Bleeding against the background of coc. What you need to know about the effects of oral contraceptives on the body. The discharge does not stop after changing the drug

Planning and starting a family is an important and serious stage in the life of a couple. Currently, there are a large number of different means of protection against unplanned pregnancy, while contraceptives are considered the most popular. What is the body’s reaction to taking tablets of this group and for what reason withdrawal bleeding may occur, we will consider in this article.

The effect of contraceptives on the body

The body of representatives of the weaker half of humanity includes the presence of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. What are progesterone and estrogen? These are hormones that influence the duration and nature of the course. menstrual cycle, promote ovulation and the process of conceiving a child.

All drugs hormonal nature are divided into several varieties:

  • by mechanical impact;
  • chemical component.

As for the second group, in in this case hormonal pills can consist only of progesterone, and their functional feature will be to increase the resistance of the channel to the movement of male seminal fluid, mainly sperm. In addition, these types of drugs prevent the ability of the egg to attach. The so-called contraceptives are in particular demand combined type, which include both progesterone and estrogen.

In addition to the above functions, an additional one arises, which excludes the possibility of the egg being fertilized, since estrogen begins to actively stop the process of maturation of the egg. Application of this variety contraception, can cause withdrawal bleeding. We will consider in more detail the reasons for this reaction of the body below.

Causes of bleeding

It should be noted that female hormones present in the body in sufficient quantities large quantities, which is directly related to the phase reproductive age. In the first part of the menstrual cycle, estrogen is most active, with its maximum effect occurring during ovulation.

In the absence of fertilization, the influence begins from estrogen.

After starting treatment contraceptive drugs, a woman’s body needs to go through a period of adaptation to their influence on hormonal background. This is primarily due to the fact that the quantitative content of sex hormones in the body in any case exceeds the dosage active ingredients this kind of contraceptives.

Bleeding when taken birth control pills can be of different volume and consistency. Bleeding when taking OCs is considered optimal if they are spotting in nature, and their duration is about several months of taking contraceptives. The correct dose can be determined using secretions, since in the case of correct selection, they should not be amplified. If bloody issues occur in the middle of the dose, this indicates that it is recommended to adjust the dosage in this particular case.

The types of bleeding deserve special attention. IN in some cases breakthrough bleeding may occur. Breakthrough bleeding is only possible if the endometrium is shed in the uterine area, and the amount of estrogen is not enough to stop this bleeding.

These kinds of changes can occur with the use of synthetic hormones.

Also, such bleeding can occur if contraceptives are completely discontinued or if at least one pill is missed. This may lead to changes in hormonal levels and, consequently, disruption of the menstrual cycle. A similar reaction of the body cannot be ruled out due to simultaneous administration hormonal drugs together with certain groups medications, such as antibiotics or tranquilizers.

Heavy bleeding

Some women, while taking contraceptive medications, may experience heavy bleeding, reminiscent of menstruation, and very often almost every woman asks the question, why is this possible? Bleeding when taking birth control pills is not excluded if there is insufficient estrogen in the OCs used. If the bleeding does not stop within several days, the woman should consult a specialist.

If it is not possible to contact a specialist, if there is bleeding, you should take a double dosage of the drug, for example, a tablet in the morning and in the evening. Heavy or breakthrough bleeding can occur due to the influence of certain factors:

  • violation of the schematic use of contraceptives;
  • disruption of the action of the contraceptive due to poisoning accompanied by diarrhea, since due to such failures the concentration of the drug is significantly reduced;
  • joint use of antibiotics or other drugs that affect the functionality of the central nervous system;
  • use of decoctions or infusions containing St. John's wort;
  • use of long-acting contraceptives.

Breakthrough uterine bleeding may also occur in the following cases:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • bad habits (mainly smoking);
  • the presence in the body of infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact;
  • Individual intolerance OK.

Whatever the cause of heavy bleeding, if possible, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The specialist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, refer you for certain tests, since breakthrough blood flow can be triggered by pregnancy. It is possible that the discharge may be profuse due to the presence of diseases of the reproductive system in a woman.

Ways to Avoid Withdrawal Bleeding

There are certain methods to prevent withdrawal bleeding from occurring. In this situation, each representative of the fair sex must carefully monitor the state of her health, therefore the selection of hormonal drugs and the scheme for their use should be selected only from specialists based on individual characteristics patient.

