You need to go to the gynecologist for the first time. A new page in adult life - first examination by a gynecologist

Youth is the most beautiful and exciting time. A little girl, who just yesterday was playing with dolls with her friends, turns into a girl, blushing embarrassedly at the sight of the boy she likes.

Changes occur throughout the body: a teenage angular figure acquires attractive female forms, internal organs, who have been dormant until now, are awakening and preparing to fulfill their destiny - to continue the race. Often, transformation gives not only positive emotions, but also self-doubt generated by the fear of the unknown, and the first visit to the gynecologist causes real horror.

Before visiting

As a rule, teenage girls are afraid of a female doctor until their knees tremble. This is all due to the presence of misconceptions, lack of knowledge, shyness inherent in age and the fear of seeming funny and awkward in an unusual situation. Inner fears can be minimized if properly prepared for the appointment.

A gynecologist is the same doctor as a dentist or therapist, and you need to treat him like a qualified specialist without gender and age. If the doctor in your area is a man and it is difficult to overcome embarrassment, you can always choose another specialist. At the initial appointment, the gynecologist will conduct a full external examination and ask several questions about the onset of menstruation, its duration and pain, as well as about sexual activity, if any. There is no need to blush or be embarrassed; the doctor is not asking out of idle curiosity. Truthful and clear answers will help him get full picture, make a diagnosis if there are any disorders, and, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment.

The first trip to the gynecologist implies not only moral readiness, but also preliminary hygiene procedures. So, the basic rules for preparing for an inspection:

Additionally, make a list of questions that interest you and ask them at the end of the examination; do not be afraid to ask the doctor again if something is not clear.

Time of first consultation visit

There is no consensus on this question. Some experts are inclined to believe that it is worth seeing a gynecologist after the establishment of regular periods (approximately 14-15 years), others are guided by the date of onset of sexual activity.

Most often, the first trip to the gynecologist coincides with a medical examination in high school. In any case, it is better not to delay visiting a female doctor, because most diseases of female reproductive system is asymptomatic. Unfounded fears and embarrassment in the present, due to which a visit to the gynecologist is postponed, can cause problems with childbearing in the future. Deadline first examination - immediately after the start of sexual activity.

Girls having regular intimate life, should visit a doctor in the following cases:

  • annual preventive examination with a regular sexual partner;
  • immediately after changing sexual partner;
  • for problems with menstruation(painful, long-term, short, irregular);
  • in the presence of atypical discharge.

The examination will help to identify not only the presence of infections, but also deviations in sexual development at the initial stage.

At the doctor's office

The first visit to the gynecologist causes a storm of emotions in girls: fear, embarrassment, shame. Let's figure out what exactly we are afraid of:

Now let's figure out how the visit itself will go. Initial appointment includes the following stages:

The appointment will take a maximum of 15 minutes, and the above information will help to avoid pathologies and disorders. Every woman has experienced this kind of anxiety, and this is completely normal.

Make an effort on yourself and overcome fear for the sake of your health and the health of your future children.

Most girls do not know how to prepare for an examination by a gynecologist and how often to visit him. I will try to cover this topic in detail.

Probably, many people are afraid of their first visit to the gynecologist. But you must understand that an examination by a gynecologist is just as necessary and mandatory for health as an examination by other doctors. And, if you prepare correctly for the visit, then everything will go without worry.

You should be prepared for the doctor to ask the following questions:

1. How long is your menstrual cycle?

2. How does the bleeding phase occur (volume of blood lost, or how many pads are needed per day)?

3. When did you get your first period?

4. Are you sexually active (if so, how do you protect yourself)?

5. Do you keep a menstrual calendar?

When should you go to the gynecologist for the first time?

Every girl's body develops differently. For some, the first menstruation begins at the age of 10, and for others at 15. These are all variants of the norm. Therefore, you need to focus only on yourself. As soon as your first period begins, you should be mentally prepared for the fact that you need to visit a gynecologist, but if something is bothering you, you can make an appointment at any age. You must remember that from the age of 15, the frequency of visiting a gynecologist is once a year as a preventive examination.

What should you take with you to your appointment with the gynecologist?

For inspection you will need:

  • a small clean towel or diaper (to place on the chair);
  • sterile gloves;
  • clean socks (this will be more aesthetically pleasing than your bare feet);
  • if you are sexually active, you can bring a disposable gynecological set(this set is sold at any pharmacy).

How to prepare for your first visit?

1. Before the examination, you must take a shower.

2. You shouldn’t wash yourself thoroughly, as the doctor needs to see your physiological secretions in normal daily condition.

3. It is advisable to carefully shave the hair in the pubic area and labia (but if you are afraid to do this, then it is better not to).

