Is it possible to bathe a dog during heat and after giving birth? This and more is detailed and accessible. Interesting materials Signs of imminent heat in dogs

Estrus, also known as estrus, is the reproductive stage that unspayed females go through. During this stage, their eggs mature, making them fertile and capable of giving birth to puppies. During this period, the dog may experience various behavioral and physical changes due to hormonal changes in the body. These changes will allow you to figure out whether your dog is in heat or not.


The concept of estrus in dogs

    Understanding the basics of your dog's reproductive cycle. When you're wondering if your bitch is in heat, the first clue is her normal hormonal cycle. When a female dog reaches maturity and is physically ready to breed, her estrogen levels increase and her ovaries begin to release eggs. If mating occurs during this period, the eggs can be fertilized and embryos can be conceived.

    • Females, or females, typically go into heat during puberty, around 6 to 24 months of age, depending on the breed. Small breeds usually go into heat earlier than larger breeds.
  1. You need to know when to check for signs of heat. Depending on the breed, the female dog comes into heat twice a year with an average interval of six months between each.

    • This will help you determine if there is a chance that she is in heat. For example, if she was in heat a month ago, then it is unlikely that it will happen again so soon and something may be wrong.
    • Although most dogs go into heat twice a year, that is, every six months, as with any hormonal phenomenon, some dogs experience it more regularly than others. Some of them come into heat regularly, like clockwork every six hours, while for others it varies wildly. A period of 4 to 8 months is considered normal.
    • Estrus usually lasts three to four weeks.
  2. Understand the signs of heat. The heat itself follows a pattern, with vulvar swelling and spotting during the first week. However, nature can deceive you, since around day 7-14 the discharge may stop or become weaker. This can mislead the unwary owner into thinking that the period has ended and the bitch is no longer at risk of becoming pregnant. However, nothing could be further from the truth. This middle week is actually when ovulation occurs and your risk of getting pregnant peaks.

    • Also, this is the week when she is most interested in finding a friend, and you must not let your guard down, and if you do not want her to have puppies, then you must increase security measures.
    • Around the 14th - 21st day of estrus, spotting returns, but gradually weakens and completely disappears. However, for another couple of weeks the vulva often remains larger than usual (although she can't get pregnant now that she's no longer in heat).

Notice physical and behavioral changes in your dog during heat.

  1. Note the swelling of the vulva. A dog's vulva is located directly below the anus. Before the bitch goes into heat, her vulva will begin to swell a little. At the height of heat, the vulva will increase to three times its normal size and take on a reddish tint.

    Pay attention to vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding is a sign that your dog will soon go into heat. When your dog is in heat, the amount of discharge will decrease slightly and the blood will take on a brownish tint.

    • If the bitch thoroughly cleans and licks the discharge, it will be difficult to tell if there is discharge. A helpful tip is to cover her bed with a white sheet or pillowcase. This way you will see blood stains on the white while she is sleeping.
    • If you plan to breed puppies, write down the day the bleeding started. Mating will occur most successfully on the 10th or 11th day from the start of bleeding and on each of the three days following it.
  2. Pay attention if your dog is constantly licking himself. Another sign that your dog is about to go into heat, or has just started, is if she constantly licks her vagina. Although some females do not do this, most dogs will exhibit this behavior right around the start of their heat cycle.

    Pay attention if the dog begins to behave strangely. Bitches that are in the early stages of estrus, as a rule, do not behave as usual. In particular, bitches who are about to go into heat can be nervous, restless and easily irritated.

    • Some bitches bark a lot and become more aggressive towards people and dogs around them.
  3. Pay attention to the escalation of mating behavior. If your dog starts jumping on male dogs or other female dogs, it is more likely that she is in heat. Jumping on dogs is a common sign that a female dog is in heat. She can even jump on your feet.

    • However, dogs can jump on their feet or on each other for other behavioral reasons, such as masturbation, dominance, or, surprisingly, submissive behavior, so this does not necessarily mean that the female dog is in heat.
  4. Watch for changes in the position of your dog's tail. When a dog goes into heat, she curls her tail to the side to facilitate mating. This action is called "flagging" and is very common in female dogs in heat.

    • You can trigger this behavior by vigorously scratching her soft spot. If her back legs stiffen and her tail swings to the side, she is flagging.
    • Never insert anything into a dog's vulva or vagina to test whether he is ready. You may unintentionally cause pain to the tender, inflamed tissue and cause enormous stress to your dog.

