Pinched nerve in the back - what it is and how to treat it. Long-term treatment for pinched nerves. Pinched nerve in the lower back

A pinched nerve in the neck, back, arms and other places can cause severe pain and significantly impair daily activities. Nerves are surrounded by various tissues, in particular bones, cartilage, and muscles, which sometimes become pinched and can put pressure on the nerve. Read this article to know how to help yourself at home and when to see a doctor if you have a pinched nerve.


Immediate help for a pinched nerve

    Know what a pinched nerve is. A pinched nerve occurs when there is some damage and compression of the nerve when the signal does not travel along the nerve fiber. This happens when there is a hernia intervertebral disc, arthritis, bone spurs, and also during active activities leading to injury due to scoliosis, repetitive motion, sports, hobbies and obesity. Any nerve can be pinched, but the most common are the intervertebral, cervical, carpal and ulnar nerves.

    Symptoms Essentially, a pinched nerve is a physical disturbance in the system nerve fibers. To the symptoms pinched nerve include numbness, slight swelling, sharp pain, tingling, muscle spasms and muscle weakness. A pinched nerve is usually accompanied by shooting pain in the affected area.

    Have mercy on yourself. After discovering a pinched nerve, you need to spare yourself. Do not strain or move the affected area excessively. Tension of the muscles, joints and ligaments will lead to further compression of the nerve due to swelling. The most in a simple way Immediately relieve the pain of a pinched nerve - give yourself rest and do not strain the affected area until the swelling and pinching go away.

    Get more sleep. Increasing the duration of sleep by several hours helps restore the body. Increase the amount of sleep each night until you feel relief or improvement. Few hours extra sleep will provide rest to the body and the affected area, which will significantly relieve symptoms.

    • Sleep contributes to prolonged immobilization of the affected area. How sleep longer, the less movement. However, sleep is useful not only for immobilization, but also for rest and restoration of the entire body.
  1. Use a splint or bandages. In cases where there is no opportunity to rest and you need to go to work, school or for other reasons, use a splint or bandage to immobilize the affected area. Immobilizing the affected area will allow you to continue your normal activities.

    Apply a cold and warm compress. A pinched nerve is accompanied by swelling, which increases the compression. To reduce swelling and improve blood flow, alternate between applying cold and heat to the affected area - a method called hydrotherapy. Apply to affected area for 15 minutes 3-4 times daily. cold compress to reduce inflammation. After a cold compress, apply a warm one for 1 hour - do this 4-5 nights a week to relieve symptoms.

    Take a massage course. Massaging the affected area relieves muscle tension and reduces pain. A full body massage will ensure relaxation of the muscles in general, and especially the muscles of the affected area. Gentle, targeted massage of the affected area can be used to provide limited relaxation and stimulate nerve repair.

    Taking medications. Most over-the-counter pain relievers are excellent for treating the pain of a pinched nerve. Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen) to reduce swelling and pain.

    • Please read the instructions carefully. Consult your doctor if you have difficulty choosing a drug, choosing a dosage, or side effects.
  2. See your doctor. If symptoms and pain subside but return after a few weeks or months, see your doctor. If the pain relief methods described above are no longer effective, consult your doctor for a different treatment.

    • Contact a neurologist if you constantly feel numbness or pain in the affected area despite minimal movement, or if the muscles in the affected area become increasingly weak.
    • Contact us immediately medical care if symptoms are very severe or the affected area is cold or appears pale or blue.

    Long-term treatment for pinched nerves

    1. Do light exercise. It is necessary to combine relaxation of the pinched nerve and stimulation of blood flow. The nerve needs good blood flow and oxygen to heal. Daily activity should be moderate and should only be done when feeling good. For example, swimming and walking give moderate load on muscles and minimal stress on joints and tendons.

      Consume more calcium. One of the causes of a pinched nerve is calcium deficiency. Must be consumed more products Calcium-rich foods include milk, cheese, yogurt and greens (such as spinach and kale). Taking calcium will help restore nerves and improve health.

