Chronic pyelonephritis - what to eat. What foods can you eat? In chronic forms of pyelonephritis, they are also excluded from the daily diet.

Chronic pyelonephritis is one of the most common kidney diseases, occurring in people of all ages. The kidneys take part in removing metabolic products from the body; nutrition can have a direct impact on their work. In order to reduce the load on the kidneys, patients with chronic pyelonephritis are recommended to follow a certain diet. Despite the fact that exacerbations of chronic pyelonephritis are not associated with dietary errors, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet constantly, especially in cases where there are already complications of the disease, such as chronic or arterial hypertension.

At chronic pyelonephritis It is allowed to eat soft-boiled eggs.

(4–5 times a day), it is preferable to cook dishes by steaming, baking in the oven or boiling. Salt is limited to 6 g per day, it is recommended to salt already ready meals in a plate. The following foods are allowed to be eaten:

  • lean varieties of meat and poultry, fish (boiled, stewed, baked without crust, minced meat products), dietary boiled sausage, ham;
  • soups with secondary meat broth, vegetable broth, milk and fruit;
  • dairy products (milk no more than 2.5% fat, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, unsalted mild cheese, unsalted butter, etc.), sour cream and cream are limited;
  • white (preferably wheat) and gray bread, yesterday’s baking or dried;
  • pasta, any cereals, flour products;
  • egg 1 pc. per day (preferably in the form of an omelet or soft-boiled);
  • vegetables, both raw and boiled (except for those indicated in the list of products not recommended for consumption in chronic pyelonephritis);
  • fruits and berries (especially black currants, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries);
  • honey, jam, marshmallow, marshmallow;
  • black, green and herbal teas, fruit drinks (especially cranberry and lingonberry), freshly squeezed juices diluted with water, rose hip decoction, etc.

What should you not eat if you have pyelonephritis?

Excluded from the diet:

  • smoked meats, marinades, pickles, canned food (including homemade), seasonings, spices, especially hot and salty ones;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty rich broths;
  • legumes, cabbage, radishes, garlic, onions, radishes, celery, sorrel, spinach, lettuce;
  • refractory fats (mutton);
  • confectionery products with fatty creams, cream;
  • fast food, chips, crackers and other snacks with added salt and spices;
  • coffee, chocolate, sugar is limited to 70 g per day;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Diet for exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis

There are some features in the diet during exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. The diet remains virtually unchanged, but it is necessary to comply drinking regime. The volume of liquid drunk per day should be about 2 liters. It is useful to drink herbal infusions (brewed herbal teas containing lingonberry leaf, horsetail, yarrow, juniper fruits, other herbs), fruit drinks, especially cranberry, because it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, compotes, weak black tea, preferably without sugar, mineral waters as prescribed by a doctor. It is useful to eat vegetables and fruits that have a diuretic effect (watermelon, melon, zucchini, etc.). A mixture of freshly squeezed and juices will have a diuretic effect; you must first dilute them with water and familiarize yourself with the contraindications for their use. Drink plenty of fluids necessary to reduce intoxication of the body during an exacerbation of the disease, as well as for washing urinary tract. You need to drink fluids throughout the day in small portions, the last fluid intake should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

The diet limits the amount consumed table salt up to 4 g per day. With accompanying arterial hypertension it is necessary to reduce its amount to 2 g. In case of exacerbation of pyelonephritis, before remission occurs, it is necessary to completely exclude sweets from the diet, since a sweet environment promotes reproduction pathogenic bacteria. It is also necessary to slightly reduce the consumption of fats and animal protein.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to increase the consumption of dairy and fermented milk products, as well as rich foods (dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries). Optimal during the period of exacerbation of the disease is a plant-dairy diet, rich in vitamins and microelements necessary to strengthen the immune system. Additionally, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, because in many cases, exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis is associated precisely with a deterioration in the state of immune defense.

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal pelvis resulting from infection. Usually the disease is long-term and requires painstaking and thoughtful treatment. Moreover, for get well soon a major role is played by correctly selected and balanced diet.

The diet for pyelonephritis should have a gentle effect on the kidneys, remove salts and toxins from the body, and reduce swelling. The choice of products depends on what stage the disease is at.

