I began to swell a lot for what reasons? The main causes of swelling. Moderate physical activity

The most common and harmful case of edema is undoubtedly the days before the onset of menstruation. On such days, you may simultaneously notice swollen breasts, an enlarged abdomen, swollen legs and a swollen face.

They also say that we women are completely intractable these days. I'd like to see how men would cope with PMS symptoms... I think they would have started World War III by now.

Scientific explanation of edema during PMS. After ovulation, the level of the hormone progesterone increases in our body. With a sharp increase in progesterone, prolactin levels increase. Prolactin retains fluid and also leads to an increase in the level of antidiuretic hormone (ADE), so our weight can increase by almost 4% (a woman weighing 55 kg can gain up to two kilograms).

Hormonal surges during this period also affect the level (of the happiness hormone), significantly reducing it and causing inexplicable, uncontrollable, nasty cravings for sweets. Carbohydrate metabolism causes swelling, and it turns out that in addition to swelling due to progesterone, swelling due to glucose is added.

Trouble doesn’t come alone, and you’ve probably noticed that before menstruation we are more susceptible to stress. Stress, in turn, affects the level of aldosterone, a hormone that regulates the balance of fluids in the body.

In general, with PMS we are still “fairies”.

How to get rid of swelling? You can temporarily cope with the situation as follows:

  • Remove salt from your diet completely or significantly reduce its consumption.
  • Use natural drainage products to help remove fluid.
  • Use special nutritional supplements to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (they come in different types, sold in pharmacies), which will help you control hormonal fluctuations, replenish magnesium deficiency and reduce irritability.
  • Loosen up as much as possible and wear bulky black clothes because scientists have found that black is slimming.

Now you will learn one of the secrets associated with weight fluctuations. Probably, each of you has noticed that the weight and comfortable feeling of how jeans sit at the waist often unexpectedly change: sometimes in the morning you wake up and feel that you have become heavier by a couple of hundred grams, or even a whole kilogram, and jeans that Yesterday they fit you, today they are too tight. What's going on?

Scientific explanation of edema associated with carbohydrate metabolism. If it's not PMS, most likely you're swollen because you ate too many carbohydrates: bread, pasta, rice, buns, pizza, dry bread (I feel embarrassed just by listing such foods), potatoes, spelt, corn, etc.

Fast carbohydrates (sugar) from these foods, which you did not burn immediately because, for example, you ate pizza with a glass of beer and then went to bed, do not immediately turn into fat, but are first converted into glycogen.

Glycogen consists of glucose (sugar) molecules connected to each other in a chain, similar to beads, with water molecules as the connecting link. First comes a glucose molecule, then a water molecule, and then a glucose molecule again.

So, if you've been eating pizza (or cookies) late at night, you'll notice that you're not peeing much and, as often happens, that you're thirsty. Still would! The body uses water to create a chain of glucose (better known as glycogen), which it stores in the liver and muscles as a primary source of energy.

The next morning you wake up and see that your jeans are tight, and the numbers on the scale confirm your worst expectations.

Calmly. These are just weight fluctuations, you haven’t really gained weight!

How to deal with swelling due to carbohydrates? Don't eat carbohydrates for a few hours or all day. The body burns existing glucose first before converting proteins and fats into new glucose: that is, glycogen bonds are broken, releasing water molecules. And you no longer have that extra kilogram that made you so angry in the morning.

Because of this simple process, at the beginning of any protein diet, a person loses a lot of fluid and notices a significant increase in diuresis (that is, the volume of urine per day): the body takes glucose from glycogen.

Why do I swell in the morning

Let's imagine that last night you ate not pizza, but a delicious low-sodium soup, but the next morning you still found swelling in your face, swelling in your arms or legs.

I’ll just say that if you are swollen in the morning and it goes away quickly during the day, then the tomato you ate is not to blame. (But if you're still swollen by evening, then, of course, the tomato is to blame.)

Scientific explanation of the causes of swelling in the morning. Microcirculation is to blame. Blood pumped by the heart and the pulsation of the arteries reaches our limbs and parts of the body remote from the heart (arms, legs, face). The circulatory system is divided into increasingly smaller and thinner vessels, at the ends of which the blood gives off oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide. After that, she needs to return home, throw away the carbon dioxide and take oxygen.

But what will push her? There are several factors, one of which is the rhythmic contraction of the muscles you use throughout the day.

It's easy to guess that while you sleep, this whole process slows down (this is how my friend Laura, a sleepwalker, never swells). And if you also sleep in a warm room (and blood vessels dilate in warmth) or wear bulky fleece pajamas and sheep's wool leg warmers, then everything becomes even worse.

As a result, you are swollen in the morning, but after a couple of hours you become human again.

How to relieve swelling in the morning? Maintaining a cool bedroom temperature no doubt helps.

If your legs are mostly swollen, you can elevate them a little. It is often recommended to place a pillow under your feet. I tried, but she never stayed where I put her, so I suggest putting something bulky under the mattress to keep her feet elevated. And you won’t wonder in the morning how this pillow ended up here.

If your face swells after sleep, raise the mattress slightly at the top of the bed. A couple of years ago, when I asked how I could deal with the problem of a swollen face in the morning, the doctor measured me with his professional gaze and said: “Try to sleep standing up, like a horse.”

Why does the stomach swell?

Many people are familiar with the unpleasant feeling of bloating in the abdomen, which increases during the day, making it unpleasant to wear jeans and constantly feeling pressure on the stomach.

The scientific explanation for bloating. You have probably noticed that usually it is not the entire abdominal area that swells, but the upper one, located at the level of the stomach, behind the sternum, or the lower one, at the level of the intestines. In both parts, bloating occurs mainly due to gases that appear when food is poorly digested.

In other words, you ate something that has fermented in your stomach and your digestive tract becomes inflamed.

How to get rid of bloating? If it seems to you that the problem is in a certain product, you can analyze for yourself whether it is really to blame for the bloating after eating. How to do it?

It is necessary to cleanse the body for at least two days, eating simply and excluding dairy products, coffee and tea (only two days!), sausages, fatty foods, sweeteners, alcohol, as well as most fruits and vegetables, due to which in case of irritation bloating appears in the intestines. The exceptions are zucchini, carrots, fennel (preferably boiled), boiled potatoes, apples, kiwi and berries.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: herbal tea or barley coffee, rice cake with a thin layer of jam.
  • Lunch: boiled rice with zucchini, seasoned with butter.
  • Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with carrots.
  • Snacks: apples, berries, kiwi.

After a couple of days, return those foods that you think are causing bloating and see how your body reacts.

