Eye problems due to cervical osteochondrosis. Symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome. What is dizziness like?

Eye pain is an unpleasant symptom that can occur due to various reasons or as a complication of many diseases. Regardless of the causes of pain, you need to seek help in time and begin treatment, since eye diseases can lead to blindness. And one of the reasons why the eyeball may be affected is cervical osteochondrosis.

Eyes with osteochondrosis hurt, usually due to compression vertebral artery. Also one of the reasons for the appearance of this symptom can be called poor blood supply brain cells. Doctors sometimes call this course of the disease cervical migraine. The nature of its manifestation resembles headaches. At first it is aching, but over time it gets worse, and when you close your eyes it pulsates.

Why are the eyes affected by osteochondrosis?

Usually, discomfort with osteochondrosis, they begin behind the eyes, sometimes a person develops regional pressure. Often they are localized in only one part of the head. But if a relapse occurs, both eyes will begin to hurt at once. With cervical osteochondrosis, ischemia of the visual cortex occurs, due to which double vision, flickering, floaters, lightning and black dots may appear. Some of them occur due to a decrease in the capacity of the neck vessels due to mechanical pressure.

Often with cervical osteochondrosis, such serious illnesses- cataracts and glaucoma, in which the eyes may water. And if they are not treated in time, they may develop serious complications which can only be prevented by surgery.

Eye symptoms in osteochondrosis

As a rule, doctors have identified several types of osteochondrosis, one of which is cervical. Exactly this unpleasant disease, which can affect other human organs. It can develop in people of different ages: from children to adults.

If we talk about such a symptom of cervical osteochondrosis as pain in the eye area, then it can occur in different ways. Signs of damage to the eyeballs include the following:

  • darkening;
  • anisocoria;
  • bags and swelling under the eyes;
  • flicker;
  • double vision;
  • sharp outbursts;
  • Red eyes;
  • blurred vision;
  • appearance of colored spots.

Against the background of all these symptoms, tearing may develop. Also, with cervical osteochondrosis, bags often appear in the eyelid area.

One of the symptoms of eye damage with cervical osteochondrosis is the appearance of floaters, swelling, lightning or flickering, which can be in the following types:

  • circles of different sizes;
  • threads with rings inside;
  • spots and clots;
  • twigs consisting of individual threads;
  • sparks, different sizes;
  • dots;
  • clouds, flakes.

There are similar images different color: white, black, red. But most often they are transparent. But, as a rule, these manifestations appear in elderly people or with myopia, and the eyes may water.

Anyone should know that eye pain with cervical osteochondrosis appears only along with headaches. If it occurs on its own, you need to consult a doctor to understand the reasons for its occurrence. This is especially important during exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

There are several types of diplopia:

  • Vertical. Images appear on different levels. If you don't pay attention to this, the difference between the sizes will be huge. Anisocoria may also appear, in which there is different size pupils.
  • Horizontal. The contours become unclear, blurred, double vision is often observed, and sparks of bright colors can be observed.
  • Diagonal. The image is blurred in diagonal projection, there may be doubling or tripling of the image.

Treatment of eyes with osteochondrosis

As a rule, visual impairment is observed if osteochondrosis is not treated. But sometimes they are one of the first symptoms of the disease. As you know, the visual analyzer, which is located in the back of the head, is responsible for visual acuity. In order to begin treatment, the patient must contact a neurologist and ophthalmologist.

The main measures for the treatment of diplopia with osteochondrosis are the following:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • gymnastics;
  • taking medications.

At proper treatment You will be able to overcome the symptoms of diplopia and prevent pain, and your vision will gradually improve. First, swelling and bags will disappear, then double vision, floaters and red spots before the eyes will disappear. The most important thing is to normalize blood pressure and improve blood circulation. Sometimes all the treatment methods mentioned above can be carried out at home, after consulting a doctor.

As statistics show, osteochondrosis most often appears in office workers, and therefore during treatment you need to pay attention great attention rest. When working at a computer or with documents, you need to change your position more often and take breaks after any symptom of illness. It is always necessary to prevent osteochondrosis of any kind. The simplest preventive measures can be called turns and tilts of the head forward.

