What makes the heart work. Why do you feel your heart beating? Why does the heart beat strongly when excited, from alcohol, or with a hangover?

Why does a person's heart beat?

Why does the heart beat?

● Your heart is like a smoothly and smoothly running motor that drives the entire circulatory system. In an adult, the heart beats more than 100,000 times a day. Even if you rest, your heart muscle continues to work hard, twice as hard as your leg muscles during a sprint. If necessary, it can double its pace in five seconds. In adults, depending on physical activity, it pumps from 5 liters of blood every minute (this is the average volume of blood in the body) to 20 liters.

The heartbeat is regulated by an amazingly designed nervous system. It ensures that the chambers of the heart contract alternately: first the upper chambers (atria), and then, with a delay of a split second, the lower chambers (ventricles). Sounds knock Knock, which the doctor hears through a stethoscope are produced by the slamming of the valves, and not by the heart muscle itself.

In flutter, a type of “short circuit” occurs within the atria, causing them to contract temporarily or permanently at a high rate. If this occurs in the right atrium, then such cases are called typical atrial flutter. The frequency of atrial contractions of 200-300 beats per minute is reduced by the atrioventricular node, impulses are transmitted to the ventricles with a delay (with a ratio of 2:1). As a result, patients experience a fast and uniform pulse of 100-150 beats per minute.

The causes that trigger such abnormal atrial contractions are usually related to heart disease. Therefore, these phenomena occur more frequently with age, they are present in 6% of people aged 80 years (source: Competence Network on Atrial Fibrillation). Patients experience atrial flutter differently, depending on age and the underlying disease. Many patients complain of a rapid heartbeat, internal discomfort, a feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath and a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Currently, catheter ablation is used as a treatment method, that is, removal of problem areas. Problem areas in the right atrium can be isolated (isthmus ablation) and eliminated using high-frequency alternating current. This procedure is extremely safe, with a successful outcome achieved in more than 95% of cases.

Atrial fibrillation

It happens that the sinus node weakens and cannot give even 60 impulses per minute (it gives 50, 40 and even less). This disease is called WEAK SINUS NODE SYNDROME, abbreviated as SSSU. If the sinus node constantly, even at rest, gives very frequent contractions, this is called Sinus tachycardia.

Further from the sinus node, the electrical impulse is distributed throughout the atria, causing them to contract (when the atrium contracts, blood is pushed into the ventricles), and reaches the atrioventricular node (marked in the picture). The atrioventricular node is abbreviated as the AV node.

If there is no pallor, dizziness or shortness of breath, check the patient's pulse. It is possible that the cause of the palpitations is not a disease and he just needs to change his lifestyle.

To avoid heart palpitations, you need to:

  • stop or reduce consumption of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, amphetamines;
  • do not take medications that are known to cause palpitations, such as weight loss products;
  • avoid daily stress.

If these remedies do not help, you should consult your doctor and, having described cases of rapid heartbeat, figure out whether they are associated with taking certain medications or products.

What doctors are doing

Conditions in which blood leaks back through closed valves are called congenital or acquired valvular heart defects.

You can learn how the heart works from this video

How does the heart work?

Although bradycardia usually occurs in older people, it can occur at any age, even in very young children. Therefore, symptoms that may be caused by bradycardia should never be ignored. Regular medical examinations by cardiology specialists will also help prevent them.

Yes, they can, and this happens often. For someone suffering from lung cancer, the affected organ is removed and the person continues to live normally.

Yes. To verify this, it is enough to compare the child’s chest with the chest of an adult. And most of the chest is occupied by the lungs. The size of the lungs also varies among adults - compare, for example, a puny person with a large football player.

(Asked by Gillian Lacey, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia)

Air pressure does not have a negative effect on us thanks to blood pressure. The pressure inside our body is higher than in the atmosphere around us, and this allows us to survive. In short, blood pressure is the excess of fluid pressure in the circulatory system above atmospheric pressure.

Cough is an important defense mechanism for the lungs. This is a strong, sharp exhalation of air as a result of contraction of the muscles of the respiratory tract. The air is pushed out at high speed, which allows you to clear the airways of foreign substances.

