Active gut. What is intestinal motility and how to improve it. Symptoms and treatment of intestinal motility disorders

Good health to you, friends! Today we will talk again about how to preserve wellness and avoid illness. And if they have already overcome us, then we will decide which methods are best suited to forget about discomfort and pain.

As you know, the coordinated work of the intestines and stomach is in many ways the key to health and beauty. appearance. The intestine is a kind of filter of our body, which distributes useful and harmful substances. The former are used for their intended purpose, and the latter are brought out.

For the latter to work out perfectly, it must have normal peristalsis, that is, the ability to adequately contract and make wave-like movements. This allows you to get rid of the incoming volume of food that moves from upper sections to the bottom until the end point. Normally this happens about once a day.

It is not difficult to cause a malfunction in our digestive system; all you have to do is start eating incorrectly or moving in ordinary life in vegetable garden mode.

Let's figure out how to improve intestinal motility and start the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Complex mechanisms of intestinal motility

Disturbance of intestinal motility, you can also find the name dyskinesia - this is incorrect operation muscles that are located along the walls of our intestines and have two layers.

One of them is longitudinal, and the second is circular. They work harmoniously and generate a kind of wave, and its intensity depends on which part of the intestine they are in.

For example, in the small intestine there are several types of peristaltic waves and their contractions range from very slow to rapid. Moreover, they can duplicate each other and occur simultaneously. The slowest movement of food occurs in the large intestine. Therefore, it is also normal to observe very slow peristaltic waves here.

However, even in this case there are some tricks. During the day, this intestine begins to contract strongly several times, thereby pushing its contents towards the anus.

The colon begins to reflexively contract almost immediately after you eat. That is, it reacts to the fullness of the stomach.

Normal contraction rates for the duodenum and small intestine are up to 12 oscillations per minute, for the colon - up to 4 oscillations (or about 12), and in the rectum - no more than 3. If these oscillations slow down, then nutrients cannot be fully absorbed, in the same way , just like waste food cannot leave your body normally.

It is clear that these undigested residues are an excellent source of toxins and all kinds of pathogenic microflora begin to multiply in them. The consequence is a whole range of gastrointestinal pathologies, such as diarrhea and diarrhea, various inflammations, ulcers and polyps.

To deal with these complications, it is necessary to understand what causes them.

Why is peristalsis disrupted?

Problems may occur in the following cases:

  • If you eat high-calorie foods, but in small quantities;
  • Do you already have chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract or some internal organs;
  • Oncological tumors were diagnosed in the intestines;
  • Near abdominal organs were held at your place surgical interventions, as well as in recovery period after operation;
  • The patient is elderly;
  • Negative heredity;
  • Malfunctions of the central nervous system and stress;
  • Some medications can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main reasons are still considered to be power failures. It’s no secret: modern humanity lives so quickly that we simply don’t have time for a full lunch or dinner.

We are constantly late for meetings, in a hurry and eat on the run: a sandwich or a bun is sometimes the most impressive thing we can afford to eat in a day.

Even worse: we wash it all down with hot coffee or soda. As a result, all this flour and starch food, which contains an overwhelming amount of sugar, begins to ferment and rot in the intestines.

Toxic substances enter through the walls of the small intestine into the surrounding tissues. The consequence is the accumulation of toxins, the so-called fecal stones which, passing along the delicate mucous membrane, seriously injure it.

The less pronounced your peristalsis, the greater your tendency to constipation, stagnation of blood in the pelvic area, the formation of tumors and polyps, as well as the appearance of. And the consequences of such complications will have to be dealt with by a coloproctologist.

If you have already encountered hemorrhoids, then you can figure out how to treat them here. in less than 48 hours.

The microflora of our intestines loves a slightly acidic environment and requires required quantity dietary fiber, which come to us from vegetables and cereals, as well as from fruits and dairy products.

The key to the excellent functioning of this organ is also physical activity. The more we sit in offices at desks, the more lazy our entire body becomes.

If you want to strengthen peristalsis, do physical exercises and take a course special gymnastics. At least just stretch your legs at work or take a walk after work.

In older people, all body functions fade away, and this is accompanied by chronic diseases, hormonal imbalances, loss of former muscle tone and muscle atrophy. The innervation of nerve nodes is disrupted, including in the gastrointestinal tract.

How does dyskinesia manifest?

