Juvenile demodicosis in a puppy. Pathogenesis and forms of the disease. Approximate treatment plan

The presence of the disease can be determined by several signs that appear when increased activity ticks. To make an accurate diagnosis, the veterinarian will perform a deep scraping for demodicosis in dogs. The main symptoms include the following deviations from the norm:

  1. The animal feels severe itching which makes her often for a long time scratch without stopping.
  2. Red spots appear at the base of the hair, on which, after a few days, bubbles form, first brick-colored and then putrefactive.
  3. It starts, the bubbles burst, and a liquid is released that smells bad.
  4. Subcutaneous mites in dogs, the symptoms of which are easy to identify, manifest themselves in the form of dry scales formed that stick together the fur. After a certain time, they fall off along with the hairs.
  5. When the situation gets worse, the animal looks depressed, refuses to eat and may even whine. The temperature drops to 37 degrees.

Types of demodicosis in dogs

Doctors determined a large number of ticks that can infect animals. Accurate diagnosis It is possible to put it only to a veterinarian who will conduct an examination and take tests. Demodex in dogs can affect different areas bodies with different additional symptoms and consequences. The methods of treating the disease will depend on this.

Generalized demodicosis in dogs

This species is characterized by a high degree of damage skin, and sometimes internal organs. The features of this disease include the following facts:

  1. The number of areas without hair is more than five and they are constantly increasing. The canine disease demodicosis manifests itself as thickening of the skin, which may be red or gray. Over time she acquires bad smell.
  2. If treatment is not carried out, this can cause the death of the animal, since the immune system, liver, gastrointestinal tract and other organs suffer.
  3. It is impossible to completely cure such demodicosis in dogs and the risk of relapse will always be present.

Juvenile demodicosis in dogs

This disease most often occurs in animals that are not yet a year old. Puppies become infected from their mother, who not only inherits mites, but also a weakened immune system. Demodicosis in dogs manifests itself in the ears in the form of inflammation, and the main signs include strange formations around the eyes and in the limbs. Sometimes the juvenile form can develop into other diseases. If the puppy has a strong immune system, then the disease can heal on its own.

Scaly demodicosis in dogs

This type of disease is characterized by the formation of hairless areas in the nose, forehead, lips and limbs, which have round shape. Upon examination, pityriasis-like scales are visible on them, and the skin itself is very rough to the touch. The demodicosis mite in dogs in its scaly form is cured faster than other types. If the animal has a strong immune system, then self-healing is possible in 80% of cases.

Demodicosis in dogs - treatment with folk remedies

As additional means can be used in conjunction with medications prescribed by a doctor folk recipes. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as this may worsen the pet’s condition. To the most popular methods traditional treatment include the following options:

  1. If a dog has demodicosis, first aid involves lubricating the affected parts of the skin with fish oil.
  2. The most effective folk remedy is Birch tar, which must be evenly distributed over problem areas and left for three hours.
  3. You can prepare a medicine by mixing one part of pure turpentine and two parts of animal fat.
  4. To prepare a remedy for demodicosis in dogs, you can take part of celandine juice and four parts of Vaseline.
  5. Another recipe consists of one part of crushed elecampane root, two parts of birch tar and four parts of melted butter.

If your dog has demodicosis, it is important to pay attention proper nutrition. The pet must receive complete, natural and fresh food, which should not contain any chemical substances. It is best if the menu consists of meat and dairy products, vegetables, cereals, and maybe eggs. You can add vitamins to your diet, but you need to choose them together with your veterinarian. There are special dry foods recommended for skin diseases in dogs.

How to cure a dog from subcutaneous ticks?

Treatment continues until three times received negative result bacterioscopy for the presence of mites, regardless of external improvements. To help your pet get rid of the disease, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. When the first symptoms are identified, you should immediately contact your veterinarian so that he can prescribe the correct treatment.
  2. To protect the liver, it is important to give your dog hepatoprotectors.
  3. When figuring out how to treat subcutaneous mites in dogs, it is worth pointing out that when mild form disease, it is important to abandon hormonal corticosteroids.
  4. Additionally, it is recommended to use products for external application to soften the skin, relieve itching and speed up the skin regeneration process.

Separately, it is worth considering what can be used to treat a dog’s kennel after demodicosis, since ticks can live in it, which will contribute to re-development diseases. Use water solution Lysol, formalin or creolin. Planned treatment against ticks is carried out once a winter, at the beginning of spring and at the end of autumn. In the warm season, disinfection should be carried out once a month. It is important to disinfect bedding as well.

"Ivermek" for demodicosis of dogs

One of the most frequently prescribed drugs, which belongs to the avermectin series. The product contains ivermectin and vitamin E. Pharmacies sell “Ivermec” in the form of a solution for subcutaneous administration, gel and tablets. Features include the following information:

  1. In most cases, treatment of demodicosis in dogs lasts for 5-6 weeks. It is worth considering that when long-term use the drug develops a hepatotoxic effect, so veterinarians often additionally prescribe hepatoprotectors.
  2. The product should not be administered to puppies under six months of age.
  3. It is forbidden to administer Ivermek, its crossbreeds and bobtails, since in these breeds the toxic effect of the drug is most pronounced.
  4. The dosage should be calculated taking into account the weight of the animal, so 0.5 ml should be per 5 kg of weight. If the animal weighs less, then it is bred in a solution.
  5. Ivermek is produced in the form of a gel, which must be used to treat problem areas of the skin using 0.2 ml of the product.

