Do not treat the infection. How to treat sexually transmitted infections? Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections. Agents with a direct antiviral effect

Well, you already have several pairs of jeans in your hands. Now it's time to take a good look at them to determine if they are fake.

It is unlikely that it will be news to anyone that our market is flooded with jeans made in Indonesia, China and Korea. The products of the latter can be made quite well and are not so cheap. And sometimes it is possible to detect a fake only two months after the purchase, when the fabric is frayed at the seams, and indelible wrinkles form on the knees. As a result, forty dollars spent on a fake are thrown away. And the buyer already regrets that he did not spend sixty in the company showroom. It’s hard to buy good jeans today After all, you want something that’s both inexpensive and of high quality.

So start with a good dose of skepticism. You will probably begin to be convinced of the truly American origin of jeans. Attempts to convince you that jeans are “all original” should be stopped immediately. The seller exists to earn money from selling his goods. Therefore, do the examination yourself.

The most frequently counterfeited jeans are those that have the highest ratings in the West: Lee, Wrangler and Levi’s. It is difficult to talk about the number of fakes: no one has yet done research on this most interesting topic. But as for tastes, Turkish manufacturers, for example, love to copy Lee, popular in the CIS countries. At the same time, experts say that in Turkey, for example, both labor and raw materials are much cheaper than in Europe and America, and the quality: fabric, threads, patterns is similar. Therefore, a considerable amount of such fashionable clothing is produced under license there.

It is usually believed that only American jeans can be branded, and, for example, Turkish ones are always compared to consumer goods. It turns out that this is not the case. “Brandedness” should be equated to such a characteristic as quality. Therefore, even those Turkish jeans that are made, even if not by a very well-known company, but according to all the rules, without flaws, can be called branded. Don’t be afraid to buy Turkish jeans like “Diesel” and “Gross” - you need to be wary of counterfeits from the Middle and Far East, as well as from “Malaya Arnautskaya”.

A counterfeit is born like this: a representative of a Russian company goes to denim clothing manufacturers and purchases a small batch of the original product. At home, the products are carefully ripped apart and carefully examined. Then the exact same model is put into mass production somewhere in the Moscow region. The visual similarity can be so complete that often even a specialist cannot distinguish a fake from the original.

One of the first indicators of quality is, as you already know, price. For 20-30 dollars, jeans, in principle, you don’t even need to look at. The probability of purchasing a product that will die very quickly is approaching 100%. Original jeans are not sold on the market, so their price is ridiculous (from 20 to 30 dollars). The simplest, but real companies cost from 40-45 dollars, from fashion houses - about 130-140 dollars.

The easiest way to spot a fake is to fold the jeans at the seams. If the trouser legs wrinkle and warp, then this is handicraft work.

Now examine the texture of a potential purchase by touch. Even ordinary cheap cotton fabric can be made to look like heavy-duty denim using starch. But after washing, such jeans will come to an end. It is mainly due to the fabric that savings are made in the production of counterfeits. In appearance, the jeans may be no different from real Lees, but the fake weighs not 850 grams, as expected, but much less. Thin denim that goes into Turkish or Maltese (the same Chinese) jeans is surprisingly cheap in the East. Note that even experts have difficulty distinguishing a fake from a brand at a distance of a few steps. Therefore, if you don’t want to just give your 35-40 dollars to the seller, be careful!

Jeans have different weaves: diagonal and herringbone. In herringbone jeans, the most critical areas - the knees - are less stretched. The fabric in jeans should be smooth inside and out, there should be no stretches or unevenness. When purchasing, hold the fabric of the jeans up to light. Don't be afraid to seem boring - you have the right to be picky.