  • Patients complain about pain syndrome in the abdomen, and in its various parts. Its intensity can vary: from a slight malaise to acute spasms. In addition, depending on the time of day, the pain can intensify or weaken, or even disappear altogether.
  • Exacerbations can begin after eating, or after waking up; drinks containing caffeine sometimes give a similar reaction. Even severe emotional shock or stress can cause a new attack.
  • The patient complains of bloating and flatulence. Problems with stool, most often this is, but they can also be replaced by periods of acute diarrhea.
  • If this condition is not corrected, then constipation will become chronic and can only be dealt with after using laxative medications or enemas for cleansing.
  • Patients with dyskinesia often gain excess weight.
  • Associated symptoms will be weakness and irritability.
  • Regular intoxication of your body can provoke an exacerbation of allergies, the appearance of acne on the face and body. All these symptoms, especially in combination, should alert you and force you to consult a specialist.

What methods help during diagnosis?

The problem with identifying this disease is that only a conversation with the patient and a description common symptoms won't help deliver accurate diagnosis due to the fact that similar manifestations may be present in various gastrointestinal diseases.

To exclude all these pathologies, you will need to do scatology, then examine the stool for the presence hidden blood, irrigoscopy and endoscopy are also needed.

One of the most revealing methods is a colonoscopy with sampling of material for a biopsy. During these procedures, the doctor will determine what exactly caused the dyskinesia and develop a treatment program for it.

What can you do to improve intestinal motility?

Correction of such a pathological condition always requires complex measures.

In this matter, you should not neglect either medications, or the normalization and ordering of food intake, or specially designed exercises.

There are also many alternative methods treatment, including folk remedies.

If speak about medicines, then the most common in this case are prozerin, vasopressin and aceclidine. They stimulate, enhance motility and can increase intestinal tone.

But, naturally, such medications should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Laxatives can also improve intestinal contractility, and they can affect different parts of the intestine.

Several large groups of laxatives can be distinguished.

  • The first group includes those that act on the entire intestine. IN in this case we're talking about about Glauber's salts and Epsom salts. These drugs work best and fastest. Within an hour or two after taking them, you will have a complete bowel movement.
  • The second group includes laxatives, which affect small intestine. The most famous thing here is Castor oil. In no more than 6 hours you will completely forget about constipation.
  • Group 3 contains laxatives that affect colon. Doctors have developed how herbal remedies, and artificially synthesized.

If speak about folk medicine, then licorice, rhubarb or buckthorn root, as well as senna leaves, can help. These medications can be found in the form of powders, drops, tinctures and suppositories.

There is also natural preparation Regulax, which contains senna leaves, figs and plums, kafiol and paraffin.

To the group synthetic drugs may include Phenolphthalein, Guttalax and Bisacodyl. But remember that for all their remarkable effectiveness, they can be addictive, as well as the development of pain and colic in the abdominal area.

During treatment, the specialist, based on the patient’s health characteristics, can also prescribe antipsychotics, antidepressants and tranquilizers to correct psychological condition patient.

I have already said above that without adjusting the diet, no treatment is possible.

Foods that reduce intestinal motility

Food products, in turn, are divided into two large groups: the first includes everything that reduces peristalsis, and the second, those that increase it.

So what can reduce peristalsis?

  • Any hot drinks such as tea or coffee;
  • Red wine;
  • Fresh baked goods and any baked goods;
  • Chocolate;
  • Kissel and dishes with high content potato starch;
  • Some porridges are such as rice or pearl barley;
  • Cream soup or pureed vegetables;
  • Meat or egg products rich in butter;
  • Some fruits, such as quince or pear and dishes made from them, as well as chokeberry and bird cherry.

Foods that increase intestinal motility

  • These are any cold compotes, as well as juices from fruits or berries, kvass, wine (white) and mineral water;
  • Any fresh dairy products, containing live lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • Ice cream, especially fruit ice cream;
  • Vegetables that contain a lot of fiber (cabbage in any form, beets, carrots, turnips, radishes and radishes);
  • Watermelons and melons, tomatoes and cucumbers, onions and legumes perfectly cleanse your intestines;
  • This also includes some fruits and berries, including apples, plums and apricots, as well as persimmons. Also included in the list are grapes, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and blueberries;
  • Dried fruits such as figs, dried apricots, prunes and raisins help well in this case;
  • Oatmeal, buckwheat and barley cereals;
  • Almost all vegetable oils;
  • Bran and products that contain them;
  • Nuts and greens.

Among other things, doctors advise consuming large amounts of exactly fresh vegetables, and they can even be in the form of juices from carrots, beets or cabbage. If you want, you can make a salad without dressing big amount vegetable oil.

Reduce as much as possible the amount of fried and smoked, pickled and overly salted foods, as well as baked goods and baked goods. Try using something as simple as drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach before breakfast.