      • Try it nutritional supplements with calcium. They can be purchased in stores healthy eating, supermarkets and pharmacies. Read the instructions carefully or consult your doctor to determine the dosage. Never take more than the recommended dose.
      • Pay attention to the labels. Some brands offer calcium-fortified products.
    2. Eat foods rich in potassium. Potassium is a key element of cellular metabolism. A lack of potassium contributes to decreased communication between nerves, and a deficiency of potassium can cause symptoms of a pinched nerve. Diet, rich in potassium, helps restore nerve function and relieves symptoms of pinched nerves.

    Treatment for a pinched nerve by a doctor

    1. See a physical therapist. It is necessary to visit a physiotherapist if the disease progresses and the above methods are ineffective. The physiotherapist will suggest special methods stretches and exercises to relieve pain. Some exercises relieve pain by removing pressure from the affected nerve. It is very important that the entire process is carried out by a qualified professional.

      • Over time, your physical therapist may recommend additional exercises that you can do on your own. You should not do any other exercises other than those recommended by your doctor.

Pinching sciatic nerve- the problem is quite common. The main symptom of this pathology is severe pain, which significantly worsens a person’s quality of life, worries him constantly, and prevents him from moving normally. If left untreated, such a disorder can lead to unpleasant consequences. This is why many people are interested additional information about this pathology. What are its causes and symptoms? Is it possible to treat sciatic nerve pain at home? Is it possible to prevent the development of such a disease?

What is pinching?

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in human body. This fiber is formed from the last two lumbar and all sacral spinal nerves. It is the sciatic nerve that is responsible for the innervation of the knee and hip joints.

Pinched sciatic nerve is a pathology for which modern medicine The term "sciatica" is used. Such a disorder is accompanied by compression of the nerve fiber in the musculoskeletal tunnel and its subsequent inflammation. As a rule, nerve damage is unilateral and is most often diagnosed in males, especially if we're talking about about men whose work involves constant physical activity.

Main causes of pinching

Pinching and neuritis of the sciatic nerve can develop under the influence of many factors. Usually, similar pathology occurs against the background of other existing diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This:

  • intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region (protruding part intervertebral disc at the exit it compresses the sciatic nerve);
  • lumbar osteochondrosis (due to changes in the thickness of the discs, the nerve is compressed between the vertebrae);
  • any spinal injuries that are accompanied by displacement of the vertebrae, including dislocations and subluxations;
  • degenerative spondylolistera;
  • spondylosis of the lumbosacral region;
  • the presence of spinal tumors, which, depending on the location, can also put pressure on the nerve.

Other reasons include compression of nerve fibers by spasmed muscles (this is observed during physical overexertion, muscle inflammation or injury). Sciatica can also develop during pregnancy, in particular during the third trimester.

Are there risk factors?

Of course, in addition to the main reasons, there are also factors that increase the likelihood of developing pinching.

  • Hypothermia of the lower back can cause inflammation and pinching. Quite often, people go to the doctor complaining that the sciatic nerve has “got a cold.” Exposure to cold can actually make things worse.
  • Sciatica can develop with herpes zoster in the projection of the branches of the sciatic nerve.
  • Risk factors also include being overweight.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs also contribute to the development of neuritis.
  • Damage to the sciatic nerve often develops in people with diabetes mellitus, since with such a disease the normal nutrition of nerve fibers is disrupted.
  • The list of risk factors also includes tuberculous lesions of the spine, brucellosis, polyradiculoneuritis and multiple sclerosis.
  • Excessive physical exercise, stressful situations, disturbances in normal blood circulation, disruptions in metabolic processes, alcoholism - all this increases the risk of developing neuritis and, in particular, damage to the sciatic nerve.

Pinched sciatic nerve: symptoms

In fact, sciatica is accompanied by quite characteristic features. How to recognize a pinched sciatic nerve? Its symptoms are severe pain in the hip. Usually, discomfort are localized on the back of the thigh, but can also spread to the lower back, lower leg and even reach the foot.

