Intestinal dysbiosis in a 3-month-old child. Symptoms and treatment of dysbiosis in a child under one year of age and older, special diet and preventive measures. Tactics for treating dysbacteriosis

Intestinal dysbiosis is a condition in which a child experiences a violation of the ratio of representatives intestinal microflora , which should be observed in a normal state. If we are guided by the criteria of the World Health Organization, then dysbiosis is not classified as a disease. Thus, many scientists are confident that dysbiosis is a consequence of the presence of other pathologies in the human body. However, dysbiosis in children is a serious problem and poses a threat to health.

For the normal functioning of the body as a whole, the role of the human intestinal microflora is very important. It is the microflora that is responsible for normal gas exchange in the intestines, synthesizes vitamins, activates the renewal of cells of the intestinal mucosa, cleanses the body of harmful toxins etc.

The baby is born with a sterile intestine, and microorganisms colonize it immediately after birth. In the first hours and days of life, the body and microflora adapt, as a result of which the body’s ecosystem is formed, which becomes unsuitable for colonization by new microorganisms. In children who are fed artificially and breast milk, in each case there are peculiarities of the microflora. If a baby is fully breastfed, there is more in his intestines. bifidobacteria , which actively reproduce under the influence of a substance present in breast milk.

Causes of dysbiosis in children

Dysbacteriosis in children occurs due to several for various reasons. Its development can be provoked by the use of , placing the newborn too late on the mother's breast, early weaning and transfer to artificial formula. In addition, dysbiosis can develop as a consequence of acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, exposure to environmental factors(pesticides, industrial poisons, radiation, heavy metals), treatments radiation therapy And immunosuppressants . In this case, frequent , regular occurrence of colds, passive smoking, unhealthy diet.

Stages of dysbiosis in children

Dysbacteriosis in children is manifested by a change in the number and composition of microorganisms in the intestines, which sharply reduces the number beneficial bacteria, while the number of harmful microorganisms increases.

Signs of dysbiosis appear more or less depending on what stage of the disorder occurs in the child. The first stage of dysbiosis in infants can be determined only after analyzing the child’s stool. At the same time, pronounced signs of dysbiosis in a child at this stage do not appear. But the results microbiological research feces indicate that the number of bifidobacteria is reduced. There may also be a reduced number lactobacilli and normal coli bacteria .

At the second stage, the symptoms of dysbiosis appear constant. This occurs due to an increase in the number of conditionally pathogens, which includes candid , protea etc. At the same time, the decline in beneficial bacteria continues.

As a rule, if a child is healthy, then at the age of 0 to 6 months his stool frequency is equal to the number of feedings and is up to seven times a day. If a child suffers from constipation, then the frequency of his stools, as a rule, decreases, but this does not always happen.

Signs of dysbiosis in an infant are often a denser stool consistency, a decrease in the amount of feces, and a difficult bowel movement. In this case, the child may cry, strain, and show severe anxiety. He may also periodically exhibit slight symptoms. However, these signs may also indicate other ailments, so the child must be shown to a doctor. At the second stage of dysbiosis, unstable stools may also occur at times. This phenomenon is characterized by periodic loose stool, having an unpleasant odor and some admixture of greenery. At the third stage of dysbiosis in children, which is usually called decompensation , both the number and variety of species increase pathogenic bacteria in the baby's intestines. This stage is characterized by particularly pronounced symptoms of dysbiosis. A sick child turns pale, is constantly lethargic, has poor appetite and, accordingly, loses weight. Dysbacteriosis in infants under one year of age may manifest itself (diathesis ). At the third stage of the disease, the baby’s stool is also unhealthy: it has an unpleasant odor, a liquid consistency, and may contain particles of food that have not been digested. Such phenomena are the result of insufficiency , which manifests itself at this stage. If a child exhibits the described signs of dysbiosis, then he may need treatment in a hospital, because such a condition threatens to not receive the nutrients the baby needs.

The fourth stage of dysbiosis is the manifestation acute intestinal infection , which requires hospitalization and immediate intensive care.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in children

Dysbacteriosis in infants is manifested by frequent regurgitation, periodic vomiting, the presence unpleasant odor from the mouth, sleep disturbance. In addition, symptoms of dysbiosis are often a decrease in the rate of weight gain, constant worry infant. The nature of stool with dysbacteriosis varies, but is always unhealthy: it can be liquid or mushy, foamy, sometimes it contains white lumps and a greenish impurity. The smell of feces is putrid or sour.

The child suffers from pain that has the character of attacks. It usually appears a few hours after eating, while the stomach is swollen, rumbling can be heard in it, and the urge to defecate may occur.

If a child has a disorder intestinal absorption, then in this case the symptoms of dysbiosis are manifested by diarrhea with putrefactive fermentation, . The baby’s body weight decreases, symptoms appear polyhypovitaminosis . As a result, the child may develop a toxic-dystrophic condition. Gradually in pathological process the pancreas and hepatobiliary system are involved. As a result, there is a lack of enzymes and bile acids in the body. Exchange processes are disrupted, an accumulation of macromolecules of incompletely digested food occurs in the body, provoking the development allergic dermatosis .

Dysbacteriosis in older children provokes persistent constipation , occurrence intestinal colic , unstable chair , intestines. The child sometimes complains about constant belching, feeling of strong distension in the stomach. Appetite gradually decreases. If intestinal dysbiosis continues for a long period, the child suffers from general intoxication body and astheno-neurotic syndrome . However, a variant of the course of the disease is possible when clinical symptoms due to disorders of the intestinal microflora are not detected.

It is most severe in children common dysbacteriosish , in which pathogenic microorganisms from the intestine enter other organs. This can provoke the development of inflammatory processes in different organs bodies. But even if the course of dysbacteriosis passes without visible signs, then the child still has a lower appetite and, accordingly, lower body weight than his peers. At the same time, the child often suffers from other ailments. In this case we are talking about the latent course of dysbacteriosis.