Coughs can be stimulated by internal (such as airway inflammation) or external (smoke, dust, or chemicals) irritants. A cough is considered chronic if it lasts more than three weeks.

The coughing process involves cough receptors, sensory nerves, the vagus nerve, the cough center in the brain stem, afferent nerves and effectors. The afferent nerve transmits impulses from tissues to the brain and spinal cord. Effectors regulate neural pathways by increasing or decreasing the rate of response of neural pathways 25 .

It's all about air pressure. As you rise, the air pressure decreases and so does the amount of oxygen in it. Human respiration is affected by both oxygen and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide affects the respiratory centers in the brain, and oxygen affects chemical receptors located in the carotid and aortic areas of the lungs and heart. These chemical receptors transmit signals to the brain to stimulate breathing. Under normal conditions, oddly enough, the effect of oxygen on breathing is less than that of carbon dioxide. The respiratory system is able to supply the blood with sufficient oxygen even when breathing slows significantly. On the other hand, even small changes in breathing have a huge impact on the amount of carbon dioxide in the tissues.

In recent years, scientists have found that Tibetan peasants living at an altitude of more than 4 thousand meters above sea level are genetically adapted to this. For more than 10 thousand years, the highland inhabitants of Tibet evolved genetically, which allowed them to live in such an environment. Compared to other people, Tibetans have at least one extra gene that helps their blood cells hold more oxygen. This also appears to enhance their reproductive abilities. They can breathe and reproduce better than other people in similar mountain environments. Tibetans evolved over thousands of years, and many of them, lacking the right gene, simply died out.

The average adult heart, which is little larger than a clenched fist, weighs about 300 grams and looks more like an upside-down pear than a valentine's card. On average, this important organ makes about 100,000 contractions per day, between 60 and 100 beats per minute, amounting to more than 2.5 billion beats by the time we reach 70 years of age. So what makes the heart beat?

Parts of the heart and their work

What energy source is capable of keeping this complex system in working order? What makes the heart beat? The answer is simple - electricity. But before we can understand what exactly electricity does in the body, we first need to understand what parts of the heart exist and how they work together.

The heart has four chambers - two upper and two lower. The upper chambers are called the right and left atria, and the lower two are called the right and The valve connects the atrium to the corresponding ventricle. The tricuspid valve connects the right atrium and ventricle, and the mitral valve connects the left atrium and ventricle.

This entire set is complemented by two additional valves: the pulmonary valve connects the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery, and the aortic valve connects the left ventricle to the aorta. These four valves function as gates, allowing blood to flow in the same direction with each heartbeat.

What makes a person's heart beat?

The heart beats due to a small electrical current generated by the cardiac conduction system. The cardiac conduction system is a group of muscle cells in the walls of the organ.

It consists of two main components:

  • The sinoatrial (sinoatrial) node, known as the heart's pacemaker, fires at regular intervals to cause the heart to beat.
  • The atrioventricular node (atrioventricular) is an electrical “relay station” between the upper and lower chambers of the heart.

When all of these components work together and in concert, you have a healthy heart rate of approximately 60 to 70 beats per minute or higher, depending on your age and other factors.

"Pacemaker" cells

Why does the heart beat? Special cells produce electricity in the body by quickly changing their electrical charge. When the heart muscle is relaxed, the cells are electrically polarized, meaning that there is a negative electrical charge inside each cell. The environment outside the cells is positive. Cells become depolarized as some of their negative atoms are allowed to pass through the cell membrane, and it is this depolarization that causes electricity in the heart. Once one cell depolarizes, it causes a chain reaction and electricity flows from cell to cell. When the cells return to normal, this is called repolarization, and the process repeats with each heartbeat.

The sinoatrial node is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, which controls all automatic functions of the body, including heartbeat, breathing and digestion. are part of the autonomic nervous system and work together to control how quickly pacemaker cells spontaneously depolarize and increase and decrease the rate at which the sinoatrial node sends electrical signals.

Role of the sympathetic nervous system

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for increasing heart rate during exercise, while the parasympathetic nervous system lowers heart rate during periods of rest. When the sinoatrial node fires an electrical impulse, it first travels through the upper chambers of the heart and passes through the atrioventricular node, where it slows down. When the electrical signal slows, the atrioventricular node allows the upper chambers of the heart to contract before the ventricles.

