My period doesn't start, maybe... Why do you not have periods regularly and what to do? Unstable menstrual cycle

It is difficult to give a clear answer as to whether menstruation may not start. Depending on what situation we are talking about, will it not start by some time? Not start after something? Not start at all? Let's consider different situations when girls, young women and women may not have periods, and what are the reasons for this deviation.

Can my period not come?

Let's start, as they say, from the beginning. Menstruation (menstruation) indicates the sexual development of a girl (who is already becoming a girl). Sexual development is a highly individual process that depends on various factors. Thus, the norm for girls to have their first period is between 11 and 15 years of age. The role of heredity is also important, that is, a girl’s period will most likely begin at about the same age as her mother, and this is what happens, for some earlier, for others later.

Is it possible to not start menstruating by this age? Yes they can. And if by the age of 16 there are no periods, a consultation with a gynecologist is required, since this is no longer considered the norm. It is necessary to undergo an examination (ultrasound, smears, tests) to identify specific causes of physical development disorders. This condition of delayed first menstruation is called primary amenorrhea.

My period is gone

Now let's look at another situation, namely, whether it is possible to not have periods after they have started. This condition is called secondary amenorrhea - absence of menstruation for 6 or more months.

This condition may be a physiological norm. For example, periods disappear with the onset of pregnancy. They are absent throughout the entire period of pregnancy - that’s how it should be. Many new mothers worry that they might not get their periods after giving birth. Yes, they can, but it's temporary. And the time depends on the duration of breastfeeding. You can read more about the connection between these physiological processes on our website in the article "".

There are other causes of secondary amenorrhea (lack of menstruation). In these cases, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Don't be alarmed, everything can be fixed if you take it in time (!). Women's health is a very delicate mechanism, take care of it.

Here are some of those reasons:

  1. following a diet with a loss of 10-15% or more of initial body weight (a common occurrence among girls obsessed with losing weight);
  2. intense physical activity (for female athletes, the first menstruation often comes later, and can also disappear due to excessive stress);
  3. diseases of the endocrine system (consultation with an endocrinologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist);
  4. organic disorders (congenital pathologies, for example, absence of the uterus; ovarian failure);
  5. dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  6. infectious diseases;
  7. hereditary factor (late onset of menstruation in the family).

And the logical conclusion. The onset of menopause is the cessation of ovarian function, resulting in a complete absence of menstruation. This is a natural process associated with age-related changes. It begins in all women at approximately 45-55 years of age. Menopause is considered when at least one year has passed since the last menstruation.

Any woman has faced such a problem when Periods don't start for a long time . Sometimes it even works to her advantage. This is due to some important events in her life when the presence of menstruation is undesirable. For example, a trip out of town or on vacation at sea and critical days disrupt all plans.

But a delay in menstruation, one way or another, causes great concern. Women wonder Why menstruation does not occur and is everything okay with their body. The first thing suspicion falls on is the presence of pregnancy. And now you have the treasured rapid test in your hands, bought at the pharmacy. In 5 minutes everything will become clear. But the test does not always show two bands. Sometimes the result Why - it can be negative. This serves as evidence of some kind of disorder in the woman’s body.

There is no need to panic right away. Sometimes it's a simple calculation error. Therefore, many gynecologists recommend keeping a special menstrual calendar, which records all the start and end dates of menstruation, because memory sometimes fails a woman.

Before starting a conversation, p why not menstruation beginsover any period, you need to clearly imagine the picture of the cycle as a whole. Knowing all the nuances of a woman’s physiology, a lot can be explained. At the same time, the leading role in this process is given to the functioning of the central nervous system.

The pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce the necessary hormones and are responsible for the course of the cycle. If the work of one of the glands is disrupted, then the work of the second also fails. Hormones have a direct effect on the formation of the egg and the general condition of the uterus.

In the first half of the cycle, the ovary prepares for ovulation. The body actively produces the hormone estrogen, under the influence of which the development of the egg occurs. The mucous wall of the uterus becomes thicker, and the inner layer also increases.

After ovulation, the egg is released from its capsule, which marks the second phase of the cycle.

In the second half, the follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. If pregnancy does not occur, then the function of the corpus luteum fades and the process of rejection of the inner layer of the uterus begins, which is marked by the beginning of menstruation.

