The cat does not tolerate the road well, what should I do? How to transport a cat long distance with minimal complications. The cat is afraid to ride in the car: signs

Let's talk in general about transporting cats, trips to the clinic, to the country, to the sea or to relatives in a neighboring city.

I propose to divide the article into several parts:

  1. In the first part we will talk about fears and stress and their effect on the body.
  2. In the second we will learn how to prepare the animal.
  3. What you need to take with you on the road.
  4. In conclusion, a few words about the necessary vaccinations and the preparation of accompanying documents.

What happens to a cat when it suddenly travels?

How are animals usually transported? In most cases, the cat is simply picked up and forced into a carrier, then taken to an unfamiliar place. Sometimes the journey takes several days.

What happens in this case? Imagine, a cat lived in an apartment for several years, saw the world around him from a window or balcony, and there are so many new things here. New smells, sounds, strangers, transport, screams, barking...

An animal from a familiar environment suddenly finds itself in another world, and everything unidentified causes fear. When there is danger, a natural mechanism is triggered: run away or defend yourself.

When a cat cannot escape, it freezes and practically does not react to others. If you have been to clinics where there is an inpatient facility, you most likely noticed how calmly the animals left for treatment behave. They can easily give an injection or connect a system, that is, an IV, or carry out other necessary manipulations.

Yes, of course, they feel bad about it and already agree to everything. But if you compare a sick animal at home and in a clinic, these are two big differences.

In her apartment, a sick cat will defend herself to the last, sometimes the whole family has to hold her for a routine examination. And when it comes to complex manipulations, it becomes completely difficult.

Why am I making such a long digression and telling you different stories about the clinic and IVs? To draw your attention to some points.

It may seem to you that the animal bravely endures the trip, sits calmly in the carrier and does not even meow. This may be true, but most often the cat is under severe stress, it freezes and does not make any sounds. We see calm outside, but what is happening inside is not noticeable.

And inside the whole body is preparing to fight with all its strength or run as fast as possible. Adrenaline is produced, blood supply to the brain and muscles improves, sense organs are sharpened, more oxygen is supplied, and reserves are used.

An hour or two passes, but the causes of stress do not disappear - we continue the journey, we can still hear the noise of the crowd, foreign smells, and changes in temperature.

Exhaustion sets in, the body cannot constantly be in constant mobilization. In such situations, the cat may begin to make loud noises, scratch the carrier, urinate, and lick itself nonstop. Or he will completely stop reacting to what is happening.

Prolonged or severe stress can lead to serious complications. Neurosis, decreased immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, allergies and other disorders are often observed.

It has been noticed that after a trip, a cat more often suffers from infectious diseases, digestive disorders, autoimmune pathologies appear, and chronic ones worsen.

How to prepare a cat for a trip?

You need to start with a comprehensive vaccination, if you have not done so already. For example, if your cat is not vaccinated, then you need to treat it for worms, wait 10 days and get the first vaccination. Then you wait 21-28 days and do a revaccination (repeat), everything is approximately according to the standard scheme.

And again you wait 10-14 days for immunity to develop after the second vaccine, but now you can go outside.

It is more convenient to carry out the first outings in a carrier, so that the cat gets to know the unusual surroundings, hears the sounds of the street, and smells. Leave for 3-5 minutes and go home. Let the cat out in a familiar environment, see that she has calmed down - give her a treat and praise her. The point of such small trips outside is to make it clear that it is not scary or dangerous.

A common mistake is to calm and pet an animal on the street when it is in an excited state. This will only reinforce the wrong reaction. I’m nervous - the owner praises me, which means it’s good. You need to praise and give treats in a calm state. In the future, when the street becomes a familiar place, then the desired behavior can be reinforced there too.

The next day, take a longer walk. I think you understand the principle: daily, in doses, accustom the animal to an unfamiliar environment. Then you can take a walk on a harness and go to places with large crowds of people. A little later, take public transport a stop or two.

Keep in mind that adaptation may take several months, so if you are thinking about how to transport a cat over a long distance, then prepare for this in advance.

Necessary items on the road

You need a durable cat carrier with a door that closes securely. If you are planning a flight, then I recommend that you check with the airline about the carrying requirements.

It is clear that you need a drinking bowl, clean water, food, a harness and a tray. Without the usual tray, there may be problems with the toilet on the road or in a new place.