Comment on the article "Why do I swell? 4 types of edema in women - and how to deal with them"

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urgently relieve swelling. Facial care. Fashion and beauty. urgently relieve swelling. I cried all night, my face and eyes were swollen in the morning as if they had been bitten by bees, my eyes are practically invisible, I’m afraid that it won’t go away until tomorrow. Tell me how to relieve the swelling at least a little.

swelling. girls, hello everyone! I’m 28 weeks old and my legs have been swelling for 2 weeks now. And swelling only appears when I sit for a long time, if I’m lying down or lying down (well, I alternate between this), then 07/26/2017 18:18:33. 7 ya.ru - information project on family issues: pregnancy and...

Also exclude milk, for some reason it also causes swelling. But kefir and other fermented milk products are even very good. Therefore, for now I am preventing my swelling, and not giving up on it, as you suggest. When I stop dealing with this issue on my own...

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(It seems that this boil, not being opened, caused such swelling. I applied compresses with magnesium to my eyes to relieve the swelling. I smeared the boil with lekomekol, and put antibiotic drops in my eyes, because they also began to fester.

flooded .. swelling is mainly in the area below the waist, the face and arms swell slightly, but everything from the belly and below is mommy: (in weight, like How to remove bags under the eyes with folk remedies How to quickly get rid of swelling under the eyes at home Massage and ...

swelling. Please advise how to deal with them? the doctor says limit the liquid - 800 ml, drink bearberry, lingonberry, rosehip... and in the books Take a good walk in the cold, the windows were open all the time, everything went away right away. I really don’t know how much you like this method...

And I only get swelling when I sit for a long time, if I lie down or wake up (well, I alternate between these), then there is no swelling in the evening. I swelled three times, mostly in the heat. Probably everyone is different, for example, I don’t retain water, I don’t know why... How much I drink...

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About swelling. Don’t kick me, I doubted for a long time whether to write here or about my health, but here it’s somehow more familiar... I have a problem with swelling, hence the growth of cellulite. Every single day I walk around with puffy feet and hands, and bags under my eyes. The kidneys are normal, the heart too.

How to remove pregnancy edema? Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. How to remove pregnancy edema? Moms who experienced swelling during pregnancy, please respond! My ankles swell very much and no shoes can fit.

Edema is not gestosis; almost everyone has it. But get ready: as soon as the pressure rises, or there is a large weight gain, or I had swelling, although at the 22nd week, diuretic teas helped a lot and I began to drink a little less liquid - basically, I don’t feel thirsty...

Mild swelling at the end of the day in young women, in people who have to work standing (salespeople, hairdressers, etc.). - There is no reason to worry. When we stand for a long time, the pressure in the capillaries of the legs increases. This explains mild swelling at the end of the day in completely healthy people. Relaxing on the couch with your legs elevated and plant-based creams and gels that relieve tired legs will help.

Edema in women is accompanied by drowsiness, bad mood, melancholy, headache, and increased appetite. There is a time dependence - once a month. - Premenstrual syndrome is to blame. In many cases it is accompanied by swelling: the ankles swell, the eyelids swell and the face becomes puffy. Gums and joints may swell. After the “critical days” these phenomena disappear.

Asymmetrical swelling of the legs. They mainly affect women. There is a clear boundary between the edematous and normal parts. Even if the other leg then swells, the asymmetry is visible. -

Most likely, you have problems with the veins - thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. It is necessary to check the blood vessels of the legs. The second option is inflammation or a congenital defect of the lymphatic vessels.

Sudden swelling, redness, pain after an insect bite, after you have tasted unusual food or smelled a flower, as well as a reaction to taking medications. -

A severe allergic reaction is Quincke's edema. Accompanied by itching, tension, fever, it usually goes away on its own after some time. The danger is swelling on the face, mucous membranes of the mouth, throat - there may be an attack of suffocation. Antihistamines and other antiallergic treatment are urgently needed.

Swelling - initially on the legs, quite dense - occurs gradually, imperceptibly, is often accompanied by an enlarged liver, and mainly appears in the evening. - Most likely, the “motor” is playing pranks - this is a signal of heart failure. Swelling in the legs, in the lumbar region, enlarged liver - all these are signs of stagnation in the systemic circulation.

Swelling quickly increases, the whole body swells, the process begins with the face and eyelids, the swelling is soft, watery, mobile, and often appears in the morning. - Typical renal edema. Exacerbation of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and other inflammations, diabetic kidney damage, etc. cannot be avoided without them.

They develop due to diet, digestive disorders, prolonged pain in the epigastric region, and after intestinal surgery. There is often a decrease in protein in the blood. - Normally, proteins perform an important function - they prevent swelling from developing by retaining water. When they decrease, swelling begins in the body. With fasting or an incorrect diet, the intake of protein from food decreases; with intestinal diseases, the absorption of proteins into the blood decreases.

Swelling on the hands and feet; the skin over the swelling is rough and dense, unlike, for example, cardiac edema. A hole does not form when pressed. General health is unimportant - drowsiness, lethargy, low temperature, low heart rate, sexual dysfunction. - Perhaps this is myxedema - a condition with severe dysfunction of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism. Sometimes it occurs after part of the thyroid gland is removed.


1. An excellent diuretic is an infusion prepared according to the following recipe. 50 g of fresh birch leaves are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, infused in a warm place for 5–6 hours and filtered. Take 150 ml 3 times a day.

2. For swelling, it is recommended to drink tea from birch leaves. 2 teaspoons (with top) of birch leaves are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and left for 10 minutes, wrapped warmly. Tea should be drunk warm, drinking up to 3 glasses a day. After the swelling disappears, you can stop taking the tea.

3. For swelling of the hands and feet, grate peeled beets and potatoes, apply the pulp to the swollen areas, wrap in cellophane and tightly wrap the “compress” with a cotton cloth or terry towel. Keep for at least 20 minutes.

4. Pour 400 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dried and chopped bean leaves, leave for 1 hour hot, strain. Take 1/2 cup hot infusion orally 3-4 times a day, regardless of meals, for rheumatism and as a diuretic for renal edema.

5. Throughout the summer, horsetail can be harvested, but now is the most favorable time for this: at the beginning of July, the horsetail, as they say, has reached its standard size and juiciness. Traditional medicine recommends brewing crushed horsetail with boiling water and drinking it as tea (daily dose - 1 glass). At the same time, thin people are advised to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry herb per glass of boiling water, and for those whose weight exceeds 70 kg - 2 tbsp. spoons per 300 g of boiling water. This tea is useful for both the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases, bladder diseases, kidney stones, pulmonary tuberculosis, and edema of various etiologies. For hypertension, horsetail is recommended to be taken in a mixture with hawthorn.

