Signs of obesity of internal organs and endocrine obesity. Features of visceral obesity in women and men Internal obesity

Obesity is not so much a matter of appearance, but rather a matter of healthy and proper functioning of the whole body. In this article, we will look at which organs are the first to suffer from excess fat and how to determine whether you have extra pounds.

Scientists constantly say that obesity is a problem in modern society. It is as global as melting glaciers, ozone holes and carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. But its main differences are the focus and speed of progress. We cannot control natural phenomena, but it is our responsibility as a species to try to help humanity survive.

However, what do you know about obesity? Most people have only superficial knowledge of this problem. Usually their knowledge boils down to the fact that a person with such a disease looks fat. Moreover, everyone has their own understanding of “fat,” so many are not even aware of the existence of such problems among their family and friends.

Obesity has several stages, and its main danger is not loss of shape and difficulty moving, but damage and failure of the functioning of internal organs.

And even losing weight does not guarantee that the body will restore its natural processes, since it is much easier to destroy cells and tissues and affect them with diseases than to treat them.

Which organs are most affected by obesity?

1. Liver

Contrary to popular belief, the heart and blood vessels are not the first on the list of things that are in danger from regular overeating. The work of the liver is most quickly disrupted, since it is this organ that is involved in the processing of fats. It is the so-called filter of the whole body, therefore, with an abundant and frequent supply of macroelements, constant surges in glucose and insulin caused by fast carbohydrates, the liver simply cannot cope with the task. The main problem is that there are no pain receptors in this organ. A person will not feel any deviation until he reaches the extreme point: nausea and vomiting when eating food, pain in the right side under the ribs.

To monitor the condition of the liver, it is necessary to take annual blood tests for glucose, insulin, testosterone and cholesterol levels. It is also recommended to pay close attention to the functioning of the thyroid gland.

2. Cardiovascular system

There are two types of fat: subcutaneous and visceral. Obesity is characterized by the predominance of the second type, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and internal organs, preventing their proper and stable functioning. Essentially, fatty compounds clog the channels for blood flow, and the heartbeat slows down. And the predominance of simple carbohydrates in the diet leads to constant jumps in sugar levels. This, in turn, causes the heart to pump blood faster. But how can she move faster if the blood vessels have narrowed? The first symptoms are hypertension, frequent pressure surges.

There is no need to completely give up fast food, since any prohibitions are a temporary measure that will last until your first breakdown. Gradually introduce vegetables rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium, and iron into your diet, for example, broccoli, other types of cabbage, and greens.

3. Respiratory system

Shortness of breath is a constant companion for people suffering from obesity. It is also accompanied by snoring, stopping breathing during complete relaxation of the body, and lack of sleep. The reason again lies in visceral fat, since it puts pressure on the internal organs, making the trachea narrower. If you already have some degree of obesity, then try to get rid of at least additional “contributions” to deteriorating health: give up alcohol, smoking, do breathing exercises daily so that the body does not feel a lack of oxygen.

4. Genitals

The genitals play a huge role in metabolic processes and the processing of fats into active energy. With obesity, the amount of lipids for breakdown significantly exceeds the ability of the reproductive system to produce the optimal amount of estrogen. The result is a decrease in sexual desire.

In this matter, it plays a decisive role, since no dietary supplements or other medications or folk remedies will solve the problem, they will only remove the symptoms.

5. Kidneys

Excess weight is the cause of the development of urolithiasis. This is what American scientists from Johns Hopkins University say. It is not yet fully known how these two processes are connected, but in theory the kidneys suffer because through them the body seeks to get rid of toxins and other unnecessary substances in the body. However, with obesity, the resulting mass also puts pressure on internal organs and interferes with metabolic processes. Simply put, the body ceases to understand what exactly needs to be removed and what needs to be left in.

To normalize the water-salt balance, it is recommended to consume pumpkin, since it contains pectin, potassium, vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene. In addition, try to drink more pure, non-carbonated water - 30 ml is required daily for 1 kg of weight.

