Foods rich in potassium table mg. What foods contain potassium?

Potassium in foods: where it is found, menu for a strong heart and against depression

To prevent your heart from hurting and your blood pressure from jumping, you need to eat bananas, potatoes, dried apricots, avocado, salmon, and spinach. Expert of the portal “Hurray! Cooks, fitness trainer, nutritionist Nika Tyutyunnikova says that potassium in food acts as a natural cardioprotector. It is this connection that is involved in the transmission nerve impulses, controls muscle contraction (especially the myocardium), regulates water exchange and maintains pH balance internal environment body (blood, lymph, tissue and cerebrospinal fluid).

Fitness trainer, nutritionist Nika Tyutyunnikova: “The 19th element of the periodic table is one of three that the human body needs constantly and in large quantities. It directly affects the functioning of the heart, the condition of blood vessels, the level blood pressure. The substance protects against depression, improves brain activity, prevents strokes, atherosclerosis and removes toxins. Potassium (K) is an antagonist of sodium (Na), the excess of which leads to edema, hypertension, and kidney pathologies. The optimal ratio of potassium and sodium in the body is 2:1.”

  • Children. Participates in the formation of muscle and bone tissue, immunity. Regulates blood clotting processes, work nerve cells and emotional state.
  • Women. Responsible for the state reproductive function. There are cases where hypokalemia was the cause of infertility. During pregnancy, it controls muscle tone and blood pressure, prevents the development of edema, and supplies the brain with oxygen.
  • Men. Increases endurance, improves spermatogenesis, affects testosterone levels and helps maintain male strength.

When there is a potassium deficiency, the cardiovascular and nervous systems are the first to fail.

Grocery list

The mineral enters the body with food and water. Absorbed in the intestines, excreted in the urine and then. It does not accumulate, so a constant “flow” of substance from the outside is necessary. Main sources - plant origin. The expert recommends adding products from the following table to the menu.

When cooking and soaking foods, up to 70% of potassium passes from them into water. If the resulting decoction (infusion) is not used in a dish, the substance leaves with it. This property can be used to prepare potassium-containing drinks. Compotes made from dried apricots and prunes are useful. Bring the mixture to a boil and leave covered for at least an hour.

Table - List of foods rich in potassium

ProductK content, mg per 100 g
Porcini mushrooms (dried)3937
Dried apricots (seedless)1717
Soybean (grain)1607
Cocoa (powder)1509
Wheat bran1260
Low-fat dry milk1224
Powdered milk (25%)1200
Beans (grain)1100
Powdered milk (15%)1010
Mung beans1000
Sea kale970
Parsley (greens)800
Spinach (greens)774
Peas (shelled)731
Dry cream (42%)726
Lentils (grain)672
Sunflower seeds647
Watercress (greens)606
Pine nut597
Buckwheat flour577
Oat bran566
Cilantro (greens)521
Sorrel (greens)500
White mushrooms468
Milk chocolate462
Barley (grain)453
Egg powder448
Boletus mushrooms443
Celery (greens)430
Rye (grain)424
Oats (grain)421
Oyster mushroom420
Ginger (root)415
Morel mushroom411
Boletus mushroom404
Honey mushrooms400
Dandelion leaves (greens)397
Rye wallpaper flour (coarse)396
Celery (root)393
Baltic sprat380
Buckwheat (kernel)380
Sweetened condensed milk (5%)380
Sweetened condensed milk (low fat)380
Brussels sprouts375
Kohlrabi cabbage370
Sweetened condensed milk (8.5%)365
bitter chocolate363
Oat flour (oatmeal)351
Sunflower halva351
Caspian sprat350
Peeled rye flour (with bran shell)350
Black currant350
Horse mackerel350
Wheat (grain, soft variety)337
Pink salmon335
Chum salmon335
Dill (greens)335
Sweetened condensed cream (19%)334
Oat flakes "Hercules"330
A pineapple321
Rice (grain)314
Fatty herring310
Red cabbage302
White cabbage300
Green peas (fresh)285
Beef liver277
Ripe cherries256

During heat treatment, some of the potassium is lost. For example, if in 100 g raw potatoes contains 568 mg of the substance, then boiled - already 407 mg. A baked salmon steak contains 384 mg, while a raw salmon steak contains 420 mg. Boiled white beans contains 561 mg of the mineral, while unprocessed grains contain 1100 mg. 100 g boiled beef– this is 215 mg of potassium, and the same amount raw meat contains 326 mg.