6. Collect fresh birch leaves at the end of May or beginning of June and dry them so as to preserve their green color and aroma. Pour enough leaves into the bath so that the patient does not lie hard, strip the patient naked, put him in the bath and cover his body so that it is not difficult for him to breathe. The patient should remain in this position until he begins to feel numbness throughout the body, after which he can leave the bath. The procedure is accompanied by profuse sweating. If certain parts of the body are affected by dropsy (legs, stomach), then only these parts of the body are covered with birch leaves. In case of dropsy of cardiac origin, the patient should consult a doctor before taking a dry birch bath. This procedure is also very effective for rheumatic pain, joint pain and radiculitis.

7. Seven ways to prevent swelling

1. Try to reduce your fluid intake a couple of hours before bed to a few sips.
2. Eliminate salty foods.
3. Avoid feather pillows. It is possible that you are allergic to feathers or down.
4. Start the day with a cold water rinse. A more radical way is ice cubes. By lightly and carefully rubbing your face with them, you will exercise your skin and improve blood circulation.
5. Pat your eyelids with your fingertips. This can increase the outflow of fluid from the tissues around the eyes.
6. Make a lotion or, if time permits, a mask (see below).
7. Take a mild diuretic. Nowadays pharmacies have quite a lot of special fees. If you prefer pills, consult your doctor first.


How to get rid of swelling


Potato mask

Grate raw potatoes, squeeze lightly, place on a gauze napkin and apply to face for 10 minutes. Or use a cotton swab dipped in potato juice to apply a lotion under the eyes.

Pumpkin mask

Bring two tablespoons of finely chopped pumpkin in a small amount of water over low heat until smooth. Add 1/2 teaspoon honey, mix well. Place the resulting mass on gauze and apply to the face for 5 - 7 minutes.


Rose and rosehip lotions

Dry the plant petals and fill small gauze bags with them. When you need a compress, dip two bags in hot water for one or two minutes, and then, when slightly cooled, place them on your eyes. Rose or rose petals can be replaced with dill herb or parsley leaves.

Tea brewing

Warm bags are applied to the eyes for 15 minutes. Compresses made from tea leaves not only act on the bags, but also soothe the eyes. The tannin contained in tea smoothes the skin and reduces puffiness under the eyes.


Medicinal fee

Mix 1 teaspoon each of Adonis spring herb and motherwort, valerian root and calendula flowers. Add 1 dessert spoon each of corn silk and St. John's wort. Mix everything and let it brew in 1 liter of boiling water.

Take 1/2 cup with honey 4 - 5 times a day.

Parsley cocktail

Wash and finely chop 800 grams of parsley. Place in a saucepan, pour in a liter of fresh unpasteurized milk and place on low heat. You need to let the milk boil until half the original amount remains. Strain and take 1 dessert spoon of broth every 2 hours. The product helps when a regular diuretic no longer has much effect.

Salon treatments


Microinjections are used, which have a lymphatic drainage effect.

Lymphatic drainage

The circular massage alternates with deep pressure, which activates the lymph and rids the body of fluid and toxins.

Vacuum peeling

The upper layer of the epidermis “wears off,” which increases blood circulation and lymph flow, and as a result, the outflow of excess fluid.

Makeup artist secrets

To minimize the signs of swelling of the upper eyelids, apply dark shadows to them, advises Irina Shvets, from the eyebrows to the crease of the eyelid. Further to the border with the eyelashes - shades of a lighter color.

Tint the lower part of the eyelid with very light shades of shadow. And along the border of the eyelashes, draw a strip of darker shadows.


What tests should you take if you have swelling?

General and biochemical blood tests. They will show the amount of protein, glucose level, etc.

Urine analysis - for the presence of protein, sugar, red blood cells, white blood cells.

ECG and ECHO to find out if there is heart failure.

Doppler examination of blood vessels - check the veins for blood clots and inflammation.


Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues. It is believed that they manifest themselves externally when fluid retention in the body is more than 5 liters.

In heart patients, swelling first appears in the legs and lumbar region. If you have kidney problems, the eyelids, face and hands swell first.

At the beginning of the disease, swelling may not be visible to the naked eye. You need to look for them on the inside of the leg, near the protruding bone, and on the lower leg - on the front of the bone.

Edema often occurs in completely healthy people due to improperly selected diets or fasting.


For women over the age of 20, edema is not at all uncommon; the pathology is less common in men. In women of childbearing age, hormones play an important role in the functioning of the reproductive system; they regulate the functioning of the entire body as a whole.

With any disorders and hormonal imbalance in women, problems are reflected externally. One of these manifestations of disorders is hormonal edema. Very often it is confused with obesity due to changes in hormonal levels or failure.

It is important to know what the symptoms of the disorder are, how to determine the type of edema, how to deal with it to return to its previous appearance, as well as the general condition of the body. Sometimes medications for the treatment of other disorders, or taking contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, can cause an unwanted side effect, and it is better to be prepared for this.

What it is?

Edema is fluid retention in tissues, caused by unregulated removal of fluids from the circulatory system, especially from capillaries. The human body is designed so that fluid constantly circulates in the blood, coming there from the intestines, but it is also regularly renewed. If there is any disruption in the complex chain of fluid circulation, it stagnates in the tissue. This is not only aesthetically unattractive, but very dangerous to health.


There are many reasons for swelling of the legs in women, but they all lead to fluid retention due to the loss of protein from the capillary network. It is the protein that promotes capillary permeability and also binds to it at the molecular level. It also promotes fluid penetration through the fatty layer of blood vessels. The lack of protein leads to blockage in the capillaries of the lymphatic system, causing swelling.

There are many factors influencing capillary permeability, but the main one is hormonal levels. When the balance of hormones fails, it leads to changes in the structure of blood vessels and their patency. Thyroid dysfunction and disruption of the pituitary gland lead to disruption of the production of estrogen and progesterone, which activate an imbalance between other hormones.

Hormonal imbalance is a problem for women of childbearing age, as well as during menopause. Age-related changes are a normal phenomenon; with proper timely control of the onset and course of menopause, it does not cause side effects such as swelling. In young girls, hormonal imbalance has many causes, even poor nutrition and stressful situations can trigger hormonal imbalance.

Often, not only natural factors have a detrimental effect, but also attempts to deceive the natural structure of the body in women. Taking hormonal contraceptives with artificial analogues of hormones retains fluid in the tissues and provokes swelling of the face.

