Pressotherapy at home. Pressotherapy is a relaxing effect, a surge of vigor and benefits for the whole body. Course duration, average cost

- one of the options from the intensive lymphatic drainage automatic massage.

The lymphatic system is the most important part immune system person. It provides:

  • absorption (resorption) of the protein and its return to the circulatory system;
  • protects every cell in the body harmful substances, slags, toxins;
  • controls the state and physiological activity of connective tissues.

This is far from complete list functions performed by the lymphatic system. Any failure in its work renders Negative influence on the human body, causes swelling, overweight, the formation of cellulite, as well as a painful skin color.

In addition, lymphatic congestion significantly weakens protective functions body (immunity), causes headaches, reduces performance, and can also cause irritability and depression.

Pressotherapy is unique method modern cosmetology aimed at improving the body through the action on lymphatic system compressed air.

During the procedure, the movement of lymph from central regions bodies to the peripheral ones, stagnation is removed. This process leads to the restoration of fluid balance, active cleansing of slow venous blood, decrease oxygen starvation and muscle tension. That is, pressotherapy “turns on” the mechanism of self-purification and healing of the body.

During the procedure naturally excess fluid is removed a large number of harmful components, which inevitably accumulate in the body due to our lifestyle, nutrition, and poor ecology.

It is worth noting that the improvement extends not only to the part of the body that is treated with pressure, but also to general state the whole body, as well as in appearance.

How is the procedure performed

This procedure requires a special suit designed for therapy. Compressed air is introduced into sealed cavities (segments or cuffs).

The set can also include two inflatable high boots and up to 15 additional parts, thanks to which you can work on problem areas. Thus, it is possible to ensure a uniform simultaneous effect on several parts of the body.

Control over the process and the necessary pressure in the cuffs (segments) are provided automatically by special program. The choice of the procedure mode is determined on the basis of the indications that the doctor sets based on the patient's condition and specific goals. This approach allows us to take into account the individual characteristics and problems of each patient as much as possible and achieve the optimal effect.


It is important that the effect after the procedure in beauty salon visually visible and palpable after the first session.

After the procedure, patients note:

  • feeling of lightness in the limbs;
  • improving well-being;
  • burst of energy and good mood.

Three or four sessions and the puffiness completely disappears, the non-aesthetic “orange peel” will disappear, small ones will hide blood vessels, the skin will be significantly refreshed.

Indications and contraindications

Pressotherapy is referred to as medical and cosmetic procedures. It is also a powerful preventive and healing agent.

Indications for the use of such a massage:

  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • overweight, cellulite, stretch marks (postpartum);
  • limb edema (post-traumatic/postoperative);
  • local deposits of fat;
  • skin laxity;
  • voltage various groups muscles caused by monotonous and excessive physical exertion
  • restoration of muscle tone;
  • chronic venous insufficiency.
  • puffiness, the result of which is disease internal organs(eg, kidney, heart);
  • damage, acute inflammation and purulent lesions of the skin;
  • liver diseases, renal and cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • fractures;
  • pregnancy / lactation / menstruation;
  • thrombosis / thrombophlebitis.

Number of sessions required for optimal results

The course of recovery consists of several sessions, their number is determined individually.

A full course of pressotherapy, as a rule, includes 10-20 visits. After each session, be sure to take a break for two to three days. Experts advise for a sustainable and long-term result to take a second course, which is prescribed after six months and not earlier.

The procedure is not only medicinal properties, but also has a relaxing effect, like any quality massage. During the sessions, the client feels pleasant warmth, lightness and a calming effect.

The pressure therapy suit is designed in such a way that there is no feeling of discomfort.

How to do pressotherapy at home

Is it possible to carry out pressure therapy on my own? Of course, you can if you purchase equipment for this procedure.

Various trading companies offer everything you need for home massage, provide delivery and provide a guarantee.

Devices for lymphomassage at home are more compact in size, relatively inexpensive (within 30,000 rubles). In two years, the device will fully pay off.

Home pressotherapy does not differ from a similar procedure in an elite salon, and the effect of the procedure lasts for a long time. The device also has several massage modes. The optimal mode can be selected by consulting with your doctor first.

