Puberty in girls - how to know that it has begun and what to do next? Teenagers have to completely change their wardrobe

It begins and ends earlier than in boys (10-15 years and 12-19 years, respectively). In parallel with the acceleration of the rate of general physical development (acceleration), in the modern world there is a slowdown in the rate of puberty. And yet, puberty and the ability to bear children develop much earlier than the mental and material capabilities to raise and provide for your child. This is the main danger of early onset of sexual activity: the psychological and mental unpreparedness of a teenager, his illiteracy, lack of independence, incl. and material. Therefore, there are no general recommended timing for the optimal start of sexual activity: everything depends on the degree of psychological maturity of a person, on his responsibility, on his literacy. Therefore, puberty means only what it means, and in no case does it mean that a person has become an adult, or that he can have children, or that he has finally grown up and can take alcohol and drugs, because... they can no longer harm him. Puberty only means the end of childhood and the entry into a new period of life - adolescence.

Primary sexual characteristics are formed in the prenatal period, are present in the newborn, and depend on genetic sex. These include the external and internal genitalia. A person has them throughout his life.

Secondary sexual characteristics appear during puberty and disappear after menopause. Depends on hormonal levels. These include: pubic and armpit hair, in men - face, chest, legs, etc.; developed mammary glands; changes in the skeleton, body shape, distribution of fat and muscle tissue; voice changes; differences in character, temperament, psychological and mental characteristics; menstruation in girls and ejaculation in boys; sexual abilities.

In childhood and old age, a person has only primary sexual characteristics, supported by a minimal level of adrenal sex hormones.

1. Accelerate growth

Before puberty (puberty), there is a sharp growth spurt (growth rate of about 10 cm per year). In girls it begins earlier, the pace is less pronounced, and ends earlier. Therefore, girls first overtake boys who have not yet entered puberty, and then they stop growing forever, and the boys leave them far behind. Different bones grow at different speeds, hence the change in body proportions, angularity: the hands and feet grow faster, the bones of the facial skull (lengthening of the face), and lastly the torso. Therefore, teenagers appear thin, with long, awkward arms and legs, and with a horse-like face.

In parallel with the growth of the skeleton, muscle growth and development occurs. The function always lags behind the structure that is responsible for it, muscle growth does not keep pace with the growth of the skeleton (stick arms), and the growth of nerve endings and blood vessels does not keep up with muscle growth, hence the lack of coordination of movements and clumsiness of adolescents

The lower degree of muscle development in girls does not mean that they do not need strong muscles. There are certain muscles that a woman needs primarily - these are the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor and pectoral muscles, which provide the shape of the chest and abdomen and help in sexual activity and during childbirth.

2. Telarche

- maturation and growth of the mammary glands. Starts at age 10, along with accelerated growth. The mammary glands reach the penultimate stage of development by the age of 16, and the last - during the feeding of the child. Therefore, you should not worry about the insufficient size of the gland - it is still growing. Immature, small breasts do not require a bra, quite the contrary. Under no circumstances should the bra squeeze, rub, interfere, or be felt at all. A bra is not a sign of femininity, so there is no need to wear one unless necessary.

Breast growth begins with the growth of the nipple and areola. The color of the nipple can be anything from light pink to dark brown, it depends only on the total amount of pigment in the body (color of skin, hair, eyes) and nothing else, does not affect the function or sensitivity of the gland.

Dark hair may appear around the nipple. If they are rare, this is a variant of the norm (especially in eastern, southern women with dark hair and skin). If their number begins to bother you, it is better to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist, especially if this is accompanied by hair growth on the face, abdomen, and thighs.

Veins may be visible under the skin of the breasts, especially in girls with fair skin - this is normal.

Before your period, your breasts may swell and hurt. Depending on the severity of these symptoms, you can choose remedies that alleviate them. In mild cases, you can get by with infusions of herbs and vitamins; in more severe cases, accompanied by other complaints of premenstrual syndrome, consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist is necessary.

Monitoring the condition of the breast and signs of pathology - see above.

3. Pubarhe

- pubic hair growth. Starts at 10-11 years old. The last stage is reached by 15-16 years. Hair color, stiffness, and curl depend only on genetic characteristics and do not affect sexual function.

In girls, pubic hair occurs in the shape of a triangle with a clear horizontal upper border. Individual hairs going to the navel do not mean anything, but noticeable hair growth in the midline of the abdomen, approaching diamond-shaped, is a reason to contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Hair growth should not extend far to the inner thighs. Female sex hormones inhibit the spread of hair, while male hormones stimulate it.

Around the age of 13, hair growth begins in the armpits and the front surface of the lower leg. In modern women, in general, the level of female sex hormones is reduced and the level of male hormones is increased. Therefore, hair on the legs is no longer a rarity, but a variant of the norm. This hair growth should not extend to the back and inner thighs, otherwise it is a sign of increased levels of androgens (male sex hormones), especially in combination with hair on the chest, abdomen, and face.

How to deal with increased hair growth?

Do not shave your legs under any circumstances! Shaving only makes hair thicker and stiffer (just ask men). We specially trim, cut, and “refresh” the hair on the head so that it becomes thicker and grows faster - the mechanism is the same. In addition, shaving is accompanied by cuts that hurt, become inflamed, bleed, and most importantly, shaved legs are visible a kilometer away. Even in winter, do not allow yourself this quick and easy procedure - in summer you will have rough, blue-tinged feet with black spots. If you don’t believe me, look at the chin of a clean-shaven brunette after 30 years.

Legs can only be epilated. In this case, the hair is completely removed, from the root, so the new one grows more slowly, each time becoming thinner and lighter. However, it is, of course, much more painful, longer and more expensive than shaving.

Depilatory creams have an effect similar to shaving, because they only dissolve the outer part of the hair without affecting the root. In addition, they can cause chemical burns or allergies. The next day the same stubble grows.

Mechanical epilators pull hairs out by the roots. The effect lasts 1-2 weeks. The procedure is painful and requires patience. Wax strips do this immediately, with one jerk.

The best method of hair removal is electrical or laser removal of hair follicles. This is irreversible hair removal. It should be carried out only in highly qualified institutions, otherwise you can get scars.

You can only epilate your legs! Hair under the armpits and along the bikini line can only be shaved or removed with a depilatory cream (carefully maintaining hygiene, as there is a danger of infection of the sweat glands, which could lead to surgery). It is better to bleach facial hair with hydrogen peroxide or remove it with wax in a beauty salon.

Epilation does not eliminate the cause of hair growth! Contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist, there are special drugs, androgen antagonists. They reduce the severity of hair growth, oily skin, and the number of acne. They can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, because... they are hormonal.

4. Skin changes

Due to the active growth of the skeleton, the skin does not have time to grow and begins to stretch. To avoid damage and cracks in stretched skin, the sebaceous glands begin to work actively, secreting lubricant. These glands are located at the base of the hair, which is why the hair also becomes oilier. The only way to combat excess sebum is careful hygiene. Hair should be washed every day, with special shampoos for oily hair, suitable for frequent use. Places of increased acne formation (clogged sebaceous glands, inflamed due to infection) - back, chest, neck - must be washed with soap or shower products. Your goal is to degrease the skin, but not dry it completely, because dry skin is many times worse than oily skin; irreversible wrinkles form on it very quickly.