“Lawyer” for demodicosis in dogs

  1. It is produced in a solution intended for external use.
  2. The medicine for demodicosis in dogs “Advocate” contains the following main active ingredients: moxidectin and ilidacloprid. The first substance is absorbed into the blood, and the second, on the contrary, but at the same time it quickly spreads throughout the body, providing long action facilities.
  3. For demodicosis in dogs, it is necessary to apply “Advocate” to intact skin in places where the dog cannot touch the tongue, so it is best to choose the area of ​​the neck between the shoulder blades. For large dogs need 3-4 places.
  4. The amount is calculated so that 0.1 ml of product is required per 1 kg of pet weight. Use it once a month for 3-4 months.

"Bravecto" for demodicosis in dogs

The drug is presented in the form chewable tablet, which has a round shape and is colored Brown color. The main characteristics of the drugs include:

  1. Treatment of demodicosis in dogs "Bravecto" is carried out using the active substance fluralaner.
  2. The drug is given before and after meals, but during meals is also an acceptable option. Thanks to the pleasant smell and taste, the dog will eat the tablet with pleasure.
  3. Calculate the dosage depending on the weight of the pet, so per 1 kg of weight there should be 25-55 mg of fluralaner.
  4. The effect of one tablet lasts for 12 weeks, and then, if the disease does not respond to treatment, it can be repeated.

Gamavit with demodicosis in dogs

For any form of the disease, veterinarians recommend this drug, which is not only an adaptogen, but also a detoxifier. It helps reduce the toxicity of other medications. When understanding how to remove subcutaneous ticks from a dog, it should be noted that “” helps to normalize the blood count. Main parameters:

  1. It is sold in the form of a sterile solution for injection.
  2. The drug is a combined immunomodulator that increases the bactericidal activity of blood serum and helps animals tolerate stress more easily.
  3. "Gamavit" is used to treat demodicosis in dogs different ways: subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly and by adding to water.
  4. The dosage should be selected by a doctor.

Prevention of demodicosis in dogs

There are several tips on how you can protect your pet from this disease:

A four-legged pet in the house is a full member of the family. For many, he becomes the second child, and for some couples even the only one. Sincere love and respect for their owners requires a response. The dog needs to be monitored, cared for, and if health problems arise, it must also be treated. should be alarming. Perhaps the pet's skin has become infested with mites.

Manifestation of demodicosis in a dog.

Demodex mite under a microscope.

There are several reasons why the disease begins to progress:

  1. Reduced defenses.
  2. Hormonal disbalance.
  3. An oncological disease that undermines the immune system and gives impetus to the development of demodicosis.
  4. Treatment strong chemicals can also cause the activation of tick-borne infection.

Risk group

Puppies are at risk.

The disease usually develops in puppies or old dogs . Certain breeds of dogs suffer from demodicosis more often than others - these are pugs, sharpeis, bull terriers, Rottweilers, and bulldogs. The disease usually occurs in autumn or spring. It is during these periods that immunity decreases.

Pugs suffer from demodicosis more often than other dogs.

Is it contagious to humans?

The disease cannot be called contagious to humans.

You cannot get demodicosis from a dog.

Treatment methods and regimens

As first aid for an infected dog, you can use fish fat. All balding areas of the skin are generously lubricated with this fat. In addition, you should review your diet and enrich it with vitamins, especially retinol.

Fish oil is used to lubricate balding areas of the skin.

When visiting a veterinary clinic, a treatment regimen for the animal will be selected. It will vary depending on how far the disease has spread.

If there are isolated places of baldness on the pet’s body, then we are talking about a localized form. Moreover, in the absence of treatment, the disease very quickly transforms into a generalized stage, when all the skin is covered with scales, wounds, and there is practically no hair.

Approximate diagram treatment:

  1. At isolated places baldness pet is bathed using antibacterial agent for bathing animals. Then a special ointment or lotion is applied to the affected areas. During treatment it is recommended to visit veterinary clinic and take skin scrapings to monitor the disease. Your doctor will advise you how often to get tested. Typically, 2-3 visits to the veterinarian are required over the course of a month of treatment.
  2. If the disease is advanced and has reached a generalized stage, we will need complex treatment . Some drugs will be aimed at destroying ticks, while others will be aimed at eliminating the attached bacteriological infection. Preparations for internal and external use should be selected by a specialist, taking into account the breed of the sick dog.
  3. Otodemodecosis is effectively treated with Amitraz solution (20%), diluted with mineral oil in a ratio of 1:9. The product is used externally, rubbed into the affected areas daily.

Effective drugs for demodicosis in dogs

Sea buckthorn oil relieves itching and irritation on the skin.

Complex treatment involves the use of intravenous or intramuscular injections and external agents.

If a tick-borne disease is detected in domestic dog can be used for treatment not only veterinary drugs. Treatment at home can be done using folk remedies. Let's look at some recipes:

Folk remedies cannot be called a panacea in the case of demodicosis. It is better to visit a doctor and follow all his instructions, and use traditional methods as additional ways to combat ticks.

