White diarrhea in a dog: causes and methods of treatment

Diarrhea in dogs is relatively common. Any breeder knows how partial these animals are to the contents of garbage cans and stale “goodies” on the street, and therefore are not surprised when their pet has a Once again liquid stool appears. Situations when color feces becomes somehow strange and atypical. For example, breeders have many concerns when they see white diarrhea in a dog. What can cause this pathology, how dangerous is it for the health and life of the dog?

Diarrhea is a physiologically determined reaction aimed at evacuation from the body of poisonous and toxic compounds that pose a danger to the life and health of the animal. It should be noted that White color feces almost always indicates quite unpleasant pathological processes, occurring in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal. In particular, whitish color bowel movements may indicate complete or partial non-digestion of lipids, and this, in turn, is a consequence of many diseases of the pancreas and. The same pathologies are indicated by the “greasy” consistency of feces; feces become sticky and “vague”. Unfortunately, owners do not always notice this, and therefore the animal goes to the veterinarian only when its condition sharply worsens.

Particularly dangerous in this regard pancreatitis. If you don’t pay attention to the strange color of your pet’s stool in time, then your dog has every chance of “getting” it over time. This can happen due to the destruction of the islets of Langerhans. It is there that the cells responsible for the production of hormonal secretions of the pancreas are located. With pancreatitis and the accompanying degenerative-inflammatory phenomena, tissue destruction occurs, and the ability to produce hormones is correspondingly lost. What else can cause a dog to have white diarrhea?

Liver diseases also have a serious impact on the health of animals: due to problems with the production of bile, in particular, the digestion of lipids sharply deteriorates. It is because of the abundant admixture of fats that feces become oily, pale, sticky and very “stainable.” But whiteness of feces is not a problem. The problem is that bile, as a rule, continues to be produced, but cannot exit into the intestinal lumen (this can happen, for example, due to blockage of the bile ducts). Her pressure in gallbladder grows, the secretion begins to be absorbed into the blood. Cholemia develops, a severe condition accompanied by neurological seizures and fraught with the animal falling into a coma.

Much less often, dogs have diseases in which bile production actually decreases or stops altogether. But they develop, as a rule, against the background of the formation of the same stones, cholecystitis and other “typical” pathologies. Sometimes such an outcome can be achieved quite severe injuries received by the animal. This may include blunt trauma abdominal cavity, due to which connective tissue adhesions are formed between the internal organs. The latter can interfere with the normal flow of bile into the intestinal lumen.

Important! If your pet's pale diarrhea is accompanied by yellowing of the skin and all visible mucous membranes, as well as deterioration in the condition of the skin and coat, you should immediately take your pet to the veterinarian.

If there are problems with the liver (as well as with the pancreas), delay in such cases is extremely undesirable, since advanced cases of these pathologies often lead to death.

Predisposing factors

It also happens that the white color of stool is the result an animal eating something inedible or poisonous. Especially often, changes in the color of feces are associated with cases of feeding low-quality and simply spoiled food. In these cases, diarrhea is often accompanied. So what to do? Go to the vet immediately - such pathologies cannot be treated at home!

Diagnosis and treatment

It is important for the veterinarian to know what your dog ate during last days how he behaved, whether he had contact with other dogs. Of course, if the pet has chronic diseases This should also be reported to your veterinarian.

At the clinic, blood and urine samples will be taken from the dog, as it is vital to identify the root cause of the faeces turning into whitewash. In particular, with the development of liver pathologies, the amount of liver enzymes in the blood increases. To determine pancreatic diseases, the amount of insulin is determined. X-rays are useful and ultrasound examination abdominal cavity.

The pet is needed based on the initial disease leading to changes in feces. So, if there are stones in the gallbladder, it is advisable to perform an operation (especially in cases where its blockage has already developed). In milder situations, when the animal’s condition is not so severe, you can try to get rid of the stones using the technique of ultrasonic crushing. True, no one guarantees that the resulting sand will be able to escape into the intestinal lumen. Pancreatitis is treated using antibiotics (the disease often has an infectious etiology), as well as anti-inflammatory corticosteroids.

White feces in a dog appear due to the fact that internal organs a crash occurs. The animal's excrement should be brown or dark brown. Normal color is due to the fact that bile easily enters the small intestine. It is important to note that bile is involved in the digestion of food. A dog's white stool appears when the flow of bile is disrupted and a large number of this substance does not enter the small intestine. White feces in a pet should alert the owner. This problem may occur due to poor nutrition. However, in most cases, a dog's white stool is associated with illness. If such a problem is identified, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian!