On initial stages the pain may not be severe, but as it develops inflammatory process it becomes sharp, piercing, cutting. Sometimes painful sensations so strong that a person can lose consciousness. Discomfort increases after physical activity, although sometimes even slow walking, sitting and standing aggravate the patient's condition.

Naturally, pain affects a person’s mobility. First of all, gait is disrupted, as the patient tries not to lean on the sore leg. Often there is a burning and tingling sensation in the foot, and increased sweating of the feet. As the disease progresses, it becomes difficult for a person to bend his knee, turn his foot, or move his toes.

What diagnostic methods are used?

In fact, determining the presence of pinching and inflammation of the sciatic nerve is quite simple, since clinical picture here is actually quite characteristic. However, some additional research in order to accurately determine the cause. If this is not done, then there is a high probability of repeated pinching.

To begin with, carry out radiographic examination spine, which will help identify bone pathologies, including displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of osteophytes, etc. Whenever possible, it is recommended to undergo computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, as this is a more accurate technique that allows you to register even the slightest changes in bone and cartilaginous structure spinal column. If the presence of a tumor is suspected, radioisotope scanning spine. If there is reason to believe that the infringement is caused by inflammation of the pelvic organs, then an appropriate ultrasound examination is prescribed.

Drug treatment

Deciding whether the sciatic nerve will be treated at home or in a hospital, under constant supervision medical staff, the doctor accepts. Immediately after the examination, the specialist will select the most effective drugs. The main group of drugs is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular, Ketanov, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Denebol. These medications help slow down the development of the inflammatory process and also quickly relieve pain. By the way, you can use the same drugs, but in the form of ointments and creams (Diclofenac, Voltaren, Finalgon).

It is also recommended to take B vitamins, which restore tissue trophism and help restore the functioning of nerve fibers. Neurorubin and Milgamma are considered quite effective.

At severe spasm muscles of the legs, buttocks and back, drugs are used that help eliminate this problem, in particular, “Sirdalud” and “Mydocalm”. With very strong sharp pain At the initial stages, a novocaine blockade can be carried out.

Other stages of pinching therapy

Medicines help relieve pain. But sciatica requires complex therapy. Patients definitely need special therapeutic exercises that will help restore mobility. The doctor will select the most appropriate set of exercises.

In addition, they are used various techniques physiotherapy, including phonophoresis, paraffin applications, magnetic laser therapy, UHF and electrophoresis with novocaine, no-spa or other drugs. The course will also have a positive effect on the patient’s condition. therapeutic massage. Outside of exacerbation, patients are recommended, if possible, to undergo spa treatment from time to time.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home

Of course, successful therapy requires an appropriate regimen. Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home should include proper nutrition. You need to temporarily give up spicy, smoked, fatty and fried foods. It is advisable to use gentle liquid food, in particular, milk porridges, vegetable and meat soups - this will help avoid constipation, which only aggravates the situation.

In the acute phase of the disease, it is necessary to observe bed rest. The amount of movement should be minimal. Only after the pain has subsided can you begin to walk and gradually, under the supervision of a doctor, return to your usual rhythm of life.

Alternative treatment for the sciatic nerve is also possible, but only with the permission of a doctor. Creams and ointments containing horse chestnut extract are considered quite effective, as they help relieve pain and relax muscles. Compresses from beeswax. First you need to warm it up, form a cake, which you then put on your thigh. It is recommended to cover it with polyethylene, cotton wool and a towel or warm shawl, leaving it overnight. The procedures can be repeated every day for a week.

Rubbing with infusions of dandelion, spruce and pine buds- You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself. It is also considered effective cupping massage, which can easily be carried out even at home. It is recommended to apply an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory ointment to the skin under the jar.

Are there effective preventive measures?

Today, many people are interested in questions about whether it is possible to protect themselves from damage to such a component. nervous system, like the sciatic nerve. Treatment, injections, physiotherapeutic procedures - can all this be avoided?