Diagnosis of dysbiosis in children

To determine whether a child has dysbiosis, a microbiological examination of stool (the so-called bacterial culture) is used. This test for dysbacteriosis is carried out over a period of about one week, because its full implementation requires that colonies of microorganisms from the feces grow in a special nutrient medium. When the colonies grow, a specialist will be able to determine the ratio of their quantity and quality. It is important that collected feces was delivered for analysis for dysbacteriosis no later than three hours after collection. This method allows you to determine only the content of microorganisms in the final section of the large intestine, although food is digested mainly in small intestine. Therefore, it should be taken into account that the microorganisms that are in the feces and the microorganisms from the intestines are not identical.

In addition, the results obtained by the analysis for dysbacteriosis will not be stable. After all, each laboratory can evaluate only about a dozen species of bacteria, but there may be about a hundred of their species in the intestines.

Treatment of dysbiosis in children

First of all, treatment of dysbiosis in children involves creating the necessary living conditions for a child. It has been proven that dysbiosis very often affects children who are under constant stress and rarely go on fresh holidays.

It is equally important to adjust eating habits child. It is the quality of his nutrition that directly determines whether normal microflora will develop in the intestines. If we are talking about infant, then thanks to breastfeeding, which contains lactose , a sufficient number of bifidobacteria are formed in the intestines. They process lactose and eventually produce lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the intestines. Consequently, children who are breastfed suffer from dysbacteriosis less often. At the same time, children who eat artificial mixtures, the reproduction of bifidobacteria either does not occur at all, or they are present in the intestines only in small quantities. Therefore, to feed a child if breastfeeding is not possible, you should choose special milk formulas, which include: vitamins , minerals , dietary supplements , enzymes . It is important that the choice of formula for feeding your baby is approved by a pediatrician. The latter is especially important if the child is sick or if health problems occur when consuming a certain mixture.

If we are talking about an older child, then it is necessary to take care of a diet that will include all the vitamins necessary for the growth and harmonious development of the baby.

Diet for dysbiosis should not include those foods that provoke the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines. These are products made from the highest grades of flour, sweets, animal origin, canned food, ice cream.

Nutrition correction allows you to achieve good results in the process of correcting the initial stages of dysbiosis.

To overcome more serious forms of dysbiosis, replacement therapy is used. In this case, we are talking about the treatment of dysbiosis by introducing into the body of a sick child the missing component.

For dysbiosis, those drugs are used that contain live bacteria that restore the normal level of microflora - the so-called probiotics. Such preparations are not medicine, but rather functional nutrition. Today there are a lot different products foods containing cultures of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. There are also preparations of bacteria ( , Subtil , Bifidoform , etc.), which help restore normal intestinal microflora. These drugs contain live bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, in case of dysbiosis provoked by antibiotics, such treatment is advisable.

The duration of treatment with such drugs is determined by the attending physician. As a rule, taking medications can last from several weeks to several months. If the treatment of dysbiosis is started on time and carried out correctly, then in the end it is possible to prevent the occurrence of a number of ailments digestive tract and diseases that arise due to nutritional disorders. It is most important to carry out proper treatment for dysbiosis in young children, because this condition can negatively affect the development of the child in general.

It is important that when treating dysbiosis, the doctor practices individual approach, paying attention to all the features of the child’s body.

There are some methods for treating dysbiosis folk remedies, which are sometimes recommended to be used in parallel with traditional treatment. Thus, for dysbacteriosis in older children, it is recommended to drink a third of a glass three times a day, an infusion of herbs yarrow, sage, St. John's wort, and chamomile. You can also use an infusion of dandelion and burdock roots. Children are recommended to use a decoction of crushed dill seeds, as well as fennel. Jerusalem artichoke stimulates the proliferation of beneficial bacteria - it can be given to children in small portions.

To prevent the occurrence of dysbiosis in children, early attachment of the child to the mother's breast is practiced. It is important to do this within half an hour after birth. An equally important measure to prevent dysbiosis is also prolonged breastfeeding (for up to one and a half years).

In the future, parents need to teach their child to live a healthy life. It is important for the baby to walk a lot in the fresh air, do exercises, water treatments. Gradual hardening will help improve the body's defenses, which is the main measure to prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.

To prevent intestinal problems, you should Special attention devote the right approach to the baby's nutrition. Every day his menu should include vegetables, fruits, cereals, and cereals. Vegetable oils are also a useful product. If we are talking about nutrition for dysbacteriosis, then in this case, vegetable stews, berry jelly, and rosehip decoction will be useful.

Diet for dysbiosis must include fermented milk products, which significantly stimulate intestinal function. Cottage cheese, yoghurt, kefir should be included in the diet of a baby who is already one year old. Until this time, there should be no rush to introduce such products. After all, the most suitable food for a baby with dysbacteriosis is mother’s milk; if breastfeeding is impossible, milk is replaced by artificial formula.

Dysbacteriosis is a very common phenomenon in childhood; it is not a disease, but rather a state of the body that reflects recent events - taking antibiotics, intestinal infection, prolonged malnutrition, stress, as a result of which the number of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria in the intestines has decreased and the proliferation of harmful, pathogenic ones has increased. All this leads to an unpleasant clinic, a lack of vitamins, especially deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and nails. How smaller child, the more often dysbacteriosis occurs.

Newborn period. More often, infants born using the method encounter bacteriosis. caesarean section(since in the first days of life they receive formula and antibiotics), and children who are on.

Manifestations of dysbacteriosis in them are:

  • Anxiety and screaming.
  • Bloating, which is accompanied by.
  • Heterogeneous stools, often liquid, with mucus and greens. The consistency of the stool may be inconsistent - there are alternations of normal and liquid, there may be.