About possible pathologies

The breeder, as a rule, does not know why the dog has white feces: the reasons are associated with a violation of the outflow of bile. Some dogs are diagnosed with urolithiasis, in which a stone blocks the bile duct. A dog develops white feces when the following ailments progress:

  • Cystic liver disease.
  • Liver oncology.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Inflammation of the liver.

Diseases in dogs, like in other animals, are divided into 2 types: acute and chronic. The liver is damaged when exposed to viruses and bacterial agents. Pathologies inflammatory in nature lead to damage to perihepatic tissues. It happens that tissues degenerate: in this case, hepatosis develops. Chronic liver damage requires long-term treatment. The animal must be constantly supervised.

Most common chronic illness liver-related - cirrhosis. With this pathology, atrophic processes are observed in connective tissue, liver cells are damaged. Liver pathology is one of the reasons why a dog has white stool. In addition to this symptom, the pet refuses food, is constantly nervous, and wants to drink. The animal's body temperature may increase. Depending on the nature of the disease, constipation may be replaced by diarrhea. Do not be alarmed if you find white feces in your dog: the causes of this phenomenon must be eliminated. The veterinarian knows how to conduct an examination and cure a dangerous pathology.


If the owner discovers white excrement on the pet, you need to visit a veterinarian. To determine the diagnosis, the animal's stool is examined. One such study is not enough. Blood and urine testing will be required pet. Biochemical analysis prescribed if necessary. Note that only comprehensive diagnostics effective in identifying pathology. Based on the data obtained, the specialist will determine the inflammatory process in the body and will also tell which organs it has affected. It is necessary to examine not only the liver, but also the intestines and organs genitourinary system. Biochemical analysis can also detect infection.

White (discolored) feces in an animal often indicate liver-related pathology. The doctor can diagnose urolithiasis. To confirm preliminary diagnosis An ultrasound is performed. During the procedure, the veterinarian examines the internal organs of the animal, detects inflammation and deformities. Ultrasound is one of best practices examinations. It allows you to recognize tumors, cysts, stones in the bile ducts. Diagnosis also involves x-rays. The doctor takes several pictures in which the internal organs are clearly visible. During the diagnostic process, it is necessary to examine the gastrointestinal tract. Perhaps their functioning is impaired. As liver pathology progresses, this organ increases in size.

Knowing how to give injections to a dog would be appropriate.

If the doctor especially suspects dangerous illness, a biopsy is prescribed. To carry out the procedure, a liver fragment is taken and sent for histology. The biopsy is performed in parallel with the ultrasound. Histological examination effective in detecting tumors. It's worth saying that malignant formations can affect not only the liver, but also the organs of the genitourinary system. It happens that the tumor compresses the bile ducts: because of this, bile is not completely excreted. This problem leads to the appearance of white feces.

Therapeutic measures

As a result of the diagnosis, it is determined clinical picture illness. Treatment depends on the nature of the pathology; it is different in each case. If a dog is diagnosed with inflammation of the liver or bile ducts, medications are prescribed. Cysts, tumors, stones require surgical intervention. Conservative therapy involves taking antibiotics (Cephalexin, Trimethoprim).

What should the diet be like?

During the treatment period, your pet must follow a diet. Nutrition, first of all, should be healthy. Need to give preference natural products. Should be abandoned purchased feed. If a four-legged animal has liver pathology, include semolina and oatmeal in its diet. In order for your pet to eat such food with appetite, you need to mix it with minced meat. Minced meat should not contain seasonings or flavor enhancers, it should be completely natural. It is worth remembering that dry food is harmful to health: if the animal consumes it, the disease progresses.

On the first day after detecting white feces, the dog should drink chamomile infusions. Then you should move on to broths and meat. Your pet's diet may include low-fat (not sour) cottage cheese. This product is rich in calcium. Cottage cheese cleanses the body, gives strength and energy. The diet should include vegetables (carrots, potatoes). Natural boiled vegetables can be mixed with minced meat. During the treatment period, the pet should not consume fatty, salty, spicy food. Food with a sweet taste is prohibited. The four-legged animal must take choleretic medications prescribed by the doctor on time.

Prevention of pathologies

Let us remind you once again that white stool in a dog may indicate dangerous disease- liver cancer. It is important to monitor what your pet eats. His body must receive enough calcium, magnesium, and vitamins. The dog must undergo an examination every six months. Preventive examination allows you to detect diseases in time. A timely treatment- the key to successful recovery! Treatment against ticks should be carried out; if necessary, get vaccinated.