Diet for pyelonephritis in the acute stage

For acute stage pyelonephritis is characteristic sharp pains in the lumbar region, elevated temperature bodies, general weakness, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, problems with urination. As a rule, pyelonephritis is treated in a hospital setting.

Diet plays one of the key roles during treatment. Properly selected nutrition contributes to:

Anti-inflammatory effect, which accelerates recovery;

Removing fluid from the body, which cleanses the urinary tract;

Limiting the load on the kidneys;

Normalization of blood pressure and water balance;

Reducing the risk of the disease becoming chronic;

General strengthening immunity.

The main condition of a diet in the acute stage is the selection of products and dishes that are gentle on the condition of the kidneys. The amount of protein foods of animal origin should be limited. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of salt to 8-10 g per day. However, those who completely refuse to salt their food make a mistake. This may lead to renal failure. If the disease is accompanied severe vomiting and high temperatures, the amount of salt can be increased slightly.

It is better to cook dishes in their own juice, boiled, steamed, or baked in the oven. In the acute stage fried foods are completely excluded. You should eat often, at least five times a day, but in small portions. When cooking meat, the first broth must be drained to neutralize the effect of extractive substances and the meat must be boiled in re-filled water until tender.

Allowed foods during the diet for pyelonephritis in its acute stage:

Fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes);

Fruits (apples, pears);

Watermelons and melons, which have a strong diuretic effect;

Pumpkin, zucchini;

Milk and dairy products;

Egg white in small quantities;

Buckwheat and oatmeal;

Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines);

Milk porridge with small vermicelli;

First courses cooked in vegetable broth.

One of the main requirements for diet for pyelonephritis- This is the intake of large amounts of liquid. In the absence of edema, the volume should be at least 1.5-2 liters per day. You should take fruit drinks (cranberry ones are best), green and weak black tea, herbal infusions, and rosehip infusions often, but in small portions.

Cranberry juice is very useful for pyelonephritis. Biochemical composition cranberries provide an antibacterial effect, and pathogenic bacteria do not develop resistance to it. Therefore, cranberry juice relieves inflammation and cleanses the body of toxins. If you are not allergic, you can add honey to cranberry juice.

If the patient prefers juices, you need to make a choice in favor of freshly prepared ones, made with your own hands. Store-bought products are usually rich in preservatives. It is better to drink compotes and teas unsweetened. Great benefit brings the infusion kombucha.

Diet for pyelonephritis in remission

When the stage of exacerbation of the disease subsides, the patient’s diet can be expanded. Injected in moderation egg yolk, boiled lean meat, boiled fish, onions, garlic, carrots and potatoes. Additional Products administered gradually, in small quantities. Bread products It’s better to use yesterday’s, you can include pancakes and pancakes in the menu. Acceptable consumption is 25-30 g butter per day. Dried fruits will help diversify your diet, preferably raisins and dried apricots. They contain a large amount of potassium, which is necessary when taking diuretics.

The diet for pyelonephritis categorically excludes products that have irritant effect to the urinary tract. Products with high level essential oils, sorrel, uric acid.

For inflammation renal pelvis prohibited:

Broths made from meat or fish;

Semi-finished meat products: sausages, smoked meats, sausages;

Fatty varieties fish, caviar, seafood;

All types of meat and canned fish;

Dishes from fried meat or grilled;

Radish, sorrel, spinach, cauliflower;

Hard cheeses spicy varieties;

Various pickles and marinades;

Mushrooms (both fresh and pickled);

Lard, margarine;

Hot sauces, pepper, horseradish, mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup;

Strongly brewed coffee (including natural coffee), cocoa;

Mineral waters with sodium salts;

Cream and sour cream with high fat content;

Chocolate products, sweets, cream cakes;


All types of alcoholic products.

Once a week you can give yourself a fasting day. Fruit days are most effective when eating apples, strawberries, and raspberries. Chronic pyelonephritis often becomes more complicated reduced level hemoglobin in the blood. In this case, the diet is expanded with iron-containing foods: pomegranates, strawberries, apples.

Diet for pyelonephritis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, especially in the final trimester, the risk of pyelonephritis increases. This is due to the slow circulation of urine due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the kidneys and ureters. The situation may be aggravated frequent constipation which can cause inflammation in the kidneys.