In fact, there are no specific precautions. Optimal prevention lies in the timely detection various diseases from the risk group and their quality treatment. In addition, experts recommend sleeping on a hard orthopedic mattress and monitoring your body weight. At least minimal but regular morning exercise is also necessary. Heavy physical activity requires appropriate sports training.

A pinched nerve often causes sharp pain. What are the symptoms of pinching? What pills can I take? These questions concern many who are faced with similar problem.

What is popularly called a “pinched nerve”, with medical point vision is called irritation or inflammation of the affected nerve, that is, a severe limitation of its functioning. The cause of irritation may be tension or hardening of the surrounding muscle tissue. This puts pressure on the nerve fibers and excites them. Inflammation or swelling after an injury can also cause irritation. When a patient has a pinched nerve, both acute and chronic diseases, which influence general state.

Nerve compression can occur in any part of the spine - thoracic, cervical, lumbar. Problems with lumbar region occur more often. Here pinching can occur due to compression nerve endings vertebrae or as a result of spasm. or sciatica - a neuralgic disease of the lumbosacral spine.

Typical symptoms

When pinched, a person either experiences severe, sharp pain, or symptoms develop gradually. But not only pain syndrome causes inconvenience in similar situation. It all depends on which nerve is affected.

Some nerve fibers human body when their function is impaired, they manifest themselves less painfully (for example, auditory nerve). Damage to others (for example, motor) causes severe irritation, pain and nausea. In addition, numbness, tingling, and dizziness may occur. A typical diagnosis of a complex of these phenomena is cervical syndrome when the nerve fibers in the neck are affected and irritated.

If the sciatic nerve is affected, the person feels pain starting in the lower back and spreading along the back of the thigh to the lower leg. When, the pain spreads to the arm.

Signs of pinching:

  • severe pain (tingling, burning);
  • movement disorders;
  • numbness;
  • tension in surrounding muscles;
  • loss of reflexes;
  • paralysis;
  • pain worsens when coughing or taking a deep breath;
  • often the pain extends beyond the affected area;
  • dizziness;
  • lightheadedness;
  • profuse sweating;
  • bladder weakness.

Treatment of a pinched nerve

When a nerve is pinched, the first priority in therapy is to relieve pain. The patient's well-being and the return of physical activity are important.

Depending on the cause of the compression, the doctor has at his disposal different methods treatment. The patient himself has the opportunity to positively influence the outcome of treatment. If the pain disappears after the first procedures, you should not stop therapy, as this does not mean that the cause has been eliminated. Sometimes long-term treatment is required to avoid re-strangulation.

Treatment of a pinched nerve can take place in several stages.

  • Giving rest to the damaged area

In some cases it is recommended to carry out special exercises to strengthen muscles; in other cases, immobilization helps.

  • Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

When a nerve is pinched, it becomes irritated and damaged. In addition to pain, inflammation of the affected nerve fiber may occur. The doctor may prescribe tablets for pinching. These are usually anti-inflammatory painkillers (for example, tablets with such active substances How, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen or diclofenac). In case of severe pain and serious damage (for example, a herniated disc), injections may be prescribed. In order to relieve pain and relieve inflammation, it is injected in the immediate vicinity of the damaged nerve. local anesthetic(eg lidocaine and cortisone). External agents in the form of ointments, creams, and gels also help well with pinched nerves.

  • Muscle relaxation

Many patients faced with this problem are concerned with the question: is it possible to do massage if a nerve is pinched? On the one hand, the nerve is pinched due to muscle tension, on the other hand, as a result of severe pain, this can lead to muscle tightness. Therefore, treatment should include eliminating muscle tension and hardening. This is achieved through heat treatment and massage.

A properly performed massage will help reduce pain and pressure in the area of ​​the pinched nerve, improve blood circulation, and help restore motor activity. Full course massage will help to avoid further development illness and unpleasant consequences.

Please note that in some cases massage is not permitted!