Note the behavior of male dogs

  1. Be aware that some bitches are “silent hunters,” meaning they show no visible signs of being in heat. They secrete reproductive hormones but do not show the usual external signs such as vulvar swelling.

    • The only way to detect heat in these dogs is to observe the interaction between the males and the female in question. Males will detect even low levels of female sex hormones, which will cause their increased interest and attention.
    • Keep in mind that some female dogs "skip" their heat. If they are not feeling well or their health is poor, or they have lost weight recently, the body can conserve energy and the heat will not start at the expected time. This is a natural way of letting the body know that it needs all its reserves for the most important things, and is not in a state of full bloom when it could take care of the offspring.
  2. Pay attention to the level of aggressiveness in male dogs. If you have a pair of male dogs, as well as a female dog who you think may be in heat, pay attention to how aggressive the male dogs are towards each other. When there is more than one male near the bitch, they begin to behave aggressively towards each other, trying to prove which of them is dominant and should mate with the bitch.

  3. Notice increased vocal communication and restlessness. If you have a male dog and a female dog in heat, notice how the male dog reacts to being separated from the female dog. If he seems more restless than usual and whines frequently, then it is most likely that he is expressing his displeasure at not being allowed to be around his bitch. This is a sure sign that the bitch is in heat.

    • This is not guaranteed though and you need to interpret this in the context of the physical changes in the bitch and the normal behavior of a male dog isolated from his mate. Some dogs experience anxiety when they are isolated from close friends, and it can be difficult to distinguish this from sexual frustration.
  4. Observe the interaction between male and female. If you allow your dogs to run freely together all the time, then watch what happens when the male approaches the female. If the bitch allows him to lick and sniff her vagina for a long time, then it is most likely that she is in heat. In particular, if she allows herself to be jumped on, this is a sign that she is in heat.

    • However, if she allows another dog to jump on her, this could also be a sign of submissive behavior, so again, you need to interpret the big picture and ask questions such as if it's time to heat and how she usually behaves around dogs . Don't forget, butt sniffing is something dogs love to do often, at best just to find out who's who!
    • If your dog and bitch don't usually interact, keep the dog on a leash when you bring him close to the bitch. One or both dogs may become aggressive if they are not familiar with each other.

Heat check by a veterinarian

  1. To determine if your dog is in heat, your veterinarian will do a blood test. A test is used to determine the level of progesterone in the blood, which increases during estrus. This is done by simply taking a blood sample from the bitch and sending it to the laboratory. A low level will indicate that there is no period, a medium level indicates that the dog is in heat, and a high level will indicate pregnancy.

    • An alternative is the analysis used in research institutions. It measures the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the blood, which rises before ovulation. However, such a test is not available for commercial use.
  2. Have your veterinarian do a vaginal cytology test. It's quick and easy. The veterinarian runs a clean cotton swab over the moist mucous membrane of the vulva and then over a microscope slide. Once the smear is dry, it is stained and examined under a microscope.

    • A typical picture in females in heat will be large cells plus red blood cells, which is typical during the heat period. This, along with physical signs, is enough to determine the bitch is in heat.
  3. Ask yourself if the visible symptoms are signs of heat or if they suggest a health problem. This means that it is important to use common sense when wondering whether a bitch is in heat. If in doubt, take her to the vet for a checkup.

    • Is it time for the bitch to come into heat? If so, then estrus is more likely than a health problem.
    • Have you been in heat recently? If so, then it is less likely that it has come again, and there may be health problems.
    • Is she in good spirits, eating and drinking as usual, and generally active? If so, heat is more likely.
    • Does she feel unwell, have a decreased appetite, feel thirsty more than usual, or feel nauseous? If so, there is likely a medical problem that requires immediate veterinary attention.
  4. If you shouldn't be in heat, but similar symptoms are present, have your veterinarian examine your dog. There is a disease, pyometra, that affects older bitches, the symptoms of which to the untrained eye may coincide with signs of estrus. Common symptoms include a swollen vulva, with or without vaginal discharge. Pyometra refers to a uterine infection. In severe cases, the uterus fills with pus and toxins released by bacteria are absorbed into the bloodstream and poison the dog.