To prevent an animal from contracting demodicosis, it is very important to monitor its health, as well as its fur and skin. Combing the fur and examining the pet will help to identify signs of illness in a timely manner.

To prevent the disease, you need to monitor your dog’s diet.

  • Nutrition is of great importance in prevention . It is necessary to monitor your dog's diet. Periodically conduct courses of vitamin therapy. Avoid monotony in food. Can be used special feed for dogs High Quality, in this case, regular food is not given.
  • When walking, you need to make sure that pet didn't play with unknowns stray dogs . Typically such animals have weak immunity and are carriers of many diseases, such as demodicosis and helminthiasis.
  • In residential areas where they live four-legged pets needs to be carried out regularly wet cleaning using disinfectants . The animal's bedding is regularly washed and ironed.

If a pet is sick with demodicosis, all its household items are boiled or treated with chlorophos solution.

Video about demodicosis in dogs

Demodectic mange in dogs is one of the most common diseases among animals. Caused by almost invisible mites belonging to the genus Demodex, it causes the animal a lot of discomfort and painful sensations, and sometimes takes life.

This unpleasant and well-known ailment primarily affects dogs in their age period from 1 to 10 years, as well as representatives of certain breeds. But some breeds, having such ticks, do not get sick. So what is demodicosis, how to treat it and what is the prognosis?

Etiology of demodicosis in dogs

But this only happens until a certain time. The impetus for the development of the disease can be an immune failure, abrupt change in feeding, inactivity and even overweight- everything that leads to the production of cells (macrophages) that are able to absorb foreign and harmful particles of the body. A hitch with macrophages leads to the fact that mites reproduce freely, and they do this rapidly (each female lays 1000 eggs), and the larvae obtained from them are already beginning their action, which results in serious canine demodicosis.

There are several forms of demodicosis:

  • focal (local) – refers to the most sparing. With such a lesion on the skin, 3-5 small size flaky patches placed inconsistently. If such symptoms do not bother the animal too much, they will go away on their own after some time. If this does not happen, then self-medication is still undesirable. It is better to go to a clinic where adequate therapy will be prescribed, the prognosis of which is usually positive;
  • generalized - refers to a more complicated form. It is characterized large areas skin lesions. Such lesions in adult dogs often form against the background of serious systemic pathologies, oncological manifestations, hypothyroidism, and hypercorticism syndrome (Cushing's syndrome). Flaky, hairless, red and weeping lesions are constantly expanding their boundaries, and the skin emits a stench. If the dog is not treated on time or is done illiterately, then it may die;
  • Juvenile demodicosis in dogs is the third form of the disease. The disease occurs mainly in puppies and young dogs up to 1.5 years old and is usually transmitted from a sick mother to puppies, which is direct evidence of serious immune problems in the pet at the genetic level. Such dogs are usually sterilized, since the problem is transmitted at the genetic level.

Main symptoms and signs

Symptoms of demodicosis in dogs in all its forms make themselves felt by hair loss on the skin with coarsening and redness of the affected spots. Itching does not always occur.

Other signs of illness may depend on its type. So, scaly, the most light form demodicosis can be recognized by rounded bald patches on the face and paws, as well as slight redness, roughening and cracking of the skin.

With pustular demodicosis, the affected areas of the skin swell and become covered with yellowish, red-brown or even black pustules, which burst and release pus. If all this is accompanied by infection, pyoderma forms. The skin becomes very itchy, wrinkled, wet, and smelly.

Even an inexperienced dog breeder can easily notice such obvious signs. Hair loss followed by alopecia in randomly scattered areas, mainly on the face, paws, chest, along the vertebrae (can be localized in other places), comedones, etc., injuring the skin - all this is clearly expressed. For long-haired animals, another sign is indicative - the so-called follicular casts (representing wool stuck together at the base).

TO secondary characteristics The pathology in question includes pustules, purulent blisters, abscesses and ulcers, usually causing purulent inflammation skin. In this case, itching also occurs, which is a consequence of the mite making its “movements” in the epidermis.

With a significant severity of the disease, the dog may not only look depressed, but also refuse to eat. Her body temperature drops to 37 degrees.

Demodectic mange in dogs can also cause:

  • impotence;
  • muscle tremors accompanied by writhing;
  • vomiting;
  • profuse salivation, sometimes even with foaming in the mouth;
  • dyspepsia;
  • ataxia (impaired coordination of movements).

If the dog is not helped in the near future, the disease can be fatal.

Diagnosis of skin problems

A sick dog's blood is examined (biochemical and general analysis), urine, feces. According to indications, it may be prescribed ultrasound examination. Based on all the results obtained, the treatment of demodicosis in dogs is determined.

Important points in lactone therapy

Treatment of demodicosis in a beloved dog should not be taken carelessly. The process is long and not as simple as it seems at first. Therapy should be carried out comprehensively and only after a doctor who knows how to treat subcutaneous mite in dogs, determine the diagnosis and establish a therapeutic regimen.

Demodectic mange in dogs is in most cases treated with so-called macrolotic lactones, among which priority is given to avermectins and milbemycins. The first ones are administered only orally (with food and drink) - Novomek, Baymek, Ivermag (ivermectin), as well as Dectomax (a representative of doramectins). Among the milbencins, Milbemax is indicated for use. This also includes a unique “subgroup” of moxidentins – Advocate and Cydectin.