Do not wash your face with soap. There are special lotions for washing. The main thing is to take care of your skin. Most have a mixed type: oily on the forehead, nose and chin, dry on the cheeks. You will use different care products for different areas of your face. Dry skin requires rich nourishing creams, especially before going outside, especially in direct sun or frost.

Under no circumstances should you squeeze out acne or even touch it with your hands! You push the infection, which is limited to one place, deep into the skin, into the blood vessels. There is a so-called on the face. "triangle of death", there are veins communicating with the veins of the brain. If an infection gets into them, inflammation of the membranes or the brain itself can develop - meningoencephalitis. In addition, by squeezing out acne, you stimulate the proliferation of connective tissue cells, and the wound becomes overgrown with a scar. The only way to fight is cleanliness. Do not touch your face with your hands unnecessarily, do not use low-quality cosmetics, and do not try to cover acne with foundation, because... it will clog the pores even more and cause even more inflammation. Wash your face more often, eat less sweets and fatty foods, because... These products stimulate sebum production.

During a growth spurt, the skin can stretch so much that stretch marks may appear on the thighs, abdomen, and mammary glands - purple stripes that turn white over time. If there are few of them, this is a variant of the norm.

5. Fat metabolism

The body shape begins to become feminine: short stature; shorter legs in relation to the body than men; narrow rounded shoulders, rounded wide hips; developed mammary glands; large buttocks; characteristic distribution of fat: belly, thighs. This happens because muscle tissue in girls develops much more slowly and less pronouncedly than in men, and adipose tissue, being the target of sex hormones, develops in those parts of the body where maximum protection of internal organs is necessary (in men this protection is performed by muscles, in women strong abdominal muscles would interfere with bearing a child). Overeating, low physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, and a passion for sweets lead to impaired fat metabolism, and, consequently, to impaired puberty, because estrogen exchange and androgen synthesis occur in adipose tissue.

6. Menarche

- appearance of the first menstruation. Age 12-15 years. Deviations from this interval, especially strong ones, are a reason to contact a gynecologist.

With the onset of puberty, a girl’s external and internal genital organs begin to actively grow and mature under the influence of hormones secreted by the endocrine glands. The gonads are subordinate to the regulatory endocrine gland - the pituitary gland, located in the brain. The synthesis of pituitary hormones leads to the appearance of external signs of puberty. Growth hormone influences the growth and ossification of cartilage; ACTH stimulates the adrenal glands, whose hormones (including androgens) are responsible for pubic and armpit hair growth, changes in metabolism, and adaptation to a stressful situation. Prolactin stimulates the maturation and growth of mammary glands. Gonadotropic hormones promote the growth and maturation of the sex glands - gonads.

The ovary begins to synthesize female sex hormones - estrogens. The target organs of estrogen are all tissues and organs. First of all, the growth and development of the external and internal genital organs (genitals) occurs. The vaginal mucosa matures, becomes folded, its epithelium begins to peel off, mucous discharge appears in small quantities - this is the norm. If their color, consistency, or smell changes, you should contact a gynecologist without hesitation. Almost all women have one or another chronic infection of the genital tract, which is transmitted through household means (through towels, soap, in the pool, toilet, etc.). At an early stage they are all cured, at a chronic stage - almost never! Do not allow yourself to develop chronic infections!

The external and internal genital organs grow and reach adult sizes. The mucous membrane of the uterus begins to undergo cyclic changes, because... The release of hormones from the pituitary gland, and therefore from the ovaries, occurs cyclically. This is the main difference between the functioning of the reproductive systems in men and women: in men everything happens constantly, throughout life, and in women it happens cyclically, with an abrupt beginning and end of the activity of the gonads. The duration of the established menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. The cycle is established, at most, a year after menarche. The duration of menstruation is 3-7 days, the volume of blood lost is 30-50 ml (no more than 80 ml). Pay attention to these numbers; deviation from them, as a rule, means some kind of malfunction in the reproductive system and requires contacting a gynecologist.

At the beginning of the cycle, FSH is released from the pituitary gland, causing the maturation of oocytes in the ovary. Growing follicles secrete estrogens. Within 5 days, the dominant follicle is selected, the best of all that have entered into growth. The rest die, it grows until it reaches a diameter of 20 mm. Such a follicle synthesizes the maximum level of estrogen. They affect the pituitary gland, causing a decrease in FSH and a surge in LH. Under the influence of LH, ovulation occurs - the rupture of the follicle membrane and the release of the oocyte into the abdominal cavity, where it is captured by the fallopian tube. In the fallopian tube, the oocyte develops into an egg. Fertilization can occur here. If it does not occur, the egg passes through the uterine cavity in transit and exits into the external environment through the vagina. At this time, the uterine mucosa was preparing to receive the fertilized egg and ensure the development of the embryo. This happened under the influence of a special hormone progesterone, secreted by the corpus luteum - the gland left after ovulation. The development of the corpus luteum is ensured by LH of the hyplphysis. It is progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, that causes changes throughout the body that prepare it for pregnancy. With its deficiency, the so-called premenstrual syndrome: swelling of the mammary glands, fluid retention, swelling, changes in weight, mood, attention, pain in the lower abdomen. At the end of the cycle, 14 days after ovulation, the level of all pituitary hormones drops sharply, the corpus luteum atrophies, the level of progesterone and estrogen decreases, a minimal hormonal background is formed with a predominance of androgens (acne, mood changes), insufficient to retain the uterine mucosa, which has grown to adoption of the embryo. The mucous membrane is rejected and comes out along with the egg - menstruation. Immediately, FSH is released, and a new cycle begins - the growth of new follicles and the choice of the dominant one.

An established menstrual cycle means the girl is physically ready for pregnancy. With menarche, it is necessary to think about contraception in case of initiation of sexual activity, because... You can get pregnant even with an unsteady, irregular cycle, on any day.

To start menstruation, the so-called critical body mass (at least 50 kg) and a certain percentage (at least 35) of adipose tissue mass from the total body weight (estrogens depot). Therefore, girls who exhaust themselves with a diet risk losing or severely disrupting their reproductive function.

Menstruation is usually painless or moderately painful. In girls, they can be very painful due to a small hole in the hymen, which interferes with the release of menstrual flow (sometimes this hole may be absent altogether, then cyclic pain appears, intensifying from cycle to cycle due to the accumulation of blood, without discharge. This condition requires dissection hymen). In such girls, the pain decreases sharply after the onset of sexual activity. Soreness can be caused by general immaturity of the body, small size of the genital organs, hormonal insufficiency, psychological characteristics, concomitant inflammatory process, strong muscle contractions of the walls of the uterus. Depending on the cause, no-spa or besalol, suppositories with belladonna, heating pads, hot baths (antispasmodics) can help with pain; aspirin, indomethacin, methindole or ketonal (anti-inflammatory); hormonal agents. It is better if the remedy is prescribed by a doctor, at the same time specifying the cause of painful menstruation.

Normally, a small amount of blood is lost during menstruation, which is even useful, because... the blood is constantly renewed, which stimulates the immune system. With increased blood loss, high nervous and physical stress, malnutrition, and hypovitaminosis, a gradual loss of iron occurs. The girl turns pale, has blue circles under her eyes, severe weakness and fatigue. These are signs of anemia, which occurs in almost all women, and especially in young women. It is necessary to take multivitamins with a high iron content.