    • If a female dog that has been in heat (4 to 8 weeks ago) has discharge, seek veterinary attention as this is the peak risk period for developing pyometra.
    • In the early stages, the dog may become more thirsty and lack appetite. As the disease progresses, the toxins cause kidney damage and can be fatal if left untreated.
    • Each time a woman goes into heat, she slightly weakens the lining of the uterus and makes her more vulnerable to pyometra. This disease is more likely to affect older female dogs (the more times she has been in heat, the more likely it is to happen), and no breed is exempt from being at risk.

Estrus is one of the stages of a dog’s reproductive cycle, which indicates the female’s readiness to procreate. Another name for estrus is estrus. Experts note that during this period, psychological and physiological changes occur in the animal’s body, which should be taken into account by future owners.

How is estrus going?

If the breeder has a good understanding of the basic physiological aspects of the process, then no special problems arise. If the owner has no idea what is happening in the dog’s body, then there is a high risk of unwanted problems. For breeding bitches intended for breeding, this can cause subsequent culling. That is why it is important to understand how estrus occurs and what dangers await your pet during this period.

Estrus phases

The entire period of the cycle can be divided into four phases. Each of them has its own physiological nuances and behavioral signs.

1. Proestrus. This phase is also called the precursor phase. Duration varies from 7 to 10 days. At this stage, the dog shows the first signs of impending estrus. The blood supply to the external genital organs increases, they increase in size and “swell”. A few days later the first spotting appears. For the most comfortable keeping in the house, you should purchase special underpants for your dog, which will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises on the floor and interior items.

The pet's behavior also undergoes significant changes. The animal becomes less controllable, actively marks its territory, and shows interest in male dogs. She's flirting, but not ready for mating yet. When trying to mate, it shows aggression, moves to the side or sits on the ground.

2. Estrus. The second name of the phase is rut. The period of sexual hunting itself. During the first 2-3 days after the onset of estrus, ovulation occurs. Several eggs are released from the ovaries, ready for fertilization. This phase occurs on average after 11 days after the onset of bleeding. The owner should remember that the dog allows male dogs in for several days, and not just at the time of ovulation. Consequently, the risk of unwanted pregnancy from outbred males persists for quite a long time.

A classic sign demonstrating the female’s readiness for mating is the complete absence of discharge, as well as a change in bloody color to transparent or light pink. A heavily swollen loop is also a characteristic sign that the dog is ready to mate. When trying to stroke the base of the tail, the female moves it to the side, raises her pelvis and freezes in this position.

3. Metaestrus. Its duration is about 60-100 days. The discharge has stopped and the size of the vulva is gradually decreasing. The female shows aggression towards males who show interest in her. The attenuation of sexual activity gradually appears.

During this same phase, the animal experiences an increased amount of progesterone. The result is often .

4. Anestrus. This name is given to the period between two heats. Its duration is from 4 to 8 months. The duration of the period varies depending on the breed, size and age of the pet, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism.
Different cycle lengths can be observed even in one individual and this depends on its physiological and psychological state, as well as a number of other factors.

How many days does heat last?

The total duration of estrus varies within the range 3 to 4 weeks. But veterinarians remind us that this indicator is very conditional and can undergo changes even in one animal at different stages of life.

Signs and symptoms of estrus

For an experienced breeder, the first heat will never come as a surprise. But what if this is your first dog or until now you have only kept males? Veterinarians remind that there are a number of signs that will help an observant owner recognize an approaching heat and prepare for its onset.

The most characteristic signs indicating a dog’s puberty include:

  • Swelling of the genital loop. At first it is slightly noticeable, but after a few days the swelling increases;
  • Frequent urination;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge in the urine;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge;
  • Behavior change. The animal becomes aggressive towards other females and becomes nervous;
  • There may be a change in appetite. The dog may completely refuse food or begin to absorb it in larger quantities than usual;
  • Flirts with male dogs;
  • At the moment of touching the pelvic area, the dog freezes and moves its tail to the side;

Another sign of estrus is molting. It can cause additional troubles to the owner, in addition to the classic discharge during this period.

It is important to understand that during the first heat the signs may not be clearly expressed and it is quite easy to miss the start of the cycle. Males, at the same time, may not pay attention to the female. Or they may show increased attention to her. This is due to the hormonal background of the animal and it is practically impossible to predict the development of events.

How does a dog's behavior change during heat?