Therefore, it is better to eat vegetables and fruits raw whenever possible.
The most appropriate way heat treatment- steam cooking. Baking and boiling are acceptable. In the first case, leave the vegetables in their uniforms - this will preserve more potassium and other nutrients. In the second - use minimal amount water.

Potato - natural source mineral available all year round. Due to its high potassium content, the root vegetable, boiled or baked in its skin, can relieve headaches.

Daily norms

Daily intake values ​​for vitamins and minerals are being revised. This is due to changes in environmental conditions, the rhythm of life, and the emergence of new scientific data. If previously it was considered sufficient for an adult to consume 2500 mg of potassium per day, now the ministry Agriculture The USA recommends focusing on the figure of 4700 mg, and World organization healthcare - no less than 3510 mg.

Experts advise calculating numbers individually, having first done a blood test and consulted with a doctor. On average, the following are considered safe and beneficial: exact dosages:

  • men – 4700 mg;
  • women – 4700 mg;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation – 5100 mg;
  • children under two years old – 400-600 mg;
  • children from three to five years old – 3000 mg;
  • children from six to eight years old – 3800 mg;
  • children from nine to 13 years old – 4500 mg;
  • adolescents under 18 years of age – 4600 mg.

Employees of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx (USA) have proven that potassium-rich foods affect the length and quality of life of elderly women. The study, which involved more than 90 thousand volunteers aged 50 to 79 years, was carried out by scientists over 11 years. The average reported dietary potassium intake (not from supplements) is 2,611 mg per day. The results were published in 2014. Women who received the most potassium had a 12-16% reduced risk of stroke, and premature death(By various reasons) - on 10%.


At optimal conditions Potassium from food can be absorbed by the body by 90-95%. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), for example, contributes to this. Magnesium (Mg), which is a potassium synergist, plays a huge role. They are rich in sesame, wheat bran, cocoa, cashews, buckwheat, pine and walnuts, almonds. ( Full list products rich in magnesium, see this article).

At the same time, keep in mind that they interfere with the absorption of potassium and contribute to its leaching from the body:

  • sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • caffeine;
  • stress;
  • constant muscle tension;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • diuretics and laxatives;
  • cortisone preparations;
  • sodium.

Symptoms of hypo- and hyperkalemia

Prolonged hypokalemia (serum potassium ion concentration less than 3.5 mmol/L in adults) can cause cardiac arrest. At risk are people who adhere to strict diets, take laxatives and diuretics, and workaholics. Deficiency picture:

  • dry skin;
  • hair fragility;
  • acne on the face and body;
  • constant colds;
  • cognitive impairment (mind and memory suffer);
  • nervousness, sleep disturbances, depression;
  • constipation, diarrhea, swelling;
  • constant strong thirst;
  • urinary disorders;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • hypo- or hypertension;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headache;
  • miscarriage;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Fitness trainer, nutritionist Nika Tyutyunnikova: “Lack of potassium often accompanies the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition is detected in people who devote all their strength to work. Typical portrait: manager under 35 years old. During the day such a person is in constant stress, gets little rest, eats on the go. In the evening, he goes to the gym, where the mineral is additionally washed away with sweat. At night, he tries to finish work and household chores, does not get enough sleep. With advanced hypokalemia, normalizing the diet is only one of the steps. Here you need to add potassium supplements. It takes three to six months to recover.”