It should be noted that delays occur even with absolutely healthy functioning of the body and should not cause any particular concern. But it still doesn’t hurt to get checked.

After a thorough examination, the doctor will be able to determine why don't my periods start? and, if necessary, prescribe drug therapy.

Reasons for delay

It should be noted that there are plenty of reasons for this phenomenon.

Here are some of them that explain Why menstruation does not occur:

  • Functional disorders of the nervous system of women caused by various stressful situations. If the delay is explained by this factor, then you should notify your doctor.
  • The next factor is chronic fatigue syndrome. It is important here to establish Why the body has malfunctioned, and establish the correct regime and stop reacting too negatively to all life’s troubles. If you can’t do this, then you can contact a neurologist who will prescribe you sedatives and conduct psychotherapy sessions. All this will help cope with problems in the emotional sphere.
  • Another reason for the delay is climate change. This is one of the reasons, Why women don't get any period at the right time. If a woman is subject to frequent travel or has been on vacation, where her body has undergone an acclimatization process, then her body simply does not have time to adapt to the changed environmental conditions. This factor results in the absence of menstruation.
  • Taking medications can also aggravate the situation of cycle regularity. For example, diuretics, drugs against ulcers, drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis provoke a delay. If you take drugs of this kind for a long time, be sure to inform your doctor about this.
  • The reason for the delay may lie in use of emergency contraception. This cause accounts for 10% of total cases. For example, a remedy such as “” negatively affects the regularity of the cycle. Involvement in this kind of contraception is undesirable, as the effect on your health can be very detrimental.
  • Diseases of internal organs negatively affects the cycle. If a woman has any chronic diseases in her body, then she may have problems with the menstrual cycle. Menstruation can be affected by diseases such as endometriosis, inflammation of the ovaries, ovarian dysfunction, and damage to the uterine appendages.
  • Plays a huge role woman's weight.
  • Physical overexertion of a woman. Of course, this does not mean playing sports, but debilitating stress on the body does not pass without leaving a mark on a woman’s body. Playing sports at a professional level can also provoke a delay.

Most women are inattentive to their health. They don’t turn to a gynecologist, and this is fraught with irreparable consequences for the entire body as a whole. If not installed in time, why menstruation do not improve, then this condition can take the form of a chronic course.

It is imperative to determine Why menstruation is delayed.

Menstruation does not come on time, what to do, how to normalize the cycle? Cycle disturbances as a variant of the norm can be considered in the first two years after menarche in girls, during the lactation period and before the onset of menopause. But the rest of the time, you need to find out what the problem is because with an irregular cycle it can be very difficult to get pregnant, and it is also a symptom of various diseases, and not only of a gynecological nature. This could be a disease of the thyroid gland, ovaries, the formation of prolactinoma in the brain (a benign tumor that provokes the formation of large amounts of prolactin), etc.

But women are usually interested in more specific questions, such as why their periods don’t come if the test is negative and their stomach hurts. If the pain in the uterus is very similar to what happens during menstruation, this means you just need to wait a little. They should start within a week. If this does not happen, it may make sense to repeat the test, and if you are especially anxious, take a blood test for hCG. This way you can definitely exclude pregnancy.

A delay in menstruation with a negative pregnancy test, if it lasts more than 2 weeks, is a reason to start taking progesterone. Your doctor may recommend a choice of intramuscular injections or oral tablets. The second option will cost more.

Many women are worried that their periods do not come after duphaston, the same progesterone drug. This is normal, menstruation may not begin on the first or second day after stopping the drug, but later. If, after starting to take the drug, it turns out that the woman is pregnant, this is not a problem. However, in this case it will not be possible to abruptly discontinue the drug, as this will provoke a risk of miscarriage.
If there have been no periods for 2 months or more, the woman is not in a position; you should not wait beyond the critical days. You need to start taking the above drug.