During the period of estrus, the mood and behavior of the dog undergoes significant changes. The animal becomes less controllable. There may be difficulties with behavior during walks. A previously perfectly trained dog may refuse to follow basic commands, show dissatisfaction at the end of a walk, react aggressively to other bitches and show increased attention to males of any breed.

A negative reaction to individuals of the same sex continues throughout the entire period of sexual hunting. But the female begins to let males in from the second phase. That is why dog ​​handlers and experienced breeders strive to teach a dog to wear special underpants and prefer to walk the animal only on a leash. This allows you to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy, as well as maintain control over your pet’s behavior.

Limiting your dog's walks in crowded places will help avoid the consequences of inappropriate behavior and reduce the risk of unpleasant situations.

How often does heat occur?

There is no clear answer to this question. Some individuals show signs of sexual heat every 6 months, while others remain inert to the process of procreation for a longer period of time.

That is why breeders should take into account that estrus may occur both 1 time and 3 times a year. But the classic version of the bitch’s physiology involves the occurrence of empty spots twice a year.

Dog's first heat

This indicator can vary in the range from 6 months to 1 year. It is extremely rare for large breeds to experience their first estrus at closer to two years of age.

If, after 36 months from the birth of the animal, the bitch’s first heat does not occur, then it is necessary to undergo an examination by a veterinarian. This state of affairs indicates the presence of a serious pathology. Long-term medication or surgery may be required.

Timing of the onset of the first estrus in dogs of different breeds

As a rule, females of miniature breeds enter puberty much earlier than their larger female friends.

So, in French lap dogs and Italian greyhounds, the first estrus occurs at the age of 5-6 months.

For animals of medium breeds, this period shifts to 7-9 months. Bitches belonging to large breeds (,) enter puberty closer to one year.

And representatives of giant breeds (St. Bernards, Great Danes) mature after a year and their first heat appears much later than in other females.

Problems during heat

One of the most common problems faced by dog ​​owners is frequent urination immediately before the start of the emptying session. If the animal is not used to limiting itself, then it is recommended to increase the frequency of walks or transfer the pet to an enclosure where it will be alone.

The use of special panties and constant monitoring allows you to avoid unwanted pregnancy. If the dog stops obeying the owner and tries to escape during the walk, then the optimal solution would be to walk the animal on a leash during the off-leash period.

Some bitches may experience changes in the frequency of estrus, its intensity, or the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge. You should not try to figure out the problem yourself. You should seek help from a specialist who will identify the cause of this dog’s condition. It will also help correct the estrus cycle.

Undesirable consequences of estrus

Subsequent complications include the mating of a small female with a large male, which will lead to the formation of large fruits. In this case, independent delivery is difficult. And if the breeder missed the moment of mating, then the supervision of a veterinarian is necessary in order to monitor the condition of the bitch.

There is also a danger of unwanted pregnancy from outbred males in females intended for breeding. If this becomes known, the pet will forever lose the right to participate in improving the line and maintaining the purity of the breed.

Unwanted pregnancy

If the breeder suspects that the bitch has been bred, then the only reasonable solution would be to visit a veterinarian. The specialist examines the dog and, based on its physiological state, selects a drug to terminate the pregnancy.

It should be understood that such a decision will not be easy and may cause certain health problems for the bitch in the future. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of medications that can be used both on the first day after mating and a few days later.

Abortion could be a radical solution. In this case, the dog is no longer suitable for breeding because its uterus has been completely removed. In any case, the decision should be made only after consultation with a veterinarian. The specialist will talk about possible complications and adverse consequences of any choice of the breeder.

False pupishness.

If the bitch has not been bred, then after a short time she may show signs of pregnancy. This condition is called “false pregnancy” and is associated with an increased level of progesterone in the animal’s body.

It is extremely rare for a dog to cope with the problem on its own and its hormonal levels gradually return to normal. In most cases, the help of a veterinarian is necessary, who selects a course of medications to normalize hormonal levels and stabilize the psychological state of the pet.

How to discourage male dogs during heat

It is not possible to completely discourage male dogs during the period of heat. But manufacturers offer a whole range of high-quality and effective sprays that will help partially eliminate the odor and reduce the number of males attracted.

The following products are available on the domestic market:

  • Spray from the BioVax company “Flirt? No!";
  • “True Friend” - eliminates oestrus odor;
  • Manufacturer Le Artis offers touch-me-not spray;
  • From the domestic manufacturer Himol, you can find the drug “Antikobelin” on store shelves.

