third trimesters can cause irreparable harm to the fetus, especially if the medication is taken for more than 4 days. This is because iodine accumulates in the thyroid gland and can contribute to the development of hormonal imbalances.

    "Lugol" during pregnancy can only be used topically, applying the solution to the pharynx, nasopharynx and tonsils. Most of the world's population suffers from iodine deficiency, so a small content of this microelement in the medicine does not cause harm when applied locally to the mucous membranes during any trimester.

    The active substance of the solution can penetrate into breast milk, which can negatively affect the development of the thyroid gland in the child.

    Local administration of the drug involves treating the mucous membrane of the pharynx and mouth. You can smear your throat with Lugol 2-3 times a day, and you can irrigate your nasopharynx and mouth 4-6 times a day. While applying the drug, you must hold your breath. One press on the applicator will spray the required dose of medication.

    In surgery, the solution is applied to a napkin and applied to the affected area.

    The spray is prescribed to pregnant women to treat the throat only on the recommendation of a doctor, since not all experts are confident in the safety of the drug for expectant mothers, and the instructions from the manufacturer prohibit taking the medicine in any of the three trimesters.


    "Lugol" is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance, during pregnancy and for the following diseases:

    • Adenomas and urticaria
    • Pulmonary tuberculosis and furunculosis
    • Diathesis and acne
    • Chronic pyoderma.

    Children can be prescribed Lugol after 5 years. For kidney and liver diseases, it is necessary to treat with the solution only under the supervision of a doctor.

    Side effects

    "Lugol" during pregnancy leads to disturbances in the development of the fetus. Other side effects may include:

    • Rhinitis
    • Tearing or drooling
    • Quincke's edema
    • Diarrhea
    • Increased heart rate and excessive sweating
    • Sleep problems
    • Skin allergies
    • Nervousness.


    Spray "Lugol" in the wrong dosage can cause burns and irritation of the upper respiratory tract and digestive canal.

    Conditions and shelf life

    The solution should be stored in a dark place, hidden from children. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

    Today there are many local antiseptics used to treat throats in pregnant women. Most of them began to be produced relatively recently, but there are also those that have been used in practice for several decades. For example, Lugol's solution is an iodine-based product, named after the scientist who developed it. Practicing gynecologists often prescribe this medicine to expectant mothers, although the medical manual lists pregnancy as a direct contraindication.

    Composition and effect of Lugol's solution with glycerin

    The active substance of Lugol's solution is iodine, a well-known antiseptic. It is effective against a wide range of bacteria and fungi, due to the fact that it binds to the proteins of the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, causing their death. Treatment with this drug helps to destroy pathogens, prevents intoxication of the body and accelerates recovery.

    Currently, Lugol's solution is produced only with glycerin

    Lugol's solution was originally intended to treat tuberculosis by taking it orally. Nowadays, it is used as an external and local remedy.

    Table: general indications for prescribing Lugol's solution

    Lugol's preparations are most widely used in the treatment of bacterial throat infections. Thus, Lugol is especially often prescribed for sore throat and chronic tonsillitis..

    For viral infections, this remedy is not effective and can aggravate the throat condition.

    Is Lugol allowed for pregnant women?

    According to the instructions, Lugol's solution is contraindicated for expectant mothers. In practice, as often happens, the situation is different: during pregnancy, taking Lugol orally is strictly prohibited, but local use is permissible, but only if there are specific indications for this. This medicine is most often prescribed to treat very severe sore throats and sore throats. For other diagnoses, doctors in most cases prescribe safer antiseptics.

    Particular care should be taken in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Starting from the 18th week, the fetal thyroid gland is already formed and functioning. Excess iodine during this period is fraught with an increase in the child’s size. This is another reason why Lugol is not the drug of choice when treating expectant mothers.

    There is a point of view that Lugol is even useful for pregnant women, since the need for microelements, including iodine, increases during pregnancy, and, in addition, there is a deficiency of this substance in the body of the majority of Russian residents. An additional argument is given that the amount of iodine absorbed during the treatment of the throat is insignificant and cannot cause an overdose. However, not all doctors agree with this logic and prefer not to take risks, especially since modern pharmacology has a sufficient range of safe local antiseptics.