For example, in acute period diseases cannot be carried out. Because this can lead to a worsening situation. To avoid negative consequences, contact only a qualified massage therapist.

  • Physiotherapy

Such elements of physiotherapy as a special complex therapeutic exercises, are useful for treating nerve fibers. At the same time, exercises are carried out with the help of which you can purposefully increase the necessary muscle mass to relieve pinched nerve fibers. Having learned to do such exercises under the guidance of an experienced person, you can then carry them out independently at home. A good bonus to getting rid of pinching will be beautiful posture.

Under no circumstances should you choose your own treatment method, medication, exercise or massage! Only a specialist (physiotherapist) can prescribe suitable treatment after diagnosing the problem!

Install accurate diagnosis The doctor is helped by a thorough examination of the patient, radiography, CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging.

Avoid overvoltage

If the doctor has diagnosed a pinched nerve, you need to behave more carefully, especially when handling the affected part of the body. Repetitive movements of the muscles, joints, and tendons that are responsible for the pinching lead to worsening symptoms. This causes the surrounding tissue to swell and further block the nerve. The easiest way to slightly reduce the pain is to protect the area of ​​the pinched nerve and the surrounding area of ​​the body.

You need to try not to strain your body, move without irritating the nerve. It becomes immediately clear which movements cause pain. These movements should be avoided whenever possible.

Between instant relief from pain syndromes and long-term treatment, choose the second one. Because this will help completely solve the problem. If the disturbing symptoms have subsided, you need to continue taking medications until the end of the course, do massage and special exercises prescribed by your doctor. pay attention to healthy image life, movement and positive attitude. The healing of an irritated nerve depends on many factors, the severity of the nerve damage, compliance with therapy, and the progression of another disease at the same time.

Acute lumbar pain caused by a pinched nerve disappears after six weeks in 90% of patients with proper treatment.

Nerves form a single system in the body, with the help of which organs function, arms and legs move, and facial muscles work. Under the influence of external or internal factors a pinched nerve occurs. Symptoms vary depending on the level. But there is a single manifestation that unites all types of pinching - pain.

Provoking factors

The most common localizations of pinching are: facial area (pinching trigeminal nerve and facial), shoulder, elbow, wrist joint ( carpal tunnel syndrome), hip joint (sciatic nerve), between the ribs, upper and lower sections spine (neck, lower back).

All possible factors can be divided into:

  • age-related, post-traumatic changes in the spine, leading to the formation of protrusions and hernias. In this case, the spinal roots are compressed;

Between the vertebrae there are discs that act as shock absorbers due to the cushion of fluid. Without them, the spine will not be able to make smooth movements. Against the background of diseases, the disc loses moisture and turns into a rigid, immobile structure, which leads to limitation of movements.

  • tumor processes that put pressure on nearby tissues, vessels, nerves;
  • neurovascular conflicts when a nerve is sandwiched between two vessels. Similar condition most often occurs at the trigeminal or facial level;
  • loose bone fragments during fractures can pinch the nerve;
  • during intense physical activity (walking, jumping, running) in unprepared people, as well as uncomfortable static body positions during work lead to inflammatory changes in the muscles that compress the nerves.

Not only pathological changes may lead to harm, but also physiological processes, for example, pregnancy. The sciatic nerve is usually affected. The volume of the uterus gradually increases, it affects nearby structures and nerve plexuses.

Clinical manifestations

Facial nerve

Includes central and peripheral branches. Neurological symptoms in case of damage different levels will be different.

The face of a person with neuritis looks like a mask, since the work of the facial muscles is sharply limited. Incorrect (increased or significantly reduced) tear function is noted, salivary glands. Neuralgia is accompanied by headaches.

Shoulder, elbow and hand

From spinal cord at the level cervical spine roots depart, forming the brachial plexus, which sends impulses to shoulder joint. It then continues to the elbow to form the ulnar nerve. Pinching brachial nerve manifests itself in more than one symptom (pain, limited joint mobility, impaired sensitivity), and to prevent the development of consequences, a quick onset is important therapeutic measures.