It’s worth noting right away that it will not be possible to completely remove the smell of a bitch and males will still pursue her when free-walking. But the aroma that attracts them will become significantly less and the likelihood of attracting animals from more distant territories will be much lower.

How to keep a bitch and a dog in the same room when the bitch is in heat

Safely keeping a dog and a bitch in the same room during the emptying period is a difficult and troublesome task. For a bitch, you need to stock up on a large number of special panties that are securely fixed on her body and prevent unscheduled mating. The use of sprays can reduce the intensity of the odor and partially alleviate the condition of the dog.

Manufacturers of veterinary drugs also offer sedatives that will help the pet survive the most dangerous period of emptying. How safe are these medications? Of course, they are not beneficial for the dog’s health. Should I use sedatives on my dog ​​if the bitch is in heat? The answer to this question must be decided by the animal owner himself.

One of the most effective and efficient methods is to separate dogs during estrus. It is necessary to place the animals in different rooms to minimize the risk of unwanted mating. Also, some breeders practice "vacation". During the period of heat, the male is simply sent to close friends or relatives.

The correct behavior of the owner during the dog’s heat period is the key to its health and well-being in its subsequent life. Veterinarians remind that if the breeder does not currently plan to obtain offspring from the dog, then it should not be bred.

Each one carries a huge risk of getting an unwanted pregnancy. Before estrus, your veterinarian may prescribe a course of medications that prevent ovulation.
After the end of estrus, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the animal. After 2 months, signs of a false pregnancy may appear. In this case, you will need to consult a specialist and possibly prescribe medications.

If the owner does not plan to breed a bitch, then a good solution would be one that will immediately solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy.

Estrus in dogs (or estrus) is a natural process that indicates that the female has reached puberty and is completely ready to mate and bear puppies. When does a dog go into heat? The first heat usually appears at 6-12 months, sometimes up to 2 years. If at 2 years old the dog has not yet passed its first heat, most likely there is some kind of anomaly, and consultation with a veterinarian is necessary. Frequency - 1-2 times a year. If estrus occurs more frequently, there is a risk of hormonal imbalances.

In answers to the question of how long estrus lasts in dogs, there are usually no strong discrepancies: most often about 3 weeks, in some cases up to a month. How estrus occurs in dogs mainly depends on the breed of the animal, but here everything can be individual. The owner just needs to take a close look at his pet in order to understand its characteristics and make the estrus period as easy as possible for both the dog and himself.

Determining the onset of heat in a dog is usually not difficult. Symptoms of the onset of estrus in dogs - the animal begins to urinate more often than usual, bloody discharge appears, behavior changes, and interest in the female on the part of males increases. Many bitches begin to shed before going into heat.

A dog's first heat is a very important stage in its life. It most often goes away after changing teeth, but it is still impossible to predict the exact time. Estrus in small breed dogs generally begins at 6-10 months, and its signs are very noticeable. The timing of the first heat in dogs of medium and large breeds varies widely - from 6 to 13 months, and sometimes within the same breed. It happens that the first heat is inactive: the discharge of blood is small and the males practically do not pay attention to the bitch. But you shouldn’t let your guard down: in any case, this is a full-fledged heat.

If the owner intends to breed a dog in the future, then it is necessary to accurately track the time of the start of the first and subsequent heats: mating usually begins on the third cycle.

The dog's reproductive cycle consists of 4 cycles:

  • First cycle. Proestrus, or pre-gesture, lasts approximately 7-10 days. At this stage, the first signs of the dog's heat appear - blood flow to the genitals increases, the vulva swells, and the first bloody discharge appears. Ovulation has not yet occurred these days, so the bitch is not ready for mating. But the dog’s behavior changes noticeably during heat - it is very excitable, sometimes playful, sometimes disobedient. During walks, he actively explores the territory, constantly making marks with urine. She constantly flirts with male dogs, who are already beginning to pay attention to her, but when trying to mate, she jumps back and growls.
  • Second cycle. Estrus, or rut, is direct sexual hunting. During this period, ovulation occurs (in the first two days from the beginning of the cycle), but the female can allow male dogs to approach her for mating for several days. Discharge at this time may be different for different breeds of dogs, but in normal heat, readiness for mating occurs when the discharge becomes light pink or stops completely, and the vulva swells greatly. During the period of estrus, the bitch begins to allow male dogs to approach her: she raises her pelvis, tightens the loop, moves her tail for convenience and freezes.
  • Third cycle. Metaestrus lasts for several days. This is the period when dogs go into heat. The reddish discharge disappears, the loop decreases in size, and the female stops allowing males to approach her. If there is no pregnancy, the body gradually returns to a state of rest. At the same time, during the metaestrus cycle, dogs have increased levels of the “pregnancy hormone” progesterone, regardless of whether fertilization has occurred. This leads to the fact that some bitches develop a false pregnancy, which most often goes away on its own and without dangerous consequences.
  • Fourth cycle. Anestrus, or sexual dormancy. Duration - 100-150 days.