In preschool and younger children school age The clinic of dysbacteriosis usually occurs in the second half of the day and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • A rumbling sound that can easily be heard by a prying ear from a distance.
  • Spasmodic pain over the entire surface of the abdomen; the child cannot point to a specific area of ​​pain.
  • Dyspeptic symptoms: loss of appetite, belching.
  • From common symptoms: the temperature may intermittently rise to low numbers (37.0–37.2), irritability, drowsiness and insomnia, children, there may be a tendency to anemia.
  • Changes in stool to liquid, the appearance of mucus, alternation of normal and liquid stool are manifestations of more severe forms of dysbacteriosis.

In children adolescence all the same symptoms are observed, but less pronounced; they usually seek help due to stool instability and general fatigue.

If untreated dysbiosis is prolonged, then symptoms of vitamin deficiency appear: red tongue, increased amount of saliva, dry skin and visible mucous membranes. Children become apathetic and tired. It may appear.

On a note! A stool analysis may not confirm the condition of the intestines - dysbiosis, since stool should be examined in a warm place fresh. But even with correct technique collection of analysis may be false negative result, since more often feces reflect the state of the intestinal flora in the lumen, but are not able to fully reflect the state in the intestinal wall.

Diet for dysbiosis

The most suitable food for a baby suffering from dysbiosis is mother's milk.

Infants should be kept strictly breastfeeding, if the mother has already completely interrupted breastfeeding, then the formula should be chosen adapted. The most favorable for intestinal microflora are “Nutrilon Omneo”, “Frisov”, “Lactofidus”, “NAN with bifidobacteria”, “Humana”, “Malyutka acidophilus” and other mixtures with the addition of probiotics; Nucleotides added to the mixture have a positive effect on the intestinal flora.

For children older than six months, it is necessary to use subsequent formulas with pre- and probiotics; from 8 months, fermented milk products based on adapted milk formulas. Prepare, introduce into complementary foods, juices.

Children who eat from a common table do not need any restrictive or strict diet; they are recommended to:

  • Reduce consumption of spicy and.
  • Cook daily vegetable salads with the addition, be sure to eat fruits, except grapes and pears.
  • It is recommended to eat dietary bread and cookies with the addition of wheat. You can give crackers for tea. bran is a nutritional substrate for healthy intestinal flora.
  • It becomes a mandatory attribute - at least 0.5 liters per day, or it is worth doubling the amount usual for the child. From 10 months, children can be given “live” yoghurts. For children from 1 to 1.5 years old, fermented milk products made from whole milk should be used - bicillin, children's kefir, whey-based drinks. Children over 1.5 years old can additionally be offered fermented milk products with prebiotics (lactulose) and probiotics - kefir, curdled milk, yogurt.
  • Breakfast should consist of easily digestible food. You can add fiber to porridge and muesli. You should use whole grain cereals and cook them in water. Oatmeal has a good enveloping effect.
  • You should not force your child to eat during this period - it increases putrefactive processes, and this should not be allowed during treatment.
  • Preferred cooking methods – steam, boil, bake, can be cooked healthy food in a slow cooker.

On a note! Plants that reduce the manifestations of dysbiosis and promote the growth of normal intestinal flora:

  • , lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants, barberries - can be eaten fresh, cooked in compotes, or eaten dried.
  • Apricot, apple,
  • Horseradish, onion, radish, dill, caraway seeds, pepper, cinnamon.

Interesting to know! In Omsk, in 15 kindergartens, children are given ice cream with the addition of lacto- and bifidobacteria, which was created by Tomsk doctors medical university. Ice cream is included in the diet in courses of 30 days, the main goal of the experiment is the prevention of dysbiosis. The study showed positive results. This bio-ice cream won first place in an international innovation competition.

Supplements for dysbiosis

Regardless of the degree of dysbiosis, all children, especially newborns, are prescribed probiotics (preparations containing live bacteria): Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Acylact, Linex, Bifiform, Bifiliz, Acipol. Acipol is allowed for children over three months old, all others are allowed from birth, the course of taking any of these probiotics is 2 weeks. Also, in severe forms of dysbiosis, you can consult with a pediatrician about the need to use bacterial preparations Hilak forte, lactulose, which restore intestinal cells. After taking a course of one of the drugs, it is advisable to take a stool test and check with a pediatrician to determine further actions.

The use of Smecta is completely justified.

The intestinal flora is especially well seeded when the child is given infusions medicinal plants with effects on the gastrointestinal tract and gastroenterological herbal teas. They can be used no earlier than six years of age. Basically, the course ranges from 2 weeks to two months, possibly more long-term use with breaks.

And finally: in order for the treatment of dysbiosis to give quick and high-quality results, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

The program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” talks about the treatment of dysbiosis in children:

What causes this condition, how dangerous is it and does it always require treatment?

One of the many factors characterizing the state of the digestive system is the balance of intestinal microflora.

The gastrointestinal tract along its entire length - from the oral cavity to the rectum - in varying degrees populated by microorganisms. Normally, “good” bacteria live there, helping the body digest food, produce vitamins, etc. These include bifidobacteria, E. coli, and lactobacilli. Under certain circumstances, such bacteria become scarce and “bad” microorganisms become active in the intestines - staphylococcus, fungi, etc., which can cause a number of diseases.

A condition characterized by a violation of the mobile balance of intestinal microflora, which normally populates non-sterile cavities and skin, as well as the emergence of quality and quantitative changes in the intestinal microflora is called dysbiosis. This condition is most often characterized by a decrease in the total number of microbes, sometimes until complete disappearance individual species normal microflora, with a simultaneous predominance of those species that are not normally present or their number is very small. Dysbacteriosis can manifest itself as constipation, diarrhea, the presence undigested food and mucus in the stool, intolerance to any foods, pain and bloating, excessive regurgitation or vomiting, loss of appetite, allergic reactions, including eczema, atopic dermatitis, food allergies, as well as developmental delays.