Massage devices at home are becoming more and more popular, as they help maintain health and beauty, provide an opportunity to relax after a hard day's work. Such devices are good helpers for those who are shown massage for health reasons.

How to choose the right device and where to buy it

Devices for pressotherapy are produced different types and equipment. The main requirements for such purchases: high reliability and ease of use. Give preference to newer modern models.

The device has three main nodes:

  1. Device, consisting of a power supply, compressor, valves, automation for process control (electronic board). Regulation of pressure in the suit segments, compression time, intensity of air pumping, selection of one of the possible programs is performed automatically. Valves are better to choose metal.
  2. Costume(its quality should be given Special attention when buying a kit). Experts advise taking a separate option. Separate segments are easy to drive for a person of any build, which will allow it to be used for all family members. Separate suits are more practical, they are more convenient to put on. In addition, you can work out, if necessary, only problem areas.
  3. air ducts. Give preference to a set with flexible, elastic and wide enough air ducts, which are made of material High Quality. It is more convenient to work if all the hoses are connected to one "connector".

On average, one session in the salon will have to pay 1,500 rubles, a full course of 15 procedures will cost 22,500 rubles. A high-quality apparatus for home pressure therapy can be selected within 20,000-30,000 rubles.

It is better to buy a massage device in companies that are professionally engaged in the sale of high-quality medical and cosmetic equipment from leading manufacturers.


Sergey Petrovich, 62 years old

He worked at the machine all his life, his legs constantly swelled, he already moved with difficulty. The son persuaded me to undergo a course of pressure therapy treatment in a beauty salon. The fact that cosmetic - I was alerted, but agreed. After the first treatment, I felt noticeable relief. Completed the entire course, enrolled and completed a second course six months later. Great effect, very pleasant procedure. I think to buy a device for the house for prevention.

Alinka, 23 years old

During the winter I gained excess weight, and all of it was concentrated in the waist area. I wanted to get rid of this burden as quickly as possible. A friend advised. Pressotherapy is just a miracle: pleasant music, complete relaxation and a wave-like massage of my problem area ... After the third visit, I got into all last year's summer dresses, after the fifth - I realized that I would have to update my wardrobe !!! 10 sessions went well. In addition to weight loss, a lot of positive feelings and emotions. I'm thinking of buying one for home use.

Veronica, 33 years old

I love high heels, but, unfortunately, my legs began to hurt and swell very much. even after I switched to lower heels. I had to go to a specialist. It was he who advised me to take a course of pressotherapy in order to "disperse the lymph and blood." I decided to try and did not regret it - the massage helped a lot. Now I carry out procedures regularly and not only in the leg area. Both for prevention and for mood.

Denis, 27 years old

I am an avid cyclist, and then I broke my leg out of the blue. After treatment, the leg began to swell. I visited a massage therapist, things were progressing, but slowly. prompted good people that in the beauty salon there is such a procedure as lymphomassage. I was offered to work out not only the leg, but also all possible areas. The first time they put on "armor", I thought it would be difficult and uncomfortable, but as it turned out, the procedure is pleasant, relaxing, a kind of complex massage to the music. I was glad that the problem with the leg went away quickly, and, moreover, disappeared vein grids on foot! And, which I didn’t expect, the fat layer on my stomach disappeared somewhere, which I couldn’t get rid of even after intensive swinging of the press.

Natalia, 31 years old

She gave birth to a second child and turned from a reed into a rather voluminous lady with noticeable stretch marks on her stomach and an orange peel on her hips ... When she stopped feeding the baby, she immediately went on a diet, a gym ... The weight began to gradually go away, but stretch marks and cellulite became even more noticeable, the skin in places lost its elasticity ... The lymphomassage procedures were very helpful. Has passed or has taken place a course, and these are 15 sessions. Already by the 10th procedure minus 5 kilograms! Cellulite has practically disappeared, my skin condition has improved significantly, as well as my well-being and mood. This procedure has an excellent relaxing effect. As a result, my husband bought a home version of the pressotherapy machine. It is, of course, simpler than a professional one, but it works perfectly. I recommend!