So, estrus in dogs - its frequency may vary: in domestic animals - usually 2 times a year, in autumn and late winter, less often - once. In yard bitches and northern dogs, mainly once a year, in early spring: puppies are born in the warm season.

What to do during heat: rules for the owner

If the owner’s plans do not include breeding the bitch during heat, then it is important to be careful during this period. So, if dogs are in heat, what should you do?
The main thing is to always lead your dog on a leash and never let it off the leash. Even the most calm and well-mannered pets can become uncontrollable at this time: instantly running away from the owner and not responding to usual commands on such days is a common occurrence.

Keep an eye on the dog and protect it from males. Remember: if a dog has mounted a bitch, it will be almost impossible to pull them apart. This is especially true for purebred and small dogs: a large male who decides to copulate with a small female can cause significant harm to her.

During the period of heat, try not to go to various exhibitions and festivals: not only is there a high risk of accidental mating, but sudden changes in the character of your pet will cause problems for both her and you.

What to do when in heat

Do not bathe your dog in questionable waters: the possibility of infection of the genital tract during estrus is higher than ever.
An important issue for owners is sterilization of a dog during heat; there is no clear opinion on this matter among doctors. Most veterinarians believe that the operation does not pose any danger to dogs during the period of heat; others claim that there is a high risk of bleeding and hormonal disorders. There is no difference in the technique of performing the operation during the period of heat and rest; difficulties may arise during anesthesia - easily excitable animals during the rut may not tolerate anesthesia well. In any case, only the owner himself should decide when to sterilize.

If the birth of your dog's puppies is a long-awaited and happy moment, you shouldn't relax either: estrus after giving birth also has its own characteristics. Dogs usually go into heat after giving birth after 4 months, but if the litter is large and the female feeds the puppies for a long time, the period can last up to 6 months. The onset of estrus in dogs that have recently given birth is quite normal: frequent urination, bleeding, licking the loop. Estrus lasts 3-4 weeks. During this period, it is especially important to monitor the dog during walks, keep it on a leash at all times to avoid new, early mating.

Problematic estrus in dogs

Sometimes pet owners have a strange problem: why isn't their dog in heat? Bloodless estrus in dogs does not depend on the breed, although many claim that this is a feature of small ornamental breeds. There are different variants of such a heat: sometimes all the main signs appear: a change in command, a swollen loop, but there is no discharge or it is so insignificant that the dog licks it off itself, and the owner does not notice anything. Occasionally it happens that all signs of estrus are absent, but, nevertheless, it passes.

If you suspect she's in heat, but aren't completely sure whether she's in heat or not, be as careful as possible while walking to avoid unplanned mating. If you are planning puppies, then laboratory tests will help here: a blood test and a vaginal smear will determine whether your pet is in heat.

In any case, bloodless estrus is not a natural process, and to avoid problems in the future, get examined by a veterinarian. This will help determine whether the hormonal levels are normal and whether the dog has any health problems.

Another, more dangerous problem is when the dog continues to be in heat. In this case, a visit to the doctor and tests are simply necessary. The reasons can be different - from hormonal imbalance to vulvovaginitis and various tumors. Prolonged estrus usually indicates serious health problems in adult dogs. In rare cases, young bitches may experience “protracted juvenile proestrus”, usually this is the first or second heat. In such cases, the dog is cheerful and active, and tests do not show any anomalies.

Dog hygiene during heat is an important component of its maintenance, which does not relieve the owner from knowing some of the nuances associated with this period of the dog’s life.