You should not self-medicate for osteochondrosis; even before performing a massage, you should consult a specialist. Only a doctor knows how to perform the exercises correctly. If they are observed severe pain, then you should not do any exercises so as not to aggravate your condition.

Eye exercises for osteochondrosis

Doctors have identified several methods for treating ophthalmological symptoms in cervical osteochondrosis. One of these is a set of exercises aimed at different effects. In order to improve vision, it is recommended to carry out the following gymnastic exercises:

  • Lead your eyes to different sides(up-down, right-left).
  • Blink as often as possible.
  • Perform circular movements (clockwise and counterclockwise).
  • Go to the window and do exercise 1.
  • Place your finger on the bridge of your nose and look at it.

By regularly implementing these measures, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms. If it cuts in front of your eyes, these exercises will not help, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

These exercises should be performed at least 5-6 times throughout the day, for 10-15 seconds. It is recommended to take a break of at least 5 seconds between each of them. To reduce eye strain and strengthen muscles with cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to do the following set of exercises:

  • Close your eyes and mentally count to five. Open your eyes sharply and count to five again. You should perform this exercise at least 3 times.
  • Make slow circular movements. First they repeat the clockwise movement, and then they are opposite to it. After three seconds, a repeat is required, and then after another 3 seconds, the last one.
  • Blink quickly and mentally count to 10. After you count to 10, you need to close your eyes sharply, and after a few seconds open your eyes. Repeat the exercise at least 3 times.

Ocular symptoms in cervical osteochondrosis require immediate treatment and specialist supervision. After the first symptoms appear, you need to contact a medical facility.

If you do not treat the disease and ignore the symptoms, the progression of the disease is inevitable. Osteochondrosis is associated with pain. Failing vision is rarely associated with neck problems.

Organs depend on the spinal cord

Osteochondrosis affects vision. Significant function pillar - protection. For this purpose nature provides spinal canal, formed by the bodies and arches of the vertebrae. Their processes hold muscles and ligaments.

Protection is considered to be the ability of the spine to absorb shock, for example, spinal cord does not receive shocks when falling. This role is played by intervertebral discs, which lighten the load.

Defense is centered around the spinal cord for a reason: one of the organs of the central nervous system (CNS). The immediate guardians of the spinal cord are the vertebral arches and processes. Through their holes the roots spinal nerves, blood vessels are connected to the spinal cord.

Veins and arteries deliver oxygen and nutrients to the spine and central nervous system. Nerves connect the spinal cord internal organs, muscles - through nerve impulses. The spinal cord gives commands to the action (inaction) of the body. Therefore, osteochondrosis affects vision.

Problems with the healthy functioning of the body include displacement and herniated discs, which have two negative effects:

  1. The blood flow of the vertebral arteries is disrupted: it develops vascular insufficiency, cerebral circulation is impaired.
  2. Irritated, squeezed nerve roots, the connection between organs and the nervous system is disrupted.

Unstable vertebrae threaten the eyes

Not only the effect of cervical osteochondrosis on vision is negative. Similar pathology causes dizziness, pressure surges, nausea, and fatigue. To clarify the diagnosis, the patient undergoes an examination under the supervision of a doctor, determining that the symptoms are a consequence brain disorders, which caused osteochondrosis. Due to the fact that insufficient blood flow does not supply the brain stem with blood. the main role in the system belongs to the vertebral artery.

Often, cervical osteochondrosis occurs due to the fact that a person sits in one position for a long time: computer workers, drivers. Bone grows on the side of the vertebrae, disrupting the functioning of muscles and ligaments. Affects the functioning of the spinal cord.

The eyes have nerves called optic nerves. Nerve impulses that come from the retina transmit impulses to the visual center, providing vision. The center is located in the occipital lobe of the brain. The eyes are connected to the central nervous system through the optic nerves. If she is healthy, her vision is good. Pathology in the central nervous system affects the health of the optic nerves. This is how visual impairment occurs with cervical osteochondrosis.