It is also possible to use formamidines - Amit, Bipin, Certificate, Amitan. Good impact fluralaners and afoxolaners are also different. The best of them are Bravecto and Nexgard.

IN European countries, as well as the United States, approach the question of how to treat demodicosis in dogs much more simply. The first place here is feeding sick animals with Ivermectin for 2 months (an alternative is Doramectin injections).

However, this treatment is not indicated for all dog breeds. This applies to collies, shelties, bobtails and their mixed breeds. These drugs cause serious health problems in them. But for other breeds of dogs, such therapy is not contraindicated and does not cause as much harm as is often said.

Generalized demodicosis can be successfully treated with Advocate drops, using them not according to instructions, but once every 7 days. This is confirmed not only by practitioners. The effectiveness of the drops has been scientifically proven. In general, they are used for any form of demodicosis.

Bravecto in the treatment of demodicosis

Now Bravecto is gaining popularity for demodicosis in dogs. This is relatively new medicine, was previously presented as chewable flea tablets. However, studies have proven their excellent capabilities in the treatment of demodicosis, which has made the product quite in demand.

The features of this medicine are that it:

  • has a prolonged effect - after use therapeutic effect lasts for 3 months;
  • They can be used to treat dogs of all breeds, including those for which conventional therapy is not suitable (collie, sheltie, bobtail);
  • helps overcome illness even in animals with persistent immune disorders, which cannot be said about other drugs that provide an effect only for the period of their use.

Treatment with Bravecto involves taking a single tablet. Its effect lasts for 3 months. Further infection does not occur, since after this period the animal’s ticks completely leave its skin. True, this tablet is a fairly expensive medicine.

Once again, attention should be focused on the fact that self-medication for such a pathology as demodicosis is unacceptable. The disease cannot be cured so easily. Usually it requires the use of very serious medications that have side effects. Therefore, without understanding all this, it is not only very easy to harm your pet, but you can even take his life.

For example, it may be tempting to use Bravecto. He gave one tablet and washed his hands, the pet recovered. However, the drug is not generally indicated for home use, as it is very potent and quite toxic to the liver.

Ivermectin therapy for dogs

The same applies to Ivermectin, which is contraindicated for certain dog breeds. It would seem that then this medicine is suitable for treatment for everyone else. And this is true if you do not violate the dosage norms or do not combine them with other medications (for example, tetracyclines, cyclosporines, ketoconazole, etc., which contain P-glycoprotein). Can a non-specialist know all this? Of course not. Only a veterinarian will calculate the correct dose and tell you how best to take the medicine.

The treatment of this pathology is approached in a comprehensive manner. According to indications, several types of drugs are prescribed various effects. For example, in case of bacterial infection, antibiotics will be prescribed. If necessary, to support the liver, injections with Ivomec and its analogues are practiced (by the way, they should not contain vitamins). Almost all dogs with demodicosis receive immunostimulants.

Processing is applied local purpose. When feeding the animal, a protein-free diet is used, which does not contain B vitamins.

The owner of the animal must ensure that the conditions for keeping the pet are sufficiently comfortable, without high humidity and drafts. After all, their presence can negatively affect treatment.

Your dog will be considered recovered when, for eight months after a full therapeutic course, the disease has never made itself felt. But the final recovery is confirmed again diagnostic studies, in particular by scraping or other tests.

Duration of treatment and prognosis

Demodectic mange in dogs takes a long time to treat. Therefore, its owner should be patient. Even after the end of the main therapeutic course, the animal must be given the drugs for a couple more weeks to consolidate the results. After this, when remission occurs, the dog is not considered completely healthy for another 1-2 years. After all, with the slightest disruption in immunity, demodicosis in dogs can manifest itself again. This is especially true for the generalized form of demodicosis, which affects a large area of ​​the skin.

The main therapeutic course is also not short-term. Treatment of a dog suffering from demodicosis usually takes several months (its duration depends on the form of the disease, the timeliness of treatment medical care, states immune system). Medicines are stopped only when two deep scrapings from the affected areas of the animal’s skin, carried out in a row, do not reveal either living or even dead ticks on it.

A dog can be considered recovered when at least one relapse does not appear for 8 months. Only consequences after past illness there are different ones. For example, a bitch with a generalized juvenile form of demodicosis is not allowed to be used for breeding, even if it is a particularly valuable breed.

The juvenile form always gives hope for a complete recovery. However, one animal out of ten usually has to undergo a second course of therapy.

With a purely generalized form, treatment is not always successful. Much depends on the pet itself, if it is more than 5 years old. In this case, it happens that the struggle for his health lasts for a year, or even a longer period.

Prevention of skin pathology

Since demodicosis is associated mainly with the state of the immune system, special precautions are not provided for this ailment. Is this a warning against contact with the homeless and wandering “comrades”.

We should not forget about constant care of your pet’s skin, using special shampoos for dogs (but frequent bathing would be wrong). It is advisable to conduct regular and careful skin examinations. This will help you start treatment on time.

The place where your pet is must be kept clean at all times. If the animal is sick, treat it with hot 5% creolin or Lysol.