6. Brain

Obesity reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, therefore, less of the substance responsible for the proper functioning of cells is delivered to the brain. In addition, a person’s cognitive capabilities largely depend on the speed of blood flow to the cerebral cortex and the elasticity of blood vessels, and they, as we know, are narrowed due to visceral fat.

If you want not to lose the ability to think sensibly, then train your own memory and body. Physical activity has a positive effect on the brain: cardio work is aimed at creating hyperventilation and saturating the body with oxygen, and strength work is aimed at stabilizing the functioning of neurons. Fatty fish rich in Omega-3 and phosphorus should be included in the diet.

7. Leather

Unlike all of the above organs, the skin is the quickest to show any signs of malnutrition and hormonal imbalance. The very first signs of health problems are sudden rashes on the face, peeling of certain areas, rough skin on the elbows and knees. You should also think about your own weight if you have constant swelling, even without much physical activity, brittle nails and hair loss.

To restore the skin, it is necessary to include protein foods in the diet, especially poultry. Of course, it is also necessary to use creams and shampoos, but they mostly remove the symptoms, but not the cause of the disease.

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Do you have excess fat?

Only a specialist can diagnose you with obesity after conducting comprehensive tests. At home, you can only find out approximate numbers and decide whether it’s time to go to a nutritionist or not. For this, there are online calculators that will calculate how much you should weigh based on your height, age, and level of exercise. Their readings are not very accurate, since they do not determine the body mass index and do not take into account body type, but if you see a deviation of 10 kg, then this is a reason to think about it.

The second option is volume measurements. The waist should not exceed 90 cm. If more, it’s time to lose weight. This rule applies to both men and women. Discomfort when bending over and tying shoelaces, shortness of breath while climbing stairs - all these are also signals for action to combat extra pounds.

The third method is more accurate. It requires a caliper (or caliper) and a table of values ​​(they are available on the Internet). In a relaxed standing position, with your left hand, pinch as much skin and fat on the abdomen as possible, just above the pelvic bone and 5-7 cm from the navel. Measure this distance with a tool and compare the results with the table. This way you can roughly determine the mass fraction of fat in the body.

Bioimpedance analysis performed in the clinic is the most accurate. This is a painless, inexpensive and quick procedure, after which you will be given a piece of paper. On it you will see the weight of your own body and its components: bones, muscles, fat. It is performed in specialized weight loss clinics, but sometimes the device is also available in the offices of ordinary hospitals.

Remember that obesity affects more than just your appearance. The inability to wear size XS is the least of the problems that arise when you are overweight. Try to control your diet and move more often. No one convinces you that you need to spend all your time in the gym and eat only chicken and buckwheat. If you are obese, you will have to try and actually attend training. If you just want to avoid such a problem, then walk more often, sometimes run, dance in front of a mirror, climb stairs and agree to any active recreation. Think of food not as a way to reward yourself for something or to eat away stress, but simply as a means of satiation. In this case, you are not at risk of obesity.

Obesity affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and this complication can be called the main impact of obesity on the human body. It is obesity that leads to the development of myocardial dystrophy, atherosclerotic vascular damage, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. Disruption of the cardiovascular system can be complicated by the development of myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular failure. In recent decades, there has been an increase in the number of obese patients. In economically developed countries, the proportion of the population with excess body weight is 20-40%. The average life expectancy of obese patients is reduced by 5-7 years. The greater the body weight, the higher the likelihood of developing various diseases.

Obesity and heart disease

The deposition of fat in the abdominal cavity causes the diaphragm to be constantly elevated. As a result, the work of the lungs is disrupted, the excursion of the lungs during inhalation and exhalation is reduced, and the work of the heart becomes difficult. Over time, fat is deposited in the myocardium, and fatty degeneration of the myocardium develops, leading to disruption of the contractile function of the heart and the development of various arrhythmias. The accumulation of fat in the pericardium leads to the fact that the outside of the heart is covered with a layer of fat, forming a kind of fatty shell.