People can have different internal resting heart rates, and the reason for this is the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Athletes, for example, develop higher parasympathetic tone as they continue training, and therefore will have a lower heart rate during rest than the average person.

What determines the rhythm of your heart?

What makes the heart beat? How does this vital organ work? Regular heartbeat is achieved as a result of the inherent rhythmicity of the heart muscle. There are no nerves inside the heart itself, and this organ does not need any external regulatory mechanisms to stimulate the muscle to a rhythmic contract.

The sound of your heartbeat is the opening and closing of valves. Blood first enters the atria and then flows passively into the ventricles. When the ventricles are nearly full, the atria contract in unison and force as much blood as possible into the ventricles. Heart muscle cells, otherwise known as cardiac muscle fibers, have a unique ability that makes them unlike any other muscle cell in your body.

How to make your heart beat faster? There are many different reasons and methods, among which it is worth noting physical activity and strong emotional states.

The heart is beating fast.

The heart is a motor that ensures the functioning of all the most important human organs. This is the only organ that “does not rest” and takes care of us around the clock.

It often happens that his work also fails. Such situations require constant monitoring and immediate action if necessary.

Sometimes disruptions in the functioning of our heart occur due to fatigue in the body, but sometimes this can indicate more serious problems.

So, today we will talk about rapid heartbeat, the causes of this problem and consider methods of combating the disease.

How many beats per minute should a healthy person's heart beat?

A certain number of heart beats per minute is called the pulse. So, at rest, in a healthy person, the pulse is approximately 60-80 beats per minute.

  • It is very important to know that the pulse is measured only in a calm environment. This refers to the case when you want to find out how many beats per minute your heart produces when you are feeling well.
  • The pulse, by the way, cannot be the same all the time. It is always different and depends on many factors. Temperature and air humidity, pressure, as well as a number of internal factors play a role here: emotions, sudden changes in mood.
  • If we talk about babies, their heart rate is significantly different. In newborn babies, the pulse reaches 130-140 beats per minute and this phenomenon is absolutely normal. In children aged 6-7 years, the heart rate decreases to approximately 100 beats per minute. A heart rate similar to that of an adult appears at the age of 15-18 years.
  • Problems in the operation of our “motor” can be expressed in the form of arrhythmia, tachycardia and bradycardia.
  • Arrhythmia is a disease in which the heart rhythm is unstable, that is, the heart beats, sometimes less often, sometimes more often. Tachycardia is characterized by an increased heart rate, but bradycardia is, on the contrary, decreased.
  • For any deviation, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

What is the name of the disease when the heart beats quickly? Why the heart beats quickly and strongly at rest: reasons

Rapid heartbeat is a problem for many people. Most often, the heart beats quickly with tachycardia.

  • Tachycardia is one of the types of cardiac arrhythmia, during which the heartbeat increases to 90 or more beats per second.
  • It is worth saying that sometimes tachycardia is normal. Athletes, people who simply engage in strenuous physical activity, and those who are subject to emotional stress may experience heart palpitations. But if we are talking about tachycardia as a disease, then this is clearly related to diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • It is also useful to know that tachycardia is often observed at high temperatures, after drinking alcohol, and in stressful situations. Children under 7 years old also very often suffer from rapid heartbeat, but this is considered to be the norm. If a child of this age has tachycardia, there is no need to panic, but “keeping your finger on the pulse” still won’t hurt.
  • With pathological tachycardia, that is, tachycardia that appears due to any pathologies of the heart, the volume of ejected blood decreases significantly, the pressure decreases and blood circulation in the body is disrupted. Due to poor blood circulation, organs receive insufficient amounts of blood and, accordingly, oxygen. Long-term problems of this nature can cause complications in the form of other serious illnesses.
  • There are also sinus and ectopic tachycardias. Both the first and second are not normal for the functioning of the human heart and require constant monitoring and treatment.
  • Now let's talk in more detail about sinus tachycardia. With this disease, the heart rate can increase to 130-220 beats per minute, which, of course, is not the norm.