When the cervical spine loses stability, the vertebrae shift when tilted, the neck muscles reflexively tense, and blood flow in the spinal arteries is disrupted. It feeds the nerves that control movement eyeball. One disorder leads to another - the eye muscles experience spasm, which impairs the ability to focus (accommodate).

The eyeball takes on a pathological elongated shape. When work requires leaning close to an object, it stretches and the person becomes myopic. There are methods for restoring accommodation. However, without eliminating the cause of the disease, vision loss with cervical osteochondrosis will continue.

Unstable vertebrae threaten vision

Pathology cervical region often observed in middle-aged people. The discs are subject to severe degeneration, and the nerve roots are compressed. It is no coincidence that people's vision declines rapidly from the age of 40. Blood circulation is impaired in the occipital lobes - the location of the visual center. Here are examples of how osteochondrosis affects vision:

  • Cataract. The problem begins with white dots in front of the eyes, as if “spots” are flashing. The lens tissue is covered with grayish-white opacities, which gradually “take away” vision, affecting the entire lens.
  • Glaucoma. May cause vision loss. Doctors note this in many patients with cervical osteochondrosis. Intraocular pressure may increase in one or both eyes. These lead to glaucoma.
  • Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome. Sympathetic pathways in the peripheral area and the visual center are affected. The pupils narrow (miosis), the palpebral fissure. The eyeball may become sunken (enophthalmos). In young people, the iris may lose color.
  • Retinal degeneration. Leads to loss of peripheral (side) vision. Sometimes the patient cannot navigate in a poorly lit room or on the evening street. Visual acuity is lost slightly, but leads to blindness.

When blood flow disturbances become chronic, headaches, dizziness, heart pain, hearing loss, ringing, tinnitus occur, check your vision.

Patients complain of pain in the eyes. Sensory receptors are located in the eye. Thanks to them, the reaction to irritants helps the eyes avoid damage. Osteochondrosis causes severe sharp pain, hemorrhage, inflammation. The optic nerve is deprived of nutrients.

Diagnoses vascular lesions eye ophthalmodynamometry: pressure is measured in central artery retina of the eye. Osteochondrosis leads to increased The doctor will order an x-ray, which will reveal pathological changes in the cervical region. Treatment of eye diseases involves treatment of osteochondrosis. Do massage, physiotherapy, conduct active image life, fulfill therapeutic exercises. The doctor will prescribe special diet to improve vision, drip eye drops.

To prevent osteochondrosis from affecting your vision, follow simple rules. You have to sit with your head down for a long time, Take breaks every 20 minutes. Sit up straight at the computer. The back of the chair is level with the shoulders. The distance from the eyes to the book is from 30 to 35 cm. Osteochondrosis does not like low pillows or hard beds.

The article was written for general educational development. To establish accurate diagnosis and prescribing treatment, ALWAYS consult a doctor

Osteochondrosis is a very common disease of the spine, which entails many complications. The entire range of disorders associated with osteochondrosis is not fatal, but can significantly reduce the quality of life. The most difficult in terms of complications is cervical osteochondrosis.

Among many complaints, such as neck pain, impaired mobility, dizziness and head pain, visual impairment is often observed with cervical osteochondrosis.

Many patients wonder whether osteochondrosis affects vision or whether these diseases are not related. Doctors' answer: connected!

How are visual impairments related to osteochondrosis?

The vertebral arteries that supply the brain pass through the cervical spine. Due to degeneration cartilage tissue intervertebral discs compression of these arteries occurs and nerve fibers. That is, in case of violation cerebral circulation various parts of the brain responsible for certain functions of the body suffer, and when the nerve roots are irritated, conductivity decreases nerve impulses, pain syndrome develops.

Decreased vision due to osteochondrosis

When the cervical vertebrae are compressed, the structures that suffer first are medulla oblongata, responsible for the respiratory and cardiac centers. But, as is known, in occipital region The visual analyzer is also located. It is with hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of this analyzer that vision loss can occur in cervical osteochondrosis.