    Possible side effects and contraindications

    Hypersensitivity to iodine is the main contraindication for Lugol in the form of a spray and solution. Taking the drug orally is prohibited during pregnancy and other conditions, such as:

    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • nephritis and nephrosis;
    • adenoma (including the thyroid gland);
    • furunculosis;
    • acne;
    • chronic pyoderma;
    • hemorrhagic diathesis;
    • hives.

    External and local use can rarely cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. Long-term use of Lugol can cause iodism - poisoning of the body with iodine. This is a complex of symptoms caused by the effects of iodine on the body:

    • rhinitis;
    • hives;
    • Quincke's edema;
    • salivation;
    • lacrimation;
    • acne.

    As noted above, excess iodine negatively affects the thyroid gland of a child developing in the womb.

    The presence of blood, fat, and pus reduces the antiseptic properties of iodine when the solution is applied topically.

    Before starting treatment, the doctor must take into account the drug interactions of Lugol. Thus, it is incompatible with essential oils and weakens the effect of a number of psychotropic drugs.

    Which is safer: treating your throat with a spray or smearing it with a solution?

    Lugol is available in the form of a spray and solution in bottles. The composition of the spray is no different, but it has a bottle that allows you to spray the drug in doses into the pharyngeal cavity. Glycerin in the solution protects the mucous membrane from dryness, but makes the liquid thick. Therefore, the spray is not sprayed, but splashed.

    When the product gets on clothes, it leaves dark stains that are difficult to wash off. The spray, from this position, is more convenient to use. Therefore, most women prefer to buy Lugol in this form. However, regarding the choice of release form, you need to consult a doctor. The patient most often has to swallow the excess spray, and this is similar to taking the drug orally, which is strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

    Dipping a cotton swab into the solution and then lubricating the affected throat, of course, is not so quick and convenient, and this procedure can even cause the woman to vomit. However, if they are not available, your doctor will most likely recommend that you choose a solution rather than a spray to avoid the medication getting into your stomach.

    A dosed spray is more convenient, and a solution in a bottle is safer to use during pregnancy

    Among the advantages of the solution in a bottle, one can note a much lower cost compared to a spray.

    Instructions for safe use

    Before starting treatment, you need to know a number of nuances that will help minimize the risk of negative consequences:

    1. The active substance of the drug is easily absorbed into the blood, so even local treatment of the oropharynx leads to the penetration of a small amount of iodine into the woman’s body. This chemical element plays a huge role in the formation of the fetus. It is included in most multivitamins for expectant mothers. To exclude the possibility of an overdose of iodine, the expectant mother should discuss with her doctor the combination of Lugol treatment with taking vitamin-mineral complexes or iodine preparations.
    2. You need to treat your throat with a solution or spray several times a day strictly according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor.

      The duration of treatment depends on the speed of recovery.

    3. After the procedure, it is recommended to abstain from food and drink for 30 minutes..
    4. When using a spray, you need to spray the medicine so that the solution gets to the source of inflammation, and is not sprayed throughout the entire oral cavity.

      The larger the treatment area, the more active substance will enter the bloodstream.

    5. A pregnant woman should not swallow excess solution, but spit it out, since iodine is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

    Iodine can cause burns to the mucous membranes, dryness and increase irritation in the throat.

    What can be replaced

    Lugol's solution or spray is not the only effective antiseptic for pregnant women. The doctor may recommend other medications for treating and gargling, as well as easy-to-use lozenges. Some drugs allowed during pregnancy are discussed below.

    Drug name Release form Active substance Contraindications Use during pregnancy
    • Solution,
    • aerosol.
    HexethidineThere is no information about any undesirable effects when using the drug during pregnancy. Before prescribing, the physician must carefully assess the expected benefits and risks of treatment, given the lack of sufficient data on the penetration of the drug through the placental barrier.
    Tantum Verde
    • Pills,
    • solution,
    • spray.
    Benzydamine hydrochloride
    • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • phenylketonuria (for tablets).
    Use according to indications
    • Lysozyme hydrochloride,
    • pyridoxine hydrochloride.
    • Hereditary lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome;
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
    MiramistinSolution in a bottle with a spray nozzleBenzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrateHypersensitivity to the components of the drug
    • Oil solution,
    • alcohol solution.
    Eucalyptus leaf extracts
    • Hypersensitivity to essential oil components and chlorophyllipt;
    • atrophy of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.
    • The effectiveness and safety of the drug in pregnant women has not been studied.
    • Chlorophyllipt is prescribed to expectant mothers for gargling.