There are many reasons why the heart can behave unstable and incorrectly. One has only to say that if the work of the heart changes at rest, then most likely you are dealing with tachycardia and in this case there is no need to postpone a visit to a cardiologist. So, the causes of tachycardia:

  • The effect of harmful substances on the body. This refers to excessive alcohol consumption and, of course, smoking. Since childhood, we have been told that bad habits have a detrimental effect on our health and the body as a whole, however, people pay attention to their health even when there is a problem and it needs to be solved
  • Increased amount of thyroid hormones. Excess thyroid hormones can lead to tachycardia
  • Effect of medications. It has long been proven that medications can affect the functioning of our organs. So, taking medications such as antidepressants, hormones, diuretics and many others can easily disrupt the heart rhythm
  • Diseases of the respiratory system. When the body does not receive enough oxygen, the blood is not sufficiently enriched with it. In this case, the organs do not receive proper nutrition and “oxygen starvation” begins. The heart tries to solve this problem and for this purpose increases the heart rate, hence we get tachycardia
  • And, of course, heart disease. This can be inflammation of the heart muscle, various heart defects, coronary disease, as well as heart diseases in which structural and functional changes in the heart muscle occur
  • Constant stress, tension, emotional instability, depression. All this clearly has a negative impact on our health. That is why we are taught from childhood to take care of our nerves, because they cause all diseases

In order to understand why your heart is not working correctly, you definitely need to see a specialist, because the heart is the most important organ that ensures the functioning of the entire body.

I hear my heart beating loudly, quickly, strongly and often, it hurts, it’s hard to breathe - symptoms of what disease?

Of course, all of the above symptoms may indicate the disease we have previously described - tachycardia. You already know why this disease appears, how it manifests itself and what to do about it. However, it is worth saying that in the presence of respiratory dysfunction, we can talk about other diseases.

  • Very often, signs such as pain in the heart, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing may indicate heart failure.
  • In case of heart failure, the heart cannot provide the body with the necessary amount of oxygen and, as is known, “oxygen starvation” begins.
  • In a calm state, a person can feel absolutely normal and satisfactory, but in a stressful situation or during emotional and physical stress, the heartbeat quickens, shortness of breath and pain in the heart appear.

  • In such a situation, a person needs to be provided with peace and fresh air. The patient should relax and try to calm down. Breathing should be very deep and smooth when inhaling, and on the contrary, sharp when exhaling.
  • You can take Valocordin or Corvalol.
  • Also, tachycardia and difficulty breathing can indicate a stroke and heart attack. At the same time, pain in the heart, chest, and dizziness may also appear. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What causes the feeling that your heart is beating in your throat?

During normal functioning of the heart, we hardly feel it, or at least we simply do not pay any attention to its beats. However, there are times when it is simply impossible not to feel the work of our “engine”. This happens when the heart begins to beat in the throat. Indeed, sometimes a person can very clearly feel the heartbeat in this place, let's figure out why and when this happens.

  • The most harmless reason for this phenomenon is increased physical stress on the body. Very often we feel a pulse in the throat after running, squats and push-ups, that is, when the body is under intense stress. This can also increase blood pressure, which leads to ringing, tinnitus, and dizziness.
  • Palpitations in the throat can also be felt after drinking coffee, alcohol or cigarettes. Coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol are generally considered irritants. The substances contained in their composition negatively affect the functioning of the heart muscle, causing it to contract even faster.
  • Stress and panic attacks make the heart beat much faster than normal. The state of a panic attack can be accompanied by suffocation, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the throat and chest.
  • A heart that goes into the throat can be a symptom of a serious illness - anemia. With anemia, as this disease is also called, the body, its cells and tissues do not receive the required amount of oxygen, which leads to “oxygen starvation.”

  • Inflammation of the heart muscle is another cause of “heart in the throat.” This disease manifests itself as shortness of breath, tachycardia, and even enlargement of the liver and heart.
  • The heart may also beat in the throat due to heart defects. Defects can be either congenital or acquired. Signs of heart defects include weakness, shortness of breath, enlargement of the heart and its parts, and painful sensations in the heart.
  • The heart can also be felt in the throat in moments of strong excitement, sudden stress and a number of neurological problems. And such palpitations are manifested not only by the fact that it radiates into the throat, but also by dizziness, the inability to swallow saliva, as if “there is a lump in the throat,” numbness of the limbs, impaired respiratory function, and heaviness in the chest when inhaling.
  • If you feel that your heart is beating in your throat, but you exclude the possibility of overwork, you did not exercise the day before and are not under stress, then you need to consult a doctor. After a complete examination, the specialist will determine the cause of this phenomenon and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Why does the heart beat strongly when excited, from alcohol, or with a hangover?