Taking contraceptives, on the one hand, regulates the imbalance, and on the other, contributes to the development of the disease. Any contraceptive should be selected by a specialist, and also decide how to deal with side effects. Negative action can only increase symptoms or cause failure.


Symptoms of swelling of the legs or face of a hormonal nature, like any other, depend on the location of the accumulation of fluid and its amount. Most often, stagnation of fluid in women affects the lower extremities, mainly the ankles and feet, and the fingers or hands swell. The general symptoms of swelling of the legs and face are no different.

In addition to the legs and arms, swelling of the face or lower part remains a common occurrence. Swelling of the diaphragm may not be externally noticeable, but it is acutely felt by respiratory failure or compression of internal organs. It can be localized in the area of ​​vital organs, and this is already dangerous for human life.

Edema can be determined not only visually, but also by palpation:

  • the affected area is compacted;
  • there is no pain when pressed;
  • There are no traces left when touched.

Common symptoms include:

  • decreased heart rate;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • weight gain;
  • constipation;
  • urinary retention;
  • tired legs


You can diagnose hormonal edema yourself, but you can find out the cause of its appearance and, therefore, decide on a treatment method only after consulting a doctor. Diagnosis requires a visual examination of the hands, feet, face and complete information about the symptoms.


To determine the presence of a lesion on the legs or face, you need to press on the area of ​​possible damage and release. After 5-10 seconds, you need to visually assess the place of pressure; if there is swelling, a hole or mark will remain at the place of contact.

Seeing a doctor

First of all, with the problem of swelling, they turn to a therapist, and during the examination, possible causes are excluded. If there is a hormonal imbalance, then further diagnosis is carried out by a highly specialized specialist. Only an endocrinologist and gynecologist will help you get rid of hormonal edema. And a cosmetologist helps them relieve facial swelling. To get a clearer picture, urine blood tests are prescribed to determine hormone levels.

Fighting methods

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause. If hormonal imbalance is confirmed, a regimen is selected that regulates the normal level of all vital hormones. Using synthetic substitutes, the level of certain indicators is adjusted.

From the aesthetic side, no measures are taken; they only make recommendations to improve the general condition.

It is recommended to eat protein-rich foods. Complex protein foods replenish capillary insufficiency and improve permeability, thereby helping to get rid of edema. To reduce fluid and remove it naturally, diuretics are used.

To prevent depletion and leaching of potassium when taking diuretics, medications with potassium salts and a diet rich in this microelement are additionally prescribed.

If the disease threatens the patient’s life, corticosteroid drugs are urgently used to alleviate the condition or get rid of dangerous swelling of soft tissues. If you are taking contraceptives, consult your doctor.

Still, the main emphasis is on adjusting the hormonal panel indicators, as well as eliminating the root cause. To eliminate hormone imbalance, replacement therapy and phytoestrogens are prescribed. You should give up contraceptives for a while or replace them with others until you can get rid of the problem.

In case of a history complicated by chronic diseases, homeopathic medicines on a natural basis are prescribed to get rid of complications in the functioning of other body systems. A properly selected diet is an important aspect when regulating hormonal levels.

Sometimes the body adapts to a new state and after normalization of hormonal levels, the body does not react to a possible failure or remains the same. The tissues do not allow fluid to pass through, and the swelling remains. In this case, you need to be patient; the rehabilitation process may drag on for a long period and you should not expect a quick improvement. It will be very difficult to get rid of the disease.

Swelling can be prevented if the cause of the failure is external factors:

  • you need to watch your diet;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • move more and play sports;
  • eat only healthy foods;
  • regularly visit a doctor and undergo preventive examinations;
  • The use of contraceptives should be accompanied by regular follow-up examinations.

If you have a hereditary predisposition, or if you have chronic diseases, you need to be more attentive to your health and consult a specialist at the first sign.

After suffering from diseases of a hormonal or any other nature, you need to remember that the disease can return; for the purpose of prevention, you need to regularly take tests and undergo a thorough examination.

The main thing is not to self-medicate, and also to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and you will be able to get rid of the problems.

Medicine defines edema as a pathological condition of the body, provoked by an imbalance of water-salt balance and fluid retention. Women most often experience facial swelling, which appears either under the eyes or in the jaw area. This condition cannot be called a disease, so many try to get rid of it at home, resorting to traditional medicine or cosmetology methods. Often such actions do not have the desired effect: this is due to the fact that swelling can be a symptom of some serious disease, and it is impossible to do without the intervention of professional medicine. Sometimes it is enough just to change your lifestyle a little, and swelling will no longer bother you for a long time. Cosmetics can also be effective, but before using them you need to accurately determine the cause and only then try to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon in the most suitable way.

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    There are many factors that provoke the appearance of swelling on the face. In general terms, three of them can be distinguished:

    • disease;
    • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
    • short-term stress for the body.

    In each case, swelling manifests itself differently. And to choose the right means of getting rid of an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to clearly determine the cause and subsequent actions: consult a doctor or carry out procedures at home.

    Do not forget that swelling of the face can be caused by the use of low-quality or non-natural cosmetics. Many skin care products contain dyes and fragrances, as well as more harmful parabens, animal fats and mineral oils. They not only negatively affect the condition of the epidermis, but can also accumulate in internal organs, causing their damage. To avoid this, dermatologists recommend using only completely natural cosmetics. This is produced by the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic, which is the leader in this market segment. The products manufactured by this company contain only natural ingredients. The official website mulsan.ru presents a wide range of cosmetic products that have certificates of conformity and are completely safe for your health.


    Facial swelling is often the first sign of kidney disease. Due to malfunctions of the excretory system, fluid stagnates in the body and manifests itself as soft, watery swellings that easily move under the skin when pressed. Puffiness appears all over the face, sometimes only on the eyelids, especially on the lower ones. In the case of such diseases, the skin acquires a yellow tint or a rapid increase in body weight is observed due to internal edema.

    Another cause may be diseases of the cardiovascular system. Such swelling is accompanied by a blue tint to the puffiness of the facial skin in general, shortness of breath, and enlarged liver.

    Swelling that spreads to the nose and eyes can be caused by respiratory problems or sinus infections. In the first case, you can get rid of the unpleasant condition after treating the disease. The second requires the removal of inflammation, which stops the flow of lymph.

    Endocrine disorders are characterized by stagnation of mucous tissue under the skin. Only hormonal drugs that stabilize the activity of the endocrine system will help.

    A swollen face can also occur due to the appearance of tumors - benign and malignant.

    Angioedema is an allergic reaction of the body, which is accompanied by redness and itching, hives, difficulty breathing, and sneezing. In this case, you should immediately take an antihistamine and get rid of the factor causing the allergy.