Vertebral artery syndrome is very often observed, which leads not only to dizziness and weakness, but also to visual impairment in cervical osteochondrosis. The patient complains of:

  • flickering "flies"
  • periodic darkening of the eyes,
  • the appearance of colored spots,
  • fog before the eyes,
  • double vision and other focusing disorders,
  • decrease in field of view,
  • decreased visual acuity,
  • a feeling of tension and sometimes pain in the eyes.

Clinical manifestations

Most people don't give special significance dizziness and periodic darkening of the eyes. However, such a seemingly everyday and banal ailment can hide major changes at work visual analyzer.

The patient himself may notice, and the ophthalmologist will confirm, visible changes in appearance and the work of the eye:

  • dilation of the pupils and their sluggish reaction to light;
  • slight protrusion of the eyeball (exophthalmos);
  • change in eye shape;
  • restriction of eye movement;
  • sudden horizontal twitching of the eyeball (nystagmus);
  • narrowing of the field of view;
  • double vision (diplopia);
  • decreased visual acuity.

At clinical diagnostics an increase is often detected intraocular pressure, retinal degeneration due to narrowing and sclerosis of its arteries, edema optic nerve.

Forecast of vision status in cervical osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis can stop vision deterioration

Of course, there are different stages of osteochondrosis, and no one can predict at what speed this disease will progress in everyone individual patient. However, the lack of treatment for osteochondrosis can lead to serious violations vision and even blindness.

  1. Due to spasm eye muscles there is a violation of the focusing ability of the eye (accommodation). That is, the patient is not always able to immediately focus on a specific object, and sometimes the muscles of the lens voluntarily relax, “blurring” the entire surrounding picture. Without treatment, this process can worsen to atrophy of the lens muscles, when visual organ is no longer able to “sharpen” on his own.
  2. There is a risk of developing myopia. For example, if a person constantly leans too close to the object he is working with, functional myopia is formed. The lens gets used to the position in which nearby objects are best seen. Over time, the ability to quickly contract and stretch to focus on near and far objects is lost, and functional myopia becomes organic.
  3. Increased intraocular pressure very often leads to the development of glaucoma. And glaucoma without treatment is almost always total loss vision.

If you complain of visual impairment and are aware of your osteochondrosis, inform your ophthalmologist about your diagnosis, since Negative influence cervical osteochondrosis on vision is a proven fact. Thus, less time will be spent diagnosing the causes of your eye ailment, treatment will begin earlier, and there will be a greater chance of recovery.

Prevention of visual impairment in osteochondrosis

A patient diagnosed with osteochondrosis always has a risk of visual impairment. Typically, measures aimed at treating osteochondrosis also prevent vision deterioration. For improvement cerebral blood supply and regeneration of cartilage tissue are prescribed:

  • massage of the collar area;
  • electrophoresis;
  • exercise therapy course;
  • vitamin therapy (with an emphasis on B vitamins);
  • V difficult cases– drug treatment.

In the case of already manifested visual impairment due to osteochondrosis, in addition to treatment of the underlying disease, symptomatic treatment visual analyzer.

To protect yourself from the occurrence of cervical osteochondrosis:

  1. stop smoking;
  2. fill your diet with vitamins;
  3. strengthen the muscle corset;
  4. do not keep your head in one position for more than half an hour;
  5. Stretch your neck (gentle bends, turns, rotations) for 10 seconds.

A healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of many diseases, including osteochondrosis.

Visual impairment with cervical osteochondrosis.

A decrease in visual acuity occurs by 2 or the development of pathology. At these stages, destructive-degenerative changes affect a significant part of the cartilage intervertebral disc. The vertebral bodies, ligaments, muscles and blood vessels were subject to deformation. The pathology process also involved nervous system, which negatively affected the processing of signals coming from the sensory organs to the brain. In addition to decreased visual acuity, patients complain of colored spots and “floaters” flashing before their eyes.

Diagnosis by X-ray.

It is possible to eliminate all neurogenic symptoms only by treating the condition that provoked its deterioration - cervical osteochondrosis. Vertebrologists prescribe drugs to patients to accelerate blood circulation and regenerate damaged nerve structures, normalization of innervation (transmission of nerve impulses). There are also preventive actions: , regular exercises and gymnastics.