There are also a lot less radical ways help the intestines, they are especially relevant when it is necessary to correct this condition in a child. They will also be relevant during pregnancy.

You can make a laxative mixture from following products: take two tablespoons of grain (preferably sprouted wheat) and the same amount oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of honey and another of any nuts, half a lemon and 2 apples. Finely chop the apples, mix with all the other ingredients and pour in lemon juice. This mixture can be consumed during any meal.

Try mincing half a kilogram of dried apricots and the same amount of prunes. Then add 2 tablespoons of propolis, 250 milliliters of honey and a pack of senna grass. Take 2 teaspoons before bed.

In addition, you can brew a tablespoon of buckthorn bark in half a liter of boiling water. You need to insist and drink it like tea.

A good remedy is crushed plantain seeds, which you take 1 teaspoon before meals. In the intestines they will swell and help the stool move forward.

One of the simplest and effective medicines it's bran. Just 1-2 tablespoons is enough, which should be washed down with water.

A fruit infusion can be a mild laxative. cabbage pickle and freshly squeezed juice, tea with dried cherries and apples.

Remember also that while adjusting your diet, you definitely need to diversify your physical activity. Any physical activity will also trigger your intestines.

Except physical exercise you can also do a daily abdominal massage, pour yourself cold water or give yourself a contrast shower.

Here are a few exercises that will jump-start any, even the laziest intestines.
We lie on our backs and begin to twist our legs, imitating riding a bicycle.
We remain in the same position and press our knees tightly to our stomach.

We stand in the so-called knee-elbow position and alternately stretch back right leg, then left. Try to raise them as high as possible. You can pump up your abs. The more, the better, but at first 10 - 20 repetitions are quite enough.

At the end of the exercise, do squats. We finish everything by jumping rope or just standing still, alternating legs.

That's all I would like to tell you about improving intestinal motility for today. Use these simple and available methods and be healthy. I'm waiting for you again on the pages of my blog.

Probably, every person sooner or later faces such a problem as impaired intestinal functionality. Due to disruptions in the digestive processes, they may develop various ailments, many of which require emergency medical or surgical treatment. To prevent possible consequences people must restore intestinal motility, after which the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

What is intestinal peristalsis?

Intestinal peristalsis is a contractile process that involves the walls of the organ. Thanks to systematic wave-like movements, the food coma moves to the outlet from the upper intestines. Smooth muscles are directly involved in this process. muscle tissue, localized in the organ in two layers. In the first, their longitudinal placement is observed, in the second they are distributed circularly. Thanks to coordinated movements, muscle tissue creates a wave, while different departments organ, its different frequency will be noted.

Perelstatics of the intestines and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract is performed by essential functions in the general digestive process.

When it is violated, all sorts of disruptions occur in the functioning of the organ:

  • the passage of the food coma worsens;
  • absorption slows down nutrients;
  • it is difficult to remove waste products;
  • all undigested food becomes a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms;
  • intoxication of the body occurs;
  • are developing various diseases in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • New growths appear, which can be both benign and malignant.


Known to modern medicine following reasons, provoking disturbances of peristalsis:

  • sedentary and physically immobile active image life;
  • bad heredity;
  • poor nutrition, for example, when a person’s menu contains a large amount of high-calorie food;
  • advanced age;
  • the presence of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract that occur in a chronic form;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • systematic stress;
  • surgical treatment performed on organs located in the peritoneum;
  • the presence of neoplasms that are either malignant or benign in nature;
  • long-term use of certain types medicines, the components of which have a detrimental effect on motor skills;
  • disruption of defecation processes, etc.

The main reason for prolonged constipation is errors made by people in their diet. Many patients do not adhere to the main rules in this matter and often snack on the run, eat food instant cooking, fast food. If they combine such food with a lot of coffee and carbonated drinks, then in their digestive tract a real “explosive mixture” is formed.

Against the background of excess accumulation of sugars and fats, putrefactive and fermentation processes are launched.

All toxic substances accumulated in the intestines penetrate through the walls into the peritoneal space and begin to have a detrimental effect on nearby localized organs. If a person does not change his diet and continues to eat junk food, then by the age of forty his intestines are clogged to capacity. As a result, fecal stones are formed, which in the process of movement injure the mucous membranes.

In the absence of intestinal peristalsis, a person:

  • chronic constipation occurs;
  • blood stagnation occurs;
  • polypous formations grow;
  • tumors grow;
  • hemorrhoids develop, etc.