It is recommended to include in the diet boiled beets and prunes. Dairy products include steamed cheesecakes, curd puddings, natural yoghurts and yogurt. It is better to choose chicken or turkey for meat. Among the first courses, beetroot soup seasoned with low-fat sour cream is the most preferred. For sweets, you can eat marshmallows, jams, jam, and marshmallows. In addition to the drinks already listed, teas made from rowan and black currant are good at reducing intoxication of the body. Dried herbs and cinnamon are suitable as seasonings.

Diet for pyelonephritis: sample menu for a week


Breakfast 1. Boiled beets with kefir. 2. Green tea.

Lunch Cranberry juice.

Lunch 1. Vegetarian soup. 2. Chicken meatballs with buckwheat porridge. 3. Tea with milk.

Afternoon snack 1. Fruit salad. 2. Natural yogurt.

Dinner 1. Boiled fish. 2. Rosehip decoction.


H. 1. Omelette. 2. Dried fruit compote.

VZ Milk soup.

O 1. Vegetable soup. 2. Boiled turkey with baked potatoes. 3. Apple mousse.

P 1. Fruits. 2. Herbal decoction.

U 1. Zucchini puree. 2. Kefir.


Z 1. Vegetable salad. 2. Tea with milk.

VZ Curd pudding.

O 1. Beetroot soup.2. Boiled fish with pumpkin puree. 3. Fruits.

P 1. Egg. 2. Dried fruit compote.

U 1. Meatballs with vegetable salad. 2. Strawberry juice.


Z 1. Boiled beef With wheat porridge. 2. Cranberry juice.

VZ Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.

O 1. Vegetable soup. 2. Boiled potatoes with steamed meatballs. 3. Fruits.

P Kisel.

U 1. Oatmeal porridge with applesauce. 2. Kefir


H 1. Boiled fish with buckwheat porridge. 2. Green tea.

VZ Apple pudding.

O 1. Beetroot soup. 2. Vinaigrette with boiled chicken. 3. Natural yogurt.

P Cottage cheese with fruit.

U 1. Steamed cheesecakes. 2. Rosehip infusion.


Z 1. Oatmeal. 2. Boiled egg. 3. Tea.

VZ Baked pumpkin with sour cream.

O 1. Soup with homemade noodles. 2. Vegetable stew with boiled turkey. 3. Kefir.

P Fruit jelly.

U 1. Beet salad. 2. Boiled fish with baked potatoes.


Z 1. Milk porridge. 2. Pancakes.

VZ Fruits.

O 1. Vegetable puree soup. 2. Boiled potatoes with steamed chicken. 3. Pomegranate juice.

P Cottage cheese casserole.

U 1. Vegetable salad. 2. Berry jelly.

Strict adherence to the diet for pyelonephritis helps quick recovery and forms the correct eating habits which help avoid exacerbation of the disease.

Pyelonephritis is an infectious inflammatory disease kidney, affecting the kidney tissue.

Types and symptoms of pyelonephritis





    acute - characteristically fast and severe course, raising high temperature, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

    Chronic - can begin after acute pyelonephritis, or can occur independently. A person may not be aware of his illness. Sometimes it leads to severe consequences, kidney function is impaired,


Symptoms of pyelonephritis

    lower back pain,


    fast fatiguability,

    increase in blood pressure,

    sometimes anemia develops,

    There is protein in the urine.

Risk group

It includes:

  • elderly men with prostate adenoma,

Along with treatment medicines strict adherence to a special diet is required.

The type of diet is selected depending on the course of the disease, stage, kidney condition, and treatment methods.

Patients with acute pyelonephritis are treated in a hospital, where during the first two days of illness, due to intoxication phenomena, sugar and fruit days must be observed.

Drink a large amount of liquid - two liters per day (herbal decoctions, vegetable decoctions, non-acidic juice, compote, weak tea with sugar, non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drinks).

We eat a lot of fresh fruits, berries, and vegetables. Melon crops are especially useful - melon, watermelon, zucchini, they have a diuretic property.

Then, the patient is transferred to diet No. 7 with an increased amount of fluid, the inclusion of dairy dishes, fermented milk drinks, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, juice, compote.

At this time, food should be easily digestible, fortified, and high in calories.

We consume no more than three grams of salt per day.