Once you are sure that you are dealing with denim and not an imitation, turn the item inside out and carefully check the seams. There should be no loose threads or broken stitches. All fabric sections must be closed and neatly stitched. The internal seams of branded jeans are invariably made with yellow silk thread, which does not change color when washed and worn. The seams must be done twice. The bottom of the jeans is stitched with a special double stitch, and the crotch seam is made with a particularly strong buttonhole stitch 10-12 centimeters long. Seam processing should also be done with high quality, and the fabric should not fray at the edges. On the outside, the main brand mark is the stitching on the back pockets - each company has its own. Also look at the outer side seam. If there is a red thread running along the edge of the fabric, it means you purchased the original. Pockets and joints of jeans are reinforced with rivets. The most ideal thing is if the rivets on the jeans are in the crosshairs of the seams, but this is not always the case even with branded jeans. Beveled seams and crooked stitches and asymmetrical pockets are unacceptable. As a rule, the inscriptions on the rivets correspond to the label.

When choosing jeans, you need to pay attention to how the seams are finished inside. They must be well stitched so that the fabric does not unravel and not a single thread can be pulled out. These seams are called "overlock seams" or "closing the edges of the fabric." With them, other seams last longer.

The jeans have double seams made for durability. At the same time, the seams create stripes on the inside and outside of the leg, giving it a slim appearance. Levis had double seams on the inside and single seams on the outside, Wranglers had double seams on the outside. At the same time, they made the fabric darker and the threads brighter.

As a rule, real American jeans have a thick leather “label” on the waist (Lee or Levi’s) or on the pocket (Wrangler). The brand name in a reduced form should be repeated in the fabric version on the pocket. For fakes, as a rule, the “label” is made of fabric or leatherette.

The label of “original” jeans often has a “chewed” texture, but is carefully stitched around the entire perimeter. On the cardboard label of real jeans, the printing is bright and will not rub off if rubbed. Turkish products are distinguished by pale labels, since high-quality printing is also expensive. “Real” manufacturers spare no time and money to ensure that the labels are attractive, as they say, pleasing to the eye. That’s why labels on branded jeans have different shapes, high-quality printing is used, and not some kind of photocopy - this is immediately visible. Let's say you choose jeans from the Lee company, then all labels, labels, rivets must correspond to this name, in addition, somewhere inside there should be information about how to care for them.

Belt loops ensure that these belted jeans fit well on any waist. Usually there are 7 belt loops on men's jeans, and 5 on women's jeans.

The inner tag of real American jeans should contain all the information about the product: method of care, size, European code, consisting of a dozen, not five digits.

The main indicator of the originality of jeans is the accessories - zippers, rivets, buttons. They contain information about the manufacturer. On branded jeans they use only fittings marked YKK (and not TIT, MKK, TLF and the like) or their own, if they are produced. Only on a branded item, on the zipper pulley, on the back of the rivets and buttons, you can clearly read the name of the company or brand. The “dog” itself must have a double lock and not slide down, even if the zipper is not fully zipped. For example: “L. S.&Co-S. F." What does it mean: "Levi Strauss & Co, San Francisco model." If there are no such marks or you couldn’t make them out, put the jeans back and don’t ask the seller any more questions. By the way, “Levis 501” is available only with a fastener with “bolts” - five buttons.

Levis fasten with buttons, Wranglers put a zipper on their jeans. Today you can mostly find jeans with a zipper, they are easier to make and they are inexpensive. You should also pay attention to this - cheap fasteners break quickly.

Each brand has its own logo, the image of which must be stitched on the pockets of the pants. For Lee, these are the letters S, inverted horizontally and symbolizing the horns of a bison. For Wrangler, these are the initial letters of the company name - W.

You can check the “signature” of jeans after the fact - after washing. Unbranded jeans can stretch out and become skewed due to the fact that during the cutting process it was decided to save money somewhere. Well, as they say, better late than never. This test of “branding” will also serve you well, even if it becomes less humane, but still a lesson.

Remember that one of the guarantors of “brandedness” is the place of purchase, and it is better to purchase jeans, like any other product, in a specialized store.

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Hello, dear customers and just those people who are interested in this very relevant topic for you and me - how to distinguish a fake from real jeans! Let's talk about fake branded clothing. Or more precisely, about counterfeits of American Levi’s, Lee, Wrangler jeans. And to be even more precise, we will not talk about fakes at all, given their number and diversity. We will try to better tell you how, for a person who does not understand all the intricacies of production processes in light industry, to buy real American jeans - those jeans that are sold in US stores.