Take your “favorite” medications, perhaps your pet has chronic diseases and needs certain medications, you can also take an emergency first aid kit.

Yes, they also often ask me what kind of anesthesia to give so that the cat sleeps the whole way. Unfortunately, there are no safe and effective drugs to immobilize and calm animals. Some people use “Cat Bayun”, “Novopassit”, but the results are different; for some it helps, in most cases it doesn’t.

Accompanying documents

In this chapter I will describe the most necessary things that are required almost everywhere when traveling with animals. But when you decide to travel to another country, check the requirements for transporting cats of that country. They are similar in most countries, but may have their own characteristics.

The first thing that must be done is a vaccination against rabies, with a mark and seal of the state veterinarian in the passport. It is important that the vaccine is given no earlier than 30 days before departure and no later than one year.

There must be a veterinary passport, issued with notes on preventive treatments for your animal.

Then, a few days before departure, you need to go to a state veterinary hospital, where you will be issued an F-1 veterinary certificate. In it, the veterinarian will record your data and indicate the route to follow.

At customs, the certificate will be replaced with an international certificate for entry into another state.

In addition, the animal must be microchipped in advance; basic information about the cat and owner will be recorded on it. In most countries this is a mandatory requirement.

Special rules apply when transporting by rail; for some time they required the purchase of a compartment or SV. The rules change periodically, so check this point in advance.


Friends, I have listed the main points, if you have anything to add, write in the comments below, share your experience of traveling with animals.

You have long been planning to go on vacation with your family or go to another city to visit your parents. The suitcases are packed, the family is ready to go, but now you are faced with the question: how to transport a cat in a car or how to transport a cat to another city?

Pets don't particularly like change, and traveling long distances can be stressful for them. Therefore, you need to make the trip as comfortable as possible not only for yourself, but also for your pet.

First need

So, how to transport a cat in a car? First of all, you should prepare a standard cat kit. It will help your cat feel more relaxed about the trip. Also, on the eve of departure, you need to consult with a veterinarian and take all the necessary documents. Be sure to write down the doctor’s number so that you can always clarify questions that may interest you during your trip.

Now you must take care of your cat's health. It is worth taking medications on the road that can help her with certain difficulties. Take an extract from your medical history so you know the names of medications that may be needed.

Cat carrier or blanket

A carrier is a special bag or container designed for convenient transportation of a cat. It helps make any move safer for you and your pet. You need to remember that when purchasing a carrier, you must take into account all the nuances:
  1. 1. You need to buy a carrier for growth.
  2. 2. It should be practical and comfortable for your cat.
  3. 3. Consist of solid materials.
  4. 4. Be safe for the pet and you.

You will need a carrier in any situation when the question arises of how to transport a cat on a bus or how to transport a cat in a car. This is a comfortable mobile home for your cat. The main thing is that he feels comfortable and cozy there.
But there are times when there is no opportunity or time to purchase a carrier. Then you can use a simple bedspread, blanket, or towel. You just need to wrap up your cat and place it next to you.
An interesting way to transport an animal is a pillowcase. Place your pet there and tie it with string. You will end up with something like a collar for a cat. This way the trip will be more relaxed.

Food and water

After you have taken care of the comfort of your animal and the peace of mind of all members of your family. You should remember that cats are susceptible to dehydration and lack of water. This can have a very detrimental effect on their health. Therefore, you will need to take a large amount of clean water on the road and offer your pet to drink throughout the trip.

Now you need to decide what to do with your cat's food. If the trip is not long, then it is quite enough to feed her before leaving and just give her water on the way. But if the trip lasts for a long time, then of course you need to take care of food for your pet. You should not take sausage, meat, frankfurters or fish on the road. All this may go to waste and your pet may become ill from such products. The best solution here would be dry food. You can also use food in packages, which are also suitable for long trips.

If your pet has favorite treats, then a trip is just the time to pamper him. This way he will cope with the road more calmly and will be able to adapt faster.

Toys and toiletries

If you know that your trip will be quite long, then it is worth taking your pet's favorite toys. You need to take the simplest ones that take up the least space and will allow the cat to play with them in a carrier or in the arms of one of your family members.
Be sure to remember that too active games can irritate your pet, and its activity will interfere with your trip.