If it is necessary to stop taking hormonal drugs, you should use a specific regimen that will make it possible to avoid bleeding, especially heavy bleeding. It involves the following sequence:

  • It is better to cancel immediately after taking it last pill from the pack, as a result of which the woman will begin to have discharge similar to menstruation;
  • consult a specialist about discontinuing the drug, as there may be situations in which discontinuation of birth control is prohibited;
  • carry out tests in advance to determine the amount of sex hormones present in the body, especially since this set of tests can be taken at any antenatal clinic.

Despite the procedure presented above, there are cases when it is necessary to stop the reception abruptly.

Such situations include pregnancy, the occurrence of thrombosis, diagnosing the presence of malignant tumors, pathological processes in the liver area, increased level blood sugar and hypertension.

IN similar situation the patient must undergo regular examination and consult with a gynecologist regarding taking birth control pills and in the event of such a reaction in the body as uterine bleeding.

After stopping birth control pills, the work of the ovaries can significantly intensify. Such activity can cause a number of side effects, but at the same time it can be used for its intended purpose. For example, active functionality after the abolition of ok can help speed up the process of conception.

Thus, the use of hormonal drugs requires a woman special attention regarding your health, since in the event of bleeding or any disturbances in the general functionality of the body, it requires urgent consultation with a specialist and, if necessary, complete cessation of taking contraceptive medications.

In contact with

IN modern gynecology There is a whole range of ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. The most suitable method for most women is hormonal contraceptives. However, the use this method planning the birth of a child has its side effects. One of the complications is bleeding when taking birth control pills. Menstrual irregularities when using hormones are quite common. First of all, its occurrence depends on the type of hormonal drugs used by a woman during sexual activity.

Read in this article

What you need to know about the effects of oral contraceptives on the body

As you know, the main hormones of the female reproductive system are progesterone and estrogen. They regulate the course of the menstrual cycle, influence the process of ovulation and the possibility of conception.

All hormonal pills from pregnancy are divided into two main types according to chemical composition and mechanism of action. If the capsules consist of only progesterone, pharmacists and gynecologists call them “mini-pills” among themselves. Main function of these drugs is to increase resistance cervical canal uterus movement of sperm. This becomes possible by increasing the viscosity of the secreted mucus.

In addition to interfering with the movement of male reproductive cells, medicines, consisting of progesterone, change the structure of the mucous wall of the uterus. This process reduces the possibility of complete attachment of the egg by approximately 40%.

stronger contraceptives include combined contraceptives, consisting of progesterone and estrogen. In addition to creating mechanical obstacles to fertilization with progesterone, estrogen suppresses the process of egg maturation itself. Exactly similar drugs double acting to prevent pregnancy may cause bleeding in the middle of the cycle.

Spotting during ovulation

If a young woman has discharge that is not associated with the normal monthly cycle, experts talk about abnormal bleeding. Similar gynecological problems occur quite often. Literally every second woman has noticed some kind of irregularity during her menstruation.

Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle may be one of the options normal course, however, most often this is a symptom of some pathology. If blood from the vagina appears earlier than 3 weeks from the end of your last period, you should urgently seek help from a doctor. Only after examination, ultrasound and various analyzes The gynecologist will be able to determine the disease that caused the pathology.

Intermenstrual bleeding can be provoked by the most for various reasons. These include hormonal disorders in the work of the ovaries, various benign neoplasms in the uterine cavity. All these diseases may require appropriate treatment, often even surgery.

The main factor provoking the appearance of such symptoms may be hormonal contraceptives. Taking these drugs changes hormonal levels female body which causes menstrual irregularities:

  • Most often, a similar picture occurs in the first weeks of taking the pills. Experts believe that this normal phenomenon, the patient’s body adapts to new conditions. It takes time for complete hormonal changes to occur.
  • If the problem of constant bleeding lasts for more than 5 months in the patient, it is necessary to stop taking the pills and consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason is the increase permissible dosage or violation of the recommended schedule for taking the drug.

To correct the effect of hormonal contraceptive pills, it is necessary to resort to the prescription of special medications that neutralize their effect. One of these drugs is Duphaston. Most often, this medicine is prescribed for ovarian dysfunction, however, bleeding in the middle of the cycle can be an indication for use.

The action of this drug is used for many diseases of the female genital area. Hormonal problems patients are often not limited to only bleeding, so a separate material will be devoted to medications.