    You cannot do without the help of a doctor in the event of an acute manifestation of an allergy; it can cause Quincke's edema. If it affects the lower part of the face and neck, then there is a possibility of squeezing the throat and suffocation. This phenomenon occurs in complex forms of the disease or when exposed to a strong but short-term allergen, such as insect poison.

    Unhealthy Lifestyle

    The retention of salts in the body is caused by metabolic disorders, which are very common. Their cause is a sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable environmental situation, and consumption of fast food.

    Solve the problem by reducing the amount of salt you consume, especially in the afternoon. The liquid will easily leave the body without leaving any traces. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of canned, smoked and fried foods, and minimize spicy foods. The face also swells in those who have late dinners. You should also not drink at night, and to avoid thirst, you just need to avoid eating salty foods in the evening.

    People who are used to staying up late also experience unpleasant swelling. Any sleep disturbances and lack of normal rest are manifested by a slowdown in metabolism and, accordingly, disruptions in the water-salt balance. In youth, swelling may not appear after a sleepless night, but in old age, when the body is not able to recover quickly, signs of insomnia will be bags under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, and neck.

    Such swelling is often irregular and goes away quickly with a change in lifestyle. If this phenomenon is permanent, then it is worth thinking about the condition of the internal organs, which could be damaged due to improper nutrition. In this case, cosmetics and traditional medicine will no longer be able to help, so you should seek the help of a doctor.

    Short-term stress for the body

    These factors include:

    • overwork;
    • hard trip;
    • surgery;
    • bruise, blow, cut on the face;
    • alcohol consumption (more typical for men);
    • premenstrual period or menstruation itself;
    • pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
    • burns;
    • hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency.

    In these situations, swelling is not considered a symptom of a disease or lifestyle impact, but is only a short-term negative reaction of the body to stress. In some cases, with the removal of the factor that causes swelling of the face, the swelling itself soon disappears, but sometimes you have to resort to herbal preparations or use cosmetics.

    Edema in a child

    Swelling on the face occurs not only in adults, but also in children. In this case, you should pay special attention to the reasons for this phenomenon. The most common factor is crying, but if this is excluded, then you should either reconsider the child’s diet or contact a pediatrician, since facial swelling may indicate some kind of disease or developmental disorder: kidney or heart disease, allergies, mumps.

    The cause may also be teething; swelling is accompanied by restlessness and anxiety in the child. The same factors include incorrect body position during sleep, when the outflow of fluid is disrupted. But for any reason, treatment of facial swelling in a child should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation.


    The most suitable option for relieving swelling directly depends on its cause. The use of medicinal masks in case of hypertension will be useless; taking diuretics after lack of sleep can cause harm.

    It is important to choose the safest way, in which swelling on the face does not become a consequence of a disruption in the functioning of one of the body systems.

    In case of illness

    Prolonged swelling, which is accompanied by other symptoms described above, is most often a consequence of the disease and requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Any traditional methods to get rid of swelling will be useless, and the use of cosmetics that clog pores and further prevent the removal of fluid (foundation, powder) can be dangerous.

    But to reduce swelling or eliminate it for a while, you can use the following means:

    • diuretic (medicinal or herbal: decoction of bear ears, corn silk);
    • antihistamines, but only if the cause is an allergy;
    • gels that relieve swelling, but their use on the face is not recommended: most of these drugs are intended to relieve swelling from the legs, arms and other parts of the body.

    Before using any of these remedies, you should consult your doctor.

    With poor nutrition

    If the cause is not a disease, but an unhealthy diet, then it is imperative to reduce your salt intake to 3 g per day. For greater effect, it is recommended not to use it at all for several days. In the absence of other health problems, intense exercise, a sauna or bath will help, which promote the rapid removal of salts through the skin. It is important to follow these rules:

    • do not eat or drink a lot of liquids late in the evening;
    • drink about 2 liters of clean water daily (we are talking about clean water, even filtered water from the tap will not work);
    • reducing the amount of caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee);
    • giving up bad habits, alcohol;
    • sleep - at least 8 hours, in a comfortable bed with a low pillow;
    • two-time contrast shower;
    • avoiding stress.

    When exposed to other factors

    With short-term exposure to negative factors, swelling is also usually short-lived.

    Here it is already appropriate to use folk remedies to remove it.

    Overwork and lack of sleep

    Signs of overwork or lack of sleep can be removed by washing with cold water or applying ice cubes to the swollen areas of the skin.

    The best option is cubes of frozen decoctions of chamomile, rose petals, celandine or St. John's wort. A cold compress will also help: just wet a towel and apply it to your face for 5–10 minutes.

    Postoperative condition

    Swelling almost always appears as a consequence of surgery. It is most pronounced on the second or third day, after a week it decreases significantly, and after two it disappears completely. You can speed up the recovery process at home, but only with caution and under the supervision of the surgeon who performed the operation. To do this you need:

    • eliminate alcohol consumption;
    • reduce to a minimum the amount of salty, fatty, smoked and spicy foods in the diet;
    • do not take a hot bath or go to the sauna;
    • rest more, reduce the amount of physical activity, do not bend over often, which provokes an influx of fluid to the facial tissues, blink less often;
    • do not spend a lot of time at the computer or reading;
    • Apply cold compresses regularly and wash your face with cold water.

    If swelling continues on the face for more than two weeks, you should consult a surgeon.

    Blow, bruise, cut

    In this case, the integrity of tissues and capillaries is disrupted, so this reaction of the body is natural. Soon the swelling becomes blue and purple in color, then turns yellow, and after 10–14 days it completely disappears.

    The use of simple remedies immediately after the blow helps to significantly reduce its manifestation: apply something cold - ice, frozen food, a metal object - or medicinal (plantain leaf, cabbage leaf). Another folk remedy is bodyaga or a mixture of crushed analgin with iodine. Here it would be appropriate to use decongestant gels, which are easy to find in the pharmacy.

    Alcohol consumption

    After drinking alcoholic beverages in the morning, you may encounter not only swelling on your face, but also an unpleasant feeling. Usually, along with a hangover, swelling goes away. But if you urgently need to put yourself in order, then well-known express remedies will correct the situation: cold compresses, washing with ice water.

    Prudent people prepare ice cubes in the freezer in advance. They are then collected in a towel and applied to the face. Another option is frozen green or black tea bags. They must be placed on the eyes for 10-15 minutes. This product will not only relieve fluid stagnation, but also tones the skin well, making it look fresher and more alert.