Most people experience that when they are nervous, their heart literally “jumps out” of their chest. It is also not uncommon for cases when the heart reacts very violently to alcohol and makes itself felt not only while drinking alcohol, but also after, during the so-called hangover. Why is this happening?

  • Anxiety, as a rule, is always accompanied by a change in the state of the body. Some people are less susceptible to anxiety and worry, others more, and everyone’s anxiety manifests itself differently. Some people's hands are shaking and their palms are sweating, some people suffer from “constriction” of the throat, which makes it difficult to speak, and some people’s heart begins to beat very quickly.
  • Sometimes this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to a stressful situation, but sometimes a rapid heartbeat in situations atypical for a person may indicate the presence of various diseases. This may also be vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is characterized by rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, anxiety, fatigue, instability of blood pressure, and other diseases of both the cardiovascular system and the endocrine and nervous systems.
  • It is very important to pay attention to the nature of the heartbeat, and, in fact, the frequency. If, after the source of excitement disappears, the heart quickly recovers, if the pulse does not increase very much, then this is a completely normal reaction of the body.

  • Now let's move on to alcohol. The condition of a person who is intoxicated changes significantly. The work of the heart does not stand aside either. Alcohol, acting on heart tissue, changes the functioning of our “engine”. Blood pressure at these moments, as a rule, rises, and quite sharply, the pulse quickens, and this in turn leads to impaired circulation.
  • Small vessels sometimes even burst, and the heart, of course, experiences “oxygen starvation.” Systematic intake of alcohol clearly has a negative effect on the heart muscle, it becomes flabby and inelastic. Alcoholic tachycardia greatly wears out the heart and uses up its resources completely for other purposes.
  • If we are talking about rare cases of alcohol consumption and if the pulse does not exceed 90 beats per minute, and your condition is generally satisfactory, then there is no need to worry. If these symptoms are accompanied by others - dizziness, loss of consciousness, vomiting, nausea, then you definitely cannot do without an ambulance.
  • With a hangover, the heart may beat faster in cases where there are any diseases. Because in an absolutely healthy person, even with a severe hangover, the heart does not jump out.

Heart beats when excited

Here are a few reasons why your heart rate increases after consumption:

  1. Intoxication, that is, alcohol poisoning. Alcohol is considered a strong toxin that can impair the functioning of the heart.
  2. Due to improper functioning of blood vessels. After drinking alcohol, the blood vessels absorb it and it is for this reason that they cannot always deliver blood to where it is needed. The heart is looking for a way out of the current situation and begins to work in accelerated mode.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins and nutrients.
  4. If you are a “non-drunken” person, but even after drinking a small amount of alcohol your heart works differently, you need to urgently consult a doctor, because this condition is normal.

When I go to bed my heart beats strongly - I can’t sleep: causes, symptoms of what disease?

When a person is getting ready for bed or has already gone to bed, then, in principle, there is no reason for a rapid heartbeat. This means that the person is not anxious, is not worried about anything, and is not in a stressful situation. Normally, a person's heart rate during sleep should be approximately 60-80 beats per minute.

So, the reasons for a strong and rapid heartbeat in this case may be:

  • Fright
  • Stressful state
  • Emotions, both good and bad
  • Previously drunk coffee or energy drinks
  • Allergic reaction to medications or side effect
  • Colds that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature
  • Anemia
  • Poor indoor air circulation
  • Diseases of the heart and endocrine system

Your heart beats fast when you sleep

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons and most of them are very serious. Such a human condition leads to even greater stress, can cause a number of other equally serious diseases and is expressed in insomnia and anxiety.