Hygienic measures during menstruation do not differ from usual ones. The daily routine should not change. Everything is allowed. If pain or profuseness interferes with normal performance, you should consult a doctor.

Girls can use tampons. The hole in the hymen is usually large enough for a small tampon to pass through. The tampon should not be in the vagina for more than 4 hours. Tampons should not be left in overnight. The tampon needs to be changed earlier if it becomes soaked faster. You need to choose the smallest suitable tampon (if 4 hours after removal the tampon is semi-dry, then the smaller size is suitable for you). It is better to combine a tampon and a pad, and at night or when you don’t go out anywhere, use only a pad. Use products from well-known companies, beware of fakes!

A woman should keep a menstrual calendar, noting in it the characteristics of the discharge, its duration, and abundance. These calendars help the gynecologist make a diagnosis upon treatment.

Menstruation is the main criterion for reproductive health. Watch yourself! Don’t hide the incomprehensible, don’t think that some deviation will go away on its own - it doesn’t happen. There is a pediatric gynecologist who deals with virgins. Don't listen to your friends' advice, don't trust cheap brochures! Only a qualified gynecologist can help a woman with the assistance of herself!

7. Puberty is accompanied by an increase in sexual activity, which is provided by androgens

In girls this is expressed to a lesser extent and later than in boys, but later in women sexuality is much more developed. In connection with this problem, the girl needs knowledge! Anything that is not harmful to health is possible. The only thing that can wait for now is sex life. And erotic dreams, involuntary orgasm during physical activity, voluntary during masturbation, reading relevant literature and watching films, as well as a lack of interest in this side of life - this is an individual norm.

Puberty, otherwise known as puberty, begins at the age of 8–13 years in girls, and at 9–14 years in boys. This process means the beginning of the transformation of the child’s body into an adult organism endowed with the function of reproduction. A comprehensive understanding of the period of puberty implies not only the physiological side of growing up, but also the psychological and social adaptation of a teenager.

What can be considered precocious puberty?

So, puberty is considered to be early if it occurs in girls before they reach 8 years of age, and in boys - before they reach 9 years of age. However, it should be noted that such norms do not apply to everyone - for example, among people living in countries with hot climates, children reach puberty somewhat earlier. It has been observed that children who are overweight are more susceptible to early puberty.

There are factors that can influence the timing of puberty, including:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • environmental (climate) features;
  • belonging to one race or another;
  • socio-economic standard of living;
  • eating habits and characteristics;
  • endocrinological disorders (hypothyroidism, adrenal hyperplasia) or frequent use of hormonal drugs;
  • pathologies of the genital organs: ovaries in girls and testicles in boys.

In some cases, puberty occurs earlier due to dysfunction of the central nervous system. The following diseases can also contribute to the acceleration of puberty:

  • neoplasms of the brain (brain and spinal cord);
  • inflammatory diseases of the meninges - meningitis, encephalitis;
  • hypothalamic hamartoma;
  • malformations of intrauterine brain development - hydrocephalus;
  • brain injuries and damage;

Other diseases that are quite rare can also affect the timing of puberty. As an example, we can mention McCune-Albright-Braitsev syndrome, in which skin pigmentation and bone structure are disrupted.

Experts distinguish two main forms of premature puberty:

  1. True, or central, which is associated with the early activity of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  2. False, or peripheral, caused by hormones of the adrenal cortex or neoplasms of the genital glands, which causes increased secretion of sex hormones.

In many cases, the cause of early puberty is premature activity of the pituitary gland

How can you recognize premature onset of puberty?

The reproductive system of both boys and girls is formed during the period of intrauterine development. Each child at the time of birth receives a full set of necessary genital organs, but they “wake up” just at the onset of puberty. By about the age of six in girls, and by the age of eight in boys, the adrenal glands begin to intensively produce androgens, which affect changes in the child’s body. This process precedes the onset of puberty.

So, on the basis of what signs can we conclude that a child has begun puberty?

In boys

  • an increase in the size of the external genital organ, especially the testicles;
  • the appearance of facial hair (a cannon above the upper lip), pubic and armpit hair;
  • intensive growth;
  • change and breaking of voice;
  • change in the smell of sweat.

For girls:

  • breast formation;
  • pubic and armpit hair growth;
  • change in body contours, intensive growth;
  • the beginning of menstruation;
  • the appearance of acne on the face;
  • change in the smell of sweat.

The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in a girl

Acne is one of the signs of puberty

How is it diagnosed?

First of all, it is necessary to carefully examine the child; if the signs mentioned above are found, it is best to contact an endocrinologist who will conduct the necessary examinations and decide what is the cause of the child’s condition and whether it needs treatment or correction.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, a special blood test is performed with the child first given an injection of a special hormone that releases gonadotropin. Depending on the result obtained, the doctor determines the form of premature puberty.

In addition, to diagnose early puberty, an X-ray examination of the child’s hands is used. The data obtained make it possible to determine the biological age of bone tissue and its correspondence to chronological age. By comparing the biological age with the size of the hands and wrists, one can come to a conclusion about whether the child’s skeleton is developing normally and whether the bones are increasing in size too quickly.

If there is a suspicion that brain pathologies are the cause of early puberty, children are examined using an MRI - magnetic resonance imaging scanner. To identify possible disorders of the thyroid gland and reproductive organs, the doctor may order an ultrasound and a blood test to determine the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

Is it necessary to treat

First of all, the main goal of treating precocious puberty is to stop the intense manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics, which sometimes causes psychological trauma to children. In addition, a skeleton that develops too quickly outpaces the growth of internal organs and leads to the development of fragility of bone tissue.

The choice of treatment method will depend on the cause of the child’s condition and the extent to which this condition is pathological. If premature puberty develops as a result of early activity of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, then it is quite possible, by taking small doses of hormonal drugs, to slightly slow down this process, bringing the child on par with his peers. Here, a psychological problem is solved to a greater extent than a physiological one.

In the case where the cause of premature puberty is tumors of the brain and spinal cord, the doctor will consider either the possibility of conservative treatment of tumors, or, in extreme cases, the need to remove them. Modern medicine has high-tech methods that make it possible to rid a patient of tumors without the use of a surgical scalpel, followed by rapid rehabilitation.

If the cause of a child’s premature puberty lies in a disruption of the endocrine glands - thyroid, adrenal glands, etc., drug therapy is carried out using special steroid drugs.

Premature puberty most often becomes the cause of psychological discomfort for the child.

How can you prevent premature ripening?

Alas, many natural factors, such as racial and genetic characteristics, cannot be eliminated. However, if your child is taught a healthy lifestyle from childhood, his risk of such disorders will be significantly reduced. To do this, the baby must eat properly and not overuse medications, and especially hormonal ones. Parents should strictly control the weight of their child.

Unfortunately, there is still a widespread misconception about what a well-groomed baby should look like - chubby arms and legs, a round tummy and bright “diathesis” cheeks. Here he is, the idol of grandparents! Parents must understand that the consequence of this “beauty” will be a hormonal disorder of their beloved child.