Valentina, 39 years old

Been sick for a long time bed rest led to sagging skin muscle weakness and other problems. Any physical activity was given with difficulty, depression and apathy. The doctor advised me to try pressotherapy. Like, you don’t need to do anything there, just lie down and think about the good, and the technique will do everything for you. Has passed or has taken place two courses, 10 and 15 sessions. The procedure not only helped, but brought me back to life. This great massage, which warms and relaxes, but at the same time gives strength to the muscles, heals the skin and uplifts the mood.

Ekaterina, 35 years old

Meshes of blood vessels on my legs began to appear on me. Reason for concern and frustration. The beauty salon advised pressotherapy. Before I agree to this procedure, consulted with the attending physician, he supported this idea. Only the area of ​​​​the legs was massaged, the result already in the 7th session was just excellent. Along the way, the orange peels on the thighs disappeared. In addition, the hips have noticeably lost weight.

A safe alternative to liposuction is pressotherapy - an original method of lymphatic drainage based on massage with compressed air. This procedure ensures the achievement of aesthetic results and heals the body as a whole, reduces varicose veins, promotes recovery after plastic surgery or physical activity. In addition, it does not cause complications, does not require rehabilitation and is not accompanied by painful sensations.

Operating principle

For pressotherapy, a special suit is required, consisting of separate fragments for each part of the body, which, according to the principle of operation, resemble a cuff from a mechanical tonometer (a device for measuring pressure). Air is forced into them, and the material squeezes soft tissues, influencing movement interstitial fluid and blood circulation.

The pressure force is regulated by a computer, which is connected to the elements of the suit with a pipe. The wave of air does not constantly succumb to the skin, but intermittently from a few seconds to several minutes. She literally squeezes excess liquid and harmful toxins from the body. The exact parameters of the intensity and frequency of exposure are determined based on the characteristics of the patient's health.

Pressotherapy provides a complex deep effect on skin and muscles, veins and lymphatic vessels, adipose tissue. Thanks to its implementation, there is:

  • Establishment of metabolic processes (including water balance).
  • Cleansing the body of toxins, harmful substances, excess fluid.
  • Increased tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Formation of a feeling of lightness.
  • Reduced puffiness.

Indications and expected results

First of all, pressotherapy is carried out for weight loss and the fight against cellulite, these two areas are the main indications for the procedure. Rhythmic pressure destroys fat cells and promotes their withdrawal along with excess fluid in a natural way. In addition to reducing volumes and kilograms, eliminating the effect orange peel, the technique is capable of:

  • Prevent thrombosis.
  • Reduce swelling and pain in the limbs.
  • Improve reduced skin tone.
  • Relieve muscle tension caused by vigorous physical activity.
  • Reduce symptoms of venous insufficiency.

The technique is relevant as a therapeutic effect and for the prevention of the formation of aesthetic defects in the future.

Procedure algorithm

The massage lasts 20-30 minutes and is carried out according to a certain algorithm of actions. Manipulations at home are no different from exposure in the cabin and are carried out in the following sequence:

  • Cream application, enhancing the effect, and putting on a disposable suit (if necessary, an optional step).
  • Putting on a reusable suit, consisting of one-piece pants for the legs (sometimes separate) and separate elements for the rest of the body. The pressure therapy suit is connected to the main apparatus with the help of special pipes through which air is supplied.
  • Treatment. The main stage, implying an increased impact on the problem area. It is carried out by alternating pressure by forcing and pumping air.

The procedure is painless, many patients leave feedback about relaxation during the procedure. It does not require effort, does not violate the integrity of the skin and is accompanied by light, pleasant vibrations, under which you can fall asleep.

As a result of the regular procedure, there is an acceleration of local metabolism and blood flow, an increase in muscle tone, the breakdown of fat cells, and the removal of excess fluid.

The average duration of the course is 10-20 sessions, the exact number is determined by the beautician, depending on the type and complexity of the existing problem. Pressotherapy is carried out on a regular basis, but not every day, the optimal schedule is 2-3 treatments per week.


The pressotherapy procedure is prohibited when:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Menstruation and the first months after childbirth.
  • Fractures.
  • Purulent formations and inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin.
  • Diabetes.
  • Thrombosis, bleeding disorders.
  • A number of diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system.

Pressotherapy is often carried out to combat increased swelling, however, if the cause of the problem is the pathology of the internal organs, the impact is strictly prohibited.