Considering that we live in an age of speed and constant lack of time, below we will provide very short step-by-step instructions, following the points of which you will protect yourself from buying a fake almost one hundred percent.

We’re not sure whether it’s worth giving here the number of belt loops that should be on jeans, since recently there have been not even outright fakes, but so-called replicas - exact copies of jeans from well-known brands. Exactly how our Chinese friends succeed, of course. Although they try, they make mistakes in all sorts of little things, from fittings to such “little things” as the materials used and the inconsistency of the technological process. If anyone is interested, about belt loops will be below. So…


Levi's - all production is carried out outside the USA. They say globalization, in fact, countries with cheap labor. Specific countries where official Levi's factories are located that work for the US market: Mexico, Nicaragua, Haiti, Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Lesotho, Sri Lanka and, oddly enough, China. Only men's jackets and some women's jeans are made in China. In all of these factories, products are made from material produced in US factories and only for sale in the US, from American and Mexican cotton. This is where there is such a difference in the quality of the material, even compared to European Levi’s. From time to time, one or two anniversary models or limited editions are made in the USA itself. True, for other money. As they say, if you want, prepare at least $150-$200.

It’s rare to find American Levi’s on sale here, made for the US domestic market. But, if suddenly you find a seller who claims that you are holding an American pair of jeans in your hands, how can you check this? Fast and guaranteed?

Paragraph 1

Pay attention to the cardboard label located on the waistband of the jeans. We are interested in the barcode on it; the numbers we are interested in are circled in red in the photo. Don't worry, there won't be any higher mathematics. It is enough to count the number of digits. There should be 12. If their number differs from 12, further negotiations with the seller can be stopped, since, in politically correct language, they are trying to mislead you. The fact is that in the USA a 12-digit barcode is used. Others are simply prohibited there. Therefore, if you are told that jeans are made, for example, in Mexico and a 13-digit code is used, then since products in Mexico are manufactured only for the US market, this clearly indicates that this is a fake. Well, okay, you tell me. I see 12 numbers, with the current level of printing, how can you trust any piece of paper? Absolutely right, that’s what point 2 is for.

We count the number of digits. Should be 12 (circled in red). If the number of digits differs from 12, then the jeans were not made for the USA, they have never been there, and never will be.

A cardboard patch for 501 should look like this. The 12 digits that interest us are circled in red.

Point 2

We are trying to make out the number stamped on the back of the large button. Why are we trying? Because on real jeans it is embossed unclearly, to the point of being visible. A clearly stamped number is another sign of a fake! So, we managed to figure out some number. The combination must consist of 3 or 4 digits. Now we look at the same cardboard label where we have already studied the barcode, only from the inside. In addition to any service information that is of little interest to us, we must see the same combination of numbers as on the button, as shown in the photo. And we should see the same number on the original jeans on a sewn-in fabric label - look at the photo.

If all the numbers match, great. Let's move on to point 3.

Point 3

Fittings play an important role in quality jeans. It’s hard to imagine that on real branded jeans the fly lock would open by itself. For many years, Levi's has been using YKK zippers in its products. So on real Levi's, on the tongue itself you should see either a hole punched through in the shape of the Levi's logo, or a regular shaped hole and the Levi's inscription. On the reverse side of the lock itself there is a YKK stamp. There cannot be any other variations on this theme. Naturally, all inscriptions must be made in an even, legible font, without any distortions or slipping. Examples are shown in the photo. A little about rivets. Levi's rivets are copper or nickel. All inscriptions on them must be clearly legible. The company's brand is also placed on the inside of the rivets on Levi's jeans.

The zipper tongue could look like this...

...or like this

Levi's rivets can be copper or nickel in color.

If you have checked the jeans according to these points, then you can say with confidence that you have an original in your hands.

Perhaps a few more points need to be added. All Levi's models are required to have a print on the inside left front pocket. Which states that " Quality never goes out of style. Over 135 years ago, high-quality denim jeans were introduced to the public. These are a couple of them. Created by Levi Strauss and company in 1873, it has become the embodiment of American traditions, symbolizing the resilience of Western people around the world." However, it should be noted that the presence of a seal can no longer act as proof of authenticity. But its absence is clear evidence of a fake.