Hyperkalemia is diagnosed if the concentration of potassium ions in the blood serum exceeds 5 mmol/l (in adults). This condition is usually a consequence of other health problems and is not associated with excess of the substance in the diet. For example, it develops with kidney pathologies, when the organ cannot cope with removing the substance from the body. Incorrect use of some potassium-sparing drugs leads to a similar effect. The condition is also possible in case of a sudden release of potassium during extensive destruction muscle tissue(rupture, burn). Symptoms:

  • excessive excitability nervous system;
  • hot temper;
  • vulnerability to panic;
  • heavy sweating;
  • decreased muscle strength;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • degenerative neuromuscular disorders;
  • asthenia;
  • autonomic disorders;
  • arrhythmia;
  • deterioration of myocardial contractility;
  • paralysis skeletal muscles;
  • intestinal colic (attacks of acute pain).

Bomb dish

To prevent potassium deficiency, you should either combine foods that are sources of magnesium and potassium in your diet, or choose foods that contain large quantities of both of these elements (for example, wheat bran, cocoa, sunflower seeds, sesame). There are recipe options for those who are watching their figure, and for those who allow themselves to eat tasty and satisfying meals. For example, you can bake apples with dried apricots and raisins. And then pour them with honey, which, by the way, also contains potassium. A good option for a potassium diet - potatoes baked in foil. And Transcarpathian soup is considered a real potassium “bomb”.

First in Transcarpathian


  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • white beans - a glass;
  • white dried mushrooms- a handful of;
  • parsley root – 2 pieces;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • celery – 1 stalk;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - for frying ingredients;
  • black pepper – 3 peas;
  • bay leaf – 2 pieces;
  • water – 3 l;
  • sour cream - a glass;
  • salt - at the discretion of the hostess.

Step by step

  1. Soak beans and mushrooms in separate containers. Leave overnight. Boil in the same water until tender.
  2. Remove the skins from the potatoes. Slice. Simmer in a saucepan until half cooked.
  3. Pour water and mushroom broth into the pan. Boil, add salt.
  4. Add potato cubes, reduce heat.
  5. In a saucepan, simmer peeled and grated carrots, parsley root and celery.
  6. Transfer the contents of the saucepan to the main pan. Add grated garlic. Boil for another 10-15 minutes.
  7. Grind half the boiled beans in a blender, mixing with the yushka and potatoes from the soup. Add to remaining ingredients.
  8. Fry the peeled and chopped onion.
  9. Chop and add to onion boiled mushrooms. Simmer for up to one and a half minutes.
  10. Place the onions with mushrooms, sour cream, pots of pepper and bay leaves in a saucepan. Boil for no more than two minutes.
  11. When serving in portions, place two large spoons of the remaining boiled beans into the broth bowls.


What role does potassium play in the human body, what foods are rich in this chemical element and for what diseases are they recommended to be consumed?

To maintain health and maintenance vitality must be regularly supplied to the human body from environment oxygen, water and nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as trace elements and vitamins. Among inorganic chemical elements one of the most important is potassium, about which we'll talk In this article.

Potassium (along with sodium and chlorine) regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, maintains osmotic pressure and acid-base balance, ensures the normal functioning of cells and tissues, organs and systems. Foods rich in potassium are especially necessary for smooth functioning of cardio-vascular system, muscular-ligamentous apparatus, brain.
How much potassium should be consumed daily through food? From three to five grams per day.

A large amount of potassium is found in foods of plant origin. These are, first of all, apricots and plums (including dried apricots, dried apricots, prunes), grapes and apples, potatoes and legumes (beans, peas, soybeans). There is a lot of potassium in milk, seaweed, and buckwheat, nuts, berries, and seafood. By regularly including these foods in your diet, you can easily provide your body with enough potassium.

If necessary, as prescribed by a doctor, you can take various medicines, containing potassium (often it comes in combination with magnesium, less often - together with other macro- and microelements).