It is also necessary to know that a child whose puberty occurred too early experiences psychological trauma from the fact that he is not like his comrades. It is no secret that in children's groups he will be subject to ridicule, and in the worst cases, bullying. Parents should help their child cope with their condition, and for this it is best to contact a child psychologist or psychotherapist.

It is quite possible that the child’s premature puberty has no reason to worry, but parents should pay great attention to this factor, since it may be based on serious illnesses that require immediate treatment.

The time of puberty, or puberty, occurs in girls between the ages of 8 and 13 years, plus or minus 1 year. The first menstruation usually occurs 2 years after its onset.

What happens during puberty?

During puberty, a girl's reproductive system changes in ways that prepare her for the birth of a child. This process occurs in several stages:

  1. The girl's mammary glands begin to enlarge. This process can take up to 5 years until the breasts reach their final size and shape. Therefore, a teenager should not worry if the bust currently does not correspond to the imagined ideal appearance.
  2. Hair begins to grow in the armpits and pubic areas.
  3. At this time, very rapid growth of the body occurs, the second fastest after the infancy period of life.
  4. Body shape changes. Weight increases, small fat deposits appear on the hips and abdomen. During this period, it is harmful to follow low-calorie diets.
  5. The smell of the skin changes, increased sweating appears in the armpits.
  6. Acne appears on the face, chest, and back.
  7. Vaginal discharge appears or changes.
  8. Teenagers experience changes in emotions and sexual sensations.
  9. Menarche occurs - the first menstruation, a regular menstrual cycle is established (read about this important period in a girl’s life).

Forms and stages of puberty

How long does puberty last for girls?

Its normal duration is 2 to 4 years. Each girl’s rate of development is individual, so all the onset dates and duration of puberty can shift by 1 year or even more.

Signs of the onset of puberty are breast enlargement and hair growth in the pubic area. Some girls develop breasts first without other noticeable signs of puberty. In others, secondary hair growth appears earlier and breasts develop later. This is a normal process. A delay in any of the symptoms does not necessarily mean that there are some pathological changes in the girl’s body.

Precocious puberty is often a variation of the norm. However, parents should consult a doctor if a girl begins to develop pubic hair at the age of 7-8 years.

In some cases, puberty is delayed. This may be due to illness or, for example, to a teenager’s passion for low-calorie diets and malnutrition. You should consult a doctor if a girl does not experience breast enlargement by the age of 14. Another unfavorable sign is the absence of menstruation 5 years after the start of breast growth.

Early puberty

It begins with an increase in the size of the hands and feet. At the same time, a “breast bud” begins to form - a small knot of tissue under the areola of the nipple. It may be slightly painful, soft or quite dense, and may develop asymmetrically. This process takes about 6 months and is controlled by estrogen.

After the initial development of the mammary glands, vaginal discharge appears. They have high acidity and can cause genital skin irritation and inflammation - vulvovaginitis (you can learn about the characteristics of the course and treatment of the disease in women, adolescents and children). Therefore, it is important to teach the girl the rules of personal hygiene, start using panty liners, and if diaper rash or irritation occurs, use creams with panthenol or zinc oxide.

Second puberty

Includes active hair growth in the pubic area. After this, signs of skin irritation caused by discharge at an earlier age disappear. Along with the growth of pubic hair, acne may occur.

Acne is a common companion during puberty.

Rapid growth occurs, as well as changes in facial features. Within six months after the start of the second stage of puberty, girls grow by 5-7 cm, and their weight can increase by 4-5 kg ​​during the same time. Then menstruation begins. This process usually occurs when the teenager turns 11 years old.

When does it end?

Puberty is considered to be complete when regular menstruation begins. However, after this the girl will continue to grow. Over the next 2 years, she will add another 5-10 cm in height. The achieved body length will be almost final; in the following years, the growth may not increase so much. Breasts continue to develop until age 18.

Hormonal changes

In girls, the peculiarities of the puberty period are caused by hormones circulating in the blood.

The primary mechanism that triggers the production of gonadotropin-releasing factor in the hypothalamus is still unclear. Regardless of the mechanism, this process occurs gradually. This is evidenced by the slowly increasing concentration of gonadotropic hormones and estrogens over several years.

Under the influence of this factor, synthesis is activated first during sleep and then at other times of the day. Later, from about 10-11 years old, and begins to stand out. The activity of these two substances levels off throughout the year. After the onset of menstruation, the secretion of gonadotropic hormones becomes cyclical.

The pituitary gland, in addition to gonadotropins, also secretes a small amount of prolactin during puberty, a hormone that affects the development of the mammary glands.

The synthesis of steroid hormones – androgens – by the adrenal glands is enhanced. In girls, their concentration increases from 6-7 years of age, but does not have a significant effect on sexual development.

An increase in the plasma level of gonadotropic hormones leads to stimulation of the ovaries, as a result of which these organs begin to synthesize estradiol, the female sex hormone. It is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics - the growth of the mammary glands, the redistribution of fat and others. The ovaries increase in volume from 0.5 cm 3 to 4 cm 3.

Under the influence of estradiol, the uterus also develops. If in little girls it has a drop-shaped shape, the neck makes up up to 2/3 of the length of the entire organ, then during puberty it becomes pear-shaped, and its body increases in size relatively more than the neck.

Wave-like fluctuations in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone and the accompanying changes in the amount of estrogen initially do not reach the concentration required. However, the endometrium in the uterus is more sensitive, and preparatory processes occur in it for the change of proliferation and regression. When the hormones reach a certain peak level, menarche occurs. At this time, the uterus is completely ready for cyclic changes.

Emotional changes

The psychology of puberty is associated with a variety of emotional experiences. It is better if the girl has a trusting relationship with her mother, who can answer any questions that arise.

Main changes in emotional state:

  • Emotional instability

The girl experiences many emotions, she has many thoughts and ideas. She may feel embarrassed and awkward, especially when interacting with boys. She also gets upset easily and takes offense, primarily at family and friends. Whims, causeless tears and a minute later laughter are a normal state for a teenager. It is worth paying attention to depressed mood and sadness if they last more than 1 week.

  • Constant fatigue

The child may get tired quickly or feel hungry all the time. Puberty is a time of very rapid growth, so you need at least 9 hours of sleep a day. He should eat a variety of healthy foods. These include whole grain bread, rice, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish. This type of nutrition will help the teenager feel more active and reduce emotional instability. It is better to give up sweets, chips and fast food. They can not only provoke acne, but will also cause excess weight - a real “scourge” of the modern girl.

  • Dissatisfaction with your appearance

Teenagers often feel discomfort about their appearance and are embarrassed by the changes that are taking place. Comparing herself with her friends, the girl sees the difference in their development. However, you need to understand that puberty is different for everyone, so such differences are normal, and body changes will ultimately lead to the formation of a feminine figure.

  • Changes in relationships

The girl's relationship with her family changes. She prefers to spend time with friends rather than with relatives. Sometimes she has the feeling that her parents do not want to know about her experiences. This is a normal psychological reaction. In fact, parents need to be ready to unobtrusively help the growing girl, to give her confidence that she can always count on them.

