Foods high in omega 3. What are fatty acids. Fats: should they be excluded from the diet?

Omega-3s are fatty acid, which are also called polyunsaturated. These substances cannot be replaced by anything else. They cannot be independently synthesized by the body, so their supply must be replenished from the outside. Omega-3 is several independent substances with their own structure and effect on the body.

Scientists know ten fatty acids. Of these, only four are particularly important:

  1. docosahesaenoic acid;
  2. alpha-linolenic;
  3. eicosapentaenoic acid;
  4. docosapentaenoic.

They are found in products of plant and animal origin.

Where is Omega-3 found?

The main product containing these acids is fish. However, when frying, the acid structure is destroyed, so to replenish the supply of Omega-3 in the body, it is better to eat lightly salted fish. What’s interesting is that you don’t need to choose exquisite varieties of fish, such as trout, cod, halibut - ordinary herring is enough.

Most of all Omega-3 is in mackerel. Behind it comes herring, then salmon, tuna, cod, halibut. Seafood can also boast of the presence of fatty acids of this type. Especially shrimp.

One hundred grams of fish per day is enough to replenish the body daily norm. Eating fish twice a week will improve your well-being and improve your body's health.

Omega-3 acids are found in slightly smaller amounts, but are found in livestock meat, eggs and vegetable oil.

Another source of Omega-3 are:

  1. Beans;
  2. Greenery;
  3. Soy;
  4. Germs of oats and wheat;
  5. Cabbage;
  6. Zucchini.

Consumption rate

A person needs about two and a half grams of Omega-3 per day. It is better if they are made from sea fish. There are more of them. Farm-raised fish cannot boast of a rich acid composition. Omega-3 content in fish decreases when fried. So, it is better to choose more gentle cooking methods.

You can also replenish your supply if you consume 5-10 walnuts in a day. Or add one teaspoon of flaxseed to your food. Accustom yourself to eating vegetable oil - and your problem with Omega-3 will disappear by itself.

About 25% of the acid composition is lost when it enters the body. For this reason, manufacturers produce fish oil in capsules. They begin to dissolve only once they are in the intestines.

Fatty acids are essential for women postpartum period. They will help cope with depression. Elderly people will have their mental abilities enhanced.

Signs of Omega-3 deficiency in the body

  1. Skin problems - dryness and itching.
  2. Brittle hair and nails.
  3. Weakness and fatigue.
  4. Constipation.
  5. Muscle pain;
  6. Decreased immunity.
  7. Depressive state.
  8. Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

Excess Omega-3 in the body

People with stomach and intestinal diseases should use with caution fatty foods. It can harm the body, even cause internal bleeding.

Healthy people simply cannot overdo the consumption of these acids these days. We don’t have a lot of fish, seafood too, and all other food products don’t have that much Omega-3.

If, after all, you overate Omega-3, then you are at risk of blood incoagulability, bleeding and low blood pressure. A shallow cut can be a real problem.

Omega-3 fatty acids are destroyed by exposure to sun rays, oxygen and high temperatures. Therefore, products containing them are stored in a closed container in a cool place. And frying them is not recommended at all.

The role of fats for the body is difficult to overestimate. They serve as protection for all internal organs and prevent them from hypothermia. Participate in the renewal of skin cells. This alone is enough to understand the importance of these components.

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To lead active life and not complain about health, a person must not only refuse bad habits and eat right, but also take additional vitamins, replenishing their deficiency in your body. These substances include omega 3 fatty acids, where they are found most, as well as what their benefits are, and what are the peculiarities of taking them, everyone who monitors their health should know.

During heat treatment, acids lose a significant part useful substances and oxidize in air.

Therefore, plant products that contain them are best eaten raw:

  • When consumed correctly, these substances are very beneficial for humans. They normalize metabolic processes, give a feeling of satiety when minimum quantity eaten and therefore reduce appetite.
  • With severe psychological distress, omega reduces the amount of cortisol produced. It provokes stress.
  • Fat unsaturated acids are divided into several groups based on the presence of bonds between carbon atoms. Compounds with one bond are called monounsaturated. If there are two of them, then this is already a group polyunsaturated acids. Omega-3 is included in the second group. These substances are not produced by our body, therefore they are classified as essential. However, they are necessary for the normal functioning of body systems, as they are contained in the epidermis, prevent the development of inflammation and remove excess cholesterol.

The lack of these substances in the body leads to a deterioration in human well-being, problems with the heart and blood vessels, disruption of the digestive system and many other diseases.

Difference between Omega 3 and fish oil

We cannot assume that Omega 3 and fish oil are the same substance. Despite similar properties and operating principles, they have quite a few differences. Fish oil consists of fat-soluble substances produced by the liver of fish. Vitamins of groups A and D, and Omega are present here.

Omega 3 fatty acids, which are contained in fish oil, are an independent component. Its share is quite large and accounts for a third of the volume. Omega 3 includes a complex of fatty acids essential for humans.

In addition to fish oil, this substance is found in oils such as:

  • Linen.
  • Nut.
  • Hemp.

The main difference between these two substances is the absence of vitamins A and D in the latter. In addition, fish oil is obtained only from fish processing, while Omega can also be obtained from plants. Drugs plant origin differ from those obtained from fish in content. Moreover, the latter is much healthier, as it contains fatty acids that are ideal for humans.

At the same time, fish oil has the highest content of beneficial acids. For one gram of fat it contains at least three hundred milligrams of Omega.

First of all, you need to pay attention to this when purchasing fish oil for health improvement. At a lower concentration of beneficial acids, the effect of taking the drug will not be noticeable.

Benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids for the body

When studying the effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on the body, scientists discover previously unknown compounds that have a beneficial effect on human health. However, as before, it is Omega 3 fatty acids, which contain a large amount of vitamins, that are considered the most useful of them.