You can find out more about the potassium content in basic foods in the table below:

As you can see, products. rich in potassium are not uncommon, so providing the body with this important chemical element for health is not so difficult.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe short term the so-called potassium diet, recommended for hypertension, heart failure, kidney disease with edema, as well as when taking diuretics medicines. This diet involves eating foods rich in potassium and limiting sodium salts in the diet (the ratio of potassium to sodium should be at least 8:1 and no more than 14:1). In this case, the daily amount of potassium coming from food ranges from 5 to 7 grams per day. Most often in daily ration include potassium-rich foods such as dried apricots and prunes, raisins, potatoes and cabbage, and peaches, milk and cottage cheese, oatmeal and buckwheat with sunflower oil.


Potassium is one of those key minerals without which the very existence of our body is impossible. It affects the performance of vascular structures, muscles, kidneys, heart, endocrine glands, brain.

Potassium is one of the most important chemical elements for our body. His the main role(together with sodium) – ensuring normal functioning cell walls. Another extremely important property is maintaining the concentration of the main thing. nutrient for the heart (magnesium) and its physiological functions.

The role of potassium in the human body:

The importance of potassium is explained by the fact that it is the main cation in the fluid of all cells. Moreover, about 98% of all potassium is located in the intracellular pool.

The functions of potassium are multifaceted. This macronutrient:

  • maintains fluid balance by helping to remove excess fluid;
  • ensures adequate acid-base metabolism;
  • regulates muscle activity, influencing both their neuromuscular excitability and contractions;
  • coordinates heart rhythm;
  • prevents sclerosis, preventing the accumulation of sodium in blood vessels;
  • improves oxygen supply to the brain, activating mental activity;
  • removes toxins and allergens.

Potassium entering the food we eat enters our blood and is absorbed into small intestine. It is excreted along with urine and (to a lesser extent) with feces. The potassium requirement of a typical adult ranges from 2000 to 5000 mg. It increases among sports enthusiasts, overweight people, and patients using diuretic medications.

Causes of potassium deficiency:

  • Hypokalemia (potassium deficiency) can occur as a result of an unbalanced diet, in which the intake of potassium in the body is insufficient, for example, as a result of a debilitating diet. In athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor, at increased sweating gets lost a large number of this microelement.
  • Potassium deficiency can occur in people taking certain diuretics, so periodic monitoring of potassium concentrations in the blood is necessary when treating with diuretics.
  • In conditions accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, there is also a loss of many trace elements, including potassium.
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol, coffee and sweets also contributes to the “washing out” of potassium from the body.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in the human body:

With insufficient intake of potassium into the body, a person develops hypokalemia and dropsy. A breakdown of the functions of the heart and skeletal muscles occurs. Prolonged deficiency can lead to the development of acute neuralgia. To prevent this from happening, you need to include foods containing potassium in your diet.

Since potassium does not accumulate in our body, its content can drop very quickly. The symptoms of this are general weakness, nervousness, low blood pressure, swelling, constipation, deterioration of hair and nails, their weakness and fragility. Against the background of potassium deficiency, the functioning of the kidneys, adrenal glands, and heart is disrupted, and skin cells suffer, as evidenced by long healing of wounds. Dry skin, erosions and ulcers of the mucous membranes can also indicate potassium deficiency.

With a significant lack of potassium, disorders of the functions of the heart muscles, expressed in rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias), are possible. Signs of potassium deficiency in human body are nonspecific, therefore, if, at first glance, causeless weakness, irritability or other symptoms described above appear, it is required medical consultation. May be, bad feeling caused by potassium deficiency. Medicines containing this element are taken only as prescribed by a doctor after appropriate examination. Uncontrolled use of medications containing potassium can lead to hyperkalemia (excess potassium), which is also harmful.

Foods rich in potassium:

Let's first find out which foods contain potassium. So, among the fruits we can note dogwood, peaches and dried apricots, apricots, raisins, apples, grapes, cherries, currants. Vegetable sources of potassium are: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, peas, beans.

Among animal products, potassium is found in cod, hake, mackerel, squid, beef, veal, and pork.