Causes of bleeding when taking birth control pills

The process of maturation of the egg, the period of ovulation and the removal of rejected female reproductive cells from the body is controlled and regulated by hormones of the female reproductive system. The fluctuation in the content of progesterone and estrogen in the patient’s blood is quite large and depends on the phase of the reproductive cycle.

Bleeding when taking birth control pills... Periods after an abortion. Brown discharge between periods: reasons...

  • Bleeding when taking birth control pills... Brown discharge after menstruation.

  • Let's consider which of the discharges when taking birth control pills are normal, and which ones signal that it is time to go for a consultation with specialists.

    Pharmacological aspects

    By changing hormonal levels, they suppress ovulation and increase the viscosity of secretions (mucus) in the female genital organs, due to which sperm restrict their movements and, accordingly, are not able to fertilize the egg.

    The use of such drugs is indicated not only for contraception, but also for a number of gynecological diseases accompanied by menstrual irregularities.

    Interesting information!

    The use of such drugs for the purpose of normalizing the natural menstrual cycle is very doubtful - in the instructions of most OCs this is not an indication for use, which means that officially confirmed studies on this point have not been conducted.

    As experienced pharmacists say: do not believe advertising, believe what is written in the instructions...

    The prescription of tablets should be preceded by a comprehensive medical examination, which includes tests for the content of sex hormones and some other types laboratory research which will eliminate contraindications to taking medications (for example, a tendency to form blood clots).

    But as practice shows, many girls and women begin to use hormonal contraception without screening.

    But this measure allows you to select a contraceptive that is as close as possible to natural level hormones, which reduces the likelihood of side effects in the form of bleeding.

    Photo: Criteria for selecting birth control pills

    OK apply to prescription drugs, so don’t be surprised if the pharmacy asks you to present your prescription. To avoid controversial situations, ask the doctor to write out a prescription or give a stamped prescription sheet (as is usually issued in paid clinics).

    Taking medications:

    1. In the first month, you start taking contraceptives on the first day of menstruation; subsequently, you need to take pills every day, preferably at the same time.
    2. One package is designed for one cycle (many manufacturers additionally produce economical packages containing a course for 3 cycles).
    3. At the end of one cycle, a break is taken for 7 days, during which monthly cleansing of the uterine cavity occurs, which is accompanied by brown discharge similar to blood.

    What is the norm

    During the period of adaptation to hormonal drugs(usually first three months), intermenstrual bleeding may occur.

    Photo: Brown discharge on the gasket

    Typically they are:

    • brown or red;
    • breakthrough or spotting;
    • meager.

    This secretion is explained by the restructuring of the body.

    IN natural conditions The menstrual cycle is regulated by estrogen and progesterone. Their quantity is higher than in OK, so the body will need time to adjust to new, lower doses of hormones. This does not require replacement or discontinuation of the drug.

    But if vaginal discharge are protracted, in severe form, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Statistics say that such bleeding in the first months occurs in 40% of women taking hormonal contraceptives; in 10%, the adaptation period lasted up to six months.

    It is possible to reduce the likelihood of acyclic (intermenstrual) secretion by strictly following the rules specified in the instructions for the medicine.

    • There are treatment regimens that allow adjust the day of menstruation(new packaging is accepted immediately after the old one is finished). This may contribute to the occurrence of premenstrual secretion.
    • A similar situation may arise when changing birth control pills when immediately after one package they start taking another drug, without a break (breakthrough bleeding in the first days of taking a new drug).

    If the discharge is profuse, prolonged, foul-smelling, in the form of clots, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and sharp deterioration health, you should immediately contact a specialist.

    White discharge (leucorrhoea)

    Photo: Cervical mucus V different periods cycle

    Leucorrhoea is a natural vaginal discharge of white or yellow color, promoting cleansing of the mucous membrane.

    Throughout the menstrual cycle, their quantity and consistency are not the same. During ovulation and on the eve of menstruation, leucorrhoea is released into the more, than usual. This is due to the body’s preparation for the upcoming menstruation.

    As mentioned above, the contraceptive effect is associated with hormonal changes, including those affecting the secretions of the cervix, therefore such means can change the nature of leucorrhoea, making it thicker and more abundant.

    Such symptoms are not a pathology and do not require contacting a gynecologist.

    But if itching and discomfort occur, bad smell, then it’s better not to delay going to the doctor. This may be a sign of infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitals or a violation of the vaginal microflora.