Demodectic mange – enough serious pathology in dogs. At the first sign of suspicion, do not leave this matter unattended, and do not delay in contacting a veterinary clinic. After all, lost time can not only have a bad impact on his health, but also lead to very disastrous results.

This type of disease is not dangerous for humans, but it is quite severe in dogs and requires long-term therapy with the use of toxic drugs.

Today we will talk about the causes of the pathology, how many forms of the disease there are, how to recognize the disease and what treatment methods exist.

As soon as the immune system fails, the disease develops rapidly, since the body does not have time to control and fight the tick.

Is it possible to become infected with demodicosis? The disease is not contagious either to fellow humans or to humans.

The tick gets on the puppy's skin during childbirth, if the immune system has the ability to fight it, the disease will not make itself felt. A reinforcing factor for the rapid development of the disease is weak immunity.


  1. Decreased immune strength;
  2. Cancer development;
  3. Endocrine and hormonal disorders.

Demodectic mange develops against the background of some disease in older dogs, while in babies up to 12 months the juvenile form of the disease develops.

Causes of juvenile disease:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Infection from the mother.

Dog breeds susceptible to the disease:

  1. Pugs;
  2. Shar Pei;
  3. Rottweilers;
  4. German Shepherds;
  5. Bulldogs (English, French);
  6. Scottish Terriers;
  7. West Highland White Terriers.

The dangerous period for pets is winter and spring, when the dog’s body’s resistance to disease drops sharply.

Symptoms of demodicosis in dogs

Signs of demodicosis in dogs appear depending on what form of skin damage has occurred. There are 2 types of disease - focal (localized) and generalized.

Generalized symptoms:

  • The limbs, abdomen, chest and head are affected;
  • Isolated lesions of skin areas are noticeably scattered on the fur, with the formation of bald patches covering them with growths and knots;
  • The disease can be in remission and relapse; as soon as some failure occurs, the disease manifests itself. Vaccination can also cause a relapse.

In the absence of treatment for focal skin lesions, the pathology becomes generalized.

Symptoms of focal skin lesions:

  • Uniting the affected skin areas into a single chancre;
  • The epithelium of the skin becomes rough, rough and dense to the touch;
  • The pet suffers from unbearable itching;
  • Sometimes pustules open, which emit an unpleasant odor.

In advanced cases, damage to internal organs, refusal to eat and dystrophy may occur. Dogs aged 3-24 months suffer from the juvenile form of the disease, which is transmitted from the mother.

When purchasing such a puppy breeding Not recommended. There are several forms - scaly, pustular, mixed.

It is often possible to observe in dogs latest form diseases. Depending on the stage of the disease, what symptoms are accompanied, and treatment is selected individually accordingly.

Forms of demodicosis in dogs


A mild form of the disease, treatment is prescribed very rarely. Often, cure occurs thanks to the pet's immune system. Localization of the disease disappears within 1-3 months. Symptoms are accompanied by mild irritation and redness of the skin, rarely itching or itching.

The causes of the disease are stressful situations, the period of pregnancy and childbirth, when immunity may weaken, estrus.

It is mandatory to monitor your pet during the recovery period. this form the disease can become more serious - generalized.


The disease begins with skin lesions in individual areas. The skin begins to become covered with bright pink spots, which are located generally from each other.

Papules are dense, it begins inside them inflammatory process, accompanied serous discharge which begin to have an unpleasant odor.

The disease affects a significant area of ​​the skin, there can be more than 5 of them. The disease is difficult to treat and can drag on for half a year or a year. Some animals do not recover completely.

Severe cases of the disease can lead to the death of the pet. Absence conservative treatment or an incorrectly selected dosage also affects the dog’s life expectancy.

You cannot start treatment on your own, medications are selected individually by a doctor depending on the breed, size and condition of the pet. Unfortunately, this type demodicosis affects purebred dogs.

Therefore, experts recommend sterilizing your pet; the pathology is transmitted from mother to puppy. The main reason is the weakening of the animal’s immune forces, possibly due to chemotherapy, endocrine and hormonal imbalances, breed heredity.


This skin lesion affects puppies under 1 year of age that were infected during birth from an infected mother. If the baby's immunity is weak, the disease will progress.

Therapy begins as soon as the animal grows up and gets stronger. In most cases, the disease goes away on its own.


The disease affects the ears with outside, forming dark growths, the dog is bothered by severe itching and burning.

Papular (focal)

Enough dangerous look diseases. Papules grow on the skin of the tail, sacrum, and back, creating a continuous focus of the disease. The sores may crack, emitting an unpleasant odor, and sepsis (blood poisoning) may occur due to infection of the wounds.

Complications of this form include sudden weight loss pet, development staphylococcal infection, it is not uncommon for an animal to die without timely treatment.

Demodectic mange of paws (pododemodicosis)

With this type of pathology, a healthy follicle dies on the paws, forming a bald patch where hair will never grow again. Due to infection and the dog scratching the affected area, painful pustules form.


  • Baldness (alopecia) of the limbs;
  • Appearance of a crust;
  • Purulent wounds, boils.

Often the disease affects all limbs.

Treatment of demodicosis in dogs

How to treat demodicosis? Therapy depends on the severity of the disease pathological process and skin lesions.