In case of acute pyelonephritis, the menu should include easily digestible foods.

Cooking provides mechanical sparing of the gastrointestinal tract.

We do not use products that increase gas formation in the intestines, causing bloating belly: legumes, white cabbage etc.

We take food in small portions, five times a day.

We eat food when the temperature drops.

If you have pyelonephritis without inflammation of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis), or digestive organs, then do not exclude any foods from your diet.

But, of course, in case of acute pyelonephritis, do not use: smoked sausages, mustard, fried, shish kebab, ketchup, etc.

With minor manifestations of a general infectious process ( low-grade fever- up to 37.3, normal appetite, good health), you can bring your diet to comply with the principles of healthy eating. But be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

When will they leave acute manifestations illness, you need to add boiled fish, meat, and cottage cheese to your menu.

Prohibited Products

    strong broth - meat and fish,

  • canned food,

    alcoholic drinks,

    spices - mustard, horseradish, Bay leaf, black pepper,

    For 1 year, remove salty, spicy, and smoked foods from the diet.

When you are discharged from the hospital, include in your diet daily at home: one hundred grams of protein, ninety grams of fat, four hundred grams of carbohydrates, up to ten grams of salt. Daily calorie content diet - 3000 kcal. The meal plan is five times a day.

If you suffer from hypertension, then reduce the amount of salt you consume to five grams.

The diet should include a variety of foods, necessarily including: fruit juice, compote, jelly.

One day a week is a fasting day - we eat one and a half kilograms of fresh fruit.

Approximate daily diet for acute pyelonephritis

Breakfast: cauliflower salad, buckwheat with added butter, not strong tea with added milk.

Second breakfast: a glass of any fruit juice.

Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled fish, mashed potatoes, fruit jelly.

Dinner: cottage cheese pudding, weak tea with added milk.

At night: drink a glass of sour milk.

During the day: three hundred grams of stale bread, fifteen grams of butter, thirty grams of sugar.

Chronic pyelonephritis is a chronic inflammation of the kidney tissue that is caused by a bacterial infection.

Symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis: lower back pain, headache, changes in urine.

During the period of exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, the same nutritional tactics are used as for.

When pain symptoms decrease, but the inflammatory process persists (in accordance with laboratory tests) you need to eat in accordance with the diet that has correct ratio main nutrients: fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

During exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, you need to drink the mixture medicinal herbs: take twenty grams of white willow bark + twenty grams of hop cones, twenty grams of blueberry leaves, twenty grams of nettle, twenty grams of marshmallow root, twenty grams of creeping wheatgrass rhizome. 1 tbsp. Infuse this mixture in a glass of boiling water for two hours and strain. We drink one tablespoon three times a day after meals.

Allowed products for chronic pyelonephritis

    dairy products,

    fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc.), they have a diuretic effect, help normalize the intestinal microflora,

    cottage cheese - it contains essential amino acids that are perfectly absorbed by a weak body.

    low-fat sour cream,

    mild soft cheese.

    lean beef,

  • rabbit meat,

    boiled chicken egg.

    Lean fish.

    Vegetable soups and with the addition of cereals are prohibited: strong fish broth, strong meat broth,

    Vegetable oil and butter, animal fats are prohibited.

    Various cereals,

    vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, a little onion, garlic, horseradish, dill, parsley,

  • pasta.

    We only consume six grams of salt per day.

    stale bread,

  • permitted drinks (compote, jelly, weak tea, fruit juice, vegetable juice.

Prohibited Products


    meat broth,

    fish broth,


    sweets - sugar, honey, jam, marmalade.

  • canned food,

  • black pepper.

    alcoholic drinks.

If a patient with chronic pyelonephritis is in a hospital, he is prescribed diet No. 7 with increased fluid intake.

During this period it is necessary to eat: fruits, berries containing potassium and vitamins (lemon, orange, tangerine, figs, raisins, dried apricots).

Often, chronic pyelonephritis is accompanied by anemia: then you need to include pomegranate, strawberries, wild strawberries, and apples in your diet.

At home, if you have normal blood pressure, we include in your diet: ninety grams of proteins, eighty grams of fat, four hundred and fifty grams of carbohydrates, up to ten grams of salt, up to two liters of liquid. It is necessary to limit salt to four grams.