It happens that instead of critical days, the so-called daub begins. It may be a variant of the norm if it precedes the onset of “normal” menstruation by 1-2 days, but no more. Otherwise, the doctor may question the diagnosis of endometriosis. And sometimes this happens with a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, or even less often with an intrauterine pregnancy. When your period does not come and brown discharge occurs, this may be a symptom. Moreover, the test may show a negative or weakly positive result, since the level of hCG is low. In this case, it would be useful to take a blood test for hCG and undergo an ultrasound.
You need to pay special attention to this situation if there is pain in the area of ​​the uterus, ovaries, there is an unpleasant odor from the genitals, the temperature has risen - these are symptoms of an inflammatory process, and in the case of an ectopic pregnancy - a great threat to the woman’s health due to rupture of the fallopian tube , where the fertilized egg most often begins to develop in this case.

Menstruation is not the most pleasant period in a woman’s life. It involves rest, lack of physical activity, avoiding alcohol and taking a warm bath. And often these days fall at the most inopportune moment - on holidays, during the only week when you are on vacation at the seaside, or before going to the sauna with your girlfriends. What can I do to get my period started prematurely?

And what to do if your period doesn’t come, and now is the time for it? Unless, of course, we rule out pregnancy. And excluding it is very important, since without this, all methods of inducing menstruation can lead to irreversible infertility and fatal bleeding.

Nowadays, it is possible to stimulate the process of menstrual flow using both folk remedies and modern medicines. There are a lot of them. But remember that the body is a well-oiled mechanism that knows when and what processes it should run, so violence can harm it.

You can use the following remedies only if you are absolutely sure that you are not pregnant. Under no circumstances should they be used to terminate an already completed pregnancy! Otherwise, irreparable harm will be caused to your health!


Contraceptives in tablets

If you've been taking birth control pills for a long time, you probably know how it works. The tablets in the package are placed in the form of a calendar, thanks to which you can track your menstrual cycle.

In order to induce menstruation, you just need to stop taking the drug a few days before the desired period. But keep in mind that regulating your periods by changing your contraceptive regimen can lead to side effects, including:

  • Skin diseases;
  • Weight violation;
  • Pressure surges;
  • Infertility.

The drug "Postinor"

Postinor is a long-known reliable, but far from the safest way to induce menstruation. It is used as a means of medical abortion - one tablet will cause menstruation within 24 hours.


Injecting this hormone once every three days can induce periods.


This drug will also induce menstruation within a few days if you take 1 tablet per day for 5 days.


This drug gives the fastest effect. It is available in granules. They must be placed under the tongue and completely dissolved.
Experts warn women against frequent use of such hormonal drugs, since, firstly, they cause addiction to the body, and secondly, they can cause serious problems.


Vitamin preparations in large doses can provoke the premature arrival of menstruation. For example, if you take ten tablets of vitamin C and also steam your legs, your period will be triggered prematurely and if it is delayed. But be careful, because even such a safe vitamin can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach and intestines and not give the desired effect.

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, women have learned to restore the broken cycle with the help of special “female” herbs and plants. As a rule, these are plants containing phytohormones.

In many cases, with their proper use, it is possible to restore the regularity of menstruation.

  1. Bay leaves - 3 pieces - pour a glass of boiling water and leave. Drink three glasses a day, but no more.
  2. Brew a bunch of parsley in a glass of boiling water and leave. Take half a glass twice a day for several days.
  3. Oregano decoction, brewed instead of tea, can also trigger menstruation.
  4. Above we described the method with vitamin C tablets. It can be replaced with two lemons.
  5. A hot bath with salt and iodine can speed up your period. Contraindication: problems with the cardiovascular system.

Puberty begins in adolescence. The first two years the menstrual cycle in girls is irregular, but then it stabilizes. The regularity of menstruation depends on many factors. Pregnancy is the main reason why menstruation does not come. But other options are also possible, so if there are frequent delays, the help of a specialist is mandatory.

Normally, the cycle length is twenty-eight days, but it can be more or less. A more significant factor is regularity. At the beginning of the cycle, the body prepares for ovulation and maturation of the egg, intensively produces progesterone - it is needed for fertilization.

Successful conception is the main reason why periods do not come. This phenomenon is considered normal and persists until childbirth or completion of lactation. If the egg is not fertilized, the amount of the hormone gradually decreases, and the endometrium of the uterus comes out in the form of menstrual bleeding. If there is no pregnancy, a doctor will help determine the reason why menstruation does not occur.