Formation of the menstrual cycle

Menstruation can begin at any time during puberty, but usually it occurs after the body has undergone the changes listed above, that is, secondary sexual characteristics have formed. Here are some facts you need to know about the development of your menstrual cycle:

  • It is impossible to know the first day of menarche in advance. It usually occurs after about a 2-year period that has elapsed from the onset of breast development. The first menstruation may appear as a few drops of blood or be quite heavy. Before it starts, cramps in the lower abdomen may bother you, but this is not a necessary sign.
  • Sometimes a teenage girl is bothered by . This is a complex of physical, emotional and mental changes that lasts several days before the onset of menstruation, including the first. The child may complain of nausea or headache, cry frequently, and may experience bloating or swelling. In the first days of menstruation, there is often pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes quite severe. If this condition appears constantly after the start of the menstrual cycle, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist to avoid hormonal disorders.
  • In the first months, the cycle is often irregular. Sometimes menstruation does not start every month. There may even be breaks between them for several months. This is normal, but for control you should immediately create a special “menstrual” calendar. If your cycle does not normalize within a year, you should consult a doctor.
  • During menstruation, it is more convenient to use pads than tampons. If menstruation begins unexpectedly and irregularly, you should always have a spare sanitary product with you. They should be changed at least every 4 hours. If a girl uses sanitary tampons, they must be removed at night to avoid a serious complication - toxic shock syndrome.
  • After the first menstruation, pregnancy may occur during unprotected sexual intercourse. This can happen even with an irregular cycle. Ovulation usually occurs only 6-9 months after the start of menstruation, but it is impossible to predict the first ovulatory cycle. There is no need to avoid such issues, and if necessary, gently advise your daughter to use condoms.
  • After the start of menstruation, the mammary glands acquire a rounded shape. At this time, you can already use a small bra so as not to tighten, but to support the developing breasts.

In an earlier article, we already talked about how the menstrual cycle is established in teenage girls, what is considered normal and what is a violation? To find out more details, read.

Changes in organs and systems during puberty

Under the influence of hormones, changes occur not only in the reproductive system, but also in other organs. This is sometimes associated with some symptoms that worry the child and parents. As a result, they are treated for a long time and unsuccessfully; over time, all these physiological changes disappear on their own. Of course, if you have doubts about the child’s health, you need to show him to a doctor. However, it is worth knowing some signs that are characteristic specifically of the puberty period in girls.

  • The cardiovascular system

The rapid growth of bones and muscles outpaces the increase in the heart and vascular bed. Therefore, to properly supply the growing body with blood, the heart beats faster. Many girls have a tendency to lower blood pressure. Against the background of rapid heartbeat, cardiac output decreases. Under the influence of any pathological influences (stress, staying in a stuffy room, fatigue) this can cause fainting. A single such case is not dangerous, but if fainting occurs regularly, it is necessary to show the child to a doctor.

  • Digestion

A teenager's digestive system is very active. Therefore, muscle spasms, periodic abdominal pain, a tendency to loose stools, and nausea are possible. It is necessary to establish regular, nutritious nutrition for the girl and be sure to monitor her weight. At this age, both weight loss and excess body weight are dangerous.

  • Breath

Sometimes girls complain of feeling short of breath. This is due to the body's increased need for oxygen. Therefore, the child should be in a ventilated room and spend more time in the fresh air. Bronchial asthma rarely occurs for the first time at this time, but if attacks of dry cough appear, you should consult a pulmonologist.

  • Nervous system

The brain and peripheral nerves are already well formed. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to any signs of trouble - headaches, cramps, dizziness, numbness or tingling in the limbs. Such signs should not exist during the normal course of puberty.

Hypothalamic syndrome

One of the common disorders is hypothalamic syndrome of puberty. This is a condition associated with a violation of the secretion of releasing factor by the hypothalamus, which triggers the entire hormonal axis “pituitary gland - ovaries - uterus”. The causes of this pathology have been little studied, but it is known that it occurs more often in girls whose parents have endocrine diseases (obesity, diabetes). A provoking factor may be increased physical or emotional stress, dieting, overeating, improper sleep patterns and other healthy lifestyle disorders. The disease most often occurs in adolescents who in infancy suffered birth trauma, encephalopathy and other conditions that could negatively affect the development of the nervous system.

Hypothalamic syndrome is less common in girls than in boys. It develops after puberty, 2-3 years after the start of menstruation. Its manifestations are associated with excessive secretion of gonadotropins, androgens, gestagens, as well as a relatively low amount of estrogen.

Main symptoms of the pathology:

  • increased body weight and accelerated growth;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • feeling hot, sweating;
  • facial hair growth;
  • headache;
  • increased body temperature for no apparent reason;
  • emotional disorders - changes in eating behavior, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness.

Hypothalamic syndrome in adolescents does not have clear diagnostic criteria, and its existence is not recognized by all doctors. Typically, girls are prescribed treatment, including a balanced diet, sedatives and hormonal medications, and general restoratives.

Anomalies of puberty

Precocious puberty is diagnosed by the presence of pubic hair or breast enlargement in girls aged 7 years. In this case, an in-depth examination of the child is necessary to identify the following diseases:

  • brain tumors;
  • Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia;
  • hyperinsulinism.

Delayed puberty is considered to be cases where mammary glands do not enlarge at age 13, or if menarche does not occur within 3 years after the start of mammary gland formation. If menstruation does not occur at the age of 16, they speak of primary menstruation.

In these cases, it is necessary to exclude the following diseases and conditions:

  • eating disorder (anorexia);
  • polycystic ovarian changes;
  • agenesis or fusion of the vagina.

The earlier the disease is identified, the more effective its treatment. In the future, such girls have a greater chance of having a normal pregnancy and external compliance with accepted norms for a female figure.

Treatment for delayed or premature puberty is individual. It is prescribed by a pediatric gynecologist after a mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist. A gentle regimen, full sleep, absence of negative emotions, and a healthy diet are recommended. If necessary, hormonal drugs are prescribed. If the cause of changes is in the anatomical defects of the genital organs (for example, with vaginal atresia), the best treatment method is surgical.

Puberty is a complex of biological and physiological changes associated with somatic functions. It is believed that puberty in boys begins at about twelve years of age and ends at seventeen years of age. Under the influence of hormones, teenagers turn into men. The changes affect not only the physiological side, but also the psychological aspect. The emotional and intellectual areas usually continue to develop until age twenty-two.

Physiological signs of puberty in boys

Puberty is associated with increased growth and increased body weight. It often happens that a boy grows three centimeters in a few months. Rapid growth usually continues until age eighteen. When puberty begins in boys, the gonads and genitals become enlarged. The prostate gland and seminal vesicles also become larger and begin to function. Their active work is manifested in erections and emissions. The latter includes involuntary ejaculation. This phenomenon is a normal physiological process and indicates that the functioning of the genital organs has begun.

External sexual characteristics

The transitional period of puberty in boys is manifested in increased hair growth in the groin area (wedge-shaped type), armpits and on the face. If a teenager has a female type of growth, then it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist. The changes also affect the voice of teenagers. Gradually he becomes rude and low. This is due to an increase in the size of the larynx and ossification of some of its areas. Under the influence of hormones, the smell of boys' sweat becomes more pungent, the skin becomes oily, prone to acne. During this period, you need to pay special attention to personal hygiene.