During remission you need to drink herbal mixture: take twenty grams of nettle leaves, 25 grams of St. John's wort herb. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over this mixture, leave for two hours, and strain. We drink half a glass twice a day after meals for 1 month.

The daily calorie content of the diet is 3000 kcal. We eat five times a day.

Once a week we arrange a fasting day: fruit day, vegetable day, sour cream day, rice day.

Approximate daily diet for chronic pyelonephritis

Option #1

We have breakfast: buckwheat with butter, vegetable salad, weak coffee with milk.

Second breakfast: steamed cottage cheese pudding, a glass of fruit juice.

We have lunch: vegetarian borscht, boiled or baked fish, mashed potatoes, dried fruit compote.

Dinner: semolina with milk, stewed carrots with prunes.

At night: drink a glass of kefir.

For the whole day: three hundred grams of stale bread, thirty grams of sugar, fifteen grams of butter.

Option No. 2

We have breakfast: salad (carrot + apple), semolina cooked with milk, weak tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled meat, boiled rice, fruit jelly. Second breakfast: a glass of fruit juice.

Dinner: curd pudding, apple puree, weak tea.

At night: a glass of kefir.

For the whole day: three hundred grams of yesterday's bread, thirty grams of sugar, fifteen grams of butter.

Kidney disease requires a special diet

The therapeutic diet for pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys - is very important

Pyelonephritis is the most common infection kidneys in humans, and due to physiological reasons More often it affects women of all ages, children, as well as elderly men suffering from prostate adenoma or diabetes mellitus. All patients with pyelonephritis (acute or chronic) require special therapeutic diet, which depends, first of all, on the manifestations of the disease, the stage of the disease and the methods used.

Diet for acute pyelonephritis

In acute cases, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed to 2 liters per day for people over 16 years of age, 1.5 liters for children 8–16 years old, 1 liter for children 1–8 years old. It may be weakly brewed sweet tea, compotes, fruit drinks, juices diluted with water, decoctions of diuretic herbs (birch leaf, lingonberry leaf, half-palm, bearberry leaves, kidney tea etc.) and a decoction of rose hips, mineral water With reduced content salts (Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Naftusya, etc.). It is also recommended to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, especially those with a strong diuretic effect: watermelons, melons, zucchini, cucumbers.
Fried, rich, baked, fatty, spicy and salty foods should be avoided. It is also advisable to refuse fresh bread, rolls and other baked products (bread can be used two or three days ago). Under no circumstances should you use spicy seasonings, spices, canned food, alcoholic drinks, coffee. It is undesirable to eat citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, garlic, horseradish, radishes, and spices.
When the patient’s well-being improves, a dairy-vegetable diet is prescribed for 7-10 days, which necessarily includes fresh vegetables and fruits, compotes and juices. Limit salt consumption to 2–3 g per day (food is not salted during cooking; salt is added only to ready-made dishes). After the patient ceases to be bothered by acute manifestations of the disease, the diet is introduced boiled fish, meat, cottage cheese. But even during this period, fried, spicy, smoked, salted and fatty foods, as they can cause an exacerbation of the inflammatory process. Restrictions remain for a year after illness.
Diet: 4 times a day, in between and on an empty stomach - drink.
In the future, the diet moderately limits table salt, reduces the amount of proteins and fats, and when concomitant obesity significantly limit carbohydrates.

You can’t eat if you have pyelonephritis:

Meat, fish and mushroom broths; soups from sorrel, spinach, legumes; liver, kidneys, brains; fatty meat, sausages, smoked meats, canned food; beef, lamb and cooking fats; salty fish, caviar; salted cheeses; legumes, especially fresh legumes; mushrooms, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, cauliflower, salted and pickled vegetables, salty snacks; chocolate, figs, raspberries, cranberries, citrus fruits; sauces based on meat, fish and mushroom broths; pepper, mustard, horseradish, cocoa, strong tea, coffee. Completely exclude alcohol and canned foods.