Now you need not to forget about the most important thing - your cat’s toilet matters. You will need to bring a litter tray, litter and bags with you. After all, your cat is accustomed to going only to the litter box, and during a trip it will be difficult to accustom her to another place. Therefore, you will have to suffer a little here. But for the sake of your beloved pet, you can take such measures.

Walking with a cat

If your trip will take more than one day, then you should not forget about walks with your pet. Of course, you can take him in your arms and go out for a walk with him in the fresh air when you stop in certain places. But there is a high chance that the cat will feel fear. She will want to break free, run and hide. To prevent this from happening and to prevent you from having to look for your beloved cat, you will need to take a cat leash with you. Thanks to it, you can protect yourself and your pet while walking calmly with him along unfamiliar city streets. Read more about intercity passenger transportation

Now you know the basic rules that will help you answer the question of how to transport a cat in a car. All these tips and rules will help you make a pleasant and unforgettable trip for you and your animal. The main thing to remember is that a loving owner will do everything to make his pet feel safe and comfortable. After all, we must protect our four-legged friends.

I want to tell you my experience of traveling and preparing cats for the trip. It so happens that I often travel with my cats. This happens for an exhibition, on vacation or on a visit to relatives in another city. And you always need to prepare for the trip. We traveled in a car with a cat to Crimea, through the Urals. We flew by plane across Russia and abroad, and traveled thousands of kilometers by train.

First of all, you need to accustom your cat to traveling in public transport from a young age. First place the carrier in the room where the baby is so that he gets used to it, can play and sleep in it, and it becomes a familiar object for the cat. And begin to slowly take him out into the street in it, for a short time, and, if possible, carry him around a little in the car. Bring the carrier with the kitten to noisy places - street, school, gym. All this will help him understand that being carried, despite the noise, din, and movement, is not scary. Start gradually - get used to it. You can also accustom your kitten to walking in a harness. Once they get used to the harness, they enjoy walking outside. On the road, this can be very helpful so that the cat does not run away scared of something.

There are a large number of different types of carriers for different purposes: plastic, textile, wicker baskets and on wheels, car houses. And different carriers are convenient for different trips. For short distances, where the pet will not be present for long, textile carriers are convenient, which look like a bag with straps to be worn on the shoulder or simply in the hands. For airplanes or trains, preferably plastic ones.

Moreover, many airlines require that the bottom of the carriers not leak and be of a certain size. And, usually, cats feel more protected. For a car, for long journeys, car tents are convenient, where you can put a tray and food.

First of all, if the trip is planned in advance, then start preparing the animal in advance. I wrote above that it is necessary to teach carrying from childhood. But nevertheless, you can start giving a little sedative medications, such as Kot-Bayun, Bach drops, Fitex. All these drugs are based on herbal infusions. And you need to start taking them 10-14 days in advance, since herbal preparations act cumulatively and it takes time for the therapeutic effect to appear. Before the trip, the cat does not need to be fed so that it does not get motion sickness or vomit.

You can put a tray in the carrier (if the bottom leaks) and put disposable diapers on the bottom. If something goes wrong, the diaper will absorb everything and can be replaced without any problems. If you have Feliway, you can spray a little into the carrier, it will calm your pet. Take a small bowl of water with you, but sometimes they don’t drink from the bowl due to stress, then an ordinary syringe without a needle helps out, which can be used to feed the cat directly. Your cat should definitely be given water on the road, especially if she is stressed. Signs of stress are: rapid breathing; copious amounts of saliva; slight trembling in the body, limbs; hot ears, nose; pupil dilation. With such a manifestation, you can alleviate the cat’s suffering - cover the carrier with a scarf or cloth, make a “hole,” wet the ears with cold water, and talk to the cat tenderly. Be careful with stroking; if she is stressed, she may react inappropriately to affection and bite. And be calm yourself - our pets very sensitively feel our worries and moods, which are transmitted to them.
Do not forget that your animal must have a veterinary passport with vaccinations before traveling, especially by plane or train. And if you are flying or traveling abroad, then it must have a microchip, a veterinary certificate with vaccination marks and microsporia screening. Do not forget to vaccinate cats against rabies and viral diseases on time. Check in advance the rules for transporting animals on a train or plane. Since on an airplane you need to reserve a seat in advance, and on a train you must buy a ticket only for those carriages in which animals are allowed. You can also use a small cat tent on the train - your cat can lie down stretched out and will not run away from you when you are sleeping.