Causes of dysbiosis

The causes of dysbiosis are often adverse external influences that weaken the body's defenses: extreme climatic and geographical conditions, biosphere pollution, ionizing radiation, radiotherapy and x-ray examinations, treatment with antibiotics and hormones. Among the risk factors are not last place include poor nutrition, infectious and chronic diseases. Teething and common acute respiratory viral infections can also lead to disruption of the microflora. Dysbacteriosis often develops after all kinds of poisoning. Children are especially sensitive to this unfavorable condition.

Often the development of dysbiosis is associated with pregnancy pathology, early transition to artificial feeding, poor nutrition children of the first years of life. The reasons for this condition can also be the irrational prescription of various medications, most often antibiotics, to the expectant mother during pregnancy, and to the child from the first days of life.

Intestinal dysbiosis, which occurs in the first year of a child’s life, can lead to the development of serious diseases at an older age, including:

  • dyskinesia - a disorder of movements of the muscular layer of the biliary tract and intestines;
  • chronic gastroduodenitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis - inflammatory skin diseases of an allergic and neuro-allergic nature;
  • bronchial asthma.

Due to a weakened immune system, a child with intestinal dysbiosis may be sick often and for a long time.

Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis is diagnosed based on the results bacteriological research kala – sowing. This analysis to identify dysbacteriosis must be taken in the following cases:

  • with unexplained abdominal pain, stool disorders, poor appetite and sleep;
  • for skin rashes;
  • when the nature of nutrition changes;
  • after food poisoning;
  • after the use of antibiotics, sulfonamides and hormonal drugs;
  • after intestinal infections.

By doing a microbiological study, you can get a clear picture of the state of all groups of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.

In case of intestinal dysbiosis, correction of the state of microflora is necessary. This is a long process, each stage of which requires an appointment special drugs, restoring normal condition microorganisms in the intestines.

When is treatment not required?

The state of the intestinal microflora in children is very variable. There are situations when disturbances in the composition of the normal intestinal flora do not require microbiological correction, since deviations may be temporary and do not contribute to dysfunction internal organs. In the last decade, the frequency of forms of dysbiosis accompanied by functional disorders digestive system and false allergic reactions to food. External manifestations this condition is the same as with true allergy, such as skin rashes and bowel movements. But if the child does not have hypersensitivity gastrointestinal tract, i.e. constipation, diarrhea, undigested food and mucus in the feces, intolerance to any foods, pain and bloating, excessive regurgitation or vomiting, loss of appetite, as well as allergic reactions: eczema, atopic dermatitis, food allergies - and developmental delays, then you can choose a wait-and-see approach and not carry out any treatment. However, it is necessary to carry out control studies of feces on the state of the microflora in order to know the dynamics of changes and see whether the body has enough of its own strength to equalize the balance of intestinal microflora.

Some children experience compensated forms of dysbiosis, when the body's capabilities are sufficient to prevent intestinal dysfunction from developing. Typically, in such patients long time one of the three types of normal intestinal flora is absent or sharply reduced - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, and E. coli. But at the same time, the number of other normal bacteria can be increased, and then they take on the functions of the missing elements of the microflora. If there are no reasons for concern above, microbiological correction is not necessary.

There are cases when opportunistic pathogenic flora that is resistant to therapy is present in the intestines, but again there are no complaints. This may be due to the low pathogenicity of this flora, i.e. its inability to cause disease. In such cases, treatment of dysbiosis also may not be carried out.

Thus, when deciding on the need to correct dysbiosis, the doctor primarily focuses on general state patient.

If the doctor clearly sees dysbacteriosis in the tests, but there are no complaints, i.e. no correspondence of analysis results clinical picture, then it is necessary to remember whether the rules for taking the analysis were followed: the use of sterile dishes and spoons for collecting material, the delivery time to the laboratory. If in doubt, it is advisable to repeat the analysis.

Restoration of microflora

There are many drugs available to normalize the composition of the microbial flora. Let's look at the most popular among pediatricians and parents. For achievement positive effect It is recommended to take the drugs over a course of about 2 weeks.

The biologically active food supplement PRIMADOFILUS contains two types of lactobacilli included in the composition. natural microflora small and large intestines. They are able to suppress the proliferation of putrefactive and pyogenic bacteria, produce lysozyme, antibiotic-like substances, and also break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Bifidobacteria inhibit the processes of growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms; synthesize amino acids and proteins, vitamins B1, B2, K, folic, nicotinic, pantothenic acid and etc.

PRIMADOFILUS is a hypoallergenic product because it does not contain milk, whey, corn, wheat or chemical preservatives. For children from birth to 5 years old, the drug PRIMADOFILUS FOR CHILDREN is produced, which is taken 1 capsule 2 times a day. No side effects were noted when taking it.

Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the drug.

To maintain maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to store the drug in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

The drug LINEX consists of a complex of all three important beneficial bacteria - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococcus, which are normally present in the intestinal microflora of everyone healthy person. Getting into the “upset” intestines, these bacteria help restore the microflora and eliminate not only the symptoms intestinal disorders, but also their reason.

Due to its natural composition, LINEX is approved for use in all age groups, including newborns from the first day of life. This natural preparation, risk of development side effects when used it is extremely small. Infants and children under 2 years of age take LINEX 3 times a day, 1 capsule; from 2 to 3 years – 3 times a day, 1–2 capsules, washed down a small amount liquids. If the child cannot swallow the capsule, it must be opened and the contents mixed with a small amount of liquid - tea, juice, sweetened water. Do not take the drug with hot drinks, as this may affect the viability of the bacteria contained in it. Contraindications to the use of the drug are allergic reactions to its components or dairy products.