In no case should you neglect the restrictions, this can lead not only to a lack of results, but also to a significant deterioration in the patient's health.

Side effects

Pressotherapy belongs to the category safe procedures associated with minimal health risks. For the most part, any side effects during its implementation are explained by a violation of safety regulations or neglect of contraindications.

So, when creating excessive pressure on the problem area, bruises, internal hemorrhages, and hematomas may appear. With this kind of side effects, one-time increase the break between sessions, use natural creams and compresses, and in the future, simply adjust the strength of the impact.

You should also pay attention to the fact that a natural consequence of the procedure is a pronounced diuretic effect. It cannot be fully attributed to side effects, however, it can be a certain inconvenience for the patient.

Photos before and after

Photo before and after No. 1

Photo before and after No. 2

Photo before and after No. 4

To get rid of excess weight it is far from always necessary to sweat for hours in the gym or sit on rigid mono-diets. Pressotherapy allows you to remove cellulite, fat accumulations on the abdomen and back, without the slightest effort.

What is pressotherapy

Pressotherapy – latest technique for weight loss, which uses a special physiotherapy apparatus. The point of application of the device is the lymphatic and excretory systems. The operation of the technique is based on the injection of air into problem parts body.

During pressotherapy, a special suit is put on the patient. A vacuum is formed in it with the help of compressors - air is pumped. During this, point pressure occurs on the lymphatic and blood vessels. It should be noted that the intensity of pressure changes, which provides additional "autonomous" work of the muscles.

The outflow of blood and lymph, as well as muscle tension, help to remove excess moisture and get rid of cellulite, which is the cause of the accumulation of fluids. Some devices are additionally equipped with heating. Such a massage allows you to speed up the metabolism and significantly increases the rate of elimination of toxins and waste products from the body.

At the second stage, pneumocompression changes the pressure downwards. Because of jump, the vessels expand significantly, due to which it provides an increased flow of blood and lymph to the extremities. Thanks to this technique, the vacuum allows you to completely solve the problem of hypoxia and stagnation of the interstitial fluid.

Video: Why pressotherapy is needed

Contraindications and indications of pressotherapy

The benefits of pressotherapy have been proven repeatedly - many reviews claim that it was this procedure that helped to completely get rid of cellulite. But the hardware technique has a wide range of applications.

Cellulite is the main indication of pressotherapy

When is pressotherapy indicated?

  • With cellulite 2 and above degree;
  • With metabolic disorders, deterioration of blood flow in the limbs;
  • This is one of the few techniques that is acceptable for strengthening blood vessels in vegetative-vascular dystonia. To eliminate the "cold feet" syndrome, special boots are even put on the massager, which will improve local blood flow;
  • In the presence of sagging skin after weight loss or pregnancy, loss of elasticity or uneven color. Any physiotherapy is designed to improve metabolic processes in tissues. Presso-massage effect allows you to short time tighten the skin of the abdomen, restore its natural tone and even out the color;
  • during obesity. A course of pressure therapy, consisting of 10 sessions, can be an excellent substitute for liposuction. Already after the first procedure, noticeable results are visible: the volumes go away, and the skin tightens.

But there are also some contraindications in order to carry out vacuum massage. Pressotherapy is not recommended for breastfeeding(in particular, you can not wear overalls - it also massages the muscles of the chest, which is undesirable during lactation).

Direct contraindications are any diseases of the excretory or metabolic system. This is diabetes, tuberculosis, menstrual period, other ailments of the lymphatic and excretory system. It is not recommended to carry out vacuum massage of the limbs in the presence of open wounds, fresh tattoos (up to 3 weeks) and exacerbation of chronic skin diseases.

Devices for pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage

You can even conduct a pressotherapy session at home if you buy a special massage apparatus, cuffs and a body suit. Consider the most popular devices.

- one of the most famous professional devices for conducting a pressotherapy session. It also includes pants and a jacket. This therapeutic device has a very wide spectrum of action - from prevention varicose veins veins and ending with getting rid of stage 3 cellulite. Air is injected into the suit with an overlap, it is possible to select a specific mode of operation of the compressor (there are 24 in total). Air flow can be continuous or change pressure every 15 seconds.