To summarize, we can say that it is advisable to prepare the cat for the trip in advance so that it can more easily endure the trip. Prepare - a carrier, disposable diapers, a bowl for water and food (if you are traveling for a long time), food, a tray with the usual filling, soothing drops. Don't forget to take a harness with you on the road. Take a good mood with you and travel with pleasure!

Purring hello to everyone, my dear cat lovers!

Summer, early autumn and late spring are travel times for many of us. Therefore, today I would like to tell you about what to do, If Your his cat or the cat gets sick in the car, or in other transport.

Part 1 is diagnostic.

Let's start in order, i.e. from what signs can one determine that a cat is simply motion sick, and not that it has fallen ill with something seriously creepy.

1) Firstly, during motion sickness, cats usually begin to breathe heavily, with their mouths slightly open, their beautiful pink tongue sticking out, and they also begin to drool (and sometimes even snot) and tremble.

2) A more obvious and unpleasant symptom of motion sickness is, of course, vomiting, which can “attack” your pet both during the trip and immediately after it, when you have already reached your destination.

3) Another symptom of motion sickness can be a very tense state of the cat. In such cases, cats and cats either sit, staring at the seat, and look like a statue frozen in horror, or they hide in some far corner, close their eyes and sit (lie) there the whole way, so as not to see what frightens them.

Part 2 is causal.

"So why cats get sick in the car“They’re not people?” you ask.

There are two main reasons why male cats experience this condition.

Firstly, of course, a nervous state and stress due to a sudden change in the situation, a sea of ​​unusual smells, the roar of the engine, the terrible noise from cars passing by, etc.

Secondly, traveling by car stimulates the activation of the vomiting center in cats, which is located in their cunning and calculating brain.

Part 3 - Damn, we've arrived! So what should we do about it?

Luckily for all the cat-loving travelers out there, there are many things that can help. cat or to the cat, If her or him gets sick in the car.

Accustom your cat to travel from childhood. You can start with short trips of a few minutes once a week around your immediate area, and then go on longer trips.

Of course, we live in a time when everything has to be done quickly, on the run, from a dismount, from a swoop, from a jump.

But, nevertheless, I repeat once again: If you do not want your cat to get sick and sick, you need to prepare it for travel on the day of the trip. Here's how:

1) Do not feed the cat for at least 2.5-3 hours before the trip.

2) Do not allow your cat/cat to drink a lot.

3) Give your cat a special anti-sickness remedy.

A) These can be either tablets, such as “Beaphar Reisfit” (give 30 minutes before the trip) and “Serenia” (give to the cat 1.5 - 2 hours before the trip), or homeopathic remedies. Please note that these tablets are CONTRAINDICATED if the cat weighs less than 2.5 kilograms!!! KITTENS ARE DEFINITELY NOT ALLOWED!!!

Q) Now let's talk about homeopathic remedies.

Such products are not contraindicated for kittens and slim cats. However, you will have to tinker with them longer than with regular tablets.

I will give 2 examples:

1) Ginger tea. How to prepare it: pour 1 teaspoon of ground ginger (preferably freshly ground) into a cup of hot water. The tea is cooled, filtered + and a drop of honey is added. The resulting ginger drink is collected into a pipette and then poured into the corner of the cat’s mouth. If your pet is of modest size, then half a pipette will be enough, but if not, then pour in a whole one. This needs to be done 20-25 minutes before the trip.

2) Diwala (Scleranthus) Flower Essence. It is an excellent remedy for stress and nausea, both for cats and their owners. However, it is rarely found on sale, so it is better to order this essence in advance via the Internet (later it will come in handy for your loved ones). 2 to 3 drops of essence are dropped into the cat's mouth (depending on the weight category).

Don't just shove your cat into the car without any "holiday wrapping."

Buy a special carrier bag, or find a small, clean box and place your countless tailed treasures there. Close the bag or box (take care of the air holes in advance). It is advisable to throw some kind of rag over the bag, box, or container.