In addition, many breeders are confident that the appearance of white feces is due to poor nutrition. A dog should not chew bones, especially spoiled ones. This actually leads to liver pathologies. If an animal does not eat properly, the liver accumulates toxins. It is worth saying that bones are food waste, and the liver reacts poorly to them. If you are trying to save money on feeding your pet, you can give him porridge with boiled offal. Don't give your dog bones: take care of his health.

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Feces are one of the most important indicators of the health of our pets. It is his sudden changes that may be the first alarm signal, which encourages the owner to show his pet to a veterinarian before the animal’s well-being seriously deteriorates. Normally, dogs should have bowel movements Brown color and firm consistency. Any deviations from this “standard” indicate an imbalance in the pet’s body - temporary or chronic. Green feces in a dog is one of the variants of deviation that can put the owner into a stupor. We will talk about the causes of green bowel movements below.

Stool turns green due to the action of copious amounts of bile enzymes such as bilirubin or biliverdin. As a rule, when it comes to green feces, we mean a liquid consistency, since the solid form of bowel movements usually does not imply such a shade. Loose stool itself should alert the pet owner, especially if it is repeated and does not stop for several days.

Causes of green stool

Speaking about the prerequisites for the appearance of this type of bowel movement, it is difficult to single out one dominant reason that can lead to the appearance of a characteristic shade. Such unusual color Dog stool can be associated with both serious gastrointestinal pathologies and the absorption of poisons, which must be removed from the animal’s body as quickly as possible.


Among the pathological reasons why a dog exhibits green feces, the most common are the following:

Errors in care

In addition to the reasons associated with global disturbances in the functioning of certain organs, there are other reasons rooted in improper conditions for keeping the pet. Seemingly harmless, with constant practice they can lead to serious consequences.

Among these errors are:

  • the use of low-quality dry food (as a rule, this refers to representatives of the economy class, sold in every supermarket);
  • the dog eating spoiled meat or other expired products, leading to food poisoning;
  • a sharp transition to a new type of nutrition. When deciding to transfer your pet from dry to natural food, the owner often rushes things, or even does it in one go. Such speed cannot but lead to digestive problems in the animal. You can read about that in a separate article on our portal;

  • changing the feeding schedule. For dogs (as well as for other animals), maintaining a feeding schedule is very important. Every veterinarian advises the owner to accustom his pet to a fixed meal time from childhood. IN otherwise the stomach simply does not have time to produce enough gastric juice to adequately digest food;
  • poisoning. Unfortunately, this phenomenon also occurs, since during a walk the dog may eat something not intended for ingestion. In addition, some “activists” deliberately scatter poison in dog walking areas in order to reduce the number of stray dogs.

Other reasons

There are also reasons that cannot be confidently classified into one of the categories discussed above. Such reasons are difficult to foresee and influence:

  • allergic reaction. The concept of "allergy" includes very wide range symptoms, one of which may be a change in the color of stool. However, when it comes to allergies, the coloring of stool in a greenish tint is usually accompanied by other changes in the functioning of the body;
  • consequences of taking antibiotics. Every animal perceives antibacterial drugs in my own way. One way or another, antibiotics negatively affect the intestinal microflora, especially if, after treatment, the pet does not take a course of probiotics, which will restore the functioning of the small intestine;

  • consequences of routine vaccination. This reason applies mostly to puppies whose the immune system still weak and difficult to cope with the first vaccinations. Often, after vaccination, puppies have loose stools, becoming unhealthy. green tint. At this moment, the pet’s body is most susceptible to various infections;
  • change of baby teeth.

Clinical picture

Green stool is rarely an “isolated” symptom; in most cases it is accompanied by other painful manifestations, allowing the veterinarian to make a more accurate diagnosis.

You can tell if your pet needs veterinary help immediately by the following symptoms:

  • increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • general depressed state, lack of need for physical activity;
  • unjustified weight loss;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting (may remain ineffective);
  • lack of interest in food, combined with constant thirst;
  • frequent urination;
  • blanching or yellowing of the mucous membranes.

The conditions listed above, as a rule, indicate the occurrence of inflammatory process in one of the pet's organs. More accurately determine the affected organ and prescribe adequate treatment only in my power veterinarian.

Symptoms can develop either very gradually or abruptly if we're talking about about poisoning. Unfortunately, with this type of intoxication, the owners sometimes do not have time to run to the doctor before the dog dies.