It is possible and necessary to wash a dog during heat, since during this period the animal’s hormonal levels change, as a result of which a rather strong unpleasant odor appears. In addition, the discharge from the loop becomes abundant, and traces of the natural physiological process are too noticeable. But such a seemingly simple procedure as washing during estrus can provoke infection and an inflammatory process. The dog's genitals are poorly protected from infection, so you need to wash it carefully. It is advisable to do this twice a day - after a morning and evening walk. The water temperature should be slightly above room temperature. It is acceptable to use mild detergents that do not irritate the skin. After washing, the dog must be wiped dry, and long-haired breeds must be dried with a hairdryer.

Another way to make caring for your dog easier during the heat period is to use special diapers for dogs. They are made like panties, and a diaper pad is inserted into them, which the owner must change regularly. Also, the panties should not be worn too tightly so that the dog can crawl under them with his nose and lick himself. Otherwise, she will lick the panties themselves, they will be constantly wet, and everything will rot under them. You need to take your dog out for a walk without diapers. During the period of heat, the dog's bedding should be changed as often as possible. Discharge from the loop remains on it and pathogenic microbes develop. At home, you should not allow your dog to sleep on a cold floor or in a draft.

During this period, you should avoid bathing your dog in open water, especially with cold water. And, of course, hypothermia should not be allowed. Walks in damp, cool weather should be short but frequent; under no circumstances should you let your dog off the leash throughout the entire heat period, even if it seems to you that there is not a single dog nearby. During heat, the bitch can run away and find a partner for herself. If one or more males appear on the horizon, it is better to take the dog home without waiting to get to know them closely. Participation in competitions and exhibitions, like any other trips, is best excluded altogether or, if possible, greatly reduced.

The owner must always remember that he is responsible both for the dog and for all the consequences associated with its health and life. Including puppies that may be born only because he did not take care of his pet. Pregnancy and childbirth are stressful for a dog, and only an experienced breeder or veterinarian can decide whether a dog is ready to give birth. The owner is also responsible to society, since unwanted puppies that are born can join the army of stray dogs. We must not forget about the moral side of the issue associated with the birth of an unplanned litter. In addition to the owner himself, the entire family will be involved in this process, including its youngest and oldest members.

When choosing a female dog as a pet, it is advisable for owners to be prepared for periods of estrus and know how they manifest themselves. Firstly, instability and deviations from the norm can signal that the pet has health problems, and secondly, at this time special vigilance is required to avoid unplanned offspring, or, conversely, to organize a planned mating. And if the owner is aware of the physiological characteristics of his animal, then he will know in time when the dogs are in heat, and if something is wrong, seek help from a veterinary clinic.

If we talk in general about estrus in dogs, then usually this period is quite recognizable by certain signs. As for the first heat, it has its own individual characteristics. In most cases, a dog's heat begins after the teeth have been replaced, but it is not possible to calculate more accurately.

In small dogs, the first heat period occurs between six months and 10 months and is accompanied by characteristic signs. In representatives of medium and large breeds with normal development, the first estrus in dogs can begin in the period from 6 to 13 months.

There are situations when the first heat goes unnoticed (hidden waste) - the discharge is very scanty, and the males do not show due interest. However, you should not lose your vigilance, since such a heat is full-fledged. The duration of the first heat is much shorter than subsequent ones.

In bitches whose development is close to puberty, false estrus may occur. If during this period, then estrus may stop without the ovulation process. But after a few days, the bitch may leak again, but with the release of the egg from the ovary and the possibility of fertilization.

If the owner expects to receive offspring from his dog in the future, then he must definitely record the time of the first heat and the next ones. The best time to knit for the first time is during the third cycle.

Main signs of estrus in dogs

How does estrus manifest itself? First of all, you can determine when a dog is in heat by its behavior, and it changes significantly. The female becomes more active, becomes overly playful and may ignore commands. This is all the result of a hormonal surge. Among the main signs of estrus are the following:

  • the dog begins to sit down to urinate more often (in fact, she is marking her territory so that potential suitors are aware that she is ready to accept advances);
  • bloody discharge oozes from the noose;
  • she often licks the area under her tail;
  • the bitch begins to flirt with the males, in turn they show active interest;
  • often precedes estrus.

At first, dogs do not allow members of the opposite sex to approach; they may even show aggression in response to overly intrusive courtship, since their body is not yet ready for it.