“Why treat the kitty so cruelly?” - some of the readers may ask indignantly? Answer: it will not be cruel, as your cat will feel calmer in the dark.

firstly, cats really feel great in the dark or in dim light;

secondly, this way the cat won’t see a lot of new things that might scare him;

thirdly, being in the dark, the cat will not see that they are moving on something, but at the same time they will not move their paws (there will be no unnecessary stress and nausea);

fourthly, this way your cat won’t hang around the car, dirty the seats, and won’t dig into your arm (neck and other parts of the body) at the most inopportune moment.

Create more or less comfortable conditions for the cat in the car.

And this means:

1) Do not smoke in the car + eliminate sources of strong odors (for example, pine or citrus air freshener);

2) Don't play loud music;

3) Don't rush at breakneck speed;

4) Drive the car smoothly, there is no need to cut everyone off and demonstrate “miracles of aerobatics”, accelerate and brake sharply;

5) Ventilate the car and make sure that your cat does not overheat. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PET ALONE IN THE CAR IN THE HEAT WITH THE WINDOWS CLOSED AND WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONER!!!

Now you know everything about what to do, If yours the cat gets sick in the car.

I wish you, your family, your beloved cats and kittens easy and wonderful travels!

Your black happy cat is the traveler Jose Carreras, with love at

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In hot weather, you should never leave a cat in the car while you run out to run errands. Even if it's for 5 minutes. In sunny weather, the air temperature in a closed car rises to +40 +50 degrees Celsius in a matter of minutes - and the cat dies or, at best, gets a heatstroke.

We always take the pet with us or leave someone in the car who will open the window or turn on the air conditioner.

In addition, in hot weather it is recommended to take with you a special cooling mat for cats and dogs so that the pet lies on it.

Give a chance to warm up

If the road is long, it will be uncomfortable for the cat to lie in the carrier all the time. By the way, the carrier must be large so that the pet can stand up to its full height and walk. To prevent the animal from getting nervous and its limbs from becoming numb, once every few hours you can stop and walk near the road or let the cat move around the inside of the car. If you go outside with your cat, it should be wearing a harness.

If your cat gets sick in the car

Some cats get carsick. Signs that this is happening to your pet include:

  • drooling and constant licking of the mouth;
  • vomit;
  • the cat breathes through its mouth.

2-3 hours before the start of the trip, do not feed the cat so that it has nothing to vomit. But if this does happen, you should always have a large amount of wet wipes ready to clean the interior.

In addition, you can use cat tablets against motion sickness, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies.

When a cat is afraid to ride in a car

Some cats are very sensitive and worry when they are put in a car. They may be frightened by an unusual closed space, noises, cars flashing nearby - anything. If your cat is like this, you need to prepare for the trip in advance.

  1. It doesn’t hurt to put a cloth over the carrier so that the cat doesn’t see the cars and hears less noise. Just leave an open space on one side for air to flow through.
  2. If the animal is very nervous, consult a veterinarian: he may prescribe a sedative, the course of which should be started a few days before the trip.
  3. Place soft bedding in the carrier that your cat likes. Then the situation will be more familiar to her.
  4. Never put your cat in a carrier that he has not mastered at home. It must be purchased in advance and placed open in the middle of the apartment. Let the animal go inside on its own - this way it will begin to perceive the object as its own.

If, despite pleasant measures, a cat screams all the time in the car and you are driving, first of all, try not to be distracted. Of course, you want to calm the animal down, at least by talking to it in a gentle voice. But at the same time, there is a high risk of losing vigilance and creating an emergency situation. Therefore, you can calm the cat only when there is another person in the cabin. Let him do this, not the driver.

It also doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the physiological needs of the cat. Perhaps he is screaming because... wants to go to the toilet or have a drink or something to eat. Stop the car and check this version.

In addition, try to periodically stop and calm the cat: hold him in your arms, talk to him, play.

And in order to minimize the risk of excitement during a trip, you must first accustom the cat to the car. Start doing this early. The first time, don’t go anywhere together at all, but just sit in the salon with the cat. Let him sniff everything and get comfortable. The second or third time you can take a short car ride: see how the cat reacts. Afterwards you can ride for an hour. Well, then, if everything is in order, a long trip will also be up to you and your pet. Have a nice trip!

The author of the article, Ekaterina Yugosh, is the editor of the Murkotiki website, a journalist and a felinologist instructor (a specialist who studies cats). She received her felinological education according to the WCF (World Cat Federation) system. Specializes in Scottish and British breeds. Her areas of deep interest also include feline nutrition and animal psychology.