There is a special arrangement of carbon atoms here that is inherent in these fatty acids. This is a complex complex of elements with different structures and properties. Since a person is not able to produce omega-3, to replenish it, it is necessary to include vitamins that contain it in food. These are nuts, some oils (linseed, rapeseed), sea fish and of course fish oil.

Fatty acid helps strengthen cell membranes. In addition, it stimulates brain activity and strengthens the retina. Thanks to Omega, the immune system is strengthened and sperm activity increases. People who have diseased heart and blood vessels, it is very important to include such foods in your diet.

This helps reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, improves overall well-being and normalizes blood pressure. For those who are depressed or on edge nervous breakdown, you definitely need to drink Omega and eat foods containing it.

The use of these substances improves memory, develops resistance to stress and increases a person’s endurance.

It has been experimentally proven that Omega 3 fatty acids alleviate the patient’s condition with diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis. Their regular use, reduces inflammation and reduces pain. It is also useful to take Omega for certain skin diseases.

Polyunsaturated fats can regulate cholesterol levels, improve blood clotting, and strengthen skin elasticity. But unregulated intake of such acid can cause disruptions in the functioning of body systems. Excess omega 6 makes the blood thicker and increases the risk of blood clots.

To prevent this from happening, you need to take Omega 3 and balance their content. Fatty acid accumulates in the body, creating an energy reserve. But it does not increase a person's weight.

Positive properties for women

Experts believe that Omega 3 vitamin helps you lose extra pounds, and this statement has practical evidence. The substance blocks saturated fats, clearing blood vessels of them, and speeds up metabolic processes. To achieve positive effect, you only need to take three capsules three times a day. The first results will be in 2 weeks.

Omega 3 fatty acids are undoubtedly useful for maintaining beauty, because they affect the formation skin and human hair. Her hair and nails become stronger, and her skin smoothes out, acquiring additional elasticity.

Acids are also invaluable for solving women's problems. It helps reduce pain during menstrual ailments.

In addition, the phospholipids contained in the acid stimulate the production of hormones, reducing nervousness, irritability and some other phenomena that occur during PMS. Taking Omega-3 while carrying and breastfeeding a child has a positive effect on the formation of the fetus and the development of the newborn.

As a rule, such children have excellent vision, good attention and mental activity. The young mother herself will more easily endure pregnancy and the subsequent postpartum period.

Benefits for men

Fatty acids are no less beneficial for men. At normal level omega 3 they reduce the production of the stress hormone, which is important during high physical and mental stress, the need to take difficult decisions and insufficient rest. In addition, the supplement normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and prevents inflammation.

Regular consumption of omega 3 acid or fish oil can reduce the risk of heart disease. Research conducted by scientists has fully confirmed this fact. Men who had previously suffered a heart attack or stroke took part in the testing.

The first group did not consume fish oil or products containing it. The second one did it regularly, for a year and a half. As a result, it was in the second group that the number of attacks and mortality were 30% lower. Omega's ability to normalize blood pressure and heartbeat, makes it indispensable for athletes.

Regular intake of such vitamins increases stamina and strength in men.

For prostatitis, fish oil is recommended to be taken to normalize the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Omega 3 fatty polyunsaturated acids are used as prophylactic against neoplasms and inflammation of the male reproductive organs.

Regular consumption of omega in adulthood allows you to avoid the development of arthritis and arthrosis, and reduce the possibility of sprains and fractures.

Benefits of Omega 3 for children

Parents should ensure that the child’s diet is completely balanced, because a growing body requires a lot of energy. In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, it includes fish and seafood. Receiving everything necessary from food, the child will be well developed and active.

Regular intake of Omega 3 reduces the possibility of a child getting sick. This applies to his cardiovascular system, joints, obesity, skin lesions, depression and a number of other health problems.

The importance of taking polyunsaturated fatty acids for normal height it is difficult to overestimate a child. If he receives all the vitamins and microelements from food, the number of health problems will significantly decrease.

The obvious benefits of Omega-3 include the following:

  • Regulating the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Positive effect on the baby’s psychological health, speed of thinking, reactions and memory.
  • Strengthening vision.
  • Improved concentration.
  • Development emotional sphere and social adaptation.

Children with the disease “photo dermatosis”, that is, intolerance to direct sunlight, are more sensitive to light after consuming these supplements containing fish oil. The same thing happens with existing psoriasis.

The benefits of taking Omega-3 are obvious and therefore it is necessary that the child constantly eats the following foods:

Important: Before giving your child nutritional supplements, you should consult your doctor. It is important that his body digests this food well. If vomiting, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms occur, stop taking the drug and conduct a full examination.

Omega 3 for weight loss

The fact that polyunsaturated acids can burn accumulated fats is not true. But they help reduce appetite, which means taking them still helps you lose weight. For a diet to be effective, you need to choose a diet that does not require you to constantly suffer from hunger.

With a balanced meal plan, you can for a long time limit yourself in food almost without noticing it.

Although the effect of omega-3 for weight loss has not been fully studied, taking this tool when restricting nutrition, it allows you to save energy and strength, and this is very important for people leading an active lifestyle.

A diet with fatty acids, unlike those in which fat intake is completely excluded, allows you to feel full without suffering from hunger. The body simply uses existing fat reserves. In this case, you can choose biological supplements or include products containing Omega in your diet.

This is, first of all:

IN daily ration a person must include at least half of them. With a normal content of fatty acids, appetite decreases and a person eats less. To replenish Omega, special biological supplements are taken. This needs to be done for a month, and then a short break is needed. In addition to vitamins, you can find creams and ointments for the skin in pharmacies.

Cosmetics with therapeutic effect perfectly restore the elasticity of the skin. As always, taking medications comes with some restrictions. First of all, this is the body's increased sensitivity to seafood, the possibility of bleeding, pregnancy, breastfeeding, liver problems, urolithiasis and injuries.