HILAC normalizes the balance between normal and pathogenic microflora, promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora and suppresses the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. It contains biosynthetic lactic acid, which normalizes the secretory function of the stomach, and waste products of lactobacilli, coli and streptococcus, which have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines. The drug does not have general action on the body, since it is not absorbed into the blood, acting only in the intestinal lumen.

HILAC drops are prescribed three times a day - children from birth to 2 years old - 15-30 drops, from 2 to 3 years old - 20-40 drops in a large amount of liquid, except milk.

Side effects include possible allergies to the components of the drug, and contraindications, as with almost all drugs in this group, include individual intolerance.

ENTEROL 250 helps restore normal intestinal microflora and has a pronounced antidiarrheal (antidiarrheal) effect; when passing through the digestive tract, it has a biological protective effect against normal intestinal microflora.

Newborns and children under 1 year of age are given ½ sachet of the drug 2 times a day; children from 1 year to 3 years – 1 sachet 2 times a day. For young children, it is better to purchase the drug not in capsule form, but in powder form: the contents of the sachet can be mixed with milk or water. Do not take ENTEROL 250 with too hot or cold food or drinks.

TO side effects include allergic reactions, discomfort in the stomach that do not require discontinuation of the drug. Contraindications for using the medicine in recommended doses have not been established.

When capsules of the drug BIFI-FORM enter the stomach, they retain the ability to protect their contents - lactobacilli - from the influence gastric juice. IN duodenum the capsule dissolves, and lactobacilli begin to multiply due to the presence of a special nutrient medium in the capsule. Two types of lactic acid bacteria, which are part of the drug, have the property of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and restoring the normal balance of intestinal microflora.

BIFI-FORM is prescribed to children aged 2 months to 3 years, 1 capsule 2 times a day orally, regardless of meals. For small children who cannot swallow the capsule, it can be opened first and the contents mixed with food.

No side effects of the drug have been identified; contraindications include increased individual sensitivity to the drug.

SIMBITER is a stable complex of 14 strains of the most physiological bacteria for humans, which are the basis of a healthy intestine, and contributes to the effective restoration of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This drug is characterized by high antagonistic activity against pathogenic microbes, the ability to synthesize vitamins, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, deactivation of toxins and allergens, stimulation of the immune system. SYMBITTER is a living form; unlike dried modern drugs this group, it does not require a long time to activate microbial bodies, therefore it shows its activity immediately after administration.

SIMBITER is recommended to be taken once a day, one dose (1 bottle) in the morning on an empty stomach or at night, 1.5–2 hours after the last meal and other medications. The contents of the bottle are diluted in 20–40 ml (1–2 tablespoons) of boiled milk or water at room temperature. Dilution of the drug is unacceptable hot water or milk and storing it in diluted form. The course of treatment is at least 10 days. Then you can continue the course using the therapeutic and prophylactic product SIMBIVIT, which is prepared at home using the drug SIMBITER as a starter.

The medicine does not cause side effects, there are no contraindications to its use.

The composition of the drug LACTOVIT FORTE includes lactobacilli, which are antagonists of pathogenic microorganisms, folic acid, necessary for normal hematopoiesis, the synthesis of amino and nucleic acids, and vitamin B12, which activates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, stimulates the formation of red blood cells, normalizes the function of the liver and nervous system. systems.

Daily doses are for children from birth to 2 years - 1 capsule, over 2 years - 2 capsules. The contents of the opened capsule are dissolved in warm milk.

No side effects were identified. The drug is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance. LACTOVIT FORTE can be given to young children immediately before meals by mixing the contents of the opened capsule with milk.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis

Prevention of dysbiosis should begin even before the birth of the child. It lies in proper organization daily routine and nutrition of a pregnant woman.

The expectant mother must be protected from harmful influences at work and at home, and from infectious diseases. During pregnancy, it is necessary to treat all existing lesions chronic infection, especially in the oral cavity and urinary tract. It would not hurt to check the state of the microflora of the genital organs and, if necessary, correct it under the supervision of a gynecologist.

After the baby is born great importance has early application to the breast - within half an hour after birth. It is necessary to maintain natural feeding for as long as possible with the timely introduction of complementary foods. If there is a shortage or absence of breast milk, substitutes with immunogenic properties should be used, and children with a tendency to allergic reactions– hypoallergenic mixtures. When it is time to introduce complementary foods, it is necessary to give the baby fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria.

It is very important that parents understand: antibiotics should be used strictly according to indications and only when prescribed by a doctor. In cases where treatment is necessary antibacterial drugs after a course of antibiotics, it is necessary to use one of the medications mentioned in the indicated doses and periods, carry out restorative therapy and prescribe a complete diet adequate for the child’s age. Timely treatment of diseases of the digestive tract plays a significant role, since they almost always occur with a violation of the composition of the microbial flora.

Such prevention of dysbiosis is closely related to general preventive problems: improving the environment, rational nutrition, improving well-being and other numerous environmental factors.

When the baby is in the womb, he lives in sterile conditions, but during labor, the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes are populated by numerous bacteria that create microflora. Healthy intestinal microflora is directly involved in the formation of a strong and stable immune system, breaks down fats, carbohydrates and proteins, helps normalize digestion, and also protects the child’s body from pathogenic microbes. When there is an imbalance in the ratio of harmful and beneficial bacteria, dysbiosis develops. Every parent should know what to do in this situation.

There are 4 main forms of microflora:

  • obligate;
  • pathogenic;
  • optional;
  • transient.

The obligate variety includes bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, Escherichia (bacillus), enterococci, bacteroides, and peptostreptococci. Bacteria in this group occupy about 95% of the entire intestinal microflora of a healthy baby. They normalize healthy digestion and motility, protect the mucous membrane, and prevent the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. This form participates in the production folic acid, enzymes, amino acids, B vitamins. These microorganisms also destroy cancer cells, undigested food products that enter the intestines are broken down.