4. Before the examination, you need to go to the toilet to bladder and bowels were empty (a full bladder and bowel make examination difficult).

5. You shouldn't go to the doctor if you're menstruating because... bloody discharge the gynecologist will not be able to obtain the correct information.

How does the first examination by a gynecologist take place?

1. The gynecologist will begin the examination with the questions that I listed above.

3. You should relax, because if you are tense, then during the examination there may be discomfort.

4. If you are not sexually active, then the doctor can look at you through anus(the gynecologist will lubricate his finger with special oil and carefully insert it into the rectum, and with the other hand he will feel your stomach).

5. If you are already sexually active (don’t be shy to say so, because this is your choice and the doctor has no right to judge you), then the examination is carried out using a small gynecological speculum.

6. If after the examination a more complete and thorough examination is required, the gynecologist will definitely tell you about it.

7. After the examination on the chair or in front of it, the gynecologist examines your mammary glands (if the doctor forgot to do this, don’t be shy, remind about it).

What to do after the examination?

1. Slowly, carefully get up from the chair (after a sharp rise, you may feel dizzy).

2. Get dressed, come in and sit next to the doctor.

3. Don’t be afraid, don’t be shy, ask questions that interest you.

4. The gynecologist enters all the information received into your medical card.

5. The doctor will definitely tell you when to come next time.

As you can see, while visiting female doctor there is nothing scary or shameful. Don’t put off your first visit to the gynecologist, because your health is your future. Trusting relationship and sensitivity can dispel any fears!

During a conversation with a patient, the doctor listens to complaints and asks questions. It is better to formulate your complaints in advance, and also remember when last menstruation and how they proceed. It is important to provide your doctor with reliable information about the beginning of sexual activity, the number of sexual partners, and methods of contraception. If you have a history of pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages or childbirth, you must definitely say so. All this information helps the doctor see the full picture of your health and make the correct diagnosis.

After the conversation, the doctor invites you for an examination. External signs, such as the amount of hair on your body, skin features, etc. can already tell an attentive specialist a lot about you. In progress general examination he can draw conclusions, for example, about your hormonal background or chronic diseases.

The competence of a gynecologist also includes examining the mammary glands, which form part of the female reproductive system. Based on breast examination, a diagnosis of mastopathy can be made, possible reason infertility or suspect. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the gynecologist asks to show you your mammary glands.

Examination on a gynecological chair

The examination on the gynecological chair begins with a visual assessment of the external genitalia. The woman sits in a chair lying or reclining, moving her pelvis closer to the front edge, spreading her raised legs wide apart, bending them at the knees and placing her ankles on special stands. Before the examination, it is advisable to relax as much as possible to make it more comfortable for both you and the doctor.

The gynecologist examines the external genitalia for irritation, condylomas and other pathologies. He performs an intravaginal examination gynecological speculums allowing him to see the cervix and vaginal walls. The doctor inserts a sterile instrument (metal or disposable plastic) into the vagina and spreads its walls. This gives him the opportunity to make sure in good condition your internal genital organs or identify diseases.

A gynecologist can determine pregnancy by visual examination, because in the body even at early changes are happening. There is swelling of the labia and vagina due to hot flashes venous blood, the vagina is leveled back wall. The color of the mucous membrane also changes: it becomes purple-red or even bluish. The discharge is thicker and more stringy than usual.

After a visual examination, the doctor begins a bimanual examination. One hand is inserted into the vagina, and the other gynecologist feels the patient’s abdomen. In this way, the doctor also examines the appendages: determines the size of the uterus, which increases during pregnancy, notes the softened isthmus and the asymmetry of the appendages.

Feel free to go to see a gynecologist. Be healthy!

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Probably, almost every girl is afraid of her first visit to the gynecologist. The huge gynecological chair is scary, and it will be even more scary if the doctor turns out to be a man. Girls come up with many excuses to avoid visiting a gynecologist for as long as possible; they forget that he is a doctor like everyone else. If you properly prepare for a visit to the gynecologist, the visit will be absolutely not scary and painless.

When is it time to visit a gynecologist for the first time?

The time to visit a gynecologist comes at the age of 14-16 years, when you have not yet started sex life or immediately after it starts.
If something is bothering you, this is a reason to make an appointment. women's doctor. If sexual activity has not yet begun, an examination is carried out special method or a pediatric gynecologist who has experience dealing with virgins.

After this, the gynecologist should examine your mammary glands and make sure that there are no lumps in them.

The doctor will ask you to undress and position yourself in the gynecological examination room. He will insert a special speculum inside you to examine your cervix and take a smear for infection. At this time, you should lie on a chair in a relaxed state, placing your hands on.
When the doctor allows you to get dressed, he will need to make some notes on the card. Remember everything you forgot to tell so that it will be easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis.