The effect of Omega 3 on cholesterol

Eating with big amount animal fats lead to accumulation in the body bad cholesterol and increasing the risk of developing heart disease and atherosclerosis. IN Lately Doctors all over the world face this problem. Cholesterol plaques are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing them to a minimum.

The reason may not only be poor nutrition, but also sedentary lifestyle life, bad habits and ecology. A certain amount of cholesterol is necessary for the human body, since it is involved in a number of vital functions. important processes, for example in the construction and protection of cell membranes, the production of hormones and vitamin D.

Excess cholesterol is harmful. This is what leads to various problems.

What foods contain Omega 3

Most of these acids are found in seafood and sea fish. These are salmon, trout, halibut, salmon, herring and mackerel. There are slightly fewer of them in oysters, scallops and lobsters. Omega-3 is also found in plant oils (olive, rapeseed, flax), legumes, cabbage and fresh green salad. Products of animal origin include: milk and products made from it, beef, eggs.

Table. Foods Rich in Omega 3 Acids


Name Contents per 100 g of product
Cod liver19.7
Black and red caviar6.8
Atlantic sardines, in oil0.98
Sea bass0.76
Fresh pink salmon
Sea bass0.32
spiny lobster0.48
king crab0.41

Data may vary depending on the season and fishing location.

Herbal products and oils:

Name Contents per 100 g of product
Hemp seeds9.3
Wheat germ0.7
Corn sprouts0.3
Wheat and rice bran0.2
Avocado fruit0.1
Fresh raspberries0.1
Fresh strawberries0.1
Cold pressed sunflower oil0.19
Olive oil36.7
Rapeseed oil9.26
Linseed oil53.4

Daily requirement and consumption standards for Omega 3

To replenish omega-3 in the body, you need to eat fish or seafood several times a week. If for some reason this is not possible, then you need to take pharmaceutical supplements.

There is no consensus on exactly how much Omega 3 fatty acid you should drink each day. On average, this figure varies from three hundred to five hundred milligrams per day.

Pregnant and nursing mothers need to add another 200 mg above the prescribed amount to meet the baby's needs. People who have heart problems or are under stress should also increase their fish oil intake to one thousand milligrams.

Pharmaceutical preparations with Omega 3

The choice of dietary supplements based on Omega 3 is quite wide. But not all of them have a balanced composition. Before purchasing, you must carefully study the instructions so as not to purchase a fake.

The most popular currently are:

  1. Doppelhertz active Omega-3. The drug has a positive effect on blood circulation and the formation of blood clots.
  2. Vitrum Cardio Omega-3. Serves to prevent lipid metabolism.
  3. Norwesol Kids. This is a children's hypoallergenic drug.

How to properly consume fatty acids

There are several rules that must be followed:

All this must be taken into account when drawing up daily menu. A properly formulated diet should contain all useful substances in the right quantities, including polyunsaturated acids.

Causes of deficiency and excess of the substance in the body

The overwhelming majority of the world's inhabitants have a deficiency of polyunsaturated acids. The reasons are lack of money for quality products and replacing them with those where the content of carbohydrates and animal fats is quite high. Not everyone buys sea fish, and therefore the lack of omega becomes a problem.

The signs of this are as follows:

  • Disruption of the sebaceous glands.
  • Muscle weakness and decreased joint mobility.
  • Decreased performance, signs of fatigue and lack of attention.
  • Problems with the immune system.
  • Decreased visual acuity.

In addition, a lack of omega-3 causes increased nervousness and even depression. However, taking the drug may also cause unwanted reaction. Nausea, vomiting, swelling or even intestinal problems can all occur in people prone to allergies.

In this case, you will need to consult a doctor to replace omega-3 fatty acids, which contain the substance that provokes the attack, with another drug. A small overdose does not give any negative reaction.

Contraindications and possible harm

In some cases, taking such supplements is prohibited:

  • If there is an excess of vitamin E in the body.
  • When treated with drugs containing a high content of this vitamin.
  • In case of intolerance to certain components or allergy to fatty acids.

Excessive consumption of this substance in large doses can lead to malfunctions of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to control the rate of consumption of this substance.

An excess of omega 3 can cause excessive blood thinning, which means an increased risk of vascular rupture and disruption of other organs.

It should be remembered that this applies to both adults and children. Therefore, it is worth discussing with your pediatrician the possibility of taking dietary supplements and their dosage.

How to maintain the right fat balance

Fats provide the body with energy, creating a reserve so that a person can use it in stressful situations.

There are two types of fats that are vital for humans:

  • vegetable;
  • animals.

The first group includes unsaturated acids. Our body receives them from the outside. This includes Omega 3 fatty acids, which contain a balanced complex of substances that have a positive effect on human health. Animal fats are found in meat, milk, and chicken eggs. They contain cholesterol, which is necessary for brain function and hormone production.

The main thing is to maintain a balance in taking these substances. IN daily diet a person should have about 30% fat. At the same time, the optimal ratio of 2 groups of fats in the menu is 7 to 3. Only then will the balance be maintained and become less problems with health.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about Omega 3

10 facts about Omega 3 fatty acids:

Friends, hello everyone!

If you are reading this article, then you are probably interested in the topic of youth, health and beauty. Do you want to know one of the secrets of how to live long and at the same time efficiently, actively and vigorously?

How to have wonderful memory, be able to remain calm in any critical situation and just enjoy life every day, no matter what?

We will talk about what polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids are, how they are beneficial for our health and longevity, where they are found and much more.

I have a lot of interesting facts for you on this recently popular topic!

From this article you will learn:

What are Omega-3 fatty acids - general information

Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that protect our cell membranes and all internal organs from destruction.

Without these acids, normal and full functioning of the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems is impossible, adequate synthesis of tissue hormones, prostaglandins, as well as proper metabolism of essential (irreplaceable) substances is impossible.

In addition to all this, Omega-3s are suppressed inflammatory processes in the body, improve the condition of bones and joints, help cope with emotional shocks without consequences for the body, and “pull” us out of the state of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Let's take a closer look.