Let's remember the foods we know that are rich in potassium. Bananas are probably the first thing that comes to mind. It's right. But the list of plant crops that are sources of potassium is much more extensive. The record holders in this regard are dried grapes (known to us as raisins), dried apricots, bananas, peaches and apples. Watermelons, melons, pears and strawberries are somewhat poorer in this chemical element.

An interesting fact is that dried fruits are significantly higher in potassium content than fresh fruits.

Sufficient consumption of such foods helps prevent deficiency of this mineral in the body, and therefore serious problems with health.

Potassium in food, tables:

Potassium in seafood:

Potassium in vegetables:

Potassium in nuts, seeds, legumes:

Potassium in fruits and berries:

Product Potassium content in mg, per 100 grams
grape 255
peach 363
apricot 305,0
cherry 256,0
a pineapple 321,0
banana 350,0
mulberry 350,0
dates 370,0
avocado 280,0
dried apricots 1150,0
raisins sultanas 751,0
prunes 864,0
dried pears 872,0
dried apples 450,0
black currant 350,0
blueberry 372,0

It is worth mentioning separately how important foods rich in potassium are for the heart. Scientists see a direct relationship between the symptoms of heart disease and the potassium content in the human body. Not surprisingly, potassium is one of the most important chemical elements for muscle contraction, including the heart.

It is believed that a lack of this mineral in the diet can double the likelihood of developing heart attack. We think it is now clear why foods rich in potassium are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. A diet for the heart, among other things, should include different vegetables, buckwheat, nuts, dried apricots, prunes.

Potassium, like many other substances, has great value for the stable functioning of many systems and organs. If a microelement enters the body irregularly, intermittently, its deficiency causes various disorders. The human nervous system suffers: deficiency of vitamins and microelements is one of the main reasons, nervous breakdowns. To replenish potassium reserves, nutritionists recommend revising your diet so that it includes foods containing large amounts of this substance. Potassium performs following functions:

  • Regulates the work of the heart.
  • Promotes the production of enzymes.
  • Improves fluid removal from tissues and muscles.
  • Protects fabrics and blood vessels from the formation of plaques and deposits.
  • Promotes saturation of brain tissue with oxygen, which ensures normal activity of the brain and nervous system.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes.

List of foods containing potassium

Many foods are rich in potassium: there is a lot of it both in regular cereals and in. Conventionally, such products are divided into two categories: plant and animal origin. To avoid reducing the content of potassium and other useful microelements in foods, eat vegetables and fruits raw, as well as steam or boil them. Potassium loses its properties from prolonged exposure to air, so it is better to eat only fresh, recently cut fruits and vegetables.

Plant products

The list of plant-based foods that contain potassium is impressive. Conventionally, it is divided into 4 categories: fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals,. Each group of products has its own characteristics of use. Fruits and vegetables that grow in our area are best eaten as they ripen, and dried fruits - in winter. Cereals and cereals are consumed all year round.

Fruits vegetables:

  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • currant;
  • bananas;
  • melons;
  • watermelons;
  • oranges;
  • carrot;

Dried fruits:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • figs;
  • prunes;
  • almond;
  • peanut;
  • pine nuts;
  • cashew nuts;
  • walnuts;


Animal products

Animal products are an important source of potassium, which is found in different varieties meat. To quickly eliminate the deficiency of this microelement, eat dietary varieties meat and fish containing a small amount of fat For better absorption of potassium, include both animal and plant foods. Potassium rich foods include:

  • whole milk;
  • salmon;
  • halibut;
  • cod;
  • tuna;
  • sardines;
  • flounder;
  • yogurt;
  • rabbit meat;
  • beef;

Where is high potassium found?