As body weight increases, the heart also increases accordingly. As a result of obesity, the heart can be 1.5 - 2 times larger than normal. An increase in the load on the cardiovascular system in obese patients leads to shortness of breath during physical activity, the development of arrhythmias, and increased blood pressure. Often there are pains in the heart area of ​​a stabbing, aching nature. The development of coronary heart disease and cardiosclerosis is possible. Taking an electrocardiogram determines conduction disturbances, rhythm disturbances, displacement of the electrical axis of the heart to the left as a result of increased load on the left ventricle, and the appearance of dystrophic and ischemic changes in the myocardium. With timely treatment of obesity and weight loss, these changes can be reversible.

Obesity and lung diseases

Disruption of the respiratory system occurs as a result of compression of the lungs, changes in blood circulation in the lung tissue. An increase in body weight leads to the development of a high diaphragm, deformation of the chest, and a decrease in its elasticity. This is accompanied by a slowdown in gas exchange in the lungs and a decrease in ventilation of the lung tissue. In this regard, conditions are created for the development of microflora. Obese patients often develop acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and pneumosclerosis. These patients are susceptible to frequent acute respiratory diseases and influenza. Over time, they develop chronic pulmonary failure.

Obesity and diseases of the digestive system

Excessive food consumption is accompanied by the development of changes in the gastrointestinal tract. Many patients develop chronic gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice. The volume of the small intestine increases. These changes lead to impaired digestion of food, the development of flatulence, and a tendency to constipation.

Obesity leads to irreversible changes in the liver. Adipose tissue develops in the liver tissue
dystrophy due to fat accumulation. The outflow of bile is disrupted, and as a result, cholecystitis, cholangitis, and cholelithiasis develop. The development of cholelithiasis is caused by prolonged stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, the appearance of sand first, and then the formation of stones. In obesity, cholelithiasis develops in 30-40% of all cases. Liver damage can lead to the development of chronic inflammation of the liver tissue and the appearance of hepatitis.

Obesity and blood, endocrine system, musculoskeletal system

On the part of the blood system, there is an increase in blood coagulability and viscosity. This change is accompanied by increased formation of blood clots, which is dangerous for the development of thromboembolic complications. Increased blood viscosity leads to disruption of blood supply to all organs and systems. Constant circulation of high amounts of fats and lipids in the blood leads to the development of atherosclerosis, and with it coronary heart disease and hypertension. An increase in cholesterol levels in the blood is associated with the age of the patient. The older the patient, the greater the deviation of cholesterol levels in the blood from the norm, and the higher the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

As a result of overeating and abuse of carbohydrate foods, the load on the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, which produce the hormone insulin, increases. As a result, the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas decreases and symptoms of diabetes mellitus develop. With a decrease in body weight and following a diet, diabetes mellitus does not progress and has a benign course.

Obesity affects changes in the functions of the gonads. Men suffer from decreased potency, even to the point of impotence. Obese women are characterized by frequent menstrual dysfunction, decreased libido, and the development of infertility. Developed pregnancy proceeds with the development of complications, often ending in spontaneous abortion and fetal malformations.

With the development of obesity, water metabolism is disrupted. In this case, there is a gradual increase in the volume of fluid in the body, which is manifested by the development of edema and an increase in the volume of circulating blood. Impaired water metabolism depends on the duration of the disease and the severity of its symptoms.

Dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system occurs as a result of disturbances in fat metabolism, and then protein, carbohydrate and especially salt metabolism. In this case, the patient experiences pain in the joints, spine and limbs. Mobility in joints decreases. When the spine is damaged, radicular pain often appears and peripheral sensitivity is impaired.

All of the above indicates that as a result of obesity, all organs and systems of the body suffer. Impaired fat metabolism leads to the rapid development of widespread atherosclerosis, leading to the development of severe diseases and a reduction in the patient's life expectancy.

Typically a result of obesity in general. This is a stage when human organs literally “swim” with fat, become deformed and their functioning is disrupted. What constitutes obesity of body parts, and internal organs in particular, we will try to consider in more detail.

Obesity of body parts

You may be surprised to learn that many thin people also suffer from internal obesity - this is another one that you may not know about. It is not so unaesthetic and not striking, but it is no less dangerous than general obesity. We are talking about obesity of human internal organs.