The facultative type consists of clostridia, enterobacteria, staphylococci, yeast-like fungi, and Klebsiella. These microorganisms must exist in the body in small quantities. With a stronger immune system, the presence of these bacteria does not provoke the development of diseases. They take part in intestinal motility and the breakdown of animal proteins. If their numbers increase rapidly, dysbacteriosis develops. This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms in children: rumbling, distension and pressure in the abdomen, belching and increased gas production, and disruption of healthy bowel movements.

Transitional and pathogenic species flora consist of dangerous bacteria that should not colonize the intestines. They provoke the appearance of various infectious diseases. The presence of these microbes can be detected by performing a stool test.

Features of the disease in children

Dysbiosis is an imbalance of intestinal microflora, manifested by a large number of pathogenic microorganisms and a decrease in beneficial bacteria. It is possible to understand that a child has dysbiosis based on a coprogram - a stool analysis. With the help of microbiological research, it is possible to identify all inhabitants of the microflora. The coprogram determines what pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract occur in the child’s body.

Because the initial stage diseases are easier to treat, you need to be attentive to your child’s condition. In the presence of the slightest sign It is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

You should not choose medications and start treatment on your own, since many gastrointestinal ailments have similar symptoms. A qualified doctor must determine the diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy. Self-medication can lead to complications.

With intestinal dysbiosis in children there are certain clinical manifestations. As for babies under one year old, they are behind in weight, spit up and sleep poorly, are capricious, and loose stools predominate. Characteristics of feces: there is a sour and putrid smell, foam. At one year of age, the symptoms are similar. There may also be cramping abdominal pain observed after feeding. The painful attack ends with diarrhea, rumbling and increased gas formation. Children under three years of age experience belching, colic, flatulence, unstable stools, decreased appetite and bloating in the abdomen.

It is important to start treatment of dysbiosis in children on time, since incubation period accompanied by intoxication, infectious toxicosis and reduced body resistance. Symptoms: weakness, lack of appetite, sweating and low-grade fever. Lack of treatment can lead to the following complications: hypovitaminosis, lack of bile acids and enzymes, anemia (anemia), reduced immunity, vitamin D and calcium deficiency, gastrointestinal bleeding.

There are 4 degrees of dysbacteriosis. During the first stage, there are the following symptoms: constipation, lack of appetite and weight loss, bloating. The bowel movements have an uneven color.

Dysbacteriosis of the 2nd degree is manifested by nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn, epigastric pain, impaired motor skills, lack of appetite, constipation. Dysbacteriosis of the 2nd degree can occur against the background of gastroenteritis. In addition, the disease can accompany enteritis, when signs such as coating on the tongue, diarrhea, bloating, cramps, hypovitaminosis and anemia are noted. Allergies in children may occur in this form.

Grade 3 is characterized by transient bacteremia, as well as headaches, chills, high body temperature, and intoxication. Pathogenic bacteria are present in bile and urine. The color of the stool is green. form.

As for degree 4, it has the following symptoms: poor appetite, nausea, headaches, high fever and loose stools that have a putrid odor. There is a central nervous system disorder.

In mild cases, it is enough to adhere to a strict diet to eliminate symptoms. In more severe cases will be needed drug therapy. Antibiotics may be prescribed to restore the microflora.

Etiology of pathology of the digestive system

In order for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis to give good results, it is important to find out the causes of this syndrome. The causes of pathology under the age of one year may be the following:

  • improper nutrition of a nursing mother;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • food allergies;
  • stress;
  • weakened immune system;
  • artificial feeding, sudden weaning;
  • the presence of infectious diseases - dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, salmonellosis.

As for the disease that occurs after a year, most often the causative agents are worms, poor nutrition, colds, etc. Malicious influence provide hormonal drugs. Preschoolers and schoolchildren can feel similar symptoms against the background of frequent stressful situations and puberty, operations on the gastrointestinal tract, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Medical therapy

The treatment regimen for dysbiosis in children is determined by the attending physician. Besides medications, nutrition plays a decisive role. It is important that the treatment is comprehensive.

Anti-dysbacteriosis medications for children:

  • Linex - helps restore the epithelial layer of the intestine, improves the natural absorption of electrolytes. The course of treatment is at least five days. Dosage: children under two years of age – 1 capsule, from two years of age – 2 capsules;
  • Acipol - can be given even to infants, has wide range effects, helps restore intestinal immunity. The dosage for newborns is five doses per day, for children from six months of age - about 15 doses, which must be divided into 3 doses before meals;
  • Bifiform Baby - contains lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, B vitamins.

To replenish the intestinal flora, non-drug medications will also be needed. Live bacteria are found in the following food products: Actimel, Bifidok, Activia, Biolact. To prepare the drink, it is better to buy a starter at the pharmacy in order to make healthy, tasty yoghurts for your child yourself.

It is necessary to adjust the diet, enrich the baby’s diet with plant fibers and lactic acid bacteria, which are found in cottage cheese, kefir and milk. You can increase your consumption of yogurt, vegetables and fruits, millet, oatmeal and buckwheat. Children under one year of age are advised to breastfeed, so the mother is obliged to preserve lactation. This is due to the fact that breast milk contains a lot of beneficial microorganisms and bacteria. Milk contains lactose, which promotes the growth of healthy bacteria.

Microflora imbalance in children is a common phenomenon that requires timely treatment. Therapy should be comprehensive, including taking certain medications, diet and regimen adjustments.

Dysbacteriosis (another name is intestinal dysbiosis) is one of the most common intestinal pathologies in childhood. Dysbacteriosis is not independent disease. This condition characterized by an imbalance of microbial balance in the intestines and occurs as a consequence of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, failure to comply with personal and intimate hygiene and some other factors that can influence the composition of the intestinal microflora. Officially, dysbiosis is considered a clinical and laboratory syndrome, determined by changes in the quantitative or quality composition useful and pathogenic flora intestines.