If there are no periods more than five days after the usual date, we can talk about. When such violations happen up to twice a year, there is no reason to worry. But if they are observed constantly, you should go to the doctor and ask why your periods do not come on time. This condition is called amenorrhea, and it can be caused by various factors.

  • Pregnancy

The most common reason for delayed menstrual bleeding is pregnancy. After conception, dramatic changes occur in the body, due to which menstrual bleeding does not begin. Before this, the first symptoms of pregnancy may appear, which every woman can notice. You can do a test - it reacts to the amount of the hCG hormone that is present in the urine.

  • Gynecological diseases

If your period does not come, and only one line appears on the test, the question arises - what does this mean. One of the reasons is various diseases that affect the reproductive organs. Cycle disturbances can be caused by:

  • adnexitis;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • myoma;
  • cysts;
  • endometriosis;
  • diseases of the cervix.

One of the reasons why menstruation does not come is cysts on the ovaries and polycystic disease. In this case, the hormonal balance is disrupted, and neoplasm cells stimulate the synthesis of progesterone. It prevents the endometrium of the uterus from being shed, and menstruation does not begin. Additionally, symptoms such as abdominal pain and various discharge between periods may be noted.

  • The beginning of menopause

The menopausal period begins after forty years and is characterized by a gradual decline in reproductive function. At this time, the hormonal levels change, causing the cycle to be disrupted. Then the menstrual flow ends completely. This process is associated with a decrease in the amount of progesterone and other hormones.

When symptoms of menopause appear, it is not advisable to immediately eliminate contraception. Before your period disappears completely, your cycle may be irregular for a while. Sometimes after a month or two, periods resume. Unprotected sex during this period can lead to pregnancy.

  • Other reasons

One of the reasons why menstruation does not come for a long time is various pathologies:

  • pancreatic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • endocrine disorders, etc.

Delay often occurs in girls who follow a diet. With a sharp weight loss, the body lacks nutrients. Excess body weight also affects the menstrual cycle - it causes hormonal imbalance and increased production of estrogen, as a result of which the duration of the cycle increases.

Frequent climate change is another option why menstruation does not come for 2 months. Cycle disturbances provoke increased stress - playing sports, lifting weights. They negatively affect the female body.

  • Girls' periods

The average age of onset is twelve to thirteen years. Many people ask why they don’t get their periods at 14 years old. There is nothing wrong with this; the age of sixteen is considered critical. It is important to consider when puberty began. It is manifested by such signs as the growth of mammary glands and hair in the armpits and pubic area. If at the age of fourteen your breasts are not growing, you need to go to a gynecologist. As a rule, the first menstruation occurs three years after the mammary glands begin to enlarge. Therefore, if at the age of fourteen there are no periods, and breasts begin to grow at the age of twelve, this is quite normal.

If your period does not come on time, and this happens all the time, there is no particular danger. But it is necessary to establish the reasons that provoke such a phenomenon.

A delay may indicate the presence of serious diseases that can cause negative consequences.

In addition, a regular cycle allows you to plan your life and detect pregnancy earlier. There can be many reasons why menstruation is absent. It is impossible to identify them on your own. It is better to go to the doctor so that he can conduct a comprehensive examination and prescribe effective treatment.

What to do if you don't get your period

If your period is delayed, you should do the following:

  1. To rule out pregnancy - for this you can do a test or appropriate tests.
  2. If the result is negative, the cause of the problems may be stressful situations and other negative factors.
  3. If you haven’t had your period for a month or more, a visit to the doctor is mandatory - only a specialist can solve the problem.

Treatment of amenorrhea is always complex and involves taking hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs, therapy for concomitant diseases, and physiotherapeutic procedures. In some cases, surgical intervention is performed.


In order not to wonder what to do if your period does not come, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle and give up all bad habits.
  2. Avoid increased loads.
  3. Adjust your diet: it should be balanced and contain many nutrients.
  4. Take medications only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  5. Go to the gynecologist twice a year for a preventive examination.

It is important to understand that a regular menstrual cycle is the key to women's health.

If your period doesn't come, you need to think about what to do. Delayed treatment or its absence can lead to dangerous consequences - from ectopic pregnancy to infertility.