In Western Europe and America, according to statistics, from 40 to 70% of the population suffer from obesity; in Russia the figure is close to 50%. Doctors have long been not just sounding the alarm - they are shouting: “SOS!” Along with the benefits, technological progress has led to people moving less and spending fewer calories, and, as a result, turning into mountains of fat. After all, in order to “take charge of yourself” sometimes you need remarkable willpower!

What is internal obesity? This is the most dangerous type of obesity. Ordinary fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers and, apart from aesthetic problems, does not bring much trouble to its owner. When internal obesity begins, internal organs suffer and disrupt their function. And everything would be fine, but this results in numerous diseases and malfunctions of the body, which force us to interrupt our usual routine to go to the doctors and fight the symptoms of diseases, which, alas, are not pleasant. So isn’t it easier to deal with the root of the problem – obesity itself?

Causes of internal obesity:

1. Poor nutrition.

2. General obesity.

Obesity of internal organs

According to medical research, if you drink 1 liter of Coca-Cola a day, you are guaranteed to get internal fatty liver, even if you maintain normal body weight. And in general, poor nutrition and systematic overeating are the reasons why a person begins to become fat in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

Fat, which is so necessary for the body in small quantities, when consumed in excess, begins to be deposited in the most dangerous places. Its deposits between the fibers of the heart lead to cardiac obesity, and on the walls of the stomach - to gastric obesity. Of course, the same fatty heart can also be an age-related phenomenon. However, its manifestations are increasingly noticeable in young people.

And if obesity of the face, obesity of the abdomen and obesity of the legs are a problem of appearance, then obesity of the stomach and pancreas is the cause of serious disruptions in the functioning of the body. According to doctors, disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas associated with internal obesity are a direct path to diabetes. Obesity of the kidneys also does not improve the health of its owner; stones appear in them, which cause a lot of pain and trouble, and can also cause the kidneys to stop functioning.

Uterine obesity is the reason why hormonal changes begin in a woman’s body, leading to infertility, and in men, obesity leads to impotence.

However, that's not all. An obese person is a person with little intelligence! The fact is that - as doctors have proven - brain obesity leads to a decrease in its functionality and, as a result, a person simply becomes stupid. Of course, without noticing it. The final development of this process may be Alzheimer's disease or other brain diseases.

Obesity is generally not easy to deal with. This disease occurs because a person develops poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. And we understand that these are the most conservative habits that are very difficult to change. But it’s never too late to think about why a person should live: in order to eat and, as a result, have a whole bunch of painful illnesses and a feeling of one’s own insignificance, or in order to fully enjoy life, which, as we know, is fleeting?

The causes in women are related to genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance in the body, poor diet and insufficiently active lifestyle. Let's look at each reason in detail. Let's analyze the consequences of obesity in women and how to get rid of extra pounds without harming yourself.

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A woman's genetic predisposition to obesity is a common cause. Genes are responsible for appetite and metabolism in the body, for the breakdown of fats and their distribution.

But an important role here is played by the culture of food education, family lifestyle, and food preferences. If the family eats constantly, mother makes cheesecakes every day, then it is difficult for the growing generation to form a different view of food culture.

Hormonal changes

In fact, a woman is exposed to hormonal disruptions very often: teenage changes during puberty, changes during pregnancy, menopausal syndrome. In addition, after thirty years a woman naturally loses muscle mass and therefore she needs less calories, and on the contrary, a lot of high-calorie food comes into her diet. Stress also plays a significant role in obesity. A woman “seizes” on her problems at work or family troubles. Stress itself provokes hormonal imbalance in the body, and if you also lean on food, then obesity will definitely occur!

Pregnancy and childbirth provoke a positive factor for the development of various diseases. The fact is that during pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body occur.

In order to give birth on time, and not ahead of time, a large amount of the female hormone, progesterone, is produced. A baby in the womb requires twice the normal caloric intake. You need to eat for two during pregnancy. When a child is born, the mother’s body experiences enormous stress, which also leads to disruption at the hormonal level. In the postpartum period, lactation begins; this factor does not allow choosing a diet for a woman. It takes a long time to regain weight, and some will even have to resort to treatment for the disease.