Let's talk separately about the model Levi's 501. Let’s immediately note that 501® is available only with a button fly. This is a characteristic feature of this model. There simply cannot be any other variations. Buttons are strictly nickel color.
The Levi's 501® offers extra protection. On the inside of the jeans, under the left front pocket, there is a tab with a red logo and the Levi's inscription. Interestingly, this label is also protected. Along its edge there must be a metallized strip with micro markings woven into the material. This is where you need to pay attention. The strip is located inside the fibers of the material, and is not glued or attached in any way on top of the label. We cannot see the micro markings, but we need to pay close attention to the presence of the stripe itself. The print on the pocket of the 501s is smaller and asks you to pay attention to the number of quality and protection against counterfeiting - XX. We look at this in the patch.

A small print on the pocket and a sewn-in tag are signs of a real Levi’s 501

If you look closely, you can see a metallized strip woven into the material.

There are still many questions about the patch itself. Is it made of leather? The patch is made of polymized cardboard. That is, cardboard impregnated with polymers.

About the cardboard sticker on the right back pocket of the 501 model. It should be yellow-orange, one might say orange, without any change to other colors. If you see that the color turns into a shade of lilac, red, yellow, then this indicates that the sticker was printed on a printer. All inscriptions on the sticker must be completely clear and easy to read. The sticker should be attached smoothly, without distortions. The bottom edge should clearly follow the line of the arch embroidered on the pocket.

Levi's 501 Original. Original - in this case we translate as real. The quality and authenticity number XX is circled in red. Placed only on 501

And finally, about the belt loops. All Levis models have one loop at the back, two on the sides and two in the front, closer to the button - five in total.

We hope that this description will help you in choosing your right pair of Levi's.

After all, there is only one correct Levi’s. Real Levi's


The production of these brutal jeans is outside the USA. 99% of American Wrangler production is concentrated in Mexico. Occasionally you come across jeans made in Bangladesh. From time to time, Wrangler spoils its fans with one-off models. The price for such models in America is $160-$200.

What should you look for when buying a Wrangler?


We check the barcode - there should be 12 digits under it.

We look for a combination of letters and numbers on the inside of the paper tag on the belt. We check it with the combination on the fabric label. They must match completely. The combination of barcode numbers is also duplicated on the fabric label and must match the combination on the belt sticker.

If everything matches, go to point 2.


Please keep in mind that almost all models of jeans and jackets in the Cowboy Cut® series are made from Broken Twill - broken twill, known to our Wrangler brand fans as herringbone. This fabric, patented at one time, is almost impossible to counterfeit. This requires, at a minimum, original equipment and certain American and Mexican varieties of cotton. It is for this reason that you will not find such fabric on a European Wrangler. All numbered models of the 13-series, 31, 32, 36, 47, 936 are made from this fabric, with literally a few exceptions.

Therefore, if we buy jeans from the Cowboy Cut series, we look for the presence of a herringbone pattern.

The famous Broken Twill, aka “herringbone” from Wrangler

If we observe it, go to point 3.


We carefully inspect the fittings. Powerful brass zipper with an image of a cowboy boot embossed on the tongue, and the YKK stamp on the reverse side of the zipper lock. Here's what we should see on authentic American Wrangler jeans.

The rivets on all numbered Cowboy Cut® jeans are smooth, copper-colored. There are also no inscriptions on the reverse side.

On models of other series there is a Wrangler inscription around the rivet and the rivets themselves are of a different shape. The Wrangler Retro® Series has flat rivets similar to the Cowboy Cut Series.

Belt loops are located on the Cowboy Cut series - three on the back, two on the sides and two on the front. Total seven. Variations are possible in other series.

So you have learned how to distinguish fake from real jeans for the WRANGLER brand.


Production of the famous Model 101 was returned to the USA. True, the price for it is $200-$300. Production of all other models is carried out in Mexico, Bangladesh and Nicaragua.