Symptoms that accompany impaired intestinal motility:

  1. Arises bloating, flatulence develops. In this category of patients, the process of digesting food is often accompanied by increased gas formation.
  2. The processes of defecation are disrupted. People experience prolonged constipation, which is periodically replaced by diarrhea. Fairly rapid elimination delay feces acquires chronic form. Patients have to use aids, for example, giving enemas, taking medications that have a laxative effect.
  3. Observed deterioration general well-being . A person begins to feel weak and quickly gets tired even with minor physical activity. Sleep is disturbed and irritability increases.
  4. Occur quite often painful sensations in the peritoneal area, and their location can be anywhere. The intensity of pain varies over a wide range. The person may feel mild cramping and also experience sharp pain. Discomfort may decrease or increase depending on the time of day and meals. In some people, the pain disappears after defecation or after the accumulated gases are removed from the intestines. Also, the pain syndrome can dull at night, and gain intensity after the morning meal, after drinking drinks that contain caffeine. It is also worth noting that painful sensations may occur after suffering stress or nervous shock.
  5. Starts weight gain. According to statistics, the majority of patients with impaired intestinal peristalsis suffer from obesity.
  6. Observed signs of intoxication. Patients develop under the influence of toxic substances allergic reactions, ulcers, rashes, and pimples appear on the skin.

Diagnostic measures

After identifying alarming symptoms, a person should go to a hospital for consultation and undergo a comprehensive examination. It will be extremely difficult for specialists to make an accurate diagnosis based only on the clinical picture of the disease. This is due to the fact that many diseases occurring in the gastrointestinal tract have identical symptoms. That is why the patient will have to undergo various tests and undergo hardware examinations, the results of which will help doctors differentiate the disease and develop effective scheme drug therapy.

Patients need to undergo comprehensive examination, providing:

  • passing basic tests;
  • donating feces to detect occult blood;
  • undergoing a colonoscopy;
  • submitting stool for dysbacteriosis;
  • undergoing irrigoscopy;
  • be examined using an endoscope;
  • pass biological material for histology;
  • Perhaps an x-ray, CT or MRI will be performed.

Treatment methods

In the process of treating intestinal motility disorders, highly specialized specialists, as a rule, use an integrated approach. This category of patients is prescribed medications, physical exercise is recommended, and nutrition is adjusted. Also, many doctors practice parallel use of time-tested folk recipes, herbal infusions, decoctions that can enhance intestinal motility.


Today, many specialists very successfully use the process of treating impaired intestinal motility medications, the components of which stimulate and enhance the motility of the organ. They also increase the tone of muscle tissue. For example, tablets “Vasopressin”, “Aceclidine”, “Proserina”.

This category of patients is prescribed medications that have a stool laxative effect, through which it will be possible to strengthen contractile functions organ. Thanks to the use of such medications, patients are able to empty their intestines by increasing peristalsis.

Three groups of drugs can be used during therapy:

  1. Affecting only the intestines. The most fast-acting and powerful laxatives in this group include Glauber's and Epsom salt. After a person takes this laxative, his osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen will almost instantly begin to increase. At the same time, there will be an obstacle to the absorption of chyme, namely its liquid part, which will result in increased peristalsis. Stool removal will begin in about an hour.
  2. Affecting only thin section intestines. The most effective means From this group is the well-known castor oil. After taking it, the patient will find it easier to move feces through the intestines, increase the motility of the organ, and significantly speed up the process of bowel movements. The elimination of stool will occur in the range from 2 to 6 hours. It is worth noting that the act of defecation can be accompanied by fairly moderate spastic pain, localized in the stomach.
  3. Affecting only the large intestine. This group includes medications that are either synthetic or herbal in origin. This category of patients is often prescribed synthetic medicines, for example, Guttalax, Bisacodyl, Phenolphthalein tablets. All these medications are presented in pharmacy chains in the form of suspensions, suppositories, and tablets. The components present in them enhance intestinal peristalsis, effectively cope with prolonged constipation, and also help with organ atony that occurs after surgical treatment. It is worth noting that human body gets used to such medications quite quickly, and while taking them, symptoms may arise. intestinal colic and allergic reactions. Regarding medications plant origin, then in their production manufacturers use the following components: rhizomes of licorice, buckthorn, rhubarb, hay leaves. In pharmacy chains they are presented in various pharmacological forms.

Also, in the course of drug therapy, specialists include medications that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. For example, the condition is stabilized with the help of antidepressants, tranquilizers, and antipsychotics.

Nutrition rules

Patients need to adjust their diet and adhere to the following recommendations that will help restore intestinal motility:

  1. Vegetables are best consumed unprocessed.
  2. The diet should include freshly squeezed juices.
  3. There should not be long gaps between meals.
  4. It is necessary to exclude all junk food from the diet.
  5. Before your morning meal you should drink a glass of water.
  6. The daily volume of liquid should not be less than 1.5 liters.
  7. Patients need to consume fermented milk products.
  8. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.