A pinched nerve in the arm area is determined by the lesion brachial plexus against the background of injury, inflammation.

With ulnar neuritis, acute pain occurs in the area of ​​the cubital fossa. Sensory disturbances (numbness, goosebumps) predominate in outer surface forearm involving the little and ring fingers.

Paresthesia is a violation of sensitivity, a subjective sensation of “goosebumps” appears on the surface of the skin.

For description neurological pathology wrist joint The term “tunnel” syndrome is used. Explained anatomical features this area. Accompanied by pain in the joint itself, large, index finger, tingling, paresthesia.

Tunnel (carpal tunnel syndrome) occurs due to compression median nerve wrist bones, ligaments and tendons

Sciatic neuralgia

The main symptom will be a one-sided sharp, shooting pain that increases with movement. Spreads through the back into the buttock, the back of the thigh to the lower leg and foot. There is an increase pain syndrome when flexing at the hip joint or tilting the body forward, neurologists call this a symptom of tension.

Additionally, there is a burning sensation, numbness, or the appearance of “pins and needles” along the back of the leg from hip to knee, combined with decreased sensitivity. Changes can lead to unsteadiness and unsteadiness of gait.

Symptoms include sharp, acute pain at the rib level. Accompanied respiratory disorders due to the inability to complete deep breath. The pain radiates behind the sternum to the heart area, thoracic region spine, under the shoulder blade, which requires differential diagnosis heart pathology, diseases gastrointestinal tract. A feature of intercostal neuralgia is the constant nature of the manifestation of symptoms - day and night.

Radicular pain in the neck, thoracic and lumbar regions

Roots extend from the spinal cord at the level of each intervertebral disc through special canals. If the disc is affected by osteochondrosis, it pinches the roots, causing certain symptoms. Neurologists call such pain radicular or discogenic.

There is a spread of discomfort in the leg, arm, and groin area. Combined with a feeling of numbness and paresthesia. When sneezing, coughing, or sudden movements, the pain becomes sharp, like a lumbago. During the day, when moving, the discomfort is somewhat smoothed out, but at night the condition worsens.

What to do if signs of pinching appear

If you notice the following symptoms:

  • pain, limited joint mobility;
  • feeling of numbness, paresthesia in the limbs, fingers;
  • difficulty taking deep breaths;
  • asymmetry of the work of facial muscles,

— you need to go for a consultation with a neurologist. A doctor of this particular specialty treats such pathological conditions. Each person is unique, so drugs that successfully relieved the symptoms of the disease in one may not help another.

Self-medication can dramatically worsen the condition and worsen the prognosis.

Set of diagnostic measures

To determine a treatment regimen, it is important for the doctor to recognize the cause that led to the disease. The first stage is a survey, identification of complaints, nature, intensity of pain. Next there will be a neurological examination, which will reveal the side of the lesion, the change tendon reflexes, sensitivity. Having received the initial amount of information, the doctor will send for further examination using radiation methods for clarification:

  • x-ray of the spine, joints, bones (humerus, ulna, radius, fibula, tibia, femur). Required for exclusion tumor lesion, signs of arthrosis of the joints, traumatic injuries, developmental anomalies;
  • if the information obtained is not enough for the doctor, then the next step will be magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT). The method of choice to confirm the presence of protrusions, hernias, and neurovascular conflicts is MRI, CT to exclude bone pathology of traumatic or neoplastic origin;
  • pinching of the pudendal nerve in the pelvic area due to organic damage detected using ultrasound.

After receiving the information, the doctor decides how to treat the pinched nerve and which method will provide maximum effectiveness in this particular case.


To cure neuralgia, you need complex therapy consisting of medicines, massage, therapeutic exercises(physical therapy), physiotherapy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy to consolidate the results of treatment. If ineffective conservative treatment surgery is prescribed for a pinched nerve.