We verify the authenticity of Lee jeans using the same method.


Checking the number of digits in the barcode. Should be 12.


We look for the presence of the same barcode on the fabric tag inside the Lee jeans. All numbers must match exactly.


Pay attention to the lightning. The zipper tongue must bear the YKK stamp. You should also see the YKK mark on the reverse side of the zipper itself.

We hope that this short guide will help you figure out how to distinguish fake jeans from real ones and find your pair of jeans that you will be happy to wear for many years. After all, the quality of real American jeans is quite rightly considered the best in the world. Jeans made for the domestic market under the Levi's, Wrangler, Lee brands are guaranteed for 1 year in the USA. What is the warranty on your jeans?

Questions, reviews, comments, clarifications regarding this article can be left in the “comments” field.

Despite the fact that we live in an era of scientific and technological progress, favorable conditions have been created in our country for the development of the “second-line” or “super-copy” market. A fake is usually easy to spot by its appearance, but you can also find a real masterpiece. The Chinese have mastered the skill of creating copies best. The Turks and our manufacturers work at approximately the same level.

It is worth noting that the real country of origin is never indicated on the labels of fakes. Most often this is the standard phrase “made in USA, Italy, London, Paris...”. The risk of buying a fake is equally great anywhere in the world. So how can you distinguish between them and what can you do to prevent dishonest businessmen from making money? To do this, you need to follow several recommendations.

Currently, Levi’s and Lee labels do not include the inscription “Made in U.S.A.” This can only be seen on stock models and if they are vintage. Americans began to take advantage of cheap labor in China or Latin American countries. The savings on production are considerable. The last Levies factory in the US was closed back in 2006. Vintage and deep fashion in the USA are now made only in custom factories.

It turns out that the inscription “Made in China (Sri-Lanka, Mexico, Lesoto, Bangladesh)” cannot be a criterion for a product to be counterfeit. Branded production is branded. Such a transfer of production is simply an economically beneficial step.

What can actually indicate a branded product or a fake?

1. Price. Of course, price cannot be the main factor in quality. But you need to know that jeans from America can be purchased for an average of $100. Real branded jeans can sell for $30, but only in the USA on sales. Although the sewing process is now cheaper, this does not greatly affect the cost. Their American jeans are made only from American cotton. The fabric is also manufactured in the USA according to US company specifications. Such production is quite expensive. Hence the recommended price - from 50 to 60 dollars. If someone sells jeans for less than $60 and convinces them that they are branded, then this is a real lie. Of course, this could be a sale of the latest items.

2 . Quality of tailoring. High-quality jeans have even, well-processed stitches. The stitches must be uniform; loops are not allowed on the front side. The edges should be carefully processed and not unravel, overlaid on the wrong side. Uncut thread ends or overlapping stitches are allowed. Their length should not exceed 5 cm. This is possible if the seamstress has run out of thread, but not on the side, back and front seams of topstitching, or pockets. You need to study the thread itself. It should be durable synthetic or semi-synthetic. Counterfeits are often distinguished by low-quality rotten threads.

3. Textile. It is very easy to distinguish a fake by touch. If at least once in your life you had the opportunity to touch American and fake fabric at the same time, the difference will be huge. America is hard to confuse with any other fabric. In Europe there are also companies that sew high-quality things, but even their fabric feels different from American ones. Although fabric made in the USA may be just as good in quality.

4. Any company tries to protect its products using sets of varying degrees of protection, otherwise called “secret traps”. Each company has its own.

Levi's company.

Almost all jeans from this company are made from diagonal twill. On models of any treatment and color you can see a clearly visible diagonal pattern. If the fabric is black, then it should be black on both sides. Only the BLACK RINSED and SHRINK-TO-FIT models can have a lighter backing.

Particularly high level of protection:

The waist label should have her original name "XX" on it and that is only true for this model;

- the “leather” label is made from cardboard with special polymer additives. It can be either completely new or very worn. It depends on how worn the pants themselves are, since the jeans are washed along with it.