To clean and restore normal operation intestines, V medical institutions use an enema or an Esmarch mug. Colon therapy is performed for the same purpose.

The main way to restore peristalsis is to organize the diet and correct mode nutrition. Try not long breaks in eating; best mode in your case there will be 5-6 meals a day.

Try to eat less meat and fish soups, easily digestible varieties of fish and meat, white bread, soft cookies, cocoa, semolina porridge and rice, mashed potatoes. Products that contain a lot of fiber are especially useful for you - black bread, buckwheat, honey, vegetable soups, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, carrots, legumes, apples, plums and other fruits. Vegetables are best consumed raw, not chopped.

Plums and prunes, as well as juices from spinach and beets, have a strong laxative effect. If you eat several of these fruits or salads with beets every day, chewing them thoroughly, you will soon forget about the problem of stopping intestines. If the beetroot and spinach juice starts to get too strong, add to this mixture carrot juice.

Fermented milk products, especially yogurt, are good for restoring peristalsis. For drinks, give preference to freshly squeezed juices and mineral water, saturated carbon dioxide.

Try preparing the following mixture to improve peristalsis: a tablespoon of sprouted wheat grains, two tablespoons of raw oatmeal, a spoonful of honey, two tablespoons of water, two grated apples, a spoonful of chopped nuts and the juice of half a lemon. Stir and eat this mixture without restrictions, without adding anything else.

You can use a proven folk recipe: Take 15 g of buckthorn bark, brew it in half a liter of water and drink it like tea. Healers also advise drinking mild laxatives such as water in which plums or oats have been boiled, cabbage brine, radish juice and tea made from dried apples and cherries.

Contribute to normal operation intestines those sports that give the stomach a shake - running, walking, horse riding, swimming, tennis and others sport games.

Before your main meal, eat something salty. This simple technique stimulates the production gastric juice.

The herb is used not only for bathing, but also as an appetite stimulant. Prepare a decoction and take ½ cup half an hour before meals, before each meal.

Prepare a decoction of dandelion roots (as a rule, they are dug up in the fall or early). Pour two tablespoons of dandelion roots 0.5 l into a thermos. boiling water, leave overnight. Usually one-time appointment is 100 grams. During the day, before each meal, drink the decoction, and you will definitely feel better. appetite.

Video on the topic


  • no appetite after antibiotics

Violation of peristalsis causes constipation in the body with the release of dense feces in the form sheep feces or thin tape. This indicates stool dehydration due to a lack of water in the body. In order for the intestines to work smoothly, it is necessary to regulate water exchange. But it is necessary not only to drink enough water, it must be retained in the intestines so that peristalsis is normal.

You will need

  • To improve intestinal motility, you need to prepare the following components:
  • - bran;
  • - flaxseed;
  • - unrefined sunflower oil;
  • - milk thistle;
  • - plantain seeds.


To retain water in, which will effectively cleanse it, take 1 teaspoon of bran 3 times a day. Bran should be washed down with at least 250 ml of water. This amount of bran per day is enough to normalize stool and avoid dehydration.

To normalize the work, prepare the oil. Grind 100 grams to a powder, put it in a 600 gram glass jar and fill it with unrefined sunflower oil. Place the jar in a dark place for 2 weeks to infuse. Before use, stir the mixture until a suspension of flax seeds appears in the mixture. Take 1 tablespoon linseed oil, mixed with a glass of kefir, overnight. This composition normalizes intestinal motility, relieves and improves the liver.

Milk thistle seeds also perfectly normalize intestinal function. Take milk thistle and grind it in a coffee grinder. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed milk thistle seeds 3 times a day with food, you can add it to your meal or eat it with water.

Plantain seeds are great for healing gastrointestinal tract. Take plantain seeds and grind them in a coffee grinder. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. Plantain seeds swell in the intestines and retain water well. Thanks to this, the formation of feces occurs, they move easily and are emptied.

Video on the topic


To normalize intestinal motility, it is necessary to put in order the teeth, which are the basis correct intake food.

Many people have probably encountered digestive problems. According to statistics, almost half of the population of well-developed countries suffers from gastrointestinal pathologies. The gastrointestinal tract organs are among the first to lose their functions, which is why various diseases and pathological conditions. Already in ancient times it was known how to improve intestinal motility. Then the doctors prescribed changes in lifestyle, diet and diet.