    Secretion at different periods of the cycle

    The nature of the discharge may vary depending on the phase of the cycle:

    Cycle phaseCharacteristics of discharge
    During ovulation (mid-cycle)

    Transparent (due to increased hydration of the vaginal walls).

    If dark discharge appears, this indicates a deficiency of gestagen or estrogen. Such symptoms require discontinuation of the pills taken and the appointment of new ones, with more high concentration active substances.

    Microdosed OCs (so-called mini-pills), which include:

    • Jess,
    • Dimia,
    • Lindinet 20,
    • Logest,
    • Novinet,
    • Mercilon,

    - sometimes accompanied by blood associated with the release of the egg from the follicle ( pink discharge). This indicates that ovulation has occurred and there is a high risk of getting pregnant, despite OK.

    This is not a pathology, but such a symptom suggests that the drug does not do its job.

    6-12 days after ovulation

    Bleeding may indicate pregnancy (if the sequence of taking the pills was not followed).

    Before menstruation (at the end of the package)There may be a thick smear brown color, which occurs due to a lack of progesterone, which promotes the onset of menstruation (in this case, endometrial rejection does not occur, a delay occurs).
    Within a few days after menstruation (first tablets in the package)

    Possible appearance blood clots, indicating cleansing of the uterus.

    The reason for this phenomenon may be a lack of estrogen, which restores the mucous layer of the uterus.

    Mini-pills can cause false periods, the cycle is disrupted, and consequences arise that are very difficult to correct later. Such symptoms require consultation with a gynecologist and replacement of the OC with a drug with high content estrogens.

    Microdosed contraceptives are most suitable for young girls (under 25 years old).

    Why does heavy bleeding occur?

    Heavy discharge with contraception - serious reason consult a doctor

    Heavy bleeding when taking birth control pills (menorrhagia) require emergency medical attention.

    Several factors contribute to the development of a dangerous symptom:

    • The regimen of use is violated - 2 tablets were taken at once or, conversely, an OK dose was missed (the hormonal background is disrupted);
    • Smoking (interferes with the absorption and production of estrogen);
    • Diseases of the reproductive organs;
    • Insufficient absorption active substances from pills for vomiting and diarrhea;
    • Incompatibility with other drugs when used joint use(this is discussed in more detail in the instructions for medications).

    But there are times when it is impossible to get an appointment with a gynecologist. What to do?

    You cannot stop taking OCs abruptly, otherwise menorrhagia will only worsen. In addition, this will negatively affect the level of hormones in the blood.

    In this case, to stop bleeding, it is recommended to take double dose(2 tablets) in 2 doses. This dosage regimen is followed until the discharge stops, after which they return to the old algorithm (one tablet once a day).

    You will need to purchase another package of contraceptive so that it is enough for the entire cycle.

    If the drug is monophasic, i.e. All tablets contain one dosage of hormones; you can take any tablet.

    The exception is three-phase OK (Tri-regol, Triquilar), containing three types of tablets in one package. Then they accept exactly those that correspond to a specific phase.

    According to some reports, drugs based on levonorgestrel contribute to the occurrence of bleeding precisely when long-term use(about six months) and the drug must be replaced.

    Blood after missed pills

    There are times when a woman misses taking a contraceptive on time (more than 12 hours late). This reduces contraceptive effect, therefore, in the following days it is required additional measures precautions to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

    Sometimes such an oversight turns into smears. vaginal discharge, which most often occur when medication is missed in the second phase of the cycle, when the endometrium begins to prepare for the next menstruation.

    A bloody secretion indicates that withdrawal syndrome is developing, one of the side effects of hormonal contraception.

    In this case, further taking pills is pointless; a four-day break is recommended (taking into account missed pills) and then start taking new packaging. The remaining tablets should not be taken into account.

    Cancellation of hormonal contraception

    Photo: Brown discharge when canceling OK

    At long-term use quitting pills should be consistent, over several cycles. For this purpose, medications with lower hormone content are prescribed. This will help avoid serious side effects.

    Usually, bleeding occurs a couple of days after stopping the drug. Its intensity and duration may vary. Most often it is a brown mass that is released over the course of two weeks.

    This phenomenon is associated with changes in hormone levels. Its normalization will occur gradually over several months. Periods from brown scanty discharge over time they will become traditional - those that were before taking the pills.

    However, it is recommended to perform a pregnancy test on the first day of pseudomenstruation to rule out the possibility of uterine bleeding during pregnancy.

    If you have regular, prolonged discharge while you are discontinuing OCs, you will need to visit a specialist to rule out the possibility of a serious pathology.