The same information must be printed on the inside of the front pocket “bag”, using a special stamp. This stamp is required on jeans that were sewn by Levi USA in the USA. Its absence immediately indicates a fake. The stamp may not be present on European-made or vintage jeans manufactured before 2002. Any modern jeans from the USA should have it.

Levi's are fastened only with buttons.

The material from which buttons are made is nickel alloy. They are white in color. Tinting buttons or adding copper is only allowed on some models that have a wash effect. The number of buttons for jeans sizes W27-W29 is 4, including the waistband. There are five of them on more popular sizes, and 6 on large jeans.

Any Red Tab model must have rivets on all corners of the front pockets. Fashion models and some women's jeans may also have rivets on the back pockets. All rivets must be stamped with LS&CO-SF- on the edge. Rivets can be made of nickel or copper alloy. This is determined by the color of the product. If the jeans are indigo color, then the rivets must be copper.

If there are no rivets on the back pockets, this must be described on the hanging sales tongue located on the back pocket. It should say “Bar Tacket At Point of Strain.”

The inside of the button must contain the number, which is located on a label sewn into the inside of the left pant leg. The number is applied using embossing, and on branded items the quality of the embossing is poor, but on fakes it is ideal.

The information label is sewn into the inside of the left trouser leg. It serves to indicate information about the manufacturing factory and batch. The text is applied in black, brown or sand color. On the reverse side of the information label, information about product care is indicated. A metallized thread containing a hologram and microtext is sewn into it for protection.

Levi's jeans made in Europe may have a different label. It is wider, monochrome with care instructions in different languages. A metallized strip is not applied to it.

The country of origin of jeans is indicated on a label sewn into the waistband from the inside on the left side. Data about the name of the model and style are sewn in the center of the belt from the back side from the inside.

In 2010, a new standard for internal labels for jeans was adopted. The metallized strip is preserved. They should now look like below:

For other Levi's Red Tab models, the following protective mechanisms are used:

Service information about the size, operating conditions, and place of production is indicated on a label sewn to the belt above the left front pocket from the inside. Microtext is not added. The numbers on the button and the label must match.

The zipper pull is embossed with the Levi's logo. There may be nothing on the inside, the logo or the length of the lock is indicated as “YKK 45”.

On the red flag in 1971, the large “E” became small. Some Red Tab jeans feature the Patent R icon in a circle with or without the Levi's logo. The second option is most common. The company is rebranding to make its products cheaper.

On original jeans, the Levi's inscription is silver-gray, while on fake jeans it is white.

Real jeans have many more hidden safety features, but they are not disclosed by company employees. To avoid purchasing a fake, the above information is enough. The most common mistake on copies is the “eagle beak.” It is performed without crossing the lines at the end of the “arch”.

Levi's latest security feature is the barcode. As a corporation, it has the right to put its barcode on all products. The encoded data can be verified through the official GS1 website, or the global system.

We recommend that you contact the online store "" and order real jeans from the American website The cost in Ukraine will be about $80 to $100 depending on the model.

Wrangler company.

There are a few details worth paying attention to. Many are sure that all Wrangler denim clothing is made from a fabric called “broken twill” - BROKEN TWILL. However, this is a big misconception. Only Rigid models and some models of vests and jackets, the cut of which corresponds to the COWBOY CUT style, are always sewn from this herringbone fabric.

Jeans from the gold bucket series, that is, washed with special treatment, are made from fabric with a clearly defined diagonal pattern. However, the fabric on Wrangler branded products is dense and noticeably heavy. Their products may feel fluffy to the touch.

Some models have a "Basic Equipment" booklet inserted into the left rear pocket.

On the codpiece, the stitching is done with threads matching the color of the fabric. It turns out that on a new product they are practically invisible, and then they appear beautifully when the fabric sheds.

Topstitching, or double outer stitching, on the trouser leg is done on the front side, overlapping the front fabric with the back. The stitching is done with threads of two colors. The top thread is red, and the inner thread matches the color of the product. Navy models have stitching done only with red threads.

The Cowboy Cut series has a leather label sewn onto the back pocket. On license-plate Wranglers, it is made of flexible plastic that resembles linoleum. The color of the logo resembles buckwheat, and the inscription is stylized as a lasso.