In children, pathology can occur at any age, but children from 3 to 7 years of age and adolescents over 12 years of age are most susceptible to it. In children of the first year of life who are breastfed, dysbiosis practically does not occur, since the child receives all the necessary bacteria and antibodies from mother's milk. To diagnose dysbiosis, it is necessary to examine stool, as well as the use of molecular biology methods (for example, polymer chain reaction). If the diagnosis is confirmed and dysbiosis is detected in the child, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, which will depend on the patient’s age.

Until recently, it was believed that a child is born with a sterile stomach and intestines, and colonization by microorganisms occurs already in the neonatal period, which lasts from birth to the twenty-eighth day of life. Latest Research Scientists from the UK refuted this claim: they were able to detect traces of E. coli and some strains of lactobacilli that produce lactic acid. This discovery led to the conclusion that the formation of intestinal microflora and immunity occurs during the period of intrauterine growth.

In total, a child’s intestinal microflora includes more than 500 types of microorganisms. Bacteria live on the mucous membranes of the intestines, stomach, esophagus and other parts of the digestive tract. Beneficial bacteria are involved not only in maintaining sufficient activity of immune cells, but also in digestive processes, so when their number decreases, a person begins to experience pain and discomfort in the abdomen, bloating. Some children with chronic disorder normal balance microorganisms suffer from stool disorder, which can manifest itself as diarrhea and constipation.

The microflora of a child and an adult is represented by three groups of bacteria, which are listed in the table below.

Composition of intestinal microflora in humans

Group of microorganismsWhat kind of bacteria is this?What kind of bacteria is this?
ObligateMicroorganisms that form the basis of the microflora of a healthy person and are necessary for normal digestion, strong immunity and synthesis of vitamins and amino acids. These microorganisms make up more than 93.9% of the microflora and ensure the functioning of the digestive tract: regulate the peristalsis of the intestinal walls, suppress the growth of pathogenic flora, protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tractBifidobacteria
Lactobacilli (fermented milk bacteria)
Escherichia coli
OpportunisticBacteria that can be potentially dangerous to human health when conditions are created that are favorable for their reproduction (hypothermia, decreased immunity, poor hygiene, poor quality nutrition, etc.). They are present in small quantities in the human microflora, but with proper functioning of the body they are in a “dormant” stateStaphylococcus
Some types of yeasts and molds
Pathogenic (transit)Microorganisms that cannot exist in the human body. Infection with pathogenic bacteria causes severe illnessMycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch's bacillus)
Pasteurella (plague pathogens)
Rickettsia (causes typhus)

Important! If the number of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines decreases, they cannot cope with the activity of opportunistic flora, which begins to rapidly grow and multiply. This condition is called dysbiosis and can cause serious illnesses: intestinal and cold infections, inflammatory processes in the stomach, organs respiratory system, mucous membranes of the genital organs.

The role of nutrition in the development of dysbiosis

A child’s diet is of great importance for the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis. There are food groups that are natural sources of prebiotics that must be regularly included in the menu to maintain a normal balance of microorganisms. If a child receives a balanced healthy eating daily, it is possible to adjust the composition of the intestinal microflora without the use of medications.

Dairy products with added starter

The most useful product for children with impaired intestinal microflora is kefir. Kefir mushroom contains several strains of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria and has a whole list useful properties, For example:

  • promotes the growth of your own beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • normalizes stool (eliminates constipation);
  • reduces the formation of gases in the intestines, helps fight flatulence and bloating;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes toxins and allergens from the body.

You can introduce kefir into a child’s diet from 7-8 months. To feed young children, it is better to use special children's kefir, sold in departments baby food. The norm for children from 8 months to 3 years is 100-120 ml per day. After 3 years, a child can be given 150-180 ml of kefir before bed every day.

If a child refuses to drink kefir, you can replace it with natural yogurt, which does not contain flavoring or coloring additives. The shelf life of such a product should not exceed 7-10 days.

Important! Dairy products it is necessary to temporarily exclude it from the children's diet if there is a suspicion of candidiasis (thrush) of any localization.

Fresh and vegetables fruits

Fruits and vegetables should be included in the menu of children of any age. Not only do they contain natural prebiotic cultures, but they are also a valuable source vegetable fiber, which removes all toxins and allergens from the intestines and creates optimal conditions for the growth of its own beneficial flora. In addition, fruits are leaders in the content of vitamins necessary to maintain healthy intestinal function and the formation of children's immunity.

The greatest amount of prebiotic fibers is found in the following fruits:

  • oranges;
  • lemons;
  • a pineapple;
  • bananas;
  • tomatoes;
  • avocado.

Infants need to add vegetables and fruits to their menu from 4-6 months. Up to a year they are given in the form of a homogenized (homogeneous) puree. The need for vegetables and fruits for older children is about 500 g per day.


A large number of prebiotics are found in some grains: barley, rye, wheat, oats. Only whole grains are useful for feeding children of any age: ready-made breakfast cereals, cereals instant cooking practically do not contain dietary fiber and beneficial bacteria, and do not have any nutritional value for the child's body.

The ideal option for preparing cereals is milk porridge with the addition of pieces of fruit or honey.

Bee products

Honey, bee bread, propolis, royal jelly– all these products are genuine natural medicine from intestinal dysbiosis. To restore intestinal function, it is enough to eat 1 teaspoon of honey per day (for children from 3 to 5 years old, this norm is half a spoon per day). Regular use honey eliminates intestinal spasms, normalizes gastric and intestinal motility, suppresses the growth of pathogenic flora in the lumen of the large and small intestines.