    Menstrual cycle

    Often, immediately before menstruation, women noticeably gain weight, their lower abdomen, chest, face swell, their head and lower abdomen hurt, and their mood changes greatly. It is impossible to completely get rid of these unpleasant phenomena, because they are caused by short-term fluctuations in hormonal balance. But it is possible to make the external manifestations of premenstrual syndrome less noticeable.

    Before your period, you should give up junk food, black coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, and reduce or eliminate salt intake. Frequent walks or light exercise will help improve your well-being and appearance.

    Most often, women over 45 experience hormonal edema. In this case, the problem becomes a decrease in skin elasticity, which is why wrinkles may appear after swelling. The best option is to use a complex of cosmetics or seek help from a professional cosmetologist.


    The cause of facial swelling in women is the same as in the previous case - hormonal imbalance. To eliminate such phenomena, it is better not to overuse various decongestant masks, especially cosmetic ones. The most harmless way is a towel moistened with cold water, which is applied to the face, or washing with ice water, walking in the fresh air, yoga.

    If swelling does not go away for a long time and is very bothersome, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the most suitable diuretics that will relieve difficulties and will not harm the child.


    Swelling on the face also appears due to sunburn; it is easier to prevent them by using regular sunscreens.

    If it was not possible to protect yourself, then swelling will be accompanied by elevated body temperature, headache, dizziness, and weakness. Traditional remedies, such as compresses and washing, are the most suitable in such a situation. Under no circumstances should oil be applied to swollen areas.

    When sunstroke is too strong, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

    Removal of a tooth

    In most cases, swelling affects only one side of the face and appears on either the left or right side, depending on where the tooth was removed or surgery was performed. This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to gum damage and cannot be avoided. It is only recommended to apply a cold one to the problem area immediately after removal, and a few hours later - a warm and dry one.

    Such swelling should only cause concern when it is accompanied by severe pain, elevated body temperature and other signs of infection in the wound. You should immediately seek help from a specialist.

    Other means

    These include cosmetic masks. They have a more comprehensive effect and effectively relieve swelling if it is not caused by any disease, tone the skin and give the face a fresh and well-groomed appearance.

    There are a huge number of different masks from well-known brands, but it is much easier and more practical to prepare such a product at home from natural ingredients.

    Examples of such masks:

    • Cucumber. One cucumber must be pre-cooled, grated on a coarse grater and the resulting mass applied to the face. Remove after 10-15 minutes.
    • Sour cream. It is necessary to chop parsley or dill, add a teaspoon of the resulting raw material to 2 tablespoons of chilled sour cream, apply to the face, rinse off after 10-15 minutes, rinse the skin with cold water.
    • Parsley root mask. Grind one small parsley root using a blender or meat grinder, mix with a small amount of strong black or green tea. Apply this paste to the skin of the face, keep for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
    • Buckwheat. A small amount of buckwheat is ground in a coffee grinder, wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in a small amount of boiling water. Leave the bag for a couple of minutes, remove and cool. Apply to problem areas.
    • Tea room. Brew strong black or green tea. Cool. Dip gauze into the liquid and apply to face. Keep for 10-15 minutes. No less effective are decoctions and infusions of sage, chamomile, and birch buds.
    • Essential oil mask. For the base, you need to take a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Add two drops of rosemary, juniper and geranium essential oils. Use the resulting mixture to gently massage problem areas on the face. Remove residues with a cotton swab or napkin.
    • Pumpkin. Boil 50 g of fresh pumpkin, mash, add half a teaspoon of honey. Apply to face, keep for 15-20 minutes.
    • Potato. The most effective option. Boil one potato, mash with a fork along with the peel, let cool slightly. When warm, apply to face. Leave for 10-15 minutes, wash with cool water.

    Depending on the cause of swelling on the face, you need to choose the right method to eliminate this problem. A suitable remedy will quickly relieve swelling. Next, you just need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and maintain emotional balance. If swelling is prolonged and severe, you should not neglect the help of a doctor.

Edema(edema) is an excessive accumulation of fluid in organs, tissues and cells. Most often, edema refers to swelling of the subcutaneous tissue - the so-called edema of the skin. They can be located on different areas of the body, have different sizes and are accompanied by additional symptoms.

Depending on the cause, the following types of edema are distinguished:
  • hydrostatic - develop due to the fact that the outflow of blood from organs is difficult due to weakness of the heart muscle, the presence of various obstacles to blood flow;
  • hypoproteinemic, in which, due to the fact that the amount of protein in the blood is reduced, fluid enters the tissues in the direction of increasing osmotic pressure;
  • membrane-genic, in which there is a violation of the integrity of the wall of blood vessels, as a result of which fluid freely leaves them;
  • neurogenic - as a result of the fact that the nervous system inadequately controls vascular function;
  • inflammatory process - swelling is always an integral part of inflammation of an infectious or allergic nature.
There are a huge number of diseases that can cause edema.

When is swelling normal?

Small swelling of the legs in the evenings may well be normal. However, this does not mean that in such a situation you can do nothing. It is best to visit a therapist and undergo an examination, take measures aimed at preventing varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Sometimes swelling on the face in the morning is a consequence of drinking too much liquid at night. You just need to limit the amount of water you consume, especially before bed. You can also limit the amount of salt in your diet. If swelling still persists, you should visit a therapist or nephrologist.

Almost all pregnant women have minor concerns swelling in the legs during pregnancy. Most often there is nothing wrong with this. However, it is recommended to visit a doctor at the antenatal clinic in order not to miss such a condition as gestosis in pregnant women.

Every person is familiar with blisters and small swelling that occur at sites of action of allergens: upon contact with nettles, after a mosquito bite, etc. These local swellings most often do not pose any danger and go away on their own soon after contact with the allergen ceases. But sometimes they are huge and require medical intervention. Such cases will be discussed below.

Heart diseases

Edema can be caused by any heart disease that is accompanied by heart failure, a condition characterized by the inability of the heart to normally, fully perform its pumping functions.

Pathologies accompanied by swelling include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased pressure in the vessels of the lungs during lung diseases;
  • heart valve defects, congenital or caused by previous diseases (rheumatism, syphilis, etc.);
  • angina pectoris – insufficient blood supply to the heart, which is often accompanied by disruption of its normal functioning;
  • myocarditis - an inflammatory process in the heart muscle;
  • cardiomyopathy – heart damage caused by metabolic disorders;
  • arrhythmias - when the normal rhythm of the heart is disturbed, its contractions, even if they are of sufficient force, are incorrect and do not provide normal blood flow.
Edema caused by heart disease (often called cardiac edema) has some characteristics. The further a part of the body is from the heart, the more difficult it is for the heart muscle to push blood through it. Therefore, swelling most often occurs in remote places. As a rule, the legs swell. Blood stagnates in the vessels of the lower extremities, which the heart is unable to lift upward due to the action of gravity.