  • In order to begin treating or eliminating this problem, you first need to understand what exactly is causing your heart palpitations.
  • It is important to be very careful about your health. Try to remember the first time you encountered a similar problem, which was the day before. If this condition has been bothering you for a long time, consult a doctor immediately. After all, this symptom may indicate a serious illness.
  • If a rapid heartbeat occurs against the background of stress, unpleasant sleep, or a previously experienced emotional outburst, then ordinary sedatives can help. It could be valerian or motherwort. You can also wash your face with cold water and ventilate the room. Controlling your breathing also helps a lot: try to inhale deeply and slowly, and then exhale sharply, do this exercise several times.

What to do if your heart beats strongly and frequently - how to calm it down: tips, recommendations

If your heart is beating really fast and strong, then a visit to the doctor is the first thing you should take care of. Anyone, even a completely healthy person, can have problems with their heart function, but constant rapid heartbeat is not the norm.

If your heart rate of 100-150 beats per minute takes you by surprise, you can try the following:

  • You need to try to calm down, remove your excitement. It is clear that doing this is more difficult than saying that it is necessary, but try to calm your body as much as possible.
  • Open indoor windows or doors. The main thing is to find a source of fresh air.
  • Lie down on the bed or sit down. Stop any activity, especially sports.
  • You can drink validol, corvalol or valerian.
  • Valerian can be drunk either in drops or made into a decoction. For this you will need 2-3 tbsp. l. valerian and 200-300 g of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the ingredient, let it brew, and then drink 50-70 ml 3 times a day.

  • A decoction of hawthorn or motherwort will also help calm the heart. Pour boiling water over the necessary ingredients and leave for 2-3 hours, and then drink in small portions 2-3 times a day. For a decoction of 300 ml of water you will need 3-4 tbsp. l. ingredient.
  • It is also recommended to massage the right carotid artery. However, such a massage needs to be done correctly and in the right place, so it is best to consult a doctor regarding this.
  • You can also resort to massaging your little fingers. To do this, pay attention to the area of ​​the finger near the nail.
  • Avoid drinking coffee and energy drinks. This is what may contribute to your experiencing tachycardia.
  • Remember, the heart reacts very sensitively to all changes in your body, so sometimes a rapid heartbeat is nothing more than a signal from your body that it’s time for you to rest. Therefore, in such a situation, put aside all even the most important things and just spend the day without worries: get some sleep, lie in bed, watch your favorite movies and give your body time to recuperate.

As you can see, a rapid heartbeat can be either a sign of a serious illness or a normal reaction of the body to stress and emotions. It is very important in such situations to sensibly assess all risks and objectively assess the state of health. If you find it difficult to independently determine the severity of your problem, consult a doctor immediately. It is better that this trip turns out to be preventative than that you waste time and do not start treatment on time. Take care of yourself, your heart and be healthy.

Perhaps these articles will be useful to you.

Video: How to calm your heartbeat?

Usually people think that the heart beats because the nervous system gives it impulses. In their ideas, from the spine to the heart, as well as to other organs of the body, fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system stretch, which control the heartbeat. Such fibers really stretch, they control the pulse rate, the size of the heart parts and the synchronization of their work. But they do not convey to the heart the very impulse that causes it to strike.

In fact, the heartbeat is controlled by the so-called Heart Rhythm Driver, a bundle of nerves in which the impulse for cardiac contraction occurs on its own. The impulse appears in it independently, without any participation of the nervous system. Moreover, a thorough study of the Heart Rhythm Driver showed that impulses are not even generated by itself, since there is no mechanism for this inside it, but rather arrive at it from nowhere and spread through it in the form of an excitation wave. Scientists call this phenomenon “automation,” but are unable to explain it. Who is the “auto” that sends impulses to this bundle of nerves?

Moreover, repeated experiments have shown that if this bundle of nerves is damaged as a result of injury, illness or surgery, then the impulse for cardiac contraction, although somewhat weakened, begins to be registered lower on the ordinary nerve fiber. This completely baffles biologists, since it proves that the Heart Rhythm Driver is absolutely not involved in the appearance of an impulse, but rather serves as something like a receiver.