The label is made of soft leather substitute. George Straight and Silver Edition are jeans models that stand out for the brightness of their labels. It is practically impossible to make a fake that is barely distinguishable from the original for these models.

“How to choose high-quality jeans and not run into a fake?” - very simple. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:


The first thing you need to pay attention to is the texture of the fabric. The rule: “Jeans should be tight” was an undeniable truth as long as classic jeans ruled the roost. With the advent of jeggings and super-skinny models, you need to take into account that in such models the fabric is thinner by default.

Denim weaving can be done in several ways. The best and most common twill weave is diagonal ribs, directed from right to left and from top to bottom. Twill weaving can be present in both thicker and thinner fabrics. With twill weaving on the reverse side, the jeans are light and undyed. Jeans made from this fabric are highly wear-resistant and are not cheap.

If the herringbone weave of denim is a broken twill weave. These jeans are thinner and less textured than classic twill weave. Wear resistance is also quite high.

Another type of denim is jean fabric. Gin is a cheap, soft cotton fabric of low quality, entirely dyed in one color. Inexpensive jeans are made from gin.

Cheap summer jeans use a fabric called chambrie. This fabric feels very thin to the touch, without texture. Chambry weaving is very soft (1/1 - warp and weft threads are intertwined with each other one to one), has low wear resistance, and therefore is absolutely not suitable for sewing jeans.

Fabric structure

100% cotton for true jeans connoisseurs. Pros: naturalness, high wear resistance, hypoallergenic, easy to care for.

Stretch is a fabric with the addition of elastane. As a rule, 2-7% is added as a percentage. Most jeans are now made from stretch fabric; these jeans perfectly emphasize the silhouette, hug the figure tightly, have increased wear resistance, and stretch less at the knees.

Paint fastness

Any jeans will fade during the first wash - this is normal for items dyed with indigo dye. But jeans will never stain your skin when worn.

Scuffs and holes are achieved in different ways. In cheap jeans, white washes are achieved by applying acid to the fabric. This method is fast, cheap and often very harmful to health - cheap paint oxidizers often cause exacerbated allergic reactions, as well as unpleasant sensations on the skin. Visually, such “scuffs” are easy to distinguish - they look very bright, like a stain from spilled paint, the fibers in the clarified area are uniformly light.

In branded jeans, abrasions are achieved using a more labor-intensive and expensive method - mechanically. They go through such stages as: Stone wash, Enzyme wash, Brushing. Such abrasions look natural, the color is not so bright and uniform, and upon close examination, unevenness and precisely “abrasion” are visible on the fibers.


The label for the manufacturer is as important as the final appearance of the finished product. As a rule, the label on branded jeans is made of genuine leather, neatly stitched and with a raised inscription. In recent years, manufacturers, in a burst of creativity, can also sew on a fabric label. But even in this case, the inscription will be raised, written neatly and in a proprietary font.

The internal sewn-in label with information about the manufacturer and care instructions should also be sewn very neatly, evenly, the information should be easy to read.


If we talk about jeans, there can be no plastic here. Bolts, rivets, buttons in branded jeans are only metal (copper or bronze). This ensures their wear resistance. Bolts, buttons and zippers should have either a brand monogram or the abbreviation YKK. The zipper should be fastened neatly and have a double lock.

Quality of jeans cut

How can you easily check the quality of a cut? It is necessary to fold the jeans and see if the pant leg wrinkles or if the seams are distorted. If so, then such jeans will bring a lot of inconvenience when worn - a constantly twisted pant leg.

Seams– the pride of quality jeans. In classic jeans, the outer seams are made with contrasting thread, usually yellow or orange. The thread itself should be dense and strong. In dress jeans, the color of the thread is allowed to match the color of the fabric or another color. The main thing is that the seam should be smooth, without wrinkles or folds.

Internal seams should also be done carefully, the edges should be smooth without protruding threads. The width of the seam is absolutely even along the entire length.

Friends, enjoy your denim shopping, making the right choice and sunny mood!