It is prescribed individually by the attending physician after undergoing a series of tests and diagnostics. It is strictly prohibited to independently determine treatment and dosage.

Some medications are very toxic, and if chosen incorrectly, best cases therapy will not bring the desired result, at worst, an overdose will lead to intoxication and death.

The treatment process for demodicosis is quite long, in severe cases it can last up to 12 months. The owner should not worry, the disease is not transmitted.

You shouldn’t let the disease progress so that it becomes more serious consequences, it is better to use these drugs for prevention purposes.

Generalized form and others serious types diseases require a more thorough approach to therapy; only the attending physician will select the dose and determine the duration of treatment.

To decide on correct diagnosis and the type of disease, it is necessary to undergo a number of tests.


  • Scraping for demodicosis: deep and superficial;
  • Blood analysis.

The treatment regimen for demodicosis in dogs depends on the severity of the disease. Therapy for skin lesions is carried out in dogs at home, the owner treats it independently; if injections and intravenous injections are prescribed, then the pet must be taken for procedures.

Approximate treatment plan

  1. The pet is being treated by special means, breeds with long hair getting their hair cut;
  2. Hydrogen peroxide (chlorhexide). Treat infected areas to remove crusts and growths;
  3. Ointment for dogs with demodicosis: “Benzyl benzoate”, “Sulsen”, “Lamisil”, “Aversectin 0.05”, “Formayodnaya”. Used for external use on the affected area up to 2 times a day, with an interval;
  4. "Aversect K&S" for intramuscular injection. The dosage varies depending on the breed and size of the pet. Injections can be given at home or in a veterinary clinic;
  5. Antibacterial therapy for complications due to another infection (staphylococcus);
    Probiotics: “Bifidum”, “Biotek”, “Veles”, “Bifitrilak”;
  6. Hepatoprotectors: “Vet Expert Ornitil Plus”;
  7. Immunomodulators and enzymes;
  8. Nutrition correction, diet therapy.

During the recovery period, the animal must be carefully monitored, the condition of the skin must be monitored, and hygiene must be mandatory.

Process sleeping area dogs, shoe mats, toys and other favorite objects that the pet may come into contact with.

The disease recedes when control skin tests are negative 3-4 times in a row.


Vitamins are prescribed after full course treatment and recovery.

Prevention of demodicosis

To prevent your pet from having a relapse of the disease, it is necessary to follow preventive measures.


Often found chronic forms illnesses with remission and relapses. Exacerbations develop during the period of weakening of the immune system - winter/spring.

Therefore, during this period it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin, pay attention hygiene procedures. Subscribe to our website. There is a lot of interesting and useful information ahead.

Demodicosis is contagious - active re-infection is observed between dogs through contact between sick and healthy individuals. It is not transmitted to humans. Due to late seeking help from a veterinarian, it often progresses to a severe, generalized stage that is difficult to treat. Mostly dogs over 10 years of age and young dogs under 1 year of age are affected. The younger the animal and stronger immunity and there is a greater chance that the disease can be defeated.

general information

The Demodex mite is found on the skin of every dog ​​and is considered an integral part of the normal skin flora. That is why the development of the disease occurs not only after direct contact with infected animals, but also against the background of a decline in one’s own immunity.

The disease is most often recorded in the winter-spring period. Analysis for demodicosis looks like microscopy of a deep skin scraping.

Symptoms of the disease

Forms of manifestation

Demodicosis has three forms of manifestation, which depend on symptomatic signs disease and its spread throughout the body:

All forms of canine demodicosis have similar symptoms with approximately the same treatment regimens.

What the owner should note:

Demodectic mange in dogs is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • The dog itches a lot and often. Usually this is the muzzle, areas around the eye sockets, ears, paws, spine, rib cage. The appearance of black dots resembling acne comedones that cannot be squeezed out is noted.
  • At the base of the hair there is redness and slight swelling right in the place where the hair follicles are “planted”.
  • Consecutive stages of changes in the condition of the skin: the appearance of bubbles with dark contents (brick-clay color), which burst after 3-4 days, and the liquid pours out with an unpleasant, fetid odor.
  • Over time, the discharge dries out and patches of bald spots with scales resembling fish scales form on the skin, falling out along with the hair. Also, in some places, a feature of demodicosis is noted - gluing of fur at its base (follicular casts).
  • With otodedecosis, the outer ear is affected. Auricle itches, hair falls out around the head, black, bad-smelling crusts appear.
  • What does demodicosis look like in English/American Cocker Spaniels? Most often their paws are affected. Looks like demodicosis lower limbs as intensely reddened, bald areas of skin with signs of furunculosis (inflammation hair follicles) and purulent phlebitis of the paws (purulent inflammation of the veins).
  • In advanced cases, purulent inflammation of the skin develops, because secondary infection occurs.
  • With a long-term generalized form, the animal becomes depressed, appetite decreases and body temperature drops to 37°C.

Therapeutic measures

How to cure demodicosis? We warn you right away - therapy is complex and lengthy, and the generalized form is completely incurable. In addition, all drugs are toxic to some extent, so all dosages of drugs and regimens for their use should only be prescribed by a veterinary specialist! When a dog has been diagnosed with demodicosis, treatment at home is advisable only after discussing all the nuances with a veterinarian, who will tell you in detail what to do. Trying to overcome the disease on your own can be life-threatening for your pet.