To understand where this impulse comes from, let's try to trace its origin. As you know, each person comes from one single cell - a fertilized zygote. During the first two weeks, the zygote divides many times, resulting in the formation of a multicellular egg with a diameter of 3 millimeters with a so-called “primary cardiac loop.” On the 21st day after conception, contractions begin spontaneously within this loop. There is no nervous system yet, there are no fibers through which a nerve impulse could arrive at all, but some of the cells of the future embryo are already beginning to contract rhythmically. Subsequently, the human heart is formed from these contracting cells, and other organs are formed from the remaining cells. Nerve fibers that are clearly not involved in the heartbeat appear much later. Thus, we arrived at the moment of occurrence of the cardiac impulse, but never discovered its source.

Amazing, isn't it? It's like a car engine running on its own, without ignition or fuel. But a similar process exists not only in humans, but also in all higher animals that have a heart. For example, the heartbeat in a chicken egg begins on the 2nd day after laying, when there is practically no structure at all. For some reason, the grains of the yolk begin to contract rhythmically, while exactly the same neighboring grains remain motionless.

It is useless to ask scientists what causes the embryonic cells to contract rhythmically; they have no answer to this question. They just helplessly shrug their shoulders and try not to draw attention to this phenomenon once again. There can be only one answer: the soul of the unborn child enters the embryo. Only after the entry of the soul does the embryo turn into an independent embryo, which begins to form its own organs and systems.

This fact alone is enough to recognize that a person has an information field or soul. However, it is stubbornly ignored by scientists who try not to notice it.

Our heart is a unique pump created by nature itself. Its main task is to pump blood throughout the body. But why the heart beats is still a mystery to scientists. Experiments with an ordinary chicken egg show that the future cardiac membranes of the embryo contract even before they form into the heart muscle. Also, biologists have long established that if you cut the heart into several parts and place them in a favorable environment, each will continue to work - contract.

How the heart works

An electrical impulse is generated, due to which the muscle contracts. This impulse is supplied by the sinus node, which is located in the upper part of the right atrium. The electric current crosses both atria and is directed into the ventricles. The cardiac sections contract in waves, first drawing blood into the heart and then pushing it out. If a person is healthy, the frequency of such contractions will be 60-80 beats per minute, while it pushes out approximately 100 cubic centimeters of blood.

Our heart relaxes between beats, that is, with an interval of approximately one second. During the day this time is almost 6 hours.

Why does my heart beat so fast?

A high heart rate or, more simply put, a rapid heartbeat for no apparent reason (for example, physical activity) can become a prerequisite for disruption of the functioning of our main vital organ, the pump. So, why does the heart beat often:

  • The first reason is excitement or fear. Such palpitations are not dangerous, and can be stopped with proper breathing or sedative tinctures.
  • Impact of medications. As a rule, palpitations can be one of the side effects of the medicine. To stop it, you simply need to exclude one or another drug from the course of treatment.
  • Addiction to caffeine. Foods and drinks containing caffeine promote the release of adrenaline into the blood and, as a result, the frequent supply of electrical impulses to our heart.
  • Insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood. In this case, the heart cannot contract completely. As a rule, this occurs after an illness, such as the flu. A specialist must solve the problem of lack of oxygen in the blood.
  • Heart neurosis or cardeophobia. The patient has a strong heartbeat that occurs in attacks of 10-50 minutes. The attacks are accompanied by shortness of breath, increased blood pressure and a feeling of fear.
  • Increased thyroid function. When our thyroid gland produces more hormones than needed, the heart beats at an accelerated rate.
  • Cardiac hyperkinesis syndrome. This syndrome affects men, and young men at that. The reasons for its occurrence are not known. Hyperkinesis affects even those who had no prerequisites for the disease.
  • Arrhythmia. There are several causes of the disease. The first is weakness of the heart muscle. In this case, palpitations are accompanied by pain in the chest, dizziness, shortness of breath and even fainting. The second cause of arrhythmia is atherosclerosis, when fats and cholesterol are deposited in the blood.
  • Lack of calcium in the blood or tetany. Due to calcium deficiency, cramps occur in certain muscle groups of the human body. The heart also comes under attack.
  • Low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Despite the above reasons why the heart beats quickly, the body of each person is completely unique. For some, increased heart rate is common. This is especially true for those whose professions are associated with stress. The body gradually adapts to situations and adapts to the increased heart rate. However, doctors recommend visiting a cardiologist at least once a year. After all, the earlier a disease is detected, the easier it is to treat it.