Musculoskeletal system

The puberty period in boys affects changes in the figure - the pelvis stretches slightly, remains narrow, and the shoulders become wider. Teenagers often look awkward because different tissues grow unevenly. The bones increase in size first, the muscles next, and then the nerve fibers and blood vessels. In parallel with the growth of the skeleton and muscles, physical strength increases, which initially lags behind muscle development. Parts of the body develop inharmoniously, first the feet and hands are stretched, then the limbs, and lastly the shape of the face and torso changes. The body shortens, the lower jaw increases in size. The shape of the head is least susceptible to changes, since the skull and brain development precede the rest of maturation.

The main problems in boys are associated with temporary disturbances in motor coordination. The phenomenon can be explained by an overestimation of one’s own motor abilities, which is based on the unusually large size of the body, and stiffness is characteristic. Coordination is affected by the gradual increase in muscle strength. This sequence ensures coordinated work of different muscle groups.

Psychological characteristics of teenagers

Puberty is not easy for boys. Many people don’t want to show photos at this time. The teenager looks clumsy, with excessively long limbs, disproportionate. Often guys start slouching to avoid attention to themselves. More confident teenagers begin to look for their own style in order to please the opposite sex. Often at this time a teenager becomes sexually active. Until this point, it would be useful to jointly discuss all the consequences of promiscuity.

The most difficult period on the path to adulthood is puberty for boys. Psychology describes the extremely unstable nervous system of adolescents. A teenager is accompanied by frequent mood swings; he can plunge into depression over a trifle, or he can react aggressively to a seemingly harmless joke. Teenagers are categorical in their opinions, they tend to act thoughtlessly, following the will of emotions. Physical and mental illness is expressed in frequent whims and pugnacity. Boys can simultaneously experience hatred for the world around them and for themselves. Added to the contradictory state is an attraction to forbidden actions. Puberty in boys is accompanied by feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding. Parents need to adhere to a special line of behavior in times of crisis, since one careless word can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The intellectual development of puberty boys is actively aimed at finding their place in society. The teenager strives for independence and criticizes many topics. During this period, the formation of character, perception of the surrounding world, one’s image and line of behavior occurs. The teenager is already able to abstract mental operations from objects; thinking reaches the phase of formal operations, so he often begins to reach for general formulas and theories. The teenager thinks about his own theories of happiness, politics, and philosophy. During puberty, a boy begins to perceive the world from the point of view of ways of changing it. He is trying to formulate his life program, depending on his chosen goal in the future. With her, the teenager enters the adult world, encountering obstacles along the way, and gradually socializes.

Puberty in boys includes active development of imagination. Teenagers carefully guard their fantasies. There is a development of self-awareness. The boy begins to look for the reasons for his behavior and analyzes the further development of his actions. This neoplasm promotes understanding not only of oneself, but also of other people during puberty in boys.

Age, psychology, crisis 13 years

This is a period of increased fatigue and decreased performance. Due to lack of maturity, a thirteen-year-old teenager cannot understand what is happening to him. Misunderstanding is expressed in increased excitability and motor restlessness. Defending one's independence, characteristic of this time, begins during puberty in boys. The age at which the crisis ends is fifteen years. At this transitional moment, increased sensitivity, hot temper, and sometimes demonstrative behavior often appear. Under the influence of hormones, boys are characterized by frequent mood swings and violent outburst of emotions. For example, an hour ago he could be crying because they didn’t buy him a game, but now he’s screaming and swearing because he’s being told to clean his room and doesn’t remember the game. Bursts of increased motor activity are replaced by complete exhaustion, fatigue sets in quickly. Increased fatigue is associated with a frequent complaint from parents about the “laziness” of their offspring. Thirteen-year-olds cannot do monotonous work; their attention and patience only last ten minutes. Work efficiency and productivity decline sharply, and the number of errors in actions increases. Basically, the negative phenomenon is associated with the restructuring of the motor system. Changes in functioning are also observed in fine motor skills, which leads to deterioration in handwriting. Sloppiness characterizes the puberty period.

In boys, the age of thirteen is associated with the development of logical thinking, which is expressed in increased criticism. He does not take the words of adults on faith and demands proof that they are right. Boys begin to pay attention to their feelings and experiences; it is not uncommon that at this age they begin to write poetry or keep a diary. One of the symptoms of the thirteen-year-old crisis is pronounced negativism. The phenomenon is associated with the desire to deny traditional views; the teenager becomes withdrawn and can often be seen thoughtful.

Premature ripening

In boys, this is a rather rare occurrence. Usually the beginning of the maturation process is included in the standard framework. The earliest period of development is ten years, and the latest is fourteen. Boys have narrower shoulders and a wider pelvis than their peers. Precocious maturation is characterized by strong sexual urges during childhood. There are often cases when, along with this phenomenon, true precocious puberty is found to be caused by three reasons: disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamus, the influence of previous brain diseases, and the idiopathic form. Timely treatment is necessary as children stop growing prematurely.

Later development

Boys with a late onset of puberty generally have long legs and a short torso. The main symptoms are the absence of pubic hair growth at the age of fifteen, and the genitals by the age of thirteen. Delayed maturation can be caused by diseases associated with pathologies in the structure of chromosomes, for example, Klinefelter syndrome. The presence of diabetes mellitus, anemia, renal failure or the effect of tumor processes in the brain also has an impact. A decrease in hormone stimulation affects the timeliness of development. The cause of temporary deviations may be a hereditary factor. If one of the parents had delayed puberty, then the possibility of passing on developmental characteristics increases.

Hypothalamic syndrome

This disease occurs quite often in boys during puberty. This is an age-related restructuring of the body with a disorder of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and other endocrine glands. in boys it usually develops by the age of sixteen. The development of the disease is influenced by neuroinfections, stress, pregnancy pathology, traumatic brain injury, changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland, radiation, and so on. Against the background of the syndrome, hyperproduction of corticosteroids and cortisol is noticeable. The latter causes a decrease in insulin sensitivity, which can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus and the formation of atherosclerosis. As the disease progresses, stretch marks appear on the body - pink stripes.

Boys suffering from the syndrome begin to eat a lot in the evenings and at night, which is associated with the onset of activity (vagus), which stimulates the work of insulin. Over time, obesity appears and the mammary glands enlarge. Patients drink a lot, complain of frequent headaches, and get tired quickly. Hypothalamic syndrome of puberty in boys causes a decrease in academic performance and an increase in the manifestation of negative emotions. Due to caustic attacks from others about their appearance, sufferers may become depressed.

Patients usually have tall stature, corpulent limbs, a wide pelvis, and a round, plump face. The skin is delicate and prone to sunburn. Hair is generally prone to loss and is greasy. Patients with hypothalamic syndrome are distinguished by soft, delicate hands, with long fingers and thin nails. When the function of the thyroid gland decreases, drowsiness, slow reaction, and chilliness are observed. Boys affected by the syndrome suffer from excessive sweating, hot flashes, nausea, fever, and so on.

One of the forms of hypothalamic syndrome is juvenile basophilism. The disease causes obesity, enlarged mammary glands, and high growth compared to peers. Puberty can be either premature or delayed. In the first case, boys are hypersexual and prone to early sexual intercourse.