To ensure that honey consumption only benefits the body, it is important to follow certain rules:

  • cannot exceed the recommended daily dosage, since honey contains a lot of sugar and has a high calorie content;
  • It is forbidden to give honey to children with diabetes and increased body weight;
  • honey should be consumed fresh, washed down with tea, but without stirring it into the drink - high temperatures destroy vitamins and prebiotic fibers contained in the product.

note! Giving honey and other bee products to children under 3 years of age is not recommended due to high risk allergies.

Video - Why does dysbiosis occur and how to treat it?

Treatment with drugs

If the doctor believes that the child has severe dysbiosis, he may prescribe medications. Their choice depends on the age of the child, the degree of activity of opportunistic flora and other factors. Probiotics and prebiotics can also be used to prevent intestinal dysbiosis when taking antibiotics, changing climatic conditions, poor nutrition or frequent stress which can cause the development of irritable bowel syndrome. Bifid drugs are also used to stimulate the immune system in weakened and frequently ill children.


"Normobakt" is considered one of the most effective drugs of this group for the treatment of dysbiosis of any degree in children starting from 3 years of age. The drug is available in a special children's form (“Normobakt Junior”) in the form of chewing figures with the taste of white chocolate. You need to take Normobakt Junior 1 tablet 1-2 times a day for 10 days.

The cost of a package of 20 tablets is 366 rubles.

"Linex for children"

The product is available in the form of oral drops and powder and contains bifidobacteria from the probiotic group - B.animalis subsp. You can take Linex for Children from the first days of life, following the recommended dosage regimen. For newborns, infants of the first year of life and children under 7 years of age, the drug is given in a dosage of 1 sachet per day. Older children and adolescents need 2 doses of the drug per day.

Linex can be mixed with baby food, cereals, juices, formula and drinks, but their temperature should not exceed 35°. The interval between taking the product and taking antibacterial drugs should be at least three hours. Duration of therapy – 1 month.

The average cost of the drug is 520 rubles.


Bifidopreparation in the form of a beige milk emulsion. The drug helps to quickly normalize the intestinal microflora, get rid of dyspeptic disorders, reduce bloating and intestinal colic, but in some cases it may be necessary long-term use– up to 4 weeks. The dosage depends on the age of the child.

Dosage regimen "Biovestin" for the treatment of dysbiosis in children

Important!"Biovestin" is contraindicated in case of milk intolerance or lactase deficiency.

"Bion 3"

One of the best drugs for eliminating the symptoms of dysbiosis, but it can only be used to treat adolescents over 14 years of age, since the drug is available in tablet form and contains dosages active ingredients, adapted for an adult.

“Bion 3” is not just a prebiotic, but a multivitamin, combined complex containing 12 vitamins, 9 minerals and 3 types of probiotic cultures. The drug helps restore intestinal microflora, eliminate the consequences of irregular and poor nutrition, stress, and prevent hypovitaminosis. "Bion 3" has a positive effect on the child's immune system and can be used as part of complex treatment chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.

You need to take 1 tablet once a day for 30 days.

The cost of 1 package of 30 tablets is 718 rubles.

"Bifidum" (concentrate)

Liquid concentrate "Bifidum" contains prebiotics and probiotic cultures and is used for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, as well as the correction immunodeficiency states. The product can be used both for internal use and for local use in the form of microenemas (for diseases of the large intestine), applications, and oral baths.

The product must be taken internally in its pure form (diluted with a small amount of water). The dosage regimen for uncomplicated dysbiosis is as follows:

  • up to 1 year – 20 drops per day;
  • from 1 to 3 years – up to 40 drops per day;
  • from 3 to 7 years – up to 60 drops per day.

For children over 7 years of age, the drug is given at adult dosage– 60-100 drops per day (must be divided into several doses). The duration of treatment can be from 1 to 3 months. It is not recommended to use the product topically for longer than 10-12 days.

Video - How to treat dysbiosis

Folk remedies

Intestinal dysbiosis is not considered a dangerous pathology and does not require emergency medication, so you can try to cope with this condition at home using improvised means.

Kefir drink with dried fruits

This is very effective remedy For home treatment dysbacteriosis, which can be used to treat children starting from 1 year. Kefir drink with dried fruits is great not only for normalizing intestinal function, but also for increasing the body’s overall resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

To prepare medicine from kefir, you need:

  • Pour 1-2 pieces of figs, dried apricots and prunes with hot water, cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour so that the dried fruits swell;
  • finely chop the fruits and pour kefir over them;
  • to stir thoroughly.

If the child is still small and does not chew pieces well, you can grind the dried fruits in a blender or meat grinder. The drink should be given once a day, 1 glass, for two weeks (in the morning).

Elderberry and rosehip decoction

Rosehip contains a large number of prebiotic fibers and ascorbic acid, involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and the formation of immunity. Elderberry berries have an astringent effect and protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of opportunistic flora, the number of which can increase due to microbial imbalance.

Preparing the decoction is very simple:

  • Rinse 200 g of dried berry mixture and place in a container;
  • pour 600 ml of boiling water and put on low heat for 20 minutes;
  • strain the broth.

You need to take half a glass 3 times a day 3 minutes before meals. The duration of therapy is three weeks. The recipe is suitable for treating children over 4 years of age.

Honey-banana paste

The combination of honey and bananas is an excellent natural remedy for restoring the optimal balance of intestinal microflora. A course of treatment with this method also has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, the state of the child’s nervous system, and the protective functions of the body. Honey strengthens blood vessels and contributes to improvement rheological properties blood, so use this remedy is possible for children at risk for developing cardiovascular pathologies.

To prepare a homemade medicine, you need to mash half a peeled banana with a fork and mix with a teaspoon of honey. It is best to give this paste for breakfast. If well tolerated, treatment can be continued for up to 4 weeks.

Intestinal dysbiosis is a condition that requires an integrated approach and treatment. If a pathology is diagnosed in a child, treatment can begin with adjusting the diet and using home remedies. If these methods are ineffective, taking medications is indicated.