    Discharge after taking emergency contraception

    To the means emergency contraception include hormonal drugs based:

    • levonorgestrel (Postinor, Escapelle),
    • mifepristone (Ginepristone, Zhenale, etc.).

    The contraceptive is taken within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse at any time of the menstrual cycle, including if OCs were missed. Contraceptive effect due to changes in hormone levels and a further obstacle to implantation (introduction) of the embryo into the wall of the uterus.

    The use of such drugs is a hormonal shock for the body and can contribute to both early offensive menstruation, and, conversely, the development of bleeding regardless of the menstrual cycle.

    Menorrhagia is normal and goes away on its own after some time.

    The alarm should be sounded in cases where a woman is bothered by heavy painful bleeding, abdominal pain, deterioration general condition. These symptoms indicate that you need to visit a gynecologist who can rule out the possibility of uterine bleeding.

    Breast discharge

    Photo: Breast discharge during pregnancy

    Female breast very sensitive to changes in hormonal levels. When using OCs, pain and swelling of the mammary glands and discharge from the nipples may occur.

    It is important to exclude the possibility of pregnancy, which is accompanied by the formation of colostrum.

    The condition of the breast returns to normal during the adaptation period; if this does not happen within six months, a contraceptive replacement is required.

    If a woman complains that she has yellow or dark discharge from the breast, you cannot do without consulting a doctor, because such discharge may signal diseases of the mammary glands.

    Opinion of women and specialists

    Most women complain that contraceptives are prescribed without testing hormone levels; doctors simply give out a name, or even several, so that the patient can choose the drug herself. This, of course, is a problem for domestic medicine. As a result of such negligence, Negative consequences For reproductive system and the whole organism as a whole. IN best case scenario, this will be adaptation discharge, at worst – uterine bleeding and other dangerous pathologies.

    If the appointment of OK was preceded comprehensive examination, the prescribed tablets are well tolerated, acyclic bleeding occurs rarely.

    From experience medical specialists, bleeding most often occurs when taking more than early contraceptives(Regulon, Novinet, Marvelon) or microdosed tablets (Laktinet, Charozetta, Logest, Lindinet 20, Dimia, Jess, Mercilon).

    A common cause of discharge is non-compliance with the recommendations specified in the instructions and self-medication, when a woman begins to take OK on her own after watching enough advertising or listening to advice from friends.

    For women who find it difficult to regularly take pills at the same time, gynecologists recommend hormonal contraception using patches or vaginal ring Nova-Ring, which do not require daily use.

    The materials are published for informational purposes only and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you consult a hematologist at your medical institution!

    Experts conclude that when taking oral contraceptives, the most common side effect there is spotting and bloody-colored discharge. As a rule, this effect is observed during the period of addiction to the drug, until the body adapts to it.

    What are the reasons for bloody discharge?

    To understand why intermenstrual bleeding occurs when taking birth control pills, you should at least general outline understand the mechanism monthly cycle among women. Menstruation is determined by certain hormonal settings in the body, which fluctuate depending on the period of the month.

    So, in the first half of the cycle, until ovulation, the hormone estrogen predominates in the blood. During ovulation, the level of this hormone reaches its peak. Further, in the absence of fertilization, progesterone begins to predominate in the blood, which triggers endometrial rejection mechanisms.

    Since any hormonal contraceptive spectrum drugs contain small doses of hormones, the body needs to adapt so that contraceptives do not cause bleeding prematurely. After the body gets used to it, the endometrium will not be rejected prematurely.

    Important! If the bleeding is characterized by significant profuseness, and obvious painful sensations lower abdomen, then you need to urgently contact your gynecologist to find out the etymology of such manifestations!

    Video: side effects oral contraceptives

    Spotting bleeding when taking birth control pills is considered normal if you use up to 5 daily thin pads to maintain daily hygiene. In this case, the body will successfully cope with adaptation on its own. There is no threat to health, and the main task of the drug is carried out successfully. The main thing is to take the drug strictly on schedule.

    Causes of prolonged bloody discharge

    Many women report continuous bleeding when taking Jess Plus or when taking Jess, as well as other contraceptives in this group.

    Advice! You cannot stop taking the drug without permission without finishing the package. This may contribute to increased manifestation. Contact your doctor to monitor the situation.