An ailment such as impaired peristalsis can affect both adults and children. The proper functioning of the body depends on the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Any disturbance in the functioning of the digestive system affects general condition human, and also causes a decrease in the protective properties of the body and the appearance of unpleasant diseases. It is not difficult to normalize peristalsis, and both medications and folk remedies, and exercises.

What is meant by peristalsis?

Peristalsis is a wave-like contraction of the walls of the genital tubular organ, helping in the movement of food from the upper sections to the exit openings. Smooth muscle, localized in two layers in the intestinal walls, participates in this process. Thanks to the coordinated work of the muscles, a peristaltic wave is created with different frequencies (depending on the part of the intestine).

Violation of the process of peristalsis can slow down the absorption of nutrients, deteriorate the movement of food and make it difficult to remove residues and unnecessary for the body processed food. As a result, all accumulated food becomes a source of toxic substances, which are an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

As a result, various gastrointestinal diseases develop, in particular inflammation, constipation, and diarrhea.

As a rule, people wonder how to improve intestinal motility when they have already developed certain disease. To prevent the occurrence of disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to eat properly, maintain healthy image life. In addition, it is important to know what factors can provoke disruptions in intestinal function. This is the only way to prevent the disease.

Reasons for violation

From the appearance similar problem Not a single person is insured - neither an adult, nor an elderly person, nor a baby. Pregnant women often experience this phenomenon.

Weak peristalsis may be due to:

A person who is looking for ways to improve intestinal motility should first seek the help of a qualified specialist. There are many on the forums positive feedback for one remedy or another. However, it should be understood that you can take any medication, as well as treat an illness at home, only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor and undergoing a thorough examination.


Manifestations of impaired peristalsis can be very different. Moreover, in one person the symptoms will be mild, while in another it will be the opposite.

Often, the disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:

In addition, the disease may be accompanied by a deterioration in general health, malaise, insomnia, irritability, allergic manifestations(appearance of pustules, rashes), flatulence, pallor skin, unpleasant smell from oral cavity, loss of appetite, headaches, dizziness.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, as only qualified specialist knows how to improve intestinal motility, what medications to take and how to eat.

Taking medications

The doctor will conduct a diagnosis before prescribing treatment. This is very important point, since it is quite difficult to diagnose peristalsis disorders only on the basis of patient complaints. The symptoms of the disease are similar to those of other gastrointestinal pathologies, including diverticulitis, colitis, and tumors.

As a rule, the following is prescribed:

Only after a thorough examination can a doctor prescribe treatment for the disease. Therapy for pathologists should be comprehensive, involving the use medications, lifestyle correction, dieting and special exercises.

Good results can be achieved by using formulations alternative medicine made from natural ingredients. Thanks to the compositions from medicinal herbs You can not only enhance peristalsis, but also strengthen the immune system.

Often, to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors prescribe the use of the following drugs:

  1. Proserina, Aceclidine, Vasopressin. These drugs have a stimulating effect and help increase the tone of the intestinal muscles.
  2. Laxative drugs acting on the entire intestine, in particular Epsom and Glauber's salts.
  3. Laxatives acting on the small intestine, including castor oil.
  4. Laxative drugs acting on the large intestine: Regulax and other drugs based on natural ingredients.

The use of drugs that help enhance peristalsis and also relieve constipation is often prescribed: Guttalax, Phenolphthalein, Bisacodyl.

Stimulation of peristalsis in children and adults using different methods

Along with taking medications, in particular Proserin, doctors prescribe a diet and advise performing special exercises. It would not be amiss to use alternative medicine that helps stimulate the intestines.

Diet correction plays a huge role in normalizing peristalsis. Use the right products will help normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cleanse the intestines of toxic substances and toxins.

It is not recommended to consume coffee, tea, chocolate, white bread, baked goods, berry jelly, porridge (rice, pearl barley, semolina), meat dishes, sausages, fatty, fried, spicy, salty, smoked dishes, butter, pears, quince. These products inhibit peristalsis.

Experts recommend enriching your diet with foods that enhance peristalsis. These include greens, nuts, seafood, seaweed, wheat bran, vegetable oils, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), dried fruits, sour apples, ripe persimmons, plums, strawberries), vegetables with plant fibers (radish, radish, cabbage, beet, carrots), fermented milk products, berry and fruit juices.

Proper stimulation of the intestines should be ensured not only by the composition of the food, but also by the diet. You need to eat in small portions, at least five times a day. There should not be long intervals between meals. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the drinking regime. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid per day.


Everyday execution special exercises will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to gymnastics, the abs will appear and the intestines will be properly stimulated.