Hormonal shifts are caused by both contraceptives and antidepressants, diseases of the pituitary gland, neoplasms of the pancreas, diseases of the thyroid gland and tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Menopause also leads to varying degrees of obesity. At this time, the endocrine system suffers, and in old age a woman has many concomitant diseases. As the body wears out, it undergoes a huge load on the cardiovascular and muscular systems, metabolism suffers, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, older people move very little.

Types of obesity and their consequences

What does obesity lead to? Different ones lead to different health problems.


Most often, women suffer from abdominal problems, i.e. abdominal obesity. Fats are deposited in the abdominal area and peritoneum. This type is not difficult to determine. In the photo, people with abdominal obesity have a figure that looks like. Here only the shape of the abdomen suffers; the rest of the body is normal at this stage.

The abdominal type of fat deposition is dangerous because it leads to diabetes, pregnancy is impossible for a woman, and hence infertility.

Abdominal obesity in women can develop into– when fatty deposits appear on and around internal organs. Fat begins to localize between the fibers of the heart muscle.

Visceral obesity is seen as a threat. We cannot tell about this stage of obesity from a photo of such a person; it can be determined by taking a test and undergoing diagnostics. Changes in the cardiovascular system occur inside the body, blood sugar increases, and the heart suffers. People who are sick with this type of obesity cannot fully move, and walking long distances causes them inconvenience, causing shortness of breath and tachycardia. If obesity reaches a woman’s uterus, then you can forget about sex life. All these reasons lead to problems with conception, pregnancy will not be possible, there will be infertility, treatment will take a long time.

Obesity legs

Obesity of the legs (gynoid type) is obesity (lipodystrophy) and is classified as endocrine. With this disease, fat accumulates only on the abdomen, thighs and leg structure.

The figure of such people resembles a pear. It causes complications both from the cardiovascular system and the skeletal system - osteoporosis, osteoarthrosis.

Sufferers of this type complain of leg diseases and the inability to move. Sometimes the fat grows to such an extent that a person cannot lift his legs without assistance. Reproductive function also suffers - pregnancy cannot occur.

Male type

There is also android obesity- this is when fats are deposited according to the male type. In the photo, this degree can be determined by damage to such parts of the body as the upper abdomen and chest. The shape of the legs and hips remains normal, but the waist does not.


Mixed type, when fats are distributed throughout a woman’s body. Characteristic signs of change in this type of disease can be determined visually. The figure in the photo of such a person will be covered with fat deposits evenly everywhere. The shape of the abdomen, the shape of the legs, arms, back, etc. suffer.

Obesity of any type causes irreversible consequences such as diabetes, infertility, colon and small intestine cancer.

Obesity causes menstrual irregularities - amenorrhea, which leads to the fact that a woman cannot become pregnant. Infertility in obese women is 33%, compared with 18% infertility in women of normal weight.

Stages of treatment

If a woman is obese, she is prescribed diagnosis and treatment. To determine the degree of obesity, calculate (BMI), body obesity index (BII), types of obesity.


Be sure to conduct laboratory research and get tested. The doctor will order blood tests for sugar and cholesterol levels.

Be sure to prescribe tests for thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine and thyrotropin. It is also important to test the blood for prolactin; perhaps a woman’s infertility lies in the deviation of this hormone from the norm.

Abdominal obesity can occur when the male hormone called testosterone is low, so testing for its presence and blood levels will be helpful. Depending on the test results and the degree of the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Diet, exercise

For all types of obesity Prescribe special diets and sports exercises aimed at the entire body as a whole and at problem areas, for example, the abdomen. Drug treatment must be prescribed.

For hormonal obesity if there are testosterone deviations from the norm, a diet is prescribed where the restriction will be included. If these are the degrees of obesity at which endocrine system disorders occur, then a diet with sugar restriction will be prescribed.

A daily routine of active sports, a swimming pool and daily walks will become an obligatory part of the life of an obese patient.

In case of obesity due to a genetic factor They also select a diet, the Doctor will definitely tell you about the correct nutritional culture, prescribe sports, and prescribe the woman medications that reduce the feeling of hunger. Although it is very difficult to fight genetic obesity, since the factor of abnormal life activity, instilled from childhood, is added.