For allergies, dysbacteriosis resulting from long-term treatment with antibiotics and selection of the wrong food green chair can act as a single symptom, without causing any particular concern in the dog owner (as well as in the dog itself). However, it is important to understand that a change in the shade of bowel movements indicates malfunctions in the body, which sooner or later will lead to more significant deterioration that can no longer be ignored.


The treatment regimen is selected after diagnosis, since treating a single symptom without taking into account the overall picture is in most cases pointless. It is important to influence the cause, and not fight the consequences. From generic drugs, which are prescribed to animals to eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea, we highlight the main ones:

  • antidiarrheal medications such as Phthalazole or Loperamide;
  • probiotics (if opportunistic microflora is detected in the intestines);
  • enzyme preparations that help normalize the gastrointestinal tract.

If green stool appears due to food poisoning, and during the examination no pathologies were found, the dog is prescribed enterosorbents, such as Activated carbon or Polypephane. Also, dogs that have been poisoned drink Enterosgel, which envelops the walls of the stomach and promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the pet’s body.


For acute and debilitating attacks of diarrhea in dogs mandatory put on a starvation diet, regardless of whether this disease puppy or adult. The only difference is the time of abstinence from food - puppies are not given food for 12 hours, and adult dogs for the whole day. This condition allows you to clear digestive tract animal more effectively, without loading it with new contents.

Important! A fasting diet involves active fluid intake, especially with diarrhea. With loose stools, dogs lose a lot of water, which must be replenished to avoid dehydration.

Diet for putrefactive microflora

Putrefactive processes in the intestines will include longer adherence to a diet that involves excluding protein foods from the dog’s diet during recovery. For products that differ high content proteins include:

  • meat and fish food;
  • eggs;
  • offal.

Infectious diseases

If an animal has green stool due to infection, then its treatment involves the use of several types of medications:

  • antibiotics broad means actions (specific drugs are prescribed by a doctor, who also gives information about the required dosage and duration of treatment;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antipyretic medications.

Treatment errors

The most main mistake which a dog owner can do is an attempt to self-medicate a sick animal. Many inexperienced owners do not consider diarrhea to be one of the symptoms of a serious illness and try to give the animal activated charcoal and other well-known remedies for poisoning.

However, it often happens that green stool has nothing to do with poisoning, and cleansing the body with enterosorbent does not lead to improvement, but on the contrary, aggravates the painful manifestations in the dog. Therefore, any suspicious symptom, no matter how insignificant it may seem, needs diagnosis by a specialist.

Give to the dog strong tea and herbal decoctions are possible only after the approval of these measures by the attending physician. It is often recommended that pets who have survived poisoning be soldered rice water, helping to restore digestive function. This decoction is given four times a day.

Other stool colors

In addition to green, there are two more colors of feces, which are a sign of deterioration in the pet’s well-being and malfunctions of internal organs:

  • white;
  • yellow.

White feces

White stool is considered bad symptom, since it indicates not only the presence of an imbalance in the animal’s body, but also its advanced stage. Normally healthy dogs can not be white chair, therefore, if you notice whitish bowel movements in your pet, you need to show him to a specialist as soon as possible and undergo examination.

Causes of white stool

Most diagnoses, the presence of which is indicated by the white color of bowel movements, are not reassuring. Among such pathologies are:


Treatment of the animal directly depends on the diagnosis. Least favorable forecasts observed in cancer, since sometimes even surgery is not able to prevent further growth cancer cells. In its turn comprehensive examination Not every owner can afford a dog test to determine the presence of a tumor due to its impressive cost.

Despite the fact that on early stages symptoms of cancer are completely non-specific and can be missed by the owner, o initial manifestations of this disease every dog ​​owner needs to know.

Liver diseases

For liver problems, dogs are prescribed antibacterial agents, such as:

  • Tsiprovet;
  • Clavil;
  • Biovitin;
  • Sinulox.

These drugs are effective in combating renal failure And infectious form hepatitis A. Pets are also often prescribed salt and nutrient solutions that help eliminate intoxication and restore water-salt balance.

For cirrhosis, the following types of medications are prescribed to your dog:

  • antispasmodics to relieve pain;
  • hepatoprotectors that promote the restoration of liver cells;
  • enterosorbents that cleanse the body.

Treatment of gallstone disease involves several options:

  • the use of ultrasound – for mild form leakage and small sizes stones;
  • removal of stones through surgery;
  • deletion Bladder- at neglected form course, which involves the formation of pointed stones that can cause severe internal injuries to the pet.