Omega-3 PUFAs are lipids (fats) of the omega-3 class, which are classified as essential fats (essential), since the human body does not synthesize (produce) them on its own. Therefore, they must regularly enter our body with the foods we eat every day.

The most important representatives of Omega-3 fatty acids (FAs) are:

  1. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This acid is part of the gray matter of our brain, part of the cell membranes of our body. In addition, DHA plays a huge role during the formation of the nervous system in a baby.
  2. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). This acid stimulates the regeneration of cell membranes, normalizes the mechanisms of fat transport through the bloodstream, and improves activity immune system, improves the dissolution (absorption) of fats in the digestive tract, and also powerfully increases the antioxidant functions of our body, which is incredibly important for good health, wellness and a beautiful appearance for many, many years.
  3. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This fatty acid helps overcome stress, fight “bad” cholesterol and high blood pressure, improve high-quality composition blood, and also serve as excellent assistants in maintaining healthy and beautiful skin, shiny hair and strong nails. Moreover, she is " building material"for the synthesis of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids in our body.

EPA and DHA fats are found in the tissues of marine life.

It is believed that they are most beneficial for the human body because the body does not require many enzymes for their absorption, unlike plant food, enriched with ALA.

How the world learned about Omega-3 - interesting fact!

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids were discovered as a result of research by scientists who were interested in the level of excellent health of the Eskimos and, most of all, the fact that among them there are a very large number of centenarians.

It turned out that the secret to the health and longevity of the Eskimos lies in what they eat, namely, in eating a large amount of fish food.

As a result of studies of the blood composition of representatives of northern peoples, two natural fatty acids were discovered, called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which make up the Omega-3 substance.

Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are the most important nutrients for our health and beauty, as they perform a significant number of functions: bioregulatory, structural, energy and storage.

More specifically, Omega-3:

  • Potentiate the synthesis of tissue hormones (eicosanoids), which are involved in literally all biochemical reactions in a cage.
  • They reduce the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, therefore the risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction, as well as cerebral stroke, is significantly reduced.
  • Participate in the formation of male germ cells, membranes of brain neurons and the membranes of the retina.
  • Regulate the synthesis of all hormones in the body.
  • Participate in the transport of oxygen to tissues.
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • They regulate the metabolism of the hormone of joy (serotonin), as a result of which psycho-emotional stress decreases and the risk of developing depression decreases.
  • Maintain the elasticity of joints, reduce the intensity of pain from arthritis or arthrosis.
  • They are an excellent prevention of diabetes.
  • They reduce any inflammatory processes in the body, prevent the occurrence of allergies, as well as autoimmune diseases.
  • Increases cognitive functions of the brain: memory, attention, quick learning.
  • Helps significantly reduce appetite.
  • Improves the general condition of the skin.
  • Great for boosting immunity.
  • With regular physical activity help dry growth muscle mass and accelerate the “loss” of unnecessary fat.
  • Significantly increases the body's endurance and overall muscle tone.
  • Suppresses the synthesis of cortisol, the stress hormone.
  • They contain vitamins A, D and E, which also improve skin condition, strengthen vision, and reduce nervous excitability, improve the elasticity of cell membranes and strengthen bone tissue.

Indications for use of Omega-3 fatty acids

Let's consider the main indications for the use of omega-3 fatty acids:

  1. obesity of any degree;
  2. chronic joint diseases;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. diabetes;
  5. body weight deficiency;
  6. vascular diseases of the brain;
  7. psoriasis, skin eczema;
  8. vascular damage;
  9. osteomyelitis;
  10. cardiovascular pathologies (arrhythmia, ischemia, myocardial infarction);
  11. depressive states;
  12. short bowel syndrome;
  13. prevention of oncological tumors (in complex therapy).

Benefits of Omega-3 for men

It is known that men are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases than women. Heart attacks, strokes, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis... Among all those suffering from these troubles, the majority are men.

Unfortunately, the mortality rate among men with such diseases is growing at an incredible rate.

American scientists claim that regular consumption of Omega-3 will contribute to powerful protection men from heart and vascular diseases, and will also reduce the incidence of cardiac arrest.

According to research, this protection is TWO TIMES higher in men who consume Omega-3 fatty acids, in contrast to men who do not consume at all, or consume in insufficient quantities and/or irregularly.

Other studies suggest that consuming enough Omega-3s daily can significantly reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

Benefits of Omega-3 for children

Omega-3 fatty acids play a very important role in the formation of the nervous system. , immune system, and hormonal system of the child.

At breastfeeding the baby receives Omega-3 fatty acids with mother's milk, however, 90% of women during lactation experience an acute shortage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body, and that is why the child may experience acute failure in Omega-3.

Symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency in childhood:

  • diathesis, decreased immunity, atopic dermatitis;
  • decreased academic performance, poor concentration and memory;
  • hyperactivity;
  • dry skin;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • blurred vision.

The dosage and regimen of Omega-3 is determined by the pediatrician based on the child’s health condition!

Benefits of Omega-3 for women

Considering that PUFAs are responsible for metabolic processes in the body, for the elasticity of cell membranes and proper functioning of the brain, it is important for every woman to consume at least 1000-1500 mg of pure Omega-3 per day.

When pregnancy occurs or in case of any illness, the daily requirement increases by 2 times.

Why Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for women:

  • Are decreasing menstrual pain, the number of “hot flashes” during menopause is reduced, mood improves in “ critical days", there is an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Anxiety decreases and mood improves.
  • Slows down skin sagging and the appearance of wrinkles.
  • The development of osteoporosis is prevented, especially during menopause.
  • Stabilizing " hormonal surges"during menopause.
  • Regular intake of Omega-3 reduces the risk of developing lumps in the mammary gland by 30%.
  • Prevents the development of thrombosis, cardiovascular pathologies, metabolic disorders, and also relieves unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

It is especially important to take medications containing Omega-3 for women with overweight those planning a pregnancy, “dieting”, predisposed to cardiovascular diseases.