In order not to bring the disease to a more severe degree, a woman can change her diet in a positive direction for her health. Try to replace high-calorie foods with healthy vegetables and fruits. Replace large portions of food with small ones. You may not be able to lose weight to your desired weight, but stopping fat growth is quite possible. This way, many complications will be avoided.


Drug treatment: they are prescribed to either reduce the hormone or increase it. Depending on the level, its balance is restored. To treat female obesity, which is caused by poor nutrition and lack of exercise, therapy is used, as for genetic obesity. In addition to drug treatment, a nutritionist can refer a woman to a psychologist, as this is an integral part of therapy.

Consultation with a psychologist

Mostly women start because of a poor psychological microclimate, which is facilitated by loneliness or separation from their spouse. In these cases, food for a woman serves as a substitute for joyful emotions. A diet prescribed by a doctor can cause even more stress for a woman, so the problem of obesity must also be solved on a psychological level.

In cases where neither medications, nor sports, nor diets help, for obesity of 3 and 4 degrees, surgical treatment is used.


Liposuction, where fat accumulated under the skin is removed. Gastric banding, when a band is inserted into the stomach, thereby changing its shape. After surgery, a woman will definitely need a period of rehabilitation, which will be aimed at maintaining the woman’s psychological and emotional background, as well as establishing the right nutritional culture and lifestyle.

From medicine, the etiology of obesity is the deposition of excess fat in the subcutaneous tissue, tissues, and organs. The disease is manifested by a weight gain of 20% or more from the normal body mass index (BMI). Obesity causes psychophysical discomfort, sexual disorders, diseases of the joints and spine. The risk of developing coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and diabetes mellitus increases. Neglected cases can result in disability and death. Women aged 30-60 years are twice as likely to develop the disease.

Types of obesity

Weight is controlled using the BMI ratio, which is the ratio of a person's weight to their height squared. The normal value of the coefficient ranges from 18.5-24.9 kg/m2. There is also Broca's index, which is calculated as body height in cm minus 100. The values ​​of the indicator cannot be considered completely reliable. Using arithmetic, the degree of obesity is also calculated as the ratio of the proper weight to the measured weight and multiplied by 100%. The disease has several classifications: according to the mechanism of development, places of localization of deposits, cause of occurrence.

Classification by development mechanism:

  1. hyperplastic (increase in the number of adipocytes, i.e. fat cells);
  2. hypertrophic (increase in the size of adipocytes and their fat content).

Classification by fat localization:

  1. Android (apple type). Fat deposits accumulate in the torso area (armpits, abdomen). It is more common in men, which is why it is also called the male type.
  2. Gynoid (pear-type). Fat accumulates mainly in the thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen. The second name is based on the female type.
  3. Mixed type. The deposits are evenly distributed throughout the body.

Classification by reason of occurrence:

  1. Primary or alimentary-constitutional.
  2. Secondary.

In addition, secondary obesity is divided into:

  • cerebral;
  • endocrine;
  • against the background of taking antipsychotics, mental illness.


Characteristic symptoms will help determine the presence and extent of the disease. There are 4 main stages with the following BMI indicators, depending on age:

First stage

This type is more common in children. Characterized by slight weight gain, approximately 20% of ideal weight. It does not cause any discomfort. Women, when minor visible manifestations appear, begin to exhaust themselves with diets. Frequent breakdowns result in even greater weight gain and psychological trauma. Symptoms of first degree obesity:

  • increased appetite;
  • chronic overeating.

Second stage

In the second degree, the risk of dysfunction increases, and metabolism slows down even more. The percentage of fat from lean body mass is 30-50%. Obesity in the second stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the spine;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system
  • discomfort in the joints;
  • profuse sweating.

Third degree

Obesity is difficult to tolerate. A person’s weight in the third stage exceeds normal body weight (NBW) by 50% or more. BDC is the weight that corresponds to the height of a particular person, taking into account his body type. In the third degree, a person has difficulty withstanding even minimal physical activity. The following symptoms are noted:

  • drowsiness;
  • decreased mood;
  • nervousness;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • liver enlargement.

In addition to the listed symptoms of the third stage, complications of obesity arise:

  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • strokes.