Yellow feces

Yellow feces can appear in dogs in either solid or liquid form. The consistency of stool is certainly taken into account during diagnosis, since different types pathologies suggest a certain type of bowel movement.

Causes of yellow stool

The formed type of bowel movements of a yellow hue is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • liver related diseases. These include cirrhosis, hepatitis, and liver neoplasia. As a rule, liver dysfunction leads to gradual lightening of stool, and yellowness is just a transitional stage. As already mentioned, a violation of the outflow of bile leads to “whitening” of bowel movements;
  • helminthic infestations. As a rule, when infected with protozoa, the animal’s stool remains formed, and diarrhea is observed less frequently. The feces themselves are heterogeneous, since they include the worms themselves and their larvae;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas. When hormones are not produced correctly, the stool becomes characteristically oily, resulting from the body’s inability to cope with fats.

By the way! Sometimes the reason for the yellowness of bowel movements lies in a banal unbalanced diet.

Liquid consistency yellow stool suggests the following diseases:

  • viral infections such as salmonellosis or parvovirus. The latter is characterized by the presence of mucus and blood in the stool. Salmonellosis involves the presence of green specks in the stool;
  • intestinal infections;
  • pancreatic dysfunction.

As in the case of hard yellow stools, its liquid variation can also be associated with an incorrect diet, including an excess amount of fats present in the composition. butter and high-calorie offal.

Among other things, the stool may turn yellow due to staining that occurs as a result of the digestion of foods such as:

  • carrot
  • vegetables and cereals enriched with carotene.

The reason for this coloring is that the dog’s body is unable to digest carotene, and therefore removes it from the body intact, causing concern to the owners.

What you need to know about dog poop

Many dog ​​breeders do not have a sufficient level of knowledge regarding the norms and pathologies of canine bowel movements. Meanwhile, monitoring the condition of a dog's feces is one of the ways to obtain valuable information about the health and well-being of the pet.

In the table below we have collected the main characteristics of dog feces, affecting both pathological and healthy areas of physiology.

This article does not constitute veterinary advice and does not exclude veterinary advice. veterinary clinic. Here is information to help you decide correct solution in favor of providing quick and effective assistance to your pet. After all, it’s better to play it safe and consult with a specialist than to regret what you could have done and didn’t do.

1. The volume of stool is larger than usual

The most common cause of increased stool volume is overfeeding. Perhaps you feed your dog dry food “by eye”. Weigh your dog and feed him as much food as the food manufacturer recommends. Make sure the main diet is a source of calories and any treats are kept to a minimum. If you feed your dog “from the table”, be aware that not all ingredients are suitable for the dog’s normal digestion. Sometimes changing your diet gradually by changing the source of protein and carbohydrates can be helpful.

2. Loose stools

There are many reasons why a dog may have loose stool. Some of the most common causes are overfeeding, abrupt change diet, stress, change of water source (especially for puppies).

Infectious causes may include:

  • Bacterial infection – for example, Campylobacter, Salmonella;
  • Viral infection – for example, parvovirus enteritis;
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Helminthic infestation - for example, roundworms;
  • Protozoal diseases - for example, giardiasis, isosporosis.

Other reasons:

  • Inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency;
  • Intoxication;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Foreign body in the intestine;
  • Neoplasia (tumor);
  • Protein-losing enteropathy.

This is by no means full list possible reasons. Be sure to consult with a specialist to identify and eliminate the root cause of the disease.

3. Rare bowel movements (constipation)

Some potential causes constipation:

  1. Obstruction or partial obstruction intestines (for example, if the dog swallowed a stone, toy, bone);
  2. Obstruction gastrointestinal tract or partial obstruction due to another cause (eg, tumor or polyps); sometimes the cause may be more serious than expected (for example, rectal abscesses, anal tumors, or prostate enlargement);
  3. Endocrine (hormonal) problems such as hypothyroidism;
  4. Worm infestation;
  5. Neurological problems (eg, spinal disorders, nerve damage due to injury), causing the condition, which is called "megacolon". It is assumed that megacolon develops as a result of disruption of the conduction nerve impulses from spinal cord to the smooth muscles of the intestine. Megacolon is primarily a problem in cats, but it also occurs in dogs;
  6. Certain drugs (such as diuretics, antacids, opioids, and antihistamines).