Daily requirement for Omega-3

In order to maintain your health (i.e. for preventive purposes) The daily dosage of EPA and DHA should be 1000 mg.

IN medicinal purposes The daily dosage is 3000 mg of EPA and DHA.

It is very important to carefully study the composition on the label of the product you purchased, which indicates the exact amount of EPA and DHA contained in one capsule of the drug. We need to get 1000 or 3000 mg of the fatty acids that make up Omega-3, and not 1000 or 3000 mg of fish oil!

The indicated dosage is very arbitrary, since everything is individual and depends on gender, age, initial state of health and region of residence, as well as on needs.

For example, during pregnancy, menopause, and bodybuilding, the daily preventive dose of Omega-3 increases to 2500-3000 mg, for weight gain - to 3000-3500 mg.

In addition, the need for healthy Omega-3 fats increases with:

  • depressive and autoimmune conditions;
  • in the cold season;
  • with daily and very intense sports;
  • with atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • risk of heart attack or stroke;
  • in childhood and old age.

The maximum safe daily dose limit for Omega-3 is 8000 mg. But ONLY according to a doctor’s indications and ONLY after consultation with a doctor!

To improve the absorption of Omega-3, the daily dose should be divided into three doses, taking the drug during or immediately after meals, with a small amount of water.

The minimum daily amount of Omega-3 FAs required by the body is 650 mg.

Exceeding the individual (needed by YOU PERSONALLY) dosage, especially over a long period of time, is dangerous:

  1. reduction blood pressure,
  2. dysfunctions of the digestive tract,
  3. decreased blood clotting and (as a result) internal and external bleeding.

To maintain health, the duration of the course is 3-4 months. The frequency of therapy is 1-2 times a year.

Factors that provoke an acute lack of Omega-3 in the body

Main factors:

  • prolonged fasting;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • adherence to strict diets, especially mono-diets;
  • diseases of the digestive tract.

Symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency in the body

It is important to monitor your health and the slightest symptoms, causing suspicion, indicating that there is a deficiency of Omega-3 in the body, action must be taken!

What should alert you: constant thirst;

  • dry skin;
  • brittle nails;
  • dandruff;
  • prolonged depressive states, apathy;
  • allergic skin rashes for unknown reasons;
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation);
  • pain in joints, muscles and tendons of unknown origin;
  • very slow healing of wounds, abrasions and scratches;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • constant physical weakness, fast fatiguability, loss of performance;
  • delay mental development in children;
  • weak immunity, frequent colds.

It has been proven that a regular lack of Omega-3 in the body is fraught with subsequent psychoneurological pathologies, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular dysfunctions and serious hormonal disorders!

Where are Omega-3s found - sources of supply

You can improve the intake of Omega-3 into the body in two ways: by eating foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids and by taking special nutritional supplements.

The ideal option is a reasonable combination of these two methods.

Considering that essential fats are not synthesized intestinal microflora, it is important to control the daily volume of their intake into the body.

What foods contain Omega-3 FAs?

  • Sources of Omega-3 of animal origin: cod liver, red caviar, black caviar, fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout), as well as seafood (shrimp, crabs, clams, oysters, etc.), naturally, fish oil
  • Plant sources of Omega-3: , flax seeds, canola oil, walnut oil, quinoa, butter wheat germ, and mustard oil, walnuts, chia seeds, purslane, pecans, almonds and hazelnuts.

It has been scientifically proven that Omega-3 from vegetable oils are not so useful because they contain ALA, which serves as a building block for DHA and EHA, and in fish it is already DHA and EHA.

It is important to know that Omega-3 compounds are quite easily destroyed under the influence of the sun, oxygen and high temperatures, therefore, to replenish the body’s daily need for essential fats, it would be advisable to consume lightly salted and pickled, fresh vegetables and fruits, cold-pressed vegetable oil and not roasted nuts.

To maximize the preservation of nutrients in products containing Omega-3, they are stored in a cool place in a tightly sealed container.

Forms of release of drugs containing Omega-3 FAs.

Such drugs for adults are available in capsules and liquid form. For small children - in the form of syrups, sweets and chewable lozenges.

How to choose a quality Omega-3 drug?

What you need to pay attention to Special attention when choosing an Omega-3-containing complex and how not to make a mistake in your choice?

This is an important task. In order to get maximum effect, the product must be of high quality!

Friends, I decided this question for myself a long time ago, applying the recommendations that I will write about below and will be happy to share them with you.

  1. Give preference to those manufacturers who have proven themselves to be reputable and conscientious. They must have been on the market for years!
  2. It is very important to choose those products that have specific high concentrations of EPA and DHA on the label.
  3. Research shows that the higher the concentration of EPA in the capsule, the more effective it is at maintaining healthy triglyceride levels.
  4. The drug should under no circumstances contain heavy metals!
  5. Choose those drugs that are produced using the most modern technologies, for example, using supercritical liquid extraction technology, which uses low temperatures. The result is a pure, highly concentrated product. Low temperature during production ensures the preservation of molecular integrity. The production process means that during processing the product is under the so-called “nitrogen blanket”, which ensures the freshness of the fat throughout the entire production process, preventing its oxidation.
  6. must be in triglyceride form in the product.
  7. Only environmentally friendly fish must be used for production, which must be confirmed by relevant quality documents.
  8. The packaging must have a “tamper-evident control”, i.e. protective film under the lid. The drug can only be used if the protective membrane is not broken.
  9. The authenticity of the product is very important: when purchasing, choose products that have GOED, GMP quality standards and various certificates.
  10. One of the most important documents indicating the quality of a product is data from laboratory tests of the product for toxins. Never hesitate to ask the drug seller about the availability of such documents!
  11. Always look carefully at product expiration dates. If you find yourself in a situation where everything is ok according to the expiration date, but the taste of the product is not fresh and rancid, then this indicates that the drug was stored incorrectly.