The maximum of this substance is found in products mainly of plant origin. Some nutritionists claim that black tea is extremely rich in potassium, but this is refuted by other researchers. Therefore, we recommend replenishing your stocks of this the required microelement from other sources. Maximum amount Potassium is found in:

  1. dried apricots;
  2. cocoa;
  3. coffee;
  4. wheat bran;
  5. raisins;
  6. almonds;
  7. peanuts;
  8. parsley;

Table of products containing beneficial microelements

The issue of saturating the body with vitamins and microelements must be approached responsibly: an excess of some microelements is no less harmful than their deficiency. In addition, it is important to maintain their ratio. So, great importance has a potassium-sodium balance. Potassium and sodium should enter the body in a ratio of one to two. The functioning of the body also depends on the intake of such an element as. Here is a table of the content of these substances in food:

Potassium (mg/100 g)

Sodium (mg/100 g)

Magnesium (mg/100 g)










fried sausage


cocoa powder

coffee beans

wheat bran

Potassium (K) is one of those minerals that is present in almost all foods. Vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, are the best known sources of this macronutrient.

Potassium deficiency affects the functioning of the heart, causing chronic fatigue. But the most interesting thing is that this mineral, acting on brain cells, causes a feeling of satisfaction and well-being.

Key Benefits of Potassium

Each time, research on this mineral confirms its vital role for humans. Time and again, scientists remind us: K deficiency leads to hypertension, stroke, diabetes, gout, osteoporosis, rheumatism, heart and intestinal pain. In medicine, there are cases where potassium deficiency provoked significant memory impairment.

Activates brain performance

K-deficiency primarily affects brain performance. This is because the mineral helps supply brain cells oxygen, without which the functionality of the organ decreases sharply. The first signs of macronutrient deficiency are fast fatiguability and inability to concentrate on important things. This condition usually continues until the potassium deficiency is eliminated.

Protects the heart from disease

Adequate potassium intake will protect against the risk of heart disease and stroke. This nutrient is capable of regulating blood pressure and heart rate, which means reducing the load on the arteries and heart muscle. It is important that many foods containing K are excellent sources of antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the whole body.

Strengthens muscles

Potassium plays an important role in the work of strengthening muscles. If you want to build muscles or simply maintain their health, pay attention to foods rich in this mineral. Bananas, avocados, raisins and dried apricots on cellular level affect the condition of the muscles. The potassium contained in them contributes to more rapid recovery muscles, keeping them in good shape.

Regulates fluid level

The daily norm of potassium allows you to maintain fluid balance in the body, and this is necessary to ensure the performance of all systems and maintain stable weight and body volume. In this ability, K is reminiscent of calcium and sodium, whose “responsibilities” also include controlling water balance in organism.

Stabilizes blood pressure

Disturbing high blood pressure? You may be lacking potassium. This macroelement is able to relax blood vessels, thereby reducing the pressure of blood flow in the arteries. Foods rich in potassium will help fight hypertension for people with diabetes who are at risk of strokes or heart attacks.

Strengthens bones

Fluorine is not the only element important for bone health. The role of potassium cannot be underestimated. Human body is a set of systems and subsystems working together. To maintain the functionality of the body, a complete set of and. In particular, health bone tissue depends on the balance of several, including potassium. Regular consumption of foods rich in this macronutrient will protect against the development of osteoporosis.

Anti-stress mineral

The functioning of the entire body and human well-being directly depend on the health of the nervous system. Potassium will play an important role for nerve cells. Increased tension and nervousness can also be a signal of K deficiency. A lack of the mineral reduces the body's ability to deal with stress, which over time can develop into hypertension and serious violations in the functioning of the nervous system.

Speeds up metabolism

Strictly adhere to a low-calorie diet, and excess weight doesn't everything go away? It is possible that in this way the body signals about insufficient potassium intake. A lack of macronutrients slows down metabolic processes. It helps the body break down and absorb food, enhances the work of other minerals important for adequate functioning metabolic processes. Review your dietary ration, supplementing it with potassium-containing products, and weight loss will not take long.

Relieves muscle spasms

It is potassium that is the mineral whose deficiency manifests itself muscle spasms and cramps. Even the slightest imbalance mineral composition manifested by pain and discomfort in the muscles.

Role for the kidneys

But the relationship between potassium and kidneys is not so simple. On the one hand, it is an important nutrient that reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis, since potassium salts can reduce acidity in the bloodstream. On the other hand, there is a category of people who are strictly prohibited from consuming potassium without medical supervision. These are people suffering renal failure. They develop hyperkalemia against the background of the disease, neglect of which can cause sudden stop hearts.