- a professional device designed for lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy. The kit includes pants, shorts and a jacket for working out various parts of the body. If you put on the suit completely, then 8 zones will be worked out simultaneously. This Korean device is most often found in specialized cosmetology or medical centers. It is believed that it shows the best results in comparison with similar devices. The price of Doctor Life Lymph Throne varies from 3200 to 3500 USD. e.

- universal apparatus for pressure therapy. The unique design provides not only treatment a wide range diseases associated with metabolism, but also a variety of procedures. This device is configured in the following modes:

  • cavitation;
  • Lymphatic drainage massage (pressotherapy);
  • Anti-cellulite effect;
  • Head and neck massage to eliminate fatigue and others.

A total of 13 programs and 8 modes of operation.

Another device used in a beauty salon is. Its features include highly economical operation, versatility and a wide range of settings. The device operates in the mode of pneumomassage, cavitation, heating and many others.

It has significant differences with the devices described above. Firstly, these are specialized systems designed to prepare the body of athletes for serious stress or, on the contrary, to recover from stress. Secondly,

- this installation performs 3 functions at once: lymphatic drainage massage, infrared heating and electrical stimulation(LPG). The technical basis is the Pretherapy System. The effect after using the Beauty Tool IV is characterized by duration and high efficiency. In one procedure, you can combine several modern techniques for weight loss.

In terms of additions, it is a unique device. In addition to pressotherapy, it also offers body wraps and heating. Suitable for massage against fatigue of the legs, heating after hypothermia, accelerating metabolism.

– device for pressotherapy, equipped with 4 chambers. Its main advantages over professional devices with 8 compartments are simplicity and affordability. Even a beginner can use it. Even more easy to operate - IB-9102. beauty sport. His instruction includes only 3 modes of operation and a three-chamber vacuum system.

Best suited for home pressure therapy. The kit includes fixing cuffs, suits, and nozzles for shock therapy. The cost of such a device is up to $ 1000, but in terms of efficiency it is not inferior to professional machines. Some experts note that it is a portable analogue Airmoon.

Even more affordable Happy System. This device is designed for lymphatic drainage of the legs and pressotherapy of the lower abdomen. Compared to many other devices, it is sold almost for free - up to $ 300. The device saves from fatigue and swelling of the legs, varicose veins, hypothermia and many other problems. Its use is advisable only at home. IN professional setting he lacks power.

Video: pressotherapy devices for home use

Pressotherapy at home

Shock wave massage or pressotherapy can easily be performed at home. To do this, you need to purchase a suitable massage unit and a special suit (if it is not sold in the kit).

Step-by-step instruction how to do pressotherapy at home:

  1. First you need to take a warm bath, stretch the treated areas, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream on them;
  2. Then you need to lie down comfortable posture and fix on the body of the cuff. Boots or a suit must be held tightly on the limbs, otherwise the vacuum effect will not be achieved;
  3. Next, the device is configured desired effect and the compressor turns on. It is important to set the appropriate operating mode (permanent, continuous, etc.). It depends not only on your needs, but also on the state of the body. For example, with hypothermia, a constant mode is recommended, and for weight loss, on the contrary, a periodic one.

The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes, otherwise hematomas may remain on the body. It is important to understand that some side effects may occur after pressotherapy. These are bruising and redness (on sensitive skin), trembling in the arms or legs, in rare cases- headache.

Photos before and after

A description of the effects after pressotherapy would not be complete without before and after photos. To see how useful and effective the procedure is, we have prepared photographs of the results after shock-vacuum therapy.

64 864 0 Hello! In this article, we talk about another procedure of hardware cosmetology - pressotherapy. We will introduce you to contraindications, tell you about the benefits and harms, and also show you photos before and after the procedure.

What is pressotherapy

- a procedure of hardware massage, using compressed air for exposure. The main effect of pressotherapy is on the lymphatic system.

Pressotherapy is called pneumomassage, lymphatic drainage massage, pneumodrainage, barocompression.

The pressotherapy procedure is carried out using a special apparatus and a pneumosuit. The method of exposure to compressed air was discovered in the 19th century, and the first apparatus for pressotherapy appeared only in the 20th century in Holland.