Failure to comply with doctor's orders leads to severe consequences in the form of persistent neurological disorders.

Drug therapy

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - Ketonal, Nimesulide, Celebrex.

The property of drugs in this group is to block inflammatory receptors. Treatment can be long-term, since addiction does not develop to them, unlike narcotic analgesics. Pharmaceutical companies offer wide range NSAIDs (tablet version and in the form of ointments), sold through the pharmacy chain.

Steroid drugs - Dexamethasone, Prednisone.

This group includes medications that indirectly relieve pain by reducing the swelling process. Introduction steroid drugs carried out using a blockade, when the substance is specifically delivered to the tissues around the altered nerve. This is an injection, so this manipulation is carried out by a doctor.

Side effects from long-term use steroid drugs are the possible development of osteoporosis, edema, changes in the blood coagulation system, and weight gain.

After the acute pain syndrome has been relieved, which corresponds to the subacute stage of the disease, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, diadynamic currents, acupuncture, hirudotherapy). They help reduce muscle tension, purposefully deliver the drug to the muscles or nerves, have anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic effects.

The advantage of physiotherapy is the elimination of invasive intervention during correction pathological symptoms. And the most important thing is the pleasant sensations that you can get during and after the procedure, because positive emotions are important in treatment.

After relief of the main pain syndrome, the complex of therapeutic measures is supplemented with techniques based on thermal effect– UHF, mud wrap, paraffin applications. The latter can be done independently at home.

Against the background of a pinched nerve, it develops vicious circle- pain syndrome leads to muscle spasms, which in turn increase discomfort. In this case, massage helps well, as it relaxes (neuromuscular relaxation), soothes, restores joint mobility, and improves the patient’s general condition.

Massage, like physiotherapy, is prescribed in the subacute period so as not to provoke an increase in symptoms. In the massage technique for neuritis, warming manipulations should prevail to improve blood circulation in the affected area.

An important feature is the direction of movements. For example, when the sciatic nerve is pinched, start from the ankle joint, gradually rise along the shin to the knee, femoral area with mandatory work on the lower back and tailbone. If the shoulder is pinched, then massage movements go from the wrist joint through the elbow to shoulder girdle and neck.

Exercises and gymnastics

A pinched nerve of any location leads to spastic changes in the innervated muscles. Gymnastics is aimed at reducing the severity of this symptom.

The exercises are aimed at stretching. The sciatic region is most often affected, so let’s consider a set of exercises for this area.

Area of ​​influence:

  • piriformis muscle.
  • reducing stiffness, increasing elasticity in the hips and lower back.
  • sit on a chair, place your feet on the floor. Put right ankle joint(if the pain is right-sided) on the left knee;
  • lean forward until tension appears on the back of the thigh and hold for 10 seconds.

Area of ​​influence:

  • anterior surface of the thigh.
  • relieving immobility, pressure at the hip level.
  • starting position – the right leg is located in front, the left leg is located behind at a distance of 10 cm;
  • bend left leg to the floor, knee right leg remains at the level of the ankle joint;
  • fix the position for 20 seconds;
  • change the position of your legs and repeat the exercise.

Area of ​​influence:

  • gluteal muscle.
  • reduction of pain.
  • starting position – lying on the floor, legs straightened;
  • we pull the sore knee to the chest, move it to the shoulder, fingers crossed under the knee joint;
  • fix the position for 10 seconds and return to its original state.

In addition to standard treatment add methods traditional medicine. Most products should not be taken during pregnancy medicines, so the following recipes will be of help to the treating doctor.

  1. Combine crushed hop cones with a tablespoon butter, mix. Apply to the area of ​​pain with massage movements.
  2. Boil lilac buds, mix with pork fat. Used as an ointment and goes well with local massage.
  3. External remedies can be supplemented with infusions for internal reception. To do this, pour a teaspoon of lingonberry leaves with a glass of boiling water. You need to drink this decoction three times a day, half a glass.

What to do if the sciatic nerve is pinched?