You can find a large selection of effective dietary supplements Omega-3 fatty acids Here. I took this one a drug.

Contraindications to taking Omega-3 fatty acids

General contraindications to taking Omega-3 are:

  • hypercalcemia (increased calcium concentration in blood plasma);
  • individual intolerance;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • tuberculosis in its active phase.

In addition, it is dangerous to take Omega-3 fatty acids with anticoagulants (blood thinners) and fibrates (drugs to lower blood cholesterol) at the same time. Such points should ALWAYS be discussed with your doctor!

Friends, I have been using Omega-3 for quite some time. I take this supplement in courses, and therefore I can say with certainty that it works!

While taking Omega-3, the body begins to work much better, more harmoniously.

I can definitely say that the quality of the skin improves significantly, the body tone and mood increase, so I am convinced that for those who want to improve their health and appearance– Omega-3 fatty acids will be an excellent solution!

All the best to you, friends, and see you soon!

Alena was with you, Bye-bye!

Omega-3 are polyunsaturated acids present in food products that are essential for the human body. These compounds have a variety of positive effects on organs and systems, participate in metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

There are 3 types of omega-3 fatty acids:

  • eicosapentaenoic acid – EPA;
  • docosahexaenoic acid – DHA;
  • alpha-linoleic acid – ALA.

EPA and DHA are found in foods of animal origin. ALA is present in plant foods. A rich animal source of fatty acids is sea fish. Good plant sources of omega-3 for the body are seeds and leafy greens.

The effects of omega-3 on the human body

Polyunsaturated acids are the most important compounds for the body, performing many functions in tissues and organs. Omega-3 acids in the human body:

  • stimulate metabolism;
  • participate in the formation nerve fibers, brain tissue and endocrine glands;
  • replenish energy;
  • prevent the development of inflammatory reactions;
  • maintain blood pressure at an optimal level;
  • participate in the construction of cell membranes;
  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels;
  • normalize blood sugar levels;
  • reduce the likelihood of developing heart pathologies;
  • maintain visual acuity, reduce the likelihood of eye pathologies;
  • stimulate the production of certain hormones;
  • prevent the development of skin diseases;
  • reduce symptoms of joint pathologies;
  • prevent baldness, improve hair structure;
  • eliminate chronic fatigue, depression, nervous and mental disorders;
  • increase physical endurance and intellectual performance;
  • participate in the formation of the embryo in the mother's womb.

Daily intake of omega-3

The optimal daily amount of the substance is 1 gram. However, omega-3 intake increases to 4 grams per day for people with the following pathologies:

  • depression;
  • hypertension;
  • senile dementia;
  • tumors;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • predisposition to heart attacks.

Also daily dose useful compound increases in the winter months, and even with intense physical activity.

Symptoms of Omega-3 Deficiency

Medical experts say that most people's diets are low in fatty acids. A significant omega-3 deficiency is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in joint tissues;
  • drying and irritation of the skin;
  • thinning and brittle hair and nail plates;
  • constant fatigue;
  • low concentration of attention.

Because of long-term shortage polyunsaturated acids can cause heart pathologies and circulatory system, diabetes, depression.

It happens that a person consumes fatty acids in the required quantity, but the body still experiences an omega-3 deficiency. This phenomenon occurs when there is a lack of certain vitamins and microelements in the body. In order for fatty acids to be absorbed normally, the body must contain in optimal quantities:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin B 3;
  • vitamin B 6;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc.

Vitamin E is especially important for the complete absorption of polyunsaturated acids, as it prevents the oxidation of beneficial substances.

It should be borne in mind that omega-3 acids are poorly absorbed if they are consumed together with hydrogenated fats. Also, polyunsaturated acids are destroyed under the influence of oxygen and light rays, as a result, products lose their beneficial properties and become rancid.

Omega-3 Rich Foods

Seafood and sea fish contain the most fatty acids. But you need to take into account that only fish caught at sea, and not grown on farm waters, are rich in useful compounds. Farmed fish eat feed, so their body accumulates few useful substances.

Plant products rich in polyunsaturated acids include flaxseeds, wheat sprouts, nuts, herbs, and legumes.

The table below shows the concentration of omega-3 in foods.

grocery list

amount of mg omega-3 per 100 g of product

fish fat

linseed oil


canned cod liver

olive oil

rapeseed oil



leafy greens

wheat sprouts


pumpkin seeds



sunflower seeds

Sesame oil

brown rice



Flaxseeds are used as an additional medicine for diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, oncology mammary glands, pathologies of the respiratory system and digestive tract. As can be seen from the table, many polyunsaturated acids are found in various vegetable oils, fish oil, walnuts, and leafy greens. Therefore, these foods should definitely be included in the diet.

To give the above products to the body maximum benefit, they should be consumed fresh, pickled or canned, but heat treatment is not recommended. In boiled, fried and stewed food there are practically no useful substances left, and the nutritional value of thermally processed foods is significantly reduced. It is better to eat fish canned in oil, since during canning, vegetable oils prevent fatty acids from breaking down.

The dangers of too much omega-3

Excessive intake of omega-3 into the body - a rare event, usually caused by excessive intake pharmaceuticals with a high content of polyunsaturated acids. An excess of a substance in the body is a condition no less unfavorable than a deficiency. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • loose stool, diarrhea;
  • decreased blood clotting, which can cause bleeding in any part of the digestive system;
  • lowering blood pressure.

Omega-3 intake by children and pregnant women

As a result scientific research It has been established that the mother’s body daily releases about 2.5 grams of polyunsaturated acids to the body of the child developing in the womb. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to include fish or seafood and vegetable oils in their menu every day.

For small children proper development beneficial for the body to take biologically active additives based on fish oil or vegetable oils. However, the child's intake of medications should be carried out under the supervision of parents or a pediatrician to prevent overdose.