The principle of operation of pressotherapy is based on the supply of compressed air of high and low pressure through the cuffs of the suit. The procedure is fully controlled, the effect of compressed air is carried out intermittently. With the help of pressotherapy, active lymphatic drainage is carried out, positive influence on metabolic processes, slags and toxins are removed.

As you know, lymph plays an important role in cleansing the body of toxins and foreign bodies, and is responsible for protective barriers. Pressotherapy has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic and blood vessels, the condition of the skin, muscles, subcutaneous fat layer.

The pneumosuit, through which compression pressure is applied, consists of several parts, which are removable cuffs - gloves, belt, shoes, corsets, boots.

Pressotherapy benefits appearance and internal state organism.

The effect of pressotherapy:

  • Improvement of skin elasticity;
  • Active circulation of blood and lymph;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • Stabilization of water balance;
  • Weight loss;
  • Fight against cellulite;
  • Volume reduction;
  • Reduced edema;
  • Restoration of venous flow;
  • Improving the tone of cells and tissues.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for pressotherapy Contraindications
the presence of cellulite;skin diseases;
overweight;kidney failure and kidney disease;
early stage of varicose veins and venous insufficiency;oncology and benign neoplasms;
swelling of soft tissues;tuberculosis;
the presence of hematomas;diabetes;
figure correction;pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
chronic fatigue;diseases of internal organs;
recovery after heavy physical exertion.cardiovascular diseases;
unhealed fractures.

How is pressotherapy performed?

Types of pressotherapy

Lymphatic drainage pressotherapy is highly effective for weight loss and cellulite. Besides, compression massage used in the recovery of the body after some severe injuries and operations, after a stroke and with many joint problems.

There are two types of pressure therapy:

  • comprehensive- when pressotherapy is carried out on the whole body, in a one-piece suit like an astronaut's suit;
  • selective- pressotherapy on separate problem areas, carried out using separate cuffs.

Stages of pressotherapy

Step 1. Preparation for the procedure– mandatory consultation with a specialist to identify contraindications, the presence of chronic ailments, identification of problem areas.

Step 2 Pressotherapy procedure- put on a special suit or cuffs on problem areas. Picked up optimal mode impact. The procedure is painless. It turns out the compression pressure on the problem areas is undulating with alternating high and low pressure. From this effect, blood and lymph begin to circulate more actively, cells get rid of toxins and their decay products.

  • The effectiveness and results of pressotherapy are noticeable almost immediately after the first procedure.
  • The rehabilitation period is not required, as it is not required special care. After the procedure, you can lead a normal life.
  • The duration of the session is approximately 30-40 minutes. Pressotherapy is suitable for any age and gender in the absence of contraindications.
  • Pressotherapy individual sections bodies: leg pressotherapy (thighs, buttocks, calves), abdominal pressotherapy, arm pressotherapy allows you to eliminate the fat layer in these areas, tighten the skin, get rid of cellulite.

The effect of pressotherapy lasts for several months - six months. Supported by physical form through training and balanced nutrition, the results of pressotherapy last longer.

One pressotherapy session can replace 15-20 sessions of manual (manual) massage.

How to do home pressure therapy

Still relatively not so long ago, pressotherapy was only salon procedure. Modern developments in the field of hardware cosmetology allowed to pay tribute to portable devices for pressotherapy at home. With the help of such a device, it is possible to carry out pneumomassage on certain parts of the body.

Before conducting pressotherapy at home, it is also necessary to undergo a consultation and examination with a specialist.

Portable pressotherapy devices are smaller, more compact, easier to use and relatively expensive.

Cabin devices have great functionality, multi-mode, additional parameters for monitoring the procedure.

Possible complications and side effects

During any procedure, side effects. With pressotherapy, they can also be observed:

  • increased urination;
  • sometimes the formation of hematomas.

Complications can occur if the procedure is not carried out correctly, the specialist is not qualified enough, and existing chronic ailments are hidden.

  • Pressotherapy for varicose veins: pneumomassage is used to prevent varicose veins and in its early stages. In other cases, pressotherapy is not recommended at all or with careful dosage, duration and frequency. It is also possible to use compression stockings during the session.
  • Pressotherapy during menstruation : since pneumomassage activates blood and lymph circulation, it is contraindicated during menstruation, otherwise heavy bleeding can be caused.
  • Pressotherapy for gynecological diseases possible only after consultation with a doctor. With most of these "sores" pressotherapy is contraindicated (cysts, fibroids, etc.).