Diet has big influence on stool consistency. This depends on the amount of fiber in the diet. Therefore, one food that is ideal for one dog may not be suitable for another. Too much fiber in the diet can lead to diarrhea or, conversely, constipation; this is individual for each dog and depends on the specific case.

Fluid intake is another important condition. Constipation occurs when too much moisture is absorbed by the intestines from the feed. In such cases, increasing fluid intake may be beneficial. You can add water to dry food about 20-30 minutes before feeding or use canned food. Adding to your diet may help relieve constipation. small quantity oils In addition, you can increase the frequency of meals up to 3 times a day, which leads to optimized activity and increased work efficiency thin section intestines.

4. Presence of fresh blood in the stool

Small amounts of bright red blood may be typical symptom colitis This occurs as a result of inflammation of the lining of the large intestine.

There are many causes that cause colitis, ranging from improper feeding, ending infectious diseases. Copious amounts of blood may indicate serious problem. Veterinary help should be sought immediately.

5. Black stool, dark blood in stool

Black stool containing dark blood, also known as "melena". Melena indicates bleeding in upper sections intestines or stomach. Veterinary help should be sought immediately.

6. Light (gray) or yellow stools

Yellow/gray or lighter than normal stools may be a sign of pancreatic disease, liver disease, or giardiasis.

7. Greenish stool

Greenish colored stool may indicate the presence of bile. Alternative reasons– giardiasis, poisoning with rat poison.

8. Presence of mucus in stool

A little mucus in the feces may be normal. The intestines produce mucus to provide lubrication and moisture. However, if the mucus is excessive, contains streaks of blood, or is accompanied by diarrhea, veterinary attention should be sought.

Why is my dog's poop black?
One sign that a dog is healthy is good poop. When eating portioned meals per day, a dog can excrete up to 150 g of processed product, depending on the size of the individual. A dense, formed waste product of the animal containing from 60 to 80 percent liquid is considered normal. The color of this fecal structure is varied, usually in brown tones. However, it also happens that a dog’s stool is black. The presence of black “poop” primarily indicates the presence of blood in the excrement. And this is already the first sign that the dog is sick and needs health care. What is blood in stool?
In order to correctly and correctly determine the cause of abnormal stool, you need to take a close look at it. After all, it is from the dog’s owner that the veterinarian receives the first information about the problem in the patient’s health. In particular, it is necessary to look at the color of the discharge, and based on this, the first assumptions are made about the localization of the problem in the body.
Blood in excrement comes in different shades:
Light scarlet shade. In this case, bleeding occurs in the large intestine or at the exit from the body.
Dark red, almost black color. Bleeding occurs above the colon, that is, in small intestine And digestive system. This indicator is the most dangerous for the life of the animal, because there may be any damage to the internal organs that must be correctly identified and then treated. This can only be done by an experienced veterinarian, often with the help of a special medical equipment. The main reasons why a dog's stool is black

Video: Mucus in stool - the best treatment options

Stomach ulcer. One of the symptoms peptic ulcergastrointestinal bleeding, which can be observed not only in the individual’s feces, but also in the vomit. As a rule, this happens over late stages course of the disease.
Foreign object. A dog's stool may be black due to mechanical damage walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Accordingly, if any object gets into the body (a wooden splinter received during active play on a walk, tubular bone etc.) can damage the intestinal mucosa. As a result, bleeding will occur in this place with subsequent progressive deterioration.
There are also other diseases that cause black stool. Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. What to do if the feces are dark in color
If you notice that your pet has an unusual stool during a walk (or litter tray, for dogs trained to walk at home), you should do the following:
Pay attention to the shape and color of the stool. If possible, collect the test in a jar or sterile bag.
Examine your pet at home for any other symptoms (check fur, ears, appetite, mouth odor, etc.). Convert Special attention on behavior four-legged pet, which can complement the picture of his condition.
Check the animal's diet.
Remember when was the last time medical checkup, and whether the dogs were dewormed in a timely manner.
Contact a veterinarian immediately.
Most veterinarians carry out basic diagnostic studies: examination, palpation of the abdominal cavity, as well as a conversation with the patient’s owner. If at the stage of simple examinations suspicions of something serious are detected, the patient is asked to undergo an ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract, colonoscopy, gastroscopy and other studies. At the same time they give up clinical tests feces, urine and blood. Only with a complete set of tests can a more complete diagnosis of the quadruped’s disease be made.
It is worth noting that you should not engage in in this case self-medication, because a failure to diagnose in time, combined with self-medication, can have a detrimental effect on the dog’s health