Around the world, perhaps the most famous source of potassium is the banana. Meanwhile, there are many other products in which the content of this mineral significantly exceeds its concentration in an exotic fruit.

To begin with, it is important to note that the most foods rich in potassium are fruits (especially dried fruits) and vegetables. But this does not mean that you should neglect legumes, fish and dairy foods - they also contain potassium reserves. It is important to include chard in the menu, chicken eggs, spinach and mushrooms. Such a diet will supply the body with minerals in the amount of 150% of daily norm. Other foods rich in potassium include: potatoes, tomatoes, avocados, spinach, beans, peas, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes), Orange juice, fruits and berries (bananas, oranges, strawberries).

Considering the concentration of potassium in products, they are usually grouped into:

  • low-potassium (contain less than 100 mg of mineral per 100 g of product);
  • with an average K content (150-250 mg);
  • With high content(251-400 mg);
  • very saturated with potassium (more than 400 mg).
Table of potassium content in food
Product name (100 g)Potassium (mg)
Dried apricots1717
Sea kale970
Green pea873
Potatoes baked in skins540
Brussels sprouts494
Parsley (greens)340
Celery (root)262
Parsley (root)262
Beetroot (root)259
Beet tops238
Lean beef325

How to preserve potassium in foods

Potassium is one of the minerals that is relatively stable during storage of fresh foods. Minor changes in the concentration of the substance are possible after long-term storage food. Meanwhile, you don’t need to take any additional measures, in order to “retain” potassium, for example, in fresh vegetables. But upon contact with water, the mineral almost completely passes into it. Traditional cooking rules will allow you to preserve the maximum content after heat treatment: a minimum of cooking time and as little water as possible. For example, immerse vegetables in already boiling water or resort to baking instead of boiling.

It’s hard to imagine, but almost a quarter of a kilogram of an adult’s body is potassium. In total, the body contains from 220 to 250 g of this mineral.

It is mainly concentrated in the composition different types cells, and approximately 3 grams in the extracellular fluid.

According to the standards determined by nutritionists, an adult needs 3-5 mg of potassium daily (more precise dosages are determined taking into account age, gender, lifestyle, illness, pregnancy and other factors). The easiest way to provide yourself with this norm is to eat several fruits or vegetables rich in this mineral every day. However, this rule does not suit everyone: people with kidney failure or other nephrological diseases should use potassium with extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

It is also important to know that some medications can artificially increase potassium levels in the body. Primarily these are spironolactone, triamterene, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole and some inhibitors. Food substitutes containing potassium can also increase the concentration in the blood.

But diuretics and some drugs prescribed for heart failure can, on the contrary, provoke potassium deficiency. Can reduce mineral concentration salt(consumed in large quantities), coffee and alcohol. People with low level potassium, you need to carefully monitor your daily diet and regularly consume foods rich in the mineral. These are mainly fruits and vegetables.

In addition, it is important to know that in order to maintain the correct balance of nutrients, the amount of potassium and sodium intake should correspond to the proportion 2 (K): 1 (Na), since sodium promotes the rapid elimination of K. By the way, stress is one of the factors that sharply increases sodium concentration in organism. It is also important to monitor magnesium levels - its deficiency interferes with the normal absorption of potassium.

Almost all potassium obtained from food is excreted from the body in urine. Therefore, there is a need for daily replenishment of K-stocks. The fact that a person is experiencing K-deficiency can be signaled by muscle weakness, swelling, cramps, and irregular urination. Arrhythmia, apathy, sleep disturbances and loss of appetite are also signs of K deficiency, which can ultimately lead to stroke. fatal. And here increased excitability, anemia, frequent urination and arrhythmia may indicate that a person is abusing foods rich in the mineral or dietary supplements with K.

Take care of quality daily diet, and then you won’t have to run to doctors looking for the causes of your illness.