Compatibility and comparison with other procedures

  • Pressotherapy and manual massage hardware massage more efficient in terms of efficiency. As already noted, one session of pneumomassage replaces about 20 manual procedures. However, if there are contraindications or due to individual characteristics the question of which is better - pressure therapy or massage, will be answered by a specialist.
  • Pressotherapy and cavitation- these procedures perfectly complement and reinforce each other. They are used in a complex, alternating in stages.
  • Pressotherapy and myostimulationfull compatibility procedures and enhancing the effect. Also used in combination. There are courses of procedures "pressotherapy + + cavitation".
  • Infrared pressotherapy- Also effective method body correction based on a complex of pressotherapy procedures and infrared radiation. The so-called "infrared pants" can significantly enhance the breakdown of fat, have a similar effect with pressotherapy active action to blood and lymph vessels. Read:
  • Wrap along with pressotherapy, it enhances the anti-cellulite effect, helps to tighten the tone of the skin and muscles. There is also a course of procedures, consisting of a complex infrared therapy, pressotherapy and body wraps.
  • Pressotherapy or are also compatible procedures. The choice between these procedures depends on the desired effect and the problematic body. Important is the presence of contraindications.
  • Vacuum pressotherapy— combines vacuum massage and pneumomassage. Gives enhanced effect, quick loss excess weight and lasting effect.

The right course of body shaping: cavitation + LPG massage + pressotherapy

Useful articles:

Do you want your legs to be perfect, without venous mesh and edema? Then you should pay attention to such a procedure as pressotherapy. Reviews, contraindications, cost, photos before and after the passage of this event - all this will be discussed in the article. And also consider the process of the procedure, and you will find out whether it can be performed at home.


Pressotherapy is a type of therapy carried out with the help of a special suit, which consists of a belt, sleeves and over the knee boots. During the procedure, the human lymphatic system (which performs the function of protecting body cells from foreign substances, toxins) affects Any failure in the operation of this system leads to edema, extra pounds, cellulite, unhealthy complexion. Also, a person's immunity decreases, headaches appear, and working capacity decreases. And during pressotherapy, the movement of lymph from the center to the peripheral areas is activated, due to which stagnation is removed. As a result, the body recovers, decreases, is removed muscle tension venous blood is purified.

What is the procedure for?

Pressotherapy is an event that has a positive effect on the body as follows:

  1. Helps get rid of cellulite.
  2. Is effective method figure correction.
  3. This is a great way to restore firmness and elasticity to aging skin.
  4. Helps normalize blood circulation.
  5. This is a kind of massage that helps to relax the muscles.
  6. After the procedure, the swelling disappears.
  7. Skin cells are nourished, tissues are saturated with oxygen.
  8. The mood rises.
  9. The skin takes on a natural tone.
  10. Liquidated

Carrying out the procedure

Now let's find out how this kind of massage is done. Pressotherapy is an event, before which it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist. The doctor himself determines the degree of a particular disease, and also develops an individual eight-step program.

For this process, it is used special apparatus, consisting of overlays divided into parts. Depending on the treatment area, inflatable boots, cuffs, corsets, belts and gloves are used.

Before starting the procedure, a person lies down on a couch, one or more nozzles are put on him, and a session called “pressotherapy” begins. Photos before and after such an event are shown below.

How is the session going? The specialist launches the program on the equipment by pressing the corresponding button on the device. In the process of pressotherapy, excess intercellular fluid is expelled from the body and excreted naturally through the human renal system.

During this event, the patient has increased sweating, and the rhythmic vibrations of the pads create a massage effect.

Pressotherapy is a painful type of procedure. After its completion, a person feels lightness, warmth throughout the body, as well as an incredible surge of strength.

The total duration of one session should not exceed 40 minutes.


Pressotherapy is a procedure that is not suitable for all people. At following features and health problems are prohibited from performing this species lymphatic drainage massage:

  1. If there is thrombosis or thrombophlebitis.
  2. With severe endarteritis.
  3. Patients who have hemophilia, vascular fragility.
  4. With inflammation of the skin, suppuration.
  5. If there are liver diseases, cardiovascular, renal failure.
  6. With fractures.
  7. Women in position.
  8. Girls during menstruation.
  9. If there are malignancies.