    Experts say that contraceptives, in fact, are all the same in terms of functionality. But certain ones are simply not suitable for a particular patient. Let's look at the main reasons why bloody discharge do not stop:

    • Bloody smear at the beginning or middle of the dose. In the case when the expected adaptation has already passed, but the discharge does not stop, then you just need to choose a drug in which the dose of estrogen is higher.
    • If discharge is observed from the middle to the end of the month of use, then this is direct evidence low level gestagen component. During a consultation with a gynecologist, they will select an option with a different amount of gestagen.
    • Excessive bleeding. The reason for this process is active progestogen, which promotes accelerated atrophy of the endometrial layer. Estrogen component in modern tablets is not enough to perform a homeostatic function, and therefore bleeding while taking contraceptives may be breakthrough.

    Advice! If it is not possible to promptly visit a gynecologist when heavy bleeding, then in this case you should double the dose of the drug, that is, take the tablet in the morning and in the evening. To do this, you should buy another package of the same tablets and combine the intake.

    Bleeding after taking Postinor

    Postinor is one of the most popular emergency contraceptives

    Postinor is an emergency contraceptive drug that is taken after unprotected sexual intercourse. This contraceptive is prohibited for girls who are active sex life, since it has a strong effect on the body and serious side effects.

    Postinor causes bleeding and menstrual cycle disruptions even from a single dose. Many girls wonder how many days bleeding after Postinor can last? Heavy uterine bleeding can continue for up to one month.

    Bleeding after taking Postinor can also occur due to incorrect dosage, when a girl takes more than two tablets or does not take the required 12-hour break between taking the first and second tablet.

    If you decide to take oral contraceptives for the first time, then be prepared for the fact that during the adjustment period, you will most likely experience vaginal discharge when taking contraceptives. This can be either dark-colored spotting or intermenstrual bleeding.

    As a rule, in a third of women, spotting when taking contraceptives goes away within the first three months; in some cases, the adaptation period can last for six months.

    Why does bleeding occur when taking birth control?

    The phases of the menstrual cycle are a well-established process of changing hormonal levels, during which there is a systematic replacement of some hormones with others. So, at the beginning of the cycle the body secretes greatest number estrogen, preparing the endometrium of the uterus for ovulation, after which the hormonal levels shift towards progesterone. Modern oral contraceptives contain small dose hormones, which in the first stages may simply not be enough to override your natural hormonal background. This is what provokes bleeding when taking birth control pills ahead of schedule.

    If the discharge after taking birth control pills is meager character and stop after adaptation period, then you should not have any problems with this type of contraception. The main thing is, do not forget to take the next capsule on time.

    Reasons to consult a specialist may include any non-standard symptoms accompanying discharge when taking OCs: pain, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, the discharge becomes more abundant.

    What does discharge in different phases of the cycle indicate?

    If the body should have already gone through the allotted period of adaptation, but the spotting did not go away when taking birth control pills, then the period of their activation can tell the specialist which hormone is dominant in you and prescribe other contraceptives that are more suitable for you.

    Brown discharge when taking OCs at the beginning or middle of the cycle may indicate a lack of estrogen in oral contraceptives and you should choose pills with a stronger dosage.

    Discharge after taking OCs at the end of the cycle indicates a lack of the progestogen hormone in the contraceptives.

    Heavy discharge while taking contraceptives, which has a breakthrough nature, indicates accelerated atrophy of endometrial cells by the uterus during the period of adaptation of the body and is not dangerous symptom for woman. Another option for such bleeding may be a violation of the regimen for taking oral contraceptives and a shift in hormonal levels.

    Undoubtedly, in the event of breakthrough bleeding the best option is a consultation with a specialist. But most contraceptives in their instructions advise doubling the daily hormonal dose until the discharge stops when taking OCs. Then you should go back to your usual regimen. In no case should you stop taking contraceptives mid-cycle, otherwise this may only increase bleeding, causing malaise or anemia.

    Other causes of bleeding

    Other reasons that cause spotting when taking birth control pills may be:

    • smoking: has a significant effect on hormonal levels, suppressing estrogen production;
    • medications: some medications are not recommended to be taken with oral contraceptives. Therefore, if you regularly take any medicinal product, then be sure to inform your gynecologist about this before he prescribes you OK;
    • infections or diseases of the reproductive system: as a rule, such pathologies are accompanied discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen, uncharacteristic odor of discharge, change in the consistency of mucus.

    If you find any deviations from the norm, you should immediately consult a doctor so that, based on the tests, he can select timely and effective treatment.