Omega-3 food supplements

If the diet is low in fatty acids, then adults and children are advised to take pharmaceutical food supplements that include omega-3. These additives are usually sold in capsule form. At the pharmacy you can ask for fish oil, flaxseed oil, as well as vitamins and medications, including EPA, DHA and ALA.

These drugs are good sources of omega-3 for people who are predisposed to hypertension, stroke, and heart attack. Medicines are also prescribed to improve the condition of patients suffering from lupus erythematosus, arthritis, depression, and scleroderma.

With the right and good nutrition It is impossible to face a pronounced deficiency of polyunsaturated acids. It should be borne in mind that omega-3 acids from food are absorbed better than from pharmaceuticals. Therefore, every person should enrich their menu daily with animals and plant products saturated fatty acids.

There are actually three different types of omega-3 fatty acids: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Preferred sources of EPA and DHA are seafood such as salmon and sardines. As for ALA, this fatty acid can be obtained from plant foods, such as some nuts and seeds, as well as from organic meats obtained from naturally fed animals.

When it comes to getting enough polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is recommended to eat plenty of omega-3 foods and also take an omega-3 supplement if necessary. By consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in combination with food additives containing these essential acids, you'll need to make sure you're getting at least 1,000 milligrams per day of EPA/DHA and about 4,000 milligrams total number Omega-3 fats (ALA, EPA and DHA).

What makes some Omega-3 foods better than others?

The human body is able to convert ALA to DHA and EPA to some extent, but it is not as efficient as getting DHA and EPA directly from food. This is one reason why nutritionists recommend eating fatty fish several times a week, since many marine fish contain high amounts of EPA and DHA (see Omega-3 in Fish: Table of Omega-3 Content in Various Fish).

Despite the fact that ALA obtained from plant foods can be converted into EPA and DHA, experts recommend eating fish for lunch in addition to nuts and seeds. Even after extensive research, scientists are not entirely clear on how well ALA is converted into EPA and DHA, and how well ALA then supplies the body with these two fatty acids. Nutritionists and doctors still believe that all sources of omega-3 (plant and animal foods) should be present in the human diet.

Historically, residents (such as people in Okinawa, Japan) who consume plenty of omega-3 foods live longer and have more health benefits. high level health, unlike people who eat standard foods low in omega-3. The typical Okinawan diet consists of large amounts of fish, sea vegetables and other fresh produce. Their diet provides eight times more omega-3 fatty acids than the average person in developed countries. This is why the population of Okinawa is considered one of the healthiest in human history.

Other populations that consume high amounts of omega-3 foods include people living in the Mediterranean region, including countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and France. The researchers also found that although the typical Mediterranean diet includes high content all kinds of fats and carries some risks of developing cardiovascular diseases, people in these areas suffer much less from diseases of the blood vessels of the circulatory system and heart than people in other developed countries. This may be due to the consumption of large amounts of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, which dominate the diet of people living in the Mediterranean region.

Omega-3 Foods: Best vs. Worst

Look at food labels at a major supermarket and you'll probably notice that manufacturers often boast about the omega-3 fatty acids they contain. While omega-3s are now artificially added to some processed foods, such as peanut butter, baby food, cereals and some protein powders - it's still best to get omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from natural sources such as fish and vegetable oils.

The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA added to foods typically come from microalgae. They impart a fishy aroma to food products, which is why manufacturers pre-clean them and try to mask the taste and smell. This likely reduces or alters the fatty acid and antioxidant content of such foods, making them significantly inferior to natural sources of omega-3.

In addition, omega-3s are now being added to animal feeds to increase levels in dairy and meat products. Because food manufacturers know that people are increasingly aware of the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, we are likely to see more and more on our store shelves in the coming years. more products nutrition with added omega-3.

Dangers of Omega-3 Deficiency

Omega-3 foods are believed to help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease due to their ability to reduce inflammation. They are also essential for proper neurological function, maintaining healthy cell membranes, mood regulation, and hormone production.

This is why foods containing omega-3 fatty acids are called sources of “good fats.” Although most people consume adequate amounts of other types of essential fatty acids, such as omega-6 (found in modified edible oils, such as sunflower oil, canola oil, and walnut oil), most people are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids and therefore need to include foods rich in these healthy fats in their diet.

Research shows that the intake of omega-6 fatty acids should be significantly reduced, and the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, on the contrary, increased, as this can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, which have become an epidemic in most developed countries. For example, researchers from the center The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health of Washington, D.C., found that the lower the intake of omega-6 fats and the higher the intake of omega-3 fats, the lower the risk of breast cancer in women (see Benefits of Omega-3s for Women). A 2:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 suppresses inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and the ratio is 5:1, has a beneficial effect on patients suffering from asthma.

Most people are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids because their diets are low in omega-3 foods, such as fish, sea vegetables and seaweed, flax seeds, or organic meats. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 intake in developed countries is in the range of 15:1 - 16.7:1 - this is not a healthy intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The ideal ratio of consumption of foods containing omega-6 fats to foods containing omega-3 fats should be at least 2:1.

What are the risks of omega-3 deficiency and omega-6 excess:

  • Inflammation (sometimes significant)
  • Increased risk of heart disease and high cholesterol
  • Digestive disorders
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Mental disorders such as depression
  • Poor brain development
  • Decreased cognitive abilities

Benefits of Natural Omega-3 Products

Many studies show that omega-3 fatty acids help with the following:

  • Prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases - help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries, and also reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels (prevention of diabetes).
  • Reduce pain in muscles, bones and joints by reducing inflammation.
  • Helps balance cholesterol levels.
  • Helps improve mood and prevent depression.
  • Improves mental acuity and aids in concentration and learning.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Eliminate digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis.
  • Reduce the risk of cancer and help prevent relapses.
  • Improves a person's appearance, especially skin health.