Levi's jeans are a timeless and timeless classic in the fashion world. Levi's is a product originally designed for long-term wear; over time, jeans do not lose their shape, attractiveness and comfort.

Real Levi's, true to size, will not slip in any situation. You can sit in any position and move freely. Due to their popularity, fake Levi's jeans are much more common than the original.

There is a whole list of features of original Levi’s that are difficult or impossible to counterfeit.


Levi's factories are located mainly in Latin America. “Made in Mexico” is a sign of the original, the inscription “Made in the USA” is 100% fake.

How to distinguish Levi's from a fake by cost?

MSRP for long-wear jeans starts at $48. Levi's is produced using expensive raw materials and sophisticated “flawless tailoring” technologies. It is possible to buy Levi's at retail within the range of 80-100 dollars. If the number on the price tag is below 60 USD, then Levis is fake.

Branded arcade on back pockets

The company's signature arcades are embroidered on both back pockets. The seams on the arcades do not cross each other - they just overlap.

Perfect Levi's tailoring

All the outer seams of Levi's jeans are perfect - that's the only way! On the inside, the seams are flawlessly finished with an overlocker. There may be protruding threads or sutures from the inside - no more than 5 cm.

To sew durable jeans, they use semi-synthetic threads that cannot be torn by hand! If you cut your finger while trying, this is one of the signs of original jeans.

Denim Levi's

Those who already wear Levi's jeans clearly claim that they can distinguish Levi's denim by touch.

The fabric pattern on original jeans is always diagonal and very clear.


For fastening, zippers manufactured by YKK are used.

The originals may or may not have the Levi's inscription on the zipper pawl, but the brand of the zipper is YKK only. A different clasp manufacturer means a fake.

Real Levi's 501s are fastened only with buttons. On small sizes 27-29 the manufacturer sews 4 buttons, on large sizes - 6, the usual number of buttons for medium-sized models is 5.

If the closure is a zipper, then Levi's 501 is fake.

It is more difficult to determine whether Levis 630 is a fake or not; they do not have such a protection system. You should be guided by the general characteristics of the original Levi's.

Leather label on the belt

The leather label (or patch), located on the back waistband of the jeans, contains the company name and logo - two horses tearing the jeans. In fact, the “leather” label is made mainly from polymer cardboard.

The original label fully matches the degree of wear of the entire product, since one of the company’s rules states: the product is processed only as a whole after complete production. If a new label is attached to aged jeans, this is a fake.

An aged label, in addition to artistic wear, should not have visible defects in the form of holes or unclear text.

For 501 models, the abbreviation XX is affixed to the label. There is a stamped inscription on the front pocket pouch - look for label XX. However, Levi’s-501 jeans made in Europe do not have such an inscription on the pocket, but they are original.

The original Levi's patch is made only in classic shapes: square and rectangle. Any bends around the perimeter of the label are a sign of a fake.

Tab on back pocket

A small flag is sewn into the seam of the back right pocket of the original Levi’s - tab. Seen in the photo above.

The most common color for tab is red. Less common are other colors: white, green or orange.

The Levi's inscription is embroidered on the tab. Every hundredth pair released by the company has an original inscription on the tab - ®. If you come across jeans with an R in the circle, it means you have an anniversary pair of original Levi’s.

The absence of a tab should raise serious doubts about the authenticity of the jeans. If there is at least one more dubious sign, then the jeans are fake.


Rivets on jeans are made of nickel or copper - the colors must match.

The rivets have a perfect round shape with smooth edges. Each rivet has a clear, even inscription – the brand name.

The model number is stamped on the inside of the rivet - the same as on the label located inside the left leg.


The label is sewn on the inside at the back, indicating the model number. The label is attached very tightly - you can use it to hang jeans.

The inscription on the label is embroidered very clearly and with bright threads.

On 501 jeans, the country of origin must be indicated on the label.


Original Levi's jeans are the same size. Knowing your size, it’s easy to order jeans in an online store - they will fit perfectly.

Levi's jeans are not just a prestigious brand in the fashion world - they are very comfortable everyday wear.

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