  1. You need to lie on your back, and then raise your legs one by one.
  2. While in the starting position, you need to grab your legs bent at the knees, and then press them to your stomach. You need to stay in this position for five seconds.
  3. You need to lie on your back, then lift it off the floor and lower it back. You need to do twenty repetitions.
  4. Squatting is also useful. Moreover, the squat should be slow. You need to do twenty squats.
  5. While standing on your feet, you need to jump as high as possible.

The use of alternative medicine

In order to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular peristalsis, formulations made from natural ingredients can be used together with medications.

People in postoperative period, and also for paresis of the large intestine, it is recommended to carry out Ognev enemas, consisting of hydrogen peroxide, glycerin and soap solution. This procedure helps stimulate the intestines.

How to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in a child

Treatment for a child’s illness will depend on the cause. If peristalsis is impaired due to obstruction or pylorospasm, surgery is prescribed. If the cause of disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is dysbacteriosis, medication and diet are prescribed.

It is not difficult to normalize peristalsis. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations - take medications, eat right, refuse bad habits and lead an active lifestyle.

The digestive system is one of the most important mechanisms in human life. With age, he loses his abilities, which is why problems begin. Therefore, everyone should know why intestinal peristalsis is needed and how to improve it?

Few people know what intestinal peristalsis is. This concept refers to wave-like contractions of the intestines, which allow food to pass further through the intestinal canal and form into feces. With correct contractions, normal digestive processes. With coordinated work, all microelements must remain in the body, and everything else comes out along with feces during bowel movements.

Let's figure out what intestinal motility is and how to prevent problems with it. For the healthy functioning of the intestinal tract, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and physical activity. If two rules are not followed and there is bad habits, a person’s ability to work decreases, he becomes lethargic and irritable.

Peristalsis begins to occur when the stomach fills with food. Fine duodenum contracts up to ten to twelve times per minute, small intestine - nine times per minute, large intestine and rectum - three times per minute. If there are problems with intestinal motility, the patient complains of constipation or diarrhea.

Causes of peristalsis disorders

Impaired intestinal motility can occur at any age.

The reasons for the unfavorable process are:

  • permanent stressful situations and overload of the nervous system;
  • poor nutrition in the form of fasting, overeating, refusal to eat, consumption of heavy and unhealthy foods;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • long-term use of anesthetics;
  • the occurrence of regular dysbacteriosis;
  • infection of the intestinal canal;
  • the appearance of tumor-like formations;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • detection of helminthic infection;
  • mental problems;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

In some cases, the harbingers of impaired intestinal motility are the occurrence of various diseases that affect the immediate functioning of the intestine. alimentary canal.

IN childhood reasons may be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • regular experiences;
  • poor nutrition or weaning;
  • supply of a small amount of water.

Doctors often advise giving children massage and providing them with drinking regime. In childhood digestive function recovers much faster than in an adult.

In older people, the reasons lie in low motor activity. They prefer to be in a lying or sitting position more, as a result of which constipation is observed. Also, intestinal motility may be disrupted as a result of previously suffered surgical intervention. At this age, it is much more difficult for patients to endure all procedures, and the body takes several times longer to recover.

Disruption of intestinal peristalsis is observed during pregnancy. In the first trimester the problem arises due to changes hormonal levels. Due to sufficient production of progesterone, prolonged constipation occurs. Starting from the second trimester, the fetus is actively growing. The enlarged uterus squeezes more and more each time internal organs, including the intestinal tract.

Symptoms of impaired intestinal motility

Poor peristalsis does not allow a person to live fully. He is constantly tormented by unpleasant sensations.

The main symptoms of the development of the problem are usually:

  1. increased pain in the abdominal area;
  2. periodic occurrence of spasms;
  3. flatulence and bloating;
  4. bowel dysfunction in the form of diarrhea or constipation;
  5. weight gain or loss;
  6. deterioration of general condition;
  7. development of symptoms of intoxication.

In childhood, symptoms of intestinal motility disorders include the following:

  • irritability and nervousness;
  • restless sleep;
  • causeless crying.

If such unpleasant symptoms occur, you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Enhanced peristalsis of the intestinal canal

Peristalsis may have different character: to be weakened or strengthened. But in both cases it leads to the development of adverse consequences.

Increased intestinal motility is characterized by symptoms such as regular diarrhea up to eight times a day. In this case, a person loses a lot of water, salts and microorganisms, which leads to immediate dehydration.

Common reasons are:

  • the occurrence of cancer;
  • intestinal infection;
  • diseases of the intestinal canal of an acute and chronic nature;
  • dysbiosis.