At the end of the visit, the gynecologist will write you the necessary directions for additional examinations. He may also advise you to drink some medications. Follow and trust your doctor's instructions. You will soon realize that visiting a gynecologist is an ordinary thing and is not at all accompanied by painful sensations.

The first visit to the gynecologist is always stressful. But to be honest, even adult women often feel awkward at an appointment with a gynecologist. This is not surprising, and the reason for this is natural female shyness. And yet, in no case should you avoid gynecological examinations, so you will have to cope with shyness and the prejudice associated with it. If you know how an appointment with a gynecologist goes, then you understand that all unpleasant sensations are greatly exaggerated by the imagination, and nothing special happens in the gynecologist’s office.

But not at all young girls, for which examination by a specialist women's health still new, this information will be useful. Knowing how an appointment with a gynecologist goes, girls will not be afraid and overthink things. It’s the mother’s or older sister’s job to talk about how an examination by a gynecologist takes place. But in adolescence The authority of relatives is often not respected. The girls go to the Internet for information. And our article will help them find out how an appointment with a gynecologist goes, without unnecessary emotions and exaggeration.

Standard gynecological examination: what happens in the gynecologist's office
A gynecologist is a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system. Despite the fact that gynecology deals exclusively with health issues female body, a gynecologist is a doctor like any other. An examination by a gynecologist is also necessary, and should be treated in the same way as a doctor of any other specialization, an ENT specialist or a therapist. And you also need to visit the gynecologist regularly, and not only in case of alarming symptoms.

However, many women put off visiting a gynecologist for as long as possible. Oddly enough, they are stopped by reasons that have nothing to do with reality. Here are the main fears before visiting a gynecologist:
In other words, all the obstacles on the way to a gynecologist are in one way or another caused by ignorance of how an appointment with a gynecologist takes place. Lack of information prevents you from thinking sensibly, which, in turn, can turn out to be much more difficult. big troubles, if you do not consult a doctor on time.

How does an appointment with a gynecologist proceed?
The time you spend in your gynecologist's office depends on the purpose of your visit, the frequency of your visits, and your specific goals. But in general, the appointment takes from 15 to 30 minutes, during which the doctor has time to talk to you and conduct an examination. Thus, an appointment with a gynecologist takes place in two stages:
This is how an appointment with a gynecologist goes in most cases. Some doctors also examine the mammary glands and/or take additional tests– it depends on your complaints and the purpose of the visit. In most cases, you do not need any special preparation on your part for an appointment with a gynecologist. A calm morale, personal hygiene and a set of disposable instruments are enough if they are not included in the cost of the appointment. It is not necessary to remove groin hair. Schedule an appointment between periods and feel free to go to the gynecologist.

What is an appointment with a gynecologist like at 14 years old (in 9th grade)
How often to visit a gynecologist? This question worries girls and women of all ages. By general rule, after 18 years of age, you need to independently come to see a gynecologist twice a year, in as a last resort– at least once a year. But before this, the first appointment with a gynecologist often takes place: at the age of about 14-15 years, as part of the mandatory medical examination high school students. The first visit to the gynecologist makes girls very worried, even if they do not show it to their parents and classmates. To make it easier for your child to visit a doctor, tell us what it’s like to see a gynecologist for the first time:

  1. If there are no complaints and the body develops at the required pace without complications and deviations (which, if anything happens, must be reported to the doctor), teenage gynecologist may be limited to an interview and visual inspection, without the use of a gynecological chair and instruments.
  2. If an examination is carried out on a gynecological chair, then the condition of the internal genital organs is assessed by palpation through the rectum, and not through the vagina. This is how virgins are examined to preserve the integrity of the hymen, but to diagnose the condition of the appendages and uterus.
  3. A pediatric and adolescent gynecologist can take a smear, but only from the external genitalia, without inserting the instrument inside.
You don't have to wait scheduled inspection and visit pediatric gynecologist earlier: after the girl starts menstruating. This depends on the wishes of the parents, and the mother or other older relative has the right to be present during the examination so that the girl can feel calmer.

How is an appointment with a gynecologist during pregnancy?
Pregnant women visit a gynecologist often, but not every appointment is standard scheme. Often you just need to get a referral for tests and/or consultation. Even before the start of pregnancy, you need to come to an appointment with a gynecologist and tell him about your plans for conception. The doctor will conduct a standard examination, take swabs and do necessary tests. In the future, the course of pregnancy will pass under constant monitoring doctor - from confirming the fact of pregnancy to the very birth of the child and after it. Pregnancy management is a topic for a separate discussion, but you should know that timely appeal Seeing a competent gynecologist is the primary condition for your health and safety. Fear of visiting a gynecologist does not justify a careless attitude towards your body. Take care of yourself and be healthy!