There is currently no established standard recommended daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids, so many experts may disagree on recommending 500 to 1,000 milligrams per day. How easy is it to get this recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids from food each day? To give you an idea of ​​how you can get over 500 milligrams of total omega-3s (ALA, EPA and DHA) - that's the amount you can get from one can of tuna and one small portion cooked salmon.

What are the best Omega-3 foods - table

Here is a list of the 15 best omega-3 foods (as a percentage based on consuming 4,000 milligrams per day of the three types of omega-3 fatty acids):

Product Omega-3 content - % daily value
Mackerel 4,300 milligrams per 100 grams (107% Daily Value)
Salmon oil 4,767 milligrams per tablespoon (119% DV)
Fish fat 2,664 milligrams in 1 tablespoon (66% DV)
WALNUTS 2,664 milligrams per 1/4 cup (66% DV)
Chia seeds 2,457 milligrams per tablespoon (61% DV)
Herring 1,885 milligrams per 80 grams (47% Daily Value)
Salmon 1,716 milligrams per 80 grams (42% Daily Value)
Flax seeds (ground) 1,597 milligrams per tablespoon (39% DV)
Tuna 1,414 milligrams per 80 grams (35% Daily Value)
White fish 1,363 milligrams per 80 grams (34% Daily Value)
Sardines 1,363 milligrams per 1 can/100 grams (34% DV)
Hemp seeds 1,000 milligrams per tablespoon (25% Daily Value)
Anchovies 951 milligrams per 1 can/60 grams (23% DV)
Natto 428 milligrams per 1/4 cup (10% Daily Value)
Egg yolks 240 milligrams per 1/2 cup (6% DV)

However, you still need to stay away from some foods, despite manufacturers' claims that they contain high amounts of omega-3. Here are the foods whose consumption should be limited or completely eliminated:

  • Inorganic meat (animals are raised by feeding harmful feed using hormones and antibiotics).
  • Farmed fish (especially salmon and salmon).
  • Pasteurized dairy products.
  • Krill oil supplements.

Always keep in mind that farmed fish are inferior to wild caught fish. wild conditions, both in terms of the level of pollution of the waters in which it lived, and in terms of the content nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids. Fish farms usually contain high concentration antibiotics and pesticides, and the meat of fish raised in such conditions contains significantly lower amounts of health-promoting nutrients such as vitamin D. There is also evidence that fish raised in captivity contain more omega-6 fatty acids and less omega-6 fatty acids. 3.

Other Natural Sources of Omega-3

  • . You can get extra omega-3 fatty acids by eating walnuts, flax and chia seeds, walnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, hemp seeds and hazelnuts. These foods contain omega-3 in the form of ALA (although walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds are by far the best sources).
  • Vegetables. Many vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables) are good sources of ALA. While ALA omega-3 foods are not as good as those containing EPA and DHA, these foods should still be included in your daily diet given that they contain a lot of fiber and other nutrients. The largest amounts of omega-3 are found in vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach and watercress.
  • Oils. Many vegetable oils contain omega-3 fatty acids, usually in the form of ALA. These include flaxseed oil, mustard oil, walnut oil and hemp oil. There is also a new vegetarian oil called algal oil that is becoming increasingly popular as early studies show that the ALA in this oil is easily converted to DHA in the body compared to other vegetarian omega-3 foods.
Nuts and seeds are foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids

Which fish oil is the best Omega-3 product?

Due to the fact that there is controversy over water contamination with toxins and other harmful substances such as mercury (see), many people believe that it is quite difficult to get the required amount of omega-3 fatty acids by eating only fish. This is one reason why some people choose to take fish oil supplements in addition to eating certain omega-3 foods.

The difference between “fish oil” and “cod liver oil” can be confusing. Fish oil and cod liver oil are actually two various fats, although they are similar at the molecular level and both are extracted in the same way. They differ in that fish oil is extracted from tuna, herring, cod or other deep-sea fish, and cod liver oil is extracted from cod liver.

How different are they in terms of nutritional content? Fish oil is an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, but does not contain large amounts of vitamins A and D. Cod liver oil contains lower amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and very high amounts of vitamins A and D. D.

According to some sources, cod liver oil contains about 8% EPA and 10% DHA, which is much less than fish oil, which contains about 18% EPA and 12% DHA.

Due to its concentration of vitamins, cod liver oil has traditionally been given as a supplement to young children since the 1960s as it helps support brain function and development. Due to the fact that many people today suffer from vitamin D deficiency, cod liver oil has returned to the shelves of pharmacies and health food stores. Many people who use cod liver oil rely on it during the winter months, when they spend less time outdoors, to ensure high levels of absorbable vitamin D.

If you want to take fish oil supplements, where should you go? What is perfect shape fish oil? Experts say that best shape Omega-3 fish oil is fish oil containing astaxanthin (a powerful antioxidant that also helps stabilize fish oil). They recommend purchasing fish oil derived from Pacific salmon, which has high levels of DHA/EPA and astaxanthin.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish and fish oil, as well as cod liver oil.

Are there potential dangers and side effects from consuming Omega-3 foods?

Omega-3s are considered very safe and effective fatty acids even when taken up to 20 grams per day, however some people may experience minor symptoms when taking fish oil supplements. side effects, such as:

  • Fishy burps or a fishy taste in the mouth (this is the most common complaint people have, but this shouldn't happen if you're taking a high-quality supplement).
  • Stomach pain or nausea.
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea).
  • Possible excess bleeding if you take more than three grams per day.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Changes in blood sugar levels or complications with simultaneous administration fish oil supplements with diabetes medications.

Most people will not experience any side effects by eating plenty of omega-3 foods and taking a daily fish oil supplement. However, if you experience side effects when taking higher doses of omega-3, talk to your doctor about it. The only thing to note is that you definitely should not take omega-3 fish oil supplements if you are allergic to most fish, as there is a risk of a serious allergic reaction.