Increased intestinal motility may act as protective function when exposed to a harmful nature. In addition to all this, the patient complains of gas formation and flatulence.

Before you start therapeutic measures, you must first recognize the reasons.

When the first symptoms appear, the patient should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor listens to complaints and palpates the abdomen. Based on the data after palpation, an examination is already prescribed. This includes:

  • submitting stool for analysis;
  • donating blood for general analysis;
  • conducting an X-ray examination with a contrast agent;
  • performing colonoscopy and endoscopy;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • performing a biopsy for histological examination.

The entire examination takes from seven to fourteen days. If the body detects pathological process and the cause of development is recognized, the patient is prescribed therapeutic measures.

Treatment of intestinal motility disorders

How to improve intestinal motility? This question interests many patients. Treatment of impaired functioning of the digestive system involves integrated approach. The patient is prescribed medications, diet is adjusted and advised to perform gymnastic exercises. Treatment with folk remedies shows good results.

Drug therapy

How to strengthen intestinal motility? IN modern times pharmaceutical companies offer big list drugs. But they should be taken only after the recommendation of a doctor.

If the patient has weak intestinal motility, then he is prescribed:

  • laxatives that affect the entire intestinal canal. These include Epsom and Glauber's salts. These remedies are the strongest and fastest acting. The result can be seen in just one hour;
  • laxatives that act on small intestine. This includes castor oil. Its use ensures the movement of contents in the intestinal canal, and the effect occurs after two to three hours;
  • laxatives that affect the large intestine. They come in plant and synthetic origin. This may include glycerin suppositories, drops based on herbal extracts, Guttalax or Phenolphthalein.

To improve intestinal motility, drugs such as antipsychotics, tranquilizers and antidepressants can be prescribed. They affect nervous system and improve the psychological state of the patient.


How to restore intestinal motility? In most cases, patients benefit from following a simple diet.

Products that improve intestinal motility can be distinguished in the form of:

  • cold drinks in the form of berry and fruit juices, compotes, kvass, wine;
  • fresh dairy products;
  • ice cream;
  • vegetables with a high fiber content in the form of cabbage, radishes, beets, carrots;
  • fruit. These include watermelons, melons, sour apples, apricots and plums, persimmons;
  • dried fruits These include raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat and barley porridge;
  • greens and nuts.

If the digestive canal is not working, then vegetable oils from olives, sesame, and flax seeds are prescribed as products that stimulate intestinal motility.

Treatment that enhances motor function should focus on consumption large quantity fresh vegetables. There is no need to allow long breaks between meals. A great option would be five meals a day.

To reduce the motor function of the intestinal tract, you need to include foods in the diet in the form of:

  • hot tea, coffee and cocoa;
  • red wine;
  • white bread;
  • chocolate;
  • berry jelly;
  • pearl barley, rice and semolina porridge;
  • pureed soups and purees;
  • meat dishes;
  • eggs and butter.

When the intestinal canal is working hard, it is better to drink milk instead of kefir.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to strengthen intestinal motility? To improve the functioning of the digestive canal, you can resort to using traditional methods.

There are several effective recipes.

  1. First way. Laxative mixture.

    To prepare it, you need to take one spoon of wheat grains, two apples, two spoons rolled oats, honey, nuts and lemon. All ingredients are crushed and mixed together. Then add a spoonful of water and lemon juice. Everything is mixed well.

    The finished product should be consumed several times a day, one or two spoons.

  2. Second way. Mixture based on dried fruits.

    To make the medicine you need to take four hundred grams of prunes and pitted dried apricots. The ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, after which two tablespoons of propolis, a pack of senna grass and two hundred milliliters of honey are added to them.

    All components are thoroughly mixed together. The finished medicine should be taken two spoons before resting at night. At the same time, drink plenty of liquid.

Gymnastics for the abdomen

To normalize the functioning of the digestive canal, sports such as tennis, swimming, running and horse riding are suitable. You can do some exercises at home.

  1. First exercise.

    The patient needs to lie on his back and raise his legs up. It is necessary to perform movements like on a bicycle, only the abdominal muscle structures are additionally toned. This will increase blood flow in the pelvic organs.

  2. Second exercise.

    The patient needs to take a lying position and clasp his legs bent at the knees, and then. You must remain in this position for several seconds.

  3. Third exercise.

    It is necessary to pump up your abs every day. It is best to perform the workout in the morning after sleep, without getting out of bed. It is enough to perform the swing ten to twenty times.

All therapeutic measures to improve peristalsis should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It is better to follow gymnastics and diet constantly, and periodically you need to clean the intestinal canal.