Why do vision problems occur?

Deterioration of vision due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is not detected in every patient. Much depends on the lifestyle the patient leads, the stage of the pathology, and the number of complications that have developed. Most neurogenic symptoms of degenerative-dystrophic pathology arise due to compression of sensitive vertebral structures by displaced vertebral structures. nerve endings.

The mechanism of visual impairment is different. There are no localized lesions in the cervical spine nerve plexuses, the infringement of which would provoke specific clinical manifestations. Almost all visual disorders arise as a result of circulatory problems in the vertebral arteries. They are caused by slowly occurring and interconnected pathological processes:

  • disruption of the trophism of cartilage tissue leads to deformation of the intervertebral discs, loss of strength, elasticity, firmness and, as a consequence, shock-absorbing properties;
  • to stabilize the damaged vertebral segment, the edges of the bone plates grow and thin, forming;

  • bone growths put pressure on sensitive nerve endings, muscles, large and small blood vessels;
  • as a result of deformation of all vertebral structures, the diameter of the channel in which the arteries supplying oxygen and nutrients posterior sections brain.

These areas contain the visual centers. Deterioration of trophism provokes a decrease in their functional activity. On initial stage insufficiency of blood flow is compensated by increasing the lumen blood vessels, adaptation to the condition oxygen starvation. Subsequently, this mechanism does not work, and vision with cervical osteochondrosis begins to deteriorate.

Variants of visual disorders

The doctor may suspect that vision loss is due to cervical osteochondrosis during the initial examination of the patient and listening to his complaints. This indicates concomitant pathology 2 or 3 degrees of symptom severity. The leading signs of osteochondrosis of any localization are in combination with stiffness of movement. But cervical pathology manifests itself in numerous symptoms of neurogenic origin. These are migraine-type paresthesias, coordination problems and even fainting. Inconstancy is a definite clue to the doctor. visual disturbances. For example, when sudden movement, changing body position, colored circles appear before the eyes, disappearing within a few minutes.

The flickering of flies before the eyes and the flickering of colored circles are short-lived.

How does cervical osteochondrosis affect vision:

  • “flies” flash periodically;
  • often darkens in the eyes,
  • the appearance of colored spots;
  • “fog” appears before the eyes;
  • objects double;
  • field of view decreases;
  • visual acuity decreases.

The peculiarity of neurogenic symptoms is that their severity does not increase with the progression of cervical osteochondrosis. The incidence of sudden visual disturbances increases as spinal structures deform and blood flow deteriorates.

The decrease in visual acuity in most cases is reversible. When the blood supply to the brain with oxygen and nutrients is normalized, all visual functions are being restored.

Double vision

Diplopia is the simultaneous presentation of one object in two images. They can be shifted horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and sometimes even rotated relative to each other. At in good condition health does not occur due to the binocular effect, which expands the field of vision, overlapping elements common to both eyes. Such visual impairment with cervical osteochondrosis occurs for the following reasons:

  • circulatory disorder in pathologically affected cervical vertebral segments disrupts the work of all centers coordinating the functioning of the oculomotor muscles;
  • the signals received by them are distorted and unreliably display information, which provokes a temporary disruption in the functioning of muscle fibers;
  • signals sent to the brain are processed incorrectly, and the perceived image loses clarity;
  • to compensate for signal transmission disorders, the body increases the tone of the extraocular muscles;
  • within a short time, clarity of vision fully or partially returns.

So there is “double vision” before your eyes.

The extraocular muscles are unable to long period be in a state of tension, so soon objects begin to double again. In the absence of medical intervention, diplopia becomes permanent and irreversible.

Another feature of this visual impairment with cervical osteochondrosis - double vision of objects located close to the person. Doctors explain this by the fact that the extraocular muscles are exposed to maximum stress.