Usually, with heart disease, swelling in the legs occurs in the evenings, since during the day a person is mainly in an upright position - therefore, the load on the heart gradually increases.

Cardiac edema on the legs is cold to the touch, the skin over them has a bluish tint. Sometimes this may be accompanied by pain in the legs, tingling, numbness, and other unpleasant sensations.

By the severity of swelling of the lower extremities, one can judge the severity of heart failure. In mild cases, only the feet become swollen. In more severe situations, swelling can reach the thigh, abdomen and spread higher.

The final diagnosis is usually made at an appointment with a therapist or pulmonologist. To do this, an examination is carried out: the doctor prescribes x-rays and computed tomography of the chest, and heart tests. Spirography may be prescribed - a study during which breathing parameters are assessed.
If an oncological process or infection is suspected, sputum tests are performed.

Treatment is also determined by the nature of the disease. Diuretics can be prescribed as a symptomatic remedy, but they are taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

Kidney diseases

Various kidney pathologies are also often the cause of skin swelling. But renal edema is very different from cardiac edema. Firstly, they have a completely different mechanism of occurrence:
  • in case of renal pathologies, the body often loses a large amount of protein along with urine, so fluid rushes from the bloodstream into organs and tissues;
  • Often salt is also retained, followed by water - the body becomes oversaturated with liquid.
Swelling due to kidney disease is most often located on the face. Moreover, they most often occur not in the evening, like cardiac ones, but in the morning. This is quite understandable: after all, during the night, most often, there is no urination, and all the liquid drunk before bed remains in the body. The skin over the swelling is pale. The fact is that the kidneys produce substances that can activate hematopoiesis. With these diseases, this process is disrupted, and the patient develops anemia.

With kidney disease and swelling on the face, symptoms such as a very small or, on the contrary, a very large amount of urine, increased blood pressure, pain in the lumbar region, increased body temperature, weakness, fatigue, changes in the color and smell of urine can be observed.

The most common kidney diseases that can lead to edema are:

  • pyelonephritis - inflammatory damage to the renal pelvis;
  • glomerulonephritis - inflammatory damage to the tissue of the kidneys themselves;
  • Kidney amyloidosis is a disease resulting from metabolic disorders;
  • kidney tumors;
  • kidney injury;
  • atherosclerosis of the renal arteries.
Swelling on the face caused by kidney disease is dealt with by specialists such as a therapist, urologist, and nephrologist.

Examination to determine the causes of renal edema includes:

  • X-ray and ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • if necessary - computed tomography, MRI, scintigraphy (radioisotope scanning);
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • urine tests: general, microflora cultures, Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky, Addis-Kakovsky, Amburge, etc. test;
  • X-ray contrast studies: intravenous excretory urography, voiding cystography, etc.;
  • If necessary, a kidney biopsy is performed: a piece of the organ is taken through a needle for examination under a microscope.
Treatment of renal edema involves treating the specific disease. Some patients independently use various diuretics for these purposes. This is a big mistake. Sometimes these drugs can further worsen the pathology.

Liver diseases

The causes of edema in liver diseases are as follows:
1. The liver is the organ in which most of the proteins in the human body are formed. Moreover, for the most part these are blood proteins. If this process is disrupted, the fluid is no longer retained in the bloodstream and enters the tissues and organs.
2. The liver receives the portal vein, through which blood is drained from almost the entire intestine. If this process is disrupted (and in severe diseases of the organ this is what happens), then there is stagnation of blood in the entire lower half of the body.

Edema is mainly characteristic of severe liver pathologies, such as chronic hepatitis (viral hepatitis C often occurs in a chronic form), cirrhosis, and tumors.
Other symptoms are also observed:

  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes, which can be expressed to varying degrees;
  • swelling is localized mainly in the abdominal area, often fluid accumulates directly in the abdominal cavity;
  • digestive disorders: constipation, diarrhea, bloating;
  • general weakness, fatigue, exhaustion;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hepatic encephalopathy – impairment of memory, attention, thinking, orientation in space and time;
  • in especially severe cases, the patient may fall into a so-called hepatic coma.
The diagnosis is made by a physician, gastroenterologist or hepatologist. Studies such as ultrasound, computed tomography, MRI, liver scintigraphy, general and biochemical blood tests, and blood tests for the presence of viruses that cause the disease are carried out.

After this, treatment begins. As a rule, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, choleretic agents, and medications that improve the condition of liver cells are prescribed. For tumor diseases, surgical treatment, antitumor drugs, and radiation therapy are prescribed. The treatment complex can only be prescribed by a professional doctor.

Edema of allergic origin

Subcutaneous edema, which is of allergic origin, is known in medicine as Quincke's edema.

Quincke's edema is a pathological condition that is a response to contact with an allergen. Most often it is localized on the face, and is characterized by a general increase in it or an increase in one part of it (swelling of the eyelids, lips, cheeks). This location is not accidental, since it is under the skin of the face that the most loose adipose tissue is located.
Sometimes when in contact with an allergen, limbs or other parts of the body may swell.

Quincke's edema differs from renal edema of the face in the following features:
1. With renal edema, the skin of the face is pale, and with Quincke's edema it has a reddish tint;
2. Renal edema occurs mainly in the morning, and Quincke's edema occurs with direct contact with allergens.

Also, Quincke's edema may be accompanied by additional symptoms such as itchy skin, urticaria, lacrimation, and runny nose. All this is also a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Typically, Quincke's edema lasts for several hours and then disappears on its own without a trace. If it is not very pronounced and is not accompanied by a violation of the patient’s general condition, medical attention is not required. It is enough to take a tablet of suprastin or another antiallergic drug. If Quincke's edema is severe, you need to call an ambulance.

For angioedema, specific allergy tests are used to identify the allergen. The main treatment is to avoid contact with allergens and use antiallergic medications.

Some people experience a hereditary form of the disease called angioedema, which is associated with insufficient production of certain substances in the body. In this case, swelling of the face and larynx is provoked not by the action of allergens, but by various injuries and stress. Angioedema is treated according to different principles than Quincke's edema. It is diagnosed and treated by therapists, allergists, and other specialists.