How many sessions are required to achieve results?

Pressotherapy is a must full course, consisting of approximately 10-15 procedures. Sessions should alternate with breaks of 2 or even 3 days. And if a person needs a second course, then he will be appointed no earlier than six months later.

Do you know how effective the procedure called "pressotherapy" is (before and after photos can be seen in this article)? It turns out that one session in its effect is equal to 25 visits to a massage therapist. And by the way, in addition to their healing properties This procedure also has a relaxing effect.

Event held at home

Today, not a single elite fitness center or beauty salon can do without a pressotherapy apparatus. However, don't be too quick to assume that treatment session can only be done by specialists - this type of lymphatic drainage massage can be performed at home.

To carry out such a procedure, it is enough to purchase a special device that can be bought in specialized stores of medical equipment. Briefly about such devices will be discussed below.

Popular Equipment

We have already found out that there is not only salon lymphatic drainage, but also home pressotherapy. The devices that people began to purchase to perform these procedures have automatic programs, they work from the control panel. Therefore, after reading the instructions, anyone will be able to master such a unit. The most popular models of pressotherapy devices are:

  • Power-Q1000 Plus. This is a four-chamber lymphatic drainage system with a modern design, an improved hose attachment system and elevated level maximum pressure. This compact device weighs only 2 kg. The kit includes one pair of cuffs for legs, arms, waist, massage insoles, connecting hoses.
  • Installing Happy System. This unit is even smaller than the Power-Q1000 Plus. Its weight is 1.9 kg. The complete set of system is similar to the first. This device has 2 automatic and 9 individual modes.

Pressotherapy: reviews, photos of the event

People's opinions about this procedure are positive. Most ladies go to the salon at first for one reason - to get rid of cellulite on problem areas. Everyone achieves the result - there is not a trace left of the orange peel. True, it is worth going to the salon not for 1 or 2 days, but for a full course, then the effect will really come.

Also, a lot of reviews regarding the procedure are left on the forums by the fair sex, who like to go to the course. Naturally, after they spend at least half a day on 10-centimeter heels, their legs will start to hurt. For such girls, there is a way out - to come to medical Center for pressotherapy, which will help relieve fatigue from lower extremities and even get rid of varicose veins.

Also, those people who had problems with swelling noticed an amazing result after the sessions: the legs gained normal view, because thanks to the procedure, all the fluid from the body was quickly removed. True, you should still observe the correct water regime.

In addition to the fact that pressotherapy is an event that can effortlessly bring the body into excellent shape, it is also wonderful remedy relaxation. Indeed, many people leave reviews on this positive moment. Women, as well as men, note that even if they come to the procedure tired, in bad mood, after the end of the session, they leave full of strength and energy. And some patients even manage to fall asleep during such an event.

However, after reading positive reviews about this type of lymphatic drainage massage, you should not hurry to the salon and ask to sign you up for the procedure. To begin with, you should visit a doctor so that he allows you to go to such a session. After all, do not forget that there are contraindications to the procedure, they were discussed above. In order not to harm your health, do everything deliberately and correctly.


The price of this type of lymphatic drainage massage is actually not fixed. There are many factors that affect the cost of the procedure. For example, if pressotherapy of the abdomen is done, then the price is small, and if the session is also performed on the arms and legs, then the prices are completely different. Also, the cost is affected by the quality of the device itself and the suit, the level of the salon in which the procedure will be performed, the qualifications of the specialist, etc.

For example, pressotherapy in Moscow will cost an average of 1,500 rubles per session, but you need to complete a whole course (20 visits). You can calculate how much money you have to pay in this case - 30 thousand rubles. The result is worth it. Some people, having tried this type of lymphatic drainage massage and felt its amazing effect, purchase home appliances and do the procedure themselves to save money.

Now you know what pressure therapy is, how it is performed. Remember that before going to a beauty salon for this procedure, you need to visit a doctor who will decide on the need for such a relaxing event. Reviews about pressotherapy are positive, so those who are allowed this type of lymphatic drainage massage should feel all the delights of therapy.