Decreased visual acuity

IN in rare cases There is a temporary loss of vision with cervical osteochondrosis against the background of acute oxygen starvation. But much more often there is a decrease in its severity. If the patient does not see a doctor, then this condition becomes permanent. Clarity of vision is due to a certain curvature of the lens, which moves and changes thickness thanks to a group of special muscles. With cervical osteochondrosis, their coordinated work is disrupted for the following reasons:

  • insufficient supply of parts of the brain with molecular oxygen and nutrients;
  • infringement of sensitive nerve endings located near the cervical vertebrae.

With cervical osteochondrosis, visual acuity decreases.

When combining these negative factors the muscles that move the lens weaken and become unable to function properly. The “lens” does not have time to adapt, which causes the unclear image. Vision is impaired according to the type of myopia, that is, the patient still sees distant objects well.

Flashing of black spots and colored circles before the eyes

The appearance of glare and “floaters” before the eyes is a specific and very common visual disorder in cervical osteochondrosis. The reasons for this symptom are the same as doubling of objects or their unclear display. With a sudden movement or change in body position, the muscles located near the destroyed intervertebral discs spasm. There is a mechanical narrowing of the lumen of the vertebral arteries that carry blood to the brain. As a result, photopsia arise - varieties of entoptic visual phenomena that manifest themselves in the form of false flashes in the eyes, lightning, luminous sparks, zigzags, lines, and fiery flashes. The disorders are temporary, disappearing after the brain normalizes blood supply through reserve vessels (anastomoses).

Basic treatment methods

It is possible to eliminate all visual disturbances and other neurogenic symptoms by treating the underlying pathology - cervical osteochondrosis. The problem is that there are no drugs that can stimulate full recovery damaged cartilage discs. Therefore, the tasks of neurologists and vertebrologists are to improve the well-being of patients, stop degenerative processes and prevent relapses.

laser therapy, phonophoresis, electrophoresis.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with laser.

But most effective way avoiding vision problems with cervical osteochondrosis is physiotherapy or . Daily exercise normalizes blood circulation and strengthens the muscle corset that stabilizes the discs and vertebrae.

Clinical and pharmacological group and name of drugs used to improve vision in cervical osteochondrosis Therapeutic effect of drugs
Drugs to improve blood circulation (Pentoxifylline, Eufillin, Nicotinic acid) Normalize blood supply to the brain by expanding the lumen of blood vessels

At osteochondrosis of the cervical spine compression occurs on the nerve roots, vertebral arteries supplying the brain, as well as sympathetic nerve fibers located around the vertebral bodies. All this leads to the emergence of neurological symptoms and phenomena characterizing cerebrovascular accidents.

Vertebroneurologists at the Clinic of Dr. Ignatiev (Kyiv) often observe among others clinical manifestationsvisual disturbances. They arise as a result of hypoxia of the visual analyzer in the brain and indicate the presence of a complicated course of osteochondrosis, which requires immediate therapeutic measures. The patient needs to come to see the doctor as soon as possible, having previously made an appointment.

On the part of the organ of vision, patients note a decrease in its acuity, double vision and fog before the eyes,


blurry image, change in field of view. At the same time, dizziness, “floaters” or rainbow circles, darkening of the eyes, pain in the back, shoulder blades are observed - all this is a reflection hypoxia nerve cells . Fundus examination shows narrowing or sclerosis arterial vessels retina, swelling of the optic nerve is also possible. The consequence of cervical osteochondrosis can be glaucoma– patients often feel bursting pain in the eyes due to increased intraocular pressure.

Specialists at Dr. Ignatiev’s Clinic recommend that patients do not delay starting therapy if there are any disorders of the visual analyzer. As a rule, symptoms of vascular and neurological disorders Over time, it only increases, often leading to irreversible damage to the nervous tissue.

Timely treatment eliminates vision loss and other manifestations, so the first signs of pathology should be a reason for a visit to the doctor.

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    Thanks for the answer! Yes, I did. The T3 hormone was increased quite a bit. I took the pills and after a month everything returned to normal and the hormone no longer increased. Also, while taking these pills, I was injected with dexamethasone under my eyes, diagnosing endocrine ophthalmopathy. But after the injections nothing happened to the eyes
    has changed.
    I also did an MRI of the brain, went through full course eye examinations at the Filatov Institute, but no one can say the exact cause of exophthalmos. The vertebrologist says this is due to the cervical spine, but this treatment does not help.