Quincke's edema can be located not only under the skin, but also in internal organs. For example, laryngeal edema often occurs, especially in childhood. It often occurs at night, when the body produces a small amount of glucocorticoids, hormones that suppress inflammatory and allergic reactions. Laryngeal edema is a condition accompanied by suffocation and can be life-threatening for the patient. At the first sign of it, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Scrotal swelling in men with various diseases

Scrotal swelling is a symptom that can occur in a number of male diseases:
  • Varicocele is a varicose dilation of the venous plexus of the testicle. Most often found on the left. It can manifest itself for a long time only by an increase in the size of the corresponding half of the scrotum. Then pain occurs, and over time, male infertility may develop.
  • Hydrocele, or hydrocele of the testicle. This is a congenital disease characterized by the accumulation of fluid in one half of the scrotum. It is increased in size and, as a rule, no other symptoms are noted. Over time, testicular swelling can reach very large sizes. The disease is diagnosed by a surgeon and treated surgically.
  • Inflammatory disease of the testicle - orchitis. Can be one-sided or two-sided. Accompanied by redness and swelling of the corresponding half of the scrotum, pain, and increased body temperature. Moisture can be caused by various infections and is usually an acute condition that requires urgent medical attention. Diagnosis and treatment of orchitis is carried out by urologists and pediatric surgeons.
  • Incarceration of the inguinal-scrotal hernia. This condition occurs in patients who have had a scrotal hernia for a long time. When it is pinched, there is severe pain, swelling and redness of the corresponding half of the scrotum, and an increase in body temperature. If medical assistance is not provided in time, the hernial sac may become dead, and peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal cavity) and orchitis (inflammation of the testicle) will develop. Such a patient should be immediately taken to a surgical hospital.
  • Torsion of Morgagni's hydatid. Hydatid Morgagni is a small formation that does not have any significant function; it remains as a result of embryonic development, and is a small outgrowth on the testicle. The hydatid of Morgagni can twist, and then its blood circulation is disrupted and it becomes dead. Swelling of the scrotum occurs, and the symptoms are the same as with a strangulated inguinal hernia. Sometimes the doctor can only accurately say during surgery whether there is torsion of the hydatid Morgagni or strangulation of the inguinal hernia. A patient suspected of having this condition should be immediately taken to the hospital and undergo surgery.

Traumatic edema

Swelling of the leg, face or other part of the body is a characteristic symptom that accompanies any type of injury:

1. Bruise. With this injury, only soft tissue is affected. Typically, a bruise occurs due to a blow to some area of ​​the body with a blunt object. Swelling, pain, and subcutaneous hematoma (bruise) occur at the site of injury.
2. Sprains and tears of ligaments and muscles. They are accompanied by severe pain, and subsequently movement at the site of injury is severely limited due to pain. There is swelling and hematoma.
3. Dislocations. This is a more severe injury, so swelling and other symptoms (pain, loss of movement) are more pronounced. Deformation of the joint in which the dislocation occurred is noted. In this case, movement is impossible not only because of pain, but also because the articular surfaces have lost contact with each other.
4. Bone fractures. Accompanied by severe pain, swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhages, and deformation of the limb.
5. Hemarthrosis. A type of injury in which hemorrhage occurs into the joint cavity. Most often, hemarthrosis of the knee joint occurs. In this case, there is swelling in the joint area, and movements in it are limited.

It is not always possible to tell immediately after examination what type of injury is occurring. Even an experienced doctor cannot always be sure whether a fracture or an ordinary bruise occurs in a given case. The diagnosis is established after radiography. Hemarthrosis is diagnosed after arthroscopy is performed - examination of the joint cavity using an endoscopic instrument with a miniature video camera inserted into it through a puncture.

Treatment is prescribed based on the nature of the injury.

Swelling due to joint diseases - arthritis

Arthritis is a large group of inflammatory diseases in which joint pain and swelling in the area of ​​certain joints are noted.

The most common types of arthritis are:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis. It is one of the characteristic manifestations of rheumatism. In this case, swelling in the legs and arms is most often located in the area of ​​large joints. Along with the swelling, pain and some difficulty in movement are noted. The skin over the joint is hot to the touch and there is redness. Rheumatism is characterized by the short duration of all symptoms that arise. The joints are affected either on the right or on the left, swelling and pain quickly disappear, but after some time they arise again, now in a different place. Such swelling, if caused by rheumatism, most often occurs 2 to 4 weeks after a sore throat.
  • Reactive arthritis. A disease whose origins are still little known. With reactive arthritis, joints are affected, most often the knees, eyes, and genitourinary system. Body temperature rises, a person’s well-being worsens, swelling and pain appear in the joint area. Conjunctivitis develops: redness of the eyeballs, lacrimation, itching in the eyes. At the same time, discharge and other symptoms associated with the genitals may occur.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. A disease that is of an autoimmune nature and is accompanied mainly by damage to the small joints of the hands and feet. There is pain, swelling and stiffness in these joints in the morning.
  • Infectious arthritis is caused directly by infection in the joint cavity. This can occur during an injury, with the flow of blood or lymph from another chronic source of inflammation in the body. In this case, only three symptoms are characteristic: swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint, pain and increased body temperature. Infectious arthritis can affect almost any joint. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor must exclude other types of arthritis, for which an examination is performed.
  • Gouty arthritis. Accompanied by swelling of the joints and severe pain. The pain syndrome is so severe that it causes real suffering to the patient. The pain increases significantly with any touch, including contact with underwear. After a few days, the pain completely goes away on its own. Most often, swelling and pain are located in the area of ​​the thumb - this localization is most typical.
The diagnosis and treatment of arthritis is carried out by specialists such as surgeons, orthopedists, infectious disease specialists, rheumatologists, and therapists. Often, to establish a diagnosis, studies such as radiography, ultrasound of the joint, general and biochemical blood tests, immunological and microbiological studies, and joint puncture are used.

Treatment depends on the specific type of arthritis. Antibacterial drugs (antibiotics), anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, etc. can be used.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases

When pathogenic microorganisms invade the human body, an inflammatory process always develops, which is accompanied by symptoms such as swelling, redness, pain, and fever. Swelling of different areas of the body is very common in various purulent-inflammatory diseases.

Here are the main, most common pathologies accompanied by edema:

  • Erysipelas of the skin. It is a consequence of the introduction of streptococci into the skin. They cause an inflammatory process characterized by the appearance of red spots with clear boundaries. There is always swelling in this place, the skin is hotter to the touch. The general condition of the patient is often disturbed, there is an increase in body temperature, general weakness, and malaise.
  • Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the subcutaneous lymph node. Very often, the submandibular lymph nodes become inflamed due to dental diseases and inflammation of the tonsils (with sore throat). They can cause swelling in the neck. If the affected lymph node is large enough, you can even palpate it yourself.
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