You can eat with pyelonephritis:

Bread and bakery products: wheat and Rye bread from flour of the first and second grades; various baked products, including those containing ground wheat bran.
Soups: vegetarian - borscht, vegetable cabbage soup, potato with the addition of cereals; cold (okroshka, beetroot soup), dairy, fruit.
Meat and meat products: low-fat varieties meat (up to three times a week). The meat is boiled, and after boiling it is used to prepare various stewed and baked dishes, and products made from cutlet mass.
Fish: low-fat varieties (hake, navaga, sea bass, etc.) boiled. After boiling, the fish is used to prepare stewed and baked dishes.
Milk and dairy products: milk, fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk; cottage cheese and dishes made from it; sour cream and cheese. Curd dishes with carrots and apples are very healthy.
Eggs: one egg per day, in any cooking method.
Cereals: in moderate amount any cereals. Buckwheat and oatmeal are especially good, as they contain a lot of B vitamins and natural dietary fiber, which normalize the functions of the digestive organs. The amount of cereals per day is up to 30 g.
Vegetables: potatoes and vegetables, in any culinary processing; Some vegetables must be raw.
Snacks: salads from fresh and pickled vegetables, fruits; vinaigrettes; vegetable, squash, eggplant caviar.
Fruits and sweets: in large quantities fruits and berries – fresh and in any culinary preparation; dried fruits; creams and milk jelly; marmalade, pastille, jam, honey. At overweight sweets are limiting.
Sauces and spices: sauces based on vegetable broth; tomato, sour cream, milk lemon acid, vanillin, cinnamon, bay leaf; dill, parsley, ground red bell pepper.
Fats: butter and vegetable oils.
Drinks: tea, weak coffee with milk; juices of fruits and berries, vegetables; fruit drinks, rosehip or wheat bran decoctions, dried fruit compotes.

Nutrition for chronic pyelonephritis

The diet for chronic diseases largely depends on the reaction of the urine (alkaline or acidic). When acidic, it is necessary to “shift” the urine reaction to the alkaline side by increasing the amount of alkalizing products. In addition, food should be easily digestible, rich in vitamins and quite high in calories. In order not to subject the kidneys to heavy loads, spicy foods, spices, alcoholic drinks, coffee, rich meat and fish broths are excluded from the diet (see above, what can and cannot be consumed with pyelonephritis). The first and second courses are eaten only boiled or stewed.
The diet must include milk and dairy products, eggs, boiled fish and meat, vegetables and fruits enriched with potassium, iron and cobalt (for example, strawberries, strawberries, apples, pomegranates). You can eat cereals (including those with milk), fruits and vegetables, and pasta.
For chronic pyelonephritis, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of table salt to 6–8 g per day or less. At the same time, you need to drink a lot - up to 2 liters per day. The liquid consumed will help flush urinary tract, and will also eliminate the possibility of excessive concentration of urine. Limit fluid only for pyelonephritis with edema.

During exacerbations of chronic pyelonephritis, the diet is structured in exactly the same way as for acute pyelonephritis. If the patient’s health has improved, but the test results show that inflammatory process is still active, a diet with the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is recommended.
Patients with chronic pyelonephritis with increased blood pressure at home, a diet with limited salt to 2–4 g and limited protein is recommended. Food should contain foods rich in potassium salts and vitamins. Recommended once a week fasting days: fruit, vegetable, sour cream, rice. Fruit fasting days are especially effective, for example, 1.5–2 kg of fresh strawberries per day. The set of products is the same as for chronic pyelonephritis with normal blood pressure. It is advisable to eat potatoes, cabbage, beets, plums, raisins, and figs.

Kidney infection - serious illness, requiring immediate treatment prescribed by a doctor. In the absence of treatment, the damage caused renal tissue and the entire body as a whole, can be significant. The bacteria that cause the infection are able to penetrate the bloodstream, which can lead to life-threatening conditions. During serious illnesses it is most often necessary special diet, in case of chronic pyelonephritis, it should also be observed.

When talking about pyelonephritis, doctors mean the presence bacterial infection in the kidneys. This disease is considered a urinary tract infection because pathogenic microbes They enter the kidneys through them. Although pyelonephritis can occur in people of both sexes, women are more prone to it due to anatomical features.

Mild forms of kidney infection can be treated with antibiotics, but severe cases often require urgent hospitalization. There is also always a chance that the first appearance of pyelonephritis will not be the last and the disease will arise again after some time. If exacerbations occur frequently, the kidney tissue is affected more deeply, which will lead to the need for surgical treatment.