Treatment of canine demodicosis is difficult due to the fact that most drugs kill only adult ticks and do not affect nymphs, larvae and eggs, which can be carried throughout the body. Also, the tick itself can be localized in subcutaneous tissue and the lymphatic system, where drugs do not reach. At active treatment nymphs and larvae go into hibernation, and after treatment they become more active, transform into sexually mature individuals, begin to reproduce, and the disease returns again in the same volume as it was before treatment.

Basic principles of therapy:

  • complete removal of tick populations from the body;
  • eliminating all unfavorable factors contributing to the deterioration of the condition (poor feeding and living conditions, hypovitaminosis, decreased general immunity against the background of other diseases, etc.).

Main rules and conditions of treatment (All drugs are given for informational purposes only, and not for independent therapy.):

  • You cannot self-medicate if the diagnosis is accurate. How to treat demodicosis in dogs is up to the veterinarian to decide! Any manipulations with the animal during the therapy period must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist with the exact fulfillment of all his instructions and dosages.
  • Dogs with intense lesions and long hair must be trimmed. Before treatment with ointments or acaricidal solutions, it is recommended to bathe in any antimicrobial and/or antipruritic shampoos with thorough rinsing.
  • Treatment of demodicosis must be accompanied by hepatoprotective drugs, because Almost all acaricides are hepatotoxic:
Hepatoject, covertal Intramuscularly or subcutaneously at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg (but not more than 4 ml per animal) 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks, then a break of 1 week and the course is repeated. Can be administered throughout the treatment of the disease.
Karsil 1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day throughout the entire treatment period (on average 1 tablet/10 kg).
Essentiale At intravenous administration: 0.2-0.5 ml/kg once a day for 10-14 days (can be up to 3 weeks). Repeat in 1-2 weeks. In capsules: ½-2 capsules 1-2 times a day for 2-4 weeks. In particular severe cases can be taken for the entire duration of treatment.
Heptral ½-1 tab. twice a day for a long time, without taking breaks.
  • When treating demodicosis, you should not take hormonal corticosteroids (prednisolone, Kenalog, dexamethasone, etc.), because immunosuppression is observed.
  • Owners must create ideal conditions housing for dogs (up to conditionally sterile).
  • The use of injection drugs against demodicosis.
Ivermectin and preparations containing it It is considered 1 ml/25 kg of body weight (or 0.1-0.15 ml/3 kg), unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for the drug. Injections are given intramuscularly or subcutaneously, weekly until recovery. Do not use for bobtails, collies and shelties, because There is individual breed intolerance.
Doramectin (Dectomax, Meradoc) The application regimen is similar to that of ivermectin. Dose calculation – 1 ml/25-30 kg. Well suited for those breeds for which ivermectin is contraindicated.
Aversectin (Aversect 0.2%) 0.2 mg/kg or 0.4 ml/10 kg of the dog’s weight subcutaneously or intramuscularly once a day and repeatedly with an interval of 7 days until recovery. Goes well with immunomodulators and antifungals.

  • Addition of antibiotics (sinulox, ciprofloxacin, cefazolin) and/or antifungal drugs(ketoconazole, griseofulvin, nystatin), if against the background of demodicosis dermatomycosis or dermatomycosis begins to develop staphylococcal lesions skin:
Sinulox 250 (amoxiclav) ½ tablet/10 kg body weight twice a day for 5 days. If the condition is advanced, the course of treatment can be extended.
Ciprofloxacin (Ciprovet 50) 1 tab. or 50 mg/10 kg body weight once a day for 5-7 days. The maximum course can be extended to 14 days.
Cefazolin Orally 15-30 mg/kg with an interval of 6-12 hours (depending on dosage) for 5-10 days.
ASP (antistaphylococcal drug)

4-5 injections are given in increasing doses with a time interval of 2-3 days. The dosage is calculated by weight, but more than 2 ml of the drug is never administered per animal.

1 injection: 0.1-0.4 ml

If the intensity of skin damage is high, one injection can be added, but without increasing the dosage.

Accepted strictly according to the scheme. It is prohibited to change the dosage in any direction or change the course of administration. Depending on the severity of the disease, 4 to 6 intramuscular injections are given, depending on the weight of the dog, with an interval of 4-5 days:

1 injection: 0.1-0.4 ml

With a generalized form, it is possible to add one injection, but without increasing the dosage! The drug can be administered for prophylaxis twice with an interval of 25-30 days at a dose of 0.1-2 ml per animal.