After one and a half to two weeks, the structure of the dog’s discharge changes; it becomes similar to yellowish mucus. During this period, the female feels a strong sexual desire, especially if she notices males nearby, while her tail moves to the side, and her body takes the stance necessary for sexual intercourse. The loop increases significantly in size.

The bitch can remain in this excited state for 5 to 7 days. If the owner wants to breed a dog, then he must mark these days. The most suitable time for mating is on the 9th-17th day, less often on the 21st. But even in this case, everything is individual and depends on the breed of the pet.

Step-by-step progression through estrus or how long estrus lasts in dogs

The entire animal cycle is divided into four stages:

  • Proestrus (or called proestrus). Duration 1-1.5 weeks. At this time, the process of blood circulation in the genital area increases significantly, the loop swells, and the first, initially scanty, bloody discharge appears. During this period, the dog is not yet ready for mating, since ovulation has not yet occurred. But external signs are already evident - she becomes playful, may not obey the owner, and run away. When walking, he spends more time sniffing out the surroundings and constantly crouches down to leave marks. Males are already experiencing increased interest, however, when trying to copulate, the bitch growls and snarls.
  • Estrus (active sexual hunting). During this period of time, more precisely the first two days, the process of ovulation occurs. But the bitch can keep the gentlemen away for a few more days. A little later, when she sees a potential suitor, the female raises the back of her body, tightens the noose and moves her tail to the side to facilitate the penetration process. At the same time, she freezes and patiently waits for action from the male. Discharge from the loop may vary, but normally the appropriate period for mating occurs when it becomes light pink or disappears completely. In addition, the vulva swells significantly.
  • Metaestrus (the final stage of estrus). The duration of this period is several days. The discharge stops, the noose returns to its previous size, and the bitch again does not allow gentlemen to approach her. If fertilization does not occur, then the female again becomes calm. However, the dog still experiences hormonal changes - the level of progesterone increases, which is not without reason called the pregnancy hormone. Moreover, this happens regardless of whether the female becomes pregnant or not. This condition becomes the cause of such a phenomenon as false pregnancy, which mostly passes without outside help and negative consequences.
  • Anestrus (phase of sexual tranquility). The duration of this stage is approximately 100-150 days and allows the animal’s body to recover before the next heat.

The frequency of estrus in dogs can vary due to several associated factors. For example, in domestic dogs it occurs twice a year - in autumn and at the end of winter. In some cases, estrus is limited to once a year.

Dogs that are kept outdoors, including those from the north, breed once a year in early spring to give birth to puppies in the warmer months.

What to do to avoid mating

This question is most often asked by owners of dogs who do not plan to breed. But it is not alien to people who keep breeding dogs, because an unplanned mating can become an unpleasant surprise.

The main condition is to carefully monitor the dog while walking, not let go of the leash and not allow strangers to get too close.

In addition, you can purchase a special product at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores that eliminates the odor that attracts male dogs. It is used to treat the back of the pet’s body before each walk.

What to do to get offspring

If the pet is purebred and the owners plan to get good offspring, then as soon as the period of sexual heat begins, mating can be carried out. By this time, a suitable gentleman should have been selected and you can go with the “bride” for mating. It will be better if the matter takes place on the territory of the male.

Features of caring for a bitch in heat

On the eve of the first estrus, the female may experience discharge from the loop, the so-called juvenile discharge, containing a small amount of pus. There is no need to worry, as this phenomenon is quite normal. Everything will return to normal as soon as the heat passes. If this does not happen, then it is worth undergoing an examination to identify various pathologies.

To make the estrus period more hygienic (especially for estrus in dogs kept in an apartment), you can purchase special elastic panties for one-time use. They will prevent your dog from leaving bloody spots around the house. But still, you should not wear them all the time, as veterinarians advise allowing the female to remove the discharge on her own by licking it.

During the first heat, the dog may not understand how to behave, so it is worth teaching her to clean up her spots. And to do this, be sure to remove carpets and rugs from the floor.

During the period of heat, the dog requires special care:

  • You should avoid long walks in the cold season so that your pet does not;
  • there is no need to take her out to places where other dogs gather;
  • Walks must be strictly on a leash.

If suddenly it was not possible to prevent an unwanted mating, then it is strictly forbidden to give the dog drugs to help terminate the pregnancy. This can cause significant health problems for the pet, which often lead to infertility in the dog.