Fourth degree

A person's body weight is doubled compared to normal. This stage is rarely achieved, since advanced third degree often turns fatal, the person simply does not live to see it. Rare people with the fourth stage of the disease lead a bed lifestyle. Symptoms of obesity of the fourth degree:

  • the usual contours of the body are no longer visible;
  • inability to perform basic actions independently;
  • respiratory failure;
  • decreased appetite.

Signs of obesity

The development of nutritional-constitutional or primary obesity is caused by an exogenous (nutritional) factor. Weight gain is associated with a high energy diet and low energy expenditure. Secondary obesity is often accompanied by hereditary syndromes:

  • Lawrence-Moon-Bardet;
  • Gelineau;
  • Babinski-Froelich disease.

This type of illness can develop against the background of cerebral lesions:

  • dissemination of systemic lesions;
  • brain tumors;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • consequences of surgical operations;
  • mental disorders.


In women, the main fat trap is often the thigh area, in men it is the abdominal area. In contrast to the secondary type of obesity, with alimentary-constitutional obesity there are no symptoms of damage to the endocrine glands, however, the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • excess weight increases gradually;
  • fat deposits are evenly distributed throughout the body.


Signs of hypothalamic obesity:

  • obesity develops very quickly;
  • fat is deposited in the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen;
  • Trophic skin disorders are characteristic (white and pink stretch marks on the skin of the thighs, buttocks, dryness);
  • increased appetite, especially in the evening.


Endocrine type obesity is divided into the following subgroups:

  • pituitary;
  • hypothyroid;
  • menopausal;
  • adrenal;
  • mixed.

The endocrine form of obesity is characterized by the presence of symptoms associated with underlying and concomitant diseases caused by hormonal imbalance. Manifested by the following symptoms:

  • feminization (masculinization);
  • hirsutism;
  • gynecomastia;
  • lipomatosis

Signs of obesity in internal organs

Subcutaneous or visceral fat settles on internal organs and impedes their functioning. It is localized in the torso area, enveloping the liver, heart and kidneys. The presence of this type of fat can be determined by measuring your waist circumference (WC). There is a high risk of developing diseases associated with visceral fat in women with WC > 88 cm, in men with WC > 102 cm. This type of fat:

  • increases blood cholesterol levels;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • provokes inflammatory processes;
  • increases the amount of testosterone in women, decreases it in men.

Why is obesity dangerous?

The disease can completely destabilize the functioning of the body. Excess weight affects the psycho-emotional state, causes depression, and complete rejection of oneself. The disease can provoke diseases of the spine, joints, cardiovascular system, destabilization of liver function, development of endocrine diseases, decreased function of the genital organs, menstrual irregularities in women and premature menopause. Obesity stages III and IV can be fatal.


An important stage of treatment is the diagnosis of obesity. Depending on the degree of development of the disease, appropriate treatment is selected. In the first stages, a low-calorie, hypocarbohydrate diet and moderate physical activity are prescribed. With a sufficient amount of protein and fiber in the diet, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. Mainly small meals (5-6 times a day) and aerobic exercise.

Starting from the advanced second stage of the disease and higher, drug treatment is prescribed. Drugs of the amphetamine group (phentermine, amfepramone, dexafenfluramine) are used. They dull the feeling of hunger and promote faster satiety. Some side effects are possible, for example, mild nausea, dry mouth, irritability, insomnia, allergies, addiction. In this case, fat-mobilizing drugs such as sibutramine and orlistat are prescribed.

At stages III and IV, in order to save a person’s life and lose excess weight, surgical intervention is necessary. Popular methods of bariatric surgery today: gastric banding, vertical gastroplasty, gastric bypass. For cosmetic purposes, a procedure called liposuction is used to remove local fat deposits on the body.

Most people are already in the pre-obesity stage. In order not to start the development of the disease, you need to reconsider your eating habits, adhere to the balance of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, based on your norm. You need to periodically measure OT and track your weight loss results using photos. Photos not only reflect progress, but also serve as a kind of motivator. To regulate lipid metabolism, you need to maintain water balance and sleep patterns, and increase physical activity.