Under the influence of stress, the syndrome can worsen and lead to various crises. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, gynecomastia, and peripheral atherosclerosis may develop. With timely treatment, recovery is observed in most cases. The syndrome usually regresses with age. With a decrease in body weight, stretch marks turn white and become less noticeable. With proper correction, all symptoms disappear by 20-25 years.

Diseases of puberty

One of the most common diseases is osteochondropathy. The negative phenomenon is associated with a lack of calcium in rapidly growing bones. Due to a deficiency of an important element, teenagers complain of pain in the knees and ankles. Excess calcium also brings problems. It can be deposited in the kidneys in the form of salts, which leads to urolithiasis or pyelonephritis.

Problems with the functioning of the adrenal glands can begin during puberty in boys. Diseases associated with these disorders lead to the development of hypertension and early atherosclerosis. The work of the adrenal glands also affects cardiac activity. In case of disturbances, arrhythmia, sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, and headaches may occur. During puberty, disturbances in the endocrine system may occur. The reason for contacting an endocrinologist is mainly premature sexual development or its delay. During the examination, violations may not be detected, then the teenager and parents should be patient.

During puberty, two more opposing diseases occur - pubertal obesity and wasting. In the first case, there is excessive deposition of fat on the abdomen and thighs. The suffering teenager is characterized by lethargy, lack of initiative, and prefers a sedentary lifestyle. Sexual development is usually normal, height is average or above average. The cause of obesity is the activity of the basophilic elements of the anterior pituitary gland. Usually the disease does not require special treatment, but examination and observation are mandatory. As for pubertal exhaustion, the disease is also associated with a disorder of the pituitary gland and is more common in girls.


In addition to somatic diseases, psychological disorders can also develop during puberty in boys. Age and signs of disease are different. Often the impetus for the development of the disorder is a teenager’s overly critical attitude towards himself, his appearance, as well as increased sensitivity to ridicule. For example, depersonalization disorder involves anxiety about changes in the body. The teenager experiences a feeling of alienation and anxiety due, for example, to an enlarged hand. Doubts arise about the veracity of sensations, sometimes about the reality of one’s own personality. Teenagers describe their state as if all actions take place in a dream, sounds are heard muffled. This is associated with the development of certain rituals in order to verify the reality of one’s existence. Another disorder associated with changes in the perception of the environment is derealization. In this case, people are perceived as inanimate objects, and the sizes and shapes of objects are distorted. The condition is characterized by depression, obsessive thoughts, fears, and memory impairment.

Changes in the body can lead to the development of complexes and even a crisis. Thus, the disease dysmorphophobia is expressed in an obsessive fear of a defect in appearance (apparent or imaginary). The sufferer begins to lead a secluded lifestyle and carefully disguises the deficiency. The teenager is depressed and constantly dissatisfied with his appearance. The disorder can lead to deliberate harm to one's body in order to get rid of the defect on one's own.

Despite the desire of adolescents for independence, for open negativism, disobedience, and sometimes aggression, they remain children even during puberty. In boys, age and behavior psychology are interconnected. But every teenager needs to be listened to and his problems correctly perceived. By jointly solving problems with parents, disastrous consequences can be avoided. The family should always remain a safe place where a teenager can take a break from adversity and be accepted for who he is. It should be remembered that during puberty, most diseases, both somatic and psychological, can be prevented or cured without much effort. To do this, you need to be attentive to what the boy says about himself and monitor his behavior.

If boys begin to mature between the ages of 12 and 19, then for girls everything happens earlier and faster - from 10 to 15 years. And although in the modern world there is a general accelerated development of all physical characteristics - acceleration, puberty is currently slowing down its pace.

But even with the modern slow pace of sexual development, it occurs much earlier than a person has the mental and material opportunity to have a child. Actually, this is exactly where it lies the main problem of early onset of sexual activity. Teenagers who are not ready to take responsibility for their actions, mentally or financially, risk making many mistakes by starting to have sex at such an early age. Lack of extensive life experience and awareness of contraception further increases the risk when it comes to early sexual relationships.

Primary sexual characteristics- these are those internal and external genital organs that develop in humans during the period of intrauterine development. Primary characteristics depend on genetic sex and do not change throughout life.

Secondary sexual characteristics- these are signs of gender that begin to appear only with the onset of puberty. The manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics depends on the hormonal background of a person. These signs include the appearance of hair in the pubic area and armpits, the development of the mammary glands, changes in the skeleton, voice, body shape, as well as character traits and personality traits.

Accelerated growth

As is known, During adolescence, girls grow faster and are taller than boys. This is explained by the fact that before the onset of puberty, people experience a sharp growth spurt in all organs, including the skeleton. As already mentioned, girls experience puberty earlier than boys, and, therefore, the pre-pubertal growth spurt occurs earlier in them. Therefore, for some time, girls are taller than boys, then their growth stops, and boys begin to grow, overtaking girls.

A feature of prepubertal growth is that Skeletal bones grow at different rates. This is why teenagers seem angular and awkward. The hands and feet grow fastest, as well as the bones of the facial skull. The bones of the body grow the slowest. Hence the awkwardness of teenagers, their long arms and legs, as well as elongated faces with sharp features.

In addition to clumsiness, adolescents are characterized by clumsiness and poor coordination of movements. The reason for this feature is that muscles do not have time to develop at the same rate that bones develop. In turn, the development of nerve endings and blood vessels occurs more slowly than muscle growth. Due to such developmental dissonance, a teenager may experience discomfort, he may even have heart pain, headaches, and so on.

Breast growth

Telarche- or the process of breast growth - begins at about ten years of age. By the age of 16, the penultimate stage of breast development is reached, and the last stage occurs while the child is breastfeeding. That is, the breasts will grow before breastfeeding begins.

Girls whose breasts have not yet developed enough, but are just emerging, should not immediately buy a bra. After all, a bra is not a sign of femininity. On the contrary, if you start wearing a tight, squeezing and rubbing bra from the very beginning of breast growth, this can deform the mammary glands. Therefore, it is better if it is a bust without cups made of soft natural fabric. An ideal bra should not be felt on the body at all, should not rub, squeeze, and so on. The skin under the bra needs to breathe.

Breast development begins with the growth of the nipple and areola. Depending on the amount of pigment and skin color, nipple color may vary from pale pink to brown. The color of the nipples does not in any way affect the functioning of the mammary gland or its sensitivity. That is, the color of the nipples cannot be interpreted as any malfunction of the body or the like.

The emergence of dark hairs around the nipple- is also the norm, especially for dark-haired women of the oriental type. Of course, the growth of several hairs is considered normal, but if their number exceeds the norm, it is better to contact gynecologist-endocrinologist, especially if dark hair grows not only around the nipples, but also on the face, stomach, and thighs.

If girls have fair skin, then veins may be visible on the chest under the skin. This is also completely normal and should not cause concern.

Breasts may become painful and increase in size before your period. If these symptoms are not too pronounced and are not accompanied by other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, you can get by with herbal infusions and vitamins to ease the pain. If the pain before menstruation is very strong, then you should seek advice from gynecologist.

Pubic hair growth

Pubarhe- pubic hair growth - also begins at about ten years of age and stops at 16 years of age. The color of hair in the pubic area depends on genetic characteristics, as well as the thickness and coarseness of the hair. All this does not affect the functioning of the genital organs.