  • To relieve itching, moisturize the skin, eliminate excessive peeling and act on mites from the outside, external preparations (ointments, creams, solutions) or minerals are prescribed internally:
Food sulfur Orally with food, a pinch on the tip of a knife without a slide (up to 0.2 g) daily for a month.
Pikhtoin Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 1-2 times a day, lightly rubbing into the surface of the skin. Course up to 10 days. In case of severe damage, it can be applied under a bandage.
Gamabiol To speed up the healing of scratches, apply a thin layer 2-4 times a day until recovery. Particularly good for paws.
Amidel Dogs are treated 2-4 times with an interval of 5-7 days. In the generalized form, smear first one part of the body, then another, in turn. Ears can be treated. It is important to remove scabs and crusts first.
Aversectin ointment 0.05% It is used like Amidel on clean, crust-free skin.
Mycodemocid Apply topically 1 time every 2-4 days until full recovery, always including 1-2 cm of healthy areas. The areas are pre-cleaned of scabs.
Ectomin Used as aid. Dilute 1 ml/l or 1 ml/800 ml (if the dog has long hair and is not cut), applied to tick-affected areas cotton swab Once every 2-3 weeks, until there are three negative skin scrapings.
Neostomazan Diluted in a ratio of 1:200, applied to the affected areas with a sponge or cotton swab, making the skin moist. The animal must be thoroughly dried, because... wet wool after treatment is poisonous, dry wool is absolutely safe. Treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 7 days.
Amitraz (Amit, Amitan) After obtaining a solution of 1:100, apply generously to the affected areas directly with a cotton swab, covering up to 2 cm of healthy areas.
  • Vitamin therapy for the skin is mandatory - mainly vitamins A and E. B vitamins should be limited.
  • In the case of a generalized form, it is necessary to use tablets for demodicosis, because injections and local treatment may not give the expected effect due to the spread of the mite to such places in the body (for example, lymphatic system), where the medicine will not reach with such methods of administration.
Bravecto Bravecto for demodicosis is prescribed quite often. The tablets have different dosages and are taken strictly according to the dog’s weight. The tablets cannot be crushed, the main thing is to pick them up the right dosage to give entirely at the rate of 25-56 mg/kg of active substance. Use according to instructions.
Ivermectin There is an oral solution or tablets. The usual dosage is 0.6 mg/kg daily for 2-4 weeks. Taking hepatoprotectors is mandatory.
Simparica Dosage calculation: 2-5 mg/2.5 kg body weight. Usually this is a single dose once a month and then repeated twice more (a total of 3 times over 3 months).
Sayfli 1 tablet/10 kg of weight twice a week for 6 weeks.
  • Organization of complete, balanced and easily digestible nutrition for the dog. Eliminate anything that could potentially cause allergies or burden the pancreas or liver. Ideally, switch to hypoallergenic products during treatment. industrial feed. At natural nutrition is strictly excluded fried food from the hosts' table, seasoned, salted.
  • The use of immunomodulators is indicated, but not narrowly antiviral or fortified, but general plan. Ribotan, immunofan, glycopin and geneferon fall under this category.
Glycopene It is considered one of the best immunomodulators in the treatment of demodicosis. 1\2-2 tablets/10 kg depending on the severity of the dog’s condition. Course from 2 weeks until recovery.
Ribotan Intramuscularly or subcutaneously in a dose of 0.5 to 2 ml. 3 injections are given with an interval of 3-5 days, and then repeated after 2 weeks. The courses can be repeated every 2 weeks until recovery.
Genferon (rectal suppositories) A human drug that has proven itself to boost a dog’s immunity in the treatment of demodicosis. Morning and evening, 1 candle for 10 days. The dosage of suppositories by ED depends on the weight of the dog: up to 15 kg - 125,000 IU, up to 30 kg - 250,000 IU, up to 60 kg - 500,000 IU.
Immunofan Into the muscle or subcutaneously, 1 ml once a day. A total of 3-5 injections every 24 hours.
  • Autohemotherapy has a good effect.
  • Traditional recipes are used only as additional method treatments as local treatments. Consultation with a veterinarian is required! What home remedies are suitable for treating lesions:
    • Birch tar;
    • a mixture of animal fat, turpentine and drying oil – 2:1:1;
    • finely chopped celandine herb infused with cream – 1:4;
    • mixture of animal fat and fresh celandine – 4:1;
    • melted butter, birch tar and finely chopped elecampane root – 4:2:1;
    • birch tar, sulfur in powder form, laundry soap, rendered fat – 1:1:2:2;
    • a decoction of smokeweed, buckthorn bark and elecampane root.

Question answer

Demodicosis - is the disease contagious for humans?
Whether there is a breed predisposition to demodicosis?

Yes, I have. The most susceptible breeds to demodicosis are:

  • English and French bulldogs;
  • Shar-Pei;
  • German Shepherds;
  • pit bull terriers and bull terriers;
  • smooth-haired dachshunds;
  • Rottweilers;
  • Scotch Terriers;
  • sheltie and collie;
  • boxers;
  • pugs;
  • Great Danes;
  • West Highland White Terriers.

Breed predisposition should always be taken into account when making a diagnosis! In addition, not all anti-demodicosis drugs are approved for all dog breeds - this must be taken into account during treatment.

How to determine if a dog is healthy? How is treatment monitored?

The state of the body and the dynamics of recovery cannot be judged only by symptoms and external condition dog health. Be sure to scrape for demodicosis every 3-4 weeks! It is forbidden to interrupt treatment until 3 negative scrapings are obtained!

Does feeding dogs Novomek help?

Veterinary proven cases of use this method There is no treatment with this particular drug. But in cases of self-medication, positive dynamics were noted. Therefore, veterinary experts recommend the use of special oral forms of ivermectin (the main thing is active substance novomek) to avoid additional unpredictable reactions of the body to the drug.