Although there is no strictly defined diet required for all patients with pyelonephritis, there is a list of specific recommendations for nutrition during illness. Natural antibiotics, cleansing and healing foods are the basis of treatment chronic inflammation kidney Useful in the fight against pain symptom analgesics will also become available.

Preliminary diet

The first thing to do when any type of infection occurs is to rid the body of all toxic substances and unnecessary waste. To achieve best result, it is necessary to strictly follow a cleansing diet. In youth and adulthood, a citrus diet is recommended for deep cleansing of the blood and intestines, which will prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria. This diet consists of drinking a glass of green tea before breakfast, to which the juice of one lemon is added. The duration of the diet is up to three days. After drinking a glass of lemon tea, do not eat for 20 minutes. Then you should eat 1-2 oranges, peeled.

On a note! It is very important to consume peeled oranges with the pulp, and not squeeze the juice out of them, since the pulp helps cleanse the intestines of possible accumulations of bacteria and viruses. On these days you need to drink at least two liters of water.

After three days of the diet, you can start adding other foods after breakfast. On the fourth and subsequent days, before breakfast you need to drink a glass of tea with lemon, after 20 minutes eat 2 oranges, and then it is recommended to eat light food. For example, you can eat boiled vegetables with a small piece of bread or light vegetable soup. It is also acceptable to eat cereals with a small amount salt and sugar. It is worth eliminating animal products for at least two months.

Treatment of kidney inflammation will necessarily include taking antibiotics. If the infection is extremely severe acute symptoms, hospitalization and treatment in a hospital will be required. Medical intervention indispensable for getting rid of kidney infection. At the same time, the patient can independently speed up the healing process by supporting healthy eating, which helps the body defend against pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Of course, in each case, you should, first of all, focus on the recommendations of your doctor, especially when it comes to diet issues. However, most often doctors advise taking the following types of food for pyelonephritis:

However, it is important to be aware of the potential danger allergic reactions or other types of food intolerance, especially in the presence of diseases concomitant with pyelonephritis. Make changes to usual diet only after consultation with your physician or nutritionist.

On a note! General Tips Regarding nutrition for chronic pyelonephritis, they include eating foods with a reduced content of salt, protein and limiting foods rich in potassium.

Prohibited Products

It is very important to abstain from animal foods during kidney inflammation. This includes meat, sausages, offal, chicken eggs. During illness, fried foods should be avoided instant cooking, as well as sweets, smoked meats and baked goods. All of these products will only increase the content of toxins and food waste in the body, and will make getting rid of the infection longer and more difficult. It is important to follow the diet for at least two months to allow the body to fully cleanse and recover.

Obviously, highly irritating foods such as alcohol, spices and vinegar should be completely avoided during treatment of pyelonephritis.

Should be used for pyelonephritisDo not use if you have pyelonephritis
Sufficient quantity clean water– about 2 liters per dayAlcohol
Fresh and cooked vegetables that are high in fiberSweeteners
Fruits and wild berries, watermelonBlack strong tea
Fish and seafoodCanned food
Nuts, flax seedsCarbonated drinks
Dairy productsFast food and all dishes with MSG
Cranberry fruit drinks without added sugarChips, crackers, baked goods, popcorn and other salty foods
Porridge with little salt and sugarCoffee and caffeinated drinks
Vitamin and mineral complex supplementsBacon, ham, sausage, meat, sweets, vinegar

Natural cures for pyelonephritis

Separate food products directly help fight infection during kidney inflammation, if you know how to use them correctly.

Herbal medicine against pyelonephritis

To naturally destroy infection when bacterial inflammation kidneys, it is recommended to drink tea with horsetail, orange hawkweed or echinacea. As an alternative tea will do Hibiscus, which is a powerful diuretic and detoxifier for the body. To get rid of toxins, tea made from parsley, oregano, nettle, mallow, which can be added to fruit smoothies, helps. You should add strawberries, blueberries or papaya to your vitamin fruit cocktail.

Combination of the above natural natural medicines with practices such as acupuncture, magnetic therapy, meditation, will give unsurpassed results during the recovery period from a kidney infection. Don't forget to comply physical culture to maintain good blood flow and tone, promoting increased protective forces body.

Video - What can you eat with pyelonephritis?