If you are at home, then if severe pain occurs, you must take horizontal position on a hard surface, a soft mattress may aggravate the problem, apply a warm compress. Next prepare the solution fir oil, valerian tincture, apply to the area of ​​inflammation and wrap with a warm scarf.

Relapse Prevention

If you have already encountered the problem of a pinched nerve, then after completing a course of treatment, it is recommended to adhere to the rules to prevent relapse.

It is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle, do exercises, and include moderate physical activity to strengthen your muscle corset. The pool can perfectly help with this, because swimming uses all muscle groups. Yoga is also a good option.

Excess weight increases stress on spinal column, hip joints, so it will have to be strictly controlled. As your body weight increases, you need to balance your breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

We are all at work most of the day. If your activity involves a computer, then breaks every 2 hours will be necessary. Try to watch your posture, do not slouch or hunch over.

In the autumn-spring period the risk increases colds due to temperature changes and lack of vitamin intake. The spring sun is very deceptive, the winds are cold. In order to increase the protective properties of the body, vitamin complexes can be added to the diet.

Pinched nerve is accompanied by severe pain, numbness of the affected area and partial loss of mobility. Patients usually immediately consult a doctor due to severe discomfort, because they themselves do not know what to do or how to alleviate their condition. The specialist first prescribes painkillers and stops the attack, after which he draws up a basic treatment plan.

First aid for pinching

The pinching occurs suddenly, the person complains of acute pain, which can spread along the nerve fibers. If a nerve is pinched in the thigh, painful sensations, tingling, numbness or twitching may be felt much lower in the leg, such as around the knee.

To start the patient must be placed on a hard surface, preferably on your back. If this position increases the pain, then you can take any comfortable position.

To relieve pain and calm down, you need to take medications.

You should not take many medications at once. If your health allows, you can limit yourself to taking two Analgin tablets. Medicines– this is an additional burden on the liver and kidneys, so they should not be abused.

When the pain subsides a little, you need to immobilize the affected area. If a nerve is pinched in the arm, shoulder or leg, a splint is applied. If the nerves adjacent to the muscles on the shoulder blade or lower back are affected, the patient himself should try to remain still in bed.

Immediately after pinching, it will help relieve pain t cold. Do not apply lotions for a long time, so as not to aggravate the inflammation. Instead of cold you can use warm compresses– apply a warming ointment (for example, Menovazin) to the sore spot and wrap it in a woolen scarf.

Pinching treatment

Treatment of a pinched nerve is based on eliminating symptoms: swelling, inflammation, pain. It is also necessary to improve the trophism of nerve fibers and surrounding tissues. Therapy is prescribed by a neurologist:

  • drug nerve block;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, vitamins (usually group B);
  • means for restoring metabolism in tissues;
  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapeutic methods – electrophoresis, UHF, paraffin therapy;
  • therapeutic exercises, exercise therapy.

To avoid re-pinching the nerve, you need to cure the underlying disease. More often, the cause of this complication is osteochondrosis or a herniated intervertebral disc.

What to do at home

Traditional methods of treatment will become good addition To primary therapy for pinched nerves.

Any treatment method has contraindications, so you need to consult a doctor before using traditional medicine.

Efficiency unconventional means have not been tested, and their effect is limited only to relieving symptoms. Therefore, rely on them in the treatment of spinal diseases and peripheral nerves it is forbidden.

How to avoid repeated pinching

If the nerve is pinched for the first time, you need to focus your efforts on preventing relapses.

  1. Bring your weight back to normal . It is the excess kilogram that often causes compression of the nerve fibers.
  2. News active image life. Sedentary people are more susceptible to pinched nerves than those who walk a lot, play sports, and do morning exercises.
  3. Avoid sudden movements. If the body has been at rest for a long time, the change in activity should be gradual.
  4. Properly arrange a place to sleep, use orthopedic mattresses and pillows.

Observing preventive measures You can prevent pinched nerves and improve your health.