Pubic hair growth occurs differently in boys and girls. In girls, hair grows in the shape of a triangle and is clearly limited to a horizontal border. Normally, girls should not have hair in the middle part of their abdomen. Only a few hairs extending from the pubis to the navel are acceptable. If hair growth spreads both in the abdomen and on the inner thighs, this is a reason to contact gynecologist-endocrinologist.

In men, thick hair on the stomach and inner thighs is the norm, as male sex hormones stimulate hair growth. Women, on the contrary, should restrain the intensity of hair growth.

In the armpit area hair begins to appear in children aged 13 years. Around the same time, hair begins to grow on the front of the lower leg.

The level of female hormones in modern women is reduced, and the level of male hormones, on the contrary, is at a higher level. Therefore, hair growth on the legs of women is now considered normal. However, hair growth on the back of the legs and thighs is a sign of increased levels of male hormones. If this is combined with increased hair growth on the face, abdomen and chest, this should also be a reason to visit a doctor.

What to do about increased hair growth

Shaving legs is not the best way to get rid of unwanted hairs. Ask any man and you will find out that this makes your hair even coarser and thicker. The same thing happens with the hair on your legs - the more often you shave it, the faster it will grow back. In addition, do not forget that frequent shaving is accompanied by irritation, ingrown hairs and cuts. As a result, the skin on the legs becomes rough, and upon closer examination you can see small black dots - this is what the face of an adult brunette man looks like after shaving. Therefore, you should use other methods to get rid of leg hair.

One of the best ways to get rid of unwanted hair is epilation. Thus, you do not cut the hair, but pull it out by the roots, which means that new ones will grow slower than after shaving. Epilation weakens and thins the hair, so with each procedure the hair will become lighter and thinner, which means it will cause fewer problems. The disadvantage of hair removal is the high cost and painfulness of the procedure.

Creams used for depilation legs aren't a good idea either. They, like a razor, remove the outer part of the hair and do not affect the root, which means that the hair will grow back as quickly as after shaving. Another danger depilatory creams- risk of getting a chemical burn or allergic reaction.

Mechanical epilators pull hairs out by the roots. The procedure is painful, but the effect lasts for 1-2 weeks. Less painful is hair removal using wax strips.

The most expensive procedures for removing unwanted hair are: electric and laser hair removal. In this case, the hairs disappear for quite a long period of time, and possibly forever.

It is advisable to perform hair removal only on the legs. It is better to shave hair under the arms and in the pubic area. If hair grows on the face, it is better not to remove it at all, but to provide it with hydrogen peroxide. You can also go to a beauty salon to remove unwanted hairs.

Skin change

Due to accelerated skeletal growth the skin, like other organs, does not have time to grow. Then the skin begins to stretch and crack. In order to avoid damage and stretch marks on the skin, the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce lubricant. Since the glands are located at the base of the hair, the hair, like the skin, becomes oilier. That is why teenagers and young men should carefully maintain personal hygiene to get rid of excess sebum.

You have to wash your hair every day. Due to intense oil secretion, some sebaceous glands can become clogged and inflamed. Especially often blackheads and pimples appear on the back, chest, neck and face. Regular soap will not help fight acne - it will dry out the skin, which will lead to even more intense oil secretion. Acne-prone skin should be washed with special care products for problem skin.

Often in adolescence and young adulthood, the skin is of a mixed type: the forehead, nose and chin are oily, and the cheeks are dry. Therefore, you should use different products for different areas of the face. Dry skin should be lubricated with rich nourishing creams, and oily skin should be treated with special lotions for oily skin.

Squeeze out blackheads, and indeed touching them with your hands is very undesirable. The fact is that by squeezing a pimple, we push the infection deep into the skin, into the blood vessels, which means the infection takes root and leads to the appearance of new acne.

You can fight acne only with hygiene and careful facial skin care. Cosmetics and foundation in particular should be prohibited - since particles of cosmetics can further clog the sebaceous gland. Also limit your consumption of sweets and fatty foods, wash your face more often - this is the only way to curb the secretion of sebum.

Due to the rapid growth of the skeleton, stretch marks on the skin may form on the hips, chest, and abdomen. A small number of pale streaks in these areas is considered normal. Gradually they turn white and become invisible.

Fat metabolism

By a certain age, girls begin to take shape, their figure acquires feminine curves. The height is short, compared to a man, the legs are shorter than the body, while in men, on the contrary, the legs are longer. Rounded buttocks, soft belly and hips are characteristic shapes for girls.

The differences in figure between men and women are explained by the fact that in girls, muscle tissue develops more slowly than fat tissue. Adipose tissue, due to female hormones, is distributed to those areas where organ protection is most important: that is, the stomach, thighs, buttocks. In men, the organs are protected by strong muscles. Women need strong abdominal muscles, but if they were too massive, they would interfere with bearing a child.

If a teenager does not lead an active lifestyle, overeats and especially consumes a lot of sweets, then the process of fat metabolism is disrupted, as is the process of puberty. That is why it is very important for teenagers and young men to lead a correct, healthy lifestyle.

First menstruation

Girls get their first periods aged 12-15 years. A large gap from this period, that is, the appearance of menstruation much earlier or much later, should be a reason to contact gynecologist.

With the onset of puberty, girls actively grow external and internal genital organs - this occurs under the influence of hormones. All sex glands that secrete hormones are regulated by the endocrine gland. It is the synthesis of hormones that the endocrine gland secretes that causes the appearance of primary pubertal signs. They affect skeletal growth, the appearance of pubic and axillary hair, and the development of mammary glands.

With puberty, the ovaries, under the influence of hormones from the pituitary gland, begin to produce estrogen. Estrogen- female sex hormone, affects all tissues and organs. Under its influence, the growth of primary sexual characteristics continues, the structure of the genitals changes, the mucous membrane of the vagina changes, becoming folded. The appearance of a small amount of mucous discharge is absolutely normal. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the color, texture and smell of the discharge. Any changes should prompt you to seek advice.

The main difference between male and female puberty and the functioning of the reproductive system is the release of hormones. In men, hormones are released constantly, while in women it occurs cyclically. The activity of the gonads begins abruptly and ends just as abruptly. Actually, that's what it's called menstrual cycle. The duration of this cycle normally varies from 21 to 35 days. The duration of menstruation also varies - from 3 to 7 days. A girl's regular cycle is established for at least a year after her first period.

When the cycle is finally established, the girl is considered physically ready for pregnancy. That is why, from the first appearance of menstruation, it is necessary to explain to the child about the importance of contraception, because even if the cycle is still unstable, the probability of becoming pregnant is quite high.

Menstruation begins only when a girl reaches a certain body weight and a certain percentage of adipose tissue. So, a girl should weigh at least 50 kilograms, and the percentage of adipose tissue from the total body weight should not be less than 35%. Actually, this is why a teenager should not be allowed to go on a diet - this can have a detrimental effect on a girl’s reproductive function.

Normally, menstruation is painless or tolerably painful. In girls, the high pain of menstruation is explained by the small opening of the hymen. That is, the discharge simply cannot leave the vagina and accumulates without being released. If the situation is very serious, and the pain intensifies from cycle to cycle, you should consult a gynecologist; you may need to cut the hymen.