    Unfortunately, our method will not help you. Most likely the reason is due to Graves' disease.

  1. Hello. For two years now there has been exophthalmos of the left eyeball and constant pain in both eyes. Doctors say this is a consequence of cervical osteochondrosis and protrusions. I am undergoing treatment for my spine (from a vertebrologist), but my eyes are no better. Please tell me how to eliminate exophthalmos? Thank you in advance!

    Have you consulted an endocrinologist? Hormones thyroid gland did you pass?

  2. I had an MRI a year ago, after a few days my head started to hurt and it still hurts and my vision is getting worse

    Hello! Tell me, I have been diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis, can I have difficulty swallowing and my vision has worsened, what should I do?

    Explore thyroid gland and get an MRI of the cervical spine.

  3. Hello, I have been feeling weak for a month now, heaviness in my head and neck and my vision is not clear, my eyes are getting dark and there is no sharpness and cloudy state such. MRI of the cervical spine: protrusion of the C3\C4 disc. The neurologist says it’s not scary in his area or anything, the therapist is the same, they checked the fundus of the eye and said it’s good! But the condition is not improving, it’s getting worse and worse, it’s even difficult to walk, weakness

    Hello! I have had double vision for 1 year and 8 months now. I had severe headaches and my memory began to disappear. I did an MRI of the head 4 times and nothing was found, the 5th time I did an MRI of the neck. Cervical osteochondrosis was discovered. I took betaserc with noopept for a course of 2 months, Mexidol tablets and droppers. Now I take Cavinctone 3 times a day. The dizziness has become less dizzy, but the double vision does not go away, it has become even more worse - eyes They started to hurt, there was pressure from the inside, they started to water. The neurologist sent me to an ophthalmologist to prescribe treatment, but the ophthalmologist says that if it’s vascular, I can’t help with anything. I don’t know what to do next. who to go to. I read on the internet that double vision can cause glaucoma. I can go blind. Can you please tell me if I can put some drops in my eyes?

    Hello!!! I am 27 years old healthy image life, an athlete... my vision began to deteriorate and my neck began to strain, and my hearing in one ear also worsened...
    Passed full diagnostics MRI. Doppler ultrasound of the neck. The diagnosis was minor osteochondrosis and protrusion of the c5c6 disc in the amount of 1 mm. I underwent treatment, everything seemed to be restored except for vision...
    There is a fuzzy picture and double vision
    The question is, will it recover? Or should I wear glasses? I regularly do neck exercises...
    Thank you…..

    You need to see an ophthalmologist first, perhaps the reason is in the eyes themselves. If his part is normal, then you can contact us for consultation and treatment. Sincerely

    Good day. Please help. I'm on inv. 3 gr. When walking, vision deteriorates. One eye has poor vision - meningioma, I’m not completely sure that it’s to blame. In 2008 I suffered from a pulmonary embolism, maybe problems with blood vessels...

    Good afternoon, a brain tumor is absolute contraindication to the application of our methodology manual therapy. You need to be treated with medication and observed by a neurologist. Best regards

  4. Hello! Since May, I have had pain in the temporal cheekbone, along and behind the ear, the pain has spread to the eye and mouth area. There was pressure on the eye, fog in front of the eye, decreased vision. The pressure of the eyeball was normal. The pain is constant, aching, prolonged, starting in the morning, and does not exist at night. At the same time, there is no pain in the back of the head or neck. The ophthalmologist referred to a neurologist, who... I determined that my pain was due to cervical osteochondrosis. Prescribed (injections, tablets, ointments). Did not help. Another neurologist found that osteochondrosis was not in the acute stage. He diagnosed: stage 2 encephalopathy. mixed origin. And with pain in the eye, he recommended contacting an ophthalmologist. I was undergoing treatment. Did not help. The pain continues. I no longer know who to contact. Please help me deal with my pain.
    Thank you, with respect, Nadezhda Nikolaevna